July and August 2015

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July/August 2015

Inside this issue: • Crudwell combined ......................................... page 5

Cover photo taken from St. Marys church tower on Woolsack Day 2014 © Kevin Farnham

• Eating Out

........................................ page 34

• Wasn’t that Woolly? ......................................... page 31

Circulation 4,550


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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

Rates Media pack available from www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Back cover half page £95 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.40

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the September Issue is

Thursday 13th August 2015 Delivery date - 29/30th August

Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

What’s On


3rd July Annual Community BBQ - 6.00 pm on the Millennium Green - the Goods Shed if inclement weather. 4th July Leighterton Summer Fayre - 12.00 am to 3.00 pm Lots to see! See the ad on page 18 9th – 12th July Danter’s Funfair At the Recreation Ground – see the article on page 40

Avening Primary School 37 Avonvale Utd. FC 42 Bookworm 15 Chuck Berry 42 Computer Advice 38 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 53 Crudwell Ladies 30 Crudwell Primary School 50 Crudwell Scouts 22 Crudwell Short Mat Bowls Club 32 Dial-A-Ride 62 Dolphins Recreation Centre 40 Eating Out 32 Guiding 16 History of Tetbury Society 52 Letters to the Editor 36 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Report 44 Neighbourhood Planning Group 54 News from St Marys’ 58 North Wilts Villages Flower Club 56 Priory Inn Blog 35 Probus One 8 Probus Two 59 Puddle Ducks 55 Simon Conrad 61 Sir William Romney’s School 39 St Mary’s Playgroup 46 St Mary’s Primary School 14 Summer Show 12 Tetbury Art Society 48 Tetbury Camera Club 11 Tetbury Classic Car Show 65 Tetbury Community Choir 28 Tetbury Five Mile Fun Run 10 Tetbury in Bloom 18 Tetbury Library 17 Tetbury Music Festival 2015 24 Tetbury Police Museum 26 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 27 Tetbury Town Football Club 21 Tetbury Theatre Group 47 Tetbury WI 20 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 7 Unsung Hero - July 34 Woolsack Day 31 What’s On 3 Young by Name 6

11th July Malmesbury Singers Concert - 7.00 pm Christ Church – Good Sheds Ad see page 27 11th July Tetbury Library Summer Reading Challenge 2015 “Record Breakers!” start – details on page 17. 11th July Yoga & Stress Relief Mini Retreat, Westonbirt House - Visit www.yoga-in.co.uk or call Nazama on 07804 598353 11th July St Mary’s Primary School Fete 11th / 12th July Crudwell Summer Fayre Visit www.crudwellstrawberryfayre.co.uk or the ad on page 56 18th July St Marys’ Church fete on the Vicarage lawn - 2.00 - 4.30pm – full details see page 58 19th July Open Day at Tigger’s Nursery see page 9 20th July Tetbury Tourist Information Centre Tickets available for Tetbury Music Festival 26th July Cherington Show 2.00pm, Fun Dog Show at 3.00 pm – see page 64 29th of July Rev Daniels licensed for Braydon Brook Benefice - 7.30pm in Crudwell church refreshments afterward August Wednesday’s – CSI Tetbury At the Police Museum, details on page 26. 4th August Wool Festival 2016 Discussion 7.30pm meeting at Artique 9th August Summer Show - see page 12 16th August St. Marys’ Church Tower open see page 58 23rd August Tetbury Fun Run - see page 10 31st August Bampton Opera at Westonbirt, 5.00 pm Tickets in advance or on the night www.bamptonopera.org or Tetbury Tourist Office

Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

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Dear Reader,


I’m proud to be the incoming Lion’s President and I’ll be doing my very best in “my” year to spread the “We Serve” ethos which is the basis of Lion’s membership. Well done to Keith Leaver, our outgoing President. His timing is lousy though, unfortunately for him, since I get to make some exciting announcements! the agent who keeps you informed

Proud to be named Professional Services Provider of the Year A big ‘thank you’ to all our customers for your glowing testimonials

The first one is that Tetbury Lions are very pleased to have been awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, publically announced on the 2nd of June. Stephen Hirst was kind enough to nominate us and past President’s Nat and Keith did a lot of work getting the information together for the awarding body, as did our publicity team and Lion Ken White. Since the award is predominantly based on the endeavours of the Tetbury Advertiser, he and past Editor Brian Gammon went to the Queen’s Garden Party in celebration of it, in May. I’m not sure which of them looks more at home outside the Palace gates. (I think perhaps Ken does.) Described by the Cabinet Office as “the MBE for volunteer groups,” we believe we

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4 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

to serve the community and including ads to cover its costs. It quickly proved very popular, taking it to the position it has reached now as the leading fundraiser in the town. Happily there’s been continuity for its growth, with each successive editor taking the Advertiser to the next level of achievement and quality.” I shan’t argue with that. And while I’m spreading congratulations and good news – another announcement. This month I was very pleased to welcome Lion’s Alan and Jwala into the club. Alan’s wife Saxon is already “one of us”, so together they will be the first husbandand-wife team we’ve ever had. (If that sets a precedent, that’s fine. Rumours that any of us attend the Lions merely to get out of the house and away from our other halves aren’t true.) Alan and Saxon have already been very active for us, helping out on Woolsack Day selling programmes – and Jwala will be helping man the stall at the St Mary’s Fete. That’s the stuff! I hope you’ll go along and say “Hi” when you see her. are only the second Lion’s club in England to achieve this recognition, so we’re thoroughly chuffed. Careful examination of this month’s cover (and thanks to Lion Kevin Farnham for the photo), will also reveal that we’re entitled to carry the Queen’s Award logo at the top of our banner. So who gets the credit? Well, pretty much everyone. The people named on page three in the Advertiser team of course, our favourite author Debbie Young who helped hugely - and without David Roberts to make up the magazine, where would we be? As I always say, too, without our printer and distributors, advertisers, columnists, fans, supporters and readers, there would be no magazine – so please, everyone, take a bow. You keep the Lions and the Advertiser in business, with your generosity. Lastly, before I leave this subject, I asked my predecessor as editor, the marvellous Barry Gibbs, for a comment on the matter. He said: “I commend the tremendous foresight the Lions club had forty years ago when it had the idea of starting the Advertiser, primarily

Lastly and very importantly, another change in the Advertiser this month. We were sorry to hear that the Crudwell Parish News had to close a few months ago due to the ill-health of the editor. We hope he gets well soon. As an upside, a founder of the Gazette, the tireless Gerda Hayes, has

Lions Den been instrumental in getting many of their contributors and several of their advertisers to join us here in the pages of the Advertiser - and we are extending our distribution to include an extra three hundred and fifty copies to go “over there.” We hope regular readers enjoy the new content they afford us and that Crudwell and Chelworth readers find the magazine offers them something new and worthwhile in return. If it works, it will be an experiment we’ll be happy to continue. Our next meetings are on Wednesday the 1st of July and Wednesday the 5th of August at 8pm at the Close Hotel and we’re always pleased to get curious visitors or potential members, so by all means come along. You’ll be very welcome at a meeting, although of course attending one of our social events is more fun – and might give a better impression of what we’re really about. The photos here of a recent little tour we undertook using electric bikes from Pedego may illustrate this. We hijacked them (with permission) from the Royal Oak - while more of us stayed behind to play Boules. And win! Salut, Richard Smith, Tetbury Lions

Tetbury Lion’s Steve, Ken and Chris pictured with Cirencester Lion Jess Turner, who is the grand-daughter of one of Tetbury Lions’ founders - Mr Ray Eastland. The four were distributing leaflets in Cirencester, with a view to helping re-energise the Cirencester Lion’s club.

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

July/August 2015 | 5

Young by name Booked Up for the Holidays! As the Tetbury Advertiser prepares for its summer factory shutdown, I’m planning my holiday packing. This task is straightforward, because most of our holidays are spent in our camper van, essentially a giant suitcase on wheels. Or in my case, a mobile library. Because for me, packing clothes is a minor task, compared with choosing my reading material. Books and writing materials always form the bulk of my luggage. It’s a good thing I don’t have to worry about a baggage weight allowance.

Travels with my Books. Before each trip, I carefully assemble an assortment of books to complement my destination. First, essential reference books: a phrase book and dictionary for the language spoken at our destination. (Yes, even when we’re going to Scotland - Teach Yourself Gaelic is permanently on board.) Next, maps and guide books. I learned this habit the hard way a few years ago, after arriving in France for a month-long trip with neither country map nor Rough Guide. We certainly took the scenic route that holiday, though not always on purpose. Then comes the leisure reading material: a combination of non-fiction and fiction. For this summer’s trip to Scotland, I’ve stockpiled a biography (The Lighthouse Stevensons,) a collection of nature essays by a Scottish journalist, some modern Scottish poetry, and a murder mystery set on a Scottish island. Most of these were purchased on previous trips to Scotland, local books being among my favourite souvenirs to collect en route.

today from my nephew, Daniel Gooding, (a writer and a librarian), that it’s common advice to do the opposite: to take books that contrast with wherever you’re going. I should therefore now be packing tropical adventure stories, gourmet food guides and biographies celebrating Tory MPs. Other friends prefer to pick a particular writer and work their way through his or her complete oeuvre. My author friend Calum Kerr chooses a thriller writer every summer. My old English teacher spent one summer reading Proust’s A La Recherché Du Temps Perdu. Well, you’d need a teacher’s holidays to get through that lot!

oldest and tattiest, so he needn’t bother bringing them home. Of the two, I know whose wake I’d rather follow. If you still can’t decide which books to take on holiday, follow my generous friend Joy’s example and splash out on some paperbacks from one of Tetbury’s charity shops. That way you not only gain great new readers, but also help a good cause and lighten your luggage for your journey home, leaving plenty of space for holiday souvenirs. Debbie Young is currently writing a collection of travel-themed short stories called Travel Size. www.authordebbieyoung.com

One busy friend subcontracts the decision. Having time to read only when she’s on holiday, she allows her mother and sister, both year-round readers, to lend her any books they think she’d like. It’s like having a personal shopper for clothes, except she doesn’t have to buy anything. A kind teacher I know takes second-hand paperbacks and leaves them behind for others to enjoy. My brother-in-law uses this approach to holiday clothes, taking his

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In Opposite Directions My holiday reading planning strategy is so ingrained that I was startled to learn


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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

This month, I thought it would be good to share with you an annual event for the Feoffees and Thirteen, to which you are all invited. The Beating of the Bounds takes place each year and this year we have brought the date forward to coincide with National Heritage Weekend, where many buildings in our town and others are open for members of the public to visit. Traditionally, this was done to mark the boundary of the town and today provides an historic and interesting walk around our town boundaries. We

have refreshments half way around and end at The Market Hall for coffee and the presentation of the Feoffee accounts. The walk starts with us meeting under Bath Bridge at 9.30am and takes approx 1 ½ hours. All are welcome – including dogs for the walk, we hope to see you all there. For those of you who walk along Herd Lane, you will be pleased to know that we have arranged for the surface of the first part of the lane to be replaced. Herd Lane, Preston Park, Berkeley Wood and the Railway Line are looking particularly good at the moment, as everything grows and the allotments fill with their produce. For all

The Feoffees and the Thirteen of you vegetable and flower growers and bakers: don’t forget the Tetbury Summer Show on 9th August, when you can enter your produce and take part in this great town traditional event. This month we have been pleased to support the following young person: Oli Jones – former head boy from Sir William Romney’s, who is travelling to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro, in aid of the Meningitis Research Foundation. Feoffee and Thirteen Community events coming up include: Friday 3rd July – Annual Community BBQ – 6pm - held on the Millennium Green, at The Goods Shed if the weather is inclement

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September •– The Market Hall will be open as part of

the National Heritage Weekend, this year to include the Beating of the Bounds on Saturday

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If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk

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July/August 2015 | 7

Probus One

1805 which ended Napoleon I’s plans to invade England.

The background to this battle, the key players and ships involved, the details of the encounters and conditions endured, It’s a threat which still brings terror to and the subsequent disastrous storm were our hearts. It caused Romney Marshes to comprehensively and skilfully unfolded to us by Martin Collison on the 19th of be flooded, Martello towers to be built May. The ways in which Lord Nelson’s and a military defence canal to be dug inspirational and unconventional strategy in the early 19th century. Over 100,000 had triumphed were explained. The invasion troops were eventually amassed defeat left Napoleon disillusioned: he was at Boulogne - but it was the British naval stopped in his tracks with no further plans victory over the French and Spanish fleets 100208 KP Gardens 22/2/08 21:50 to Page 1 England. invade off Cape Trafalgar on the 21st of October Martin’s talk, albeit arguably a trifle long, was notable for its detail and excellent visual aids.


