October 2015
Inside this issue:
• Classic Car Show ...................Page 34
• God Save the Queen ...................Page 54
• WI Centenary ...................Page 44
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2 | October 2015
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What’s On
4th October South Glos Rotary “Horseless Team Event” at Badminton Details on the web site: http://www.rcsc.co.uk/ horseless-team-event-2015/
Autumn Hog Watch 8 Avening Primary School 38 Avening WI 44 Chelworth Bookworms 4 Christmas in Tetbury 51 Civic Society 29 Computer Advice 10 Cotswold Quilters 8 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 40 Crudwell Ladies 60 Dolphins Dramatic Society 52 Dolphins Recreation Centre 12 Eating Out 26 Guiding 25 History of Tetbury Society 37 Leighterton Primary School 20 Letters to the Editor 16 Lion’s Den 5 Marie Curie 65 Mayor’s Report 17 News from All Saints, Crudwell 42 News from St Marys’ 8 North Wilts Villages Flower Club 18 Patient Participation Group 50 Pension wise 64 Priory Gym 63 Priory Inn 14 Probus 13 Puddle Ducks 28 Save ‘n’ Borrow 62 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 24 Sir William Romney’s School 56 St Mary’s Playgroup 46 Tetbury Art Society 30 Tetbury Camera Club 32 Tetbury Classic Car Show 34 Tetbury Community Choir 58 Tetbury Dial-A-Ride 59 Tetbury Footpath Group 55 Tetbury in Bloom 36 Tetbury Library 22 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 21 Tetbury Police Museum 43 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 23 Tetbury Theatre Group 47 Tetbury Town Football Club 48 Tetbury WI 44 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 6 Unsung Heroes - October 16 What’s On 3 Young by Name 54
9th to 11th October Tetbury Art Society Autumn Sale in the Market House 10th October at the Rugby Club and Rec., St Mary’s Playgroup Birthday Party Please see the column and the ad in this issue. Happy Birthday! 11th, 18th and 25th October – Live music at The Priory Inn Please see the details in the column in this issue 12th October Leighterton Primary School Open Day For prospective and current parents - 9.00am until 10.00am 14th October Tetbury Film Society “Wild Tales “ at the Dolphins Hall Details on the society at: http://tetburyfilm.weebly.com/ 17th October “The Alligators” at the Dolphins Hall, Tetbury Tickets £10.00 from Tetbury Hospital or Jesse Smith in Long Street 18th October Harvest Service at St Marys’ Church at 9.30am. Lunch afterward at St Mary’s School. 19th October Crudwell Ladies Luncheon Club at Mayfield House Hotel 11.30am for lunch then an entertaining speaker. Dreena Rutty, 01666 860467 or Margaret English, 01666 577572, for further information 23rd October Zwingenburg Choir at Long Newnton Church Please see the details in this issue 24th October Tetbury in Bloom Race night For Further details please see the column and the ad in this issue 26th October to the 1st of November “Wild About Gardens” week For more information see www.wildaboutgardensweek.org.uk 27th October Civic Society meeting at the Dolphins Hall, Tetbury 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm start – please see the details and the ad in this issue 27th and 28th October Westonbirt School Christmas Fare
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
Chelworth Bookworms The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
Don Tillman is looking for a solution to ‘The Wife Problem’. As a fit, intelligent man of 39 with an above-average income, he should be a good catch, but as someone at the lower end of the autism scale, he has not had much luck so far. He does not see himself as the problem; he just hasn’t met the right person yet. Don has quite strict criteria so he compiles a multiple-choice questionnaire as the basis of the ‘Wife Project’. Aided by his friend Gene, the questionnaire is sent out over the internet and Don arranges a series of dates – or rather interviews – for the position of Wife. Gene (who seems to want to help more for his own amusement than for any real desire to find a match) then introduces a wild card: Rosie. Rosie is not what Don would have identified as his ideal match. She is exuberant, unconventional and unpredictable and he is confused about how to act and respond to someone like her. Rosie in turn does not really understand Don’s lack of empathy and how he takes everything so literally. Each becomes defensive about the way they live their lives, but gradually come to tolerate and adapt to each other’s point of view.
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Lions Den
Dear Readers,
was that I was able to call upon my Vice President Alan Cross to chair it for me. I understand it went very well and that our visitor from the district also enjoyed the proceedings. Meetings of the Lion’s are always good-natured affairs of course – and next month’s, as I’m badging up new Lion Warren Hateley and honorary Lion Stephen Hirst should be great fun. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I almost feel as if I’ve missed out on the best bits of the Tetbury Summer! You see I’ve enjoyed a splendid holiday recently, but it meant I was only just here for an excellent 5/10k Tetbury Fun Rain (despite the rain) - and that I missed the Tetbury Classic Car Show and both the highly successful and appreciated Music and Food festivals. Oh woe! I trust you all enjoyed their many attractions thoroughly? I vow to be here for next year.
One thing I didn’t miss was an excellent impromptu barbecue held by Lion Paul Stead. (The photo shows my best side.) Social events like these are among the many rewards we get from club membership and a pleasant contrast from getting together to presume on the generosity of Tetbury and surrounding districts or to “police” things (like the car show.) I was lucky enough to be back in time for another gathering we had recently at the Mayfield House Hotel, where Frank’s staff made us very welcome and where it was good to see “old Lion” Neil Medland. A great night out.
My fellow Lions did an excellent job in my absence I’m told, helping marshal both cars and people at the car show in particular– and they also found time to raise money on the tombola. Well done to them and to the show’s many contributors. Well done especially to Committee Chairman John Bevan, who is probably still lying down in a darkened room somewhere! Luckily for me I have been able to re-live the car show through the photographs of Gary Carvell, reproduced in this issue. One of his photos is on the cover, too – and I hope you’ll agree it’s a splendid one. Elsewhere in this magazine, helping to highlight the events surrounding the centenary celebrations of our marvellous local WI clubs, there are photographs kindly provided by Pauline Bishton, for which I’m also very grateful.
(although it does rather clash with a Lion’s trip to our friends in Nunspeet, Holland) and then later in the month there are plans for other charity collections and festivities, as well as the Charter Dinner we have every year to commemorate the anniversary of our club being established. I trust that will go well. I’m currently working on making my speech for the evening as short as I possibly can, I promise … All best! Richard Smith Tetbury Lions
Last month we were able to spend funds accrued generously both nationally and internationally, for which many thanks are due to you our contributors, of course. It’s nice also to be able to report that I’ve received several thank you letters from previous recipients of grants and payments, some of which I’ve published this month.
One good thing (apart from my absence of course) about our last Lion’s Meeting
This October we’re going to be helping out with the Rotary Club’s Horseless event
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October 2015 | 5
The Feoffees and the Thirteen As autumn arrives, the nights draw in and our preparations for the winter months are made. I hope that you have had an opportunity to enjoy our open spaces recently and have managed to pick blackberries for your jams and crumbles and sloes for your homemade winter drinks? There is still plenty of time to enjoy walks along the railway line and into Preston Park, as the season and colours of the trees change this area is really beautiful – please come and explore this community space.
Tetbury locals Beating the Bounds photos courtesy of Mr K. D. Painter
Meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to thank The Royal Oak for the lovely new ‘Herd Lane’ sign, following the improvements made recently, which have included the re-surfacing of the entrance to the lane. Over the summer months it has been wonderful to see the town busy with locals and visitors and the Market Hall being used for markets and exhibitions. If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk
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WE ARE MOVING! We are delighted to announce that we are moving to new purpose built premises at the Priory Industrial Estate, Tetbury from January 2016 Makers Retailers and Fitters of: Fabrics ~ Upholstery ~ Curtains ~ Blinds Carpets ~ Haberdashery Knitting Wool ~Accessories ~ Patterns
News from St Marys’ As we celebrate harvest this month, let’s cultivate thankful hearts! What do you think of this story? One Christmas a mother decided not to remind her children to write thank-you notes for the gifts they received. As a result, they never sent their grandmother acknowledgements of the generous cheques she had given. The next year, things were different, however. “The children came over in person to thank me,” the grandmother told a friend. “How wonderful!” the friend exclaimed. “What do you think caused the change in behaviour?” “Oh, that’s easy,” the grandmother replied. ‘This year I didn’t sign the cheques.” Ouch! But it’s not just children, is it? I think adults are perhaps worse. We might say thank you, but so often we are discontented with what we have, and feel life has cheated us in one way or another.
At St Mary’s School this term, I have been helping the children to think about cultivating thankful hearts – with the slogan “a thankful heart is a happy heart”. We’re actually growing a thankful heart in a pot. We put in the seed of prayer, asking God to make us thankful. We added the soil of faith, believing in God’s goodness. And we are watering it with hope and letting it grow in the warmth and light of God’s love. It’s growing beautifully and is now covered in the children’s “thank- you” prayers.
on Sunday 18th October at 9.30am, with lunch afterward at St Mary’s School.
And as the harvest is gathered in, this is the season to be thankful for all the wonderful things we enjoy in life. So do join us for our special Harvest Service at St Marys’ Church
With love and prayers, Poppy
But before that, of course, we will be delighted to welcome the Tetbury Music Festival to St Marys’ Church again this year. I look forward to seeing people there, and sharing together in the musical delights of that weekend – including our special Festival Eucharist on Sunday 4th October at 10.30am. If you’ve read this far then … thank you! The Revd Poppy Hughes, Rector, St Mary the Virgin and St Mary Magdalen, Tetbury
Cotswold Quilters The ladies of Cotswold Quilters in Tetbury have been busy... ...knitting more than 120 mohair hedgehogs to raise money for Help a Hedgehog Hospital. With the help of The Yellow Lighted Bookshop and Sue Ferguson at Filly’s in Church Street, Tetbury, they have succeeded in raising £500 from sales which Marguerite Whyte gave to Mary Hinton in a cheque ceremony, recently. Help a Hedgehog Hospital’s voluntary carers have had over 70 hoglets to feed and raise this summer and this wonderful donation will go a long way towards paying for food and medication to help the Autumn Juveniles which will need care throughout the winter.
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8 | October 2015
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This year’s Wild About Gardens Week is the 26th of October to the 1st of November... ...and will have a special focus on Hedgehogs. Hedgehog numbers have fallen by 30% in the last 10 years and there are now thought to be fewer than a million in the UK. The RHS, in association with the Wildlife Trusts and Hedgehog Street, is inviting individuals and communities to take small steps to support hedgehogs and other wildlife this autumn. For more
Autumn Hog Watch
information please check out the following website www.wildaboutgardensweek.org.uk As always please take care when clearing garden debris - and ideally, bonfires should be built just before burning. A job for this month – make a simple but effective hedgehog hibernation box / feeding station using an upturned sturdy cardboard box, cutting out a small entrance one end. Cover it with plastic and then with earth, stones and leaves. Position the box in a quiet area against a bank or fence and make sure the entrance does not face north or north east. The hedgehog will make its nest from garden debris, leaves and so on.
Please continue to put out food and water for all of your prickly visitors! If you are looking for a completely original Christmas present we sell our own unique calendar and Christmas cards, Hedgehog feeding stations and much more, please contact me for more information. Many of you will have seen my very smart donation box in Tesco , Tetbury .Donations of non fishy wet or dry cat/dog food ( chicken in jelly is a particular favourite ! ), mealworms , anti-bacterial spray, wipes, kitchen roll are always gratefully received. Thank you for all your help and interest! Mary Hinton 01666 504055, 07779 299224 mary555hinton@btinternet.com www.hedgehogstreet.org www.helpahedgehoghospital.org
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October 2015 | 9
Computer Advice
then if you get another 5 years out of it you will be doing pretty well.
Windows 10 – simplified. The basics! Following my last editorial about Windows 10 in detail, I would just like to quickly summarize and simplify what you need or do not need to do. So, to keep things simple:
Windows 7 If you are presently using Windows 7, then you can carry on using your computer until 2020. So you will have another 5 years if you do not want to change. For many, if your laptop or PC is already 3 to 5 years old,
Windows 8 or 8.1 If you have Windows 8, then you have until 2023. For those of you happy with Windows 8 and do not want the look and feel to alter as time goes on, then stick with it. Windows 10 will be a moveable feast, in that it could change markedly over the years and you will not be able to prevent future updates - you will be at the mercy of Microsoft as the years go by.
Windows 10 1. The free upgrade will be available until July next year if you are running Windows 7 or 8.1 so there is no hurry. Do wait for the
3. You will not be able to easily play DVD’s with Microsoft software and the Media Centre will not be available at all, however a media player is still included.
Windows 10 Wi-Fi
For a complete Gardening Service
A new feature within Windows 10 is called Wi-Fi Sense and is the saving of WiFi passwords for your friends and family to share without them actually entering the password. This is usually activated by default when you connect to a new Wi-Fi network, but this can be disabled. Devices on the network are said to be inaccessible but the Internet is unrestricted. If you have security concerns or do not want to share your Wi-Fi connection, this might be best turned off.
Contact Simon Conrad on 07875 847925 www.cotswoldsgardener.com 1060715
Windows 10 is a significant milestone for Microsoft as it is “the last version that will ever be released.” Time will tell as to whether this is a success and the changes that come along in the future are universally welcomed. Whatever direction Microsoft decides to take Windows 10, we will have to go along for the ride!
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2. Microsoft desktop games such as Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Mah-jong, Chess, Minesweeper and FreeCell are not included, but I can reinstate them for you.
4. If you are using the free Office 2010 Starter Edition which includes Word and Excel with Windows 7, this will no longer be available and will need to be replaced.
