Tetbury Advertiser November 2015

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November 2015

Inside this issue:

• Cotswold Rowing Club ...................Page 15

• Tetbury Rail Lands Trust ...................Page 60

• The Newcomer’s View

Cover photography courtesy of Colin Peacock

...................Page 32

Circulation 4,550


Established 1974



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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

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Thursday 12th November 2015 Delivery - 28th/29th November Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

What’s On


1st November St Marys’ Church At 9.30 am on Sunday we mark “All Saints Day”

Avening Primary School 4 Avening WI 11 Christmas in Tetbury 14 5th November History of Tetbury Society Cotswold Rowing Club 15 Meeting 7.30 pm at Christ Church; ‘Majic Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 24 Lantern Show ‘ by Patrick Furley Crudwell C of E Primary School 19 7th November WW1 Centenary exhibition Crudwell Ladies 44 The Comrades Club in Nailsworth Dolphins Dramatic Society 45 Eating Out 26 8th November St Marys’ Church Guiding 28 Remembrance Sunday Service at 2.30 pm History of Tetbury Society 29 9th Monday Dolphins Hall Leighterton Primary School 36 7.30 pm Tetbury WI Annual Meeting Lion’s Den 5 Malthouse Update 38 12th November St Marys’ Church Mayor’s Report 61 An “iSingPop” concert held by St Mary’s McCarthy and Stone 34 Primary School News from St Marys’ 21 14th November Tetbury Library North Wilts Villages Flower Club 18 11.00 am Celebration of the Hindu Festival of Oli Jones 58 Lights: “Diwali” People For You 40 Priory Inn 12 17th November Coffee ‘n’ Chat - Crudwell Probus One 9 All Saints Church Monthly from 10.30 – 12.00 Simon Conrad 10 noon, with coffee, biscuits, sales table, raffle Sir William Romney’s School 49 26th – 28th November `Summer Holiday’ St Mary’s C of E Junior School 23 At the Dolphins Hall, Tetbury. See the article in St Mary’s Day Centre 57 this issue St Mary’s Playgroup 8 28th of November St Marys’ Church Summer Show Article 22 Advent Quiet Day (Saturday) Tetbury Art Society 54 Tetbury Camera Club 6 5th December at the Market Hall 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 WayneTetbury Ha Community Choir 52 St Marys’ Church Christmas Market at 10.00 am Tetbury Dial-A-Ride 53 Tetbury in Bloom 42 Tetbury Library 43 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 48 Tetbury Police Museum 50 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 60 Tetbury Theatre Group 37 Tetbury Town Football Club 46 Carpentry & Building Tetbury WI 56 Free Estimates The Feoffees and the Thirteen 16 The Newcomer’s View 32 07787 576309 Unsung Heroes - November 12 What’s On 3 01666 880066 Young by Name 41 260313

Wayne Hardiman

Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

Avening Primary School Celebrating, remembering and being thankful. It’s not every day that we get to celebrate the library’s first birthday! It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since the builders pulled down the boards and revealed our new refurbishments.

from Avening’s roll of honour and the School Council placing crosses around the foot of the memorial. Local historian Fred Vening will join the School and organise the playing of the last post. We are delighted to announce the arrival of our new weekly sessions for pre-school children aged 0-4. ‘Fledglings’ is a perfect opportunity for parents and carers to come together in a friendly atmosphere.

During each session children will be given opportunities to explore a range of activities such as messy play, sand and water, puzzles, construction and creative activities, such as playdough, painting and junk modelling, led and supported by members of our Early Years Team. Fledging’s will be held on Thursday afternoons from 2 – 3pm. For more information please contact the school office on (01453) 833191. Jane Rushton, Headteacher

One year on, we decided to celebrate our library and all the joy it has given the whole school. We held a library celebration week where the library was open every day after school for parents and children to visit and borrow from, a poster competition with some amazing entries – all displayed in the library and a ‘dress up as a book character day’ to conclude the week’s festivities. On 9th October, we welcomed visitors at our annual open day. We had a tremendous turn out and some wonderful comments from visitors who were guided around the school by members of our School Council and House Captains, who did our school proud with their enthusiasm and fabulous communication skills. Harvest time is always a special celebration at school and this year we chose to donate our harvest offerings to Stroud Foodbank, a very worthwhile cause, who will receive the school’s collection later on this month, when it is delivered personally by members of the school council. Pupils in the Kestrels class (Y1/2) who are currently focusing on ‘Fire and Ice’, were delighted with a visit from the Fire Brigade last month, who gave them a demonstration and explained how the equipment works and even let the children have a go for themselves, letting them hold the fire hose and sound the siren. To mark the WW1 Centenary, pupils from the Owls Class (Y5/6) have written poems for a special exhibition that is being held at The Comrades Club in Nailsworth on Saturday 7th November. The children will be visiting the exhibition and will meet author and historian Andrew Robertshaw who will talk to them about WW1. The whole school will also be paying their respects at Avening’s war memorial, with children reading names

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Lions Den

Dear Readers, The year continues to speed past at a ridiculous pace – packed solid as it seems to be with both social and charity-related events. Last month a group of us visited our favourite Lion’s club in The Netherlands and returned as triumphant experts on windmills, while others stayed behind on that same weekend and helped out with the Rotary club’s Horseless event at Badminton.

Lion President, Nat Prosser. Many thanks to Ang for having us round and looking after us so well. Since then, arranged and assembled by Lion Alan Cross, we’ve had a “Zone” meeting of Lions – welcoming other clubs from the area to a Close Hotel shindig. There we discussed how we might best serve our local communities, how we can share resources and how we can pull together at local events (like the Wacky Races.) That was all good stuff - and of course we’ve also been following through on Lion Colin Poole’s plans for our Charter Night dinner.

Yet more Lions manned our stand at the Expo Day in the Dolphins hall that weekend, which helped spark interest in what we do and how others might get involved. Next year the event will be bigger and better and hopefully, so shall we. On another busy day mid-month we “badged up” new Lion Warren Hateley (that’s him toasting the success of his team’s windmill build) and Honorary Lion Stephen

Hirst; it’s great to have welcomed them both aboard. That same day we also took part in a wonderful and joyous ceremony held by the family and friends of our late

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Has there been much time then, to help hone this copy of the Advertiser to perfection? Well…! Nearly as planned is this month’s modest piece about the changes housing developments are already bringing to our area. We are all aware of the new housing development sites starting up around us, but perhaps not necessarily particularly well-informed about where there are, or indeed how many houses and apartments there will be. The map included in this issue will hopefully show those areas - and the “Newcomer” piece which accompanies it is intended to air one new resident’s view of the opportunities and challenges which face us.

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native I’ve some mixed feelings about what the changes will mean to our infrastructure. But we shall see! You hold the results in your hand then, dear reader, of another month’s marvellously wellorganised chaos. Please be careful with it! All best, Richard Smith Tetbury Lions

November 2015 | 5

Tetbury Camera Club On Tuesday, 22 September, we were entertained by Tony Worobiec who had travelled up from the South Coast. The emphasis of Tony’s presentation was on “Photographing the Coast” and he showed us many excellent images and provided a great deal of information and numerous tips, including the most important one of not getting cut off by the tide! Certain of the locations were familiar to some Club members, having been destinations on Club outings - and thus very effectively provided a standard for comparisons to be made. One anecdote he told concerned his keenness as a footballer. Having committed some infringement, he was approached by the referee with notebook in hand and asked for his name. Tony gave his full name with a Polish accent, at which the referee closed his notebook, wagged his finger, and said “Well, don’t do it again!” Overall, it was an absorbing evening. (See www.tonyworbiec.com) The next week was a visit by Jennifer Cox, a professional wedding and portrait photographer based in Cardiff (see www.jennifercoxphotography.co.uk). Jennifer showed a range of her work and provided much background information and explained how she went about her assignments. Although the subject matter was very different from that of Tony’s the previous week, the pleasure that both photographers got from their work was very evident.

Most recently, the speaker was Derek Gale, a professional fine art photographer from near Swindon (see www.galephotography. co.uk). The subject of the talk was ‘Movement in Photography’ and Derek covered the subject very comprehensively with many examples of his own work, mainly abstract in nature. The surprise was the range of possibilities, which included the Harris shutter method (an internet search produces lots of results). Again the enthusiasm of the speaker for photography was very evident and his talk was delivered with the vital ingredient of humour.

If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807 www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk

Judging of the first competition of the season took place 6 October. The judge was Eddy Lane, who has been to Tetbury several times in past years, both a judge and as speaker. The volume of prints and images entered was such that the number of prints per entrant had to be limited to keep the overall number within reasonable bounds. Nevertheless, Eddy made comments about all the entries and was complementary about the overall standard. One of the winners, by Florence Hillman, in a projected digital image category is reproduced here.

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6 | November 2015


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St Mary’s Playgroup Exciting new sessions! This half term has brought with it a fantastic chance for us to enjoy the seasons and the children have loved taking their own learning forward through their interests too. We have looked a lot at colours and the season and enjoyed going out for lots of scavenger and colour hunts. We have then used what we have collected to make sensory trays as well as houses for our small animals and have been making bread and exploring pumpkins (as well as lots, lots more!). We were also very busy making decorations and cakes in the lead up to our Family Fun Day which we had to celebrate our 40th birthday at the Rugby Club. Thankfully the weather stayed dry for us and the turn out was fantastic! Thank you so much to everyone who came as well as each person that helped to organise, set up and donate with gifts or time – you all made it a huge success! The day wasn’t ever intended as a fundraiser as we simply wanted a way to mark the birthday

Face painting by Holly Ponting was a massive hit - Imy loved her butterfly! occasion, as well as do something fun for the local families in Tetbury and I really believe this is what we achieved! Our new session times will be starting after half term (from Monday the 2nd of November), when we will be offering early bird drop offs (from 8.30am) and lunch clubs (until 1pm) on a Monday, Thursday and Friday, as well as a whole day (9-3.30pm) preschool only session on a Tuesday. Our

Exciting new session times from November 2015! After half term we will be providing: *Preschool only sessions from 9-3.30pm on a Tuesday

session for our new starters and younger children will then be on a Wednesday from 9-12pm, which is a lovely session tailored to children from 2 years 6 months to gently introduce them to playgroup before doing more sessions. If you would like any more information about our sessions or would like to come in for a visit or taster session then please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01666 503777 or via our website. After half term we will also be launching our new e-learning journeys which is a way for parents to see updates of their children online as well as being able to access and share with the rest of the family at any time from home. We are can’t wait to make this step forward in embracing technology and believe it will be of great benefit to our parents.. More details to follow next month! Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time at Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30 and is run by our lovely mum Jackie Hunt. Jackie is also one of our Playgroup Assistants and her ‘familiar face’ for the children who come up to us from the Toddler session really helps them settle quickly too. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity during the session and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers, so drop in and join the fun!

*An early bird drop off from 8.30am and a lunch club until 1pm on a Monday, Thursday and Friday Our sessions for younger children and new starters will run on a Wednesday from 9-12pm

For a visit or more information please contact us on

01666 503777

or visit our website

www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk 1081115


Please visit our new website www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk or call 01666 503777 to learn more about us or with any enquiries, we are always happy to hear from you.


