April 2016
Cover photo © Kevin Farnham
Inside this issue:
• Downhill Fast!
...................Pages 32-33
• Lions Den
...................Page 5
Circulation 4,250
• News from St Marys’ ...................Page 14
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2 | April 2016
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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk David Ellison - Accounts 4 The Damsells, Tetbury GL8 8JA. Tel: 01666 504166 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk
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What’s On FOOD BANK DISTRIBUTION POINT coming to TETBURY Starting in April at St Mary’s Day Centre - Tuesdays from 10 –11 2nd April Nick Humphries speaks to HOTS: The ‘Chedworth Roman Villa’ 7.30 pm in Christ Church – details in this issue 5th April Footpath Group first walk of the 2016 season 2.00 pm from the long stay car park – details in this issue 6th April ‘Mood and Atmosphere’ demo by Val Riddler to the Art Society Details in their column in this issue 10th April at 10 am a Service with The Right Reverend Rachel Treweek The new Bishop of Gloucester attends St Marys’ – details in this issue 11th and 26th April Aileen Village Agent will be in the Volunteer office 10.30 - 1pm Please see the Dial-a-Ride article in this issue 12th April Nationwide launch of “Reading Well for Young People” Please see the Tetbury Library article in this issue 14th, 15th and 16th April “Gaslight” at the Dolphins Hall Please see the advertisement in this issue 22nd April TTFC U13 team v’s Stroud League 6.30pm In the Wally Smith Cup. Please see the article in this issue 23rd April Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival 10 am - 5.30 pm Please see Debbie’s “Young By Name” column in this issue for details 23rd April Book Clearance Sale 9 am to 12 noon, Sherston Village Hall FREE admission all proceeds to good local causes 27th April ANNUAL TOWN MEETING at 7pm in the Dolphins Hall 28th April – 3rd May Sue Townsend Exhibition of Art Westonbirt Arboretum Great Oak Hall 10 am to 4 pm each day 3rd May Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea at Calcot 2pm In aid of Longfields, our local hospice. £15 per person. Tickets from 01666 504656 Tetbury DIAL-A-RIDE schedule Please see the article in this issue Readers can WIN 2 TICKETS to The Cheltenham Wine Festival, Sat 14th of May Send your full name to enter@ cheltenhamwinefestival.com before 30th of April
Contents Avening School 28 Avening WI 29 Chelworth Bookworms 4 Christian Aid 45 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 6 Dolphins Dramatic Society 42 Eating Out 40 Girlguiding 26 History of Tetbury Society 22 Leighterton Primary School 30 Letters to the Editor (2) 50 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Report 13 News from Christ Church 43 News from St Marys’ Church 14 News from St Michael’s Church 25 Patient Participation Group 16 Priory Inn Blog 39 Probus One 8 Probus Two 38 Puddle Ducks 11 Sir William Romney’s School 52 St Mary’s CE VA Primary School 17 St Mary’s Playgroup 12 Summer Show 10 Tetbury and District Footpath Group 44 Tetbury Art Society 24 Tetbury Camera Club 18 Tetbury Community Choir 46 Tetbury Dial-A-Ride 19 Tetbury in Bloom 31 Tetbury Library 49 Tetbury Police Museum 48 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 20 Tetbury Tennis Club 34 Tetbury Theatre Group 36 Tetbury Town Council 55-63 Tetbury Town Football Club 23 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 37 Wacky Races 32 What’s On 3 Woolsack Day 33 Young By Name 7
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
Chelworth Bookworms The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
This is the story of a young man’s search for the author behind a series of rare books. Set in Barcelona after the Spanish civil war, we follow Daniel as he meets a series of bizarre characters who gradually shed light on the life of the mysterious author Julian Carax, and his doomed love. The book’s tone darkens, however, as Daniel begins to understand the world he lives in and the story changes from a mystery into a dark thriller. A climate of fear and suspicion follows him and his lugubrious friend Fermin, as their investigations lead them into the shadows that lie just below the surface of the fascist regime.
like a Victorian gothic melodrama. The book is very atmospheric, however some of the relationships between the characters do seem rather extreme, the most trueto-life being that between Daniel and his widowed father. Despite being beautifully written and quite a page-turner, The Shadow of the Wind did not convince everyone, however most of the Book Club really enjoyed it and awarded it 8/10. Ghilly Vincenti Chelworth Bookworms
What starts off as Daniel’s story evolves into a series of linking narratives, becoming increasingly complex and at times more
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4 | April 2016
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Dear Readers, It’s been a busy time in the Tetbury Lions – chock-full of events and strange hats! I’ll give you a quick round-up… First, Alice from the Priory Gym asks me to mention that the defibrillators they worked so hard to raise money for are now up and running, one at Tesco and the other at Tetbury Tourist Information’s office in Church Street. Well done indeed and many thanks, she says, to our friends from R&J Pearce for installing them. As I’d warned you we Lions conducted a collection at Tesco in favour of the Marie Curie organisation, raising £518 from your gracious selves. The funny hats were as enjoyable as usual - and helped keep the cold at bay, too. Our Recipe Book has come along, with
Lion’s Den contributions being collated by Lions Barry and Alan G.; we’d still like more recipes please if you could email me or write in, just as you’d like. This project has been Lion Barry Gibbs “last hurrah” for us, in effect, as he’s soon disappearing south. We shall be demanding a large off-season transfer fee from his next Lions Club. Thank you Barry and thank you Chris, for all your hard work at the CDC and here, there and everywhere in Tetbury. We shall miss you hugely. I nipped down to Bournestream recently, to see their adventure playground for disabled children and young people. Their co-ordinator Mark Pasco tells me about 350-400 families have taken advantage of the facility, run by eighteen committed volunteers. Wonderful. That’s Lion Warren with the cheque, if we’ve managed to get the photo in. Tetbury Lions have also been helping in the “Clean for the Queen” incentive, going to Cirencester to assist our Lion counterparts with their endeavours. They’ll be in Tetbury helping us, soon! Our collection to replace the “Bluebell” bus has been given a useful boost through the generosity of the Feoffees. They have splendid stationery you know, as impressive as the organisation itself. I was delighted to receive their letter and I tried to reply in kind. And speaking of impressive, reproduced here too is an image of the insignia of Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur recently awarded to our Senior Lion, Ron Poppleton. Two years ago, during the D-Day commemorations, we printed Ron’s heroic story very modestly told in his own words. We’re delighted that he’s received this honour and immensely proud to be associated with him. Racing onward – if it’s not too much of a leap – we’ve been socialising with each other again of late, this time with Lion Tony Sykes and his lovely wife Liz, for St Patrick’s Night. It was a fantastic occasion, again, and the prize for the best dressed attendee was given to Lion Phil. No, I am not sure which one he is. Isn’t the padding realistic? Soon it will be Wacky Races. We’re gearing up for that and we hope you’ll come along and enjoy it. By way of a “Stop Press”, I’ve just been to the Town “morale” meeting at the Dolphin hall, which was very interesting, very revealing and very well attended. I hope you enjoy the council pages at the back of this issue. Last, we join in mourning the passing of town servant and ex-Serendipity columnist for more than twenty years, Valerie Roseblade. We send our heartfelt condolences to “Darling Daughter” and “First Born,” hoping that they can find some solace in the fact that their Mum was very well-loved by Advertiser Readers and Tetbury folk. Richard Smith, Tetbury Lions
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
April 2016 | 5
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Tresham – special views We’ve been back to Tresham again in the last month for a smaller job. This was on a footpath from the village, which goes steeply down from the ridge to Ozleworth Bottom, heading for Newark Park. We installed steps and a wooden handrail on the steepest section. Tresham is on a ridge between two valleys, so enjoys special views in all directions. The photograph kindly provided in last month’s Advertiser is taken from the lane through the village, but looking south towards Kilcott, in the opposite direction to Ozleworth and Newark Park. However,
the pupils will be able to resume using this as a nature area for outdoor lessons, to give them an appreciation of the countryside, However, we have to return here to complete the job. Thirdly, we have been in the Tetbury are with brush cutters, bow-saws and loppers, clearing along the old railway track towards the Trouble House. Again, there is more to do here before it is in a suitable state. Also, we need to make a safe access across the road at Newnton Hill. However, the intention is for the Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust, by agreement with the landowner and the County Council, to have this open as a bridleway, cycleway and footpath later in the year. In the meantime, it remains private, with access prohibited.
Crystal Fountain At Crystal Fountain (Inchbrook) on the A46 near Nailsworth there was a mill on the site of the retirement development, and a second adjacent to the A46. These were fed from the stream from the lakes in
it does show, in the foreground, the small field purchased by the Tresham Parish Council with the picnic bench to enjoy the view. It also shows the Warden’s work to good advantage – we were right here a couple of years ago with brush cutters, clearing bramble and scrub from this field.
Brush cutting clearance In the last month we have used brush cutters, which are petrol driven and larger and more powerful than strimmers, to clear the scrub and open up the views at three locations. One was at Woodchester Park for the National Trust. A second was at the Primary school in Wotton-under-Edge, on the steep bank along the edge of their football field. Now that much of the bramble is cleared, 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1
A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd
Woodchester Park. The mill adjacent to the A46 is still a dwelling house. Our job was to re-fence the edge of the field by this mill and adjacent stream, thus moving the boundary between these two properties to allow some planting and screening, to enhance the beauty of this area.
Walks Twenty-seven walks have been planned in the South Cotswolds by the Wardens in April to September period. For details, please refer to the Cotswold Lion free newspaper, which will be available from the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre in Church Street. (Please note, it had not yet been published at the time of writing this for the Advertiser.) Also, as you can read elsewhere in this issue, the Tetbury and District Footpath Group resume their programme of local walks each Tuesday from the beginning of April. Richard Glanville, Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
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Sock-Drawer Technology This month, my technology-averse husband finally agreed to invest in a new PC for his study. Our cottage is not large, but by sacrificing the dining room and third bedroom, we have engineered each having our own study. This strategy has helped preserve our marriage and also my sanity! It spares me from his one-way conversations with his laptop and his pathological untidiness. His frustration with his computer lies in his inability to master its filing system. He can never find anything he’s looking for. Mind you, the same goes for physical searches around the house. When my daughter can’t find something, my standard response is “Did you do a “Daddy look” or a “Mummy look?” We blame our caveman ancestors. Men spent their days scanning the horizon for large animals, and women did close work around the cave. Their different perspectives are now hardwired. That may be an urban myth, dreamed up by opticians to spare the pride of men with glasses. Even so, it makes me more tolerant when my husband doesn’t spot what’s right in front of him.
I agreed to meet him at the small local computer shop. We favour this shop because its personal service outranks that of superstores. I visit this shop maybe twice a year, yet I’m always served by the same people and greeted by name. And it’s always busy. I don’t know how superstores ever caught on. My husband has taken his laptop to show what upgrade he needs. When I enter the shop, he and the computer man are poring over its directory screen. “It’s easy, “ the computer man is explaining. “You just put the documents in the document folder, and the pictures in the picture folder.” “But what if my documents have pictures in them?” asks my husband. Diplomatically, the computer man tackles the issue another way.
Young by name Yet setting it up is easy, once we’ve cleared my husband’s desk to make space for it. He is in the habit of chucking all his post on the desk - empty envelopes, unwanted circulars and all - and leaving them to compost down. We profit from our tidying-up by 55 Euros, fortunately still intact amidst the mess. I leave him to test his new computer while I empty the washing machine. I’m grateful that we don’t need a house call to install his new computer. But I’m wondering whether the computer man could drop by to help my husband organise his wardrobe. Debbie Young authordebbieyoung.com
“Just think of the computer like a wardrobe. You have a drawer for your socks, don’t you? And a drawer for your pants, a place for your shoes. You wouldn’t just throw all your clean clothes into the wardrobe at random, would you?” He clearly hasn’t seen my husband’s wardrobe. Should the need arise, the computer man will make a house call to install the new PC. “Young By Name” - a collection of Debbie Young’s Tetbury Advertiser columns from the last six years, is now available to order from all good bookshops, priced £6.99 (ISBN 9781911223030)
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Debbie Young is founder and director of the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival, a free celebration of books and readings for all ages. On Saturday 23rd April from 10am5.30pm, readers of the Tetbury Advertiser are warmly invited to come and join her for lively talks and readings, workshops, storytelling, and more. www.hulitfest.com
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April 2016 | 7
Probus One
(Bugattis, Morgans and Alfa-Romeos), how they had been obtained, and how some had been kept within the family to this day. It was a fast-flowing talk, full of facts and anecdotes, about axn interesting family and their mementos - a family still very much involved with the Bugatti Trust and its Visitor Centre at Gotherington.
Do you like mysteries? One soon emerged on the 4th of February, when Peter Petrie described the extraordinary life and controversial death of Edward II. The fourth son of Edward I and born in 1284, Edward’s loveless marriage to Isabella of France was one of political convenience and ultimately failed. We were told he was an unpopularly weak monarch because of troubles in Scotland and Aquitaine, two very undesirable male friends and his attitude towards Isabella. She and Lord Mortimer hatched a successful plot in 1327 to depose Edward, have him imprisoned in Berkeley Castle, and her son crowned Edward III.
Charles outlined the background to her fascination for fast cars. This had been encouraged by an uncle but strongly discouraged by her mother. However, it was soon obvious that fast cars ran in the family’s blood. We were regaled with details about the cars the family had owned
Our March programme included the story of Gilbert and Sullivan, an appraisal of the Battle of Waterloo, and a visit to Renishaw. More on these anon. Our April programme includes our 40th Anniversary Lunch, so there is no shortage of variety in Probus One. Why not join us? Theo Stening, Probus One 01666 504243
Edward was reputed to have died at Berkeley on the 21st of September 1327. Was he murdered? A body was brought to St Peter’s Abbey in Gloucester for burial on the 23rd of December 1327. But whose was it? Did Edward II die at Berkeley? Peter revealed the documentary evidence that Edward escaped, travelled to France and Italy as a hermit, died there and was buried at the Abbey of St Alberto Butrio. Flaws and irregularities in the much questioned evidence about the cause and place of Edward’s death were outlined to us, but the doubt remains. Is it Edward II buried beneath the much-visited ornate tomb in Gloucester Cathedral? The jury is still out.
