packmedia selection giugno 2019

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packmedia packmedia selection 2/2019


The processing & packaging magazine



















FIERA MILANO 4-7/5/2021



rass, herbs, trees, wheat, broom, olives, oaks ... the gradations of species are endless along with the colors that amaze us with their harmony and beauty. Nature is variety and diversity, it is the basis of our life. Let us respect it, freeing man from his egoism and obtuseness! The path of reason is impervious and tiring, but it is only an illusion to think that simple solutions might exist to complex problems. Rather than improvisation, what is needed is patience, intelligence, knowledge and laborious work. And this applies, anyway and always, in all fields. «Feelings of rejection and mistrust towards the “experts”, to whatever sector they belong, whether in medicine or astronomy, economy as in history, are rife and widespread in many contemporary societies. The simplified communication typical of social media gives rise to the figure of the counter-expert, who represents an alleged opinion of the people, a sort of mystical wisdom that draws on deposits of truth that professors, teachers and experts would hide to protect interests and privileges.


History is a common good, let’s save it. Manifesto launched by historian Andrea Giardina, by the senator for life Liliana Segre and by the writer Andrea Camilleri to restore dignity in schools to the subject.

The dangers are there for all to see: widely documented facts are denied; imaginative counter-stories are constructed; fatal ideologies are resurrected in the name of de-ideologization. Nevertheless, these same distortions conceal a need for history and also arise from authentic sensibilities, curiosity, desires for exploration that are not satisfied elsewhere. Hence we need to strengthen our commitment, renew words, find ways of contact, multiply the places of encounter for knowledge transmission». *

Stefano Lavorini


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Acceleration by Stefano Lavorini The many colors of Nature


Agenda Next e-Pack Tech, Innovation Alliance


Agenda Report Cosmoprof - Cosmopack

D E S I G N F R O M I TA LY 8 Front Cover Struttura Alta collage on cavas cm 30x24 2018

Best packaging 2019 - Environmental packaging Structure and value of innovation in sustainable terms of the 23 finalist packaging solutions of the 2019 edition of the contest organized by Packaging Meeting, and promoted by the Italian Packaging Institute in partnership with Conai. Focus on the seven winners.

Max Marra PA C K AG I N G & M AT E R I A L S

Imagining objects that have an unusual shape, referring to a design code that leads to the representation of an object “navigating” the cosmos, is extraordinarily riveting. My project here, made out of glued colored paper, resembles a satellite, that observes the possible and infinite marvels that space offers to humans, for an intellectual extension of positive progress, nearing man to the mystery of the divine. Max Marra, here shown in a photograph by Massimo Maselli.


Î News An eco-friendly packaging that biodegrades in 21 days Smeraldina, the best bottled water in the world The colors of a design that speaks of the present


A gift from Nature, simply bottled Squishpack, single-dose... all-round Sustainable like cardboard, functional like PET Beauty treatment … in precious glass


Protect the packaging from moisture More life, less waste New colors for pharmaceutical packaging


Cosmetic jar Use of biodegradable materials Italian agri-food exports to China reach all-time high Non-stick and customizable trays


Green Heart: use of post-consumption recycled materials BIOPAP® MAP: sustainable food packaging An alternative to single-use plastic extracted from algae Soluble film

CONTEN 2/2019 - June 2 • 2/2019 - selection

FA C T S & F I G U R E S


Milena Bernardi Asean, a crossroads of opportunities Growing markets


Barbara Iascone (Istituto Italiano Imballaggio) Report on the state of the packaging Data in Italy


Ucima Study Center Italian packaging machines: export-import Foreign trade of automatic packaging and wrapping machines. Data from January to December 2018.

I N D U S T RY & M A N AG E M E N T 30

Î News IMA: Consolidated results at 31 March 2019 Yudoo reshapes the concept of line management

Publisher Stefano Lavorini Co-Editor Luciana Guidotti Editorial Staff Chiara Giannangeli Secretary Leila Cobianchi Advertising Translation Dominic Ronayne


Contital LM Turkey opens Goglio: digital printing and an e-commerce platform Ilpra strengthens its position in the Indian market

Artist Coordination Gianni Valentino


AC&E: Certifications, laboratory tests and field inspection World wine production: record figures

Graphic project and layout Studio Grafico Page, Novate Milanese (MI) Vincenzo De Rosa (art director), R. Rossi, S. Viapiana


Stefano Lavorini, Luciana Guidotti SITuation & action An interview with Simona Michelotti, Neni Rossini and Claudio Carattoni, SIT Group

M A C H I N E RY & A U T O M AT I O N 36

Î News TME, a truly Italian passion Suction cup SPOB1f New piston filler with C.I.P (Zilli & Bellini)


Stretch wrapping and end-of-line solutions (Robopac and Ocme) Electronically operating volumetric doser


Drum motors: continuous innovation MASTER WA: pharma labeling 4.0 WATER SYSTEMS: Process equipment and systems for beverage


Eidos launches into augmented reality Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne: Global Belting Technology Solutions


Self-adhesive labelling systems (Altech) Just the right dose of intelligence


The “FoodTech” line


OMNYA EVO vertical packaging (Comek Srl) Systems for labelling and coding

Pre press and printing Àncora srl, via B.Crespi 30, 20159 Milano (Italy) Supplement to ItaliaImballaggio, 5 2019, May Registered publication n. 555 Registro di Cancelleria del Tribunale di Milano, 22/10/94 ROC number 31149 Reproduction in whole or in part of the articles and illustrations published in this magazine is permitted with prior approval by the Management. The Management does not assume responsibility for the opinions expressed by the authors of the editorial and advertising texts. Pack-Media S.r.l. Via B. Crespi, 30/2 - 20159 Milano (Italy) Tel. +39 02 69007733 - Fax +39 02 69007664 Sales team (Italy)


e-Wrap 2.0: efficiency in packaging and e-logistics (SITMA) Quality of DPM code verification Leak detector for MAP packs

NTS 48

Alessandro Spangaro - Daniela Binario - Massimo Chiereghin - Bruno G. Nazzani - Armando Lavorini -

in cooperation with


Unione Costruttori Italiani Macchine Automatiche per il Confezionamento e l’Imballaggio

Advertisers / Company index



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E-Pack Tech 2019 23-26 October 2019, New Int’l Expo Center (SNIEC), Shanghai Organizers: Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai - chinese joint venture between Deutsche Messe and Fiera Milano - with the support of Ipack Ima Srl.

A PLATFORM for e-commerce An international exhibition dedicated to packaging technologies and solutions designed for the e-commerce market: E-Pack Tech by Ipack Ima is the new trade show that debuts in Shanghai, as a global showcase from which to preside over a strategic area, in terms of volumes and development prospects, in the online sales segment. n China, the consumer goods market purchased through the digital commerce channel is among the most developed in the world: in fact, it has over 500 million online shoppers and has a global turnover of around 700 billion dollars a year. For this reason, E-Pack Tech in Shanghai is the ideal place to present packaging, labeling and traceability solutions as well as handling and storage systems, applicable in particular to food and non-food production systems for e-commerce.


Innovation platform. Organized by Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai - chinese joint venture between Deutsche Messe and

Fiera Milano - with the support of Ipack Ima Srl, E-Pack Tech is the first important step in the approach to approach Ipack-Ima 2021, as well as strengthening the Fiera Milano Group’s exhibition portfolio, which - we recall - the Milan exhibition of the process and packaging, is co-participated. A continuously evolving sector and strategic reference for the world of processing & packaging, e-commerce will be, in fact, one of the key themes of the next edition of Ipack-Ima. Roberto Tripoli, International Development Director at Fiera Milano comments the proposal: «With this project we intend to strengthen our internationalization strategy through the export of successful exhibition

Events & Shows NanoInnovation Nano technology 11-14/6/2019 Roma (I) ProPak Asia Total processing & packaging solutions 12-15/6/2019 Bangkok (T) Cosmoprof India Cosmetics & perfumery industry 12-14/6/2019 Mumbai (IND) RosUpack Packaging industry 18-21/6/2019 Moscow (RUS)

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Iran food + bev tec Food, beverage & packaging technology 18-21/6/2019 Teheran (IR)

Smart Vision Forum Mostra-convegno sistemi di visione industriale 25/6/2019 Bologna (I)

ProPak China Processing & packaging technologies 19-21/6/2019 Shanghai (PRC)

Food & drink technology Africa Processing, filling, packaging and logistics 9-11/7/2019 Midrand (ZA)

Beauty Eurasia Cosmetics, beauty, hair 20-22/6/2019 Istanbul (TR) Make-up in Paris Formulation, packaging & marketing for cosmetics 20-21/6/2019 Paris (F)

Cosmoprof North America Cosmetics & perfumery industry 28-30/7/2019 Las Vegas (USA) Vietfood & Beverage - Propack Vietnam Food, beverage and packaging 7-10/8/2019 Ho Chi Minh City (VN)

Plasti & Pack Pakistan Plastic and packaging industry 27-29/8/2019 Karachi (PK)

ProPak Myanmar Processing & packaging 12-14/9/2019 Yangon (BUR)

Asia Fruit Logistica Fruit & vegetable marketing 4-6/9/2019 Hong Kong (PRC)

Anutec - International FoodTec India Food processing & packaging technology 13-15/9/2019 New Delhi (IND)

Inprodmash + Upakovka Equipment and technologies for food processing industry and equipment and materials for packing 10-12/9/2019 Kiev (UA)

ADF + PCD Aerosols, dispensing technologies and beauty packaging 17-18/9/2019 New York (USA) Pack Print International Packaging & printing 18-21/9/2019 Bangkok (T)


models (and the Ipack-Ima exhibition is an example) beyond our national borders, creating the first geo-clone of Fiera Milano after many years. In practice, it is a matter of reinforcing a production sector controlled by the Group, or that is instrumental mechanics for the packaging world, in a reality like the Chinese one, which has the most important and developed e-commerce market in the world, able to influence various production sectors with new standards ».

A reminder that the first edition of E-Pack Tech takes place simultaneously with the Asian events of CeMAT (World leading trade fair for intralogistics & supply chain management), CCA (Cold Chain Asia), Heavy Machinery, H2 + FC (Hydrogen + Fuel Cells), i n a d d i t i o n t o A p e x ( Ae r i a l P l a t fo r m Exhibition), ComVac (International Trade Fair for Compressed Air Technology and Vacuum Technology) and PTC (Power Transmission and Control).

It is a union of synergic fairs, able to attract a large pool of specialized operators coming from different industrial worlds: over 100,000 the visitors to the 2018 edition and many of the top names among the top qualified buyers from the world of logistics, automation, transportation, warehouse and end-line as well as about 5,000 operators directly involved in the e-commerce sector.

The Innovation Alliance 4-7 May 2021, Milan Fair, Italy

Trade fair events create a system The great supply chain project “The Innovation alliance” is back at the Milan Fair from May 4 to 7 May 2021, confirming the simultaneous holding of Plast, Ipack-Ima, Meat-Tech, Print4All and Intralogistica Italia. After the important results recorded at the debut in 2018 - 150,110 attendances by operators in the various sectors of the manufacturing industry, 27% of which foreigners - the largest European event dedicated to instrumental mechanics is therefore replicated. «The system logic from which the Innovation Alliance is born has proved to be the winning key, which can also become the inspiration for other events. In fact, acting in synergy increases international attractiveness and promotes competitiveness on the global market» says Fabrizio Curci, CEO of Fiera Milano. And this is the shared strategic objective that brought all the partners involved - Fiera Milano, Deutsche

Messe and the associations Acimga, Amaplast, Ucima and Argi - to renew the collaboration to propose an event, able to welcome and enhance the design capacity and production of a made in Italy appreciated at global level, but also to give space to the best of world production at the service of the manufacturing industry.

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Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna - Cosmopack 2019 12-15 March 2019, Bologna Organizers: BolognaFiere Cosmoprof

Witness of time and of made in Italy cosmetics

Packaging Design 3D Inkjet Technology - Premi

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2019: the event continues to grow, and the results confirm that it is a landmark event exhibition the global beauty industry.

