Tetbury Advertiser December 2014

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TETBURY ADVERTISER Inside this issue:


Celebrating Tetbury’s own ......... page 40


Etienne cuts it fine ......................... page 8


Not just for Christmas ................... page 41


The Tetbury Advertiser - Is hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month. - Its profits are used to help and support the Tetbury area and the surrounding region. - It provides a forum for our local community to share its latest news and events.

All Good Wishes for Christmas 2014 from The Tetbury Lions December 2014

4,200 Circulation

Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974





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2 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Diary of Events for December and January Tetbury useful information Advertiser Rates / Information

4th December Christmas in Tetbury Celebrations Please see the article in this issue

16th December Sir William Romney’s School Christmas Concert 7.00 pm – tickets can be reserved via tickets@swr.gloucs.sch.uk

4th December “Kingfishers” Service 10.30 am at Christ Church For this and other services, please see the article in this issue

16th December People’s Pod Christmas Meal Ticket only – please see the article in this issue

5th December Café 53 Christmas Party Meal Tickets £25 – profits in aid of the Goods Shed

17th and 18th December Christian Aid Charity collections at Tesco

5th, 6th, 12th and 13th December “The Three Musketeers” Dolphins Dramatic Society – please see the article in this issue 6th December St Mary’s Christmas Fair, 10.00 am Market Hall For this and St Mary’s services, please see the article in this issue 8th December WI Christmas Social 7.30 pm at the Dolphins’ Hall

18th December St Mary’s Playgroup Nativity Tableaux Please see the article in this issue 10th January 2015 HOTS ‘Archive Presentation’ evening 7.30 pm meeting in Christ Church Westonbirt Enchanted Christmas Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings until 21st December

11th December - Three Musketeers “Special Showing” Please see the Lion’s Den article for details

The Neighbourhood Group coffee mornings 10.00 to 1.00pm at St Mary’s Road day centre, Tuesdays. 07776 342440

12th December Puddle Ducks Christmas Jumper Day Please see the article in this issue

Pod sessions Tuesdays and Fridays 5.15 to 7.15pm, years 7-12

POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, NonEmergency - 101 (note new number)

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270

TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336 PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047

Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.005.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

RATES (Please contact the Editor for a Media Pack) Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Front cover half page £100 Back cover half page £95 Pre-printed inserts £135 Postage per copy £1.40

Please note there is NO Advertiser in January Copy date for the February Issue - Thursday 15th January 2015 ** Delivery date - 31at January/1st February 2015 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

Contents Lions Den 5 Avening Primary School 7 Calcot Belles 61 Charity Emporium 41 Christian Aid 18 Christmas in Tetbury 32 Civic Society 63 Computer Advice 45 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 10 Diary - December 3 Dolphins Dramatic Society 33 Financial Advice 6 Glouestershire Rural Community Council 57 Guides 20 History of Tetbury Society 22 Letters to the Editor 11 Malmesbury Abbey Music Society 53 Mayor’s Report 19 Mrs Doreen Simpson 51 News from Christ Church 46 News from St Mary’s 12 News from St Michael’s 47 Patient Participation Group 49 People’s Pod 48 Perfection 36 Probus One 23 Probus Two 38 Puddle Ducks Nursery 30 St Mary’s Playgroup 55 St Mary’s School 14 Tetbury Art Society 16 Tetbury Camera Club 15 Tetbury Community Choir 39 Tetbury Dial-a-Ride 44 Tetbury in Bloom 50 Tetbury Job Club 18 Tetbury Library 52 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 56 Tetbury Police Museum 28 Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust 24 Tetbury Theatre Group 58 Tetbury Tourist Information 60 Tetbury WI 26 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 42 The Priory Inn Blog 40 Tiggers 62 Unsung Hero 40 Wacky Races 54 Young by Name 4

Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

December 2014 | 3

Young by name Christmas Surprises

preparation to chance. An incurable last-minute merchant in any case, I know that nothing I could plan would ever surpass the wonder of the snowy walk home from church all those years ago.

heart-warming tales that will get you in the festive spirit. Debbie Young’s writing is thoroughly engaging. If you’re looking to put some of the magic back into Christmas, and rediscover the reason for the season, start by treating yourself to this lovely read.”

Although we put so much effort into planning our festive celebrations, I often find the highlights of my Christmas are the moments that take me by surprise.

Well, that surprise has made my Christmas already.

One such occasion occurred when I was a child, growing up in an outer suburb of London. When I was about 11, the age my daughter is now, I was for the first time considered old enough to go to the midnight church service on Christmas Eve.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and may it be filled with wonder and surprises of your own. Stocking Fillers is now available to order as an ebook online and in paperback from good bookshops everywhere. Find out more about Debbie Young and her books at www.authordebbieyoung.com.

We weren’t a particularly religious family, but the small, plain church in our garden suburb had special significance for us. My parents had married there, we children had been christened there, my grandfather was its choirmaster, and the small, rotund, gentle-manner vicar Mr Daniels, was a family friend. The night was grey and drizzly as we entered the church, which seemed bright, warm and welcoming after our chilly walk from home. Though battling to stay awake, I enjoyed his service. I was especially impressed by the colourful model crib, but the most memorable moment was yet to come. When Mr Daniels threw open the heavy porch door for the congregation to leave, the churchyard before us lay covered in a perfect blanket of snow. Illuminated by the orange glow of street lamps, big flakes fell steadily as we gazed in wonder, never having guessed that the weather could change so much during the church service. Yes, I know it didn’t really snow in Bethlehem, but that snowfall felt like a special Christmas blessing: deep and crisp and even, snow on snow. You have to admire God’s timing. After serendipitous delights like this, I’m happy to leave much of my Christmas Cake stall

e& ffl la Ra mbo To

Debbie Young

For Your Christmas Stocking My love of festive surprises influenced my latest book Stocking Fillers, a collection of twelve humorous short stories about the festive season. Each tale follows a different character as they prepare for Christmas, from a small boy who tries to give Santa time-management lessons, to an old lady celebrating what’s likely to be her last Christmas. Though not all the characters are loveable, I hope you’ll find them entertaining and memorable. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Just before writing this column, I received a lovely surprise – the first official review of the book, which describes it as follows:

“A delightful celebration of all things Christmas, Stocking Fillers features 12 funny, thoughtful, surprising and

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4 | December 2014

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Dear Reader, What wonderful attendance we had for the Remembrance Service on Sunday 9th November, it brought back memories of my childhood in London, where I would watch my father proudly march past the Cenotaph with his ex-Airborne colleagues. This year is obviously of great significance to us all, and I have been reading some interesting books lately on the First World War which bring it all home, the sheer numbers of casualties is almost incomprehensible. 170413 IBIS:Layout 1


On a lighter note I would like to thank my colleagues for organising the 40th anniversary bash at the Hare and Hounds. In particular Lion Ian Maslin, but I think it fair to say that Mel Maslin also kept a close rein on things and was able to smooth out any problems as they arose.

An overseas disaster that may appear to be far away has really hit the news recently; the Ebola crisis. From the West of Africa where it originated it’s still spreading, and there have been a number of victims in mainland and1 in the United States too. It’s 19:55Europe Page

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Tetbury Twinning Society

We’re having a get-together on Friday 23rd January at Tetbury Rugby Club. Tickets - £10 for a Curry and Glass of Wine are available from Martin Lea on 078733 45540 or from Jack Capener on 01666 502928

Come along and get to know about your Twin Town

Lion’s Den something we cannot ignore, having been widely reported on almost every news channel and it’s a very serious matter. Many thanks both to those from the Lion’s and elsewhere who were out collecting on November 15th; this year’s Lion’s Christmas Raffle will also be supporting the Ebola crisis. Please give generously for this desperately important cause. Don’t forget the Christmas lights switch on, on the 4th December which heralds the start of the Christmas festivities here in Tetbury - the Lions are proud to have been able to contribute to this important event to enhance the town and to ensure we all have an enjoyable season. And of course it’s Pantomime Season, (Oh Yes It Is!), with the Dolphins Dramatic Society this year staging performances of “The Three Musketeers”. The Tetbury Lion’s club would like to extend an invitation to the senior citizens of Tetbury to join them for this event, so if you would like to attend our special showing on December 11th and you’re not already on our annual list, we can arrange transport for you. If you attended last year then you will already be on that list and you’ll soon be contacted by a Lion’s club member to arrange things. Please telephone 502679 or contact any Tetbury Lion’s club member to ensure followup with the details. We look forward to sharing an enjoyable evening with everyone. It only remains for me to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; we look forward to fulfilling the Lions pledge to you all – “We Serve” – again, in 2015. Keith Leaver, Lion President



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December 2014 | 5

Financial Advice

some people, an annuity will be the right choice whereas others might want to take their whole tax-free lump sum and convert the rest to drawdown.”

New flexibility on pension lump sums The tax rules are to be changed to allow individuals aged 55 and above to access their defined contribution pension as they wish, from April 2015. As part of the Taxation of Pensions Bill 2014, which was published in mid-October, the government is proposing to change the rules on taking pensions as a lump sum with the effect that people will be able to take a series of lump sums instead of only one. Under the current rules, people who want to take their pension as a lump sum would take 25% of their pension pot free of tax and then place the other 75% in a drawdown account. Any money they take out of their drawdown account will then be taxed at their marginal rate. Under the new tax rules, individuals will have the ability to take a series of lump sums from their pension fund, with 25% of each payment then free of tax and 75% taxed at their marginal rate, without actually having to enter into a drawdown policy. “People who have worked hard and saved all their lives should be free to choose what they do with their money,” said Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne as these latest changes to the pensions saving landscape were announced. “For

The March 2014 Budget included a fundamental change to how people can access their pension, introducing measures to allow retirees to spend their pension pot as they choose, rather than having to buy an annuity. According to government figures, from April 2015, around 320,000 individuals retiring each year with defined contribution pension savings will be able to access them as they wish, subject to their marginal rate

of tax. Six months later, the Chancellor announced that, again from April 2015, people are to have the freedom to pass on their unused defined contribution pension to any nominated beneficiary when they die, rather than having to pay the onerous 55% tax charge that currently applies to pensions passed on at death. With pensions saving clearly now a major focus for politicians and thus in a state of some flux, it is well worth considering seeking expert advice on your individual circumstances. Harry Kerr, Chartered Financial Planner

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6 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

An unforgettable year. What an exciting year it has been! This year we have said some emotional farewells - as well as many happy hellos. One of the highlights has undoubtedly been the recent refurbishments of the school office areas, group activity room and library. The children were absolutely delighted when they returned after half-term to their ‘new look’ school and were bursting with enthusiasm to start borrowing books from the welcoming new library, which has been filled with new books sponsored by pupils, parents, staff and members of the local community.

This half-term, pupils in our Reception and Year 1 & 2 classes are looking at storytelling through a focus on the hugely popular book ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. The Kestrels (years 1 & 2) have a custom built ‘Gruffalo’s Den’ in their classroom and the children (and teachers too!) are trembling with excitement at the thought of their forthcoming trip to Westonbirt to embark on the Gruffalo trail. The older pupils are also busy focusing on a famous literary tale this month with their Christmas production of Oliver Twist with a very original ‘twist’ – this production is actually called Olivia and has been

Avening Primary School adapted to make a fresh, vibrant show based on the classic Charles Dickens novel. The year 3 & 4 pupils are busy creating backdrops for the production, as well as designing promotional material for the show and choreographing dances. In between rehearsals, pupils in years 5 & 6 are focusing on ‘work, rest and play’ in and around Avening - bringing the topic into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Remembrance Day last month was marked by our school as pupils gathered around the war memorial in the grounds of the Holy Cross Church. Pupils behaved with great decorum and respect during the two minute silence, after which two children read the names of the 52 fallen soldiers from Avening, and members of our School Council lay crosses in memory of the soldiers. We were joined by Mr Pearce who played the Last Post on his trombone, by local historian Fred Vening who helped organise the proceedings and by Father Peter, who led a blessing at the end. It was a very special time. We would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all at Avening Primary School to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2015! Avening Primary School

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Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 7

The Bath Bridge Barbers

We would like to introduce Etienne, our new apprentice barber. To help Etienne with his training, and to gain valuable practical experience, we need him to be cutting hair! Jamie is offering a FREE haircut every day at 4pm, which Etienne will style with the constant supervision of Jamie. The service will operate by appointment, so please feel free to take us up on the wonderful offer of tremendous value for yourself, with the knowledge that you’re helping a young lad’s education. Call on 01666 502107. Thank you for your support, and a very Merry Christmas to you all. The Bath Bridge Barbers.

“Try Tetbury First”

“Keep it in Tetbury” (thanks Trolly)

”Shop Local”

Pet Products: Remember our Christmas deliveries may be affected so let us have your requirements in plenty of time so we can ensure your pets have a good Christmas to. We still have Special Offers on some brands and sizes so please ask. We have in stock Christmas Treats for Dogs and Cats but stocks are limited so please shop early.

See Digital Ad later in this issue ...

Garden Products: 2015 Mr Fothergill Seeds now in stock December - Special 10% discount on seeds (Min purchase 3 packets). These seeds make ideal stocking fillers. Small stocks of all other Garden Items stocked throughout the winter. Winter Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels. Please let us have any special needs you might have and we will try to oblige. Delivery available. Christmas Lights, Tinsel, Wrap, Tags, Candles, Plug Adaptors and Leads, Roasting Bags, Biscuit Cutters and much more available for those needed Christmas Presents. Remember those old VHS (not copyright) etc. can be transferred to DVD pre-Christmas. Do not forget we also supply Key Cutting Service, Shoe Repairs as well as a wide range of household items you never knew you needed. Christmas opening times will be posted later.