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10 | October 2015
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Dolphins Recreation Centre The cricket season is drawing to an end ... ...and the winter sports of football and rugby are now back using the recreation ground - although for some strange reason, we weren’t able to attract any of the Rugby World Cup matches to Tetbury! However, we would like to congratulate Tetbury Cricket Club on their excellent achievement in winning Division 2 of the Gloucestershire County League. By the time you read this, we will have run an end-of-summer litter-pick on the rec – our thanks to Bill Buss and George Monck for organising this – we can’t take the tidiness of the rec. for granted and it is due to those volunteers who make it happen, that it does happen. We are very pleased to be able to welcome the Garden Festival, sponsored by Gardens Illustrated magazine , to both the recreation ground and Dolphins Hall next 22nd/23rd April. This prestigious festival will include talks and flower displays and the organisers felt that the combination of the open space of the recreation ground adjacent to the hall would be an ideal venue. Another exhibition that benefitted from the hall’s position was local artist’s Sue Townsend’s art exhibition. This was the first time Sue had used the hall and commented afterwards. “I found the hall ideal for this type of exhibition. Its airiness really showed off the paintings to good effect and the central position in the town drew in good
crowds on a wet week-end. I was very happy with the result. “
Tetbury Film Society kicked off its winter season... ...on the 16th September to a capacity attendance of their showing of the awardwinning “Still Life “. The trust is pleased to support this excellent organisation, which now has state-of-the-art screen, projector and sound system for use in the hall. Their next showing is the film “Wild Tales “on the 14th October. Also in the hall in October – on the 24th – is the ever-popular Tetbury in Bloom Race night – tickets from Sue Hirst on 504213 or through tickets@tetburyinbloom.org.uk
We are pleased to welcome Richard Norris, Victor Bridgeman, Maggie Heaven and Stephen Hirst onto the board of trustees and look forward to their fresh contributions. Richard and Maggie will also be joining the Building Project team, as will fellow trustees Joe Stokvis and David Lugard-Brayne. The Building Project group will have a stand at the Expo exhibition in the Dolphins Hall on Saturday 3rd October and will be pleased to answer questions on the plans and progress report. Visualisations on aspects of the new centre will be continually shown during the day. We are still looking for a minutes secretary, so if you want to earn £40 per meeting, then please contact 01666 502085. Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee
........Try Tetbury First and Shop Local.........
Autumn is now upon us
Time to get the garden ready for winter and do the jobs around the house before the bad weather arrives – poor you!! Tetbury Hardware is on hand though to provide you with the products tools etc. to get the jobs done and dusted so call in and see it may well avoid a journey away from Tetbury.
Town and Country News
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12 | October 2015
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A Shy man…. ...born in Cheltenham in 1874 into a long line of musicians, he is best remembered for two works: his orchestral suite ‘The Planets’ and the tune for ‘In the bleak midwinter’. In fact, Holst was a prodigious composer, Angela Applegate from the Holst Birthplace Museum told us on the 11th of August. Organist at Wyck Rissington in 1892 at the age of 17, increasing neuritis problems at the Royal College of Music obliged him to switch from the piano to the trombone. But composing and arranging became his real love. Teaching at two London girls’ schools gave Holst time to work on his own compositions. Even so, invitations to conduct concerts and festivals internationally kept flooding in, leading to overwork and increasing health problems until his death in1934.
Andrew’s Mobile Disco Music for all occasions from the 50’s to today. Classic hits, party tunes and your playlists!
A wealth of experience, knowledge and discoveries using his metal - detecting skills soon flowed on the 20th of August when John Clark brought us artefacts dating from between 264BC and 1100AD. These came from the Chiseldon, Wanborough and Wroughton areas near Swindon. Soon we were passing round coins from Carthage and Syria, Roman brooches and fertility rings, a Saxon silver pendant and a ring incorporating emeralds from Russia.
Probus Norwegian policeman serving the Quisling government thought he was the victim. For an eye - witness to the battle for Bergen on the 10th of April 1940 and to a glimpse of “Bismark” and “Prinz Eugen” waiting in a fjord for their dash into the Atlantic, these were thrilling times. Tore explained that since herrings were plentiful Norwegians did not starve to death; nevertheless it was a distressing, uncomfortable and dangerous time. This was a vivid and significant talk, not least because it described a situation no one in his audience had experienced.
Burial grounds had yielded swords, spears and other weapons, together with the remains of a Saxon warrior. How did all these artefacts get to Wiltshire? Perhaps because of wars, fairs or markets, or in the case of hordes of coins, toll booths. Sadly, we were told that fewer museums these days welcomed new discoveries because of the cost of recovering, preserving and displaying them.
Theo Stening - 01666 504243
Then to more recent times. Denis Cartwright has reviewed Tore Fauske’s talk at our first September meeting about growing up in Norway under German occupation.
Andrew Kent
andrewk@globalnet.co.uk Tel 01666880332 Mobile 07702905509
Enjoying walking in the Cotswolds, a 35-mile route between Cranham (where his mother played the organ) and Wyck Rissington has been named after him. Angela’s lively and well-paced talk brought Holst’s family background and career to life for us.
To the problems the adults faced came boyhood carelessness and mischief. A prank might turn into something much worse when an SS officer or a
Town & Country News We are relocating to: Didmarton 1, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury GL8 8HZ Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas.
We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.
Tel: 01666 502398
Email: sarah.townandcountrynews@btinternet.com Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
October 2015 | 13
Priory Inn “Summer ends and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night”
Hal Borland
As the landscape and wildlife begins to prepare for the colder months ahead, our thoughts also rightly begin to return to an exciting season of slow-cooked, warming food in our kitchen. “Harvest” derives from the old English word ‘hærfest’ meaning autumn and its associated festivals date back to times when the success of the crops governed everyone’s lives. Our tight relationships with the local farmers, growers and producers of all the food and drink served at The Priory Inn demonstrate that many businesses – and families’ lives - are still very much driven by the success or otherwise of the crops and the reliability of the weather. An eloquent dairy farmer speaking on behalf of his trade during a local harvest festival said: “we aim to farm as though we are going to live forever – and live as though this is our last
day”. Our network of many local suppliers enjoy this admirable common thread, sharing a deep-rooted commitment to producing high quality, sustainable products whilst respecting and improving their environment. October is a productive month for our barter-at-the-back-door scheme - local gardeners and owners of nearby allotments bring us their surplus fruit and vegetables or flowers so we can use them in our restaurant and kitchen. In exchange, we hand-out vouchers to the current market value of the produce which can be used against food or drinks with us at The Priory Inn. So turn back the clock, bring your fruit and veg to us - and enjoy the fruits of your green fingers in our restaurant.
CALLING ALL GARDENERS! Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...
Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.
theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”
Live music continues through October to a packed-house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere: Teri Bramah plays on the 4th with her deep sensual vocals. Chris Webb the young guitarist from Bristol’s folkish fingerstyle originals entertain on the 11th, followed by Leo James on the 18th and Henry Bateman on the 25th. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed. Tanya Kelly The Priory Inn
Book in for any colour treatment with our Level 3, Graduate Stylist Beth and receive a complimentary blow dry worth £15. Subject to availability. Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays throughout October.
BEAUFORT Christmas Fair at
Newnton Dairy Farm, Brokenborough SN16 9SR on
Tuesday 24th November 2015 Supporting Youth Action Wiltshire & Hope for Tomorrow
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14 | October 2015
0021015 Abi Andrews.indd 1
14/08/2015 11:16
20/09/2015 20:35
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Christmas Parties at The Priory Inn Our Christmas party menu is designed around the very highest quality Cotswolds festive fayre and is available by reservation anytime from November through to January 2016. We have Christmas party nights on Thursday 10th and Thursday 17th December when you can join us for a really special festive atmosphere, great food, twinkly lights, music and dancing. The Christmas party menu is designed for groups of 6-60 people but groups less than six are also welcome to join us on the party nights (by reservation). Our ground floor private dining room can seat up to 16 people. Should your group wish to select its own choice of music and have a dedicated member of our waiting team for the evening, please call and ask for costs and details.
Starters Winter vegetable soup with crispy shallots Duck parfait with beetroot and fennel salad and plum sauce Salmon gravlax with caper, cucumber and dill salad Field mushroom and smoked cheese rarebit with roasted butternut squash sauce Cotswold charcuterie with homemade gooseberry chutney
Mains Roasted Wiltshire turkey, with traditional trimmings, bacon, sage and onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and rich turkey gravy Slow roasted lamb shoulder with minted mash, sautéed kale and caramelised onion jus Filo parcel with Cerney goat's cheese, squash, spinach, mushroom and a smoked cheese sauce Roasted cod wrapped in proscuitto with a cockle, chorizo and winter vegetable sauce served with roast potatoes Beef brisket pot-roasted in Uley Ale with horseradish dumplings and braised red cabbage
Desserts Christmas pudding with brandy cream Selection of local Cotswold ice cream and sorbets Baileys cheesecake with honeycomb crumb and blackcurrant coulis Profiteroles and chocolate sauce Fruit trifle
Cotswold Cheese Local cheese board with crackers and pickles ~
£20.00 per person for two courses / £25.00 per person for three courses / £30.00 per person for four courses
As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. A 10% discretionary service charge is included on your bill. Please be assured that all tips are passed in their entirety on to our hard working service staff.
01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 1011015
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Following our feature last month we would like to advise that the grant of £500 to help purchase an oven was for the St Mary’s Wednesday and Friday Club and not the St Mary’s Monday club as stated. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Many thanks, Natalie Haines, Town Clerk Tetbury Town Council Dear Editor, We should like to share with your readers that we run a coffee morning at the day centre St Mary’s road once a fortnight, and that the next one is on the 20th of October, between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm. We will have CAB, P3, Housing Officer, the Police and also a representative of the Tetbury Town Council with us. Homemade cakes, biscuits and hot snacks are also available, all for a nominal charge which includes a raffle ticket.
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
On behalf of everyone on the Christmas in Tetbury committee and also the people of Tetbury, as everyone in the town will benefit, I’d like to thank The Lions of Tetbury very much indeed for agreeing to donate again toward this year’s Christmas lights and the Community Switch On event.
I suffer from type one diabetes which means I’ve needed treatment, care and support over the years; Diabetes UK have always been there with helpful advice and support, so to put something back I’m doing the “13 London Bridges” Challenge in October. I’ve even managed to rope in my husband, too!
We really do appreciate The Lion’s generosity and ongoing support and of course that of other organisations and people in the town, as contributions make such a difference to us being able to continue making Tetbury look festive over the Christmas period - and allow us to continue organising the Switch On event, which everyone can come and enjoy. Without such support we really would struggle to raise the amount of money needed. With many thanks again and best wishes, Sue Hirst Christmas in Tetbury
It’s ten miles of walking which connects thirteen iconic London bridges - and since my energy levels deplete quickly and Mr C. loves doughnuts, it won’t be easy for either of us! We would really appreciate any donation you’re able to give for this charity. Diabetes affects so many in the UK and by raising funds we hope to make the future brighter for others. Here’s the link https://www.justgiving. com/Carvells Thanks in advance! Leá & Gary Carvell Dialysis Diaries - Leacarvell.com
Kind regards, Chris Stuart and Charmaine West Dear Editor, We are currently looking for a collection box coordinator in Tetbury. This is someone who will sign up businesses to take a Marie Curie collection tin and then manage these throughout the year. It is a vital role, and one that we would love to fill in the Tetbury area. If you could possibly advertise this, it would be much appreciated. Best wishes, Richard Scott Community Fundraiser – Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Marie Curie T: 0117 942 7132 M: 07850 916414 E:richard.scott@mariecurie.org.uk Dear Editor, It might be helpful to include my contact details in the Tetbury Advertiser? Priest in Charge: Revd Phil Daniels (day off Friday) The Rectory, 1 Days Court, Crudwell SN16 9HG. Tel: 01666 540140. Email: philjdaniels@talktalk.net Parish Administrator: Lorraine Mackie. The Parish office, The Old Squash Court, Holloway, Malmesbury, SN16 9BA. Tel: 01666 825019. Email: admin@deanery.org.uk ‘Core’ office opening hours are now 9:30am-1:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. Many thanks, Reverend Phil Daniels, Priest in Charge The Braydon Brook Group of Churches
16 | October 2015
Leá Carvell assisting the AA at the Tetbury Classic Car Show
Tetbury’s Unsung Hero’s Dear Editor, Sue and Brian Cook are a couple many in Tetbury will know. They do an awful lot for us at Christ Church and have links with many other organisations and other folks in and around Tetbury in other ways. Just recently, they’ve worked hard to ensure that yet another “Holiday at Home” event ran successfully and was much appreciated by all who took part. We should like to nominate Sue and Brian as your “Unsung Heroes” for this month, with a big “Thank You!” from all at Christ Church and all “Holiday at Home” participants. Many thanks Name Withheld Ed: I’m delighted to receive this nomination for Sue and Brian and they shall soon be in receipt of their voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page three all submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence – but please be aware that I’ve had a large number of nominations of late, so it may be a little while before yours is recognised; many thanks!
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
As I have only just got back from holiday, my apologies...
beauty of them – and even though it was the height of summer we were still able to find quiet areas to sit or walk and admire the scenery. I felt very privileged to be able to see these lovely places and the vastness of this beautiful part of America. However, it was lovely to come home back to Tetbury and it makes you appreciate a little bit more what you have on your own doorstep. Each has its own particular beauty.