Our talk on the 4th of June was to have continued the Napoleonic theme with an account of the battle of Waterloo, but unfortunately our speaker was unwell. Instead, Denis Cartwright described another centenary event, this one no cause for celebration. His subject was the railway collision at Quintinshill, near Gretna, on the 22nd of May 1915. In this, the most dreadful of British railway disasters, 227 were killed and 245 injured. Almost all were soldiers, bound for Gallipoli. The causes of some railway accidents are a mystery. But at Quintinshill, the immediate cause was the careless behaviour, against the rules, of two signalmen. According to the anonymous reporter


who kindly provided this summary, Denis recounted the events, starting at Euston, which culminated on a fine May morning in the peaceful countryside of southern Scotland. After the talk, a member who is a volunteer on the preserved working Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway hoped that this melancholy narrative would not discourage friends present from travelling on the GWR. Meanwhile, fortunately blissfully unaware of this sad event, my wife and I were enjoying a railway holiday! Theo Stening, Probus One 01666 504243

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8 | July/August 2015

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Tetbury Fun Run

complete the course. Stalls will include arts and crafts, shops and more. (There is no set price for hiring a stall; however a donation would be appreciated.)

The Tetbury Flyer 5/10k fun run/walk will take place on the 23rd of August 2015, opened by Maxi Babe and Emma Bradley.

The funds will go to Tetbury Youth Groups and we are hoping to get lots of local teams involved, including children. A big thank you goes to Capelli Hair Design and Scentiments of Tetbury, also to Britvic Drink for sponsoring the event.

The event will begin at The Goods Shed located behind the Royal Oak, Cirencester Road.

Race entries will cost £10 per adult and £5 per child, between the ages of 14-16. Entry forms are available from the Council Office in Tetbury, Capelli, Scentiments and Tetbury Hardware.

This year we have worked hard to organise a wonderful family day. There will be more happenings besides the run/walk such as a bouncy castle, fair rides, a car boot sale, stalls and refreshments to occupy the supporters whilst the participants

Your support would be much appreciated! Hayley Ogden

Following the successful 11 plus & School Dinner our next fun and fund raising event is …


A two to three hour walk round Tetbury finding answers and solving clues in teams of 2 to 4 or more followed by an African themed evening at the Ormond.


The challenge starts at the Ormond any time between 3 to 4.00pm allowing you time to do your Saturday shopping!

The African evening will follow on from between 6 to 7.00pm and will include a two-­‐course dinner with a choice of two delicious Gambian main courses plus fresh African fruits for dessert.

Tickets are £20.00 per person to include the challenge entry fee and evening meal, and will be available from The Ormond or from Chris or Andy Bartlett. Other attractions yet to be announced! RAISING MONEY TO REFURBISH THE KAIAF MEDICAL CENTRE IN THE GAMBIA, AFRICA We’ve already raised over £4,000 towards our target of £10,000 and another £2,000 will mean we can start the work.

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10 | July/August 2015




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Tetbury Camera Club The meeting in mid-May was the now-annual event ... ... of taking photographs in Tetbury during the evening and the participants picking a winner afterwards. The departure this year was that instead of taking photographs to illustrate a theme or emotion, photographs were taken in or around St Mary’s Church. The event normally taxes imaginations, but the wide range of photos this year was quite surprising. The winner was Florence Hillman with a view looking up the tower. The annual exhibition by the Club took place as usual on Woolsack Day, in the Market House. It takes quite a lot of effort to set up the stands and mount the prints for the exhibition so it was very gratifying that the exhibitions of the Club and that of the History of Tetbury Society at the rear of the hall were attended by over 500 visitors.

130208 GLC Williams



Page 1

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A bit of rain on Woolsack Day tends to swell the visitor numbers, but the total this year was attained in bright, sunny weather. A number of prospective new members also made themselves known during the exhibition. Formal meetings of the Club have now ceased for the summer break but some members continue to meet on Tuesdays for a chat at the Priory Inn and visits to local venues. The first meeting off the next season will be on the 8th of September. The programme for 2015/16 is shown on the website and promises to provide a mix of entertaining and stimulating talks by visiting speakers interspersed with competitions and in house events.


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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

In addition to the open competitions, there is one on a set subject. Next year it is ‘Patterns’ which should set the imaginations going. This year it was ‘Minimalism’. An image which did very well, ‘Two Tier’ by Mike Hawkridge, is reproduced here. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk Frank Jenkins Tetbury Camera Club

July/August 2015 | 11

Summer Show With just weeks to go before the Summer Show takes place on Sunday 9th August on the recreation ground, the committee can confirm that all final preparations are in place for another very good show. As in previous years, all the action will be located at the Bowls Club end of the recreation ground, with the other half of the ground, (with the approval of the Dolphins Hall committee and favourable weather conditions,) used for visitor car parking. Note that entry fees remain as last year; adults £2.50, children 12-16 £1 and under 12’s free - and there are no additional charges for parking. Vehicle access will only be permitted via the Chavenage Lane gate. It has long been a goal of this show to promote and sustain a healthy community by placing a strong emphasis on delivering to our young population an awareness and understanding of our environment, and how it should be respected. The show seeks to build through hands-on education, an understanding in young minds the responsibilities they will inherit on managing the environment in which they have the privilege to live. All of this we hope to deliver in a fun way and with family participation.

We have already mentioned that the Cotswold Pheasant and Poultry Club will be in attendance providing expert advice on all aspects of keeping chickens. We can now also say that the Oak and Furrows animal rescue centre will be along, to give advice on caring for injured animals - and of course the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will be providing a wide range of information and advice relating to our environment. Several stallholders have come forward to promote their skills at the show, but we have a little room left for a few more, so if you have a creative talent and wish to showcase yourself on the day, then call Ken

on 01666 504189 and he will provide all necessary details. We are also pleased to report an early rush for the show schedules, detailing all the categories that will be on display in the marquee - and including, of course, the all-important entry forms. You can secure your copy, free of charge, from Tetbury Hardware in London Road. Alternatively they can be downloaded from our web site www.tetburysummershow.co.uk Remember, completed entry forms and money must be submitted to Tetbury Hardware by noon on Thursday 6th August. Early indications would suggest our entries will be up again this year, and that several of you are busy making preparations to enter scarecrows, all of which will be on display outside the marquee. We can also confirm strong support from the town this year for the parade, which will leave from Market Place at 12.45 pm and head down Long Street to the recreation ground. The Snooty Fox will be making an appearance - and it looks like he will be joined by a couple of vixens this year. In costume will be the Dolphins Dramatic Society. New to the parade will be the Royal Oak which is putting in an intriguing entry comprised of up to eight people and called “Quirky Quercus”. This, plus Wacky Race carts, a vintage car and many other attractions led by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums will make for a colourful parade. We look forward to seeing you all on this great family day out. Summer Show Committee

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12 | July/August 2015

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W O SH Sunday

9th August

On the recreation ground - Gates open to the public at noon

“Trigger” the land train ’ A selection of children’s rides ’ Military Vehicles Face Painting ’ Children’s go-karts ’ The Spider Mountain Challenge ’ Owls and Falcons Educational displays by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust ’ Oak and Furrows ’ Craft Stalls Cotswold Pheasant & Poultry Club ’ Displays of tractors, classic cars, bikes & memorabilia


Display and musical entertainment provided by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums Who will lead the parade from Market Place at 12.45 pm The Fun Dog Show begins at 2.00 pm (registration from 1.15 pm) An auction and Grand Draw will take place at 5.00pm

Speciality coffee, tea and snacks from Cafe2U Delicious creamy ice cream from Super Scoops Ice Cream Jesse Smith Butchers will be cooking sausages and burgers in the ”Big Pan”

St Mary’s Primary School It is hard to believe that the end of another school year is nearly upon us! We kicked off the summer at St. Mary’s with a ‘well-being week’ in May. Children participated in all sorts of healthy activities for both mind and body, and we welcomed many visitors into the school including former Gloucester Rugby player Terry Fanolua, England women’s rugby player and World Cup winner Ceri Large and ‘MasterChef’ finalist Andrew Kojima. The children also visited Hobbs House Bakery to celebrate their ten year anniversary and we had a visit from Shipton

Mill, who explained how flour was made. Children and teachers alike participated with great enthusiasm in yoga and dance - and we all spent a lot of time outside on our school field enjoying the fresh air and the sunshine. There is always a lot going on at this time of year. Our Year-6 children attended the Leavers’ Service at Gloucester Cathedral, which is always a moving and special occasion. The Rotary Club took some of our children to Longleat for the day which they loved - and over eighty pupils participated in District Sports at Sir William Romney School. We’ve also hosted a Teddy Bears’ Picnic for the pre-school children in the area and Year-6 children are currently rehearsing for their end of term production. Twentyfive children also took part in the Woolsack

Peter O’Loughlin Ltd

We are welcoming a teacher from our Indian partner school in Nagpur to Tetbury this month. Reena will be staying with her colleagues in Stroud but spending her time in St. Mary’s experiencing how children learn in British Schools. This also provides lots of opportunities for our children to experience and learn about different cultures and beliefs.

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Races on bank holiday Monday and we were delighted that the children were once again given the opportunity to participate in such an historic occasion! Thank you to everyone who helped.

We hope you all have a sunny and happy summer! 690913

Mrs Woolley

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The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt – Winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize. When Theo Decker is 13, his life is torn apart when his mother is killed in an explosion at a New York museum. Scrambling out of the wreckage himself, he takes with him a small painting, the Dutch masterpiece “The Goldfinch.” Stunned and confused, he struggles to come to terms with what has happened as the authorities wonder where he will live

and who should look after him. Unable to communicate his grief or what he really thinks and feels, his only consolation is the calm he finds in the workshop of a furniture restorer. When his father unexpectedly appears to claim him, Theo is wrenched away from his familiar life in New York to the glare and dust of Las Vegas. There he finally finds a friend, Boris, who seems to understand and share his isolation. Left mostly to their own devices, the two boys soon seek comfort in drink and drugs, and watching from the sidelines as life goes on

Bookworm around them. Swinging from despair to wild excitement, Theo’s one constant is his furtive knowledge of the beautiful object hidden in his room. However, when Fate once again takes a hand, Theo decides to return to New York. Jumping forward a few years, we find Theo working as an antiques dealership, outwardly successful, but inside still traumatised by the events of his childhood and dependent on the numbing effects of drugs to keep him going. Events escalate, however, when his guilt and paranoia about the effects of the painting appear to be coming true. Re-united with Boris, Theo tries to put things right. The Goldfinch is a beautifully written and finely detailed book about loss. Convincingly, it describes how the devastation of losing not just his mother but also his former life sets Theo adrift, and that without any real support or guidance this continues to affect his outlook and decisions. However, it also makes the case for how something (or someone) of true beauty can stand apart from everything and provide an anchor and an inspiration in a seemingly chaotic world. Despite a few sluggish sections, this long book is worth the effort and its characters will stick in your mind for some time. Ghilly Vincenti


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01666 503900 July/August 2015 | 15

Guiding The girls going to California Dreamin’ this summer ... ... put in several hours work for our recent Book Sales and they have been allocated about half of the total amount raised, which was an incredible £690. Selection for next year’s International trip has recently taken place and we are delighted that Tetbury has another representative chosen to take part – congratulations Hannah. She too helped with the Book Sale and has already raised enough to pay her deposit. Other

Brownies and Guides who helped have been promised a free ticket to the circus in September, and the rest goes into District funds to help support activities for the girls and trainings for the volunteer leaders. Thank you to everyone who supported us by either donating books or coming to buy. The two Brownie units both had such a good time last term working for either the Friends to Animals badge or community service that this term they have swapped over. It is always very satisfying and flattering to Leaders when their good ideas work – and are used again. All Guide units have been making the most of the outdoors this term - 1st Guides enjoyed an Introduction to camping event

and we are very grateful to St Mary’s Primary School for allowing us to use their grounds including their new outdoor classroom. In just 24 hours the Guides made bivouacs in the woods, made and launched parachutes (for teddies), constructed water collecting devices, pitched tents, made washing up gadgets and fire starters, followed a trail, lit fires and cooked pancakes and camp doughnuts. The weather was kind to us and for many of the girls it was a positive first experience of sleeping under canvas. Our 2nd Guides have been lighting fires (no newspaper or firelighters) and toasting marshmallows, playing rounders at the Priory, building hedgehog shelters and doing a Tetbury “Hunt-the-letter” quiz (another good activity that is going to be shared.) Westonbirt make the most of the school grounds and have been working for the Outdoor Cooks badge. Seniors continue to meet, although their numbers have been depleted because some are taking their GCSE exams. We hope these have gone well and look forward to hearing about good results in August. We also await news from California and Switzerland – good luck to Georgia, Jess, Alexa and Cath – we hope that these trips prove to be once-in-a-lifetime experiences. We offer our congratulations to Tetbury Lions on their recent Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service – this publication is just one example of the great things they do. And in more good news, I was very happy to hear an MBE has been awarded to our own Amanda Butcher – congratulations! Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com

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Pet Products: All major Brands available in store, or on a delivery from suppliers Tuesday/Friday, Ask us for a quote! What have you got to lose? You may well save money by buying local. Garden Products: Mr Fothergill Seeds still available for late sowing. All other gardening goods are on the shelf or available to order locally, so no need to travel. BBQ and Fire Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels as well as BBQ products come and see or place an order for a special event. Delivery available. Discounts available on all Charcoals. All products for the home, garden and your pets are here under one roof. Our aim is to help, advise and save you money.

