1974 - 2014
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July/August 2014
4,200 Circulation
Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974
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2 | July/August 2014
Diary of Events for July / August
2nd July U3A (University of the Third Age) Malmesbury 2:00 pm public meeting in The Hub, Malmesbury Town Hall: sara. gray@tiscali.co.uk
19th July St Mary’s Church Fete 2:00 – 4:00 pm in the Vicarage Garden; a variety of stalls -cream teas available
4th July Feoffee Annual Community BBQ 6:00 pm on the Millennium Green
20th July Tetbury Fire Station 1:00 – 5:00 pm Open Day to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Fire Station
11th – 13th July Royal International Air Tattoo At RAF Fairford. Full details from http://www.airtattoo.com/ 12th July St Mary’s Primary School Summer Fayre 13th July Christmas in Tetbury “Midsummer Christmas Lunch” At the Close Hotel. Tickets - £22 from Sue Hirst on 01666 504213 16th/19th July Flower Festival 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury 18th July Adam Philby Golf Day Woodbridge Park Golf Club – see the ad in this issue 19th July Avening Primary School Summer Fair Dancing, singing, gymnastics and a variety of stalls – all run by the children.
Useful Information
21st July Friends of Tetbury Hospital AGM 8:15 for 8:30 pm at the Hospital – all Friends are welcome 21st July Tetbury Music Festival – Box Office Opens Details on the www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk web site 4th and 21st August Auditions for “The Three Musketeers” Dolphins Hall, New Church Street, Tetbury, be there by 7.30 pm 8th August Tony Graham and the Alligators 8:00 pm at the Dolphins Hall, tickets from Jesse Smith’s in Long Street 10th August Tetbury Summer Show Please see the article and advert in this issue
POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number)
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270
TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336 PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047
Advertiser Rates / Information
21st July St Mary’s Primary School Farewell Summer Tea Party 3:15 – 5:00 pm RSVP the School Office on 01666 502275; see the ad in this issue
Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com
NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 505805 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
RATES Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Front cover half page £100 Back cover half page £95 Pre-printed inserts £135 Postage per copy £1.40
Please note, there is no Advertiser in August Copy date for the September Issue - Thursday 14th August 2014 ** Delivery date - 30th/31st August 2014 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
Contents Lions Den 5 Avening Primary School 42 Avonvale Utd FC 46 Bookworm 6 Christian Aid 57 Commemorative Weekend 28 Computer Advice 8 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 41 Diary - July 3 Dolphins Dramatic Society 50 Dolphins Recreation Centre 44 Friends of Tetbury Hospital 53 Garden Notes 40 Guides 63 History of Tetbury Society 29 Letters to the Editor 12 Mayor’s Report 28 News from St Mary’s 24 Priory Inn Blog 14 Puddle Ducks 60 Ros Stowell 27 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 13 Sir William Romney’s School 9 St Mary’s Playgroup 53 St Mary’s Primary School 30 STEPS 57 Summer Show 16 Tetbury and District Footpath Group 31 Tetbury Arts Society 20 Tetbury Bowls Club 62 Tetbury Camera Club 21 Tetbury Civic Society 64 Tetbury Community Choir 32 Tetbury Fire Station 50th Anniversary 43 Tetbury in Bloom 10 Tetbury Job Club 39 Tetbury Library 58 Tetbury Malthouse 38 Tetbury Model Railway Club 52 Tetbury Music Festival 26 Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Group 56 Tetbury Police Museum 54 Tetbury Probus One 19 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 48 Tetbury Tourist Information Office 45 Tetbury Town Football Club 18 Tetbury WI 23 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 22 The People’s Pod 67 Tiggers 59 Unsung Hero - July 14 Woolsack Day 15 Young by Name 4 Tetbury Remembers 1914 33
Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
3 | July/August 2014
Young by name It’s nearly time for school to be out for the summer, so why am I downhearted? Because the last day of term will mark the end of an era for me: my little girl will be leaving primary school for ever. Really I should be celebrating. Laura has had the good fortune to attend an outstanding primary school, and I mean that in the OFSTED sense. She’s gained a place at an excellent secondary school. I’ve enjoyed playing an active part in the life of her primary school, serving on the PTA for six years. I got time off for good behaviour this last year. But every parent I know who has children at senior school assures me that life will never be quite the same again. With an aversion to change that is typical of her age, Laura is nervous of moving up, though less so with every step she takes towards it –completing SATS, visiting Open Days, planning her new school uniform. I’m sure that, by September, she’ll be eager to embrace the new opportunities that will come her way. I know I was when I was her age. Gaining all the trappings of secondary school status was an exciting process, even if it was accompanied by my parents tutting at the expense. The smart new uniform and blazer, shiny leather satchel, a mysteriouslooking geometry set in a tin, my own little
hardback Oxford dictionary – all these heralded the start of a new adventure. Although I don’t remember my final day at primary school, I do recall sobbing as I got on the last school bus from my secondary school. I was living abroad, attending Frankfurt International School in Germany. The school was run on American lines, making much drama of our departure with a university-style graduation ceremony, complete with gowns and mortarboards. I was voted “valedictorian” or class speaker, responsible for making a final address to the assembled parents and staff, on behalf of the graduating students. I still have the typescript of my speech, which I’d bashed out on my red portable typewriter (no home computers in those days) and sellotaped onto orange sugar paper. I spoke about how attending an international school fit us better to play our part in the wider world. The speech went down well. I remembered to speak slowly and clearly, as per the instructions I’d written to myself in big red letters around the edge; everyone laughed in the right places; and afterwards other people’s parents asked for signed copies, assuring me that I’d be a famous writer before long. Well, we were all saying what each other wanted to hear that day. Now, more years later than I care to confess, I’ve just published my very first fiction collection as an Amazon ebook called Quick Change. It contains twenty
terse flash fiction pieces, arranged in chronological order by the age of each story’s key characters, from cradle to grave. Pre-publication feedback is encouraging: “very subtle, very English, very clever”; “sly, witty, surprising, with genuine twists”; “they make domesticity look edgy, sometimes dangerous, but they are also life-affirming”. So rather like the Tetbury Advertiser, don’t you think? I just hope Laura fulfils her ambitions a little faster than I did upon leaving school… Debbie Young
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4 | July/August 2014
Dear Reader, A minutes silence was observed by the Lions Club at the June meeting, to remember the life and contribution of serving President Nat Prosser and his family, who held such a moving and passionate service for him. His name will certainly live on both in the club and outside, since it’s been decided that a “Nat Prosser Trophy” will be awarded each year, either to a team or to an individual, for outstanding sporting achievement. Further details on this and the procedure for submitting nominations will be presented in a future update. The June meeting was quite a squeeze as most members were in attendance,
together with three new prospective members and a special guest. The latter was Ray Sanderson, a former mayor of Malmesbury and it turned out that he was “a man on a mission”! During his term in office, Malmesbury was badly impacted by the worst flooding the town had endured for nearly 70 years, with structural damage ensuring significant long-term implications. At the time Tetbury Lions responded quickly, with a street collection which we boosted with a donation from club funds to assist in the clear-up operation. Ray was at our meeting to present the Club with a very grand Certificate of Appreciation - a great honour, as it is signed not only by him but is also endorsed by Mrs Sarah Rose
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Lions Den Troughton, Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire and by James Gray MP, Member of Parliament for North Wiltshire. The Tetbury Advertiser is forty years old later in the year and to mark the occasion the Market Hall has been booked for 26th October, at which time there will be a display of vintage editions of the magazine, clearly showing how it has evolved since Issue number one of October 1974, which will of course be on display. This will be an open house for all to attend and alongside these issues will be the certificate described above, old photographs, notes on past editors of the publication and various Lions memorabilia. Please make a note in the diary, as the event promises to be a great opportunity to meet some of the Lions and for you to tell us your memories of the Tetbury Advertiser or the work of the Lions club. At the start of his presidential year, Nat made a commitment that the Club would support the youth of Tetbury and we have held true to this on many occasions. At our last meeting it was agreed that we would support one lad who is coming to terms with some personal challenges by providing resources so that he can complete a very tough objective. The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that inspires young people to fulfil their potential through challenging outdoor experiences and this young man has been selected as one of just 20 candidates to undertake a three-week challenge in the Lake District that is described as a level four out of five. He is highly motivated and with our support has increased his training regime - his progress and achievements will feature in this column later in the year. If you would like to join a very friendly club that serves the community and offers a busy social life, then please join us on Wednesday 2nd July at 8.00pm in the Close Hotel. Keith Leaver, Vice President
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
5 | July/August 2014
Bookworm This month’s selection takes on a notable holiday theme. The first recommendation was published in 2005, so it’s not a new book, but it is a personal favourite. ‘Attention All Shipping’ by Charlie Connelly is an armchair journey set around the shipping forecast. The world famous rhythmic tones of the forecast have been cleverly transposed into an interesting and humorous history of the places behind the names. It’s a truly “LOL” read and you cannot help but be fascinated by what Connelly uncovers. It’s the perfect choice, come rain or shine and there’s no need to negotiate westerly gales, poor visibility and rain later! Let the gentle patter transport you on your own journey around our beautiful island.
My second choice was published last year and it wasn’t until I’d started reading it that I made the connection with another book I had recently finished (see my postscript). ‘The Road to Rouen’ by Ben Hatch, as you might expect, is a road trip around France. Hatch has been commissioned to produce a guidebook and he and his family set off for a near on three month trip, to experience the best that France has to offer. The language and tone could be described as ‘contemporary ‘. I have to confess that I haven’t quite finished it but it’s an immensely funny read. If you’ve ever travelled in France, this is a book I’m sure
Happy reading! Bookworm PS. The other Ben Hatch book I refer to is ‘The P45 Diaries’. The book is a teenager’s diary about trying to find work and stay employed. (Note: he doesn’t actually want a job). The language is very colourful but akin to ‘The Road to Rouen’, contains hilarious moments interspersed with some dark ones.
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would resonate; it certainly did with me. The humorous moments are peppered with poignancy and with the everyday ups and downs of family life.
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6 | July/August 2014
American Success for Wycliffe Following the launch of the SAT preparation support service in September 2012, Wycliffe College students have received a total of $220,000 (£131,714) in scholarships to study at American universities. To qualify for an American university, students must sit a Scholastic Aptitude Examination (SAT) that tests critical reading, maths and writing skills. “American universities want to accept the person, not just their academic record. They want to ensure you fit in with the university ethos,” said Betsy Wentzel, SAT Preparation Co-ordinator.
Four students have been awarded places at prestigious American universities.
Ola Omotoso, 18, has been accepted to study Business at the University of Virginia.
Taisiya Teslya, 18, has been offered scholarships at the University of New Haven and the Savannah College of Art and Design but has decided to study at the University of San Francisco.
Charlotte Knaggs, 18, has been accepted at Cornell University in New York where she will study Applied Biological Science.
Sarah Cheung, 18, was offered scholarships to Marymount University and Goucher College but has decided to study Psychology at James Madison University in Virginia. “The Wycliffe teachers have been amazing,” she said. “They encourage students and make you want to work harder.”
Mrs Wentzel said that being accepted and attending an American university helps students stand out when they enter the jobs market. “It’s a highly competitive market and the more things you have that sets you apart, the better,” she said. “Being accepted at an American university shows independence and initiative.”
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“Gameover Zeus” – a very real computer threat. There’s recently been coverage in the national media about imminent risks to anyone using Windows – and a particularly nasty combination of threats that could be heading your way, if your computer is not sufficiently protected. Hopefully, if you have been taking my advice within my monthly editorials, the chances are you should be alright. However, I’ve summarised the salient points below. Please take notice! The threats are real and you have a lot to lose! This recent threat has come from two different malware programs - the first major threat is the virus referred to as “Gameover Zeus” which will try to take over your PC and put it under the control of criminals. It can view your data, monitor your internet activity, (including banking and financial/shopping sites) and also harvest passwords and security information in the process. This really is a nasty piece of work. The second threat comes from “CryptoLocker”, which I have warned you about before. It will encrypt all the files on your computer and demand a ransom in the region of £300 to decrypt them. There is no way around this nasty if you do not have an up-to-date backup that is disconnected from the PC. If it is connected, that will be encrypted too! Many antivirus companies are providing free tools to download, which check if you have a problem. This is a good idea if you do not have a paid-for antivirus product, or one that has not been kept up to date. However, do not just Google a suitable tool! Go to your preferred security vendor’s site (or get in touch), as otherwise you may be downloading bogus software. Internet Service Providers have been sending out letters to households that they know are infected with this particular “nasty”, so if this is you, get in touch, as remedial action needs to be taken NOW. For everyone else; make sure you have all the latest Windows Updates installed. Also make sure you’ve a recent backup of all your data including documents, photos, music
and videos. Most importantly, do not leave the backup drive plugged in to your PC. Never store passwords on your PC unless encrypted as they can also be harvested. The main way to be infected is by a “phishing” email, or attachment. Emails can contain links to rogue websites, or attachments which contain malware within them, but look very convincing. Criminals use stolen email addresses and make it look as if the email has come from someone you know. If Gameover Zeus is not able to find enough personal or financial information it will use CryptoLocker to encrypt your PC and demand the ransom, so don’t click on any webpage links from emails and only open attachments that you know are genuine. Also, please be aware that a new strain of malware has been discovered called
“Simplocker” that encrypts the data on Android smartphones and then demands payment to unlock it. This is not on the official Google site, so presently poses a low risk to users. If you have been the victim of the above scams, you should report it to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2040. If you have any queries on the above, or if you would like to book your PC in for a security check, annual service, or just to put your mind at rest, please do get in touch. Please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk INGHAM ASSOCIATES THE TETBURY COMPUTER SHOP Now in my 26th year of Trading
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8 | July/August 2014
Our Kayaking Team won their competition before the Whitsun half-term. They were selected to represent Cotswold District at the Gloucestershire School Games on Wednesday 11th June. We are pleased to announce that they gained 2nd place; the image shows (left to right) Finn Gazzard, Theo Martin, Christine Lea and Finn Purchase. On Saturday 14th June we have several students representing the Cotswold District in the Summer School Games at Hartpury College. In Archery, Nielsan Abbott-Bohl, Dan Cartwright, Noah Dougherty, George Errington, Joshua Eve, Lucy Pond, Emily
Warner and Ben Weller, in Equestrian, Ellie Hathaway, Phoenix Lewis, Keeley Rosser and Gracy Rudin. In Indoor Rowing, Izzy Hawkins, Luke Freeman, Duncan Lomberg, Britney Moyce, Charlotte Rushton, Toby Townsend and Anouk Whiting-Ferrolho and in Mountain Biking, Joshua Bleasdale, Tom Bloomfield and Finn Gazzard . The Annual SWR Summer Concert will be held during the evening of Monday 7th July, why not come along and see how talented our students are? Further details and tickets will be available in late June; meantime checkout our website at www. swr.gloucs.sch.uk for more information. Open Days – September 2014. We have arranged an open Evening on Tuesday 23rd September – 6.30pm to 9pm. During the evening, parents and children are
invited to visit the school to see displays of work and observe a variety of activities. At 6.30pm the Headteacher will talk about the school and answer questions. Student guides will be available to show you around and throughout the evening there will be opportunities to talk with staff and students about our school. Refreshments will also be available. We also have two Open Mornings scheduled: Thursday 25th and Monday 29th September – 9.15am to 11am. Come and see the school and students at work during a normal school day. Parents and children are warmly welcomed to visit on either of these mornings and will be toured around the school by students. Refreshments will be served in the Library where Governors and I will be available to answer any questions you may have. Should you be unable to attend one of the above sessions, you are very welcome to view the school at any time. Please telephone beforehand so that student guides can be arranged and a member of staff can be available to answer any questions.
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9 | July/August 2014
Tetbury in Bloom
Gardens are at their peak during the summer months With striking colours, scents and relaxing spaces in which to enjoy the better weather and we continue to plant the summer bedding on Tuesday and Thursday evenings into July, until all thirtythree flowerbeds and forty-six troughs have been given their summer make-over. It is quite a task but hugely rewarding. Ivy-leafed and zonal pelargoniums, antirrhinums and begonias, in reds, pinks, oranges and magenta, together this year with yellow chrysanthemums, are just enough to provide that instant extra splash of colour throughout the summer.
Open Gardens Day on 22nd June was another big success, providing much needed funds, inspiration and a lovely afternoon out for so many people. Thank you to everyone who opened their marvellous gardens to the public: Roy and Audrey Angell, Kate Corcoran, Nell and Malcolm Crawford, James Hudson and Lorraine Scrivens, Jo Parke, Alan and Julie Simcock, Christine Stevens, Tony and Elizabeth Sykes. Thank you also to the Women’s Institute for their help with the refreshments and for their delicious homemade cakes. Also thank you to Stephen
Hirst for his cakes, which made excellent raffle prize, to the Tetbury Lions Club for the use of their gazebo and to Tetbury Town Council for loaning us the urn. Finally, in the midst of summer, with the flowerbeds and hanging baskets looking their best, we are also working with the Christmas in Tetbury committee to plan the Christmas lighting displays and celebrations. For more details, watch out for future articles. Have a wonderful summer. Liz100208 FarnhamKP Gardens
Thank you to Tetbury Upton Parish Council for their contribution to the upkeep of the roundabout. Antirrhinum (or snapdragon as we called them when I was a child) are frost-hardy reliable bedding plants that add height as well as colour to the middle of the flowerbed. They are a Tetbury in Bloom favourite. After planting, clip the top stem and any long side shoots to encourage the plant into a bushy, filled-out specimen. Last year we spent approximately £1,750 on summer plants alone; compost, fertiliser and the hanging basket were extra.
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10 | July/August 2014
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Letters Page Dear Editor, I have today been shocked and saddened by the news of the passing of John Bradshaw. Although a number of you may not have known John, many of us owe a great deal of gratitude to him in his capacity as a Trustee and latterly as Company Secretary of the Tetbury Hospital Trust. In the time of his Trusteeship the hospital and the Tetbury community benefitted greatly from his very wise counsel and legal advice. He was, of course, a retired solicitor - and it was because of him that we were able to expand and develop the services that so much benefit our local community, without any legal complications whatsoever. His fairness and his dealing with people in a magnificently even-handed way was an example to us all and the Hospital Board will most certainly miss his pragmatic advice. He was a truly decent gentleman. Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences go to his wife Lucy and to his family.