... this Mayor’s report is somewhat shorter than usual – but Brian and I were lucky to have the experience to sail on the Queen Mary 2 to America. What a wonderful trip! We then had a couple of weeks touring parts of America with a visit Washington DC and Niagara Falls to name just two Back in August I was standing in the garden places. We visited several National Parks listening to the bells ringing on a beautiful 830709 Hansen Tree Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1 and I was in awe at the sheer size and sunny Sunday morning. It really stirred me.
HANSEN TREE CARE LTD For a professional and efficient service including felling, pruning and hedging contact Piers Hansen (B Eng Hons) on 01453 836207, 07770 745642, piers.hansen@btinternet.com
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Mayor’s Report I also love listening to bell ringing practice on a Friday if the wind is in the right direction. Why would anyone want to live anywhere else? I think it is a lovely sound and makes you feel proud to be part of this lovely Cotswold Town. The Summer Show was a great success and it was lovely being part of the parade. Everyone worked so hard – and I was delighted to attend an Exhibition by the WI, with a wonderful tour round the exhibits. What a lovely group of people! Thank you for your kind invitation. On Saturday October 3rd with the help of 29th Regiment the War Memorial will be getting a face lift. Our thanks in advance for their dedication and help. After the wonderful turnout of the Soldiers in August we feel very blessed to have such very strong links with the Gloucester Barracks. Looking ahead Tetbury Choir will be playing host to the Zwingenburg Choir from Germany on Thursday 22nd October and Tetbury Town Council will be hosting a finger buffet for them at The Market Hall. If you want to start Christmas Shopping early Westonbirt School will be hosting a Christmas Fare on Tuesday and Wednesday 27th/28th Of October. Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury
830709 0480615
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
October 2015 | 17
North Wilts Villages Flower Club Due to wet weather conditions our August Strawberry Tea was held in Crudwell Village Hall, however spirits were not dampened and the evening was still a great success with all enjoying the scones, strawberries and cream. We hope that next year we will be able to visit the garden that had kindly been offered for this year’s event. A substantial amount was raised during the evening which will go to the prostate cancer charity.
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September 16th was the date for our AGM, after which David Martin (Area Demonstrator and Florist) talked about staging the Chelsea 2015 SW Area NAFAS exhibit which was also a Gold medal winner. David also demonstrated two arrangements similar to those created at Chelsea which were raffled at the end of the evening.
Looking Forward On Tuesday the 13th October “Ideas for Christmas” will be held, which is a day workshop led by Jonathan Moseley. There are still a few places left, so please contact the number below if you are interested. On Wednesday the 14th of October Jonathan Moseley’s event “Raising Funds for Charity” is taking place at Country Baskets, Nova Way, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9DJ. For the last few years we have organised this event; this time the proceeds will go to Breast Cancer Care and Prostate Cancer UK. Jonathan, an International Demonstrator and Florist, will produce an astonishing
variety of arrangements using a wonderful array of their products. Time will be available to look around and shop. Once again, please contact the number below for more information. On October 21st Ann Anson will demonstrate under the title of “Towards Autumn”. For those wanting to enter the competition the theme will also be “Towards Autumn”. This 18th of November Nick Grounds Floral Event ‘Bah Humbug’ takes place at the Sundial Theatre, Cirencester. This is always a wonderful evening we look forward to fabulous floral art created by Nick Grounds who is a National Floral Demonstrator and Horticultural Auctioneer. Flower club meetings take place at Crudwell Village Hall SN16 9HB on the third Wednesday of the month, seven for seven thirty. If you enjoy flowers come and join us, visitors and new members are welcome. For more information please contact Margaret on 01285 770639
Nibley House Christmas Evening Menu
Malmesbury & Tetbury areas.
12, Avon Road, Malmesbury, Wilts SN16 0DL
07778 354668 for a friendly and personal service
440208 Allium
Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash with Curry Oil Pressed Ham Terrine and Spiced Apple Compote with Toasted Malt Loaf Home Smoked Duck Breast with Sesame Potato Salad V. Pear, Date and Walnut Salad with Creamy Stilton Dressing
Page 1
Allium Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties
Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow
Main Courses
Roast Turkey with Stuffing, Pigs in Blankets, Roast Potatoes and Rich Turkey Gravy Prosciutto Wrapped Cod Loin on Puy Lentils and Spinach with Rich Merlot Reduction Braised Chump of Lamb and Rustic Ratatouille with Port and Rosemary Sauce V. Aubergine, Chestnut and Cranberry Nut Roast with Madeira Sauce Desserts
Traditional Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce Clementine Posset with Cranberry Compote and Cinnamon Palmiers Ginger Snap Basket with Ginger Bread Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce Continental and West Country Cheeses with Biscuits Festive Mince Pie with Tea and Coffee 2 course £19.50 3 course £25.00
Contact us now to make your booking www.nibleyhouse.co.uk Tel: 07872 409 334 Email: nibleyhouseoccasions@hotmail.co.uk Nibley House for all your special occasions
18 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
here potential is realised
Sixth Form Open Evening Wednesday 14th October, 5.00pm to 8.00pm Organised tours from 5.00pm to 8.00pm 6.00 – 6.30pm and 7.00 – 7.30pm: Introduction to life in Sixth Form by Head of Sixth Form, Matt Archer
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Leighterton Primary School Although we have only been back in school for a few weeks, so much has already been accomplished. Leighterton has welcomed new children and their families to our Foundation Stage and other year groups and they have settled in wonderfully already. The term got off to a flying start with Year 3 and 4’s ‘Wow Day’ for their new topic, ‘Once upon a time…’ They launched their topic by dressing up as their favourite characters from stories and spent the day learning, whilst immersed in fun activities. Years 5 and 6 are busy, currently learning about ‘Africa.’ They have been dancing and drumming using the topic as a starting point. Our youngest children are learning about ‘Changes’ as they start primary school and Years 1 and are learning about their ‘Brilliant Bodies.’.
lunchtimes and after school. There is a wide range of clubs, including sports, musical activities, crafts and languages and these are run by the team at school, people who come in from outside and the children themselves. As part of our harvest festival, this month, our children will take part in an ‘Ornate Loaf Challenge’ where they will design and make a harvest themed loaf, traditionally made from a salt mix dough. After the harvest assembly, these will be sold off by our School Council and the proceeds will be sent to support a charity chosen by our children.
from 9.00am until 10.00am, when visitors may come in to see our delightful school in action in our picturesque, rural setting. You may also get a flavour of our school and the latest news, on our new school website – www.leighterton.com. We also have tours around our school planned and the dates and times for these are on our website, but if you would like to visit us at a different time, then you may contact Mrs Harris in our school office on (01666) 890273 to arrange a convenient time.
Our Open Morning for both prospective and current parents is on Monday 12th October
Meryl Hatfield Headteacher
As well as all the learning, there has been “election fever” throughout school, as each class has held elections for pupils to vote democratically for nominated members of our School Council. They play a vital role in the decision making in school and our children have chosen two members from each year group to represent them to do this. We have been very excited in launching our ‘Reading Fivers’ scheme, at Leighterton, this term to promote a lifelong love of reading. When children read five or more times in one week, they earn a ‘reading fiver’ which is ‘banked’ and put towards a reading treat at the end of each term. Children are reading avidly to ‘earn’ their ! ‘reading fivers.’ Clubs are well under way and many of our children participate in them. We are lucky to be able to offer different clubs during School Council at Leighterton Primary School
Express Taxis Of Tetbury - 07858450098 Fully Certificated Advanced Driver Now Available Quality & Service Guarantee - www.expresstaxi.co.uk 0421114
HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612
20 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
We have now been back a month... ...and already the children are settling to the routines and re-establishing friendship groups. Over the coming months we will be looking at the changes to the garden and the surrounding areas as autumn begins to get underway. The big fascination for adults and children recently has been the spiders and their webs, especially on misty mornings. This has led to lots of golf ball painting to make webs, and lots of use of our magnifiers and bug boxes. As autumn progresses we will be enlarging our outdoor science area to incorporate all our findings.
Crèche has been very busy lately and there is a waiting list for some days, but please do not hesitate to call just in case we have cancellations. Jo and team are doing lots of free craft where the children can explore the resources available, and enjoy getting messy. Unfortunately we have had to postpone the opening of the “Little Ferns” group on Tuesday mornings due to ongoing work being carried out. Tesco’s are really supporting us to make some improvements to the playgroup building, starting with lowering the ceiling in the playgroup room and repainting the room. These two tasks will take part
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Tetbury Nursery Playgroup in the October half term. They will also being doing a lot of fund-raising in store to enable us to get double glazing and then other improvements to the building. Last term a group of parents got together to help raise money for some of the improvements, this culminated in disco in the Dolphins hall with a raffle. We would like to thank all the parents who helped to organise the event and the local businesses who generously donated prizes to us. We would also like to thank Colin Turley who gave up his time to run the disco. On the 9th of October we are having our next fund-raising event this is going to be a pre-Christmas Ladies shopping event. There will be small entrance fee of £2 which includes your first glass of wine or soft drink. There will be further refreshments and nibbles to buy throughout the evening. There will be a variety of stalls to purchase Christmas gifts of treats for yourselves including; A Cheese Stall; Pickle and Chutney stall; fused glass stall; jewellery stall; cake stall etc. Alongside the stalls there will be a bottle tombola, raffle with lots of exciting prizes, Indian head massage area, a beauty product competition, chocolate fountain and more. The evening will commence at 7pm and finish around 10pm. Please look out for posters and flyers and come along and support the playgroup. Raewyn Platts, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup
Calling all ladies who just love to be pampered in their own home.
It’s time to put on your dancing shoes, even if you can’t dance.
Book a 20 mins. Facial or Massage and receive a FREE 15mins. Reading or Healing session.
Back, Neck, Shoulder Massage, followed by a facial (very popular)
Option 2
Book 2.1/2 hrs. Do you wish to have a private 1-to-1 pamper including body scrub, with me, followed by a private healing or reading session?
Option 3
Invite your Girlfriends around and try out Neal’s yard product “Range” on your hands. Not everyone wants to be seen without their make-up! Let’s have some fun!
All products are Gift Wrapped Email for details: goldenlight.jilly@gmail.com Phone 01793 954087 Mobile 07942 891971
All profits distributed locally and internationally
If you want to get fit fast, lose those unwanted pounds and have more fun than you can believe doing it, here’s some great news for you.
Classes £5 payg, suitable for all ages & fitness levels: Wednesday 7.00pm – Tetbury Leisure Centre Thursday 9.00am – Westonbirt Leisure Centre Contact Ruth King on 07734886275 for booking or more information, or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ dance stars Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite produced a unique dance and fitness programme –
October 2015 | 21
Tetbury Library If you’ve ever wanted to have something in common with a Gloucester rugby player then now is your chance! Just like John Afoa, you can take part in the Read XV challenge – open to all adults, simply tackle fifteen books before 30th November. Tetbury Library will have a display of sport themed books for you to try and a rugby quiz sheet providing a chance to win official Gloucester Rugby goodies! So, if you don’t want to be left off side then pick up your Read XV Reading Passport from the library or go on line www.readingpassport.org Well done to all our younger readers (more than 100!) who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge at Tetbury Library. Everyone had a lot of fun, enjoyed success in their reading and learnt about record breakers along the way. Huge thanks also to our Summer Reading Challenge volunteers, who paper-clipped, cut-out, organised, informed, congratulated, photographed and ran events.
Carat Boot the Goods Shed 01666 502877
For early birds, charity Christmas cards will be on sale at the library from 2nd October. Kylie, Linda, Liz and Sophie Tetbury Library
October 12th to 18th is Get Online Week and with Tetbury Library being an official Online Centre, it’s easy to improve your IT skills with Learn My Way and Digital Unite – just ask a member of staff. Or if you would prefer individual tuition then please book a session with our Computer Buddy. It’s all absolutely free! Chess Club is inspiring and stretching beginners and established players alike – turn up Fridays at 4pm or Saturdays at 11am if you would like to join.
2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm
information on supporting the depleting hedgehog population, selling hedgehog goodies and accepting donations of cat food (non fishy please). Everyone welcome! Saturday 24th October! (Time TBD)
07976 779 130, 01666 505 258 01453 834 355 (workshop) ALL WORK FULLY INSURED & GUARANTEED mobilepaintandpolish@hotmail.co.uk
With the cooler weather approaching, ! now might be a good time to consider changing your energy supplier. Check out the Big ! Community Switch before 12th October to see if you could save money. Register online at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ ! bigcommunityswitch ,or by phone 01452 425757 or enquire in the library.
