September 2015
Cover photo - Joseph Dart Photography
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2 | September 2015
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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email:
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What’s On
1st September ‘Save ‘n Borrow’ Meeting 2.00 pm at St Michaels Church Hall, The Green, Tetbury.
Avening WI 31 Avening Primary School 28 Christmas in Tetbury 32 Civic Society 43 Computer Advice 62 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 16 Crudwell Ladies 43 Dolphins Dramatic Society 18 Dolphins Recreation Centre 8 Eating Out 48 Guiding 40 History of Tetbury Society 24 Leighterton Primary School 22 Letters to the Editor 20 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Report 4 News from Christ Church 57 News from St Marys’ 54 North Wilts Villages Flower Club 11 Patient Participation Group 12 Probus 45 Puddle Ducks 27 Rotary Club of South Cotswold’s 14 Save ‘n Borrow 15 Simon Conrad 25 Sir William Romney’s School 52 St Mary’s Playgroup 21 St Mary’s Primary School 10 St Michael’s Parish Church 19 Summer Show 34 Tetbury Art Society 26 Tetbury Camera Club 30 Tetbury Classic Car Show 50 Tetbury Community Choir 59 Tetbury Dial-A-Ride 53 Tetbury Hospital 63 Tetbury in Bloom 7 Tetbury Library 56 Tetbury Police Museum 39 Tetbury Policing Team 39 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 49 Tetbury Theatre Group 60 Tetbury Town Football Club 44 Tetbury WI 58 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 46 Unsung Heroes - September 20 What’s On 3 Young by Name 6
3rd September David Hardwick speaks to HOTS 7.30 pm start in Christ Church. 6th September Tetbury Classic Car Show 11.00 am to 4.00 pm at Sir William Romney’s School. 7th, 18th and 27th September Local walks lead by the Wardens - see further details in this issue. 9th September Comic Chanteuse Nicola Clark 7.45pm for 8pm start at Crudwell Village Hall visitors welcome, £3 pp. 12th and 13th September National Heritage Weekend 2015 See the “Feoffees and the Thirteen” article in this issue. 13th September Evensong in St Saviour’s Church 6.00 pm in remembrance of Father Charles Fuge Lowder. 14th September Tetbury WI meet Martin Surl, Glos. Police Commissioner 7.15 for 7.30pm at the Dolphins Hall. 16th to 20th September Tetbury Food & Drink Festival See the detailed information in this issue, or visit the web site: 19th September N. Wilts Villages Flower Club trip to Salisbury Cathedral For the “Magnaflora” floral. Information from Margaret: 01285 770639. 22nd September Sir William Romney’s School Open Evening Tel: 01666 502378. Email: 24th September and 28th September SWRS Open Mornings For Year 5 and 6 pupils and their parents. Tel: 01666 502378. Email: 24th September Macmillan Coffee Morning 10.00 am to 12.30pm at All Saint’s Church, Crudwell, Contact Diana Hodgson on 01666 577662 25th September Start of “Michael Fest” Celebrations See the St Michael’s article in this issue.
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow.
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm.
Mayor’s Report The Malt House Public Meeting on Wednesday 17th June was a great success and very well attended. From this first meeting there has been a very positive response and a lot of people have put their names forward who would like to help with doing something for the Malt House to stop it declining any further. Let us hope something can be done to save this lovely iconic building. I was invited to Westonbirt School to attend their Speech Day at the end of the school term (July). It was lovely to be there and took me back to my own speech days! On Sunday 5th July I was invited to a luncheon at The Dolphins Hall for the handover from the old Lions to the new Lions. From TTC we offer our congratulations to Richard in his forthcoming term of office.
we have been offered help to thoroughly clean the War memorial. Hopefully by the Remembrance Service we will have a lovely clean memorial. We had an interesting afternoon on Friday 17th July as Councillors were invited to turn up at the Goods Shed in 1940’s dress for a photo shoot. There were some brilliant costumes and it was great fun. Look out for the end results that will be in the shape of a calendar! On Wednesday 29th July I had a special invite to The Close Hotel to witness the presentation, to the Lions with a scroll in honour of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This was presented by the Lord Lieutenant. Our congratulations to all Lions, a very well-deserved plaudit. It is with sadness that we announce the death of Sue Stoner who was a previous Mayor. She had great vision and drive for the Goods Shed and I know she will be very sadly missed. On Tuesday 3rd August an idea was born to hold a Wool Fest in Tetbury. What are your thoughts? Could you help and run something like this? If you have the drive then please contact Jackie at TIC or turn up at our next meeting at the TTC Offices on 23rd September at 7.30pm. We have a lot of ideas and along with our other events it will be a good celebration of our Wool Heritage.
Thursday 16th July saw me at the South Gloucestershire Barracks for the Community England Day where they were displaying what they do in the field. We have a wonderful link with the 59th The 9th August was the Summer Show, Regiment and they support us at various CL Tetbury Advertiser Ad 28-7-15_Layout 10:14 Page 1we had! The parade what brilliant weather events throughout the year. From this event1 28/07/2015
was brilliant with even more people joining in. There was plenty to see and do and our thanks go out to all the team who have worked so hard to make it all happen – Terri/Lance and everyone thank you for your hard work and drive. Whilst waiting to join the parade for the Summer Show I met some Aussies who were delighted to be sharing the event and who will go back with some wonderful memories and pictures. It is things like this that makes me realise how much Tetbury has to offer and it makes me very proud to be part of this. Sandra Ball Mayor of Tetbury
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4 | September 2015
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Dear Readers, It’s been a very busy and productive summer, with lots of things to tell you about. First, of course, I hope you enjoy this month’s cover, a photograph by Joseph Dart of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which the Lord Lieutenant of Gloucester, Janet Trotter, presented to us in July. We’re very proud indeed to have received it – representing as it does all the generosity of people in and around Tetbury over the years, toward both our club generally and toward the Advertiser. Many thanks to Michelle of Quality Alterations for smartening up the Lion President’s Sash for the event, too without it I would have felt seriously underdressed in such august company.
either (or both!) a Lion or a character from Disney’s “Frozen” film. This year a young lady called Jorja won a great big “Sven” nearly her size at the excellent St. Mary’s Primary school fete – and a young lady called Sandra Ball won “Roary” - a Lion of more modest proportions, at the Summer Show. Both seemed equally delighted with their booty. My thanks go to all the Lions who have spent time this year – notably Jayne, Paul, Steve, Jwala and the flying Greenway twins for making the Activities side of our club more active and undoubtedly more fun.
Lions Den he then donated to the Tetbury Lions. Well done everyone involved in the show – and well done Ben! As I write this our next forays into the public domain will be the Tetbury 5k (which I hope goes well – and which I hope sees runner Elaine Smith make a good showing) – and then the Tetbury Classic Car Show, which I also hope will do very well, borrowing as it does some of our number to marshal both cars and crowds. Fingers crossed for fair weather! Our next meeting is on Wednesday the 2nd of September at 8pm at the Close Hotel and my Lion friend and Vice President Alan Cross will be taking care of business for me while I skive off, so by all means go along and cheer him on. Everyone is always very welcome at a meeting, although of course attending one of our social events is more fun.
The certificate and crystal figure will both be on display at our home in the Close Hotel, soon. Many thanks to Clare and the staff there for looking after us so well, and to Mark of the Eight Bells Gallery for spoiling us rotten with his service. Since July we’ve had our show on the road, taking the Lion’s stall to several local fetes and shows, giving people a chance to win
Richard Smith Tetbury Lions The only negative in this recent tide of positivity has been about the passing of Sue Stoner: town stalwart, ex-teacher, Goods Shed Supporter, ex-Mayor – and indeed contributor to the Advertiser. I happened to be discussing the Royal Special from 1981 the other day and I chanced to notice that Sue got credit for writing it. In Advertiser terms, you can’t leave a better mark than that. But what about the Summer Show? Wasn’t it good? There are some excellent shows in the area, but this year the Tetbury offering certainly went from strength to strength, reminding me of those years gone by when a parade of floats used to herald what felt like the real arrival of summer. One of the stars of this year’s show stalls was Ben Tate, 9, from Malmesbury. Ben ran his stall selling potted pansies tirelessly all day, raising £26.30 in profit, half of which
HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
September 2015 | 5
Young by name The Library, The Witch and The Wardrobe On arrival at their holiday cottage on Brownsea Island, Dorset, the birthplace of Scouting and Guiding, what do you think was the biggest hit with my daughter’s Girlguiding unit? Spotting copious red squirrels, finding exotic tail feathers dropped by the resident peacocks, or discovering the beach at the end of the garden? Trick question! Actually, it was finding an ancient wooden wardrobe in each dormitory. “I’m just off to Narnia!” the girls would call, taking it in turns to step inside the wardrobe. Their imagination did the rest, to keep them entertained. Variations on the
game soon arose. “Our wardrobe takes us to Rainbow Land.”“Ours leads to Hogwarts.” Did CS Lewis realise what a timeless icon he had created with that wardrobe? Surely the promise of a secret world of adventure behind a mundane facade is never far from the thoughts of anyone who has ever read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Or is that just me? Only the other day it struck me while taking the shortcut to Tetbury Library that the winding, blinkered alleyway leading away from the hubbub of the shopping streets provides a Narnia-like transportation to a secret oasis of calm. As when entering the fabled wardrobe, those crossing the library’s threshold will find different adventures according to their character and attitude. But unlike Narnia, where it is always winter but never Christmas, in a public library it is always Christmas. Any day you visit, you can walk away laden with gifts: books to read on free loan, DVDs, games and invitations to courses and events. All you need is the courage to open the wardrobe door and step inside, and, with faith, you’ll find what you’re looking for. And if you’re not sure what you’re seeking, you’ll be readily assisted by expert librarians, who are not likely to resemble Mr Tumnus or Mr and Mrs Beaver in appearance - but they will share their generous and resourceful nature and specialist knowledge.
the faith will libraries like Tetbury’s survive. Otherwise they will slowly morph into just another lost mythological world. I hesitate to imagine the conversation with my grandchildren years from now. “Yes, that’s right, dear. The books were all free. Thousands of them, there were, on every subject and in every genre.” “Yet people just didn’t bother using them?” “Yes, dear, and that’s why they shut them down.” To me, closing a public library is as unthinkable as locking the Professor’s wardrobe and throwing away the key. Who would want to live in a society in which the most adventure to be had from a wardrobe is assembling an IKEA flat pack? By the way. I’m reliably informed that there are no witches in Tetbury Library. I’m not so sure about IKEA. Debbie Young
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01666 503900
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Dazzling Summer I regularly work in London and enjoy my walk to the office through the Whitehall gardens, alongside the River Thames. Famed for their displays of summer bedding, this year I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to see empty flowerbeds even well into July. By then, back here in Tetbury, the geraniums and antirrhinum were in full flower and the flowerbeds were looking wonderful.
Tetbury in Bloom maintains 33 flowerbeds throughout the town; this includes the two outside the Tesco petrol station. (We have done this since 2009, when we took over responsibility from the previous owners.) These flowerbeds have looked particularly beautiful this summer. The tall majestic allium sphaerocephalon (or round-headed garlic), with their slender stems topped with purple-crimson “drumsticks”, have thrived in the dry weather and desiccating
Tetbury in Bloom winds. Set amongst heuchera, penstemon and golden euonymus, they give these flowerbeds their distinctive look, with dramatic vertical accents. These allium flower heads will last for weeks. They are perfectly hardy and will come back year after year. Next month we will be holding our 5th annual Race Night at the Dolphins Hall. If you have never attended a race night before, you’ve missed a great night out. Everyone has the same chance of winning cash prizes and it can get very exciting! Look out for the details in October’s Tetbury Advertiser or visit our website 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1
Liz Farnham
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
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01666 503900 September 2015 | 7
Dolphins Recreation Centre Good news! After a spell of having to provide further information as a part of the planning process - the final hurdle was to survey sight lines from St. Saviour’s Church to satisfy English Heritage – we have now finally received planning permission for the new build. We would like to take the opportunity of thanking the many individuals who have already made financial contributions to our funds, enabling us to reach this point.
there are any new faces who would like to get involved in helping with fund-raising, publicity or any other skill, we’d love to hear from you, to help us complete the job. Oh, and this is what it will look like!
and better Summer show on the grounds this month – it’s always good to see the crowds turn out in fine weather - that’s what it’s for! A central place in the town for the town to enjoy. Congratulations to the organisers for providing an excellent show.
On other Dolphins Recreation matters, we were pleased to see an enlarged, bigger
Dolphins Recreation Trust Committee
As people will appreciate, this has been a major project in itself, but permission now means that we can push ahead to attract the other 50% of funding that we need. We are re-formulating and increasing the size of the project team to concentrate its activities as we reach a key point in the project, but would welcome new members who can offer expertise and enthusiasm for what is the largest community activity in the town for 50 years. With Tetbury likely to grow by up to 30% in the next few years, this project is one of the few areas of infrastructure the town can deliver to cope with that increase. Tetbury’s population growth will need more room to attend fitness classes, have more space for pre-school activities, more space for day centres and clubs , a hall big enough for events, with now a larger audience – race nights, film shows, dances, drama - and a hall attractive enough to want to hold their weddings and parties there.
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The youth club will have its own home and also be able to attract new members and extra rooms in the hall will mean that up to four separate events can be held at the same time – a big advantage for a growing town. The sports clubs will inevitably grow, with need for more changing rooms and off-pitch facilities.