The Cosmoprof Network Cosmoprof India, 12-14/6/2019 Mumbai (IND) Cosmoprof North America, 28-30/7/2019, Las Vegas (USA) Cosmoprof Asia, 13-15/11/2019 Hong Kong (PRC) Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, 12-15 March 2020, Bologna (I)

ianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere has declared « C o s m o p r o f Wo r l d w i d e Bologna 2019 has achieved an important goal, with over 265,000 cosmetic beauty professionals, and an increase in visitors from abroad by 10%. These data, together with the record of exhibitors - 3,033 companies from over 70 countries - makes us proud of the results, and they give us the energy to face new projects». From Bologna, the Cosmoprof platform (with the exclusive formula that foresees the concomitance with Cosmopack, focused on machines and packaging systems for the beauty sector) is ready to reach the whole world, with trade events on all continents. Together with Asia, North America and India, the collaborations in the markets of South America and South East Asia, and after the growth in Europe thanks to the acquisition of the German group Health & Beauty «we are now ready to explore new territories. All these projects are being put into reality thanks to the support of the Ministry of Economic Development, ITA - Italian Trade Agency, and our partner Cosmetica Italia. For 2020, new projects are being defined both in Asia and in Africa». The Cosmoprof platform is going to become more and more international, to better fulfill the needs of companies in the sector. On behalf of the companies associated with Cosmetica Italia and present at the event, President Renato Ancorotti spoke instead: «Our companies have recorded a significant increase in the quality of contacts with sector operator. As a consequence, companies have promoted a targeted offer of products and services. The quality and competitiveness of the Italian cosmetic industry on international markets are therefore confirmed again. Not sur-

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Skincare Formula Beauty Mask Stones Pret A Porter Omnicos


Make Up Packaging Technology Fless (d)Detail Pennelli Faro

prisingly, exports, up 3.6% to a value of 4,800 million euros, continue to support revenues, which exceed 11.2 billion euros, up 2.1%. These data support the positive figures of the fair declared by our historic partner BolognaFiere Cosmoprof: together we will continue to promote made in Italy cosmetics in the world». Issues and trends of a “mindful” event In the same days when the whole world celebrated the Earth Day, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2019 turned the spotlight on the importance of a first step on a new path for the industry, with greater attention to sustainability, energy saving and the correct use of environmental resources.The initiatives in the event, like NO. CO. - NO COMPROMISE, the installation of The Cosmopack Factory project, the contents expressed during Cosmotalks and installations with sustainable materials highlighted the attention that the event gave to environmental issues. The attendance of the more than 30 talks scheduled at the Service Center and the interest arisen by the special areas dedicated to green beauty well represent the choice shared by professionals and companies in the sector.

Skincare Packaging Technology NFC Smart Packaging Technology - Asquan Group

Make Up Formula Pure Velvet Veil Hybrid Skin Perfector - B. Kolormakeup & Skincare Spa


Structure and value of innovation in sustainable terms of the 23 finalist packaging solutions of the 2019 edition of the contest organized by Packaging Meeting, and promoted by the Italian Packaging Institute in partnership with Conai. Focus on the seven winners.

Best Packaging 2019

ENVIRONMENTAL PACKAGING ustainability in the forefront for the 2019 edition of the now historic Italian Packaging Oscar, which in packaging means adopting preventive actions, such as those promoted by Conai - the Italian National Packaging Consortium: re-use, saving of raw materials, use of recycled/recovered material, facilitation of recycling activities, optimization of logistics, simplification of the packaging system and optimization of production processes. In addition to the lower environmental impact, the expert jury evaluated the innovative aspects


for the use of technologies and materials, but also the functional ones, namely planning and design. The initiative recounted the long process that involves an entire industrial chain, from design to domestic segregated collection. Essential starting point: the content, which determines the choice of materials and the best type of packaging, designed to preserve it, protect it and sell it on the target market, placing the focus on the end of life as a priority: its easy recyclability or compostability. In the following pages, focus on the seven winners, and an outlook on all the finalists.

ENVIRONMENT AWARD ECO BARRIER BAG | ADERCARTA SPA Definition Ecobarrier Bag in recyclable and compostable paper, resistant to liquids and fats, for rotisseries and fishmongers and largescale retail. Material Special semitransparent cold-coated paper with a very thin layer of eco-compatible resin that makes it waterproof. In compliance with the strictest food and HACCP regulations, it is composed exclusively of FSC certified virgin fibres, is produced in Italy with totally Italian materials, is traceable and uses waterbased inks for personalisations. Design The bag is designed with a double folded bottom, without thermo-reactive plastics, which seals it and guarantees a perfect seal against

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liquids. The line of bags guarantees excellent performance also in terms of lightness, transparency (for accurate verification of the content) and robustness. Environmental pluspoints -20% paper, -45% overall raw material, -40% waste; energy saving, 100% recyclable, biodegradable and compostable, and therefore reusable as a container for bio waste. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY The advantages identified included simplification of segregated collection, where even the food contaminated bag can be collected as bio waste, easier handling, optimization of the transport phase and raw material savings.


TRAY WITH LID FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES | COOP ITALIA Definition 1 kg plastic hinged tray, used for packaging Coop brand fruit and vegetables. Material Minimum 80% post consumption recycled plastic. Design The tray is designed with a hinged and resealable lid. It includes downweighting of material. Environmental pluspoints Based on estimates of 2017 sales figures, a use of 43 tons/year is envisaged for 1kg trays which, covering all formats, leading to a consumption of 203 tons/year of recycled plastic. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY Produced in over 80% post-consumption PET, it represents the closure of the recycling circle. Interesting in terms of the large amounts involved.

MONOMATERIAL PACKAGING | GOGLIO SPA Definition The new mono-material solution - with one-way degassing valve - represents an effective alternative to the use of the aluminium layer, ensuring comparable storage performance, valid in all cases where the conditions allow it. Material Two layers of polypropylene, 100% recyclable, with waterbased barrier lacquering. Design The composition of the material guarantees the barrier effect. The valve is applied to the bag, so as to become an integral part of it. The mirror-effect ink and the matt register paint give the pack aesthetic appeal. Environmental pluspoints 100% recyclable thanks to the mono material components. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY Innovative monomaterial multilayer, with barrier effect and integrated degassing valve. The packaging also allows raw material savings with positive effects on logistics

PACK FOR 100G STRACCHINO | NONNO NANNI Definition New packaging with a thermoformed tray and flow pack for Nonno Nanni brand 100g packs of stracchino cheese. It maintains the organoleptic properties and shelf-life of the product. Material 100% compostable and bio-based, compostability certificates issued by DINCERTCO. Design The material composition of the new packaging has been changed, though retaining the same image and appearance, remaining recognizable for the consumer. Environmental pluspoints Totally compostable in an industrial composting environment (EN13432). Furthermore all the materials characterizing the compostable packaging can be defined as biobased. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY It facilitates segregated collection, enabling all the container components (tray and flow pack) to be collected as bio waste.

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GREEN BOX PROJECT | PARMALAT SPA AND TETRA PAK ITALIANA SPA - SANTAL Definition Green Box Project is a circular economy undertaking. Recovering the primary packaging to turn it into a new raw material for the production of secondary cardboard packaging is now possible thanks to RIcarta®, the project developed by Parmalat with the collaboration of Tetra Pak®, Cartiere Saci Spa and Sandra SpA. The objective is to recover the primary packaging destined for disposal as a new raw material to produce secondary packaging in corrugated cardboard. Material Paper produced from scrap used to produce a corrugated cardboard box. Design The cardboard box made of recycled paper weighs 254 g, equivalent to the paper contained in 11 one litre TPA packs. Environmental pluspoints The innovation of RIcarta® enables the increase in use of recycled material (replacement of virgin cellulose paper) from 50% to 100%, with a 73% reduction of the waste generated during the production of the box, equivalent to 14 tons of cardboard saved annually. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY A circular economy project, where the primary container processing waste is used in the production of secondary packaging, drastically reducing raw material waste.

QUALITY DESIGN AWARD ESTATHÉ GLASS BOTTLE | FERRERO TECHNICAL SERVICES SRL Definition Estathè launches a new packaging for out-ofhome consumption for the first time in a glass bottle (in lemon and peach flavors) with a ring-pull cap. Material Transparent glass. Design The unique and innovative shape that reflects the fun spirit of Estathé, is destined to become iconic, reinterpreting the ‘straws’ of the traditional brik in a modern way, in full respect of the brand identity. The value and transparency of glass play a leading role. The twisted ridges gives dynamism to the design, making the product range even more premium.

The project is the result joint cooperation between the Ferrero team, MrSmith Studio - design and Verallia production. Environmental pluspoints The innovative and practical ring-pull cap, the first in its category, allows easy separation of the two monomaterial components and 100% recyclability. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY The iconic Estathè PET beaker has been updated and redesigned, switching to a glass bottle with a pull-off cap, while maintaining the characteristic decor of the traditional container.

OVER ALL AWARD NEW CASE - DISPLAY STAND | BARILLA G&R FRATELLI SPA Definition Display case for 350 gr Mulino Bianco biscuits, which simplifies the transport and display phases beyond the counter or on the shelf. Material Corrugated cardboard, printed and pre-cut to facilitate opening and display. Design The solution is designed to show the products directly, avoiding repackaging and eliminating extra display cases, that have been simply replaced by the transport box. It enables waste reduction and avoids potential breakages. Environmental pluspoints -44% material consumption, -30% overall environmental impact, assessed on the various LCA indicators. MOTIVATIONS OF THE JURY It combines various aspects, including optimization of shape and materials, structural redesign as well as operator service.

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W BTICINO SPA Case for Living Now Plates, in glossy GC2 cardboard

W PARMALAT SPA AND SCATOLIFICIO SANDRA SPA Automatic tray for 6 500 g jars of yogurt, with integrated vessel support on the bottom and on the walls of the tray

W DI MAURO OFFICINE GRAFICHE SPA Doypack in single material printed laminate (pe)

W BIOPLAST SRL Espresso Coffee Promotion Pack, with a triplex configuration in metallised polypropylene, high barrier

W CELLOGRAFICA GEROSA SPA 500 gr coffee pack with polyolefin based composition and functional coatings for barrier effect

W DAVINES SPA The Circle Chronicles: professional products for Millenials target in 90% postconsumer recycled PET jar

W SMILESYS SPA AND MORATO PANE Smile Pocket for sandwich bread: wide opening and perfect reclosing without the need for labels (a cutting system integrates the open-close system during the lamination phase)

W INTERNATIONAL PAPER SRL Fresh cut produce Tray with reduction of the surface of development of the tray and without upper closing flap

W KEMIPLAST SRL Natura Bio System: biodegradable food packaging, suitable for non-wrapped foods, with gas barrier barrier effect

W MPG MANIFATTURA PLASTICA SPA Injection polypropylene tray, for ice cream, with removable label, reusable for home use

W POPLAST SRL New packaging for coffee pods: fully recyclable multllayer (PP5) to replace the plastic/ aluminium/ plastic triplex

W TUBETTIFICIO FAVIA SRL Tobenatural, the aluminium tube with biodegradable capsule

W PLASTOTECNICA SPA 100% recyclable mono material laminate, for small and large format preformed bags for Monge brand dry pet food

W POLYCART SPA Biodegradable and compostable bag in Mater-Bi for mozzarella, also suitable for containing the protective liquid

W SALES SRL - ANTICA ERBORISTERIA SPA - AVERY DENNISON Bottle for Herbatint products, with self-adhesive information label The project includes the elimination of the case and leaflet.

W VIMAR SPA Optimization of the packaging system for the TAB JR wall intercom: savings of raw material on container and case; reduction of the instruction manual; elimination of the partition

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An eco-friendly packaging that biodegrades in 21 days Helsinki-based award-winning start-up Sulapac has developed a series of containers and packaging for luxury cosmetics made of a new material produced from wood waste and natural additives. This plastic-free packaging has a shelf-life of three years but dissolves in just 21 days in compost and in less than a year in the sea. It is due to be launched onto the market in 2019, the same year as biodegradable straws developed in collaboration with Swedish firm Stora Enso. A number of luxury brands have already decided to use Sulapac packaging for their products, although the company’s ultimate goal is to encourage the entire world packaging industry - a market currently worth € 800 billion - to adopt sustainable, environmentally-friendly strategies. Sulapac’s next step will be to focus on food packaging and water bottles.