150208 Maths & English Heidi Bailey, St Mary’s Playgroup 22/2/08






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8 | November 2015




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Sadly … ... they are declining rapidly. Sheltering hedgerows linking habitats have been removed, pesticides have killed their food and gardens are less friendly because of impenetrable fencing. According to recent statistics 95% of our hedgehogs have been lost since the 1950s. If we don’t want them to disappear completely they need our help. This was John and Gillian Crowther’s clear message on the 17th of September. Outlining the typical 6-7 year life cycle of a hedgehog John explained how five local hospitals had been opened to help

those orphaned, sick or injured. Naturally nocturnal and insectivorous, hedgehogs ate slugs occasionally but the parasitic burden from slugs was increasing. Hibernating in winter, hoglets from autumnal litters were particularly at risk of not surviving if they had not reached a critical weight of 600 grams. The guest hedgehog at our meeting was approaching this size. Good foods to put out were ground or wet non-fishy cat or dog foods and water, not milk as hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant. If we do come across one clearly in distress,

Probus One we should ring Mary Hinton, who runs our Tetbury hedgehog hospital, on 01666 504055 or 07779299224. There’s nothing unusual about researching one’s family history, but tying this in with Royal Navy developments is! This was done very successfully on the 1st of October when Richard Glanville described his father’s naval career and gave an insight into changing characteristics and armaments of naval ships over the same period. Richard’s father, having entered the Navy as a 16-year old boy in 1924, became an engineering officer and served throughout the second World War. Detailed descriptions of naval engagements and the ships involved both at Narvik in 1940 and subsequently in the Mediterranean were well illustrated. We were told how the number of new ships, their displacement and size of guns agreed in the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty had been exceeded by Japan and Germany. Further service in the Far East and then the Reserve Fleet at Portsmouth completed a naval career on a wide range of craft. Finally, Richard explained in his welldocumented and wide-ranging talk how today’s ships are much more powerful and effective than older versions because of their use of guided missiles. Theo Stening, Probus 01666 504243

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November 2015 | 9

Simon Conrad Training and Pruning a climbing Rose and a Wisteria. Cutting back, hard pruning and training climbing roses can be done during the period from the end of flowering until early spring but it’s best to at least have a look at these (and other climbing plants) now before the real winter storms blow long shoots about and damage them. The picture illustrates a client’s rather congested climbing rose on the south facing wall of their newly acquired property. The stems of this rose are intertwined and in places rubbing against one another. This rubbing can open wounds which can let in

disease. So the first thing to do is to take out all old, damaged and flowered shoots so the remaining, newer stems can be tied onto the horizontal wires behind to


If just left to grow vertically the plant produces flowers at the very top – you sometimes so this on houses where the rose is producing flowers at the height of the gutters.


For a complete Gardening Service Contact Simon Conrad on 07875 847925 www.cotswoldsgardener.com 1060715

Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.


Graduate Stylist Available Wednesday, Friday & Saturday Reduced rates available www.abiandrews.com

Having done the Rose (the other picture) I’ve got to do a similar job on the new Wisteria, which I’ll tackle when the leaves have fallen so I can see what I’m doing. The wisteria is slightly different from the climbing rose in that we are aiming to establish a primary framework for the plant which by pruning to control extension growth will encourage the production of flowers

Then in mid winter when dormant (also the leaves have fallen so you can see what you’re doing) the selection process as to what growth is to stay or go can be done. Essentially we’re stopping these plants from just growing anyhow and getting them to channel their energy into a smaller spread of growth to produce flowers for us. The same principle applies to vines, apples, pears and so on. Simon Conrad, Cotswold Gardener


10 | November 2015

In essence to achieve this fan shape the outer newer stems of the plant are draw down horizontally and tied onto the horizontal wires by string. The stems in the middle are splayed to the sides and one tied vertically to complete the centre of the fan. The support or wire should be between the wall and the rose itself – the rose not trussed up such that the wires are actually holding the stems against the wall, often cutting to the bark itself and damaging it. Soft jute or other string should be used to secure the stems onto the wire behind. Sometimes I use the odd slack cable tie to hold a particularly thick stem in place.

If you have an established Wisteria it should be pruned in two stages. The first is prune is done about 2 months after flowering (about end of July is fine) when the fresh long growth (laterals) and side shots should be cut back to about 5 buds.

Level 3

Abi_Junior Poster.indd 1

give a fan shape. Creating this fan shape serves several purposes. It keeps the plant as a contained feature and encourages flowering along the stems at a lower level where we can enjoy the flowers.

13/08/2015 09:53

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

At the Flower Festival in Minchinhampton Church we were initially quite daunted to be allocated a large space around the pulpit.

We enjoyed the speaker at the Glos. Federation meeting in the Pittville Pump Rooms. The speaker was Julie Summers who wrote the novel “Jam Busters” which was dramatized into the recent T.V series ‘Home Fires’ about a W.I. during the Second World War.

Fortunately our ‘flower arranger’ Gill Adams proved up to the task and with able help from our team, they did a wonderful job between them. Our theme was “Dig for Victory” and many thanks go to members who donated wartime tools, produce (jams, fruit and vegetables) baskets and watering cans for the display.

Five members and 3 dogs enjoyed the September walk from Chavenage to Beverston although the dogs found a very muddy pond on the way back! Our walk in October is around Malmesbury. As well as our willow weaving session we are also having a ‘dress a girl’ workshop - this will involve turning unwanted pillowcases

Avening WI into dresses for girls in Africa. We wish our skittles team good luck in their semi-final match at Harescombe. Our quiz team has reached the final in the County Quiz to be held in Gloucester and we hope they do well too. At our October Birthday (85 years) meeting Paul Evans gave us prose, poetry and country tales, which were most entertaining. This was followed by a cheese and wine buffet. We much appreciated the recent improvements to the sound insulation in our village hall thanks to our Parish Council. Shirley Hand, Avening WI


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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

November 2015 | 11

Priory Inn Blog November “...the rawest of all seasons, with so huge a sense of her nakedly worn magnificence…” White Goddess by Robert Graves Early morning dews and soft morning mists unveil splendid colours and convey a mystical sense of the cold but exciting season ahead. Hedgerows have been particularly bountiful this year with berries of every hue, shape and size. As the countryside around us slowly begins to descend into a deep sleep, many of our suppliers focus on new beginnings

Tetbury’s Unsung Hero Dear Editor, I would like to recommend my near neighbour, Stephen Wood, as an unsung hero. We live near Cook’s Pool, and frequently the grass verge there is littered with various unsightly items which detract from the approach to our lovely town of Tetbury. The

and creating products from Nature’s last offerings. Local cider and perry makers are excited by a bumper year for tree fruit. Each Saturday at Stroud market, the Days Cottage team has a glorious display of freshly picked apples from old Gloucestershire orchards. Rich with flora and fauna, the unsprayed orchards produce unique varieties which have flavours impossible to achieve with modern commercially grown fruit. We buy their delicious produce for our puddings, sauces, pizzas and breakfasts as well as in the purest form of bottled juice! A drop down Frocester Hill on a beautiful October morning took our staff to Church Farm in Leonard Stanley to meet Liz Godsell and her talented and passionate cheese-making team. All year, they have been improvising and contriving all sorts of clever techniques to turn their

wind often blows plastic gloves and paper towels there from the garage forecourt, but the wind can’t be blamed for the take-away cartons and cups which are discarded there. I recently noticed Stephen on his daily dogwalk assiduously picking up the rubbish and apparently this is a normal practice for him. It’s great to have people like Stephen who take an active part in keeping our town tidy.

cows’ milk into mozzarella for our pizzas. Brilliantly inventive solutions, avoiding factory processes, have resulted in a handstretched artisan product which is made weekly in their pristine cheese room. We will be buying 3,000 kilos every year! Live music continues through November to a packed-house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere: Teri Bramah brings her rich sensual tones on the 8th November, followed by Blind River Scare on the 15th. Leo James and Katy Hooper play a soulful blend on the 22nd and Dik Cadbury rounds the month out on Sunday the 29th of the month. Tanya Hughes, The Priory Inn Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed.

for Mr Wood. Public-spirited actions deserve reward and if he’s kind enough to contact me in the near future he will soon be in receipt of his voucher for a meal for two provided, very kindly, by the Priory Inn.

Name Withheld

To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact me through the details on page three. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence – but please be aware that I still have a large number of nominations to hand, so it may be a little while before yours is recognised.

Ed: I’m delighted to receive this nomination

Many thanks!

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Eat in or takeaway Wednesday to Sunday 12-3 / 5-9 web: stargazyfishbar.co.uk facebook: stargazyfishbar / twitter: @stargazyfishbar 01666 500690



12 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Christmas Parties at The Priory Inn Our Christmas party menu is designed around the very highest quality Cotswolds festive fayre and is available by reservation anytime from November through to January 2016. We have Christmas party nights on Thursday 10th and Thursday 17th December when you can join us for a really special festive atmosphere, great food, twinkly lights, music and dancing. The Christmas party menu is designed for groups of 6-60 people but groups less than six are also welcome to join us on the party nights (by reservation). Our ground floor private dining room can seat up to 16 people. Should your group wish to select its own choice of music and have a dedicated member of our waiting team for the evening, please call and ask for costs and details.

Starters Winter vegetable soup with crispy shallots Duck parfait with beetroot and fennel salad and plum sauce Salmon gravlax with caper, cucumber and dill salad Field mushroom and smoked cheese rarebit with roasted butternut squash sauce Cotswold charcuterie with homemade gooseberry chutney

Mains Roasted Wiltshire turkey, with traditional trimmings, bacon, sage and onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and rich turkey gravy Slow roasted lamb shoulder with minted mash, sautéed kale and caramelised onion jus Filo parcel with Cerney goat's cheese, squash, spinach, mushroom and a smoked cheese sauce Roasted cod wrapped in proscuitto with a cockle, chorizo and winter vegetable sauce served with roast potatoes Beef brisket pot-roasted in Uley Ale with horseradish dumplings and braised red cabbage

Desserts Christmas pudding with brandy cream Selection of local Cotswold ice cream and sorbets Baileys cheesecake with honeycomb crumb and blackcurrant coulis Profiteroles and chocolate sauce Fruit trifle

Cotswold Cheese Local cheese board with crackers and pickles ~

£20.00 per person for two courses / £25.00 per person for three courses / £30.00 per person for four courses

As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. A 10% discretionary service charge is included on your bill. Please be assured that all tips are passed in their entirety on to our hard working service staff.

01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 1011015

Christmas in Tetbury Grand Evening Out Remember, Remember the 3rd of December! Christmas celebrations in Tetbury get underway on Thursday 3rd December with the official switch-on of the town centre Christmas lighting displays. The evening’s entertainment includes a candle-lit procession, carols, market stalls and street entertainment.

From 4pm to 5pm (and again from 6:15pm to 7:30pm), Santa will be available in his Grotto, upstairs in the Market Hall. New last year, this was a big success with younger visitors.

Between 5:20pm and 5:30pm: Children and adults wishing to join us in the lantern parade are invited to assemble inside Saint Marys’ Church, where you can collect carol sheets and glow sticks.

From 5:35pm there will be carol singing in front of the Market Hall, accompanied by Avening Silver Band and the Community Choir. Carol sheets will be provided.

At 6pm prompt, the lights will be officially turned on by Katie Rowlett of ITV’s West Country news, accompanied by this years winners of the schools art competition.

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations.

Further musical entertainment will be available from the highly acclaimed Big Brunch Band and also the Wassailers of Stroud Church Street will be closed to traffic between 4pm to 8pm, so do watch out for the diversions and plan your journeys accordingly.