Team, all of which helped Nat in his fight against this terrible illness. The generosity has been overwhelming; in particular we would like to extend our thanks to Tetbury Lions Club of whom Nat was the current President, for their generous donation. With all other monies collected this has enabled us to donate £1,200 to each charity, with donations still being received. RIP Nat Prosser - gone but never forgotten. Angela, Lisa and Tracy Dear Editor, Now that the Skate Park is open and being well-used and payment is complete, the monies raised and not used to date (as well as any further donations), will be channelled into local Youth Projects by Malc and Lizzie Philby, in memory of Adam.
Stephen Hirst, Chairman Tetbury Hospital Trust Dear Editor,
Malc and Lizzie Philby
Could we thank everyone for their help on Woolsack Day which raised nearly £250 for Tetbury Hospital Trust? Particular thanks are due to Eric and Liz Vines, Ivor Moore and Angela Sparrowhawk and Nurden’s Garden Centre, plus of course to those who freely donated or purchased.
VAT-PAYROLL-CIS also experienced in Carrier Bags stuffed full of receipts and Total Disorganisation!
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Angela, Lisa and Tracy were totally overwhelmed with the amount of people that joined them at St Marys Church on the 27th May, for Nat’s funeral and to celebrate his wonderful life. The church was full to the rafters with work colleagues, team mates, friends and family, which gave us so much comfort in knowing how popular and loved Nat was by all who had the privilege of knowing him. CMY
We would like to thank everyone who attended the service, the crematorium and The Snooty Fox to show their respects. We would also like to thank everyone who sent flowers and for the hundreds of cards, in which the kind words written will never be forgotten and will continue to help us all through this difficult time. We chose three beneficiaries that we wanted to divide the donations between, which are; Cheltenham Oncology Department, The Sue Ryder Hospice at Leckhampton and The Cotswold Care
12 | July/August 2014
Over 30 years experience
The response simply shows what a great community we live in!
Dear Editor,
Sue Doidge
Tony and Ann Walsh
I was surprised and delighted to receive the nomination for Unsung Hero last month and was humbled by the words written about me. Brownies are 100 years old this year and it is scary to realise that I have been involved in Guiding for nearly half of that time! My husband knew what he was letting himself in for when we got married but I don’t think either of us knew that it would be such a big part of our lives and I am grateful for his support over the past 30+ years. We look forward to enjoying our meal at the Priory!
Anyone who is involved in working with young people who need funding for equipment etc. can apply to this fund, either to access the required money or to find methods of undertaking assisted fundraising. Any applications should be in writing to Malc Philby c/o Tetbury Hardware, 30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL. There are two events coming up very soon – the Adam Philby Golf Day (please see the360711 ad in this issue) the Skate Jam on Susie neal and k.pdf 1 21/06/2011 Summer Show day, August 10th. Please join in!
Kind Regards
Dear Editor,
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“A Question of Trust”
the quality of the man, since right up until the last moment he was thinking of others. Many clients just don’t care about the feelings of those left and just want to restrain their families using their wills as a way to dictate matters from the grave. It is all a difference between management and control – just as is the case with running a business.
Earlier in the week, I attended a funeral, the deceased was a very successful businessman, who had risen through the ranks to be Managing Director of a well-established family firm of developers. The funeral was extremely well attended. Shortly before he died, the deceased rang me, because he was worried about some items in his will, as he knew he was suffering from incurable cancer. He was worried about his family. I believe I reassured him, but to me it showed
I was a trifle surprised to be consulted in the first place since the deceased had been a Magistrate for many years, during which time I had tried to impress him with my attempt at “Marshall Hall” (one of the greatest criminal barristers of the
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Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun last two hundred years) speeches - to no avail. My mother had some idea I should have been a barrister but had I completed that course, it would have been a disaster. Solicitors were treated as inferior species by barristers and some judges, but the solicitor judges tried to encourage them to do their own advocacy. I was not a natural but throughout my career struggled to overcome my difficulties, as I felt it my duty to do so. I could spend a late evening preparing for a case only to face the Judge the next day with a rush of blood to the head and an incoherent mumbling emanating from my corner of the court. The solicitor judges must have had a bizarre sense of humour, because they did not prevent me from sitting as a part-time judge for 10 years, but the local magistrates did raise their eyebrows. My sons on the other hand were very good actors at school and this has held my youngest in good stead, as he is a barrister and relies on good presentation skills. I attended the funeral because, having won the father’s trust, I had to get the trust of the family, the majority of whom I had not met. The tributes to the deceased enabled me to find out more about him and the dynamics of the family. The widow’s smile gave me enough confidence to let me know my letter to each child of the family had hit the right note on which to build a good relationship over the coming months. As a lawyer it is important to win over the trust and confidence of the Court, as well as the client and success in that direction is half the battle won. It is equally important to understand one’s qualities and deficiencies early on, because life is short. Michael Hodge.
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
13 | July/August 2014
Tetbury’s Unsung Hero Dear Editor, It would be lovely, Richard, if you would declare Stephen Hirst your “Unsung Hero” for July. He’s been incredibly supportive of many newcomers to the town and of their businesses, a fabulously hard-working councillor and Mayor, and quite obviously a completely hands-on advocate and supporter of the Tetbury Woolsack races. I believe he is also a member of the Classic Car Committee and other august bodies of that type? His energy and enthusiasm are amazing. Without Stephen and people like him we wouldn’t be lucky enough to have this beautiful town – he deserves so much more! Can anyone arrange a knighthood? Ed: Mr Hirst is almost sure to achieve that level of reward at some point – in the meantime it’s my pleasure to name him “Unsung Hero” for this month. He will soon be in receipt of his voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn.
1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1
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Priory Inn Blog The produce that we are now able to enjoy using in our kitchen has a delicious taste of summer – strawberries galore from poly tunnels at Over Farm and gooseberries from the Farmer’s Market for a perfect crumble. A particularly inspired pizza on the menu combines strawberries, spinach, caramelised red onion and delicious Blue Heaven cheese from Woefuldane Organic Dairy in Minchinhampton. A taste sensation! Tomatoes, cucumber and herbs are now reaching their optimum summer taste with a large injection of recent sunshine. We are showcasing these simple but
14 | July/August 2014
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
delicious ingredients with a very popular Mediterranean duo on the lunch menu: Greek salad with ‘Fetish’ cheese (a goat’s cheese made by White Lake, just like Feta) combined with fresh oregano from our garden; and a Caprese salad with Alham Farm creamy mozzarella (from the same farm in Shepton Mallet that supplies us over 3,000 kilos of pizza mozzarella each year). Our delicate young herbs (cultivated at Jekka McVicar’s special ‘Herbetum’ near Bristol) are now growing nicely in their new beds. We now patiently await nature to mature the perennial culinary and aromatic garden for your pleasure and the bees and the butterflies’ benefit. Our chefs have their own section to harvest which will maximise the flavours in their year round cooking. jekkasherbfarm.com Thanks to any Cotswold Life readers who voted for us in this year’s Food and Drink
awards - we were again proud to be nominated for “The Best Cotswold Menu” and will pull out the posh frocks to attend the award ceremony in July. Live music continues every Sunday through July to a packed-house and great atmosphere: On Sunday 6th Steve Degutis is back with a guaranteed great performance. A first for us on the 13th, Steve Page writes and performs some of the finest Americana being played in the UK today – a consummate guitarist and clawhammer banjo player. On the 20th great local band Staple Hill play again to a crowded, buzzy atmosphere and Harper’s Ferry a local folk rock band will bring a laid-back acoustic set with original music and well-loved covers on the 27th. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. The Priory Inn
What a fantastic day Tetbury Woolsack turned out to be - again! The whole event just seems to get better and better with larger crowds enjoying Tetbury’s free day of fun, frolics and fear. Where does the fear bit come into it then? Well there has to be an element of fear driving those hardy competitors who either run up, or more so down, Gumstool Hill with huge woolsacks on their back, coupled with a mild element of madness. But the challenge becomes more and more popular as the years go by, for the second year running we had to close the books on some classes with a full complement of entries. With a huge crowd to witness the event the whole afternoon was enjoyed by everyone. And of course there was the by now world famous “Always with a smile” – Joel Hicks almost dressed as a Sioux Indian Chief. Look at “You Tube- Tetbury Woolsack 2014” to recall the memory! Winner of the Men’s Singles was Martin Holloway in 52 seconds, and the Ladies Singles, Charlotte Chambers completed in 1 minute 17 seconds In the team races, The Royal Oak defended their title in 3 mins 8 seconds and in the ladies relay, the Outsiders ran in winners at 4 mins 44 seconds and Minety ran in winners of the mixed relay at a shattering 3 mins 3 seconds.
In town the Chipping Fun Fair provided both modern and traditional funfair entertainment and the street market filled the town centre streets with opportunities to purchase all kinds of products. The Woolsack Street Market over the years has got the reputation of being a mecca for gardeners and this year was no exception. Eight plant stalls provided many plant bargains for the green fingered amongst us and shoppers were seen carrying plants of all shapes, sizes and hues of every description. Long Street turned into a continental market place for the day with the French Market and the many opportunities to dine in the fresh air proving a great draw for all. This year’s Street Entertainers were reported as being “The Best Ever” with Gugge 2000 providing their own iconic style of music coupled with the Ila Axe Samba Band with their traditional Brazilian music and dance. What a wonderful day!! The event could not have happened without the great team of volunteers that helped us on the day plus the five of us on the Committee who spent many hours in a darkened room to plan the whole day. And thank you to all who attended, you all contributed to a fantastic day out. The Tetbury Woolsack Team
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
15 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Summer Show Just about all the arrangements have now been made for what promises to be a great summer show So bring all the family and friends to the recreation ground on Sunday 10th August to enjoy the fun. Before that though, is the annual dance - Tony Graham and the Alligators rocking the Dolphins Hall on Friday 8th August with another memorable night of entertainment that is sure to burn off a few calories. This is a rare chance to enjoy live music in Tetbury and is a very popular night so make sure you buy a ticket early, especially as a good number have been pre-sold. These are available, as usual, from Jesse Smith in Long Street and for the third year, thanks largely to a generous donation by John Newman, prices are held at just £8 each. Thanks to our sponsors, particularly IHS, who regularly put a significant sum towards this event, Show Day itself is packed full of attractions and activities, with a pleasant increase in the number of stallholders offering a variety of crafts and treats. It is gratifying to know that many of the stall holders are locals, something we are always keen to encourage. Other stands include a return of the Cotswold Pheasant and Poultry club with a display of rare breeds and many hints and tips on
getting the best out of keeping chickens and there is also a hands-on display of owls and falcons providing an excellent photo opportunity. There is a strong emphasis on our youth this year, with creative and energetic displays by “Dance Frenzy” and the Brownies, celebrating their centenary year. They’ve put a lot of effort into creating a “Bubbles, Badges and Brownies” stand that is sure to generate a great deal of interest. Tetbury Lions will also have a stand and, having re-stocked, will be offering their very popular cuddly lions that sold out on Wacky Race day - it seems they are a “must-have” for every child in Tetbury! This year, a local business we are welcoming to the show for the first time is the May Hill Brewery, who, in addition to providing a range of ales, offer a “brew your own” option with your own label for those special occasions. Add to this a selection of fairground rides, including the ever-popular land train, miniature steam engines, a selection of classic cars and lots more and a memorable day seems assured.
the show ground led by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums. Behind them will be, as promised, variety and colour including the Snooty Fox, the Rinky-Dink mobile bicycle powered sound system (see it to believe it), members of 29 Regiment Royal Logistical Corp. the land train and much more. This is another great photo opportunity and, if you wish, you can follow the parade into the show. Entrance to the show is just £2.50 per adult, children 12-16 are £1 and those under 12 are free. Finally a reminder that Flower Show schedules are available from Tetbury Hardware and may be also downloaded from our web site, www. tetburysummershow.co.uk All entries are to be submitted to the collection point, also in Tetbury Hardware, no later than 12 noon on Thursday 7th August. The Summer Show Committee
Elizabeth S Maisey Your local Tetbury Bookkeeper
Helping our local businesses with all things numbers from bags of receipts to things a bit more tricky
The Summer Show also includes the Adam Philby Skate Jam that will take place on the skate park during the afternoon, with proceedings organised by Gaz from Cirencester-based Decimal. All are welcome to participate for the Adam Philby trophy. As previously mentioned, the show will start with a parade from Market Place to
Need some advice?
Contact me on: 01666 504647, 07764 923686 or liz@lizmaisey.co.uk
16 | July/August 2014
TETBURY SUMMER SHOW Incorporating the Flower Show Sunday 10 August 2014
On the Memorial Recreation Ground from 12.00 noon By popular demand the day will also feature the fun dog show at 2.00pm An auction and Grand Draw (at 5.00pm)
Jam for the Adam Philby Trophy • Skate organised by Gaz from Decimal • Speciality coffee, tea and snacks from Cafe2U creamy ice cream from • Delicious Super Scoops Ice Cream Newman will be cooking sausages • John and burgers in “The Big Pan”
Attractions for 2014 include
• •
Rinky Dink Mobile Bicycle Powered Sound System “Trigger” the land train Ferret Racing Segway challenge Children’s go-karts Dance displays by “Arts Frenzy” Mini steam attractions and model boats/planess A selection of children’s rides Hands-on display of owls and falcons Educational displays by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, Hedgehog Hospital, and Cotswold Poultry Clubs Face painters Craft stalls by local producers Displays of tractors, classic cars, bikes & memorabilias Military vehicles
Display and musical entertainment provided by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums
Tetbury Town FC
Rural Skills Centre
Royal Agricultural University
Let’s Hear It For The Girls! Tetbury Town Football Club is embracing Girl Power next season with both the Youth and Senior sections launching teams for female players. The Gloucestershire Football Association is supporting Tetbury Town’s efforts by providing additional resources, including help with coaching. GFA is also promoting the initiative on its website and helping the Youth section liaise with various Girl Guide groups in the area.
The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills. Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more.....
Pete Fudge, Chair of the Youth Section, says: “TTFC Youth has always welcomed female players and we already have a number of girls who play for the club. However, there is a groundswell of support for us to establish teams that can play in the female leagues and we’re delighted to be able to respond to this. Our new initiative allows us to extend our coaching and club facilities to many more female players and we hope that these girls will eventually support the Seniors by joining their Ladies teams in the future.” Girls in school years 5 to 10 are being canvassed by the Youth section, which is running a series of six training sessions on Thursday evenings (from June 12th to July 24th). Anyone who would like take part just needs to turn up at the Recreation Ground at 6.30pm on the designated evenings.
For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 889873 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 889873 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk
TTFC Seniors are also holding their Ladies training sessions on the Recreation Ground on Thursday evenings, with the first taking place at 7.30pm on June 26th. TTFC Seniors Chair, Tracey Woodward, says: “News that we were launching a Ladies team has been incredibly well received and has generated a huge amount of interest. There are plenty of women in Tetbury and the surrounding area who welcome the chance to play football and we’re delighted that TTFC can offer them this opportunity.”
Rural Skills Centre
The senior team will be coached and managed by Amy Hall, who has been playing football since the age of two. While she was at college, Amy played for Cirencester Academy and also played in the final of the British Colleges Cup before going on to have trials for England. She is a Level 2 Gym Instructor and a fully qualified first aider. Anyone who would like to play for TTFC’s Ladies team should contact Tracey Woodward on 07940 700324.
Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 0
TTFC Youth held their annual Presentation Day at the Dolphin’s Hall on Saturday, May 31st. Medals were handed out to children in every team, while a number of players also won special recognition trophies for their achievements this season.
Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 01666 Bathroom 822 100 Showroom
Plumbing Fittings
Prior to the We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full presentations, the for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and children enjoyed water softeners and salt boilers Tel:contemporary 01666 suites. 822 100 all drainage pipework radiators an hour of football With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Plumbing Fittings Bathroom oil tanks cylinders we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. on the Rec, which included a match We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom S between the U13 Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday for both trade and public range of wet rooms Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday and U14 players. Plumbing Fittings Ba Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings The afternoon contemporary suite water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing ended with afittings We stock attings wide range of Visit our B fiShowroom for both trade andplumbing plublic We stock a wide range of plumbing Visitall our Bathroom toShowroom see our full fittings drainage pipework radiators Plumbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 years celebration tea, water softeners and salt • traditional for both trade and public range of w Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom for both trade and publickindly donated by range of wet rooms, suites and oil tanks all drainage pipework cylinders we’re sure to have a oil tanks boilers contempo contemporary suites. water softeners and salt boilers stock aand wide range of plumbing our Bathroom Showroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see full TTFC parents. water We softeners salt boilers radiators cylinders We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit o for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and all drainage pipework radiators for both trade and range of wet rooms, traditional suites and With over all drainage pipework radiators With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, TTFCpublic Youth is now water softeners contemporary suites. and salt trade boilers and public for7.30am both range oil tanks suites. Unitcylinders 10, Malmesbury Business P - contemporary 5.00pm to Friday we’re sure oil tanks water softeners signing upcylinders players and salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators haveMonday a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Email: info@activeplum 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks cylinders conte for next season we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. all drainage pipework radiators waterWith softeners andofsalt over 50 years bathroom boilers knowledge, across most age oil tanks cylinders all drainage we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators groups. For more With Bo 7.30am - 10, 5.00pm Monday toPark, Friday Unit Malmesbury Business Tetbury 9JU 10, Malmesbury 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Hill, SN16Unit 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday information please8.00am - 12.00 noonoil Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk Saturday Email: info@a 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday tanks cylinders Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday we’re email Sue Fudge at sue@whitenoisepr. Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday wide range 8.00am of plumbing fittings Visit ourEmail: Bathroom Showroom to see our full co.uk info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk - 12.00 noon Saturday
Tel: 01666 822 100 Plumbing Fittings
Plumbing Fittings We stock a for both trade and public
water softeners and salt 18 | July/August 2014 all drainage pipework
Bathroom Showroom
range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Unit 10, Malmesb 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday contemporary suites. Email: in
boilers radiators
www.tetburylions.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge,
History repeated itself! During the Hundred Years War, the French ignored the lessons of Crecy (1346) and Poitiers (1356) and lost overwhelmingly, again, when they pitched their cavalry against England’s greatly outnumbered unmounted archers and men-at-arms at Agincourt in 1415. Brigadier Ian Shapter had described to us the two earlier battles and the development of the longbow in previous visits and on the 15th of May he used his military expertise again to give us a vivid account of King Henry V’s campaign to recapture this part of France. Ian’s enthusiastic description of the likely incentives and mental state of the English troops, the armour of both sides, and 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 was 19/5/09 the idiosyncrasies of their leaders,
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872
Then, a change of plan! The speaker for our meeting on the 29th of May, the Reverend Lesley Hewish, instead of coming to Tetbury, invited a group of twenty-two of us including our wives, to Eastwood Park women’s prison, where she was one of the chaplains. What did we make of this visit? To borrow a phrase from one of the several prisoners who spoke to us about their own experiences it was both frightening and positive. It was of course frightening to 22: see the ugly high fences and the barbed wire, and to hear the steel doors slamming shut behind us – then, slowly, we began to sense something positive. This feeling grew when we heard what some charities and individuals were doing to improve and enrich the lives of the inmates, despite the difficulties posed by an ever-changing prison population with, as always, a shortage of resources. We were all released, eventually - the pub lunch which followed was understandably a chastened and thoughtful occasion. A move then to a different form of care: the provision of a supportive environment for those with life-limiting
enhanced by pictures of the combatants and their weapons. His comprehensive account of the development of the battle brought it to life for us. The killer weapon of the day - the longbow - and better training had triumphed again.