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8 | September 2015
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St Mary’s Primary School Last year was an extremely successful year at St. Mary’s Primary School. We had an Ofsted inspection in January 2015 which found our school to be a ‘good’ school and then in July we were visited by the Church School Inspectors who agreed with Ofsted and also judged our school to be a ‘good’ school. Our Year 6 SATS results were some of the best we have ever had with 94% of children achieving the expected standard in reading and maths and 91% in writing. 56% of our Year 6 children achieved a level above the expected standard in reading and 48% achieved the level above expected in maths with 42% above expected in writing. 97% of pupils made the progress expected of them or more in reading, writing and maths. Our assessment also showed the excellent progress being made by our Reception children with 76% of children achieving at least the standard expected of them which is significantly higher than the county averages and children at the end of Year 2 also achieved highly in reading, writing and maths. But we don’t just focus on reading, writing and maths at St. Mary’s and some of our highlights from last year are listed below:
The Lions netball team were County Champions for the second year running in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire.
12 noon to 4pm - Opposite Willis Bros (B4042 Near Malmesbury)
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Fun Dog Show from 1.30pm Bring all the dogs at home! Classes includ e:
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Prizes & Rosettes!
We had a brilliant ‘Well-being Week’ with visits from rugby internationals and famous chefs!
Adult’s and Children’s To mbolas
BBQ & Bar
Our Reception children had a ‘Graduation’ celebration for all the parents – not a dry eye in the house!
Our Charities this year are Malmesbury Youth Football Club and the Wiltshire Air Ambulance
Our Year 5 and 6 pupils put on an outstanding performance of Robin Hood and The Sherwood Hoodies.
• • • • •
Sponsored by AC Nurden Ltd Organised by Malmesbury & Lea, Garsdon, Cleverton & Charlton Conservative Associations
We had a great Summer Fayre organised by the PTFA and Mr Welch got soaked! Year 2 had a fantastic camping night on the school field. Young Voices Choir performed at the Birmingham Arena Miss Stemp went to India and we welcomed a teacher from Nagpur, India to Tetbury for a week.
• •
All types of domestic plumbing & heating work undertaken, including complete bathroom installations
Our new Outdoor Classroom was built We got more iPads and Laptops……
We will be holding an Open Morning at the school on Wednesday 14th October 2015 -please visit our website www. stmarystetbury.gloucs.sch. uk for further details.
Jo Woolley
10 | September 2015
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July meeting review At our July meeting, Sandra Snell (area demonstrator and Chelsea gold medal winner) tutored a “weaving and winding” workshop. Sandra was able to make the craft look easy, but when it was the turn of the audience to try it was a different picture. Some mastered it well, but others will need a little practice to master the skills. The evening turned out to be a very lighthearted attempt at weaving and winding, with many taking home their grasses and leaves to perfect their skills. Wednesday August 19th 6pm will be the annual strawberry tea evening. This year we will head for Kington St Michael, where one of our members has kindly offered the use of her garden. September 16th is the date for our AGM after which David Martin (Area Demonstrator and Florist) will talk on staging
the Chelsea 2015 SW Area NAFAS exhibit which was also a Gold medal winner. On October 21st Ann Anson will demonstrate under the title of “Towards Autumn”. For those wanting to enter the competition the title will also be “Towards Autumn”.
Other News In July several members were involved with the Crudwell flower festival which was held in conjunction with their annual strawberry fayre. Crudwell parochial church council have now contacted the club with their thanks, as a substantial amount of money was raised for the church porch repair fund. On September the 19th the club is running a trip to Salisbury Cathedral for the “Magnaflora” floral festival, celebrating the 800th anniversary of The Magna Carta. On November 18th we will hold our annual Christmas Event at the Sundial Theatre in
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North Wilts Villages Flower Club Cirencester. This year our demonstrator will be Nick Grounds. Flower club meetings take place at Crudwell Village Hall SN16 9HB on the third Wednesday of the month, seven for seven thirty. If you enjoy flowers then do come and join us, visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information please contact Margaret on 01285 770639
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
September 2015 | 11
Patient Participation Group The summer break is now over and the PPG is back at work with renewed zeal to work on behalf of all patients of the Romney House Surgery. We are really pleased that we have a new Chairman, Jennifer Skillen. Jennifer has lived in Leighterton for twenty years and it is good to have someone who lives outside Tetbury and has to travel into the surgery, as this gives another perspective. Jennifer has been involved with special educational needs and home education for several years and more recently has been involved with Health Watch as a service user. She believes that this is an exciting time for the NHS and for the Romney House Surgery and is hoping to expand the PPG in order to bring together the patients, the practice, the GP partners and the wider community to support the future of healthcare and the NHS in Tetbury and surrounding villages. Jennifer can be contacted on 01666 890469 or by email, In case you are wondering, especially since I was awarded the ‘Unsung Hero’ meal at the Priory Inn - for which I thank you -
partially for my work for the PPG, I have not left the organisation. At the last committee meeting I took on the role of Liaison Officer, which means that I will continue to write the PPG article for The Advertiser each month. With this title I’ll have to do better as I am sorry if my statement in a previous edition of The Advertiser about funding for new surgery premises was ambiguous. The funding the practice has achieved is for a feasibility study for new premises to be undertaken. At this stage we do not know what the outcome of that study will be. So we have a new chair and a liaison officer but what we do need is a secretary to minute meetings. If you feel that this is something you have the skills and time to do, Jennifer would love to hear from you. This is not an onerous task. We would also appreciate some new people to join the committee especially younger people and parents of young children since we are committed to make the PPG truly representative of all the patients of the surgery. The weekly therapeutic exercises at Cirencester pool continue greatly benefitting those who attend. There are still some places on the free bus so if you are interested in joining in contact Pat Hodges on 502706. The Carers Group still meet every four weeks at 2.30 at The Close Hotel for an afternoon cuppa. Any carer is welcome - just turn up and make yourself known to the group. The next meeting is on the 2nd of September and the one after is on the 30th of September.
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12 | September 2015
From the Practice, Sam Lloyd, who has a personal interest in the welfare and wellbeing of carers has taken on the role of non-clinical Carers Lead. This role includes guidance, support and signposting for fellow carers and is of course supported by the clinicians, particularly Dr Swanborough who is the practice’s Clinical Carers Lead. Some of you will, I’m sure, already have met some of the new arrivals at the Practice who are: Dr Jenny Wormald, Head Nurse Alison Cole, Healthcare Assistant Michelle Bailey, Dispensing Assistant Shelley Howell and last, but not least, Clinical Data Entry Assistant Tom Lindsay. The PPG wishes them all a long and happy stay at the practice. Alison Hesketh Liaison Officer PPG
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It’s time to put on your dancing shoes, even if you can’t dance.
If you want to get fit fast, lose those unwanted pounds and have more fun than you can believe doing it, here’s some great news for you.
Classes £5 payg, suitable for all ages & fitness levels: Wednesday 7.00pm – Tetbury Leisure Centre Thursday 9.00am – Westonbirt Leisure Centre Contact Ruth King on 07734886275 for booking or more information, or visit for details of all classes
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ dance stars Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite produced a unique dance and fitness programme –
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16th-20th September 2015 Going from strength to strength, this year will see all the old favourites such as Bow in the Cloud Vineyard, Duchy Home Farm, Uley Brewery, Sherston Tea and Woefuldane Dairy, joined by some new and exciting companies including Pigs in the Pantry, David’s Chilli Oils and Native Breeds Curers and Charcutiers.
The Gloucester Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Society will holding its annual dinner at a local hotel, there will be a competition to “create your own sausage recipe”, Cotswold’s very own Chef Rob Rees MBE will be hosting an event during the Festival, and Xanthe Clay Telegraph Columnist, Author and Chef will also be lending a hand as well as signing copies of her new book “The Contented Cook” at the Sunday Market.
September is traditionally harvest time for many - and in Tetbury we are looking forward to the annual Food and Drink Festival held in the town over five days. 19th - 23rd September 2012
As always, everything kicks off with the gathering of the Gloucester Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Society, where we will raise our forks in praise of what many consider the best pork in the country. Making the event even more special is that the sausages are devised by local people and created especially for the Festival.
We believe it’s the best Festival in The Cotswolds
Others taking part include the Royal Oak in Tetbury, the Close Hotel, the Priory Inn and Café 53 whose Vegetarian Evening hosted and created by Tina Stevenson from The Pink Cab is always a sell-out. On Sunday in the centre of Town - in, under and around the Market Hall -is the immensely popular Festival Market, with lots of super-tasty stalls offering everything from cheese to chutney, champagne to cider. Speciality beers, tasty cakes and pies, plus fresh fruit and vegetables from nearby Aunt Addies Farm will also be there. Aunt Addies’ is a local social farming project, whose main aim is to provide an opportunity for local groups including disabled, young and others the chance to experience the healthy outdoor life and to become involved in sowing, planting and reaping the benefits. We very much hope Rob Rees MBE The Cotswold Chef will pop along and say hallo – his Wiggly Machine will certainly be making an appearance; a lovingly restored 1967 Citroen H Van this is a street food van by day and poverty pop-up by night, with all funds raised during the day funding the provision of hot nutritious food to those who need it most in the community.
TETBURY FESTIVAL SAUSAGE COMPETITION This is your chance to create an exclusive recipe for a very special sausage, celebrating our Annual Tetbury Food and Drink Festival. You’re invited to put together your ideas for a Festival Sausage and to list the ingredients you believe would make the perfect sausage. These will then be judged by the Sausage Supremo, Banger Boss John Newman - Manager of Jesse Smiths Butchers of Long Street, Tetbury.
For details on how to book your place at any of these events go to the dedicated website: www.tetburyfooddrink or email
The winning recipe will then be made into an exclusive Festival Sausage and sold through Jesse’s during the Festival, The Winner of the Adult Section wins dinner for two at The Gloucestershire Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Dinner and the children’s winner will get 5lb of sausages for their delight and delectation. Go to the web site http://www.tetburyfooddrinkfestival. com/ to enter and complete the section “I believe the following ingredients will make the best Tetbury Food & Drink Festival Sausage ever..”
Photo credits: Joseph Dart
Good luck! 1210915
A paid-for Advertising Feature
We have a number of exciting “happenings” and are very happy report that our Guest of Honour at The Gloucester Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Society Dinner at the Close Hotel on Wednesday 16th September will be Cotswold Life’s very own Poet - Mr Peter Wyton. Peter has been working very hard, preparing some very funny recitations. Our very own Sausage Maker Extraordinaire John Newman and his colleagues from Jesse Smith Butchers have been working at least as hard – if not harder – on the sausages.
Rotary Club of South Cotswold’s
On the 4th October we hold our flagship charity event which we have held for over 30 years. This is our unique “Horseless Team Event” which is held in the glorious surroundings of Badminton Park, courtesy of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort. Teams of runners and individuals have the opportunity to run round part of the threeday equestrian course and over some of the obstacles.
The Rotary Club of the South Cotswold’s is very much a local organisation, covering Tetbury, Malmesbury and surrounding villages – and we aim to bring together local communities and have at our heart “Service to Others”. I am honoured, as a Tetbury resident, to be the President of the Club for 2015-2016. The Rotary year commences on 1st July each year and we have a “New Year BBQ” to celebrate the occasion and to start the President’s year. This is where Rotarians are joined by their wives, husbands and partners for a convivial social event. This year was special in that we awarded David Holborow, a life-long resident of Tetbury, Honorary Life Membership of the Club for his outstanding service. David was a founder member of the Club which had its inaugural meeting in 1966 (when England won the World Cup!) David now
lives in a nursing home in Painswick but his daughter brought him to our New Year BBQ to receive his award. Rotary is built on fellowship, through which we aim to serve our local community. In June we hosted a successful concert in St Mary’s Church, Tetbury, which was performed by The Stuart Singers, an excellent choir from Minchinhampton. The event enabled us to donate £350 to Tetbury Hospital and the same amount to the Church. We have also recently made awards to Tetbury in Bloom, Tetbury and District Footpath Group, and St Mary’s Playgroup.
The runners compete over 5, 9 or 13 miles and walkers can cover the 5 mile course. In recent years we have another category of competitors – “Cani-crossers” - who are runners harnessed to their dogs! The monies raised by us from the entry fees will be divided this year between Air Ambulance Services and our local Rotary charities. For further details of this event and how to enter please visit http://www. Our next event will be our annual Bonfire and Fireworks spectacular at Sir William Romney’s School. This event, to be held on Saturday 7th November, enjoys excellent local support and is held principally as a community service project to let many people enjoy a fantastic display in a safe environment and at an affordable cost.
Our Club meets almost every Monday through the year at The Horse Guards in Brokenborough. At these convivial gatherings we have a variety of afterdinner speakers who entertain and inform us on a variety of interesting subjects.
If you would like to join us to find out more about our work and to see how you can give something back to our community please contact us through our website.
for body and mind
at St. Mary’s Primary School, Tetbury on Thursday evenings 6.15pm and Malmesbury Town Hall, on Wednesday evenings at 6.00pm
Doug Hughes, President
please book in advance, contact Chris Hewett on 01453 834304 or 07815 181361 1320915
one to one personal training tudio at Pinkney Park
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Don’t be the last to discover the benefits of the fun, new fitness Ditch the workout craze sweeping the nation..... & JoinJOIN theINparty
And have fun getting fit! Classes only £5 Monday 6.00pm Primary school TuesNailsworth 7.30-8.30pm Tuesday 6.15pm Westonbirt Leisure Centre at Luckington Community School For all other classes and venues Thurs 6.30-7.30pm at Sherston Village Hall Visit Sat 10-11am Avening Memorial Hall other classes and venues OrFor callall Ruth King 07734886275 Visit
14 | September 2015
Or call Ruth King
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Native Spanish teacher living in Avening. GCSE, A level course, one-to-one, group, Skype.