Smeraldina, the best bottled water in the world It flows in Gallura, from the deep and uncontaminated heart of a mountain considered sacred (Monti di Deu) and today it is also “the Best Bottled Water” in the world: the Smeraldina natural mineral water, produced in Tempio Pausania in the Solinas family company, on 23rd February it won the 29th “Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting”, an annual prize awarded in the spa town of

Berkeley Springs (West Virginia, USA), home of the biggest water tasting competition in the world, where hundreds of waters from the United States and from the entire planet are judged. Sardinian excellence, champion of the “made in Italy”, the natural mineral water Smeraldina is already included in the ranking of the ten best mineral waters in the world by the authoritative Gayot magazine.

The colors of a design that speaks of the present

An elegant and refined ruby red; a night blue that recalls the depth of distant galaxies ... And yet again, the vividness of a bright green and spring, the brightness of a metallic violet and many other colors and hues, which express the attitudes and styles of the moment. The latest color proposals by Kurz - and proposed in Italy by Luxoro - are a hymn to sensory exploration: fascinating mysterious,

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enigmatic but at the same time expressive and lively colors. Printed in different structures and effects, they are obtained thanks to the hinderer + mühlich clichés, and can be found in the new Pollock 3 collection by Luxoro, discovering it considerable expressive potential with the fourth edition of “Box in Box”. Soul Gin: the new expressions of glass The exceptional design that Art Director Mario Di Paolo has created for the Soul Gin bottle is a clear and clean collage of alchemic inspiration: thanks to the perfect combination of screen printing and hot

stamping, it expresses an unparalleled visual depth, enhanced by a brilliant, full and inimitable metallization. The direct printing technology on glass with an in-line process is unique and is the result of the innovative inLINE FOILING® decoration system: simple, fast and economical, it guarantees extraordinary metallic effects on the bottles. Patented by Isimat (partner of Luxoro), it also responds efficiently to the most complex decoration needs. Foils and primers are specially designed and developed to offer the market the opportunity to combine screen printing and hot stamping in a single pass online; a foil is sufficient to produce an infinite number of metallic effects in a single pass, thanks to the subsequent overprinting. The inLINE FOILING® module is integrated into the printing process as a stand-alone unit and acts without pressure or heat.


Squishpack, single-dose... all-round

A gift from Nature, simply bottled The Croatian company Naturalis aimed to strengthen the reputation of its brand, Cetina, by focusing not just on the strong connection with the place where its water flows but also on its purity and its perfect composition. PET Engineering was asked to create a new brand identity and a packaging design able to differentiate Cetina from the existing water brands highlighting the core authentic properties of the product and defining the visual aspect for a coherent online & offline brand communication. The new visual identity gives a contemporary twist to Cetina’s brand equity elements thanks to a more modern and thinner font and to the simplification of the symbols that previously stood for the green fields, the lake and the water source, now symbolized by simple and smooth lines. The importance of the mountain Dinara, where the journey of Cetina water begins, is clearly communicated through the stylized mountains on the label and the two embossments on the bottle; the purity, achieved thanks to a century running in the dark among limestone rocks, is conveyed by the pure white background. The packaging, available in 0.5l, 1.0l and 1.5l formats for still and sparkling water, is sleek and minimal, because Cetina doesn’t need any superstructure to communicate itself, as it has already received the best from Nature.

Soft and elegant for the bathroom set for accommodation facilities, but also hygienic and practical for sauces and condiments as well as functional and revolutionary for creams and cosmetics. Developed by the Valmatic Srl team (San Prospero, MO), we are talking about Squishpack, a new concept one-timeuse squeezable 20 ml container that, once opened through the easy open pre-cut, can be completely emptied.With a double-valve round shape, innovative and versatile, as well as meeting the needs of the big names in cosmetics, more and more oriented towards the choice of the single-dose format to make masks and products for face and body, this original concept packaging offers the hotel and food sector a valid alternative single-dose: in the shower as well as at the table, in fact, it can be opened and squeezed with one hand without getting dirty, for the practical consumption of creams, shampoos, bubble baths, but also sauces, condiments etc. The high barrier materials of which it is composed, together with the washing of the container with nitrogen inert gas before filling, guarantee the optimal conservation of any product for a prolonged shelf life. Available in different formats, easy to open, it leaves no product residue.

Beauty treatment … in precious glass Global knowledge of primary packaging production and decoration technologies makes Premi Spa one of the most dynamic and innovative companies in the sector. Specialized in production and development of standard and custom packaging solutions for the beauty industry, Premi offer a 360° service (from design to turn-key products) to realize innovative products for the fragrance, skin care, color cosmetic and home fragrance markets. Among the most recent projects, we recall the launch of the new regenerating Myage line by Bionike (a leading manufacturer of skincare products in the pharmaceutical sector): it is a complete beauty treatment consisting of a day cream, serum, and night cream which deliver hydration, elasticity, and radiance to sensitive skin. Bionike has selected Premi’s precious Luxe glass line to package the products, and packs will be decorated using hot-stamping with an embossed Bionike logo embellishment on the lids. Customisation options such as these are what uphold Premi as the ideal choice for brands who want to build their brand image through the customisation of small packaging details that truly make the difference.

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Sustainable like cardboard, functional like PET Developed by Carton Pack Srl, Cartonpet Tray is an eco-sustainable alternative to conventional PET containers for fruits, vegetables and fresh-cut foods. The tray is manufactured using an innovative material with a very low specific weight, resulting in packaging that weighs up to 50% less than normal PET. The functional and mechanical characteristics of the Cartonpet Tray are equal to those of PET containers. Made of 80% recycled material, the new packaging material is as eco-friendly as containers made of paper or cardboard. The bubbles in the material’s core enhance the cardboard-like colour. The material has a remarkably smooth surface to facilitate vivid graphic reproduction.


Protect the packaging from moisture Desert Disidratanti offers complete, simple and effective solutions to send and store products in total safety, avoiding potential damage caused by humidity, which may occur, for example, during sea transport. Among the most popular solutions on the market, Desert Gel is a 125 g

desiccant bag, specifically designed for sea shipments in containers. It combats the rapid formation of condensation, quickly absorbing moisture, preventing accumulation and harmful effects. The innovation lies in the reduction in size and weight, as well as in the greater ability

to contain the humidity inside (the content is a mix of calcium chloride and a particular natural thickener). It can be supplied in single bags or strips with a tape for hanging them or with double-sided adhesive tape to glue them on pallets or other surfaces.

More life, less waste Life+ is a packaging system developed by ILIP (ILPA Group) consisting in an r-PET tub, active pads and specific permeability film top, designed to enhance the shelf life of berries, grapes and cherry tomatoes while preserving the product’s organoleptic properties unchanged. Representing a significant contribution to the fight against food waste, Life+ is based on perforation mediated EMAP (equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging) technology, which involves various elements. First of all, the laser perforated films: thanks to gas and selective permeability, they enable obtaining a desirable gas composition inside the packaging, controlling the fruit’s natural metabolism for extended freshness. The active pad, for its part, releases natural substances (flavonoids and fruit acids) that reduce the amount of microflora that cause rotting and alterations. Finally, a latest generation ILIP nonperforated heatsealable tub maintains the gas equilibrium and performs anti-fogging.

New colors for pharmaceutical packaging Lameplast produces single-dose and multidose plastic containers for pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, veterinary products, personal care products and cosmetics. The offer consists of a wide range of strips of 5 single-dose containers of 0.3 to 10 ml, bottles of 5 to 30 ml with tamper evident or child resistant closures, flasks and applicators for vaginal and rectal use, with the possibility to develop customized packaging, based on the needs of each client. Lameplast Group today offers new possibilities for customizing pharmaceutical and medical packaging, thanks to the use of safe dyes that comply with the European Pharmacopoeia 9th Ed. From the first months of 2019, in fact, six basic colors will be available which, added to the plastic resins during the molding phase of the containers, will allow the product to be easily identified. Thanks to the color code, the pharmaceutical specialty will therefore be immediately recognizable both from the box and from the container. During the year the color palette will be expanded, offering further customization possibilities.

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Non-stick and customizable trays

COSMETIC JAR By Eurovetrocap in partnership with Zignago Vetro, Licata is a cosmetic jar made with a percentage of post-consumer recycled glass of more than 75% (90% if we also consider post-production recycled glass), which offers a 99% shielding against UV rays. A reduction of CO2 emissions of up to 36% is estimated, compared to the production of the same article in transparent non-recycled material. To complete the pack, the Licata 100% post-industrial recycled PP lid and the Licata 100% lid in green PE.

Use of biodegradable materials Paptic - It is not paper, it is not plastic ... it is Paptic®. New packaging material entirely biobased, which combines the sturdiness of plastic with the sustainability of paper, which also maintains high quality during printing. Made of wood fibres from sustainably controlled and managed forests, it is available on request as FSC certified material. Recyclable in the paper fraction, it is biodegradable under industrial composting conditions (EN 13432). Packaging made with Paptic® can be produced on standard paper packaging lines: no new infrastructure or machines are needed.

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The new line Folded by Contital is a range of trays manufactured with the patented Bake-eeze® system that provides excellent non-stick properties to containers, thanks to a vegetable lubricant with a food-grade additive. The solution has been developed to meet all the needs of industrial bakery and pastry companies, solving the problem of the additional costs imposed by manual or automated lubrication of every single tray. The layer of lubricant on the container guarantees superior resistance to corrosion thus increasing the shelf life of food. Revolutionary easy release of product to minimize food waste shows the attention paid by Contital to food wastage theme. In addition, Folded line can be customized in a wide range of colours and can be printed according to consumer’s request. It has been demonstrated that customers choose an attractive product rather than an anonymous one.

ITALIAN AGRI-FOOD EXPORTS TO CHINA REACH ALL-TIME HIGH Italian agri-food exports to China set another all-time record in 2018 with sales of €450 million, a 260% increase over the last 10 years. According to data published by the Italian farmers’ association Coldiretti, wine is the most popular Italian product exported to China with total sales of €130 million (up 62.8% in the first quarter of 2018), allowing Italy to overtake Spain and reach fourth place in the rankings of the main exporter countries to China. Fresh fruit exports performed far less well due to technical barriers which mean that Italy can only export kiwis and citrus fruit to China. This poses a severe obstacle to Italy’s goal of restoring the balance of trade, with its imports exceeding exports by 33% in 2018.


Green Heart: use of post-consumption recycled materials Produced by Scandolara, the Green Heart is a 3-layer coextruded tube, of which the intermediate one is made of recycled HDPE certified material obtained by the selection of selective packaging used in the food industry (in particular milk bottles). The recycled polyethylene is placed between two thin layers of virgin PE: in this way, the use of virgin material is reduced up to 40% but the tube maintains its physical (compatibility between product and packaging, excellent seal) and aesthetic properties, ensuring optimal printing results.

BIOPAP® MAP: sustainable food packaging Cartonspecialist Srl (Settimo Milanese, MI) produces and distributes BIOPAP® brand food containers, made from renewable raw materials and used successfully in a wide array of fields: mass catering, frozen ready meals, MAP fresh ready meals, fresh ready meals for fresh service counter at retailers and gastronomy. Developed following intensive research work and substantial investments, BIOPAP® MAP is a biodegradable and compostable cellulose container that is ATM/ATP compatible. In addition to being a completely Made in Italy solution, represents an innovation to both material and process. Indeed, this is the world’s first cellulose food container that is resistant to very low as well as very high temperatures (from -40 °C to +175 °C, from the blast chiller directly to the oven or microwave, Editor’s note). However, this is not its only achievement: it is also the first heatsealable container that is compatible with ATM/ATP, with characteristics analogous to equivalent plastic containers.

Low impact biomaterials of non-fossil origin Spectra - Biopolymer bottles. Available both in PET and in HDPE made with ethanolbased biopolymers, coming from sugar cane processing waste, they maintain the same performances, chemical and aesthetic properties of PET and traditional HDPE. Totally recyclable, they are the ideal solution for packaging responsibly, without sacrificing quality.

