December 2016
h r C i s y t r mas r e M to each and every one, from Te y Lions tbur
Ca ro l’ s
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Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for more great offers & DRINK Good food, fine local ales - and a warm welcome 1381216
The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Stephen Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk
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What’s On For details of the many services of celebration and choral and musical events this season, please see the “News from” articles in this issue. 1st December to 3rd December - Christmas Tree Festival at St Saviour’s Church 3rd December - Christmas Market in the Market Hall in aid of St Marys’ Church 3rd and 4th December - Christmas Celebrations, Newark Park 11.00 am - 4.00 pm Festive Weekend. Santa will be visiting! 4th December at 7.30 – “Festivus: A Christmas Concert” at St Marys’ Church 8th December – HOTS annual party in the Market Hall 10th and 17th December - Lion’s Christmas Raffle 11th December at 5.00 pm - Handel’s Messiah at St Marys’ Church See the article and advert in this issue for more details 12th December - Tetbury WI Christmas Social Evening 13th December - SWR, St.Mary’s and Avening primary school Carol Service at St Marys’ Church at 6:30 pm 14th December – TARTS Christmas Social, Shipton Moyne Village Hall 16th and 17th December - Christian Aid collection at Tesco Please give generously! 18th December - Hare and Hounds Wassailing Lunch More details in this issue; contact Sue Hirst on 01666 504213 23rd December at 6.00 pm – Carol Service at the Goods Shed 27th January at 7.00 pm – Tetbury Theatre Group AGM, Dolphins Hall Tetbury Library opening hours and events. Please see the details in the article in this issue Save ‘n’ Borrow Credit Union every Thursday 2.00 until 4.00 pm at the Town Council Offices in Long Street Citizens Advice Cotswold District now provides advice from the Town Council Offices on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 12.00
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Contents Anthony Mitchell 68 Avening School 9 Avening WI 59 Avonvale Football Club 57 Chelworth Bookworms 62 Christmas in Tetbury 4 Computer Advice 6 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 20 Do You Believe? 11 Dolphins Drama Group 67 Dr Nehrig 61 Eating Out 11 Girlguiding 46 History of Tetbury Society 44 Leighterton Primary School 56 Letters to the Editor 70 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Piece 40 News from Christ Church 65 News from St Marys’ Church 12 News from St Michaels 42 Patient Participation Group 61 Priory Inn Blog 54 Puddle Ducks 16 Rodmarton Primary School 52 Romney House Surgery 60 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 24 Sir William Romney’s School 23 St Mary’s Playgroup 28 Tetbury Art Society 19 Tetbury Camera Club 53 Tetbury Community Choir 68 Tetbury Food Bank 35 Tetbury in Bloom 33 Tetbury Library 27 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 35 Tetbury Police Museum 66 Tetbury Probus 36 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 39 Tetbury Theatre Group 49 Tetbury Town Football Club 32 Tetbury WI 43 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 50 Unsung Hero - December 54 What’s On 3 Young by Name 10
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552.
Christmas in Tetbury
• Ali Bristow of Artique for creating such a magical Santa’s Grotto. • Colin of DJ Sweet Lightning for supplying the sound system.
Festive Lighting Displays Switched-On I love Christmas. After months of planning, the Christmas trees have been installed and the town centre lights are lit, showing Tetbury off in all its glory.
Very many thanks to: • Highgrove Enterprises who have sponsored more new lights within the town and the gifts Santa gave to the children when they visited the Grotto on the Switch On evening. • Mark Cummings of Radio Gloucestershire for his support in switching on the lights for us. • Mr and Mrs Lowsley-Williams for their kind donation of the majestic fir trees to the town, that sit alongside the entrance to the Market House. The epicentre of the festive lighting displays.
• The Avening Silver Band and Saint Mary’s School Choir for the entertainment and the Tetbury bell ringers for their support. • The Lions Club of Tetbury, Tetbury Town Council, The Feoffees, Artique, Elite Wealth Management Ltd, Jester Antiques, Martin White Jeweller, Muir Antiques and The George Veterinary Group without whose generosity we would not be able to fund the lighting displays or the evening of entertainment... • Friends and supporters from amongst the Town Council, Tetbury in Bloom and the police for their hard work in preparing for, and putting on the event - we couldn’t do it without you.
• The traders who have joined in the annual shop window display competition so wholeheartedly and creatively – it all adds to the festive spirit. Still to look forward to is the Christmas lunch on Sunday 18th December at the Hare and Hounds with entertainment from the wonderful ‘Wassailers of Stroud’. For more details look for our advert in this month’s Advertiser and contact Sue Hirst on 504213 if you would wish to join us. All profits go towards the town centre Christmas lighting displays which, I hope you agree, help to show off Tetbury in all its beauty. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Christmas in Tetbury committee. Liz Farnham Christmas in Tetbury
‘Christmas in Tetbury’ invite you to a
£26.50 per person
With entertainment from ‘The Wassailers of Stroud’
Sunday 18th December 2016 The Hare & Hounds Hotel Westonbirt, Nr. Tetbury
1.00pm for 1.30pm start 2 Course menu including tea & coffee Other drinks extra Raffle and a visit by Santa ! Tickets available from Sue Hirst on 504213 or email tickets@christmasintetbury.org.uk 0181116
4 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
At our November Meeting, we welcomed not just one – not two but three potential new members. We all hope they will join us and make us one of the largest Lions Clubs in our region. Could you be a Lion? Our meeting was followed a few days later by a Quiz Night in a packed Dolphins Hall. It was a great evening and lots of fun, even though I did find most of the questions far too hard to answer! Over £300 raised so very well done
Lion’s Den
to all who helped organise a fun evening, particularly Lions Saxon and Alan G. One of our potential projects for next Spring is to organise a “Care in the Community” conference, to which the widest possible number of services available for the people in the Tetbury area are brought together in the same room for publicity and discussion. We see Tetbury Lions potentially “acting as a midwife” to initiate such a publicising of services, although we do not have the skills or facilities to provide services ourselves. The Tetbury “Panto” in November was yet again a great success and we Lions provided our annual transport service to
TETBURY FISH & CHIP SHOP Would Like to Wish All Our Customers
A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! 1301215
Merry Christmas to all our customers from Emma and the team! Please call into our shop for the Christmas promotion and this years Christmas raffle
collect those who were unable to reach The Dolphins Hall by themselves. It was a fantastic night – particular thanks to Lion David Hicks for all his organisational work. As I write, the Tetbury Christmas Lights “switch-on” is only a few days away and, as usual, the Lions will be providing marshalling services and will have their Christmas Raffle again under the Town Hall. As usual, too, there will be many lovely prizes to be won, so temptingly close… just a ticket away! If you can’t buy a ticket at the “Lights Switch-on”, tickets for the Lion’s Christmas Raffle will also be on sale as usual in the Town on Saturday mornings, the 10th and the 17th of December. To give you every chance to get your ticket, they will also be on sale outside Tesco’s on Thursday 8th and the 15th December. Whether it’s sunny, raining or snowing, Lions members will be there with their fluorescent tabards so please do come and find us. There’s a new Town initiative this year in St Saviours Church (opposite the fire station) organised by TACT (Tetbury Area Churches Together) with various local Groups each providing and dressing a Christmas Tree from the end of November. It promises to be a wonderful display. Do come along and see for yourself! And finally – a request. In the New Year, we will be having a “big push” collecting unwanted spectacles. Most of us who use glasses have some old, unused pairs around. In February, Lions will be making a collection of these unwanted spectacles to be sent for checking and then sent onward to Lions Clubs in Africa where they are desperately needed. More details will be in the February Advertiser. As President of Lions, on behalf of all our members, may I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Alan Cross, President of Tetbury Lions
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
December 2016 | 5
Computer Advice Could your Computer be held to Ransom? It is happening here, now! As the last editorial of 2016, I was hoping to start off on a lighter note, but I have seen a couple of computers in the last week that have had all the personal data encrypted by criminals who then try to blackmail you in to paying for a decryption key to recover it, usually in Bit coins. This can be several hundred pounds or more.
stuff to a USB stick or external drive. Let me know if you need a hand with this or some software to synchronise your backup so that you only need to make a couple of mouse clicks to keep it up to date. Of course, do disconnect your backup from the PC when it is complete. On a lighter note, may I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a great start to the New Year! Thank you for
This particular “nasty” is usually spread via a web link or email attachment either as a PDF or office files. There is only one way to recover your data without paying these criminals - and that is to use your backup, which you are doing regularly aren’t you? Even if you are, do not leave your backup drive connected to your computer all the time as the Trojan will also encrypt that too! In fact, it will encrypt all data connected to your PC and possibly on your entire network, if you have one. This does not just affect business users but those of you at home as well. So, if the children’s laptop is infected for instance, your computer probably will be too! This can also infect you, even if you only share printers. Dropbox, SkyDrive and Google Drive are also vulnerable. Most antivirus software will not detect it until it is too late, so do be super-vigilant when opening attachments, and only open them if you are certain you are expecting them and you really need the data. Never click on web inks from emails. If you really need to, right click on the link and copy and then paste it in to your browser. Before clicking to the site, do check the address to make sure it looks OK and is not going to a rogue foreign website for instance. It really is not worth the risk. Also, do make sure you have turned off your preview screen within your mail program to make sure the emails are not opened by default and you can delete suspicious ones in safety. If you are not regularly backing up, please do take a moment to copy your important
taking the time to read my editorials which I hope, have been useful to you. If you have any queries or would like to book your PC in for a security check or an annual service: Please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@ inghamassociates.com or go to www. tetburycomputershop.co.uk Ingham Associates – Tetbury Computer Shop Now in my 29th year of Trading
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6 | December 2016
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Avening Primary School Lights, Camel, Action … It’s ‘show-time’ at Avening School as we scramble through the boxes and dig out the wigs, costumes and tinsel, then set up the staging in the hall ready for our two much-anticipated Christmas productions. This year, our KS1 children will be telling the story of the Nativity in a contemporary style using dance, a bit of ‘Strictly’-style magic and plenty of glitter! Later, in the same week, KS2 will perform their version of Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’. A modern take on the classic tale, the show will be full of singing, dancing and a lot of laughs! If that wasn’t enough excitement for the last week of term, pupils from the Owls Class (y5/6) will be joining forces with pupils from Sir William Romney’s and St Mary’s Primary School when they perform at a carol concert at St Mary’s Church on Tuesday 13th December. This will be the first time the three schools have come together to sing as a collaborative choir and will be a performance not to be missed.
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While the classes are busy rehearsing for the Christmas shows, the hard work and determination continues. At the end of last month, the whole school took part in ‘Happiness Week’ at school which coincided with National Anti-Bullying Week. The week focused on developing healthy, happy relationships with one another through activities that included yoga sessions, forest school fun, sport activities, and making and eating chocolate-coated fruit kebabs! The School Council have been busy delivering the donations collected during this year’s Harvest Festival to Stroud Foodbank, as well as arranging a ‘pyjama and messy hair’ day and writing their own quiz to raise funds for ‘Children in need’ and ‘Best for Ben’ – a local campaign to help a family in our village. The children will all be taking some time out from their own busy theatrical preparations to visit the theatre themselves, with the Owls class journeying to Stratford to watch the RSC brand new production of The Tempest and the rest of the school travelling to the Bristol Old Vic to watch The Snow Queen. A special thank you must go to FOAS who make the trips affordable for families by paying the transport costs for both outings. That just leaves me to say on behalf of all at Avening School - we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2017! For further information about our happy, busy place of learning, please see our school website; www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk.
Avening Primary School
All profits distributed locally and internationally
December 2016 | 9
Young by Name Pray fill your glasses! As 2016 draws to a close, few will mourn its passing. From the start, it seemed a blighted year, robbing us of many national treasures and bringing us Brexit and President-Elect Trump. Scrolling back through the year to seek more positive memories, I discover the event that filled me with most hope was the centenary of the Somme. Ironically, one of the bloodiest battles in human history became a source of hope when at 7:30 AM on July 1st, vast numbers of people gathered nationwide to commemorate those who gave their todays for our tomorrows, and again on Remembrance Day last month. It was heartening to see people from throughout society turn out for these events, including many young people and children. It is especially heartening that so many of the youngest generation want to honour them though very few have met anyone born during that era and perhaps feel no immediate personal connection. My daughter is lucky to be an exception. She has been able to get to know my grandma’s cousin Nina, born before the Battle of the Somme began. We helped her celebrate her hundredth birthday this year. Each time we visit her, we feel we are touching history and witnessing at first hand the human instinct to survive in the face of adversity. Nina has been widowed four times, but is currently happily single, as common parlance has it. Such special occasions lift my spirits beyond the quagmire of the daily news headlines. Every day brings reasons to be hopeful, if only we remember to look for them. Yes, I know that’s easy for an optimist to say. I realise not everyone is such a Pollyanna like me. During an interviewed the other day on BCfm Radio, I told the presenter, historian and historical novelist Lucienne
Boyce, that I’m a glass-half-full person. I was amused by her response “I’m the kind of pessimist that can’t even see the glass”. Perhaps for 2017 we should each resolve to find our glass and fill it.
molecular structure, arguably the most important scientific discovery of the 20th century, and mould-breaking author Roald Dahl, who has brought laughter and comfort to readers young and old for generations.
We may look back on 2016 as an annus horribilis, but as future generations will discover, it will also be a year when great men and women were born who will in time be a force for good. If you’ve become a parent or grandparent this year, you’re probably agreeing already.
If such greatness can come forth phoenixlike from such desperate times, maybe everything will come right for us too.
To encourage sceptics, here’s a reminder of two great men born in 1916: Francis Crick, Nobel laureate, co-discoverer of DNA’s
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I wish you peace, joy and love this Christmas, and may your glass remain full in the New Year. Debbie Young, www.authordebbieyoung.com @DebbieYoungBN
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She’s my dad’s mum. Instead of trying to do all her shopping just before Christmas, she starts buying presents in the January sales. Dad says my mum ought to do what Grandma does.” “I bet that goes down a storm with your mum.” Jerome’s brow furrowed briefly before he continued. “It’s much cheaper that way, because you can get things really cheap in the sales. And you don’t have to buy everything all at once, so you don’t run out of money like Mum does.”
Do You Believe? “Just to give advice. Besides, it would seem rude not to call in while I was passing, after you’ve gone to the trouble of stopping off here at your busiest time of year.” “Seems fair enough,” I said. “Thanks for dropping by.” Jerome stood up and stretched out his hand to shake mine. It made a refreshing change from a hug.
“It’s a pleasure, Santa. Thanks for everything.”
“Yes. It’s obvious, really.”
“Thank you, Jerome.”
“You’re doing it all wrong. You know that, don’t you?” was the opening gambit of the last small boy to come into my grotto today.
The little boy looked so earnest that I tried to convince myself he meant well. Then I spotted a flaw in his logic.
And with that he skipped off towards the exit.
