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November 2014
4,200 Circulation
Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974
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Diary of Events for November
2nd November Litter pick-up Sunday 10.00 am at the Recreation Ground
29th November Tetbury Scouts Postal Service starts Please see the details on page 25 of this issue
6th November HOTS: Mike Robinson the ‘Battle of Quatre Bras’ 7.30pm at Christchurch
29th November TCC Open Messiah Workshop, Christchurch Please see the details on page 49 of this issue
10th November ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ at SWRS Please see the advertisement on page 41 of this issue
4th December Christmas in Tetbury Celebrations Please see the details on page 26 of this issue
11th November Careers Fair at Sir William Romney’s School 4.30pm to 7.30pm in association with the Chamber of Commerce
5th December Café 53 Christmas Party Meal Tickets £25 – profits in aid of the Goods Shed
12th to 23rd November Sculpture Exhibition at the Goods Shed Please see the ad on page 39 of this issue
16th December Sir William Romney’s School Christmas Concert 7.00 pm Please see the advertisement on page 41 of this issue
13th November Coffee morning in aid of the Goods Shed 10.00 am onwards at 3 Northleaze, Tetbury
17th and 18th December Christian Aid Charity collections at Tesco
27th November Malmesbury & District U3A Meeting 10.00 am in the Assembly Rooms at the Town Hall, Malmesbury More information: David Hide – 01666 824148/07887 932253
The Neighbourhood Group coffee mornings 10.00 to 1.00pm at St Mary’s Road day centre, Tuesdays 07776 342440
28th November Avening Primary School Christmas Market 2.30 to 4.30 pm in the School Hall
Pod sessions Tuesday and Fridays 5.15 to 7.15pm, years 7-13
POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number)
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270
TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552
Useful Information
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336 PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk
Advertiser Rates / Information
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047
Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com
NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 505805 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
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Copy date for the December Issue - Thursday 13th November 2014 ** Delivery date - 29th/30th November 2014 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
Contents Lions Den 5 Avening School 32 Buddy’s 58 Charity Pamper Evening 10 Christian Aid 8 Christmas in Tetbury 26 Cotswold District News 44 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 43 Diary - November 3 Dolphins Dramatic Society 6 Dolphins Recreation Centre Trust 22 Financial Advice 33 Guides 34 History of Tetbury Society 17 International School Award 41 Letters to the Editor 28 Mayor’s Report 9 Motor Neurone Disease Association 5 Neighbourhood Planning 42 News from St Mary’s 14 Patient Participation Group 46 People For You 59 People’s Pod 56 Probus One 21 Probus Two 40 Puddle Ducks Nursery 57 Scouts 25 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 11 Sir William Romney’s School 41 St Mary’s Playgroup 19 Tetbury Art Society 20 Tetbury Bowls Club 55 Tetbury Camera Club 18 Tetbury Community Choir 49 Tetbury Dial-a-Ride 51 Tetbury in Bloom 36 Tetbury Library 47 Tetbury Police Museum 38 Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust 39 Tetbury Theatre Group 48 Tetbury Tourist Information 50 Tetbury Town Football Club 16 Tetbury WI 54 The Calcot Belles 53 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 52 The Ormond Said 23 The Priory Inn Blog 12 Tiggers 24 Unsung Hero 12 Young by Name 4
Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
November 2014 | 3
Young by name The Embarrassing Parent “Mummy, I never gave you my permission to put my picture on the cover of a book!” So said my daughter Laura when I showed her the proof copy of my latest book, “Coming To Terms With Type 1 Diabetes”, to be launched in paperback this month to mark World Diabetes Day (14 November). It’s a lovely photo that captured her unawares, looking characteristically dreamy, described by her doting grandpa as “St Laura”. Now that Laura’s at secondary school, I’m probably on borrowed time for posting her photos online or for writing about her exploits in public. I’d hate to become an embarrassing parent – to which her retort would probably be “too late!”
Justifying the Means In this case, however, the serious purpose behind the book justifies the use of her photo, with or without her permission: it’s raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes and raising funds for the search for a cure. This serious, incurable disease affects both Laura and my husband Gordon. Laura was diagnosed at the age of just three. Her diagnosis hit me like a bereavement, and I went through the classic stages of grief, from initial shock and denial to acceptance.
Determined not to let our family life be dictated by a medical condition, we have learned to move on in positive spirits and live life to the full. I hope that sharing our experience in this book will offer moral support to those in the same situation. It should also help others understand what it’s like to live with Type 1 diabetes, without having to ask potentially embarrassing questions of those who have it. Profits from sales of the book will be donated to JDRF (www.jdrf.org.uk), the leading charitable funder of Type 1 diabetes research. The more funds raised, the closer we are to a cure - which is nowhere near as close as was misreported in the national press last month. Sigh.
Invitation to the Launch If you’d like to come to the launch event, join me at Foyles Bookshop, Cabot Circus in Bristol on 13th November from 6-7.30pm for an entertaining evening. Special guests include a man with Type 1 who has just climbed Mount Kilimanjaro (Exhibit A to prove that having Type 1 doesn’t stop you doing anything) and research scientist Dr Kathleen Gillespie, who will be telling us why good cooks
make good lab researchers, and vice versa. That could add a whole new twist to the Great British Bake Off. To help me plan seating and catering, if you’d like to attend, please contact me via my website: www. authordebbieyoung.com. “Coming To Terms With Type 1 Diabetes” will also be available to order via Tetbury’s wonderful Yellow-Lighted 061108 Dowding & Sons:Layout 1 23/10/08 Bookshop.
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4 | November 2014
Dear Reader, What a glorious Indian summer we have had. Isn’t nature wonderful? Somehow it always seems to balance out. We had the wettest winter on record followed by a glorious summer. As I am penning this, the leaves are just turning so we must be prepared for what could be a wonderful show at Westonbirt Arboretum.
active and well-organised the club had become. Obviously, I would like to take praise for this but alas the building bricks were put in place by Lion President Paul Farrow during his year in office, followed by Lion President Nat Prosser. Keith mentioned that if there was a score available we would have attained 11 out of 10; all down to the hard work and ingenuity of my predecessors.
We have supported the Girl Guides’ trip The Tetbury Lions had the pleasure of to California for their jamboree, and a visit from Keith Wilding, Vice District obviously we shall hear all about this on Governor for W105 at our meeting on the their return. We are also supporting a very 1st October. Keith congratulated Tetbury 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Waynetalented Ha blind young lady who hopes to Lions and remarked on how professional, go into the Paralympics team for dressage in 2016. Watch this space for news of this truly remarkable young woman.
Wayne Hardiman
Carpentry & Building Free Estimates 07787 576309 01666 880066
We have also just donated to the Monday Club - and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of the members, too. I was most impressed with the dedicated staff and the wonderful atmosphere generated at their meetings. Obviously I am far too young to join, but have asked to be considered for a reservation. Not forgetting “home” Lion’s activities we should really congratulate Ken and Terry White for the Boule night at the Royal Oak
Lions Den in August. I am not quite sure that some of the techniques were completely legal, but nevertheless it was a splendid night. We have had a further meeting with Keith Wilding regarding the “Leos” - the age group of Lions from 11 to 18; I am hoping to get an arrangement off the ground for next year to involve these young people in the work of the Lions. On a sad note we shall soon be losing Lion Pat Horton who has served the club for nine loyal years. We wish her the very best for the future, over the border in Wiltshire – her dedication, energy and enthusiasm will be sadly missed. She has embodied our motto “We Serve” perfectly, during her time with Tetbury Lions. Finally, Motor Neurone Disease is an illness first brought to the forefront of our thinking in Tetbury Lion’s by ex-President Paul Farrow; I am very pleased to follow up on his good work by presenting a cheque to Jean Waters, Chair of the Gloucestershire branch of the MNDA and Lena Marsh, MNDA trustee. Keith Leaver – President
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Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a devastating, fatal disease with no cure and no real treatment. It is a rapidly progressive condition, which can affect any adult at any time and attacks the motor neurones that send messages from the brain to the muscles, leaving people unable to walk, talk or feed themselves. The cause of the disease is unknown and around 5,000 people in the UK have MND at
Celebrating the
any one time. It kills five people every day in the UK, with half of people with the disease dying within 14 months of diagnosis.
sufferers, carers, family and friends. We support around 60 people living with MND throughout the region.
The Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association is the only national organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland dedicated to the support of people with MND and those who care for them. The Association funds research to understand what causes MND, how to diagnose it and, most importantly, how to effectively treat it so that it no longer devastates lives.
It is through donations such as from Tetbury Lions that allows us to extend the support we can offer to those affected by MND, and to raise vital awareness of a disease of which little is known. We have the ongoing hope that one day we can stop MND in its tracks.
The Gloucestershire Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association has the sole aim of serving those in the community who are affected by MND -
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
A huge thank you to Tetbury Lions for their generosity; your contribution will make a huge difference to MND sufferers and their families in their final months, days and hours together. Jean Waters Chair, Gloucestershire MNDA
November 2014 | 5
Dolphins Dramatic Society Promotion already! I am sure you all remember me telling you that Jackie Bray is back with us again after a break of seven years? Well when we started rehearsing, Jackie was Commandant of the Cardinal’s Guard – but she was so good Anne’s promoted her to King Louis! Jackie is really brilliant and carries off the part beautifully. As for her daughter Emily, she is a star in the making. Emily takes it all very seriously, she listens very carefully to what she has to do and then puts it into practice; Emily even brings her own props with her – a real chip off the old block! D’Artagnan is being played by Victoria Palmer – she is so full of energy, with a very expressive face, her voice is lovely and clear AND she is great at the thighslapping. Victoria is a real asset to the Dolphins as is Jackie Rymer who plays Aramis – they both have a great sense of humour and keep us laughing. Leslie Jablonski is also treading the boards in this production with two parts – Tavern Wench and Mother Inferior. Yes that is correct – Inferior. You will see why when you come to the panto! You couldn’t get two characters so different, and Leslie makes them both very funny.
Not only are the cast learning their lines, (books down now and no peeping), they are also having to learn the words to quite a few songs. You will know them, so we expect you to join in too! Due to work commitments Nicki Heenan is not with us on this production but Anne and Jenny, who are both in a choir, are putting everyone through their paces to make sure they hit the right notes. The first rendition of one song led several of us to start howling like dogs – it has improved a great deal – honest. Sadly Jenny Warner, who has been the Dolphins hair and make-up artist for the past seven years, has had to step aside. Jenny works long hours, has a home to run and family to care for and has had to make the difficult decision to bow out. She will be very much missed, all the Dolphins
would like to say a HUGE thank you to her for all her hard work and making all the actors look the part. We hope, at some point, you will be able to come back to us Jenny but in the mean time THANK YOU. Don’t forget folks tickets are now on sale at Russells Dry Cleaners. The show will run from Friday 5th to Saturday the 6th December (no matinee) and Friday 12th to Saturday 13th December, including a Saturday matinee. The Lions always provide a fun night out for the older people of Tetbury by taking them to The Dolphins Pantomime; this year it’s on Thursday the 11th December. The Lions really are fantastic - they organise transport, drinks and raffle prizes for the evening. Dolphins Dramatic Society
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6 | November 2014
When, in August, I asked for volunteers to go ‘over the edge’ to raise money to help Christian Aid eradicate world poverty, I had no idea who would put themselves forward to abseil down the Ecotricity building in Stroud on Saturday the 27th of September. It’s quite difficult to encourage and persuade people to do something when you’re not prepared to do it yourself! Even though I knew it wasn’t my scene, my 12-year-old granddaughter Stella said she would go in my place, and she was joined by Sir William Romney pupil, Mimi - also aged 12, Princess, Wendy (who has multiple sclerosis) and Brian, all of whom are trying to remember when they celebrated their big 50 birthday! Each member of the team of five had to undertake to raise a minimum of £60 for Christian Aid and we were nervous about reaching the target. September 27th was a beautiful day and a large crowd of well wishers had gathered to egg each one of them on when they went ‘over the edge’ and noisily cheer when each made it safely to the ground. Even though nervous and undertaking something they had never done before, each one would have happily done it again given the chance. Between them in total they have raised the fantastic total of just over £1,800 with at least another £300
coming through people gift aiding their donations. Bravo! The photo, taken by her son Ned, is of Wendy, who many of you may recognise from Tetbury Old Books, going ‘over the edge’. Well done and a big thank you to all members of the abseiling team and also thank you to all those who sponsored them to make this amazing result possible. We will continue to support Christian Aid in its work to help people throughout the world to fight poverty, whatever their faith or background. To this end we will be collecting at Tesco on the 17th and 18th of December and hope that you will once again be generous.