Tetbury Probus One illnesses. Mrs Julia Mundell described to us very clearly on the 5th of June, the work of the Cotswold Care Hospice. This day hospice provides a wide range of services including counselling, calming, complementary and relaxing creative therapies, and carer and family and bereavement support. Julia stressed that the two key elements were the initial twelve-week programme (one day per week) to help patients to come to terms with and manage their condition, (helping them to continue to lead a fulfilling life), and the Hospice’s “at home” service. About three-quarters of the £2.8 million funding they needed annually comes from the local Community - the fourteen hospice shops being a major source of income. The NHS covers no more than 9% of the hospice’s total costs, nonetheless, all services to patients and their families are free. Clearly the hospice is a valuable local asset. Self-referral is straightforward. Do give them a call on 01453 886868 if you would like to know more, or could help in any way as a volunteer. For more details of our future programmes just ring 01666 504243. New members are always welcome. Denis Cartwright and Theo Stening
! Tetbury Motor Centre
500 002
Your main dealer alternative •
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
19 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Art Society
towards the end. Having returned to the hall, I was in time for our tea-break – good timing!
During the summer months, we take a break from demonstrations and attempt to work outside, although we are sometimes defeated by the weather. Members met at St Michael’s Hall on the evening of the 4th of June, to work on their current picture in the hall or to go out and sketch around Tetbury. With the weather being a bit drizzly, most people brought something to work on in the hall, but I managed to find a sheltered area outdoors from which I could sketch St Michael’s Church in preparation for a watercolour painting; our Market Hall has frequently been featured in photographs and paintings but there are many other worthwhile subjects if one has the time to look around. I managed to stay more-or520912 L & P Plumbing:Layout 1 less dry but the paper did get a little damp
On Wednesday the 2nd of July we expect to be painting in the Westonbirt Arboretum and, in July, we are also planning a social evening for members and a trip to the “Art in Action” exhibition near Oxford. Our August exhibition will be held in the Market Hall over the Bank Holiday weekend. It will be open on the afternoon of Friday 22nd and then from 10am until at least 4pm from Saturday 23rd until Monday 25th. We alwaysHansen look forward seeing what 1 830709 TreetoCare:Layout our fellow-artists have produced over the
summer months and we will, of course, be selling our ‘5 by 5s’ - 5 inch square pictures - in support of Tetbury Hospital and the Cotswold Care Hospice. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have 22/6/09 21:38 Pagereached. 1 Michael Kingham
Page 1
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20 | July/August 2014
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A speaker at a recent meeting was David Bathard of Frome and Selwood Photographic Society.
intrigued members was his ‘walking’ panoramas. Although many are aware that digital cameras and processing software facilitate the production of panoramas by combining several photos of a scene, taken from the same spot by swivelling the camera, the technique is He showed many excellent prints with 440208 Allium 22/2/08 22:28 Pagenot 1 used very frequently. David’s angle is anecdotes to accompany them and a to produce his overlapping images of a particular technique he had used which scene by walking sideways. Provided that there are sufficiently large overlaps, the software sorts out most of the problems but some cropping may be required. The particular example that he showed us was of the parade of shops on Pulteney Bridge Catering at home in Bath. This was a very striking image and his technique seems the only possible way for the discerning to get a decent result of this view.
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The following meeting was the judging of an annual competition by David Southwell. One of the entries, ‘Canary Wharf at Christmas’ is reproduced here and this image was taken on one of the trips undertaken by club members. These trips have become quite popular over the last year or two and to date they have all been day or evening trips, spread out over the year. There are a few organised for the summer break, when the club does not meet formally during June, July or August. Thanks are due to the organisers for the setting up of the trips. The annual competition was followed by a knock-out, when club members voted on pairs of images until just one remained. This, as usual, provided good
Tetbury Camera Club entertainment and not a little amusement. Our customary annual dinner at the Priory Inn was followed by prize giving, and then there was an evening of picture-taking in Tetbury. The theme ‘Yesterday and Today’ caused a great deal of head scratching as to appropriate subject matter. Being Tetbury, the ‘Yesterday’ bit was easy. It was the ‘Today’ bit which was difficult! The final event of the season was the annual exhibition in the Market Hall on Woolsack Day. It takes quite a lot of effort to set up the stands and hang the prints so that it was gratifying that we had a lot of visitors. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury (except June, July and August). Anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. The programme and other information is available on the website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk
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Celebrating the
I’m an independent Stampin’ Up! demonstrator in Tetbury, looking to start a monthly paper arts and craft group. My aim’s to use a variety of techniques, tools and Stampin’ up! products to make cards, gift bags/ boxes, scrapbook pages, 3D projects and anything else we may think of! If you’re interested, or simply want to know a little more, please contact me, Linda, on 07970 351179 Email: stampingandstuff@btinternet.com 0780614
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
21 | July/August 2014
Feoffees and the Thirteen Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who came and attended our open day at The Market Hall last month. This was a very successful event and we hope to repeat it, giving more of our community an opportunity to come and learn about our history and the work that we do in our wonderful town today. This month we are holding the Annual Community BBQ – details below – please come along with your picnic blankets, chairs and drinks and we will provide the burgers and sausages. This is always a great evening to catch up with old friends and enjoy the summer sun – hopefully! Some of you may have noticed Thirteen member Nikki Ind running around town
and Preston Park, as she trains for the Race for Life in Cirencester on 20th July. On her travels along the Railway Line and Preston Park she has continually had to close gates and avoid dog mess. Can I please remind you to all close any gates? The cattle are in Preston Park and we don’t want any escapees – and please, if you walk your dog, can you pick up any mess and place it in the bins provided? This area is provided for the benefit of all, including families and small children - and this mess is a particular danger to children. Thank you. Feoffee and Thirteen Community events coming up include:
4th July – Annual Community •BBQFriday – 6pm - held on the Millennium Green Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th •September – The Market Hall will be open as part of the National Heritage Weekend
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27th September – Beating of •theSaturday Bounds – we meet under Bath Bridge
at 9.30am and following our historic and interesting walk around the town boundaries, we end at The Market Hall for refreshments and the presentation of the Feoffee accounts. All are welcome – including dogs for the walk, we hope to see you all there. If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website www.feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick Chairman
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22 | July/August 2014
A cheer went up from the front row when Poppy Hughes, the “new” vicar came to speak to us in June.
Tetbury WI
our members, whether religious or not, left the meeting fully comprehending the reason for that initial cheer.
She described how events unfolded in her life leading her to become a priest, filling in “The Edge Bits” for us, as you do with a jigsaw. Her sincerity and devotion were obvious and I’m sure that some more of
On a more earthly note, our Greenfingers group has enjoyed a recent plant swap and we are looking forward to our own WI Open Gardens organised by them for our members early in July. The Food Group visited Stroud Brewery. This is a lively, sociable place at weekends.
Take dogs - and children - and enjoy the beer and a pizza. It’s great for families. The National Federation of WI’s Annual Meeting was held in Leeds in June and Judi, who represented The Tetbury group, described her day. The WI motion to encourage organ donation was heavily endorsed by the audience. It is interesting to note that 23,000 more people have joined the WI in the last year.
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Some of you may have wondered if Debbie Young, who writes for this magazine, is a member of our WI. She is not. She has been a member of Hawkesbury WI since January when, as she says, she “set aside her prejudice”. Dust off your castanets, ladies, as on July 14th we shall have an evening of Flamenco. Same time, same place: 7.30 at the Dolphins hall. 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1 Chris Gibson
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
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23 | July/August 2014
News from St Mary’s So much has happened since I last wrote for the Advertiser. There has been plenty to celebrate In creativity and creation, which was our theme through June, with music, poetry and a pilgrimage with Bishop Michael. And we have, of course, had the privilege of holding the funeral for Nat Prosser at St Mary’s. It was a heart-breaking occasion, yet also wonderful to see the church filled to overflowing in tribute to Nat, and in loving support of the family.
attractions for children include a toy stall, face-painting, and icing biscuits – and a demonstration of maypole dancing by children from St Mary’s School. And we are into the season of Animal Services. You are invited to bring your beloved pets to church, to ask for God’s blessing on them. The first service is at Beverston at 11.15am on Sunday 6th July. If you miss this opportunity, a second service will be held at Shipton Moyne on Sunday 31st August at 11.15am. I’ve never taken an Animal Service before, but they promise to be a riot … of fun!
With love and prayers, Poppy. The Revd Poppy Hughes, Rector, The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne The Benefice of Avening and Cherington
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Nat was clearly loved and widely respected. As Lisa wrote at the start of her tribute: “Tall, smart, clever, generous, caring and the bravest man we will ever know, that’s how I would sum up ‘Our Dad’.”
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We continue to hold the family, and all who have lost loved ones, very much in our prayers. July brings two big social events at St Marys’. On Sunday 6th July, you are invited to our Friends’ Afternoon: the tower is open 2-4pm with cream teas being served in the church all afternoon. Then do join us for Sung Evensong at 6pm. And on Saturday 19th July, come to our Summer Fete in Vicarage Garden, 2-4.30pm. As well as stalls and cream teas, special
Finally - many people will know Gary Grady and his family, who were living in Tetbury before Gary started training for the priesthood. He is now Assistant Curate in Cirencester, and being ordained priest in Gloucester Cathedral on Saturday 5th July at 3pm. It will be a great celebration and we wish him well.
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24 | July/August 2014
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Tetbury Music Festival One of the country’s best-kept musical secrets is the Tetbury Music Festival in Gloucestershire – it has been running now for some eleven years and is going from strength to strength. Its patron is HRH The Prince of Wales and the Musical Director is Jonathan Cohen who took over from Stephen Isserlis last year. This year the programme is top-and-tailed with works by J.S. Bach. The Festival opens on Thursday October 2nd with the renowned violinist Rachel Podger playing a selection of Bach’s Violin Sonatas accompanied by Kristian Bezuidenhout harpsichord – this is his second appearance at Tetbury.
songs by Purcell, Brahms and Britten as well as some British and Irish folk songs. She will be accompanied by the pianist Malcolm Martineau in a programme to please all musical tastes. In the evening the newly formed Trio Apaches will play works by Tchaikovsky and Mozart, as well as a specially commissioned transcription of Debussy’s La Mer for String Trio. The name Apache was given to a group of renegade Parisbased musicians including Ravel, Manuel de Falla and Stravinsky.
On Friday 3rd, the brilliant new Spanish Cuarteto Casals will play String Quartets by Haydn and Ligeti, and is joined by the cellist Nicolas Altstaedt for a performance of Schubert’s magnificent Quintet in C Major.
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Kristian Bezuidenhout, harpsichord Rachel Podger, violin J.S.Bach sonatas & partitas
Cuarteto Casals Nicolas Altstädt, cello Haydn, Ligeti quartets Schubert Quintet in C Major
For further information see the website www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk or e-mail Kathryn Limoi, Festival Administrator at info@tetburymusicfestival.org
Kitchens and Bathrooms
All the concerts are performed in the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin and St Mary Magdalen in Tetbury and tickets are available from the 21st July at the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8JG, phone: 01666 503552.
Home and Garden Renovations & Improvements
The Festival closes on Sunday 5th October with a performance of the St John Passion performed by the Scottish ensemble, the Dunedin Consort whose recent recordings have been highly praised.
Saturday 4th October sees two concerts. In the morning the acclaimed Soprano Dame Ann Murray will sing a selection of
Before some concerts there will be an introductory talk by the well known BBC Radio 3 commentator Donald McLeod.
Ann Murray DBE, soprano Malcolm Martineau, piano Purcell, Brahms, Fauré Granados Britten & Irish SongsIrish songs
Trio Apaches Mozart, Debussy,Tchaikovsky
David Thomas Memorial Concert Dunedin Consort J.S.Bach: St. John Passion
Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales Artistic Director: Jonathan Cohen CBE
2–5 OCTOBER 2014 Tickets from £30-£10 Children 8-16 free (one per adult) Booking from July 21 at: Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 Church Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 - 503552 Email: tourism@tetbury.org www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk Registered Charity No.1099203
26 | July/August 2014
This July sees the retirement of one of Tetbury’s most effective and energetic volunteers. Ros Stowell has run the Monday Club at St.Mary’s Centre for twenty years and in that time scores of Tetbury’s older residents have been helped and entertained by what Ros has provided for them.
from planting to quizzes. Those of you who have visited Tetbury Hospital recently will have seen the array of mosaic butterflies in the entrance – those were designed by the Monday Club, following activity sessions organised by Ros, who has managed to bring in a number of outside creative artists into the Club’s regular Monday meetings.
Ros has been remarkable in finding and attracting people to be embraced by the club as welcome members. Once there, they have found a wealth of activities to enjoy – from painting to craftwork and
Joined by a team of regular helpers, she arranges trips out, lunches and other visits as part of an on-going programme. She has been diligent in keeping in touch with members who are ill or in hospital
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Ros Stowell and has helped many older newcomers to Tetbury make friends in the town. Dot Holmes, one of the regular members, is full of praise.” When I lost my husband, I hit rock bottom, but when Ros asked me to join the club, it made such a difference to my life to get out and meet people again. There will never be another Ros, but it would be tragic if the club closed.” On her retirement, the Monday club will be kept running by the existing team of volunteers, but they are on the lookout for someone who can help with the organisation. In 2008, Ros was one of the Tetbury Advertiser’s first “unsung heroes“ ; we wish her a contented retirement and thank her for all the tremendous work she has done over that twenty years.
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27 | July/August 2014
It was lovely to see the weather staying fine for the Woolsack and I enjoyed opening the races. Well done to all those who took part whether by running or
After the sad and untimely death of Nat Prosser our thoughts go out to Angela and the family. By the turn out in the Church it was proof that he was a very well liked and respected member of our community. I had the privilege to unveil the new memorial stone celebrating the history of the D-Day war effort and to learn more of the history of the Malt House. It was lovely to see so many people there and to
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We would like our local shops, restaurants and hotels to take part by “dressing “their shop windows in themed regalia, to perhaps sell food of the time, or indeed to undertake anything else appropriate that they can think of.
A Sunday Market is in the pipeline under the Market Hall and Pedestrian area thanks to the link up with the Feoffees; our thanks to them for making this possible.
Commemmorative Weekend Tetbury Town are holding a commemorative weekend on 2nd/3rd August, to remember our local men who went to war in 1914. We will be holding an exhibition in the Market Place on the Saturday and Sunday with a service at St. Saviour’s.
The Dolphins Hall unveiled their new plans for the Community Centre and it was good to see so many people taking an interest and filling out the forms to make their comments. Seeing the 3D model helps to get a better image of what the new building will look like.
I have tried to get around to as many shops as possible within this first month, I know I have not been to see everyone but I promise I will do so in the near future. It has been lovely talking to you and finding out what you feel would help us with Tourism and getting people into the shops. Please let me know your thoughts and feelings and come along to our Tourist meetings. The next one is on the 23rd June in the TTC offices at 6.30pm.
I managed to get up into the Church tower and was so impressed with the views; however my bell ringing won’t be repeated! Along with the Art Exhibition at the Dolphins Hall and displays in the Market House there was plenty to see and do.
chat with so many, especially those who had fought in the war. My tour round the Malt House was very informative but if we are to save an iconic piece of our history then a lot of money is needed to be spent on the building to restore it to its former glory. It would be a shame to lose it.
By the time this goes to press I will have been in office a month. It has been a very busy time and a privilege to serve the town and the people of Tetbury to date.
providing entertainment or having a stall. It is always such a lovely buzz and I enjoyed meeting so many of you.
Mayor’s Report
The sign of building quality 1121111
Saturday August 2nd 10.00 to 4.00 – Market Place - Exhibition of photos/ memorabilia in and around Tetbury and of local people around the time of the start of the First World War, refreshments throughout the day. Sunday August 3rd 10.00 to 12.00 – the exhibition continues until midday and then closes for the service at St. Saviour’s. 2.00pm - Service of Remembrance at St. Saviour’s Church with music, readings and poetry. The soldiers of the 29th Royal Logistics Corp/59th Squadron will be in attendance. There will be a wreath laid at the war memorial in memory of those who went to war. 3.00pm – March through the town from St. Saviours up Long Street to the Market Hall, then down through Market Place and Fox Hill to the “station” where there will be a roll call of all those who went from Tetbury Station at the start of WW1, followed by planting of trees and a picnic at the Goods Shed. Refreshments will be laid on by the Rail Lands Trust and there will be a chance to purchase snacks and drinks.