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Then a second mystery. Who was Prudence Fawcett?
This was soon resolved. She was the mother of Charles Trevelyan, our speaker on the 18th of February. A very go-ahead lady, Prudence was the co-driver at the age of 25 of one of the only two British cars to complete the 1938 Le Mans 24-hour race. Driving a Morgan 4-4, she finished a creditable 13th.
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Summer Show You will be pleased to learn that the schedules for the 2016 Summer Show, taking place as usual on the recreation ground on Sunday 14th August, have been revised. These will be available from the 1st of June and can be downloaded from our web page. Hard copies will of course be available from Tetbury Hardware, a shop that has supported this event for many years. The show now has a new web page, www. tetburysummershow.co.uk and it is working very well, we now also have a Facebook page that can be accessed from this site, through which we will provide regular updates. The schedule will feature a number of your favourite categories but some small changes will no doubt also be of interest. In particular, the Queen celebrates her 90th birthday this year, so we have included in the flower arranging section “Anything Goes” – a royal birthday celebration. This section also features an arrangement in a basket for the first time, so plenty there for you to start thinking about. For our younger exhibitors, the Domestic Section – Children’s Classes, the new challenge for each of the three age groups is a flower arrangement in a tea cup.
There is a major change in the Cookery Section - amateur classes, as we have introduced three categories for all of you who make and enjoy homemade wine. The three categories are a fruit wine, a root wine and any other type of wine other than fruit (mead for example.) If you get cracking now, they should just about be ready for tasting on show day.
in recent years and is now such a big event that it may come as a surprise to learn that it costs nearly £7,000 to put on each year. The Lions, Feoffees, John Newman and IHS remain loyal and generous supporters, but we could certainly do with some additional financial help!
All of these entries must be in a clear bottle, labelled with the date and the type of wine, please, to make life easier for Cathryn from Vinotopia who has agreed to judge this section. Also revised is the scarecrow section, which is now divided into two, an entry for adults and a separate entry for children. In both cases the scarecrow should be able to stand alone and as usual, these will be on display outside of the marquee.
In recent years the George Veterinary Group have been very supportive and will once again be sponsoring the Fun Dog Show - and it looks like Cyril will be back to do the judging. He will have two new categories this year, the “dog with the most appealing eyes” and “the dog the judge wants to take home.” We will reveal more about the attractions for this year’s show in a future update, but for now we can confirm that the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums will be returning and will again lead the parade through the town.
The Summer Show has grown significantly
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It is Easter time already and at Puddle Ducks that means one thing. It’s time to bring the incubator back in! Regular readers of the Puddle Ducks column may remember that last year we hatched a gorgeous duckling called Marlon. I am pleased to report that Marlon is living a very happy life at Catherine’s house with his lady friend, Mavis! This year we are once again hatching chicks and hope that we will have some fluffy new friends before we break up for the Easter holidays. We have
been fortunate for the last couple of years that the eggs have hatched during session time, so we are keeping our fingers crossed again this year and will bring you news in the next issue. We all know what a good job our lovely Mummies and Grannies do, so the children spent a very busy week making lots of presents and keepsakes to celebrate Mother’s day. We made cards, bunches of flowers, cups of tea, decorated pebbles and even made lavender scented bath bombs! Over the past weeks Catherine has been very busy giving our outside space a much
Puddle Ducks needed makeover, and the children have been enjoying pulling on the waterproofs and getting outside to explore the new garden, including the water wall, mud kitchen and willow tunnel. This renovation was made possible thanks to the kind donation of funds from the Tetbury 10K Flyer, for which we are very grateful. Thanks also go to Mr Grey for supplying us with some old tractor tyres and William for his wonderful artwork. We also thank Martin Cordwell who has made us a wonderful wooden teepee that will be enjoyed for many years to come. Thank you all very much. We have been busy looking at ‘N for Nursery Rhymes’ and learning some of the more traditional rhymes that sometimes get a little overlooked, these days. The children have been beginning to explore Makaton sign language - learning to ‘sing with our hands’ is a great way to bring this to the children, who are all learning quickly and enjoying this very much. Puddle Ducks is a small pre-school situated at the back of the Dolphin Hall. We are committed to providing the best experience for your children that we can as they begin their educational journey. We are now full for the remainder of this academic year but if you are interested in your child coming to join us in September or January 2017, please do contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased to arrange a time for you to visit us during session. We run each weekday morning during termtime and of course don’t forget our baby and toddler group on a Friday afternoon from 1.30-2.45 in the main hall (please knock loudly on the side door) where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome. Ducklings is proud to be a member of the newly formed Tetbury Toddler Alliance, ensures the best experience for everyone. Sharon Sherdloff Puddle Ducks
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
April 2016 | 11
St Mary’s Playgroup Just before we broke up for half term, we held our Family Valentine’s Disco at the United Services Club, which was really well attended and supported by our families. We had a lot of positive feedback afterward from all the parents - as well as the children - to say they’d had a great time. I think they all slept well that night! Thank you to everyone who came along, as well as the wonderful team at the Club for having us and letting us make lots of noise with our karaoke machine, too! To celebrate our wonderful Mums and Grandmothers, we held a special morning for them to come along to and enjoy tea, croissants and cake, before they got to watch video messages and receive special gifts that the children had made. We really value the support of our parents, so we hoped setting aside some time to spoil them was a good way of showing our appreciation. I think they all went home feeling very loved.
Before we move onto looking at the Easter story and enjoying lots of egg festivities, we have followed the children’s interest in babies and are looking at how we have grown since we were born. The children have loved looking at each other’s baby photos and guessing who they are, as well as providing plenty of care in our Baby Clinic and having a visit from a very
little one too! It has provided lots of great opportunities for the children to talk about themselves and what makes them unique. We currently have spaces available for sessions beginning in September, so please get in touch if you would like to come to visit or register. We welcome parents and children into the session, to see what we do and how we use our exciting new online system to assess the children and keep parents continually updated. More information can be found on our Facebook page, or our up-to-date website, which includes our recent Ofsted inspection report, newsletters and policies. Our ‘Seedlings’ baby and toddler group continues every Monday morning from 9.30-11.30 and is run by our lovely mum Jackie Hunt. Jackie is also one of our playgroup assistants and her familiar face for the children who come up to us from the toddler sessions helps them settle quickly. We always have a planned activity during the session that varies based on the season and the children attending (we focus more on sensory play when we have younger babies), along with plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to preschoolers, so drop in and join the fun. Please visit our website or call 01666 503777 to learn more about us or with any enquiries, we are always happy to hear from you. www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk Heidi Bailey, Joint Playleader
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Mr Laurie Robinson, BSc (Hons), PGCE
Phone: 07939 546140 E-mail: LSJRob@aol.com
Science Tutor
I attended a Presentation and show round of St. Mary’s School on 23rd February… …and found it all very interesting and informative. Our tour guides were delightful and very knowledgeable. Thank you so much for all the time and effort. We had an excellent response for the post of Deputy Clerk and all the candidates had excellent qualifications, with different things that they could bring to the role. In the end it was a unanimous decision
to appoint Tara - and we feel she will be an excellent support to Natalie and a strong member of the team. We are looking at the Job title, as Natalie’s has now changed to Chief Executive. One of the other candidates will be joining us as our Administrator, so we would like to send out our congratulations to Tara and Georgina. I attended a lovely concert by Jan Friend at the Orchard Rooms at Highgrove. The music was superb and my thanks go out to the Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust for organising such a lovely event. The Tea Dances at the Dolphins Hall appear to be very popular and I believe numbers
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Mayor’s Report are slowly growing. At the Gloucester Charter Parishes meeting on the 9th March there was a lot of discussion around “Adults in Vulnerable Circumstances Policy”. If this policy succeeds, it’s hoped that it will support those vulnerable people that would otherwise slip through the net. They so need our support and help. It was with sadness that we learnt about the death of Mrs Val Roseblade, a former Mayor of Tetbury. Mrs Roseblade was Mayor when Jenny joined the TTC 29 years ago – and we had to say a sad farewell to Jenny on Friday the 11th of March, as Jenny has decided to retire. We wish her all the best for the future. 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha Cllr Sandra Ball., Mayor of Tetbury
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April 2016 | 13
News from St Marys’ Church Bishop Rachel is coming to St Marys’ Church! We’ve done “Clean for the Queen” … and now we’re cleaning for Bishop Rachel too. On Sunday 10th April, The Right Reverend Rachel Treweek will be taking a service here in Tetbury for the first time. She is, of course, our new Bishop of Gloucester and, although there were two female bishops appointed previously, she is the first woman to be appointed as a diocesan rather than suffragan bishop. You will have seen her in the news, too, as the first female Bishop to sit in the House of Lords. We look forward to welcoming her in Tetbury. Everyone is invited to join us for this special service on Sunday 10th April at 10 am. The invitation to Bishop Rachel began with a request for her to come and bless the lovely new glass door at the entrance to the church. Have you seen it yet? It means that, as you come into the porch, you now see all the beauty of the church opening up in
front of you (instead of two heavy wooden doors). Our aim is to make the church as welcoming as possible. We now hope that even more people will pop into St Marys’ while they are out and about in Tetbury. This is a chance to stop for
a few minutes of quiet reflection, to enjoy the beautiful space, and perhaps light a candle for someone they are concerned about. And you can ask for our prayers too: there is a “prayer board” at the front of church, where you can write the name of the person to be prayed for, and we will add them to our prayer list. Or you can contact our lovely Parish Administrator, Diana, and ask her to add someone to that list (01666 500 088). And do join us for our regular Sunday service at 9.30am – with Little Fishes Sunday School for children. I look forward to seeing you soon. With love and prayers, Poppy
The Revd Poppy Hughes Rector, The Benefices of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne, and Avening with Cherington
Tetbury ’s
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April 2016 | 15
Patient Participation Group This month the PPG hosted an Everyday First Aid session delivered by the Red Cross. A group of patients and three committee members including Peter, age 19, our youngest member, gathered for an informative and fun afternoon. Elisha’s goal was to instil confidence so that we wouldn’t be the ones that just walk by when someone is in distress. We realised that we didn’t have to act alone, there are always the staff on the other end of a 999
teenage girl finding a middle-aged man on a bus in a distressed state. I don’t think any of us will ever forget what to do if someone has a heart attack on a bus; “Like, bus driver, next stop the hospital!” If you want more information you can read the blog post on the PPG website where you will find not only links to more information but also a few photos. http:// tinyurl.com/zt9eono The feedback from all the participants was very positive, and Elisha enjoyed herself too, and has offered to do another session when we have gathered up a second group of interested people. Whether you want to refresh old skills, or have never done any first aid before, the session would be very useful and could be adapted further to suit people’s abilities. If you’re interested, please contact a committee member or email us at the address at the end of this article. As you will be able to read in the Tetbury Library article, April sees a new addition to Books on Prescription, this time on Mental
Health for Young People. The PPG are doing what they can to support this, making sure that the surgery has the material available to pass on to patients and raising awareness with the practice generally, regarding mental health for young people. We are making sure that the children and young people of Tetbury are never far from our minds, as they are our future and we must take their needs into consideration, too. If any young people would like to join the committee, they would be most welcome. Peter enjoys the meetings and we are on the look out for someone to help with the administration of our new social media accounts. Email us, or leave a message at the surgery in our new PPG corner. Next month we will hopefully have a date for the PPG AGM, news of more collaborative working with the library, and an update on new staff. Jennifer Skillen Patient Participation Group romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk
01453 834 355 or 07976 779 130
call to help, and it is okay to ask passers by to help too. We covered several scenarios and had a demonstration on how to use a defibrillator, important now that we have three of them in the town. Perhaps the funniest bit was when Peter and Jennifer decided to role-play the scenario they were given. Peter put on a Valley Girl (Californian) accent and played a
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As a school we aim high. We have high expectations for every child and member of staff who works here as we want all our pupils to have the brightest future. It is in all our interests for Tetbury to have great schools! Excellent schools attract young families into the town, and we hope that together with Sir William Romney’s School we create young people who will make a valuable contribution to our community in the future. Over the last few years we have made significant improvements to our facilities and grounds, from the mundane but very necessary improvements to our electrics, plumbing and flat roofs, to the more exciting installation of a school kitchen and
a more welcoming and secure reception area. Our kitchen has enabled us to provide our children with healthy, quality hot food cooked on-site, and children of another local school hot lunches. We are very fortunate to have been supported in all of these projects by the Gloucester Diocese, but these projects came with significant costs and for every £100k project, we have to find £10k. Our Governors (volunteers whose primary role is to work with and challenge the school at a strategic level) need to fundraise to provide their 10% to any project that we want or need to do to our school. We are very grateful to a number of local organisations (including the Feoffees, Lions, Tetbury Relief in Need and Jack Lane Trust) and businesses and individuals who
St Mary’s CE VA Primary School over many, many years have continually supported our school. In the last few years they have enabled us to create a unique reading Den, erect an outdoor classroom enabling the children to experience outside learning whatever the weather, establish and staff a Nurture Group and invest in laptops and iPads for the pupils to develop their IT skills. Our improvement works are ongoing and the children will return after the Easter holidays to a new trim trail in the Year 3/4 playground, thanks to the amazing efforts of our Parent, Teacher & Friends Association (PTFA). So far this year they have raised over £4,000 enabling us to purchase equipment and take part in activities beyond our Government funding. Their aim this year is to reach a target of £10,000. Our projects for this year don’t stop there. In the summer we will be relocating our Breakfast Club and converting the room into a teaching classroom as our numbers increase - and repairing another flat roof! We also aspire to raise sufficient funds to extend and develop our KS1 playground and refurbish the KS2 toilets. These projects are part of a wider vision to make this school the best it can be, and to provide more support for working families. Alongside our Breakfast Club we also run sports clubs in the holidays, and in the long term would like to establish pre-school provision on our site. Our pastoral care is also becoming a focus within the school; with the expertise we offer, we would love to have an area that could bring together the different agencies to support our families, but also a space that the pupils, staff and other community members could use. The NCT already use our Den for “Bumps and Babies” meetings, and for their Nearly New Sales.