The dark-haired, dark-eyed child sat down on the stool at my feet for his allocated three minutes. As he gazed earnestly at me through his round dark-rimmed glasses, the reflection of the fairy lights twinkled on the surface of his black laceup shoes, which were surprisingly shiny for this end of the school day. I wondered whether he’d polished them specially in preparation for his visit.
“But how would I know what to buy? Children don’t usually send me their letters till December.”
“This is Jerome,” said Samantha brightly. “Jerome is 9. Hello, Jerome.” Samantha is my afternoon elf. I have Caroline in the morning, but she only works during the school day. Henderson’s is very good like that, flexible with its workers’ shifts. That’s how they get decent Christmas staff. Behind Jerome’s back, Samantha winked at me as she upended the egg timer for his visit. “What do you mean, I’m doing it all wrong? How do you make that out, sonny?” “Well.” Jerome gazed at the floor for a moment, as if planning a long speech. “You’re what my dad calls a last-minute man. Doing everything at the last minute. My dad’s very good at planning ahead. He’s what they call a time management consultant.” “Is he, now?” “Yes. My dad says that if my mum didn’t leave everything till the last minute, she wouldn’t be rushing around so much now. I think you’re a lot like my mum. If you were a bit better at planning things, you wouldn’t have to be up all night on Christmas Eve. You could just do a little bit of work every day all through the year instead.” Samantha clapped her hand over her mouth to suppress a giggle. She does that a lot, does Samantha. “Really? And how would that work?” “You could do what my grandma does.
Jerome shrugged. “Some children will probably ask for things that you’ve bought in the sales” I had to admit he had a point. “And there’s bound to be some who just say they want a surprise. That’s what my little sister always says. Just give them whatever you’ve got left. Easy.” Samantha was flicking a duster over the fake fireplace, one of the afternoon elf’s duties at the end of the day. “Not much gets past you, Jerome, does it, eh?” she encouraged him. Jerome solemnly shook his head. “Then you’d have more time to wrap everything, too,” he continued. “And to sort it all out into different delivery sacks. You could do one for each country. By the way, you might want to think about posting some of the presents instead of trying to take them all round to people’s houses on Christmas Eve. You’re lucky the animal rights people haven’t told you off for making those reindeer work so hard.” This boy was too clever by half. Conscious that the egg-timer had long since run out, I tried to steer him back on track.
“Was he taking the mickey?” I hissed to the smiling Samantha. “Do you think he’s stopped believing in Santa and was just having a laugh at my expense? Honestly, as if this job isn’t tiring enough without having to contend with smart alecks!” Samantha shushed me, her finger to her lips, and nodded towards the exit to indicate the boy’s return. “Sorry, Santa, I forgot to say – my sister’s at ballet so she couldn’t come to see you herself, but she told me to remind you that she’s asked for a surprise. In her letter. Which I made her send at Easter, when I sent you mine.” I peered at him over my glasses. “Jerome, what a wise and thoughtful boy you are. Are you for real?” He looked at me quizzically for a moment then burst out laughing. “Oh, Santa, you are funny! Of course I am. I’m just as real as you are.” I glanced across to Samantha, still unsure he wasn’t taking me for a ride. “See you Christmas Eve, then,” Jerome finished. “You know where I live.” With a final shake of my hand, he ran off and out into the big, wide world. I hoped it was ready for him. Debbie Young
“So what would you like for Christmas, Jerome? I’m guessing that you’ve been a good boy this year.” He nodded. “Of course. It makes much more sense to be good and get lots of presents. I worked that out a long time ago. Anyway, I put everything I wanted in my Christmas letter to you, don’t you remember? I sent it to you shortly after Easter.” I clapped my hand to my brow as if recovering from a momentary memory lapse. “Yes, of course,” I replied. “So why did you come to see me today?”
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
December 2016 | 11
News from St Marys’ When you stand to sing “O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant …” you know Christmas is really and truly here! There are so many fantastic highlights at St Marys’ in the festive season, I would be hard-pushed to pick a favourite. The Children’s Crib Service at 4.00 pm on Christmas Eve is gorgeous. The children are invited to dress up as sheep and shepherds, angels, stars … even donkeys to help bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Lots of children are involved in telling the Christmas story, and every child is invited up to the front to be part of the nativity scene. As you can imagine, excitement runs high and it is a magical time. Midnight Mass, at 11.30 pm that same evening, is wonderful, and just as joyful in a different way. The church is filled with people and beautiful music, all bathed in the candlelight of our lovely chandeliers. We will begin the service with It came upon a midnight clear, with its description of the First Christmas when “the world in solemn stillness lay” – and we end, of course, with O Come, all ye faithful.
Organised by Tetbury Area Churches Together (TACT) the Festival runs for three days, finishing with a Carol Service on Saturday 3rd December at 5.30 pm • Saturday 3rd December, 10.00 am-12.30 pm. Christmas Market in the Market Hall in aid of St Marys’ • Sunday 4th December at 7.30 Festivus: A Christmas Concert at St Marys’ • Sunday 11th December at 5.00 pm. Handel’s Messiah at St Marys’• • Tuesday 13th December at 6.30 pm. School’s Carol Concert at St Marys’
Special Services at St Marys’ Church • Sunday 27th November at 6.00 pm, Advent Carol Service • Sunday 4th December at 4.00 pm,
Children’s Christingle Service at St Marys • Sunday 18th December at 6.00 pm, Service of Nine Lessons and Carols • Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December at 4.00 pm, Children’s Crib Service • Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December at 11.30 pm, Midnight Mass • Christmas Day, Sunday 25th December 9.30 am - service with carols (naturally!) • Sunday 1st January at 10.30 am a special Christmas / New Year service in St Marys’, with drinks afterwards in the Vicarage Wishing you a wonderful Advent and a very Happy Christmas. With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes, Parish Priest The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne
56 Long Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8AQ Telephone Tetbury 502706
But there is much to look forward to before Christmas itself!
Especially for children Every Sunday through December, at our 9.30 am service, children enjoy Advent stories and crafts in our Little Fishes Sunday School. We also have the candlelit Christingle Service with carols on Sunday 4th December at 4.00 pm. And – as mentioned earlier - we have our Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4.00 pm, with special help from children at St Mary’s Primary School.
Musical highlights We delighted to be hosting two concerts in December. On Sunday 4th December at 7.30, we have Festivus: A Christmas Concert with musicians Heather Bristow, Nicola Clark, Richard Lloyd, James Slater and Sarana VerLin. The evening is “a beautiful and original take on sacred carols and the Christmas Story with just the right mix of contemporary material.” Then on Sunday 11th December at 5.00 pm we have a performance of Handel’s ‘Messiah’, with instruments and voices of Time and Truth, conducted by Sir Martin Smith. And there is more for everyone!
Here are some dates for your diary. • Thursday 1st December to Saturday 3rd December … come and enjoy Tetbury’s first Christmas Tree Festival to be held at St Saviour’s Church on New Church Street.
12 | December 2016
E. stevefloydpestcontrol@gmail.com www.stevefloydpestcontrol.co.uk Fully qualified (25 years experience) Fully Insured T: 01285 643750 M: 07933 357373
HAPPY TAILS DOG WALKING - PET SITTING SERVICE Half hour / Hour long walks, tailor made to your dogs needs. Trips to Westonbirt Arboretum offered as well as other local walks to your preference. Individual or group walks available. Pet sitting available. Transportation available.
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Tetbury Music Festival Thursday 29 September – Sunday 2 October Sunday 11th December 2016 at 5pm at Tetbury Parish Church of St Marys’ Schub er t Ensemble
C hia r o s c u r o Q u a r t e t
St e ve n I s s e rlis & O lli M u s t o n e n
hoi r o f t h e Agefor o f the En ligh t e n m e n tof Tetbury Parish Church of St Marys’ A Candlelit Performance on Authentic CInstruments benefit
George Friderick Handel
Tickets from £10 to £30 available at:
w w w . t e t b MESSIAH urymusicfestival.org where you will also find full details of concerts, lectures and talks.
Tickets are also available from Tetbury Tourist Information Instruments of Time and Truth - Voices of TIme and Truth - Conducter: Sir Martin Smith 33 Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG • Tel: 01666 503552
more just information email: info@tetburymusicfestival.org All TicketsForare £20.00 - Seating is unreserved
Tickets are available from: The Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8JG Telephone: 01666 503552
tet music tet advertiser A4 june 2016.indd 1
25/7/16 18:20:39
Or online Full information is available on our super new website www.tetburymusicfestival.org All Concerts take place in the beautiful Church of St Marys’ in Tetbury Lectures will take place at Newnton House in Long Newnton
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01666 503900 December 2016 | 13
WE ARE WESTONBIRT WESTONBIRT LEISURE Please join us for our New Year Open Day on Mon 2nd Jan 2017 10.00am - 4.00pm • Swimming pool with Inflatables, fun for all ages • Fitness Training sessions on the hour, every hour • Food, drink and a solution to New Year’s resolutions • 1 months Free Membership to everyone who attends on the day Westonbirt Schools Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8QG E: enquiries@westonbirt.org T: 01666 880333 www.westonbirt.org 1441216
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14 | December 2016
17/11/2016 15:59
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
If you’re anything like me, occasionally you discover somewhere lovely, then find yourself between a rock and hard place: do you let everybody know about it and risk it becoming popular – as it deserves – but perhaps spoiled as a consequence, or do you keep it to yourself, thus maintaining its charm, but running the risk of it never
developing its potential? I first experienced this on discovering the beautiful Northumberland coast, but it happened again recently… when we ‘discovered’ ‘Number 65’. One of those places that rarely seems to have customers, we’ve walked past it on an almost daily basis and pretty much every time I’ve said, ‘We must try this place one day.’ Flossy’s response has usually been, ‘If it’s good, why’s no-one in there?’ Well, I can now answer that question: I have no idea! The menu has a small but carefully puttogether choice of five or six starters and
........Try Tetbury First and Shop Local.........
We have Christmas products in store, try us before you travel for Lights (Mains and Battery), Tinsel, Wrap plus many items suitable for presents and stocking fillers. You will never know Lizzie and I along with Fran and Peter wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and look for forward what we stock if you do to seeing you in 2017 our 6th year of trading. not come in.
And don’t forget Pet Products
Winter Fuels
Shoe Repairs
Remember to shop for your pets at Christmas and buy a present for them to. We can help. Please ensure any special orders are well in advance due to delivery changes over Christmas. All major brands available.
Coal, Smokeless, Logs and Kindling not forgetting Firelighters always in store special orders catered for and delivery available.
Are your winter favourites fit for purpose, let’s put a new sole or heel on to give them a new lease of life. Stitching and engraving also available.
*We have just been appointed the local agent for UPS Package Handling*
Eating Out mains, a choice of desserts, plus canapes on arrival and petit fours with your coffee. I’m not sure all the canapes were homemade but ‘what the hey’ – they provided a very tasty mix of appetisers. To start, Flossy chose sautéed tiger prawns with lemon and garlic butter and I chose the smoked salmon roulade: both delicious. And the prawns were some of the most succulent I’ve ever eaten. Mains were grilled sirloin steak with a mixed mushroom cream sauce, and roast breast of guinea fowl with chorizo and tomato sauce. Flossy doesn’t do cream (as I’m sure I’ve said before) but chef was perfectly happy to prepare the dish without and the steak was extremely tasty -a result of being quite mature, I think; maybe not to everyone’s taste, but wow, it was good. The guinea fowl (like many game birds, spoiled when even slightly over-cooked) was perfect. Accompanied by a bowl of chunky sautéed potatoes and a selection of fresh, seasonal and beautifully cooked veg, we were beginning to run out of superlatives. Since the set meal price of £30 per head included desserts, it seemed churlish not to have one. Besides, our enthusiasm was high - we wanted to know what might follow. As it turned out, the fruit, meringue and ice cream, and lemon myrtle cheesecake finished off the meal wonderfully, the fruit being fresh and sharp, the cheesecake subtly flavoured and very smooth. Coffee is even rarer than dessert for me, but, like I say, it was included in the price – as were the petit fours: a lovely sweet treat with which to finish. Yes, it’s a little like eating in a dining room in someone’s house, but that turns out to be no bad thing. Attention to detail and a genuinely caring, personal service made the whole evening delightful, such that we were kicking ourselves for not having been before. If I was truly altruistic, I would highly recommend it and ask why on earth you haven’t been yet… but then you might all start going and it wouldn’t be our little secret any more, would it..?
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353
Merry Christmas!
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Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Matt and the girls wish everybody a
very Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 0751216
All profits distributed locally and internationally
December 2016 | 15
Puddle Ducks As the end of the year draws closer, the glitter is out in abundance at Puddle Ducks! It’s always a real privilege to work with young children but there is something extra-special about it when the magic of Christmas is in the air. But before we get too carried away with decorations and mince pies we will first turn the clock back a couple of weeks… We enjoyed a visit to Westonbirt Arboretum where we walked the tree top bridge and explored Silk Wood, collecting leaves and tracking down the Gruffalo’s Child. The weather was kind to us except for one rather sharp shower but that didn’t stop us heading up for a play on the big ship before home time! During ‘People who help us’ week, we were invited to Tetbury Fire Station where FF Andy Howell was waiting to show the children the fire engine. They all took turns sitting in the driving seat and turning on the hose. We had such a lovely morning so our grateful thanks go to Andy. We also went to visit Capelli hairdressers to see Hayley and her colleagues who help the ladies of Tetbury to look so lovely. The children really enjoyed their visit so thank you to all the staff and customers at Capelli for allowing us to come.
everything in sight with a sparkle of glitter – so beware if you should be visiting the Dolphins Hall during session time. Don’t stand still too long or you may just get a covering too! December is also a time when we naturally begin to reflect on the past year, and what a busy one it has been for us! We said goodbye to our biggest ever group of preschool leavers in July as well as to Claire and Cath but we have also welcomed Kirsten into our family as well as some new children who have all settled brilliantly.
Sharon Sverdloff, Roofing:Layout 1 21/9/10 22:08 Page 1 Of681010 course March Puddle Ducks wouldn’t be what Puddle Ducks
M.MARCH ROOFING Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling
Catherine and Sharon paid a little afternoon visit to St. Mary’s School to see some of the children who had moved up to the Reception classes from Puddle Ducks last July. It was wonderful to see them all so happy, confident and grown up! We really look forward to this visit every year so thank you to the school for inviting us. And now we are busy practising for our Nativity, cooking, crafting and covering
it is if it wasn’t for our wonderful children and the support of their families and the wider community. All the staff would like to extend our thanks to everyone who has given us their time or expertise, donated resources, accommodated us on visits, supplied our bread (Hobbs House) or supported us in any way this year. We are proud of our setting and we simply couldn’t do it without you, so thank you. Finally, we wish you all a very happy and peaceful holiday season and we look forward to doing it all over again in 2017!