28 | July/August 2014
NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Town Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Town Clerk in writing on or before Thursday 17th July 2014. The applicants must either: • Appear on the current register of the Voters List • Reside within 3 miles of Tetbury • Have worked in Tetbury (as their main place of work) in the last 12 months In addition the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor. PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2015. However for the interim period election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors. Applicants will be voted on at Full Council on Monday 21st July 2014. Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council
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History of Tetbury Society Our visit to Frampton-on-Severn on 5th June was much enjoyed. Rose Hewlett gave us a most informative conducted tour of this extremely interesting village. Frampton is markedly different from our Cotswold villages - in fact for me it has a distinctly East Anglian flavour. The many period houses surround the huge village Green (known as Rosamond’s Green in 17th century) with its three large ponds. The majority of the houses are built of multi-hued bricks, which were made locally of clay from the Severn that contained salt and therefore tend to be slightly porous. Others show their timber frame construction, with lath and plaster. There were some thatched cottages and a number were roofed with clay pantiles. We concentrated our attention on the houses facing the Green and the Street, but there often were other properties hidden behind. St. Mary’s church is situated the far end of the village and we were also shown the Congregational Chapel and a cottage that had been used by the Church of England Temperance Society in the late 1870’s. Perhaps the most ancient feature is the roadway across the end of the Green which is part of the ancient route into England from the Severn crossing between Newnham and Arlingham known as the “Perry Way. “ Frampton has always benefitted from the proximity of the River Severn and the Gloucester/Sharpness Canal but that does give a tendency to damp conditions. Some properties were badly damaged when a tidal wave flooded up the Severn in 1607. HOTS are to visit Sherston on the 3rd of July and cars will leave the Chipping at 6.45. We will welcome non members to join us for a tour led by Cilla Liddington. Alan Twelvetree
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Celebrating the
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29 | July/August 2014
St Mary’s Primary School The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. B.B. King Schools are restless places, never standing still for long – and it certainly has seemed like that at St Mary’s over my first year as Headteacher. The classrooms have been alive with visible learning, not just in reading, writing and maths but across the curriculum. We held an art week at the end of the Spring Term resulting in some fantastic work, the children have put on performances in St Saviour’s and learnt about the history and architecture inspiring poetry and art. We have increased the number of after school clubs and thanks to expert coaching our netball team won the County Championships. In the autumn, children participated in the Young Voices singing event at The National Indoor Arena in Birmingham and they’ve taken part in dance festivals - we’ve had jugglers, explorers and Pirate Plays. Children have thrown eggs off the top of the stairs in science experiments, taken part in the Big Bang at Deer Park School and experienced real life robots at Renishaws. The list goes on….and a lot of this is as a result of the wonderful support
we get from the community, PTFA, parents and helpers at the school, as well as the commitment and passion we see in our teaching and support staff. We have enhanced the learning environment, replacing our signs and fencing to ensure that the children are safe and secure during the school day. During the summer we will be remodelling the entrance area as well as putting in a new school kitchen so that we can provide freshly cooked, hot school meals on site. The school now has twenty laptops and twenty Ipads which the children can use to support and enhance their learning across
the curriculum. In September we will be launching a new school website which will reflect the vision for St Mary’s developed from meetings with parents, pupils, staff and governors. So it really has been a busy year with many highlights. I said in September that I felt honoured to been chosen to be the head of St. Mary’s and I feel that even more so, now! I have to say that the children at St. Mary’s are our real stars. They have optimism by the bucket load and a smile for you every day. Here’s to next year! Have a great summer everyone. J Woolley
St Mary’s C.of E. Primary School Tetbury Invites past pupils, parents, staff and governors to join us for a
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30 | July/August 2014
05/04/2012 16:37
Walks Program for July and August 01/07/2014, 2:00 PM, Wiltshire Bridge, Tetbury Hospital, Folly Farm, Monarch’s Way to Ashley, Little Larkhill, Preston Park, Berkeley Wood, Herd Lane, 5.5 m (9 km), Level A, Leader: Ian (502939) 08/07/2014, 9:30 AM, Cars needed, Bisley Circular; park in King George Playing Field Car Park, Bisley, Sudgrove, Trougham, Bisley. Stop for lunch at the Stirrup Cup Pub if required, 5 m (8 km), Level B/C, Leaders: Chris & Shirley (502164) 15/07/2014, 2:00 PM, Cars needed, Chavenage Green to Beverston Castle then W to main road for 200m then N through Beverston Old Brake following FP to Cranmore Cottages and back along Chavenage Lane, 3.5 m (5.5 km), Level B, Leaders: Anne & Richard (502326) 22/07/2014, 9:15 AM, Cars needed, Explore the Windrushes and Barrington’s. Walk led by Theo Stening. Assemble at the Fox Inn, Little Barrington (Grid Ref. SP205131, Postcode OX18 4TB) for a prompt 10:15 AM start. Easiest route: Cirencester, Bibury, Aldsworth on B4425. 3 miles beyond Aldsworth turn left towards Little and Great Barrington, cross the A40, drive through Little Barrington, the Fox Inn is further on, on the right-hand side. Please park at rear of the Inn
Tetbury & District Footpath Group
Parsonage Lane, Cutwell Farm, 5.5 m (8 km), Level: A, Leaders: Anne & Richard (502326)
26/08/2014, 10:00 AM, Cars needed, Park at Weighbridge Inn (on B4014 between Avening and Nailsworth), Avening, Bubblewell, return to Weighbridge Inn (optional pub lunch at the Weighbridge), 6 m (9.5 km), Level: C, Leader: Pat (01453 833783)
19/08/2014, 10:00 AM, Cars needed The Slad Valley and Laurie Lee country. A quite hard walk involving steep climbs and descents but some very rewarding views, Optional pub lunch at the Woolsack Inn at the end of the walk., 5 m (9 km), Level: D, Leader: Kevin (505357) Levels: A = easy to D = hilly
Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be muddy. Visitors or anyone not already a member and wishing to walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining, all are welcome. Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the free long stay Tetbury station yard car-park. If anyone is planning to join the walking group after it has left the long stay car park, please contact the leader in advance to verify the exact route to be used. Leaders and the Group will not be responsible if members or visitors fail to meet the walking group after it has left the start point
If you have untaxed income, HMRC are hunting for you.
Our walk will explore Barrington Park, Windrush Village and the Windrush River Valley. Expected time back at the pub: 12:45 PM, (optional lunch), 4 m (6.5 km), Level A, Contact either Anne (502326) or (Ian (502939)
29/07/2014, 6:00 PM; (meet at 6:00 PM at the Malmesbury Long Stay Car Park below the Abbey), Cars needed, Malmesbury River Walk, 3 m (5 km), Level A, Leader: Alison (505113)
HMRC are offering you the chance to bring your tax affairs up to date, and take advantage of the best possible terms. If you have undeclared income of any sort including the following examples:
05/08/2014, 2:00 PM, Cars needed, Hawkesbury Upton, Somerset Monument, Hawkesbury church, Horton, return along the Cotswold Way, 5 m (8 km), Level: B/C, Leader: Diana (502768)
fees from consultancy, training or other services; fees from event organising, party planning or entertaining; income from services such as taxi driving, hairdressing,
12/08/2014, 2:00 PM, Elmestree, Monarch’s Way towards Westonbirt, return via the Macmillan Way, Charlton Down, Elmestree,
sales, ebay or internet trading.
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Celebrating the
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22/04/2014 13:22
31 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Community Choir
Group singing “can produce satisfying and therapeutic sensations even when the sound produced is of mediocre quality.”
Singing can benefit your health! Whilst thinking of inspiration for what to write in this month’s column, I came across an article in Time magazine which said that group singing has been scientifically proven to lower stress, relieve anxiety, and elevate endorphins. When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and emotional landscape. Science has been hard at work trying to explain why it has such a calming yet energizing effect on people and what researchers are beginning to discover is that singing is like an infusion of the perfect tranquilizer, the kind that both soothes your nerves and elevates your spirits.
So! Group singing is cheaper than therapy, healthier than drinking, and certainly more fun than working out. It is the one thing in life where feeling better is pretty much guaranteed. Even if you walked into a rehearsal exhausted and depressed, by the end of the night you’ll walk out high as a kite on endorphins and good will. Tetbury Community Choir can help you to benefit from all these feelings of well-being
Tetbury Soft Play Centre
The elation may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing, which is associated with feelings of pleasure, or it might be from oxytocin, another hormone released, which has been found to alleviate anxiety and stress. Oxytocin also enhances feelings of trust and bonding, which may explain why singing reduces feelings of depression and loneliness. In one study, singers were found to have lower levels of cortisol, indicating lower stress. Other studies have found that singing relieves anxiety and contributes to quality of life. It turns out you don’t even have to be a good singer to reap the rewards!
Bishop Property.pdf
for only £3 per week – cheaper than a bottle of wine or a pint of beer - and no hangover! If you would like to join us we meet every Tuesday night between 7.15pm – 9pm at Christ Church, Tetbury, GL8 8JG. The last date before we break up for the summer will be 7th July 2014. We will also be starting rehearsals for the Messiah on 5th August at 7.30pm – all welcome. For more information contact Sandra Cook 01454 238372 (cook344@ btinternet.com) or Debbie Shearman (deborahshearman@me.com)
This is what we would like to achieve!
Please come along and support this new project as a community at the dolphins hall on Thursday 10th July at 7pm. Everyone welcome, to put forward any fundraising ideas, sponsorship, venue sites and a basic plan to kick start this exciting proposal into action.
We need your help and support! Find us on facebook for information, updates and comments.
Or contact: Jenny Chapman on 07737 586328 or email: jenchapman1@live.co.uk 1370714
www.bishoppropertyltd.com 32 | July/August 2014
THOSE WHO WE REMEMBER Tetbury World War I Commemoration Weekend We remember the sixty-seven whose names appear on the St Saviour’s War Saturday 2ndpeople & Sunday 3rd August 2014
memorial. Four of the named people are buried in the churchyard, as are two others who are not commemorated on the memorial.
Remember our local heroes who went to war in 1914
Of the sixty-nine named on and around the memorial, twenty-one served with the Gloucestershire Regiment andExhibition five with the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. As well as Saturday in the Market House these, four served in the Brigade of Guards and twenty-one in other front line regiments. 10-4pm with refreshments Three were artillerymen and three were in the Army Service Corps. There were also two soldiers in Cavalry Units and oneSaviour’s in the newly formed Tank Corps with another engineer Ceremony at St War Memorial 2pm Sunday, one in the Machine Gun Corps. followed by procession to the Goods Shed for tea As well as these Army personnel, three were in the Navy, three were with Canadian Units Candle light 6pm Evensong at St. Mary’s andVigil one was an and Australian airman. Most of these individuals died in France or Flanders, but also seven died at Gallipoli, four were lost at sea, two were killed in Egypt and two more in Palestine. Two more were killed in Italy, two in Mesopotamia, two in Macedonia and one in India. In total, fifty have been found to have definite Tetbury connections and four others came from nearby; three others came from inside the county and one was the Australian airman. The other eleven have no direct connections with Tetbury that we know of, except that their names are on the monument.
WE WILL REMEMBER THEM This feature was prepared by Geoff and Jane Haynes, Stephen Hirst and Peter Lisle-Taylor.
TETBURY IN 1914 In 1914 Tetbury’s population was around 2,700 - somewhat different to that of today, which at the last census was about 5,500. At that time it was a small market town which was fairly self-sufficient, with both road and rail links, as the railway was still open, running and busy. A wide range of businesses meant that the population did not have to go far afield to obtain all that they required, unlike today where increasingly everything is bought on line! Commercial businesses were numerous and varied, including one umbrella maker living in London Road. Shops and businesses closed at 1.00pm on Thursday afternoons – ‘Early Closing’ - but we cannot be sure of the other opening hours. Well-known families ran some of the businesses, such as those of Prout, Pride and Phillips to name just a few, and most businesses operated in Long Street, Church Street, The Chipping and Chipping Street. Businesses were most often owned and operated by the men of the town, but several were both owned and run owned by ladies. Many of them were ’Misses’, and there were often sisters running businesses together, such as Rosenia and Maud Jeffcutt who ran Jeffcutt, Church Street, their Millinery business in Church Street. Prout’s Stores, Long Street The Misses White and Upton also ran their own confectionery business, in Long Street. There were several ‘Miss’ dressmakers in town, plus the matron - Miss Lovell, the nurse - Miss Bessie Johnson, and the school teacher - Miss Turner, all of whom were all single ladies at that time. Other ladies who bear well-known Tetbury names were Louisa Cooley the Newsagent and Miss Wilkins, the Dressmaker. Several married ladies ran their own businesses such as dressmakers and lodging houses and very unusually, one lady was even a shoeing Smith! Unsurprisingly, two ladies were laundresses, one in Northfield and one in Cirencester Road. A few ran businesses in Harper Street; a lodging house, a ‘common’ lodging house, a shopkeeper and a beer retailer, although not all were attended exclusively by ladies.
At this time there were four chimney sweeps, probably because most houses had open fires for coal, coke or wood and as such their chimney’s needed sweeping regularly. Unsurprisingly there were three coal merchants, then, and one “oil man”. There were various skilled workers such as cabinet makers, blacksmiths, saddlers, Prout’s Stores, carpenters and so on, and two “cow Long Street keepers”. Unexpectedly, perhaps, there was also a farmer living in the Market Place selling produce from his home address. Thomas and Charles Broom were the wheelwrights in London Road, one of whom drowned in the Gas Works pond, as was noted in last month’s “Police Museum” article. There were several Doctors who worked at the Cottage Hospital or the workhouse, but woe betide anyone who needed a dentist or “teeth maker”, other than on a Wednesday afternoon, as this was the only time they visited Tetbury! There were two veterinary surgeons in the town, which related to the number of blacksmiths, as presumably there quite a few horses around. There were two banks, both of which Mr Sattely’s shop had head offices in London - Lloyds in Market Place Bank Limited, Manager Edward Thomas Boyce, and the Wilts and Dorset Bank Limited, Manager James Garton. Two solicitors served the town from “Paul and Kitcat”, and there was an Insurance agent and several other office-type workers, such as Clerk, an Accountant, Auctioneer, Surveyor and of course a member of the Police. Other trades listed at the time were a Registrar, an Overseer of the Parishes, a Master of the Workhouse and a Customs and Excise officer. Obviously schools were represented, as was the church, with the Rev Thomson and his organist.
Both men and women were catered for in terms of clothing, hats and shoes in Tetbury. There were three Tailors, seven Dressmakers, a Milliners, five Boot and Shoe makers or repairers in the town. The number of drapers was almost the same as the number of dress makers no doubt helping to provide the fabric for some of these businesses. There was also a jeweller and one watch maker: Mr Sattely. He also maintained the Market House Clock - his apprentice had to wind it by hand. The Town had an abundance of food retailers, including three butchers, (one of which also ran the only fishmonger in town), seven general grocers, plus three just entitled “shopkeeper”, five confectioners and five bakers. There was a fruiterer and two shops for dairy provisions. Interestingly no outright green grocer is listed, but there were two tobacconists, Mr Taylor in the Market Place and Mr Harry Taysum, whose shop was just around the corner in Church Street.
Tetbury World War I Commemoration Weekend Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd August 2014 Remember our local heroes who went to war in 1914 Saturday Exhibition in the Market House 10-4pm with refreshments Ceremony at St Saviour’s War Memorial 2pm Sunday, followed by procession to the Goods Shed for tea
“Lest We Forget”
Candle light Vigil 6pm and Evensong at St. Mary’s
War Memorial Service at St. Saviour’s Church Act of Remembrance for those of this Community who answered the “Call to Arms” and those who fell during the Great War 1914-1918
2.00pm 3rd August 2014
In terms of Public Houses and Hotels or lodging houses, we know that Tetbury used to have a lot of pubs! In 1914, there were seven public houses, a Beer Retailer, three Brewers, a Cooper, a “dining room” (which was Jesse Cull in Chipping Street), and seven hotels/lodging houses, one of which was also a Posting house. As there is now, there was a Town Crier, (whose day job was as a hairdresser), and a Town Hall Keeper, whose name was Robert Street. There were many clubs and societies in the town, being run by the great and the good! Last but by no means least for historical records, there was James Clark - Stationer and Photographer, who apparently got his bicycle into the cellar of his premises through a man-hole on the pavement. More information on all these trades and characters will be available at the WWI commemoration exhibition on Aug 2nd and 3rd in The Market House.
“One in ten lost their lives in the Great War” At the beginning of the First World War the British Army did not contain conscripts - the British Government did not introduce conscription until January 1916 for all single men between the ages of eighteen to forty-one, apart from those doing work of national importance. Therefore in August 1914, at the start of World War One, the armed services were comprised wholly of willing volunteers. It is said that “No less than five hundred and sixty Tetbury men served in the War”; this figure accounts not only for men who lived within the boundary of the town but also includes people from Avening, Upton, Doughton, Charlton and Didmarton. They all very willingly joined the ranks of the British Army to fight for their country in mainland Europe - a place that in 1914 was only read about in newspapers and in books and was most certainly not one of the regular destinations for long weekends, as it is today. Few of the people living in the sleepy market town of Tetbury, or coming in to the weekly farmer’s animal market, could imagine the horror, death and destruction that was to occur over the next five years. Sixty-seven of these Tetbury men were killed in hostilities, their names appear on the St Saviour’s War Memorial and four of these were buried in the churchyard along with two others who are not commemorated on the memorial.
the Aisne, on the 27th of September, that Tetbury suffered her first casualty of the war. Private William Charles Cole, a regular in the 1st Battalion of the Coldstream Guards, was killed in one of these series of battles. He is buried in Grave 9 , Row F , Plot 2 in the Vailly British Cemetery at Vailly – Sur – Aisne. Private Cole’s connection with Tetbury has not been established, although his name appears on the town’s War Memorial. The “Contemptable Little Army” of British Regulars had taken heavy losses and stalemate threatened as both sides tried to outflank each other in “the race for the sea”. When this failed both armies started to dig in, and the long miserable slog of trench warfare began. In October 1914 the British Expeditionary Force found itself around Ypres, a splendid medieval Flemish wool-merchants town in the south-west corner of Belgian. The town boasted a very grand “Lakenhalle” - a medieval “cloth hall” commercial building erected in the 13th Century; it was destroyed by artillery fire as part of the total devastation of Ypres. The hall was rebuilt to its former glory between 1933 and 1967. Ypres is in the middle of a shallow saucer-shaped depression, with gentle slopes leading up to a low ridge along the “rim” of the saucer. On this rim, five miles away from Ypres to the North East, is the village of Passchendaele. This area was the scene of the biggest battle of the war as the British, Commonwealth and French armies tried to climb out onto the rim. Passchendale was in German hands for three years, as the allies struggled to gain ground in “Flander’s Fields”. In return, the Germans tried to advance from the rim to capture Ypres, only to be forced back by the allies trying to climb back onto the rim. There was bloody fighting, backward and forward, with neither side gaining much ground permanently, for four whole years. In the first battle of Ypres during October and November 1914 the German advance was halted. Sadly, during this phase of battle, three Tetbury soldiers were killed.
Most of them died in France or Flanders, as well as seven being killed at Gallipoli, four lost at sea and eleven others in various parts of the far- and near-east. One of the early battles of World War One occurred in August 1914, when the British Expeditionary Force met the full weight of the German First Army at the dreary little Belgian town of Mons. These scrappy opening battles against huge odds forced the British to retreat, but then as the German offensive started to run out of steam, the attack changed direction and the British and their French allies started a counter-attack which developed into the advance to the River Marne at the end of August, stopping the German offensive. The British Expeditionary Force marched two hundred miles between Mons and the Marne, averaging four hours sleep per night. During September 1914 there were a series of battles as the allies advanced towards the River Aisne. In a month of bloody fighting the allies made an unsuccessful attempt to force the Germans off the Chemin Des Dames Heights. It was here on
Private Edward Cleaver of the 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment was killed on October 29, aged 27. Edward was the son of Frederick and Annie Cleaver of Harper Street (now West Street) and husband to Bessie Cleaver. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the huge memorial at the Menin Gate in Ypres, on Panels 22 and 34. On the same day and from the same battalion, Private Arthur John Mann was killed. He was born in Tetbury and volunteered to join the army in Bristol. He has also no known grave and is also commemorated at the Menin Gate. Later in the year Lance Corporal Frederick Bathe of the 2nd Battalion the Manchester Regiment was killed in the extended struggle to gain ground or defend territory held against the enemy. He is buried in the Kandahar Farm Cemetery in the Salient, Grave 6, Row B, Plot 1. And so 1914 ended. From happy celebratory departures the conflict had descended into bitter fighting in the muddy, miserable fields of Flanders, with over three years of conflict yet to come.