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16 | July/August 2015

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Tuesday 21st July 11am – MARATHON MAN - The inspirational Sam Beard will be visiting to talk about becoming the youngest person to have run 7 marathons in 7 days! Wednesday 29th July 11am – SUPER SNAKE - Learn about the world’s longest snake and then make a life size replica of it to slither around the library! Saturday 8th August 11am – TRIUMPHANT TROPHIES – Be a winner and make your own winning trophy out of clay!*

It’s fun, it’s free and it’s back! The Summer Reading Challenge 2015 ‘Record Breakers’ starts 11th July! Running until 5th September, it’s a great way for children to enjoy books during the long school holiday. Open to 4 to 11 year olds (Pre-Schoolers can take part in a mini challenge), the challenge is to visit their library three times and borrow (any) two books per visit. There are rewards to pick up along the way with a certificate and medal for completing the quest! (If not already a library member, please bring ID with you when signing up your child for the challenge.)

Friday 14th August 11am – MAMMOTH MOSAICS - Find out about the world’s largest vegetable mosaic then make your very own version of the mosaic to take home! Saturday 22nd August 11am – MEDAL MAYHEM –Make your own ‘Certificate of Awesomeness’ by drawing your selfportrait, writing what you’re best at, then enjoy a treasure hunt around the library

Tetbury Library finding hidden medals to complete your certificate! Wednesday 24th August 11am –SPEED MACHINES - Design and make a model gravity racer then race it in our mini Wacky Races! ** Just turn up for all events (*except 8th August where numbers will be limited by materials so please get a free ticket before the day). Events are suitable for all ages (**except Speed Machines which is aimed at 7 to 11 year olds), but children under 8 years must be accompanied by an adult. And with our interactive Record Breakers display, there’s much to enjoy! See you soon. Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie, Tetbury Library

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July/August 2015 | 17

Tetbury in Bloom Flushed with Success! We recently received praise for the “fabulous” flowerbeds at the pubic conveniences between the Old Brewery Lane and West Street car parks.

Did you know that these are awardwinning flowerbeds? In 2007, Tetbury in Bloom took over their maintenance and began to work its magic. Unbeknownst to us, the Heart of England judges nominated us for the British Toilet Association “Best Dressed Public Toilet” award, which we won two years running. Taking inspiration from the building itself, we settled upon a cottage garden theme. English in origin, it relies on grace and charm rather than grandeur and formal structure. We

began by cutting back and tidying up many of the original shrubs choisya, mahonia, clematis, pyracantha to name just a few - to create a backdrop for the new planting. We added penstemon, roses, diascia, linaria, heuchera, liatris and fuchsias. At this time of year, in shades of red, pink, white and mauve, we intersperse geraniums amongst the perennials to complete “the look”. This summer we are delighted that Highgrove Enterprises have agreed to be our main sponsor and are financing many of the floral displays throughout the town. We really do appreciate this wonderful support. Without it, and that of other Tetbury businesses, organisations and individuals, combined with our own fund raising initiatives, we would not be able to continue our work to the high standard we’ve all become accustomed to. Another special thank you must go to Wotton Farm Shop, who supply all our baskets and plants and who, throughout June, give us tremendous help by bringing the plants to us as we need them. Open Gardens Day on 28th June was another big success. Thank you to everyone who opened their marvellous gardens to the public: Jo and Alistair Blant, Teresa and Ian Cunningham, Helen and Paul Downey, Rachel and Chris Moody, Lorraine Scrivens and James Hudson, Julie and Alan Simcock, Elizabeth and Tony Sykes, Debbie and Chris Tetley, Sue and Jeremy Townsend, Pat and Lance Vick, and our very own Sue and Stephen Hirst. Thank you also to the Women’s Institute for their expert help with the refreshments and for their delicious home-made cakes. Also thank you to Stephen Hirst for his cakes which made excellent raffle prizes, to the Tetbury Lions Club for the use of their gazebo and to Tetbury Town Council for use of the urn. June is by far our busiest month as we install 25 lamp-post baskets and plant the 33 flowerbeds, 47 troughs and tubs. To get all this done, the Tetbury in Bloom volunteers work double shifts each Tuesday and Thursday morning and evening - they deserve a special thank you too! Liz Farnham Tetbury in Bloom

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18 | July/August 2015


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Tetbury WI Our members, who are tennis fans, particularly enjoyed our June meeting, as the speaker was Brian Partridge who had been an umpire at Wimbledon. Even those of us who have no interest in the game enjoyed his talk, as it was laced with many humorous anecdotes. At this meeting we heard about the Royal Garden Party, held on June 2nd. Pauline and Mary attended on our behalf and talked to a fellow member who had also left Tetbury that morning - the Duchess of Cornwall. Our secretary, Anne, reported on the NFWI AGM. Thousands of ladies descended on the Albert Hall and many were thrilled that the

Queen was present. As this is the WI centenary year, special occasions are planned. A visit to River Barn Gardens in Malmesbury in May was also a great success - we are aware that we have many interesting locations for visits on our doorstep and plan to see more. I hope when you read this, that Tetbury in Bloom has had a marvellous Open Gardens on 28th June. You may have met some of our members who served you tea and made the cakes you were offered. Supporting Tetbury in Bloom is something we value. Our next meeting is on 13th July at the Dolphins’ Hall. Visitors are always welcome.

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20 | July/August 2015

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On Saturday 30th May 2015, Tetbury Town Youth FC reached the climax of their season, the Presentation Day! The day began with some mixed games for each age group, coordinated by our team of dedicated, FA qualified coaches; as well as some fun activities for the enthusiastic group of Tiny Tigers. After exerting lots of energy, it was time to celebrate another successful season. Every player received a trophy in recognition of their contribution and

commitment to Tetbury Town FC during the 2014/2015 season. The U12s were once again presented with the Wally Smith Cup and individual trophies were presented to commend those who demonstrated particular values during the season based around commitment, attitude, performance and respect. As always, these decisions are never made lightly! I would like to thank everyone involved for all their hard work to make the day such a success, including the fantastic spread, kindly supplied by parents. The Annual General Meeting was held on 1st June 2015, which provided the opportunity to review a fabulous season. It also marked the beginning of a new chapter, with some fresh new faces joining us, ready to plan for the exciting new developments ahead. Don’t worry it is not too late if you are interested in joining the committee please do not hesitate to contact me. The Under 8’s enjoyed their end of season visit to Mojo Active where they enjoyed completing a military style assault course including low ropes and zip wires. Some fantastic outdoor fun! Coaching sessions were enjoyed by pupils at Sir William Romney’s School during July. The three groups demonstrated some impressive skills and perhaps learned a few new things too! St Mary’s Primary School has appointed two ambassadors, Oscar Elliott and Eleanor Moody, to improve communication and links between both parties. I look forward to working with them and hearing their

Tetbury Town Football Club ideas. We will also be supporting their Summer Fayre on 11th July as well as the Open Day at Tigger’s Nursery on 19th July. With thoughts turning to next season, I am delighted to confirm that the following teams are in place for 2015/2016: • Tiny Tigers. Fun football for Under 6’s on Saturday mornings from 10:30-11:30. • Under 7’s Cotswold Youth League • Under 8’s (x2) Cotswold Youth League (Thunder and Tornadoes) • Under 9’s Cotswold Youth League • Under 10’s Cotswold Youth League • Under 11’s Mid Glos League • Under 13’s North Wilts League • Under 15’s North Wilts League Our coaching team continues to grow and some will be attending coaching courses in the near future. They will also arrange training to begin in early August and existing players will be notified by their team manager. Anyone interested in joining Tetbury Town Youth Football Club, please contact me on 07879 441938 or richard.norris@rndsltd.co.uk. Look out for training dates, as well as other activities taking place over the summer on our Facebook page ‘Tetbury Town Youth FC’. Enjoy your summer! Richard Norris Youth Chairman, Tetbury Town FC

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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

July/August 2015 | 21

Crudwell Scouts Crudwell Scout Group needs Adult Leaders and Executive Committee members to keep this fantastic organisation running smoothly, and to continue to offer Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers within the village. You don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls, (our Chief Scout,) to get involved with Scouting. Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? Everyone has useful skills and you could help us in many ways. What will I get out of volunteering? As well as gaining externally recognised skills and having a brilliant time, Scouting also offers the chance to build teamwork, confidence and leadership. Over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives. Are you up for the adventure? Volunteering with us is easy, fun and flexible – how much time you give is completely up to you. Whether you help out once a month or just at camps, there is a role you can play. No matter how you get involved, we’ll make sure you’re properly trained and supported. Interested? Contact Helen BleakleyRoberts (Group Scout Leader) on 07803 270457 or creodaexplorerscouts@hotmail. com for more information.

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Tetbury Music Festival 2015 What began with a small concert at Highgrove in 2003, the Music Festival has now become an established part of Tetbury life. Its patron is HRH The Prince of Wales; the musical director is Jonathan Cohen whose recent recordings with his orchestra Arcangelo have been enjoying rave reviews.

Hewitt is one of today’s most revered and sought after pianists. Her programme will include works by Bach, Beethoven as well as Liszt and Scarlatti. The concert will start at the earlier time of 7pm. The Festival concludes with a unique opportunity to hear three Bach Magnificats: one by Johann Sebastian Bach, one by his son by his first marriage Carl Philipp Emmanuel, and one by Johann Christian through his second marriage. Arcangelo, under the direction of Jonathan Cohen invites us to compare three different approaches to the Magnificat.

Before some concerts there will be an introductory talk by the well known BBC Radio 3 commentator Donald McLeod. All the concerts are performed in the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin and St Mary Magdalen in Tetbury. Tickets are available from 20th July at the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8JG, phone: 01666 503552. For further information see the website www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk or e-mail Kathryn Limoi, Festival Administrator at info@ tetburymusicfestival.org

This year the Festival starts on Wednesday 30th September and ends on Sunday evening, 4th October. The Heath Quartet opens the Festival with works by Haydn, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky – a programme that spans the classical and romantic era. The next evening, Thursday 1st October, sees the return of Joseph Middleton to his native Tetbury accompanying Carolyn Sampson whose soprano voice is thrilled audiences at last year’s Proms. Their programme is in two parts: the first featuring poetry of Shakespeare set to music by British, German and Austrian composers. The second, the poetry of Paul Verlaine composed by Debussy, Ravel, and others.

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The Festival has not had many woodwind groups, but this all changes on Friday 2nd October with the Ensemble Marsyas who champion virtuoso wind music of the Baroque and Classical eras. They will play music by Handel as well as the lesser known composers Fasch and Weiss. This year the Tetbury Music Festival is delighted to have Angela Hewitt to play for us on the evening of Saturday 3rd. Angela


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24 | July/August 2015

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tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offer full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, pulling to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We offer a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.

bulbs an charge!

DO YOU OWN ONEUnits OF1-3,THESE? Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester


If so, ask yourself .....................


Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level


premier independent garage offering a


with a fr



th a

MOT tes

servicing, diagnostics and repairs using

service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of

MOT TESTING YOU MAY BE USING THE WRONG GARAGE! .....................if the answer is NO


Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to

MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans

the left or right, an uncentred steering

with a free re-test included if needed. All

wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to

bulbs and adjustments are included free of

book our four wheel laser alignment service.

charge! (headlamp excluded)


Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles


handling characteristics, tyre wear and fuel efficiency.


strial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ

Tetbury Police Museum Who did what, where, how and why? You’ve seen it on the television and now you want your children to learn some basic forensics skills? Then why not enrol them on one of our CSI: Tetbury kids’ crime scene workshops during the school summer holidays. (See the ad on this page for further details.) And now for some more from our Cold Case Files:

Cowardly Assault on a Policeman

At Tetbury Petty Sessions on Wednesday, Archibald Garraway, William Garraway and William Smith, three labourers, of Harper Street, were charged with assaulting and beating Frank Bubb, a police constable stationed at Tetbury.

CSI:Tetbury 1220715

Come along to one of our kids’ crime scene workshops Use your forensic skills to find clues to solve the case


WHEN: August Wednesdays 12th (2.00 pm), 19th (2.00 pm), 26th (10.00 am)

One of the witnesses said when he saw the WHERE: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom, row first he thought it was merely one of The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury to one of our the usual Sunday occurrences down that Come along AGE: 8 – 15 COST: £2.50 way. Evidence was called in support kids’ of crime scene workshops FURTHER DETAILS: Tel 01666 504670 or the solicitor’s opening statement, and the useEmail yourcurator@tetbury.gov.uk forensic skills to find clues defence was that the complainant struck to solve the case the first blow. Source: Tetbury Police Museum and The Bench described the assault as a very th CourtroomWednesdays archives; originally The WHEN : August 12Gloucester (2.00 pm), cowardly one. They were determined to Citizen published 7th November 1901. th th put a stop to this Sunday rowdyism, and


each of the prisoners would have to go to prison for six weeks with hard labour. 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1

(2.00 pm), 26 (10.00 am) John Silvester, Hon Curator curator@tetbury.gov.uk



Page 1

WHERE Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom, The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury


Mr A. H. G. Heelas, solicitor, of Stroud, appeared to prosecute, and stated that the defendants appeared to have committed a most unprovoked assault upon the complainant. He was then off duty and walking in company with a young woman, when he met the three defendants. They made an obscene remark as complainant passed, and then followed him up Archibald Garraway caught hold of him by the throat, and the others came up and laid

on to the plaintiff with a stick and stones, injuring his head and breaking his hat. He was thrown to the ground, and at that time a groom named William Westmacott came on the scene and remonstrated with the defendants about their cowardly conduct. Bubb was afterwards allowed to get up, but defendants followed him back to Tetbury, repeating the assault on the way. Mr Heelas pointed out that although it would have been a more serious offence if complainant had been on duty, yet he considered it was more aggravating to assault a policeman than an ordinary individual.