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
We are delighted that Mary from Hogwards (the Tetbury branch of Help a Hedgehog Hospital) will be visiting the library this month (look out for posters), sharing
David Sheppard Building Contractor • New Builds • Extensions • Dry Stone Walls • Patios Mobile: 07885 397986 Tel: 01666 502940
22 | October 2015
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
This month we have been very busy working on the outside platform which has turned out to be more of a challenge than we first expected. Once the crumbling sides were cleared and the bricks were cleaned up and stacked ready for rebuilding we saw it was an enormous area and that the repair work that had been carried out in the past had not involved the use of a spirit level! The sides were wonky and didn’t join up with each other so we would need to drastically reduce a section of the brickwork in a place where it would not show using an angle grinder to achieve a straight nicely
edged level top. Next we noticed that quite a lot of the large grey diamond patterned railway coping slabs were missing which sadly could not be replaced from any builder’s yard today. A timely tip off led to the return of two of them from under a flower trough outside the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre! If anyone knows where any of the others are we are issuing an amnesty for their safe return. A trip to the Matching Brick Company in Swindon furnished us with a supply of bull nosed grey bricks like the ones we used on the tile pavement and these will make a sympathetic replacement. The Goods Shed team work on a Tuesday and sometimes on a Thursday with Bill (Graham Cleaver’s Jack Russell) sitting on the platform overseeing our work. We have plenty of tea and cake supplied by Carolyn and we all have a good time so long as it isn’t raining…
Tetbury Rail Lands Trust The Goods Shed team have put up displays at the Summer Show, the Fun Run and the Classic Car Show and we have had a lot of interest and made useful new contacts on these days so the effort was well worth it. Karen, Colin and Brecon have been working inside the Goods Shed doing the final shots for our 2016 Calendar, which will amaze you when you see it! Grahams’ dog Bill is once again posing in front of the Goods Shed Team on the cover. Look no further for that ideal Christmas gift! After that it’s all hands to the pumps for Heritage Weekend and the Boot Sale before Barry gets going with the return of his Sculpture Show. Dates for all these events are listed in our adverts in the Advertiser. Barrie and his fundraising team are still working very hard applying for our final funding bids to bring us from around £509,000 to the target figure we need to get on with the conversions. If you would like to help us with our exciting new Art Centre please contact me on 01666502877 or go to our website www. tetburyraillands.com There is more information on our website including up and coming events, photos, plans etc. Thank you all for your continued support. William Cook (Chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Trust
1311015 TGSP Exhibition.indd 1
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
20/09/2015 21:16
October 2015 | 23
Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun A smart young journalist wrote a persuasive article indicating that a Golden Age ended in 2001 at the time of 9/11. Emails then were not the main source of communication. Fellow professionals trusted each other sufficiently to avoid the necessity of the moneylaundering checks that have now become common place. Passports were only needed to cross certain frontiers. For us 2015 could have heralded the beginning of a dark age because not only do we as lawyers subject ourselves to hundreds of emails coming in every day with clients wanting instant gratification particularly if on an I phone but government cuts are beginning to affect our lives. If you want to extend your lease, you have to get it registered at the land Registry. The Land registry staffs have been cut and they will not look at some transactions for several months. This means that the punter who wishes to sell his extended lease has to wait. Previously, if you wanted to get divorced you could choose any divorce court in the land whether it be Bath, Swindon. Salisbury or Cheltenham. Now all ours have to go through Southampton and some of the staff do not know what they are doing. Weeks can pass without acknowledgement. We had no warnings. Clients are therefore not very pleased especially if they have had previous experiences to go by. In the meantime the banks have become hated institutions thanks to the media accusing their employees of greed and encouraging the government to join in the bank baiting. The result is that they are staffed with employees terrified of falling out of line with compliance issues forced upon them by the Government and internal regulators. The chairman of our regulatory body the SRA has told us that their main concern is honesty which is reasonable enough as a sleazy solicitor is no good to man or beast. The enforcers though are anxious to get their brownie points by ticking every box. I am happy that I am self-employed because 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 if I was part of a large organisation I would
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609
24 | October 2015
be worried about all my colleagues looking over my shoulder ready to report the slightest deviance from their self-imposed rules to ensure everyone is the same. My son wanted to be a solicitor because he believed it to be an honourable profession but chose to be a barrister instead which suited his presentational skills acquired through acting in school plays. His main advantage is that he is self-employed and
able to enjoy the freedom that brings. The solicitor’s playing field is run by the big institutions where risk is discouraged. If I am having a good day I will have seen several people who I believe that I can help and I will take short cuts and some reasonable risks to achieve the solution they want. This is not the Golden age but it has its compensations, if you work honestly and to the best of your ability. MJH – Landsdowne Legal
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All Guiding units are back in full swing with exciting activities planned this term. The term started with a District outing to Gifford’s Circus and included a back stage tour. Thank you to Charlotte for organising the trip and to Gifford’s for giving us free tickets for our adult leaders. 2nd Brownies are now working for their Circus skills badge! 1st Brownies are making plans for their Pack Holiday in October which will include making place mats and wellie
pegs. The Rainbows are having a visit from the Hedgehog hospital and will be learning about what food to put out and what you should do if you find one! 2nd Guides have been sending messages in Morse code and are now working on their science and agility badges. 1st Guides enjoyed making and eating armpit fudge (not as bad as it sounds!) and are going to choose badges to work on for the rest of the term. The 4 Guides now working for their BP award have also agreed to carry out a regular service to the community and will be
H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets.
Guiding putting out the chairs for the Tetbury WI each month. The seniors have welcomed several new members this term and are have agreed to clear the very overgrown pond at St Mary’s School and it is hoped that, with their help, the school will be able to bring this area back into regular use. Some of our seniors are also Young Leaders - a valuable asset to Guiding – and hopefully our future unit leaders! I recently ran a training session for 4 of them and was very impressed with both their knowledge and their participation in the activities. They are certainly developing their leadership and communication skills. To complete the highest award in Guides girls have to attend a BP adventure. As there wasn’t a convenient one being organised locally and with 12 girls from Tetbury and Westonbirt needing one there was only one solution – to organise our own. Part of the criteria is that they should meet Guides from other units so, through the power of facebook, we filled the other 6 places with Guides from several other counties. CSI: BP was a great success and following an afternoon of fingerprinting, chromatography, stolen biscuits and problem-solving the girls enjoyed an evening meal whilst solving “The Great British Bump Off ” (a murder mystery). The following day they tackled the low ropes challenge and carried out an hour’s service for our HQ campsite learning how to use a log splitter. The 6 girls from 1st Tetbury Guides have now all completed their BP Award and will have just had their special presentation evening. Congratulations to Megan, Holly, Rhiannon, Rebecca, Ruby and Millie. As always if you would like to find out more about the exciting activities on offer for both girls aged 5 – 18 or adult leaders please contact me.
Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com
Sue Doidge – Tetbury District Commissioner – girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury GL8 8RB
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October 2015 | 25
Eating out In my more lyrical moments, I find myself thinking Tetbury’s Royal Oak might’ve been better re-named ‘The Phoenix’, rising, as it has, from the ashes of indifferent management, decrepitude and closure. But rise it has and it’s a very different beast from the one which almost literally fell into ruins.
wing, cauliflower purée, broccoli and caper and parsley butter. The pork was tasty and the cabbage a particular highlight for Flossy. I hadn’t had skate in ages, and was pleasantly reminded of how tasty it can be when cooked well. It could’ve stood some more interesting vegetable accompaniment, but the butter was delightful. We washed things down with a crisp French Vermentino – a new one on me (French wine from Italian grapes? Whatever next!) and well worth recommending.
To finish, Flossy chose a sorbet selection and I had chocolate terrine, vanilla poached apricots and praline with mango sorbet – which was delicious. It maybe didn’t need fresh raspberries, too, but that’s being very picky indeed. Putting the cost of the wine to one side, three thoroughly pleasant courses each for just over £50 was pretty good, we thought certainly good enough to warrant another visit. And soon! Fill
The only pub in town with a real garden (sorry, Ormond, courtyards don’t count, however big… and can we call The Close a pub..?), it was a sorry sight to see it overgrown and full of discarded ‘stuff ’. Now it’s a well-kept, terraced affair, with ‘play’ area, a ‘Tet-Mex’ kitchen in a Winnebagostyle trailer and space for a beer in the sunshine… when there is any, obviously. Talking of beer, there’s always an interesting selection – and this is one of the current owners’ successes: balancing the ‘needs’ of people who fancy a pint with those of people who want a good meal. Yes, you can eat in the hubbub of the bar but, if you’d like to feel more like you’ve ‘gone out for a meal’, there’s the restaurant upstairs. In the old days, it was just one big bar downstairs, with carpets and slightly sticky furniture, but the light, airy development of the whole building and garden has made an immeasurable difference. We chose upstairs, arriving as the evening service began – which was just as well… but I’ll come to that. Flossy started with chorizo and tomato ragout with Welsh rarebit – okay, sausage and tomato on cheese-on-toast – but she described a rich tomatoey ragout, good cheese and some (somewhat under-powered) chorizo, which was nicely balanced and highly enjoyable. I had shellfish bisque with mushrooms, fennel, cucumber and toasted almonds: a neatly stacked salad in a bowl with the jug of bisque to pour. Flossy thought it an optimistically summery dish for a darkening September evening, but it was lovely, the light bisque being full of flavour. Next, braised pork belly, honeyed red cabbage, lyonnaise potatoes, apple compote and cider jus, and roasted skate
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26 | October 2015
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Puddle Ducks The autumn term is well underway at Puddle Ducks. All the children have settled in very well, whether returning after the summer break or joining us for the first time and all are very welcome. It is always lovely to see how the children who were new last year seem to have grown over the summer and enjoy looking after new friends. We have spent the first few weeks of term getting to know ourselves, our bodies, families, pets and environment which are all topics that help children to talk about things which are important and familiar to them, boosting confidence and helping the children to find their voices within the group.
The children enjoyed learning about our lovely town of Tetbury. They had fun looking at the photographs of special places around the town that they recognised and making their own cut and stick Tetbury.
small setting which ensures that each staff member knows every child well and we work hard as a team to provide a safe, holistic environment where each child can progress and fulfil his or her own potential across all the seven areas of learning.
It was a great opportunity for another trip to the Library and we would like to thank all the lovely staff there for making us feel so welcome and reading us a wonderful story.
Puddle Ducks runs weekday mornings, term time only, from 9.15am-12.15pm with an optional lunch club running until 1.15pm for children aged between 2½ and 5. If you would be interested in your child joining us, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 to arrange a visit.
The staff at Puddle Ducks appreciate that each child who comes to our setting is an individual with personal interests and strengths. We are proud to be a fairly
Curtains & Blinds
The children thought about how they look and made some lovely self-portraits for our display. They also mixed up some sand clay in which to preserve their handprints which were beautifully decorated with beads and sparkles – a lovely keepsake. During family and pet week we made some very tasty biscuits in the shape of cats and rabbits and made some lovely frames for family photographs. We talked about the different pets we have and how to look after them and enjoyed visits from Sharon’s little guinea pig and Claire’s giant chocolate labrador, although not at the same time thankfully!
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28 | October 2015
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The “Bloodhound” Project; Come and hear about it!
the work of the Executive Committee over the current year and then inviting them to listen to and watch a special presentation.
The next meeting of the Civic Society will be held on Tuesday, 27th October in the Dolphins Hall, at 6.30 pm for a 7 pm start. At this meeting our Chairman, Brian Kimber, will be informing everybody about
This time we are departing from the usual talk on matters relating to associated activities of the Society itself, by widening the scope to present an amazing project being developed in Bristol.
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
Civic Society Bloodhound S.S.C. (supersonic car) is a car being designed and built in Bristol. The Project’s aim is not only to inspire young people to study Science, Engineering and Technology, but to break the current World Land Speed Record (763 mph) and then push it towards 1,000 mph. The presenter is Martin Evans, the Company`s Bloodhound `Ambassador` and his talk will include videos and lots of interesting information and technical details. This attempt on the record is coming soon. We are inviting everyone, particularly those from our associated Societies to come and hear about this exciting project. Roy Angell , The Civic Society
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01666 503900 October 2015 | 29
Tetbury Art Society Our August Exhibition was held in the Tetbury Market Hall over the Late Summer Holiday and Daphne Morton, our new Exhibition Organiser, aided by a subcommittee, made some improvements to our traditional way of doing things. For example, it was decided that we should have a preview for the August Exhibition and it proved its value when it was wellattended and ten of our nineteen sales were made that night. We offer our thanks to the local people who supported us.
and purples, creams etc. About 40 people turned up for this meeting. Looking ahead, St Michael’s Church, Tetbury will be holding a celebration of their patron saint and have asked us to display some of our work in their hall on Saturday 26th September. On 7th October, we have the Return of the Insects! Cath Hodsman will bring her microscopes and specimens again, but this time we will draw the specimens ourselves. On 9th to 11th October, we will be holding our Autumn Sale in the Market House.
Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham Tetbury Art Society
We kicked off our autumn programme on Wednesday 2nd September with a demonstration by Graham Findlay of his techniques for painting foliage and stonework in watercolour. Our Social secretary, Margaret Morgan, kindly took some notes and provided refreshments. Graham is the artist in residence at Chastleton House - a National Trust property. He told us of his arrival in the winter so he started work indoors using his sketchbook and taking notes of colours etc. He showed us pictures of beautiful glassware, arches, hallways and unusual objects that caught his eye. As the snow fell he managed to paint scenes depicting the quiet beauty of winter. Graham then showed us the best way to paint trees, remembering to paint the sky first! His stone walls were beautiful shades of pinks
Rural Skills Centre
Royal Agricultural University The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills. Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more..... For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk 0041014
30 | October 2015
Rural Skills Centre
Ladies pre-Christmas shopping event Come along and enjoy some Christmas shopping or treats for yourself. Stalls to include: Jewellery, cakes, fused glass, cheese, pickles and chutneys and many more. Raffle with a large selection of lovely prizes. Relax with an Indian head message and a glass of wine. Refreshments to include wine, soft drinks, tea or coffee and a selection of retro nibbles to try. £2.00 entrance fee to include a glass of wine or a soft drink on arrival.
Friday 9th October, 7pm – 10pm At Tetbury Nursery Playgroup, The Ferns. Money raised to go towards major improvements needed to the playgroup building.