An alternative to single-use plastic extracted from algae Trendlife Gold MA/MH, developed by Turkish company Deka Chilean designer Margarita Talep has developed the prototype of a sustainable biodegradable alternative to single-use plastic based on agar, a substance extracted from algae. The material is designed to packa dry foods such as pasta and biscuits. The packaging is produced by heating the algae mixed with water to a temperature of 80 °C, to which dyes extracted from the skins of fruits and vegetables can be added to obtain the desired colour. To create the packaging, the gel is poured into a mould and allowed to dry, after which it takes on the form and consistency of a plastic film. The flexibility and thickness of the film can be varied according to the percentage of algae in the mixture and the packaging can be sealed with heat to avoid the need for glue. The bioplastic packaging has a lifetime of 2 months in summer and 3 months in winter, after which it undergoes a natural biodegradation process.

Soluble film Mondi’s Technical Films Business has developed a soluble film, designed for packaging and intelligent (and cost-effective) dosing of personal and home care products. Dissolving completely even in cold water, it is perfect for making single doses of powder and granular detergents, as well as tabs for washing in a dishwasher or washing machine.Thanks to the excellent weldability and seal properties, the film provides an effective barrier to oxygen and ensures consumers against the risk of accidental contact with the product. Considered biodegradable and non-toxic, it facilitates the reduction of packaging waste.

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We work with original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket distributors, delivering solutions to the packaging applications: from standard products to special reworked belts and coated belts, designed with industry decision makers. These are our strengths: passion for innovation and huge experience to meet our customer’s expectations. Join us at Propak Asia! VISIT US AT THE STAND BR32 HALL 103

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Growing markets

Asean, a crossroads of opportunities Edited by Milena Bernardi

espite the headwinds and concerns about a slowdown in the global economy, the Asian economies are destined to show constant growth trends in the years to come, albeit at slightly slower rates. According to the Asian Development Outlook 2019 report, prepared in April by the Asian Development Bank, Asia should grow at a rate of 5.7% in 2019 and 5.6% in 2020 (it was +5.9% in 2018). Concentrating the analysis on ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) member countries, it is clear that they alone form an economic power whose combined GDP in 2018 reached 2.923 billion dollars (+5.2 on 2017), of which 2,436 realized by the five main economies (Asean 5): Indonesia Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. Based on International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates this value is destined to increase further in 2019, reaching 3,100 billion (+5.1%) up to 4,451 in 2024 (+5.3%). Of these, 3,782 billion will be generated by the Asean 5 countries. Economic development will be mainly sustained by increased spending on urbanization and infrastructure, the volume of foreign investments and, not least, the rise in average income of the population in all countries. Considering that the entire geographical area is home to almost 650 million inhabitants, it goes without saying that consumption will grow in the context of the expansion of a middle class that wants to “certify” its new socio-economic status, achieved through the purchase and use of imported goods, including luxury goods.


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Import of packaging machines According to data from the Ucima Study Center, in 2018 Asean imported packaging machines for a total of 1,403 million euros, a more or less stable volume compared to 2017 and previous years. Last year’s best performances are attributable to Vietnam (282.7 million euros; +8.1%), Malaysia (181.6 million; +9%), Philippines (169.4 million; +9, 5%) and Singapore (101 million; +8.2%). On the other hand, imports from Indonesia and Thailand are decreasing, although they are still a driving force, accounting for 43% (607 million euros) of the overall imports of the area.

Italy ranks among the first exporters in the area In 2018 Italy exported packaging machinery for a volume of 253.3 million euros, overtaking Germany for the second consecutive year, which stopped at 219.1 million. In the world rankings Italy takes second place after China. According to data from the Ucima Study Center, the most evident performances occurred in the Philippines (+30.3%), in Malaysia (+35.9%) and in Vietnam, where turnover has even doubled from 28.2 million euro to 56.7 billion (+ 101.4%). While registering a decrease compared to 2017, Indonesia remains on the podium, where Italian exports reached 74.8 million euros.

FOCUS ON THE PHARMA MARKET Dynamic and lively, the pharma sector is registering significant growth rates in the area, that are expected to accelerate in the coming years. In 2018 the sector achieved 26.3 billion euros, up from 24.4 billion euros in 2017. The forecasts to 2021 are excellent, when the sector could reach 32.8 billion, traveling at a CAGR of 7.7% (period 2017-2021). Indonesia leads the way with 7.6 million euros in 2018, expected to grow to 9.6 billion in 2021 (CAGR +8.1% in the set period), followed by Vietnam with 5.8 billion in 2018 and estimated to reach 7.7 billion in 2021 (+10.2%). Other countries also showed an acceleration, from Thailand (+6.2%) to the Philippines (+4.2%) to Malaysia (+ 7.2%) up to Singapore (+7.9%). Pharma market. Data in billions euros. Indonesia Vietnam Thailand Philippines Malaysia Singapore Myanmar Cambodia Laos ASEAN

2015 5,799 4,219 4,465 3,328 2,106 0,798 0,44 0,241 0,111 21,5

2016 2017e/f 6,429 7,043 4,72 5,242 4,562 4,987 3,381 3,234 2,075 2,115 0,837 0,883 0,44 0,487 0,265 0,296 0,125 0,1 22,8 24,4

2018f 7,612 5,807 5,377 3,326 2,263 0,958 0,524 0,329 0,107 26,3

2019f 8,206 6,415 5,681 3,485 2,484 1,026 0,566 0,363 0,114 28,3

2020f 2021f 8,893 9,631 7,065 7,742 6,005 6,35 3,647 3,817 2,644 2,795 1,116 1,195 0,614 0,667 0,399 0,437 0,122 6,8% 30,5 32,8

CAGR 17/21 8,1% 10,2% 6,2% 4,2% 7,2% 7,9% 8,2% 10,2% 7,7%

FA C T S & F I G U R E S

Packaging materials in Italy

Quarterly observatory of the packaging supply chain: situation in December 2018. Consolidated data and development assumptions in the two-year period 2019-20.

NOTE. The data used for the preparation of the Report is taken from the Italian Institute of Packaging database

Report on the state of the packaging Barbara Iascone - Italian Packaging Institute

ere we see a breakdown of the performance of the manufacturing industry, where packaging consumption is more intense, divided into food and non-food macro-areas. The evolutionary frameworks of the manufacturing sectors were taken from sectorial analyses developed by the trade associations, the Italian Institute for Packaging database or Prometeia.


FOOD Food and beverage According to Prometeia’s analysis, the Italian food industry as a whole should have closed 2018 with a modest growth in production (0.8%). Exports remain the driving force of the sector, while domestic consumption is rather stable. What is changing in the food sector is distribution: albeit at lower levels than the rest of the world, including Europe, online sales are indeed

starting to become an interesting phenomenon and noteworthy in our country. Although in Italy online purchases of food remain among the lowest in the world, and at the level of distribution of purchases those relating to food represent about 0.7% of the total national e-commerce, the growth rate of area should be emphasized: in 2018 online sales of food & grocery increased by 34%. This phenomenon, like all online commerce, positively

General economic picture In 2018 the world economy slowed down: according to the International Monetary Fund forecasts, growth stopped at the 3.7% already recorded in 2017. In this context, the IMF forecasts for Italy are GDP growth of 1.2% for 2018 and 1% for 2019. Also according to the IMF, after a 2017 with GDP growth of 2.4%, in 2018 the Eurozone should record a growth of 2%, which will drop further in 2019, when the GDP is expected to be + 1.9% . According to Confindustria According to the analysis of the Confindustria Study Center, the Italian recovery is in line with the global one, hence down compared to 2017. GDP is growing at a lower pace than IMF forecasts: + 1.1% in 2018 and + 0.9% in 2019. Again in relation to GDP, in the third quarter of 2018 there was a -0.1%, confirming a very weak trend also in the fourth quarter. In October, industrial production grew by just 0.1% and in November the confidence of companies in manufacturing activity worsened. Even orders do not give a glimpse of particularly positive signals. As for exports, not particularly brilliant performances were recorded, and domestic demand slowed down compared to 2017. The resumption of employment was practically halted in June, registering a -0.2% in the third quarter of 2018.


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influences the packaging sector. As regards the two-year period 2019-20, production grew by 0.8%. Pharmaceutical products Again according to Prometeia’s elaborations, at the moment the data for Federfarma are those previously given. Growth in 2018, with a growth rate of turnover at constant prices that should settle at around + 3%. For the two-year period 2019-20, the growth rate should slightly exceed 2%. Fashion system Prometeia confirms the positive trend of the Fashion System started in 2017: + 1.5% in 2018, with a growth rate forecast for the next two years at around 0.8%.

Cosmetics and perfumery The sector confirms a growth in global turnover for 2018 of + 4.5%. The constantly rising exports are certainly contributing to the trend, but so too, domestic market, which with + 2% provides a good contribution to the sector. Furniture and furnishings In 2018 the sector registered a growth in turnover at constant prices of + 1.1%, which will also be confirmed in the following two years. Chemical products Source: FEDERCHIMICA After a decidedly brilliant 2017, 2018 closes with growth rates reduced compared to the previous year: + 1.4% for the sector as a whole, with a trend in line with the European average (+ 1%). The chemical sector confirms its nature as a “sensitive thermometer” of the general economic trend, as it contemplates various categories of intermediate products used in the most disparate industrial sectors. There are many elements to consider for the slowdown in the growth of this sector, first of

all the oil price increases recorded in 2018. The forecasts for 2019 confirm the hypothesis of a + 1.4% for the national chemical sector. Mechanics (agricultural machines, machine tools, special-purpose machines, energy machines) According to Prometeia, the trend of this sector in 2018 is among the best of the Italian manufacturing industry and which should close the year with a + 3% approx. The next two years should confirm the good growth rates leading to a further + 2.8% annual average. Domestic appliances Among the less performing sectors for 2018 we find that of household appliances, which put in a slight + 0.6%; the situation should also be similar in the two year period 2019-20. Building materials According to Prometeia’s analysis, building materials should close 2018 with a + 1.6%, which will also be confirmed in the following two years.

According to Prometeia On the basis of the latest Prometeia report available (November 2018), the Italian manufacturing sector closed the year with a growth rate reduced compared to the + 2.8% recorded in 2017 and turnover - value at constant prices - increased by 1.7%. The sector that in 2018 recorded the most disappointing performances is that of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The slowdown is certainly attributable to the uncertainty that characterizes Italy both internationally and internally, and which will also influence growth in the following two years: the average annual growth rate for 2019-20 will be + 1.6%. However, the main elements supporting the growth of the manufacturing sector are investments in raw materials, machinery and means of transport, even if results slowed down in the second half of 2018. The recovery of the building industry should be confirmed in the medium term, surpassing the record low levels registered in previous years. According to Prometeia’s analysis, consumption should have grown by 0.8% in 2018 and should reach + 1% in the following two years. In this regard, it should be considered that the propensity to save of households has become very consolidated over the years, remaining higher than pre-crisis values. Italian exports continue to be very competitive, so much so as to mark, in 2018, growth rates higher than those of world growth rates and those of the main European competitors: + 3.4% in Italy, -0.4% worldwide. Prometeia expects these rates to be reconfirmed in the two-year period 2019-20, registering an average + 3%.

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FA C T S & F I G U R E S

Packaging materials in Italy

The positive trend of the national packaging sector also confirmed for 2018, in line with a trend that persists since 2014. Average prices of raw materials and production

The positive trend of packaging Data made available by the Italian Packaging Institute

ccording to the main macroeconomic indicators, the recovery of the Italian economy continued in 2018, albeit at a slower pace: both the Confindustria and Prometeia Study Centers recorded positive trends. The forecasts speak of a GDP of +1.1% in 2018, while for 2019 the hypothesis of a slowdown is strengthening, with a growth rate forecast at 0.9%. On the basis of the latest data available, in 2018 manufacturing activity recorded a 1.7% increase in sales at constant prices (Prometeia analysis), and in 2019 the trend should have a growth of 1.4%. The packaging sector, closely linked to the performance of manufacturing, is positively affected by this phenomenon, so much so that, in 2018, the turnover exceeded 33.2 billion euros, recording an increase of approximately +2%. Foreign trade is also “traveling” at a good pace, even if reduced compared to last year, with a growth hypothesis that should settle around + 3.3% for exports, and 4.5% for imports. The balance of the trade therefore continues to remain positive, exceeding 2 billion euros (in practice, Italians continue to export more than they import).