COST £2.50

0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k

FURTHER DETAILS: Tel 01666 504670 or

Email curator@tetbury.gov.uk

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26 | July/August 2015

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

We’ve got some amazing good news to start with this month ... ... as the Goods Shed Project has just been awarded £50,000 from the David Thomas Trust! This is on top of the £12,000 they gave us last year, so we are all feeling pretty elated. We can see light at the end of the tunnel and hope it won’t be long now before work can start. Up to now we have raised and been pledged a total £459,200. The estimated cost of the conversion is £589,000, leaving us a shortfall of just £129,800. Barrie Doyle and his team of

Carat Boot the

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

fundraisers have been working very hard and they are waiting to hear the outcome of their six latest bids. Now that the Wacky Races are out of the way, our ever-practical David Walker has turned his attention from making a model engine to making two new Goods Shed notice boards . One is for the history of the Goods Shed and the railway and the other is for the posters for forthcoming events and photos of previous ones. We enjoyed increasing the mercury on our fundraising barometer and the display boards and 410713 Paul 1 18/6/13 barometer have Dyer:Layout gone up just outside the main doors.


Goods Shed

2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm

You may have noticed the new plaque by the five apple trees which were planted to commemorate the hundred year anniversary of the start of the First World War. The trees were donated by The Lions, Tetbury District Council, The British Legion, The Feoffees and The Tetbury Rail Land Regeneration Trust. It is touching to realize that the people of Tetbury who sacrificed their lives in the war have a living and lovely memorial which will continue to give 19:52 Page 1 the gift of its fruit to people. We would like to plant some more apple trees in same area and we are looking for sponsors, so if you would like to sponsor an apple tree please contact me. The fruit trees in the Community Orchard on the other side of the splash and the new ones along the side of the old railway line should look amazing in the spring with all the blossom and in the autumn there should be the apples to look forward to, helping both wildlife and us! Please keep a look out for our posters and adverts in the Advertiser for up and coming events. If you would like to help with this dynamic project please contact me on 01666502877. I am always interested to hear your views. Thank you for all your continued support.

01666 502877 TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT 1400714

Will Cook (Chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Trust


AT TETBURY GOODS SHED News and events £600



£300 The whole family can explore the Rail Lands park, then return to the Shed where local and national artists will introduce you to creative activities. Make a nature-inspired piece of art and take it home with you! 10am to 3.30pm. Web page: bit.ly/art1park1

Malmesbury Singers Concert Saturday 11th July 7pm Christ Church, Tetbury

The Malmesbury Singers’ Summer Concert in Christ Church (overlooking The Chipping car park) is guaranteed to be a treat for the ears. The theme for the concert is "Journeys and Homecomings". Information: www.tetburyrailllands.com

£200 £100

Project Appeal Fund


£0 Thank you to all our supporters and funders. We are closing in on our funding target to completely refurbish Tetbury Good Shed. Look out for more news.


Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

July/August 2015 | 27

Tetbury Community Choir The Choir goes viral! (Well, almost.) Yes – we now have our own website - http:// tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com - and we are also on Facebook. Look for ‘Tetbury Community Choir’, and you will be able to see pictures and find out all about us. We are really looking forward to singing with the German choir when they visit Tetbury in October. As well as lots of new material, we are fine-tuning some of the Messiah choruses, so that we can include a good cross-section of songs when we sing with them and at other events. We are hoping to have a Christmas concert, and some of us will be taking part in the Dolphins winter performances. We have lots of members who have lived in Tetbury all their lives, so we like to do occasional profiles. Many of you will know the multi-talented Leslie Jablonski, perhaps from Tesco, where she has worked since it opened and runs the friendliest and most efficient checkout (well we think so!). Or you may know her from one of her many other local activities including the Dolphins Dramatic Society, where she performs regularly. She has always sung, starting when she was at school in Tetbury, and has been a very active member of the Choir since it started in 2010. Leslie is one of the

Alto’s - not to be confused with some-toes! They can sing a lower vocal range than Sopranos, so are crucial to any Choir. We would not be where we are today without Leslie and the other Alto’s supplying the mellow tones and harmonies that help the Choir sound so good. New members are always welcome – we are a friendly mixed choir. You don’t need to read music - just like singing and have a sense of fun. There’s no audition, get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal - we sing on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. Our last session

is 22nd June, but we re-start on 15th September for 10 weeks to 17th November. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail.com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk. Or find us on Facebook and on our website. Margaret Foster, Chair Tetbury Community Choir


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28 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


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720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1



Page 1

Crudwell Ladies

E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ At the time of writing we are looking forward to visiting Chavenage House, following on from our outing to Bowood last month to see the rhododendrons - and finally back to Crudwell Village Hall for our Wednesday the 8th of July meeting. Our speakers for the evening are Friends of Gloucester Waterways Museum who will come dressed in costume to talk about the lives of Narrowboat Women, their children and their crafts. We eagerly await their talk - do put the date in your diary. For information: Crudwell Ladies meet every second Wednesday of the month usually at Crudwell Village Hall 7.45pm for 8pm start. You don’t have to live in Crudwell to be a member in fact we have members from various towns and villages. Visitors are very welcome at our meetings and £3 pp is charged which includes tea/ coffee and biscuits. There is plenty of car parking space at the Hall and we are a nonpolitical and non-religious group.

Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com

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30 | July/August 2015

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Woolsack once again proved to be a hugely successful day for the whole town, the hard work by the organising team provided a first class, free family day out

which was enjoyed by many thousands of spectators. Tetbury provided a great atmosphere with the street market, the funfair, street entertainers and of course the world-famous Woolsack Race all contributing to a very successful day - and as a bonus, the sunshine joined in too. The children of St Mary’s started off the races with their own competition, with seven teams competing in the mini Woolsack as a prelude to the serious challenge of Gumstool Hill. Winner of the men’s event was Nathan Barraclough who took only 52.6 seconds to carry his Woolsack up the hill, closely challenged in second place by Martin Holloway with a 55.9 second run and in third place Callum Lister in 59 seconds. In the ladies race first place was Kim Ingleby with 1minute 19 seconds followed by

Tetbury Woolsack Susan Lee with 1minute 30 seconds and Jemma Tuckwood in 1 minute 43 seconds. Well done to all of you and to the many competitors who took part. Joel Hicks lightened the atmosphere once again, this year running disguised as a world champion boxer, complete with boxing gloves. In the team races, the Royal Oak team was triumphant again in 3 minutes 16 seconds, closely followed by the team of Navy Divers who finished in 3 minutes 28 seconds. The mixed team of Ciren Crossfits also managed to finish in 4 minutes 30 seconds. Thanks must go to our sponsors, IHS, The Snooty Fox, Tetbury Audi and the many people who contributed to the Bunting Appeal - and to the organisers who once again provided a great party.

John Bevan with Isobel and Holly and Oscar Elliott, who ran in teams from St Mary’s Primary School

Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month

July/August 2015 | 31

Crudwell Short Mat Bowls Club In Crudwell there is a thriving short mat bowls club which meets on Thursdays (2.30pm to 5pm) and Sundays (7.30pm to 10pm). We encourage new members whether experienced or indeed new to our sport. All you need to do is turn up at the Village Hall (which is well signposted off the main road) with a pair of flat shoes. We have woods which can be ‘borrowed’. Your first experience will be free.

County League with some success and we also arrange friendly games and coaching for our newer and less experienced players. If competition is “not your scene,” members are welcome to just come along and play socially, have a cup of tea and enjoy the social side of our sport. Additionally our Social Secretary organises a number of other get-togethers during the year.

If you want to have a go or find out more please contact either Carmel Rogers (our Chairman) on 01666 577502 or Jenny Lane (our Secretary) on 01666 861326. Alternatively, just turn up at the Village Hall (during the times above) with some flat shoes. We will do the rest. Crudwell SMBC, GDL

Crudwell SMBC competes in both the Malmesbury League and the Wiltshire

Tel: 0785 505 6769

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Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00

French & Country Quality Alterations Furniture Showroom of Tetbury

2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury GlosStockist Neptune (Next to Tourist Information)

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Offering a full range of clothing alterations, from shortening of hems www.ewanhouse.co.uk to a complete garment remodel 01285 640326 Zip replacements, repairs and sewing on buttons Wardrobe consultations in your own home College Farm Buildings, Tetbury Rd, Cirencester, GL7 6PY Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, Cushions made to order more! College Farm Buildingsand are much, 250ydsmuch on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. We aim to return your garments as Saturday soon as we can, Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 10.00-4.00 when possible, within an hour for a single shortening Experienced - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates

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At home in the Cotswolds 0400715

32 | July/August 2015

Est 1983

At home in the Cotswolds michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 1020415

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Wycliffe College has named Nick Gregory as its new Head from September 2015 Mr Gregory, will replace the current Head, Margie Burnet Ward who will be retiring at the end of this academic year. Before becoming a teacher, Mr Gregory spent eight years in a management role at Barclays, before moving to a teaching career. He has taught modern languages at Barnard Castle School, County Durham and Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood before becoming a boarding Housemaster at Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge. Mr Gregory said: “Modern education must be an excellent preparation for life – professional, personal, social, moral and I believe that Wycliffe produces people who are ready to face up to life after school and deal with its challenges.”

compete with anyone at anything, provided we were prepared to work hard, commit some energy to something and make the most of our talent. I hope this is something that people will believe in at Wycliffe.”

The new Head, who is currently Deputy Head (pastoral) at Mill Hill School, London, has a

Mr Gregory and his wife, Helen have three

strong boarding and academic profile. He was educated at Ipswich School and studied French and Spanish at the University of Nottingham.

be educated at Wycliffe and Ben, who has an autistic spectrum condition will be attending school elsewhere but will be very much part of their life at Wycliffe.

He said he hoped to pass on a deep belief he has held since his own school days. “It was really important to me to feel that at my school we could punch above our weight and

sons, Harry, Ben and Sam – Harry and Sam will

“I want someone’s time at Wycliffe to be an experience in itself,” he said. “It should be something to be enjoyed and appreciated for its

own intrinsic value and not just a means to an end of walking away with some exam results.” Mr Gregory said: “At Wycliffe, people really do matter. It is a place where differences and individual qualities are genuinely valued and respected and everyone embraces the concept of helping every single boy or girl be the best that he or she can individually be. These are all things in which I believe profoundly. “It will matter to me tremendously to be recognised as being not only the tenth Head of the College in its 130 plus year history but also to be recognised as being a good Head.”

Pictured : Tom Seabrook, selected to play in the England U16 Rugby Squad

Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege

www.wycliffe.co.uk 1380515

Eating Out ‘The Priory’ has been a regular haunt for ages, though our first visit was a very different experience: in one half the bar, rammed at weekends with drinkers, and on the other, a tired restaurant reminiscent of a 70’s Berni Inn. These days, it’s one large restaurant. The bar’s limited to just its own space, with stools and copper-topped tables, and it’s fair to say it’s no longer a drinker’s venue, though there’s usually a pleasant selection of local beers. But that’s turned out to be a bonus - for a start, it means improved chances of getting a table. We live just up the road and have regularly popped down early-ish for a table, but it’s increasingly common that they’re fully booked (even for locals with ‘ready money’.) There are two sound reasons for that. The food’s well priced and it’s really

good. Always! I’ve lost count of our visits and can’t recall ever coming away thinking, “Yeah…it was OK.” This recent visit was no exception. “Flossy” started with prosciutto and Single Gloucester beignets, which had a light crispy outside and a rich, deep smoky flavour inside. I had smoked trout and haddock fishcake, which was amongst the best fishcakes I’ve ever had, mostly because it was actually made with fish and not one of those pallid ‘pretenders’. (You know the kind - almost all potato with herbs and flakes of something smoked to make it fishy-tasting!) Flossy then had lamb burger - hand-made, moist and fresh tasting - with chorizo, Holy Smoked cheese, BBQ sauce and coleslaw. She thought feta might’ve been a better choice with lamb, but hey, she was being picky. I chose sea bream, potatoes, samphire and lemon dressing (I’ll always go for something with samphire). I was told it would come whole, but two time-saving fillets arrived. And, oh my goodness, it was de-li-cious! The fish was beautifully cooked, the dressing smooth and subtle - a perfect accompaniment. I told the waitress that I thought it was probably the best meal I’d had there and would she please tell the chef. On her return, to take note of that rare beast - a dessert order for both of us, she said the chef had laughed out loud! I took it he was overjoyed with the compliment… Although it may have been due to disbelief. Or even derision? You decide.

Stargazy Menu - ea

Fish Platter.............................................................................................................. herring · smoked salmon · prawns · mini fishcakes · salad · sauce ·

Shell-on Prawns...............................................................................................

King Prawns - battered or grilled................................................... served with either chips or your choice of salad

Squid - battered or grilled.................................................................. served with either chips or your choice of salad

Cod or Hake - battered or grilled................................................ served with either chips or your choice of salad

So, three super courses each with drinks, including a small ‘pichet’ of very nice Chenin Blanc for under £65. If that’s not a bargain, then I’ll eat my hat. But I’ll make sure I got the hat from ‘The Priory’!