Malc, Lizzie, Fran and Peter wish all our Customers and Friends an Enjoyable Christmas Time and a Healthy New Year. 1231214

30aBridge, London Road GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) Bath Tetbury Tel:Tetbury 01666 502107 8 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Cotswold Voluntary Wardens To the woods! It’s good to be working in the woods in autumn – even if it is often raining! We have had four sessions of coppicing in Ashen Plains Wood above Dursley, where the autumn colour of the Beech leaves has been spectacular, and could be seen from the Whiteways Hill road to Dursley, as well as from the footpath through the woods. Coppicing involves cutting the Hazel right down to within a couple of inches of ground level. The off-cuts are then trimmed to produce straight stakes of 2m (6 ft) in length and fairly straight flexible “heatherings” of 3 to 4m in length. The stakes and heatherings are for use in hedge-laying this winter – both for the Cotswold competition and for our own work at Luckington and elsewhere. The stakes are driven into the ground to support the layered hedge and the heatherings plaited around the tops of the stakes along the line of the hedge to stiffen it and make it stock-proof for farm animals. The Hazel grows again in seven years, to produce more material.

Ours for the South District, by agreement with the Badminton Estate, is to be at Oaklands Wood on the Fosse Way to the south of Alderton in Wiltshire, so there will be more coppicing for us there, producing larger material and stacking it to dry, ready for the charcoal oven in the spring. A charcoal oven can be seen in Westonbirt Arboretum’s Silk Wood.

slope behind it. Hidden from view is the integral Chapel, which is held up at the moment by scaffolding. An application for funding to make the Chapel roof safe is currently being prepared.

Woodchester Park:

Monday the 15th of December at 10.00 am for coffee at the Gliding Club near Selsley, leaving at 10.30 am, for a 6-mile walk to Woodchester Park and Coaley Peak.

More clearance work here beside the lake, to open up the views from the mansion; thanks to the editor for including two views last month. Much of the view besides the lakes is changing to pasture lands, as originally intended by the Leigh family when they built the mansion in Victorian times. The woodlands weren’t commercially viable, so Woodchester Park was transferred from the Forestry Commission to the National Trust. The mansion itself is in the care of the Charity, the Woodchester Mansion Trust – and is fascinating, since it was never completed. We have been clearing some of the overhanging Bay trees from the

Preparing for Charcoal Burning:

Monday the 29th of December at 10.00 from opposite the Amberley Inn for a 5-mile walk around Minchinhampton Common. Friday the 16th of January at 10:00 am for coffee at the Prema Café, Uley High Street, leaving at 10;30 for a 5.5-mile walk to Downham Hill and Shadwell. Wednesday the 21st of January at 10.00 am from the Hunter’s Hall car park Kingscote, for a 4.5 mile walk via Lasborough. Richard Glanville.

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Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA www.lansdownelegal.com Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email: info@lansdownelegal.com

“Try Tetbury First”


Local walks led by the Wardens in December and January are:


The Cotswold Conservation Board is using the Wardens to set up five sites for charcoal production, which used to be commonplace in Cotswold woodland.

t a w

Winter Walks:

”Shop Local”


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“Keep it in Tetbury”


30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 10 | December 2014

Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Dear Editor,

Reading the letter from Shipton Moyne Parish Council in your November issue, I have every sympathy with their comments about dog fouling.

We’re delighted to be able to share with you the figures for money raised from last September’s Tetbury Classic Car Show. We’ve been able to pass £4,000 to the Allsorts children’s charity, £1,200 to the People’s Pod, £1,700 to the Dolphin’s Hall Recreation Committee, £250 to the Model Railway Club and a £500 sum to the Tetbury Lion’s for their assistance and marshalling on the day.

We have a similar situation on the recreation ground in Tetbury where both Tetbury Town Football Club and Tetbury Rugby Club have to clear their pitches before every game. Even then, they can’t guarantee that the pitch will be completely clear and only last week a young footballer fell face down in dog poo. Quite why these irresponsible dog owners think it is someone else’s job to clear up after their dogs, who knows? Will they expect someone else to feed their dogs next? Like Shipton Moyne, the eventual outcome could be that all dogs are banned which will be an injustice for the vast majority of dog walkers on the rec. who do bring their bags and clear up.

If your readers would like to make a note for their diaries, September 6th is the date for the 2015 event; we hope it will be as well supported and attended as it was this year. Lastly, we’d like to give our particular thanks to the Royal Oak for helping make this year so successful. John Billington 250208 JS Painters & Decorators Tetbury Classic Car Show Committee

Dear Editor, We unexpectedly were given the opportunity to hold a collection at Tesco on Sat 15th Nov and found ourselves very short of people from our committee. An urgent appeal to Lion President Keith produced an immediate response and helped us to raise £375.82. We have asked for the Lion’s help on a couple of occasions in the past when there has been a crisis and we are very grateful to know that they will always help if they can. Many, many thanks, Maureen Clarke, 22/2/08 22:20Chairman Page 1

Save the Children Tetbury Branch

Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......

The fine is £1,000 and I would urge anyone who has any evidence as to who is guilty of this offence to provide details to the police or to their local councillor; we will shortly be introducing dog wardens to patrol the rec. to record instances of dog fouling, with the aim of helping to eradicate this unpleasant behaviourYours faithfully

Painter and Decorator Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates

Barry Gibbs Tel. 01666 504405 e-mail barrygibbs@rfx.org.uk

Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406 250208

L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street h All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213

Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

December 2014 | 11

News from St Mary’s I am looking forward to my second Tetbury Advent and Christmas. Last year was wonderful, and I look forward to sharing it with everyone again. Have you heard this story about a school nativity play? The angel’s announcement went off smoothly. But as Mary and Joseph started plodding off to Bethlehem, one of the shepherds had the bright idea of making a call on his mobile: he was ringing to make a reservation at the inn… And that’s the risk at Christmas, isn’t it? We have so much to do that we start cutting corners – and we can end up missing out the important things, like taking the time to write our Christmas cards with care and thought, or stopping to relax with our family and friends. We’ve very aware – at St Marys’ – that God can get crowded out by all the busy-ness of life. We may glimpse God’s gentle peace, his grace and his love, but then other things coming crowding in. And we can be left wondering where God is amongst all this stuff. So as well as lists and festive preparations this December, we’ll be focusing on “Making Space for God”: finding practical ways to make changes and make peace. And – by making space in 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 ready 19/5/09 our lives - we’re hoping we will be to receive the gift of God himself at Christmas.

Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

Cotswold Life

Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609

So please do make time to come and join us. Our Christmas Fair is on Saturday 6th December, 10am-12.30pm in the Market Hall. We will have a display of all the entries for the “Christmas Stocking Competition” at St Mary’s School – and I’ll be decorating biscuits with the children again. Other attractions include tombolas, cakes, pickles and jams, Christmas decorations and much more. Especially for children: We have the candle-lit Christingle Service with carols on Sunday 14th December at 4pm. And we have our Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4pm, with special help from children at St Mary’s Primary School. For everyone:

St Marys’ Tetbury:

• • • • • • •

Sunday 30th November 6.00pm Advent Carol Service Sunday 14th December 4.00pm Christingle Service Sunday 21st December 6.00pm Candlelit Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 4.00pm Crib Service Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 11.30pm Midnight Mass Christmas Day 9.30am Parish Eucharist (Nativity of our Lord) Sunday 28th December 10.30am Benefice Eucharist with Christmas drinks in the Vicarage afterwards

St John the Baptist Church, Shipton Moyne

• • • • •

Tuesday 9th December 2.00pm Mothers’ Union Eucharist Tuesday 16th December Carol singing in Shipton Moyne Sunday 21st December 4.00pm Carol Service Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 4pm Crib service Christmas Day 11.15am Parish Eucharist (Nativity of our Lord)

St Mary’s Church, Beverston

• •

Monday 22nd December, 6.30pm Carol Service

Christmas Day 9.30am Parish Eucharist (Nativity of our Lord) 22:

Holy Trinity Church, Long Newnton

• • •

Monday 22nd December, 3pm Crib Service and Children’s party Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 6.00pm Carol Service Christmas Day 11.15am Parish Eucharist (Nativity of our Lord)

Wishing everyone a good Advent, and all the joy of Christmas. With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Parish Priest The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne

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12 | December 2014


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Wycliffe Preparatory School pupils couldn’t wait to start the new term – and who could blame them? They returned to a transformed school in Stonehouse with the new £3 million universitystyle Etheridge Hall for Years 7 and 8 which features high-tech teaching resources, a Year 8 common room and new spacious classrooms. Wycliffe Prep has also upgraded its science block, art rooms and boys’ boarding dormitories. The portable buildings are gone, revealing the spacious school grounds in all their glory. The school is a buzz with the new developments, with Etheridge Hall the topic of the school yard. “I love everything about it,” said Year 8 Prefect Matt Cole. “It’s modern and light and I especially like our new common room. It has an outside seating area if you want some quiet and it’s nice to meet your friends and make toast.” For Wycliffe Prep, which teaches children up to Year 8, the new block is vital in helping

students make the transition from Prep to Senior School “Etheridge Hall has a very grown-up feel to it. While other years will access the block for language classes, it is predominately for Years 7 and 8,” said Deputy Head, Mrs Ginny Jackson. The separate, grown-up space is so beneficial in helping pupils make the transition from Prep to Senior. We give them more responsibility and independence, and provide those life skills which will help them succeed.” Head of History and RS, Steve Arman agrees. “The new environment makes you feel more alert and interested. There’s a real wow factor and that has energised the pupils. They are excited about classes.” All the classrooms have natural light and stateof-the-art ventilation using temperature and oxygen to create an environment conducive to learning.

The interactive white boards and school iPads enable pupils to be more involved in class work. For example they can do their research online and then present their findings immediately to their fellow classmates. “Thanks to the technology we can enable pupils to find out information for themselves, to work independently and develop their learning experiences,” said Mr Arman. “The technology enhances the learning experience and allows the teachers to educate the children on how to use the internet as a research tool.” “I like the new technology because it means that all of the class can get involved in a lesson and that makes it more interesting,” said Year 8 student, Phoebe Gerard. Headmaster, Adrian Palmer invites people to come and see first-hand the new developments on open day on Saturday 27th September, from 10.00 – 12.00 noon.


Every day is open day – For an individual tour of the new Etheridge Hall, please contact the registrar, Mrs Wendy Robertson on 01453 820471

Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years For more information please call: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471.

Wycliffe, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege | www.wycliffe.co.uk

St Mary’s School

day and shared in the children’s learning.

Caring, curious, courageous It has been another busy term at St. Mary’s School. The older children visited the Market House earlier in the term, where The Feoffees told them all about their role and the history of the building.

Other events at the school this term have included a ‘Knex Challenge’ when the Year 5 children became budding engineers for the day, and a story telling evening at St Saviour’s Church when the infants had hot chocolate and stories and were visited by the Tiger from ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Our footballers and rugby team have also participated in sporting events including

a Tag Rugby Tournament which was held at the school and a football match against Leighterton which we won 3-1! We are looking forward to Christmas now and all the excitement it brings. To find out more about our caring, curious and courageous learning family visit our website: www.stmarystetbury.com Jo Woolley Headteacher

This developed the children’s interest and curiosity about Tetbury which led them to asking questions all about our town and its rich past. During our history week before half term the children went on history trails around the town and found out all about the buildings and the history of Tetbury. We had visitors into school including local historians and teachers who used to teach at the old school, who had a wonderful time talking to the children about the past. All the children dressed up as characters from the past and the infants had a theme day, where classrooms were transformed into an old school room and ‘Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe’. They were taught by a very strict Victorian teacher, they weighed out sweets and sold them, made old fashioned lemonade and did the washing the old fashioned way! Parents came in and joined in on the last 140208 Classic Windows



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14 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

In mid-October The run of excellent speakers continued with a presentation by Nick Jenkins Nick is a South Wales based professional photographer who also runs courses for photographers catering for a wide range of abilities. (See his website, www. freespiritimages.com). Nick showed a wide range of excellent images, mainly of South Wales but also covering other parts of the world. These images were accompanied by a commentary with amusing anecdotes, presented in his very affable manner.

The most recent meeting comprised a presentation by Colin Harrison, who has achieved a wide range of distinctions and exhibition successes. (See website www.colinharrisonphotographer.co.uk) Colin’s forte is montage. He combines portraits with backgrounds from other locations in order to illustrate the personality of the person or persons, or, alternatively, to create a specific mood or period effect. The resulting images

The following week we had a presentation by the Club President, Vince Pycroft. In his normal expert fashion, Vince demonstrated the various ways in which digital images may be processed to create particular effects. In some respects, the techniques demonstrated were digital updates of darkroom methods but they also included aspects which were made possible only by the introduction of digital imaging. One interesting aspect of Vince’s demonstrations was that modern software offers a variety of ways of achieving objectives, many users utilising different methods to achieve similar objectives. The meeting following Vince’s presentation was an internal competition, judged by Bob Train of Gloucester Camera Club. Bob had plenty to say about all the entries, delivered with humour and a self-deprecatory attitude.

Tetbury Camera Club were far removed from the normal run of club photography with which we are familiar and represented the far end of the spectrum of the ‘art’ of photography. Just a minority of the images he showed constituted ‘straight’ photographs. The image reproduced here is by Margot Page and was a winner in a recent competition for digital images. (Given the ubiquity of digital cameras and the virtual disappearance of film, such images are now known as ‘Images for Projection’. But this is a bit of a mouthful and may not catch on.) This image was described by the judge as ‘a classic portrait’, which indeed it is. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk

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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 15

Tetbury Art Society The first Wednesday of November was the 5th – Bonfire Night; We celebrated it with a practical evening with members drawing or painting some seasonal foliage and berries – see picture. If my memory serves me rightly, I counted 23 members present – more than I was expecting. It was a very relaxed evening. Members had brought along various plants, bits of foliage and berries to paint and there was a break for tea or coffee halfway through the evening.