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St Mary’s Primary School has always been extremely well supported by the people of Tetbury and with this in mind on February 23rd we invited representatives from community groups to visit the school to experience some of the good work we do here, and to explore ways we can work together to improve opportunities for all our pupils. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and it was great to welcome so many of you into our school. I hope that we can continue these strong links with some exciting projects into the future. Jo Woolley Headteacher
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April 2016 | 17
Tetbury Camera Club At a meeting in January, the members were shown the fifteen prints … …and fifteen digital images selected as the Club’s entries for the annual battles with Cirencester and Stroud Camera Clubs. These photos had been selected by a few members, whittled down from submissions from many members. We won against both clubs last year but results have rather yoyo’ed in recent years. Nevertheless, our expectations were reasonably high. The first battle took place against visitors from Cirencester. The independent judge was Tony Byram, who gave marks out of twenty to each entry without knowing which photos came from which club. These affairs are normally fairly close-run, but this time we won reasonably comfortably, both on digitally projected images and on prints. A couple of weeks later, it was the turn of our members to visit Stroud. The independent judge on this occasion was Michael Krier. Given the result against Cirencester, it was interesting that we were actually beaten by Stroud. Not by much, but enough. This diversity of outcomes rather emphasizes that photography is all about personal preferences and taste. Judges are no different. In between these battles we held an internal competition judged by Keith Cooper. Keith acted as a substitute for Brian Swinyard who we are pleased to note is making a good recovery from an operation. Keith, who is a fairly familiar figure at Tetbury, made very pertinent comments about all the entries. One of the entries which, deservedly, did very well is reproduced here: ‘Exuberance’ by Vince Pycroft. Our most recent speaker was Peter Gennard from Smethwick Photographic Society. Peter mentioned that he had last been to
Tetbury in 2003, which came as news to most of us. He has a range of photographic distinctions to his name and is a prolific exhibitor in salons, both national and international. Peter and his wife have spent years visiting the Edinburgh Festival and Goth and Zombie gatherings. He takes portraits of those appearing at such events, who are generally only too keen to have their photo taken, and he then superimposes them on backgrounds which match the emotion of the portrait. His portraits are really excellent, even if some are perhaps rather bizarre in appearance, and the backgrounds (which he collects for the purpose) enhance the mood created by the image. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest to see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. We meet at 7.30 pm on Tuesday
Town & Country News
Frank Jenkins Tetbury Camera Club 01666 500807 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 tetburycameraclub.org.uk
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
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18 | April 2016
evenings at the Priory Inn and are a very friendly group. Anybody with an interest in photography is very welcome to visit, to both get an idea of our activities and to meet club members.
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
We’re looking forward a little way to May and the Wacky Races. As you will have read elsewhere, the Lions in Tetbury have made our adapted car Bluebell their fundraising project for 2017, and they have asked for Bluebell to make an appearance (not in the races I hasten to add!). Look out for us during the day and support the Lions. Library Club is held on the last Friday of each month with transport provided by Dial-a-Ride. It’s a lovely sociable time
with coffee, information and occasional speakers arranged by the library. Anyone interested can call the Library or us to book a place. The Volunteer Hospital Car Service is run from Cirencester office to take passengers for appointments. Drivers use their own cars and are able to claim fuel expenses back. If you would like to know more call us or Cirencester 01285 659374. Aileen, Village Agent will be in the Volunteer office on Monday 11th and Tuesday 26th April, 10.30-1pm. Tel: 07810630156 if you would like more information.
Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule
Tetbury Dial-A-Ride Appointments (doctors, dentist, hospital etc.). THURSDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9.30am. Tetbury, town and Tesco (including appointments). THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. Shopping trips. Library Club 1st April. Yate, 8th April. Cirencester, 15th April. Orbitol, Swindon, 22nd April. Library Club, 29th April. Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, We look forward to meeting you.
Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (monday-friday 9-1pm). TUESDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, Avening) 9 .30am. Tetbury, town (including 3 New Street, appointments). WEDNESDAYS: 12-2pm. 681010 March Roofing:Layout 1 21/9/10 22:08Church Page 1 Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
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April 2016 | 19
Tetbury Rail Lands Trust On Wednesday the 2nd of March we were treated to a sparkling piano recital… … by Jan Vriend, at Highgrove’s Orchard Rooms. The hall was packed, with every ticket sold as soon as they came on sale, which delighted us as we had deliberated about charging £20. Jan silenced us dramatically by opening the evening with an unannounced and rousing piece by Bach that made us all sit up. It was truly inspiring to watch him, with the composure of a Russian gymnast, perform a seamless programme of works by J.S. Bach, Chopin, Schubert and his own composition Liebestraum, all from memory.
able to order our railings. To top it all we also received another £1k for the platform renovations from the Jack Lane Trust. John Andrews has also started reaping the reward for his hours of fundraising applications. He’s successfully gained a grant of £15k from The Foyle Foundation (the charitable arm of Foyles bookshop,) to put toward our retractable seating - and another award of £5k from The Rowlands Trust towards the fitting out of the kitchen, so we would like to thank him for all his hard work. We are also grateful to Ben King who kindly felled four trees that were interrupting the view around the performance platform without charge, so it is looking really good now. Next time you go for a dog walk come and have a look!
The evening flew by and we all enjoyed the elegant canapes and wine at the beginning served by the Highgrove caterers - and then in the interval the sweet offerings served with our teas and coffees. We would like to thank the endlessly generous Chris and Kate York for donating our star raffle prize- a meal for six at the Royal Oak. Thanks also to Whatley Manor Hotel and Spa for two afternoon teas for two, and to Calcot Spa for their voucher. They helped us make a total of around £2,000 from the evening. On the journey home Carolyn’s mum declared the evening had been quite magical and cheap at the price! We seem to be on a bit of a roll with our funding efforts right now, but noone present at the concert could fail to notice the energy and shine of our group. John Andrews came to tell me he’d been successful in gaining a Small Sparks grant from The Barnwood Trust of £250 towards materials and skip hire (to rebuild the wheelchair accessible ramp on the outside performance platform) - and Rob and Margaret Gibbs kindly put £100 towards the cost of the steel bars. Tetbury Lions then bridge the final shortfall, so we will now be
Carat Boot the Goods Shed
Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm 01666 502877 TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT
20 | April 2016
Paul Lockey from the Goods Shed and Maggie Heaven, chairman of the Dolphins Hall committee, are collaborating to organise a joint fundraising Community Sponsored Cycle Ride. It will take place on 12th June so keep this date clear and look out for a future advertisement in the Advertiser giving full details of this event. We are on the lookout for a new treasurer so if there is anyone with accountancy skills who would be prepared to help we would be pleased to hear from you. It is an interesting time to get involved as it is all starting to take shape now, so if you would like to contact me please ring me on 01666 502877 or go to our website. Will Cook, Chairman Tetbury Rail Lands Trust tetburyraillands.co.uk
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History of Tetbury Society The HOTS meeting on 5th March was, as usual, very well attended.
did not wish details of the location to be disclosed and she must honour that wish, but that the site is on a farm that is fairly near Tetbury on which other Roman items have been found.
The hoard was found by the owner using a metal detector that he had just received as a family present. There were 1,440 coins, which had been buried in an urn known as The attraction was not just the AGM “New Forest Ware” in 3rd Century AD. The which Chairman Jane Haines dealt with silver content of the coins is very low – they most expeditiously, getting approval to are virtually bronze. Fortunately, the coins the reports and accounts with the officers were not fused together, so the British and committee re-elected – we had also Museum staff could extract them without come to hear Dr Alison Brookes from damaging the urn - though its top and the Corinium Museum tell us about the handle are missing. There was a second, ‘Tetbury Roman Coin Hoard’. larger, urn found alongside, which is made She began by explaining that the owner of “Severn Valley Ware.” It contained nine Williams 22/2/08 22:03coins, Page two1 of which were fused together. of130208 the landGLC on which the coins were found
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01666 500007
22 | April 2016
It is perhaps fortunate that the find is not of silver coins. If there are more than ten coins they have to be declared as Treasure and be valued. This hoard has quite a low value and the land owner has donated them to the Corinium Museum - but a hoard of silver coins would have been beyond the museum’s finances. The museum has in any case had to raise funds to conserve 200 of the better quality coins - and launched a scheme to ‘Adopt a Coin’ by which £2,000 was raised. The Friends of Corinium Museum gave a further £3,000. In addition, the coins have to be photographed, recorded on a database, and each stored in museumquality envelopes with a unique accession number. The urns also required conservation work, which was carried out at Chippenham. Seven of the better coins and the small urn are now on display at the museum but the larger urn is too large to show - it is used for demonstration purposes. The coins were made over the period AD 260 to 276 and had obviously been muchused before they were hidden, so it is only possible to ‘read’ a few of them. The clearest was made in the time of Marcus Piavonius Victorinus, Emperor from AD 269 to 271. There are 3,000 known Roman coin hoards, so the Tetbury hoard is far from unique. It is not known why coins were buried in such a way, but the owner probably intended to retrieve them. It could be ritual, particularly if buried in a grave, but it could also have been political. In 260 AD the Roman Empire split into two factions (Central and Gaulle) and there was also high inflation, which means there was possibly also unrest, so these bronze coins may not have had much value when they were buried - although the metal could have had other uses. Alison finished by bringing us up to date with the Roman Gravestone that has recently been excavated near Tetbury Road, Cirencester. She told us the latest interpretation the experts are giving to the inscription but said there was still uncertainty.
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Both urns would more usually have been used for storage of food etc.; the smaller one perhaps for wine or oil.
As usual this was an interesting talk and very well presented. We showed our appreciation in the usual way and Jane made a small presentation to Alison. The subject of our next meeting is again Roman. Nick Humphries of the National trust will speak about the ‘Chedworth Roman Villa.’ That will be at 7.30 in Christ Church on 2nd April. Alan Twelvetree History of Tetbury Society
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
At the end of February, we held a successful ‘Sponsored Walk and Shoot Out’. Players raised sponsorship for walking (and running) as many laps of the Recreation Ground as they could, as well as taking part in activities at various stations around the course to test their football skills including: ‘Beat the Coach’ penalty shoot outs; demonstrating teamwork at the ‘Hero Carry’; and nimble footwork through the hoops and ladders. It was a fun morning of football activity, raising funds for the club at the same time. A big thank you to everyone involved and to those who provided the much needed refreshments on the day. Congratulations to Rick Morgan on successfully passing his Level 1 Coaching
Tetbury Town Football Club
badge. Rick coaches the Tiny Tigers (age 3 to 6) and together with a team of coaches they have given the young players a fantastic introduction to football, developed their fundamental football skills and encouraged many to demonstrate that they are ready to move up the footballing ladder.
as well as passing on his knowledge and skills to local, young talent by being part of the youth section. He took many children through to senior football, also managing the 1st team during his managerial career. His passion for the beautiful game is widely recognised and he shall be missed.
Arrangements have been made for TTFC to visit local schools during this Spring and Summer. We are pleased to be providing coaching at St Mary’s Primary School, Avening Primary School and Sir William Romney’s this year, so look out for us. Following TTFC fundraising efforts with a Fancy Dress night at Christmas, we are also delighted to be able to fund sports tops for children at St Mary’s Primary School to use at local school sports competitions.
Finally, we have been invited by the Stroud and District Youth Football League to defend The Wally Smith Cup this year. On Friday 22nd April 2016, our Under 13 team will take on a team from the Stroud League at the Recreation Ground. Don’t miss this competitive evening of youth football 6.30pm kick off!
We were sad to hear of the loss of Stuart Freeman who was heavily involved with TTFC over the years, both in demonstrating his own fantastic skills on the football pitch,
Richard Norris Tetbury Town Youth Chairman
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
April 2016 | 23
Tetbury Art Society
On the 2nd March we held the seventh Roy Baker Memorial Lecture, arranged by Gill Ashley and held in the Orchard Room at Highgrove; an appropriate venue as the proceeds are going to the Prince’s Charitable Foundation. The speaker was Daphne Todd OBE, portrait painter and first female President of the Society of Portrait Painters 1994-2000 and perhaps more widely known as a judge on the BBC’s Big Painting Challenge. Daphne’s presentation was entitled ‘The Individual as Artist and Sitter’ and she talked about her career and how she works. Early in her career she tackled some very large oil paintings outdoors trying to bring out the beauty she saw in some unusual subjects. Because she prefers to work from life rather than from photos, and given that large canvases are difficult outdoors in a breeze, she paints on a very thin plywood sheet. Should she decide to widen the composition, she adds extra sheets giving a picture that is not necessarily rectangular. Painting people can be problematic – for instance if sitters do not remain still. Rather than getting people to pose as is usually done, Daphne tries to work with them
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“being themselves.” One painting was four views of the sitter from different angles. Afterward, Daphne answered questions followed by tea and cakes. That evening there was a demonstration at St Michael’s Hall by Christine Russell of a still life in pastels. The subject was a silver jug and fruit partly on a white cloth against a dark background. Christine put in the dark background first and then worked on the jug, carefully noticing the darker and lighter reflections; when she added the highlights to the jug, the painting started to come alive. This stage took a fair while and then Christine rapidly added the fruit and cloth to make the completed work.