Tickets available from playgroup, or pay on the night. 1291015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Tetbury Camera Club The first meeting of the new season took place on 8 September. This consisted of a description of the Club and its activities by Mike Hawkridge, for the benefit of visitors and potential new members. This was followed by a presentation, by Club member Sandie Cox, of the travelling portfolio of prints from the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF), Tetbury Camera Club being a member of the WCPF. The Travelling Portfolio consists of prints entered by members of clubs within the WCPF in their annual competition and which were accepted by the judges as being above the acceptance standard but which were unable to be included in the annual exhibition because of the limitations on exhibition space.
so as not to impose an unreasonable burden on the judges. For the second half, Tony Banks explained that, in addition to the formal programme of Club evenings, informal meetings and trips are organised, either during an evening or on a day basis. Recent trips have been to Sharpness, Lacock, Bath, Bristol, Gloucester, Frampton on Severn and London. A selection of projected images taken by participants of these trips was presented by participants. One image, taken on the London trip in August, is reproduced here.
If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk
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ND DISTRICT CIVIC SOCIE TBURY A TY TECHERISH THE PAST – ADORN THE PRESENT – SHAPE THE FUTURE Autumn Meeting, on Tuesday 27th October in the Dolphins Hall, at 6.30 for 7pm Come and chat informally over a drink before the Chairman’s report and other business, followed by an Illustrated talk on the World Land Speed Record and Being a judge herself, Sandie was able to comment on all of the prints, expressing her own view of why the prints appealed to the judges/selectors. This was an improvement on the past habit of showing the prints without any real commentary. The following week was a meeting of two halves. First up was Programme Secretary, Liz Cooper, who ran through the programme for the season until the end of May 2016. The programme is very varied and includes some well-known names as speakers, including Tony Worobiec, a prolific author of photographic books. Next up was David Calvert who ran through the changes in the competition rules for the 2015/2016 Season. Entry into competitions is entirely voluntary. There is no pressure put upon members to enter. Sometimes people become members with no intention of entering competitions but, once they have absorbed the atmosphere for some time and realised that they are not intensely serious affairs, they do enter and get some feedback on their images. We are the victims of our own success and have had to put an even lower numerical limit on the number of entries to each competition
32 | October 2015
Bloodhound S.S.C. Project intended to bring the record back to the UK.
Women of All welcome. World War One
Women ofTrio Paradis in words, music and images One World War Women’s stories
7:30pm 7:30pm Sat 7th Nov. Sat 7th Nov. Malmesbury Malmesbury Abbey Abbey
7:30pm MUSIC SOCIETY presents a tribute in words, music and images by words through
Sat diaries 7th Nov. letters and Trio Paradis Trio Paradis poetry presents a tribute by
in words, music and images
Women’s stories told Music by female Abbey in their own words through Women’s stories composers letters diaries and poetry writing told in their own during the war Music by female composers words through writing and during Athe war specially letters diaries A specially commissioned film film commissioned poetry
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composers writing during the war
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servicing, diagnostics and repairs using
service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of
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Tetbury Classic Car Show
r ClassicShCowa2015
Now in its 3rd year, the Tetbury Classic Car Show continues to go from strength to strength.
by Sponsored
tember 6th Sep - 4 pm 10 am
hes RING FEATU BBQ ... Lunc s ... Bar ... s ... Autojumble cles ... Buse Show mercial Vehi Stands ... Side g new cars Club les ... Com Motorcyc Entertainment ... the area exhibitin Facilities Childrens Top dealers from and Washroom PTFA rts and SWR Parking Disabled ities Allso char l loca to All proceeds
INDEPE Unit 1-3,
Car Show
, London
trial Estate
Priory Indus
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Road, Tetbu
This year saw a change of venue to the grounds of Sir William Romney School. We were blessed by good weather, with the sun shining down on 700 classic cars and 100 classic motorbikes. As well as the large amount of money that we raise each year for local charities, one of the things that makes me most proud of the show is the friendly atmosphere and the 15 10:53
The move to SWR allowed for more room for the cars, and let us park visitor vehicles
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34 | October 2015
In the motorbike area, a fantastic silver CafĂŠ Racer lined up near a fantastic AA motorbike and sidecar combination and classic Harley Davidsons.
variety of cars. Where else would you see Austin A30s parked next to Alfa Romeos, a Bristol Fighter next to a Beach Buggy, pre-war Cadillacs and 1970s Cortinas rubbing shoulders with Ford Mustangs and Gilberns?
Tel: 01666 840205
01666 5
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
on site. In the centre of the showground the Royal Oak provided a superb bar, while around it the exhibitors and visitors could sit on straw bales sipping beer in the sun. In the café area, we were delighted to have the PTFA from the school helping to serve tea and cakes, adding to the village fete atmosphere. Next to them the volunteers from the Pod at the Rec did sterling work selling burgers, bacon baps and sausages. In order to avoid disruption to local residents, we put significant effort into
marshalling the surrounding streets, something we could not have done without the help of our friends from Tetbury Lions and the South Gloucestershire Rotary Club. We are still counting the proceeds, but a significant sum – all the profits from the show - will be donated to local causes, including Allsorts, a local charity which improves the lives of young people with learning and physical difficulties, and to the PTFA at SWR, as well as the Peoples Pod. The show is entirely run and organised by
If you missed this year’s event then please pencil Sunday 4th September 2016 in your diaries now! John Bevan, Chairman, Tetbury Classic Car Show Committee
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volunteers, and could not have happened without the hard work of the Car Show committee, so thank you Lea Carvell, Keith Leaver, Tim Peacock, Richard Smith and John Billington. We were given great support on the day by Gary Carvell, Sue Leaver, Clare Peacock and my wife Gill - thank you all for keeping us going on the day!
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Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
October 2015 | 35
Tetbury in Bloom Blazing Summer How could I not mention the flowerbed alongside the Fire Station – it looked beautiful this summer. In 2006, we widened the existing flowerbed and extended it; we added lots of manure and planted lots of shrubs and perennials, in keeping with the Tetbury colour scheme of reds, yellows and pinks. Amongst them we planted gaillardia, crocosmia and the aptly named kniphofia “Tetbury Torch”. We left the original hydrangea, heuchera, and daylilies still present today. Annuals - red and pink begonias, orange and red geraniums, and mixed antirrhinums – are characteristic of all our flowerbeds. The addition of classic yellow chrysanthemum “Beppie Yellow”, last year provided more colour and interest well into the autumn; some even survived last winter and are blooming again now!
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During the autumn we will be planting more tulip bulbs: Beauty of Apeldoorn, Holland’s Glory Orange Emperor and Yellow Flight (to name but a few). This will help to ensure a wonderful spring display – a particular favourite time of year in the garden. At the time of writing, some tickets were still available for our Race Night fund raising event on Saturday 24th October. It is a fun evening of “virtual horse racing”, with tote betting amongst friends. All profits go towards Tetbury in Bloom and Christmas in Tetbury projects. Tickets cost £5 and can be obtained from Sue Hirst on 504213 or by emailing us at tickets@tetburyinbloom.org. uk. More details can be found on our website www.tetburyinbloom.org.uk or look for our advert in this month’s Tetbury Advertiser.
We bring your project to life using our computer aided design tool to create scale plans and 3D renderings of your dream bathroom
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Many thanks to our race sponsors: Highgrove Enterprises, The Lions Club, Perry Bishop & Chambers, The Priory Gym, The Tetbury Tailor, Tetbury Hardware, Clark & Maslin and Bell House Dental Practice. And, of course, thank you to our many supporters. Liz Farnham
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan
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Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
36 | October 2015
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The HOTS meeting on the 3rd of September heard David Hardwick speak about the “South Gloucestershire Coal Fields.” His talk was well illustrated including historic photographs. His photographs of groups of miners included two Rescue Teams.
When you drive through Yate today it is hard to realise that there were coal mines where there are now so many houses, although on the other hand, the name Coalpit Heath makes its history obvious. Pits were also located at Rangeworthy, Cromhall, Pucklechurch and Mangotsfield. Most of the mines were not very large. David described ‘Bell Pits’ where the workings were only close to the pit shaft and some were dug
All types of domestic plumbing & heating work undertaken, including complete bathroom installations
History of Tetbury Society direct into outcrops of the coal seam. The largest pits were within the Bristol area. Pits had some colourful names : Brandy Bottom, Eggshill, Staley’s, Crown, Speedwell. Painters, Whitehall and California. Little remains on the surface within the county but we were shown photographs of spoil heaps that are now tree covered or otherwise ‘lost’ in the landscape. Some buildings still show traces of having been steam pumps or lifting gear and archivists can point out where a horse was used to winch the ‘bucket’ into the mine shaft. Traces can be found of a horse drawn railway and drainage adits. There is a direct link between our meeting place and coal mining because Handel Cossham, who was a Gloucesteshire mine owner, was a major contributor of funds for the construction of Christ Church and was also a Trustee of the property. David had a photograph of him stored in his computer which he projected for us and the obituary which states that Handel was a lay-preacher, showed concern for the wellbeing of his workers and set up schools for colliers’ children. He was a Bristol MP.
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This made an unusual and interesting end to our evening. Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on 1st October at Christ Church when Carolyn Heighway will speak about ‘Anglo-Saxon Gloucestershire’. It will again be necessary to limit numbers for our Annual Social on 2nd December, so it will be restricted to members only. Alan Twelvetree History of Tetbury Society 22:05 150208 Maths & English 22/2/08
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October 2015 | 37
Avening Primary School
The Hawks Class (Y3/4) this term are focusing on ‘keeping fit’ in their class topic. They were recently paid a visit by a member of the St John’s Ambulance team, who trained them all in First Aid. A group of ‘willing’ parents then had the good fortune of acting as their patients!
A creative approach to playtimes and lots of outside learning. The first term of the new School year is now well under way and children and staff have all settled into their new classes and roles. The children in reception have become familiar with the routine and structure of the school day and are enjoying the new look Eagles classroom.
In Years 5 and 6, the volunteers from the NSPCC visited to talk to the children about keeping safe from abuse. Through an assembly and workshop, the children deepened their understanding of abuse in all its forms, including bullying, and gained
a better knowledge of how to protect themselves, as well as an awareness of how to get help, including from ChildLine. Before the start of term, a group of volunteers from BT Openreach came to help us out with the maintenance of the school. Not only did they paint a classroom, but they also created a wonderful outside learning area for us, with seating donated by Westonbirt Arboretum. Our thanks go to the hard-working team of volunteers for their excellent work. Jane Rushton, Head Teacher
KS1 Children are taking their learning outof-doors this term with their class topic ‘Fire and Ice’. Last month, Piers Clifford from Fireside Forest School ran a session with the class which saw them learning to light their own fires. Outdoor learning has recently become more of a focus for the school and starting in the first week of term, playtime sessions took giant leaps into a whole new sphere of child led outdoor play. After our decision to rethink playtimes, working with a play consultant, we have equipped the playgrounds with ‘new’ equipment such as dressing up clothes, tyres and old keyboards. We have den-building, mud pie making, scootering, role play, ponddipping, football, climbing and a whole variety of other play going on – and 102 very happy, sociable children!
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38 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
ashcroft veterinary surgery Free Parking, easy access. Open all day plus Saturday mornings. Fully equipped modern surgery. Save 10% on all charges when you join our Pet Care Plan. Sales of Pet Food and sundries.
FREE Dental Check and 33% Off Treatment Did you know approximately 85% of cats and dogs have evidence of dental disease by the time they are 3 years old? Bad breath, sore painful mouth, difficulty eating, dribbling and bleeding gums, are some of the signs of dental disease. If not treated, this can lead to more serious health problems. This month we are offering 33%
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Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-6.00 Sat 10.00-1.00 Information and appointments: 01666 500853
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Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud! There’s nothing quite like it for cooling the blood, So follow me, follow – down to the hollow, And there let me wallow in glorious mud! We were reminded of the Flanders and Swann Hippopotamus song, as we assembled at the duck pond at Alderton. We had been warned to wear Wellington boots, but the pond had been drained to reveal about a metre’s depth of mud, which had been accumulating for twenty years. The ducks were still there, but finding swimming or paddling very difficult.
Only one of us had fisherman’s waders and he jumped in to assist the professional team working their sludge-gulper machinery the rest of us stayed around the edges to tidy up and to remove the overgrown plants, clearing the surrounding paths and walls. An attractive Cotswold feature was restored. Alderton has another larger pond at the other end of the village, near the church. This is the medieval fish pond, on which we did a lot of work a few years ago and to which we return every couple of years for maintenance.
Stone Age Long Barrows Another Cotswold feature which we restored last month was the “Giant’s Cave” – long barrow near Luckington. We’ve been there previously for some clearance a few years ago, but this time we were able to complete the removal of all trees, bushes and bramble to reveal the shape of the mound and the stone entrance to the burial chamber. It can be seen from the nearby lane, but it’s hoped that access will be negotiated into the field with a permissive path and likewise for another long barrow we have cleared at Newark Park near Wotton-under-Edge.
Charcoal Burning Further to last month’s article when we were wondering whether we would produce charcoal or ash, I’m glad to report that we were successful! We lit the fire, filled and sealed the lid and some white smoke
issued steadily from all four chimneys. We have had a couple of “burns” now and have bagged the resultant charcoal and reloaded the kiln.
Footpaths We have installed steps on paths at Cam Long Down and repaired styles and resurfaced paths at Uley.
Cotswold Lion Newspaper The winter edition has been published by the Cotswold Conservation Board and is available from the Tetbury Tourist
Why do people value The Priory? “The staff are friendly, kind and caring and have done a huge amount to help [Mum] feel settled and comfortable. There is a happy atmosphere and lots of smiles as well as empathy. The food is excellent and relatives are encouraged to join in with meals.” - Daughter of a resident
Whether you’re looking for day-care, short-term respite care, or a longer term move to a residential home, The Priory in Tetbury offers a lovely ‘home from home’ environment. With attractive, landscaped grounds, lots of activities to take part in and tasty, fresh meals on the menu, why not arrange a visit to experience The Priory for yourself? For more information, contact us on: 01666 502 332 | enquiries.thepriory@somersetcare.co.uk 1190415
www.somersetcare.co.uk 40 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
park, leaving at 10.30 am for a 5 mile walk to Ozleworth and Bagpath. Sunday the 4th of October at 10.00 am from Dursley Market House for 5.5 miles through Ashen Plains Woods.