We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com 0680515

We hope that you can join us. A very big thank you to Highgrove Enterprises who have sponsored the new lights in town – the tree in Priory Way, the additional lamppost in London Road and the extended lighting scheme in the large trees on The Knapp, The Chipping and The Green. Another very big thank you goes to The Lions Club of Tetbury and Tetbury Town Council for their generous donations toward the reinstallation of the remaining town centre lighting displays – we hope that you like them all. Many thanks also go to the Feoffees for use of the Market Hall and free parking in the Chipping car park from 4.00pm for the evening and also Cotswold District Council for allowing free parking in the other town centre car parks. For more details of events happening in and around Tetbury in the run up to Christmas, visit our website: www.christmasintetbury. org.uk . Liz Farnham, Christmas in Tetbury

14 | November 2015

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan

• Cosmetic treatment • Tooth whitening • Hygienist

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

A small Club with a big heart…. and lungs! It has been a successful year for Cotswold Rowing Club with an increase in members, racing successes and a fleet of new boats on the way – but what is rowing and what does it offer to someone who wishes to start? There are two styles of rowing with several boat types. The styles are sweep and sculling. Sweep is where each rower uses only one oar, sculling is where each rower uses two oars. Most boat types can be rowed

in either sweep or scull configuration and configured to carry one, two, four or eight rowers. A single boat will only ever be a scull – unless the rower wishes to row in circles. Coxes, the diminutive person who is heard above all else, are seen in either of the big boats (fours or eights). There are two race formats that are competed during either the summer or winter. Summer is the regatta season where multiple boats race over short courses, generally less than 2km. Head races are processional time trials ranging between 2km and 5km, others are longer.

Cotswold Rowing Club Cotswold Rowing Club was founded ten years ago at Lake 32 within the Cotswold Water Park it provides weekend rowing sessions for those who enjoy social rowing for general health benefits together with race training for those wanting something more challenging. The club has a number of singles and various 2 and 4 crew boats in both scull and sweep configurations, it also has a number of trainer boats for those who are new to rowing. A revival in racing this summer saw a doubles scull win at the Ross on Wye Regatta, congratulations go to Matthew Brown for standing in - he has only been rowing for 3 months and was racing in two Divisions younger than his age! Tony Hynes, the Club’s Captain, and Darrel Samanjoul came 3rd and 4th respectively in their Divisions at the National Masters Championships. Darrel also came 2nd in his division at the 50km Boston Marathon race, another great achievement for the club. All three along with Martin Patterson, the Club’s Vice-Captain, came 4th in the Pairs Head on the Thames Tideway course in London.

Pixie Lock Ltd Professional Locksmith & uPVC Repair Specialist ‘Local & Independent’ 24 Hr Call Out - No Call Out Fee – Fast Reliable Service Non-Destructive Entry (Wherever Possible) Keys Cut on Site – uPVC Repairs All Work Guaranteed – Fully Insured – CRB Checked Free Consultations Call Ollie on 01666 848097 – 07823881639 – info@pixielock.com www.pixielock.com

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Darrel Samanjoul Cotswold Rowing Club Committee

Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist


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Outside of racing the Club provides excellent recreational rowing on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The Club’s qualified British Rowing Coach oversees training for new members and all are progressing well with their rowing skills. Fitness is definitely not a rowing prerequisite, but through rowing improvement in levels of personal fitness and physiological effects will quickly be seen and felt. For further information on rowing at Cotswold Rowing Club contact the Membership Secretary at their website www.cotswold-rowing-club.org.uk.

Optimum Mobility

General Building Renovations

More races will be entered over the coming months and we hope for further good results. A good number of women row too; we hope to see some of them begin racing in the near future.

We are a family business

The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury

01666 840060


All profits distributed locally and internationally


November 2015 | 15

The Feoffees and the Thirteen

Please enjoy our community spaces responsibly, pick up after your dogs and be careful in the snow.

With the nights drawing in and winter fast approaching, summer seems a distant memory.

If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or

Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury

Emma’s Nails

Whilst it has not been a glorious summer of sunshine, we have managed some lovely days and our open spaces have been enjoyed by both visitors and local people alike. In September a wonderful sight greeted one local resident, who managed to capture the moment on camera, a kingfisher visiting the Millennium Green.

M o b i l e N a i l Te c h n i c i a n

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Weak, damaged, split or brittle nails? Book now for a superior nail repair and strengthening treatment! Gift vouchers available

Emma Lemos ~ Dip.BABTAC Beautiful nails ~ one of life’s pleasures


General Handyman Services

‘No Job Too Small’ Over the coming months I hope that you will all continue to enjoy Preston Park and the Railway Line for winter walks and sledging (hopefully!)

Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270 1250212



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16 | November 2015

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


North Wilts Villages Flower Club The September meeting was our AGM, followed by a talk and demonstration by David Martin who was a member of the South West Area NAFAS Team that won a gold medal at the Chelsea Show this year. David told us of the highs and lows of creating a gold medal winning stand at the prestigious show and re-created two of the wonderful designs used on the stand. On October 21st Ann Anson will demonstrate under the title of “Towards Autumn”. For those wanting to enter the competition the theme will also be “Towards Autumn”. December 16th will see our annual Christmas workshop and bring and share supper. During this relaxed social evening, members can create their own Christmas designs.

fabulous floral art created by Nick Grounds who is a National Floral Demonstrator and Horticultural Auctioneer. This is sure to be an evening to enjoy, admission is by ticket only; these will be available at the October meeting, from any Committee Member or contact on the number below.

Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm

Many members and friends enjoyed the trip to the Magna Flora event at Salisbury Cathedral in September. To see the magnificent building filled with glorious flower designs is not to be forgotten.

Out of hours appointments are available on request.

Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy

Looking forward


For more information please contact Margaret on 01285 770 639

Tel: 0785 505 6769

Looking back

Our annual Christmas event this year will be held at the Sundial Theatre in Cirencester on 18th of November. We look forward to

Flower club meetings take place at Crudwell Village Hall SN16 9HB on the third Wednesday of the month, seven for seven thirty. If you enjoy flowers come and join us, visitors and new members are always welcome.

Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514





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18 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

So far, the autumn term has been one of fundraising and sporting events - with successes to celebrate with both.

tournaments on offer this term. To date our key success was with our Year 5/6 girls in the Wiltshire Cricket tournament where we held onto the Ashes again. Of our six strong team four of the girls were also ‘spotted’ as having the potential to play for Wiltshire under 11s – they go for trials in November.

We’ve also had some strange dressingup events going on – most notably when all of our children came to school dressed for Stone Age Britain! Parents (and staff ) did a fantastic job in sourcing suitable costumes – including animal prints of all varieties plus furs and clubs! The children had a fantastic day creating cave paintings, making clay pots and cooking food made from items grown in the hedgerows. Plans are already underway for an Anglo-Saxon day in November for children in years 4, 5 and 6.

Other sporting events have been year 3 / 4 Tag rugby and Year 5 / 6 Tag rugby, against other schools in our cluster. The younger children thoroughly enjoyed their event but weren’t able to win against some tough opposition. At the time of writing this, we haven’t the results for our older team. Some of our Year 3/ 4 children also had a great time at Malmesbury Secondary School taking part in a multi-skills event organised by some of the older pupils of the school as part of their course work. Heart rates certainly increased with the bench stepups, hula hooping and skipping challenges and great fun was had with parachute

Children in year’s 3 to 6 have struggled to keep up with the number of sporting

Crudwell C of E Primary School games and cheer leading. At the end of September, our School Council ran a very successful Macmillan Tea and cake afternoon and were very busy serving the mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends who attended. Thanks to the wonderful support and the wide range of cakes provided by children and parents, we raised £180.10 for Macmillan.






Saturday 28th November 12pm until 4pm

"Especially For You" Beauty, Massage and Holistic Treatments. As from the 3rd of November 2015 'Especially For You' Will be moving from 31 Church Street, Tetbury.GL8 8JG To 42 Conygar Road, Tetbury. GL8 8YS

School Council began their Operation Christmas Child preparations in October. They led an excellent whole school assembly to explain what the event means. By mid-November they hope lots of the children will have packed a shoebox with a range of items that can be sent to children overseas who are unlikely to receive Christmas presents. Apart from our fundraising for others, FOCS (our Friends of Crudwell School) are planning their first fundraising event of the year with the annual Christmas Fair. The event takes place on Saturday 28th November and will be a good opportunity to get into the Christmas Spirit and buy a few Christmas presents – well worth a visit! 340208 Piano Tuition

A special thank you to Sue for all her support and help over the last 9 years.

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November 2015 | 19






In November, as the days get shorter and the nights begin to draw in, it always feels right to me that the Church turns to remembrance. Historically, it is the time of All Souls and All Saints’, when we remember all those who’ve died, and celebrate the contributions of faithful people through the centuries. After that there’s Remembrance Sunday and, of course, out in the streets and lighting up our skies are the fireworks of Bonfire Night: remember, remember, the 5th of November …

There will be plenty of opportunities for remembering at St Marys’ this month. At 9.30 am on Sunday the 1st of November we mark “All Saints Day”, when we celebrate the lives of all saints, known and unknown. Then, in the evening at 6pm, we have our All Souls’ Service. In this quiet, reflective service we name all those for whom we have held a funeral this year, and all the people you ask us to remember that night (just contact our church office, and give us their names). For the first time this year, we are also having a special children’s All Soul’s service at St Marys’ at 4.00 pm on the same day. It will be a short service, suitable for all ages of children. There will be a chance for them to remember the person who has died, to say thank you for their life and to ask God to care for them. Please do bring any children in your family who might find this comforting and helpful.

Remembering means – literally – to put something together, to “re-member”: integrating our past into our present. That means recalling all the good things and the difficult things about people, relationships, places and experiences which are now past. It means celebrating the “good stuff ”, and the way this has allowed us to become the On Remembrance Sunday itself (Sunday people we are today. And it means facing the 8th of November), there is a special things which have hurt and distressed us, service at 2.30 pm in St Marys’. This involves and understanding how we can come to all the churches in Tetbury, and ends with terms with those experiences. 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 War Memorial. the laying of wreaths at the


0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k

News from St Mary’s Do please join us for these services. Other dates for your diary: Thursday the 12th of November in the afternoon and evening, we will host an “iSingPop” concert held by St Mary’s Primary School in the church. Then we have an Advent Quiet Day on Saturday the 28th of November, focussing on the themes of faith, hope and love. Again, more details from our Parish Office. With love and prayers. Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes, Parish Priest



Why do people value The Priory? “The staff are friendly, kind and caring and have done a huge amount to help [Mum] feel settled and comfortable. There is a happy atmosphere and lots of smiles as well as empathy. The food is excellent and relatives are encouraged to join in with meals.” - Daughter of a resident

Whether you’re looking for day-care, short-term respite care, or a longer term move to a residential home, The Priory in Tetbury offers a lovely ‘home from home’ environment. With attractive, landscaped grounds, lots of activities to take part in and tasty, fresh meals on the menu, why not arrange a visit to experience The Priory for yourself? For more information, contact us on: 01666 502 332 | enquiries.thepriory@somersetcare.co.uk

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November 2015 | 21

Tetbury Summer Show Planning big community events like the Summer Show requires a big team - and an early start to preparations is essential. Most people who volunteer to be involved in such events do so because of their commitment to the cause or the1 641010 Tetbury Mini Bus:Layout aims of the organisation, rather than the

excitement of the role and gain great satisfaction in knowing that they are able to make a difference. The Summer Show committee is looking for such people, as for very valid personal reasons we have lost two committee members and now face some difficulties in preparing for next year’s event. The show draws a significant level of interest in Tetbury both in numbers submitting entries for a grand display in the big marquee and the huge that come 20/9/10 22:27 Pagecrowds 1 along to enjoy themselves on show day.

