Autoloader // Haultec

Page 1

Rethinking the Loading and Transporting of Ore

Term Project Report Rebecca Daum Ume책 Institute of Design MFA Advanced Product Design, 2014/15

in cooperation with


1. Introduction 2. Research & Conception 3. Technical Package 4. Design 5. Modelmaking 6. Results


Rebecca Eveline Daum * 1987, from Graz, Austria Background in Software Engineering and Interaction Design Bachelor „Industrial Design“, FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria supported by Thomas Degn_overall guidance Johan Gustavson_help for technical conception, model making Daniel Sellberg_introduction to mining, Render Workshop, feedback Paco Lindoro_introduction to mining, feedback Alex Liebert_feedback Patricia Boeg-Jensen_coordination at LKAB, open questions APD1_motivation, feedback, support


Level 0m 142 m

540 m 775 m

of pellets 21 000 000 tonnes delivered in 2013

76 000 tonnes of iron ore mined in Kiruna every day



3 741 employees 1 000 km of roads

1045 m

1365 m

Our cooperation partner Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB is a producer of processed iron ore products for steelmaking, and a supplier of mineral products for other industrial sectors. LKAB has mines in Kiruna, Malmberget and Svappvaara. LKAB has harbours in Narvik and Luleå.


The world’s largest underground iron ore mine

Miningmethod A large proportion of the world’s iron ore resources lie at the surface of the earth’s crust and can be extracted relatively easily from vast open pit mines. However, most of LKAB’s ore deposits must be extracted from underground mines several hundreds of metres below the surface.

Sub-level Caving Ore is extracted by means of sub-level caving whereby gravity is exploited to get ore to fall into the development drifts for subsequent transport on huge vehicles, trains and hoists up to the surface. Sub-level caving is an effective mining method where steep orebodies allow maximum extraction from the orebody.


9 Compressor Technique

Industrial Technique

Mining and Rock Excavation Technique

Atlas Copco Business Areas

Construction Technique

1873 founded in Stockholm 9 700 000 revenue (2013)


40 000 employees 180 countries


World-leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions

Our second cooperation partner, the Atlas Copco Industrial Design Competence Center, is located in Örebro, Sweden. The persons involved in the project are: Alex Liebert (head of design department) Paco Lindoro Daniel Sellberg

Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions. The Group serves customers with innovative compressors, vacuum solutions and air treatment systems, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly systems. Atlas Copco develops products and service focused on productivity, energy efficiency, safety and ergonomics.

The Mining and Rock Excavation Technique business area provides equipment for drilling and rock excavation, a complete range of related consumables and service through a global network. The business area innovates for sustainable productivity in surface and underground mining, infrastructure, civil works, well drilling and geotechnical applications.

atlas copco


researchideation& conception

November 2014


virtual modelling_ modelling_

design December 2014

Design Brief done

Decision on concept

model making_

January 2015 Designfreeze

CAD Modell done

Physial model done





virt. Modelling


_Field trip

__Identifying user characteristics, persona



Modelling Solid Works

_Laser cutting

_Knowledge about mining process / vehicles / tools

_Trends (Social, Environmental, Technical)

_Sliding arm function

_rough CAD models


_Production of foam parts (all manual)

_LKAB Stakeholder analysis

_Drivemode / Workmode



_Visual social persona diagram

_Rock breaker

_LKAB strategy

_Brainstorming on concepts

_refinment of the Design on CAD models

_Atlas Copco strategy

_Role Play _Design Brief

_Coating _Protoypes (Lego technik) _Colour & Trim





Final presentation held


parallel activities


important intermediate goal


high vs. low

Report ready for print




_Documentation already during the project

_Final presentation _Feedback

_Detailed documentation as project report


research conception


That‘s me!

Get out From Behind Your Desk !