Fish Fingers......................................................................................................... served with either chips or your choice of salad

Native Breeds Frankfurter – battered or grilled.................. served with either chips or your choice of salad

Homemade Fishcake.................................................................................. served with either chips or your choice of salad

By Fill

Fish in a Bap....................................................................................................

Cod or hake (grilled or battered) served with either chips or your

Homemade Fishcake or fish fingers served with either chips or you

Unsung Hero - July

evident around Tetbury. Alison’s intelligent and energetic approach to “making it happen,” is one which a town such as Tetbury always needs to keep it moving forward.

Dear Editor,

Name and Address Withheld

Probably too late for this month, but I’d like to nominate Alison Hesketh as your Unsung Hero.

Ed: Not too late – and I’m delighted to receive this nomination for Alison Hesketh. She’s a tireless worker for the good of Tetbury and a staunch supporter of the Advertiser, too, generating material of great quality and excellent interest every month. I shall miss her PPG contributions and wish her well with her many other good works.

Alison has masterminded the Patient Participation Group at the surgery for the last 2/3 years, ably setting up a positivethinking forum between the GP’s and the patients. She has also taken on being secretary of the PCC at St. Marys’ Church, which again sets up an interface between parishioners and the church, one of the focal points of the town. In addition, Alison has the unenviable task of organising street collectors for Christian Aid which only this month, has been

34 | July/August 2015

Sides · Salads Ribbon of cucumber, fennel, coriander salad......


Sweetcorn and mango salad............................................


Green leaf salad...............................................................................


Special salad of the day.........................................................


Tartar sauce (50p) · Mayonnaise (50p) · Chili sauce

Drinks to have here or takeaway – Cotswo

Introductory Buy 2 x small and 2 x regular and a 1.5L bottle of cok

*while sto

She will soon be in receipt of her voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page three. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Open from: Wednesday – Sund stargazyfishbar.co.uk facebook: starg

Tel: 01666 0900715

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Introducing… Stargazy Fish Bar is your new fish bar, next door to The Priory Inn. You can eat at the fish bar or in The Priory Inn garden, or you can take-away and enjoy your meal at home. We are a bit obsessed with providing the highest quality freshest fish and the best chips possible and to ensure greater quality, we will only start cooking your food when you have placed your order – so there may be a wait (unless you call through your order in advance.) We make our batter using a special recipe, which blends Shipton Mill flours and Cotswold Brewing Company Premium

Lager – and if you are partial to our national dish but prefer a healthier option then not to worry, we can grill you a fillet of fresh fish with a salad on the side. We make all the bits and pieces here too, such as mushy peas, curry sauce, fishcakes and chili sauce to give you the best results – and our Maris Piper chips are cooked twice to make them crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside.

Freshness! The Stargazy’s fish arrives with us on the same morning you eat it, transported from the Cornish fish markets by New Wave Seafood. We work with New Wave because of their firm policy to buy seafood from well-managed, sustainable sources,

protecting our oceans for the future. They are committed to protecting the marine environment and wherever possible buy fish that are line-caught by small day boats to minimize the impact on the marine environment. As time goes on, we will have specials on the board and we will add more fish to the menu.

Two top tips: Either call your order through on 01666 500690 and let us know what time you would like to pick up; Or come and place your order at the fish bar. If we are not busy, you might wait ten minutes. If it is peak time for fish and chips, you can go next door for a drink and we’ll let you know when it is ready to go!

A Paid for Advertising feature

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Priory Inn Blog

The old saying “A swarm in May is worth a load of hay...” is open to interpretation. It may relate to the connection between warm weather encouraging the Queen bee away from her hive, in order to reproduce her colony - or to the conditions being right for farmers to grow rich pastures for livestock to enjoy, now and into the winter months. The conditions have been text-book for bees and dairy farmers so far this year. Our cheese-producing friends the Godsell’s in Stonehouse enjoyed no interruption in high milk yields when their cows first tasted grass this year, as there was so much to eat! Swathes of local grassland have been mown and the resulting silage, rich in energy, stored away for the winter months.

Meanwhile at the Priory, live music continues through July to a packed house - and also lends a chilled Sunday night atmosphere. On the 5th, Blind River Scare plays folk- and country-tinged songs. Steve Degutis plays on the 12th and Rapunzel, a Bristol-based laid-back duo, on the 19th and on the 26th respectively. Dik Cadbury is back to perform a selection of his favourite covers and original material, too. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn

In regard to bees, we only lost one colony out of four over the winter and we recovered three swarms in May, taking us to a total of six happy, but immature, colonies. Their new home at Adeline Farm in Long Newnton is ideal. Ros Holland’s pride and joy has fruit trees, allotments, young flowering crops, rows of flowers and polytunnels filled with fresh produce - making it a perfect home for these amazing creatures. They repay nature by pollinating and strengthening the crops and flowering plants. The swarms settled in the low orchard of blossoming fruit trees, allowing their scouts to find a new home. As territorial beekeepers, this meant a relatively easy catch, so we could provide them an enticing new home. We witnessed the fascinating march of thousands of little workers into brand-new hives on the warm May evenings.

All profits distributed locally and internationally

CALLING ALL GARDENERS! Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...

Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.


theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”

July/August 2015 | 35

Letter to the editor Dear Editor, Save the Children would like to thank everyone who supported our tombola and raffle on Woolsack day this year. The basket of “goodies” was won by Mr. Sylvester from Swindon, who luckily was “house-sitting” in Tetbury. Many thanks, Maureen Clarke Dear Editor, Tetbury Tourism Group is holding an informal meeting to discuss a Wool Festival for 2016. The meeting will be held at Artique on Tuesday 4th August at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Anyone who feels that they or their organisation or business can contribute in any way would be very welcome. If you can contribute but are unable to attend then please contact Jackie at Tetbury Tourist Office with your ideas.! Sandra Ball Dear Editor, The house-to-house collection during Christian Aid Week, together with church collections and the additional gift aid, netted £7,080.31. Thank you so much to everyone who gave so generously to make this wonderful total and also, of course, thanks are due to the seventythree volunteer collectors without whom it would not have been possible.

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Alison Hesketh. Tetbury Area Christian Aid Organiser Dear Editor, Reverend Phil Daniels will be licensed as the Priest-in-charge for Braydon Brook Benefice on the 29th of July at 7.30pm in Crudwell church and all are welcome to the service and for refreshments afterwards.

Blackbird Interiors Ltd 07974 712 083 / 01454 311 294

Cathy Butcher Dear Editor, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Member of Parliament for The Cotswolds, commenting on the Queens Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS) to Tetbury Lions for their work with the Tetbury Advertiser said: “The contribution that the Advertiser makes to the community in Tetbury was recognised by the rigorous scrutiny prior to the award which has only been given to 187 organisations nationwide. I would like to heartily congratulate all those who have been involved in this tremendous project.” Many thanks, Jeremy Lilley Parliamentary Assistant

36 | July/August 2015


STORAGE Clean dry storage only - at reasonable rates. Minimum two months. Units approximately 10ft x 12ft x 10ft high. 1240515

Tel: 01666 840205 Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The last lap before Summer holidays begin! The summer holidays have almost arrived and in these final few weeks of term, we are busier than ever at Avening School. We are ticking all the boxes as we near the finishing line for summer with sports events that include a sponsored work and sports morning; an arts week inspired by the four elements – Earth, Air, Water and Fire and one of the highlights of the school year, our annual musical soiree. This event will see children from across the school coming together to showcase their

musical talent whether it be singing in our KS1 and KS2 choirs or playing a musical instrument, which include violins, guitars and percussion. On a musical note, the KS2 children were paid a very special visit by internationally renowned folk duo Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman at the beginning of June. The pair spent the afternoon performing with the children who had learned one of their songs in preparation for their visit. As part of our arts week, we will be joined by a team of professionals including an artist, musician, fashion designer and story-teller. The week will culminate in a performance

Avening Primary School and celebration for parents, to include a much anticipated catwalk show! Last month, the Owls class (Y5/6) embarked on an adventure packed three day trip to South Cerney Water Park where they took part in challenging and teambuilding activities including paddle boarding, kayaking, sailing and raft-building. This is always such a wonderful opportunity for the children to try something different and develop their independence as well as learn new skills. This final half term of the academic year has seen children perform in yet more outside sporting events. The Hawks (Y3/4) participated in a ‘Commonwealth Games’ held at Thrupp School, while the KS1 classes also had their fair share of sporting fun with cluster sports events at Brimscombe and Leighterton school. Some of our KS2 children also recently took part in the District Sports event held at SWR, several of them qualifying to participate in the Area Sports this month. Every year, the time comes to bid farewell to our Y6 leavers which is always a very emotional event, but we wave them off proudly and wish them good luck as they embark on their new adventures in secondary school. We wish everyone a sunny and relaxing summer and look forward to a new term in September! Jane Rushton, Headteacher

Schroth 3-dimensional exercise therapy For adolescent scoliosis and adult degenerative scoliosis. Evidence-based programme applicable for: • Adolescent scoliosis • Degenerative scoliosis • Rounded back deformity • Also as sole therapy and also combined with bracing and surgery. We also offer Cranial treatment for babies and children Osteopathy for a wide range of physical problems Acupuncture for general health issues and Counselling for emotional difficulties. Tetbury Osteopaths 22 London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JL Tel: 01666 502214

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Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month

July/August 2015 | 37

your goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with simply going to the gym three times always seen straight away, and we are all per week. impatient even at the best of times. As we are all habitual creatures we fall Sticking to your targets requires a into certain routines or habits, which can be structured approach and an inner belief in 10 for a year youCreating are running goodifor bad. an exerciseeither habit can your ability to reach what you set. You must Windows 7 be SP1 Youyour may vitalorinWindows helping you8.1. achieve goal. be able to visualise the process and the end easy habit that will be easy Start withinanyour see a notification system tray. Do to goal – but don’t just fantasise! to, and make you are consistent be cautiousstickhowever as sure some features Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help andversion perform will this not habitbe for available at least two from your old of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes once you upgrade. wish to waitand developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exerciseYou on a may Monday, Wednesday right for you. Follow these steps to plan a for the dustFriday. to settle, if youbeen do doing take this thefor Once but you have ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6sure weeks, change maybe increase plunge, make you backit –everything upthe A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC before going ahead. I will give you more Hopefully we are going to have a wonderful you in the right place and have the right This will next keeparticle, your body andcan brain A goal must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective youinformation in my or you have set? guessing, summer with blue skies and warm weather. and help lead you to your 2015 what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you getdevelop in touchfitness with goal me –directly. you can do it! If we do, then spare a thought for your accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. needs cleaning, targets leadI can to carry this out without technology! When the surrounding air In the meantime, if you would like your REALISTIC focusstatic and toodamage the reduced resulting which can be temperature goes up, it’s bad news for computer cleaned, booked in for an annual To be realistic you must be able to visualize muchby wiggle room. cleaner. caused a domestic your computer or laptop as the cooling service achieving the objective. Too highora to discuss any of the points above, MEASURABLE yourself effect of the fans is not so effective. Being do the getend, in touch. Have a great summer! goal and you may struggle to see WindowsA 10 on the 29th goalwill mustbe be released air-cooled, the fans will have to work that too low and you will find yourself less be motivated. mail@inghamassociates.com or go to July andablenewto computers bought after much harder to try and dissipate the heat. If measured – www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk this date should come pre-installed with the fans are working very hard, do consider whether on TIMED the new system – however, Microsoft will dropping the equipment in to have the important, scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal isNic – The Computer Shop as this is what you must work towards. This 01666 502067 stopwatch,ahaving fans and cooling system checked out be offering free aupgrade to Windows Telephone: time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps before damage is done.

Computer Advice

Windows 10 is almost here - and is your PC ready for summer?



If you’re keeping your computer in the car, try to avoid doing so when it’s sunny, but if this is unavoidable, use an insulated bag of the symptoms• that • Migraine some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain and place it low down in the vehicle, Just out of • Neck can be helped by treatment: that can be helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain sight (of course.) If you are using the boot, • Tennis elbow • Acute/subacute neck pain Call now for free consultation Call now for a consultation! try to park so the boot is not facing the sun • Low backpain pain • Chronic neck Tetbury and use foil screens to radiate as much heat Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity Healthassessment and Wellbeingavailable Centre as possible out of the windows. • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders DermaCo House • Tennis elbow • Foot and ankle joint problems Is your computer equipment in a summer Telephone 07469 187004 2 Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) disorders • Acute whiplash-associated house or shed? If so, ensure there isTetbury good Jwala Gurung Gurung Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee osteoarthritis Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, ventilation and insulation to protect itGloucestershire from • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. huge variations in temperature. If youGL8 find8itDY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. Tetbury Chiropractic, Vicinity Health and Wellbeing Centre, DermaCo House, 2 Charlton Road, Tetbury GL8 8DY uncomfortably warm, just think what your technology must be going through too! If thunderstorms are forecast, ensure you are using some surge protection on all the devices connected to your computer. Better still, unplug them from the mains (don’t just simply switch them off ) and disconnect the router from the phone line in case there is a lightning strike. There is no point exposing your equipment to unnecessary risk. If going away, I would do this anyway.