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For a quotation, please call Darren on 07939 890891 For an on-line quote please visit www.tetburyminibus.com

It is hoped that one or two of you would be willing to put a little something back into the community by joining the Summer Show committee and take an active part in ensuring the continued success of this important event. Surprisingly it is not a majorly timeconsuming task, since it requires attendance at no more than eight very sociable evening meetings in the build-up, and of course on the day itself. So if you have access to a computer, enjoy dealing with people and want to be part of one of the town’s premier events we would like to hear from you. All we are looking for is enthusiasm and the spirit to get involved so even if you have no floral, baking or craft skills, all you need do is call Ken on 504189 and you could be part of the team preparing the 2016 Tetbury Summer Show. Tetbury Summer Show Committee

The laundry and ironing service your clothing was made for Professionally 5★ service with modern equipment finished garments

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Work carried out at our premises

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01666 503900

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

St Mary’s C of E Junior School

News from our Healthy School! We have already come to the end of the first term of the year at St. Mary’s Primary School and what a busy time it has been. As part of our drive to promote healthy living and learning, we have introduced some new aspects to our curriculum including our ‘Forest School’. One of our teachers, Miss Watts, has completed the Forest Schools Leader training and is now teaching children in our Forest School area. The children learn about the woodland environment and participate in lots of exciting activities including lighting fires and cooking their own food.

our school. Emily put the children through their paces in the hall doing circuit training. It was fabulous fun and really good exercise and everyone had a brilliant time!

We have had a lot of interest for places at the school in September and a very busy Open Morning on Wednesday the 14th. If you were unable to attend don’t worry – just telephone the school office to make an appointment to meet me and have a tour of the school and see some of the exciting things we do at St. Mary’s. We look forward to welcoming you! Mrs Jo Woolley Headteacher of St Mary’s

We have also welcomed our new chickens to our school community. Our school councillors went off with Miss Jackson to collect 10 chickens who are now happily clucking away on our school field. The children are taking responsibility for looking after them and they have named each one of them! We are also delighted that volunteers, including some from Barclays Bank, are going to assist us in building some raised beds so that the children can grow their own vegetables and develop their ‘edible garden’. We look forward to showing off our produce in the Summer. (Hopefully!) The children had great fun this week when Emily Diamond, an Olympic Athlete, visited


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01666 503900 November 2015 | 23

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

for hedge laying elsewhere. The stakes are two to three inches in diameter and six feet long, and will be driven into the cut hedge to stiffen it. The heatherings are ten feet long and one inch in diameter so they are pliable and are plaited around the tops of the stakes to hold the hedge in place and to render it stock-proof.

To The Woods! In preparation for the winter hedge-laying season, we have again returned to our secret woodland location “somewhere near the Fosse Way”, by agreement with the Badminton Estate. This is the same place where we were charcoal burning in the summer. You will never find us! In fact we ourselves have some difficulty in memorising the route for repeat visits by lane, by track and then on foot! Coppicing in the agreed area regenerates the hazel; it is cut right down and re-grows from the stumps. If this is done correctly and repeated ever 7- to 10-years, the plants keep growing for hundreds of years and the

Larger stems were cut into lengths for fences posts if straight, or cut into two foot lengths and left for charcoal burning, which will resume next summer when (and if!) it is drier.

Footpaths woodland remains productive. Coppicing is a very traditional procedure. The produce from our coppicing was cut to length and size and bundled into tens of stakes and “heatherings” ready to be used

Green Angels Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Service

We only use natural, non-toxic products and methods

We have had several jobs to maintain local footpaths in the last month. We have installed a new stile near Beverstone and another stile at Ledgemore Bottom near Chavenage. At this latter location we also rebuilt a length of dry stone wall between fields adjacent to the stile. At Owlpen above Uley we have replaced two more stiles and improved and made safe a steep path, by installing steps and by revetting.* At Uley we have improved the previously muddy surface around two kissing gates on paths by the stream. Many other small clearance jobs are also done locally to keep the paths passable

Better for you, better for the environment Regular house cleans – weekly, fortnightly, monthly One off blitzes Moving in/moving out cleans Call or email:

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Local Walks Local walks lead by the Wardens in November are: Sunday the 1st of November at 10.00 am from Wotton-Under-Edge (Chipping Car Park) for 9 miles to Coombe and Newark Park. Bring a picnic lunch. Tuesday the 3rd of November at 10.00 am from South Woodchester Roman Catholic Church car park for 5 miles onto Selsley Common.

S.A.Cuss Limited

Friday the 13th of November at 10.00 am for coffee at the Hunter’s Hall, Kingscote leaving at 10.30 for a 5.5 mile walk via Hazlecote and Ledgemore Bottom. Tuesday the 17th of November at 10.00 from Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall car park for a 5 mile walk via Midger Woods Nature Reserve.

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24 | November 2015


Sunday the 22nd of November at 10.00 am from Leighterton near the church for a 9 mile walk via Westonbirt and Oldbury-onthe-Hill (near Didmarton.) Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens. *To retain (an embankment, for example) with a layer of stone, concrete, or other supporting material; provide with a revetment.

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.


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tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. We offer full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.

bulbs an charge!

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If so, ask yourself .....................


Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level


premier independent garage offering a


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MOT tes

servicing, diagnostics and repairs using

service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of

MOT TESTING YOU MAY BE USING THE WRONG GARAGE! .....................if the answer is NO


Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to

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the left or right, an uncentred steering

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wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to

bulbs and adjustments are included free of

book our four wheel laser alignment service.

charge! (headlamp excluded)


Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles


handling characteristics, tyre wear and fuel efficiency.


strial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ

Eating Out One unexpected perquisite of this column is that ‘Flossy’ is becoming accustomed to the idea of eating out ‘because we have to’. She took no persuading at all when I casually suggested visiting ‘Ciao’, Tetbury’s recent Italian culinary venture. Housed in a building that’s hosted several other eateries, including the late lamented ‘Chef’s Kitchen’ and a tapas/wine bar which opened and shut in a flash, I confess my very first impressions weren’t favourable: something about the garish LED ‘Open’ sign smacked of a grimy metropolitan backstreet chippy. My unreasonable prejudice, I know, and one I’m glad I overcame! As may be expected, the menu is dominated by lovely pizzas (Oh! the ProPoints!) and pasta - which I also like a lot, especially when home-made, as I believe Ciao’s to be - accompanied by an appealing range of sauces. However, I’m very much in the English camp on this one; I like my delicious sauce to come with some pasta, not, as the Italians choose, to have pasta with some delicious sauce. It’s a subtle

difference and I’m probably doing the chefs a disservice, but I just can’t see big bowls of lightly-sauced pasta – however good - as sufficient reason to eat out. Call me a fool if you must, but there it is. Anyway! My point is that there’s a fine selection of other dishes available, including specials, so we focussed on these.

me), still a controversial choice… but if it’s readily available in Tesco it must be okay, surely!? Ultimately, I suppose, it’s a matter of taste – in every sense. On that note, the stuffing could’ve used some seasoning but otherwise I really enjoyed it. The sauce was rich and smooth and the parsnip surprisingly intense.

To start, ‘Flossy’ picked calamari, garlic and oregano in white wine and tomato sauce. I plumped for prawns in tomato and chilli. Both tasted very good indeed: the sauces fresh and light, the squid perfectly soft and tender and the most succulent prawns I’ve had in a long time.

We washed things down with a splendid bottle of… wait for it… Frascati! Now when did you last see that on a supermarket shelf? If this one was anything to go by, that’s a sad omission.

Then came chicken breast topped with ham, mozzarella and tomato in what should’ve been a creamy white wine sauce. However, ‘Flossy’ can’t do cream (some strange allergy, she says – she spots cream in a sauce from a hundred paces,) so, she asked could they prepare the dish without. Contrary to some TripAdvisor reviews, the helpful staff told us it wouldn’t be a problem, though obviously it changed the dish somewhat. Even so, an impressive slab of beautifully cooked chicken arrived, moist and flavoursome throughout, with a lovely ‘expanded’ topping, salad and fries. I had one of my favourites - veal, which was rolled and stuffed with ricotta and spinach, served with Madeira sauce, parsnip puree and rocket. For some, perhaps (including ‘Flossy, but certainly not

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The hardest choice of the evening was ‘to pud or not to pud’ – several desserts sounded stunning. I really had to exercise the old ‘won’t’ power. Maybe next time… And there will be a next time…

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26 | November 2015

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Guiding Congratulations this month ... ...firstly to Rebecca, Rhiannon, Millie, Ruby, Holly and Megan, from 1st Tetbury Guides, who were presented with their Baden Powell awards at a special evening last month. The award is the highest that can be achieved in Guides and took over a year to achieve. One of their highlights was bivouacking at Westonbirt – on a wet night! They also organised several meetings for the rest of the Guides including a bake off competition; a disability awareness event and a fund-raising evening in support of Children In Need. The girls gave a very good presentation of their activities to a gathering of parents, Guides and invited Guiding VIPs – particular thanks to Megan who put all their photos together in a powerpoint presentation. The girls embraced everything available to them and have showed a keenness to learn and try new things, as well as helping their peers. The skills they have developed will certainly help them in the future. Well done girls!

District in 1991 when she took over the running of the unit at Westonbirt School. She retired from this role at the end of 2010 but remained as our Treasurer until earlier this year. We have always shared Helen with Wiltshire as she has held roles in both Counties. She brought the two together as one of the instigators of the joint Trefoil Guild that was established for adult members from both Tetbury and Malmesbury. Congratulations Helen!

Next congratulations to Helen Price who has been invited to attend a service of Thanksgiving and Recognition at Westminster Abbey. Helen started her Guiding in Chingford and during over 40 years of service has been both a District and Division Commissioner, run units for Rangers and Guides and held many other roles. She was welcomed to Tetbury

Finally, although not directly receiving the award for services to Guiding, we are delighted that Amanda Butcher will shortly be receiving her MBE. Amanda has been

involved in Guiding for nearly 40 years and her years of service have included running a unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Amanda came to Tetbury in 1994 and she has been running 2nd Tetbury Guides ever since. She showed her great dedication by continuing to attend weekly meetings even though she had moved to Southampton to work. Enjoy your day Amanda! If you would like to find out more about the exciting activities on offer for both girls aged 5 – 18 or adult leaders please contact me. Sue Doidge Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury GL8 8RB

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Carolyn Heighway was due to speak to HOTS on the 1st October about ‘AngloSaxon Gloucestershire’ but she was indisposed so her husband Richard Bryant gave the talk on her behalf. He too is an archaeologist specialising in Anglo-Saxons and his particular interest is their sculpture. He showed us a picture of the etching of the original St Mary’s church and pointed out what he believes was Anglo-Saxon stone work and he said the carved figure on the outside of Beverston Church is a fine example of that period.