Alison Hesketh 01666 505113 Tetbury Area Organiser Christian Aid
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01666 503900 www.tetburylions.co.uk
Have you seen our newly planted apple trees, commemorating the First World War? If not wait till we’ve installed a plaque to go with them and then have a stroll down to the area behind the Free Long Stay Car Park and find them! Thanks to one of our Councillors we’ve obtained a beautiful piece of stone and the plaque will be placed on this. I understand Tetbury Classic Car Show was a great success with brilliant weather; sadly I was unable to be there due to other commitments – I’ll make sure I’m around for next year. I had a very proactive meeting with Tesco and a chance to meet the new Manager Suzanne, recently. We spoke at length about the rubbish around the re-cycling area and they’re actively working to ensure that this area is kept clean and tidy. Let us know if this doesn’t happen. I’ve also been assured that there will not be a repeat of the Fair, in their Car Park. The Food Fayre was a great success and the food was scrummy! It was lovely to see the various menus being put on by our local Hotels/Restaurants and I was able to go round and talk to all the stall holders to tell them about our new Farmers Market on the second Sunday of each month. The weather was not 100% but there were quite a few stalls and we’re hoping to build
Mayor’s Report
on this and have the whole area both underneath and behind the Market Hall full by next year. There won’t be a market in November as it falls on Remembrance Sunday, but hopefully December will be a good turnout. Please support them! If we don’t they won’t survive and all our efforts will be for nothing. The idea is to raise the profile of the town for both locals and tourists alike. I was very moved to be presented with a print of the 29th Regiment of their time in Afghanistan along with a plaque, at the MacMillan Coffee Morning at The Priory Nursing Home. The print has now been framed and hangs in the Town Council Offices. If you get a chance have a look at it – it’s definitely worth seeing and our grateful thanks go out to the Regiment.
the Town over the year and that there are so many “unsung heroes” beavering away in the background to make everything go like clockwork and to raise funds for so many things. Our grateful thanks to everyone involved. Lastly, having attended a Twinning Meeting it would appear that they desperately need some “younger blood” injected into the group. The group was looking at disbanding and I believe this would be a great shame. By the time the Advertiser goes to print we will have had a meeting at TTC and I will report back the outcome. Cllr Sandra Ball
I had a chance to go to the fete at St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church Hall and it was lovely to have a chat with the helpers. The Music Festival was, I believe, a great success and I was delighted to be invited to the Saturday night performance – brilliant; thank you to all those who quietly worked away in the background to produce such a wonderful musical event. Indeed, we are very lucky to have so many events put on in
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01666 503900 November 2014 | 9
Charity Pamper Evening
n Monday 6th October we held an open evening here at the Salon to raise money for our charity, Breast Cancer Care. We just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported us and this fantastic charity and to everyone who has been kind enough to donate, we have raised a total of £421 so far. Throughout the evening we had various treatments going on, Michelle and Vicky demonstrating hot wax and threading, India on showcasing her new scalp and eye massage, Charlotte designing flowers and the Breast Cancer Ribbons using her
superb nail art skills, Hannah performed a hot stone feet treat and of course Naomi at front of house giving tours and teaching fun facts to all – basically keeping us all in check! At 8:30pm we decided to run a charity wax… After having a number of men suddenly decide they had other commitments – conveniently, Tetbury driving instructor Jamie Phillips very kindly offered to stand in and be a real man! Stripping off and making himself comfortable on the couch, Naomi conducted us into the song ‘Rip Off the Wax and Just Relax’ by the Bellamy Brothers, choreographed to the music,
whilst we sang along. Clapping to the cheesiest beat we proceeded to remove all of his back hair – eek! We can honestly say this is possibly one of the funniest things Perfection has ever done. After all the fun and games and a really great eventful evening we have so far managed to raise £421.00 and we hope by the end of October we may have got to the £500 mark. We are absolutely delighted to have raised so much for a charity so close to our hearts. Michelle Williams Perfection Health and Beauty
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10 | November 2014
Pleading Mental Incapacity My son Alex is a barrister, who is a family lawyer. In recent years the judiciary and other organisations have wanted to keep costs down and have encouraged parties to go to mediation. In many ways I have seen mediation as a bully’s charter and Alex agrees with me that the courts offer a far better service. What happens now is that if the parties to the marriage cannot agree over financial matter and do not go to mediation or they fail to
reach agreement at mediation, they issue proceedings, exchange financial information and almost certainly then attend the court for a Financial Dispute resolution appointment in front of a qualified judge, who should know what he or she is talking about. It remains a bit of a lottery, because I recall attending a training course run by the Judicial Studies Board where twenty judges heard a set of facts and came up with different answers amongst themselves to each problem. The financial dispute resolution is generally the last
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Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun hope of settling a case before final hearing -and as in mediation, the Judge hearing the parties will put great pressure on them to settle. One hopes to avoid getting divorced at all but if one does then seeing one’s opposite number across a court room can be a pretty tense experience. The courts in Swindon and the divorce registry in London are airless places and the last two men for whom I acted were desperate for a smoke throughout and had to rush through security to reach the great outdoors, as the windows were firmly locked. We reached a settlement and my clients spent the night on a bender recovering from the experience. Alex and I know what to expect as the court is our forum. We warn clients about the costs of failure to settle with a full hearing of the case on the horizon, but we also tell clients that they do not have to agree the terms put forward or suggested by the Judge at the dispute hearing. Alex had the recent experience of his client - a social worker - being accompanied by her friends who had been through similar experiences, who urged his client on saying they had better terms than those on offer. The client did settle but several weeks later Alex had a letter of complaint from her saying that he had wrongly advised her - and that she was so stressed that she did not have the mental capacity to understand what was going on. He was so concerned that he came to stay the night to discuss the position. Unfortunately as lawyers we frequently are caught in the crossfire of anxious clients; even more so in property transactions, when they can be urged on by other professionals. When dealing with a complaint my advice is to imagine that you are not involved and set out the facts without emotion. You then may have the fair answer. 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1 Michael Hodge
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 11
The Priory Inn Blog “Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” Stanley Horowitz An eloquent dairy farmer speaking on behalf of his trade during a local harvest festival said: “we aim to farm as though we are going to live forever – and live as though this is our last day”. Our network of local suppliers enjoy this admirable common thread, sharing a deep-rooted commitment to producing high quality, sustainable products whilst respecting and improving their environment. The agricultural season of 2014 allowed the arable farmers to deliver a successful harvest, so crops and winter animal feed are now bursting the barns.
to bring us their surplus fruit, vegetables, and even flowers for us to use in our restaurant and kitchen. In exchange, we hand-out vouchers to the current market value of the produce which can be used against food and drink at The Priory Inn.
Live music continues through November to a packed-house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere. On Sunday 2nd singer/ songwriter Tim Manning plays Americana, folk, country tinged songs. Steve Degutis is back on the 9th November with his great wealth of self-penned songs. On the 16th November Edd Donovan a distinctive, contemporary folk, singer-songwriter from Cheltenham will play a stripped back, acoustic duo performance with Chris Collins on acoustic guitar. The 23rd November welcomes back Bristol-based troubadour Teri Bramah with her deep, rich, sensual voice and on the 30th Elliot Hall and Rapunzel play laid-back boho folk.
The growing year of 2014 has been a good one for hardy gardeners and our 20 regular contributors have received £1,300 in vouchers – the top earner receiving over £200. Some of the seasonal garden produce which we have featured on our menus and specials this season has been: rhubarb, broad beans, chard, turnips, parsnips, broccoli, Brussels, all the berries, Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn a handful of herbs, and, lots of salad. We and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page wish all our barterers a productive winter (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. and we hope to see you again after the hungry in 2015!Tree Care:Layout 1 22/6/09Tanya 830709gap Hansen 21:38 Kelly, PageThe 1 Priory Inn
We are nearing the end of our 4th year of running “Barter at the Back Door” which is a scheme asking local gardeners and growers
HANSEN TREE CARE For a professional and efficient service
Unsung Hero
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Dear Editor, About three months ago I was diagnosed with cancer and at that time my regular doctor started maternity leave and I was transferred to Dr Cardew’s list. When my notes from Cheltenham were received by the surgery Dr Cardew phoned me and introduced herself, saying that I should not hesitate to contact her with any problems I encountered, and that she would react immediately. After my surgery she again phoned me asking me how was I recovering and suggesting that I should visit the surgery to meet to put names to faces and to discuss my progress. She is a superb example of a caring professional who goes the extra mile and her support has been much appreciated by me and my family; I should like to nominate her as Tetbury’s “Unsung Hero” for November. Ed: I’m delighted to accept this nomination for Dr Cardew, whose standard of care is indeed exemplary. She will soon be in receipt of her voucher for a meal for two, very kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor – details on page 3. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
12 | November 2014
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Christmas Parties at The Priory Inn Our Christmas party menu is designed around the very highest quality Cotswolds festive fayre and is available by reservation anytime from November through to January 2015. We have a dedicated Christmas party night on Thursday 18th December when you can join us for a really special festive atmosphere, great food, twinkly lights, music and dancing. The Christmas party menu is designed for groups of 6-60 people but groups less than six are also welcome to join us on the 18th December (by reservation). Our ground floor private dining room can seat up to 16 people. Should your group wish to select its own choice of music and have a dedicated member of our waiting team for the evening, please call and ask for costs and details.
Starters Curried parsnip soup with pickled apple and crispy shallots Deep-fried goat cheese mousse with a beetroot, fennel and orange salad Smoked salmon and chive terrine with pickled cucumber Cotswold charcuterie with homemade gooseberry chutney
Mains Roasted Woolley Farm turkey, with traditional and onion onionstuffing, stuffing,cranberry cranberry sauce turkey gravy Roasted Woolley Farm turkey, with traditionaltrimmings, trimmings,bacon, bacon, sage sage and sauce andand richrich turkey gravy Slow braised beef brisket cream,celeriac celeriacmash, mash, braised shallots sautéed Slow braised beef brisketininred redwine winewith with horseradish horseradish cream, braised shallots andand sautéed kale kale Roasted butternutsquash, squash,spinach spinach and and wild wild mushroom Rachel’s goats cheese topping Roasted butternut mushroomlasagne lasagnewith with Rachel's goats cheese topping Roasted with Fetish cheese,basil basiland andpine pine nut nut crumble crumble wrapped served with tomato, basil, and and sprout leaf leaf Roasted codcod with Fetish cheese, wrappedininproscuitto proscuitto served with tomato, basil, sprout sauce herbednew newpotatoes potatoes sauce with with herbed
Desserts Christmas pudding with brandy sauce Selection of Cotswold ice cream and sorbets Cranberry cheesecake with a honeycomb crumb and Black Forest compôte Dark chocolate and chestnut mousse with Chantilly cream and amaretto biscuit
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As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. Please call for reservations.
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News from St Mary’s As October came and went, we had some wonderful harvest celebrations across our churches in Avening, Beverston, Cherington, Long Newton, Shipton Moyne and Tetbury! Lots of suppers and beautiful harvest services shared by hundreds of people in all. Now in November, as the days get shorter and the nights draw in, it always feels right to me that the Church turns to remembrance. Historically, it is the time of All Souls and All Saints’, when we remember all those who’ve died, and celebrate the contributions of faithful people through the centuries. After that there’s Remembrance Sunday and, of course, out in the streets and lighting up our skies are the fireworks of Bonfire Night: remember, remember, the 5th of November …
We begin the month on Sunday 2nd November with two special services at St Marys’. In the morning, at 9.30am, our Family Service for All Saints’ will include two baptisms and we will be welcoming three children as they receive Holy Communion for the first time. Then, in the evening at 6pm, we will have our beautiful All Souls’ Service: a quiet time for reflection as we read the names of those who have died, and light candles in their memory, with music led by our choir and organist.
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On Remembrance Sunday itself, there is a special service at 2.30pm in St Marys’. This involves all the churches in Tetbury, and we are delighted to welcome as our preacher Fr. Isidore Obi (known to us all as Fr. Issy), from St Michael’s Catholic Church. As we continue to see the appalling effects of war and civil strife in our news reports, I know our prayers for peace will be heartfelt. As is tradition, the service ends with the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial at St Saviour’s Church. Do please join us for these services. Then … at the end of the month we change gear as we move into the season of Advent services and Christmas Bazaars. Please “save the date” in your diary for St Marys’ fair on Saturday 6th December in the Market Hall. More in next month’s edition!
Dance Studio SWR School Tetbury www.pulse4life.co.uk 07986003602 stuart@pulse4life.co.uk 0051114
With love and prayers. Poppy, Revd Poppy Hughes, Parish Priest
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An evening being shown a demo of how to create a beautiful Christmas Wreath.