15 Introduction (LKAB headquarter, on ground) LKAB invited us for 2 days to visit their underground mine in Kiruna. The first day started with a short presentation about the basics of sub-level-caving, the mining method used in the Kiruna mine. Where were introduced to some basic safety regulations, and the rest of the day we spent underground. The following pages show some of research results. On the second day we could spent some time interviewing different LKAB employees. Safety room (underground, 1365 m) After the introduction we went straight down to the deepest level of the mine. 1365 m below the ground we were shown one of the safety rooms that can be used in case of an emergency, like an outbreak of fire. We also could see a control unit with a 3D visualization of the current tunnels and the schedules for the workers on that level.

field trip

17 Production drilling (underground, 1045 m) In the production tunnel the fan (several holes in a fan pattern) to inject the explosives are drilled. A machine is used, that is able to drill holes up to 60 meter. It attaches extensions itself. A drillbit can be used for only 150 meter of drilling. Every 3 meters a fan will be drilled. Therefore the tool has to be moved manually.

Production drilling remote control (underground, 1045 m) While the hole is drilled, the workers monitor the machines from a safe distance, in the remote control center underground. If a problem while drilling occures, a worker has to go to the tunnel and fix it manually.

field trip


Transport train to crusher (underground, 1045 m) The train wagons bring the ore from the shafts in the production area to the cone crusher. Between the production area and the cone cushser is a big distance to avoid rock mechanical influence from the vibrations of the crusher. The wagons are filled under the shafts and drop the load in another shaft right into the cone crusher. Afterwards the ore is hoisted to post-production.

19 Workshop (underground, 775 m) In the machine workshop we could see some vehicles that were currently maintained like: _Atlas Copco RB850 XD pedestal boom _SANDVIK LHD

Remote control center (on ground) In the control center the pedestal boomer is remote controlled. All critical steps in the mine process are monitored here (loading the transport train, cone crusher, conveyor band, hosting, ...)

For more information about our field trip, take a look at the video.

field trip

married, 1 son hobbies: golf, supporting his‘s son‘s ice hockey team job position: remote driller and safety - officer (deals with safety - issues in the mine)

„...I‘m a helper, I try to be....“ What he likes about his job: lot of time for family (7 days work / 7 days off); the colleagues in his team, they make it easier to go to work every day What he do not like about his job: getting up so early (shift starts at 5 AM); the office environment do not adapt to his body; falling rocks are a problem, but he was lucky and never had any serious injuries

„ know what hap pens when you get a 1.5 ton stone on your neck....“

biggest problems: downtimes of machines remote control don‘t give any feedback, you dont; have a feeling for the rock when you are remote drilling

I dont tell my familie what happens in the mine.

dream scenairo: if the environment would adapt better; if the LKAB head quarter would ask workers about what tools to choose Anders Elenius 49 years old works as a driller for 25 years


Johnny works as a technician and has already worked more than 25 years at LKAB. He showed us what equipment he always carries with him.

married to another LKAB employee 3 kids (2 girls, 1 boy) Johanna works as a blaster

„...a falling rock hit me....“

Johanna Johansson 35 years old works as a technician in R & D

Everyone at LKAB has a very strong backbone.

Patricia works as a technician in rock mechanics. Before she went to LKAB she studied 5 years civil engineering (rock and soil mechanics). She works at LKAB for 3 years (1 year underground, 2 years office). She came to Kiruna to become an astronaut. likes: being in the mine checking rock mechanics

Once she had an accident with a falling rock that hit her under her helmet on the neck and caused a brain concussion. To increase the safety they always work in pairs. Johanna trusts in her colleagues. Personal future: Johanna wants to study mining techniques to work in an office and not underground anymore.

„...I want my kids to get a good eduction so that they don’t need to work in the mine...“

left to right: a flashlight, his phone, a pen, a radon test, a knife, his safety tracker

„...there is still a boarder between workers underground and people in office-jobs....“

Johnny Olofsson 46 years old works as a technician for more than 25 years

Patricia Boeg-Jensen 27 years old works as a technician


analyzing mining process and tools

identifying user characteristica

brainstorming on concepts


Analyzing and structuring material from field trip _Knowledge about mining process / vehicles / tools _LKAB Stakeholder analysis _LKAB strategy _Atlas Copco strategy visual social persona diagram

_Identifying user characteristics, persona _Trends (Social, Environmental, Technical)

Visual social persona diagram

Brainstorming on concepts


prioritizing of concepts

role - play scenario



Prioritizing in multiple iterations

most potential design fields

Scenario role play

Personal review of all material


26 Drifts




2. 3. Main tunnel

Main tunnel


1_Load and back out 2_Turn out backwards into main tunnel Drifts


4. Shaft

Main tunnel

Main tunnel



3_Drive to shaft 4_Turn into shaft tunnel

5_Dump 6_Turn out of the shaft backwards

Thy cycle times of a LHD differ a lot depending on the mine layout. The distance to the shaft and the number of turnings required are the important factors. Also if the main tunnel allowes two-way traffic. (The huge dimensions of an LHD in a narrow tunnel are problematic.)