Anglo-Saxon England is interpreted as the years after Roman rule until the Normans arrived. The majority of the population was engaged in agriculture on isolated homesteads. The immigration of people from Europe, such as Saxons and Vikings, arrived later in the west than in the east of England and traces of early continental jewellery have been found near Lechlade which suggests they arrived via the Thames valley. Buildings were timber built and are difficult for archaeologists to identify. Finds such as the Staffordshire hoard show that the

History of Tetbury Society ruling class were quite rich and had access to overseas markets for jewellery and they must have lived in substantial homes. The country was ruled by Kings with a lesser aristocracy. The tribal name in this area was Hwicce and the area they occupied was probably the same as the original see of Worcester (before Gloucester diocese was formed) and the map showed Tetbury on the very edge of that kingdom. The area was divided into ‘hundreds’ and Tetbury was in the Longtree Hundred. He showed a map indicating settlements that were classified as a ‘burh’ (a fortified place in 9th and 10th centuries) which included Tetbury - and an old photograph of St Mary’s church from the south which he considered showed traces of defensive earthworks. Another map of ‘monasterium’ or ministers also showed Tetbury, because of Tetta’s Christian foundation in 681. Tetta and Burh have developed into Tetbury. He considered the Anglo-Saxon settlement can be traced around the church and the streets as far as the Market Hall. Our next meeting on Thursday, 5th November at 7.30 in Christ Church is a ‘Majic Lantern Show ‘ by Patrick Furley. Tickets for our Annual Social in December will be on sale – but numbers must be restricted so it is for Members only. Alan Twelvetree History of Tetbury Society

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30 | November 2015

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The Newcomers View

Coping with change

My wife and I moved to Tetbury four years ago… … to be nearer to our two children and their family, choosing the town because it appeared to be a friendly Cotswold market town set in attractive countryside, with lots of strong community organisations and many other interesting activities going on. We’ve joined several organisations where we could meet people with similar interests - and this was an excellent decision. We now feel very much at home in Tetbury. We have, though, noticed that there is sometimes tension between the newcomers and original inhabitants of the town, including some residents who came during the last influx in the 1970s. It’s shown itself by comments in the press and online too, complaining about how incomers are changing the character of the town – moving it from a small rural settlement into a something which feels more like a modern London suburb. I suspect many of these tensions relate to a natural dislike of change by many people but there is a danger that these tensions could become destructive.

As a nation we have simply not built enough houses to cope with our growing population over the last 10 years; Tetbury was always going to be a target for expansion. The newcomers who come with this expansion can bring positive advantages to the town as well as create some challenges. They bring fresh new ideas, energy, and money to spend. The increased population will help to keep schools and shops open, churches full and clubs and interest groups going. Growth, however, also brings its own challenges and the services we all need to prosper will need to grow and expand. The original inhabitants of Tetbury also bring a positive influence to the town in that they create continuity with the past and play their part in forging a mixed society and avoid creating what otherwise might be an insular place. People don’t like change but since change is inevitable, then perhaps it is better to embrace and control it so that everyone in Tetbury benefits from the investment that growth brings, whatever their background.

Working together There are lots of opportunities for improving the town including: •

Developing the Goods Shed Arts Centre

• Rebuilding the Dolphins Hall into a community centre and developing the Recreation Ground into a sports hub. • Developing the sports facilities at Sir William Romney School. •

Rebalancing the shopping offerings.

Reducing through-traffic

• Providing a new medical centre and developing the Community Hospital The new housing development has provided some funding via planning approval section 106 agreements, but all these initiatives will require considerable effort by local people to access further finance before they come to fruition. They will also need co-operative working and leadership between all sections of the community, to convince those providing funds that the town is fully behind every initiative. There is no room for unproductive criticism from the side-lines. I don’t believe that anyone who comes to live in Tetbury will carry any wish to change this delightful market town for the worse; if they do not already, they will soon share most of the longer-standing inhabitants love of its past - and simply want to develop the town into a modern sustainable community. This is of course a personal view and others will have their own!

SIAC 20 Apartments


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32 | November 2015

SIAC Development Location 174 Houses

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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McCarthy and Stone Retirement Living development, Lewsey Court in Tetbury. Idyllically situated, Lewsey Court is an exclusive development of thirty-eight oneand two-bedroom apartments located on London Road, and has been thoughtfully designed to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding architecture. The launch follows a report by McCarthy and Stone which aims to challenge negative stereotypes of the older generation by focusing on the active lifestyles of retirees today. Of the 2,500 retirees surveyed, almost all (99%) said that being able to lead an independent life for as long as possible was important to them, with the majority adopting a lifestyle they have long aspired to, embracing new experiences, and continuing lifestyle choices made pre-retirement.

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34 | November 2015





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Images show typical interiors.

1015_LP_ Tetbury Advertiser

Leighterton Primary School The children at Leighterton Primary School have been collaborating closely … …since the beginning of the school term, in class, on the playground and during assembly time, to create their own school rules, which we have called “The Leighterton SMART Code”: • Speak politely and listen carefully • Make school enjoyable for everyone • Act safely • Respect and care for each other • Tell someone your worries In Britain, we have given thanks for successful harvests since pagan times and as part of our autumn term festivities, we have celebrated harvest in school. A friend of ours at Leighterton Primary School, Mrs Tattersall, came in to make bread with us and worked with children

Leighterton team and outside providers and these include Recorders, Choir, French, Knex, Lego, Nature, Change 4 Life and Making Things. Most of our children come to at least one of these every week. The Gloucestershire Road Safety team will be in our school during November promoting safer cycling skills as they work with some of our children on Bikeability training. Our children have been reading avidly as they have earned ‘reading fivers’ and worked towards their reading treats. This term, for their reading treat, they wore their pyjamas and onesies and shared their favourite books with their friends as they drank hot chocolate. Parents have been into school to find out more about how reading and phonics are taught right from the start when children begin school in a workshop led by Miss

Bence. We have also welcomed prospective parents in for our Open Morning when they saw our lovely school in action. Prospective parents are also very welcome to contact Mrs Harris in our school office, on (01666) 890273 to arrange a convenient time to look around. There is also information on our website at www.leighterton.com Meryl Hatfield Headteacher

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from all classes to create a fabulous harvest sheaf, complete with ears of corn and its own little mouse. We shared this between everyone in our school later in the day and we all thought it was absolutely delicious! Mrs Thorogood set everybody the challenge of designing and making a harvest loaf, either to be eaten or from salt dough. These all looked amazing and were all of a very high standard. We displayed them during our harvest festival. They were sold by Leighterton School Council after the assembly and profits were sent to support our local foodbank in Stroud. At the start of the Rugby World Cup, we sent a team to the local schools own Rugby World Cup, where Leighterton Primary School represented Canada. Our team played brilliantly throughout the day, supporting each other well and we were very proud of them, especially when we ended up coming second in our group of schools. Children at Leighterton have the opportunity to come to many sporting clubs throughout the week, including Tag Rugby, Netball and Football. There are many other clubs run by children, the

36 | November 2015


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Our group of theatre fans continue to visit a variety of venues and performances … … on a monthly basis and in the majority of cases the committee manages to select programmes that suit the widely differing tastes of members. The most recent visits fulfilled these criteria and the participants had enjoyable and entertaining days out in good company and stress free transport to the venues. On Monday, September the 14th a group of seventeen members travelled to the Swan Theatre at High Wycombe, to see a play based on the Father Brown character created by G K Chesterton. Although the fictional priest-detective has been very appealing to actors and there have been many interpretations over past years on film, radio and television, there have been very few stage performances. This production entitled “Father Brown - The Curse of the Invisible Man” was set in Victorian London and was the classic whodunit with multiple murders and no obvious suspect. The mild mannered Father Brown revealed hidden depths with incisive deductions before finally unmasking the killer. The small but very good cast of four was headed up by John Lyons playing Father Brown. This actor is probably better known for his part as Sgt. George Toolan in the TV series Touch of Frost, the other supporting actors being Anna Mitcham, Karen Henson and John Goodrum.

Fast forward now to Saturday October the 10th, when the Theatre Group went for something slightly different. A large group of 50 members travelled (by our usual luxury coach) to the Mill Theatre at Sonning on Thames for the matinee performance of “Round and Round the Garden” by Alan Ayckbourn. On this occasion, the outing included lunch in the theatre restaurant prior to the performance and was generally considered to be very good. The location of this theatre is very attractive in an old mill on the banks of the Thames. The play was well received and typical of Ayckbourn with equal parts of wonderful comedy and poignant moments as the audience recognises the secrets and deceptions that bubble beneath the surface of most family relationships. An enjoyable and amusing play, well acted by a cast that included several well known TV actors.

Tetbury Theatre Group Members will already have received details of future programmes including Longleat (November) and Gloucester Cathedral (December) and the AGM will be coming up in January…details will be sent out soon. For the benefit of newcomers to the Tetbury area (or old comers!) please be aware that this group is NOT an amateur dramatic society but one whose interest is regular theatre outings of varied types with a variety of venues and transport to and from Tetbury. For more information please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029 or Helen Price on 01666 503187. Ray Sheppard, Tetbury Theatre Group

McTimoney Chiropractic Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area & now at Tetbury Hospital

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05/04/2012 16:37

November 2015 | 37

Malthouse Update

720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian

Following the successful public meeting in June,


Page 1

A r e l i a b l e , f a s t & f r i e nd l y s e r v i ce

a small committee of volunteers has been set up to organise and oversee the renovation of the Malt House and to raise Funds to enable it all to happen. The building is shortly to be surveyed and initial plans drawn up.

Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . .

A full Fire Safety Assessment has been carried out by a professional and although there are some recommendations, the building’s provisions come within current statutory guidelines. The Committee is open to suggestions and would welcome offers of help. Please contact Juliet Fenton, Trustee of The Malt House, Juliet@merchants.eclipse.co.uk, 504216/07557516287. Juliet Fenton Malthouse Committee


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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

November 2015 | 39

People For You People For You provides regular companionship and friendship. I think one of the worst things in the world is having no one to share with. No one to share your good news, your bad news, what you watched on TV last night, the wonderful book you are enjoying – and you just long to share your feelings and experiences with someone else.

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the service, they bring joy, they bring pleasure, they bring a bit of gossip but, most importantly, they bring themselves. We couldn’t exist without their support. so if you have the empathy and commitment to be a volunteer, please do get in touch. We provide training, on-going support and also an opportunity to forge new friendships.

And that’s the reality for a lot of people in our community, which is why I am so delighted that we have a volunteer befriending service in our community that can help, by providing regular companionship, the opportunity to laugh, to share and to feel a part of something. To matter!

Let me remind you about People For You. It offers a free volunteer befriending service in Tetbury and also the surrounding villages. People For You tackles the issue of isolation and loneliness head on. We introduce a reliable, local volunteer who visits you regularly in the comfort and privacy of your own home, enabling a mutually rewarding relationship to grow.

And if you feel this service might be of interest to you, please get in touch. Noone needs to feel alone or un-heard - this service is here to support you. Please contact Sue Black (project co-ordinator) on 07810 630167 / 01452 528491 or email sue.peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk

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40 | November 2015

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Votes For Minions Today I did two things I’d never done before: I went to the cinema alone, and I saw a film on the day of its general release. Though I’d wanted to see Suffragette for ages, I don’t usually get round to seeing films until they’re out on DVD, unless they’re children’s movies such as Minions, whose bright yellow and blue merchandise is everywhere just now. This time I had an incentive to be quicker off the mark: my historian friend Lucienne


Boyce, author of The Bristol Suffragettes, was to give a talk at the cinema before the film. In a show of support, and because I’m genuinely interested in the movement’s history, I donned an outfit in suffragette colours (green, purple and white) - though I drew the line at chaining myself to the cinema railings. I invited my daughter (12) to join me, but she decided the film wasn’t relevant to her, because “We’ve had the vote for ages now, Mummy.” I was glad that she felt so secure in her equal rights, yet for me the British



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Young by Name suffragette movement feels like recent history. My grandmother didn’t get the vote till she was 28. She was born in 1900, and in the UK, women only gained equal voting rights with men in 1928. While I was still at primary school, Grandma made me promise to use my vote and use it wisely. When I pressed her to tell me which party she voted for, she refused to say, citing the confidentiality of the ballot box. The credits at the end of Suffragette include a list of the dates when women were granted the vote around the world. Though Britain lagged behind some countries, other nations made their women wait much longer, e.g. in Switzerland until 1971. Yes, 1971. Less surprisingly, Saudia Arabia’s women are still only on a promise, and even that’s just for local elections.


Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314

Even if, like my daughter, you think women’s suffrage is old news, the film relays many topical messages about standing up for what you believe in, about giving voice to the oppressed, and about how far you should go to fight for your rights.


LATHAMS CONTRACT SERVICES LTD High quality garden maintenance for medium to large gardens. Trustworthy key holders for your home. work throughout the year. reliable family run business. Fully Insured. Contact Susan Latham on; home: 01666 575407 Mobile: 07931730922 0590715

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Though unhappy about the way the film ended (I won’t spoil the plot in case you haven’t seen it yet), I left the cinema buzzing with enthusiasm and laden with promotional flyers, badges and stickers bearing authentic suffragette slogans such as “Find Your Voice” and “Deeds Not Words”. I was even given a sash proclaiming “Votes for Women”. Oh, I do love souvenirs! When I took my booty home, I expected my daughter to nab the stickers to adorn her school history book, but she declined. Fortunately, I had another conscience present for her up my sleeve: a small golden heart-shaped badge, sold at the box office in aid of the Variety Club children’s charity. This she was very happy to accept. The reason? It featured a Minion. Of course. Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com @DebbieYoungBN

November 2015 | 41

Tetbury in Bloom

Last month’s Race Night was another success and a fun evening out. Thank you to everyone who attended and particularly to the sponsors: Clark and Maslin, Highgrove Enterprises, Perry Bishop and Chambers, Priory Gym, The Bell House Dental Practice, Tetbury Hardware, The Lions Club of Tetbury, and The Tetbury Tailor.

Library Corner In spring 2008 modest plans to trim back the pyracantha at the library blossomed into a full makeover. With the permission of the Gloucestershire County Library Division, the old overgrown plants were removed and a new flowerbed was created. This was planted with white chaenomeles to climb the walls, yellow choisya, tall and lowgrowing phlox, spiraea “Gold Flame”, hebe, heuchera “Crème Brulée” and euphorbia. In Autumn 2014, to bring extra interest to the flowerbeds, the hebes (which had grown too large for their space) were removed and replaced by yellow and green 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 variegated phormium.

Before This flowerbed looks beautiful even into the early autumn and we are delighted to include it amongst the Tetbury in Bloom portfolio.

All money raised going towards Tetbury in Bloom floral projects and the Christmas town lighting displays to ensure that Tetbury looks its best all year around.

Thank you to the library staff for their help with watering during the summer months.

Liz Farnham Tetbury in Bloom After


Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

Cotswold Life

Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609


42 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle…

clay Diva Lamps. Diwali or (“Deepawali”) is a great and fun festival based on the ancient Hindu epic, Ramayana, where Prince Rama rescues his wife Sita from an evil demon king - and justice and goodness is restored Mahatma Gandhi to the land. Traditionally, Diwali is celebrated Come along to Tetbury Library on Saturday by lighting fireworks, having feasts and 14th November for some Indian inspired parties and by lighting diva or diya lamps in fun! To celebrate the colourful Hindu windows for the Goddess Lakshmi to bring Festival of Lights called “Diwali” we will be good fortune and wealth for the coming having a FREE Diwali-themed craft session on Saturday 14th November at 11.00 am, year. So come and join the fun and make where will be Tree makingCare:Layout some amazing your1 own clay Diva Lamp! 830709weHansen 1 22/6/09 yourself 21:38 Page

HANSEN TREE CARE LTD For a professional and efficient service including felling, pruning and hedging

Tetbury Library There are lots of other exciting events took forward to at the library; come and help us create Narnia! From the end of November to the beginning of January, we will be running some drop-in activities, making very special decorations to transform the Children’s Zone into C.S. Lewis’s magical land. Also, if you have any items at home that you no longer want but think they would enhance the library’s wintery land (eg, snowy tinsel, white fleece, ‘furs’ etc.) then we would love to have them! Thank you. After Christmas we will again be running the ‘Up-cycle a Book’ competition, where anyone can pick up an old book from us and transform it into something else. The last competition saw a wide variety of entries – flowers in pots, ships over billowing seas bursting out of a book, a bag made from a book and an intricate stationery set, complete with its own stand. So, start generating some ideas and look out for more details in early January.

contact Piers Hansen (B Eng Hons) on

There is a lovely range of charity Christmas cards on sale at Tetbury Library with prices starting at £3.50 per pack.

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November 2015 | 43

Crudwell Ladies

the AGM where topics are discussed for the following year and subs to be paid swallowed down with wine and nibbles!

Our Open Meeting in October was a talk on Agatha Christie ... ... given by Lynda Warren and this report will be in the following month’s edition. On Wednesday 11 November we have a member encouraging us to do ‘Christmas Sequins’ and December brings us to

Crudwell Ladies meet every second Wednesday of the month and we have members and visitors from surrounding towns and villages, not just Crudwell. There is very good car parking at the Village Hall. If you would like any information on Crudwell Ladies please phone Tina (01666 577707) or Sandra (01666 577368) - we await to welcome you to the club.

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44 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Page 1

Well folks we are almost there, we have been singing our hearts out ...

Dolphins Dramatic Society

our unique box office – Tetbury Hardware – look out for the poster with the big red London bus on it.

... and acting our socks off to make sure you have a tip top production of Summer Holiday to see. The tickets are already in

Like all plays, films have their problems too. This publicity photo was taken while Melvyn Hayes (the one holding his hat) was

Dolphins Dramatic Society Presents

making Summer Holiday with Cliff Richard. The film, shot in Greece, was released in February 1963 and became one of the year’s most popular movies at the British box office. Cliff and Melvyn had to drive a London bus in many of the scenes so they visited a bus depot in Chiswick to learn how to drive a double-decker, but that turned out to be nothing more than a 30-minute session on a skid pan.

Summer H liday Directed by


The Musical

Anne Smith Musical Director Nikki Henan

Orchestrations by Keith Strachan Directed by Peter Yates, screenplay by Ronald Cass & Peter Myers By special arrangement with Studio Canal

Summer Holiday based on the film “Summer Holiday” Stage adaption by Michael Gyngell & Mark Haddigan

T be performed To perfo f rmed at Dolphins fo Dolp lphins Hall, lp Halll, l, New Church Churcch Street, Tetbury, Tetbury Te ry y, Thursday Thurs Th h sday 26th November Noveember 2015 5 Friday Friiday 27th F Fr 27 h November Noveember 2015 2 5 Saturday Saturd S t day 28th November Noveember N b 2015 5 Doorss open 7pm 7p for f r 7:30pm fo 7 30pm start 7: Saturday Saturd day Matinee doorss open 2pm for f r 2:30pm start fo

Tickets Ti i available avaaila l ble la le ffr from: rom: Tetbury Te ry y Ha H Hardware, rd dwaaree, London Road, d, Tetbury Te ry y Or Online Onli liine ffr from: rom: WWW.dolphinsdrama.uk WWW.dolp lphinsdra lp rama.uk ra

Difficulties had to be overcome, however, before they could start shooting. Two double-deckers had to be shipped to Greece because it was impossible to drive them across Europe due to low bridges and so on. But when they eventually arrived, Customs held them for two days. Luckily The Dolphins haven’t had to ship two London buses to Tetbury and no driving lessons have been required; however they have been busy sorting out authentic costumes, painting the most amazing sets, checking that hair and makeup is of the 60s and keeping everyone’s vocal chords well oiled! No alcohol, honest. We’re ready - so come on everybody stomp your feet, your troubles will be out of reach if you join The Dolphins Dramatic Society on their big red London bus for `Summer Holiday’ running from 26 -28 November. Terri White

Adults: £7: £7:00, 7 00, Concessions: £6:00 7: Child: Child ld: £5:00 ld £5 5:00

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November 2015 | 45


Tetbury Town FC Tetbury Town have begun this season in fine form; one that befits the superb playing surface at Preston Park. The appointment of former Town favourite, Asa Weston, as First Team Manager has seen several players returning to the Club. This, alongside a slight change in the intensity of training, has seen our 1st team win 4 of their first 6 games! This has also greatly benefitted our 2nd Team, who under the stewardship of Jim Walker and TTFC stalwart Rich Horton, at the time of writing are unbeaten in their first 6 games – with the only blemish on a 100% record being a loss to Coaley on penalties after a thrilling 3-3 draw in the Charity Cup. The 3rd team have also picked up a valuable win early in their league campaign as they battle in what is a very competitive Cirencester League Division 2. Added to this, we now have a brand new website, www.tetburytownfc.com, which although in its infancy has already seen its traffic rise to well over a 1,000 hits a week. If you are interested in supporting or joining this vibrant, historic club or would like to speak to us regarding a number of sponsorship opportunities that are available please feel free to contact us at tetburytownfc@hotmail.com.

With the Youth of Tetbury Town FC now two months into the season, the progression and development shown across all age groups is extremely pleasing for both the coaches and the supporters watching the high quality football being played. We would like to give a special mention to the team of dedicated dads who look after our youngest members, the ‘Tiny Tigers’. Always the noisiest group in the Recreation Ground, where the emphasis is on fun without them really being aware of the initial fundamental football skills they are learning for the future. A group is already showing positive signs of being ready to move onto small sided matches which will in turn help them with the transition into Under 7 matches. Well done boys and girls! We are tremendously proud of our current Under 7’s, who having enjoyed Tiny Tiger sessions last season, have now taken to small sided matches with ease and we will watch their development closely to ensure they are continually being challenged in their football. Tetbury Town FC is pleased to be working in partnership with SWR by giving two local Year 11 students the opportunity to work with our eager Under 9 team this season. They are popular additions to the coaching team, the support they provide during training sessions is invaluable and the squad is gaining so much from their enthusiasm, fun self-designed drills and the example that they set as young adults. With a passion to pursue a career in sport,

coaching or teaching, Tetbury Town FC is looking forward to supporting these two individuals in any way we can. Both have shown commitment to progress with their Level 1 Coaching qualifications; a big “Thank you!” to Tom Bloomfield and George Aplin. If you are interested in becoming involved with our enthusiastic youth set up or would like to offer help in whatever capacity, please feel free to contact Richard Norris on 07879 441938. Richard Norris Youth Chairman, Tetbury Town FC

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46 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Tetbury Nursery Playgroup Play group has had a very busy month. It started with Karen and Linda receiving a very generous cheque from the Woolsack committee. This donation will go towards the improvements we are making to the Playgroup building. We would like to thank the Woolsack committee for choosing us as one of their beneficiaries.

up their time, including the Playgroup staff to make the evening a success. The children in playgroup and crèche have been really enjoying the mild autumn weather. They have been exploring leaves and conkers and some children have bought in autumn items from their walks with their families. After half term we will be continuing to look at autumn as our garden continues to change, and will include fireworks and bonfire night.

The toddler group is continuing to have a break, but as soon as we have a date for reopening we will let everyone know. We will also be holding more fundraising events to raise money towards the double glazed windows we desperately need. 440208 Allium 22/2/08 22:28 Page 1 Raewyn Platts, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup


When we return from the half term break, our ceiling in the main play room will have been lowered and some of the staff from Tescos will have been down and decorated the walls for us.