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We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom S Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU for both trade and public range of wet rooms Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk Plumbing Fittings Ba Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings contemporary suite water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing We stock a wide range of Visit our B fittings for both trade andplumbing plublic We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visitall our Bathroom Showroom toShowroom see our full fittings drainage pipework radiators Plumbing Fittings Plumbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 years water softeners and salt • traditional for both trade and public range of w Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom for both trade and public range of wet rooms, suites and oil tanks all drainage pipework cylinders Up to 15 people - limited tickets available we’re sure to have a oil tanks boilers contempo contemporary suites. water softeners and salt boilers Includes, a Christmas wreath demonstration, stock aand wide range boilers of plumbing our Bathroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide range of plumbing fittings Visit ourShowroom Bathroom Showroom to see full water We softeners salt radiators cylinders We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit o for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and glass of mulled wine and mince pies. all drainage pipework radiators for both trade and publicradiators range of wet rooms, traditional suites and With over all drainage pipework With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, contemporary suites. water softeners and salt trade boilers and public for7.30am both range oil tanks suites. Unitcylinders 10, Malmesbury Business P - contemporary 5.00pm to Friday we’re sure oil tanks salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators haveMonday a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, All tickets will be put in a hatwater and atsofteners the end ofand thecylinders Email: info@activeplum 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks cylinders conte we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. night there will be a draw and winner willpipework take all drainage radiators waterWith softeners andofsalt over 50 years bathroom boilers knowledge, away the demonstration piece. oil tanks cylinders all drainage we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
Thursday 27th November, 7pm Tickets £6
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We stock a wide range 8.00am of plumbing fittings - 12.00 noon Saturday for both trade and public 0021114
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Tetbury Town Football Club Tetbury Town Football Club’s Under 10 players are wearing a brand new kit, thanks to the generosity of R & J Pearce Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Contractors, who are now the team’s official sponsor. Andy Whitehead, who coaches TTFC’s U10 squad, says: “We are very grateful to R & J Pearce for their sponsorship. The company has supported TTFC Youth teams for many years and we’re delighted that, once again, they felt able to provide our player with new kit. The team looks fantastic and we hope we can do our sponsors proud this season with our efforts in the league.” R & J Pearce Director Julian Pearce adds: “We’ve had a long association with TTFC
Youth and we are very happy to support the U10 squad as their official sponsor. We wish them well for the 2014/15 season – and beyond.” TTFC Youth is on the lookout for new players across all age ranges. For more information please contact Sue Fudge on 07798 621891. The picture shows the U10 squad with Andy Whitehead and (far right) Julian Pearce. Sue Fudge
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16 | November 2014
There was a good attendance at HOTS on 2nd October.
Many of the long-time Tetbury residents clearly knew him from his days as a butcher in the town and Howard said he had enjoyed meeting old friends very much.
was in the RASC and, initially, he was put on a butchery course. He was then stationed at Tetbury where he was put in charge of feeding the entire unit of whom he showed us a photograph. It was interesting to hear his description of arriving by train at Tetbury Station. He met his wife-to-be when a stray football landed where she was sitting. His first impression of Tetbury was that it was like walking into a Movie set because the properties were so perfectly old-fashioned and picturesque.
He told us he was born in Alveston and that had left school aged 14. His National service
For some years he worked for Butlers the butchers at the top end of Long Street
To hear Howard Mills speak about the Tetbury he knew in years gone by and to see some of the photographs he had taken.
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(where the upper floors jetty over the Pavement). He became a member of two organisations in the town - WEA and Toc H and he passed around a photograph of a coach outing for the over 70’s that had been organised by Toc H. His son had prepared two maps of the town centre on which he had indicated the names of the businesses in 1964. He became very interested in photography, took the City and Guild exams and ultimately became an Associate Member of the Royal Photographic Society. He circulated photographs he had taken himself and also pictures to illustrate his narrative. It was good to hear his recollection of the town and the people of his time; altogether a most enjoyable evening.
We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
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History of Tetbury Society
The sign of building quality 1121111
There has to be a change to our programme for the next meeting on 6th November and Mike Robinson will speak about the ‘Battle of Quatre Bras’. Like me, you may not have heard of this battle but it was fought four days before Waterloo and a Gloucestershire Regiment distinguished itself that day. Tickets will be available at that meeting for our Christmas get together on Wednesday 3rd December in the Market Hall; the location means that numbers must be restricted to 60. Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 17
Tetbury Camera Club The second meeting of the season consisted of the showing of prints from the annual competition of the Western Counties Photographic Federation. It’s always interesting to see the competition entries from members of clubs in the WCPF, which reaches right down to Cornwall. They provide a yardstick for our own efforts and, on this occasion, entries from two of our own members featured among the selected prints. Apart from an internal competition, judged by Ian Drake (and one unplaced entry is reproduced here), other recent meetings have been presentations from some excellent speakers.
Most recently, the speaker was Jay Myrdal, a largely retired advertising photographer. The images that Jay showed were a far cry from the normal run of things at camera clubs. Jay worked mainly in the era before digital, using large format cameras. He explained the painstaking steps taken to make the images, used for advertising campaigns, involving many exposures on one piece of film. Infinite pains were taken to ensure that perspectives were correct when humans were combined with small scale models. He also invented gadgets to simulate explosions. The quality of his large transparencies was amazing.
If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk
First off came Matthew Halstead. As well as showing some conventional images, he showed some very unusual portraits. Next was Bernard Tapp whose presentation was entitled ‘The Trans-Siberian Railway’. This was not pictures of trains, nor really an exposition of great photography but more of a travelogue with anecdotes. Two tips from this seasoned traveller were to get your gifts/gratuities in first, ensuring good service from the outset, and that the triangular key for gas and electricity meter cupboards also opens the compartment doors on the trains. Bernard was followed by Ed Collacott. Ed makes his living from UK landscape photography and showed us many outstanding images, mainly taken using film because Ed has only recently moved over to digital. He explained where the scenes were and how he took them, relying upon sleeping in his campervan to be in the right place at unsocial hours. Living near Bath, some of Ed’s images were of familiar locations, but of outstanding quality. He has a stall in the pedestrianised centre of Bath on most Saturdays and weekdays in the run up to Christmas and also has some on the22/2/08 walls of the21:50 100208 KP prints Gardens restaurant in the Priory Inn.
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18 | November 2014
It is hard to believe that Christmas will be upon us soon. But we have lots of fun and stimulating activities to get involved with before we begin the countdown to the most magical time of the year.
This first half of the autumn term has seen the children learn all about Harvest Festival, among other topics. As we are still getting to know all of our children and their preferences, we used the upcoming festival to look at various foods. This enabled us to explore locally sourced and organic produce using all of
St Mary’s Pre-School Playgroup and Toddlers
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St Mary’s Playgroup our senses which included making prints with fruit and vegetables and chopping up vegetables to make ‘creamy vegetable soup’. We also baked ‘hedgehog bread rolls’, apple tarts, rhubarb crumble and cherry pies to name a few! The children have been having fun outside enjoying the last of the Indian summer watching spiders spin webs and bees collect nectar. They have observed the changing season from summer to autumn and all the beautiful colours it entails, collecting leaves, beech nuts, conkers, walnuts, helicopter seeds and sticks to make lovely collages. Among other outdoor activities, they collected sticks and pine cones and made an imaginary bonfire to cook pretend marshmallows on! We are thrilled that new vicar of St Mary’s Church, Stuart, has kindly asked to come in on Wednesdays and read stories and sing songs with the children. His first story was ‘Peppa Pig’ which the children loved. We look forward to seeing him again soon. We visit the library with the children often and it always proves popular, they love choosing books and walking hand-inhand to and fro which teaches them good road-awareness skills. If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would like to know more, then please email info@stmarysplaygroup.co.uk or visit our website www.stmarysplaygroup.co.uk for more details. Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun! Kate Keith-Welsh
Christmas Parties £12.95 01666 502436 Fantastic, Fun & Festive
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 19
Tetbury Art Society This month, we open with a piece of sad news – the death of Pauline Stevens, a stalwart member of our society. In 1971 Pauline and her husband Edie moved to our area when Brays transferred to Tetbury from Feltham. With Pauline’s interest in art, they joined the Tetbury Art Society as it was being set up in 1977. Pauline was secretary for very many years and Edie was chairman and between them, they did most of the organising. When President Roy Baker and Edie both died in 2007, Pauline set up and chaired the AGM to hand on these responsibilities; she found this a bit daunting but rose to the occasion. She remained on the committee until February of this year, giving us the benefit of her experience. Additionally, she organised a Monday afternoon painting group at Shipton Moyne. Somehow she still found time to paint! Pauline was a very sensible and helpful lady; one of the ‘do-ers’ of this world; she will be fondly remembered. Our meeting on 1st October was unusual. We had a talk from Cath Hodsman, one
of the most accomplished Nature-History artists, specialising in entomology (insects). Brought up in a family with an interest in Natural History, Cath was intrigued by the drawings in the Collins books –accurate enough to identify species. She particularly admired the work of John Curtis who produced the first survey of known British insects with one page for each species crammed with information – and her mission is to ‘bring the invisible world into the visible’. Her illustrations are stunning and the necessary use of microscopes is very demanding on the eyes. She works with many natural history organisations including WWT Slimbridge and has done illustrations for a number of magazines including Leisure Painter. Not content with just giving a talk, Cath brought along microscopes and samples for us to view: A large Atlas moth from Asia/ China which, emerging from its chrysalis lives only for a week and has no mouth; a rhinoceros beetle which can lift 850 times its own weight; a slide with the wings of a female honey bee – fore and hind wings can be hooked together while flying (at 11 mph for up to 6 miles): a slide of the proboscis of a bee (a bee can lick nectar 3 or 4 times each second and, in a day, a colony
flies a distance equivalent to the Moon and back!); a slide of the head of a ground beetle showing the 2 compound eyes coloured by a metallic sheen that reflects strong sunlight (also an extra eye on the top of its head!); a stag beetle; and more. We were very impressed with what we had been shown. Cath’s work can be seen at www.cathhodsmanwildlifeartist.com We held our Autumn Sale of members’ work in the Market Hall from Friday 10th until Sunday 12th October. Nineteen members displayed their work including painting, prints and cards, and some were rewarded with sales. Looking forward, at 7.30pm on November 5th we will be having a practical evening with members drawing or painting some seasonal foliage and berries. In December we will complete the 2014 programme with a social evening. Then there will be a break until our AGM in February. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group, welcoming those interested in art whatever level they may have reached. 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1
Michael Kingham
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20 | November 2014
Phone: 01666 860875 Mobile: 07786 938189 www.tetburylions.co.uk
Are you a hoarder? Do you have a loft or garage full of things which might come in handy? If so, then unwittingly you might be an industrial archaeologist! Why? Because those old tools, gadgets and electrical appliances are examples of technological developments and industrial progress from the past.
the way we do today. Reminiscing about many aspects of life until a few decades ago, he summarised the drivers of the new material and technological advances which had taken place. Illustrating his talk with anecdotes and touches of folklore, he showed photographs of his own collection of old artefacts, which brought back many memories for us all.
Bill King detailed on 16th September the key historical, physical and sociological factors which have led us to do things
So are we storing treasures or rubbish? Who is to say?
Probus One Then on to film history. Many have seen the famous American romantic drama ‘Casablanca’, but there are many hitherto unknown facts behind what the eye saw. Ned Barham, with his extensive detailed knowledge of this film, gave us a comprehensive insight into these on the 2nd October. Explaining how and why California came to be chosen as the centre of film making and as a magnet for the artistic community, he stressed in particular how the huge influx of Eastern European and German Jewish immigrants from the 1920s onwards led to the period 1920 - 1950 being the golden age of Hollywood. Ned described how the filming in 1942 was completed in the remarkably short period of ten weeks, with Humphrey Bogart being one of only three Americans with significant parts. His potted histories of many of the actors and their foibles held our attention, and he reminded us about the story within the film. Throughout his talk he illustrated the points he made with simple, effective and relevant visual aids. Then he asked the question: was it the best “bad and cliche-ridden” film ever made, or a masterpiece? Once again, who is to say? But it won three Oscars!
Theo Stening (504243)
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 21
Dolphins Recreation Trust Residents will see a change to the area in front of the hall. We are now going ahead with re-surfacing the area on the right hand side of the footpath leading to the hall, removing the grass that side and the stone wall which runs alongside the main vehicle access. This will provide an extra seven parking spaces, which will be offered as permit holders’ spaces with locked bollards and a fence between the parking spaces and the pathway. We know there is a waiting list of nearby residents wishing to use this facility. Funding has been provided by Glos CC as part of their Combi grant scheme and we expect work to be completed by the end of the year; the stone wall facing New Church Street and the two tall trees marking the entrance will be unaffected.
We are embarking on some hedge tidying on the recreation ground soon, removing some of the ivy which is strangling some of the more mature trees. There is a litter pick on Sunday 2nd November at 10.00 and we hope as many people as possible will help with this activity – it makes such a difference to the look of one of Tetbury’s most used community assets.
questions about the scheme. Many thanks to all who contributed - and to Tesco for kindly allowing us to use their foyer.
On the new centre project, we raised over £300 from the collection in Tesco, and have received very generous personal donations. The Tesco collection enabled us to discuss the model on display and answer more
The new centre design is ready for pre-application discussions with CDC planners before going for outline planning permission.
This last month, detailed discussions have been held with Tetbury Town Football Club and Gloucester FA, which have given all sides a better idea of what can qualify for FA funding in the new centre and a further meeting is being held in November.