On the way from the face of the drift to the shaft and back the LHD has to turn several times (forwards and backwards.) There is always the danger that ore in the bucket is dropped or tunnel walls are beeing rammed. (especially when the LHD is remote controlled).

The graphic shows a quite optimal example layout of a production level.



Touching the tunnel walls causes damages on the machine that will lead to maintainance work. Dropping rocks will lead to a dirty and rough ground surface, that will decrease the speed of the LHDs.

Shaft 7_Drive back to drift 8_Turn into drift and reload Repeat 1 - 8

focus area


Load-Haul-Dumping Loading


Time when the bucket first contacts the pile to when the operator puts the machine in reverse Haul


Travel from loading area to dumping area Dump Time to get rid of the load Return


Travel from the dump area back to the load area


The shorter that cycle is, the lower the cost per ton gets. There is a lot of potential in reducing the haul and return times to increase the efficency.

What if we could eliminate the haul and return time?



Total Time (a full cycle)


15 t

(~ 2 m3)

4 - 5 min.

increasing efficiency

25 t

(~ 3 m3)

4 - 5 min.

30 t

(~ 4 m3)

4 - 5 min.

A strategy nowadays to increase the efficiency of the LHD cycle is to increase the capacity an LHD is able to load. The more ore the LHD has to load, the more counterweight is needed. So the vehicle size is increasing as well (for example the Sandvik LH621 is a 12 meter long vehicle).


limited space

waste of energy



3m _ rock stress increases in deeper levels _ higher costs for bigger tunnel

60 t _ a lot of weight is moved unnecessary


20 t _ waiting time (haul time, blocked shafts, no 2-way traffic possible...)

This enormous vehicle dimensions might be applicable in the very spacious mine in Kiruna (tunnel size 7 m x 5 m), but for most of the other mines around the world this is not an options, as they have to deal with tunnel dimensions of 3 m x 3 m. Increasing the LHD size also causes a lot of side problems.


Load Haul Dumping

Stationary Loading + Transport

Load Haul Dumper

Continouse Loader

Mine Truck




diesel or electrical engine manual or remote controlled remote controlled: only 25% - 50% efficiency compared to a manual operator electric engine: cable diesel engine: fumes, ventilaton costs dimensions: long (mid-size LHD = 10 meters) turning radius lifting the bucket needs lot of force / very high counterforce needed

electrical engine

diesel or electric engines

excavator shovel reaches area around 6 m

manual usage only

electric engine: cable


diesel engine: fumes, ventilaton costs

conveyor end needs to be higher than mine truck

manual usage dimensions: very long loading (by LHD or continouse loader): lot of space needed / height

existing solutions


height loading

height dumping

height loading

rely on efficient operators


turning radius



key concept

Load autonomous loading machine

Haul + Dump several autonomous trailers

An autonomous loading machine that is more efficient than a remote controlled LHD and can be used right after blasting. The loading should not require a high tunnel. This machine is optimized for a stationary usage and works together with the Haul Dump - wagons.

Wagons (one to several wagons per loader) that are responsible for the transport of the rocks and the dumping. The wagons can bring the rocks autonomous to the shafts. Depending on the demand of the mine the trailers could also be used as an alternative of underground trains or could bring the ore right up to the surface.

Separating the loading from hauling and dumping to increase efďŹ cency





The core of my concept are the autonomous moving „Haul + Dumper wagons“. They should be able to navigate through the mine, communicate to each other and work with every loading machine, that requires their help. They calculate the optimal routes and know where to be loaded and where to dump (free shafts). There will either be a totally new machine to load the cars, or an adaption of some existing continuous loaders (or the wagon will be able to work with an already existing continouse loader). Evt. the trailers will be able to load themselfs then the loader will be obsolete.