On Friday 9th October we held our PreChristmas Ladies shopping event. We had a really good turn out and we raised £533.15. Playgroup would like to thank Clare Farthing for organising the stalls; Andy Platts from Jireh Apart from all the fund raising we have Solutions for covering our Advertiser costs been doing, three members of staff have for us; Colin Turley and St Mary’s School for updated their first aid training and two helping with additional tables, and everyone members of staff have attended a positive who kindly the &raffl e prizes. We 22/2/08 behaviour22:20 course. Both courses have 250208 JSdonated Painters Decorators Pagethese 1 been informative and helped to ensure our would also like to thank everyone who gave

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48 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

SWR students get a taste of the D of E experience . . . Year 11 students at Sir William Romney’s School recently completed a 20 mile walking and camping expedition as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award scheme. The gruelling hike from Ampney St Peter to Far Peak Camping in Northleach involved many hours of planning and preparation; students had to map – and then find – their own routes, while carrying all their own food and camping supplies. Training beforehand in map-reading, First Aid,

compasses and camping equipment primed them for the experience, but they were very much on their own when it came to effort. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is widely recognised by employers and those involved in education. Some of the benefits to young people include: developing selfconfidence and self-reliance, gaining a sense of achievement and a sense of responsibility, discovering new skills, interests and talents and developing leadership skills and abilities. They can also discover exciting opportunities, make new friends, experience teamwork, problem-solving and decision-making, increase their motivation, enhance their self-esteem and develop their communication skills. “The Award not only develops resilience, it is hugely rewarding and a useful addition to a student’s CV. For SWR students, the expedition section is often seen as the highlight of the whole challenge,” said the school’s curriculum coordinator Mike Wagner. “The D of E award is second only to GCSEs in terms of qualifications looked for by colleges and employers, and anyone who has completed it can be very proud of their efforts,” added Mr Wagner.

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Student Noah Dougherty had this to say: “It was a great experience and a really enjoyable trip. We walked for 18.5 22:04 Pageto1the site and 20.5 kilometres kilometres

Sir William Romney’s School back. We cooked on trangias, camped and learnt many new skills including map reading and how to use a compass. “We had the chance to be very independent, which in itself taught us many valuable lessons and skills. If you don’t think you’ll ever be able to do it, I would strongly recommend you reconsider! D of E is also valuable for your CV and you learn skills that many employers desire.” Sir William Romney’s School

HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612


Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month

November 2015 | 49

Tetbury Police Museum Thanks to our column in the Advertiser… …we have managed to recruit a local volunteer with a keen interest in local history – a warm welcome to Sally. If anyone else out there has an interest, such as researching historic court cases, or would like to act as our “front of house” please do make contact. We continue to advance with our technological aids – you see it’s not all about dusty old uniforms and handcuffs (fascinating though they are!) and shall be adding to our digital displays shortly – appearing in the museum front window soon. And now for another of our Cold Cases.

A Melancholy Accident 1850 A lamentable occurrence took place in the family of Mr Walter Paul, of Highgrove, near Tetbury, on Wednesday evening. Mr Paul gave a ball and soiree to his son, Captain Paul, leaving home to join his regiment. At about 9 o’clock Miss Paul retired from the ball-room, having an attack of the douleureux*; she proceeded upstairs to her own room. It is supposed that she fainted as she proceeded from one room to the other, the lighted candle fell from her hand, and her dress, being composed of white lace, rapidly ignited, and the young lady was instantly enveloped in flames.

permanent and deepest grief, as well as a large connexion by whom this lady was greatly beloved, and to whom, from her many excellent and virtuous qualities, she had endeared herself. “In the midst of life we are in death.”

Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom Archives; original source: The Times 22 March 1850 John Silvester, Hon Curator curator@tetbury.gov.uk *Curator: It seems this was a neuralgic affection “most painful and obstinate”

Nibley House Christmas Evening Menu


Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash with Curry Oil Pressed Ham Terrine and Spiced Apple Compote with Toasted Malt Loaf Home Smoked Duck Breast with Sesame Potato Salad V. Pear, Date and Walnut Salad with Creamy Stilton Dressing Main Courses

Roast Turkey with Stuffing, Pigs in Blankets, Roast Potatoes and Rich Turkey Gravy Prosciutto Wrapped Cod Loin on Puy Lentils and Spinach with Rich Merlot Reduction Braised Chump of Lamb and Rustic Ratatouille with Port and Rosemary Sauce V. Aubergine, Chestnut and Cranberry Nut Roast with Madeira Sauce Desserts

Traditional Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce Clementine Posset with Cranberry Compote and Cinnamon Palmiers Ginger Snap Basket with Ginger Bread Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce Continental and West Country Cheeses with Biscuits Festive Mince Pie with Tea and Coffee 2 course £19.50 3 course £25.00

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She endeavoured to extinguish the fire by throwing a basin of water over herself, and her screams alarmed the attendants; but we are sorry to say that before their efforts could subdue the flames she was so severely burnt as to leave but faint hopes of her recovery. We have lately received the following additional information from a correspondent: - About 11 o’clock on Sunday last she ceased for ever to feel the unspeakable sufferings she must have endured. Thus in a few moments that happy family was thrown into the most

50 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Williams Textiles

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WE ARE MOVING! We are delighted to announce that we are moving to new purpose built premises at the Priory Industrial Estate, Tetbury from January 2016 Makers Retailers and Fitters of: Fabrics ~ Upholstery ~ Curtains ~ Blinds Carpets ~ Haberdashery Knitting Wool ~Accessories ~ Patterns

Tetbury Community Choir


On a high note!

We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:

Our autumn term runs until 17th November, and you can see us at the Christmas Lights switch-on the 3rd December, when we will singing with the Avening Silver Band from 5pm.

• Extensions • Renovations • New builds

The new term will start in the middle of February. Dates will be posted on Facebook and on our website (http:// tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com) . Look for ‘Tetbury Community Choir’, and you will be able to find out all about us.

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Or Visit our website @ www.cdbbuilding.co.uk


Margaret Foster, Chair Tetbury Community Choir

For a free quote call Colin or Nick Ball on: E

New members are always welcome, we are a friendly mixed choir. You don’t need to read music - just like singing and have a sense of fun. There’s no audition, get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal - we sing on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail.com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk.

Garages • Minor Alterations


The visit from the Unisono German Choir from our twin town of Zwingenberg 22nd – 25th October will have taken place by the time you read this. More about the visit in the December edition.



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“Centre of Excellence” Dental Practice Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Dial-A-Ride With Christmas just around the corner, and gifts for friends and family to be purchased the Dial-a-Ride Bus may be the solution! We have trips outside Tetbury for shopping, if you would like to join the friendly crowd. Remember, it’s a door to door service so even if the weather’s not great the bus will get you there!


Tetbury Community Choir is a lively local open choir. We have a varied repertoire, from pop to light classical.

Aileen, Village Agent will be in the Volunteer office as usual on tuesdays in November. Tel: 07810630156 if you would like more information and dates.

The Musical Director will be required to take 30 sessions a year, 2 hours weekly over three terms.

Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule

This is a paid position, to start in February 2016

TUESDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9 .30am. Tetbury, town (including appointments). WEDNESDAYS: 12-2pm. Appointments (doctors, dentist, hospital etc.). THURSDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9.30am. Tetbury, town and Tesco (including appointments). THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. shopping trips: Cirencester, 6th November. Waitrose, 13th November. Yate, 20th November. Library Club, 27th November. SATURDAY: 10am. Cribbs Causeway, 7th November. SUNDAY: 10am. Bath Christmas Market, 29th November.

For further information please contact: Chair Margaret Foster: fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk Secretary Sandy Thomas: sandy.thomas.st78@gmail.com



Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership,


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November 2015 | 53

and perform this habit for at least two of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and right for you. Follow these steps to plan a Friday. Once you have been doing this for ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the Onyou 7th October, we had the “Return of the A goal should be achievable for – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC you in the right place and have the right This will keep your body and brain A goal must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective youInsects!” have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you Cath Hodsman herdomicroscopes develop fitnessbrought goal – you can it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. and specimens to our meeting again and targets lead to after a brief introductory talk and some reduced focus and too REALISTIC on drawing insects, we got the chance To be realistic you must be abletips to visualize much wiggle room. yourself achieving the objective. Too high the a specimens ourselves. Eleven of to draw MEASURABLE St Michael’s Church atgoal Tetbury a to see the end, and youhas mayheld struggle us could use microscopes to examine and A goalofmust be patron celebration their andwill we,find yourself less too lowsaint and you draw a bee’s leg as accurately as we could able to be motivated. togethermeasured with Sue –Townsend’s painting manage; others opted to draw butterflies group, displayed some of our work in TIMED whether on and other insects using magnifying glasses. their scales hall. or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, to remind our members when it was time It was This unusual for us and absorbing: I had stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. to pack up or they would have carried on time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps until much later. I particularly enjoyed Cath’s imitation of a bee being puzzled by an obstruction near the entrance to the hive.

Tetbury Art Society

Since the previous issue of the Advertiser,



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Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY

On 9th to 11th October, we held our Autumn Sale in the Market House. Fourteen of our members displayed their work for sale on tables. It is difficult to predict which days are going to be quiet and which busy. To my surprise it was Saturday rather than Friday that was quietest. Looking ahead, on 4th November we have an ‘inspiration swap’ evening. The idea is that we should each bring materials and an interesting object for somebody else to work with for the evening. This is something new for us and it will be interesting to see how it works out in practice. A coach trip to the Royal West of England Academy exhibition in Bristol is being arranged for Saturday 28th November. Then on 2nd December, we hold our Christmas Social which marks the end of the 2015 programme: there are no other activities until our AGM on 3rd February (except for the committee). Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.


Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society



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Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)

So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale

Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information. 0490215

54 | November 2015

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Read online  at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk 

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Founded 1882

World War One

Tetbury WI


Our October meeting was well attended… … and this is an opportunity for me to reiterate our thanks to the Girl Guides who help us set up the hall. I also thank Tetbury Film Society for the use of their screen which was necessary for the illustrated talk given by Roger Turner. He described making a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Women ofTrio Paradis in words, music and images One World War Women’s stories


7:30pm MUSIC SOCIETY presents a tribute in words, music and images by words through

Sat diaries 7th Nov. letters and Trio Paradis Trio Paradis poetry presents a tribute by

in words, music and images

On Monday November 9th we shall be holding our Annual Meeting at the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30pm. If you would like more information about our Institute or to see photographs of our recent Centenary Exhibition, please look at our website: www.tetburywi.org. You can also e mail us at tetburywi@hotmail.co.uk Chris Gibson Tetbury WI


Women’s stories told Music by female Abbey in their own words through Women’s stories composers letters diaries and poetry writing told in their own during the war Music by female composers words through writing and during Athe war specially letters diaries A specially commissioned film film commissioned poetry

On sale at the meeting were knitted and crocheted poppies made by our Needlecraft Group. All proceeds are going to the Royal British Legion. Those of us who had supper at the Close Hotel were impressed with the food, service and general ambience of the evening. Our next supper will be at the Hare and Hounds on November 30th when we have an early Christmas celebration. This is the event when we have a very high attendance as it is a special occasion in our social calendar.

7:30pm 7:30pm Sat 7th Nov. Sat 7th Nov. Malmesbury Malmesbury Abbey Abbey


Tickets £15 (£5 students): Malmesbury David Barton 01666 824924 Tickets £15Abbey; (£5 students): Malmesbury Abbey; Music by female David Barton 01666 824924

composers writing during the war

Town & Country News

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Tetbury GL8 8HZ Tickets £15 (£5 students): Malmesbury Abbey; Providing a local delivery service David Barton 01666 824924 of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas.