Dolphins Recreation Trust
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22 | November 2014
The Ormond Said H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 826766 Email: contact@lucytom.com Web: www.lucytom.com 680213
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November: Not the greatest month of the year! Unless you are a Scorpio, perhaps, but we still find plenty to keep this month fun and interesting. Our pizza oven is going well and our customers have been giving us great feedback on the extra ingredients they want to see, it’s fascinating to learn about the great variety of human taste and we aim to cover most requests. We offer a 10% discount for take-away and if you’d like to try something different then why not try our dessert pizza made with chocolate sauce and chocolate chips, cherries, marshmallows and chocolate brownie, or any combination of these ingredients that you prefer. It’s great fun to share - although some of you may well be able to manage a whole one! The weather outside isn’t great so why not forget the grey skies and enjoy an espresso martini in front of the fire, the bar is warm and cosy and we are open all day for coffees, sandwiches, lunch or tea and homemade cake, newspapers and magazines are always available as are board games and there is always a warm welcome from Sylwia and Ben. The Ormond
Elegant but cosy,
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 23
Tiggers Toddler Tantrums - Why? The first thing to understand about “toddler tantrums” is that they are a fact of toddler life, and at this age, it’s not about disobedience but about simple frustration at not being able to get the jigsaw piece in the hole, or not being able to express themselves by finding the words to say what they mean. This is not the time for time-outs and naughty steps. However your child needs you to be firm and clear about what’s acceptable and what’s not, but she also needs your help in dealing with the storm of emotions that’s spinning her out of control.
idea of what to expect, she’s less likely to kick up a fuss.
Switch to toddler time. •Toddlers don’t do rushing.
They just don’t understand why you’re in such a hurry to get to nursery, the shops, or your friend’s house. Frantically hurrying them along can set off a strop. Build in extra time to get to places and you’ll save tempers all round.
Make your house •toddler-safe. If all you ever say is, “Don’t
touch that!” you’re just inviting rebellion.
Learn the tactics:
Offer choices. Older toddlers love •having choices: it makes them feel in
Avoid the triggers:
Oh no, that bottom lip’s beginning to wobble. To stop a tantrum before it really starts, you need to:
Put your toddler in certain situations and you can practically guarantee a tantrum. What’s the solution? To avoid these situations arising in the first place!
control. Just be sure both choices get you the result you’re after! So, instead of, “Put your coat on or we don’t go to the park!”, say, “Which coat are you wearing to the park: the red one or the blue one?”
- anything that will divert their attention from what’s upsetting them.
little toddler annoyance.
can’t laugh and strop at the same time.
At Tiggers we have a behaviour management policy where distraction and interaction are key to happy children; ones who know their boundaries and rules thus allowing them to enjoy life and have fun playing and learning!
Point with huge excitement at •a carDistract! Think big picture and let the small •things in the street or a toy across the room go. Don’t make an issue of every
Don’t overdo it. A tired and hungry Act the fool. She won’t get in her •child •buggy? is a tantrum waiting to happen. Stick You get in instead! Even toddlers to a daily routine of regular mealtimes and bedtimes and at least one sleep a day. Explain what’s happening. If you are •doing anything out of the ordinary, talk
your child through it first. If she has some
Appear to agree. He wants a biscuit; you •don’t want to spoil his appetite for lunch? Substitute, “No you’re not having a biscuit” for “Yes, we’ll have a biscuit at lunchtime”.
Join us at the Trouble House this season for our fabulous Christmas
andfor Candlelit Afternoon Teas in us at the Trouble House thisMenu season our fabulous Christmas menu and candlelit afternoon teas. Bookings available for all sizes of parties. Exclusive openings Bookings available for all sizes Exclusive openings for for bookings of 20of orparties. more available on Monday to Thurdays evenings ookings of 20 or more available on Monday to Thursday evenings. Surf our website for more information surf our website for more information www.thetroublehouse.co.uk http://www.thetroublehouse.co.uk/ You can call us onYou 01666502206 or simply pop in and say hello. can call us on 01666502206 or simply pop in and say hello.
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24 | November 2014
The Tetbury Scout Group has been very busy of late. From the Scouts taking part in the Malvern Challenge with 7,000 other Scouts, to Beavers and Cubs erecting tents and exploring the local area, it’s been non-stop. At the end of last term it all culminated with an evening water fight in the forest at the area Scout base.
camped with 23 excited Cubs recently in Malmesbury, and lost none of them. This Christmas the group will be organising another Christmas post for the local area. The post boxes will be in Tetbury Hardware, Tenovus, Hampton Stores and Tetbury Sweets and Treats. It will cost 30 pence per letter to be delivered in Tetbury. No international post codes please!
The post boxes will be available from the 29th November; the last posting date is the The Scouts, Cubs and Beavers are back at Plumbing:Layout 16/3/13 11:24 Pageon1the 13th. it340413 again forShipshape another year. Cub leader Anna 1 12th December for delivery
The Beaver group has recently received a donation of £300 from the Tetbury Feoffees for a trip and we are busily planning this for the new year with 25 delighted 6-8 year olds. The Scout group is at capacity but if you want to enquire about the waiting list or volunteer to be an assistant leader or to help in any way, please email tetburyBeavers@yahoo.com
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7 Burnham Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0BQ CSL_0012 Tetbury Advertiser Half Page Ad.indd 1
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
05/04/2012 16:37
November 2014 | 25
Christmas in Tetbury Heralding the Start of the Christmas Season Christmas in Tetbury celebrations get underway on Thursday 4th December when the town’s display of Christmas Lights will be officially switched-on.
4pm to 5:30pm (and again from •6:15pm to 8pm): Santa will be available in his Grotto, upstairs in the Market Hall.
5:15pm: Children from Saint Mary’s •School, and others wishing to join in the lantern parade, will start congregating inside Saint Marys’ Church. Carol sheets and glow sticks will be made available. To get us in the festive spirit, Jonathan Adkins will play the organ whilst everyone assembles.
in, under and around the Market Hall and many of the shops in town will remain open. Remember, all the car parks in town will be free from 4pm and Church Street will be closed to traffic between 4pm to 8pm. We do hope that you will enjoy the evening. The lucky winners of the raffle, held at the Food Festival, were Peter Walker, Richard Wainwright, Tina Stevenson and Ken White. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and to those who donated prizes, especially Jean Henderson for the delicious homemade Christmas cake and Joseph Dart Photography for the photo shoot.
of money we need to raise each year to “do” Christmas in Tetbury. Of the £4,250 needed, two-thirds goes towards the reinstallation of the town’s Christmas lights on the lampposts and large trees on the greens. These require specially qualified electricians with specialist equipment to do the job. The remaining third goes on the Switch On event, the costs of which include legal necessities such as insurance, first aid cover, road closure application, event licence, etc, etc, which all mounts up! For details of events happening in and around Tetbury in the run up to Christmas, and a reminder of Christmas Past in Tetbury, visit our website: www. christmasintetbury.org.uk .
310208 Joinery:390206 Joinery People are Moulder always surprised by the amountMoulder Liz Farnham
Page 1
5:30pm: Avening Silver Band will •entertain the waiting crowd outside the Market Hall.
5:35pm: The lantern parade will process •along Church Street to the Market Hall to the sound of the church bells ringing.
5:40pm: St Mary’s School choir will •perform to the assembled crowd followed
Manufacturers of quality custom made joinery. Family business established over 20 years. All aspects of carpentry and joinery work undertaken.
by community carol singing boosted by the Community and Church choirs and Avening Silver Band. Carol sheets will be provided to everyone.
6pm: The lights will be turned on by •Santa, accompanied by the winners of the schools art competition.
6:30pm to 8pm: Further musical •entertainment from the Big Brunch Band, will help the evening go with a swing. Children from the local dance troupe “Arts Frenzy” will perform and there will be two steam vehicle exhibits parked in Church Street to entertain the young at heart of all ages. There will also be lots of Market Stalls
26 | November 2014
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, SHIPTON MOYNE RECREATION GROUND We’d like your cooperation in publishing this letter please, since we have a particular problem with people not clearing up after their dogs. The Shipton Moyne Recreation Ground is in daily use by the children of the village and at weekends it’s used by Avonvale United Football Club as the ‘home’ pitch for their 1st team. Recently, the referee had occasion to stop the game twice so that ‘mess’ could be cleared away. The Recreation Ground is, and has been since 1998, a “Designated Area under the dogs (Fouling of Land) act! 1996”. This means “Failure to clean up after your dog may result in a fine, maximum penalty £1000”. This information is posted at the main gate to the Recreation Ground. In view of the current - and it seems ongoing - disregard for this regulation, the Parish Council, with support from Gloucestershire County Council and the Cotswold District Council, feel it is necessary to give notice that unless there is a marked improvement in conditions at the Recreation Ground, it will become necessary to impose a total ban on all dogs in the area, effective January 1st 2015. We do not want to have to resort to banning dogs in the Rec., but this is what will have to happen if the situation does not improve. Shipton Moyne Parish Council Dear Editor I was very surprised and delighted to be nominated for Unsung Hero for September for my fundraising for The Goods Shed project. Many volunteers are working hard to make the project a success; my husband is a great support to me and my helpers. Our involvement started in 2013 when we had a Christmas Bring and Buy/Coffee morning, and indeed we are getting ready for this year’s Coffee Morning which is to be held on 13th November from 10:00 to 12:00 at 3 Northleaze. Our thanks go to The Priory for our meal which we enjoyed on 22nd September our 52nd Wedding Anniversary. Jill Dodge Dear Editor, Asthma is a disease which affects many households across the world; when a friend, Rachael Green, suddenly and very unexpectedly died from an asthma attack in March 2014, my mother Ann Pearce and I set about raising funds for Asthma UK. We organised three separate events to take place in May, July and August 2014 -
28 | November 2014
all of them before what would have been Rachael’s 43rd birthday. On the 4th May 2014 Tetbury Town Football Club held a veterans football match which was a great success and on the 26th July the Snooty Fox let us use their facilities to hold an Auction of promises. With the very generous donations received from local businesses we raised over £1,360 that night, and the final event - a sponsored walk at the Rococo Gardens - was a beautiful setting and a very fitting conclusion to the three. The total amount raised was £2,858.52, which will go a long way to providing counselling and bereavement services and for further research into asthma. We would like to say a very big thank you for the generosity we’ve received toward our fundraising efforts. Leonnie Hill & Ann Pearce Dear Editor, The letter in the last issue of the Advertiser misleadingly states that cycling will damage the footpath to Larkhill. A number of scientific studies have shown that cycles causes no more damage than walkers. If cyclists need to walk because they find the footpath is too difficult to negotiate, then of course their weight won’t be on their bikes so there will be no impact on the path. The claim that it is illegal to walk on a public footpath when pushing a bicycle is untrue. This assertion is not based on a legal ruling but on comments the judge made in a case heard in Scotland - never applied to English law. A landmark appeal court case in 1980 (Crank v Brooks) ruled that a cyclist is legally a pedestrian while pushing their bike; this is the position
taken by the Department for Transport. Actually cycling on a public footpath is trespass but this is only a civil offence. The landowner can stop a cyclist proceeding and sue them for any damage they might have caused. However people have been cycling and horse-riding on the footpath to Larkhill for over 30 years to my knowledge, so under Section 31 of the 1980 Transport Act people are entitled to cycle on the footpath here regardless of its status. Note that under Section 137 of the Highways Act the wilful obstruction of someone using a public right of way is a criminal offence. Paul Lockley Ed: We need to draw the debate to a close at this point; the Advertiser staff hope that everyone using the footpath to Larkhill does so sensibly and with consideration, ensuring that it remains in good order for many years to come. Dear Editor, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who nominated me as Tetbury’s “Unsung Hero” in October. I was truly gobsmacked when I saw my photo – and for me, that’s saying something! I thoroughly enjoy volunteering for the NCT in Tetbury and working with such wonderful Mums and families. Tetbury has such a vibrant community of young families and it’s wonderful to see how we all support each other. Becoming a parent is a huge adjustment and the NCT aims to support people through this time. I feel lucky to be a part of this. Many thanks again, Sara McMahon
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40th year c
Charter Night
30 | November 2014
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 31
Avening School Half -way through Autumn term already and the true spirit of Harvest time was perfectly captured by the pupils of Avening School during their harvest festival last month. Wonderful storytelling, songs and readings by the children kept the large audience captivated throughout and was concluded when the children presented Stroud Foodbank volunteer David Homer with offerings of food and essential items donated by family and
friends. For more information on Stroud Foodbank see their website http:// strouddistrict.foodbank.org.uk/ Another charity supported over the past month is the NSPCC. Children asked family and friends to sponsor them in a School ‘bounce-a-thon’. Altogether the children raised an incredible £661 for the charity by achieving in excess of 10,000 bounces! Recently the children have been busy completing their class topic work. Following their fascinating visit to Dunkirk & Giggs Mills in October, Year One and Two pupils have been learning felt-making and
each produced a piece of felt. Year Three and Four pupils have been continuing their exploration of The Stone Age experimenting with pottery and making their own clay pots. They have also been studying volcanoes: what they are made from and what makes a volcano erupt. As part of their study of local history, Year Five and Six children took part in a thrilling exercise in October when they were paid a visit from Stemwork’s Mo Follis and trainee engineer Sam Brisland, who led the class in a day of science, technology, engineering and maths. The children were given the task of designing a model with spinning parts using the old mills around the Stroud and Nailsworth valleys as their inspiration. The children then learnt how to use a computer program called Flowol to make their model spin and to add flashing lights and sound effects which delighted and fascinated the entire class. One group will be chosen to represent the School at Festomane – The Stroud Festival of Manufacturing and Engineering, which takes place later this month. The School was delighted to receive a letter from the Minister of State for the Department of Education last month, congratulating us on our excellent Y1 phonics results this summer - putting us into the top 2% of schools - a fantastic achievement for all of the KS1 team. Look out for news of our new group room, library and offices in next month’s edition. Alex Adcock
32 | November 2014
Stay on top of your mortgage As the UK economy continues to improve, an increase in interest rates is now widely expected in the first half of 2015. Higher rates will be welcomed by savers, who have had a lean time over the past few years. Having reached a recent peak of 5.75% in July 2007, rates rapidly plummeted to an all-time low of 0.5% in March 2009, where they have remained ever since. Conversely, higher interest rates spell bad news for borrowers. A rate increase will drive up monthly repayments
for those mortgage holders who do not have a fixed mortgage rate and, while those who have fixed their mortgages will not feel the initial impact of a rate rise, when their fixed period comes to an end, remortgaging is likely to result in a sizeable increase in monthly repayments. Anybody taking out a mortgage should always assess not only whether they can afford their repayments now, but also whether they would be able to afford them in an environment of higher interest rates. A rate rise is now seen as a foregone conclusion and, although rates are not
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Financial Advice expected to rise as far or as quickly as before the financial crisis, even a relatively small increase could have a substantial effect on your monthly repayments. According to a recent survey published by mortgage lender Halifax, two-fifths (41%) of mortgage holders are worried about the prospect of higher interest rates, with 13% concerned they might find themselves unable to meet their repayments if they were to rise by up to £50 a month. Meanwhile, if their monthly mortgage payments rose by as much as £100, 30% of mortgage holders fear they will have to cut spending on essential items such as food, energy and insurance. If the terms of your mortgage allow, it may be worth considering overpaying on your mortgage while rates remain low. It may also be worth negotiating a new mortgage now – perhaps moving from a standard variable rate to a fixed rate. That said, mortgage lenders are already poised to implement a rate increase once it takes effect and are therefore likely to take account of this when offering another deal. Make sure you check the terms of your current deal – you could incur penalties from your current lender if you switch to a new one – and, above all, do take expert advice. Harry Kerr Chartered Financial Planner
L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street h All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 33
Guiding is for all ages! Girlguiding caters for girls from the age of five, and this month we have news of our older girls (our Seniors). Westonbirt Arboretum is trying to encourage more use by teenagers and we’ve been lucky enough to trial some events for them. The first took place at the beginning of term, with a search for evidence of mice and squirrels, a bat hunt, pursuit of a hidden play area and the trial rounded off with lighting Kelly kettles, making hot chocolate and toasting marshmallows. Always a good end to an evening! More recently they joined girls from the rest of the Division for a sleepover - not as easy as just taking a sleeping bag, this time the girls had to build their own shelters (bivouacs) in the woods first! Once these had been built they cooked supper; most seemed to get some sleep before being woken by torrential rain in the early morning. (I was grateful to be the home contact this time and listened to the rain from the comfort of my own bed!) Despite the weather and being cold and wet when they were collected they have said they would love to do it again. We are pleased that Carlie has agreed to help run some of the fortnightly sessions and look forward to making the most of her skills. The first activity is to make new cushions and covers for our room at the Malt House. The Brownie units have both been making good use of other people this term. The Tuesday unit have had a visit from the Police and as part of World Food week spent an evening at Tesco on their Farm to Fork activity. The Brownies sampled cheeses from around the world, learnt what different fresh fish looks like and tried a few more exotic ingredients, all helping them to understand where their food comes from.