Then on Saturday 29th November, we will have made a coach trip to Bristol arranged by Barry Barnes to see the Royal West of England Academy’s Autumn Exhibition. This tends to be an ever-popular annual visit and members then spend a few hours looking around the nearby museum or wandering around the shops.

Then there will be a break in our program until our AGM on Wednesday 4th February 2015. This does not mean that nothing will be happening – it is time in which to wrap up our 2014 activities ( eg Hazel Cudmore will be compiling the accounts for 2014), to find candidates for several vacancies on the committee, to arrange the AGM and to finalise and print program cards for 2015.

Looking forward, on Wednesday 4th December, we will be holding a social evening for members with a quiz and an auction of the art materials of the late Mrs Pauline Stevens kindly donated by her children. Thanks are due to Barry for arranging this with help from Christina Lippiatt, Doreen Pierce and other committee members.

Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. As 2014 draws towards its end, our Society would like to wish readers a Happy Christmas and Good Health and Prosperity in 2014. 520912 L & P Plumbing:Layout 1


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16 | December 2014



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The final total our intrepid abseiling team of five raised through sponsorship for Christian Aid was £1960.40 – and to this will be added at least another £350 through gift-aided donations. Well done and thank you again to everyone!


On Wednesday the 17th and Thursday the 18th of December we will be holding a collection for Christian Aid at Tesco. We’re very grateful to Tesco for once again giving us this opportunity to collect to help overcome poverty in the world and this year the government has agreed to match our efforts. Please give generously - and do not let that information mean that you will donate less than you would have done, but see it as a wonderful bonus for the world’s poorest people!

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We are very friendly and can offer support in job searches, C.V. and letter writing, writing emails and with other employment-related topics. If we don’t know, we’ll help you find the answers to what you’re looking for. Job club meets every Tuesday 2-4pm at Christchurch, The Chipping, Tetbury. For furtherMaths information call 150208 & English Mandy 07968591912



Page 1


ENGLISH Teacher experienced with learning difficulties in children and adults up to GCSE/Key Skills


Call Jane Fraser 01666 500260

18 | December 2014


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

I was very moved by the Remembrance Service on Sunday 9th November. It was a very fitting service and the march down to St. Saviours with the band and soldiers was very stirring and moving. I am proud and honoured to be Mayor of Tetbury and to be able to take part in such an important ceremony with so many, including two former mayors. The attendance numbers of people to watch the parade was brilliant and the weather was most definitely on our side. By the time you receive this I am sure that there will be a lot of you who will be busily preparing for Christmas. If there is anyone who will be on their own at Christmas and would like to have Christmas Day Lunch at The Priory Nursing Home I will be happy to organise transport for you; please let me know on 01666 502332. Please don’t feel you have to be on your own. I was sorry I was unable to attend the open day of the Lions 40th Anniversary for the Tetbury Advertiser at the Market Hall on Sunday 26th, however I would like to send a BIG thank you for the cake 130208 GLC Williams


Mayor’s Report that was so kindly donated to The Priory, it was a lovely and thoughtful gesture. I have a full calendar up to Christmas and by the time you read this I will have hopefully carried out the following: Sculpture Exhibition at the Goods Shed on Friday 14th November, Christmas Fete at The Priory Saturday 29th November, the Christmas Lights Switch on Thursday 4th December, a Wassailing Christmas Lunch at The Close (sounds interesting), meeting St Mary’s Play Group and the Brownies on Tuesday 9th December, various Christmas Lunches – Day Centres and Tetbury Town Council, visits to Kingsley House, the Priory, Ilsom House and the Day Centres all in December My good wishes go out to all our shop keepers, it has been a tough year for you all and I would like to thank you all for your support and wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas, wherever or whatever you are doing. Councillor Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury


Page 1

G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208

Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 19

“Girls can” is a new logo; being used on lots of our fun gifts but the message is deeper than a phrase on a notebook. In Guiding we provide a safe environment for girls to learn skills, play games, talk about issues that affect them, try new activities, make friends and so much more. We encourage them to say “I can” rather than “I can’t”. The words and phrases might change from “Be Prepared”, to “Surprise Yourself” and now to “We discover, we grow” but our aims are the same as they were over 100 years ago when it all started – to empower girls to do their best. In the past month we are delighted that five Guides have met this challenge and completed their Baden-Powell Awards.

INTOPS news – Jess, Cath, Georgia and Alexa were pleased to help at the recent Advertiser celebrations in the Market Hall as thanks for the generous grants they have been given by the Lions. Car boot sales and quiz sheets have also

been undertaken and one of the girls has even started a Saturday job to help pay for her trip. Please visit their chocolate tombola at the Christmas evening. Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury

Proving that “girls can” in Tetbury, here is a selection of the opportunities our members have been given this term. Rainbows have gained their Roundabout All About Me badge which included making heart biscuits and a treasure hunt around Tetbury. Several of them were awarded an Olivia badge for looking after our mascot for a week and writing a diary of her exploits. They had a great dance session with Arts Frenzy and are looking forward to samba drumming, a creative arts evening and the end of term party. 2nd Brownies have gained the Seasons badge and learnt about different festivals. The ever popular loom bands were used by most to gain the Loomin’ Marvellous badge and most of them finished the hostess badge by “hosting” an event at home. They will be having a Zumba lesson and pamper evening and are busy making things to sell on a stall at the Priory Nursing Home fete as well as preparing to entertain the residents with carol singing. Their end of term treat is to see Nativity 3 at the cinema. 1st Guides have all gained a teamwork badge. One patrol gained the chocolate Go for It and another Go for It parties. The recruits all completed a Welcome to Guides challenge before being enrolled by candlelight. 2nd Guides have completed the World Cultures badge, enjoying traditional Halloween fun with apple bobbing and doughnuts on strings. They learnt sign language and morse code, had fun with fake wounds and made Diwali lamps. All units were proud to have taken part in Tetbury’s Remembrance Service and parade and 1st Tetbury Guides planted their own poppy garden around the new stone plinth outside the Malt House. A total of 20 girls have been enrolled into units this term and congratulations to Caroline, Laura and Lillian who have all completed their Adult Leadership Qualifications.

20 | December 2014

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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 21

History of Tetbury Society Mike Robinson, who lives locally, held the attention of a large audience at HOTS on 6th November. He has made a detailed study of the Battle of Quatre Bras and has written a book on the subject. It was fought just two days before the more famous Battle of Waterloo so, inevitably, is linked with its history. He had examples of the muskets, pistols and swords used at the time and showed many photographs to illustrate his talk. Mike began by speaking about Napoleon, who took advantage of friction between the Powers that had banished him to the island of Elba, to land again on mainland France and attempt to pick up where he had left off. He quickly re-established a substantial army and marched to Northern France. The former Allies immediately set aside their differences and moved troops into the Netherlands, which then included what we know as Belgium. Interestingly, the army that was to confront Napoleon was made up of troops from England, Prussia, Hanover and the Netherlands - regular troops and also mercenaries. Mike mentioned the case of a Belgian who had previously served in Napoleon’s French army and special mention of the Brunswick Division who played a significant role in the fighting.

These armies confronted one another on Belgian soil, not too far from the site of Waterloo. The Battle of Quatre Bras resulted from an attempt by the French to stop Wellington’s troops from uniting with the Prussians who were approaching from the east. Mike gave us a detailed account of the fighting which ended with the French, who realising they were outnumbered, withdrew - but the result was more of a Draw than Win for either side. It is estimated that The French lost 4,000 men and the Army of the Low Countries 4,800. Wellington withdrew to the

north and prepared his army for Waterloo. Our last meeting in 2014 is the Christmas Party on Wednesday 3rd December for which all tickets are now sold, but on Thursday 10th January 2015 at 7.30pm, we will meet in Christ Church for an ‘Archive Presentation’ evening. Members are encouraged to bring along something of interest to display or to speak to us about and meantime Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year. The History of Tetbury Society


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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

One for the road? Not a familiar call today, with fewer pubs than supermarkets, where beer can be bought at half the price. But, paradoxically, the number of small breweries has grown substantially during the last decade.

Greg subsequently joined the UK Soil Association, promoting their scheme to provide community support for local agriculture. An excellent market opportunity for Cotswold-grown barley was created by the introduction of progressive beer duty in 2002. This made small breweries viable and Greg set up his brewery in 2006. He described to us the range of beers now made, including

t Le


Greg Pilley, the founder of the new Stroud Brewery, visited us on 16 October. A marine biologist, he travelled extensively in Africa, observing local brewing skills in the course of his other work. Local women made beer from maize, bananas,


a Woolsack Brew - and the nature and makeup of his market. Finding time for some tasting was not a problem! A truly entertaining morning ended with not one but three beers being sampled, albeit in miniscule quantities. But the road did not disappear, since on the 6th of November Heather Wannell and her father Chris gave us a lively account of how their family had restored and now lovingly cared for three vintage fire engines and a steam roller. One of the attractions of the rallies they attend is the beer tent!



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Their first engine was “Martha”, bought thirty-nine years ago after long service in London and Bridgwater. Her vital statistics and the essential repairs necessary were detailed; eventually she completed the London to Brighton run. Undaunted, the extensive and timeconsuming restorations of two subsequent acquisitions followed, and were described. Then Heather’s future husband bought “Jimmy” - a steam roller requiring major boiler repairs. Their enthusiasm did not wane and a “living van” used by the roller driver and his family and towed from one place of work to another was the next project. Many tales were told and pictures shown of the restoration of picturesque traction engines, too. The procession after Heather’s wedding included three fire engines, two steam engines, a steam roller, a traction engine and an old bus. That must have stopped the traffic! 440208 Allium


Theo Stening (504243)


Page 1

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December 2014 | 23

Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust This November there has been a bit of a breakthrough at the Goods Shed with the amazing Sculpture Exhibition organized by Barrie Doyle. It is wonderful to see the building already being used as an Art Centre! Barry has done a wonderful job - despite having a broken leg - and has arranged for over thirty sculptors from far and wide to exhibit their work. We would like to thank Tetbury’s branch of Jewsons for helping us with the concrete blocks that were used for the plinths, Will Stoner for sourcing the carpet and local electricians Lloyd and Mike Avis for giving up a day’s work to install the lighting. We are planning to make this an annual event and one of the first of many for Tetbury’s new Art Centre.

louvered vents on the back of the roof for the proposed heat recovery and ventilation system. The drawings will be on display at the Council Offices and on the C.D.C website so please support our application. You can do this online.

our forthcoming Christmas events so keep an eye open for our posters! If you would like to get involved please contact us on our web site or ring me on 01666502877. Will Cook (Chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust

I look forward to seeing you all at

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Jill Dodge’s Coffee Morning was a resounding success raising £575. You would not believe you could get so many people in one bungalow. Well done Jill and all her helpers! I would also like to thank Cohen’s the Chemist (the one in the surgery) for making us their “Charity of the Year”. The planning permission variation for the Goods Shed has now been submitted. It shows a glass entrance lobby under the front canopy, a fire escape to the rear of the building and two small

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We would like to wish all of our wonderful customers a very Happy Christmas and New Year and thank them very much in us at the Trouble House this season for our fabulous Christmas for their support in our first year menu and candlelit afternoon teas.

We are going to be closing from Christmas Eve through to

Bookings available allof sizes of parties. openings for but hope thefor 19th January due toExclusive a kitchen refurbishment, ookings of 20 or more available on Monday to Thursday evenings.

to see you before.

surf Many our website more thanksfor to you allinformation from the team at the Trouble House http://www.thetroublehouse.co.uk/ You can call us on 01666502206 or simply pop in and say hello.

www.thetroublehouse.co.uk You can call us on 01666502206 or simply pop in and say hello. Trouble House Cafe Bar. London Road, Tetbury, GL8 8SG

Trouble House Cafe Bar. London Road, Tetbury, GL8 8SG


24 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

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Tetbury WI Feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff?

Our meeting in November has a different format because this is when we have our Annual Meeting. At this meeting we are to “survey the past and plan for the future”. I would like to think that our continuing appeal to people in the local area may be because our committee does this all year. The speakers at this meeting were two of our members. Barbara talked of life in Borneo in the late 60’s as a Doctor’s wife. The three years spent in Indonesia were obviously very enriching for them and their young family - a real life experience. Shirley is a very keen gardener who was able to study and finally work in horticulture, after reluctantly starting employment as a Secretary. These were two very different talks and again emphasise the breadth of experience, skills and knowledge we celebrate in our group.

I will work with you to clear the clutter and re-organise your home Please call me for a chat and further info Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk 0320614

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Wishing all customers, past and future, a Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year

Socially we have enjoyed a delicious supper at the Ormond. We filled the restaurant and again were impressed by the quality of the food and the service.

Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.

We also served refreshments at the NCT Halloween party which is now an annual event for us. The children enjoy the organised fun and the spooky cakes!

Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates

We support Tetbury where we can and there is a small group of people who support us (for example when we can’t lock the Hall doors after a meeting) to whom we say “thank you.”

Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 pete.oloughlin@sky.com Fully Insured

Our next meeting is at the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30 on December 8th. It is our Christmas Social so bring a glass and a small Secret Santa present if you’d like to join us. Happy Christmas Tetbury!


Chris Gibson Tetbury WI

NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Town Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Town Clerk in writing on or before Wednesday 31st December 2014. The applicants must either: • Appear on the current register of the Voters List • Reside within 3 miles of Tetbury • Have worked in Tetbury (as their main place of work) in the last 12 months In addition the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.


PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2015. However for the interim period election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors. Applicants will be voted on at the January 2015 Full Council Meeting. Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council 1331214

26 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk



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Tel: 01666 822325 Join us on Facebook - Lumley Malmesbury Email: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com

Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 27

Tetbury Police Museum The Mysterious Affair at Styles. Did you know that the TV episode The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1990 starring David Suchet and Hugh Fraser) was filmed at Chavenage House, near Tetbury? Set in the summer of 1917, The Mysterious Affair at Styles follows the war-wounded 410713 (Hugh Paul Fraser) Dyer:Layout 1 St. 18/6/13 Hastings to the Styles Mary estate of his friend John Cavendish.


The Cavendish household is wrought with tension due to the marriage of John’s widowed 19:52 mother Page 1to a suspicious younger man. In the village, Hastings runs into his old friend Hercule Poirot (David Suchet), the famous Belgian detective. When the estate’s trouble turns deadly, the friends unite to solve a most baffling case. 340208 Piano 22/2/08 Chavenage House Tuition was originally built in 1383; there have been additions and

Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk

Tel: 01666 505692



renovations to the property over the centuries. Since Tudor times, only two families have owned Chavenage, the current owner David Lowsley-Williams having inherited the House from his uncle.

Chavenage House You can buy The Mysterious Affair at Styles 22:24 1 DVDPage from Amazon or other retailers.

Christmas is coming and at the Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom we are gearing up accordingly. We will have some more police-themed gifts in store (for those grandkid’s stockings?) and hope to have our cartoon-illustrated display on the early history of the county police force mounted. We are also planning a “Sherlock Holmes” performance for March – so look out for details. Have a great Christmas! Why not follow us on twitter, like us on Facebook or review us on Trip Advisor? John Silvester, Hon Curator E: curator@tetbury.gov.uk

Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom

W O R D S E A R C H Can you find all the hidden words? Y



































































































































































































































































please ring for prices 07989 528 938 jo-read@hotmail.com


If you got them all, how snazzy you are! Give yourself a prize! 28 | December 2014

High quality seasoned hardwood logs (free delivery and stacking)

East View, High Street, Hillesley, GL12 7RS 0591114

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

S 0

MariaSPilipczukS 4STrullSFarmSBuildings,STrullSFarmS Tetbury,SGloucestershireS GL8S8SQS Tel:S01285S841541S email:Smariaemanacia@gmail.com

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Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

December 2014 | 29

Puddle Ducks Nursery The children have been very busy as ever. We came back following our break to look at the topic of ‘Fireworks’ and the children made a really wonderful display for our wall. They enjoyed telling us all about the fireworks they had seen and the noises they made. We have explored the world of colour through lots of craft including working together to make a lovely rainbow collage; cooking some very delicious jam tarts and some very messy play with jelly!

can play and socialise in a safe environment and enjoy a drink and snack with their friends. Please do come along and knock loudly on the side door. All are welcome. The final Ducklings session for this year will be held on Friday, 12th December.

can offer. We run term time only from 9.15am-12.15pm with an optional lunch club until 1.15. From January we will also be starting our afternoon sessions for those children who are due to start school in 2015 which will run until 2.45pm.

Places for our morning sessions are limited in the New Year however if you are interested in your child joining us please contact Catherine Childley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased to arrange a time for you to come by and visit us during a morning to see what we

We will close our doors for 2014 on Wednesday, 17th December and will reopen on Tuesday, 6th January 2015. All the staff at Puddle Ducks wish all our children and their families a very ‘Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year.


The children enjoyed learning about patterns and finding out how we can make patterns with objects, shapes, colour, noise and even our bodies. We made some fruit kebabs making patterns with the ingredients on the stick – very tasty!



Puddle Ducks are proud to announce we have had our best ever fundraising year for Children in Need by holding a sponsored scoot in the hall. Each child completed a full 10 laps of our racecourse and received a special Pudsey Bear sticker. Well done to everyone and a big thank you to all the parents and carers who supported them with donations. We are now of course well and truly in the run up to Christmas and there is an extra sparkle in our room as we cover EVERYTHING in glitter! We are going to be holding a Christmas jumper day on Friday, 12th December in aid of Save the Children. The children have been doing very well learning the songs for our new Nativity play which will be held on Monday, 15th December. The play is always a highlight of our year and is usually followed by a visit from a ‘Very Important Person’, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he can find the time to come and see us again this year! Ducklings continues to run in the main hall on a Friday afternoon from 1.15-2.45pm with Catherine and Pat. Babies and toddlers


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Puddle Ducks


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Eight bells framing Gallery wish all our customers a happy christmas Great Framing & Wonderful Pictures come and have a look

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Christmas Parties £12.95 01666 502436 Fantastic, Fun & Festive

Get together with family, friends and colleagues and join in the fun this Christmas at The Snooty

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30  | December 2014

 Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk



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Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 31

Christmas in Tetbury Festive Fun I love Christmas in Tetbury - the lights along Long Street and around the Market Hall that remind me of Christmas past, the beautiful and imaginative window displays that tantalise you and promise Christmas future and the many opportunities to meet with friends, Christmas present. December is the month when a year of hard work comes together. In summary, on Monday 1st December we will be judging the annual shop window display competition, with the theme of “Five Gold Rings”. On Thursday 4th December the Lantern Procession will leave Saint Marys’ Church at 5:35pm and the formal Switch-on ceremony will take place at the Market Hall, at 6pm promptly. Members of Saint Mary’s school choir and the Avening Silver Band will accompany the carols and the Big Brunch Band will play later to help the evening go with a swing. The local dance troupe, “Arts Frenzy”, will be performing in Church Street and Santa’s Grotto will be open upstairs in the Market Hall between 4.00pm and 5.30pm, and again between 6.15pm and 8.00pm. Many stalls selling food and gifts will be in and around the Market Hall and many shops throughout the town will also remain open. Traction engine exhibits will be parked in Church Street also. Please make a note that Church Street, from Old Brewery Lane to Long Street, will be closed to traffic between 4.00pm and 8.00pm, so plan your journey home accordingly. For more details of the traffic diversion, please refer to our website. The Chipping, Old Brewery Lane and West Street car parks will be accessible and free of charge from 4.00pm. Thank you to Cotswold District Council and The Feoffees for this dispensation.

32 | December 2014

Sunday 7th December we will be holding a traditional Wassailing Christmas lunch at the Royal Oak – all tickets are now sold out. For a full calendar of events in Tetbury this Christmas, visit our website: www. christmasintetbury.org.uk or look for the posters displayed at the Tourist Information Centre and Tetbury Town Council. Without the kind generosity of Tetbury Town Council, the Lions of Tetbury, Tetbury in Bloom, Martin White Jewellers, The George Veterinary Group, Jester Antiques, RandJ Pearce Ltd, IHS, Autonumis, The Snooty Fox and again, The Feoffees, we would not be able to put on the beautiful display of Christmas lights or hold the

annual switch-on ceremony. Thank you. Many thanks must also go to Mr and Mrs Lowsley-Williams for once again donating the trees that sit proudly alongside the Market Hall, to Ali Bristow of Artique and Hortensia for sponsoring Santa’s Grotto and to the Tetbury in Bloom team for dressing the Christmas trees that go on the shop premises and for helping us with the Switch-on ceremony. We are very grateful. We look forward to seeing you on 4th December or at one of the many other Christmas events. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Christmas in Tetbury committee. * 10% discount * with this advert Liz Farnham

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Nearly There! By the time this edition hits your doormat the opening night will be very close and so much work has gone into the pantomime! In case you didn’t know it’s “The Three Musketeers”. Anne Smith, Director of this production, has burnt a lot of the midnight oil editing the script, choosing the music, re-writing the words of songs – they really are brilliant, deciding on costumes, making the costumes, painting the set and putting all the actors through their paces.

Jenny Miles, as always, is an enormous help to Anne and does so many things, the list is actually endless. How Jenny manages to fit everything in is beyond me – she is a star. Both Anne and Jenny make many of the costumes together with Fran Norris – Fran works quietly behind the scenes and is such a BIG help. You will delighted to hear that the singing has improved no end and actually Andy Heap, who plays Richeleeugh*, is fantastic! The cast spontaneously applauded when

Dolphins Dramatic Society he had finished singing one of his songs. He plays a nasty character so well; he really does have a menacing voice and is so evil, he will give you plenty to boo and hiss at. Yet in reality he is a gentle giant. We also have Father and son on stage, Adrian Ball is keeping a watchful eye out on his son Alex; the trouble is, Alex is one of the torturers! However, as in all pantomimes, good overcomes evil so Adrian does get the upper hand in the end; definitely a pleasing outcome for a Dad! It has been great fun rehearsing The Three Musketeers, all the actors have worked hard, the costumes are fantastic and, now we have all donned our outfits, the characters have become complete and the play has really come to life. The Musketeers have mastered the art of drawing their swords, raising their hats and slapping their thighs whilst chorusing “One for all and all for one” - although Scotty has insisted on being at the end of their line-up to reduce the risk of losing something precious! Arts Frenzy, Tetbury’s own Dance Group, has fitted in beautifully, giving the show that special energy, Jason Watt has created some stunning scenery, David Hudson has lots of wonderful lighting and sound effects to surprise you (and us) and the fabulous A4 programmes are ready - produced by Casey Rymer and printed by IHS. The show will run from Friday 5th – Saturday 6th December (no matinee) and Friday 12th – Saturday 13th December including Saturday matinee; tickets are already on sale at Russells Dry Cleaners. So come on folks, get down to the Dolphins Hall, enter the magic of panto and join in the cry of `ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!’ The Dolphins Dramatic Society would like to take this opportunity to wish all our wonderful supporters a ‘Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.’ Terri White Dolphins Dramatic Society

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December 2014 | 33


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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 35

Perfection Perfection Health and Beauty Salon of Foxley on the outskirts of Malmesbury, has been shortlisted as one of the Top Five Beauty Salons in the UK for the National Professional Beauty Awards Salon of the Year Award in the three rooms or fewer category. Salon owner Michelle Stead, from Tetbury, said “This is a fantastic achievement in our industry; myself and my team all work so hard to offer the best treatments and customer care to our clients, who we absolutely adore treating, so I am very proud. I’d like to thank everyone for their continual support, encouragement and loyalty - now all we have to do is bring the award home to Foxley!”

The Professional Beauty Awards is the most prestigious and established awards scheme for the beauty, spa, nails and aesthetics markets, recognising those who make a real difference to the industry and encouraging their development. The glittering black-tie Awards Ceremony involves a glamorous reception and gala dinner which takes place at The Brewery, in the heart of the City of London, on February 22, 2015, when winners of the Professional Beauty and World Spa & Wellness Awards 2015 will be announced. This is another big achievement for the salon this year, since at the beginning of 2014 Perfection were approached by Vogue Magazine, to feature in their January 2015 edition as one of Vogue’s ‘Top 25 Places to Visit in the Cotswolds’.

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Christmas at the close hotel in Tetbury HHH We invite you to join us at The Close Hotel as we celebrate Christmas and New Year. Fine food and wines, roaring log fires and our attention to detail promise a magical experience for all our guests.

Two Course Festive Lunch £13.50 Christmas Day Lunch £80 Three Course Boxing Day Lunch £19.95 New Years Eve Tasting Menu £69

The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com

www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk 0221114

36 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

India Ice Skating

Mistletoe Mic helle

Christmas Pamper Packages

Gingerbread G eorgie

Perfectly Packed and Wrapped to Perfection... arlotte Candy Cane Ch

Treat your nearest and dearest with our spectacular Christmas Pamper Packages. Each package is presented in the form of a gift voucher, perfectly wrapped to perfection! Rudolph’s Rein in the Men (1hr 45mins) £60

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Deep Muscle Massage and Gentlemen’s Facial

(2 hrs) £79 Hot Stone Massage

Indian Head Massage or Foot Massage

Indian Head Massage and Reflexology

Dancer’s Divine Daydream (2 hrs) £80

Cupid’s Couple Calm-Down

Hydradermie Facial and Warm Oil Back Massage

(4 hrs per couple) £140

Sole Delight Foot Massage

Welcome Glass of Bubbly

Dasher’s Dazzling Diamond Eyes (2 hrs) £59 Lashlift Volumising Eye Treatment Eyelash Tint, Brow Shape and Eye Massage Prancer’s Party Package (3hrs 25mins) £80 Eyelash Extensions and Gelish Manicure Full Body Spray Tan Vixen’s Viva la Foxley (2 hrs) £55 Gelish Manicure and Deluxe Pedicure

Darphin Deep Harmony Massage

Sleigh Bells S ereana

Ho Ho Ho Hannah

Customised Luxury Facial Donder’s Delightful De-Stress (2 hrs) £75 Relax and Restore Back Massage

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Aroma Facial Glisten with Blitzen (2 hrs) £65 Luxurious Foot Overhaul and Warm Oil Back Massage Application of Gel Polish with complimentary Nail Art

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Perfection Princess Frozen Package (1hr 30mins) £39 CACI Christmas Cracker £60 (Saving £34)

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If you have any special requests,

offers incredible firming results without the need

please contact us and we will be

for Botox or more invasive procedures.

delighted to help. For our Christmas


Opening Hours, please visit our website.