Lost at Sea
The Battle of Jutland
During the reign of Queen Victoria, Britain had built a great empire: The Commonwealth. To defend the important routes between the countries of Victoria’s Empire and Great Britain the biggest Navy in the world was built, to protect the hundreds of ships delivering our bounty from far-off lands. The Navy was a much bigger force than the army and operated in every ocean around the world.
The long awaited clash between the German High Seas Fleet and the British Grand Fleet took place in the North Sea of Jutland on May 31, 1916.
The German Kaiser built up his navy to match that of Britain - and as a result many powerful squadrons of modern ships roamed around the seas. In 1914 following, the declaration of war, the German Admiral von Spee was operating in the South Atlantic with his powerful Asiatic Squadron of five modern battle cruisers. The British naval force in the area was totally inadequate; Admiral Cradock had three elderly cruisers and an armed merchantman. When the two forces met off Cape Coronel , Chile, on November 1st 1914, the result was a foregone conclusion; the British Force was wiped out. The first ship to be sunk was Cradock’s Flagship the HMS Good Hope. Cradock continued to close the range until it was down to 5,500 yards, but before then his own ship had been hit again and again until she was blazing from stem to stern. Her burning interior, the Germans said, could be seen through the portholes and at times flames burst out and rose over 200ft above the ship. An Officer on HMS Glasgow wrote “Good Hope was firing only a few of her guns, with the fires on board increasing their brilliance. At 7.50pm there was a terrible explosion between her mainmast and her after funnel, after which she lay between the lines, a black hull lighted only by a dull glow”. No one saw the “Good Hope” go down - she vanished on a stormy night with Cradock and her entire compliment of nine hundred men. Among them was Electrical Articifer 3rd Class, Horace William Harmer aged 24 years, the son of Ernest and Alice Harmer of Tetbury. He is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial at Southsea. Revenge was swift. Just five weeks later von Spees Squadron was caught and destroyed in the 1st Battle of the Falklands Islands. On the 3rd of February 1915 all contact was lost with the HMS “Clan McNaughton” on patrol in the North Sea. She was a Clan Line passenger ship taken over by the Admiralty as an auxiliary cruiser; a search found wreckage, but no survivors and the cause of her loss is still unknown. Among her crew was Boy 1st class Francis George Hayes and he is commemorated on Panel 10 of the Chatham Naval Memorial. Nothing is known about young Hayes and his connections with Tetbury, except for his name on the memorial.
It was a day of mixed fortunes and among the British losses was the flagship of the First British Cruiser Squadron “HMS Defence”. She was the last armoured cruiser built for the Royal Navy and was scouting ahead of the main fleet. At about 6pm she came within sight and range of five German battle cruisers and the leading “Dreadnought” battleships. HMS Defence was hit by two salvos of twelve-inch shells, which hit her rear magazine. She “completely disappeared in a mass of spray, smoke and flame” but came through it apparently intact, only to disappear again a few seconds later in a tremendous belch of vivid flame and black smoke which rose to a height of some hundreds of feet. It quickly cleared to leave no sign of the ship at all. There were no survivors from her crew of nearly eight hundred. Among them was leading stoker Albert Percy Teagle aged 27 years of age, the son of Mrs M A Teagle of Tetbury. He is commemorated on Panel 15 of the Plymouth Naval Memorial on Plymouth Hoe. HMS Defence sank almost at once and it was thought that she’d exploded into millions of fragments, but in 2001 her wreck was discovered by divers almost intact and it was declared a protected place under The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986.
Egypt Private Albert James Apperley of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars was also lost at sea. He was aboard the ”Aragon”, a 9,500-ton Royal Mail Steam Packet Liner, taken over by the Admiralty as an Auxiliary Transport and Britain’s first defensively armed merchant ship to become a troop ship and to take part in the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915. In December 1917 she was taking 2,500 reinforcements and 2,500 bags of Christmas mail from the UK to Egypt and had arrived off Alexandria. At about 11:00 hours the German Submarine UC 34 torpedoed her, hitting her port side - and after about 15 minutes the order to abandon ship was given. As she sank she suffered a second explosion, as the cold seawater reached her boilers. Of those aboard the Aragon, six hundred and ten were killed and she remains a wreck off the Egyptian coast lying in about 40 meters of water. Private Apperley’s body was never found and he is commemorated on the Chatby Memorial in Eastern Alexandria, Egypt.
Roll of Honour ~ 1914 ~ Adams, Alfred E.--- Gloucesters. Alder, Sidney---R.G.H.Y. Allen, Alfred T. ---1st Gloucesters. Allies, Clarence ---A.S.C. Allies, Lance-Corporal Henry---1st Suffolks. Allies, Laurence---R.G.H.Y. Allies, Sergeant Sidney H.---3rd Suffolks. Andrews, Charles---A.S.C. Andrews, John---Gloucesters. Andrews, Philip---Wessex R.F.A. Andrews, Philip---A.S.C. Apperley, Albert---R.G.H.Y. Apperley, F.---Canadian Contingent. Baker, Ernest G.---Wessex R.F.A. Baker, George---Wessex R.F.A. Baker, Robert---R.G.H.Y. Baker, Thomas---R.G.H.Y. Bailey, Robert G.---A.S.C. Balfour, Colonel A.M.---R.F.A. Balfour, Lieutenant J.---R.F.A. Ball, Albert---Wilts Yeomanry. Ball, George T.---Gloucesters. Ball, Robert---Gloucesters. Ball, William---Gloucesters. Banks, C.F.E.---Kent Cyclists. Bannister, Stephen H.---Gloucesters. Barnes, Alfred---Wessex R.F.A. Barnes, H.G.---A.S.C. Barnes, William---A.S.C. Barker, Lieutenant Hugh R.---Remount Depot. Barker, Lieutenant Reginald R.---Wessex R.F.A. Barrett, William---R.G.A. Barton, Wilfred—R.G.H.Y. Bathe, Frederick---2nd Manchesters. Bathe, Stephen---2nd Wilts. Beale, James---8th Gloucesters. Beard, Edward---R.F.A. Beard, Henry---R.F.A. Beard, Job---8th Gloucesters. Beard, Robert---R.F.A. Bee, John---Wessex R.F.A. Bignall, Frederick---Gloucesters. Bishop, Major C.---7th Cavalry Reserve. Blackwell, George E.---Royal Engineers. Bond, E.J.F.---R.G.A. Bond, Harry---Rifle Brigade. Bond, J.T.---Somersets. Booy, Albert E.---R.F.A. Boulton, Reginald---A.S.C. Box, Arthur H.---Wessex R.F.A. Broom, Charles J.---A.S.C. Broom, Ernest---A.O.C. Brown, Walter---Wessex R.F.A. Butler, Sergeant-Major Allen---R.G.H.Y. Carter, Bernard L.---Wessex R.F.A. Carter, Joseph H.---1st Welsh Guards. Clark, Benjamin G.---A.S.C. Clark, James E.---A.S.C. Clark, Walter---Royal Flying Corps. Clark, William J.---Royal Flying Corps. Cleaver, Edward---1st Gloucesters. Cleaver, Henry C.---1st Gloucesters. Cleaver, Frederick G.---7th Gloucesters. Clutterbuck, Edward---Australian Navy. Coates, Percy F.---A.S.C. Cole, Charles H.---3rd Gloucesters. Compton, Frank---1st Gloucesters. Compton, Frank---Wessex R.F.A. Compton, Frederick---Gloucesters. Compton, John---3rd Gloucesters. Compton, Maurice---9th Gloucesters. Compton, Walter---Welsh Regiment. Constable, Robert---Wessex R.F.A. Cook, Ernest---2nd Wilts. Cook, Ernest G.---Grenadier Guards. Cook, Frank---R.E. Cook, Frederick---2nd Gloucesters Cook, George---5th Royal Canadian Highlanders. Cook, George R.---Royal Navy. Cook, Sergeant Jesse---7th Gloucesters. Cook, John---Wessex R.F.A. Cook, Walter---1st Gloucesters. Cook, William J.---Gloucesters. Cox, Alfred---Wessex R.F.A.
Cox, Benjamin J.---1st Royal Dragoons. Cox, Edward G.---R.G.A. Cox, George---Wessex R.F.A. Cox, William J.---Wessex R.F.A. Cox, William J.---R.F.A. Creed, Harry---R.G.A. Crew, Second-Lieutenant Eustace N.---R.F.A. Crew, Hubert O.---Prince Rupert’s Light Infantry. Cuss, Albert S.---Coldstream Guards. Cull, Francis---A.S.C. Cull, Herbert M.---Wessex R.F.A. Daffern, William G.---Royal Fusiliers. Dance, Frederick W.---H.M.S. Sokoto Dash, William H.---Queen’s Westminster Rifles. Davis, Sidney---South Wales Borderers. Davis, Wilfred C.---R.N. Davis, William—R.N. Davis, William J.---Wessex R.E. Davis, William N.---2nd Gloucesters. Dyer, William J.---Royal Engineers. Elliot, Joseph---A.S.C. Evans, Walter,---Welsh Guards. Faulkner, Frederick W.---Worcesters. Freeman, Charles---R.F.A. Fry, Alfred E.---Somerset Light Infantry. Fry, Frank---Grenadier Guards. Gainer, E.A.---A.S.C. Gale, George---R.A.M.C. Gardner, Thomas---Wessex R.F.A. Garlick, Robert---1st Life Guards. Garraway, Archibald---5th Gloucesters. Garton, James---Cameronians. George, John F.---Worcesters. Gobey, Frederick---Wessex R.F.A. Godwin, Sergeant C.C.---R.G.H.Y. Goodrich, Charles H.---9th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Goodrich, Edward S.---H.M.S. Medusa. Gray, Quarter-Master-Sergeant Frederick---10th Gloucesters. Gray, Norman S.---Gloucesters. Green, Henry---Wessex R.F.A. Greenslade, E.E.---A.S.C. Greenslade, W.H.G.---Royal Engineers. Groves, J.W.---R.G.H.Y. Hale, Richard---A.S.C. Harmer, Horace -- W. H.M.S. Good Hope. Hawker, William A.--- A.S.C. Hayes, Albert W.---Wessex R.F.A. Hayes, Ernest---H.M.S. Adventure. Hayes, Ernest J.---R.A.M.C. Hayes, Francis G.---H.M.S. Clan Mc Naughton. Haynes, Sergeant Sidney---Wessex R.F.A. Henry, Major Edward---R.G.H.Y. Henry, Major Gilbert---R.G.H.Y. Henry, Colonel Vivian---5th Royal Fusiliers. Highby, Henry---A.S.C. Hill, George E.---A.S.C. Hogg, George---R.G.A. Holborow, Frank C.---R.A.M.C. Holborow, Frederick B.---1st London Royal Fusiliers. Holborow, H. L.---R.G.H.Y. Holland, Ernest E.---A.O.C. Hopkins, H. S.---R.G.H.Y. Horton, Frank G.---21st Lancers. Horton, Harold---8th Bedfords. Horton, Hubert---Royal Engineers. Horton, Herbert Charles---R.G.H.Y. Horton, Sidney---10th Worcesters. Houghton, Bertram---1st Warwicks. Hugginson, Hugh---R.G.H.Y. Hughes, Henry A.---A.S.C. Hussey, Robert S.---R.A.M.C. Jackson, Ernest---Wessex R.F.A. Jackson, William J.---Gloucesters. James, Harry J.---A.O.C. Jenkins, William---8th Royal Horse Guards. Jones, Albert---Military Police. Jones, Charles---Dorsets. Jones, Sergeant Bert---Wessex R.F.A. Jones, Ernest---R.G.A. Jones, Jesse---3rd Wilts. Jones, Richard T.---8th Gloucesters. Jones, William J.---7th Gloucesters.
Jones, William John---8th Gloucesters. Kidd, Quarter-Master-Farrier Walter---R.F.A. King, Cecil---R.G.H.Y. King, Hubert---Wessex R.F.A. Kitcat, Second-Lieut. Eustace N. West Yorks. Lamb, Thomas---R.G.H.Y. Lewis, Frank G.---Royal Flying Corps. Lewis, Jack G.---4th Wilts. Little, Major Cosmo---Remount Depot. Lock, Albert---Gloucesters. Lock,William R.---1ST Herefords. Long, Charles---1st Life Guards. Lord, Sergeant John W.---15th Hussars. Luckett, Martin---Royal Canadian Highlanders. Maciver, Malcolm---R.F.A. Maisey, Albert---Wessex R.F.A. Maisey, Ernest E.---R.F.A. Maisey, Herbert J.---R Maisey, Reginald J.---Wessex R.F.A. Mann, Arthur J.---1st Gloucesters. Medcroft, George---Grenadier Guards. Meredith, Harry---Inniskilling Dragoons. Mills, Maurice O.---Wessex R.F.A. Minchin, William---R.A.M.C. Mitchell, Captain D. J.---60th Rifles. Mitchell, Lieutenant Frank A.---R.G.H.Y. Mitchell, Lieutenant J. H.—R.N.---H.M.S. Archer. Mitchell, James---1st Gloucesters. Mitchell, Thomas---R.G.A. Mitchell, William---R.G.A. Montgomery, D. R.---R.G.H.Y. Moulder, Albert---1st Gloucesters. Moulder, Frank---3rd Gloucesters. Moulder, Captain F. J.—6th Gloucesters. Moulder, Percy J.---Wessex R.F.A. Moulder, Walter---2nd Gloucesters. Moulder, William---5th Gloucesters. Newman, William J. C.---7th Gloucesters. Niblett, John---Wessex R.F.A. Noonan, J.---Warwick R.H.A. Norris, Frederick G.---1st Monmouths. Nurding, Charles J.---2nd Wilts. Orum, George---R.G.H.Y. Paish, Walter---R.E. Parsons, Bert---2nd Wilts. Parsons, Ernest---Gloucesters Parsons, Henry C. Gloucesters. Parsons, Percy---Wessex R.F.A. Parsons, Sydney---Royal Fusiliers Pearce, Edward---R.G.H.Y. Pearce, Harry---Mounted Transport. Pegler Albert E.---A.S.C. Pegler, Frederick E.---A.S.C. Pegler, Sydney---R.E. Pegler, Walter E.---A.O.C. Perrett, Edward---H.M.S. King Alfred. Pettifer, Charles---4th Wilts. Pockett, A. W.---Transports. Poole, Albert S.---Grenadiers. Poole, Arthur H.---R.A.M.C. Poole, Charles E.---Wilts. Poole, Ernest E.---Wessex R.F.A. Portlock, Alfred---R.G.A. Price, Alec---H.M.S. Ajax. Price, Sergeant Dennis---3rd Dragoons. Price, Oliver---R.G.H.Y. Prosser, Oliver G.---Gloucesters. Puffett, Albert---R.G.H.Y. Radway, C. B.---R.G.A. Radway, N. E.---Canadians. Reason, Alan---R.F.A. Rice, Albert---A.S.C. Robinson, Herbert E.---Gloucesters. Roseblade, Joseph---H.M.S. Leviathan. Russell, Frederick---Gloucesters. Russell, George---Wilts. Russell, James—Gloucesters. Russell, John---South Wales. Russell, Raymond T.---R.E. Russell, Robert---Wessex R.F.A. Russell, William J.---H.M.S. Zelandia. Sattely, Bert---Royal Horse Guards. Sattely, Frank---H.M.S. Indus. Saunders, Cecil H.---Wessex R.F.A.
Saunders, George---13th Hussars. Say, Edwin C.---A.S.C. Seldon, Captain E.E.---A.V. Corps. Selwood, Frederick W.---Gloucesters. Sessions, Arthur E. Gloucesters. Sharpe, Cecil---Gloucesters. Sharpe, Dennis---Gloucesters Sharpe, Elijah---Wessex R.F.A. Sharpe, Frederick J.---A.S.C. Sharpe, Thomas---1st Gloucesters. Sharpe, William---Gloucesters. Sheppard, John---R.A.M.C. Simpkins, Frederick W.---Gloucesters. Slade, Percy---Wessex R.F.A. Smith, Arthur—Flying Corps. Smith, Charles---Flying Corps. Smith, G. W.---H.M.S. Thistle. Smith, Harold---Gloucesters. Smith, Henry J.---Wessex R.F.A. Smith, Henry R.---Gloucesters. Smith, John G.---Wessex R.F.A. Smith, Sidney---Wessex R.F.A. Smith, Walter E.---H.M.S. Ascania. Smith, William---Gloucesters. Sparrow, Benjamin---Gloucesters. Sparrow, Harry---Gloucesters. Sparrow, Thomas---Wessex R.F.A. Spurling, George---R.E. Squires, Charles---Gloucesters. Squires, T.---Wilts. Street, William L.---1st Life Guards. Stringer, George---Gloucesters. Tanner, Francis J.---R.A.M.C. Tanner, Richard---R.A.M.C. Taylor, Lieutenant H. L.---R.G.A. Taysum, H.---R.G.H.Y. Teagle, Albert P.---H.M.S. Defence. Telling, Herbert---Wilts. Telling, Sergeant William---Manchesters. Thomson, William J.---Kents. Topps, Ernest---Wessex R.F.A. Tucker, Percy F.---2nd Gloucesters. Turner, Lieutenant S. A.---Royal Navy. Turner, Lieutenant G. D.---H.M.S. Antrim. Underhill, Frank---Wessex R.F.A. Vaughan, John---H.M.S. Thunderer. Walker, George---Gloucesters. Walker, Gilbert---Wessex R.F.A. Walker, Walter---Gloucesters. Walker, William---Berks. Walton, John K.---R.E. Walters, Thomas---H.M.S. Colleen. Weaving, Henry F.---Gloucesters. West, Sergeant-Major Edward--- Wessex R.F.A. West, Frederick, South African Mounted Rifles. West, Joseph---Gloucesters. West, Maurice---Canadians. West, Sergeant George---Wilts. Wheeler, Bert---R.G.H.Y. Wheeler, Thomas H.---Transport Service. Whiddett, A.---Sussex. Whiddett, B.---Wilts Yeomanry. Whiddett, G.---South Wales Borderers. Whiddett, H.---Cavalry Reserve. Wicks, Frederick R.---Gloucesters. Wickes, Frederick R.---Wessex R.F.A. Wickham, Second-Lieutenant G.---Dublin Fusiliers. Wilkins, Alfred W.---Gloucesters. Wilkins, Oliver J.---Gloucesters. Wilkins, Walter---Gloucesters. Wilkins, Wilfrid---Herefords. Williams, Cecil D.---West Yorks. Williams, Ernest E.---King’s Own African Rifles Williams, Frank---Wessex R.F.A. Williams, Quartermaster J.E.---R.G.H.Y. Williams, Percy---Welsh. Williams, Walter---Coldstreams. Williams, Walter---Welsh Fusiliers. Williams, William J.---Gloucesters. Witchell, Percy---R.G.H.Y. Wood, George---H.M.S. Kinsha. Wood, F.C.---H.M.S. Emperor of India. Wood, Thomas---Gloucesters. Wright, Francis W.---Gloucesters.