The Rainbow unit has quite a high turnover of leaders and although we were sad to say goodbye to Caroline we are really pleased that she has moved on to Brownies with her daughter! Sharon is due to leave at the end of this term and although we have welcomed Stacey as a new helper we really need another two adults to run the unit. I have been standing in as a Leader but anyone who knows me will realise that this is not the age group I am most comfortable with! If you are considering volunteering you would be most welcome to come and observe a meeting to see what is involved. INTOPS news: Jess, Cath, Georgia and Alexa are all busy fundraising for their trips and rapidly developing good communication skills, writing letters requesting support. They helped to run the exhibition at the Heritage weekend when we opened the Malt House to the public, and also attended the County
Girlguiding Annual Review, running a raffle and cake stall. Their Christmas stall will be a Chocolate Tombola and they would welcome any donations for this, or for their fund. Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury
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The Thursday unit had a visit from Jo and Hannah from Scentiments and enjoyed flower arranging – many thanks to them for both their time and the flowers! They are now busy working towards their Entertainer and Hostess badges and later this term will be performing a play about the 12 Days of Christmas. They have a few tickets available so please contact Charlotte if you are interested (missreid1990@hotmail.co.uk).
34 | November 2014 www.tetburylions.co.uk
Wycliffe Preparatory School pupils couldn’t wait to start the new term – and who could blame them? They returned to a transformed school in Stonehouse with the new £3 million universitystyle Etheridge Hall for Years 7 and 8 which features high-tech teaching resources, a Year 8 common room and new spacious classrooms. Wycliffe Prep has also upgraded its science block, art rooms and boys’ boarding dormitories. The portable buildings are gone, revealing the spacious school grounds in all their glory. The school is a buzz with the new developments, with Etheridge Hall the topic of the school yard. “I love everything about it,” said Year 8 Prefect Matt Cole. “It’s modern and light and I especially like our new common room. It has an outside seating area if you want some quiet and it’s nice to meet your friends and make toast.” For Wycliffe Prep, which teaches children up to Year 8, the new block is vital in helping
students make the transition from Prep to Senior School “Etheridge Hall has a very grown-up feel to it. While other years will access the block for language classes, it is predominately for Years 7 and 8,” said Deputy Head, Mrs Ginny Jackson. The separate, grown-up space is so beneficial in helping pupils make the transition from Prep to Senior. We give them more responsibility and independence, and provide those life skills which will help them succeed.” Head of History and RS, Steve Arman agrees. “The new environment makes you feel more alert and interested. There’s a real wow factor and that has energised the pupils. They are excited about classes.” All the classrooms have natural light and stateof-the-art ventilation using temperature and oxygen to create an environment conducive to learning.
The interactive white boards and school iPads enable pupils to be more involved in class work. For example they can do their research online and then present their findings immediately to their fellow classmates. “Thanks to the technology we can enable pupils to find out information for themselves, to work independently and develop their learning experiences,” said Mr Arman. “The technology enhances the learning experience and allows the teachers to educate the children on how to use the internet as a research tool.” “I like the new technology because it means that all of the class can get involved in a lesson and that makes it more interesting,” said Year 8 student, Phoebe Gerard. Headmaster, Adrian Palmer invites people to come and see first-hand the new developments on open day on Saturday 27th September, from 10.00 – 12.00 noon.
Every day is open day – For an individual tour of the new Etheridge Hall, please contact the registrar, Mrs Wendy Robertson on 01453 820471
Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years For more information please call: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471.
Wycliffe, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege | www.wycliffe.co.uk
Tetbury in Bloom
Phormium, for structure with their •impressive strap-like leaves in a variety of colours.
Gardening the Town Gardening for Tetbury in Bloom is quite different to gardening at home. Of course we are looking for impact but, as in the case of the flowerbed on the roundabout, most people see it travelling past at fifteen miles per hour! The flowerbeds in the Saint Marys’ churchyard need to be appropriate for wedding celebrations and the sombre occasion of funerals – this significantly affects our colour choice of plants. And, of course, all the floral displays need to be low maintenance because of the scale ! of the task the volunteers face. The key advantage, however, is that we work well as a team, we do have a lot of fun and! morale is always high.
Choisya, a compact vivid golden leafed •evergreen shrub, which produce fragrant white flowers in May and June for added interest.
success. Thank you to everyone involved and particularly to Kevin Farnham for working the technology, Stephen Hirst for compèring the evening and the sponsors: Boho, Jessie Smiths Butchers, Moloh, Sentiments, Skeins, The Tetbury Tailor, Number 65 & Tetbury Hardware.
look to the many containers around town.
I hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as we did. All money raised goes towards Tetbury in Bloom floral projects and the Christmas town lighting displays.
Last month’s Race Night was another
Liz Farnham
Box trees in various shapes, which give •all-year round structure and a distinctive
! in Particular plants favoured by Tetbury Bloom include:
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
Kniphofia “Tetbury Torch”, a medium•sized, clump forming, deciduous perennial, with deep green, grass-like leaves and erect stems with green buds opening into apricot and yellow pokers. This plant is unusual in that it flowers repeatedly from late summer to early autumn. in shades from bright red •and Penstemon, deep plum, to pale pink, with their
tall majestic spires of flowers; penstemon flower from mid-summer right through to the first frosts of November and provide great value for money.
Ornamental peony poppies, these •annuals are readily grown from seed; even their distinctive seed heads add interest.
Heuchera, providing superb ground •cover, particularly when planted in groups,
they come in a range of colours from!lime green to deep purple, providing all yearround interest.
Spiraea bushes, for their eye-catching •beauty, fast growth rate, hardiness and ease of care.
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36 | November 2014 www.tetburylions.co.uk
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 37
Tetbury Police Museum The Vicar Of Tetbury (1891) The Vicar’s Horse In the Tetbury Police Court, yesterday, before Col Sotheron Estcourt (chairman) Col Henry, and Messrs W. H. Yatman, P. Chaplic and C. Harding, the Rev Thomas George Horwood, vicar of Tetbury, was summoned by Inspector Shave, on behalf of the Cirencester Independent Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for having on the 3rd of December caused a mare to be cruelly illtreated and tortured, by having it worked in an unfit state. Arthur Mann, labourer, of the same place, in the vicar’s employ, was charged with cruelly working the mare in an unfit state on Dec 3rd. Mr E. B. Haygarth of Cirencester, appeared to prosecute and Mr Inskip, of Bristol, defended in both cases, [which] were heard separately.
Cross-examined - Mr George Lloyd and Mr Warn spoke to him about the horse. Mr Jones, veterinary surgeon, of Tetbury, deposed that he went to see the mare. It was in a very weak and emaciated condition; it has an enlarged knee, which prevented its free action; and he considered it unfit to work, in fact, it could hardly carry the harness. One side of the mare was covered with dirt, and Mann said she had fallen down in the street. Mr F. Willows, veterinary surgeon, of Cirencester, was also called for the defence. He said he saw the mare on the 16th, but he did not consider it in a fit condition to work. Cross-examined, he agreed that the horse should be shot, but he believed it died before it was shot. The learned advocate having addressed the bench, they reserved their decision till after the case.
The case against the Rev T. G. Horwood was then taken and Mr Hogarth said the evidence was the same as in the last case; upon which Mr Inskip submitted that there was no evidence that Mr Horwood had caused the mare to be worked. He was, in fact, ill in bed at the time. After retiring, the bench fined Mr Horwood £2 and £2 14s costs, and fined Mann 5s. ======= The Vicar’s Dog. The Rev. T. G. Horwood was summoned for keeping a dog without a license, on December 8th, Mr Inskip admitted that the vicar had omitted, by oversight, to take out a license, but had since done so. Fined 9s including costs. Source: The Bristol Mercury. Thursday 1st January 1891. Courtesy Paul Best, a “Special” at Tetbury between 1986 – 1989.
The case against Mann was first taken. P. C. Howe deposed that on the 3rd December his attention was called to a mare belonging to the vicar working at the plough at Charlton Fields, a little way out of Tetbury, and he took Mr Jones, veterinary surgeon, to see the animal. Mann was in charge of the mare.
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38 | November 2014
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Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust Have you seen Nicola Clark painting away in the Goods Shed? She is our very first “Artist in Residence” - enjoying the space to paint an ambitious sequence of large paintings which depict eight goddesses, each matched to different seasons of the year.
ON TRACK Tetbury Goods Shed Events in November and December
Until 12 November
Drop in on Tetbury artist and singer Nicola Clark as she works on a cycle of eight large canvases depicting Celtic goddesses. C�� ���� ����. S����� 9 N������� 9-12
Sometime next spring when they are all finished she plans to host a musical evening at the Goods Shed surrounded by her paintings, with specially written songs about each goddess in the cycle. There will be other folk singers joining in with this event. The children from St Mary’s School have already been down to see her at work and I know she is very happy to receive visitors if you’d like to pop in! As for our progress with the conversion of the Goods Shed, the Town Council and Rail Lands Trust are making plans to remove the old concrete posts from the cattle loading bay for safety reasons. We will reinstate oak posts like the ones the old platform originally had and repair all the brickwork so it can be used as an outdoor performance area and bandstand. We now have new drawings showing a proposed new fire escape at the rear of the building, glass foyer under part of the canopy and two new small vents on the back of the roof for the heat recovery system. In the next couple of weeks we will be applying for these variations to our original planning permission so I do hope you will all support us. The drawings will be on display at the Council offices and at our events for you to see.
12 to 23 November 10am - 5pm
Jill Dodge who was named by the Lions as an “Unsung Hero” last month for her fundraising efforts, has asked me to remind everyone about her coffee morning at her house in aid of the Goods Shed on 13th November from 10:00 to 12:00. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mary-Jane Clark for securing a very generous donation of 12k from the David Thomas Trust towards our conversion, which will be a big help.