• In 2018, corrugated cardboard prices grew by an average of 9% compared to 2017, while for the raw material used to produce paper bags, the average growth rate is about 7.5%. On the other hand, the average prices of the cellulosic material coming from recycling are on the up. • Differentiated trends in the prices of plastic polymers have been registered: if the nylon is about +15% and PET at +18%, polystyrene shows an average drop of about 2%, while the price of PVC has increased by 5%; +11% for ABS and an average of +4% for other polymer prices. The decline in polyethylene continues (-6% on average). :LWK UHJDUG WR WKH SULFHV RI SRO\PHUV IURP UHcycling, of note the +20% of the blue rPET and the +10% of the rPET multicolor. • After years of stability, the price of white glass scrap increases (+3%). • The price of timber is increasing and recording an average growth of 3%.

Production In quantitative terms, analyzing the tons of packaging produced in 2018, it is assumed a growth of around 2.2% 2017 Forecasts 2018 var. % which has led the production of empProduction 16.292 16.650 2,2% ty packaging in Italy to exceed 16.6 Export 2.823 2.908 3,0% billion tons. Import 1.955 2.082 6,5% In 2018, domestic demand led the Apparent use 15.424 15.825 2,6% trend in production, a trend confirmed by the growth in imports, which should grow by 6.5%. At the time of writing, on the basis of an initial Raw material: quotations preliminary, in 2018 domestic demand should As regards the average prices quoted for raw increase by 2.6%. The positive trend of exports materials used to produce packaging, diversified continues (+3%) albeit with a growth rate reduced trends for the various materials are registered. compared to that recorded in 2017. • In 2018 no quotations were recorded at the The trend of packaging users to favor small forMilan Chamber of Commerce for tinplate, both mats is confirmed, which in fact leads to an invirgin and recycled. This is a situation that has crease in the overall weight of packaging. The lasted since 21 July 2017 (date of the last survey constant progress of online sales is also giving a available), that is since the Ferrous and Nonpositive boost to the production of packaging, Ferrous Metals Commission suspended them. especially for corrugated cardboard. This suspension will continue until a new nationIn 2018 there was an increasingly marked trend al regulation is created. • The same condition remains for aluminium as in the use of bioplastic material for the production well, but in this case, since July 2017, the Italian of packaging: bags and films are, in this regard, a Packaging Institute has taken over the quotastriking example. tions of Assomet. As regards aluminium as the Also from the ready-to-eat food sector comes a raw material used to produce packaging, a depropulsive drive for the packaging sector. This crease of around 2% has been registered; a simtype of food consumption is in fact supporting the good growth trends of plastic and aluminium ilar trend in the prices of thin laminates and tapes packaging, in particular trays. used to produce capsules or containers. In relation to recycled aluminium, quotations are Barbara Iascone lower by 10% on average. Table 1. Packaging segment foreign trade, Jan/Sept 2018 (data expressed in t/000).

Italian Packaging Institute

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Italian packaging machines:

export-import Foreign trade of automatic packaging and wrapping machines. Data from January to December 2018. Source: Centro Studi Ucima elaborations on ISTAT data

p Europa ExtraUE +0,6%

European Union +7,6%

North America +25,1%

Packaging Machines Export 2018 - data March 2019

uring the period examined, the export data of automatic packaging and packaging machines recorded a growth compared to 2017. In fact, the year-on-year change in exports, amounting to more than 5.37 billion euros, is equal to +5.5%. Imports also increased (+11.2%), although they confirmed significantly lower values (504.5 million euros).


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South America +3,7%

Asia -8,0%

Africa and Oceania +12,0%

The European Union is as ever in first place among the areas of destination of Italian exports, with a share of 38.1% of the total and a percentage growth of 7.6%, followed by Asia (19.0% of the total, -8.0% compared to 2017) and North America (13.8%, +25.1% on 2017).

In terms of individual markets, the United States is confirmed as the number one Italian export destination in the sector, with a share of 12.6% and an increase of 30.9% compared to 2017. In second place was France (-4.6%), and Germany in third (+3.2%).

Exports to Central-South America (+3.7%), Africa and Oceania (+12.0%) also grew, so too those towards non-EU Europe (+0.6%), albeit to a lesser extent.

Among others, good results stand out in Spain (+31.1%), Russia (+17.0%), Brazil (+16.9%).Imports of automatic machines in Italy come mainly from Germany (+21.8%), France (+12.1%) and China (+16.6%).

UCIMA Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association

Packaging Machines: global market Market value (billion Euros) in 2017 and forecast 2020


1.6 8.4














The global market for packaging machines Based on the analysis of the Centro Studi Ucima, the world demand for packaging machines will continue to grow, at rates obviously variable depending on the geographical area of reference. We here publish two graphs illustrating the evolution, with projections up to 2020.

Fonte: Centro Studi Ucima

Machines Packaging: global market Forecast 2018-20 (CAGR)

+0.1% +4.0%





WORLD +4.4%

SOURCE: Centro Studi Ucima

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Processing and Packaging


Italian Pavillons*

ProPak Philippines 24/26 January - Pasay City (Philippines) Participation cost: 400 €/smq (bare space + stand fittings) Upakovka 29 January/1 February - Moscow (Russia) Participation cost: 565 €/smq (bare space + stand fittings) Djazagro 25/28 February - Algiers (Algeria) Indicative participation cost: 400 €/smq (bare space + stand fittings) ProPak Africa 12/15 March - Johannesburg (South Africa) Participation cost: 400 €/smq + VAT (bare space + stand fittings) ProPak Vietnam 19/21 March - Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Participation cost: 300 €/smq (bare space + stand fittings) Africa Food Manufacturing 31 March/2 April - Cairo (Egypt) Indicative participation cost: 440 €/smq + VAT (bare space + stand fittings) Expo Pack Guadalajara 11/13 June - Guadalajara (México) Indicative participation cost: 800 € (exhibition module)

* UCIMA offers companies a turnkey service for trade fair participation. This involves collective participation in an Italian pavilion, where companies are hosted in high-quality stands with a coordinated and visually striking design. In some cases, trade fair participation is organised with the support and funding of the Italian Trade Agency ITA.

Exhibitions in the World

ProPak Asia 12/15 June - Bangkok (Thailand) Indicative participation cost: 440 €/smq (bare space + stand pre-fittings); 340 €/smq (bare space) ProPak Myanmar 12/14 September - Yangon (Myanmar) Participation cost: 2.500 € + VAT (pre-arranged stand of 9 sqm) Pack Expo Las Vegas 23/25 September - Las Vegas (USA) Participation cost: 29 USD/sq.ft. pacprocess Tehran October 2019, Tehran (Iran) Indicative participation cost: 430 euro/ sqm (shell scheme booth) pacprocess India October 2019, Mumbai (India) Indicative participation costs: 280€/sqm (shell scheme package) SWOP 25/28 November - Shanghai (China) Indicative participation cost: 311€/sqm (pre-arranged stand min. 12 sqm)


IMA: Consolidated results at 31 March 2019

Revenue, margins and order book are growing The Board of Directors of IMA S.p.A., world leader in the production of automatic packaging machines, met on 15 May under the chairmanship of Alberto Vacchi and approved the periodic financial information at 31 March 2019. The normal timing of deliveries in this sector traditionally sees a modest portion of revenues concentrated in the period January-March; this means that the 1st quarter results are not very meaningful in terms of

IMA SPA Via Emilia, 428-442 40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) - Italy Phone +39 051 6514111

extrapolating the results for the whole of the year. The IMA Group has closed the first quarter of 2019 with consolidated revenue of 326.1 million euros, showing growth of 6.5% compared with 306.3 million euros at 31 March 2018. Gross operating profit (EBITDA) before non-recurring charges shows an increase to 39.2 million euros (36.9 million euros at 31 March 2018) and gross operating profit (EBITDA) rises to 38.7 million euros (36.9 million euros at 31 March 2018). Operating profit (EBIT) totalled 21.9 million euros

In commenting on the Group’s performance at 31 March, Alberto Vacchi, IMA’s Chairman and CEO, declared: «2019 has begun with a good quarter for us in terms of revenue and margins, in line with our growth estimates for the current year. The first three months also show steady growth in the consolidated order book, thanks to the favourable trend in sales of automatic machines and complete lines to the reference sectors. In light of the results and the positive trend also seen in the month of April, with a good trend in order acquisition, we believe we can look forward to the current year with confidence. In addition to consolidating the IMA Digital programme, in 2019 we will focus in particular on IMA-NOP (IMA No Plastic), a project that is part of the Group’s philosophy in the field of environmental sustainability. After the recent approval by the European Parliament in Strasbourg of the directive that limits the use of various disposable plastic items, new automatic machines will be required to lower the use of plastic in packaging. The Group has already developed, in collaboration with the leading market players, some extremely innovative solutions, thereby anticipating the needs of the market in question. This project demonstrates IMA’s environmental sensitivity and the strong commitment to innovation that has always distinguished the Group as described also in the non-financial Report».

YUDOO RESHAPES THE CONCEPT OF LINE MANAGEMENT Sea Vision launches the yudoo software suite dedicated to the world of 4.0: designed for the pharmaceutical sector, it offers itself as an irreplaceable tool to revolution the manufacturing environment, driving it toward the future where machines, devices, computer systems are interconnected. yudoo is in fact a unified environment for Business Intelligence analysis including also several additional modules: centralized control systems, KPIs reports on historical data, Data Historian, OEE Tools, Real time shop-floor dashboard,

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Track&Trace natively integrated functions, Predictive maintenance and much more. The integrated Artificial Intelligence technology enables the software suite to both centralize operations management on the packaging lines and harmonize the information coming from different sources (automation devices, machines, IT and control systems) in order to transform them from “Raw Data” to “Smart Data”. By mean of the innovative yudoo Business Intelligence dedicated module (yubi) the software reads the historical data collected in the long period from the

(28.1 million euros at 31 March 2018) and profit before tax amounted to 18.2 million euros (24.8 million euros at 31 March 2018). The consolidated order book reached 992.2 million euros, +8.3% compared with 915.8 million euros at 31 March 2018, thanks to the closing of numerous negotiations in the various business areas of the Group. The IMA Group has closed the first quarter of 2019 with good results in the various business areas, thanks to the positive trend in sales of automatic machines and complete lines to the reference sectors. The net debt of the IMA Group at 31 March 2019 was 403.1 million euros compared with 165.3 million euros at 31 March 2018. This figure increases by 137.9 million euros due to the introduction of the IFRS 16 accounting standard in force from 1 January 2019. IMA Group forecasts for the whole of 2019 The results for the 1st quarter and the high level of the order book at 31 March 2019, together with the trend in April, enable us to confirm our forecasts of further growth for IMA during the current year. For 2019, if current conditions are confirmed in the coming months, the IMA Group estimates revenue of approximately 1.58 billion euros and a gross operating profit (EBITDA) of about 280 million euros including the effects of the new accounting standard IFRS 16, in force from 1 January 2019, with a significant increase in net profit.

packaging lines, it also co-relates results in order to display interactive graphics. Thanks to the use of filters, there is the possibility to engage data visualizations, presenting meaningful insights and information tailored to answer any question, position and department. SEA VISION GROUP. With a turnover of around 60 million euros and an export quota of over 75%, 210 employees and a new headquarters of 4,000 square meters ready from next year in Pavia, Sea Vision Group has always invested in R&D, with the aim to provide cutting-edge solutions to the market. With over 5,000 vision systems worldwide, today SEA Vision is a market leading player.


make it real Our digital lymph is vital energy. Energy that nourishes our innovation and grows your business. Deeply rooted in our expertise, owing and branching into worlds of manufacturing, gathering complex data and the seeds of knowledge. Like a tree, thriving with countless digital impulses, jumping synapses and bursting into new solutions for your smart factory. Taste the fruits of our innovation. Smart services. Smart machines. Smart organisation.