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Keep the equipment vents clear. Allow good ventilation around your desktop PC and all around a laptop. I would also recommend using a stand or cooling device to allow more airflow underneath. If vents are blocked with dust, or covered by soft furnishings (for instance) while in use, you run a serious risk of causing irreparable damage. Use a vacuum or brush on the outside to keep them clean. If the inside

Call Ollie on 01666 848097 – 07823881639 – info@pixielock.com www.pixielock.com 1361013


38 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The heat is on with SWR’s new boiler system! Things are hotting up at Sir William Romney’s School – or they will be when a state-of-the-art heating system is installed in time for the new school year in September. Thanks to a successful £180 000 emergency-funding application to the Government’s Education Funding Agency, the school’s antiquated boiler system, now nearing a half century of service, will be replaced by six thermostatically-controlled

Sir William Romney’s School

linked-in boilers and an independent water heating system. The new system will slash the school’s energy bills by 22 percent, which equates to an annual energy saving of 176 00 kWh. Work is planned to start on June the 22nd and that date can’t come soon enough for SWR’s premises manager Lawrence Halton. “The present system is unreliable and has to be monitored almost on an hourly basis. This new system will be network-linked and can be operated off-site if necessary,” he says.

SWR’s premises manager Lawrence Halton’s heating headaches will soon be a thing of the past.

‘The Voice’ goes a capella at SWR. Sir William Romney’s School has been holding auditions for its very own version of ‘The Voice’ – in this case “Romnapella,” SWR’s a capella choir. The choir has been running for just over a year and offers students the difficult art of a cappella harmony singing. Singers are aged 11 to 16 and sing in 3-5 part harmony. The choir’s repertoire is broad, from folk songs and rounds, to gospel, to pop - all with a contemporary edge. Romnapella practices once a week for an hour and is directed by Heg Brignall, a folk musician and teacher from Bristol. Heg has a passion for a capella singing and started the choir as a way to teach singers the art of harmony, as well as create exciting, contemporary music using only the voice. Last year the choir sang at a charity choir concert in aid of Concern Universal at the renowned St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol where they performed alongside large adult community and semiprofessional choirs.

SWR’s premises manager Lawrence Halton’s heating headaches will soon be a thing of the past.


Following the success of their first out-ofschool performance, the choir was invited to sing on the main stage at Tetbury Folk Festival 2015 where they were extremely well received.


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SWR’s Romnapella choir at the Tetbury Folk Festival

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PART-TIME CLEANERS REQUIRED We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis to help over our busy summer season. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.

Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406 250208

All profits distributed locally and internationally


July/August 2015 | 39

Dolphins Recreation Centre Suddenly, it’s the issue of the Advertiser which will cover our activities through until September – that was a quick summer! The recreation ground will be, again, the centre of outdoor events in the town. Danter’s Funfair will be arriving for 4 days from the 9th – 12th July and the Summer Show will have its usual mix of traditional and new events on Sunday 9th August. Thanks to the foresight of that generous gift to the town so many years ago, we are lucky to be able to have such a central large open space in the town for events such as these. The Priory Gym, in conjunction with Tetbury Town FC, were able to use the rec. for a fund-raising event this month, which resulted in them being able to finance two defibrillators for the town – a great example of intergroup co-operation.

At our May meeting, the town council attended a question-and-answer session, regarding their request to extend the existing St. Saviour’s burial ground onto part of the recreation ground. Their answers were then considered at our June meeting,

General Handyman Services

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LATHAMS CONTRACT SERVICES LTD High quality garden maintenance for medium to large gardens. Trustworthy key holders for your home. work throughout the year. reliable family run business. Fully Insured.

but the trustees took the view, that, with the town’s increased population over the coming few years, it was not the time to reduce the amount of recreational space. This was a similar decision to that taken by the trustees facing the same issues in 1997, illustrating that the trust has been consistent in recognising that its prime responsibility is to provide recreational facilities to the town. We had hoped that we would have received planning permission for the new centre by now, but with various reports needed, the timeframe has been extended. However, we think we have cleared most hurdles – the most recent being that we have firmly established there are no bats! Seeing the new centres being built elsewhere (South Cerney has just completed a £1.15 million community centre) we are even more convinced that Tetbury should have its share of the action – more and more uses are being identified for the new community hub. Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee

Contact Susan Latham on; home: 01666 575407 Mobile: 07931730922 0590715

Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314

40 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk



Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

July/August 2015 | 41

Avonvale FC Avonvale Utd was formed back in 1998, with just one team of boys who were desperate to play football.

One other success that doesn’t come with silverware is our exchange programme with Dutch club CSV Jong Holland. When they visit us next Easter this will be the 10th consecutive exchange between our two clubs. It’s a unique trip that we are proud to be involved in and look forward to many more. As we look ahead, pre-season training has already begun for our senior players, who are working hard each Wednesday evening to prepare for their first league matches

in August. Training is taken at 6.30pm every Wednesday evening at Sir William Romney’s School field over the summer months and will then move indoors, as we have been fortunate to secure a slot at ‘Inside Football’ at Brimscombe from 7pm – 8pm on a Wednesday, from September onwards. Please come along and join in, new players are always welcome and will strengthen our squad as we move into the 2015-16 season and face all the challenges that will bring. Our youth members will resume training on Saturday the 29th of August, training times as follows –

9.30-10.30 Under-18, Under-12 10.00-11.00 Under-13, Under-10 10.45-11.45 Cougars (from 4–9 years), Under-16 We look forward to seeing you all there, new members welcome at any time, please call Jo on 07518 017363 for more details or check out our Facebook pagewww. facebook.com/avonvaleutdfc which covers all of our dates and events. 520912 L & P Plumbing:Layout 1


Jo Johnson, Avonvale FC

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Those boys now form the core of our senior squad and have been joined by many more over the years as further teams were formed. We have enjoyed many successes over the years as readers of this column will know, sales of silver polish have increased in Tetbury for sure, as we keep our cups gleaming! Our Under-16 squad (pictured) have had a particularly successful season bagging a league and cup double. Great work boys, let’s hope you continue your successes into the North Wilts and District Under-18 league.

Over 25 years experience Tel: 01666 502862 Mob: 07816928024

Chuck Berry Dear Crudwell Parishoners, I was asked a question at the annual Parish Council about green waste bins. Those who have them will know they have gone from “free” to now being “charged for.” We at Wiltshire Council conducted a consultation as to whether we should charge or skip 3 months collections in the Winter. Suffice it to say the overwhelming result was in favour of the 3 months without a collection. However on further analysis it appears there was no budget to provide the service without charge. A simple, but painful miscalculation. The Cabinet Member apologised, as do I, for this error.

42 | July/August 2015

In the Parish Meeting those who simply cannot afford this charge were asked to get in touch, we have some laudable charities who may be able to help. As a Parish Councillor as well as the local Wiltshire Councillor I am here for you. Whatever you need in your dealings with the Council I am here to help, to listen and to advise. You can reach me on 01666 577765 or chuck.berry@wiltshire.gov.uk and whilst I cannot promise to deliver the right answer all the time I can promise you that I will try. Chuck Berry


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk




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July/August 2015 | 43

Mayor’s Report I am delighted to have accepted a second year in office as Mayor and I am sure I will see you around the town or at events. It was a delight to go to The Dolphins Dramatic Society performance of “The Importance of Being Earnest.” It was an excellent performance and very well presented – and Woolsack Day and The Vintage Fair were also both busy; what a lovely buzz the Town had! The day was very well organised and our thanks go to both those who helped to make it so successful and to all those who took part. I would have liked to present all the runners with a medal - you so deserved it. If you are out and about round the Goods Shed please take a detour and along the footpath towards the picnic tables where the apple trees were planted last year and where we now have a lovely stone and plaque. Having spoken to Will Cook, we are hoping to get more fruit trees planted along there and any fruit produced will be for the people of Tetbury to enjoy. On Saturday 30th May a group of Germans from our Twinning town of Zwingenberg came for the weekend and it was a pleasure to be part of the group and to meet them.


There was a public meeting at the Malt House on Wednesday 17th June to discuss the future of the Malt House. I will feed back what was discussed at this meeting in September, as we have no Advertiser in August. It is official! We will be holding a Town Crier competition next year on the 2nd of July; more information will be forthcoming nearer the time. The provision for burial is an important issue and also a very emotive subject. With the number of properties being built or ear marked be built this is a subject that will1 641010toTetbury Mini Bus:Layout not go away and needs to be addressed.

Finally, Tetbury Lions have been very busy of late and must be very proud, as we all are, that they have been honoured with the Queens Award for Voluntary Service “the MBE for Voluntary Groups”. I am sure you will agree this is a very well-deserved recognition of all their hard work and of the Tetbury Advertiser, which is such a brilliant local magazine and which reaches so many people. From Tetbury Town Council, well done! Our congratulations also go to Richard on becoming the President of the Lions. He is a very worthy person to take over from Keith and I’m sure he will lead the Lions from strength to strength.



Page 1

Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury

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44 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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05/04/2012 16:37

July/August 2015 | 45

St Mary’s Playgroup With summer fast approaching, the children are excitedly focusing on holidays and other Countries. (From camping to cruises and aeroplanes to Aunty Mary’s house all topics will be

discussed). In particular we welcome our two Polish newcomers with whom we are going to explore their culture - especially the food! With the arrival of better weather, (finally,) we have been spending more time in the beautiful gardens doing team-building activities as well as “Forest School activities” such as den building and creating a “magic carpet” to fly around the world on! The children gain so much from outdoor play, not only does it develop their motor control skills but it encourages exploration

and creative play using all their senses. The preschoolers are getting prepared for the move to “Big School” with a focus on independence. They have been developing writing skills, recognising their own name and getting dressed by themselves. We have also been talking about new ventures in circle time and how this can make us feel - exciting times! This month is also a busy time for fundraising with a “bring your Dad to playgroup” on the 19th of June, a “Nearly New” sale on 27th of June with another local charity – and a ‘Bikeathon’ on the 30th of June. We are hoping to raise funds for essential new equipment, including a gazebo for both outdoors and our role play corner and a writing trolley to encourage more mark making. To celebrate our 40th year we are going to hold an autumn family fun day in September - more information to follow, so watch this space. Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30, run by Jackie Hunt. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to preschoolers, so drop in and join the fun!

Hester jackson and Amelie Ponting den building together for small world people in the beautiful garden

Please visit our new website www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk or call 01666 503777 to learn more about us or with any enquiries, we are always happy to hear from you. Enjoy your Summer! Vikki Morris, Secretary to the St Mary’s Playgroup Committee



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Our group has continued their visits to different venues and performances and this time I am able to report on the last two trips. On Saturday the 16th of May a party of twenty-one members and friends set off to Salisbury in plenty of time for lunch and shopping before attending the matinee at the “Playhouse” of the musical play “Little Shop of Horrors”. We think that the title may have put off some members but they need not to have been concerned. It was a very light-hearted production full of a variety of

Tetbury Theatre Group

infectious tunes covering Motown, DooWop and Rock-n-Roll, all of which were well played and well sung. Although based on the Faustian legend, the basic storyline is a boy meets girl love story set in a down and out “Skid Row” location, with the lead characters knowing deep down how they feel about each other but too scared to acknowledge it. Their dreams remaining unfilled, they’ve settled for whatever they can get. The horror aspect of the play arises from the growth of a bloodthirsty human-eating plant known as “Audrey II,” that evolves from a simple pot plant to an enormous succulent but ravenous being that takes over the stage. The staging of this was very well done and the puppeteers operating it received considerable acclaim. The scenery in general was very cleverly designed and the whole show was very well received by the whole audience. On Saturday June the 13th we set off to the Everyman theatre in Cheltenham with a group of thirty-four members for the production by The Cotswold Savoyards of two operettas, the opening show being the less well known “Cox and Box.” The composer here was Arthur Sullivan and the words were by F.C. Burnand (the editor of Punch magazine.) This was a short version of approximately thirty minutes, best described as “a musical farce.” It was followed by Gilbert and Sullivan’s rather better known HMS

Pinafore, with all the usual gusto, clever lyrics and music and with plenty of seafaring antics and comedy. It was a very good production and very much enjoyed. The committee meets regularly to draw up a programme of shows for a wide range of preferences expressed by members; a recent questionnaire indicates their needs are being met. Future plans already booked include the following: July the 25th - Cardiff - Welsh Proms August the 26th - Malvern -Talking Heads September (date to be confirmed) High Wycombe - Father Brown Further arrangements will be given in the next issue. There are occasions when have booked a forty seat coach and have maybe ten seats spare. If you fancy a trip to one of our selected towns and would like to visit to shop or sightsee why not contact Lin Tanswell to pay for a seat? We usually leave Tetbury Market Place around 10.00 am and return around 6.30 pm. Any enquiries about membership or coach seat availability should be made to Lin Tanswell on 01666-505029.


Ray Sheppard Tetbury Theatre Group


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July/August 2015 | 47

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Tetbury Art Society



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The summer months see a change to our normal routine, as the emphasis moves to outdoor activities. Weather permitting ...