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theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 ~ @theprioryinn London Road GL8 8JJ “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”
16 | December 2016
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Author: Dr Holly Chivers BVSc MRCVS The George Veterinary Group, Tetbury 01666 503531 The George Veterinary Hospital 01666 823165 Christmas is nearly here and with it the arrival of decorations, presents and lots of festive food. It is a time full of excitement for the whole family, including our pets, and while it is important that every member of the family enjoys the festive season, it is also essential to be aware of the foods and decorations that can be harmful to our furry friends. Our pets can be very curious, particularly with all the changes around the home, so take time to inform your family of the potential risks your pets during the festivities. DECORATIONS AND PLANTS: Wrapping paper, candles and tinsel can cause choking or obstruction if ingested. Although it may seem fun to get your pets to unwrap their own presents, be sure to keep a watchful eye and clear up all the wrapping paper before they get a chance to eat it! Mistletoe, Holly, Ivy and Poinsettia all have the potential to make our pets sick if ingested.
your leftovers out of reach and don’t be tempted to offer your pet any of the remaining stuffing! Xylitol is found in sweeteners and chewing gum so if you are doing any home baking over Christmas, or want to sweeten up hot drinks for guests, be careful to keep them away from your pets. Ingestion can cause low blood sugar levels and liver failure in dogs.
• Poinsettia can cause gastric irritation and vomiting, particularly in cats.
Alcohol has a similar effect on balance and coordination in dogs and cats as it does humans, however the effects will be much more severe as our furry friends are much smaller than us. With Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties approaching, remember that our pets can be very curious and if drinks are left on the floor, we might not be the only ones lapping them up!
FESTIVE FOODS: Chocolate - The ingestion of chocolate - particularly dark chocolate - can make your pet very ill. If sufficient amounts are ingested, vomiting and seizures can result, so be careful when hanging chocolates on the Christmas tree; make sure you put them on the higher branches only.
Whilst we hope that you and your families enjoy a very happy and event-free Christmas, we remain available 24 hours a day for emergencies should you wish to contact us for advice or treatment. If you do think your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t have, don’t mull it over; please contact us as soon as you can for advice. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
• Mistletoe, Holly and Ivy can cause drooling, retching and even vomiting. Rabbits are particularly susceptible to Ivy and, if ingested, it can lead to paralysis and even death.
Grapes, raisins and currants can cause kidney damage in some dogs and possibly cats. It is impossible to know which dogs will be affected by the toxin within but the damage will be done in only 24-72 hours. Therefore, it is important to contact your Vet immediately if your dog gets their paws on the mince pies, Christmas cake or pudding. Macadamia nuts and peanuts are great as a predinner snack but can cause gastrointestinal upset and sometimes even neurological signs in our furry friends. Onions, shallots, garlic and leeks can cause damage to red blood cells in our pets, resulting in anaemia. Even cooked damage can occur and it may take a few days for signs to show. Be sure to keep
Visit us at 23 Church Street, Tetbury A paid-for feature
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FRESH CHRISTMAS TREES Pick your own and dig your own (bring your own spade) Ready cut trees Also available holly, mistletoe and Christmas wreaths.
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18 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
November brought us to the last of our regular meetings for 2016, so it is a good time to thank Jackie Sapp for arranging our programme this year. On Wednesday the 2nd of November, we had a textile screen-printing workshop led by Stroud-based Liz Lippiatt. Liz told us a bit about her career and then we got down to work!
We had to draw a design within a heartshaped outline on a sheet of a paper that was to be ironed onto material to activate the paper’s glue backing but, before ironing, the parts of the design that were to be printed had to be cut out of the paper. Once the paper screen was attached to the material, a thick dye was painted on with a brush and, when dried, was fixed by ironing again. At this stage the screen could be removed. This decorated panel and a backing could then be sewn together
Tetbury Art Society and stuffed – something a little different to our usual activities. Our second event during November was a coach trip to Oxford on Saturday 12th arranged by Barry Barnes. We were dropped off outside the Ashmolean Museum that many of us wanted to visit. They had a special display of 5 early Rembrandts with a theme of the 5 senses; or more accurately, 4 of the paintings in that series plus an empty frame awaiting the hoped-for rediscovery of the final painting. I also enjoyed the archaeological section, the section on England between the years 400 – 1600 (e.g. the Alfred Jewel) and, of course, their collection of paintings. Some of us were tempted by the nearby shopping centre. All-in-all, we had a good day. From Friday 25th until Saturday 27th November we had a sale of members’ work at the Market Hall, Tetbury. The final event in our 2016 programme is the Christmas Social on 14th December in the Shipton Moyne Village Hall. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www.tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry on 01666-503926. You will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.
CL Tetbury Advertiser Ad 7-10-16_Layout 1 11/10/2016 16:04 Page 1
Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society
Christmas at the close hotel in Tetbury HHH We invite you to join us at The Close Hotel as we celebrate Christmas and New Year. Fine food and wines, roaring log fires and our attention to detail promise a magical experience for all our guests.
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Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month
December 2016 | 19
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Hedge Laying We are now back to our favourite winter activity of hedge laying, starting with the boundary to the children’s recreation ground in Luckington village. Here, we were mainly trimming Hazel which we had previously laid, three of four years ago. It had now grown to ten or twelve feet high, so needed attention. Laying reinvigorates the plants, making them feel young again and encouraging them to thicken out. Further along the hedge we noted Field Maple, which is a very attractive plant and not all that common. Hawthorn and Blackthorn are also good for laying, but Elder and Ash will not lay and must be cut out. Rose briars, where present, can be wound around into the hedge to enhance the appearance and diversity.
Dear Editor, Regarding the question of badger damage on Stinchcombe Hill in the “Voluntary Wardens” piece of last month, the reason is the presence of chafer grubs in the soil which are a delicacy for both corvids (crows, rooks and so on) - and badgers. These grubs which are the larvae of the chafer beetle, feed on the roots of the grass during their first two to four years.
Autumn Colour Autumn colours have been spectacular this year, not only at Westonbirt Arboretum with their Japanese Acers, but also in our native trees like Beech, Sweet Chestnut and Oak. Oak, in particular, does not usually have longlasting colour, but has done this November.
Wardens on the Monarch’s Way past here on the 12th of December. (See below.)
Bird Boxes We spent a morning making bird boxes for installation in the woods around Sherston and Luckington.
Brackenbury Ditches
Footpath Clearance At Bunting Hill, Nailsworth, we needed two sessions to clear a footpath which had become completely overgrown and blocked. We also repaired some steps and installed a handrail on a steep section. This is now a nice walk in the woods below the housing estate – and we were thanked by the local dog walkers.
Stone Slab Stile We completed rebuilding the dry-stone wall around the stile near Sopworth. The stones from Knockdown Quarry, were financed from the Cotswold Countryside Fund. Part of this money is what the Wardens collect from leading walks,
Clearance at Tresham We returned to the Millennium Garden at Tresham Village to clear the bramble from the slopes with brush cutters. There are fine views here and a seat on which to sit and admire them. There’s a walk lead by the
We had a further two sessions felling and clearing trees to reveal more of the ramparts of the iron age hill fort. This is in the lovely Beech Woods on the Cotswold Way between Wotton and North Nibley.
Local Walks Local circular walks lead by the Wardens in December and January are: • Monday the 12th of December at 10.00 am from the Fleece Inn, Hillesley, for 6 miles via Tresham and Alderley. • Tuesday the 13th of December at 10.00 am for coffee at the Bell Inn, Selseley, departing at 10.30 am for 5 miles around Woodchester and Selsey Common. • Friday the 13th of January at 10.00 am for coffee at the Beaufort Arms, Hawkesbury Upton, departing at 10.30 am for 6 miles to Hawkesbury, Hillesley and Kilcott. Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
Decorating and building supplies
The main reason why damage is so severe is the fact that insecticides are no longer available, having been withdrawn under EU legislation earlier this year. The same applies for the control of leatherjackets. Other golf courses such as Minchinhampton have also experienced similar damage, which tends to be at a peak during late summer and early autumn when the grubs are present just below the surface. Crows and badgers tear the turf in search of these grubs and this ‘secondary’ damage is more severe and certainly more visible. In winter the grubs move deeper into the soil beyond the reach of these predators. Best Regards,
Opening hours Monday to Thursday 7.00am – 5pm Friday 7.00am – 4pm Saturday 8am – 4pm Follow us
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20 | December 2016
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OIEO £400,000
A delightful natural stone three storey terraced cottage - ideally situated on the edge of the town centre within a short walking distance of all shops, restaurants and amenities.
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Three double bedrooms In a quiet one way street close to town centre Sitting room with log burner En suite bathroom with roll top bath Pretty landscaped rear garden No onward chain
Tetbury £500,000 A handsome and deceptively spacious three storey period town house in an idyllic position in the heart of the town, yet set back from passing traffic.
·· ·· ··
Three bedrooms Idyllic position in the heart of the town Close to amenities Excellent sized drawing/dining room with feature fireplaces Super courtyard garden Useful stone built workshop/potting shed
Tetbury £345,000 A prime first floor retirement apartment in this well-appointed complex built by McCarthy and Stone Ltd in 2015.
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Two double bedrooms Luxury en suite wet room Dedicated covered parking Under floor central heating Communal gardens, lounge and laundry Air circulation system for maximum comfort
Tetbury £310,000 A beautifully presented and thoughtfully extended pretty natural stone and stone tiled semi-detached cottage.
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Two double bedrooms Long landscaped rear garden Summerhouse/office Two parking spaces New shower room Lounge with log burner
3 Church Street Tetbury GL8 8JG tel. 01666 504418 Cirencester • Cheltenham • Fairford • Faringdon • Nailsworth • Stroud • London
SWR, St.Mary’s and Avening Carol Service We are delighted to not only be holding our Christmas Carol Service at St.Marys’ Church this year but to perform alongside
choirs from both St.Mary’s and Avening Primary Schools. Our Head of Music at SWR, Mr Dillon, commented, “I have enjoyed working alongside teachers from both primary schools to rehearse for the Carol Service and we can’t wait for parents and members of the public to enjoy it.”
Sir William Romney’s School The Carol Service will take place on Tuesday 13th December at 6:30 pm; we look forward to seeing you.
SWR is top performer in latest league tables For the third year in a row, students at SWR have made the most progress compared to most comprehensive schools in the area. According to Government Progress 8 measures, our students made almost a third more progress than expected. Mr Bell, Headteacher, commented, “I am extremely proud of the school’s high academic achievements while still retaining the inclusive ethos that makes us unique. Three years of academic success is a phenomenal achievement. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff, students and parents for their contributions to the success our school consistently enjoys.”
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Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates
We are pleased to confirm that this week £2,000 was handed to CLIC Sargent, the children’s cancer charity, following our sponsored work in September. This is an excellent amount and we are very proud of our students fundraising efforts.
Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 pete.oloughlin@sky.com Fully Insured
Sir William Romney’s School
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
December 2016 | 23
Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun Mark Chick and Simon Walker run a friendly family estate agency in Pewsey, with a branch in Hungerford. Earlier this year a client died following my visit to her in a nursing home and inevitably her estate was going to be inflicted with inheritance tax, as she had left a special house. I asked Mark and Simon to carry out a valuation – and they did. It was not in their “usual selling territory,” but they came up with a valuation of more than £1,100,000. As there was a lot of work to be done and there was a challenge to the will, the executors wanted to instruct others to value the house with a view to selling. They invited three sets of agents who, for the sake of convenience I will call the “Country Life” set, simply because if you open a copy of Country Life you will find their properties for sale advertised regularly. These chaps all came up with valuations between £600,000 and £800,000 and commented on the irresponsibility of Manningford Croft to value the property so highly! Being a timid sort of fellow I went along with this and put in a value for the Inland Revenue of £850,000. The year progressed and my clients wanted to sell, but before they placed the property on the market we received an offer through the post of more than £1,100,000, which we accepted and entered into a binding contract, which means the Treasury will gain more Stamp duty, land tax and inheritance tax - and my clients had a great escape! Speaking of great escapes, I note this year the German parliament has passed the “Kulturgutschutzgesetz,” which restricts the export and sale of artworks more than 70 years old and worth over 300,000 euros.
Apart from some mementos my father picked up in Berlin in May or June 1945, (such as Hitler’s telephone book and a few iron crosses,) he “imported” a couple of landscape paintings. One of the Konigsee is addressed to “My comrade and Reich’s chancellor … on the occasion of his birthday” with a date of 17th April 1936 and another one dated April 1938, of some trees. This one is addressed to “Mein Fuhrer and war commander”, which purports to be another birthday present and which is entitled “Original Fantasy of Hermann Schuffe.” I hardly think the present German government has these in mind – and in any
event, they would certainly not pass the 300,000-euro test. It appears the artist (or donor) of the first, also has the wrong date… In the case of an English lawyer, a wrong date can have severe financial consequences. We found this out some years ago, when a clerk put on a caveat to prevent an executor obtaining a grant of probate as the 13th of April rather than the 30th of April, as the date of death. This meant the probate registry ignored the caveat and an unhappy distribution of the estate took place. Do have a pleasant December 25th, won’t you? Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal
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24 | December 2016
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December 2016 | 25
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Furniture Showroom
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Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
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Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, Interior and exterior work, on the left after the College Farm Buildings are 250yds Decorating, Tiling, Specialist wallturning. coverings, A429Coving, Malmesbury Road wallpapering, proofing, furniture reconditioning Mondaydamp to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
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At home in the Cotswolds
At home in the Cotswolds thornburyandpearce@yahoo.co.uk
French & Country
French & Country
Est 1983
Est 1983
Furniture Showroom
Furniture Showroom
Neptune Stockist Bespoke Kitchens
Neptune Stockist Bespoke Kitchens
01285 640326
01285 640326
College Farm Buildings, Tetbury Rd, Cirencester, GL7 6PY
Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
College Farm Buildings, Tetbury Rd, Cirencester, GL7 6PY
Take the A433 Tetbury Rd towards Cirencester, College Farm Buildings are 250yds on the left after the A429 Malmesbury Road turning. Monday to Friday 9.00—5.00 Saturday 10.00-4.00
Wishing all our customers & friends a happy and peaceful Christmas from all at Artique
At home in the Cotswolds
At home in the Cotswolds
26 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…
• November the 26th to the 2nd of December make a candy cane mouse
From ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ by Clement C. Moore.
• The 10th to the 16th of December create a sparkly winter scene
Tetbury Library’s new front window display is inspired by this traditional poem and contains references to the ‘gifts’ that we believe Tetbury library gives to the community. See if you can spot them all! Free family craft will be running everyday up to the end of December and there’s a different activity each week:
• The 17th to the 23rd of December model a clay reindeer, and
• The 3rd to the 9th of December, decorate a stocking
• The 24th to the 31st of December paper craft a jolly Father Christmas face! Tetbury Library has some new clubs (thanks to lovely volunteers and a generous donation from the Tetbury Feoffees). On
Genial Jobber Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?