Save ‘n Borrow, is the name given to Stroud Valley’s Credit Union, which provides an affordable ‘save and borrow’ service for the community. Save ‘n Borrow helps people to make regular savings – however small – to build up a nest egg for the future and to take out a low interest loan when in need but only if repayments can be afforded.
Whether you want to brush up your grammar, improve your conversational skills or perhaps if you need specific exam revision, I have a class to suit your needs.
Dividends are paid on savings, depending on current interest rates - and savings are guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Run by volunteers, ‘Save and Borrow’ is very much supported
Please contact me! 07909179676 ask for Raül
130208 GLC Williams
Save ‘n Borrow and promoted by churches as an alternative to doorstep lenders and money shops which charge exorbitant interest rates. We are hoping to set up a ‘Save ‘n Borrow’ branch here in Tetbury and are looking for volunteers to help us do so. If you are interested and can spare a couple of hours a week I’d love to hear from you, or, to find out more, just turn up to a meeting at St Michaels Church Hall, The Green, Tetbury on Tuesday the 1st of September at 2pm, with no obligation or commitment.
Page 1
Alison Hesketh 01666 505113
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All profits distributed locally and internationally
September 2015 | 15
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Charcoal Burning The Cotswold Conservation Board is keen to maintain the knowledge of traditional crafts, so they have acquired a charcoal kiln, to be moved around the Cotswold woodlands. 2015 is the year for the South District Wardens, so the kiln is now in a secret location far away from public footpaths, in woodland off the Fosse Way on the Duke of Beaufort’s Badminton Estate. In March we had coppiced Hazel there and left the wood to dry. Charcoal is partially-burnt wood, charred at four to five hundred degrees centigrade in a shortage of air, to avoid it burning completely away into ash. Charcoal is sold for barbecues at around £6 per bag – and one charge of the kiln should produce about sixty bags. It’s not economically worthwhile unless done on an industrial scale, but it’s still very interesting to try doing it in “the traditional way.” We had wondered whether we should have to live in the woods, as recorded in Arthur Ransome’s famous novel “Swallows
and Amazons”, but with the metal kiln the “burn” can be completed in a day, while we cut wood to size for the next charge. We are aiming for about five burns, to still leave time for other work. (At least one of the burns will be a fee-paying demonstration, bookable through the Conservation Board.) The kiln is about five feet high and ten feet in diameter, with a removable steel lid. It has to be completely filled with wood cut into one foot lengths, closely packed and any wood more than four inches in diameter has to split longitudinally with an axe – so you can see the amount of work involved! When full, the fire is lit with an oily rag and burns all day. As it starts smoking, the lid is lowered and the based sealed with earth, except for the eight flue openings around the circumference. Four of these act as air inlets – and four have tall metal chimneys attached to give circulation. Half way through the day, the chimneys and air inlets are swapped over, to even out the temperatures. At the end of the day, all the flues are closed off to stop the fire burning and it’s not until the next visit when it has thoroughly cooled down that we return and open the lid to find, hopefully, charcoal within - not ash!
Deteriorating Footpaths This subject has recently reached the national press, in the form of the “Daily Telegraph”. The Rambler’s Association are complaining that after years of neglect, people are now being prevented from walking in the fresh air on footpaths, because of their condition. (NB: The footpaths, not the people.) Government advice is to take two and half hours moderate exercise per week – and this can of course be met by walking. The example quoted in the Telegraph article was in a path in nearby Hawkesbury, “all but impassable due to overgrown nettles.” By strange coincidence, we were sent by South Gloucestershire Council to clear nettles from a path in Hawkesbury with brushcutters – and to repair two broken stiles and to waymark the route. We have also cleared paths at Uley and on Cam Long Down in the last month.
We think Gloucestershire has a reasonable record compared with many counties, although nowadays, due to budget restrictions, they are reliant to a great extent on volunteers like the Cotswold Wardens and we cannot be everywhere. Safety issues on paths takes priority – like step and stile repairs.
Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1
Local walks lead by the Wardens in September are: Monday the 7th of September at 10.00 am for a 5 mile walk from Chavenage Green (near Tetbury) to Beverstone and the Hermit’s Cave.
Friday the 18th of September at 10.00 am for coffee at the Fleece Inn, Hillesley, leaving at 10.30 am for a 5.5 mile walk to Tresham and Alderley.
For a professional and efficient service including felling, pruning and hedging contact Piers Hansen (B Eng Hons) on 01453 836207, 07770 745642,
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16 | September 2015
Sunday the 27th September at 10.00 am from the car park opposite the King’s Head, King Stanley, for 10 miles to Coaley Peak, Nympsfield, Uley Bury and Frocester. Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
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Dolphins Dramatic Society By November the nights will have drawn in, the temperature dropped (not that it has been particularly hot this summer) and all of us will be wistfully thinking of sunshine and lighter nights, so The Dolphins Dramatic Society has decided to put on a musical that will make you feel warmer, cheer you all up and make you smile. The production this winter is Summer Holiday!
the opportunity of using their imagination. Those of you who remember the film (or indeed 1963!) will have the chance to hear all those catchy songs again and to sing along with them too.
dates in your diary, 26th – 28th November, to come and bathe in the nostalgia and fun of Summer Holiday.
You know the ones! `Do You Wanna Dance,’ `On the Beach,’ `In the Country’ and of course `Bachelor Boy’.
There will of course be the special performance for all the older people of Tetbury, which will take place on Wednesday 25 November, very kindly organised by Tetbury Lions.
For those of you who haven’t got a clue what I’m talking about read the October edition of the Tetbury Advertiser and I will tell you the story – and in the mean time put these
By the way, if there are any young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who would like to be part of this production, do call Anne Smith on: 0788 737 7139.
I am sure there are many of you who remember the film version from 1963. What a year that was! “Beatlemania” was born, the Profumo affair scandalised Britain and preceded the resignation of Harold Macmillan, Ronnie Biggs, Buster Edwards and team snatched £2.6m cash from the London to Glasgow mail train and the ‘Britain in Bloom’ campaign began. The Summer Holiday stage play was adapted from the film by Michael Gyngell and Mark Haddigan in 2003, with the idea that instead of relying on technology (as films do) to produce a smooth, seamless or thrilling production, the stage version would be exciting, surprising and give the audience
CALLING ALL GARDENERS! Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...
Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.
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18 | September 2015
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As I write this we are fast approaching the end of August, with summer nearly gone and today it is raining!
we wish all students and teachers a happy successful year, whether it is school for the first time, a new school or to university either returning for another year or a new student this year.
Without a little rain the flowers do not grow. We wish all farmers a very good harvest and may there be plenty for everyone. Home grown food tastes juicier - especially strawberries. As we are fast approaching September
We are busy preparing for our Michael Fest celebrations at the end of September. The celebrations start with a Musical evening on Friday 25th September 2015, commencing at 7.30pm. The money goes toward the church refurbishment and this promises to be an enjoyable evening, so please come and join us.
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St Michael’s Parish Church On Saturday 26th September 2015, there will be an art exhibition in the hall by local artists that use our hall during the week including Sue Townsend. There will also be a flower festival in the church. The Church and hall will be opened from 11.00am to 4.00pm. On Sunday 27th September 2015 our 9.00am will be a Mass of Celebration and thanksgiving remembering those who have worked hard to build the parish for many years and those who are now working hard to keep the parish happy and successful. We shall be also holding a Parish Lunch at St Mary’s Primary School. Please try and come to at least one event if not all three to support our community and enjoy yourself at the same time. Autumn is fast approaching when the colours of the trees start to change; this morning there was an autumn feel to it! However, driving through lines of trees with the sun shinning through is beautiful. The changing colours of the trees are very beautiful; we are very lucky to have Westonbirt on our doorstep. Wishing you all a happy and successful time and wishing God’s Blessing on you all. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michael’s Catholic Church
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September 2015 | 19
Letters to the editor
Dear Editor, I was absolutely overwhelmed and humbled on reading the last copy of The Advertiser to find that I had been nominated the ‘unsung hero’. I still haven’t managed to find out who put my name forward and, although I do undertake those things as set out, I’m sure I do no more than a great many others in Tetbury and really don’t think I deserve it. Even though I’ve given up chairing the PPG I shall continue to write an article for the PPG each month for The Advertiser, so you haven’t got rid of me yet! My mother was still volunteering at the age of 93 and, as I would like at least to match her, I’ve got a good few years to go. It’s by everyone doing their bit that makes Tetbury such a great place to live and I’ve certainly no intention of moving! Thank you all, Alison Hesketh
Woodchester Park and completed in the fastest time for all the women runners – an incredible 24 minutes 45 seconds. She raised £228 for Christian Aid. We very much hope that Eileen will get a place this year to take part in the London Marathon - again running for Christian Aid. As they say, ‘watch this space’.
Dear Editor, We would like to thank the Tetbury Lions very much for your generous donation toward our charity day.
Alison Hesketh
We had a great Family Fun Day on Sunday 7th raising money for defibrillators in Tetbury; your generous donation has helped us to raise enough money to reach our target to buy two defibrillators for the town.
Dear Editor,
Many thanks
Jenny Warner and her walking team mates would like to say a really big thank you for all the support and sponsorship money received upon completing their 50k walk in support of the Guide Dogs for the Blind charity. A special thank you goes to the Lions Club for their very generous donation.
Alice Hocking – Priory Gym
It was a long, tough day and despite some unpleasant blisters and warm tiring weather conditions, all four team members supported each other and successfully finished the walk together. Thank you again.
Dear Editor, Stroud District Foodbank We are in receipt of £90, which has been donated to the Stroud District Foodbank by the “Peeky Blinders”, after their recent gig at the Tetbury Lion’s Club. Thank you very much for this donation, which will help us continue our work within the district. Thanks again, Jo Mansell
Jenny Warner
Dear Editor, Christian Aid Sponsored Run. The fastest woman in the west is none other than our own Eileen Hodgson. Eileen ran in the Christian Aid sponsored run around a challenging 5 kilometre track in
Tetbury’s Unsung Hero Dear Editor,
Wez Poole Carpentry and building services 07717 708092 6 Wallow Green, Horsley, Stroud, GL6 0PB
I would like to nominate a husband and wife duo for “Unsung Heroes”.
I have visited the Minor Injuries Unit too
Jo and Tim Smith both work for Tetbury Hospital - Jo as a receptionist and Tim as the “Maintenance Man”.
and Jo has always been professional, funny
many times to count since living in Tetbury and caring. Her kindness shown to me will always be appreciated.
Onto Tim - “he will do anything asked of him” (words from Tony Gordon, exChairman of Friends of Tetbury Hospital). I think that says it all. They are both deserving and good nominees for the “Unsung Heroes” slot. Please will you make space in your magazine to recognize two special people? Many thanks Name Withheld Ed: I’m delighted to receive this nomination for Jo and Tim and they shall soon be in receipt of their voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page three all submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence – but please be aware that I’ve had a large number of nominations of late, so it may be a little while before yours is recognised. Many thanks!
20 | September 2015
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Welcome back! In a bid to make the “School run” easier we are now running to the same term dates as Gloucestershire County Council Schools we hope this helps. The first few weeks back will be spent settling back in and choosing topics for the terms ahead by discussing interests with the children. We are also aiming to further the involvement from our parents with a new reward board for all the children’s achievements. This is a vital part of our holistic culture; as you as parents know the
St. Mary’s Playgroup
children best and it is great for us to share and celebrate with them too. Last half term we raised over £1200 - thank you!! This has helped us to buy a hideaway tent frame and giant pegs - for both adults and children to enjoy. The pegs can be used with fabric in any design allowing lots of different hideaway spaces to be created. We have also bought a large activity tray and stand that the children love. It has already been used for a sand treasure pit, dinosaur land (with shaving foam snow) and a play dough ice-cream factory. Thank you again
Our playgroup assistant Jackie having lots of fun making snow for the dinosaurs with Annaliese Logan and Otis
to all staff and parents for their continued support and look forward to further updates of purchases from our wish list. Also a big thank you to the Christ Church who donated enough money for staff to attend essential training sessions on SEND, planning and managing behaviour last term - thank you for both your generosity and continued support. This month we are also holding a Family Fun Day at the Recreation Ground – please keep a look out for posters around town with more details! We would love to see as many people from the community come along to support our charity playgroup as well as enjoy a fun day with all the family – fingers tightly crossed for beautiful sunshine! Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time at Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30 and is run by our lovely mum Jackie Hunt. Jackie is also one of our Playgroup Assistants and her ‘familiar face’ for the children who come up to us from the Toddler session really helps them settle quickly too. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity during the session and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun! We hope you have a great start to this academic year. If you want to learn more about us please visit our website www. or call 01666 503777. We are always happy to hear from you. Vikki Morris, St. Mary’s Playgroup Secretary
Gas Safe Reg.
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All profits distributed locally and internationally
September 2015 | 21
Leighterton Primary School As the new Headteacher at Leighterton Primary School, I am pleased to be writing in the Tetbury Advertiser. I am very proud to be leading the team at Leighterton - a small school where we know our children and their families well and aim for the pupils to reach their potential. We have a fabulous, caring team of talented people and our school is set right in the heart of the picturesque countryside, just outside Tetbury.
During the summer you may have noticed that we have been busy making some improvements; we now have secure fencing around the front of our school and are just about to start a building project, constructing new offices which I hope will be well underway by the time you read this. This will make our school safer, ensuring that any visitors have to sign in at the office before entering. Our current offices will then become a food technology area where children will be taught how to prepare and cook food, in line with the new national curriculum. Each class takes responsibility for an area of our garden where they grow vegetables
Two new teachers have joined our team this term - Mrs Coope, will be the new teacher for Class 4, in Years 5 and 6, and Mrs Robinson will join us to teach Years 3 and 4 in Class 3 alongside Miss Compton. Miss Haywood is our Class 2 teacher, working with Years 1 and 2 and Miss Bence teaches our youngest children in Foundation Stage 2 and Year 1. French is taught by Miss Gaunt and we are extremely lucky to be supported by a skilled and very capable team of teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants.