As I want the vehicles to be battery powered, a challange is also the power - supply. I want to explore the possibilities of cable-free inductive charging. In case of power supply i might end up with a very futuristic, conceptual solution, to not limit the possiblities of the traffic system. There might be a suggestion for an interface for the control center to set up and reorganize the car brigade.

For my concept the precondition is that the mine is doing a scanning of their tunnel system (like LKAB already does), so I can use the geo-data for navigating the cars. I also assume that the picker on the shafts are able to send a signal if they are „busy“ or „free“.

key concept


1 m3 iron ore ~ 8 t

Stationary Loader + Wagons

LHD bucket capacity:

32 t

wagon capacity:

32 t

cycle time:

4 min. 00 sec.

cycle time:

5 min 15 sec.


0 min. 15 sec.


1 min. 00 sec.

Loader output: 4 m3 / min

(4 m3)

(4 m3)

+ 50 % rock-split-factor 1 min. 30 sec.

hauling, dumping, returning: 3 min. 45 sec.

hauling, dumping, returning: 3 min. 45 sec. LHD







0 min. 15 sec.

4 min. 00 sec.


1 min. 30 sec .

6 min. 45 sec.


4 min. 15 sec.

8 min. 00 sec.


3 min.

8 min. 15 sec.


4 min. 30 sec.

9 min. 45 sec.


6 min.

11 min. 15 sec.


7 min. 30 sec.

12 min. 45 sec. ...



8 t / min

21,3 t / min


Increasing efficiency and flexibilty by dividing the workload



Option 1 The loader would detach the bucket from an empty wagon and push the bucket under the rock pile. I certain speed and force of the loader is needed to be able to do this. The bucket filled with ore would be placed back on the haul wagon and will be transported to the shaft or directly to the surface.

Wagon container used as shovel proposal


Option 2 The loader has the possibility to separate the regular size rocks from the very big boulders. The different rock sized would be filled in different wagons. That would result in the option of treating those different rock in a different way. The big rocks would not be dropped in the shafts and wont block it. Big boulders could be transported to a shaft that will be blasted. The blast would split them to smaller pieces.

Loading + separating



Option 3 The loader has the possibility to get rid of very big boulders on its own. These boulders, that cause interruptions of the process in several areas, would be spitted already in the drift when they are getting loaded. A smooth interruption-free process of hauling and post processing is possible. The rock splitting method of the loader has to be more fast than the exciting rock breakers on the shafts to keep the loading process flowing.

Splitting + loading


options loader

3 During the ideation phase I developed 3 variations of how the loader could be set up and how it could operate.


Splitting + loading




Reasons for choosing option 3 The boulders are eliminated already at the face to provide a interruption free process flow. Big boulders will not block the shaft any more. The picker on the shaft grid is not needed any more (also no remote operator for that station).

The breaking method is optimized in comparison to the rock breaker on the shaft. Its an independent system.


Break splitting big rocks

additional feature

Load autonomous loading machine

Haul + Dump several autonomous trailers

Giving the loader the independence to deal with exceptional big rocks


Disadvantages _ transition rockpile to conveyor belt _ narrow conveyor belt _ operator required

Atlas Copco


Goals _ improving the mentioned components _ applying todays technology to the system (automation) _ giving the loader a smart „sidekick“ to complete an efficient load-haul-dump cycle

the heritage

An existing loading machine that has been developed in the 70ies is the Atlas Copco Häggloader. I took a closer look at its features and what elements and functions are worth keeping for a new loader and what has to bee improved.


automated operation/navigation information exchange self-organizing redundancy („back up“) battery-powered inductive charging

the wagons

5 m3

Collective Cognitive Haul-Dump Wagons


long-distance transport transport to surface

Integrated System These automated wagons could be used all over the mine and can adapt to different situations and mine layouts.

hauling & dumping

The initial idea was to process the haul-dumpcycle with these wagons, but there are no limitation for its usage. These wagons could also replace underground trains. That would be way more flexible and economic than building railway tracks and removing them when the level is closed. The wagons could bring the ore directly to the surface and dump the ore into a train wagon for the long-distance transport.

transport on level


â‚Ź Compact size




Compact size The small wagon units can navigate in 3x3 m mines without any problems. Even 2-way traffic is possible. This is a crucial factor to keep the traffic flowing.