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Tetbury Library the first Saturday of each month (starting on the 7th of January) at 10.00 am is Library Crafters. For adults who are interested in learning new skills and traditional craft methods, it begins with the art of Teabag Folding (a kind of origami, traditionally made with the packaging from loose tea). On the third Saturday of each month (from the 21st of January to the 17th of June) at 10.00 am is Reading Ahead. If you haven’t read for a while or would appreciate some support with reading, then join to boost your skills and confidence. It’s free but please contact the library to book your place. Yarn Bombing Group continues, on the second Tuesday of the month at 2.00 pm. Newcomers are very welcome. The last Chess Club will be on the 16th of December, returning on the 6th of January. Baby Bounce and Rhyme will have a special session on the 21st of December, resuming on the 4th of January. The festive Library Club will be on the 23rd of December. Tetbury Library seasonal opening hours are: 24th December – open 10am to 1pm 25th to 27th December – closed 28th December – open 10am to 5pm 29th December – closed 30th December – open 10am to 6pm 31st December – open 10am to 1pm 2nd January – closed Warmest greetings of the season to all!
Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie, Tetbury Library
Quality Alterations of Tetbury
Wish all our customers past and present a very Happy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you all in 2016 Experienced - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates
Mon-Fri 9.30-3 or by appointment 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury Glos (Next to Tourist Information)
All profits distributed locally and internationally
December 2016 | 27
St Mary’s Playgroup Festive greetings! This year seems to have flown by and with all the celebrations so far, we have sped into Christmas at a rate of knots. The tinsel and glitter are definitely already flowing! This term will finish with a Christmas party and a nativity tableaux. During this term, we also have a visit to St. Mary’s Primary School to take part in a Forest School session which we are really excited about. We are still getting outside as much as possible to splash in puddles and visit the library, as well as enjoying our new outdoor resources including our mud kitchens, water channels and pump – the children love them! We would like to say a huge thank you here to Martin Seal who raised over £180 running the Stroud half marathon – what a star. As well as a big thank you to the
skittles league and the Football Club skittles team for their hugely generous donation. Some of these donations have meant that all staff are now qualified in
To aid with our preschool children and their transition to School we have now started teaching them phonics using the same approach as St Mary’s school and make sure we have daily activities to aid with the development of fine and gross motor skills to help strengthen all their muscles. This includes ‘Dough Disco’ which all the children (and grown ups too,) really love to get involved in!
! ! !
paediatric first-aid training. Thank you to Joseph Dart too, who also recently came in to take photographs of the children in action. They were stunning and captured the children perfectly – we couldn’t have asked for better.
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
Our Seedlings group is growing fast and continues every Monday morning from 9.30-11.30 at the front of the Christ Church. It is run by our lovely mum and Deputy Kelly, who offers fresh and exciting activities each week as well as a welcoming smile to greet everyone through the door. All ages and stages are catered for and everyone is welcome, so please drop in and join the fun. For more regular updates of what we’re doing please visit our Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup and Toddlers’ or have a look on our website to get in touch for a visit. www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk
Vikki Morris Secretary to Playgroup committee
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28 | December 2016
Andrew’s Mobile Disco Music for all occasions from the 50’s to today. Classic hits, party tunes and your playlists!
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‘Bownham View’, Bownham Mead, Rodborough, GL5 5DZ
Sensational views from Bownham View
Established independent developers – Redcliffe Homes – have teamed up with award-winning architects, BBA of Bath, for their stunning new Cotswolds development - Bownham View. Perched on Rodborough Common and commanding exceptional views over the Golden Valley, this exclusive development of just 12 four and five bedroom bespoke homes have been designed with maximum style and comfort and will appeal to the discerning buyer looking to enjoy luxury living in rural surroundings. The Marketing Suite and Show Home is expected to open in January 2017.
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Tetbury Town Football Club It is another busy month at Tetbury Town Football Club, with all the youth teams participating in training sessions and fixtures across the age groups. Three more coaches have completed the FA Level 1 course and now join the dedicated coaching team that we are so lucky to have; passing on their new skills and vast experience to the children. We also encourage and support the younger members at our club to get involved with coaching and are very fortunate to have several teenagers successfully assisting the coaches and players on a regular basis; as well as developing useful skills for their own futures. We have several terrific events arranged for the next few months. Firstly, the Christmas Party on Saturday 10th December at the Dolphins Hall will welcome ‘Sublime Science’ who will amaze the children with their spectacular experiments. There will be lots more fun and entertainment on the day, so the younger members of the club and their families can begin their festive celebrations.
time, we hope they have the chance to experience some of Tetbury’s wonderful warmth and hospitality. The FA is keen to promote girls participation in football and regularly arrange events nationwide to support this. Their 2016 ‘Girls Football Weeks’ saw a record 130,000 girls and women take part. At Tetbury Town F.C., we have a number of girls enjoying their football alongside the boys, with all age groups at the club (up to U14s) having mixed teams. We are pleased to announce that two of our female members have been selected by the Gloucestershire FA to become involved in their specialist programme
If you would like to know more about our club, we have produced a short video that can be found by visiting our Facebook page ‘Tetbury Town Youth FC’. It provides a great insight into the club and what we are about; it is well worth a view. Richard Norris, Youth Chairman, Tetbury Town F.C.
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Plans are being made following the success of last seasons ‘Sponsored Fun Run’. It was an enjoyable and exciting way to raise much valued funds for the youth and gave the opportunity to demonstrate teamwork and determination while having fun with friends. It promises to be bigger and better this year, with a few, more challenging, obstacles to contend with. Further details will be available soon, so keep an eye on our Facebook page. We are looking forward to the visit of ‘Treforest FC’, a football team from South Wales, who will be touring the Cotswolds in April. A friendly match is arranged against our U14 team and as well as having great 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1 a18/6/13
that supports the development of elite female players across the South West of England. Grace Purnell was selected for the U12 ‘Gloucestershire FA Girls Advanced Coaching Centre’ and Sophie Norris was invited to join the U10 ‘Gloucestershire FA Girls Skills Extra Programme’ for the 2016/17 season. Well done girls!
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32 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
End of Year Report Walk around the town and signs of the work of the Tetbury in Bloom team are all around you - from the beautiful public flowerbeds along London Road, New Church Street and outside the hospital, to the planters and hanging baskets in the centre of town. From the churchyard at Saint Marys’, to Anniversary Gardens and the front of Old Coombe House. At this time of year, it is important to pause and reflect on our successes and to thank our many supporters. The cold weather at the beginning of the year ensured a wonderful early spring
display of daffodils followed by my favourite, the tulips – and overall it was a good summer, too. The begonias and geraniums in the summer hanging baskets created stunning displays with huge balls of flowers and the bedding plants in the town flowerbeds lasted well into October, providing a wonderful splash of colour. The seventh Open Gardens Day on 31st July was the biggest and best yet, with visitors coming to Tetbury from far afield, many promising to return to hit the shops, or to attend one of the many annual events. A very special thank you to the gardeners: Rachel Moody, Pam Bird, Jeremy and Sue Townsend, Val Smith, Polly Reuter, Alan and Julie
Tetbury in Bloom Simcock, Lance and Pat Vick, David Hollister and the residents of Five Trees Close and our very own Sue and Stephen Hirst. We were delighted to be invited to the Womens’ Institute September meeting, with guest speakers Finn and Nicki Spicer from Malmesbury’s River Barn Garden. Thank you to the WI for their kind donation of the profit from the café at the Open Gardens Day. The annual Race Night on 29th October was lots of fun and another big success. Thank you to the race sponsors: Artique, Filly’s, Highgrove Enterprises, Martin White Jeweller, R and J Pearce Electricians and Plumbers, Sentiments, Skeins of Tetbury and Yellow Lighted Bookshop.
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
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After over a decade, out in all weathers, Mike Kniveton retired from Tetbury in Bloom this year. We thank him for all his hard work and support and hope to see him and Joan at future ‘In Bloom’ events. The flowerbeds at the bottom of London Road looked particularly impressive this year, thanks to Mike’s special care.
We are delighted to welcome Charles to the team.
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All profits distributed locally and internationally
Thank you to Highgrove Enterprises for their continued support and sponsorship in supplying many of the summer floral displays. We are also extremely grateful to Tetbury Town Council, Tetbury Upton Parish Council, Tetbury Lions, The Feoffees of Tetbury, St Marys’ Parochial Church Council, The Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds and also Artique, The George Veterinary Group, R & J Pearce Ltd, Scentiments, The Tetbury Tailor and many other residents and individuals for their generous donations. Until next year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Tetbury in Bloom team. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom
December 2016 | 33
Bailey Cars Keeping the wheels turning… Bailey Cars launches in Tetbury A couple of months ago, Bailey Cars was set up as a new private hire business in Tetbury. Iain Bailey, one of the directors, is no stranger to serving the local community as he was one of the owners of The Ormond at Tetbury. “Bailey Cars is actually very similar to running a hotel” says Iain. “Great customer service is key to any successful business and even though we’re only a few months old, we’ve had a terrific response from the local community and businesses alike”. Business partner Ben Jones is equally enthusiastic about the new venture. With years of experience in fine arts logistics, Ben is responsible for managing the day-to-day scheduling of the ever-increasing workload. Ben is also developing an app that the company intend to launch by mid-2017. “The key to being successful in this business is effective and timely communication” says Ben. “We are developing a software platform that will enable us to give our customers a new way of booking one of our cars, which ensures we are being ultraefficient in the journeys we make. We want our clients to benefit from this app by receiving a better experience through using Bailey Cars” he added. As well as providing a high-quality service to Tetbury residents and the surrounding area, Bailey Cars are focusing on several other avenues of business to ensure they grow over the coming months: Their everyday transport for customers is a smart Ford Galaxy MPV that can accommodate up to 6 passengers. Such is the early success that another Galaxy is being purchased in January 2017. The intention is to build the business with a fleet of these practical MPV’s. They are very comfortable and ideal for the roads in and around the Tetbury area. Also in the fleet is a BMW 730SE should their clients need something even more comfortable for a longer journey. The BMW has proven to be invaluable for the many long journeys it has already made to London, Birmingham and Manchester.
With free Wi-Fi in the car and the use of a Panasonic 4G tablet on the journey, Iain and Ben are putting customer service at the heart of their business. Another addition, that visitors to the area have found invaluable, is imparting local knowledge: booking restaurants, finding tickets for a venue and creating tours of the Cotswolds are services that have already proven to be very popular. They are also moving into the wedding business in 2017. A vintage car will form part of the vehicle stable next year and a strong alliance with another private hire operator has given them the capability to provide enough luxury cars for that special day. With other business streams being developed, Bailey Cars are aiming to have a fleet of MPV and luxury vehicles in the next 12 months. “There is huge potential for this business” says Iain. “We have the opportunity to grow - and see the surrounding areas of the South Cotswolds as perfect locations for us to expand into, while concentrating, for now, on Tetbury. We have already established a solid good reputation in the town and intend to keep our service levels as high as they were on our first day of business.” Bailey Cars would like to thank everyone for their forward bookings over the festive period and remind you to book early for New Year’s Eve. Season’s Greetings!
To book Bailey Cars for local or long distance transfers: 07500 416 416.
www.baileycars.co.uk A paid-for feature
Looking Good, Feeling Great
Tetbury Nursery Playgroup
with Matt Wagstaff
Making and sticking to your 2015 fitness goals the goal and completion date firmly set in 2015 – the chance for a fresh start, the your mind. Write it down! chance to reignite your fitness, lose those Making one big target is great, as this is pounds, run that race and break that what you really want to achieve – for personal best! example, running a marathon or losing five All this looks and sounds great on paper, stone. But these targets take considerable but when the ink has dried and it comes time and it’s easy to lose sight. Creating down to it (inevitably after the Christmas shorter-term goals aimed at the main goal break it is harder and sweatier than ever), is beneficial, and these must also be that goal seems much further from your ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start grasp. Even if you’ve managed to stick to your goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with simply going to the gym three times always seen straight away, and we are all per week. impatient even at the best of times. As we are all habitual creatures we fall Sticking to your targets requires a into certain routines or habits, which can be structured approach and an inner belief in good or bad. Creating an exercise habit can your ability to reach what you set. You must be vital in helping you achieve your goal. be able to visualise the process and the end Start with an easy habit that will be easy to goal – but don’t just fantasise! stick to, and make sure you are consistent Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help and perform this habit for at least two 0581115 of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and right for you. Follow these steps to plan a Friday. Once you have been doing this for ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. SCHNEIDER COMPUTERS & SERVICES 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC you in the place and have theVirus right This will keep your body and brain Installations, PCright Healthchecks, A goal must be individual to you, aimingRepairs, at access for the objective Removal, DatatoRetrieval and Tuitionyou have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 what you want Setting smaller ones can help you develop fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. and General Windows Apple systems and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead to reduced focus and too REALISTIC To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. yourself achieving the objective. Too high a THIERRY SCHNEIDER MEASURABLE goal and you may struggle to see the end, A goal must be too low and you will find yourself less able to be motivated. measured – schneidercomputers@yahoo.co.uk whether on TIMED www.schneidercomputers.co.uk scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, 1371216 stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps
Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY
07976 779 130 or 01453 834 355 ALL WORK FULLY INSURED & GUARANTEED
After the half term break, the children made some lovely clay Diwali lamps, using the glitter to decorate them. We then moved onto bonfire night and again the glitter was out for cardboard tube fireworks, catherine wheels and our firework pictures. The children really enjoyed the splatter painting; paint went everywhere apart from the paper! We are busy preparing for the ladies PreChristmas shopping evening. An update on how it went will be in our next advertiser piece. The children are helping by making some mince pies for the evening. Now that we have celebrated Diwali and bonfire night, we begin to look towards the festive season. The children will have lots of opportunities to bake, sing and be creative. We are now practicing for our annual nativity play, for our parents/grandparents to come and watch. The play and stay group on a Tuesday morning is going really well and all the children and adults are enjoying the messy activities that Laura provides. In the crèche, the ladies continue to put together some lovely seasonal displays with the children. They will also have their own supply of glitter for the festive season. After Christmas, we will have some spaces for anyone who needs regular or occasional care. If you would like to come and have a look around, please give us a call. Karen Milhench, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup
Tetbury Food Bank
of the symptoms• that • Migraine Just some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain • Neck can be helped by treatment: that can be helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain • Tennis elbow • Acute/subacute neck pain Call now for free Call nowconsultation for a consultation! • Low backpain pain • Chronic neck Tetbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity Healthassessment and Wellbeingavailable Centre • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders DermaCo House • Tennis elbow • Foot and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 2 Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • Jwala Gurung Gurung Tetbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee osteoarthritis Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Gloucestershire Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. GL8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC.
At Tetbury Nursery Playgroup, the glitter has reappeared!
Christmas is coming… …and this means that those on low incomes whose budgets are already tightly stretched must stretch them even further, as children will be off school. Parents will also want to fill their stockings, as well as wanting to have some festive food to put on the table. The food bank will be there to help - but it would love to receive biscuits, mince pies, chocolates – anything to brighten up Christmas for our clients, by giving them some additional special items. If you want to help by donating food for the Food Bank this Christmas it can be handed in to any of the churches or put in the trolley at Tesco when you do your shop. Your gifts will be appreciated by those we help. And Thank You!