Contital LM Turkey opens San Marco Evangelista, 22 March 2019. The Laminazione Sottile Group and Contital Srl announced the start of production of the new company “Contital LM Turkey”, specialized in the production of aluminium trays and rolls for food use. The company, equipped with 20 presses, 6 rewinders and over 90 molds, is spread over a covered area of approximately 6,000 m2. Focusing on a high quality level and a service level compliant with the most stringent market demands, Contital LM Turkey will integrate the offer of Contital and i2r, with the aim of a more capillary and functional coverage of the markets. the Group business unit dedicated to the aluminium containers sector is therefore divided into 3 companies: - Contital Srl (Italy) is a leader in the market of aluminium trays and rolls for professional use, the food industry and largescale retail trade; - i2r Packaging Solution LTD (UK) has a specific competence in the production of smoothwall trays, mainly aimed at the ready meals market - Contital LM Turkey (Turkey) produces trays and rolls with the aim of covering emerging markets, expanding the offer of products supplied by the Laminazione Sottile Group.

Goglio: digital printing and an e-commerce platform For the production of its own flexible packages, made with high barrier multilayer laminates and developed to preserve and enhance the characteristics of the product, Goglio uses a production process that is strongly integrated vertically. The adoption of the new digital printing technology today allows Goglio to include variable data in real time on its packaging: each individual pack can in fact be made unique, tailored and even more valuable with dedicated images and texts. «This also paves the way for new commercial prospects», stresses the Vice President, Fabrizio Goglio. «Thanks to the introduction of digital printing, today we are able to offer our customers the possibility of also making customizable orders for small quantities, and to receive them in less time compared to supplies in gravure and flexo. The next step was to make this new technology and the expanded offer of packaging products accessible to small businesses with different

needs compared to those operating on large volumes. We have therefore created an e-commerce platform that allows customers to access the usual quality of our products, also adding customized flexible packaging in the form of reels and bags to the supply of traditional neutral bags. And, to do this, we decided to exploit all the potential offered by the SAP C/4HANA suite, which allowed us to create an ad hoc solution for our needs, integrated with the SAP management system already present in the company».

ILPRA STRENGTHENS ITS POSITION IN THE INDIAN MARKET Ilpra, Italy-based producer of packaging machinery for food, cosmetics and medical products, has acquired an 80% stake in Veripack, Italian manufacturer of thermoforming machines for food and medical packaging. The deal involves the payment of a €24,000 lump sum

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Goglio Espress. Operating since mid-January 2019, the e-commerce portal is the result of a technological partnership with Openmind. «We immediately focused on SAP C/4HANA technology because it is part of the path we took 20 years ago to harmonize information systems and aim to integrate all the technological components present in the company», explains Franco Martinoni, ICT Director of Goglio. «We have involved multiple business functions, from marketing to the e-commerce division, from operations for the digital printing part to the supply chain in our e-commerce project. This allowed us to create an efficient service in all its parts, exploiting the potential offered by the SAP Commerce module thanks to the strategic contribution of Openmind, which also worked on the customization and design of the site, to offer an attractive graphic design, able to evoke an experience of use like consumer sites».

in cash to the seller Ivaxia. The operation is part of Ilpra’s growth plan aimed at expanding its range of technological solutions and boosting exports to new geographical markets, particularly India where the Veripack brand is well established. Ilpra is a leading player in the packaging sector with a wide range of cutting-edge technological solutions

developed through continuous R&D investments (€1.5 million in the last 3 years). With more than 16,000 machines sold, 190 employees, an enormous network of sellers and a presence in 4 countries (Italy, UK, Hong Kong and the UAE), the group generates around 75% of its turnover abroad and has a direct presence in markets worldwide.


Certifications, laboratory tests and field inspection The integrated services of analyses, testing and field inspection provided by AC&E. The international accreditations of AC&E cover the certifications for export to USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia of power switchboards (PC and MCC), automation and machinery and plant panels and more. Founded in 2000, AC&E - Advanced Consulting and Engineering - thanks AC&E ADVANCED to the experience gained CONSULTING & in the field by Engineer ENGINEERING SRL Gino Zampieri, followed Via Del Perlar, 37/A by Matteo Marconi, is an 37135 Verona (VR) - Italy ILAC accredited Tel. +39 045 8200894 laboratory at an international level. The company, based in Verona (Italy), has developed skills in various fields: from safety at work to international law and contracts, from corporate responsibility to product liability. With the offices located in Verona, Moscow, Chicago, Bilbao, Toronto and San Paolo, AC&E is now a benchmark for companies and employs a skilled team, able to follow customers step by step in exporting their products. It also offers an ILAC-MRA Laboratory service on compliance and mutual recognition, dedicated to products exported

WORLD WINE PRODUCTION: RECORD FIGURES As officially announced by the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) at its headquarters in Paris on 11 April, after a year of historically low production in 2017, world wine production grew by 42.5 million hectolitres (mhl) in 2018 to an estimated 292.3 mhl, not far short of the exceptionally high

to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Below are the stages that have marked the growth of the AC&E group • In 2010 the company signed an agreement with Siemens Italia, thanks to which it becomes a benchmark company for advice in the Safety Machinery field on the North American market according to UL/CSA standards. • In 2013 AC&E becomes a Laboratory, compliant with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, obtaining accreditation from Intertek: RTL (Recognized Testing Laboratory, No. 2013-RTL-L3-22) for tests required by CSA C22.2 N ° 14, NFPA79 and EN 60204-1:2006. • Since 2014 it is “representative of QPS for Field Evaluation and Certification for electrical panels” both for the Canadian and American markets. ACE do Brasil was founded with headquarters in São Paulo. • In 2015 ACE-RU, a company based in Moscow, was established. The presence in Russia allows Italian machine and plant manufacturers to meet all the requirements of the new EAC certification, which establishes the definitive

level of 2004. Italy confirmed its position as the world’s largest producer with 54.8 mhl, followed by France (49.1 mhl) and Spain (44.4 mhl). In the United States wine production increased by just 0.5 mhl (23.9 mhl), while in Argentina grew to 14.5 mhl (+2.7 mhl) and in Chile to 12.9 mhl. Production declined by 14.1% in South Africa (9.5 mhl), while China’s

disappearance of GOST certificates. Thanks to ACE-RU, manufacturers exporting to Russia can also be represented, guaranteeing them full access to the market. • 2016 featured the setting up of AC&E IBERIA, based in Bilbao, to satisfythe need of Spanish producers to be supported in the process of placing their machinery not only on the European market, but also to countries where other companies in the AC&E group carry out laboratory and consulting activities. • In 2017 AC&E became 1633 ACCREDIA laboratory for testing industrial machines and international ILAC. The North America division becomes Advanced Testing and Laboratory, and from a commercial office became a laboratory, taking the name of AC&E North America Inc. • In 2018 A.C. & E. North America Inc. obtained the recognition as FEB-112, Field Evaluation Body, becoming recognized body for the certification of panels, machines and systems in the United States, even for areas classified as “Hazardous Locations”. Furthermore, AC&E every year presents a full list of refresher courses and congresses that are regularly held at Ucima, Siemens, Telmotor and TUVNord in addition to regulatory investigations directly at offices of client companies.

production level fell to 9.3 mhl (-2.3 mhl compared to 2017) and Australia saw a 2.2% fall to 12.9 mhl. New Zealand’s production remained stable at 3 mhl. Global consumption appears to have stalled (estimated 246 mhl), due primarily to declines in consumption in China and the UK. As for formats, bottled wines continued to make up the majority of wine exports in terms

of volume at 53% (down 8% on 2017) and accounted for 70% of total value. Bulk wine exports in containers larger than 10 litres accounted for 34% of volumes (-5%) and 8% of value (+3.8%). Following the new customs classification introduced in 2017, bag-in-box wines of between 2 and 10 litres represented 4% in volume and 2% in value.

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Imagine reaching 300 million in turnover; wanting to grow internally and externally; to (obviously) want to invest in manpower but also (obviously) in structures and technology to optimize production, organization and the supply chain. A complex and audacious design, which can only be achieved, as Simona Michelotti, founder of SIT Group, claims «thanks to the optimism that comes from drive and passion».

Stefano Lavorini, Luciana Guidotti

find myself once again in a spacious and quiet room, sitting at a table with people who are first and foremost happy to do what they are doing. Face to face with Simona Michelotti, her daughter Neni Rossini (since 2018 president of SIT Group SpA) and CEO Claudio Carattoni, I find confirmation of the fact that we can live the present, aware of the past while succeeding in imagining the future... in this case that of the SIT Group. They all three firmly believe in it and show it by illustrating the different projects that are taking shape, following an apparently simple guideline, that is “... doing well what was previously done less well and doing for the first time what had been ignored before... since, in a company nothing is irrelevant, nothing is undeserving of full attention... »*.


*Roberto Calasso, L’impronta dell’editore, Adelphi 2013.

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Work in progress at ... 138 million euros in 2018, about 600 people working in three factories, with a production capacity of 650 million sqm of printed films. But numbers alone are not enough to do justice to a reality that, in addition to being among the major operators on the market of flexible packaging in Italy, expresses an out of the ordinary capacity for vision and operational pragmatism in implementing a wide-ranging industrial expansion plan, with the aim of combining production efficiency and global relationship skills, in particular with the large multinational food groups. An expansion subordinated to the clarity of ideas, the ability to reinvent itself and, something not that common, to an economic solidity built over time. There is talk of investments fielded by the ownership for 60 million euros between 2018 and 2020, which involve at various levels the three plants in Faetano in San Marino (also site of the headquarters), Pesaro and Stanghella (PD), whose tasks and destinies have recently been redefined.

«Our goal is indeed to become a great European player» underlines Claudio Carattoni. «In our business, indeed the interchange between continents is irrelevant, as customers require physical proximity and speed of service. For this reason, although we are expanding and improving the capacity of existing plants, we do not exclude the possibility of acquiring specialized converters in productions that complete our offer, nor possible investments in other geographical areas, considering the needs of some of our customers». But let’s put things in the right order though. … San Marino. As Neni Rossini tells me, «Everything started from the “old “ production unit of Faetano in 1978, which grew, with successive extensions, from the original one of a thousand square meters to the current 12 thousand, considering the new headquarters inaugurated in 2015, to which it is connected with a tunnel. And yet, the 4 thousand square meters of offices, the engraving department and the automatic cylinders warehouse alone are no longer

P O I N T O F V I E W - I N D U S T RY

& action adequate to the development programs we have given ourselves... This is why we are building a second plant in a contiguous area 10 thousand square meters, where we will not relocate anything that we currently have in production. In fact, we have already purchased ex novo rotogravure printing machines, a laminator, all the auxiliary equipment, including the solvent recovery plant, as well as automatic systems for the handling and storage of materials. We plan to expect to be fully operational with production as early as December 2019. We will hence restructure the old production area, earmarking it for finishing operations and… who knows for what other projects».

... Pesaro and Padua. Radical changes also for the Marches site, acquired by SIT in 2006: with a patient work of years, the entire area, once divided between different properties, has been merged, thus enabling the creation of a stateof-the-art facility in terms of rationality and safety. In total 22 thousand square meters, of which 14 thousand covered. «Piece by piece, we have built in practice a new, very efficient factory, equipped with 4 roto machines and 3 new flexo» Simona Michelotti intervenes. «Initially, we had thought about specializing our companies based on printing technology, but the growing interest of big end-users in flexo made us change our mind. Furthermore, in this way, we have the great advantage of having a back-up on two production sites, also as regards flexo printing». The fact remains that in Padua we will continue to supply the local market with flexo printed packaging, thanks to the great reactivity and service attitude expressed in these years by the company.

Being and not just having So much, however, is not enough yet to build a project for the future. We need to know how to change together with the changing market, doing a great job, less visible, perhaps, but fundamental. Claudio has no doubts: «We have been debating for years on the issues of the evolved supply chain, and on the changes in organizational models and in relation to customers: competitiveness is certainly on prices, but above all by creating value processes, for example by implementing collaborative planning models with the main customers and suppliers and by creating logistics hubs with external partners, to improve transport and delivery times. This allows production to be optimized, provided that the management system is computerized and that new professional skills are invested. Likewise, the demand for services with greater added value on the part of large groups has grown, which, for example, has led us to invest heavily in research and development on packaging materials, but also to include in the company a person like Dario Dainelli, Policy & Regulatory Affairs Executive, internationally renowned expert for regulatory issues, food

contact and sustainability regulations. In short, we must be able to cope with the inevitable increase in structure costs while remaining competitive, so as to improve the company’s reputation and customer satisfaction level». A road that forces to grow in size, both internally and externally. «For this reason - says Neni - we imagine, remaining independent, a reasoned and sustainable growth of turnover until reaching a more substantial critical mass, a part of which also deriving from acquisition processes, to which we are already dedicating ourselves». «An objective certainly not taken for granted, but born from the desire to give continuity to the company in the times to come. It is not easy to predict how the world will change and for this reason I have worked to put the company in a position to face the future» says Simona, faithful to her story of a courageous and determined businesswoman. The meeting ends here. However, leaving SIT, I take with me a sense of serenity and measure, emotions that I am, alas, unaccustomed to. A nice surprise, that always returns!