The Perfection Team would like to wish all of their clients a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cowage Farm Park, Foxley, Malmesbury SN16 0JH Find us online at: www.perfectionspa.co.uk

Telephone: (01666) 822 811

Probus Two “Why Butterflies?” Mr John Bailey recently gave us the following talk on his life time hobby of studying Lepidoptera, or in other words, butterflies….. John treated us to some superb photography which illustrated the

mystifying process of metamorphous, which produces a fully grown butterfly from a small egg. He dealt with a range of butterflies from the large white which plagues the gardener to the more exotic varieties such as Brimstones. In all there are 56 varieties breeding in Britain! He explained that their colours are not pigments but reflection of light on the many surfaces of their wings.

hatched - and the emerging grubs created a cocoon which eventually housed a caterpillar. The steps were captured on film until the final move saw the arrival of a butterfly. The different species had their own ways of completing the metamorphous all of which were explained by John; from the size and colour of the eggs, to the manner in which the caterpillars ate, feeding off their hosts. Sadly, like the Hedgehog, numbers are decreasing here in Britain.

Eggs which were laid on the underside of leaves in large numbers gradually

The speaker, like his subject, was extremely interesting – John is an academic who has also learnt Latin and Greek to assist his studies in this field. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Probus Two 530212 Pat and testing:Layout 1 Allan Norwood Syd Mosdell


Tetbury Area

Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation. Please phone for details on

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Join us for




£8.00 per ticket if booked in advance or £10 on the door


38 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

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Here’s Ho- Ho- Hoping! As the Advertiser goes to press the choir are still rehearsing furiously, learning our parts for the Messiah workshop lead by Fiona Evans, formerly a member of The Sixteen. It’s a new version of this Oratorio, arranged in three parts especially for community choirs. We are also learning songs from the WW1 era for the History of Tetbury Society (HOTS) annual social event on the 3rd of December. After our Christmas break we will have lots of news about how these activities went, and what we will be up to during 2015. Occasionally we include a profile of one of our Choir members; this time it is Arthur Jacques. Arthur is one of the original members of the Choir. Arthur


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Tetbury Community Choir

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Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287


sang in school and church choirs in his youth, but then did not sing for many years, during his career as a Joiner with Cotswold District Council. He is a Tetbury resident of 25 years, although born in Cheltenham, and he also spent time in the east end of London where his family were living during WW2. When they were “bombed out” they moved back to Cheltenham, but the Luftwaffe followed them, dropping bombs on the town as they flew up the Severn Estuary, intent on blitzing the Midlands. There were some advantages to this though, as Arthur and his chums were able to raid the local coal yard after an incendiary fell nearby! Arthur takes part in all the TCC performances, and his marvellous deep tones resonate within the gentlemen’s section. Merry Christmas and a music-filled New Year to our members and to all Tetbury Advertiser readers. Here is a Christmas joke for you - What do you call an Elf who sings? -- A wrapper! TCC rehearse on Tuesdays at Christ Church, Tetbury. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, please contact Debbie Shearman (Secretary) Tel: 01666 505098, or Sandra Cook (Chair) Tel: 01454 238372 Margaret Foster


Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 39

The Priory Inn Blog

Live music continues through December to a packed-house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere: on the 7th we welcome Dik Cadbury and his 6 and 12 string guitars followed by Steve Page on the 14th combining the best of modern country with old time mountain music.

This is the ideal time of year to recognise the dedication, drive and determination of our “30 Mile Food Zone” suppliers. The common thread connecting them is a tenacious spirit and consummate desire to deliver the highest quality product within their ethical and sustainable boundaries. For us this means we can provide our customers with real food that is not only seasonal, but very local and very very good!

Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn

2 PIZZAS FOR THE PRICE OF 1* ~offer applies only on presentation of this advertisement ~ ~ offer applies to EAT-IN and TAKE-AWAY pizza ~ ~ fresh and local wood-oven pizza – see website for menu ~

*T&Cs apply:- This offer is subject to availability and this advert must be presented on placing order (one original advertisement is required for each free pizza and photocopies or other facsimiles are not accepted); when you buy 2 full-sized pizzas the cheapest pizza is free; one advertisement is required for each free pizza; the 2 for 1 offer can apply to groups of up to 6 people (3 original advertisements required); the offer runs from 1st January 2015 and expires on 12th February 2015.

Another group of people that is crucial to our operation are the many local artists and photographers who display their work for sale. Carole Condé is a personal favourite, having completed family projects, and it was with her detailed and charismatic studies of cows in mind that we started a conversation about the empty wall at the top end of the restaurant. Carole has now found our model “Rhumble” (a laid-back grazer roaming the common in Minchinhampton). The outsized canvas is now built and over the next few weeks you will see work in progress until we have a delightful end result which will be for sale – if you have a wall big enough!

As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. Please call for reservations. 1021214

01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”

collection and a rota for the volunteer collections and if insufficient number of people are found Jane and Geoff can often be found out there doing it themselves.

Unsung Hero

Jane Haines the Poppy Appeal organiser and her husband Geoff, who for many years ran the appeal in his own right, do a marvellous job on behalf of the Royal 1130509 Springfields1:Layout British Legion in Tetbury. Jane organises1 the volunteers for the house-to-house

Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed.


We thank our back and front-of-house staff, who have worked so hard throughout a very busy year. They excel in warmly welcoming our guests, and in recognising the skill and dedication of our suppliers, they do great justice to the high quality of that food and drink. We have many local gardeners to thank for their delicious “barter-at-the-back-door” contributions – we hope to see you all again in the Spring! And of course to all our guests and their families, we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and prosperous 2015.

Dear Editor,

Staple Hill join us for a Christmassy 21st December and the final Sunday slot in December will soon be filled!

After Remembrance Sunday, all the Poppy trays and tins have to be brought in, the monies counted and the volunteers written to, giving them an update and thanking them for their efforts. All this is done very efficiently and with a smile and so I should like Jane and Geoff to 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 them as be rewarded by nominating your December “Unsung Heroes”.

Ed: I’m delighted to accept this nomination for Jane and Geoff Haines who will soon be in receipt of their voucher for a meal for two, provided, very kindly, by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact me – my details are on page 3. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence. R&W CLEANING SERVICES PROVIDING DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL SERVICES

Window Cleaning

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40 | December 2014

Rob Wootton

Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353


Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Four months after opening The Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home Charity Furniture Emporium next to Tesco’s on London Road is still going strong, thanks to the support of animalloving people from Tetbury and beyond. The shop, which was opened on 10th July by CDCH Patron Lady Bathurst, aims

to raise funds to build and establish the Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home, which will be a safe place for thousands of local animals in need. Carolyn Blackburn, Chair of CDCH said: “It is estimated that there are over 2,000 animals in need each year who cannot be helped due to a lack of facilities in the Cotswolds. So we decided to rise to the challenge and build a centre which will allow us to triple the number of animals we can currently help. We have been thrilled with the response to the campaign and we are now 75% of the way to starting to build, thanks to the support of people who, like us, are passionate about animal welfare.” Speaking about the response to the Furniture Emporium, Retail Development Manager Karen Egan said, “We are absolutely thrilled with the support we have had from local people and we can’t thank them enough for helping us raise thousands of pounds so far. We should also thank Tesco’s who have generously




Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1

Charity Emporium given us the site rent-free, allowing us to maximise the funds going to the Home.” She went on to say: “We still need all sorts of good quality furniture though, so if you are thinking of having a clear out we would definitely encourage you to Recycle to Rescue and get in touch. We are also looking for people with a few hours to spare to volunteer to work in the shop. It’s a great team and you will have fun helping us to fund raise, we promise!” The Emporium is open 7 days a week, Monday to Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Sundays 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and donated furniture can be collected from your home. You can ring the Furniture Emporium on 01666 502413 The Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home Charity Furniture Emporium

100208 KP Gardens



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December 2014 | 41

Page 1

The Feoffees and the Thirteen Tel: 01666 822 100

Tel: 0

Christmas is here and The Market Hall looks beautiful with the lights and trees, once again the centrepiece of town celebrations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the LowsleyWilliams family at Chavenage for kindly supplying the trees, Tetbury Plumbing & Heating and Lloyd & Mike Avis for their assistance to our team of volunteers from the Feoffee and Thirteen in putting these up and making it all possible. Special thanks go to the Christmas in Tetbury team, who have worked so hard to make our beautiful town sparkle in the dark nights and help to bring the spirit of Christmas alive.


Tel: 01666 822 100 Tel: 01666 Bathroom 822 100 Showroom

Plumbing Fittings

We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings for both trade and public

Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full range of wet rooms, traditional suites and contemporary suites.

Tel: 01666 822 100

Plumbing Fittings822 100 Tel: 01666

water softeners and salt all drainage pipework oil tanks

boilers radiators cylinders


With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone.

We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom S Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU I am pleased to say that we have supported the 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday for both trade and public range of wet rooms Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday Plumbing Fittings Ba following young ladies this month, they will both be Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings contemporary suite attending a Guiding Experience in the new year: water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing We stock a wide range of Visit our B fittings for both trade andplumbing plublic of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom toShowroom see our full fittings • Catherine JablonskiWe stock a wide range all drainage pipework radiators Plumbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 years water softeners and salt • for both trade and public range of w Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom for both trade and public range wet rooms,alltraditional suites and • Georgia Davis oil of tanks cylinders drainage pipework we’re sure to have a oil tanks boilers contempo suites. water softeners and salt boilers We stock aand wide of plumbing our Bathroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide contemporary range of plumbing fittings Visit ourShowroom Bathroom Showroom to see full In addition to this, we havewater also made donations torange the boilers softeners salt radiators cylinders We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit o for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and children’s section of the town Library and St Mary’s Centre. all drainage pipework radiators for both trade andDay public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and With over all drainage pipework radiators With over 50boilers years of bathroom knowledge, contemporary suites. water softeners and salt for7.30am both -trade and public range oil tanks contemporary suites. Unitcylinders 10, Malmesbury Business P 5.00pm to Friday we’re sure tanks towater Finally, should we be luckyoil enough experience a andcylinders softeners salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators haveMonday a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Email: info@activeplum 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks cylinders conte ‘White Christmas’ and sledges and toboggans appear we’re suresalt have a designboilers to suit everyone. all drainage pipework radiators waterWith softeners and over 50 years of tobathroom knowledge, from lofts and garages in the town; please remember oil tanks cylinders all drainage we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators you use Preston Park at your own risk, please stay safe With Bo 7.30am - 10, 5.00pm Monday toPark, Friday Unit Malmesbury Business Tetbury 9JU 10, Malmesbury 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Hill, SN16Unit 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday and ensure that you take any rubbish home with you. Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday Email: info@a noon Saturday cylinders oil tanks8.00am - 12.00

Plumbing Fittings

Plumbing Fittings 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday

Bathroom Showroom

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and good trading 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday for our fromathe Feoffees and Thirteen. Weshops stock wide range of plumbing fittings Lance – Chairman forVickboth trade

8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday

and public

water softeners and salt all drainage pipework oil tanks

7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday

boilers radiators cylinders

Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk

Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU

Visit ourEmail: Bathroom Showroom to see our full info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Unit 10, Malmesb 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday contemporary suites. Email: in


8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday

With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone.

Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk


42 | December 2014


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Elephant Bathroom Company



The Elephant Bathroom Company | Sales and Showroom | Unit 1 Charlton Business Park | Crudwell Road | Malmesbury | SN16 9RU Tel: 01666 824888 | Email: info@theelephantbathroomcompany.co.uk


Tetbury Dial-A-Ride

Rural Skills Centre

Royal Agricultural University

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the passengers and volunteers of the Dial-a-Ride in Tetbury.

The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills.

I would also like to say a big thankyou to all the volunteers who have made our service great over the last year and I look forward to more next year!

These are the only trips over the holiday and the office will be closed from 24th December to 5th January 2015.

Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more.....

Aileen The Village Agent, will be visiting the office as a source of information about local services for older people. Call us to find out the dates.

For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830

December’s Dial-a-Ride

Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk

If you are interested in volunteering come in to see us or pick up the phone! On Tuesday 23rd and 30th December there will be a Dial-a-Ride service, starting at the usual time of 9.30am around Tetbury, including Tesco for those last minute bits and pieces and to keep everyone going over the break. Please call the office to book on to these trips.

FRIDAYS: 10.30am trips, Cirencester, 5th December. Waitrose, Malmesbury, 12th December. Library Club, 19th December. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Monday-Friday 9-1pm) @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.


Rural Skills Centre


Design and installation of efficient gas and oil fired heating systems Boiler replacement and system upgrade

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www.indplumbingandheating.co.uk 0901214

IND_Ad_175x127_Nov14.indd 1

44 | December 2014

14/11/2014 09:38

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Don’t like the look of Windows 8? What happened to Windows 9? The next version of Windows is due to be released later next year should you wait for Windows 10? It looks as if Microsoft want to distance themselves from Windows 8 by missing out Windows 9 altogether! Windows 10 will be the next operating system version next year and seems to be reintroducing many elements missing from the current release, but that’s a long time if you need to replace your PC, so if you can’t wait that long, several options can be applied to dramatically improve the usability of Windows 8.

The upgrade to version 8.1 has helped mix the new-style apps with the standard desktop programs on your PC and the former can now be closed from a dropdown bar, allowing you to close and exit. Powering off may also be done from the main Start Screen, but I admit I really like to use an add-on program that adds a conventional Start button in the bottom left hand corner, making it easy to find the options needed quickly without having to leave the Desktop. If you need help with this, please do get in touch.

Windows 7 and Vista Underneath, much of the structure of Windows 8 is similar to 7. Programs and drivers are largely compatible, which is a great bonus. “But should I upgrade?” I hear

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 826766 Email: contact@lucytom.com Web: www.lucytom.com 680213

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Computer Advice you say. Well, if you have a touch screen device then there may be some benefit; otherwise I would stick with Windows 7. Vista is also generally compatible with applications and drivers for both Windows 7 and 8, however, it’s scheduled to go end-of-life in April 2017, so don’t spend too much repairing your old computer if you’re looking to keep it more than a couple of years. If you’re running Vista, do make sure you have Service Pack 2 installed, for compatibility and security’s sake and don’t use the built-in version of Internet Explorer - always use a third party browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox.