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
Alison Hesketh
December 2016 | 35
Tetbury Probus Howling winds … …and freezing temperatures. Not everyone’s idea of a good holiday, but Brian Lamerton rated his trip to Antarctica very highly. He described on the 20th of October how he had sailed from the southern tip of Argentina to the Falkland and many other sparsely populated islands, and then on to the Antarctic peninsula, all teeming with wildlife. Brian explained that under the Antarctic Treaty system Antarctica is governed on a consultative basis by twenty-eight of the forty-five signatory countries with Antarctic interests. This treaty supports scientific research and protects the ecology under the Protocol of Environmental Protection, but prohibits military activities and mineral mining.
Brian’s photographs showed many varieties of sea birds and penguins, and of often aggressive seals, but he stressed the deadly danger to the long-winged albatross species because of the continuing use of
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36 | December 2016
baited long-line fishing techniques. Referring frequently to the hostile climate and the grandeur of this region, mentioning the 9000ft-high Mount Paget and the tipping over of large icebergs. Brian was an enjoyable guide to what has been called “the last great wilderness.” On the 3rd of November David Head updated us on recent Panama Canal developments, first mentioned to us by Richard Glanville in 2011. Construction of the canal had been started by French engineers in 1881 through disease-ridden jungle and crocodile-infested waters, with great loss of life, and completed by the United States in 1914. Known as the mother of all short cuts, it shortened the sea passage round Cape Horn by 8000 miles. Ships are raised 26 metres (85 ft) by locks at each end onto the 48-mile waterway which runs partly through the flooded jungle area now named Lake Gatan. However, today’s larger ships needed larger locks and a wider canal. David told us that new locks and a new cut had been opened in June this year. He illustrated key engineering features and described typical user procedures. The canal, now owned by Panama and doubled in capacity, could be used by all but the very largest ships and operated around the clock on a very tight schedule. Over 1200 ships pass through it every month. Nearby dense jungle contains interesting wildlife and attractive flowers which David showed us on photographs. But other plans are afoot. An alternative canal capable of handling even larger ships has been proposed across Nicaragua, using Chinese funds. The North-West Trade Route around northern Canada could be open in 10-20 years if the retreat of Arctic sea ice continues, and the north-east passage to the north of Russia is already offering a significantly shorter route to Japan. What will our sea trading routes look like in 2050? Theo Stening, Probus, Tel 01666 (504243
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38 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Gloucester xmas advert December 2016.indd 1
18/11/2016 14:40:19
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Christmas is coming, and we hope to have our Carol Service in our fine new premises for the first time! When we started, the Shed was crude - like the stable in the Christmas story, but we dusted off fifty years of cobwebs and the people gathered and we all sang together in the cold and the dark. We may have had dogs instead of cows and sheep - and we
Tetbury Rail Lands Trust may all have been following a dream for three years, not a star - but now we believe we are coming to a place where the light is shining brightly just before us. On the 23rd of December at 6.00 pm we are inviting the singing reindeer from St. Marys’ School, The Avening Band will accompany our carols and we have been promised some lovely solos from Heather Bristow and Nicola Clark. Poppy, the vicar from St Marys Church will be there to round off the evening with a prayer. There will be lovely homemade mince pies, clementine’s for the children and soft drinks and mulled wine. Please join us and help us lift the roof off! We will be hosting our usual New Years’ Day walk for all the two- and four-legged friends who like to stay trim in the middle of the festive season. If all goes well the bridle path will be open.
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Malmesbury Bridge Club is starting bridge classes for beginners in January. There will be 21 sessions of 2-3 hours on a Friday evening starting on January 20th. These will be followed by 6 sessions of assisted play. Each session will cost £6 and there will also be a one-off cost of £20 for the English Bridge Union course book.
Numbers are limited to 12 and if you would be interested in joining us please contact Jim Edwards on jimedwards2011@hotmail.co.uk. 0751216
All profits distributed locally and internationally
And some good news! Tetbury Town Council have agreed our 25-year lease for the Goods Shed. The council is also generously providing the glass entrance foyer ready for the handover. We are working to get open as soon as we can function, and to this end we continue fundraising to cover the costs of the outstanding elements. We are greatly encouraged by the amazing support from the people of the town. One such inspiration is our stalwart fundraiser, Jill Dodge. She stumped up an epic £1,300 with her November ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale. Jill goes “viral,” asking anyone and everyone what they can do - then she puts everything she is promised into effect without missing any single possibility. At the same time, she leads from the front with lots of her own money-making strategies, so tiny plants are potted up attractively and endless knitted decorations etc., are made. Her good spirit inspires each of us to “step up to the plate” and do our best. Aiden, the building manager at the Shed, unveiled his own initiative to raise £4,800 on the morning of her Bring and Buy. He has numbered all the bricks in the extension and is inviting us to guess for a pound the whereabouts of his hidden “Golden Brick.” Aiden and his company have jointly offered a bounty of £100 for guessing its location. Jill will be selling Golden Bricks to anyone who will buy them in the run up to the Carol Service - and we will ask Aiden to announce the winner on that night. Thank you to all Jill’s sponsors and helpers, who bring their unstoppable energy to our group endeavours. Any new members who would like to join our group would be more than welcome. It is certainly an exciting time to get involved. If you would like to contact me please ring me on 016665028770 or go to our website,tetburyraillands.co.uk. Will Cook, Chairman, Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust
December 2016 | 39
Mayor’s Piece Christmas comes but once a year - and here it is, almost upon us.
Town Council, as a first step, has applied for change of use of the land from recreation area to burial ground and physical plans for the building work have commenced. This extension of course will not be a ‘forever’ solution; we still must find more land for burials for when our extension also becomes full. It’s a never-ending challenge.
By the time you read this article the Christmas Switch-On will have happened and the town centre will be full of festive spirit - with many parties and celebrations happening, almost daily.
The weather experts are forecasting a cold hard winter and the people who watch the countryside signs are agreeing with them. High numbers of red berries on holly trees are also said to give signs of a cold winter
This month the town council have achieved two important milestones in the development of the town. After what has seemed a lifetime, the renovation of the Goods Shed into an important town asset is almost complete. After the purchase of the rail lands from the British Railways Board, the conversion into a country park with the Goods Shed at the heart of the development progressed at a good pace. Then for a few years the pace slowed, when the Goods Shed fell into some state of disrepair. Finally, due to the enthusiasm of the Rail Lands Trust, we have arrived in a few short years at a position where the renovation is almost complete. The building contract will be complete before Christmas – leaving just the fitting-out with retractable seating, a first-class sound and film projection system and a wellequipped kitchen. Come spring, the Goods Shed will be fully open for business as an Arts and Culture centre with a wide range of activities. At last year’s carol service, there was a hope that this year’s celebration would be held in a renovated Goods Shed. Well it will be! Friday the 23rd of December will be the date that carols will be sung inside the remodelled interior, and I hope that you will be pleased with what you see.
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40 | December 2016
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I send you my very best wishes for a happy and safe Christmas - together with the hope for a happy and healthy 2017.
The second milestone is the commencement of the new burial ground project. After one disappointing attempt to proceed some years ago, we finally have agreement to use a small part of the Recreation Ground as a natural extension to the town’s burial ground. We shall be using the existing St Saviours entrance with the same paths down to the new burial area which will be on the right -hand side of the path, opposite to the existing area. The
to come. Therefore, it’s very important that we all watch out for our elderly neighbours who may not want to leave their homes this winter, even to do the weekly shop. Should you have a near neighbour who lives alone please keep an eye on them, so that they come to no harm in the cold weather and to ensure they keep warm and able to get their weekly provisions.
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Merry Christmas from all at Tetbury Audi.
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December 2016 | 41
News from St Michael’s With Christmas fast approaching, the sun has come out it lately and it has been lovely… …especially driving along the road when the sun is shining on the trees. Such beautiful colours! It is lovely to appreciate the wonders of the world. Other parts of the world suffer war and famine and although some here are also suffering when things have gone wrong, either in work life or because of illness, those who are doing OK should try to appreciate all that is around them.
LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon 760411
John the Baptist – The Candle of Love. Love is like a candle shining in a dark place. As we look at the light of this candle we celebrate the love we have in Christ. Mary the mother of Jesus – The Candle of Joy. Joy is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at this candle we celebrate the joy we find in Jesus Christ. Just a reminder that the mediation group meets on a Friday at 10.00am in the Parish Hall; if would like to join, please come along, you will be most welcomed.
The fifth candle represents the Birth of Christ. The flame of this candle reminds us that He is the light of the world and that if we follow Him; we will never walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life.
We will soon be approaching Advent and lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath. The circle of the wreath reminds Christians of God, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning and no end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that Christians have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolise the light of God coming into the world through the birth of his son, Jesus.
Attending Church at this special time we can immerse ourselves in what Christmas really means for us all, because for a short while we are away from the commercialism that our secular society has forced upon us. But let us not forget that for some Christmas can be a lonely time; those who will be on their own, those who are spending their first Christmas without a loved one and those that Christmas will be a sad time for, no matter the reason.
The four traditional advent themes for the four advent Sundays are:
Our Christmas Services are:
God’s people – The Candle of Hope. Hope is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at the light of this candle we celebrate the hope we have in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament Prophets – The Candle of Peace. Peace is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at this candle we celebrate the peace we find in Jesus Christ.
Christmas Eve – Carols @ 4.30pm followed by Mass @ 5.00pm Christmas Day – Mass @ 9.00am St Michaels Parish wish you all Blessings this Christmas and wishing us all Peace, Joy, Happiness and Good Health in 2017. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator, St Michaels
42 | December 2016
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Tetbury WI At our November meeting, we enjoyed talks by three of our committee members.
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The topics they covered were: designing a garden for the Chelsea Flower Show, taking parties of schoolchildren abroad and walking with dogs (with personality) at Westonbirt. Their accounts were informative and very amusing and we thank Anne, Lorna and Linda for entertaining us so well. We also paid tribute to Joan Stead who died in October. She was a much loved and respected member of our group - an indomitable lady who loved cream.
Our Food group has partaken of a cocktail evening which was so good that some of those who went are still talking about it! Also, a visit was organised to the BBC in Bristol where a few of our ladies tried their hands at weather forecasting. Apparently, it helps if you know left from right! As we are a large institute, these activities enable us to get to know each other more easily. The reindeer made by our Needlework group for the Westonbirt Craft Fair were so successful that it has received a request for elves next year. Our next meeting is on December 12th when we have our Christmas Social Evening. Don’t forget your Secret Santa, ladies!
Urgent Appeal
This is my cue to wish everyone in Tetbury and surrounding villages a very Happy and healthy Christmas and New Year, sent from us all at Tetbury WI.
Chris Gibson, Tetbury WI
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History of Tetbury Society
His name appears on the Highworth War Memorial although he may have only visited briefly but his father’s family originated in the village where there is a family memorial in the church. Rex was born in India where his father worked for the Railway Company and he lived there with his parents until he was of school age. Then he was sent to England to be educated. His grandparents put him to a school in Stratford-on-Avon but he had to leave when he was aged 15 because the deaths of his father and grandfather caused financial problems. He found himself a job with the India Steamship Company and coincidently he would have heard of the Battle of Coronel, the subject of the previous HOTS meeting, because his ship was then aground off Chile.
Reginald ‘Rex’ Warneford was a WWI flying ace. James White of Highworth told us of his exploits on the 3rd of November.
very subject to being blown off course by strong winds. On 17th May 1915 three Zeppelins set out to bomb Bristol. One was forced to return to base but Rex Warneford, flying a Morane-Saulnier ‘L’ mono-plane that carried 6 bombs, attacked LZ37. He had the good fortune to set the Zeppelin on fire with the last of his bombs and the burning
When he got back to England he tried to enlist in the Royal Navy but was turned down. However, he had better luck with Royal Navy Air Service and was soon posted to the ‘Sportsman’s Battalion’, trained as a pilot and sent to a base close to Dunkirk. The main German threat from the air was the Zeppelins, huge steel/timber framed bags of hydrogen, that could carry bombs for long distances. Early in the war they had bombed Gt. Yarmouth and Kings Lynn, but they were not entirely controllable and
44 | December 2016
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Cross and shortly afterwards the Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur. He went to Paris to be presented with the latter and, inevitably, was much fêted. When he eventually got back to base he was persuaded to take two people for “joy rides.” Sadly, on the second trip, he lost control and crashed, killing them both. So, he never came to London to be presented with his VC, but his body was brought home and he was given a funeral with full military honours as a heroic pilot. A most interesting account of one of the dare-devil heroics of WWI. The next HOTS meeting is our annual party on Thursday 8th December in the Market Hall. We meet in the New Year on Thursday the 5th of January, when we hope members will bring along historic items that they think will be of interest. wreck crashed into the centre of Ghent in north-west Belgium. Returning to base, he had to make a forced landing, but repaired his damaged fuel pipe with his cigarette holder and then restarted the engine before leaping back into the cockpit and successfully taking off again!
Rex was immediately awarded a Victoria
Page 1
This was the first Zeppelin to be shot down; a colleague destroyed another back at its base.
Alan Twelvetree,
1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 History of Tetbury Society
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December 2016 | 45
Girlguiding In 1920 Guides started in Tetbury, just a few years after Girls first gate-crashed a Scout rally in London. Once established a permanent base was needed and the Malt House was purchased by the Guide Leader Miss Pelly. Apart from a few years during the 2nd World War when the building was requisitioned for secret war work Guiding has continued uninterrupted since then with Rainbows, 2 Brownie Packs and 2 Guide units meeting regularly.
1920 - 2017
The Malt House has truly been our home and its continued use was confirmed in 1948. Miss Pelly was moving out of Tetbury and she left the building in trust to ourselves along with the Scouts, Rifle Club and the now disbanded Toc H. Upgrades to the building have included inside toilets, a kitchen and external fire escape. The Malt House is a Grade II listed building and has many endearing quirks—including its very distinctive smell! The newly formed renovation committee is working hard to find a way of securing the building for the future and it is with much regret that we have decided that Girlguiding Tetbury is unable to be part of its future.
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Even if and when a full renovation is completed, we do not believe that it would be possible to provide suitable modern facilities which meet our current and future requirements, which would be accessible to all, mainly due to the constraints of a Grade II listed building. All Guiding units will, therefore, be moving out of the Malt House by the end of August 2017. We are currently holding discussions with other venues in Tetbury to find suitable alternative meeting places. We ask that you continue to support us in what will be a difficult time both financially, practically and emotionally!
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We will never be able to express our thanks to those who first started us on our Guiding journey in 1920 and to all those who have volunteered as leaders since. Our commitment to the future is to continue to provide good guiding for all those that wish to join. Our hope is that after an interim period we will bring our units together again in a new dedicated building and ensure Guiding in Tetbury continues for the next 100 years!