On Active Service for King and Country, 1914-1915. Compiled and presented by the Rev. William Thomson, LL.D.
Tetbury Malthouse
As it stands now the building does not meet current standards and is certainly not accessible to all!
The Malt House is a Grade II listed building just off the Chippings which was left in trust by a former Guide leader for the Guides, Scouts and Rifle Club many years ago. There are three Trustees and a Management committee who oversee the day to day running of the building. There are currently more than 160 local young people using the building on a weekly basis.
It was decided that the time was right to take action rather than just to talk about it and so a survey was commissioned to establish the basic needs of bringing the building up to an acceptable physical standard. This has now been received and suggests that there is a lot of work that would need to be done to stabilise the fabric of the building and even more to make it “fit for purpose” for the young people of Tetbury who currently meet there.
exploring whether it would be possible to expand its facilities within the Malt House to make use of the space left if the Guides and Scouts were to re-locate. We are aware that the Malt House holds an important place in the history of Tetbury, however, we do have to consider the needs of the organisations who meet there and to whom it was left in trust, and are, therefore, exploring all possibilities. We intend to hold a meeting later in the year where we will present our ideas to anyone who wishes to see them.
061108 Dowding & Sons:Layout 1 For many years the building has served The Malt House Committee its purpose and provided a home for the users. However as we moved into the 21st Alternatives have also been suggested century we began discussing how we and informal discussions have taken could bring it up to date and improve the place to see if a new building could be facilities. Needless to say being a Grade II sited elsewhere in Tetbury for*the Guides * 10% discount with this advert Television Sales and Repairs Television & Digital Box Sales. listed building this&has proved diffi cult as 22:05 and Scouts 150208 Maths English 22/2/08 Pageand 1 whether this would be practical. In parallel, the Rifle Club is well as costly. Television Repairs.
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38 | July/August 2014
During June, Cirencester College provided a four-week IT course for beginners. The course was not fully subscribed, sadly and only ran for two weeks due to lack of interest. Those that did attend found it extremely helpful, and it improved their confidence and skills in creating simple documents in word, accessing email and navigating around with Google. If this is something you would have found useful,
During its first year, the Job Club has supported over 37 people in a variety of ways, from writing CV’s to applying for jobs. Some people come only for the briefest of support, whilst others come regularly, benefiting from on-going company and encouragement. Recently a member said they chose to come to Job Club because it was friendly, he also said, “Whenever I ask a question I always get fantastic feedback”. Good! It’s not that
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please let us know so we can make you aware of future events.
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we know everything of course, but we do have a policy to go away and find out information and answers that support each member individually. Recently we have been helping some members find volunteering positions where they can be immersed in a working environment, stimulating them and allowing them to practice key employability skills. These positions can be very well managed so as to reduce stress to the employer, through support from the Job Club Team. If you are a local business, please consider if you have a place where a long term unemployed person could volunteer for a day or half day. It would certainly help to support them in their endeavour to gain employment. We are happy to discuss any options. To those who have donated laptops over the past six months, I am happy to report that all of them are used weekly during our sessions, so thank you! We would still be glad to receive donations of old laptops for our continued growth. I love that we can support one another in the community, using our resources wisely, being good stewards and good neighbours. For further information please call Mandy 07968 59 19 12
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
39 | July/August 2014
Garden Notes
strip. It was a losing battle, and by this spring, the weeds definitely outnumbered the cultivated plants. So we decided to carpet the lot, and start again. Our plot, in its new incarnation, will be designed with a “zero-tolerance” approach to invaders floating in on the breeze, and while perhaps less ‘ornamental potager’ in look, it will hopefully be up to holding its own, as a cultivated island among our native flora.
Do you grow vegetables? We have an allotment, but at the moment it’s carpeted. The only things poking through the carpet are perennial plants like artichokes and rhubarb - and our fruit trees. We thought we’d try a more avantgarde, minimalist look this year. Well, actually, there’s a bit more to it than that, although the effect is quite striking.
Partly in response to our battles at the plot, we’ve now introduced a small area for vegetables in our garden. Previously written off as “a shady garden” and therefore unsuitable, the removal of some overgrown conifers opened up an opportunity in an area that does get some good sun.
About a year ago, we lost the plot. No, I mean, literally. The next door plot was vacant, and the whole area had spent the previous year in a state between flooded and saturated. The surrounding area grew weeds up to shoulder height, whose seeds, so beautifully engineered, distributed themselves most effectively on the prevailing wind, over our cultivated
This development has been re-cycling at its best - or perhaps I should say, “upcycling?” The boxes where we now grow salads and a selection of compact, good-
to-have-at-hand vegetables, started life as crates in which the stone for our paving was delivered. They have taken on a new life, new colour, and a bit of ingenuity has transformed them into raised beds. The slabs on which they sit were salvaged from our previous paving, and are now laid in a fan-like pattern, as was once traditional for cobbles, with pea-shingle rather than mortared joints to make them free-draining. The surrounding planting is designed to have a good presence in winter, as it’s in full view of the house, while in summer plants for butterflies and pollinating insects feature strongly. This little area has suddenly become one of the most-used in the garden, and demonstrates how carefully chosen edible plants can be as attractive as they are productive. If gardening is new to you, or a new area has become available, as with us, growing things to eat is a very satisfying way to start. Thoughtful design can make your productive space beautiful, but even the most modest of spaces can yield great results: most vegetables are grown as annual plants, and are programmed to deliver! Sophie Crawford, Designspace Outdoors
Flower Festival
Wednesday 16th July to Saturday 19th July at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury
Doors open from 10.00am to 4.00pm daily and refreshments will be served throughout each day.
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Other churches and groups will be represented at the Festival.
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Garden design | Planting makeovers
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40 | July/August 2014
Please do come along to see this celebration of flowers.
The recently issued annual Cotswold Warden’s report confirms what we already knew. That we have been as busy as ever, enhancing and maintaining the character of the Cotswold countryside. Three hundred and twenty-three wardens divided into 5 districts (of which we are the South district), have given 45,000 hours of their time in the year; over half (25,000) of those hours in work parties and the rest variously patrolling and checking footpaths in their parish – spending 4,500 hours walking 3,000 hours and leading 245 guided walks.
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Two areas of concern have been reduced funding and the contracting-out of byway and footpath maintenance to Amey. For the Cotswold Way, a management partnership has now been set up, lead by the Cotswold Conservation Board, with more of the work to be done by the Wardens. It is possible that if this is successful other paths – particularly long distance named paths in the Cotswolds such as Monarch’s Way, Macmillan Way and Palladian Way – could be managed by the same partnership. Meanwhile, costing issues for the supply of new woodwork, stiles, gates and so on from Amey Construction, still have to be resolved. Amey have realised that they need to work with volunteers, but that these contractual issues need to be resolved quickly, or footpath conditions will suffer. In the mean time, our working party has plenty of other projects. We have spent more time at Leighterton Primary School, restoring their pond and including the provision of a paved surround, and a drystone bench and wall. We have also done more clearance work for the National Trust in Woodchester Park, and on both Minchinhampton and Rodborough Commons. Richard Evans, the National Trust Ranger for the commons states in the report that South District Cotswold Wardens have provided 1,500 hours of clearance work, helping to eradicate foreign species such as Cotoneaster and Turkey Oak, as well as controlling bramble. This
Voluntary Wardens allows the cattle to graze the grassland, and also provides the required habitat for wild flowers and orchids, as well as for rare butterflies like the Duke of Burgundy and the Adonis Blue. The one new stile we have erected was finalised by a farmer near Luckington, who was keen to provide a permissive path through his meadows at the source of the Luckington branch of the River Avon. We demolished a section of stone wall, erected the stile, and rebuilt the wall up to it. Whilst there I saw a pair of Red Kites circling overhead, the first I have seen in the Cotswolds. These birds are impressively large at 25 inches long and have a wingspan even greater than that – bigger than a Buzzard. Local walks lead by the Wardens in July and August are: Tuesday 1st July at 7.00 pm from the Hunter’s Hall, Kingscote for 3 miles. Wednesday 2nd July at 10.00 am from Minchinhampton Common Reservoir Car Park for 5.5 miles around the Common. Wednesday 16th July at 10.00 am from Tetbury Railway Yard long-stay car park for 5 miles to Shipton Moyne. Monday 21st July at 10.00 am for coffee at the Bell Inn, Selsley, departing at 10.30 am for a 6 mile walk, including the old canal tow path. Friday 1st August at 7.00 pm from the Hunter’s Hall, Kingscote for 3 miles. Sunday 3rd August at 10.00 am from Newark Park National Trust car park for 10 miles to Lasborough and Kingscote. Saturday 9th August at 10.00 am from Coaley Peak car peak for 8 miles through Woodchester Park. Wednesday 20th August at 10.00 am for coffee at the Beaufort Arms Hawkesbury Upton, departing at 10.30 am for 5.5 miles to Hillesley and Lower Kilcott. Sunday 24th August at 10.00 am for 6 miles from Nailsworth Church. Friday 29th August at 2.00 pm for 6.5 miles from Minchinhampton Church to the canal and Rodborough Common. Richard Glanville
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
41 | July/August 2014
Avening School A fond farewell to Mrs Redpath The end of the summer term brings mixed emotions every year: excitement about the summer holiday ahead, sadness about leaving primary school, anticipation for new secondary school experiences for our Year 6’s - and all-round celebrations for the achievements made in another school year. This year we will also be saying a very fond farewell to our ‘Marvellous Mrs Redpath’. Gill Redpath – our Year 5/6 teacher - is retiring from teaching after 21 years at this school and a total of 35 years in teaching. She received a Designated Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology from Aberdeen University in July 1976, from 1979-1983 taught at Bretton Woods Comprehensive School in Peterborough and from 1984-1990 she taught at Kelso High School.
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She first worked as a volunteer at Avening Primary School and then joined the paid staff team in November 1993, where she has been a fabulous advocate for children’s education and wellbeing ever since. In advance of Gill’s very own ‘leavers’ assembly’, headteacher Jane Rushton says:
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“Mrs Redpath has been an inspiration to countless children, and the many colleagues, parents and governors, who have passed through the classrooms of Avening Primary School over the past two decades. Thank you Mrs Redpath, on behalf of the whole Avening community, for sharing with us your unwavering passion and enthusiasm for your vocation.”
Robert W. Carter B.D.S.
In term time please contact 01453 833191 / or see our website www.avening.glouc.sch.uk 340208 Piano Tuition
7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
Keep the date free: 19th July is the date of our summer fair, kindly organised by the Friends of Avening School. It will include dancing, singing and gymnastics and a variety of stalls – all run by the children.
Page 1
Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk 340208
Tel: 01666 505692
42 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Fire Station 50th Anniversary
www.artsfrenzy.webs.com www.artsfrenzy.webs.com
Fun,affordable affordable dance Fun, danceand and the drama drama classes classes atatthe Christ Christ Church, Church, Tetbury Tetbury Street dance, physical theatre, contemporary dance, musical theatre, mime, ballet, puppetry, jazz, script work and much more! Mondays 4:30-5:30 Drama (ages 8-11) 5:30-6:30 Dance (ages 8-11) Mondays 4.30- 5.30 Drama (ages 8-11). 5:30- 6:30 Dance (ages 8-11) 6:30-7:30 FREE dance troupe rehearsal 7:30-8:30 Dance (ages 12-16) Tuesdays
6:30– 7:30 Drama (agestap 12-16) 7:308:303-6) Dance (ages 12-16) 4:15-5.15 Primary ballet, and street (ages
We are excited to announce the opportunity for people to enjoy a fantastic afternoon of family fun and at the same time support a charity which is close to the hearts of the Fire Fighters who work in your community. Since being built in 1964, the Fire Station in Tetbury has seen many women and men join Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service as retained fire fighters and on Sunday 20th July the Station will open its doors to the public, giving people the chance to celebrate 50 years of life at Station 22.
07872169879 Email: artsfrenzy@outlook.com 0110614
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.
Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy
There will be Fire Service and other agency vehicles from across the county assembled in the yard, equipment on show and demonstrations taking place during the afternoon. Also on site will be, a bouncy castle, food and drinks stalls, a fantastic prize packed raffle, games, The Fire Charity Shop and lots more. The events proceeds will be donated to The Fire Fighters Charity, so we hope that you can come along and support us and help make this memorable day. Raffle tickets will be available from 17th June around the town and on the day. Mike Dyer
Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514
Curtains & Blinds Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished Sonia Thomas 01666 502516
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
43 | July/August 2014
Dolphins Recreation Centre We were most encouraged by both the turnout and the response to the plans for the new Dolphins Community Centre unveiled across the weekend of the 7th/8th June. Some 200 Tetbury residents came to look at the designs, to talk to the architects and the project team and to ask questions. Many filled in the feedback forms and made comments such as “Excellent! In keeping with Tetbury buildings, reflecting so many architectural features“, ”Very impressed with the design – long overdue“, “I like the fact that, after 30 years of living here, the town will, at long last, have a facility to cater for the needs and leisure activities of Tetbury “, “Light, beautiful, functional “, “So pleased that the youth are to get some really spacious and good facilities”. With the bulk of the responses being equally positive, we came away feeling quite euphoric!
posterity. Donation forms will be available at Tetbury Town Council, the Post office, the Library and Tourist Information Office, as well as at other points in the town. Although thinking about the future, we are still very much focussed on the present, to make the hall and recreation ground as attractive as possible for Tetbury residents. In the hall, the floor has been sanded and re-varnished and is continuing to attract events. If you would like to use the hall, please look on our web-site www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk to check availability and to make a booking.
Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee
Green Angels Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Service
We only use natural, non-toxic products and methods Better for you, better for the environment
From the constructive comments made, we do have some fine-tuning on some of the internal details, but feel confident in taking the designs through to CDC planners. We’d like to thank the many people who made the effort to visit the display, and those who helped at the weekend. The full presentation can be seen on our web-site. Fundraising, of course, needs to go on. In conjunction with applying for some of the larger grants available, we have launched an “engrave a leaf” funding project. We plan a giant tree mural in the reception area, on which will hang copper and bronze leaves. For £25 per leaf, people will be able to have the leaf engraved with their name or personal message, for
Whilst we hate to end on a negative note - much effort and expense goes into maintaining the recreation ground, so it is extremely disappointing to see so much litter being spread about, particularly around the shelter near the skate park. If the users of the shelter are unwilling to place their litter in the many bins provided, we are going to have to question seriously as to whether it remains. There have also been reports about drug-taking in that area and the police have asked us to remind everyone to use the 101 phone number to report any incident.
Regular house cleans – weekly, fortnightly, monthly One off blitzes Moving in/moving out cleans Call or email:
Tel: 01666 505365 Mobile: 07714 210766 jill@greenangelsecocleaning.co.uk www.greenangelsecocleaning.co.uk 500213
“Try Tetbury F
Don’t forget - Key Cutting, Photo Printing, DVD Transfer, Shoe Repairs, Watch Batteries and much more. Free Local Delivery for Pet Products: James Wellbeloved, Hills Science Plan, Royal Canin as well as other well-known brands are either available on the bulky items provided shelf or to order for Tuesday or Friday delivery. There are some offers on certain pack sizes and brands so please ask. by Lizzie and the Tetbury We are now part of the Burns Pet Nutrition Loyalty Scheme. This means that customers loyal to the brand, pack size and Tetbury Hardware Silver Van. Hardware on completion of 7 purchases will receive the 8th free of charge. Find out more in store.
Lily’s Kitchen and Berns Pet foods are now still available by customer demand – it does work with us just ask. Garden Products: All Popular brands of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and growth promoting products are in stock or just a few days away. Composts, canes and tools for all aspects of gardening are in store and can be delivered (Within Tetbury). Question: What have the following all in common – Headphones, Disposable Champagne Flutes, Paddling Pools, Tap Washers, White Vinegar, Safety Pins and Water Butt Taps. Don’t Know? Well they have all been sold in Tetbury Hardware within the last 4 weeks to customers who did not realise we sold them!!! Please give us an opportunity to supply it could save your journey and may even be less expensive locally. BBQ: We stock Charcoals, lighters as well as Kindling and Coals. Small or Large BBQs can be ordered for a quick collection. Tetbury Hardware continues to strive to supply the products you want when you want them. It does need planning, by you and also by us: we will do our part. Please help us to help you! 1260714
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) 44 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Tourist Information Centre
Summer is here and the town is buzzing with visitors all eager to enjoy the delights that Tetbury has to offer!
Email- cobwebs742@btinternet.com TETBURY 01666 539057 STROUD 01453 569123
CIRENCESTER 01285 841473 SWINDON 01793 469176
Often people are so taken with the town that they decide that they want to stay the night but that’s when we sometimes have to disappoint as we are unable to find available accredited accommodation, especially B&Bs. But we know you are out there………..
Clare Farthing
Hairstyling in the comfort of your own home!
So now the Cotswold Tourism Partnership is offering all accommodation providers the opportunity to join their membership scheme.
Clare Farthing Hair Stylist
clare_the_hair@hotmail.co.uk 5 The Ferns Tetbury Glos, GL8 8JE 01666 502721/07917726440 TBC
Gas Safe Reg.
Oftec Reg.
Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287
and save £££’s in costly replacement!! our mission is to provide you with the most outstanding and thorough cleaning experience
Regardless of whether they are currently accredited via Quality in Tourism, AA or other schemes, these businesses will qualify for membership provided they comply with a new Accommodation Quality Charter.