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Autumn is now upon us

Time to get the garden ready for winter and do the jobs around the house before the bad weather arrives – poor you!! Tetbury Hardware is on hand though to provide you with the products tools etc. to get the jobs done and dusted so call in and see it may well avoid a journey away from Tetbury.


Pet Products: Your Pets are special, family members, are they having the correct diet, here at Tetbury Hardware we specialise in quality pet foods as well as being able to source many other brands. Just call in and have a chat, if we haven’t got what you want we can possibly source it for you. WE CAN ALSO OFFER FREE LOCAL DELIVERY. Bring this advert to the shop and claim a 10% Discount on your first order (Pet Foods Only). Shoe Repairs: Are your winter favourites fit for purpose, let’s put a new sole or heel on to give them a new lease of life. Stitching and engraving also available.

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y fore


ve tra

30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) 1161115

56 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

On behalf of the clients, staff and volunteers… … who both work and enjoy the sessions every Wednesday and Friday, I should like to tell you about the St Mary’s Day Centre.

We are diverse group who work together to make life a bit more fun and less lonely that it might otherwise be – and we have fifteen clients, a number which is increasing as we get more referrals from GP’s and carers. At each session everyone is kept up to


Oftec Reg.


Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287


Tetbury Sports Massage

Kate at Bromford Housing has also been a big help to us – arranging to have some repairs done to the kitchen to help accommodate the larger cooker, and having the electricity supply updated.

Sports, Remedial & Holistic Massage

Maintain your whole body in better physical condition

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date with current events and entertained throughout the day with games, quizzes and exercises – and provided with teas, coffees and so on. One of the most important things we do is to ensure our clients have a good healthy meal each time they visit us – and to this end we set ourselves the task of raising funds to replace the small cooker that had been in our kitchen for many years and which was now proving unreliable at times. (We regularly cook for 18 to 20 people at a time, which was becoming a problem.) We ran many events to help raise contributions and it took over a year to gather the funds together, but last month we were able to buy a Rangemaster 90 cooker to replace the old one. This has been a great fundraising effort and we would like to thank the following groups who donated. Tetbury Town Council donated £500, Tetbury Lions donated £300 and a private benefactor donated over £150. The Bingo club have also been very generous in their support; thank you Ann and Norah.

COX & HALL LTD Gas Safe Reg.

St Mary’s Day Centre

If you have a relative or friend who could use our support then please get in touch – or indeed I should be pleased to arrange a visit to your home to chat about the needs you may have, to see how we can help.

Christina Ticehurst BTEC ITEC MFHT 07738 597436 www.tetburysportsmassage.co.uk info@tetburysportsmassage.co.uk 1301015

Penny Williams Wednesday/Friday Group penny-williams@live.co.uk Mobile: 07764 959940


All profits distributed locally and internationally

November 2015 | 57

Oli Jones

Dear Lion President,

Dear Readers, I was delighted to receive a letter from Oli Jones this week, the young man whose acts of charity and feats of derring-do continually make me wonder why I spend such a lot of time behind a desk – and what I’ve been doing with my life! I thought I’d share it with my fellow mortals:

Last month I successfully reached the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro. Firstly, I wanted to thank the Lion’s Club of Tetbury again, for the incredibly generous donation which was part of making this possible. Secondly, I would like to arrange time to come to talk through my trek with the Lion’s as we discussed. Kind Regards, Oli Jones

Richard Smith

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We Offer a Professional, Pro-active, One to One Service. Specialising in online accounting solutions with Xero FREE Initial No Obligation Consultation Fixed Fee Quotations Available • Flexible Payment Terms www.ghpl.co.uk email: murray@ghpl.co.uk Tel: 01666 503606 Avening, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ 0510915

58 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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November 2015 | 59

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

The photographic images were amazing and we look forwards to having such a high class piece of merchandise to sell. Work on the platform is continuing at a steady pace and the sides are completely finished now so all that remains is the top and the posts. We hope it will be ready in time for the Salvation Army Band to play some Christmas carols on it!

Barry Doyle’s Sculpture Show was October’s highlight at the Goods Shed. It has grown from a ten-day to a threeweek event and was open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. It included a wide range of exhibits from twenty-three sculptors in a variety of mediums from stone to wood, bronze, steel glass wire and willow. The artists came not only from the Cotswolds but from neighbouring Wales, Wiltshire and Oxfordshire - and their work ranged from enormous outdoor installations including a life-sized group of cattle that the local dogs were frightened to walk past, to the aesthetic hand-sized pieces from Roy Exley, the sculptor in residence at the Brewery Arts Centre in Cirencester. The work displayed the full gamut of tactile qualities from Natasha Housago’s energetic and tribally-textural woodcarvings, to Sheelah Mead’s silky-smooth Cornish Polyphant “Oak Leaves”, to an industrial looking welded steel Abstract Horse by Simon Probyn. I was pleased to see there were no precious signs saying “Do not touch!” Prices ranged from £20 for a steel robin to £3,000 for a stunning marble centrepiece entitled “Reaching” by Stephanie Cushing. Alongside the sculpture Nicola Clark our own artist in residence showed a new collection of her paintings guaranteed to add life and energy to any wall. Barry’s sales

were well up on last years and as 20% of the takings plus any entry money all went to the Goods Shed, it has given a big boost to our funds. Thank you Barry and thanks too to all the artists and helpers that made it so successful. We were lucky enough to be chosen last year by Cohen’s, (the pharmacy located in the doctor’s surgery,) as the charity for their fundraising boxes. In addition to this good fortune they decided to celebrate thirty five years in business in Tetbury by doubling the final total of £350.00 so we actually received £700, plus Mark Hills fun run sponsor money from the very wet Fun Run in August. We would like to thank the staff and in particular Mark for all their efforts on behalf of the Goods Shed. The month ended on another high, with the launch of our Goods Shed Calendar. We were particularly excited about showcasing it - as the team responsible for its production have gone above and beyond what anyone would imagine.

If you would like to get involved please ring me on 01666502877 or go to our website www. tetburyraillands.com. Thank you all for your continued support. William Cook (Chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

Carat Boot the Goods Shed

2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm 01666 502877 TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT 1400714

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ods Shed Project 2016 Wall Calendar

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Price £9.99

Also available from Tetbury Tourist Information Centre and Tetbury Town Council 1221115

60 | November 2015

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

There have been a lot of rumours flying around, Twitter and Facebook are no strangers to this and of course we cannot stop them, however, I would like to say something about the Dolphins Hall New Build Project. Sadly, it has been decided that a new build cannot, at the moment, take place due to a

lack of funds. However there will be, over a period of time, extensive refurbishment of the present Dolphins Hall both inside and outside. This will be led by Maggie Heaven as the new Project Leader. Unfortunately there are not enough Grants/Funds out there to back an extensive new build, but the ideas that are being put forward are very exciting and I have no doubt that you will be kept informed by the Dolphins Hall Team.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Painter

Mayor’s Report There has been a brilliant Sculpture Exhibition down at The Goods Shed and there have been some wonderful paintings and sculptures on display. The Three Cow Sculpture outside the Goods Shed created quite a stir - it was brilliant. The Expo Day on Saturday 3rd October was a great success with plenty of exhibitors and good interest with people coming in and having a look at what Tetbury provides for all age groups. On the same day we had the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, based at Cirencester 29th Regiment, provide muscle power to clean up the War Memorial at St. Saviours. Our grateful thanks go out to them for all their help, it was very much appreciated. Thanks are also due to Stephen, Colin and David, to Kevin for providing photos and a piece in the paper - and to Martin for what I am told was a lovely curry! There was a very moving service at the end when the Hussars laid a wreath in memory of the fallen.

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The Music Festival Week at St. Marys has again proved a great success. I was delighted to be able to go along with my husband on Saturday the 3rd of October and our thanks go out to Kathryn and her team at the Tetbury Music Society for all their hard work. By the time you read this there will have been another Malt House Meeting so we will let you know of any further developments – and we will have welcomed the Zwingenburg Choir on 22nd October. Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury



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November 2015 | 61

NEWS FROM TETBURY TOWN COUNCIL Following the Tetbury Advertiser article last month, we are pleased to welcome 2 new Councillors, Cllr Caroline Morgan who has re-joined Tetbury Town Council and Cllr Jason Williams. We still have one Councillor vacancy left, if you would like to make a difference and are up for a challenge please contact Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council, The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury GL8 8AA, clerk@tetbury.gov.uk or telephone 01666 504670. You must be: • • •

Registered as a local government elector for Tetbury Town or Tetbury West Wards Have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Town or within 4.8km of it Have worked in Tetbury (principle or only place of work) for the past 12 months

In addition the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor. PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2019. However for the interim period election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors of Tetbury Town Council. If you have any issues you would like to discuss with a Councillor please contact them on their details below Sandra Ball (Mayor) Tony Walsh (Deputy Mayor) Ian Maslin Jon Easterbrook Kevin Painter Martin Lea Colin Pearce Melissa Hamlett Brian Edge Patricia Burrell Stephen Hirst Tina Stevenson Caroline Morgan Jason Williams

sandraball@tetbury.gov.uk tonywalsh@tetbury.gov.uk ianmaslin@tetbury.gov.uk joneasterbrook@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswolds451@btinternet.com martinlea@tetbury.gov.uk colinpearce@tetbury.gov.uk melhamlett@tetbury.gov.uk brianedge@tetbury.gov.uk patriciaburrell@tetbury.gov.uk stephenhirst@tetbury.gov.uk tinastevenson@tetbury.gov.uk carolinemorgan@tetbury.gov.uk jasonwilliams@tetbury.gov.uk

01666 505179 01666 503062 01666 504534 01666 503640 01666 505794 01666 503307 0789 189 8120 01666 505660 01666 502085 01666 504213 01666 505423 01666 505744 07843 699 000

We are pleased to announce that LB Planning UK have been contracted by Tetbury Town Council to proceed with writing policies for our emerging Neighbourhood Plan. In the next couple of weeks Atkins will be carrying out a Town Centre Study and a draft Neighbourhood plan will be available early next year with a referendum taking place in Spring 2016. To find out more visit our website on http://tetburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk

A paid-for feature

GRANTS Does your charitable organisation require some financial assistance this year? Tetbury Town Council has a grant budget of £10,000 and we have £2,000 left in the pot. It would be lovely to hear from local organisations needing help. If you would like to apply for a grant to purchase something special, help with transport etc please call into the Town Council offices for an application form, or visit our web site for a grant form. Grants which have been awarded so far this financial year include:•

Youth Worker £13,300

St Mary’s Wednesday and Friday Club £500.00

St Mary’s School £55

Credit Union £100.00

Footpath Group £250.00

Sir William Romney £500.00

Citizens Advice Bureau £1,900

Are you in the process of making a comment to Cotswold District Council regarding a planning application? If yes, could you please send a copy of your comments to Tetbury Town Council to ensure we get the full picture on any issues being raised in our area.

MEETINGS Come along to a Town Council meeting to see how decisions are made, meetings will be taking place in November and December at the Old Courthouse, 63 Long St 2nd November 6.30pm

Heritage & Regeneration, 8pm Planning

9th November 7pm

Finance & Scrutiny

16th November 6.30pm

Planning, 7pm Full Council

7th December 6.30pm

Planning, 7pm Full Council

A paid-for feature

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