If you are interested in our school and would like to come and look around, we would love to see you. Please contact us on 01666 890273 to make an appointment. You can also sneak a little peak on our new website at We shall also be organising an open morning during the autumn term and will be delighted to welcome visitors. Meryl Hatfield, Leighterton Primary School
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We offer both ‘Drop Off Club’ and ‘After School Club’ from Monday to Thursday and also other clubs for our children at lunchtimes and after school. Meals are cooked on site.
Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email:
and flowers. We are very lucky to have extensive grounds, for a school of our size. These are used in various ways - a climbing area with a trim trail, sports pitches, an outside classroom and a contemplative area, as well as fields.
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22 | September 2015
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01666 50 44 50 Opening hours Monday to Saturday 9.30-5pm
History of Tetbury Society A group of thirty-six members visited WottonUnder-Edge on 2nd July, where we met David Baird at the rather splendid Heritage Centre in the Chipping. Having been split up into two groups we were taken for a very interesting tour around this rather attractive market town on the Cotswold Way at the foot of the escarpment. The town still shows signs of its prosperity as a cloth centre in the 17th and 18th centuries. We were shown places of interest such as the 17th-century Hugh Perry’s Almshouses in Church Street and of course the imposing church of St. Mary the Virgin. This has a fine perpendicular tower and a large but rather over-restored interior which alas we were unable to see, but it would certainly be worth a visit when the church is open, if only to see the late 14thcentury brass of Lord and Lady Berkeley.
Other points of interest included the little Tolsey House in Market Street and also The Star Inn, which is in the same area and has a rather interesting story. Legend has it that John Cambridge, son of the landlord of the Star, left for Prince Edward Island, Canada, to set up a timber business for shipbuilding - and called it the White Star Line. The story goes that when the company struggled it was bought out and became the White Star Line shipping company, eventual owners of the “Titanic”. Wickwar Brewing Company now celebrates this legend by including an image of the ship before its ill-fated voyage. We were also shown the Ram Inn which bears an inscription ‘10th Century’ but which is no longer open for business.
For a complete Gardening Service Contact Simon Conrad on 07875 847925 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian 22/2/08 22:48 Page 1
At one time the Town Hall at Wotton must have been similar to ours at Tetbury, but you have to walk round to the back of the building to appreciate this. There you see the old stone columns supporting the building, but on the road frontage these have all been covered up. We ended our tour at the Heritage Centre.
A r e l i a b l e , f a s t & f r i e nd l y s e r v i c e
Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . .
Sadly Jane Haines had to cancel the tour of Tetbury that she had planned for the 6th August. Apologies to any members who were disappointed. Our meeting on Thursday 3rd September is at 7.30 in Christ Church. David Hardwick of the South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group will tell us about the South Gloucestershire Coal Fields. Alan Twelvetree
24 | September 2015
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Ch arge
01453 ~ 833310
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Box hedging is used as a statement plant for all-yearround evergreen interest, adding structure and a fixed set of lines in the form of low hedges or geometric shapes around which perennial plants and shrubs can come and go with the seasons. Box is the one constant in the garden - that is unless it encounters a problem. Earlier this year I was asked by a client to look at a low box hedge (not the one pictured) where the leaves had turned brown along most of its bottom length. This browning and loss of leaf had started in a corner and had spread rapidly. Initially
I thought this might be caused by winter salt from the road splashing up - but an examination of the dead stems showed a black streaking effect which made me think it was the dreaded ‘box blight’. This is a fungus that was bought into this country on an imported plant - and which can decimate box, leaving ugly brown stems with no leaves. So, I proceeded to cut out the dead/brown growth, disinfecting my tools afterward with Jeyes fluid to limit the chance of carrying any infection onto the next garden I was to do - and removing as much of the fallen leaves with a leaf blower as possible. (It is also worth mentioning that
Simon Conrad overhanging plants should be cut back or staked, to avoid them pressing onto the box and thus creating moist conditions for a fungus.) The box was then fed and sprayed, initially with a copper fungicide which suppresses the fungus, but is not a cure. Now the box has green leaves coming up again from the base, albeit the bottom new growth is a bit sparse. More recently, with my client’s agreement, I’ve been spraying an organic microbal plant/soil activator which purports to help enhance the plants immune resistance to disease. It will be interesting to see if the base of this hedge will regenerate fully and be restored. I’ll have to be patient. Just in passing - there a can be a number of reasons why box can turn brown. It might be due to a simple lack of water, being cut in scorching sun (it’s best to wait for an overcast day or to cover the box up with a sheet of damp horticultural fleece afterwards) or indeed as one client delighted in telling me, the brown patches in her box corresponded to where her fouryear-old grandson would stand and pee! I wore gloves for the rest of the day in this garden. Simon Conrad
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
September 2015 | 25
Tetbury Art Society
foliage and stonework in watercolour (venue and time below).
With the arrival of September, the hottest part of the summer is over.
Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-
503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham
For members of the Tetbury Art Society, this means that we resume our indoor monthly meetings after the outdoor activities of the summer months. Looking back, in July we had a painting weekend and 6 members took advantage of a kind offer of Mr and Mrs Ingall to visit the farm in Doughton behind, and giving good views of, Doughton Manor. Overawed by the complexity of the ability-stretching view, I opted to work from a point where a part of the manor was concealed by trees but, getting into my stride, I wanted to sketch the whole of the manor and, moving my chair slightly, I was able to complete the drawing – even though I drew off of the edge of the paper and onto a continuation sheet! July also saw a coach trip arranged by Barry Barnes to Art In Action at Waterperry near Oxford. The visit was well attended and the great variety of displays and activities offered something for everybody, including such things as music, individual craftsmanmade furniture, story-telling, a talk on keeping bees in a “bee-friendly” way ...
General Handyman Services
‘No Job Too Small’
On the evening of Wednesday 5th August we had a Summer Social at the home of Jeanne, one of our members, but since the weather was expected to be inclement, we had to enjoy ourselves indoors rather than in her garden. Thank you Jeanne. To complete our summer season, our August Exhibition was held in the Tetbury Market Hall over the Late Summer Holiday and I will be able to report on it in the next issue of the Tetbury Advertiser.
Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270 1250212
With our summer program now ended, we commence our autumn programme ! on Wednesday 2nd September - Graham Findlay will show us techniques for painting
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
Learn how to play, or to improve at, this most stimulating and social of card games.
I will be giving lessons again this autumn. My courses are designed for anybody who wants to have fun, learn an enjoyable hobby and make new friends. Come on your own or with a friend, you are assured of a warm welcome.
Contact Ian Cooke on: 01666 890261 26 | September 2015
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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As you read this article, Puddle Ducks will be busy opening our doors for a brand new year which will, unbelievably, be our seventh! We are getting ready to welcome back old friends and say a warm ‘hello’ to new ones. As ever we will be exploring a wide range of activities and topics to cater for all interests and strengths and support development across the curriculum while the children gain confidence in themselves and their choices. Each morning will consist of free
play and topic related activities followed by a healthy snack and plenty of physical play and fresh air outside in our fully enclosed garden. There will be craft, construction, singing and cooking, role-play and small world, puzzles and painting all in a safe and caring environment. Last year was our busiest yet and was rounded off with a trip to Prinknash Abbey. It was a lovely sunny day and we had lots of fun as we fed the ducks, peacocks and deer and said ‘hello’ to a beautiful baby reindeer who was only a few weeks old. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the Mad Hatter’s Marquee
Puddle Ducks where a couple of uninvited feathered guests caused a bit of a commotion and some of the children had fun on the gypsy caravan. We then said goodbye to those who left us to move to primary school with a leavers picnic in the garden. We will be thinking of them all and will visit some of them in school soon.
Optimum Mobility Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist * Wheelchairs, manual and powered * * * * * * *
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The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury
01666 840060
If you have a child aged between 2½ and school entry and you would be interested in coming along to visit us during a session, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased to arrange this. We have some spaces available for this term and are currently running a waiting list for January and September 2016 so please contact Catherine to reserve a place. We are to be found at the back of the Dolphins Hall and run weekdays from 9.15am-12.15pm with an optional lunch club until 1.15pm each day, term-time only.
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 Fully Insured
Puddle Ducks
Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
All profits distributed locally and internationally
Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information. 0490215
September 2015 | 27
380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1
Avening Primary School We’re back at School! After six weeks of holidays it is good to be back and hearing everyone’s exciting stories from the summer, with everyone looking smart and ready for the year ahead. The first week of term has been particularly special for our new reception children who have been getting used to their teachers, the classrooms and the school routine. Another new addition to our school this year is Miss Felicity Smith who joins the Owls (Y5/6) as their new class teacher. There have also been changes to the school itself as refurbishment work continues on our KS2 toilets which should be ready by next month, completing the improvements to school that began last summer.
There is so much to look forward to in the term ahead and plenty planned for the next few months with sports clubs starting again, Young Voices Choir to establish and rehearse for their performance at Birmingham’s NEC in January, class projects and outings, not forgetting the annual Christmas productions in December.
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We look forward to sharing the events of the next academic year with you all!
B&A Decorating
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As always with the start of term, the school is buzzing with election fever as voting takes place to elect members for the new school council. Y6 pupils will also be given a variety of roles with responsibility as house captains, playground patrollers and library monitors.
Jane Rushton Headteacher
Teacher experienced with learning difficulties in children and adults up to GCSE/Key Skills
Email 0061114
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Rural Skills Centre
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Est 1983
The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills. Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more.....
Call Jane Fraser 01666 500260
Neptune Stockist Bespoke Kitchens
01285 640326 College Farm Buildings, Tetbury Rd, Cirencester, GL7 6PY
Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: 0041014
28 | September 2015
Rural Skills Centre
At home in the Cotswolds 0400715
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A wealth of expertise on your doorstep We provide an experienced wealth management service and offer specialist advice in a wide range of areas including: • Investment planning • Retirement planning
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Tetbury Camera Club Our new season starts in September, with weekly meetings on most Tuesdays running through to the end of May and we welcome visitors at any meeting. The programme is shown on the website (address below). We have a very varied programme for 2015/16. There is a mix of external speakers (including some well-known names), internal speakers, competitions and social events.
to time, either during an evening or on a day basis. Involvement is entirely voluntary, no pressure. For some years, one meeting in May has been an evening of taking photographs in Tetbury and selecting a winner afterwards. In May this year, instead of a theme being chosen, the challenge was to take pictures of St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church. One of the resulting photographs is attached. This just about met the criterionâ&#x20AC;Ś.. but still got nowhere. It has been a good year for buttercups and other wild flowers. If you wish to improve your photographic
skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807 Website : www.
The best speakers are inspirational and sometimes revelatory. Their love of photography shines through. It really is surprising how so many talented photographers (including members) are willing to share their techniques and thoughts with camera club members. Competition judging nights are generally We can now offer a popular occasions. Entry into competitions is entirely voluntary. There is no pressure put upon members to enter. Sometimes for both Trade and Private Customers people become members with no intention of entering competitions but, QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS once they have absorbed the atmosphere QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS for some time and realised that they are not intensely serious affairs, they do enter and QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERYMANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS FORFOR 30 YEARS QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY 30 YEARS get some feedback on their images.
The advent of digital imaging has also made it easier to enter and reduced any cost barrier. Indeed, we have to put a numerical limit on the number of entries to each competition so as not to impose an unreasonable burden on the judges. For a pretty small club, this is a healthy sign. In addition to the programme of club evenings, trips are organised from time
30 | September 2015
CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALLUS USON ON 01666 01666 824 797 CALL 824 797
New Website: E-mail: 0810315
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Our President, Gwyneth Simpson, won the ballot to represent our WI...
We have enjoyed our summer with the excitement of the Centenary Baton being guarded overnight and then transported to Tetbury the following morning.
...and greatly enjoyed her visit to the garden party at Buckingham Palace, held in celebration of the Centenary of the WI.
Our Tetbury Group Meeting was well attended and much enjoyed by visiting WI members from Tetbury and Kemble. Tetbury WI produced the most amazing knitted garden for the group competition and won the cup. There were lots of entries for the individual competitions too. Our speaker from the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust was excellent and the buffet supper was well up to WI standards!
High winds sent many hats (and even chairs!) rolling across the Palace lawns, but fortunately the weather remained dry. Mrs Diana Wall attended the AGM at the Royal Albert Hall and was pleased that Gloucestershire delegates were seated in the stalls with an excellent view of the stage to see HM the Queen and other royal visitors. Di gave an excellent report of everything that happened at the meeting.
Four of our members enjoyed the County Federation picnic at Highnam Court in glorious weather and were most impressed by the beautiful gardens.
Avening WI Our latest walk was over Rodborough Common taking advantage of Winstone’s ice creams on the way and lunch at the Half Way Café. We worked hard providing cream teas for our village fete in June and our quiz team has won a place in the final in Gloucester in the autumn. We have had friendly skittles matches too. Our June speaker Diane Gaskins gave a cookery demonstration of delicious summer recipes. Our speaker in July brought lovely perfumes from the Perfumery in Bourton on the Water and we learnt to keep our perfume in the dark and for not too long to preserve it! We had a large table of donations for our Vine Project Charity in South Africa. Mrs Pat Chase attended our meeting to collect it all and we were happy to give her a cheque to pay towards the transportation costs. She will go out to South Africa after Christmas to distribute all the items she has been collecting during the year.
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included.
The events coming up soon are our summer outing which this year is to Hampton Court Castle and Gardens in Herefordshire and a coachload of visitors coming to tea in early September.
Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. : Email Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
Shirley Hand, Avening WI
Calling all ladies who just love to be pampered in their own home. SPECIAL OFFER!
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Invite your Girlfriends around and try out Neal’s yard product “Range” on your hands. Not everyone wants to be seen without their make-up! Let’s have some fun! SOCIAL EVENTS
All products are Gift Wrapped Email for details: Phone 01793 954087 Mobile 07942 891971
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Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
September 2015 | 31
Christmas in Tetbury “Christmas Yet to Come” The Christmas in Tetbury committee has been working hard behind the scenes for many months, but for me all our plans started to come to life in July, when we held our Midsummer Christmas Lunch and fund raising event. On Sunday the 19th of July 42 people, many in festive attire, sat down to a full Christmas lunch at the Royal Oak. Thank you to Kate Lewis and the team there for a wonderful meal and beautiful decorations, and to Heather Bristow and Richard Lloyd for the seasonal entertainment. The annual switch-on of the town centre lights will be held on Thursday 3rd December – please make a note of the
340208 Piano Tuition
date in your diary. It will include a lantern procession, carols, Santa’s Grotto and entertainment from both the Avening Silver Band and the Big Brunch Band. The street market is a major feature of the evening and Kathryn Limoi is poised at to answer enquiries from anyone interested in a pitch. The theme for this year’s shop window display competition is “The Best Christmas Window”, giving lots of freedom to be creative and innovative! The theme for the schools art competition is “Six Geese a-Laying”.
Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome 340208
Tel: 01666 505692
Curtains & Blinds
Do look out for our stall at the Food Festival on Sunday 20th September and come along to buy your raffle tickets. Liz Farnham
Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished Sonia Thomas 01666 502516
G&L AVIS LTD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Call Us 01666 504101 / 07825543612
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32 | September 2015
* Patios & retaining walls
See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres Read online at
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September 2015 | 33
Tetbury Summer Show What a blooming marvellous event the Summer Show was this year, even the weather was kind, allowing the huge crowd to enjoy the attractions to the full. Indeed with record gate receipts the committee is happy to report that without doubt, this has been one of the most successful shows that they have ever staged on the recreation ground. Another measure of the increased numbers is the fact that we actually sold out of burgers and hot dogs, something that has never happened before. As usual the horticultural, floral and baking displays proved both competitive and very popular with the marquee getting very crowded at times. The musical and colourful parade from the Market place has also increased in size and, once again led by the stirring sounds of the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums, this drew a significant following into the showground. According to the band’s coordinator Diana Holl “It’s always a pleasure to play at Tetbury. We have such a friendly welcome and we enjoy looking around the show (and spending money) between our performances.” We are happy to report that they have already agreed to come back and entertain us in 2016.
Road and McCarthy & Stone each made significant financial contributions. IHS in particular has been behind this event for over a decade and is largely responsible for how it has developed into the crowd-puller that it now is. McCarthy & Stone is a newcomer to the event as is Miller Homes who sponsored the printing of the programmes. Tracey Lee, area sales and marketing director for Miller Homes said: “We are delighted to have been part of the Tetbury Summer and Flower Show. It’s such a fantastic day out and is great to support the local community. Miller Homes is looking forward to moving into Tetbury with our new Highfields development which will offer house hunters a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes in this beautiful town.”
ideas for next year and one of the classic car enthusiasts has promised that he is “working on something special” for the next event. Such is the size of the event now we could do with the additional help of anyone who has event management skills or would like to develop into this area. If this is you, please contact Ken on 504189. Summer Show Committee
For more information on Miller Homes and Highfields visit It is also pleasing to report that a number if people have come forward with new
Another regular crowd puller was the Fun Dog Show sponsored by the George Veterinary Group and it was good to see so many dogs taking part, and then staying (with their owners) to enjoy the rest of the show. We would especially like to thank the Lions Club for the continued and significant support in helping the day run smoothly. The prime aim of the show is for everyone to enjoy themselves and to this end the committee works hard to provide quality attractions that the people of Tetbury can enjoy at village fete prices. One mum commented on the day “To my mind seeing my daughter’s face on the go-karts captured it all. It showed how much fun and happiness this show brings to the town.” This can only be achieved with a significant level of sponsorship and we are thrilled that there remains huge support from the town.
100208 KP Gardens
Page 1
Summer Thanks!
Thanks for your continued support over the Spring and Summer months, we could not do what we do, as well as supporting the local community with prizes and sponsorship, without you.
Over thirty items and vouchers were donated for the raffle and silent auction by the town’s traders while IHS in Cirencester
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8J 100208
34 | September 2015
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SEPTEMBER PET MADNESS: Calling all Pet Owners, please come and see us for all your pet needs. If our Suppliers have your product we will save you money on your next 2 purchases if you can prove what you paid before. We are main agents for James Wellbeloved, Royal Canin, Hills Science Plan, Burns and Lilyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchen as well as many others that we are unable to stock but will obtain for you. Try us first we might make the difference.
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September 2015 | 35
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Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan
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September 2015 | 37
Wycliffe College has named Nick Gregory as its new Head from September 2015 Mr Gregory, will replace the current Head, Margie Burnet Ward who will be retiring at the end of this academic year. Before becoming a teacher, Mr Gregory spent eight years in a management role at Barclays, before moving to a teaching career. He has taught modern languages at Barnard Castle School, County Durham and Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood before becoming a boarding Housemaster at Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge. Mr Gregory said: “Modern education must be an excellent preparation for life – professional, personal, social, moral and I believe that Wycliffe produces people who are ready to face up to life after school and deal with its challenges.”
compete with anyone at anything, provided we were prepared to work hard, commit some energy to something and make the most of our talent. I hope this is something that people will believe in at Wycliffe.”
The new Head, who is currently Deputy Head (pastoral) at Mill Hill School, London, has a
Mr Gregory and his wife, Helen have three
strong boarding and academic profile. He was educated at Ipswich School and studied French and Spanish at the University of Nottingham.
be educated at Wycliffe and Ben, who has an autistic spectrum condition will be attending school elsewhere but will be very much part of their life at Wycliffe.
He said he hoped to pass on a deep belief he has held since his own school days. “It was really important to me to feel that at my school we could punch above our weight and
sons, Harry, Ben and Sam – Harry and Sam will
“I want someone’s time at Wycliffe to be an experience in itself,” he said. “It should be something to be enjoyed and appreciated for its
own intrinsic value and not just a means to an end of walking away with some exam results.” Mr Gregory said: “At Wycliffe, people really do matter. It is a place where differences and individual qualities are genuinely valued and respected and everyone embraces the concept of helping every single boy or girl be the best that he or she can individually be. These are all things in which I believe profoundly. “It will matter to me tremendously to be recognised as being not only the tenth Head of the College in its 130 plus year history but also to be recognised as being a good Head.”
Pictured : Tom Seabrook, selected to play in the England U16 Rugby Squad
Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege 1380515
The CSI:Tetbury kids’ crime scene workshops were held on 12th, 19th and 26th August, attended by nearly 20 children. Those that took part thoroughly enjoyed themselves and overall we can claim it as a success, but why did not more join in? Any ideas welcomed. Following a meeting with our professional mentor she has suggested a number
of matters to focus on. These include improved signage to the museum – whilst new information boards have been erected around the town she believes there remains a lack of prominence for the Museum; reviewing the loan agreements with donors – the agreement for the major donation from the Gloucestershire Constabulary is currently being refreshed; and volunteer recruitment and roles, centring on contacting retired police officers - given that our previous efforts (adverts in the Advertiser, open day, direct approaches) has only resulted in
Tetbury Police Museum one volunteer assisting occasionally. The mentor is to make a number of suggestions and report further. The museum is “staffed” wholly by volunteers who help with research, setting up exhibitions, maintaining current exhibits, developing new displays and helping with visitors and at open days and group visits. No previous museum experience is necessary and a schedule can be agreed to suit the individual. Training can be provided. From the biggest to the smallest involvement: both are valuable to us. The museum is open weekdays from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm, but we could open at weekends if only we had more volunteers. Currently the only regular volunteer is the Curator. Anyone out there interested can contact me at any time. John Silvester, Hon Curator Tetbury Police Museum
Tetbury Policing Team Do you have an issue you would like to discuss with a Police Officer?
PC Leah Davis, PCSO Sue Fellows and Paul
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September 2015 | 39
Guiding As the units were finishing for the summer holidays... ...the leaders had a social evening when we were able to award 6 leadership qualification badges – well done to Carlie, Fran, Jasmine, Caroline, Karen and Immy who finished just a couple of months after her 18th birthday! Immy has been a great leader with the Rainbows and we are very sorry that we will be losing her to University – but we wish her well and hope to see her during her holidays. We were finally also able to present Charlotte with her residential licence – which arrived over a year after she completed it! Another exciting Pack Holiday is planned for later this year.
Hannah Moody from 1st Tetbury Guides says “I’m 13 years old and have been selected to go on an International Opportunities trip to Europe at the beginning of August next year (I hope that we go to Switzerland). I’m expected to raise a minimum of £600 to pay for the trip and I started my fundraising at the Tetbury show. I made and sold cakes and lavender bags and we ran two games. Thank you so much to everyone who came over to the Guide stall to play the games or make a purchase! We raised an amazing £57.40.” If anyone would like to contribute to Hannah’s fund donations can be sent to me at the contact details below. We are very grateful to Tetbury Town Council who funded the purchase of our new gazebo which had its first outing
at the Summer Show keeping the sun off Hannah’s cakes – which sold out very quickly! We are very impressed with the quality of the gazebo and if any other community groups would like to borrow it for events please contact me. It is 4.5m x 3m with 4 optional walls and would need collecting from the Malt House with a reasonably sized car. And just in time for the deadline I received this: “After arriving back from California, we would like to thank everyone who made it possible for us to go on such an amazing trip. Without your support we wouldn’t have been able to succeed in reaching our targets. Thank you from Jess, Alexa & Georgia”. Sue Doidge – Tetbury District Commissioner – 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury GL8 8RB
We recently presented Trish Dent, our outgoing President with a bouquet and introduced Pam Bird and Sally Battersby as our new joint District Presidents. Both have already given many years to guiding in Tetbury and we are delighted that they accepted this new role. Although all units take a break over the summer several of the girls from all units enjoyed a pool party and BBQ organised by Charlotte at Cirencester outdoor pool during the first week of the holidays.
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40 | September 2015 Read online at
Tetbury Music Festival Wednesday 30 September – Sunday 4 October H e at h Q u a r t e t C a r o ly n S a m p s o n & Jo s e p h M i d d l e t o n A n ge l a H e w i t t M a r s ya s E n s e m bl e Jo n at h a n C o h e n & A r c a n ge l o ●
Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales Artistic Director: Jonathan Cohen Tickets from £10 to £30 available from Monday 20 July from: The Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 33 Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 503552 email:
design: © cjb 2015
42 | September 2015
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Protecting Our Heritage The Civic Society has been considering several matters which have an important bearing on the character and heritage of our town. I will mention just two of these. Firstly, ten years ago the Civic Society introduced and carried out (with the assistance of the History of Tetbury Society) a scheme for placing heritage plaques on a number of buildings within the designated Conservation Area. With the agreement of the building owners, fourteen were placed with wording briefly describing the historic events and personages relating to the building. The owners were also each given a full written account of the buildings history.
These plaques are in bronze, oval shaped with gold lettering on a black background. Over the years several of the plaques show marked signs of deterioration due to weathering and traffic pollution. The Society considers that a replacement scheme may be necessary, together with a study of additional important historic buildings considered worthy of displaying a plaque, and there are certainly some. Such a study may also involve careful consideration of any new plaques with regard to material, design and shape. Secondly, Tetbury has an outstanding conservation area, the state of which needs reviewing. The C.D.C., as Planning Authority, is responsible for carrying out an appraisal of the state of all conservation areas in its
Tetbury Civic Society boundary, but the vast majority have not been looked at due to staffing problems. The Society considers that since Tetbury is shortly to become a Neighbourhood Planning Authority it should, as a matter of policy, undertake its own appraisal with the agreement of the C.D.C. Some five years ago the Society carried out its own written appraisal of the conservation area, which was submitted to the Town Council - and which is still almost totally relevant to the situation today. In brief, the conclusions were that the conservation area was generally in good order and most of the town`s historic properties are occupied and sensitively maintained. However, there were, and still are, many problems which need to be tackled in a variety of ways such as: (1) Street clutter, for example “A” frames on pavements, redundant poles, damaged and outdated traffic signage. (2) Highway maintenance, e.g. poor quality paving, excessive use of tarmac.