Friday the 9th of October at 10.00 am from Dyrham Park reception by the car park for 8 miles around the park and Doynton.
Saturday the 17th of October at 10.00 am from Coaley Peak car park for 4 miles to Uley Bury.
Sunday the 18th of October at 10.00 am from Newark Park for 5 miles to Workley.
Sunday the 25th of October at 10.00 am from Coaley Peak car park for 7.5 miles to Uley Bury, Uley and Nympsfield. Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Information in Church Street. There are articles on places to visit in the Cotswolds including churches (Tetbury is mentioned), Broadway tower and Tyndale Monument (above North Nibley) and Bourton-on-theWater. There are also some statistics on the work done by Wardens and information on all the walks lead by the Wardens throughout winter, in the Cotswolds.
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Local Walks lead by the Wardens in October are: Saturday the 3rd of October at 10.00 am for coffee at Newark Park National Trust car
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
October 2015 | 41
News from All Saints, Crudwell
There are several things happening in our group of Churches this month that give us the opportunity to live this reality out. In our harvest services and meals we give thanks together and enjoy food together and in our work with our local schools at harvest, we help our children develop this ‘attitude of gratitude.’
One of the enjoyable things about my life at the moment is seeing friends who I trained with becoming vicars, and it so happens that I’ve been to quite a few licensing services in the last few months. The other day I attended one such service in a setting that could not be more different from our local country churches. It was in a heavily urban area, with plenty of social issues, and the 1960s church building showed plenty of signs of wear and tear. It could have all seemed rather bleak. Yet it was very hopeful and uplifting to see how many people had turned out to support and welcome my friend and his family as they began their life in the parish. It was a truly joyful occasion, and it reminded me that although churches face plenty of challenges, we are called to be together as what St Paul calls ‘the body of Christ.’ In other words, church is more than a bunch of random individuals happening to be in the same place at the same time. It’s much more about people who have been called to belong to each other, to build each other up and to work together to show God’s love as Christ showed it.
We build each other up as we nurture those who are growing in faith, through the confirmation course in preparation for the service in Malmesbury Abbey on the 4th November.
November 1st at Ashley at 6pm in which we can remember loved ones we have lost. We work together to show God’s love to those in need, and I’ve been encouraged by the response from all ages to the refugee crisis. I’ve said ‘we’ in this letter a lot, and that’s quite right. ‘Ministry’ is not ‘something the vicar does’, ministry is something we all do together. That’s what I realised again at my friend’s licensing the other day, and that’s what I’ve been finding in these first months in Braydon Brook.
There are so many ways we can “be” church for the 167 hours in the week in which we We look to build each other up as we aren’t “in” church, and we’ll be surprised revise our approach to baptism so that by the many ways this can happen in our families can be better welcomed, prepared villages! and supported. We care for each other by supporting those who are bereaved, and Rev’d Phil Daniels, Priest in Charge, 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 22:03ThePage 1 Brook Group we have an evening All Souls service on Braydon
G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208
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Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
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Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester,
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At home in the Cotswolds 0400715
42 | October 2015
See our display boards at At home in the Cotswolds Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Sherston WI were recently treated to an illustrated talk by the Curator... ...on the early history of the police and the work of the museum, followed by a quiz entailing questions from the 1955 police entrance exam. By the response it seems we should have a few more visitors to the museum from Sherston! The prompt for volunteers in the last Advertiser did generate one response, which is currently being followed up. If there are any more potential volunteers
out there with an interest in local history do get in touch to find out more. And now for another of our Cold Case Files we know many enjoy reading.
Appeal to Track Down Owners of Stolen Painting “The Arrest” – a 28in by 36in oil painting by 19th century artist Charles Rossiter – was stolen from an address near Tetbury in January 1994 but was recovered in 2012 by The Art Loss Register (ALR). However, the owner of the painting cannot be found and the London-based organisation – which
Tetbury Police Museum works to track down helping track down lost or stolen pieces of art and reunite them with their owners – has appealed for help. Alice Farren-Bradley from ALR said the organisation works with police, insurers, underwriters and loss adjusters to identify owners, but in this case had been unsuccessful. “We have been speaking to Gloucestershire police but, because of the date, they no longer have the details of the theft,” she said. “It’s not that common but it does happen.” She added the painting’s rightful owner will be required to prove it is theirs, for example by producing a certificate of ownership or a photograph with it in. It’s the sort of work that is not of a high financial value but of a sentimental value,” she said. The painting came to light when previous owners – who did not know it had been stolen –offered it for sale. A spokesman from Gloucestershire police said it may still be possible to identify the original record of the crime but it is an extremely complex process due to the length of time and the change in the force’s systems over the past 20 years. Source: Glos & Wilts Standard 17 March 2013 John Silvester, Hon Curator, curator@tetbury.gov.uk
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
October 2015 | 43
Avening WI After an horrendous forecast of wet weather... ...on the day of our summer outing to Hampton Court Castle and Gardens in Herefordshire we were pleasantly surprised that the Met Office had it wrong! Admittedly we did not see much sunshine, but it was dry and much enjoyed by everyone who came along. Our skittles team have reached the semifinal of the County Plate competition, having beaten Tetbury WI in a friendly and convivial match in Tetbury.
Recently, we were pleased to provide a tasty lunch for the Stroud Macular Society who were celebrating their 25th anniversary. We have also welcomed the Eastleach Friendship Circle on a return visit. We enjoy providing good home-cooked food at a reasonable cost and it is always much appreciated.
some amazing recognisable chickens and
Looking forward to the autumn, some of us will be attending the County Autumn Council at the Pittville Pump Rooms.
Our speaker in September was Will from the
We are also having a walk around Chavenage and Beverston on the day of the WI movement’s centenary on the 16th of September.
many misconceptions about Food Banks
We are pleased to be having a repeat session of willow weaving. Last year we produced
WI Centenary Celebrations
Tetbury WI
and in September we enjoyed an evening with two beauty therapists from Boots. Lots of practical advice was given and we were pleased to be able to offer something different to our members
Our speaker in October was Martin Surl, who is the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire and has been since 2012. In his talk he incorporated answers to questions we had listed and was also prepared to take them from the floor as well. One of our concerns is the rare sighting of Police Officers in Tetbury.
Naturally, the main event in September was the Centenary of the WI. We celebrated by holding an exhibition in the Market House of mementos of the last 100 years. Happily, this was well attended by members and guests and a delightful way to mark the occasion. Our thanks go to Linda who masterminded its organisation.
As the crime rate here is so low, apparently they are better deployed elsewhere, such as in the city of Gloucester. It was ironic to read in the Times the next day that “more than a quarter of crimes in rural areas are not reported because of a lack of confidence in policing”. Marin Surl’s integrity and concern for this county were obvious, however.
Our next meeting will be on October 12th at the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30. The talk is called “Making a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show and the speaker will be Roger Turner.
The annual walk to the Cat and Custard at Shipton Moyne took place in August
Members had been invited to lend artefacts from the past hundred years and there was
44 | October 2015
Wednesday, 16th September saw Tetbury WI Celebrate the Centenary of the WI with an Exhibition and Reception for members and guests at our beautiful Market House.
pigs! We are also taking part in the Flower Festival at Minchinhampton Church which will commemorate the centenary of the WI and our display will represent WI’s role in the Dig for Victory campaign. Stroud and District Food Bank and his talk was enlightening, as there are generally and their users. We have supported the project throughout the year and will continue to do so. Shirley Hand, Avening WI
an amazing assortment on display for the evening. Exhibits included items from the bottom drawer of a Mother of one of our members, who is probably our longest serving member, having joined WI 59 years ago. Items relating to both World Wars included newspapers from 1915 were on display. A Wedding dress and other dresses, Christening gowns, toys, household goods, needlework and handicrafts including the Knitted Garden which was made for this year’s group meeting. Modern technology in the form of various phones and radios were also on display. Photographs and memorabilia from our own history in Tetbury WI had also been lent by members. Past members had been invited to join us for the evening, so it was lovely to see so many who were able to come. Refreshments were served throughout the evening and Chris Gibson, our President, cut the anniversary cake and presented a bouquet to Linda Sheen who had coordinated the event and done so much to make it such a wonderful evening.
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St Mary’s Playgroup
General Handyman Services Happy birthday to us! This month we are celebrating our 40th birthday – yes that’s right, we officially first opened in the autumn of 1975! I’m sure there are many of you who can still remember the playgroup back when it began and whilst there have been lots of changes over the years, I am sure that the heart has always been the same – to be a friendly community based playgroup in the hub of Tetbury town.
‘No Job Too Small’ Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270 1250212
In this year alone there has been a huge amount of change which has seen a great improvement in the quality and range of provision for the children, as well as a real drive to include the rest of the family – I would like to just thank our past and current parents for all your support during this time!
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Happy birthday playgroup!
46 | October 2015
Page 1
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
As always please feel free to give us a ring on 01666 503777 for more information or a visit our website www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk.
Heidi Bailey Joint Playleader
Our toddler group on a Monday (from 9.3011.30 at the front of Christ Church) ran by Jackie (one of our lovely team members!) is becoming increasingly popular. We offer a range of activities, craft and snacks and are proud to be making it a ‘mobile free zone’ to encourage more interaction between parents and children – thank you to everyone for your support in this.
I would also like to share that are in the process of changing our sessions to try and accommodate more families by introducing a full, preschool only session on a Tuesday from 9-3.30pm as well as an early bird drop off (from 8.30am) and lunch club (until 1pm) on a Monday, Thursday and Friday. This will then mean our session dedicated to our new starters and younger children (from 2 years 6 months) will fall on a Wednesday from 9-12pm. These changes are due to take effect after the half term holiday so please keep an eye out for dates either on our Facebook page (search ‘stmarysplaygrouptetbury’) or on posters around town.
250208 JS Painters & Decorators
We are really excited to be hosting a Family Fun Day as a way of celebrating our 40th birthday and would like to invite all local families, as well as anyone who has attended (or worked at!) St Mary’s playgroup over the years to join in with us as we mark the occasion! It will be taking place at the Rugby Club and out into the Recreation Ground on the 10th of October from 12-3pm so we would love to see you there!
The sign of building quality 1121111
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On Wednesday, August 26th a party of 30 members set off... ...for the matinee performance at the Festival Theatre, Malvern: a very popular venue and well served for lunch by good local eating spots as well as the in-house restaurant within the theatre. The programme scheduled was from the well known series of Talking Heads by Alan Bennett and this was a good opportunity to see three of the original monologues performed by well known and experienced actors. Each monologue
lasted approximately 40 minutes with a brief interlude between each. All of them had the poignant hallmark of the author’s style with a blend of dark humour and deep insight into human behaviour and frailty. The show opened with Siobhan Redmond reciting the part of Miss Ruddock in ”Lady of Letters “ in which the character is portrayed as a lonely busybody who spends her life in a small flat and writes letters of comment and complaint to all and sundry with ongoing dialogue but with no conclusion. It seems to be her sole enjoyment and fulltime hobby until she makes false accusations against a local
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Tetbury Theatre Group family and falls foul of the law such that she eventually finds apparent relief from her phobias whilst in prison. The second monologue was performed by Karl Theobald acting as Graham in ”A Chip in the Sugar”. Once again in the style so typical of Bennett, the whole dialogue was trivial and laced with deep humour based on everyday life and the outpouring of concerns that Graham (who still lives at home with Mother) has about her relationship with man who although hinting at marriage is eventually found to be a philanderer. The final act introduced the well known Stephanie Cole playing the part of Doris in ”A Cream Cracker under the Bed”. The elderly Doris with some physical restrictions gave a sad and moving commentary on many of the age related difficulties being faced but such dialogue was liberally laced with self effacing humour . The title was apparent at the end when Doris partially collapsed and being unable to get up she was able to see that proper cleaning under her bed had not been carried out! The whole performance was well received and applauded and considered by our Tetbury group to have been a successful trip. The theatre group committee continue to search for enjoyable and entertaining plays/venues. In the last couple of issues of the Tetbury Advertiser I have announced future programmes where known for maybe 3-4 months ahead but I apologise if this has caused any confusion because some of our members have seen this advance information before receiving their normal notice whereby they show interest and reserve tickets for specific events . Please be aware that any advance programme in this column is for guidance and interest only. You will continue to receive the normal booking form by post or email and this completed form(with cheque) is the only formal method of booking. Any interest in membership please contact Lin Tanswell 01666 505029 or Helen Price 01666 503187. Ray Sheppard Tetbury Theatre Group
Key Stage 3, 13+ and GCSE
Science and Maths Tutor Relaxed and friendly tuition – learn at your pace. Lisa Mustoe BSc (Hons) Nat Sci, PGCE. Email: lisamustoe@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01666 505589/07773 575348 (or text for call back)
October 2015 | 47
Tetbury Town FC All of our youth teams have now played several fixtures and performances across the age groups have been terrific. From our newly formed Under 7s, who have shown amazing confidence and have a bright future ahead; to our Under 15s, who having moved onto full size footballs can see senior football on the horizon! Goals have flowed with end to end, exciting football entertaining the vast crowds. Come along and support the children, you will be made more than welcome and the Café is open for refreshments. Visit our website for up to date details of all fixtures across the teams. We look forward to seeing you!