Are you STILL using Windows XP? Not only are there no more updates or fixes from Microsoft, your choices for security are very limited and will leave you at risk, potentially leaving your computer and data vulnerable to attack. If you must use it do make sure you’re using a decent antivirus and firewall package and certainly don’t use it for banking online or for financial transactions. Is it worth the risk? Well it may be possible to upgrade, particularly if your device is less than 6 years old and is labelled as being Vista capable, as indicated on a sticker near the keyboard on a laptop, or the front panel of a desktop PC. But if you are having reliability problems with the computer, or it is excessively slow, a replacement might be the best option; you’re welcome to run it past me. Well! Here we are almost at the end of 2014. Thank you so much for your support over the last year and I do hope my editorials have been useful to you. Have a great Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in the New Year. If you have any queries or would like to book your PC in for a security check , an annual service or a new computer/printer for instance, please call me on 01666 502067 email mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk Ingham Associates – The Tetbury Computer Shop Now in my 27th year of Trading

e. simonstevens01@googlemail.com 13 Close Gardens | Tetbury | Glos | GL8 8DU


Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 45

News from Christ Church In the November issue I was described as the new Vicar of St Mary’s. Sorry Poppy, not so! I came out of retirement in September to look after Christ Church on a part-time basis, when James Taylor took over Cirencester Ashcroft. I am usually in Tetbury on Wednesdays and Fridays - Wednesdays because of Coffee Pot, Oasis Cafe and Simply Soup (plus reading stories at Playgroup) - Fridays because of Chippin’ Chicks for carers and toddlers. Advent will be a busy time at Christ Church; on four Wednesday afternoons I shall be leading an Advent Bible Study from 2 until 3 pm, starting on the 26th of November. On December the 4th at 10.30 we shall have our Annual “Kingfishers” Service. On the 21st December will see our Carol Service at 10.30 am and Christmas Messy Church at 4pm. On 24th December there will be a Communion at 11.30 pm and on Christmas Day a Family Service at 10 am. I have enjoyed my first two months working in Tetbury very much; finding my way around the town and meeting some very nice people. My car now knows its way from Forest Green, where I live.

Considering improving your home but don’t know where to start? Unsure of your home’s potential or how to crystallise your ideas? Are you concerned about the design, planning or building process? Advice & design for all spaces Kitchen & Bathroom design Sketches, layouts & plans.


Seasonal Greetings to you all, Rev Stuart Radford

advice & design for your home

To arrange a visit or to find out more, call: 01666 841 402 or email: rob_dennis@me.com



40 years on and our principle goals have not changed. Artique deals with real people, small village workshops, and NGO’s. We believe that good products come from natural materials and age old traditions – made by hand not machine. We are constantly looking for good designs with a sense of style that contain a special magic and keeps people in their natural environment.

We would like to thank all our customers and friends for their continuing support and wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. Talboys House, 17 Church Street, Tetbury GL8 8JG 01666 503597 www.artique.uk.com 0061214

46 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

With Christmas fast approaching when the sun has come out it has been lovely. Especially driving along the road with the sun is shining on the trees, showing their beautiful autumnal colours. It is lovely to appreciate the wonders of the world; other parts of the world suffer war and famine; although some here too are suffering when things have gone wrong either in work life or illness but those who are doing ok; should appreciate all that is around them. Our Michael Fest celebrations at the end of September went well; the Musical evening was a huge success with Avening Angels, a local oboe trio, young ladies from Westonbirt School including our own Lucy; younger members of our Parish family

News from St Michael’s

also took part and then local clergy joined in too. Canon Tom Gunning from Stroud, Fr Bill Watson from Woodchester and our own Parish Priest Fr Issy sang beautifully with our music group accompanying him. Our flower ladies put on a lovely display and the Church smelt lovely.

fundraise like he did whilst suffering from the same disease was amazing; he was an example to us all. I also know that the hospice deals with patients with other life-threatening illnesses, to all those in any hospice care our thoughts and prayer are with you and your families.

We have always been a fundraising Parish and we always try and support local charities as well as our own; we have raised just under £1,000 during the year for CAFOD. In the New Year we will be organising a Quiz Night in aid of the Cotswold Hospice; there are not many people who have not been affected by cancer either themselves or have watch a love one suffer. I watched my husband having surgery and treatment over three years for bowel cancer and I hope that I will never go through that again. When my husband passed away thirteen years ago he was 46. Watching Stephen Sutton

As Christian’s we are brought up learning about the true meaning of Christmas but it is not until we get older we fully appreciate what it really means to believe. Attending Church at this special time we can immerse ourselves in what Christmas really means for us all because for a short while we are away from the commercialism that our secular society has forced upon us.

Our Christmas Services are: Christmas Eve – Carols @ 4.30pm followed by Mass @ 5.00pm

Instrumental Tuition

Christmas Day – Mass @ 9.00am The mediation group that meets on a Friday morning is still going well and if would like to join, please come along to the parish hall on Friday at 10.00am, you will be most welcomed.

Violin / Viola, Piano, Theory, Composition

Call 0796 - 266 8098 Enhanced CRB Clearance Certificate available for inspection at any time on request.


• Students aged 8 & upwards welcome. • Tuition in your home • Weekly or fortnightly lessons to suit your requirements.

St Michaels Parish wish you all Blessings this Christmas and wishing us all Peace, Joy, Happiness and Good Health in 2015. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michaels Catholic Church


Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 47

340413 Shipshape Plumbing:Layout 1

People’s Pod

in making Christmas things and come to the meal you would be very welcome.

Hi Tetbury, Happy Christmas I hope that we all have a good month and enjoy the Christmas season. We are planning Christmas activities at the Pod, with Christmas-themed cooking and crafts, culminating in a shared Christmas meal together. We did the same last year, and had a very special time together. The Christmas meal is on the 16th December and is ticket only. Tickets can be bought from The Pod. If you’d like to get involved

Last month I mentioned that we were planning a music project, and asked if anyone had an old guitar they no longer wanted but would like to donate to the Pod, we have recently received our first donation, thank you HB! If anyone else has an unwanted guitar or ukelele we are still hoping for a few more. We will keep you informed about our music project, currently we are waiting to hear if two funding bids will be successful. Last month we were successful in being awarded a grant to buy a fire pit for the Pod. This is part of a project to enjoy both the dark and light nights sitting by a camp fire, sharing quality time together. We were given some money by Gloucestershire Rural Community Council to purchase a fire pit, some camping chairs, wood, charcoal and ingredients for cooking to last us a year. In the photos below we can see Billy Montague and Lewis Pople helping to assemble and test the equipment. During a similar session last month we had a great evening round the fire, where some of our gifted young people took turns playing songs. If you would like to be part of our Pod community and you are in years 7- 12, then please come and join us, Tuesdays and Fridays 5.15-7.15 pm. Just drop in or for further information please call Mandy 07968 591912



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48 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


PPG organising a course for carers If you look after someone as an unpaid carer, either full or part time, you are very welcome to join the six-session free course being held at St Michael’s Church Hall, The Green, Tetbury, GL8 8DH. The course starts on January 14 at 2.p.m. until 4.30p.m. Help is available with free replacement care and transport if necessary. If you are not a carer yourself but know of a friend or neighbour who is, please draw this to their attention.

The programme is asBus:Layout follows: 641010 Tetbury Mini Wed 14 Jan

Being a Carer


Wed 21 Jan Wed 28 Jan Wed 4 Feb Wed 11 Feb Wed 18 Feb

Day-to-Day Caring Looking After Yourself Caring in Partnership Caring and Resources Next Steps

This Positive Caring Programme is sponsored by Gloucestershire County Council and NHS Gloucestershire through Carers Gloucestershire. There has to be a minimum of 10 carers but places are limited to 16. So, don’t miss out, book today. Even if you have let me know that you are interested in attending this course,22:27 would you please 20/9/10 Page 1 phone Positive Caring direct on 01242 500885 to

Call now on: 01666 504881 or 07939 890891

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For a quotation, please call Darren on 07939 890891 For an on-line quote please visit www.tetburyminibus.com

Patient Participation Group book a place or book on line via email to: positivecaring@gloucestershire.gov.uk. The Therapeutic Exercise sessions held at Cirencester pool for those who wish to engage in a healthier life style are still going well; if you would like to join in this weekly class please contact Pat Hodges on 502706 for further details. Over the course, although we have received praise about the surgery services, we have also heard some concerns about long delays before being able to get an appointment with a doctor and about uncertainty in how patients will receive the results of blood and other tests. Kesh Makhecha, Practice Manager, has asked that patients raise any such concerns and comments directly with him, so he can then investigate and apply any lessons learned, where feasible. If, however, you would like to contact the PPG directly and anonymously with a general issue (as opposed to an individual complaint), you may still do so, as usual. Lastly - we’ve recently heard that patients may be suffering some difficulties accessing travel to hospitals outside Tetbury; not because of any problems with the excellent Voluntary Hospital Car Service, but because of changes to the claims structure and the forms involved. Please contact us if you’re in difficulties. Alison Hesketh, Patient Participation Group


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Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

05/04/2012 16:37

December 2014 | 49

Tetbury in Bloom Councils Seeking to Reduce Budgets As Councils such as Bristol are seeking to reduce their open spaces budgets by “recruiting” volunteers to help them, the Tetbury in Bloom team continues to maintain the flowerbeds and floral displays around the town. It never ceases to surprise me what difference a small, dedicated, group of individuals can make when they set their minds to it. Our work did not go unnoticed, with Tetbury featuring in the BBC2 Great British Garden Revival programme on 8th January: “pioneering our great British shrub revival” and transforming the town. Closer to home we received a lovely email out of the blue from a lady from Wotton Under Edge , congratulating us on the beautiful planting schemes and I quote: “Roundabouts, hanging baskets & other areas - spectacular!” We continue to receive lovely comments from you the residents of the town. Thank you for your support. This year’s Open Gardens event was perhaps the best yet, if over 200 visitors are the measure of success. There was something for everyone to enjoy and to take inspiration from: the clever use of topiary, to the colourful, well-stocked flowerbeds; formal mixed borders, to a more naturalistic planting style; unexpected gardens hidden totally from the view of the general public, to those gardens with a tantalising hint of their charms from the road. Thank you to everyone involved for opening their beautiful gardens on our behalf; to the Womens’ Institute for supplying the sumptuous cakes and for serving the refreshments; to Stephen Hirst for the delicious raffle prizes and to you, the visitors.

for both Tetbury in Bloom and Christmas in Tetbury. Thank you to Boho, Jesse Smith’s Butchers, Moloh, Scentiments, Skeins, The Tetbury Tailor, Number 65 and Tetbury Hardware for sponsoring the races. Thank you also to Tetbury Town Council, Tetbury Upton Parish Council, The Lions Club of Tetbury, the Feoffees, The Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds, Saint Mary’s Parochial Church Council, A.G Carrick, Pegasus Life and many individuals for their financial support.

of Church Street on 4th December for this year’s Switch On event and stewarding the torch-lit procession that precedes it. You won’t miss us because we will be wearing our striking high-visibility jackets!

In October we were torn between great sadness and gratitude for many happy memories of one of our retired members, Doreen Simpson, when she passed away. From her wonderful enthusiasm to help create many of the flower beds, to her joyous and infectious laugh, we will certainly never forget her.

Carpentry Services

This month we are now busy supporting the Christmas in Tetbury team by dressing the Christmas trees, arranging the closure

Merry Christmas to you all. Liz Farnham

Paul Carpenter All aspects of carpentry, kitchens, uPVC doors and windows

Tel: 07952 931552 640513

Clare Farthing

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Clare Farthing Hair Stylist

clare_the_hair@hotmail.co.uk 5 The Ferns Tetbury Glos, GL8 8JE 01666 502721/07917726440 TBC

For those of you keen to book your holidays around next year’s event, do make a note of Sunday 28th June in your new diary, the fourth Sunday in June – more details closer to the time. The annual Race Night on 11th October was a lot of fun, raising valuable funds

50 | December 2014


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Ed: The death of Mrs. Doreen Simpson, widely cherished Tetbury resident and wife of ex-Lion Eric, inspired her nextdoor neighbour Maggi Loshak to write: Next door to us a bereaved husband is trying to come to terms, in his mid80s and after 63 years of marriage, with huge changes in his life. He is well supported by family and friends and is a determined, talented and practical man 360711 Susie neal k.pdf 1 21/06/2011 who pushes himself to remain active and I am sure he will find his ways of coping. We will do all we can to support him.

I have been reflecting on the loss of my friend and neighbour and will miss her very much indeed. She and her husband were instantly ‘the best neighbours’ to live next to, they were so welcoming. Although older and increasingly frail, there were often biscuits or cakes being brought round, little gifts for our grandchildren and offers of help with any practical tasks we fretted over. Having no grandchildren of her own, my friend 19:38 always enjoyed news of mine, sharing joys or concerns, offering little gems of wisdom or comfort whenever I had a worry.

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Official fuel consumption figures in mpg (l/100km) for Ford Car range: urban 48,7-53,3 (5,3-5,8), extra urban 64,2-76,3 (3,7-4,4), combined 57,6-65,7 (4,3-4,9). Official CO2 emission 99-115g/km. Retail only. Metallic paint extra cost. Vehicles shown for illustration purposes only. This supersedes all previously advertised manufacturer’s promotions. Details correct at time of going to print. Subject to availability. Contact us for terms and conditions. Applies to new vehicles, contracted between 01.10.2014 and 31.12.2014 and registered between 01.10.2014 and 31.12.2014. Where savings are shown, advertised prices are calculated by deducting the saving from the manufacturer’s recommended OTR price.