TREE SERVICES LTD • Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: W: 0640415
(4) Eyesores, e.g., derelict or badly maintained buildings. (5) Open spaces now needing protection as Assets of Community Value under the new Localism Act. The Society would be glad if interested people could ring me on 01666 505231, if they feel that their own property (or other property) is worthy of displaying a Heritage Plaque - and also on any other matter relating to the state of our conservation area. Roy Angell Tetbury Civic Society
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On Wednesday the 9th of September we have a comic chanteuse, Nicola Clark, who will be entertaining us with her own songs – something entirely different! We meet at Crudwell Village Hall 7.45pm for 8pm start. Visitors are welcome at £3 pp which includes refreshments – there’s a large car parking area. Our Open Meeting on Wednesday 14 October, at Crudwell Village Hall, is a talk on Agatha Christie given by Lynda Warren. This meeting is open to everyone, male and female, so please put the date in your diary it should be a lovely evening. 7.45pm for 8pm. £3 pp. If you would like any information on Crudwell Ladies please phone Tina (01666 577707) or Sandra (01666 577368)
September 2015 | 43
Tetbury Town Football Club
we have the following teams representing Tetbury across a range of age groups:
The New Season is here Training for our youth teams began early in August and our team of FA qualified coaches, led expertly by UEFA B Head Coach Phil Seal, eagerly await the kickoff whistle. Our coaches understand that our young footballers play the game to have fun. It is not always about how many games are won or lost or how many goals are scored or conceded; emphasis is on continued development, enjoyment and participation for all. We continue to provide this in a friendly, safe environment based at Tetbury’s Recreation Ground. As well as our Tiny Tigers (aged 3 to 6), who will continue their fun-filled sessions developing their early footballing skills,
Under 7 - Cotswold Youth League Under 8 - Thunder - Cotswold Youth League Under 8 - Tornado - Cotswold Youth League Under 9 - Cotswold Youth League Under 10 - Cotswold Youth League Under 11 - Mid Glos League Under 13 - North Wilts League Under 15 - North Wilts League I would like to thank new sponsors for the 2015/16 season and those who continue to support our youth teams. Our youth teams will proudly show off their new kit kindly provided by the following sponsors: • • • • •
Tiggers Nurseries Renishaws EESI Audi Tetbury R & J Pearce
Do you have piles of paperwork? Would you like some help to organise it? Please call me for a chat and further information
Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 Decluttering
You may have seen us at the successful Tiggers open day in the summer? I would like to thank Tiggers for inviting us – it was an enjoyable afternoon and fantastic to meet so many youngsters expressing an interest in football at such a young age. We look forward to seeing you at our Tiny Tiger sessions. We have a number of activities planned for the new season including providing football activities in the local schools, a stall at the Classic Car Show and a Christmas Raffle. Our school ambassadors will continue to provide a link to the Schools and help us continue our invaluable work within the community. Upcoming events and news regarding all of our teams can be followed by visiting our new website launched this summer ‘’ as well as regular updates through Facebook and Instagram – ‘tetburytownyouthfc’. Look out for details of our next social event - Frog Racing, which is coming in October. Ours doors are always open and welcome new players of any ability, please feel free to contact me on 07879 441938. Wishing everyone an enjoyable 2015/16 season. Richard Norris Tetbury Town Youth Chairman
44 | September 2015
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Colliding Admirals! It was a lovely warm sunny day when we met on the 18th of June and it was on just such a day that one of the worst peacetime disasters occurred in the Royal Navy’s history. Bill Geers kindly reported to us Paul Booy’s description of how battleships HMS Victoria and HMS Camperdown collided on the 28th of June 1893 off the Syrian coast, executing a command given by ViceAdmiral Sir George Tryon, Commander-inChief of the Mediterranean fleet. He and about 360 officers and men were drowned when HMS Victoria sank within 20 minutes. Tryon’s deputy, Rear-Admiral Sir Albert Hastings, was on board HMS Camperdown. Although he thought there was insufficient room for the manoeuvre, he reluctantly ordered the ship to turn, with disastrous consequences. The subsequent court-martial decided that Vice-Admiral Tryon was wholly to
blame for giving an unsafe command. Paul explained how the incident led to wideranging reforms in naval officer discipline and responsibility as well as improvements in ship design. Three whistle blasts are a far cry from ways of summoning help today, but that was Richard Dickinson’s method when he joined The Metropolitan Police! Convinced that a career change was desirable after spending the harsh 1947 winter up telegraph poles repairing transmission lines, his 25 years in the police gave him ample scope to share many interesting reminiscences with us on the 2nd of July. Following training and a period on the beat in north-west London, Richard became a motorcycle patrolman. Escorting an AIL (abnormal indivisible load) was rarely without hazards, and sad occasions such as escorting Churchill’s funeral remained firmly in his memory.
Tetbury Probus One Peter the Great’s ambition in 1703 to found a city of great beauty and culture to put Russia firmly on the map as a country with its roots firmly fixed in Europe. We were overwhelmed by the detailed historical background and influences of the Romanov Tsars and Empresses, and the encyclopaedic account of the grand gold-adorned palaces and churches. Time did not permit us to explore in detail with David how all this wealth had survived and could be reconciled with the poverty of so many ethnically-diverse Russians, but we learnt much from this very impressive talk. Theo Stening 01666 594243
Idiosyncrasies of successive police cars, various happenings on the newly-opened M1, and a period as an accident investigator for coroners ’ enquiries provided many stories of a varied and satisfying career. Listening to David Head on the16th of July describing and showing the magnificent picturesque buildings and art treasures of St Petersburg, one could only be amazed at the display of elegance and wealth. Built originally as a northern naval port for Russia, and named after St Peter, it was
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Whether you’re looking for day-care, short-term respite care, or a longer term move to a residential home, The Priory in Tetbury offers a lovely ‘home from home’ environment. With attractive, landscaped grounds, lots of activities to take part in and tasty, fresh meals on the menu, why not arrange a visit to experience The Priory for yourself? For more information, contact us on: 01666 502 332 | 1190415 All profits distributed locally and internationally
September 2015 | 45
is beneficial, and these must also be that goal seems much further from your ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start grasp. Even if you’ve managed to stick to your goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with simply going to the gym three times always seen straight away, and we are all per week. impatient even at the best of times. World War II and in Tetbury – there As weVEareDay all habitual creatures we fall Sticking to your targets requires a will be an into opportunity certain routinestoor purchase habits, which the can be structured approach and an inner belief in or bad. Creating exercise habit can Royal Britishgood Legion badge Stan Mary’s School your ability to reach what you set. You must be vital helping Wool – displays of in work by you theachieve pupils your goal. be able to visualise the process and the end Start with an easy habit that will be easy to goal – but don’t just fantasise! to, and make sure you are consistent The Feoffeestick & Thirteen Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help andHistory performofthis habit forees at least Display of the the Feoff & Thetwo of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes Market House developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and right for you. Follow these steps to plan a Friday. be Onceactivities you have been this for There will also for doing children ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. The Feoffees are pleased to announce the 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the whilst visiting our historic building should achievable events thisbeyear in for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC following programme ofAyougoal in the right place and have the right This will keep your body and brain The Market House A goal must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective youSadly, I have to report that whilst putting have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you up develop our wonderful hanging at The SATURDAY 9.30am annual Beating fitness goal – you canbaskets do it! accomplish. General- The and work towards a bigger endMarket goal. House this year, someone chose targets lead– meet to under Bath Bridge of the Bounds to steal a basket, so very disappointing, REALISTIC reduced focus toohistoric at 9.30am for and this walk around when we always aim for this building to be To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. the town boundaries; ending with yourself achieving the objective. Too‘Jewel high a in the Crown’ in our very special the MEASURABLE refreshments and the goal presentation the to see the end, and you mayofstruggle Market town. A goal mustinbeThetoo Annual Accounts Market House low and you will find yourself less able to be motivated. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 10am -4pm I am pleased to report that we have recently measured – Displayswhether and representatives been able to support the following groups on TIMED from – The History of Tetbury scales or on Society a Having a time frame for a goal isinimportant, our town: stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
National Heritage Weekend 2015 - Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September
£3,000 – grant to the Tetbury Youth Club, to support the very important work with our young people at The Pod Tetbury Flower Show Kathryn Higgs – a grant towards books for her BA degree at Kings College in London If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. Lance Vick Chairman
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46 | September 2015
05/04/2012 16:37
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Eating Out Having ‘fessed up’ under her steely glare last time I lunched out,
reasonably say edges towards the high side for a two course light lunch with wine), the always genial host hinted that, along with the Thursday and Friday evenings on which they currently serve tapas, they may give in to pressure and open on Saturday
evenings, too. If lunch was anything to go by, I’ll certainly be suggesting to ‘Flossy’ that we try out the evening offerings, and very soon – you can ‘bank’ on that. (Sorry, I had to say that….!) Fill
I was pleasantly surprised by ‘Flossy’s’ failure to condemn my profligacy, so I thought I’d give it another go. I’ve often licked my lips at the menu outside ‘Quayle’s’ (while it’s closed, obviously – I wouldn’t want to have put anyone off their meal!) so my choice this time was obvious. When we moved to Tetbury, ‘Quayle’s’ was a branch of Barclays. It was 2006 when the current owners turned it into an upmarket deli. Being shrewd business people, though, they adapted to change and were soon offering coffees - then lunches constructed from anything on display. This proved so successful that now the shelves and chillers are almost completely gone (though lovely things are still on offer - an online ordering service, too) and today you can drop in for an interesting choice of light lunches, including butterflied garlic prawns, pasta with puttanesca sauce, eggs benedict with smoked salmon, salade niçoise and an inviting range of ciabattas and sandwiches.
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This was washed down by a nice glass of house rosé that, contrary to its berry fruit description, reminded me of redcurrants. Whichever, the fruit came first and the finish was surprisingly dry, which I prefer in a rosé, and actually complimented the salad dressing.
48 | September 2015
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Sorely tempted to follow with chocolate and hazelnut fondant cheesecake, or possibly the gorgonzola and manchego, I just about managed to exercise my ‘won’t’ power. Admittedly, that was partly because I’d no idea how many WeightWatchers points they’d add up to, but actually, for all my initial thoughts about size, I was pleasantly replete. Whilst paying the £20 (which some may
I started with quail’s eggs and celery salt. As it happens, they were out of celery salt, but I was perfectly happy with plain. Still not being in the habit of eating with my glasses on, peeling was a bit fiddly for my fat fingers, but, with slices of fresh baguette, this made a really pleasant appetiser. Chicken Caesar salad with pancetta next, which, at £11.95, was the most expensive thing on the menu. Initially, I thought it a little under-sized for that price, but each constituent part was delicious: moist chicken, light, crunchy croutons, crispy cos lettuce, slithers of gentle red onion, sweet, tasty sunblushed tomatoes, fresh parmesan, subtle pancetta and a good drizzle of smooth Caesar dressing (I’d have preferred a hint of garlic in there, but hey...) Simple enough ingredients, I know, but, as with everything I ever bought from the deli incarnation, each one was distinctly good quality.
Out of hours appointments are available on request.
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We had the very sad news in July that Sue Stoner had passed away. She had been a member of our Trust for over eighteen years and never gave up her vision that the Goods Shed should be brought back to life. Her commitment and passion helped to get the project off the ground and keep it going; now it only remains for us to finish the job and fulfill her dream. When we went to choose an apple tree to plant in her memory, the best specimen was of a variety we have never seen before called “Sweet Society”. Sue’s tree is planted close to the Goods Shed on the side of the old railway line. She will be sadly missed. July began with our Mad Hatters Tea Party celebration and quite by coincidence the
contractors had just finished cutting the grass as we began, so we knew we had luck on our side. We didn’t know that the weather would stay fine all afternoon! We had a wonderful turnout and the atmosphere was really magical with all the dressed-up dogs and people enjoying the fun. Carolyn who organized the event pulled out all the stops, decorating dozens of hats with the help of friends, so that everyone could borrow one to wear for the afternoon. A whole team helped and we would especially like to thank Kate and Hannah Williamson who made some amazing decorations. Jo Gale hung cardboard pocket watches from the beams and one of the hats ended up going to Japan as a Japanese film crew (who happened to be looking for a story about life in the Cotswolds) stayed filming for the whole
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Tetbury Rail Lands Trust afternoon. They had visited some big centres including London and Liverpool but they said that Tetbury was the best! Outside the Shed there were Croquet and Caucus Races and a very friendly Dog Show put on by Alice Quaddy and Mary Doyle. There were two raffles, one for the dogs and one for the people! We would like to thank the following Tetbury shops for their donations - The George Veterinary Practice, Hobbs House Bakery, Woodcock and Cavendish, Tetbury Sweets and Treats, Hortensias, Getty Bang Bang, Town and Country News, French Grey, Vinotopia and Mayfair and Grace. Sue Stoner’s “Arts in the Park” Saturday run by Anne Cox and Becky Aldam with the help of their generous band of volunteers was very successful. There were outside activities in the park and along the old railway line, writing classes, a “name the teddy” competition, painting, decorating, printing, sculpture classes and the chance to have a go with a potter’s wheel. It was an inspiring event and I would like to thank all the organizers and volunteers who made it so much fun.
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The Malmesbury Singers rounded off the day with a celebratory concert at Christ Church and shortly after this event we had a lucky break when the grant application Barrie Doyle and John Andrews put in to Garfield Weston, (the Waggon Wheel Biscuit manufacturer), was accepted. They gave us £25,000! On top of this, Louise Verity from Tetbury’s PollyHester design studio ran down to a boot sale with a cheque for £1,000 -the most generous personal donation we have ever received. We are using it to buy materials to restore the old cattle loading bay - saving the £35,000 estimated to have the job done by contractors. This will become our outside performance area and bandstand. By the time we goes to print you will see that we have erected a metal barrier so we can safely begin work. The job is once again being done by our capable and hardworking team of Goods Shed volunteers. Please pop down and see how we are doing! If you would like to help with Tetbury’s new Art Centre project please contact me on 01666 502877. Thank you for all your continued support. Will Cook (Chairman)
September 2015 | 49
Tetbury Classic Car Show I have just found my Observer’s Book of Cars which I have had for many more years than I can recall. It’s crammed full of information about what today are considered to be Classic Cars. Manufacturers and their Cars are all listed in the minutest detail, the history of the manufacturers and their car ranges, it’s all there. And of course in the UK particularly there were hosts of companies in existence before the great amalgamations took place of the 1960’s. Hillman, Humber, Sunbeam Talbot and Singer all became the Rootes Group all based in Coventry and Austin, Morris, Riley, MG and Wolseley became the British Motor Corporation based in Birmingham. “Badge branding” replaced individual model lines and companies like Armstrong- Siddeley, Alvis, Jensen and Swallow all passed into the history books - but what a heyday they had in the thirties and forties.
resurrect memories of motoring days gone on the field for visitors to park so that’s no by - I look forward to seeing you there. problem. There will be plenty of available food to satisfy all tastes and a funfair to Stephen Hirst 250208 JS Painters & Decorators 22/2/08 22:20 Page 1 boot. It promises to be a great day to Classic Car Show Committee Member
And soon my Observer’s Book of Cars comes to life. On September 6th the 2015 edition of the Tetbury Classic Car Show comes to town. This year it’s being held on the playing fields of Sir William Romney’s School and already over 600 cars and motorcycles have been entered by their proud owners. Assembled in one place will be a living history of the British Motor Industry of the last century, there will also be a good smattering of commercial vehicles and of European and American cars all lovingly cared for and brought to Tetbury for a great exhibition. Last year I was amazed by the level of interest in these jewels of transport, and of course this year there is plenty of space
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50 | September 2015
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Sir William Romney’s School An open invitation to SWR. Sir William Romney’s School will be holding an Open Evening on September the 22nd and Open Mornings on September the 24th and September 28th for Year 5 and 6 pupils and their parents. The school is proudly comprehensive and provides a safe and caring environment to ensure students flourish, progress and achieve their full potential. The value added score in school performance tables is in line with and, in most cases, significantly higher than neighbouring schools. Therefore, the GCSE outcomes for Year 11 students are significantly above the national average with regards to the progress students make from entry to the school in Year 7.