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TME, a truly Italian passion

«For us at TME, coffee is a philosophy, a way of being. This is why, thirty-seven years ago, it became our job, T.M.E. SRL committing ourselves Via S. Pertini, 1/5 every day to finding 43036 Fidenza (PR) - Italy increasingly innovative Phone: +39 0524 517711 solutions for its packaging, so that not a single note of that precious symphony of scents and flavours is lost» explains Claudia Merli, CEO of TME. For more than twenty years their research has

focused aboveall on single-dose packaging machines and systems, which today come in three different lines, each suited to different needs, going from the craft coffee shop to leading industries: • HTN capsule packaging line, with a production speed of 280 capsules/minute, high manufacturing quality, considerable production flexibility and very low maintenance costs; • HTS capsule packaging line, for production starting from 300 capsules/minute, satisfying the needs for high-speed packaging and on multiple production shifts; • CIALDY HT packaging line, the

latest arrival. The sum of all the previous models, retaining their character and durability, as well as their reliability and simple design. Only by maintaining the flexibility of all their products has TME been able, over the years, to enter into commercial agreements with major multinational companies - leaders in the disposables market - for the supply of machines for assembling coffee capsules. An intuition of the company management, which has allowed them to expand and export a large part of their production through an extensive sales network and a brand - TME - recognized and appreciated the world over.

Suction cup SPOB1f Among the handling solutions through vacuum technology by Schmalz, we remind the new tubular bag suction cup SPOB1f: suitable for thinner products from the food industry, it provides particularly dynamic handling. Vacuum suction cups SPOB1f pick up the workpiece from above. Particular caution is necessary with sensitive workpieces (such as vials, cookies, chocolates, candies, film-wrapped crackers, etc…). The use of vacuum technology is also advisable in this case, as it is particularly gentle. The user sets the holding force required for the individual workpiece using the vacuum level.

New piston filler with C.I.P Zilli & Bellini is present in 67 countries; more than one thousand Zilli & Bellini machines are now working worldwide! Zilli & Bellini provides the design and the construction of a wide range of machine to fill food products into rigid container. Zilli & Bellini also provide solutions for closing the containers. The machines can handle bottles, jars, cans, made of tin plate, aluminium, glass and plastic having a capacity up to 5 kg. The food products range is wide: from powder to fruit cocktail through Chocó paste. The speed of Zilli & Bellini filling and seaming lines is from 10 to 1,200 containers per minute. The deep experience of Zilli &

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Bellini technical staff grant to their customers a great consultant activity. It is available a testing services with prototypes in order to carry on study of feasibility of customer’s projects. Zilli & Bellini research and development is the focus of its success. Regarding the piston filler the innovations and improvements are enormous. Few years ago Zilli & Bellini introduced on the market a new generation of piston filler (Plunger valve piston filler) with a better filling accuracy due to the new concept of the valve. The plunger piston filler for some applications is the nonplus ultra of the food technology also because it is possible to make a C.I.P. completely controlled by the PLC

and without dismantle any part of the filler. The plunger piston filler C.I.P match the higher hygienic standards and minimize the maintenance time. The great success of the plunger piston filler push Zilli & Bellini to go on in the way of the innovation in piston filler machines. The idea in the piston filler with standard rotary valve is to make a C.I.P. controlled by the PLC. With this upgrade it is possible to press the touch screen and a mechanical device take out the pistons from the cylinders. With this operation you can run an extremely efficient washings cycle in a very easy way; also the inspection of the seals is very easy and quick. Zilli & Bellini is beside its customers in developing technologies to improve the quality and the efficiency in food technology.

ZILLI & BELLINI SRL Strada Benedetta 85/A 43122 Parma (PR) - Italy Phone: +39 0521 272963 ProPak Asia Bangkok, Hall 103 Stand BS01


A. WATER SYSTEMS srl Piave 4 12051 Alba CN - ITALY C.F. / P.IVA 03045410044

Operational Headquarters: Località Piana 55/D 12060 Verduno CN - ITALY

Tel. +39 0172 470235 Fax +39 0173 615633


Stretch wrapping and end-of-line solutions

ROBOPAC Via Ca’ Bianca 1260 Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna - Italy OCME Via del Popolo 20/A Parma - Italy Contacts Robopac Luca Siliquini Contacts Ocme Luca Alba

Genesis Thunder is the new high-speed rotating ring machine designed to set higher standards in stretch wrapping world. A new design of parts with innovative materials as well as top class components reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of the equipment and minimize maintenance time & interventions. ARC (Automatic Reel Change), Cube Technology™ for film stretch operation and Nip/Tuck No-Seal patented clamp are some of the revolutionary options available to increase line efficiency and load stability.

Helix 3 Evo is an automatic machine with rotating arm for wrapping palletized loads with stretch film, particularly suitable for use in production lines where medium rates are required. The Cube Technology™ is available on the machine to secure even the lightest or deformable products and ensure the best stability at the lowest packaging cost.

OCME Auriga LGV (laser guided vehicles) integrate perfectly well to any end-of-line palletizing system, thanks to a wide range of highly modular and flexible solutions. These vehicles are free to move at high speed and they are not anchored to structures embedded in the floor, and any change to vehicle routes can be made by simply modifying the software.

Robopac Packers, with the DIMAC and PRASMATIC range of machines (shrink-wrappers, tray-packers, wrap around packers and Combi), can meet the needs of all customers, with 360° solution from bottles to cans, from cases to bricks.

Electronically operating volumetric doser Karr Italiana gives the ideal response to demands from automatic packaging machine and packaging line manufacturers, who are seeking solutions that guarantee high performance and, at the same time, can be integrated with the increasingly widespread electronic control systems. In particular all dosage parameters can be simply and rapidly controlled via the control panel, including format change, filling speed regulation and the CIP washing cycle management.

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Drum motors: continuous innovation

MASTER WA: pharma labeling 4.0

The Interroll generation of drum motors set new standards in this area in the world of drives. The new DM0113 introduce important constructive innovations: more robust axles and ball bearings offer longer life and higher torques with very low noise thanks to the extremely stable planetary gear. A greater number of transmissions now enables to choose between a wider range of speeds. All models of the latest generation of drum motors ensure the highest degree of IP69k protection, which contributes to simplifying cleaning operations. Even during the assembly and maintenance phases, they stand out as a plug and play solution. Unlike the previous generation, for example, power is transmitted via a simple plug-in connection. The stop during maintenance or repair work is considerably reduced to the full advantage (also economic) of the users.

Designed with criteria of modularity to meet different needs, MASTER systems are the high-tech solutions developed by Labelpack. Assembled on the unmistakable balcony structure with integral protection, they offer concrete answers to the pharmaceutical industry. MASTER WA, in particular, is designed for the application of self-adhesive labels on bottles, with speeds up to 300 p / min. The product coming from the filling line is spaced by a screw system, which phases its arrival at the labeling station. LABELX 140 RM is the high performance application unit integrated in the system, equipped with dual motorization and a thermal transfer coding group for printing variable data. The system is equipped with successful printing and successful application controls with an expeller of unsuitable products. The system is managed by a PLC with HMI-touchscreen and Ethernet connection (Ind.4.0).

Process equipment and systems for beverage WATER SYSTEMS is an experienced Company working as process equipment supplier for the beverage industry. WS can supply the full range of process equipment required for the production of mineral

water, soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, flavoured waters and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks: water purification, mineralization and ozonising systems, batch or continuous sugar dissolvers, syrup rooms, flash

pasteurizers, premix and carbonating units, syrup and ingredients blending systems, CIP systems, preparers of bottles rinsing and disinfecting solutions (chemical or ozone). Thanks to its skill and process expertise, WS is widely present worldwide even with turnkey solutions including ancillary equipment (cooling equipment, boilers, etc.). Company philosophy is to manufacture high quality and reliable equipment, equipped only with top-brand components. WS has met new standards for product quality, energy saving and maximum plant output while complying with the strictest criteria for hygiene and safety. In the photo: Juice sterilizer

A. WATER SYSTEMS SRL LocalitĂ Piana, 55/D 12060 Verduno (CN) - Italy Follow WS on social media watersystems water-systems-ws watersystems ProPak Asia Bangkok, Hall 99 - Stand AP 49


Eidos launches into augmented reality With over 40 years of experience as a manufacturer of Italian marking and coding systems, Eidos capitalizes on the synergies arising from the union with Novexx Solutions and projects itself into an even more dynamic and competitive dimension, with new prospects for expansion in the European and global EIDOS S.R.L. market. Via dell’Industria,11 In this context, the Z.I. Fontaneto company relaunches its 10023 Chieri (TO) - Italy historic commitment to Phone: +39 011 947781 technological innovation, presenting its first mobile application of augmented reality. Downloadable on any smartphone or tablet, it allows you to view

information and data regarding Printess and Swing printers, simply by scanning a QR code. Hence Eidos offers a tool that allows new ways of interacting with products, opening the way to unprecedented possibilities for communication, technical

assistance and man/machine interface. The new APP AR is just the “tip of the iceberg”, the first example of the enormous potential offered by augmented reality, that the company will continue to develop in the coming years.

Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne: Global Belting Technology Solutions

With the merger of Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne, a powerful new belting champion has been created under the AMMEGA group name (www. Bringing together an unmatched combination of power transmission and conveyor belting, the creation of AMMEGA promises an even broader, more dynamic, and more customerfocussed business vision.

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Both have over 60 years of industry service, a customer base running into the thousands, and in-depth expertise across the world’s different industries; their product portfolio spans custom solutions for such markets as packaging, food, elevators, material handling, fitness, construction and heavy industry, commercial and domestic appliances, and robotics. The new name of AMMEGA

serves principally to unite all of its employees under a common identity and corporate vision and mission. The two strong brand names Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne - and their different channel-tomarket MEGADYNE SPA strategies will Address HQ: Via Trieste 16 remain as is. Over 5000 10075 Mathi (TO) employees, more than 25 manufacturing facilities, and over 100 commercial offices around the world: under the AMMEGA umbrella, ProPak Asia Bangkok, the two brands benefit Hall 99 - Stand AP 49 from their synergies and combine their knowledge, research, development activities, and, of course, their people.

Leader in Safety of Machinery and Testing for Electrical Equipment


LAB N°1633

A.C.&E. da oltre 25 anni affianca numerose e primarie aziende costruttrici di macchinari e impianti industriali nelle procedure di esportazione, conformità e certificazione.




Grazie all’accreditamento conseguito con ACCREDIA secondo la norma UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 e allo status di Recognized Testing Laboratory certificato da Intertek possiamo effettuare test, verifiche e rilasciare certificati riconosciuti a livello internazionale per gli equipaggiamenti elettrici dei macchinari.


Self-adhesive labelling systems ALTECH - Advanced Labelling Technologies - is a leading European manufacturer of self-adhesive labelling systems for decorating, codifying and identifying products and materials in general. Founded in 1991, the company is now becoming a benchmark among the world’s manufacturers of labelling machines. The labelling machines built by ALTECH are used in all industrial sectors for labelling food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical products. Today the company’s systems are sold directly throughout Italy, while in 50 countries in Europe and overseas they are distributed via a network of 80 qualified distributors and 3 subsidiaries in the UK, USA and South America. Focus on ALline. ALline is a range of complex linear systems that can apply pressure sensitive labels on products of various shapes. It is made with the most reliable materials and components on the market, ensuring all-important performance and production. Its modular design, completely renovated, comes with ALstep and/or ALritma heads, and can be configured on the basis of the customer’s needs, so that the label can be applied to products of any shape and size for front/back, ALTECH SRL wrap-around and seal labeling, on food, Viale Alcide De Gasperi, 72 cosmetics, chemical and pharmaceutical 20010 Bareggio (MI) products. Italy Phone: +39 02 90363464 adhesive print & apply labels); ALmatic The range of Altech’s products includes: ALstep (low-cost selfadhesive label applicators); ALritma (label applicators of particularly high performance); ALcode (can satisfy the widest variety of demands in self-

(ideal for semi-automatic labeling of cylindrical, flat or elliptical products); ALbelt (simplified linear system which is open, compact, and particularly economical. It can be configured for

upper, bottom, upper and bottom, upper and side labelling of various products, cylindrical or flat.); ALpharma line (pressure sensitive labeling systems specially devised by for the packaging of pharmaceutical products).