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Bear Street Garage Wotton under Edge, GL12 7DF 01453 843687 Bear Street Garage figures in mpg (l/100km) for Ford Car range: urban Official fuel consumption Wotton underextra Edge, GL12 7DF(3,7-4,4), combined 57,6-65,7 (4,3-4,9). 48,7-53,3 (5,3-5,8), urban 64,2-76,3 01453CO843687 emission 99-115g/km. Official 2 Retail only. Metallic paint extra cost. Vehicles shown for illustration purposes only. This supersedes all previously advertised manufacturer’s Bear Street Garage Official fuelcorrect consumption intompg (l/100km) for and Ford CarApplies range: promotions. Details at time of going tofigures print. Subject availability. Contact us for terms conditions. to newurban vehicles, Wotton under Edge, GL12 7DF contracted between 01.10.2014 and 31.12.2014 and registered between 01.10.2014 and 31.12.2014. Where savings are shown, advertised prices 48,7-53,3 (5,3-5,8), extra urban 64,2-76,3 (3,7-4,4), combined 57,6-65,7 (4,3-4,9). are calculated by deducting the saving from the manufacturer’s recommended OTR price. 01453CO843687 emission 99-115g/km. Official

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The positives of trust, friendship and neighbourliness far outweigh the pain of their loss. My neighbour showed me love and generosity, unwittingly reminded me of qualities I knew and loved in my own mother - and was a great source of fun.

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Nurture them. Their friendship is a gift, as yours can be to them. I want to mark the feelings of loss which result in taking the risk of trusting and of engendering friendship.

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I want to acknowledge how important friends and neighbours can be, no matter what their age, whether they are older or younger.

Maggi Loshak

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Mrs Doreen Simpson

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Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 51

Tetbury Library “One can never have enough socks,” said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.” ‘Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone’ - JK Rowling

Carat Boot the

If you have been inspired by our bookish Christmas window, then why not have a go at our ‘Up-cycle a Book Competition’ in the New Year? For a small entry fee you will be given an old library book to up-cycle into something completely new – either something functional or pure art; more details will be available in January.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme will have a special Christmas session on 17th. (Please note, no session on 24th, but resumes on the 31st.) Library Club will be meeting on Friday 19th and includes mince pies!

The “Gloucestershire Libraries Remembers WW1” display is here for another week and includes drop-in activities for children – many thanks to Barry Barnes for his artistic skills and knowledge of historical aircraft.

Tetbury Library Christmas Opening Hours: Wednesday 24th OPEN 10am – 1pm Thursday 25th CLOSED Friday 26th CLOSED Saturday 27th CLOSED Monday 29th business resumes as usual.

It’s not too late to buy charity Christmas cards at the library – we have a great selection.

The P3 Charity drop-in morning will be on Monday the 8th. Tuesday’s Magical Tales will be running until the 16th of this month and will be Extra Magical, with Christmas stories told throughout December. 681010 March Roofing:Layout 1

Goods Shed

We wish you all a Warm Christmas and very Happy New Year! Kylie, Jackie, Linda & Sophie.



Page 1

M.MARCH ROOFING Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling

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£145+vat fitted. 0141114

52 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Malmesbury Abbey Music Society are delighted to be able to announce an exciting programme for 2015! On February 21st, we’re delighted to welcome Cantores, one of the Cotswold’s most accomplished amateur choirs.

Malmesbury Abbey Music Society

Cantores enthusiastically aspire to the standards and repertoire of The Sixteen and will be supported by a string ensemble of five players. The theme of the concert is “Magnificat”, with music by Bach, Gjeilo, Monteverdi and Cavalli.

playing a very varied programme with their own unique vibrant, sonorous and exhilarating sound and on June 20th, VOCES8 will give us a beautiful concert entitled ‘Eventide’ with a plainchant thread exploiting the wonderful acoustic qualities of Malmesbury Abbey.

On May 2nd Cellophany, eight young professional cellists, will fascinate us by


On September 19th, we’re thrilled to welcome back The Carducci Quartet, one of today’s most successful string quartets. They will be performing two of Shostakovich’s String Quartets within their programme and we are very happy indeed to be part of their Shostakovich Cycle in the South West.

! !

By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

Our organ recital in October is yet to be confirmed but we will complete the season on November 7th by inviting Trio Paradis to present their ‘Women of World War 1” show. In the show the experiences of women who lived through the Great War are vividly brought to life by words and images, and also by the music of remarkable female composers of the time. More information including ticket prices will be available in advertisements in the Advertiser’s pages next year – in the meantime we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Musical New Year.



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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

01666 848 108

December 2014 | 53

Wacky Races


his is an early alert to advise that the fourth running of the Tetbury Lions Wacky Races Soapbox Derby will be held on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015. In recent years, many teams have shown some great ingenuity in building carts orientated to speed - but that is not wholly in the spirit of the event, so before you set about the task of spending long winter nights in garage, shed or workshop trying to reduce the drag coefficient of your sleek machine, we can advise that from the 2015 event and henceforth, the emphasis will return to celebrating the most “wacky” designs.

of which will be announced nearer the time. All drivers successfully completing the two timed runs will of course also receive the coveted competitor’s medal. It is also important to emphasise at this early stage that all vehicles taking part in the 2015 event MUST comply with the specifications as laid down in the detailed rules. These are available on www.tetburywackyraces.co.uk and will be enforced on the day in the pre-race inspection, which means any infringement could lead to disqualification. It is recommended that you print these off and keep them accessible as you build your crazy vehicle, bearing in mind that, among many other things, no sharp edges will be allowed, substantial roll bars must be fitted and a tow hook on the front will now be mandatory.

While also addressing health and safety issues, this will also serve to underline that as this is a fun event which was not conceived as just a speed trial – and to this end, while we will continue to award a winners shield to the team achieving the fastest times in both the adult and junior categories, the major prize will go to the Wackiest racing vehicle with fun bodywork and a support team in appropriate costume. This will see the introduction of a new shield awarded to 380510 AGWRacer” Howell:Layout 1 22/4/10 the “Wackiest with the winning driver also securing a bonus prize, details

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54 | December 2014

Page 1

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The Wacky Race Team

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We will also be introducing entertainment for children that attend in the form of a bouncy castle and possibly street entertainers - and these costs will also offer sponsorship opportunities. If these appeal and you wish to get involved please call Ken White on 504189 for details.

Tel: 0785 505 6769

General Building Renovations

While this has quickly become a great family fun day out, it is primarily a fundraising event for the Lions Club and we rely on your generosity so that we can continue to benefit organisations, clubs and groups in the town, so if companies want to show their support for this event it is both simple and cheap. If you have a banner we will display this all day on the crowd control barriers, an excellent photo opportunity, for a simple donation of £50.

Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

So, here we are, in December already Getting well and truly prepared for Christmas and all of the fun festivities associated with this time of year! We have had great fun this term with so many things going on – Guy Fawkes night, Halloween, Divali and Remembrance Day to name but a few. We have our forthcoming trip to Westonbirt Arboretum to look forward to next week where we will be showing the children all the beautiful autumnal colours while enjoying some fresh air and fun in the stunning surroundings. This term, the children have been focusing on how to care for their pets. We turned our ‘Home Corner’ into a Veterinary Clinic where the children have loved dressing-up as vets and nurses. We went on an outing to the George Vet Group in Tetbury to see where the animals are cared for. After looking at how to care for our household pets, we are now observing local wildlife and their habitats; we try to get the children outside as much as possible to see them when the weather permits. In the run up to bonfire night, the children made beautiful firework pictures - many of which are on our display board. We went to the Priory garden and watched as a bonfire was made and lit, much to the children’s excitement! We cooked hot dogs in celebration of Guy Fawkes night and ate them at snack time. This term

has seen some wonderful treats foodwise what with that and making fresh pizza plus, one of the children brought in some cakes for all to enjoy, yum! In other news, the children made some beautiful poppies in readiness for Remembrance Sunday, which we took to the war memorial (pictured). We are delighted that two of our children won the R.A.Bennett’s colouring competition for the under 3’s & 4’s section. Their pictures can be seen in R.A.Bennett’s window display. Currently all of the children are learning new songs for our Nativity Tableaux on Thursday 18th December – there will be a tombola & teas and coffees so parents, please come and join us . We cannot believe that the following day, Friday 19th December is our annual Christmas Party and our last day of term! These final few weeks of term will be full of fun, laughter, sparkle and glitter!

St Mary’s Playgroup We would like to say a special thank you to Lockstones Estate Agents for providing us with our new banner, we are very grateful for their support. If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would like to know more, then please email info@stmarysplaygroup. co.uk or visit our website www. stmarysplaygroup.co.uk for more details. Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun! St Mary’s Playgroup

General Handyman Services

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December 2014 | 55

Tetbury Nursery Playgroup

seeing the parade through the town.

We are now approaching a very busy time at Playgroup for the children and there are lots of different key dates/ festivals to talk about. Before half term we looked at Diwali, where the children had the opportunity to make candle holders, decorate and cut out hands and try a variety of different foods.

We are now in the throes of Christmas, practising our nativity play and starting to make lots of decorations, cards, gift tags and festive food. The crèche ladies always enjoy the Christmas build up, the more glitter the better and we have to persuade them not to put a tree up until December. The Toddlers, Crèche and Playgroup all end the year with a Christmas party.

We returned from half term and put together a firework display, and the children also pretended to build a bonfire in the garden. In crèche Jo had made a very colourful firework picture and at Toddlers Laura made chocolate sparklers. For Remembrance Day the children made a large poppy to go on the wall and individual ones to take home. We talked about remembering special people and some children were able to recall

Tesco has nominated us a charity project, to help us carry out some large refurbishment tasks, so we are working with them to meet these goals. Tesco will be putting collecting buckets out with pictures that the pre-school children have drawn on them in their store and they have started to approach local businesses to help provide resources and manpower in this project. Playgroup will be taking the pre-school children along to sing Christmas songs

in the foyer. If there is anyone locally including families past and present who can offer any assistance in this project and would like further information please contact us on the number below. We would like to wish all our families and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Our sessions are very busy, but please do contact us if you require space for your child. Visits are welcome any day, although it is helpful if are able to call ahead. If you have any questions please do call us on 01666 504885. Raewyn Platts, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup

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01666 503900 Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Christmas comes but once a year But the last one seems less than eleven months ago to me. How time flies! Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year. During the past three years I may have met some of you but look forward to meeting more people in Tetbury and surrounding areas. My job is to provide older or disadvantaged people with easier access to information and services. This

Gloucestershire Rural Community Council

service is free and confidential. If you are over 50 years of age or you know someone that is, I can help with many issues. Below I have listed just a few. Are you receiving all of the pensions and benefits you are entitled to? Would you like a free home safety check from Gloucestershire Fire Service? Would you like to know more about adaptations to your home, which may help you cope better with disability? Are you feeling lonely and would like to meet other people? Would

you like to help other people by volunteering for a local organisation? I can visit you at home or talk with you on the telephone, the number is 07810630156. I work 15 hours a week, usually between Monday and Wednesday, so if I am not available when you ring, please leave a message giving your name and telephone number and I will call you back as soon as possible. I am also at Tetbury Volunteer office twice a month, the dates of which can be got by contacting the Volunteer and Dial-a-ride office. Aileen Bendall - Village Agent for Tetbury and surrounding areas. www.grcc.org.uk Gloucestershire Rural Community Council

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01666 503900 December 2014 | 57

Tetbury Theatre Group Last October the 8th the Theatre Group travelled to Malvern for a performance of “The Kite Runner” adapted by Matthew Spangler from the novel by Khaled Hosseini. This was a powerful and at times disturbing play, set in Afghanistan in the mid-1970’s, when Kabul was experiencing a period of relative calm. The story relates the relationship between Amir, the son of the house, and the son of his father’s servant, whose name is Hassam. Brought up together, they are very close. Amir has a kite – kite flying being very popular among boys of the time – and it’s Hassam’s job to collect Amir’s kite for him when it comes down – wherever it lands. It’s up to Hassam to run through the streets to look for it, then, and as the play progresses it becomes apparent that there are gangs of youths roaming the streets, intent on mayhem. When Amir and Hassam are cornered by one of these gangs and Hassam is taken and seriously sexually assaulted by them, Amir is not brave enough to try to do anything to stop them; because of the shame of what has happened Hassam and his father move away. By 1979 the Soviet Union has invaded Afghanistan and Amir and his family are targeted as reactionaries and have to flee to Pakistan. Amir’s father, who has become terminally ill, dies – and during this period it’s made public that Hassam is in fact Amir’s half-brother; Hassam has also married, but he and his wife have in turn been killed by the Taliban, leaving a child who is now in an orphanage in Kabul.

their November outing for something new, to the Vue Cinema in Stroud to see the live performance of “Carmen” from New York’s Metropolitan Opera. It was quite a treat – a wonderful production by Richard Eyre and a Carmen made for the role, in Anita Rachvelishvili. Anita Hartig as Micaëla was excellent in her acting and singing as the innocent but determined girlfriend, and the male roles were equally well filled by the magnificent voices of Aleksandrs Antonenko as Don José and Ildar Abdrazakov as Escamillo. She reports that there were some interesting touches – the pas de deux during the overture and the intermezzo – and it was interesting to see behind the scenes during the intervals, when the enormous scenery changes were effected with military precision. Apparently it was a memorable performance – and only 20 minutes from home! Finally a reminder that our AGM will be in the Dolphins Hall on Friday the 27th of February at 7.00 pm.