The performance of the school in this measure, which is the most reliable indicator of the progress that students make across all of their GCSE subjects, places it in the top five comprehensives in the county and also compares very favourably with grammar schools. Indeed, SWR has excellent facilities in all subject areas, particularly arts. However, our small size does not detract from the wide range of enrichment opportunities available, including sporting activities, the Duke of Edinburgh Award and a wide variety of overseas and local visits. SWR competes with local schools across a wide range of sports where we punch above our weight, enjoying success and with very high participation levels from students. These experiences are often among the most memorable for students and are a valued part of school life.
TREAT YOUR FEET! Catherine Montgomery
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MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1
We place respect at the heart of all that it does. Students are expected to show respect and tolerance of others, to work hard and value the opportunities they are given. We are a welcoming, vibrant and friendly school which seeks to achieve excellence in all areas. Why not come and see for yourself?
What parents say about us: “Both our children have attended SWR and it has been a joy to see them develop both academically and as young people. The school has always been a safe, supportive place for them and they have flourished.” “My daughter has been encouraged to achieve her full potential by a caring staff with plenty of opportunities and experiences. Her confidence and selfesteem have been nurtured and she is extremely proud of her wonderful school. We could not be happier with her secondary education.”
Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Foot clinics every Monday and on the first Saturday of every month at Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8JG Dip.CFHP Dip.CFHP(Adv) Dip.Bio MVR MSPRACT
Small class sizes means that every student is known and understood by a committed and caring staff. We appreciate that every child is unique and the inclusive nature of the school allows us to develop each child’s individual aptitudes and abilities by building self-esteem and confidence.
Steven Mackay, Headteacher Sir William Romney’s School, Lowfield Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8AE Tel: 01666 502378. Email: admin@swr. Web:
12/07/2015 16:51
OPEN EVENING - Tuesday 22 September 6.30pm - 9pm
OPEN MORNINGS - Thursday 24 September and Monday 28 September 9.15 am - 11am
Parents and children are invited to visit the school to see displays of work and observe a variety of activities.
Visit during a normal school day when you will be taken on a tour by students. Refreshments will be served in the Library where the Headteacher and Governors will be available to answer any questions you may have.
At 6.30pm the Headteacher will talk about the school and answer questions. Student guides will be available to show you around and there will be opportunities to speak with staff and students. Refreshments will be served.
For further information or to arrange an informal visit, please contact Jacqui Green, PA to the Headteacher.
T: 01666 502378 E:
52 | September 2015
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From September our Thursday mornings will have a different look! We will be running a second weekly trip to town and Tesco which also gives another opportunity for appointments at the doctors, dentist, hospital etc. We will also be able to offer transport on Wednesdays again, for appointments from the middle of September. Book your place as usual, with the office on the number below.
Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury, town (including appointments)
THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury, Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister town and Tesco (including appointments) Tel: 01666 502514 (Monday - Friday 9-1pm). STRING QUARTET Tetbury Volunteer Centre, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Shostakovich 15 @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury. Tesco.
Shostakovich 15 Shostakovich 15
“… their ascent into the league of the world’s major “… their ascent into the league of the world’s major quartets hasquartets beenhasphenomenal The Yorkshire been phenomenal …” …” The Yorkshire Post Post “… their ascent into the league of the world’s major quartets has been phenomenal …” The Yorkshire Post
7:30 pm 7:302015 pm Saturday 19 September Saturday 19 SeptemberAbbey 2015 @ Malmesbury @ Malmesbury Abbey Tickets: £15 (£5 students) Tickets: £15 (£5Bookshop, students) Abbey Abbey Bookshop, 01666 824 924 or on the door 01666 824 924 or on the doorOF PEACE
FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 4th September. Cirencester, 11th September. Waitrose, 18th September. Library Club, 25th September
WEDNESDAYS: 12-2pm. ABBEY Appointments MALMESBURY MUSIC SOCIETYPlease presents theor call in to talk to us about ring (doctors, dentist, hospital etc.) from16th volunteering, trips and membership, we Sept. look forward to meeting you.
Tetbury Dial-A-Ride
Aileen, the Village Agent is here fortnightly, for advice, information and signposting for local services for older people.
Programme includes the Beethoven Op. 18 No. 4 as well Programme includes as 2 (No. 6 and No. 3) ofthe the 15 Beethoven Op.string 18 No. quartets 4 as well Shostakovich as 2 (No. 6 and No.performing 3) of the 15 the Carducci are Shostakovich string quartets locally and internationally as the are performing partCarducci of a complete string locally and internationally as quartet cycle to part of a complete commemorate the string 40th quartet cycleoftothe anniversary commemorate the 40th composer’s death. anniversary of the composer’s death.
Programme includes the Beethoven Op. 18 No. 4 as well as 2 (No. 6 and No. 3) of the 15 Shostakovich string quartets the Carducci are performing PART-TIME locally and internationally as part of a complete string CLEANERS REQUIRED quartet cycle to We are looking for cleaners who are commemorate the 40th available on an ad hoc basis to help anniversary of the “… their ascent into the league of the world’s major composer’s death. …” The Yorkshire Postover our busy summer season. quartets has been phenomenal
7:30 pm Saturday 19 September 2015 @ Malmesbury Abbey Tickets: £15 (£5 students) Abbey Bookshop, 01666 824 924 or on the door
Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.
Programme includes the Beethoven Op. 18 No. 4 as well as 2 (No. 6 and No. 3) of the 15 Shostakovich string quartets the Carducci are performing locally and internationally as part of a complete string quartet cycle to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the composer’s death.
The road through life is never easy, but with careful planning, you really can be ready to meet the challenges you’ll encounter along the way. We offer completely independent financial advice on all aspects of personal finance including:
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
September 2015 | 53
News from St Mary’s September is a time of endings and beginnings, isn’t it? This month marks the end of summer – and everything coming to fruition in our harvest time. This will be celebrated with various harvest suppers and services in Long Newnton, Shipton Moyne and Beverston through the month, with harvest celebrated at St Marys’ in Tetbury at our 9.30am service on Sunday 18th October with lunch after at St Mary’s School. There are new beginnings too, especially for our children and young people as they move into a new year in our schools and colleges. We hope and pray all will go well for them. Gloucester Diocese also begins an exciting new phase under the leadership of Bishop Rachel. We have the welcoming service for our new Bishop, Rachel Treweek, in Gloucester Cathedral on Saturday 19th September at 4.30pm – and look forward to inviting her to Tetbury soon. Though there were two female bishops appointed previously, she is the first woman to be appointed as a diocesan rather than suffragan bishop. And she will be the first female Bishop to sit in the House of Lords. So a truly historic moment!
There’s more history this month in our special Evensong in St Saviour’s Church at 6pm on Sunday 13th September. We hold this service every year, in early September, in remembrance of Father Charles Fuge Lowder who died on 9th September 1880. He is commemorated by the Church of England for his extraordinary dedication as a parish priest in London. Known as the first “slum priest”, he worked with the poorest and most destitute people in the city. This commitment to people who are marginalised and excluded became clear early on his life as a priest, when he served as a curate in Tetbury in the 1840s. While here, he was instrumental in the building of St Saviour’s as a chapel of ease. It was a time when richer people paid a fee, known as “a pew rent”, for the use of a pew in St Marys’. St Saviour’s Church was built for the poorer people who could not afford this charge. Dedicated in 1848, it became
known as “a little church for the poor”. So do join us on Sunday 13th September. It always feels a privilege to share this special service in memory of such a special man – in a church which I know is so special to people in Tetbury. Finally, returning to the theme of beginnings … September is always special for me, because I was licensed and began my ministry here in September 2013. It is amazing to think I’ve been with you all for two years – it has flown by. But if our new Bishop receives a welcome as warm as I have been given here, she will be very lucky. Thank you all for helping me feel so at home. With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy HughesRector, the Benefices of Avening with Cherington and Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne
Andrew’s Mobile Disco Music for all occasions from the 50’s to today. Classic hits, party tunes and your playlists!
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54 | September 2015
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WSP Solicitors Providing help when you need it THE PERSONAL INJURY TEAM AT WSP SOLICITORS PROVIDE A PERSONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE TO HELP ACHIEVE THE BEST OUTCOME FOR YOU. SERVICES PROVIDED BY WSP: Conveyancing Divorce/Separation & Children Wills, Trust & Probate Advice for the Elderly Mental Health & Deputyship Disputes Motoring Offences Employment Meet the team - Demelza Pallant and Joanne Marsh of the Stroud office
Why not come and meet us to see how we can help you? Call the Personal Injury team on 01453 847200 to arrange a free initial consultation.
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Tetbury Library “Chess, like love, is infectious at any age.” Salo Flohr Great news - after some unforeseen delays, the chess boards have finally arrived! So if you are looking to re-ignite your passion or begin a new relationship with chess then please turn up on Fridays at 4pm or Saturdays at 11am starting 11th /12th September. Chess Club will be limited to 20 players, so it will be to your advantage to be prompt! All ages and abilities (even complete beginners) are very welcome. Other activities in the library that we love includes Baby Bounce and Rhyme which runs on Wednesdays at 2:15pm and is suitable for babies up to the age of 18 months and their parents. Magical Tales
enchants 3 to 8 year olds on Tuesdays at 3:45pm. Library Club, on the last Friday morning of each month, is a lovely group and provides a sociable cup of tea and an opportunity to borrow books for adults who are not easily able to get into the library themselves (book your free lift with Dial-a-Ride on 01666 502514). Free and friendly computer tuition is also available at the library – pop into the library or call on 01666 502258 to reserve your personalised lesson. Our summer of fun will soon be coming to end, with the Reading Challenge closing on Saturday 5th September at 1pm (if you’re just finishing the challenge, remember to come in for your final goodies.) This year’s theme of Record Breakers has fascinated children and adults alike (staff too) and we were delighted when local runner (and soon to be Ultramarathon runner) Sam Beard dropped by to inspire us all with his achievements. Sam really showed us that with dedication
anyone can achieve their goals. We have enjoyed a variety of events during the school holiday – thanks to Tetbury Feoffees for providing the funds for the craft materials – including making a lifesize replica of the World’s longest snake (a sensational 7.67 metres) and crafting the most ornate and glittering trophies. There’s still time to see our summer displays, so see you soon! Kylie, Linda, Liz and Sophie Tetbury Library
Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark
140208 Classic Windows
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Local References 01666 505824 07771 914512
56 | September 2015
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By the time you read this, I will be half way through my two year stint as the Minister of Christ Church.
We have a closer link with the Priory Residential Home, with several residents coming to our morning services and to Coffee Pot on Wednesday mornings and a monthly service has been started at Ilsom House. Other highlights have included There have been so many positives during our serving refreshments on both Wacky this first twelve months, including 720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1 several 19/2/10 Races 20:37 1 days. On the last two and Page Woolsack excellent fund raising events. days of July we hosted Holiday at Home,
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
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News from Christ Church an excellently organised event, where over fifty elderly people took part in a whole day of activities. It was my privilege in April to conduct a lovely family multi-cultural wedding. We have been looking for a new leader for our Oasis Cafe on Wednesday mornings for parents and carers of young children. There has been much thought also given to Messy Church - this is usually on 3rd Sunday afternoon of the month from 4 till 5.30. Our new season will start on September 13th (one week earlier than usual) and we are hoping to make this ecumenical, so we would like to extend an open invitation on that afternoon to any families from any church or none. Messy Church has developed all over the country in recent years, thanks to a lady called Lucy Moore and her team. In essence it is a modern form of Sunday school. It does not always meet on a Sunday. Some churches do it after school one afternoon. We include crafts, food and worship, all of which is suitable for all ages, so come along and give it a try. Football, they say, is a game of two halves. I have now reached “half time” and wonder what the second half will bring! I shall let you know. Reverend Stuart Radford 01453 839250, 07889 138311
TIER 3 HOSPITAL less than 6 miles from Tetbury = reduced emergency journey time
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September 2015 | 57
Tetbury WI Our food group has enjoyed two events recently. We have had an Italian supper at “Ciao” in Tetbury and made a visit to Jolly Nice. This is a farm shop located on the A 419 near Aston Down with a butcher, cafe and wonderful ice cream. Congratulations to our skittles team who were victorious when they played Gotherington. More congratulations are in
order for the ladies who made the winning entry of a knitted garden submitted at our recent Group meeting. It was later displayed in the window of “Creative”, the Hairdressers. At our July meeting the speaker was Mike Burns. He spoke about the Milk bank based at Southmead Hospital which provides premature and sick babies with breast milk. We raised over £100 for this charity through the generosity of our members.