Call Alison on 07530 955786 or 01666 505004 Email alimccloskey@outlook.com 0060416
Looking forward, the meeting on 6th April will feature ‘Mood and Atmosphere’, a demonstration by Val Riddler using mixed media. Over the May Bank Holiday weekend and Monday, we hold our Spring Exhibition in the Market Hall. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm. Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society
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News from St Michael’s Church Spring has sprung! It has been lovely to see the sun over the last few days; the sun always makes one feel better. The flowers in the garden and the daffodils along the roadside are lovely. As you drive out of Bath towards the race course there is always a blanket of daffodils along the roadside and the flowers in our gardens are a lovely sight.
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We hosted Women’s Day of Prayer on Friday 4th March 2016, which went very well - thank you to all those from our Parish and the other Churches who took part. The theme this year was Cuba; Graham our MC at our Sunday Mass gave a reflection about all that has gone on in Cuba and the progress that has been made. We hope that all Mothers had a lovely day on Mother’s Day; my Mother passed away five years ago and I miss her everyday; she was a wonderful inspiration to all she met and all her family loved her. I am sure there are many out there who have lost their mothers too, but I am sure like me you don’t need Mothers Day to remember her. We pray that all our Mothers are resting in peace. We decided to hold a pudding and cake stall on Mother’s Day which was well supported and we raised £141 for our decorating fund. Our next fundraising event will be our Irish Night which is always a great evening. We are fast approaching Easter and we are preparing our services for Holy Week; the Easter Triduum is a wonderful experience recalling the Lord’s Last Supper, his crucifixion and rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. Easter is a time for new life and renewal and thoughts of which direction our life is going. May I take this opportunity on behalf of our Parish Priest Fr Isidore Obi and the parishioners of St Michael’s, we wish you all God’s Blessing this Easter. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michaels Catholic Church
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
April 2016 | 25
Girlguiding Hannah Moody is eagerly awaiting her trip to Europe this summer, and has been hard at work for several months raising the funds needed. “So far, work for my International opportunities trip has gone brilliantly. I have now successfully raised over £800. Plus, I’ve just discovered that we’ll be staying in both Brussels and Bruges where we will meet up with Belgian Scouts and Guides. We’ll also visit The European Parliament building and spend a day at Euro Disney.” She told me. “I would like to thank the Tetbury Lions Club and The Feoffees of Tetbury and everyone else who has supported me in my efforts to make this trip possible. I’ve still a couple of hundred pounds to raise, but I feel confident that I can do it!”
few pounds I would be pleased to receive any donations (at the address below) to pass on to her. At the same time, she has also been working for her Baden-Powell award and, together with Freya, attended a residential event last weekend. “Freya and I met up with some Oxfordshire Guides on our BP adventure at Macaroni Woods, deep Hannah has turned out at several of the in the woods near Eastleach. The event town events over the past year and if 720310would ET Lumley:Layout 1 the 19/2/10 20:37 anyone like to help her with last was called Page “You’re1 Hired” and it involved
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2nd Tetbury Brownies are working hard at helping our young people develop leadership skills. Congratulations to Erin who has just completed her Young Leader qualification and Hannah, who has just finished her Adult Leader qualification. Despite this we are still looking for more adult leaders in both Brownie units and with our Rainbows, which would enable us to increase our numbers and clear the waiting lists. Several of our young leaders are embarking on their GCSE exams shortly. We wish them well and hope to see them all back again soon. Sue Doidge, Tetbury District Commissioner 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury GL8 8RB girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com
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26 | April 2016
1st Tetbury Brownies had a surprise recently when one of their leader’s work colleagues offered to put on his magic show for them. I turned up to find rabbits, dancing, balloons, prizes and very happy and excited Brownies! They have now filled all their spaces following their bring-afriend night and enquiries that we received following “Thinking Day” when the girls wore their uniforms to school. This event was a great success and we are grateful to the local Headteachers for allowing it, and promoting it for us.
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creative, hands-on, team building activities such as scavenger hunts, creating new camping products and designing our own brands of toothpaste.” The Adventure was paid for from money raised helping the WI each month, by setting out the chairs for their meetings – a super collaboration!
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Avening Primary School It’s official! After our recent Ofsted inspection, our school has received a glowing report, which states that ‘the school continues at pace on its journey to outstanding.’ We are so proud of everyone connected to our school: our ‘strong and committed teaching team’ who ‘have the same high expectations of all pupils irrespective of their starting points or background’, our ‘inspiring leadership’ with ‘passion and drive’, our governing body who are ‘highly skilled and astute’, our parents who are ‘effusive in their praise of the school’, and, most of all, our happy pupils who make ‘impressive progress’. One of our pupils eloquently summed up our school during the inspection, stating this ‘a really small school with a really big welcome’. During the inspection, we were able to share with the inspector the areas on which we are working – particularly, this year, in mathematics. The inspector recognised ‘the effective action to rapidly bring about improvement’ that we are currently taking. While standards in maths are good at our school, we are striving to ensure that more children make outstanding progress in this area. It was noted that we are ‘never complacent, always striving to improve the education’ for our pupils. Our strengths will ensure that we will continue to move
forwards as a school, improving the outcomes and experiences of the children who are in our care. We now look forward to the next chapter of our exciting adventures in learning! World Book Day this year had a mathematical twist with a ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ themed day, which saw our school transformed from a normal primary school into Willy Wonka’s factory overnight. On the day itself, there was not an Avening School pupil in sight, but instead gaggles of Oompa Loompas, a small army of Veruca Salts, many wonderful Willy Wonka’s, as well as Mike Teevees, Augustus Gloops, Charlie Buckets and a very purple faced gang of Violet Beauregard’s! The children completed a maths trail for Mr Wonka in the Learning Garden, had toasted
marshmallows and stories around the fire pit, and completed maths challenges to earn golden tickets and ultimately a very tasty Wonka Bar! Somehow, during all of this activity, our sporting superstars and their unstoppable coach Mr Wilkinson, have found time to participate in matches and tournaments over the past few weeks, in football, tag rugby and cross country. Our tag rugby team made it to the regional finals and came a fantastic third place, as did our cross country runners with Annie winning a 3rd place medal, and Henry making it through to the County finals. The school is bursting with pride for their efforts and achievements. Alex Adcock Avening Primary School
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Our speaker in February arrived with a very large green box! It was Liz O’Dell from the Shelter Box charity. As she emptied the box we saw it contained nearly everything a family of five would need, if they had lost their home in a disaster. There would normally be a tent inside as well, but as this weighs an extra 55 kg, Liz wisely didn’t bring it along! Having been through an intensive training programme, she had been sent by the charity to disasters in Brazil, Columbia,
Nepal and the Philippines, all at very short notice. She showed us slides of her most recent rescue work in Nepal, three days after the huge earthquake. She experienced numerous aftershocks herself, whilst she was working there. We presented her with a cheque which included money raised for the charity at our Fun Quiz held in October. We are looking forward to our next quiz on 18th March. The day of our March walk dawned with heavy rain and looked very uninviting for outdoor pursuits! The decision was made to cancel the walk, but we still met up for
Avening WI a very sociable lunch at a member’s house. For our April walk we are planning to visit the water meadows at Cricklade and hopefully to see lots of Fritillaries, followed by lunch at the South Cerney Waterpark Centre. A complete change at our March meeting saw us welcome Penny Prince and we “had a go” at making colourful pieces of felt. She brought lots of interesting articles she had made and told us of her work teaching school children the craft of felt making. We have a talk about The Queen’s Bodyguard of the Yeomen of the Guard in April. The Federation Skittles Tournament is starting again and we have been drawn against Ampney Crucis WI in the first round. We are hoping to play this match at the end of March. Our member, Liz Knowles, told us of her recent visit to Denman College. She had won our Denman Bursary awarded last year and decided to take a weekend course creating a bespoke lampshade. She was full of praise for the excellence of the course, the food and the accommodation that she enjoyed at the College. She encouraged us to attend as there is a vast variety of courses to choose from. We all admired the lampshade too! Shirley Hand Avening WI
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
April 2016 | 29
Leighterton Primary School The children have been very busy this month… … helping to contribute ideas towards developing our brand new building. We are at the planning stage for two new classrooms, offices, a foyer, a library and work spaces so it will be almost as though we have a new school once the work has been completed. At the moment we are gathering good ideas from everyone to ensure that the building will be the very best that it can be.
Our children are being very creative with their ideas and are enthusiastically designing the spaces. They are also redesigning our playground and other outside spaces to make learning, playtimes and lunchtimes even better. We have all worked together to decide that our playground will be divided into zones, where there will be a range of ball games available, a running around space, a place to sit, read and chat, a ‘doing things’ area where there will be games, activities and den making equipment as well as our climbing frame and trim trail. On World Book Day our children came to school dressed as their favourite character from books. We all had story time together and had the opportunity to share books
with friends. We have been extremely excited since receiving notification that our seeds have been returned back to Earth after spending the last six months in space. ‘Rocket Science’ has involved 2kg of an as-yet un-named cultivar of rocket seeds (Eruca sativa, a popular salad variety) sent to the International Space Station as part of British ESA astronaut Tim Peake’s six-month Principia mission. After several months on board, orbiting the planet at 17,000mph, the seeds have been returned to Earth and are just about to be sent to our school, alongside a batch of seeds of the same cultivar that have stayed on Earth. Over the next few months our oldest children will grow and compare the seeds as they embark on a voyage of discovery to see whether we can sustain human life in space through the production of our own food. Our children will collect data and share this with the rest of our school community, as well as send it to the European Space Agency and the Royal Horticultural Society to discover whether space travel has impacted on the growth of the seeds. We will let you know what we find out. If you would like to come a have a look around our school, please contact Mrs Harris or Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 or through our website – www.leighterton.com to book a tour. Meryl Hatfield, Headteacher
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Community Gardening for the Community One of the best things about Tetbury in Bloom is how the community has supported us in what we do, and how some residents have taken ownership of what we have produced. For example, Mike helps with watering the London Road flowerbeds and he and others (Frances, Ann, Jane, Dee, Janet and Emma) have joined the team, out every Tuesday and Thursday morning throughout the year in all weathers, caring for the displays.
now synonymous with the roundabout at the Cirencester entrance to the town. Having left school many years ago, you tend to take for granted the things you have picked up over the years; creating a symmetrical five-pointed star was perhaps one of them! Mel remembers marking out the shape in leftover lilac paint. Living so close, all the plants were delivered to the Maslin home, providing a wonderful welcome on Mel’s return from work. She says, “At the time it was like ‘our’ flowerbed!” Kev and I joined the team on the day we started the planting and so the roundabout holds special memories for us too.
Mel Maslin, our Treasurer, has a favourite memory of laying out the five-sided star,
In the beginning, the planting in each of the points was identical but Mother Nature
Tetbury in Bloom and time mean that each is now subtly different, with variations on a theme, including: red berberis, green leafed choisya, golden spiraea, yellow anthemis, orange kniphofia “Tetbury Torches” and crimson penstemon. Tetbury in Bloom’s Sue Hirst designed the bed and chooses all the plants within it, not only for their colour but to roughly graduate in size towards the tips of the star. It is a very clever design. Today, the roundabout is the jewel in the Tetbury in Bloom crown and, I challenge you to find a more beautiful example, with sustainable planting, anywhere in the country. As I write, we are still taking orders for our hanging baskets. Please see our adjacent advert for details of how to order. The profit we make from their sale goes directly towards the funds needed to allow us to keep Tetbury looking attractive ALL year round! Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom
CL Tetbury Advertiser Ad 21-1-16_Layout 1 21/01/2016 14:29 Page 1
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Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner. Two courses for £14.50* The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com
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Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
April 2016 | 31
Wacky Races
All entry forms and more can be downloaded from our web site: tetburywackyraces.co.uk
Sometimes the power of social media can be overwhelming - and this certainly looks to be the case for Wacky Races, this year. Following the redesign of the web page and a launch on Facebook, the response has been such that we are already concerned about limiting the number of entries for this must-see, must-do event. If you have started making a Wacky Race vehicle, plese ensure you get those completed entry forms and entry fees submitted as soon as possible. It will be disappointing for all if we have to refuse local entries, especially as some of them are of exceptional quality with regard to both construction and creativity.
In terms of media coverage, we are fortunate to have in Tetbury a team of film production experts with expertise in film direction, music composition, information technology and Bafta award winning sound-mixing. The team at www. iworkfilms.co.uk will be covering all aspects of the event this year, and providing us with quality film clips for our various media resources. In addition, if you come along and make clips of the event on your phone, please submit to us via the web page as we will be assembling these also for the web page and social media.
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Also with us from the beginning are the Duchy Farm, who have always supplied the huge number of straw bales we need. This donation is absolutely essential, for without these it would be too dangerous to hold the event. We are indebted to David Wilson and his team for their continued support and hard work. This will always be a free family fun day out but at the same time, it was conceived as a fundraising event for the Lions Club, so this year any net surplus will be added to our project to replace the aged wheelchair accessible vehicle (Bluebell) for the benefit of everyone in the town. There will be teams selling programmes and with collecting buckets at several points around the course, so please give generously. Finally, please note our new logo, complete with roll bar and tow hook! The Wacky Race team
The Royal Oak, one of our main sponsors, have confirmed that a licence has been acquired and that in addition to their premises, they will be offering a drinks service on Millennium Green and also to Buffy the open-topped bus that will be parked, as usual, on the hairpin bend. The IT Group, a main sponsor since this event was launched back in 2012 has, in addition to several other items, also ensured that the many children who come along and enjoy the day, Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May, will be entertained by a magician and balloon modeller.