Works by local and Bristol artists. Demonstrations and have-a-go workshops at weekends. Entry £2
The Goods Shed team has been very busy getting ready for the sculpture exhibition and we are hoping to have a temporary carpet laid and extra lighting in preparation for this event.
The Boot Sales continue to go well and provide a nice opportunity for a “get together” for all of our supporters.
J��� D����’� C����� M������ �� 3 N���������. 13 N������� 10-12
5 December at 7.15pm
Raise your seasonal spirits and enjoy the unique ambience of Cafe 53! £25 per head in aid of the appeal.
CAROL CONCERT With the Avening Silver Band, mince pies, mulled wine and all your favourite carols.
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
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Will Cook - Chairman
Goods Shed
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If you would like to help with the Boot Sales or get involved in any way please contact us at our website : www. tetburyraillands.com
01666 502877 1311114
November 2014 | 39
Probus Two
other queries). Gloucestershire‘s HHH voluntary carers rescued 175 hedgehogs in the last 12 months.
Mary Hinton opened her talk confirming the “Help a Hedgehog” Hospital (HHH) was founded in 2008 in Brimscombe and is a registered charity. The rescue service throughout Gloucestershire depends on public donations and sale of merchandise; examples including a “feeding station” were shown. Help is essential otherwise it is estimated they have 20 years left as a species. Mary produced two small hedgehogs during the meeting, explaining that if found at this time of the year and weighing less than 600 grammes they need to be rescued and kept over winter, before release back to the wild in spring. Likewise any Hedgehog out during the day is very likely to need urgent medical care, as Hedgehogs are strictly nocturnal. She explained how vital “Hedgehog streets” are hence entries to modern gardens are important, especially if gardens include compost and leaf heaps. They travel around 3kms each night during summer when they need to be left alone - though it is beneficial to supplement their diet with non-fishy cat/ dog food and water. Note, not milk or bread! The food should preferably be put into a feeding station, details available from Mary on 01666 504055 (plus any
Summing up she warned slug pellets kill Hedgehogs who like slugs - hence they are good to have around - and if you see one it’s almost certain there are more. Strimmers too must be handled with care. Bonfires are best built and fired on the same day as thousands of Hedgehogs die each year in longer-term builds. They can live for up to five years but three years is more general, and have around five or six hoglets per birth, caring for them for eight
to ten weeks until leaving them to fend for themselves. Finally, Mary confirmed she is prepared to talk to other groups re: hedgehogs, see www.helpahedgehog.org Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell
for good health
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40 | November 2014
Upcoming community events
We would like to extend an invitation to the many public events held at the school: Monday 10th November: Our drama students will be performing ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival at 7pm. Why not come along and see how gifted our drama students are? Tickets are priced at £2 for adults, £1 for concessions (under 16/over 60). Tuesday 11th November: From 4.30pm to 7.30pm there will be a Careers Fair run in association with Tetbury Chamber of Commerce and incorporating Post 16 Colleges and Universities. Please feel free to call in and see what opportunities there are available, whatever your age. Tuesday 16th December: Christmas Concert showcasing the school’s talented musicians and singers. The Concert will commence at 7pm, tickets are priced at £4 adults, £2 concessions (under 16/over 60) with a family ticket available for £10 (2 adults/2 concessions). Tickets can also be reserved by emailing tickets@swr.gloucs.sch.uk. Sir William Romney’s School
Lowfield Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8AE Tel: 01666 502378 | Fax: 01666 505864| www.swr.gloucs.sch.uk
International School Award Sir William Romney’s School has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award, in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. The award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Sir William Romney’s School’s international work includes cross curricular study visits for all year groups abroad, as well as links with schools in Germany, France and Ethiopia. There is a wide range of International learning in most curriculum subjects and SWR also collaborate with local schools to enhance International learning. On hearing the news that Sir William Romney’s had received the Award, Jane Daniels, Assistant Head Teacher and link governor for Internationalism said: ‘I am absolutely delighted that the huge amount of International work we do across the school has again been recognized by the British Council. 130208 GLC Williams
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G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208
In early July our Year eight students enjoyed a language trip to Germany Here’s what a couple of them had to say: Diary of my trip to Germany by Lottie Smith aged 12 years Monday 30th June – I had packed all my belongings a week before! Despite having to arrive at school by 4.30am I was filled with excitement. Many questions filled my head – “what are we going to do”, “when will we arrive at the place we are staying?” As the coach departed I waved goodbye to my parents and although I thought I would be upset, I was strangely excited. The ferry ride – Whilst on the ferry I was even more content, all our suitcases were left on the bus and we were allowed to spend some money in the shops! Arriving at the hotel – After a while on the coach we arrived at our destination, a lovely lime green building with a garden, giant chess set and small playground. Tuesday 1st July – I woke after a good night’s sleep and went down for breakfast with my friends. After breakfast we travelled to Marksburg Castle and went swimming in the Tauris Swimming Centre. Wednesday 2nd July – Mr Bass said we would be going to a Music Museum, it was fantastic. We also had a ride in a cable car which was a bit scary Thursday 3rd July – We visited Cologne Cathedral and although I’m not very religious the tour was very interesting. Our trip to Montabaur by Olivia Bennett aged 12 years My trip to Montabaur was both interesting and exciting as we did lots of things. We travelled by ferry and coach, visiting Marksburg Castle on the first day. On Wednesday we went to the Music Museum where we listened to some old musical instruments. Later in the day we went on a cruise down the Rhine where we consumed some luxurious waffles. We also visited the Olympia Museum of Sport, where we had a tour and got to try out the activities. We also went to the Chocolate Museum where we watched chocolate being made and there was also a massive chocolate fountain. We were given some more waffles dipped in chocolate! I think that if you get the opportunity to visit Germany you will not regret it as it was so much fun and I would love to do it again.
Montabaur July 2014
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 41
Tetbury and District Planning Group The Future Over the summer we have been pulling together the evidence gathered to date, the draft vision and underpinning core objectives from which the planning policies will be written. The National Planning Policy Framework states that “Plans should set out the opportunities for development and clear policies on what will or will not be permitted and where. Only policies that provide a clear indication of how a decision maker should react to the development proposal should be included in the plan.”
What do you want our area to be like in 20 years time?
are investigating the possibility of providing us with professional assistance as part of our Direct Support package from Locality. (Locality is the leading nationwide network for community-led organisations; they are supporting many groups, nationwide, with Neighbourhood Planning.) This would provide us with an enormous boost and would provide us with a tangible draft Plan to bring to the town for further consultation.
If you have any questions, or would like to join us, please contact me on 01666 504746. Cllr Liz Farnham Chairman of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group
What needs to happen to get there?
T: 01666 505110 M: 07786 085928
What land use policies will implement the objectives? Some members of the group attended a very worth while training event regarding how to write effective and enforceable policies on 28th August. In addition, our Planning Aid Advisors
Elsewhere in the region, Malmesbury’s hearing by an independent Examiner appointed to examine their draft Neighbourhood Plan was held on 18th September – we wish them all the best and are eager to learn lessons that might help us along our way.
E: chris@elliottbrothers.net 0401114
42 | November 2014
We have carried out several tasks in the fields to the south and north of Wottonunder-Edge recently It’s been interesting to notice how different the views are in these various locations, looking up at the Cotswolds. The work comprised renewing two stiles on footpaths near Kingswood and installing a gate on a bridleway North of Wotton.
Stone Age Long Barrow Also near Wotton, on Black Quarries Hill near Newark Park, funding has been arranged with the National Trust to make the long barrow accessible, and return the surrounding land from arable to pasture, so we removed the fencing around the long barrow and cleared the scrub and bramble. In due course we will return, to establish a permissive path from the Cotswold Way onto the long barrow.
the cattle. Unimproved Cotswold Limestone grassland like this is all too rare and is particularly rich in bio-diversity, with many rare species of butterflies and wildflowers. But some areas have become so overgrown on the slopes that they are turning to scrubland and woodland, so here again we have been out with brushcutters to clear the area and allow the cattle to get through. The cattle seemed quite pleased as they docilely watched us – perhaps remembering that there used to be good sweet pasture lower down. Much more work will be required he though, including some tree-felling.
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens November Walks Thursday 13th November at 10:00 am for coffee at the Beaufort Arms Hawkesbury Upton leaving at 10:30 for a 5.5 mile walk through the woods. Wednesday 19th November at 10:00 am from Shadwell Recreation Ground car park, Uley, for 4 miles around Uley Bury. Tuesday 25th November at 10:00 am from Stinchcombe Hill public car park (beyond the Golf Club car park) for 3 miles around Stinchcombe Hill. Richard Glanville
Stinchcombe Hill We have returned to Stinchcombe Hill near Dursley for three mornings of late, to brush cut the slopes near a section of the Cotswold Way path which runs around the top of the hill. Sections were becoming very hemmed-in with tree and brush growth and our work has opened up the views.
Woodchester Park More clearance work here is making a big difference in opening up the views from the mansion down to the lakes.
Rodborough Common The slopes of the Common, as well as the plateau, are registered as grazing land for
“Try Tetbury First” ”Shop Local” Pet Products: Special Price on 15kg James Wellbeloved Adult Dog Food £43.99 – Turkey, Lamb and Duck only while stocks last.We carry a wide range of the major brands and will get in special lines to order, the pet food market remains very competitive but we will try our best to supply at good prices for our customers.
We are able to print photographs again...
Digital Photograph Machine Coming soon!
Garden Products: New season 2015 Mr Fothergill Seeds now in stock. November and December - Special 10% discount on seeds (Min purchase 3 packets). We will carry our usual range for garden over the winter period. Winter Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels. Please let us have any special needs you might have and we will try to oblige. Delivery available. DIY/Electrical Plus much much more: Try us before you travel you will be surprised at the range we hold and the prices we can offer. (Special Offers on Security Lights). Help us plan our stocks around your requirements please. We are only as good as the information you provide us with. Come in and say hello to our new member of Staff Peter on a Monday and Tuesday. 1251114
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 43
Cotswold District News The Government Local Boundaries Commission has agreed the new wards for the Cotswold District. The effect on Tetbury will be that the three wards will now be:
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Tetbury with Upton incorporating the •TB area of Tetbury and Tetbury Upton CY
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East and Rural, incorporating •the Tetbury TD area of Tetbury and the villages of Culkerton, Ashley, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne. The map of the new wards can be found on the website: https://consultation.lgbce. org.uk/node/1550 There will also be a new ward combining the Avening and Grumbold’s Ash wards , but without the villages now covered in the re-arranged Tetbury wards (as above.) This ward will be known as “Grumbold’s Ash with Avening”. These changes will not affect the existing town and parish council areas.
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44 | November 2014
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01666 848 108
Patient Participation Group
040208 Bell House
Page 1
The PPG Committee met on the 2nd of October and we decided not to hold a patient survey in 2015 but to carry out our next one in 2016.
Any decision to move would be entirely up to the Practice Partners in conjunction with NHS England, who would need to prioritise the substantial funding requirement in the context of GP and other NHS premises plans elsewhere, nationally. However, all are agreed that car parking is a real problem and to this end the PPG has agreed to write to the County Highways Department about the lack of car parking facilities near the surgery. Should parking restrictions be eased near the surgery as a result, we hope that it will help those patients, many of whom raise the issue with the PPG, for whom parking at or near the practice is essential. The Therapeutic Exercise sessions at the Cirencester Pool for those who wish to lead a healthier lifestyle take place each Tuesday afternoon and are a huge success. The lively group set off at 3.30 on the Community Bus for which a grant has been obtained, making journeys to and from the pool free for a year. This means that the cost of the professionallyled session is under £5. There is some potential for taking new members as we always want to have the bus full. For further information, please contact Pat Hodges on 01666 502706.
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
We again discussed the suitability of the surgery premises - bearing in mind the number of new houses currently being erected and those planned for the future. In the absence of funding from NHS England for larger, modern premises, the practice partners believe that the premises are large enough to cope with the town’s expansion and the anticipated number of new patients who will want to register at the surgery, subject to some suitable alterations.
CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks.
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From December onwards patients will •be able to provide feedback via a Friends
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and Family Test; more details to follow next month.
46 | November 2014
Kesh Makhecha, Practice Development Manager has added:
Alison Hesketh , Chair PPG 01666 505113 alison.hesketh1@btinternet.com
Call Jeffie Openshaw (Mrs) on 07754451638 or 01666 500328 email: jeffieopenshaw@gmail.com
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Tetbury Library Zara Lamb
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The Gloucestershire Libraries Remembers World War 1 display will be at Tetbury Library from the week beginning 17th November. This exhibition has been compiled by Cirencester Archaeological & Historical Society, so portrays quite a local perspective of this time in history and is accompanied by a collection of WW1 books – well worth a look. If you have a good knowledge of history and some time to spare, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for a volunteer to assist customers in their family history research via our free access to Ancestry UK and Find My Past on library computers. Please apply to volunteer either on-line www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ libraries/volunteers or pop into the library. The South West Reading Passport is up and running again. This is a reading challenge for adults – read at least three books from the list before 30th December and hand in your reviews to be entered into a prize draw for a £150 book gift card and other prizes. Pick up details from the library or go to www.readingpassport.org. P3 Charity, the community-based housingrelated support service, is holding its free Monday morning drop-in sessions on 10th and 24th November. The weekly Gloucestershire HomeSeeker Property Newsletter is always available to view in the library and with free access to computers you are welcome to bid on-line in440208 the warmth of the 22/2/08 library. Allium 22:28 Page 1 Kylie, Jackie, Linda and Sophie.