If you would like to join the Theatre Group, or require any further information, please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029. Jean Corcoran

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Well acted and drawing from critics such adjectives as “powerful”, “brilliant” and “superb”, the cast received a standing ovation at the end of the play, even though the staging was simplistic with a backdrop painted to suggest tall buildings and gauze-draped tea chests painted to appear as houses and trees. This was not the type of play one could relax and enjoy – it was too brutally emotional and very moving – but all those that went were pleased to have seen it.

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58 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk






Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

December 2014 | 59

Tetbury Tourist Information Centre Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year So how are the Christmas preparations going? Still struggling to think of what presents to buy? We have some great items from Cotswold Woollen Weavers, who are also responsible for our lovely window display. Come and see our new range of beautifully soft toy sheep, pony and teddies – suitable from birth but a delight for any age! Ideal stocking fillers or last minute gifts. And of course we have lots of local maps, books and souvenirs. With all the festive activity don’t forget to book your National Express tickets as early as possible if you want to travel over the holiday period as they do get booked up. Finally thank you to all our regulars for your support over the year – it is greatly appreciated and we’re always pleased to see a friendly face especially during the quieter winter months. Please note we will be closing on Christmas Eve at 1pm and will re-open at 10am on Monday 5 January. From Sue, Jill & Jackie Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 33, Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 503552 Website: www.visittetbury.co.uk Website: www.cotswolds.com Email: tourism@tetbury.org Opening Hours: ** Monday to Saturday ** November to March 10am - 2pm


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60 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Calcot Belles After months of excited anticipation, the PGL netball tournament weekend finally arrived



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On November the 7th. Eight girls, two coaches and a lovely set of brand new ‘Calcot Belles’ kit headed to PGL Liddington for two days of netball-related fun. The weekend did not disappoint. Out of six matches played, the girls won three and lost three, with two of the losses coming from a winning goal scored in the final seconds of the games. Being a Y7 team playing in a Y8 tournament, we knew it was going to be tough, but playing such a high level of netball in such a competitive environment was a fantastic experience for the Belles. There really was nothing to suggest our girls were a year younger except their size, and they were complimented on both their skill level and their determination by other coaches. When the winning team of the tournament have flown in from Geneva for the competition, you know that you have done well to put up a good fight! Player of the tournament for the Calcot Belles was little Lucy ‘Bee’ Berrington. The least experienced member of the squad, Lucy made huge improvements to her game over the course of the weekend. Anyone who has experienced PGL knows that it is about so much more than the netball. Over the course of the weekend, our girls had tears on the giant swing, screamed their way down the zip wire and overcame their fears on the trapeze. With lots of good food and fun and games with their friends along the way, I’m sure the whole experience will stay in their memories for a long time to come. Meeting England WA Sasha Corbin was certainly a highlight for all of us. We’re already looking forward to next year.....maybe when we are playing in the correct age group; we might be able to give those Swiss girls a run for their money!

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December 2014 | 61

Tiggers Christmas is the most magical time in a children’s nursery. Staff change back into excited children themselves and delight in the many crafts and decorations created by the children for their parents and fancy creations to adorn the nursery surroundings. The Christmas Nativity practices have been filling the music hall and preschool rooms with cute carols and amazing acting, ready to entertain the overwhelmed parents once again this year. The Cirencester

Nativity will actually be held in their local church this year, which will make it even more special for everyone involved.

thank them for their hard work and loyal service to the nursery and our families which attend Tiggers.

All sites have also been preparing for a parents’ networking social evening in December where we have fun and games revolving around a Christmas themed atmosphere of quizzes and competitions, whilst mingling with like minded adults who can’t wait to discuss and compare their little ones.

We would all like to wish Tiggers’ families and readers of our monthly editorials a very Merry Christmas and an extremely Happy New Year! Tiggers

 for good health

The children have their own parties, attending in fancy dress to celebrate the forthcoming Christmas and may also get a visit from a familiar old man wearing a grey beard and bright red outfit!

Do you want to:    

Staff are very excited about their Christmas party this year too at Lydiard Park to

 Call Sarah Kibble now to  book your free 15-minute  consultation at Tetbury  Osteopaths to discover  how you can  benefit from  treatment

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62 | December 2014

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Civic Society

Heritage Centre

and people subscribed to its contents. Tetbury’s 1300 years of recorded history Have you thought of visiting the Heritage is set out in easy-to-follow date order Centre Exhibition in St Mary’s Church lately? and it contains ancient documents, old Charter of 681 AD, mentioning “Tett’s The Civic Society put this together some photographs and an explanatory script. Minster“, read our Domesday Book record 20 years ago and many organisations You can see King18/4/13 Ethelred of 19:13 Mercia`s Page 1 of 1086 and how the 12th Century Founder 310208 Moulder Joinery:390206 Moulder Joinery of the town William de Braose and his whole family met their dramatic deaths.

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The display also shows how the magnificent St Mary’s Church rose from its Medieval foundations – and details the growth of the town and how it became prosperous based on the wool industry. There is so much more in the exhibition to investigate, which may soon include the recent dramatic find of Roman coins named the `Tetbury Hoard` which only in the last few months has been displayed in the Corinium Museum at Cirencester.

Display Panel Have you also noticed the “History of Tetbury” Display Panel on the pedestrian area by the Market House? This was produced by the Civic Society, History of Tetbury Society and the Tetbury Town Council. It is intended mainly for tourists and visitors, but it gives lots of information of interest to everyone about the Towns most important buildings, people and events from 681 AD to the present day. Christmas Greetings to all our readers and members! Roy Angel, Tetbury Civic Society


Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events

December 2014 | 63

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Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage Garage Mike and theTetbury’s team would like Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Premier Independent Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage to thank customers for their Established in in1974, 1974,we weare areTetbury's Tetbury'spremier premierindependent independent Established Established in 1974, weyear are Tetbury's premier independent Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's premier independent support through the and Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of independent Established 1974, we are premier garage offering a dedicated experienced team of garage offering aand dedicated and experienced garage offering aindedicated andTetbury's experienced teamteam of of garage offering avoted dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We were Garage theYear Year to Lewis and Mercedes World F1 garage offering aIndependent dedicated and experienced ofCongratulations mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofofthe wish them a Happy Christmas mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage of Year the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofteam the mechanics. Weboth were voted Independent Garage of of the Year 2012 by by2012 both Motor Trader andthe the Motor Industry Code ofof mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage the 2012 both Motor Trader and Motor Code Champions, to celebrate we are offering 20% discount 2012 by Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of by both Motor Trader and theIndustry Motor Industry Code of Year and Happy New Year.Trader 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. 2012 by both Motor and the Motor Industry Code of Mercedes servicing in December and January. Practice. Practice. Practice. on all


Practice. Practice. We specialise inspecialise BMW,inMini, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,SEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and We specialise BMW, VAG (Audi, and Wein in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) We specialise BMW, Mini, VAGVW, (Audi, VW,Skoda) SEAT, Skoda) and and We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a We specialise inhave BMW, VAGcars (Audi, VW, Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available oravailable offer a SEAT, Rover. We 8 Mini, courtesy or offer a and LandLand Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer aSkoda) Land Rover. We have courtesy cars available or offer aoffer a offering a dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We collection service. Established in 1974, we are premier independent Land Rover. We8Tetbury’s have 8 courtesy cars available orgarage collection service. collection service. collection service. Follow @carcaretetbury Follow usus @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury collection service.service. collection Follow us @carcaretetbury were voted Independent Garage of the Year 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. We specialise in Follow us @carcaretetbury Care Tetbury customer satisfaction ourtop top priority At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction isisour priority sosopriority At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so BMW,At Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,customer SEAT, Skoda), Land Rover and Mercedes. have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a collection service. Car Care satisfaction ourwebsite. top priority so We so do give usTetbury aCare call today visit our website. At Car Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority please do give us agive call today visit our website. please do give call today or visit our please do us aus callaoror today or visit ouriswebsite. do givedo usgive a call or visitor At Carplease Care Tetbury customer isour ourwebsite. top please ustoday asatisfaction call today visit our priority website.so please do give us a call today or visit our website.




As anAs independent Mini, VAG (Audi, Established inare 1974, we arewe Tetbury's AtTetbury CarAt Care Tetbury wedealer offer dealer level level As an independent BMW, Mini,BMW, VAGBMW, (Audi,Mini, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's we offer full level an independent VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, are Tetbury's At Car Care Car Care Tetbury wefull offer full dealer Asan anindependent independent BMW, Mini, (Audi, Established in are 1974, we are Tetbury’s At Car Care Tetbury we offer As BMW, Mini, VAGVAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer levelfull dealer level As VW, an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in garage 1974, we are Tetbury's Atservicing, Car Care Tetbury we and offer full dealer Asand an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer fulllevel dealer level SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) Land Rover specialist premier independent offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW,SEAT, SEAT,Skoda) Skoda)and and Land Rover specialist independent garage servicing,and diagnostics and repairs VW, Land Rover specialist premierpremier independent garage offering a offering a servicing, diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a of agenuineservicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering servicing, diagnostics and repairs using we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover parts. Our full service weinvest investininstate state of art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine LandOur Rover parts. Our full service we ofstate thethe artthe dealer-level dedicated and experienced teamteam of of genuine Land Rover parts. full service wediagnostic invest ininvest art and experienced Land Rover parts. Our fullOur service we in state ofdealer-level the art dedicated and genuine Land Rover parts. full labour, service mechanics. offer aexperienced range ofteam services equipment to provide you with awith full includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT We offer a full range ofof services diagnostic equipment to provide you a dedicated includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT VAT mechanics. aWe full range ofa services diagnostic equipment to of provide you with adealer-level We mechanics. offer includesgenuine all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT diagnostic equipment to provide you with a mechanics. We offer full range of services includes all Land Rover parts, mechanics. We offer aoffer full arange of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with awith a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VATVAT mechanics. We range of services diagnostic equipment to with provide you includes all brake Land Rover parts, labour, mechanics. We offer a full of services diagnostic tofree provide a makes range includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT service for of all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8with free8you and uidWe change. We provide service all makes offull cars, four wheel drives and full range ofequipment service options freewith and uid change. We provide service for all cars, four wheel drives and full of service options with 8 free and brake uidbrake change. provide service fullrange range of service options 8 for allfor makes of cars, four wheel drives and and brake fluid change. We provide for all for makes of cars, four wheel drivesdrives and full range of service optionsoptions with 8 with free 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service all makes ofmakes cars,vehicles. four wheel full range ofcollection. service and brake change. Wekeep provide service forvehicles. allcommercial ofvehicles. cars, four wheeland drives and full range of service options with 8 free light commercial and brake uid change. We provide service light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep warranty intact. light vehicles. cars or collection. stamps to your keep your warranty intact. orcourtesy collection. courtesy cars book stamps tobook keepuid your warranty intact. courtesy cars or light commercial book stamps to your warranty intac light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars or cars collection. bookbook stamps to keep youryour warranty intact. light commercial vehicles.vehicles. courtesy or collection. stamps to keep warranty intact. intact. light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty


Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT MOT on4all Class cars4and full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to testing MOT testing on all 4Class carslight andvans light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics,Experiencing We provideWe fullprovide dealer level diagnostics, uneven tyre wear, pulling towear, ontesting all Class cars and light vans and repairs using Autologic ™ the left right, an wear, uncentred steering with awith free re-test included ifAll needed. All Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on allre-test Class 4included cars and light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and We provide full dealer diagnostics, service and repairs using Autologic ™ the the left or right, an uncentred steering a free if needed. All vans Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans We full dealer level diagnostics, service andservice repairs using Autologic ™ level leftExperiencing or right, anoruncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. We provide provide full dealer level diagnostics, uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars light and light equipment which offers the wheel orright, poor handling? If so, us to us and adjustments included free and repairs using Autologic ™full of the left or an uncentred steering with a free re-test included iffree needed. All offree service and repairs using Autologic the left right, an uncentred steering with aand free re-test included if needed. equipment which offers the level™of wheel wheel oror poor handling? Ifto so, contact towith bulbs areofincluded of serviceservice and repairs using Autologic ™level service and repairs using Autologic ™offull the left or right, an uncentred steering abulbs free re-test included if are needed. All equipment which offers the full level or poor handling? Ifan so, contact uscontact bulbs and adjustments areadjustments included the left or right, uncentred steering vans with a free re-test included ifAllneeded. functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! excluded) equipment which offers the full level offull equipment which offers the full ofdealers. wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to us adjustments areexcluded) included free equipment which offers the level ofbook wheel orhandling? poor handling? so, us bulbs and adjustments are included free of functionality available to main book our four wheel alignment service. charge! (headlamp functionality available to main dealers. our wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) equipment which offers the full level oflevel wheel orfour poor handling? If so, contact tocontact and and adjustments are included free ofareofincluded wheel or poor Iflaser so,Ifus contact totobulbsbulbs All(headlamp bulbs and adjustments functionality available toat main dealers. Servicing car Car will will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) functionality available toTetbury mainTetbury dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) excluded) Servicing your car atCare Car Care Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car atyour CartoCare Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles book our four wheel laser alignment service. free of excluded) charge! (headlamp functionality available main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp Servicing your caraffect atcarCar Care Tetbury will not affect manufacturers warranty andwill handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles not manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyreyour wear and alignment willl transform vehicles not affect manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your car atyour Car Care Tetbury will LaserLaser alignment willl transform your vehicles

not affect your manufacturers warranty and will save you money. fuel efficiency. handling characteristics, wear andand not affect your manufacturers and not affect your manufacturers warranty and fuel handling characteristics, wear handling characteristics, tyretyre wear and will save you money. fuel efficiency. will you money. efficiency. not save affect your manufacturers warranty and warranty handling characteristics, tyre wear andtyre will save you money. fuel efficiency. will you money. fuel efficiency. will save yousave money. fuel efficiency. will save you money. fuel efficiency.

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