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32 | April 2016
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Woolsack Day Tetbury’s very own Woolsack Day is only two months away… …and plans are well advanced to provide a first class free day out for everyone. This year we are planning something brand new for the Woolsack Races, the Veloton Woolsack Sprint, which we feel sure will prove to be an instant hit with all the spectators. Watch out for an announcement with more details. Competitor entries are coming in well, although we do still need more teams and are actively canvasing for more intrepid groups of people to form a team and take part in the races. Individual entries are starting to arrive including that world famous ‘Always do it with a Smile’ Jake! We wonder what he will be dressed as this year? He always manages to raise a cheer and a laugh from the crowd. The usual auction is once again back to being held on the day and there will be a full range of stalls in the street market, with the Fun Fair in the normal place in the Chipping. A range of street entertainers complete the line-up and can be guaranteed to give a great day, full of fun. This year we have updated our website, it really is worth looking at! www.tetburywoolsack.co.uk is the address, and please have a look at the video on the site, it is very good indeed. We are also on Facebook –“ Tetbury Woolsack Races” and Twitter “Tetbury Woolsack Day”. We look forward to seeing you on the day! 100208 KP Gardens
Page 1
Tetbury Woolsack Team
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April 2016 | 33
Tetbury Tennis Club Winter never seems quite the right time to be thinking of tennis, but there is a lot going on at Tetbury tennis club. Our junior coaching programme - thanks to ADS tennis - is in full swing, and we’ve been encouraging parents and children to come down with free coffee and cake on Saturday afternoons. The club has a new membership scheme, including a half-price offer for the first year for new members and family memberships. Details can be found on our website. Come the clock change in March, the club sessions on Monday and Wednesday nights will be back on and the main tennis season will be running. Before that happens we have our Wimbledon draw to hold, where we would expect to have five pairs of tickets to the tournament. We also continue to hold club sessions on Sunday mornings. For anyone who enjoys tennis or would like to learn, then I hope to see you on court soon. In the meantime, there is plenty to watch on the television!
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information.
Richard McMahon Tetbury Tennis Club
L E. Perry Independent Funeral Directors
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Ridgeway Coach House 13 Hampton Street Tetbury Glos GL8 8JN 34 | April 2016
T: 01666 502295 E: tetburyfunerals@gmail.com Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
• Large cadiovascular & resistance area • Seperate free weights zone • Circuit Zone • Fitness Classes • Supplement shop • On-site Sports Therapist • Diet plans and nutrition advice • Personal training • Showers and changing facilities • Coffee lounge with free Wi-Fi
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Tetbury Theatre Group After a promising start to the year, it was very disappointing not to be able to go to the Vue Cinemas of Stroud in March, for a performance of “ The Magic Flute” by the English National Opera. The scheduled performances, due to be streamed directly from the London Coliseum theatre, had been cancelled. (“Technical reasons” were blamed, although there were darker rumours of financial difficulties.)
We can now offer a
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As this has been a very popular way of seeing Opera, it is hoped that it is not a trend for the future. Unfortunately, the cancellation came too late for the committee to organise a substitute for March. Following our AGM, the Committee for 2016 is as follows: Chairman Helen Price, Deputy Chairman and Mailing Secretary Diana Challis, Treasurer Lin Tanswell and Minutes Secretary Sue Cole. Shirley French and John Moules have volunteered to join the committee and are very welcome. For any information on membership please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505129 or Helen Price on 07561284607. Publicity Secretary Tetbury Theatre Group
chris@elliottbrothers.net 07786 085928 01666 505110 0140416
36 | April 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
As Spring has arrived, we have been busy…
I am pleased to report that we have been able to approve a number of grants recently and these have included:
…with the maintenance and upkeep of our open spaces in the town. We have undertaken the pruning of the fruit trees in our Community Orchard at Herd Lane, repaired the handrail on The Chipping Steps and installed new granite block kerbstones at Cutwell, to stop the grass verge being cut away by vehicles. I hope that the weather will allow us to enjoy our beautiful town and our open spaces, as we move into the summer months.
• Tetbury Lions Club – donation towards the replacement of ‘Bluebell’, our community wheelchair accessible vehicle
• St Mary’s Playgroup – donation to support low income families and their childcare needs
• Tetbury Rugby Club – donation towards the Under 11 team
• Tetbury NCT – donation towards the Breastfeeding group
• St Mary’s Primary School – donation towards the ‘Nurture Group’
Dates for your Diary:
• Charlotte Ford – donation towards equipment to allow Charlotte to pursue her career
Tetbury Sports Massage Sports, Remedial & Holistic Massage Stiff & sore, neck, shoulder, back, knee pain? Have you injured yourself either through sport or everyday life? Is it putting you off sport/exercise or affecting your work? Eliminate aches & pains, increase your flexibility. Sports massage can detect problems, prevent injuries occurring & speed recovery. Don’t give up your sport and endure discomfort – have a sports massage
Runners – legs tight or sore? Ease them up with a sports massage. Improve performance with pre/post event massage. Christina Ticehurst BTEC ITEC MFHT 07738 597436 www.tetburysportsmassage.co.uk info@tetburysportsmassage.co.uk
• The Thirteen Summer Community BBQ at the Millennium Green – 1st July • Heritage Weekend – The Market Hall will be open to the public, along with many other historic buildings in our town - 10th & 11th September • The Beating of the Bounds, followed by the presentation of The Feoffees accounts in The Market Hall - 1st October If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training grants, as well as discretionary grants to the town’s clubs and societies, are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman The Feoffees and the Thirteen
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
April 2016 | 37
Probus Two Our latest speaker was local man Roger Smith, who opened by confirming he was born to English parents living in Mombasa in Kenya. This was to be the first of many surprises in what turned out to be a most interesting and exciting talk. Roger’s grandparents had emigrated to Kenya in 1922, his grandfather having been badly‘gassed’in WW1. The then government had offered ex-soldiers a new start in the colonies, in the ideal climate of East Africa. Roger briefly described Mombasa’s violent history - in itself fascinating - and told us how his grandfather had worked putting up telegraph lines, in time getting to know Lord Delamere, Karen Von Blixen and Ffinch Hatton; the latter two remembered in the film ‘Out of Africa.’ In his teens, Roger wanted to be a Doctor but could not stand the sight of blood - so decided to join the Royal Air Force, initially wanting to be a fighter pilot - even though he could not stand heights! The nearest attestation centre was in Salisbury, Rhodesia, so he flew down, ‘signed on the dotted line’ and along with two others took a three-day train journey to Cape Town. There he boarded the ‘MV Windsor Castle’, to arrive two weeks later in Southampton. From there, on to Cirencester and RAF South Cerney – into a whole new world of training in all manner of subjects, plus the usual heavy discipline. Flight training followed at RAF Acklington, in everything from aerodynamics and navigation to flying, of course. Vampires, and others.
story continued. Where were you when Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins came back from the moon? Roger remembers he was in Crete, because the Med was a relief touchdown area for the capsule. His next brush with someone else’s war was Crete again, as the Turks faced the Greeks in Limasol, followed by the Jordanian/ Syrian debacle of Black September. This started with the hijack of four airliners by Palestinian Guerrilla’s. With the backing of Syria, they then tried to overthrow moderate Jordan. However, King Hussein’s tank battle Group cut through them and the day Roger arrived, the British help given to King Hussein had been rewarded with crates of whisky! Roger now took us to Berlin during the cold war, and concern that the Russian’s might attack West Berlin. The UK had learnt a lot from the 1949 Berlin airlift and
Now 24 and one of the youngest RAF transport captains of the day, Roger had not made fighter pilot ‘due to a lack of ! killer instinct’ but life turned out to be exciting anyway in ‘Search and Rescue’, going to ! In many of the world’s most troubled areas. 1967 he was in Singapore doing transport work and jungle survival training. Later ! that year he had ‘a brush’ with the Indonesian confrontation! This included landing guided in by kites and Bamboo poles waved in the air.
formed a plan to safeguard the area - Roger was involved with the plans. His seventh and last ‘brush’ with war zones was the Falklands war. Now a Flight Controller, he made it clear he did not go there, but was involved in organisation. His team put in ‘Penguin’ radar at Port Stanley. After a brief stint at RAF Kemble and RAF Brize Norton Roger retired. Here he ended his talk, adding one or two ‘Aviation sayings’ all funny, but serious too - one being ‘Never trade luck for skill’ - and so ended a talk that we’d all admired and enjoyed. If you are new to Tetbury or already live here and would like to join us do give a call to John Moules on 01666 502678 or Alan Twelvetree on 01666 503977. Our members are an agreeable crowd and you will be made most welcome! Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell Probus Two
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
By 1967/8 he was involved in the Vietnam war, dangerously employed flying highprofile passengers and diplomatic mail into Saigon. He had to fly onto crossing runways at exactly the right time, radioed from the ground, and to maintain a 4-degree flight path. When he quipped that he preferred 3 degrees, he was told that to do so would be a disaster, as he would encounter crossfire between the warring parties! Other work included finding a lost set of soldiers in the desert - found due to a flashed mirror which could be seen for many miles. Roger also undertook a hunt for the missing submarine, Dakar, a hunt for a Lebanese fighter - and so his
38 | April 2016
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
“Sang the sunrise on an amber morn - Earth, be glad! An April day is born. Winter’s done, and April’s in the skies, Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!” Sir Charles D.G Roberts Spring lambs, swaying yellow-heads, a sense of earthy excitement and an increase in the volume and vocabulary of the birds’ songs are all signs that Spring may not be completely with us, but is certainly just around the corner.
We often organise staff supplier tours in order to transform the way we see the food we cook and the drinks we serve. It is a great chance for us to meet the people behind the scenes so that we can better understand how personal each product is and how much a part it plays in individual families’ lives. Last month we bumped down a dirt track off the B4014 to a tributary of The Avon and the ancient woodland which surrounds Shipton Mill. Restored in 1981, there are records of a mill on the same site in William The Conqueror’s Domesday Book. The ensuing years have produced many colourful stories; a local Benedictine
CDB BUILDING SERVICES We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
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Priory Inn Blog Abbot seized Shipton millstones to pave some of Malmesbury High Street, after a quarrel with the miller over fishing rights - and the Napoleonic wars provided a platoon workforce of French prisoners of war to divert the stream closer to the mill. Today, the French Burr millstones work hard to fulfil their important job and the result is 50 types of organic flour, recognised by master bakers and artisans throughout the country as being unsurpassed in texture and flavour. The crucial element of adding “time” back into the production line - and our baking process - results in real, slow food. We are fortunate to be close enough to the mill to collect a van-load of flour each week to make our pizza dough, bread, flatbreads, sauces, cakes, biscuits and batter. See their web site for details: shipton-mill.com Live music continues through April to a chilled Sunday night atmosphere: The 3rd welcomes Chris Webb, a young guitarist from Bristol. followed by Steve Page on the 10th performing some of the finest Americana being played in the UK today. On the 17th April, Wildwood Jack plays inventive folk and roots and the deep, rich and sensual Teri Bramah completes the month on the 24th. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed.
Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn
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www.thornburyandpearce.co.uk thornburyandpearce@yahoo.co.uk April 2016 | 39
Eating Out
one any time I’ve asked in the past…
I was inordinately pleased when Flossy said we should eat out this time… …partly because it demonstrated that she’s fully ‘on-board’ with this endeavour, but mostly because she suggested we resample the delights of ‘The Bengal Lancer’. It’s a long time since we ate in (as opposed to taking-away, the smell of which would always make my old Dad react in an unrepeatable way) and it was pleasing that little had changed. The bright décor and lighting are more modern and stylish these days – different from when we first arrived in town and it was still in the grip of the flock-wallpaper-and-Indian-art-print era – but as far as food and service are concerned, things were the same as always: wonderful. That said, the menu’s certainly evolved since our early days, with tantalising ‘Chef’s Recommendations’ having been added over the years, and the recent inclusion of fish dishes, but something I’ve always liked is their willingness to ‘alter’ dishes if or when requested. For example, a combination ‘spinach and cauliflower bhajee’ isn’t on the menu, but it’s never been an issue to produce
Persuading myself to break with something of a personal tradition of starting with mouth-watering chicken pakora, we both picked prawn patia and puree. There’s a lovely balance of spice and sweetness in the patia, which is nicely offset by the straightforward puree. Being, in effect, a fried tortilla-style bread, the puree doesn’t make for the lightest of starters (but what starter in an Indian restaurant is?) and it may be a bit filling if you’re not ravenous, but altogether it’s a tasty way to open proceedings. In a possibly vain attempt to eat healthily, Flossy then had succulent chicken tikka and I chose chicken shashlick – essentially the same but with added hearty chunks of green pepper and onion – both of which were gorgeous, every piece of chicken being moist and subtly spiced (which I know because Flossy couldn’t manage all of hers..!). Accompaniments comprised of a nicely ‘green’ and dry spinach bhajee, mushroom pilau rice and tarka dal lentils which, as hinted at, were happily ‘spiced up’ to Madras-level. Now, I’m not bad at cooking rice, but it’s a mystery to me how these guys manage to make every grain so separate and perfectly cooked. Some of you know the secret, I’m sure, but to me it remains a dark art! Soft drinks are available, but it’s perhaps a mixed blessing that the restaurant doesn’t have a drinks licence. Although, obviously,
Quality Alterations of Tetbury
From your photographs
locals will know that’s been the case for years and take along their own hooch, ‘visitors’ could find this surprising, as I’m pretty sure it’s rare these days. Even so, the beneficial net effect is a cheaper bill, since you won’t have paid the standard 300% mark-up on a bottle of wine. According to Wikipedia, Britain’s Food Standards Agency says the Indian restaurants account for two-thirds of eating out. If this example is anything to go by, I can understand why. All I can say is, “Bengal Lancer? Yes, please…” Fill
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40 | April 2016
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Dolphins Dramatic Society Well folks, there are only two weeks to go before ‘curtain up’ on The Dolphins production of “Gaslight” by Patrick Hamilton, so make sure you get your tickets either from our unique Box Office at Tetbury Hardware, or online at www.dolphinsdrama.co.uk
The cast has been working hard, learning lines and putting the final touches to this Victorian thriller and of course Anne, our director, has been working tirelessly to ensure everyone knows their moves and expressions, so that a chilling atmosphere ensues. Jackie Rymer is playing the lead role and doing a fantastic job. I’m sure many of you regulars out there will remember her playing the part of Edith in ‘Allo ‘Allo; she was brilliant, especially with that awful singing! Believe me, she actually does have a fabulous voice. Jackie has also played the part of a pirate, Miss Prism in ‘The
Importance of Being Earnest’ and more recently Steve, a real likely lad, in Summer Holiday - so as you can see she is a very versatile actress. The play is a classic not only because it is a Victorian thriller that has stood the test of time, (the original play premiered in 1938), but also for the fact that it is responsible for the term ‘Gaslighting,’ which has been used ever since in clinical and research literature. In this context, Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse in which the abuser twists, selectively omits or gives false information, with the intent of making their victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. This form of abuse can be found in the work place as well as in the home; it is more common for the male to be the abuser and the female the abused. It has since often been used in the story line of a ‘soap’, for instance ‘East Enders’ - and more recently in ‘The Archers.’ Those of you who are avid Archers listeners will know the two characters I’m talking about. The Dolphins Hall will be set up with tables and chairs rather than the rows we have for the autumn production and there will be a bar, so if you do get nervous and need some Dutch courage you can enjoy a drink whilst watching the show. Do come and join us. Terri White Dolphins Dramatic Society
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42 | April 2016
We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis to help over our busy summer season. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.