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If you would like any further explanation or can offer us any practical or financial support, please do get in touch at girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com Sue Doidge Tetbury District Commissioner
46 | December 2016
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48 | December 2016
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The Theatre Group visit on the 13th of October was to see “French Without Tears“ and… …after a pleasant autumn drive through the Gloucestershire countryside to Cheltenham, the Group spent an enjoyable pre-theatre
time sightseeing, shopping and enjoying lunch before gathering in the Everyman Theatre for the matinee performance. Terence Rattigan’s play, which was written in 1936 and might fairly be said to be “of its time,” is about the pre-war period of repressed sexual feelings. Nonetheless, the production still gave us a light-hearted but faithful impression of events of the era.
Tetbury Theatre Group The acting by the cast, members of the English Touring Theatre, was first class - and contributed to a very enjoyable outing. Thank you to Brian Dejean for writing this review and to all the other members who have helped during this year, when I have not been able to go to the theatre. It has been much appreciated. The reviews for the November visit to “Billy Elliot “and the Cathedral Choir Concert at the Colston Hall in Bristol on December 7th will be in the February 2017 issue of the Tetbury Advertiser. If you wish to try for tickets for the concert independently, you are welcome to travel on the coach if there are seats available. Please phone Lin Ashby (see below) who will be able to help. The AGM of 2017 will be on January 27th at 7.00 pm in the Dolphins Hall. You will be sent the information by post or email but perhaps you’d like to put it in your diary now? It is very rewarding when there is a good response to the AGM despite it being in the winter months. Do you want to know more about the Theatre Group? Phone Helen Price (Chairman) on 01666 503187, or Lin Ashby (Treasurer) on 01666 505029 for further information. Jean Corcoran, Publicity Secretary
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December 2016 | 49
The Feoffees and the Thirteen Christmas preparations have kept us busy throughout November,
with The Market Hall the focal point in the centre of town, once again decorated with lights and the steps flanked by two beautiful trees, this year with new lights which we have purchased to improve the display. I would like to thank the Lowsley-Williams family for their donation of the trees and to Tetbury Plumbing & Heating and Lloyd and Mike Avis for all their assistance to The Thirteen in the erection and decoration this year. Without our members and this support from our community we would be unable to have such a wonderful display.
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Should we be lucky enough to experience a ‘White Christmas’ this year and you have an opportunity to get your sledges out from the garage to enjoy Preston Park, please be aware that you use this recreation area at your own risk, be safe and have fun. Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your families all a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. If you would like to know more about the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees at www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk
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50 | December 2016
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Rodmarton Primary School Rodmarton Primary School – A Parent’s Perspective Down a quiet country lane, in picturesque Rodmarton Village, you will find Rodmarton Primary School. Described by parents as “a hidden gem”. Without the facade of larger schools, Rodmarton looks like (and I believe was) a large cottage. You walk through the secure entrance of the office area and into a warm, inviting and calm atmosphere.
pupils’ safety and welfare and as a result, pupils feel very safe. Parents hold the school in high regard and welcome it’s very caring family atmosphere.” Mrs Musty, the Headteacher provides strong leadership. She is well respected by staff, pupils and parents and from personal experience, I can tell you, she cares very deeply about each and every child in her care. The same can be said for the teachers and teaching assistants. I’ve been a parent
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But enough of the facilities. What Rodmarton is particularly lucky to have, is the excellent staff. This is reflected in the recent Ofsted Report, which rated Rodmarton as a GOOD school.
52 | December 2016
Another thing that attracted me to the school was the enviable use of Rodmarton Village Hall and the playing field where the children enjoy a wide variety of sports and the Forest School. They school also offers Little Acorns before and after school club from 7.30am until 6pm.
The inspector commented that the staff are “highly motivated, with effective teaching of phonics, reading, writing, communication and mathematics. Staff and governors are vigilant in maintaining
To visit our ‘hidden gem’ please contact the school office on 01285 841284 or email the office at admin@rodmarton.gloucs.sch.uk
Upstairs is a fantastic sized room for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Any concerns about the different years being grouped together is dispelled by the knowledge that teaching staff do an admirable job of catering to each child’s individual needs and abilities, without them feeling ‘different’ to their peers. Students are inspired by the older children and there are certain benefits to children being able to socialise with older and younger children alike. The older children certainly love to take care of the younger ones! There is a lovely main playground with a climbing frame on soft surface, two sheds full of outdoor games, ride-ons and sports equipment, as well as the new library, which is located in a cosy eco pod.
Mrs Nicola Hewitt, parent
ted s f ,O 6 D OO r 201 G ed mbe t a R epte S
On my first visit to the school, I immediately knew that this was where I wanted my daughter to start her school life. One of the main things that attracted me to the school was the small class sizes. As a result, children have a rare opportunity to receive education and care on a one to one basis. But don’t be fooled into thinking everything is as tiny as its initial appearance. Rodmarton School has decent sized classrooms - a lovely large area downstairs for the Early Years, creatively decorated to engage and stimulate young minds, to make sure they get off to a great start. Just outside the classroom is a brand new, secure and imaginative outside learning area, dedicated to the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2’s.
at the school for a few years now and honestly can’t praise the staff enough. A comment in the Ofsted Report, that stands out for me is “the school sustains a culture where good teaching, learning and behaviour thrive.”
• 360 operator • Footings • Drainage • Drive ways • Garden landscape • Agricultural groundworks • Free quotation 1200416
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Page 1
A skilled eye snaps up photography award
Like many of us, Mike has always enjoyed taking and looking at photographic images, but it wasn’t until joining Tetbury Camera Club in 2007 that he had the time and motivation to take his hobby more seriously and develop it into a personal art form. In the nine years since, he’s done that so successfully that many of his pictures have won the votes of our visiting judges to take awards in our various competitions. The picture called “Beached and Bleached”, which accompanies this article, is an example of his work.
Normally in these pages we compliment the creativity of the various guest presenters and speakers who are a focal point of many of our meetings. They join us to share their tips, techniques and experiences as photographers with national reputations. This month we have been celebrating the work of someone much closer to home. As one of our members, Tetbury resident Mike Hawkridge began November with news that he had been enrolled as22/2/08 an Associate 130208 GLC Williams 22:03Taken Pageat1 Dungeness in the summer, of The Royal Photographic Society. it captures the unique atmosphere of
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Tetbury Camera Club seclusion which is a hallmark of that distinctive part of the Kent coast. In the years since joining the club Mike has shown that he can excel just as effectively with other subjects as diverse as astronomy, architecture, still life and landscapes. One hallmark of Mike’s work is an ability to always put his own stamp on it and when pictures we take are displayed anonymously at our meetings many of us can generally identify his without being told who is behind the image. To win his award, Mike had to present a collection of fifteen pictures to a panel of RPS judges. They had to be on a specific subject, linked by a clear creative theme and demonstrate an exceptional skill. The subject Mike chose was aspects of modern architecture and for this he isolated a variety of features from several of London’s most imposing and dramatic new office blocks. His end results were a unique take on accepted architectural photography and more akin to abstract art than the pictures of architecture that most of us are used to seeing. As well as winning the votes of the experts judging his work, the final seal of approval came following his assessment day, when the RPS asked if they could have his prints back, to help demonstrate to future candidates what’s expected from those seeking one of the Society’s exclusive Distinction awards! If you’d like to see more of Mike’s pictures Tetbury Camera Club meets each Tuesday evening in The Priory Inn at 7.30pm. There is also more information at Tetburycameraclub.org.uk
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club
December 2016 | 53
Priory Inn Blog
We thank our back and front-of-house staff who have worked so hard throughout a very busy year and festive season. They excel in their warm welcome, and in recognising the skill and dedication of our suppliers they do great justice to the quality of that food and drink. We have many local gardeners to thank for their delicious “barter-at-the-backdoor” contributions too – see you again in the Spring! And of course, to all our guests and their families, a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous 2016.
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” Norman Vincent Peale December is the perfect month to recognise the dedication, drive and determination of all our “30 Mile Food (and Drink) Zone” families and businesses. The longer we work with them, and learn about them from our regular staff tours, the more we respect their ceaseless spirit and desire to deliver the highest quality product, within stringent ethical and sustainable boundaries. The bonus for us is that we can support these great local people and provide our guests with authentic food that is fresh, top quality, and speaks volumes for itself.
we will be celebrating the festivities with a special Christmas party night. You can still order take-away pizzas to have at home, or if you would like to indulge in music, dancing and a festive atmosphere, the Christmas Party Menu is available (see our website). Please call to book one of the last few tables. Live music continues through December to a laid-back Sunday night atmosphere: On the 4th, we welcome a first-time act for us in the form of The Honeyfire - sibling songstresses playing harmonies and textured guitar lines. The 11th sees the return of Elliot Hall and Rapunzel with their country-style vocals and soaring mandolin. And the 18th will be a festive Steve Degutis, with his guitar accompanying a journey through a wealth of self-penned songs. More information on all singers is available online at www.theprioryinn.co.uk
We are open throughout Christmas and New Year except for a minor pause after lunch and through the evening on Christmas Day, when our staff and their loved ones put their feet up, let their hair down ...and enjoy their own festive meal. Gift vouchers are available by calling us, or coming into reception if you are looking for a local festive gift.
Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed. Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn
Christmas parties are running thick and fast through December. On the night of the 15th
Unsung Hero - December Dear Editor, I would like to nominate Derek Goodfield of St Mary’s Road for your ‘Unsung Hero’ award. Over many years he has acted as a volunteer escort on ‘community transport’ at least twice a week - and he also assists at the day centre. He is extremely reliable, helpful and
very caring towards all the passengers who are very grateful to him. Without his efforts, the service could well be in jeopardy. I feel sure his nomination will receive serious consideration and I am confident that it would be supported by all those who have benefitted from his kindness. Name and Address withheld.
Ed: I’m delighted to accept this nomination for the endlessly patient and supportive Derek. If he’s kind enough to contact me in the near future I shall ensure he receives his voucher for a meal for two, generously provided by the Priory Inn. If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know; my details are on page three of the magazine.
We buy MSC Sustainable Fish (so you can trust our fish has been caught by traceable, responsible, sustainable fisheries)
Cod, Haddock or Hake and Chips from £5.80 Plus: burgers, pies, chicken, fishcakes, goujons, squid, king prawns, mushy peas, onion rings, salads, etc ~
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Eat-in or Takeaway Open Every Day 12-3pm / 5-9pm (10pm on Fridays) Next door to The Priory Inn GL8 8JH
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As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. Please call for reservations.
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54 | December 2016
01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk 1081216
“Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Christmas Parties at The Priory Inn Our Christmas party menu is designed around the very highest quality Cotswolds festive fayre and is available by reservation anytime from November through to January 2017. We have Christmas party nights on Thursday 8th and Thursday 15th December when you can join us for a really special festive atmosphere, great food, twinkly lights, music and dancing. The Christmas party menu is designed for groups of 6-60 people but groups less than six are also welcome to join us on the party nights (by reservation). Our ground private dining can seat 16 people. Should to select its own choice Our ground floor floor private dining roomroom can seat up toup 16topeople. Should your your groupgroup wish wish to select its own choice of music of music have a dedicated of ourteam waiting for the evening, please call for for costs costs and and details. details. and haveand a dedicated member member of our waiting for team the evening, please call and ask
Starters Caramelised parsnip and pear soup with homemade bread (v) Goats' cheese and cranberry salad (v) Smoked salmon with dill sauce and pickles Cotswold charcuterie with homemade chutney
Mains Roast Wiltshire turkey rolled with traditional stuffing and served with cranberry sauce, rich gravy and all the trimmings Wiltshire Ham with apple mash, honey and thyme roast baby carrots and mustard sauce Confit leg of lamb with roast garlic mash and honey roast pumpkin Spinach, caramelised onion and fettish cheese tart with crispy winter kale (v) Roasted cod in a chorizo cream sauce with winter vegetables and roast potatoes
Desserts Christmas pudding with brandy cream Warm ginger pudding with fig syrup Espresso chocolate yule log with chocolate ganache Berry meringues and whipped cream Selection of local Cotswold ice cream and sorbet
Cotswold Cheese Course Served with crackers and pickles ~
£20.95 per person for two courses ~ £25.95 per person for three courses ~ £30.95 per person for four courses
We include a 10% discretionary service charge for Christmas events. This money is passed directly to our team. We hope you will agree that it is well-earned at this time of year, but equally if you feel it is not justified at the end of your meal, please feel comfortable deducting it from the total.
theprioryinn.co.uk ~ London Road GL8 8JJ ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 0871016
Leighterton Primary School As part of their topic, our Year three and four children in Haymead Class started the new term with a ‘Stone Age wow day’ at school. One of the activities the children carried out was to visit The Tump, which is a group of trees, in a field just outside our school grounds. There is a Neolithic long barrow beneath these trees known as ‘West Barrow’ and this is surrounded by a number of quarry pits. The barrow was excavated by Matthew Huntley in around 1700 where he uncovered three chambers which have been described as “vaults arched over like ovens’. The chambers are up to about twenty feet tall and at the time were some of the highest he had seen. At the entrance of each chamber was an earthen jar containing burnt human bones, but the skulls and thigh bones were found unburnt. Despite excavations, badger damage and tree cover, West Barrow is a good example of this type of monument. We are very proud of our Tump at Leighterton and our school logo is based on a drawing of this. The children all had a fabulous time learning outside about the Stone Age during their wow day and loved taking part in an archaeological activity when they found artefacts from the Stone Age and
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan
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Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788 from nowadays whilst digging. Later on in the day, the children used equipment to whittle sticks to make bows and arrows and spears. They also had the chance to test these and were very pleased at how far their arrows and spears went. One of the most popular activities of the
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
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Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart
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56 | December 2016
day was using clay from the local area to make bowls and plates in the same way they would have been made during the Stone Age, by pinching them in to the shapes they wanted to make and letting them dry by the fire. Another highlight of the day was bread making. The children had to grind wheat to make flour before they began to make it and then it was cooked over the fire. We would be delighted to show you around our school. Please contact Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 or through our website – www.leighterton.com to arrange a convenient time. Meryl Hatfield Leighterton Primary School logo is based on a drawing of The Tump, just outside our school boundary.
• You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Although there have been a few cancelled games this month, the U13’s continued their good start to the season in North Wiltshire division three. Despite a narrow 3-2 defeat to Marlborough, the lads kept up their good progress in the season overall, by beating South Cerney 5-3 in a well-fought victory. They now find themselves second in the
Avonvale Football Club
league with a three-point gap above thirdplaced Lambourn. The U14’s side remain five points behind neighbours Tetbury Town, in the North Wilts 3rd division. They were held 4-4 by a solid Malmesbury side in mid-October; Freddie Collins scored an incredible solo goal and Aaron Burcham scored a longrange free kick, but the team were pegged back twice by their opponents. In the first match of November, they suffered a defeat to Croft Junior Blue but regained their form with an impressive 3-2 victory over Wootton Bassett a week later. This time the goals came from Ben’s long range free kick and tidy finishes from Adam and Freddie.