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Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow 440208
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 47
Tetbury Theatre Group Jean Corcoran, who usually writes our article for the Tetbury Advertiser each month, has asked me to put fingers to keyboard to tell you about our latest trip to the theatre. We travelled the M4 to the lovely town of Windsor, to see the play “Double Death” by Simon Williams at the Theatre Royal. Arriving at 11.00 am we had plenty of time before curtain up to take in the many sightseeing opportunities the town has to offer. It was a warm and dry day and you could take advantage of the open-top tour bus or the river trip on the Thames. We shopped, and enjoyed coffee in Eton and lunch in Windsor town centre.
Double Death is a thriller and the action takes place in the living room of Penghally, a remote Victorian house on the north coast of Cornwall. The sibling rivalry between identical twins Ashley and Max is coming to a murderous climax, but trapped in a wheelchair Ashley knows the odds are against him and he is in mortal danger. However will Detective Inspector Fergus believe him? Can he trust Nurse Malahide, who has been employed to protect him? Poor Lallas, the twin’s aunt is torn between the two boys: which of them is the victim and which the psychopath?
Coronation Street, played the Detective Inspector; he was occasionally difficult to understand for some of our group due to the heavy Cornish accent he assumed for the role. Tom Butcher who played both Max and Ashley gave a good performance, and kept you asking yourself whether he was really Max (or had he switched to Ashley?) and visa-versa, which added to the suspense of the play. Many thanks to the committee members for organising such a fun and enjoyable day! If you are interested in joining the theatre group, please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029 for more details.
This was an enjoyable play that kept you guessing to the very end, due to the many twists, turns and plot surprises. Brian Capron, whom you may have seen in
Elaine Smith
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48 | November 2014
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Some like it HOTS! We are delighted to have been invited to entertain HOTS – History of Tetbury Society – at their Christmas social in December. It will be lovely for the Choir to have the opportunity of marking the 100th anniversary of WW1 by singing some songs from that period. 170413 IBIS:Layout 1
In the meantime, rehearsals for Handel’s Messiah gather momentum. It’s fair to say that for some of us it’s been a steep learning curve, but the progress in the last few weeks has been remarkable. And of course we still have the Open Messiah Workshop on the 29th of November in Christ Church to look forward to - this will be conducted by Fiona Evans (ex- of
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Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Bach Flower Consultations, Massage. AVAILABLE AT
The IBIS CENTRE Tollgate Cottage, 18 Hampton St. Jill Lawler MBRA 01666 502898 320208
Tetbury Community Choir “The Sixteen”). The Saturday after that, we join other choirs for a performance of the Messiah, also led by Fiona Evans. TCC is a really friendly and informal Choir, and welcomes new members. We rehearse on Tuesday at Christ Church, Tetbury. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, please contact Debbie Shearman (Secretary) Tel: 01666 505098, or Sandra Cook (Chair) Tel: 01454 238372 We look forward to seeing you! Margaret Foster Tetbury Community Choir
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Tetbury’s Boutique Bed & Breakfast
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Helping our local businesses with all things numbers from bags of receipts to things a bit more tricky
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Hair Stylist
clare_the_hair@hotmail.co.uk 5 The Ferns Tetbury Glos, GL8 8JE 01666 502721/07917726440
Need some advice?
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
Contact me on: 01666 504647, 07764 923686 or liz@lizmaisey.co.uk
November 2014 | 49
Tetbury Tourist Information November comes And November goes, With the last red berries And the first white snows. With night coming early, And dawn coming late, And ice in the bucket And frost by the gate. The fires burn And the kettles sing, And earth sinks to rest Until next spring.
in the area. If you are organising a local event we will be happy to display a poster in our window and add it to our online “What’s on”. Our lovely Charity Christmas Cards are selling fast but there’s still plenty of choice so come and buy and help your favourite charity. Cotswolds calendars and books are also available. This year we are very pleased to have an exclusive Tetbury Christmas card depicting a snowy St Mary’s Church, from an original watercolour by our very own Mr Barnes! 641010 Mini Bus:Layout 1 Thank youTetbury Barry.
Don’t forget we have now started our Winter opening hours of 10am – 2pm Monday to Saturday - hope to see you all soon. Sue, Jill & Jackie at……….. Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 33, Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 503552 Website: www.visittetbury.co.uk Website: www.cotswolds.com Email: tourism@tetbury.org Are you supporting Cotswolds Tourism? Membership available here www.cotswolds.com/membership 20/9/10 22:27 Page 1
Call now on: 01666 504881 or 07939 890891
Clyde Watson
……….It might be cold and miserable outside this month but there’s always a warm welcome here at the Tourist Information Centre! We still have lots to offer – ideas for places to visit, bracing walks, energetic bike rides or scenic drives. Or if you’re heading off to warmer climes don’t forget we can book your National Express coach ticket to London, Heathrow or Gatwick. Fancy a trip to the theatre? an exhibition? No problem, we have the latest information for events
•Airport Connections •Night Clubs •Weddings •Parties •Spor ting Events
Fully licensed and insured for group bookings up to 16 passengers
For a quotation, please call Darren on 07939 890891 For an on-line quote please visit www.tetburyminibus.com
Quality Alterations of Tetbury
21 Market Place
(Upstairs, in the old Cook Shop building)
Offering a full range of clothing alterations, from shortening of hems to a complete garment remodel Zip replacements, repairs and sewing on buttons Wardrobe consultations in your own home Cushions made to order and much, much more! We aim to return your garments as soon as we can, when possible, within an hour for a single shortening Small selection of beautiful little girls dresses, boleros and shoes Experience - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates
Mon-Fri 9.30-3 or by appointment 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 1190613
50 | November 2014
Genuinely local family firm established 2002 Fully insured including treatment risks cover Free no obligation estimates and advice Specialist rug cleaning plant in Nailsworth
Unit 20 Nailsworth Mills Estate, Avening Road, Nailsworth, GL6 0BS
01453 836400 mail@restoraction.co.uk
The first is a helper on the Dial-a-Ride bus for longer distance shopping trips. These mainly happen on Fridays and take about four hours. The helper with the driver, looks after the passengers making sure they are picked up, strapped in and of course have paid!
Lastly, do you have leftover pink, lilac, purple paint (our logo colours) sitting in the shed or at the back of a cupboard? We can use it to make new signs for outside our office!
Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments) WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury Market
(including appointments) House Hotel, Crudwell The second role isMayfield to drive our adapted car ‘Bluebell’ which is used for mostly local trips to appointments and can take a passenger in a wheelchair. So, if YOU are
THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Nailsworth & Avening with, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 9am 27th November.
Christmas 2014
Mayfield House Hotel, Crudwell
THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 7th November. Waitrose, 14th November. Orbital, Swindon, 21st November. Library Club, 28th November Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon – Fri. 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
520912 L & P Plumbing:Layout 1
Mayfield House Hotel
Mayfield House Hotel, Crudwell
Plumbing & Heating Gas Safe Registered
Christmas 2014
high efficiency boiler installation
Complete bathroom design
We are always looking for volunteers but this month we are looking for specific volunteers!
Tetbury Dial-A-Ride
interested in either of these roles or any others please get in touch!
Over 25 years experience Tel: 01666 502862 Mob: 07816928024
Book your Christmas Party with us!
150208 Maths & English
Call 01666 577409
Christmas Parties from £15.95 Book your Luncheon Christmas or Party withParty us! 2/3/4 course Dinner
Christmas Dinner & Disco Call 01666 577409
20th December 4 course Christmas party night let your hair down with friends! £29.95
Teacher experienced with learning difficulties in children and adults up to GCSE/Key Skills
Christmas Day Lunch £65.95
Our traditional Yuletide feast, single sitting luncheon for the whole family
Boxing Day Lunch £22.95
The “day after” tradition, when Mum’s get a break!
New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner & Disco £69.95 Dine & dance ‘til late!
250208 JS Painters & Decorators
Painter and Decorator Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates
David Sheppard Building Contractor
Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406 Celebrating the
Call Jane Fraser 01666 500260
Page 1
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
• New Builds • Extensions • Dry Stone Walls • Patios Mobile: 07885 397986 Tel: 01666 502940
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 51
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
The Feoffees are Trustees of two Trusts – The Romney Charity and The John Phillips Millennium Green Trust - and below is a brief outline of these Trusts and what their aims and objectives are: The John Phillips Millennium Green Trust This Trust has the main aim of providing informal leisure amenities for the people of Tetbury and is named after the late John Phillips – Feoffee – affectionately known as ‘Mr Tetbury’ – who spent his life working for the benefit of the town and its people. The Romney Charity The Romney Charity empowers the Feoffees to use the assets for the best possible benefit of the people of Tetbury, this can include the advancement of education, relief of poverty and the provision and maintenance of open areas, recreation spaces and other properties owned by the charity. It is pleasing to report that in recent years the charity has increased grant funding by publicising their availability, through this article and via presentations and displays. This month the Feoffees have been pleased to support the following local organisations and individuals:
• Tetbury Model Railway club • St Mary’s Monday Club • Alexa Savage & Jessica Willcox – grant towards their attendance at the Guide ‘Camporee’ in the USA
• Tamsin Hilliker – grant towards her degree course books
If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman
52 | November 2014
We specialise in all aspects of trees
Topping • Felling • Pruning • Pollarding Hedges Trimmed and Shaped All kinds of trees: Cherry, Conifers and Silver Birch carefully pruned Apple and Pear Trees a Speciality • All types of garden maintenance
Trees too close to your house and causing damage to your footings? WE CAN HELP!
Tel: 01452 422826 or 07970 359601 0031114
B&A Decorating
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Complete painting and decorating service
All aspects of painting • Interior • Exterior • Staining • Free Estimates Mobile 07876 828246
Email b.a.decorating@gmail.com 0061114
General Handyman Services
‘No Job Too Small’ Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270 1250212
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
Instrumental Tuition Violin / Viola, Piano, Theory, Composition • Students aged 8 & upwards welcome. • Tuition in your home • Weekly or fortnightly lessons to suit your requirements. 0190914
Following our displays in The Market Hall throughout the summer months and the visit made by St Mary’s Primary School in September, (where the pupils learnt about this wonderful building and its history and role within the town), I thought I would take the opportunity to let you all know about the Trusts the Feoffees manage for the benefit of our wonderful community.
Call 0796 - 266 8098 Enhanced CRB Clearance Certificate available for inspection at any time on request.
Sponsored by Calcot Manor and aptly named the ‘Calcot Belles’, a team of eight Tetbury girls made their netball debut at the Avon NETFEST Under 12’s tournament in Bristol at the end of September. These ex-St. Mary’s girls played five matches against strong club teams and did Tetbury proud coming third overall; a great achievement in their first outing as a newly-formed team. In their previous four years of playing netball together, the St. Mary’s ‘Lions’ had a number of titles to their name. They were the Gloucestershire Primary High 5
champions and the South Gloucestershire Primary League champions to name but two, making them the most successful St. Mary’s netball team for a number of years. Whilst at primary level the boys were an important element of the team, the children knew that it would be girls only from Y7 onwards. After moving onto different secondary schools, and already proving themselves to be great assets to their respective netball teams, the girls were keen to keep playing as a Tetbury group as well. With generous financial help from Calcot Manor, the Tetbury Feoffees and the Tetbury Lions, they now have fabulous new kit and
The Calcot Belles a greatly subsidised PGL netball residential weekend in November to look forward to, at which they will meet a member of the England netball squad. The ‘Belles’ know that they are extremely fortunate to live in such a supportive community and are grateful for the financial help that has been forthcoming to get their team off the ground. Of course we hope that they will be successful as a team, but more important than winning trophies is the opportunity to play the sport they love, with the girls they know well, representing the town that has been behind them all the way. Who knows, maybe one day one of them will play for England! 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1
Kate Harper
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609
! Tetbury Motor Centre
500 002
Your main dealer alternative •
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 53
Tetbury WI We opened our October meeting by offering congratulations. We’re delighted that Anne won first prize at the Tetbury Food Festival for her sausage recipe, judged by the Gloucestershire Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Society. Also, our member Joan was 94 on that day and so we presented her with a bouquet of roses and sang Happy Birthday. We then spent an entertaining hour in the company of Arthur Ball when he talked about the Galápagos Islands. He was pleased to speak to so many people about the islands’ wildlife as he is an enthusiastic
LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon 760411
1974 - 2014
bird watcher. Taking photographs is not a problem as the animals do not fear humans, so the images close-up of sea lions, iguanas, turtles - to name a few - and various birds including the blue footed boobies were spectacular. We have started to plan 2015 which is the WI Centenary year. We are aiming for a function in September which will cater for as many present and past members as possible. One of our Needlework groups has been working on a wall hanging which is now complete. It parades beautiful workmanship on the theme of trees in the four seasons and is to be presented in November to the maternity unit at Stroud Hospital, used by many Tetbury ladies.