Oftec Reg.
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Because of the position of Christ Church, we had developed good links with the Priory Nursing Home, so as I said in my previous article, its closure has had quite an impact. We used to have as many as six wheelchairs as part of our morning congregation – and we adapted our Communion services to allow for them. Now we have none. We took services there three times a year, too, and residents used to come up to “Coffee Pot.” Church members regularly visited residents there. Now those residents are in Malmesbury,
We have been praying for quite a while for a young lady called Evie, who has Encephalitis. On the weekend before World Encephalitis Day the family organised a fund raising coffee morning and in just two hours they raised well over £500. That total has been further increased, since. We have recently lost our two oldest members; I had the privilege of conducting the funerals of Mildred Gillard and Joan Darby, who had a combined age of 203.
Tetbury in Bloom
Several members attended the introductory meeting about the Tetbury Foodbank. Two training sessions are being held before the Distribution Centre at Saint Mary’s Centre starts after Easter on a Tuesday morning.
Order Now!
I am usually at Christ Church on a Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday mornings in the foyer we have Coffee Pot,
Hanging Baskets
News from Christ Church
Stroud and Kingsley House. and elsewhere.
in the Church there is the Oasis Cafe for parents, carers and children. A new leader started in January and she is developing the group in a variety of ways. When those two groups finish, there is a soup lunch from 12.30. Talking about Coffee Pot, which is a very sociable group for older adults, numbers have been quite low some weeks, so we would welcome new blood with open arms. In the Rear Hall is the St. Mary’s Playgroup and occasionally I will go in and tell a story. On Fridays we have “Chipping Chicks”, so once again the church is full of Parents, carers and children. It is really good to see Church premises so well used during the week.
Your choice of easy-to-care-for, self-dead heading, drought resistant trailing begonias, in red, pink & apricot shades OR a vibrant selection of trailing geraniums.
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05/04/2012 16:37
April 2016 | 43
Tetbury and District Footpath Group As amazing as it sounds, as far as the Footpath Group is concerned winter is over and we are looking forward to our first walk of the 2016 season. This will be on Tuesday 5th April at 2.00 p.m. leaving, as usual, from the long stay car park and is a short (approximately 2 miles) level walk to encourage members and visitors to embrace the walking season again - although perhaps I should mention that there is the negotiation of a few stiles involved! Our Annual General Meeting was held in February at the Dolphins Hall. A very good evening was enjoyed, sadly, by a disappointingly small number of members. That was a shame, as the business really doesn’t take very long and it was followed by a very interesting talk by member John Silvester, who organised the walking weekend in Devon last June. One slight hiccup was that the projector bulb went, so we had to huddle cosily around the laptop screen for the last few photographs. This did not make for any less of an enjoyable evening. This April there will be a ten-day walking break in Sicily in April, which is possible because one of our members has, incredibly kindly, loaned his villa. I’m sure there won’t be walking every day and that sight-seeing excursions and other marvellous visits will also take place – and a bit of sitting around the pool, possibly with a glass of wine too. More will be reported later in the year as to how we got on…
Visitors are welcome to join the group for any of the walks and see and enjoy the countryside around Tetbury.
Lane and return via Cuckoo Pen Spinney, 2.25 m. 3.5 km, Level: A, Leaders; Linda & Helen (503187).
Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors.
12.04.16, 10:00 AM, cars needed, a walk from Coates across the fields to the disused (but very interesting) canal, optional coffee at the Tunnel House Inn, return over other fields to Coates, 4 m. 6.5 km, Level: A/B, Leader; Annie (504759).
All walks begin from the Tetbury station yard free long stay car park. Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be very muddy.
Walks Program: 05.04.16, 2:00 PM, a pleasant country walk through local fields, with several stiles. Starting from the Long Stay car park, walking to Longfurlong Lane, Parsonage
19.04.16, 2:00 PM, cars needed, a very attractive walk through the valleys of Ozleworth Park and Newington Bagpath, Level, B/C, 5.5 m. 9 km, Leader: Ian (502939). 26.04.16, No walk yet arranged; if one is arranged, details will be shown on local notices. Levels: A = easy to D = hilly Linda Stokes Tetbury Footpath Group
This year is an exciting year for the Footpath Group because, after reprinting our walks book (Country Walks Around Tetbury) several times, it has been decided that a new format will be produced and published - laminated sheets which will include the route, a map and information about landmarks or places of interest on the way. By the time you read this article (all being well) these will be on sale in the Visitor Information Centre, the Yellow Lighted Book Shop and St. Marys’ Church at £1 each. Many thanks to the Tetbury Lions Club, the South Gloucestershire Rotary Club and Tetbury Town Council for generously helping us with donations towards the cost of producing the materials. Very much appreciated. Everyone who would like to join us on a walk is very welcome. Our walks are always on a Tuesday – morning, afternoon, evening or all day depending on the leader’s choice – and we would very much like to see you there. The details of each month’s walks are always in the Advertiser but if you have any questions please do contact me, Linda Stokes, on 01666 503395, I will be very pleased to hear from you.
The walking season for the group starts from the beginning of April, on Tuesdays.
44 | April 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Eileen is in training as she is running in the London Marathon. If you see her running in her Christian Aid vest do give her a toot or wave! Thank you to those who have already sponsored Eileen, who is running in the London Marathon to raise money for Christian Aid. If you haven’t already done so and would like to help her to reach her target of £2,000 it is easy to make a donation. Go to, www.virginmoneygiving and follow the links: make a donation, friends name – Eileen Hodgson – donate now. This is a very safe and easy method but, if you would rather fill in a sponsorship form, there is one at the back of St Marys Church or phone Eileen on 07729 025086.
Christian Aid Peter and their three children who are in their teens and early twenties. Apart from running she is passionate about Fairtrade and for many years has collected for Christian Aid in May, during Christian Aid Week. It would be good if she could run in the knowledge that she has already been sponsored for £2,000. So, Come on Advertiser readers! Come on Eileen! Alison Hesketh Christian Aid
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All contributions, however small, will be gratefully received and every penny will go to Christian Aid to help them help others including, refugees, those trying to survive in war torn areas, and those affected by famine and drought or other disasters. Many of you will know Eileen. She lives and works in Tetbury with her husband
White Tiger Events We offer a personal and professional team with a focussed aim to deliver your requirements and meet your expectations, from family occasions and celebrations to festivals:
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April 2016 | 45
Tetbury Community Choir
Tetbury Creative Writing Workshop
‘He who sings frightens away his ills’
Whether you are a closet scribbler, have dreams of being published, or have never previously put pen to paper, this series of workshops will give you an opportunity to try out some new ideas. Each week you’ll take a look at and discuss work by established writers, have a go at some writing exercises, and discuss and review your own work, too.
(Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote) We have settled into our new venue, and have started working on some great new songs. Our first piece by John Rutter, as well as some joyful pieces from ‘Hairspray’ – a really varied set of songs with spine tingling harmonies – so we are all pretty excited! Learning new songs can be a challenge, but it is very rewarding as by studying the new music, we expand our knowledge and improve our technique at the same time.
There may even be some homework! The workshops will take place on:
Tuesday afternoons, 1.00pm-3.00pm Cost: £48 for the six week course Venue: The Old Courthouse The first session is planned for April 19th, 2016
Our repertoire is increasing each week, with a very eclectic mix -- pop, rock, songs from musicals, classical and jazz. The emphasis is always on fun and the pleasure of creating good music together! Will really miss this over our Easter break. Membership is still open, we welcome all ages and genders - young singers as well as the young at heart. Get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal – the first session is free. We meet over three terms a year, at 7pm, on Mondays, in the Coach House function room of the Ormond in Tetbury. There’s lots more information on our website including term dates, (http:// tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com), as well as on our Facebook page. Or contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail. com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk.
For further details, to register your interest or to join up, please contact the workshop leader, published poet and experienced Creative Writing tutor/English teacher Phil Kirby, on 07913 257035, or email philkk31@googlemail.com 1120416
Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart
Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.
Margaret Foster, Tetbury Community Choir
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46 | April 2016
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your mind. Write it down! chance to reignite your fitness, lose those Making one big target is great, as this is pounds, run that race and break that what you really want to achieve – for personal best! example, running a marathon or losing five All this looks and sounds great on paper, Source: Tetbury stone. But these targets take considerable but when the ink has dried and itPolice comesMuseum & Courtroom Archives, Wilts & Glos Standard time and it’s easy to lose sight. Creating down to it (inevitably after original: the Christmas shorter-term goals aimed at the main goal break it is harder and sweatier than ever), January 31st 1885. is beneficial, and these must also be that goal seems much further from your ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start grasp. Even if you’ve managed to stick to your goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with simply going to the gym three times always seen straight away, and we are all per week. A married woman, of Harper Street*, was impatient even at the best of times. As we are all habitual creatures we fall summoned for an assault on a married Sticking to your targets requires a into certain routines or habits, which can be man,andalso of Harper structured approach an inner belief in Street. It appeared good or bad. Creating an exercise habit can thatwhat theyou complainant your ability set. You must and the defendant, …by the Town Council’s Heritage & to reach be vital in helping you achieve your goal. be able to visualise theothers process and the end with while in the Talbot Hotel on Regeneration Committee (the Museum’s Start with an easy habit that will be easy to goal – but don’tSaturday just fantasise! stick to, and make sure you are consistent night, had some dispute on a Governing body,) and a new digital display Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help and perform this habit for at least two trifl ing matter theof course of which, the screen for the front window purchased. of a trainer or by yourself is a greatinway is vital, otherwise defendant alleged, the beat complainant madeyou lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes It’s now operational, providing essential developing exercises and regimes that are of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and to track improvement. steps toremarks plan a to her. right for isyou. Follow somethese offensive information, even when the museum Friday. Once you have been doing this for ATTAINABLE better The Talbot4-6 Hotel today closed. Currently being progressed arefitness a goal. weeks, change it – maybe increase the Meeting with him laterA goal in the street she should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC display board to be mounted behind the you in the right place and have the right fortohim, striking a violent blow This possibly will keep your brain provoked, as she was, she body shouldand have must be went individual you, aiming at him side gate (to hide the rather scruffAygoal yard) accesshis for face the objective have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 between the want eyes, to cutting open, youkept what you out of the man’s way. Fined one shilling. and, funded by donations, an old-style Setting smaller ones can help you develop fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General the blood flowing freely.and The man declared work towards a bigger end goal. Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom telephone with audio messages, so that Source: targets lead to he did not lift a hand against the woman, visitors can listen in on calls made to the REALISTIC reduced focus and too Archives, original: newspaper report from 25 and she has positively asserted that he Victorian police station. To be realistic you must be ableFebruary to visualize1905 much wiggle room. pressed his hand against herachieving breast,the and yourself objective. Too high a We are looking into removing the front pushedMEASURABLE her back. Both goal hadand been you drinking. may struggle to John see theSilvester, end, Hon Curator A goal must be window blinds to provide a better view into toocorroborated low and you will Charles Belcher, thefind yourself Tetburyless Police Museum able toa youth, be motivated. the Museum, but we will need to install UV complainant’s evidence curator@tetbury.gov.uk measured – in every particular. film to protect the artefacts. An application whether on TIMED The chairman said a the defendant Harper Street was renamed West Street has been made to the Guinness World Having a time framehad for a goal*is important, scales or on undoubtedly committed assault. you mustIfwork towards. betweenThis 1917 and 1930, to create a new image. stopwatch, having a as thisanis what of Records regarding our handcuff and time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps restraints collection, as we believe it to be the largest collection on public view in the UK and possibly the world! Watch this space.
Tetbury Police Museum
Additional promotional material for the Museum was agreed…
Assault by a Woman, 1905
Now for some more from our Cold Case of the symptoms• that • Migraine Just some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain Files recounting the effects of excessive • Neck can be helped by treatment: that can be helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain imbibing of alcohol: • Tennis elbow • Acute/subacute neck pain Call now for free Call nowconsultation for a consultation! • Low backpain pain • Chronic neck Tetbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity Healthassessment and Wellbeingavailable Centre • Acute • whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders The Trouble House Inn on the outskirts of DermaCo House elbow and ankle joint problems Tetbury already had an association2 with Telephone 07469 187004 • Tennis• Foot Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • highwaymen and other law-breakers Tetbury when Jwala Gurung Gurung Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee osteoarthritis Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) brothers Matthew and Henry Pinnell Gloucestershire called Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. into the bar one afternoon in DecemberGL8 1828. 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. While they were drinking, they saw a farmer, James Kearsey, going down the road on his way to Tetbury market, and Matthew remarked that it would be no sin to take a little from these great farmers. As Kearsey made his way home from the market, he was jumped on by two assailants, who hit him with a stick and robbed him. The Pinnell brothers were soon identified and were tracked down in Salisbury. They were tried in Gloucester in April 1829 and sentenced to death for highway robbery. Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom Archives, courtesy of Jill Evans https:// gloscrimehistory.wordpress.com
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It was reported that the defendant was drunk, making use of bad language, and creating a disturbance, and that he refused to go home when requested by the police to do so. He was fined ten shillings. including costs.