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We held the June monthly meeting on Wednesday the 3rd of June, when members could sketch or paint around the town or else work on a project of their own in St Michael’s Hall. This year we all opted to work in the hall; perhaps our members’ preferences are changing or perhaps the refreshments laid on by our Social Secretary, Margaret Morgan, proved just too tempting? The weekend of 13th - 14th of June was for painting “Corners of Avening.” Avening is a place that we often just drive through en route to somewhere else, but it has a church that dates back to the Norman Conquest (and whose building was connected with a story of royal unrequited love and revenge,) and many other fine buildings - and it lies in a wooded valley that affords wonderfully picturesque views. Regrettably the weather was not encouraging, particularly on Saturday, and very few came.


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29/11/2012 17:31


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In July, we have a second painting weekend planned in Doughton on the 11th – 12th and a coach trip on Thursday the 16th to “Art in Action” at Waterperry Gardens near Oxford. This trip is always popular, as the exhibits and demonstrations are very varied and art materials may be purchased at bargain prices.

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In August, we have a Summer Social planned for members on Wednesday the ! 5th and our August Exhibition will be held in the Market Hall 28th – 31st over the Late ! Summer Holiday.

By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

This brings us to the end of our summer program and on Wednesday the 2nd of September we will commence our autumn programme - Graham Findlay will show us techniques for painting foliage and stonework in watercolour. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.


Michael Kingham Tetbury Art Society

48 | July/August 2015



! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crudwell Primary School Our summer term began with an “unbelievably amazing experience”, according to one of our Year-6 pupils on her return from a week-long visit to our link school in the Czech Republic’s second city – Brno. We established the link two years ago and entertained ten of their children last year - this year it was time for us to see what school and life was like there. Throughout the week, our children stayed with host families which gave them an excellent idea of Czech family life and an opportunity to learn their first few Czech words. During the visit we spent two days in school where we had maths, art and humanity lessons. We were all very impressed by the standard of English spoken and written by their pupils – we certainly couldn’t have given five minute presentations about our local area in our second language! Of course, it wasn’t all lessons – we also had a wonderful visit to the Moravian Caves (the largest cave network in Central Europe), a visit to a Science Centre and we also explored a little of the beautiful city. We’re already looking forward to our Czech friends coming to us again next year. At the beginning of June, our Year-4 and Year-5 children spent three days at

Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre. As well as the challenge of climbing, biking, archery and problem solving games the children got a feel of the 1066 and the Norman Conquest. Led by an historian, they learnt how to use a long-bow, build a defence palisade and battle Norman-style. For many of them it was also their first experience of being away from parents.

there they also visited Bristol dock.

Our younger children weren’t going to miss out on out-of-school learning! Our Reception children set off for Lower Moor farm to spend a day investigating minibeasts and other small creatures as part of their study of living things. Continuing with the wildlife theme, children in Years 1, 2 and 3 visited Bristol Aquarium to study all things marine – including an Aquarium Safari and a chance to feed the fish! While

It’s always good to see our older children taking the lead in these events while supporting and encouraging the younger ones.

It hasn’t all been travel and adventure. We’ve also had time for SATs tests and our normal curriculum – including a housegroup maths challenge day. Our five house-groups spent a morning tackling a series of problem solving activities, maths puzzles, computer based challenges and played maths games.

It already seems to have been a busy term and we still have cricket, athletics and sports days to fit in as well as a school play and curriculum focus week. The rest of the term looks rather busy too! Katherine Hume, Headteacher


50 | July/August 2015

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History of Tetbury Society Once again the sun shone for HOTS - this time on June the 4th, when we visited Cirencester. We all parked in the Old Railway Station Yard. I suppose it is fairly obvious that the platform still exists alongside the tall station building, but it was surprising to learn that there used to be a glazed canopy right across to the high wall opposite and that the booking office and other buildings have been demolished. What is left would probably have been taken down, but the drawings show that Brunel himself designed what remains. Our informant was Peter Grace the Cirencester historian. We had actually met him across the road at the old Memorial Hospital. This is now completely disused and though it is not itself listed, it contains a grand staircase that has been listed Grade 2 which is presenting difficulties for those who would like to redevelop the site. Peter then took us on a tour of historic Cirencester pointing out the most significant buildings, their former uses and, often, ‘stories’ relating to them. The building on the corner of Castle Street and Park Lane was originally the Police Station. This reminded Peter of the enrolment for the LDV’s early in the war – a large number

of men turned up, no enrolment forms had been printed so a female member of staff took down a list of names etc. One man was recorded as saying that he had been a Private last time and he had no intention of being one again. Dads’ Army was right!

or was it because there was a number of blacksmiths there? Peter spoke about the history of the Market Place and the difficult time that Cirencester had during the Civil War, before we returned to the Memorial Hospital via the Brewery Arts area.

We moved on to Cecily Hill, now the entrance to the Park but which was once the main road to Stroud, then on past the end of Coxwell Street and across Dollar Street. Then we turned into Spitalgate Lane, where we paused at the remains of the Hospital of St. John, before going to the Norman Arch in the corner of the Abbey Grounds. It is difficult to picture the huge Abbey that formally stood behind St. John’s Church.

Peter is much involved in the Living Memory Historical Association and their two attractions, the” Hospital Air Raid Shelter” and “The Home Front “museums, which are open on Saturdays.

Peter speculated about how Black Jack Street got its name – was it because of the fire damaged figure of St. John that used to overlook it from the end of the Church

Next month we are due to visit Wottonunder-Edge on the 2nd of July and cars will leave the Chipping at 6.45pm. We also ought to mention our August meeting, which is always ‘at home’ in Tetbury. Details are still under consideration but be in the Chipping at 6.45pm on the 4th of August if you wish to join us. Alan Twelvetree History of Tetbury Society


52 | July/August 2015

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Magnificent Meadows. The theme of the Warden’s annual conference this year was Cotswold grasslands. Wardens from the five districts were addressed by three speakers, able to explain why we are asked to do specific jobs for wildlife and flowers.

though. Their wool is too thick for them to be able to feel a shock – unless of course their necks are shaved regularly….)

No Urns.

We were told that there are fifty-eight species of butterfly in the UK, of which fortyfour occur in the Cotswolds – some single sites providing a habitat for as many as thirtyfour of these. In the afternoon we visited Cranham Common and saw Small Heath and Common Blue butterflies, which are both quite rare. I have previously seen Duke of Burgundy while working on Rodborough common. Other rare species include Large Blue, Small Blue and Marbled White. We also saw flowers, including the common spotted orchid (which is really uncommon!) and later there will be Bee orchids, Fly orchids and Cotswold Pennycress.

Our work party has returned to Woodchester, to continue scrub clearance at the Italianate Garden site. Our aim is to return the area to pasture, with the site of some of the features marked. We will not be able to make it look like the photograph provided by your Editor last month unless a lot more money is provided by the National Trust. The Urns in his picture reminded me of a visit to the National Trust’s Hidcote Garden in the North Cotswolds. The Head Gardener, who was showing us round, shared with us some old photographs of some urns which where there a century ago and now missing. Convinced he had discovered them at another property, he was telling us how tempted he was to mount a midnight raid.

Virtual Fencing.


Natural England, who manage Cranham Common, have decided that continuous light grazing by their eight cows would be better than moving the cattle around, so a telecoms cable is being buried right around the perimeter of the common. With this in place, there’s no need for electric fences, cattle grids or gates, since each cow wears a transmitter on a collar around her neck – and if she stands on the boundary, she receives an electric shock as if there were a fence! (This won’t work for sheep

The wardens lead many walks in the Cotswolds but disappointingly, not many attract children. However – see the information below about the 12th of July! Recent educational projects have included the pond and outdoor stone wall classroom at Leighterton School, which was photographed in the local paper recently, in-use for ANZAC day. Meanwhile, we’ve returned to Sherston School this month to improve the roadside perimeter fence, making it more secure

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens from intruders overnight, and to brush-cut around the stone wall we built previously for a bumble-bee habitat.

Footpaths. This month, at the request of local farmers,

we have installed extra waymark posts to clarify the route of the Cotswold Way near Dursley and for paths at Kingscote.

Local Walks. Local walks lead by the Wardens in July/ August are: Sunday the 12th of July for 3 miles on Selsey Common from the B4066 – with a Children’s Quiz. Friday the 17th of July at 10.00 am for a 10.30 start from the Prima Café Uley, for 5.5 miles to Cam Long Down. Sunday the 19th of July at 10.00 am for 10 miles from Rodborough Common car park via Minchinhampton, Longford Mill and Nailsworth Egypt Mill. Monday the 27th of July at 10.00 am for 6 miles from Minchinhampton Church (Bell Lane car park) via Rodborough Common and Winstone’s Ice Cream factory outlet. Sunday the 2nd of August 10.00 am for 8 miles from Dursley Town Hall via Uley and Cam Long Down.

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Wednesday the 12th of August 10.00 am for 10.30 from Kingswood (sports club café next to the Dinneywicks pub) for 5.5 miles to Wotton, Holywell and Coombe. Sunday the 16th of August 10.00am for 12 miles from Kings Stanley (village car park) via Haresfield Beacon and Eastington.

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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

Friday the 21st of August 10.00 am for 6 miles from the Bell Inn, Selsley, via Selsley Common and Church. Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

July/August 2015 | 53

Neighbourhood Planning Group In order to speed up the process, we have recognised that we need outside help ... ... to finalise what is a huge project and will be looking at three aspects - one is the pulling together of the various strands we have been working on, another is the employment of a professional web-site designer to help chart the plan’s progress for the public and the

third is to employ an independent planning expert to assess the town centre’s needs for traffic, tourism and viability. Happily, we do have funds to be able to finance this. We were particularly pleased to see in the Patient Participation Group’s article in the Advertiser last month that the surgery will be receiving funds for an extension of the GPs’ facilities. This is one aspect that came out forcefully in last year’s town survey and has been at the centre of the group’s health and well-being agenda. Because I will be moving away from Tetbury,

I will be stepping down as chairman of the group, which is one of the reasons why we are looking at a professional co-ordinator. Both my predecessor Liz Farnham and I have been most grateful for the hard work that many people are giving to the project, putting in hours of their time. Of the town council staff, Natalie Haines and Tara Niblett have also helped considerably (and cheerfully.) We are getting there and hope to be able to publish areas for public consultation in the autumn. Barry Gibbs Chairman - Tetbury and Tetbury Upton Neighbourhood Planning Group


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54 | July/August 2015

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The final few weeks of the academic year are upon us, and we are certainly making the most of them! We have been busy with lots of activities relating to our sound of the week as we continue working our way through Jolly Phonics and have been making the most of the warm weather in the garden, spending lots of time outside digging, planting and looking at nature. We have also enjoyed lots of lunches al fresco which has been lovely. Our thanks go to Julia Sharpe who came in to run a Tappy Toes class with us. The children all enjoyed dancing and moving with her and we are very grateful to her for coming in. We also had fun on a trip to the Fire Station which is always a highlight

of the year. The children learnt about the special clothing that Firefighters wear (well done Claire for modelling it for us!), had the opportunity to sit in the fire engine and hold the hoses. Thank you to Dave Smith, Sacha Ward and Andy Howell for welcoming us. For the staff July is a month of mixed feelings as whilst of course we are looking forward to the summer break, the end of the year also means saying goodbye to many of our children as they make the move to primary school. This year we have children moving to St. Mary’s School, Avening, Leighterton, Sherston and Westonbirt Schools. We are proud of each and every one of them and know that they will all settle quickly and have lots of fun in their new classes. We send with them off with lots of love and very best wishes from us all.

Clare Farthing

Puddle Ducks We are also saying goodbye to Trudi who is leaving us to await the arrival of her second child in the autumn. We wish Trudi and her expanding family all the best. We are now taking reservations for places at Puddle Ducks for September 2015 and January 2016. If your child will then be aged between 2½ and school entry and you would be interested in coming along for a visit, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who would be pleased to arrange this for you. Puddle Ducks is proud to be a small setting with a high staff to child ratio. We offer a fully holistic and inclusive learning environment which aims to provide every child with the opportunities to develop across all 7 areas of learning and to help them reach their full potential whilst learning through play. We are found around the back of the Dolphins Hall and run weekdays, termtime only from 9.15am-12.15pm with an optional lunch club until 1.15pm.

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It only remains to say a huge thank you to all of the children and their families who have supported us over the past year and to wish everyone a lovely summer holiday. We look forward to doing it all again in September!

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July/August 2015 | 55

North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club

Crudwell S t ra w b e r r y Fay r e & F l o w e r Fe s t i va l

At our May meeting Beryl Griffiths amused the hall with her chat whilst demonstrating several bold and colourful arrangements. Beryl’s skill and experience was evident in her unique creations. Our meeting on Wednesday June 17th saw Jayne Morriss (area demonstrator and Chelsea 2015 silver medal winner) demonstrate under the title of “Strolling Through Gardens”. The meeting on Wednesday 15th of July will take the form of a tutored workshop with Sandra Snell (area demonstrator and Chelsea 2015 gold medal winner). We send our congratulations to NAFAS South West Area team who won a gold medal at Chelsea with their display entitled “Revitalisation & Regeneration”. The flower club will be involved in staging the Crudwell Flower Festival and Strawberry Fayre, which takes place on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of July. Wednesday August 19th 6pm. will be the annual strawberry tea evening. This year we will head for Kingston St Michael, where one of our members has kindly offered the use of her garden. In September the club is planning to run a flower arranging course for beginners, arrangements are in progress. Flower club meetings take place at Crudwell Village Hall SN16 9HB on the third Wednesday of the month, seven for seven thirty. If you enjoy flowers come and join us, visitors and new members are welcome.