Bookings This means that Tourist Information Centres will be able to take bookings and members will also be listed on the www. cotswolds.com website. This website had over 1 million visits last year, double that of the previous year – and with the 2015 Rugby World Cup fostering a lot of interest, next year looks set to be even bigger! Great news two of our accommodation providers have taken up this offer and now can be booked by us - York House, Tetbury and Glebe House, Leighterton . A reminder to all event organisers – please let us know all about your planned events so that we can list them on our “What’s on”, display posters in our windows and tweet about them – as we are now on Twitter! Have a good summer!
Carpets, upholstery and curtains cleaned in situ.
Less inconvenience for you
CLEANER Stays as clean as a new carpet
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York House
Tetbury’s Boutique Bed & Breakfast
Any other carpet cleaner is only a compromise if it’s not the patented Chem-Dry process! Senior Citizen Discount 0170314
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0800 695 1121
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Independantly owned and operating in East Gloucestershire and North Wiltshire
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
45 | July/August 2014
Avonvale United
6.30pm. All welcome, signing on forms will be available. Youth Training will begin at SWR from 9.30am on Saturday 30th August. Call Jo on 07518017363 for individual team training times.
And so ends another great season! We were wowed at our youth presentation evening by Kieran and his friends, whilst the Senior Squad managed to entertain themselves at their presentation, aided and abetted by the Trolly Disco. The real stars of the show however were our Avonvale Players who have had an outstanding season.
Avonvale Utd FC is a Charter Standard Club, playing in the Northern Senior League, Stroud & District League, Stroud Youth League, North Wilts League and Cotswold Youth League.
Congratulations to the following who received individual awards this year. First Team Player’s Player – Glenn Freeman Player of the Year – Glenn Freeman Golden Boot – Tom Blackah Reserve Team Player’s Player – Dominic Jackson Player of the Year – Dominic Jackson Golden Boot – Jamie Packer Third Team Player’s Player – Luke Daniels Player of the Year – Hayden Maller Golden Boot – Luke Daniels Special Recognition – Jack Johnson Under 15 Player’s Player – Arran Skinner Player of the Year – Joshua Eddolls Most Improved – Hugo Pollitt Golden Boot – Edward Ramsey
EMILY HOWELL Jobs Done 4 u
tel: 0787 0993632 01666 502953
Under 14 Player’s Player – Theo Martin Player of the Year – Adam Foster Most Improved – Ewan Hart Golden Boot – Adam Gale Under 11 Player’s Player – Theo Harper Player of the Year – Benjamin Cook Most Improved – Jack Ticehurst Golden Boot – Dominic Randall
GIRL FRIDAY Emily Howell
Emma’s Nails M o b i l e N a i l Te c h n i c i a n
Under 10 Player of the Year – Inigo Fenwick Most Improved – Sam Fenwick
Tel - 0785 3861066 Gellux gel manicures / Pedicures Luxury manicures / Pedicures Gel/Acrylic Nail extensions
Under 8’s Player of the Year – Sacha Cooper Most Improved – Aled Watkins
Gift vouchers available
So now we’re all rested and ready to go again, bring it on! Senior Team Training will run from Thursday 19th June onwards at SWR School, from
Housekeeping, shopping Driving, errands Cooking, dinner parties, Dog walking emilyhowell246@btinternet.com
Emma Lemos ~ Dip.BABTAC
Beautiful nails1~ one of life’s 21:28 pleasuresPage 1 1120509 SPRINGFIELDS 2:Layout 23/4/09
Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios
• Servicing • Repairs • Diagnostics • Courtesy Cars Available • All makes and Models
OPEN 08:30 TILL 18:00
Tel No. 01452 814459 Tel No. 01452 542179 Mob. 07779427353 / 07866366319
TEL: 01666 505010
“no job too small” 381211
46 | July/August 2014
Email: martin@springfieldsvm.co.uk Unit 2, Tetbury Industrial Estate, Cirencester Road, Tetbury GL8 8EZ
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
47 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Rail Lands Trust
720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
Page 1
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
We have had a very good May, starting with David Roberts 3rd Car Boot Sale, which raised £270. They have been so successful that we have decided to hold one on the second Sunday of every month with leaflets, posters and small adverts to remind everyone to come. If you would like to help us please come along!
Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com
Next followed a real fundraising highlight, Sue Stoners’ brainchild, the evening of “Songs of the British Isles”. Iain Duffy brought his choir The Malmesbury Singers on Saturday 17th of May to Christchurch in the Chipping and they premiered a programme they had prepared for their forthcoming Swedish international choir exchange. We raised a further £400. On Woolsack Day we put up a small display and sold bricks, mugs and posters, which created yet more interest and made another £92! I would like to thank Hortense and Gerald for auctioning a large Easter egg in their shop and splitting the proceeds (£130) between The Goods Shed and “Christmas in Tetbury” and Martin and White the jeweller and his wife Carrie for donating a further £100 to our appeal.
❊ Top Leading Brands of Food & Treats ❊ ❊ Our Own Label Premium Dog Food ❊ ❊ Bowls, Toys & Accessories ❊ ❊ Beds & Cushions ❊ ❊ Wild Bird Food & Products inc. Live Food ❊
Painter and Decorator Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406 250208
Foxley Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installation, Servicing And Repairs Oil Tank Replacement Heating Installation And Repairs Bathroom Installations Unvented Cylinder Systems No Job Too Small
Will Cook - Chairman
Tim Hibbard
Malmesbury (01666) 822863 Mobile 07966 462202 Email foxleyph@btinternet.com
Goods Shed
General Handyman Services
2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm
‘No Job Too Small’
01666 502877
48 | July/August 2014
Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
If you would like to get involved in this ambitious project please ring me on 01666502877 or go to our website at tetburyrailland.com and also look at our latest video.
Carat Boot the
Delivery Service 22/2/08Available 22:20 Page 1
250208 JS Painters & Decorators
We are planning to put a notice board up at the Goods Shed to advertise our events and to help update everyone on the progress of the conversion - at the present time we are working very hard on finalising all our plans for The Goods Shed. Our next event will be an Open Garden at Max Johnsons’ house in Close Gardens on the 20th July where there will be a real steam engine going around the garden!
for you and your pet’s every need.
S e u t mmer! a r b e l e C at a glorious
d r e a n G P m arty a e t S and the Crazy Goods Shed Gang With Mad Max Narrow gauge 'sugar train' railway rides
Railway art auction
Tea and home-baked cakes
Strawberries and cream
Bring and buy
Speciality cheese scones
Sunday 20 July 2014
Collectable Railway Art Auction The Sugar Cane Train - original watercolour by Barry Barnes Great Western Railway pannier tank engine at Aston Rowant by D McGrass
2pm - 5pm 12 Close Gardens, Tetbury
All proceeds to the
Dolphins Dramatic Society Phew! What a relief - the decision has been made for the winter production! Since ‘Allo ‘Allo, the Society has decided to stay in France, but they will leave René and the French Resistance behind and travel with The Three Musketeers.
are two dates Monday 4 and Thursday 21 August. They will be held at the Dolphins Hall, New Church Street, Tetbury. Make sure you are there by 7.30pm.
people for behind the scenes; if you would be interested in organising and making costumes or designing and painting the set, please contact Jenny Miles on 01666 503059.
The Dolphins Dramatic Society also need
Terri White
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
Those of you who’ve watched the television series will know the plot - the hot-headed young D’Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and prevent her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war. There are some changes to this - of course - and from the first read-through and all the giggling that went on, we know you will be in stitches! Tetbury people always are so busy; it’s early but put these dates in your diary now and make sure you don’t miss a riotous pantomime. The Three Musketeers will run for 5 performances: - Friday 5th – Saturday 6th December (no matinee) and Friday 12th – Saturday 13th December plus Saturday matinee. Now the important bit! For all you budding actors and actresses out there – auditions will be held for The Three Musketeers, there
Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 pete.oloughlin@sky.com Fully Insured
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GARDEN MAKEOVER tidying up your garden for a wedding, before selling your house, or if you want a radical re-design All aspects of garden maintenance undertaken including hedge cutting, cutting back borders, strimming, grass cutting, tree surgery. Prices include all debris removal NB: Kiln and air dried logs also available Daily and hourly rates, please ring for a quote
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01666 826521 07979363224 or 07736326269
07989 528 938 jo-read@hotmail.com East View, High Street, Hillesley, GL12 7RS
www.thornburyandpearce.co.uk thornburyandpearce@yahoo.co.uk
50 | July/August 2014
Elephant Bathroom Company
The Elephant Bathroom Company | Sales and Showroom | Unit 1 Charlton Business Park | Crudwell Road | Malmesbury | SN16 9RU Tel: 01666 824888 | Email: info@theelephantbathroomcompany.co.uk
Tetbury Model Railway Club Tetbury Model Railway Club is going from strength to strength and news of our existence is spreading. We have had several enquiries about membership in the recent weeks and our activities are growing. We must thank Tetbury Town council for their most generous grant to us to allow us to spread our wings ...or should that be ...to let off some more steam?! We will be putting on an exhibition at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tetbury Classic Car Show on Sunday September 7th, so be sure to come and see us in the Dolphins Hall. Two layouts are under construction and a third is out there in the planning stage. We welcome anyone who has an interest in train modelling to come and see us and experience is not a pre-requisite, just bring your enthusiasm. Neither age nor gender matters too much either - our current membership has young people from 9 to 90 and girls as well as boys. Come and learn lots of skills as well as pursue your hobby. We are in Old Coombe House, New Church Street, Tetbury just along from Top Banana Antiques. Our website is www.tmrc.org.uk and you are most welcome to come and see what we do. Meeting nights are on the calendar on our website.
Kirstie Stevens HAIRDRESSING AT HOME 07515 692232
John Billington 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha
Wayne Hardiman
Banish those corns, callus, verrucaes or just trim those talons..
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190208 NEW Stone specialists
Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
52 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark
Page 1
FOR A FREE FRIENDLY QUOTE TEL : 01666 505307 MOBILE : 07905 183235 WWW.STONESPECIALISTS.CO.UK www.tetburylions.co.uk
Young artists from schools in Tetbury Stroud, Cirencester, Malmesbury and surrounding villages have been competing in the annual Friends of Tetbury Hospital ‘Young Art Competition’. This year’s competition themes are ‘Remembrance’ for secondary schools and ‘Up, up and away...’ for primary schools. The hundreds of entries submitted by local schools on behalf of their pupils were judged by a panel of three local artists with the top 120 exhibited on 20th to 21st May at the Dolphins Hall, Tetbury.
Comments exhibition organiser Tony Gordon: “This competition raised awareness of Tetbury Hospital in communities we don’t normally connect with. Encouraging local children to demonstrate their skills and creativity whilst helping us raise money for an important local charity is good for the community and the Hospital”. Last year 232 entries were received from seven local schools and over £1300 was raised for the Hospital. Over 300 entries from 10 schools have been received for this year’s competition.
Friends of Tetbury Hospital Tetbury Hospital Trust is a charity established in 1991 which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments though not for new or replacement equipment. The Hospital’s survival depends on local fund-raising and the generosity of local people. Since the recent NHS re-organisation, the Hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire with more than 20 consultants from both counties holding regular clinics at the Hospital.
The Friends of Tetbury Hospital will hold their
Annual General Meeting at the hospital on Monday 21st July 2014 Timing: 8.15pm for 8.30pm All Friends are welcome 0490714
Discover The Heart of Westonbirt! Visit Westonbirt House And Gardens GARDENS OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY BETWEEN APRIL & OCTOBER 2-5PM Entry: £5 payable at Reception (with some visual ID) GARDENS ALSO OPEN 11am - 4pm As Below July: Mon 7, Mon 14, Mon 21, Mon 28 August: Mon 4, Mon 11, Mon 18, Mon 25, September: Mon 1 HOUSE & GARDENS OPEN with tour guides available: 11am – 5pm. Entry: £8, Children under 12 free. Tours depart on the hour. June: Sun 1, Sun 22 July: Sun 20 (National Garden Scheme NGS) August: Sun 3, Sun 10, Sun 31 September: Sun 21st October: Sun 26th PRIVATE TOURS With advance planning we are able to accommodate group bookings for private tours on many other dates. These visits will include a personal tour of the magnificent Victorian mansion, cream tea and a visit to the Italian Gardens, Camellia House, Saxon Church and beautiful grounds. For more information or to book a private tour, call Jo Baker on 01666 881373 or email jbaker@holfordtrust.com. Holfords of Westonbirt Trust: registered charity number 1124066
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
53 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Police Museum Many of you enjoyed the first of the “Cold Case Files” from our archives, so here’s another.
The Tetbury Poison-Pen Letters: In April 1840, a London newspaper article entitled “Rural Police” reported from Tetbury, stating that: “The rural police of Gloucestershire do not appear to prevent crime…for crimes of the darkest turpitude continue to be perpetrated there.” The main crime was that a poison-pen letter writer was sending letters to various people in Tetbury, threatening to burn their property. This was a serious issue! Earlier in the 1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout century, Tetbury had been one of the 1
places where “Swing Riots” had taken place. At this time, farm property and implements had been destroyed and hay ricks burned, causing injuries and financial loss. (The name “Swing Riots” was derived from the name that was often appended to the threatening letters sent to farmers, magistrates, parsons, and others; the name of the fictitious “Captain Swing”, who was regarded as the mythical figurehead of the movement).
In 1840, the letter writer carried out some of his threats, setting fire to several corn ricks and other properties belonging to a Colonel Kingscote and one of his tenants, Mr Morse, who lived in Kingscote. Property 28/6/08 was destroyed as a result and ninety ewes
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher
Colonel Thomas Henry Kingscote JP (1799-1861) was the Lord of the Manor, based at Kingscote Park, and had presumably been targeted because of his position and wealth. It is likely that the poison-pen letter writer had a grievance about local wealthy landowners. The letters continued to be sent on an almost daily basis, and papers as far afield as London and Berkshire reported that “the excitement is increasing”. The poison-pen letter writer was never brought to justice, but his actions caused a ripple of intrigue across the community 170 years ago. John Silvester, Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom Email: curator@tetbury.gov.uk
Window Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...
Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic.
Rob Wootton
For more info,
Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353
Call Ricky on 01666 504644
Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319
CL tetbury advertiser_Layout 1 09/06/2014 11:23 Page 1 1080608
burnt to death in a barn.
Caption: Kingscote Park today; source: http://www.kingscotepark.co.uk/
in Tetbury HHH
Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner *Two
Courses for £13.50
The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com
Small Hotel Group of the year 2012 - 2013
www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk *Two courses for £13.50 served in the Brasserie from 12noon to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. 0250714
54 | July/August 2014
carcare tetbury Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage
01666502496 503828
Independent Garage of the Year 2012 Building on our success as Independent Garage of the Year at the Motor Trader Industry Awards 2012, Car Care are pleased to add full dealer level diagnostics and programming for BMW, Jaguar and Mini for 2013. Just give us a call for more details. We look forward to serving you throughout the year.
As an independent Audi, Volkswagen, Škoda
Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's
At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level
and SEAT specialist we invest in state of the
premier independent garage offering a
servicing, diagnostics and repairs using
art dealer-level diagnostic equipment to
dedicated and experienced team of seven
genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service
provide you with a full range of service
mechanics. We offer a full range of services
includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT
options with free courtesy cars or collection.
for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and
and brake uid change. We provide service
Please see our website for more details.
light commercial vehicles.
book stamps to keep your warranty intact.
With ECU remapping you can realise the full
Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to
MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans
potential of your car with increased throttle
the left or right, an uncentred steering
with a free re-test included if needed. All
response, reduced turbo lag, improved
wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to
bulbs and adjustments are included free of
drivability and money saving fuel economy
book our four wheel laser alignment service.
charge! (headlamp excluded) Only £49.99
improvements. At Car Care Tetbury we offer
Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles
a wide range of performance tuning options
handling characteristics, tyre wear and
for all makes of car.
fuel efficiency.
Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ
Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Group The data gathered from the Town Survey, delivered alongside this copy of the Tetbury Advertiser, will form an important part of the evidence base used to support the Neighbourhood Plan. It will provide data not already held at a local level and will supplement the Town Healthcheck, carried out in 2006. (A copy of which can be obtained from the Tetbury Town Council website.) Please help us by taking time to fill out the survey to the best of your ability and returning it via the Town Council Offices or in the pre-paid envelope provided. Thank you. The suggested deadline for responses is 31st July, but late returns will be accepted into August.
Thank you to Kevin Farnham, Roy Angell, Richard Adams, Richard Apps, and Andy Tonkinson and his colleagues at GCC for all their assistance. This work was made possibly by the “Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning” grant.
and projects which cannot be tackled by a neighbourhood development plan. This will ensure that topics that have been raised during public consultation, but which cannot be addressed directly, are not ignored.
Whilst a neighbourhood plan does not have statutory weight over transport planning, and so cannot directly determine how traffic is managed in the town, traffic concerns in Tetbury will form an important factor in site allocations and will provide justification for investment in public transport infrastructure.
This approach has been commended by independent examiners, at Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale.
Because some concerns expressed in the public consultation events to date will not directly feature in the Neighbourhood Liz Farnham Plan, we will alsoWilliams develop a “companion 130208 GLC 22/2/08 22:03Cllr Page 1 Chairman: Neighbourhood Planning Group document” which will capture those plans
Thank you to everyone who has helped to develop the survey, Tetbury Town Council for funding it, Gloucestershire Rural Community Council for analysing the results, and Tetbury Lions for its distribution. With support from Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) Highways Department, we have commissioned a comprehensive traffic flow survey. (For more details of this survey, check out our website www. tetburyneighbourhoodplan.ork.uk)
If you would like to attend the next meeting of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group or would like to know more, please contact me, Liz Farnham, via lizfarnham@tetbury.gov.uk, or on 01666 504746. Alternatively, contact Natalie Haines at the Town Council on 01666 504670.
G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208
DAY EXCURSIONS Saturday 28th June 2014
The Arboretum, at Alrewas in Staffordshire, is home to over 200 significant memorials, representing military, civil services, local and overseas organisations and charities. Each memorial is unique in its design and symbolism. A spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice and fosters pride in our country. Adult: £22.00
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Sunday 6th July 2014
Swanage is a traditional Victorian seaside town, set at the heart of Purbeck and built around a beautiful bay sheltered from the north by Ballard Down and at the South,Peveral Point. Swanage is situated at the Eastern end of the Jurassic Coast, a World Heritage Site. Adult: £20.00
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Pick up points at Sherston, Malmesbury and Tetbury. For more information or to book please contact Mel or Rachael 0080714
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56 | July/August 2014
Christmas in Tetbury Midsummer Christmas Lunch Sunday 13th July at The Close Hotel. £22 per person for a two course lunch, excluding drinks. Tickets from Sue Hirst on 01666 504213.