Flexibility The wagons are able to adapt to any mine layout. They can operate and navigate autonomous and the can react and adapt to new situations easily (like a route change, shaft change, etc.).

Redundancy If one wagon breaks down and requires maintenance, the whole system is not affected in a critical way (like it would be if a LHD unit is not able to operate anymore).

Automated The deeper the level on which the mining is done, the less attractive the mine gets for people as a workplace. To get people out of the dangerous zones automation is the future in mining industry.



Economic The wagon that moves the ore is way lighter than a LHD. So less energy is needed to transport the ore from the face to its destination.

The amount of ore that can be dumped per minute is almost 3 times higher than with a LHD. The cost per ton decreases tremendously!


Design - Brief


Technical Package

LEGO速 Mock-Ups



next steps




Rock breaker

The rock breaker works together with the rake. The rake fixes the rock to the ground to prevent it from escaping and then the rock breaker unfolds and applies the pneumatic hammer onto the rock. In a non-used mode the rock breaker is folded together, being very close to the boom arm to prevent it from being damaged.

rock breaker


A rake instead of a bucket is used, as a raking movement is more efficient to load the rocks onto the conveyor belt. The second reason for choosing a rake is the advantage when it comes to rock breaking. The rake fixes the bolder and the rock breaker inject the hammer trough the middle gap. This causes a way more efficient rock breaking than the Pedestal Boom at the shaft today.


rail + cover


The boom arm construction is optimized for an horizontal movement of the rake. Due to the limited height available in the tunnel, it don‘t requires a lot of space in vertical direction. The boom is able to rotate in an angle of 90° horizontal (left / right). On the front element the rock breaker is attached.

Rail + cover

The key component of the loader set-up is the rail, on which the boom arm can slide to get either in working or driving position. Due to the low tunnel ceiling a folding / unfolding of the boom arm is not possible in vertical direction. To shrink the vehicle the boom arm slides on the rail to the back of the loader. The rail is covered to prevent damage by falling rocks. An additional rubber lid protects the rail from rocks that are transported on the conveyor belt.

Conveyer belt

The conveyor belt is split into two segments. That provides the possibility to compress them by shifting one belt on top of the other one.

conveyer belt (2x)



loader components


The shovel is pushed under the rock pile and directs the rocks to the conveyor belt. A more efficient loading compared to the Heggloader is possible, as the shovel provides a smoother transition to the conveyor belt.

47 Work Mode / Drive Mode

Work mode maximum dimensions

Drive mode minimum dimensions

The key component of the loader set-up is the rail, on which the boom arm can slide to get either in working or driving position. Due to the low tunnel ceiling a folding / unfolding of the boom arm is not possible in vertical direction. To shrink the vehicle the boom arm slides on the rail to the back of the loader. The conveyor belt is split into two segments. That provides the possibility to compress them by shifting one belt on top of the other one. The loader is decreasing to a minimum length to have a low turning radius. For narrow tunnel that is a crucial factor. Loading / Rock breaking The rock breaker works together with the rake. The rake fixes the rock to the ground to prevent it from escaping and then the rock breaker unfolds and applies the pneumatic hammer onto the rock. In a non-used mode the rock breaker is folded together, being very close to the boom arm to prevent it from being damaged.

Loading rake and rock breaker in loading position

Rock breaking rake and rock breaker in rock breaking position

loader functions





After the package was fixed the design work started. A lot of analog sketches were made, elements that had potential were filtered out (yellow marked ares) and combined in various ways.

In an early stage of the design phase, a proposal like this was worked out as a Photoshop rendering. The diagonal bar should indicate the movement of the ore on the inside of the vehicle and should optically connect the shovel in the front with the main body.

first proposal




The shape of the wagon‘s bucket need to allow an easy dumping of the ore. Therefore I choose a quite common basic shape (because of its benefits when it comes to dumping the ore). To give it a unique appearance and connect it optical to the loader, an additional edge on the side panel has been introduced. The angle of that edge is the same as the angle of the diagonal bar of the loader.