11th-12th July 2015

(Flower Festival Preview Evening 10th July) Relax and enjoy the ‘taste of summer’ with strawberries on the village green See the beautiful flower arrangements in the ancient church (courtesy of the North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club) Browse the stalls in the Village Market

Sizzle & Swing

Tap your feet to the sound of the JJ Swing Band on Saturday – bar open from 7.15pm Flower Festival Preview £10 to include Pimms, fizz and canapes Sizzle & Swing £6 to include the band, a hotdog and a drink from the bar All tickets (including raffle) available from sales@crudwellstrawberryfayre.co.uk and Crudwell Post Office All proceeds for All Saints Church, Crudwell (Schedule overleaf)

For moreWayne information please contact 260313 Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha Margaret on 01285 770639 .

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56 | July/August 2015

Wez Poole Carpentry and building services 07717 708092 peyote.wez@googlemail.com 6 Wallow Green, Horsley, Stroud, GL6 0PB


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


News from St. Mary’s On Woolsack Day St. Mary’s opened the Tower ... ... and some sixty people climbed the one hundred and four steps to see the magnificent views over the Town and to Highgrove. Many enjoyed visiting the ringing chamber too, where a short talk was given about the bells and bell ringing. This was much appreciated. It was a lovely day and the views were spectacular. Coffee was served in the Church for those who braved the climb and for those waiting for family to return.

On this occasion cream teas will be served in the Church, since this is also a Friends of St. Marys’ afternoon - and there will also be some exhibitions in the Church to explain the work carried out over the past year and to look at future plans. If you are not a “Friend” then you might like to consider joining? Subscriptions go to help maintain the fabric of the most iconic building in the Town.


For more info,

Call Ricky on CL Tetbury Advertiser_Layout 1 14/04/2015 01666 504644


Diana Challis, Keith Essam, Churchwardens. *Please see this month’s cover photograph by Kevin Farnham: Ed.

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Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic.

Have a good summer!

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The next chance to go up the tower, the final opportunity for this year, will be on Sunday August the 16th between 2.00 and 4.00 pm. Less inconvenience 1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1 28/6/08 for you (No children under eight are allowed.)

Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher

During July, the under-floor heating in the chancel is to be repaired. Much of the floor has to come up but we are hoping for a warmer Church next winter! Our main services will continue as usual.

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58 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

work he and his volunteers are carrying out with Romanian people. Blythwood also distribute 10,000 shoeboxes of presents at Christmas, mainly practical items such as soap, stockings, gloves, shirts and so on. He showed us a photo of a woman, whose face demonstrated that it was something so precious, holding a bar of soap.

Mike Ogbourne recently gave the following talk on his charity work in Romania. Mike is a Priest with the Blythwood Charity of UK and travels with them to countries in trouble, such as India after the Tsunami, which he talked to us about in 2014.

Some time ago the press condemned Romanian families and orphanages about their treatment of children, but Mike explained that their President at the time, Nicolae Ceaușescu, had ordered that all families should have children and no birth control was available or allowed, so when such children were born many were abandoned, as they were neither wanted or could be afforded. Thankfully, things are steadily moving forward now with E.U. and charity help, but it will be a long haul before normality, as we understand it, will come to Romania. Mike was, however, able to demonstrate how families are now enjoying general family life in a way they could never have achieved under the old regime.

Probus Two If there is anyone out there who would like to join us do give a call to John Moules on 01666 502678 or Alan Twelvetree on 01666 503977. Our members are an agreeable crowd and you will be made most welcome!! We meet around twice a month with speakers giving talks such as above. We also have an annual dinner and a garden party, all of which is very enjoyable. Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell Probus Two

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This had been a most heart rending session and one which we all found thought provoking.

On the practical side, Mike confirmed that He has recently spent time in Romania, each visit consists of several large lorries where Blythwood has a programme driven by volunteers - and such are the of caring for orphans and people of all conditions to, in, and back from Romania, ages, who need help and education even that they take full sets of spare tyres plus in such matters as basic hygiene. His their own diesel fuel, as it is such poor 140208 Classic Windowsvery22/2/08 1 photography demonstrates well the 22:04 qualityPage in Romania!

Home Visits

Please contact Tina T: 01666 505661 M: 07856 677633 E: lotinga@btinternet.com 1360415


Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

July/August 2015 | 59

Why do people value The Priory? “The staff are friendly, kind and caring and have done a huge amount to help [Mum] feel settled and comfortable. There is a happy atmosphere and lots of smiles as well as empathy. The food is excellent and relatives are encouraged to join in with meals.” - Daughter of a resident

Whether you’re looking for day-care, short-term respite care, or a longer term move to a residential home, The Priory in Tetbury offers a lovely ‘home from home’ environment. With attractive, landscaped grounds, lots of activities to take part in and tasty, fresh meals on the menu, why not arrange a visit to experience The Priory for yourself? For more information, contact us on: 01666 502 332 | enquiries.thepriory@somersetcare.co.uk 1190415



60 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

I was recently asked to advise on plants for a thirty foot by four foot border ... ... in a prominent position in a client’s garden - and then to plant it up. The client’s requirement was for a vibrant mix of hot colours with as much all-year-round interest as possible. A red/yellow/purple palate was decided upon and leaf texture, stem form and height were also added to the equation, to give a further layer of contrast. (As a passing observation, did you know that the Victorians were creators of colour-themed borders, too?)

Having given the planting the requisite amount of careful thought, I came up with a list of plants for my client’s approval, including their chief attributes and at which time of year they can be expected to “do their thing.” After they’d made their choices, the existing border was cleared of plants not required (some, like an existing Peony, was fitted into the scheme) and the ground was prepared. After planting, a fresh edge was cut on the front of the border with gentle curved ends to enable a lawn mower to be able to glide around the border.

Simon Conrad All that remains is for the plants to be watered regularly until they establish, particularly in dry spells - and for the client to sit back in the conservatory and watch the spectacle of this plant display unfold throughout the year. Since planting I am advised that this border is a favourite haven for the owners’ cats too – this is an unintended but perhaps welcome byproduct of the design! Simon Conrad

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July/August 2015 | 61


Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule:

A big “Thank you!” to all the volunteers who helped on Woolsack Day, running the bus as a Park-and-Ride service. As always, it was popular and a great way for everyone to see what a terrific service we offer! We are always looking for volunteers for the Dial-a-Ride service, drivers and helpers on the minibus and the “Bluebell”, our adapted car – as well as in the office.

July. Waitrose, the 17th of July. Library Club, the 31st of July.

Tuesday Mornings:- 9.30 am tetbury Town (including appointments.) Thursday Mornings:9.00 am Nailsworth and Avening with Sainsbury’s Stroud, Thursday 30th July. Thursday Afternoons:- 2.00pm Tetbury Tesco. Fridays:- 10.30 am trips: Yate, the 3rd of July. Cirencester, the 10th of

St Mary’s Day Centre is held on Wednesdays and Fridays, offering older people a sociable day out of their homes, with activities and a good home-cooked lunch too! If you can offer some time to help on a regular basis for part or all of a day, a warm welcome awaits you! Get in touch with us at Tetbury Volunteer Centre for more information 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1 17/1/12 about volunteering roles.

Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership – we look forward to hearing from you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon – Thurs, 9 – 1 pm) Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury GL8 8DS

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan

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62 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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July/August 2015

Inside this issue: bined • Crudwell.......com page 5 ................. .................

it’s a Charity thing!

• Eating Out ...... page 34 ..................................

2014 © Kevin Farnham

Woolly? • Wasn’t that ....... page 31

Cover photo taken

from St. Marys

church tower on

Woolsack Day


Circulation 4,550



Established 1974

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July/August 2015 | 63

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Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

This year, the Tetbury Classic Car Show will be held at Sir William Romney’s School, Tetbury. The day will be a great family event, with classic cars, Segways, children’s rides and a Vintage Fair run by Hels Belles. We are pleased to have the Royal Oak running a magnificent bar, with a Pimm’s tent as well as their usual delicious beers and ciders. The PTFA from

SWR have kindly offered to provide a range of sandwiches and soft drinks. There will also be music to enjoy whilst savouring an ice cream from Winstone’s or munching your way through a Hog Roast! There will be a silent auction for some magnificent prizes, so please make sure you buy a programme which will contain details of the lots and a bidding form. As always, the variety of cars attending promises to be an eclectic mix from

Tetbury Classic Car Show White Steam cars to Ford Mustangs, via pre-war Rolls Royce’s and Edwardian Darracq’s, Morris Minors and MGB’s. Please take the opportunity to look at the variety of American cars exhibiting, including a General Sherman lookalike and some beautiful 1930s Cadillacs. Vintage motorbikes will be rubbing shoulders with military vehicles- where else would you see a Willy’s Jeep and matching Harley Davidson in D-Day livery parked next to a psychedelic 1960’s Mini Cooper? We are pleased to be sponsored by Tetbury Audi, who will be showing a variety of their range on the day in the dealer’s area. If you are tempted by a new Morgan or Lotus, Williams Automobiles from Horton will also be in the trade stand. The relocation to SWR allows us to provide free parking for visitors on site, so please use this facility rather than parking on surrounding streets. The show will be supporting Allsorts, a charity for children and young adults with learning and physical difficulties as well as other local charities including the PTA at SWR and the People’s Pod. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday the 6th of September to support these worthy causes. John Bevan Tetbury Classic Car Show

Fun Dog Show 3pm

Sunday 26th July

Its the one and only...

2 pm

Cherington Show Come and wander through our lovely village and enjoy a traditional family day out.

Competitions Church Bells Avening Band and lots, lots more

Stalls (plants, books, cakes etc)

Teas with delicious homemade cakes

Parking is available at both ends of the village - Cars: £1 to include all occupants. 0180715

Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month

July/August 2015 | 65

Cirencester Tennis Key Fob Scheme

tennis by providing affordable and user friendly access to the courts.

Tennis fever is about to hit the UK now that Wimbledon 2015 is on the horizon. To coincide with this great time of year, a new key fob system has been launched for the tennis courts in St Michael’s Park, Cirencester. Households can now purchase a tennis key fob to the courts and play unlimited tennis, all year round, from dawn to after sun down. This is a new initiative by Cirencester Town Council, in collaboration with the British Lawn Tennis Association. Its aim is to encourage the community to play more

The scheme costs just £30.00 per year, per household, providing up to 3 hours per week of tennis via online booking. Once registered for the scheme, a key fob is issued providing access to the courts. Bookings for tennis can be made up to seven days in advance and session times can be up to two hours of play at a time. St Michael’s Park is located in the heart of Cirencester and provides the community with four excellent floodlit Macadam (asphalt) courts and up to four “Touch tennis” courts, which were resurfaced in 2013. The British Lawn Tennis Association, who originally kick started the scheme, wanted to encourage Local Authorities to embrace tennis and get more people on the courts

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In addition, Cirencester Town Council has identified a wonderful opportunity to encourage everyone to play through the recent introduction of “Touch tennis.” This version of the game uses a smaller court and a soft ball which enables people of all ages and ability to play and enjoy the game. Touch tennis has initiated a lot of local interest. There are four courts available at St Michael’s. Tennis coaching is also available in the park for all standards and ages via the Tennis Plus Modern Academy and free tennis sessions will feature as part of the upcoming “Love Parks” week, later in July. Cirencester Town Council Mayor, Mark Harris, is especially enthusiastic about the initiative: “We now have excellent, easyto-use, tennis facilities, right in the heart of the town, accessible to everyone at an affordable price. Playing tennis with your family and friends is a fantastic way to spend time together in the great outdoors and provides you with an excellent opportunity to socialise and meet other members of the community. “We encourage all you budding enthusiasts to register for a fob and start playing.” To find out more about this great initiative, register for a fob and start playing go to: www.cirencester.gov.uk/tennis-st-michaels-park or call the Town Council on 01285 655646.

Mobility assessments and tuition at home


playing the game. This vision was shared by Cirencester Town Council, who is one of the first councils in the country to get the scheme up and running and ready to use.

Martin Conyers, Estate Services Manager

STOP PRESS... It was with sadness that the magazine staff heard the news of the death of Jeffie Openshaw - long-term advertiser and great supporter of this publication. Our thoughts are with her family, particularly to her sister Janey, at this difficult time.

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Just a reminder that I am here to help, with information to (hopefully) solve problems and make your life a little easier. Please call me, Ellen Blacker on 07557 922020 or email me at malmesburygnc@communityfirst.org.uk


66 | July/August 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


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All profits distributed locally and internationally

July/August 2015 | 67





Tetbury Music Festival Wednesday 30 September – Sunday 4 October H e at h Q u a r t e t C a r o ly n S a m p s o n & Jo s e p h M i d d l e t o n A n ge l a H e w i t t M a r s ya s E n s e m bl e Jo n at h a n C o h e n & A r c a n ge l o l


Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales Artistic Director: Jonathan Cohen Tickets from £10 to £30 available from Monday 20 July from: The Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 33 Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 503552 email: tourism@tetbury.org


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