Our next meeting will be at the Dolphins’ Hall on 14th September at 7.30pm, when our speaker will be Martin Surl, the Gloucestershire Police Commissioner. If you are thinking of joining us, please come along a little earlier. Chris Gibson 440208 Allium Tetbury WI
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In August we do not have the usual meeting. This year we enjoyed a river trip to Tewkesbury from Gloucester Docks – luckily, the weather was kind.
Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties
Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker
Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow 440208
58 | September 2015
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Tetbury Community Choir Is Tetbury the perfect pitch? The long break in the summer was still quite busy for the Choir. We sang at the annual Tetbury Holiday at Home, which was a really wonderful event - what an outstanding job the Holiday at Home Team do for the community! We also helped out at the Tesco charity fundraising day in August. During the summer we also finalised the preparations for the visit from the German Unisono choir from Zwingenberg in October. There will be a reception and welcome for them at the Market House on 22nd October hosted by the Mayor of Tetbury, Town Council members and the Twinning Society. We will rehearse on the Friday, with a concert in the evening at Holy Trinity Church, Long Newnton, at 7:30. Tickets are £5, and will be available from the Tetbury tourist information office from early September. On the Saturday we are hosting a dinner for our visitors at a local pub – and I doubt we will be able to resist singing later on in the evening!
Lion’s Crad and David, presenting a cheque to Julia Mundell, the Community Manager at Longfield
We will be starting our new season on 15 September and we are planning some performances at a few Christmas events in Tetbury. Several of us will also be taking part in the Dolphins Dramatic Society show ‘Summer Holiday’ on the 26th – 28th November. New members are always welcome, we are a friendly mixed choir. You don’t need to read music - just like singing and have a sense of fun. There’s no audition, get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal - we sing on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. We re-start on 15th September for 10 weeks to 17th November.
5k Fun Run - 1k Little Paint Dash Where: Cotswold Airport, Kemble When: Sunday 6th September
If you would like more information about the choir or our events, contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email
12 noon Refreshments, Children’s Entertainment, Music & Paint party Register online:
We now have our own website (http:// and are on Facebook; look for ‘Tetbury Community Choir’ and you will be able to see pictures and find out all about us. 1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1
Margaret Foster, Chair
1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher
Page 1
Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic.
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
For more info,
Call Ricky on 01666 504644 September 2015 | 59
Tetbury Theatre Group After the summer recess we have a little catching up to do...
...and so need to go back to Saturday, July 25th when a group of twenty seven members set off from Tetbury, making their journey to Cardiff with the aid of Andy’s Coaches. The performance was “Last Night of the Welsh Proms” with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra at St David’s Hall. The conductor was Owain
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Arwel Hughes and a featured soloist was David Childs (Euphonium.) The programme was varied, with works by Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and others with a particularly emotive composition by Paul Mealor under the title of “Celtic Spirit.” Another high spot in the performance was “Flight of the Bumblebee” featuring the Euphonium player, David Childs. This being the 30th Anniversary of the Welsh Proms, the second half followed the usual pattern of rousing favourites, including Pomp and Circumstance No. 1 but the finale was all composed of songs from Wales, concluding with the Welsh National Anthem. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and my thanks go to Basil Mason-Smith for this review. The Group continues to plan ahead with a variety of programmes including the following items: August: “Talking Heads”, Malvern September: “ Father Brown”, High Wycombe October: “Round & Round the Garden”, Sonning November: “Festival of Light “, Longleat February 2016: “Last Tango”, (Come Dancing Duo) Bristol
29/11/2012 17:31
Please contact Lin Tanswell (01666 505029) or Helen Price (01666 503187 regarding membership. Ray Sheppard Tetbury Theatre Group
60 | September 2015
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ashcroft veterinary surgery New Tetbury Branch **** NOW OPEN **** Long established, friendly, family run business. Free parking, open all day plus Saturday mornings. Fully equipped modern surgery. Save 10% with our pet care plan. Pet Food and sundries.
Please call in we would love to meet you and your pets. UNIT 3, HAMPTON IND EST HAMPTON STREET, TETBURY GL8 8LD Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-6.00 Sat 10.00-1.00 Information and appointments:
01666 500853
Computer Advice Windows 10 is here- what you need to know before you upgrade A free upgrade will be available if you are running Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 with all applicable updates installed. You may have an icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen offering you the upgrade. If the icon is not visible, you can visit the Microsoft website to download your free copy. However, do backup all your data before going ahead with the upgrade, just to be safe. If you are running XP or Vista, it may be possible to upgrade your system, but the software will not be free. In any case, it might be prudent to wait for the dust to settle before taking the plunge as you have a year before the free offer expires.
you run into problems. Personally I think this is a backward step if things go pear shaped, but it will give more space on the hard drive. Internet Explorer is replaced with “Edge”, a new browser that can also be used in legacy mode to mimic Internet Explorer. Apps will run in windows from the desktop, just like any other programs you may be using on the computer. Cortana, the voice driven and voice recognition system is included as standard, as debuted on the Windows Phone last year. However, some features you have in Windows 7 will not be available in 10, including Microsoft desktop games such as Solitaire, Minesweeper and FreeCell etc. [However, I can reinstate these if you are going to miss them]. You will not be able to easily play DVD’s and the Media Centre will not be available at all [a media player is still
included]. If you are using the free Office 2010 Starter Edition with Windows 7, this will no longer be available and will need to be replaced [I can offer a free alternative if required]. Windows 7 will go end of life in 2020 and Windows 8 in 2023, so you could decide to stay with your current system. Once again, do bear in mind that Windows 10 could change markedly over the years and you will not be able to refuse the updates and future modifications to the system. So if you do not like change, it may be better for you to stick with your current Windows 7 or 8 systems. If you would like your computer cleaned, booked in for an annual service or to discuss any of the points above, do get in touch. Nic – THE TETBURY COMPUTER SHOP Telephone: 01666 502067 or go to www.
Patch Tuesday will be scrapped and updates will be released whenever required. This will be the last full release of a new version of Windows and will be incrementally upgraded, with new features added as required. Do note that you will not be able to turn off updates as they are mandatory and could change the appearance and function of Windows over time. The first major update is due in October, including some features that were not finished in time for the initial release. A further substantial upgrade is slated for next summer. The start menu is reinstated, although not the same as before. It will allow you run apps and programs together and also the ability to easily shut down your PC. Windows will detect the type of device you are using and will show either the start screen or menu as appropriate, although you can manually change it yourself. The Charms menu that swiped in from the right on Windows 8 is gone, the features are accessed elsewhere. A new popup makes connection to wireless networks easier and also the option to save settings for different connections as ! a shortcut. Windows Explorer has been renamed File Explorer which has the option for favourites and includes the last few folders accessed. Also, recovery partitions on your computer will be no more as Microsoft will only offer a refresh option if
Express Taxis Of Tetbury - 07858450098 Fully Certificated Advanced Driver Now Available Quality & Service Guarantee - 0421114
62 | September 2015
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Tetbury Hospital
A big “Thank You” from the Friends of Tetbury Hospital
half of the money collected will benefit from Gift Aid, so of the amount raised, the taxman will contribute over £1,000!
The Friends of Tetbury Hospital’s annual door-to-door collection has so far raised a grand total of just over £9,000 - with a few envelopes still arriving! This tops last year’s collection which raised an excellent £7,298.
Last year we were able to buy two pieces of optical equipment thus enabling many more patients to receive treatment in Tetbury in the new One Stop Eye Clinic.
• A phototherapy booth to treat patients with a variety of skin conditions. Patients with various skin conditions often require regular treatments so this new local service will avoid having to travel to other hospitals
This year, with your help, we will purchase:
The support of the town and surrounding villages is hugely appreciated and vital, enabling the hospital to provide the very best range of services supported by modern medical equipment.
We are delighted with this result, so on behalf of The Friends’ fund raising committee and the hospital trustees, I thank you all for your generosity. Also, a huge thank you to the volunteers who tramped the streets knocking on your doors. Further good news is that just over
• A replacement ‘stack’ for the theatre, containing a range of clinical gadgets used by the surgeon to perform keyhole surgery; in particular, a camera and screen to enable the surgeon to have a clear image of what is going on inside the patient
Tetbury HospitalTrust is a charity established in 1991 which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments though not for new or replacement equipment. The Hospital’s survival depends on local fundraising and the generosity of local people. In addition, local people donate money through their wills and over recent years income from legacies has grown. Since the recent NHS re-organisation, the Hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire with more than 20 consultants from both counties holding regular clinics there. We run many fund raising events each year, all locally based; these are publicised in the Tetbury Advertiser and on the Friends page of the hospital’s website (www. Thank you again for your generous support. Best wishes,
John McGrath, Chairman Hospital website:
Quality Alterations of Tetbury
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September 2015 | 63
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64 | September 2015
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WANTED - Can you name the artist? First Prize £100
Please call or text message 07913 991475 or 07858386675 to get in touch (anonymously if you wish) or email:
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Tel: 01285 640248
“Centre of Excellence” Dental Practice
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
September 2015 | 65
News from Tetbury Town Council Have you ever thought about being a Councillor? Tetbury Town Council currently has two vacancies, one vacancy in Tetbury Town and one in Tetbury West wards. Any person willing to fill these vacancies should apply to the Town Clerk in writing on or before Wednesday 16th September 2015. The applicants must either: • Be registered as a local government elector for Tetbury Town or Tetbury West Wards • Have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Town or within 4.8km of it • Have worked in Tetbury (principle or only place of work) for the past 12 months In addition the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor. PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2019. However for the interim period election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors of Tetbury Town Council. Applicants will be voted on at the 21st September 2015 Full Council Meeting and applicants wishing to be considered MUST attend this meeting. Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council, The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA - Tel: 01666 504670 Office Hours 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday - Website:
Does your charitable organisation require some financial assistance this year? Tetbury Town Council has a grant budget of £10,000 and we would like to offer help with as many local organisations in Tetbury. If you would like to apply for a grant to purchase something special, help with transport etc., please call into the Town Council offices for an application form.
Grants which have been awarded so far this financial year:-
Tetbury Youth and Community Trust – Youth Worker £13,300 (£5,000 from the grant budget and £8,300 from budgeted sums) St Mary’s Primary School – Prizegiving book tokens £55 Footpath Group – Assist with publication £250 St Mary’s Monday Club – Help purchase an oven £500
Is there a street light outside your property which is not working properly? Is there a pothole growing bigger by the day?
Please call Glos Highways 08000 514 514 A paid-for feature
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Corporate body acting as Sole Trustees to 301633 Tetbury Recreation Ground and Dolphins Hall Trust will be taking place at the Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street on Monday 28th September 2015 starting at 6.30pm all welcome Tetbury Neighbouring Planning Group are currently working hard on bringing the data over the past couple of years together. Tetbury Town Council has commissioned LB Planning to carry out an audit on the data collated and begin to write the policies for the plan. In addition the group have been successful in receiving grant funding to pay for a new website which became live at the beginning of August. We have also received a further funding stream to carry out a town management survey. If you would to be involved please come along to our next meeting on Thursday 17th September at 7pm, The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street.
A concert by The Unisono Choir Zwingenberg will be taking place at Long Newton Holy Trinity Church on Friday 23rd October 2015 starting at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available from the beginning of September at the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 New Church St, 503552.
Tetbury Wool Fest After an extremely popular first meeting the Wool Fest has been born! Now we need someone with vision to lead it forward. The items below are ideas which could be included in the Fest and we believe that Tetbury has a lot to offer. We think it is time to celebrate this fact! Pubs – special menus incorporating lamb/lamb products/beers loosely connected Shops – displays in windows/sheep trail (small sheep displayed in shops)/competitions Stall holders – displaying products made of wool – clothes, rugs, blankets, food products, paintings of sheep, books Sheep Races – sheepdogs herding Sheep trail/Sheep shearing/Weaving/Spinning/Knitting/Displays Schools - involved in a project (make something?) Old People’s Homes – knitting squares to make into bunting If you are interested in helping us to put Tetbury on the map please pop in to see Jackie at the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre or phone 01666 503552 A paid-for feature
Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.
503828 503828 ABOUT US
We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Established in 1974, are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. We have 8we courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land Rover. We have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, mechanics. We wereservice. voted Independent Garage of the Year by both Motor Trader andindependent the Motorgarage Industry of collection collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and2012 Land Rover specialist premier offeringCode a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury
At Car C
we invest state ofSkoda), the art dealer-level dedicated and team of cars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,inSEAT, Land Rover and Mercedes. Weexperienced have 9 courtesy At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so mechanics. offer a range diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We full of services available or offer a collection service. At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free call today or visit our website. courtesy cars or collection.
are tetbury
ier Independent Garage
and brak
light commercial vehicles.
book sta
01666502496 503828
tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. offer full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We a of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.
bulbs an charge!
DO YOU OWN ONEUnits OF1-3,THESE? Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester
If so, ask yourself .....................
Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level
premier independent garage offering a
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servicing, diagnostics and repairs using
service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of
MOT TESTING YOU MAY BE USING THE WRONG GARAGE! .....................if the answer is NO
Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to
MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans
the left or right, an uncentred steering
with a free re-test included if needed. All
wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to
bulbs and adjustments are included free of
book our four wheel laser alignment service.
charge! (headlamp excluded)
Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles
handling characteristics, tyre wear and fuel efficiency.
strial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