Design wise the wagon and the loader need to create a union, but also need to work well on their own.

first proposal


During the design phase we had the possibility to work for 4 days with Daniel Selberg (Atlas Copco), who taught us the methods he uses for Photoshop renderings. During that time we learned a lot of tricks to visualize our ideas, but also discussed our project concepts and got feedback on possible packages for our vehicle. The outcome of that workshop is the rendering to the right (an early version of the first design proposal).

cintiq workshop

first proposal


The outcome of the Cingiq Workshop was in terms of the design of the vehicle not very satisfying. There was to little of the Atlas Copco – DNA visible. The loader and the wagon didn‘t look like they belonged together. Also some technical components where still missing or others where jet not designed in detail. So I had to go through another design iteration. To speed that process up I worked on CAD models of the first design proposal. I played with proportion and its graphical appearance. With that method I also solved open questions regarding technical components and their design.

design revision


key sketch




laser cutting

Step 1 Producing all laser cut parts from either MDF boards or plexiglass

defining form by hand

Step 2 Manual production of all foam parts (lathing, cutting, sanding)

filler and sanding

Step 3 Filler and sanding


paint preparations

Step 4 Preparations for painting (mounting parts on sticks, mixing paing)

finalizing parts

Step 5 After the painting with the paint spray gun some parts needet manual correction


Step 6 Putting the parts together, adding logos and graphics



the result


rock breaker


rail + cover


conveyer belt (2x)

loader components



rail (rubber cover)

cable rail + cable

loader components

Cable rail To keep the cable from being damaged by the wagons that will be moving constantly behind the loader, a new cable rail is implemented. When the loader drives into the drift and unwinds the cable, the rail will keep the cable in a certain distance to the loader. The cable will be placed on the tunnels edges and is protected.


drive mode


Sandvik LH 621 Atlas Copco Scooptram ST-2G Autoloader

size reference

11.993 7.109 4.997


Sandvik LH 621 11.993 Atlas Copco Scooptram ST-2G 7.109 Haultec 2.500

size reference

70 more efficent rock breaking _ fixing the rock (no escaping) _ apply the pressure more direct _ no remote operator needet any more



The wagon consists of a vehicle base and a removable bucket (can be replaced or maintained). The vehicle base could be used for other scenarios as well, like for transporting heavy tools or even people. The wagons can connect to each other to create a train. The wagon hooks up to the loader when they are getting loaded with ore, during that time, their battery is getting charged.

up to > 90째


vehicle base engine + battery pack

wagon components


The name of an Atlas copco machine/vehicle is always shown in a black horizonal bar. According to the machine / vehicles category, different endings of this bar are used. For mining equipment for example, the bar dissolves in a rock graphic (see SCOOPTRAM). With the new vehicles, the AUTOLOADER and the HAULTEC wagons, I wanted to introduce new product graphics as well.

Graphic AUTOLOADER The AUTOLOADER graphic shows a diagonal bar, that represents the conveyor belt transporting ore upwards and into the wagons. Graphic HAULTEC The HAULTEC graphic shows arrows in the direction, the wagon will leave the loader to transport the ore. Both logos are connected through a horizontal bar, that shows that these two tool belong to a team.


A flexible, efficient and economic system for underground mining.


scale model 1:20


Alex Liebert

Paco Lindoro

Patricia Boeg-Jensen

For our final presentation on 23rd of January representatives from both Atlas Copco and LKAB where present. It took place at the Ume책 Institute of Design.

final presentation

Photo Titlepage data/photos/169_1straits_25.jpg Photo „LKAB“ Kiruna Text „LKAB“ Overview/Mining/ Graphic „LKAB“ Kiruna mine Photo and text „Atlas Copco“ All images of Atlas Copco machines are owned by Atlas Copco Photographs from the field trip, the workshop, the presentations, etc. are owend by the APD 1 students




© Rebecca Eveline Daum Umeå, 2015

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