Thank you to Hortensia for their donation of the giant Easter Egg!
The result of the house-to-house collection for Christian Aid was a fantastic £6,198.39. This amount includes £561 from people gift-aiding their donations. Thank you to everyone who donated so generously to make this wonderful total possible and a special thank you to all the 82 collectors, without whom the collection itself could not have taken place.
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Alison Hesketh, Area Organiser for Christian Aid. 01666 505113
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Please Call: Martin or Jon Well summer is upon us and we are hoping for some good weather – meantime, we have prepared our statement to give to Cotswold District Council’s planning committee, objecting to the Redrow green field site proposal at Hampton Street/ Bind Lane. This proposal is to build 120 houses, but more may follow. We will be representing the people who have signed up to our website opposing this development.
The money collected all goes to Christian Aid who help the poorest people all over the world, of all faiths or none, to improve their lives by providing such things as: schools, wells, water purification, livestock and agricultural equipment - to name but a few. Thank you once again.
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
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An article has been published that uses a survey to announce around half of the Councils in England now have a land supply, like Cotswold District Council. You can read further details by visiting our website. CDC has asked for comments on their ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ which is part of their preparation for the Local Plan. This plan will inform development until 2031. The Dolphins Hall has held a community event to gauge opinion on proposals for the new centre. Construction could start in 2016 and will include a community hall, sports changing rooms, a youth club, a play group, a kitchen and a meeting space. Please visit the website to keep abreast of what is happening here in Tetbury and to view comments and feedback from local residents. Thank-you! The STEPS team
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57 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Library “He that loves reading has everything within his reach” William Godwin
under “activities in a library near you”
reading six books over the summer holidays.
For the “young at heart” adults among you, we will be running a Summer Reading Challenge for you too! This is something that we are organizing amongst ourselves at Tetbury library and will also involve you
Sadly there are no freebies for you, but you do get the sheer satisfaction of reading and the adventures you encounter through your books. Linda, Jackie, Kylie, and Sophie
It’s Summer Reading Challenge time again and this year’s theme is “Mythical Maze”. Why not reach out and visit the library this summer? You can join the challenge of reading six books over the summer holidays and if you are a child (sorry grown-ups!) who is keen on getting freebies, stickers, a certificate and a medal for completion - the challenge is for you!. All you need to do is to visit the library three times between Saturday 12th July and Saturday 6th September, and on each visit take a minimum of two books home with you to read. To help you on your journey through the Mythical Maze we are running six story and craft activities throughout the summer holidays on the following days: • • • • • •
Wednesday 23rd July 11am Tuesday 29th July 11am Monday 4th August 11am Friday 15th August 2pm Saturday 23rd August 11am Wednesday 27th August 11 am
For more information visit http://www. gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries and look
Fun Dog Show 3pm
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Cherington Show Come and wander through our lovely village and enjoy a traditional family day out.
Competitions Church Bells Avening Band and lots, lots more
Stalls (plants, books, cakes etc)
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Parking is available at both ends of the village - Cars: £1 to include all occupants. 0210714
58 | July/August 2014
Helping Children to Transfer to School or a New Nursery
Tiggers Nursery
esteem because their independence skills support them in settling. Effective communication with parents and carers is crucial in ensuring a smooth transition – children may disclose their worries at home and staff need to be made aware of these to provide proper and appropriate support.
Children who experience an effective transition process are more likely to feel happy and secure in their new environment and to settle much more easily. They will be confident and will have a boosted self-
Key workers have a particularly important role to play in supporting and preparing their key children for transition. Children may experience feelings of sadness and resistance before leaving nursery, particularly if they have been in a day-care setting for a long time. Acknowledge a child’s friendship/s – particularly where children from the same setting will be moving into the same class
at school. Recent studies have found that having friends in the same class can markedly help children adjust to the demands of the new setting. Visiting the new setting is an important part to dispelling fears of the unknown. Use stories to explore the new situations that children will be experiencing. When they move, stories, particularly open-ended ones, can help and empower children to problem-solve and work out solutions for themselves. When preparing children for school it is important to remember that the preparation is not about assessing their academic skills. It is about helping them to develop self-esteem and confidence so that their independence skills will support them when settling into school. Listed below are some of the skills that can help children make a successful transition into school:-
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Developing the confidence to be •separate from their parent/carer Developing dence when trying •new things andconfi being able to take on expectations including a new routine
• Being able to share and take turns • Developing high self esteem self-help skills e.g. using •theDeveloping toilet independently and being able
to wash their hands, being able to get dressed independently including putting their shoes and coat on, being able to use a tissue to blow their nose
• Feeling valued and part of a group • Being able to recognise their name Developing social ability and •independence Developing the skill of listening and •responding to other children and adults Being able to follow a simple •instruction the confidence and ability to •makeHaving choices Having the confidence to talk about •school and their expectations Developing sensitivity to the needs and •feelings of others Children that have been in nursery prior to school have an advantage over those who have not, as all of the above skills can be developed during time at nursery, hence why the Government brought in the “free for three and four year olds scheme”. Every child over the age of three is entitled to 15 hours at nursery for free. At Tiggers we take children for free hours, please speak to Levi for more information as the 15 hours can now be stretched over the nursery year. Tiggers
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
59 | July/August 2014
Puddle Ducks Nursery Unbelievably we have now reached the end of another year at Puddle Ducks - and what a year it has been! All the children have been fantastic and it has been a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of their lives this year. We have enjoyed the lovely warm spell by spending lots of time in the garden, enjoying the freedom of the outside world, practicing balancing on the stepping stones, bouncing on the mini-trampoline, building sandcastles, climbing and sliding, scooting and digging, mark-making on the blackboard, having fun with the water table, blowing giant bubbles - and lots of bug hunts to see what creatures are living under logs and in amongst the potatoes that we planted. The children made a lovely home for some very lucky snails and really enjoyed watching them explore their new pad! The end of the summer term is always a bitter-sweet time for staff, as of course we are looking forward to some lovely long summer days, but the end of July also means that we have to say goodbye to some of our children who will be leaving us to go on to primary school in September. However, whilst we will miss them, we know they will all have a wonderful time in their new classrooms and that they are well prepared for the transition, having attended our afternoon pre-school sessions, designed to make the move as seamless as possible. We wish them all the very best in their new schools. This year we have children moving on to St. Mary’s, Leighterton, Avening, Crudwell and Westonbirt Schools.
between 2 and school age, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased give you any information and arrange a visit before the end of term, if possible. Our last session of the term will be on Friday, 18th July when we will be hosting our annual leaver’s celebration and end of year picnic (inside or out, depending on our lovely British weather.)
afternoons the session may run in our fully-enclosed garden which the children really enjoy, so please come looking for us there! Please note that the last Ducklings session for the year will be on 11th July. It only remains to thank all the children and their families for all their support over the last year and to look forward to returning on 4th September to do it all again!
Our toddler group, Ducklings, continues to Have a lovely summer. run on a Friday afternoon in the Dolphins Catherine, Claire, Sharon, Lynne, Pat, Cath Hall (please knock loudly on the side and Kirsty door) fromMoulder 1.15-2.45pm. On lovely sunnyMoulder 310208 Joinery:390206 Joinery 18/4/13 19:13 Page 1
Manufacturers of quality custom made joinery. Family business established over 20 years. All aspects of carpentry and joinery work undertaken.
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Some children will of course be returning to us in September and we will look forward to welcoming them back for! more learning-through-play in the new academic year. Spaces are filling up for September, so if you are looking for a! pre-school place for your child aged
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60 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Bowls Club At the time of writing in mid-June, Tetbury Men are doing very well in the leagues. The A team have played five won five and have 48 points from a maximum of 50 they are top of League Two. The B team have played three won two, have 20 points from 30 and are top of League Four. So far so good! Congratulations to Steve White, Malc Curtis and Pete Stinchcombe who have reached the County finals of the Triples competition and will be going to the National finals at Leamington in August. The men are also through to the second round of the County Two rink competition, and are waiting to play Winget before 29 June. They beat Cotswold B team in the first round.
Congratulations to Angela Cary and Angela Smith who are competing in the County “unbadged” and are through to play one another in the quarter finals, so Tetbury will have at least representative in the semi finals. On the friendly situation, in May four games were played. One was cancelled and the other three were victories. In June, one game was cancelled. The seniors in May played two games, winning one and losing one. The club competitions will soon be getting under way so there will always be something to watch, even over the wall! For all those would-be bowlers that missed our open day, you can still come to the club on a Friday evening and have a chat about the game of bowls and have a go. You never know, you might enjoy it!
£8.00 PER HOUR PLEASE CALL 01666 502475 1300514
Richard Cobb
Also in the County Pairs competition, Malc Curtis and Pete Stinchcombe got through to the last 16 before losing to a pair from BAC Bristol at Nailsworth. On Monday 16 June the County fours will get underway. Hopefully in next month’s edition I will be writing about further success for Tetbury. The Ladies have also started their league campaigns in the Corinium League; they’ve played one game, which unfortunately they lost. In the Triples league they have played two, winning one and losing one, and are fifth in the league. It’s early days, yet!
Feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff? I will work with you to clear the clutter and re-organise your home Please call me for a chat and further info Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk 0320614
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The “Big Brownie Birthday Challenge” has kept us all busy this term, trying activities linked to important years in the history of Guiding.
climbing and 1st Guides who are trying dragon boat racing. Six guides recently attended a County badge weekend and all gained either their camper or advanced camper badges. Several Guides are also going to take part in the last ever Malvern Challenge. Rainbows have been out and about following the Country Code and they too have visited Westonbirt.
1st Guides visited Westonbirt Arboretum and were the first teenage group to pilot activities tailored to their age-group. Following consultation with Karen Price – their Community Youth Officer, it was Several units have tried having meetings decided to link the activities to Guide without electricity and organising badges and so they went out tracking and meetings without leaders. Tetbury Guides made lanyards using natural materials. both had evenings where they arrived to Enjoying the out-of-doors is a big part of find a letter dated 1944, explaining that Guiding and 2nd Guides are working on their Guiders had been asked to help their water safety badge, ahead of a rafting out at the hospital for the evening and session. They are also looking forward to they were to continue their meeting on their Summer Solstice Fire Festival. Also their own. Once they had blacked out the trying out IBIS:Layout new and adventurous activities 19:55 Page 1 170413 1 17/3/13 windows they wrote messages in code and are the 2nd Brownies, who are going
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then had to get these to the army depot without being spotted by the enemy! Indeed during the war Guides would have carried on meeting without adult supervision and were indeed employed to deliver messages (the Scouts having been deemed as too mischievous!) Westonbirt Guides also tried code-breaking, held a science evening and had a solar still demonstration. They are now working on various badges including survival and fitness and have served teas to Senior citizens at the recent Sherston Fest. Following on from the Arts Day, Claudia organised a Baking Day where several budding chefs made and decorated cakes for sale at the Art Show held on Woolsack Day. Thank you to those who supported this event and we are sorry if people were disappointed that we had a much smaller version of our annual book sale this year. Members from all units are off to “Zooom” in early July, to celebrate the Brownie Birthday with girls from all over the Region. An exciting day full of fun is promised! We currently have spaces in Rainbows and Thursday Brownies and are always interested to hear from adults who might be interested in volunteering with any of our units. Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk
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01666 503900 63 | July/August 2014
Tetbury Civic Society The Civic Society supports cycling and considers that more should be done to encourage and promote it. Tetbury has no designated cycle routes, yet one in four of the population in Britain now cycle every week. Cycling is both healthy and fun, and people who cycle regularly every week enjoy fitness levels of non-cyclists ten years their junior. More cycling would help to reduce traffic and make the town more sustainable by improving movement and reducing reliance on the motor car, so the Society is pleased to see more cyclists coming into town, and the new cycle shops opening up one of which is also a café.
and others following public rights of way over fields or already hard surfaced roads. Map Two shows existing and proposed routes in the country areas outside of Tetbury. The major objective of these schematic proposals is to link up all routes to the main Kemble to Westonbirt National Route, the latter being promoted by the C.D.C. in their new draft Local Plan soon to be sent out for public comment. Tetbury`s own Neighbourhood Plan will need to plan for proper connections to this main route and to other nearby country roads. Assets of Community Value (ACV) Under the Localism Act 2011Communities are able to put forward buildings, monuments, places , land areas, etc., which could be listed as an Asset of Community Value. The Civic Society is now giving consideration to whether Tetbury has any such possible ACVs and would welcome the views and suggestions of readers and indeed all townsfolk.
Authority of any intention to sell and they must not do so without giving interested community groups the chance to bid for it. There is a right of appeal against the listing. There have been some 1,000 ACVs put forward so far throughout the country and the weight that Council`s decide to attach to listing has differed markedly. There must be a balanced judgement for each. It is understood that a third of these put forward have been pubs. Football Stadia (Manchester United, Liverpool, Blackburn Rovers and Oxford United) have been listed. Others vary enormously, e.g., playing fields, skate parks, village greens. How about it? The Civic Society welcomes ideas - if you have one, please contact me on 01666 505231. 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1
Well positioned and well designed cycle Roy Angell - Tetbury Civic Society racks are needed! More needs to be done - and to this end Tetbury Area the Society has undertaken a study and What is an ACV? In brief, it is an “asset produced two maps. Map One shows which furthers the communities’ social `through` routes on existing roads in wellbeing or interests,” This does not the town which are generally quiet and for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s include already designated assets, e.g., suitable for cycling, plus also busy main listed buildings. and let Accomodation. roads which could be used by more skilled cyclists. Most importantly Map One shows A community organisation having a Please phone schematically (a) existing off-road paths membership of at least 21 local people can now mainly used by pedestrians which, nominate an ACV to the Local Authority for details on could, if wide enough, be adapted for which has 8 weeks to decide whether to use as well by cyclists and (b) new routes, list it as a Heritage Asset. The listing, if some through the new development areas approved, will last 5 years during which 140208 Classic Windows:180206 18/4/13 timeWindows the owner must inform19:05 the LocalPage 1 which already have planning permissionClassic 530212
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64 | July/August 2014
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St Mary’s Playgroup We’ve had a great fun-packed year, and it’s hard to believe it’s very nearly over! We will be sad to say goodbye to all those children who will start BIG school in September, you will be missed, but we are already planning the activities for the new Pre-Schoolers. We had a very successful stand at the Woolsack Races this year and raised £76 from selling cakes, so a massive thank you if you brought a cake. Big thank you’s also go out to Lockstones Estate Agents for their kind donation of our new banner and to Tim Shute for providing us with a table (which two of our committee members had great fun trying to put up!) We also took this chance to make Tetbury people aware of our Playgroup, sharing information on how we run, and so on. Another thank you goes to Jewson’s and Mark Hardiman who provided us with much needed new hi-viz jackets for staff members, for taking the children out on walks. We also raised £176 from “Bags to School”, which will be put towards new toys! The children absolutely loved their trip to Slimbridge; the weather was very kind, thankfully, and we now have lots to learn and talk about back in our playgroup sessions from what we saw! Our final trip of the year is the annual (and exceptionally popular) Pre-School ‘Go-Bananas’ outing.
The Committee and Staff would like to say a very big thank you to those Committee members who are leaving, especially Tash Grant, our fantastic Chair. Without Tash’s and the other Committee members’ dedication and hard work, the Playgroup would not exist. We would also like to thank the parents and carers who help out at the Playgroup, and for all of their fund raising efforts. You are highly valued.
year with lots of new children to welcome. If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would like to know more, then email info@ stmarysplagroup.co.uk or visit our website for more details.
Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning term time in Christchurch, from 09.30 – 11.30. Louise/ Jane always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is We look forward to the summer holidays welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers, so – we hope you all have a lovely break. We 340413 Shipshape Plumbing:Layout 1 drop 16/3/13 380510 AGW 11:24 Howell:Layout Page 1 1 22/4/10 in and join the fun! also look forward to September and a new
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L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street ❈ All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213
66 | July/August 2014
Dear Tetbury,
this means we will not be able to continue with the Play Gloucestershire scheme this year, which is a great pity.
On behalf of the People’s Pod and Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust we would like to thank all those who The Pod is planning to invite Kick Off supported our attempt to win £5000 for Stroud back to the Rec this summer our children’s play scheme. Sadly we were holiday, since it was very popular last not successful, but we gave it a good shot. year. The dates are not 1yet confirmed so 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian 22/2/08 22:48 Page So thank you very much. Quite possibly please pop to the pod to find out when
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The People’s Pod they are coming. Kick off Stroud will be providing 1 football session/week for four weeks during August for a cost to each participant of £1.50 a session. It’s open to 11-16 year olds and we will be taking names and fees during pod sessions in July for anyone wanting to sign up. We are also encouraging pod members to think about entering into a variety of the competitions organised by Tetbury Flower Show in August. We will be having pod baking sessions before the event, which young people can sign up to. If your young person would like to join us in our baking sessions please encourage them to come along to the Pod during July to find out some more details and sign up. Exciting news from one of our youth workers! Mel has a conditional offer to go to university this year to study adult nursing, which in it itself is fabulous. As part of her of her portfolio of experience she is going to Tanzania for a week in August to work as a volunteer alongside doctors, nurses and midwifes where she will gain a comprehensive insight into the day to day work of medical and health care staff. What an adventure! We hope you have a safe trip and an awesome time, there. Well done Mel. For further information please call Mandy 07968 59 19 12, or visit the Pod, Tuesday & Fridays 5.15-7.15pm.
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
67 | July/August 2014
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Value adding workforce solutions
11/06/2014 17:50
A successful business requires the ability to recruit excellence, the sense to reward it and the foresight to sustain, nurture and encourage it. On behalf of our clients, we are currently looking for the following:
Business Development/ Customer Support staff for a local and rapidly expanding company in the beauty industry. Salary from £15,000 (OTE £23,000) Media Sales Executives for a company in Malmesbury offering excellent salary,bonuses, and opportunities to progress. Salary starting from £17,000 (OTE £27,000) N.H.S Business Development Sales Executive based in Malmesbury Excellent promotion prospects, salary and incentives. Salary starting from £17,000 (With OTE £35,000 after first year) Part-time Spa Lounge Waiting staff for an exclusive, luxury spa. £7.00 per hour Front of House Receptionist for an exclusive 5 star hotel. Salary £17,000 plus bonuses Please call for details on 07508 376613 or send your C.Vs to: susielewis@hr3sixty.co.uk 0550714