Just the right dose of intelligence Hybrid transport makes personalized mass production even more profitable. How can you achieve further benefits ACOPOStrak by B&R Automation? It can be combined with conventional conveyor belts. This brings the flexibility of the intelligent ACOPOStrak track system together with the low cost of a conveyor system - the perfect recipe for more cost-effective mass customization. One intelligent station on the path through the production line is all it takes to create a mass customized product. Product transport is handled almost entirely by low-cost conveyor belts - except for the one station where the products are personalized. Since both systems use the same guide rails, the transitions between them are seamless. ACOPOStrak combines the motor and electronics into a single unit with the power electronics and a powerful processor integrated right in the motor housing. No additional inverters or motion control units are required, making the intelligent transport system extremely compact. Thanks to the modular design, it is easy to integrate ACOPOStrak segments of various lengths into an existing plant.

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The “FoodTech” line Systems for line automation and conveyor belts by Flexlink: compact design and low maintenance requirements enabling simple changes to line layouts, delicate handling. For nearly forty years FlexLink (a Coesia Group Company) has been working to improve the efficiency of its customers’ production lines, assisting them in layout design and set-up and supplying cutting-edge solutions for the transport and handling of products. FlexLink boasts particularly valuable know-how in the food industry, for which it has created “FoodTech”: a specific range of solutions. Fast, clean and precise production flow FoodTech is a family of systems and services for advanced technology transport conceived specifical ly for the Food and Dairy industry. The FoodTech systems development team has in-depth knowledge of the criteria that producers in the industry must factor in to guarantee the safety and efficiency of the line, along with the challenges that they have to face on a daily basis to ensure the highest possible product

quality. This has led to the development of bespoke solutions designed to increase production efficiency, putting operator safety to the fore. The systems in the FoodTech family stand out for their extremely compact design and low maintenance requirements, greatly simplifying any changes to line layouts. They also simultaneously ensure precise and delicate product handling, designed to minimise the risk of contamination. All of which translates int o reduced production times and costs. The use of highly automated lines also significantly reduces the margin for human error, ensuring high quality standards that remain constant over time. In practical terms FlexLink aims to guarantee an increase in Over all Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of 1%, simultaneously delivering a more rapid return on investment.

for food contact applications in the United States, the European Union and China. Recycle multilayer packaging thanks to enzymes The European research project Terminus was launched recently with the aim of developing a new generation of eco-friendly recyclable packaging based on the presence of special enzymes. The project will be carried out by a consortium of 13 partners comprising experts in packaging, polymer science and biocatalyst design, including the University of Bologna. The goal of the EU-funded project (€5.7 million) is to develop multi-layer plastic packaging solutions that incorporate enzymes capable of autonomously separating all the constituent layers of the material. This will allow the multi-layer packaging widely used in shops and supermarkets to be recycled for the first time. The consortium spans eight different European countries: France, Belgium, Lithuania, Italy, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden.

Benefits of silicone-based masterbatches for polyolefin film packaging DuPont Transportation & Advanced Polymers, a global business unit of DowDuPont Specialty Products Division, has presented its advanced, silicone-based technologies that enhance polyolefin film packaging. Under discussion the optimization of flexible packaging production using DowDuPont’s newest technology, DOW CORNING™ MB25-235 Masterbatch, which enables a significantly reduction of the coefficient of friction (COF) in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film. Its other advantages include stable, long-lasting performance, no migration to the film surface and approval

A small but powerful collaborative robot Fanuc is launching its new CR-14iA/L collaborative robot, the latest in the series of green robots (the sixth in the CR range) that combines the features of the smaller CR-7iA with those of the larger CR-15iA. The innovative system was developed to handle payloads of up to 14 kg with a reach of up to 820 mm (maximum reach 911 mm with a payload of 12 kg), and is equipped with highly sensitive sensors to meet all safety specifications in keeping with the Safety First concept that is so important to the Japanese company. The heavier payloads are achieved with slightly modified mechanics and slightly adapted software parameters. The repeatability of the six-axis robot is ±0.01 mm. The design of the gripper and the shape of the easy-to-use workpiece allow for maximum speeds of 500 mm/s. The robot is

controlled by the R-30iB Plus controller in the Mate Cabinet version. The kinematics and flexibility of the slim-profile CR-14iA/L mean that it is ideal for use in limited spaces and can work close to the robot base. It is also highly versatile for a range of industrial applications such as when loading and unloading machines. The combination of the CR-14iA/L with a mobile platform has already been achieved and introduced in Japan. A combination of Fanuc robots with multiple mobile platforms (AGV) is planned for the European market and will open up new opportunities for use in manufacturing and logistics.

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OMNYA EVO vertical packaging machine for food industry The latest generation of vertical packaging machine OMNYA EVO bu Comek has been designed for the extreme environmental conditions of the food industry, that require high hygienic standard. With a double mode of operation, continuous and intermittent, the machine comes with a stainless steel “open frame”, without any shapes or areas where deposits can form, to facilitate cleaning procedures. It also guarantees a high accessibility for maintenance, a speedy, toolless format change and replacement of film COMEK SRL belts and reel change. The Via Levadello, 4/P horizontal sealing unit 46043 Castiglione delle with box motion system Stiviere (MN) - Italy combined with special sealing bars enable high packaging performance even with difficult Contacts Italy heat-sealable packaging Massimiliano Piva materials. OMNYA EVO is equipped with servomotor power supply system in DC voltage, bus with energy

saving, latest generation brushless servomotors with single-cable technology and multi-language 10 touchscreen panel for network connection with IP technology. The solution offers a big flexibility of choice among the packaging materials, thanks to several sealing systems (hot bar, PE hot bar, ultrasonic) and types of formats (pillow bag, gusset bag, block bottom, “Stabilo”, Doypack). Furthermore, a wide range of accessories - euroslot, resealable zip, printers, labellers - enable the characterisation of the packaging. Weighing systems with features of excellence • Frame and main body exclusively made in AISI 304 stainless steel; • Easy and quick disassembling of all the components in contact with the product to ensure complete Eleanliness and sanitation; • Decentralized electronic control by CANopen fieldbus; • Weight signal filtering through the DSP of peripheral devices

Systems for labelling and coding Etipack designs and manufactures industrial systems for labelling and coding with selfadhesive labels, friction feeders and pick & place solutions. With a deep pool of know-how acquired in the world of packaging and an extensive offer of solutions developed over the course of 40 years in business, the firm is an ideal partner for operators in a variety of industrial markets. Etipack’s mission is to build not oly high quality machines, but also long-lasting relationships, in order to secure the value of customers’s investments over time, by guaranteeing assistance, consulting and care in

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an authentic spirit of partnership. This commitment is guaranteed by UNI EN ISO 9001 quality certification of excellence in criteria applied throughout all phases of production process. Following 40 yeas of growth, today Etipack is an international group made up of 3 branches (in the Netherlands, in Germany and Brazil) and 2 subsidiaries (in Czech Republic and

management; • Integrated compensation of tare weight offset; • Acquisition of load cell temperature for the compensation of the read value. • Vibrator control unit with PWM system with frequency adjustment.

Comek is an Italian producer of weighing, wrapping and automatic packaging systems. The company’s core business is the production of vertical form fill seal machines, linear and multihead weighers, cup volumetric dosers, auger fillers, pneumatic dosers, filling-sealingclosing machines. The portfolio is completed by conveyors and automatic gadget insertion systems. The plants built by the company, highly qualified and appreciated by the international market, are used in the food and non-food consumer goods industry (chips and salty snacks, confectionery and dairy products, fresh vegetables, fresh and dried pasta, frozen food, petfood, powders, liquids, creams, and vacuum-packed products).

Hungary), as well as a network of distributors and agents providing for timely and accurate technical serivce in over 30 countries across the globle. The company has 2 productions sites in Italy and 2 R&D centres for design, personalization and in-line integration. System 5 Active, the labeling system for the application of labels on the sides, even opposing ones, of elliptical or quadrangular products. The system can be equipped with a different range of Eway labelers according to performance requirements and can also mount all printing units available on the market to print codes, images or variable text.

EIDOS AR App Experience the EIDOS product range (Print & Apply, Direct print Ÿů ƛýĚšýłŎůł ɰŤŬϨ ƟŎůƳŎůł on objects) in AƼłŬĨůƳĨġ Reality in 3 easy steps. DOWNLOAD APP




1. Scan the QR Code and download the APP 2. Scan the pictures 3. Browse the EIDOS range

Marking technology engineering


e-Wrap 2.0: efficiency in packaging and e-logistics Sitma Machinery is a leader in the integrated ecosystem of packaging and e-logistics. The company is constantly investing in the evolution of its solutions for the next level automation, such as the e-Wrap 2.0, born from one of the most popular platforms designed by the Italian company, the e-wrap. The e-Wrap SITMA MACHINERY SPA proved to be a winning Via Vignolese, 1910 solution, able to respond 41057 Spilamberto (MO) to the needs arising Italy from the e-commerce Phone: +39 059 780 311 boom, however, Sitma Fax +39 059 780 300 wanted to go further. Based on its experience in the sorting and fulfillment processes, Contacts Italy the company developed an evolved version of Sales Director the wrapping machine, Gianluca Rossi the e-Wrap 2.0. It not only allows packages of variable sizes to be Area Manager packed with different South East Asia types of films, but it also Matteo Cattaneo integrates and automates advanced processes, perfectly

meeting the needs of higher efficiency, smart work management and cost saving, things experienced by companies active in the sector. . The e-Wrap 2.0 operating concept is modular data connected. Feeding is automatic, packages are picked up from the racks containing orders to be packed and shipped; an unique identification code is assigned at this stage. Thanks to a special feeding system created by Sitma, it is possible to print in line documents (i.e. invoices) and labels that can then be

Quality of DPM code verification The DataMan 8072V verifier for Cognex Direct Part Mark (DPM) code analysis enables the certifiaction of the quality and readability of DPM codes, testing their performance and comparing them with pre-set quality parameters (including optical and formatting factors that could affect legibility) and assigning a “vote” to each code to enable conformity to established standards and compliance with industrial standards. Equipped with an ultra-fast processor and a high resolution camera to read and evaluate even the most difficult codes. Thanks to the fact that it is the only DPM code verifier with 30°, 45° and 90° illumination, DataMan 8072V carries out checks on structured, curved or even recessed surfaces, and is the only verifier available that meets ISO / IEC TR 29158 (AIM DPM)standards. The high-speed decoding capability combined with effective evaluation algorithms ensure detailed and repeatable results.

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applied and integrated with the package. Wrapping: the packaging machine operates in a vertical direction, guaranteeing a tailored film-wrap applied to products of different sizes and shapes, reducing the film waste and quickly performing the various operations of cutting, welding, weighing and Labeling. Data collected during these operations are then exchanged in a Cloud and are used to set in advance the following steps such as Sorting, distribution and last mile delivery.

Leak detector for MAP packs The award-winning AirScan by Ishida minimises spoilage in a wide variety of prepacked retail food products where CO2 is used as part of the MAP process. It uses advanced laser technology to identify leaks of CO2 from holes as small as 0.25 mm in sealed MAP packs at speeds of up to 180 packs per minute, ensuring that maximum quality can be achieved without compromising on high throughput speeds and minimum packing time.

People Moving Ideas

Management of e-commerce orders, from fulfilment to sorting,a fully automated process

e-COBOT 1. Order Fulfilment

Integration with most innovative technologies: e-Rack e-Cobot AGV

Flexible film wrapping machine for variable size products

Order sorting based on customer’s logistic needs

e-WRAP 2. Wrapping on Demand

3. Order Sorting


Sitma |Spilamberto MO - Italy Email: - Phone +39 059780311















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The Voice of Italian Packaging


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