work. We look forward to seeing the board and its development through the season. Frog Racing is coming to the Dolphins Hall on 23rd October. If you have never attended a frog racing event before, this really is fantastic fun and you are in for a treat. Tickets are on sale and include supper, please contact me for further details or visit our website. Four more coaches are in the process of completing their FA Level 1 in Coaching Football and will soon become part of the strong coaching team here at Tetbury. With nearly 150 youth members across 8 age groups, we are always looking at how our coaching can improve and we will
be funding Level 2 courses this season; providing the best possible coaching we can for these children. We welcome boys and girls of all abilities and confidences, as well as those who would like to offer help, in any form, to support our club. No matter how big or small, your help is always appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07879 441938. Keep up to date with footballing news on our website www.tetburytownfc.com, on facebook - ‘tetbury town youth fc’ or Instagram TetburyTownYouthFC. Richard Norris Youth Chairman, Tetbury Town FC
Thank you to Tiggers Nurseries Ltd for the kind sponsorship of our newly formed Under 7’s new kit. They look fantastic! Our new Tetbury Town FC noticeboard is now in place at St Mary’s Primary School and gives the children the opportunity to see the many exciting things happening at our football club, both on and off the pitch. It has pride of place in the main entrance area and is expertly maintained by our two ambassadors, Oscar and Eleanor (pictured)- a big thank you for all their hard
48 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Patient Participation Group Patients continue to pass onto the PPG both their praise and their concerns about the Romney House Surgery. The wife of one patient commented that the ‘surgery couldn’t have reacted better when she phoned and that she couldn’t fault their actions or care both for her husband and herself’. Comments like this are always good to hear. The length of time before being able to get a routine appointment to see a doctor of choice at the surgery remains the highest number of comments and concern from those who have contacted us. I am sure it has not escaped notice that this is not just a Tetbury problem but a nationwide one. Nationally we are told that there is a shortage of GPs and that this is one reason why it is difficult to get an appointment. We are also advised that, because patients are living longer, more care is required from this diminishing GP pool. Another reason for it being difficult to make an appointment is because some patients are using their GP inappropriately when watchful waiting, or a visit to a pharmacist or nurse or dialling 111 would have been a more appropriate. We are also told that patients are going to
A and E departments because they can’t get an appointment with their GP which is putting a lot of additional pressure on A and E departments. Unless it is really necessary this should not be seen as an alternative to going to your GP. In Tetbury we are fortunate because we still have enough GPs for the number of registered patients and there is still room on the doctors’ lists for them to accept the number of anticipated patients when the new houses being built are occupied. But our GPs are still under pressure hence some patients having to wait for an appointment longer than they think they should.
injured. The initiative encourages them to check out the App, Search the website, Ask NHS 111 or visit the Pharmacy before automatically trying to get an appointment with their GP. The website can be accessed www.asapglos.nhs.uk , the app for mobile devises, both on Android and iOS. Users can find help and advice by ‘Search by Service’ or ‘Search by Condition’. Either way there is a step by step guide through the symptoms, self-care and signposting to the appropriate NHS service. It can also check the nearest services to your location and give opening hours and telephone numbers.
There will be more about new initiatives In order to relieve the pressure on GPs both locally and in Gloucestershire in and help patients to receive the most future articles. appropriate help and advice, NHS Gloucestershire has launched - ASAP. This Alison Hesketh initiative targets adults and parents of PPG Liaison Officer 681010 Marchwho Roofing:Layout 22:08 Page 1 young children maybe unsure 1 what21/9/10 alison.hesketh1@btinternet.com to do or to whom to turn if they are ill or
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Come and meet our Caring, Curious & Courageous Learning Family!
50 | October 2015
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Christmas in Tetbury Lighting the Way With the nights clearly drawing in, it feels more appropriate to tell you about our plans in the run up to the switch on ceremony on Thursday 3rd December. We are pleased to announce that Katie Rowlett, journalist with ITV’s West County news, will be switching on the town centre Christmas lights!
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We are delighted that Highgrove Enterprises have agreed to sponsor new lights around the town this year. Look out for them on the Knapp, the Chipping tree, the Green and additionally on London Road at the junction with the Priory Way. These high-quality lighting displays will help to bring a festive atmosphere to Tetbury and will provide an antidote to the winter blues. On Monday 23rd November we will be judging the entries into our annual art competition for pupils of Saint Mary’s and Sir William Romney’s schools. The winners will be invited to join Katie Rowlett to switch on the lights. The theme of this year’s competition is “Six Geese a Laying” – very good luck to all entrants. In conjunction with the Tetbury in Bloom team, we are holding a horseracing night to raise funds for both projects. Tickets cost £5 and can be obtained from Sue Hirst on 504213. For more details, look out for the advertisement in this edition of the Advertiser magazine. Liz Farnham Christmas in Tetbury
All profits distributed locally and internationally
October 2015 | 51
developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and right for you. Follow these steps to plan a Friday. Once you have been doing this for ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC youDoes in the itright and have theso right fun singing with. allplace make play, we also URGENTLY URGENTLY This now will keep your body and brain A goal must be individual to you,along aiming at access for the objective youneed have two set? guessing, and lead you to your 2015 tohelp fill these parts. more sense now? what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop girls/ladies fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. We are a friendly crowd and you will have We URGENTLY needtotwo guitarists (lead and targets lead loads of fun so please help us put this lively reduced focusa and too REALISTIC rhythm) and second keyboard player to To be realistic youwill mustbe be ableshow to visualize much room. a few on for Tetbury, if you are interested make upwiggle the band, rehearsals yourself achieving the objective. Too high a call Anne MEASURABLE necessary and performance dates are: struggle 25,th to see the end, on: 0788 737 7139. Oh! And don’t goal and you may forget folks our new box office is at Tetbury A goal must be November During September Anne has been 26,th 27th and 28th twofind yourself less too low and with you will able to be motivated. Hardware Store on London Road. concentrating on the singing with most of performances on Saturday 28 November. measured – the cast. The two that only have one song Terri White TIMED Due to whether unforeseen two on circumstances to sing and a bit more dialogue are the two Having a timefrom frame for a goal isDolphins important,Dramatic Society scales on to a withdraw people haveor had the stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This oldies in the cast - Terri and Ian (sorry Ian…) time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps They have been rehearsing separately and doing a mighty fine job of it, even if I do say so myself! The poster, designed by Gwen Hobson, is ready to go and the programme of the symptoms• that • Migraine is well on its way. A BIG thank youJust to all some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain • Neck can be helped by treatment: the traders who have placed an advert, that can be helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain • Tennis elbow The Dolphins really do appreciateCall yournow for • Acute/subacute neck pain free Call nowconsultation for a consultation! • Low backpain pain • Chronic neck wonderful support. Tetbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine and Wellbeingavailable Centre Now for those who hadn’t got a clueVicinity as to Healthassessment • Acute • whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders DermaCo House what I was talking about in the last Tetbury • Tennis elbow • Foot and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 2 Charlton Road Advertiser, here is a synopsis of the play. • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • Jwala Gurung Gurung Tetbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Summer Holiday is a fabulous 60’s Musical • Knee osteoarthritis Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Gloucestershire Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk - four London bus mechanics strike up a Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. GL8 8 DY Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 deal with London Transport. They do up a Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY number 9 Double Decker London bus and drive it around Europe as a hotel, on the promise that if they make it they will own and be in charge of a whole fleet.
Dolphins Dramatic Society
Rehearsals are now well underway!
While on the road in France they pick up three ladies whose car has broken down and offer to take them to their next singing job in Athens. They also pick up a stowaway; a young American boy. Meanwhile, a young American female singer has gone missing. The singer’s mother (who is a very ambitious woman) and her aid take the story to the press and it makes the front page. They do all they can to make the story run for as long as possible, including misdirecting the bus. We find out the young American boy is actually the young American girl who is missing. Mayhem ensues as the pushy Mum and the aid try to put a spanner in the works! There are loads of sixties songs throughout the play which you will have
LATHAMS CONTRACT SERVICES LTD High quality garden maintenance for medium to large gardens. Trustworthy key holders for your home. work throughout the year. reliable family run business. Fully Insured. Contact Susan Latham on; home: 01666 575407 Mobile: 07931730922 0590715
52 | October 2015
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Young by name
aged, having been born during the First World War. Greeting Nina feels like hugging history. (Thank goodness that modern standards have shunted our definition of midlife to a much older age. I’m in my prime I’ll have you know!)
Queen, Cousin, Bishop Was I the only person holding their breath last month till the moment the Queen officially became our country’s longest serving monarch? Knowing my Scottish husband’s Republican tendencies, I kept to myself my anxiety that the Queen would fall at the last fence (a metaphor of which she would surely approve), until my daughter (12) piped up out of the blue “So exactly what time did the old King die? I don’t want to celebrate too soon.” No matter what your political beliefs, you’d have to be hardhearted not to feel pleased on Her Majesty’s behalf. I always love feeling that I’m living through a historical landmark moment that will be chronicled by historians and taught in the classroom to future generations of schoolchildren. No monarch is an island, and her achievement surely touches us all, in the same way that we can’t help but feel a little fillip of excitement (no, not that sort of Philip) and ownership when our country wins a major sporting award, even if we take usually take no interest in the game.
Bishop Takes Cousin A few days later, a local historic landmark put even Nina’s longevity into perspective: the consecration of Rachel Treweek as the first female Bishop of Gloucester. I caught an interview on BBC Woman’s Hour with her ecclesiastical garment designer, Polly Meynell, who observed that at her enthronement Bishop Rachel will become the first woman to wear the bishop’s cope (cloak), which has been worn exclusively by men for the last 1,000 years. I just hope she gets to launder it first.
Cousin Trumps Queen But the Queen’s longevity was dwarfed a few days later by our visit to my late grandmother’s cousin Nina (99). On our journey to her elegant seaside apartment (I think HRH would feel quite at home there), it occurred to me that at the time of the Queen’s coronation, Nina would already have considered herself middle-
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54 | October 2015
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Group walks, on Tuesdays in the area around Tetbury, continue until the end of October. Visitors, or anyone not already a member and wishing to join a walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining in advance; all are welcome. The Group were delighted to make an unusual addition to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programme of walks â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a walking weekend away in
North Devon. This had been suggested and prepared by Liz and John Silvester and took place in early June. Eleven members of the Group took part and it was a great success. This was no doubt helped by the very good weather but, that apart, everyone had had an excellent time completing three long walks (9 miles from Woolacombe, 8 miles from Appledore, and 8 miles from Lynton) along the South West Coast Path and in the adjoining countryside and enjoying a very sociable weekend. We hope it may be repeated sometime in the future.
Tetbury Footpath Group Walks Program for October: Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the Tetbury station yard free long stay car park. Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be very muddy. Levels: A = easy, to D = hilly 06.10.15; 2.00 pm, Blind lane to Tetbury Upton & Chavenage. Return via Hermits Cave, 5.5 m 9 k, Level: A/B, Leader: Anne (502326) 13.10.15; 2:00 pm, Cars needed, Newark Park, Fernley Farm, Ozleworth, Sawcombe Farm, Bagpath, Ozleworth Bottom, Newark Park, 5 m 8 k, Level: C, Leader: Ian (502939) 20.10.15; 9.30 am, Cars needed, Bath Park & ride to Bath Centre, followed by walk around upper rim of city, 6 m 9.5 k, Level: A/B, Leader: Geraldine (500169), Note Start Time. Bring Bus Pass if possible, visitors please contact the leader by 24.10.15. 27.10.15; 10.30 am, Wiltshire Bridge, Estcourt Park. Shipton Moyne. Lunch at Cat & Custard Pot, Return via Bath Bridge, 5 m 8 k, Level: B, Leader: Ian (502939), Note Start Time
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October 2015 | 55
Sir William Romney’s School SWR’s students have made exceptional progress! I am delighted by the outcomes Sir William Romney’s School students have achieved in their GCSE’s. The C+ pass rate and the percentage of students who achieved five or more A*-C grades with English and maths were very good, subject results across the school were good and there were some outstanding results in subject areas such as drama, art, catering, ICT and English. However, while attainment was very good, the progress made by our students was exceptional. The value added score in 2014, at 1019, was very good and was among the best among comprehensive schools in the county. In 2015 it is even better at 1026. If this were compared to value added figures in Gloucestershire schools last year it would have placed SWR as the fifth best school in the county in terms of the progress students make between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4. Compared to our neighbouring schools in both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, we would have the best value added in the area – and this is also higher than that achieved by a number of selective schools.
Other notable features of our results was that good progress was made by students in all ability groups, showing that all students at the school are achieving to a good standard with progress rates significantly higher than the national figures. Lastly, the percentage of A*/A grades was 23%, which is an outstanding achievement from our students and, when adding B grades, 46% of all GCSE entries, were at the highest grades. I am very proud of the achievements of our students last year and this is a reflection on their hard work, the efforts of their teachers and the support from their parents.
I should add that our expectations of the current Year 11s with regards to the progress they are making are even higher and I am confident they will meet with these. Steven Mackay, SWR Headteacher
Garden tools appeal as allotment takes shape. Horticulture lessons are now offered on site at SWR and much activity has resulted in an allotment area being fenced off next to the school’s tennis courts. Any donations would be gratefully received, especially garden implements such as hoes, forks, spades, wheelbarrows, pick-axes, hammers and nails. The school is also looking for wood that can be used to raise borders as well as unwanted paving stones to make walkways. Please look in your sheds and garages and if you can help, contact Mrs Townsend in the SWR office or e-mail: k.townsend@swr. gloucs.sch.uk. Transport can be arranged. Sir William Romney’s School
A donated pallet is about to be cut down to size. Careers adviser Mr Courtice with (from left): Year 10s Ashley Burrows, George Walton, Luke Moss and Jacob Fairbairn
56 | October 2015
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October 2015 | 57
Tetbury Community Choir Willkommen in Tetbury, die gerne singen!