The lads then crowned a good month with a 6-1 victory over Aston Keynes. The U18’s remain second in their league after a 3-2 victory over Blunsdon in midOctober. Christian Goodwin scored twice and Adam Gale’s solo goal was the third. The team suffered their first loss of the season in a 3-1 defeat to table toppers Marlborough, who took the lead after less than a minute. Although Avonvale equalised through Laurence Cooper, they couldn’t really get a foothold in the game. The losing streak then continued with another 3-1 defeat, this time to division 1 cup opponents Malmesbury. However, the streak was ended in style with a 4-0 thrashing of Highworth, with George Dandridge, Josh Eddolls, Adam Gale and Laurence Cooper sharing the goals. The men’s team remain three points off the bottom in their league, despite a 5-0 win over Woolaston. Jack Sprange opened the scoring, continue his fine form this season, before Dan Boultan and Conrad Goodenough also got their first goals of the season. Under-18 player Theo Martin then found the net, and so did Stuart Dryden. Sadly, Avonvale’s other results didn’t go as well, they lost to Upton Saint Leonards, Ramblers and Quedgley. Noah Dougherty, Avonvale Utd.
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December 2016 | 57
A Christmas Theme at our November AGM was provided by Paul Evans, with poems and prose by Dylan Thomas, Pam Ayres and John Betjeman amongst others - with accents to match in many cases! We thoroughly enjoyed Paul’s presentation. Our President, Gwyneth Simpson gave a resume of the year. We have had very interesting and varied speakers, walks, skittles matches, coach trips, Gloucestershire Federation events and lots
of catering provided for the village leaving us with a very healthy bank balance as reported by the Treasurer (me!). We have been able to give donations to save WI’s. Denman College including a bursary won by Liz Knowles to attend a course there earlier this year. We gave the Shelter Box charity a donation from the proceeds of our Spring Quiz when they came to give us a talk. Our recent Autumn Quiz was well supported at the Avening Social Club. Derek was kept very busy at the bar and the whole of the plentiful supper was consumed was demolished many people having ‘seconds’! We had a large raffle which contributed £77
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Avening WI to the final donation of £200 raised for the Great Western Air Ambulance. Our monthly raffles this year have proved very popular. We give a £10 voucher as a prize for various shops, mainly local which encourages people to support our local businesses. Our trip to Windsor was blessed with beautiful sunshine. We had a full coach and a good journey there and back. For an idea from Maureen Stone put to our September meeting, it all went remarkably smoothly and everyone enjoyed the visit. We have a friendly skittles match with Sheepscombe this month and a visit to Highfield Garden Centre for lunch and shopping. Our Christmas lunch will be at the Snooty Fox and we have a minibus to take a party to the Carol Concert at Cheltenham Town Hall. Our December meeting will be the usual format, fun and games and a’ bring and share’ supper washed down with wine and soft drinks. We exchange Secret Santa gifts and present vouchers to the winners of our flower of the month competitions. Our secretary, Bridget Seward is standing down after 3 years of hard work in this vital committee role. We offer her our many thanks - and we welcome Soo Rolf as her successor. Shirley Hand
Seasons Greetings from Filly's & Knit-Wit
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December 2016 | 59
Romney House Surgery
Or Visit our website @ www.cdbbuilding.co.uk
01666 503326 or 07833 384991
For a free quote call Colin or Nick Ball on: R
Notwithstanding a national shortage of doctors, we are very pleased to be attracting a good level of interest in a GP role at Romney House Surgery. As a result, we are proceeding with the appointment of another female GP and expect to be in a position to also welcome another GP to Tetbury soon afterwards. In addition to providing the requisite succession to Dr Nehrig, the planned appointment of two GPs will help the practice to meet the needs of a growing population. Meanwhile, we are very grateful to the patients that nominated the surgery for a Primary Care Team of the Year award.
Garages • Minor Alterations
Dr Nehrig joined Romney House Surgery almost ten years ago and since then has provided excellent care and support to many patients. Her very caring and hardworking ethos has been reflected in the many cards and letters received at the practice in recent days. As Dr Nehrig has specifically requested that her departure is not marked by a book of patients comments at the Reception desk, those very personal tributes and thanks will of course remind her of the very high regard and esteem in which she is held.
• Extensions • Renovations • New builds
Dr Nehrig will be leaving the Surgery towards the end of the year. This was a difficult and personal decision by Dr Nehrig who will be much missed by colleagues and patients alike.
We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
As many patients at Romney House Surgery will already know,
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Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Foot Health Foot clinics every Monday and on the first Saturday atevery Tetbury Hospital. of month at Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every
In regard to surgery premises, the Catherine Montgomery NHS England Estates and Technology Dip.CFHP Dip.CFHP(Adv) Dip.Bio MVR MSPRACT Transformation Fund was unable to provide capital funding for Tetbury. Hence, t: we will now progress dialogue with e: feet@catherinemontgomery.co.uk info@catherinemontgomery.co.uk www.montgomeryfoothealth.co.uk 0660916 Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group for project planning support under the countywide Primary Care Infrastructure MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1 12/07/2015 Plan within which Tetbury is still the number one priority for support.
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If you’ve been following the national debate on Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP), you might like to see the proposals for Gloucestershire at: http://www.gloucestershireccg.nhs.uk/ gloucestershire-stp/ . Also, an Information Bus will be visiting Tetbury on 6 December as part of the STP engagement process to provide information and to collect completed STP surveys. Finally, we wish you all an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and a very happy New Year. Kesh Makhecha, Practice Manager, Romney House Surgery
60 | December 2016
Town & Country News
Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas. Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!
We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and happy New Year and thank them for their valued continued custom and support.
Tel: 01666 502398
Email: sarah.townandcountrynews@btinternet.com
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
On the 8th of November, a team from the surgery and the Patient Participation Group were present at the Gloucestershire Health and Social Care Awards held at Gloucester Cathedral. We didn’t win this time, but the representatives that went enjoyed listening to Dr Phil Hammond who presented the awards. Being shortlisted to one of three GP surgeries across the county is something that Tetbury should be proud of. We had an “all Good” from the Care Quality Commission from our inspection last year, and now this. We are very lucky in Tetbury to have such a caring team to take care of our health needs, especially in view of the difficulties that many other practices around the country have. Sadly we will be saying goodbye to Dr Katharina Nehrig at the end of this year. She Dear Editor, About the anonymous letter in your November issue regarding Dr Nehrig: we need to support Romney House and encourage doctors to come and work in Tetbury, rather than create a perception that it’s a place to avoid. There’s a national shortage of doctors and new doctors often don’t want to enter general practice or prefer to take locum jobs, where they earn more money and retain flexibility. If we don’t support the practice, it will become harder to see a doctor, particularly with the new housing being built in Tetbury, much of it for older people. My experience, as a patient at Romney House for over twenty years, has been of excellent care and helpful staff. If people are dissatisfied with the care they receive, there are mechanisms for addressing this. Expressing appreciation for Dr Nehrig, but anonymously fuelling a rumour that people may have to get out “for their own self-preservation” without providing any evidence, is unjust. Vivien Clare
is leaving due to personal reasons and I am sure that everyone will want to wish her well. Hopefully you will have read in the Wilts and Glos Standard about Choice+ coming to Tetbury. It is a service provided by the GP Access Fund to allow for additional same day appointments to be made available to patients for acute symptoms where there are no appointments left with their own doctor. There are now clinics in Cirencester and Stroud, and after some negotiations we now have one in Tetbury too. This will make a great difference as people will no longer have to travel to other towns to go to a Choice+ appointment, and it also gives us additional appointments on Saturday mornings, something that patients have been telling the PPG they want. However, like anything, if we don’t use it it won’t be viable and we may lose it, so please take a Choice+ appointment if you are offered it. The surgery will be taking part in the Big Switch-on for the Christmas lights on Thursday 1st December. Christmas is a
After reading the letter in last month’s Advertiser about Dr. Katharina Nehrig leaving the surgery, many patients who had got to know me when I was chair of the Patient’s Participation Group, approached me to ask whether I would get up a petition. After careful consideration and in consultation with several other people, I decided I would. The reasons for doing this were threefold: 1. To show Dr. Nehrig just how much she is appreciated by all her patients. 2. To encourage her to stay by asking the practice to resolve the obvious staff unhappiness in the surgery. 3. To express concern that, with a full time senior partner position empty, with a nationwide shortage of doctors and with all the new build taking place in the town, patient care could be jeopardised.
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Patient Participation Group joyful time of year, but it can also be sad when we remember people close to us that are no longer with us. This year the surgery will be having a Memory Tree. We will have tags available for people to write a message on which they can put on the Christmas tree. Although this will be up for the entire month of December so you can come in any time, on 1st December the PPG will be there to help with light refreshments. We are also hoping to have a representative from 2gether Mental Health Trust’s “Time to Change” initiative which deals with mental health stigma, so after the lights are switched on, if you want a break for refreshments or just a quiet moment to reflect on loved ones, drop into the surgery. On behalf of the PPG committee and the surgery, we wish you all a happy, healthy and safe Christmas. Jennifer Skillen, Patient Participation Group
Dr Nehrig It was noted that there was no book or card in the surgery where patients could show their appreciation and a petition, if it achieved nothing else, would do just that. Many people have told me of Dr Nehrig’s skills and her persistence in finding out the cause of their medical problems, leaving no stone unturned. More than one patient has told me that ‘I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for Dr. Nehrig’. There have been many, many outpourings of gratitude to her for practicing medicine here in Tetbury. I have lost count of the number of patients who have volunteered to me the ‘real cause’ of the problem which has forced Dr. Nehrig to resign - she is not retiring and she has no new position to take up. They ask, ‘what can be done about it?’; ‘what is the Practice Manager doing about it?’; ‘how many more good people - doctors, nurses and managers must leave before something is done about it?’; ‘why can’t we have a second practice in the town so that patients can vote with their feet?’. I have no answers to any of these questions. I wish I had. But, with the groundswell of public opinion that abounds in Tetbury about this matter I am hopeful that this will be a wakeup call and that something will happen. I know that Doctors are in short supply and that this petition could be seen by some to deter doctors from wanting to come to Romney House Practice. Maybe. But, surely it is more important to sort out the problems that have caused resignations before starting to recruit another doctor?
01666 840060
Alison Hesketh, 01666 505113 alison.hesketh1@btinternet.com
All profits distributed locally and internationally
December 2016 | 61
Chelworth Bookworms Open – An Autobiography by Andre Agassi “In order to be successful, you need to love what you do.” Wrong! Andre Agassi hates tennis, yet he was one of the most talented and successful players of his generation. The conflict between these two parts of his life is the basis of this book,
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written shortly after Agassi’s retirement from the game at the age of thirty-six. From an early age, Andre spent every free hour practicing under the supervision of his father, constantly urged to hit harder and run quicker, without ever seeming to satisfy his father’s need for perfection. Finally, he was sent away from home at the age of 13 to study at a new tennis academy. Homesick and blaming tennis for all the problems in his life, he resisted his tutors both at the academy and at school, rebelling in every way he could, attempting to be sent home. However, his natural talent shone through and those in authority realised he was their prize pupil. Travelling the USA to play in tournaments, living out of his car on takeaway food and with only his older brother for company and support, Agassi realised that although he hated the game, it was all he knew - and that winning was his only chance to make some money. This is a well written and thought-provoking book, exploring the gladiatorial nature of tennis and how the player’s mind often has more impact on the game than the quality of his play. Highlighting the dedication, hard work and often the physical pain required to succeed and keep going, “Open” focuses more on the people Agassi trains and lives with than on the personal rivalries that occurred during his career. His battles are just as often with himself as with the famous players he is matched against.
He explains his motivations and goals at the various stages of his career, how the press misinterprets his actions, taking what he wears and what hairstyle he chooses as an insight into his true character and how, in the end, it is finding the right person that ultimately makes sense of his life. As much a psychological profile as a sports book, “Open” is a story that grips you to the end. If you have a tennis fan in your life, this would make a great Christmas gift. Ghilly Vincenti Chelworth Bookworms
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62 | December 2016
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Do you have a relative in a local care home? Do you work in a care home? Do you or a relative receive care in your own home (domiciliary care)? Call Healthwatch Gloucestershire now and talk to us We are the local, independent champion for health and social care, using your views and experiences to help improve the way services are delivered in the county. If you have a relative currently resident in a local care home, work as part of the staff team in a home or receive care in your own home, and would like to share your experience of the care with us (good or bad) we would like to hear from you. All feedback is treated as confidential and anonymous . We also have direct access to advocacy services who can help you to make a complaint if you need to.
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ashcroft veterinary surgery HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO OUR VALUED CLIENTS AND THEIR PETS. Looking for Christmas presents for your pets? Why not call in to see the great value toys and coats we have at the surgery? Dog Coats, washable all weather from £12.80. Christmas toys from £1.50. Tennis ball on rope and knotted rope tuggers from £2.00.
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See our website or call for more information. UNIT 3, HAMPTON IND EST, HAMPTON STREET, TETBURY GL8 8LD
01666 500853 0081216
News from Christ Church
In the last few months Christ Church has been a hive of activity as ever. At Messy Church, our theme was New Faces. As some of the young people started at new schools, and as I came as the new minister, we learned about each other and discovered the backgrounds of the people that Jesus met and called to be his disciples.
At our parent and toddler group, Chipping Chicks, the children and adults went outside to observe the two-minute silence between the two firings of the cannon.
We have marked the passing of Joan Stead, a well-loved part of the church and wider community, a member of the W.I., Mothers’ Union and the Theatre Group.