48 | April 2016
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Drunk and Disorderly, 1885MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd At the Tetbury Petty Sessions before General Sir A. Little KCB, G. Sotheron Estcourt Esquire M.P., Major Henry and Nigel Kingscote Esquire, Mr William Cook of Tetbury was summoned for being drunk and disorderly in Harper Street* on Sunday night.
Highway Robbery 1828
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
“Because everything changes when we read.” The Reading Agency From the 12th of April there will be a 150208 Maths & English 22/2/08 nationwide launch of “Reading Well for Young People” that Tetbury Library is proud
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to be taking part in. This very important scheme (organised by The Reading Agency) aims to support the wellbeing of 13 to 18 year olds. Books (including selfhelp, psycho-education, memoirs, graphic novels Page and fiction) have all been selected 22:05 1 by young people together with health professionals. Just like other Books on Prescription available at Gloucestershire Libraries, these titles may be borrowed with or without a prescription from your health care advisor. A member of staff will be happy to help you select a book on any area of Reading Well Books on Prescriptions from living with Alzheimer’s to building positive self-esteem. There are self-help titles also available as e-books and e-audiobooks (including relaxations and meditations) – go to the Online Library www.gloucestershire. gov.uk/libraries and click on ‘Books on Prescription’ or download the free Library
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Tetbury Library App (just type ‘Gloucestershire Libraries’ into your App store). As a welcome diversion for families throughout the school Easter holidays there will be a free Spring craft – just drop in! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Up-Cycle a Book Competition – there was a diverse and amazing range of artwork. Congratulations to the creators of the beautiful book-art selected in particular by local artist Roy Exley: Billy for Primary School Class entry, David for Secondary School Class entry and Gwen for Adult Class entry. We look forward to seeing you soon. Kylie, Linda, Liz and Sophie Tetbury Library
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April 2016 | 49
Letters to the Editor
Open Evening All Welcome to the First of series of talks by Stella Hermoine Howell on
Dear Editor Could I please, through the most excellent vehicle of the Tetbury Advertiser, say a big thank you to all those many friends, neighbours, fellow volunteers, shop assistants and passers-by who have helped me since my fall on Minchinhampton Common the day after Boxing Day? Without them I could not have survived for the last three months. I am now hobbling around and am finding that even motorists are being considerate as I slowly cross the road. It is really good to be no longer dependent on a wheel chair - which was a real challenge for pushers on our narrow, uneven and obstructed pavements - so a special thanks to them and to those who have driven me to many and various appointments including speaking engagements that I didn’t want to break. This is what Community is all about and what makes Tetbury so special!
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CHP Lettings is a professional, independent property rental and management company covering Wiltshire and Gloucestershire I have used Howard Palmer to buy, sell and let properties for over 20 years. He is a true professional, experienced, a good communicator and cares for his clients. I have no hesitation in recommending him to those in the residential marketplace. Director, Edward Blake Ltd CHP Lettings, organised our tenancy with great professionalism and courtesy. Perhaps the best recommendation we could give is that we are now considering buying a property to let and would have no hestitation in asking CHP Lettings to manage it. Tenants CHP Lettings provided us with an admirably speedy service, with courtesy and consideration. We would not hesitate to recommend their agency. Tenants CHP Lettings offered a genuinely first class personal service with a sound knowledge of the property. His services were strides ahead of the competitors. He had an excellent rapport with the landlord and it was negotiated with kindness and discretion. Nothing was too much trouble and we are exceedingly grateful. He went beyond our expectation of a letting agent. Tenants
Thank you all! Sincerely Alison Hesketh Dear Editor, My daughter recently had need of a wheelchair, which was provided by British Red Cross mobility aids of Quedgeley. I have no complaints at all about the service – and there are many other items available from the BRC both from Quedgeley and from Wotton Bassett, but I’ve since found out that far closer to home, wheelchairs are readily provided in Tetbury through Tetbury Mobility, at very reasonable rates.
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
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April 2016 | 51
Sir William Romney’s School Positive Ofsted report highlights SWR students’ excellent progress a message from headteacher Steven Mackay
Dear Parents/ Carers, I am writing to inform you of the outcomes from the recent Ofsted inspection of the school. I am delighted to be able to report to you that the school has been judged as being ‘Good’ in every category. This confirms what staff, parents and students have known for some time. We have been in the unusual position of looking forward to a visit from Ofsted so that we could have the opportunity to demonstrate to them what a good school SWR is. There are a number of areas which I would like to highlight as being particular strengths: • It is immensely satisfying to see the excellent outcomes for our students being recognised as such a strength of the school. Our students make good progress in all year groups, progress for many is rapid and their achievement at GCSE represents a significant achievement.
and guidance. The reports comments on the impressive range of opportunities available to students outside of the curriculum and also with regards to the curriculum. It is very pleasing to see the efforts of staff who readily give their time to support a wide range of clubs and activities being recognised. Sir William Romney’s is not just a good school, it is a very good school - and it was clear during the inspection and in the feedback from the inspection team that they shared this view. The outcomes from our students are very good and are
improving and this is recognised by Ofsted. The school will next be inspected in three years from now and the challenge for us now is to demonstrate that outcomes are not only good but that they are outstanding. Given the very high quality leadership and teaching that the school has, the very positive attitudes of our students and the tremendous support from our parents I am confident that we will achieve this. Thank you for your continued support. Steven Mackay, Headteacher Sir William Romney’s School
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• Students behaviour is good and they conduct themselves very well around the school; they are friendly, polite and courteous. This will come as no surprise to anyone who spends time with our students: they are a credit to the school and their parents. • The school is very well led and managed and our middle leaders, both Leaders of Learning and Learning Managers, are seen as a strength of the school. I completely agree with this judgement as they work tirelessly to support our students. It is clear that parents agree with this as all parental responses (and there was a high response rate for this) agree that the school is well led and that they would recommend the school to others. The report makes it clear that this level of parental support is highly unusual and I am very grateful for this. • Students feel very safe at school and parents feel that SWR is a school in which children can thrive. They are also very well prepared for the next stage of their education with high quality careers advice
52 | April 2016
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Annual Newsletter from Tetbury Town Council 2016 This will be my last Annual report to you as Mayor of Tetbury. I will have clocked up two years in May. Here are some of the things we have, or are going to have, achieved: Goods Shed - we are now moving ahead with this project and will soon have a lovely refurbished building that Tetbury can be proud of. This is largely due to the Goods Shed team, who through their drive have moved this forward under the careful eye of Natalie, our Chief Executive. Everyone who is a part of this is to be congratulated on their marvellous achievement. This year we want to look at the area behind the Market Hall. The road needs to be levelled with the pavement, so that it can become an extension to the market hall area and be used as such. In my last two years in office I have tried to get round and visit shop keepers and attend the Tourism meetings to hear what people want of our town. It is a town to be proud of and has a lot to offer and we need to make it a place that people want to visit and want to come back to. With the help of a new Town Project Manager hopefully we can achieve this. Signage - we have new signs at the entrances to our Town and with the lovely flower displays round the town we always look very welcoming. We are delighted to announce that we have formed a partnership with Chatillion sur Indre. This will enable the youth of Tetbury to take part in exchanges with regards to sport and other ventures. We will be sending a group of young people to the “Fete National” in July, which should be a lovely experience. This is all thanks to European money being made available for them. I can’t list all the things I have done - there isn’t room, but thank you for inviting me to attend your various events and it’s been wonderful to meet so many of you. Lastly, thank you to everyone who helps to make Tetbury so special. You are a credit to the Town. Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury
The ANNUAL TOWN MEETING will take place on Wednesday 27th April at 7pm in the Dolphins Hall. Please come along and have your say. A paid-for feature
FINANCE AND SCRUTINY REPORT 2014-15 The Town Council continues to invest in Tetbury, to maintain and improve the quality of our community assets. Our main financial objective is once again to provide support to our community, both in monetary terms in the form of grants to local organisations, as well as funding the all-important improvement and maintenance of those things for which we are responsible. Tetbury places much reliance on volunteer activity - therefore the Council realises that it has a vital part to play in the funding of vital town activities run by volunteers. Grants totalling almost £25,000 have been provided to organisations like the Citizens Advice Bureau to provide outreach support for Tetbury, to a number of our Sports Clubs so that they can invest in their provision to the town, to the Day Centres so that they can continue to provide vital care to our senior citizens - as well as to St Mary’s School, the Guides and the Youth Pod who provide opportunities for the younger members of our community. Tetbury in Bloom and Christmas in Tetbury also received funding so that they could play their part in improving the appearance of our wonderful town. We are also responsible for a large amount of Green Space in the town and we take very seriously our responsibility to maintain these areas to the highest standards. During the summer months we increase our number of ground staff, to ensure that all the grassy areas that we maintain look spick and span. A large number of trees around the town are also our responsibility; this year we have carried out a condition survey so that we can put together a maintenance plan to ensure trees are in a safe condition in an attempt to avoid unfortunate incidents of falling branches, or worse. One area of concern is Cook’s Pool and following our survey we plan to fell one or two trees that are in a dangerous condition and reduce the size of other trees so that their growth is controlled. The development of the Goods Shed continues to move ahead, to develop the building into a worthwhile community facility in the centre of the Rail Lands. We are in partnership with the Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust who have provided so much energetic support to this project that the building and the area around it have already supported a number of events. Rebuilding work is planned to commence in 2016 so that a wonderful new community space can be provided, increasing the facilities that are on offer in the town. Funding has come from a number of sources, the Town Council has successfully applied for a Community Development Loan, the developments around the town have provided money for the project and the Rail Lands Trust have also been hard at work seeking loans for specific parts of the project - as well as providing funding themselves, from a good number of community events. The town council has worked hard to secure almost £1.5 million pounds for community improvements for the various developments around the town, including the redevelopment of the Dolphins Hall, the Goods Shed and the Sports Centre at Sir William Romney’s School. Our funding to the Tourist Information Centre provides support for the all-important tourism activity in Tetbury. We are at the centre of a number of unique attractions and we have a responsibility to promote our town in partnership with a number of agencies promoting ‘The Cotswolds’ as a whole. We continue to hold funds for the future development of the town, a new burial ground, new allotments and the all-important Neighbourhood Development Plan. Our reserves continue to be healthy and with continued prudent spending we will continue to invest in our town and its people. Chair Cllr Stephen Hirst A paid-for feature
HERITAGE AND REGENERATION The success and innovation of the Heritage and Regeneration is due largely to the diversity of the committee. We are indeed fortunate to have our wishes made into reality by our hard-working and ever-enthusiastic council team. As I write this, I have been informed of the sad passing of Derek Jackson, our former Town Crier and the friendly face of Tetbury for many years. It is appropriate that we will be hosting a Regional Town Crier competition in July this year. We look after the town, whether it be renovating the pavement in St Saviour’s Church, installing new “Welcome to Tetbury” signs, maintaining play areas, organising/coordinating events, looking after open spaces, working with the Feoffees, Tourist Information Centre, the Police Museum, Tetbury Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Group, the Civic Society, the History of Tetbury Society, responsible dog walkers, the many youth and elderly groups - the list goes on. As you can see there is a lot going on, but it’s always led by your wishes and needs. But it is the future and the regeneration of the town which many are most concerned with. The effects of new housing and the loss of businesses and shops in town are also a concern. To assist with this process, we will be recruiting a new Town Project Manager. This is a new role and has been created to both replace the former Tourist Information Centre manager’s duties and to expand upon them, into other activities. I must thank Jackie Williams who recently stepped down as TIC manager, for her hard work in the role. The next few years will indeed be challenging and will have the biggest effect on our town in years, but with a Heritage foundation as strong as ours, we will take these challenges and turn them into opportunities. Thank you to the committee - and special thanks to Jenny Hunt who will have retired by the time this is printed. Jenny’s knowledge, friendly and completely unflappable approach will be greatly missed. Please take this as an invitation, to come, sit in, listen, or even take part in your meetings, for your futures, as ‘the future depends on what we do today.’ Chair Cllr Kevin Painter
TETBURY TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE We have had a steady year here at the Tourist Information Centre, with visitor numbers slightly down on last year, due in part to the weather. We have had good sales of Westonbirt tickets, with all but one concert sold out. We again had Christmas cards from “Cards for Good Causes”- and have agreed to sell them again this year. We have supported the Goods Shed Project by selling tickets for events and selling the calendars, prints and mugs – all of which went well. With the influx of new residents, we have had many enquiries about services in the town and anticipate many more as the developments are completed. In January we were sad to lose our manager Jackie Williams, who worked tirelessly to raise our profile in the town and who is much missed. A new member of the team has joined us however – Donna Thomas, who is settling in well. We are excited by the prospect of having a Town Manager and look forward to a year full of new potential and ideas.