Quality Alterations of Tetbury
2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury Glos
Our new term started on 15th September. It runs until 17th November, and after that we are taking part in some of the local Christmas events in Tetbury. We will be singing with the Avening silver band just before the Christmas lights switch on at the Market House House on 3rd December, and we may pop up at other events. But before all that we have the visit from the Unisono Choir from Zwingenberg. We are all getting really excited about this, in particular the Concert on Friday 23rd at Long Newnton church – tickets are available from the Tetbury Tourist Information centre. The Mayor, Twinning Society, Tetbury Town Council and our Choir will welcome them to Tetbury at the Market House on Thursday 22nd October, and the visit is shaping up to be a really lovely time for both Choirs. Some Choir members are hosting our German colleagues in our homes - for a few of us this may be a real test for our schoolgirl German. But the music will overcome all language barriers (we hope!), and their programme sounds really delightful. We have chosen some great songs too, and hope that both choirs will also sing a few numbers together.
(Next to Tourist Information)
Offering a full range of clothing alterations, from shortening of hems to a complete garment remodel Zip replacements, repairs and sewing on buttons Wardrobe consultations in your own home Cushions made to order and much, much more! We aim to return your garments as soon as we can, when possible, within an hour for a single shortening Experienced - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates
Margaret Foster, Chair Tetbury Community Choir
Mon-Fri 9.30-3 or by appointment 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 1020415
CL Tetbury Advertiser Ad 28-7-15_Layout 1 28/07/2015 10:14 Page 1
in Tetbury HHH
Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner. Two courses for £13.50* The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com
www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk *Two courses for £13.50 served in the Brasserie from 12noon to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. 0251015
58 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
We will be at the Dolphins Hall on Saturday 3rd October for the Expo,
We’re looking forward to Christmas shopping trips with some at weekends! Look out for information on the notice boards and in the Dial-a-Ride Bus.
organised by Tetbury Town Council. Come along and see us to find out more about our service and volunteering.
The new look Thursday morning service is going well and, along with Tuesdays and Wednesdays is an opportunity for
Tetbury Dial-A-Ride appointments at the doctors, dentist, hospital etc. Book your place as usual with the office on the number below. Aileen, the Village Agent is here fortnightly, for advice, information and signposting for local services for older people. Call the office to check dates.
Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9 .30am. Tetbury, town (including We can now offer a appointments) WEDNESDAYS: 12-2pm. Appointments (doctors, dentist, hospital etc.) THURSDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9.30am. Tetbury, town and Tesco for both Trade and Private Customers (including appointments). THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Cirencester, 2nd QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS October. Sainsbury’s, 9th October. Wyevale QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERYMANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS FORFOR 30 YEARS QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY 30 YEARSGarden Centre, Nailsworth, 23rd October. Library Club, 30th October. SATURDAY: 10am. Swindon Orbitol, 17th October
CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALLUS USON ON 01666 01666 824 797 CALL 824 797
New Website: www.moulderjoinery.co.uk E-mail: info.moulderjoinery@gmail.com 0810315
0810315 Moulder Joinery.indd 1
Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Monday - Friday 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
13/02/2015 21:24
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
October 2015 | 59
340208 Piano Tuition
Crudwell Ladies In September we had Nicola Clark entertaining us with her original, witty songs accompanied by using the guitar - a most enjoyable evening. Our OpenTetbury MeetingMini on Wednesday 641010 Bus:Layout14 1 October, at Crudwell Village Hall, is a talk
on Agatha Christie given by Lynda Warren. This meeting is open to everyone male or female and we look forward to welcoming you at 7.45 pm for an 8.00 pm start. There is a large car park area at Crudwell Hall.
Piano Tuition
Crudwell Ladies meet every second Wednesday of the month and you don’t have to live in Crudwell to participate as we have members and visitors from surrounding towns and villages.
Jonathan Adkins
If you would like any information on Crudwell Ladies phone 20/9/10 22:27please Page 1 Tina (01666 577707) or Sandra (01666 577368)
Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk 340208
Tel: 01666 505692
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60 | October 2015
www.tiggersnurseries.com Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Page 1
Dry and Seasoned
We Offer a Professional, Pro-active, One to One Service. Specialising in online accounting solutions with Xero FREE Initial No Obligation Consultation Fixed Fee Quotations Available â&#x20AC;˘ Flexible Payment Terms www.ghpl.co.uk email: murray@ghpl.co.uk Tel: 01666 503606 Avening, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ 0510915
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
October 2015 | 61
Save ‘n’ Borrow Yes, Save ‘n’ Borrow, Credit Union is coming to Tetbury; enough volunteers came forward after the meeting on the 1st of September to turn the dream into reality! Save ‘n’ Borrow will open in November – and the venue and times will be in the November issue of The Advertiser. We are hopeful that we will secure a location accessible to all, in a central position in the town which is free of charge. We have had an offer and although we are very thankful, unfortunately, it does not tick all the boxes. BUT we will be opening somewhere in November - even if we have to relocate
later. So watch this space and when we open come to support the venture by making a one off payment of £2 to become a member. Members can make payments into their accounts, hopefully on a regular basis, and receive regular dividends for doing so. Loans are made responsibly and a very low rate of interest is charged - lower than high street banks and much, much lower than pay day lenders and other high street money shops. This can be done because it is a community venture run by volunteers with no overheads and because Save ‘n’ Borrow is there to provide a service - not to make a huge profit. Don’t think it is run by a group of unprofessional, untrained, gossiping dogooders as nothing could be further from the truth! All volunteers who assist are from professional backgrounds, fully trained and
bound by confidentiality rules. Save ‘n’ Borrow is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, is regularly audited and savings are guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme so your money is very safe. It is very much promoted and supported by the Diocese of Gloucester and supported by Churches Together in Tetbury (TACT). Watch this space for opening date in November and where we will be based and when we will be open. For further information contact: alison. 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1 22/4/10 hesketh1@btinternet.com 01666 505113
A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd Specialist In Stone Work & Renovations
Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.
General Building Renovations
Barn Conversions • Paving Brickwork • Blockwork www.agwhowellbuilderltd.co.uk Call for a free quote:
Phone: 01666 860875 Mobile: 07786 938189
L . E . P E R RY
13 Hampton Street, Tetbury G
Independent Funeral Directors 24 Hour ser vice • Home visits Golden Charter & Pre-paid funeral plans P L E A S E
01666 502295 0680415
62 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The Geriatric Gym Bunnies What excuse do you have for not exercising or going to the gym? We Geriatric Gym Bunnies have heard it all! There are many excuses for not getting off the couch and exercising or joining a gym. But of course some excuses are valid – aren’t they?
Well! To address some of them:
The Priory Gym
on what is fit or strong will be redefined anyway!
2. It’s intimidating, it’s too hard… Doesn’t that describe everything that is new? This might be hard to swallow but, you’re not actually afraid of the gym, what you’re actually afraid of is the ambiguity of the gym. You’re afraid of not knowing what you’re doing – being in a new environment with other gym members who you see as “experts” judging you. (They aren’t.)
5. I’m too old! You are never too old. People aged over 65 spend on average 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary age group. Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve all been waiting for.
A really good gym will quickly help you into the gym culture and help you understand how to use the equipment. Find out about the quietest hours so that you feel less intimidated.
3. That stuff is not for me and anyhow I don’t need to be that fit/strong… That “stuff ” is basic physical movement. Who says you have to take it to the highest level? You owe it to yourself to be the best version of you that you can be.
1. When will you believe....
4. I just want to tone up…
When will you belief you’re fit or strong enough to go to a gym? It is likely that when you join a gym your whole perspective
That’s fine, toning up is losing fat and gaining muscle and getting fitter and stronger in the process!
It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%. It is harder as you get older but it is the most important time in life to stay as fit as possible. Socialising is also an important part of wellbeing; the adverse impact on a person’s wellbeing of feeling lonely has been likened to that of obesity and smoking. The Priory Gym is the only gym in Tetbury which encourages members from all age groups - and our team of fitness experts takes your fitness personally. They’ll help you achieve the results you want. They help you set your goals and also support you as you improve your health, fitness and change the way you feel about yourself. The gym has a strong sense of community and supports the youth of Tetbury at the same time actively welcoming the “older” person. Social events are proving to be a speciality. The Priory Gym
A paid-for Advertising Feature
1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher
Wez Poole Carpentry and building services
Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic.
07717 708092 peyote.wez@googlemail.com
All profits distributed locally and internationally
6 Wallow Green, Horsley, Stroud, GL6 0PB
For more info,
Call Ricky on 01666 504644 October 2015 | 63
Pension Wise “People are being targeted repeatedly with pension scams”, say Citizens Advice Over 55’s are being repeatedly contacted with cold-calls and emails offering fraudulent pension opportunities, warns Citizens Advice. Over four months after the pension reforms came into effect, figures from the national consumer body find that two of the five groups of Citizens Advice pension staff in England and Wales have seen people targeted repeatedly with pension scams. Albert Ball, Project Manager at Wiltshire Citizens Advice Pension Wise said: “Pension
scams threaten people’s financial security. Scammers are finding new ways to go after people’s pension pots including offering free pension reviews and promising to invest funds that don’t necessarily exist. “If you’ve had an offer or signed up to a pension scheme you’re unsure about, I urge you to contact your local Citizens Advice where our staff can offer free help and support.”
help tracing a lost pension - High rates of return: any promotion offering you a much higher rate of return than other investors - Time pressure: if you are told you must give your details within a short time frame or sign paperwork from a courier - Early access: an offer to help you access your pension before the age of 55
Citizens Advice offers Pension Wise guidance where people aged over 50 can access free face to face guidance sessions. To book an appointment call 01722 580052
How to avoid being scammed:
Common signs of a pension scam:
- Check if the company contacting you is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- Pension help for free: an offer of help with your pension, such as free review or
- If you are unsure, contact The Pensions Advisory Service on 0300 123 1047 or contact Citizens Advice on 03454 04 05 06
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming
- Never be rushed into making a decision
- Look at the FCA’s Scamsmart warning list, which gives the names of investment schemes that are known scams.www.fca. org.uk/scamsmart
Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
- If you have already accepted an offer you think is a scam, report it to Action Fraud. For further information on pension scams, visit pensionwise.gov.uk Anne Blackwell Pensions Guidance Caseworker
Cirencester Form College CirencesterSixth Sixth Form College
s y a D Open Saturday 17 October 10am - 3pm & Thursday 21 January 5 - 8pm Outstanding Sixth Form Education A LevelsVocationalApprenticeshipsUniversity Level Qualifications Business & Professional Courses Subsidised Transport
www.cirencester.ac.uk 0231015
64 | October 2015
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Dinner Down Memory Lane Marie Curie is calling on food fans in Gloucestershire to hold a retro-inspired dinner party in aid of the charity, this November. Retro food is having a revival and Marie Curie’s new fundraising campaign, ‘Dinner Down Memory Lane,’ is about holding a dinner party and recreating time-honoured classics, or putting a contemporary twist on some old classics like duck a’l orange and prawn cocktail. The money raised from every dinner party will help Marie Curie provide more free care to people living with a terminal illness.
Richard Scott, Community Fundraiser for Marie Curie said: “Holding a ‘Dinner Down Memory Lane’ is a great alternative to a normal dinner party - and by inviting friends to make a donation in return for a dinner with a difference, you’ll be helping Marie Curie Nurses provide care and support to people and their families.” Actress Alison Steadman is supporting the initiative and is no stranger to retro food, having starred in the cult 70’s play ‘Abigail’s Party’. She said: “Retro food seems to be everywhere at the moment and getting together for a dinner party is always good fun, so combine the two, and host your own retro-inspired dinner party for Marie Curie.” “Dinner Down Memory Lane’ is the perfect excuse to be part of the retro revival while
Marie Curie raising money to help Marie Curie care for people living with a terminal illness. There’s nothing like a bit of nostalgia to make you feel good.” For more information and to sign up for a free fundraising pack visit www.mariecurie.org. uk/dinner or call 0800 716 146. Like us at www.facebook.com/mariecurieuk Follow us on www.twitter.com/mariecurieuk Richard Scott, Community Fundraiser Herefordshire and Gloucestershire 01179 427 132
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 pete.oloughlin@sky.com 140208 Classic Windows
Page 1
Fully Insured
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
October 2015 | 65
Optimum Mobility 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1
Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist
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Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation.
Scooters and portable scooters Powered rise/recline armchairs Household, bathroom and walking aids Large display with private test area Disabled facilities, easy parking Proper maintenance Part exchange, new & reconditioned
Mobility assessments and tuition at home
Please phone for details on
We are a family business
The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury
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720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
Window Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...
Page 1
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com
Rob Wootton
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66 | October 2015
Loft Conversions
Garden Rooms / Sun-Houses
Landscaping and Groundworks
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e. simonstevens01@googlemail.com 13 Close Gardens | Tetbury | Glos | GL8 8DU
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Landscaping Before
Extension Before
New Build Before
Landscaping After
dscaping Before
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Extension After
Extension Before
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Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
October 2015 | 67
TIER 3 HOSPITAL less than 6 miles from Tetbury = reduced emergency journey time
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