for the most recent cheque we sent them. In November we hold our Annual Meeting and in December our Christmas Social. All details are on our website:-www. tetburywi.org PS: Just a thought - if you are having a bonfire this month please check thoroughly for hedgehogs and other creatures before you light it. (We had a talk from Mary Hinton of the Hedgehog Hospital last year and her words live on!) Chris Gibson
Sean Truby electrical
We were pleased to receive a letter of thanks from thetesting:Layout Dolphins’ Hall fund1raisers 530212 Pat 17/1/12
Tetbury Area
Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation. Please phone for details on
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Part P Registered
1974 - 2014
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it’s a Charity thing! We help publicise club activities and events in the town via our editorial columns, and we help promote businesses and services in the town with cheap-rate advertising opportunities. Everybody wins! Unlike magazines run for profit, our surplus is ploughed back into local facilities, good causes, and to individuals in genuine need. If you advertise with us, you can be assured that you are also making a contribution to the locale. Why wait?
www.tetburylions.co.uk 54 | November 2014
out more pop in to find hop.co.uk W: www.perrybis bishop.co.uk
E: tetbury@perry
November 2014
4,200 Circulatio
Published by
the Lions Club
of Tetbury since
Page rates are: Single column inch £5 Double column inch £10 1/4 page £55 1/2 page £90 Full page £160 Front cover 1/2 page £100 Back cover 1/2 page £95
On Saturday 11 October over 50 players and guests gathered at Cotswold Bowls Club for the annual presentation evening. The guest speaker was Ian Deakins, the ex-president of the Gloucestershire Bowls Association. After a pleasant meal and the usual toasts and speeches, the prizes were presented to the lucky recipients. Mike Bird Trophy Winners M Cobb, E Hayes, R Cobb; Runners up V Smith, B Williams, R Bird: Club Triples J Wilkins, A Cary, T Wilkins; B Belcher, A Smith, E Hayes:
Mixed Pairs P Vick, J Hughes; N House, R Bird: Ladies Pairs J Wilkins, V Smith; A Smith, A Cary: Mens Pairs B. Belcher, J Parry; E Hayes, M Curtis: Over 60’s pairs J Wilkins, J Fewell; B Belcher, J Hughes: Over 60’s singles M Curtis; V Smith: Over 70’s singles J Hughes; E Hayes: Ladies 2 wood A Wildsmith; M Cobb: Open 2 wood P Stinchcombe, S White: Handicap singles P Stinchcombe, V Bridgeman: Ladies singles, V Smith, A Smith: Mens singles P Stinchcombe, B Williams: Novices singles K House; V Bridgeman. On the friendlies thirty-two fixtures were arranged – Tetbury winning ten, losing eleven and drawing three. Eight were
In support of In support of
Cirencester SCOPE Cirencester SCOPE Registered Charity number 1040088 Registered Charity number 1040088
Siren Sisters Sisters Siren
Tetbury Bowls Club cancelled, for various reasons. On Senior’s friendlies- twenty-two fixtures were arranged with six losses, four cancelled and with twelve wins. As previously reported, Tetbury men had a good season, winning Division Two of the South Cotswold league and also reaching the finals of the County Cup. Individuals did well on the County scene too, with Steve White, Malc Curtis and Pete Stinchcombe reaching the County Triples final. Pete and Steve also reached the last sixteen of the County pairs, and Steve White and Barry Spruels reached the last sixteen of the County Four’s. The ladies did not fare quite as well as the men this year, but Ang Smith was the Stroud section winner of the Unbadged trophy, losing in the semi finals. Hopefully next year will be a lot better. 340208 Piano Tuition
Richard Cobb
Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins
Directed by by Graham Loveday Directed Graham Loveday "Lovely arrangements some "Lovely arrangementsof of some greatgreat songs. songs. Well done, ladies we loved Well done, ladies–– we loved you!” you!”
Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist.
Saturday 22nd Saturday 22ndNovember November 2014 2014
Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome
7.30pm doors open for 8pm 7.30pm doors open for 8pm
Barn Barn Theatre, Cirencester Theatre, Cirencester
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Ticket £10 Ticket £10
from 07776 172622 or twoeuphs@aol.com from 07776 172622 or twoeuphs@aol.com Lucky ticket draw ~ Free nibbles and cash bar draw ~ Free nibbles and cash bar Page 1 Nailsworth Lucky Dom ticket Applian 22/2/08 22:48
* 10% discount * with this advert Tel: 01666 505692
Mikki’s Mobile Clipping
07970 868751 mikki.ponter@btinternet.com
*Dog Grooming* *Horse Clipping*
A re liable, fas t & fr ien d l y s e r v i c e
Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . . N o
Cal l - out
Window Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...
Ch arge
Rob Wootton
Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353
01453 ~ 833310
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319
November 2014 | 55
People’s Pod
Sharpe). It’s true that we do a lot of ‘stuff’, but you can also just hang out with your friends and do nothing.
Hopefully by the time of distribution our new youth worker will have returned to work after having suffered a broken foot; soon after Mike joined The Pod he was injured and signed off. We are very glad to have him back! Not least since we have been really busy for the past few months with lots of new faces, (and old), dropping into the sessions. A couple of year 7’s wanted to share their thoughts - “The Pod is awesome because there’s lots of lovely stuff. Going there gets me out of the house; I cook stuff, play stuff, eat stuff and draw.” (Emily), “I like the Pod because it gives you a break from your siblings, gives you time to hang out with your friends. So I recommend people come to The Peoples Pod.” (Benjamin
We’d like to say a thank you to Haine and Smith Opticians for giving us a grant to buy a guitar, as seen in the photo being played by Chelsea. This is the beginning of a bigger project that we are fund raising for. We are planning a music project for two groups of young people - where they can receive guitar or singing lessons for a year with the multi-purpose aim of developing a skill, building self esteem and confidence, and also releasing
creativity and performance. We hope by the end of the project that these young people would be able to perform in front of friends or family, or in a public setting such as a nursing home, a stage or even busking in the market place. We need to have a few more guitars to help us get ready for the project so if you have an unused guitar or ukulele that you would be willing to donate, then please give us a call. Pod sessions Tuesday and Fridays 5.157.15pm, years 7-13. For further information please call Mandy 07968591912
(Brush system with pure water, all windows accessible, frames cleaned)
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East View, High Street, Hillesley, GL12 7RS
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See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres
56 | November 2014
We have had a particularly busy term at Puddle Ducks. We spent some time thinking about our pets. We talked about who had pets and how they looked after them. The week was rounded off with a visit from Hamish the boarder terrier. The children really enjoyed seeing Hamish, taking him for a little walk around the room, throwing his ball for him and feeding him some special doggy treats. Hamish seemed to enjoy all the fuss and we are grateful to him for coming to see us!
Autumn is, of course, time for harvest and we have been looking at the story of the Little Red Hen to learn about the process growing wheat to make flour, as well as helping others and sharing. The children made bread rolls to take home, just like the Little Red Hen herself. We have also been pumpkin carving, talking about the many textures inside and outside of the pumpkin and we will be using lots of other fresh harvest vegetables to make some lovely warming soup. Aside from harvest time, Autumn is a very visual month and we went on a trip to beautiful Westonbirt Arboretum
S. C. Ponting Plumbing & Maintenance Ltd • Central Heating Systems • Hot & Cold Water Systems • Lead Work & Fibreglass • Showers & Wetrooms • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ponds & Water Features •Tiling
Puddle Ducks Nursery to see what signs of the season we could spot. Thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us on this trip. Aside from our specific topic work, the children are free to choose and enjoy many different activities throughout the morning. They have particularly enjoyed the table top sand pit, mark making with tractors and diggers; cooking; dressing up and home corner play; football in the hall and garden; singing; puzzles and games; painting and craft and lots of stories. We keep a high staff:child ratio which we believe helps each child fully access our setting each session with a wide variety of choice for all interests. We have asked local photographer Karolina Porter to come in and take some photographs of the children at play and we would like to thank her for her time and some lovely pictures.
Call Steve on 07824702764
or email enquiry@scpontingplumbing.co.uk
519396 1100714
Emma’s Nails M o b i l e N a i l Te c h n i c i a n
Last term the children enjoyed learning the song ‘Doe a Deer’ and this inspired the staff to kit themselves out old curtains and head off to Swindon for ‘Sing-a-longa-Sound-of-Music’! We all had a lovely and very funny evening, although sadly no photographic evidence to share with you! Looking ahead to next term, we will be supporting Children in Need (further details nearer the time), starting to think about Christmas and practising for our play, making our own Christmas cards and holding a Christmas jumper day! Sharon will also be selling Christmas cards as a fundraiser for Winston’s Wish. If anyone would like to see samples or a catalogue, please do ask.
Tel - 0785 3861066 Gellux gel manicures / Pedicures Luxury manicures / Pedicures Gel/Acrylic Nail extensions Gift vouchers available
Emma Lemos ~ Dip.BABTAC
Beautiful ~ one 20:37 of life’s pleasures 720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1 nails 19/2/10 Page 1 0460414
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com
If you are interested in a visit to Puddle Ducks with a view to a child joining us, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 and she will be pleased to arrange this for you. Ducklings toddler group continues to run on a Friday afternoon in the hall from 1.15-2.45pm – all welcome. Puddle Ducks
❊ Top Leading Brands of Food & Treats ❊ ❊ Our Own Label Premium Dog Food ❊ ❊ Bowls, Toys & Accessories ❊ ❊ Beds & Cushions ❊ ❊ Wild Bird Food & Products inc. Live Food ❊
for you and your pet’s every need.
Delivery Service Available
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 57
Buddy’s As the owner of three German Shepherd Dogs I had some difficulty in obtaining an inexpensive supply of fresh food – and after losing a beloved dog to cancer I did a lot of research, finding that typical diseases and afflictions attributed to breeds can actually be determined more by the food a dog eats rather than the type of dog: Just as diet is important for the health of humans so it is just as crucial for dogs. You’ll find that feeding your dog on a raw diet will not only improve its health but also its well-being and temperament. Just as NOT giving sweets to your children improves their behaviour, your dog will have a healthy coat, sweeter breath, cleaner teeth and smaller stools which will smell less and disintegrate more readily. So what is wrong with processed tinned food and dried kibble? Processed dog food contains carbohydrates and fibre which dogs find difficult to digest; dogs do not have a long enough digestive tract to break down carbohydrates, so food comes back out pretty much as it went in. It may still smell nice to the dog, but horrible to us. Our canine friends have the mechanisms in their jaws to eat meat and bone and their stomachs are more acidic than those of humans, so they can kill off nasty bugs such as salmonella. And because their digestive tracts are shorter, food is processed quicker, not allowing any bacteria to formulate. So what do you need to give your dog in a well-balanced diet? A raw diet should consist of 80% meat, with organ, offal and tripe and 20% bone. To supplement the diet further you can add oily raw fish, eggs, carrot, parsnips, cabbage and natural yoghurt. Raw bone is fine to give dogs, only when it is cooked does the structure become brittle and dangerous for them to eat.
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BUDDY’s raw food supplies meat and fish for dogs in the way Mother Nature intended for our furry canines! Tel: Sandra Adams 0788 033 1492 Locally sourced raw food giving you a healthier and happier dog at a fraction of the cost. Email: buddysrawmeat@yahoo.com
Fully insured, friendly and reliable service.
Call Dave on: Home: 01666 503417 Mobile: 07706 988336 0330914
58 | November 2014
I’m sure that many of you will already have heard of People For You. But for those of you who maybe haven’t, People For You provides a free volunteer befriending service for older people in the
community who maybe can’t get out as much as they would like and who would enjoy some company in the comfort of their own homes. The service operates in Tetbury and neighbouring villages. It also operates in Fairford and Lechlade (where it has its own locally based volunteers and clients). People For You offers regular companionship at a time when a person might be feeling cut off from their community – for whatever reason. A reliable, local volunteer visitor calling regularly each week offering friendship and a listening ear has a positive impact on a person’s state of mind and sense of wellbeing. Their visits provide an opportunity for a chat, a chance to enjoy a cup of tea together or maybe go for a walk as well as joining us on one of our social
R&W DECORATORS Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios
People For You outings. The friendships that develop enrich the lives of both people. We have a long waiting list and so urgently need to recruit new volunteers to meet the need – just an hour a week can truly make all the difference to someone who might otherwise be feeling isolated and cut off from their community. Full training and support is provided plus we meet up for social events which offers the opportunity to make new friends. And, just as importantly, we need to hear from anyone who feels this service might be of interest to them or a family member or friend. Please do get in touch and we will visit you in the comfort and privacy of your own home to explain more how it works. We all need social contact - we all need to share and be a part of someone’s life. Please contact Sue Black, People For You, telephone 07810 630167 or email sue. peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk.
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
November 2014 | 59
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