A paid-for feature
PLANNING In the last year, Tetbury Town Council have received a general flow of planning applications that have gone before the planning committee. These ranged from small- to medium-sized domestic extensions, to one-off houses and a small number of “change of use” applications. No significantly large schemes have come before us in this particular year, so far. We have three ward Councillors who sit on the planning Committee at Cotswold District Council, two of whom are on the Tetbury Town Council planning committee - and they are very active in looking into planning matters at CDC level. With larger schemes, Cotswold District Council do now seem to be taking more notice of our comments than they have before, but even they struggle with the bigger schemes and the developers’ Agents and Consultants. We encourage developers to come and chat through their ideas and initial thoughts, prior to submitting any formal applications, and this seems to be working better of late, giving us the opportunity for an ‘off the record’ discussion and allowing the developer the opportunity to ‘tweak’ their initial ideas. A few weeks ago we had such an informal meeting with a developer who wants to convert The Crown on Gumstool Hill into residential apartments and who was seeking our views. Whilst ideally we would like it kept for its current use, we appreciate it has been unoccupied for a number of years, with many commercial clients looking at the property but none taking the plunge to continue that use. We look forward to further discussions with the developer or to seeing his submitted scheme. We have since looked at detailed planning applications for Highfield Farm also, and commented mainly on a better use of materials to match the setting of the site and its surroundings. As you will have seen, some of the previously approved larger schemes are actually being constructed now, which includes the developments off Cirencester Road, adjacent to Springfield’s, the site opposite the entrance to Shepherd’s Way and the Highfield Farm development. You will have also noticed the additional construction traffic in and out of the Town. Personally I think the development opposite Shepherd’s way looks particularly attractive as you enter our Town from Cirencester, the use and mixture of materials and detailing creates much interest and makes a change from the normal standard ‘boxes’ that we all too often see constructed, which could be anywhere in the country. Some previously approved smaller schemes have been completed, such as the scheme off The Chipping for three apartments, four houses at land to the rear of 19 Market Place, and the single dwelling to the rear of London Road. The Old Youth Club site seems to be taking forever to complete, but will look good when it is finally finished. The planning committee work hard in looking at applications and on researching them prior to the meetings – and the admin staff at TTC also work hard in responding to the Cotswold District Council by return with our comments and questions/ queries. Don’t forget that planning meetings are open to the public, so if you want to come and speak to us about any applications or just to listen in and look at applications with us however large or small, we’d love to see you. Chair Cllr Ian Maslin
NEW PICKET HARP ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION At the AGM held recently, a new committee was formed with Linda McQuillan as Chair, Andrew Hailey as secretary and Nigel Waldron as Treasurer. All twenty-eight allotments are currently being cultivated and there is a short waiting list of just three people. If you would like your details to be on the waiting list, please contact Tetbury Town Council on 01666 504670.
A paid-for feature
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING GROUP The Neighbourhood Planning Group has seen some change of personnel during the last year, with new blood offering a fresh perspective. It was decided to employ a consultant to focus on delivery of a Plan ready to submit to Cotswold District, so consequently Liz Beth of LB Planning has worked with us on developing a clear and concise document. The Group has also produced two documents offering guidance on the design of new development and potential improvements to the Town Centre. These are background Reports for the Neighbourhood Plan. In the end it was not necessary to allocate more land for housing in the Plan, as our allocation has already been effectively made in recent planning permissions. The Plan has policies designating special areas of open space as Local Green Space, and promoting the improvement of the rights-of-way network. Housing policies promote the provision of housing to suit local demand and a local lettings policy for affordable housing. There will soon be an opportunity for everyone in Tetbury and Tetbury Upton to comment on the draft Plan, as it is anticipated that it will be open for consultation and comment next month.
POLICE REPORT Tetbury Police have been involved in a number of initiatives and have targeted different areas of concerns and criminal activity. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“Test Purchase” operations, targeting sales of alcohol to underage youths. A visit from the Police and Crime Commissioner. “Operation Switch.” An event held targeting Burglary and offering advice, home & bike security equipment. Licensing checks carried out in the Tetbury area in partnership with the licensing department from the Cotswold District Council. Helping with the Remembrance Sunday Parade, Tetbury Woolsack Race, Tetbury ‘Wacky Races,’ Tetbury Christmas lights Switch-On event and the Tetbury Summer Fair. The execution of warrants in the area as a direct result of concerns and intelligence gained from local residents. Speed Checks at various locations throughout Tetbury. Work alongside Tetbury Community Speed watch. Use of Mobile CCTV Cameras at various location across Tetbury. Work carried out alongside Tetbury Town Council, Sir William Romney’s and St Mary’s Schools, the Dolphins Hall Committee and Tetbury Neighbourhood Watch Schemes. Supporting Neighbourhood priorities. Holding Neighbourhood Consultation Group meetings, where members of the public are invited to come along and talk with the local Policing team, airing any concerns or issues they may have. Tetbury Police work in the Town Council offices. Holding surgeries for members of the public to attend and meet the local Police. Work carried out alongside various Housing associations and Tenants groups.
We would like to thank them for all the support we’ve received from the Town Council, the Cotswold District Council, local groups and businesses and most importantly we’d also like to thank residents for helping us Police Tetbury. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future to continue to make this a more peaceful and safer place to live and work.
PC Leah Davis (Area Beat Manager)
PCSO’s Sue Fellows & Paul Hancock
A paid-for feature
Basic information – County population – circ 600k THE PAST YEAR – 2015/16: The county spend was £420 million on non-schools and £395 million on schools (including Academies.) We still had to make some savings, but were determined to protect older Adults, the disabled, and children in care. Whilst the overall budget was balanced, overspends did occur with Adult care and in looking after children. We were able to make additional savings though in other areas, without reducing services, by changing the shape of other provisions. Public Health funding of some £30K was provided in this fiscal year to many local organisations, to encourage healthier living activities with children, youths and adults. The Children’s Fund of some £5,000 was granted to young people. THE NEW YEAR – 2016/17: All the current County services will continue with some £418 million non-school and £400 million schools spend (including Academies.) The over-riding theme in the next year is to spend more funds on vulnerable people. After four years of no increases in the County local tax, we need to increase this next year by some 3.9%. (That’s 2% approved by Government for Adult care – ring-fenced, plus 1.9% as a general increase). We need to recruit more social workers too – and to support children in care, as demand continually increases. We will continue looking for more savings and better ways of delivering good value services to the County’s tax payers. The breakdown of spend will be: Adult services - £144 million (including help for people with learning disabilities, older people and vulnerable adults,) Public health - £26 million in grants, Children and Families - £92 million (including schools, youth support, and children’s centres,) Communities and Infrastructure - £79 million (including highways, trading standards, libraries, fire services, and waste.)
TETBURY IN BLOOM 2015 was the tenth anniversary of the current Tetbury in Bloom team. It was another very good year, as indicated by the number of complements received from residents and visitors alike. We continued to maintain the many communal floral displays to award winning standards and we held our sixth Open Gardens Day on Sunday 28th June, during which an impressive eleven gardens were open to the public. We held a Race Night on Saturday 24th October to raise valuable funds for Tetbury in Bloom and Christmas in Tetbury projects - and we wrote ten articles for the Tetbury Advertiser describing how the flowerbeds had evolved to sustainable planting over the decade. Thank you to Highgrove Enterprises (our main sponsor), The Feoffees, Tetbury Town Council and to the grounds staff for their support.
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2015 has been an eventful and productive year for the Goods Shed Project. Our confidence in fundraising and putting on events has grown and the scope and ambition of our efforts has become as panoramic as the set of War and Peace! Our temporary electrical supply was upgraded by Mike and cultural events have included: • Our now-traditional Community Walk along the old railway line. • Nicola Clark using the shed as her winter studio. • “A Night of Love” exhibition, at which she sold work spanning from her schooldays, through art school and beyond – raising £1,000 for our funds. • Graham Cleaver and David Walker building a “Tetbury Flyer” train to enter in the Wacky Races. • Nicola Clark and John Andrews organising a big weekend Music Festival. • The Mad Hatters Tea Party & fun dog show, where Sue Stoner “walked on water,” bringing down a lemon cake she had made and wearing a pizza hat! • “Art in the Park” weekend. • The Concert in Christ Church in tribute to Sue Stoner. (Sue, who sadly became seriously ill at this time, was transferred to the hospice. Even when seriously ill she would surprise everyone by being totally animated about news from the shed.) • The Sculpture exhibition. • The marvellous Goods Shed Calendar - thanks to Colin Peacock, Karen Quaddy and Jessica Mallinckrodt for all of their hours of planning and patience. • Christmas coffee morning – in which Jill Dodge raised £1,000. Jill holds the uncontested record for fundraising with us, for this, gaining the Cohens charity money on our behalf, and for her constant offerings from the monthly Boot Sales. • Christmas Carols. These events highlighted the need for open space, so with the help of our architect it was agreed that space to accommodate the kitchen and toilets would be housed in a single storey extension. New plans also include automatic raked seating and removal of the stage. Our fundraising team has been persistent in its efforts and the biggest triumphs have been the awards we received of £50,000 from the David Thomas Trust, £10,000 from the makers of Waggon Wheel biscuits - Garfield Weston, and our biggest donation from a single couple, £1,000 from Louise Verity and her husband Carston of Pollyhesters Design Studio. Barry Doyle and John Andrews have fundraised on an epic scale and we have all been careful to safeguard funds we have raised from being spent “on the journey.” Our stands have been displayed at every opportunity (at events like the Summer Show and the Tetbury Classic Car Show) and talks have been given to groups such as the Rotarians. David Walker, Graham Cleaver and James Scurlock have been stalwarts, constantly working behind the scenes to keep everything “on track.” I would like to say how proud I am of the Goods Shed Team and to thank them for giving 100% in 2015. Next year we will begin to see the fruits of our labours. Sue’s death stunned us all. Our team has promised itself to get the job finished in her memory. The photograph on her funeral leaflet showed a young Sue full of visionary spirit - and this image of her will stay in all our minds as we carry her dream forwards until it is done. It was Sue refusing to give up on the Goods Shed that eventually resulted in my being dragged back into the project two-and-a-half years ago, and it has all gone on from there. A paid-for feature
DOLPHINS HALL Only having become a Trustee and Chair in November 2015 I’m afraid I’m not in a position to give you a great deal of detailed news on the Dolphins Hall - I chair my third meeting this February. It was sad that after so much hard work had been put into the New Build Dolphin Hall, it had to be put on hold due to insufficient funds and grants available to us. I’m afraid that due to the economic climate that is a general circumstance. Sadly, we have to rely on our own fundraising. We must move on now and look forward to a complete refurbishment of the Dolphin Hall. A recent Structural Survey has already taken place and that alone assures us that we have the space to expand. We will now talk to architects to put forward ideas as to how best to re-design the inside and the extensions, to accommodate the likes of the Youth Club, Puddle Ducks Nursery School and all user groups - not forgetting to allow for expansion for “new business.” Tea Dances started the New Year for fundraising and are hugely successful. A “Nearly New” Stalls and Bric-a-Brac event was held on 19th March, with coffee and cakes on sale. A Ball has been organised for early Autumn at Westonbirt School, and a large raffle is currently being organised. Tickets will go on sale after Easter. Lots more fund raising is in the pipe line, so keep looking in Kevin Painter’s column in the weekly Standard. Thanks to our Sports Clubs, who are also going to help fundraise for the Dolphin Hall; we will soon be on our way to an unrecognisable new hall. If anyone has any ideas of help with fundraising, we would be delighted to hear from you. Chair Cllr Maggie Heaven
TETBURY POLICE MUSEUM AND COURTROOM We continue to supply material for a column in the monthly Advertiser, and our Cold Cases item is proving very popular. Following reports from our professional museum mentor, we are pursuing renewal of our loan agreements – the first and major one being with Gloucestershire Constabulary. This is currently is being progressed. Additional promotional material was agreed by the Town Council’s Health and Regeneration Committee (the Museum’s governing body) and a new digital display screen for the front window has been purchased and is now operational, providing essential information even when the museum is closed. Currently being progressed are a display board to be mounted behind the side gate (to hide scruffy yard) and an old-style telephone with audio messages (so visitors may pick up and listen in to callers to the Victorian police station.) We are looking into removing the vertical blinds from the front window to provide a better view into the museum; however, we do need to install UV film to protect the artefacts. Research is also being undertaken into the possibility of an entry into the Guinness Book of Records regarding our handcuffs and restraints collection. We were pleased that BBC TV Points West recently used the museum as a backdrop to their politics show item about cuts to police forces. More free publicity like this is always gratifying. New visitors to the museum are also very welcome, as are any willing volunteers! John Silvester, Honorary Curator A paid-for feature
TETBURY TOURISM GROUP Tetbury Tourism Group were, in October 2015, lucky enough to be given a private loan to purchase a “Shaun the Sheep” for the town - and a dinner was held on the 30th of October in the Market Hall. Supper was thanks to Allium catering, Vinotopia supplied wine with Shaun’s own label and the designer Adrian Barclay came to unveil Shaun. After costs, the dinner enabled us to give back £1,000. A “Shaun the Sheep” trail was held around the town, with thirteen small Shauns in evidence. Thirty-eight children took part and the winner was given a Shaun model to paint to their own design. With donations so far we have £700 to give back. Tetbury Town Council kindly gave us a one-off donation of £300 to help with the cost of the insurance.
CHRISTMAS IN TETBURY ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 The Christmas in Tetbury committee comprises a group of private individuals who raise funds for, and make happen, Tetbury’s stunning town centre lighting displays and the annual formal official switch-on ceremony. This year the switch-on ceremony, held on Thursday 3rd December, was bigger and better than ever with over one hundred children and their families taking part in the torch-lit procession from Saint Marys’ church to the Market Hall. As a result of much appreciated sponsorship from Highgrove Enterprises, we were able to add more lighting displays. Thank you to Katie Rowlett and Santa for helping to switch on the lights, The Tetbury in Bloom team for helping to dress the tree decorations, The Feoffees for the use of the Market Hall, the stewards, Ali Bristow for Santa’s wonderful Grotto, the many Tetbury businesses and the Tetbury Lions for their kind donations and Tetbury Town Council for its generous financial support - and to Colin and David for all their assistance with the signage and help on the night.
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Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.
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We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Established in 1974, are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. We have 8we courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land Rover. We have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, mechanics. We wereservice. voted Independent Garage of the Year by both Motor Trader andindependent the Motorgarage Industry of collection collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and2012 Land Rover specialist premier offeringCode a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury
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tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. offer full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We a of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.
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