I haven’t seen the new sci-fi film ‘Arrival’ yet, but I love that moment in sci-fi films when contact is first made with an alien
Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. '>ϴ ϭ d A warm invitation to a Messy Church
DIY Christmas Nativity. Bring your own costumes (but we’ve got some spare) if you want to be Mary, an Angel, a Wise Man (could do with a few of them!) and we’ll retell the ‘Original’ Christmas story. th
Sunday, Dec 19 at 4 o’clock
ůů ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ͘ ůů ĂŐĞƐ Ͳ ĞǀĞŶ ĨƌŽŵ ϭĚĂLJ ŽůĚ (we’ll need a baby͊Ϳ
Regular activities at Christ Church (Methodist\URC) Sunday : Morning Worship at 10.30 a.m. Wednesday : Coffee Pot 10 a.m. to 12 noon followed by Soup lunch at 12.30 p.m. Friday : Chippin’ Chicks Toddlers group 10 a.m. to 12 noon 0211216
140208 Classic Windows
Page 1
species. In ‘War of the Worlds’ there is a fierce storm and electrical disturbance as the alien pods are shot down to earth. In ‘Independence Day’, there is the moment when the huge space ship hovers over the city and everyone is goggle-eyed with astonishment. We are fascinated by the idea of the first moment of contact with some alien species from a planet millions of miles away. At Christmas, we celebrate an event both more ordinary and yet more extraordinary by far. The first direct moment of contact, not with a creature from another world, but with the Creator of all the worlds. The infinite becoming finite, the eternal entering time. This is the most astonishing close encounter possible. The most momentous event in all history was when the Creator of the Worlds came, when Jesus, the Son of God, was born as a baby among us. If you would like to celebrate this event with us, then please do. We worship every Sunday morning at 10.30am. We have Messy Church for adults and children at 4.00pm on Sunday 18th December. On Christmas Eve there is a service of Holy Communion at 11.30pm. On Christmas Day we have a short service of celebration for all the family at 10.00am. With every blessing, Noel Sharp, Minister of Christ Church Tetbury
Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month
December 2016 | 65
Tetbury Police Museum It seems we may at last found a new professional mentor for the museum. The Collections Manager for the Bristol Aerospace Centre – is keen to take on the role. Whilst this has yet to be ratifies we are sure a productive relationship can be developed. A mentor is required, as I do not have any specific heritage management qualifications, to advise the museum on obtaining Accreditation from the Arts Council and from then on support the museum in maintaining the standards. Preparatory work on the re-accreditation submission will begin in earnest in the run up to Christmas and last throughout the following year - which will keep me extremely busy. But the day to day work requirements will still be there so if anyone with an interest in social history has some time to spare and is interested in helping out, I’d be pleased to hear from them.
them that night, but next morning went into the yard for that purpose, when one of them, a sow, was missing, and every search and inquiry was made, but without effect. On Sunday, the 27th of December, as one of the servant boys was walking in the yard where a stack of straw had been standing, he thought he heard a pig squeak. He made his master aware of the circumstances, who immediately called one of his men, and in a short time discovered the pig buried under the straw, but so much reduced as to have become a mere skeleton, and quite blind. She was taken to a warm sty, when nourishing liquids were given her, and she is now going on well.
At the time the pig was missing Mr. Leonard had barley thrashing with a machine, and it is supposed the pig, being unwell, had crept under some straw unnoticed by the workmen, and the machine throwing off large quantities, soon made a stack nearly of 20 loads; but recently the straw was made use of by the cattle, and the timely removal of the bulk fortunately led to the discovery. Source: The Times 19th January 1841, from the Gloster Journal John Silvester, Hon Curator curator@tetbury.gov.uk Tetbury Police Museum Tel 01666 504670
A merry Christmas to one and all! And now for a strange tale from our cold case files.
Case Solved by Squealer, 1841 On the return of Mr. Leonard, of Bouldown, near Tetbury, in this county, from Dursley market, on Thursday, the 8th of October last, one of his servants informed him that two of his pigs were ill; he did not go to see
Lumley Garden and Pet Supplies “For You And Your Pet’s Every Need” I Christmas Gifts & Treats I Own Label Premium Cat & Dog Food I Top Leading Brands Of Food & Treats I Bowls. Toys & Accessories I Beds & Cushions I Wild Bird Food & Products inc. Live Food I Dog Tag Engraving Delivery Service Available
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66 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
And so, another production is put to bed! Phillip you did a wonderful job directing this pantomime, it was so funny, colourful and real pleasure to watch – a great night out for a fraction of the price Theatres charge. A BIG well done to Anne, Jenny and Ian who worked so hard producing a stunning set and Gwen for all the beautiful glitzy, glamorous costumes – hard work as Gwen stitches everything by hand; to the the cast you really gave your all, audience participation was incredible and it made for such a brilliant atmosphere. As for Daisy the cow - Lesley Jablonski made it her own; the song and dance routine had the
audience crying with laughter, I don’t think professionals could have done any better. It was great to see Vincent, Nick, Trudie and Andy back on stage – Vincent makes for a real dotty Dame, his outfits, makeup and larger than life character bouncing around the stage and in the auditorium were hilarious. Wasn’t the chorus terrific, all at different junior schools yet working as a team and ‘treading the boards’ with confidence. The Dolphins sincerely hope that Emily Bray, Aiden Miles, Jade Vincent and Chloé Poll will join The Society again in autumn 2017. We need more young people and men! So if you’re interested do give Jenny Miles a call on: 01666 503059. I do have to say a HUGE thank you to all
Dolphins Drama Group the traders who placed adverts in the programme and to those who displayed posters, HIS for printing the programmes; Sureteam for their continued support and first aid instruction; David Hudson for coming from Cornwall to Tetbury to add his special magic touch with the sound and lighting, Tetbury Hardware our very unique Box Office (Malc you’re a gem) - and an extra special thank you goes to Claudia Federico for designing the programme, poster and the new look to our logo. Absolutely fabulous, so beautiful and so professional. We so hope Claudia will work with The Dolphins in 2017. Last but by no means least thank you to Tetbury Lions and to David Hicks for their fantastic organisational skills, generosity and kindness which ensures all the older people of Tetbury have a great night out. The Dolphins can now start preparing for Christmas and of course the next production (I’ll tell you more about that in February). To all our audience, thank you for your enthusiastic support over the years and throughout 2016, and for those that have never been to one of our shows do come along, you might find you enjoy yourself. All that is left for me to do is to wish you all, on behalf of the Dolphins Dramatic Society, ‘Happy Christmas and all good things for the New Year.’ Terri White,, Dolphins Drama Group
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Xmas/Bday 2016.indd 1
December 2016 | 67
07/11/2016 16:29
Tetbury Community Choir
Anthony Mitchell
First – a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year… …to choir members and to our supporters in Tetbury. It’s been a fantastic year, membership is up to fifty now, and this is down to all the hard work members have done over the last year publicising the Choir, and arranging informal events. And of course, great input from our Musical Director Richard George. Some of us sang with St Marys’ choir at the Remembrance Day service in November and this was a really moving event in which we were delighted to take part. We had our last session at the end of November, but look out for us around Christmas, as we may be singing at a venue near you! We start our new term at the end of January, and have some plans for a concert in Spring 2017, so watch this space.
Local landscape photographer Anthony Mitchell has been awarded a commendation in the “Take A View” Landscape Photographer Of The Year 2016 competition, for this image of sheep in a misty field in Rydal, Lake District. It is now on display at an exhibition in Waterloo Station.
If you would like to join, hear us sing, or Anthony has lived in Tetbury for fourteen years and has taken many photographs of book us to help raise money for charity or the local area, too. This image and many others can be found on his website at www. for a local event, please email or call so we ayalem.com. can arrange for you to attend a rehearsal, or discuss arrangements. We are always looking for additional men to supplement There’s lots more information on our website (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy. our gentlemen’s section, so we would http://tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com thomas.st78@gmail.com, or Margaret Foster particularly like to hear from any tenors, and our Facebook page, including term (Chair), email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk. Tel: baritones or basses out there. You don’t 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha need to read music, just enjoy singing. dates and events. Or contact Sandy Thomas 01666 577535 Margaret Foster, Chair, Tetbury Community Choir
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68 | December 2016
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, When one watches the news on television or reads the papers, they give such a negative outlook on the world and the way people behave towards one another. However, if you suddenly hit a rough patch in your life - as Ken and I have this year with numerous medical procedures and a prolonged stay in hospital - one realises that there are a lot of very kind, thoughtful people out there. The two of us have been sent food parcels, lots of cards and flowers wishing us well, very thoughtful gifts, outings to places close by and in peoples’ homes and being ferried to and from these places, to hospital appointments, visiting time at the hospital and even acting as an ambulance when the GP felt that on a Friday evening this would be quicker. For medical reasons Ken is not allowed to drive for a year; hopefully I will be able to get back behind the wheel soon. The GP, hospital treatment and care has been excellent; we’ve been so lucky and are so grateful to the NHS. All in all, the two of us have ‘a wonderful life’ and would like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who has and is helping us through this difficult time. With love and thanks, Ken and Terri White Dear Editor, Having already won the South West’s regional heats at Corby earlier this year, on Sunday the 13th of November Freddie Aplin won the Under-8’s National Champion Scooter Event – also in Corby.
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
On the 12th of November I held my annual Coffee Morning/Jewellery Party to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. May I, through your magazine, say a big ‘thank you’ to all who came and so generously gave to this worthy cause? I would also like to thank those who couldn’t come for various reasons, not least the dreaded cold that is about! They kindly gave donations to me after the event for which I am most grateful.
I wonder if I might ask your readers: Lost family treasure – has anyone found the original card?
This year we raised a staggering £330 (our best effort yet) and a cheque has been sent for that amount to Prostate Cancer UK for the wonderful work they are doing on so many peoples’ behalf.
When he was twenty years old my father served as a dispatch rider, in the first World War. Sent to his mother via Military Authorities (and therefore no doubt censored) on the back this image carries the touching message in my Dad’s handwriting “This is for you dear Mother – from Somewhere in France.”
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year. Yours sincerely, Yvonne Bossy Dear Editor, The Trustees of the Malthouse have very sadly received notice from the Girlguiding Tetbury District that they will no longer use the Malthouse for their meetings from August 2017. It is with great sadness and soul-searching that this decision has been made by them but they feel that a renovated Malthouse is fundamentally never going to meet their needs. The future of the Malthouse is now under discussion. Yours faithfully, Juliet Fenton Trustee of the Malthouse
Having arranged to send a photocopy to each grandchild recently, I’m ashamed to say I obviously did not manage to restore it safely to the family album; if I dropped it in the street, that would most likely to have been somewhere near Leopard Press in the Market Place. Help gratefully appreciated! Kind regards, Patricia Hills, 1 Court Field Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, This Christmas, Tetbury Scouting will be organising another Christmas post for the local area. The post boxes will be available from the start of December in Tetbury Hardware, Hampton Stores and Tenovus. It will cost 30 pence per letter for delivery to the Tetbury area only. No deliveries outside of GL8 8 please!
At the moment, Grace and I are both undergoing treatment at three different hospitals (!) and at the most difficult and unconventional times. However, the ladies of “Smiles” have made our lives very much easier by providing the vital transport we need – and for a cost which is very close to just that of the fuel they use.
Many thanks for your support.
They are keen and eager to share their kindness with other people who require similar help – it matters not, to them, who you are. We wish them well in this unique scheme, and in doing so remember “Smiles go a long way, always!”
Katie Hill, Treasurer, Tetbury Scout Group
Grace and Joseph Nash
Last posting date is Thursday 15th December with delivery by our Beavers, Cubs & Scouts over the weekend of 17th & 18th December.
Dear Editor, Freddie started scootering at the Adam Philby Skatepark at the age of three and said after winning that scootering was his life, but that although he had worked hard “he was very surprised to win”.
It struck me reasonably forcibly this morning as I walked into work that some things change and others don’t. Some subtly........ Best regards, James A Johnson
His parents have been very supportive of him, taking him (on most weekends,) to events all over the south west. Malcolm Philby
70 | December 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
L E. Perry Independent Funeral Directors
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Ridgeway Coach House 13 Hampton Street Tetbury Glos GL8 8JN
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December 2016 | 71
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to thank customers for their Established in in1974, 1974,we weare areTetbury's Tetbury'spremier premierindependent independent Established Established in 1974, we Tetbury's are Tetbury's premier independent Established in 1974, we are premier independent Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of independent support through the and Established 1974, we are Tetbury's premier garage offering a dedicated experienced team of garage offering aand dedicated and experienced garage offering aindedicated andyear experienced teamteam of of garageWe offering avoted dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We were Garage theYear Year garage offering aIndependent dedicated and experienced of Year mechanics. were voted Independent Garage ofofthe mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage of Year the mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofteam the mechanics. Wea were voted Independent Garage of of the Year 2012 by by2012 both Motor Trader andthe the Motor Industry Code ofof wish them Happy Christmas mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage the 2012 both Motor Trader and Motor Code 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of by both Motor Trader and theIndustry Motor Industry Code of Year 2012 by both TraderTrader and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. 2012 byMotor both Motor and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. Practice. Practice. andPractice. Happy Practice. New Year.
We specialise specialise inspecialise BMW,inMini, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,SEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and We BMW, VAG (Audi, and Wein in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) We specialise BMW, Mini, VAGVW, (Audi, VW,Skoda) SEAT, Skoda) and and We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a We specialise inhave BMW, VAGcars (Audi, VW, Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available oravailable offer a SEAT, Rover. We 8 Mini, courtesy or offer a and LandLand Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer aSkoda) Land Rover. We have courtesy cars available or offer aoffer a offering a dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We collection service. Established in 1974, we are premier independent Land Rover. We8Tetbury’s have 8 courtesy cars available orgarage collection service. collection service. collection service. Follow @carcaretetbury Follow usus @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury collection service.service. collection Follow us @carcaretetbury were voted Independent Garage of the Year 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. We specialise in Follow us @carcaretetbury Care Tetbury customer satisfaction ourtop top priority At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction isisour priority sosopriority At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so BMW,At Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,customer SEAT, Skoda), Land Rover and Mercedes. have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a collection service. Car Care satisfaction ourwebsite. top priority so We so do give usTetbury aCare call today visit our website. At Car Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority please do give us agive call today visit our website. please do give call today or visit our please do us aus callaoror today or visit ouriswebsite. do givedo usgive a call or visitor At Carplease Care Tetbury customer isour ourwebsite. top please ustoday asatisfaction call today visit our priority website.so please do give us a call today or visit our website.
As anAs independent Mini, VAG (Audi, Established inare 1974, we arewe Tetbury's AtTetbury CarAt Care Tetbury wedealer offer dealer level level As an independent BMW, Mini,BMW, VAGBMW, (Audi,Mini, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's we offer full level an independent VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, are Tetbury's At Car Care Car Care Tetbury wefull offer full dealer Asan anindependent independent BMW, Mini, (Audi, Established in are 1974, we are Tetbury’s At Car Care Tetbury we offer As BMW, Mini, VAGVAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer levelfull dealer level As VW, an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in garage 1974, we are Tetbury's Atservicing, Car Care Tetbury we and offer full dealer Asand an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer fulllevel dealer level SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) Land Rover specialist premier independent offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW,SEAT, SEAT,Skoda) Skoda)and and Land Rover specialist independent garage servicing,and diagnostics and repairs VW, Land Rover specialist premierpremier independent garage offering a offering a servicing, diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a of agenuineservicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering servicing, diagnostics and repairs using we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover parts. Our full service weinvest investininstate state of art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine LandOur Rover parts. Our full service we ofstate thethe artthe dealer-level dedicated and experienced teamteam of of genuine Land Rover parts. full service wediagnostic invest ininvest art and experienced Land Rover parts. Our fullOur service we in state ofdealer-level the art dedicated and genuine Land Rover parts. full labour, service mechanics. offer aexperienced range ofteam services equipment to provide you with awith full includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT We offer a full range ofof services diagnostic equipment to provide you a dedicated includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT VAT mechanics. aWe full range ofa services diagnostic equipment to of provide you with adealer-level We mechanics. offer includesgenuine all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT diagnostic equipment to provide you with a mechanics. We offer full range of services includes all Land Rover parts, mechanics. We offer aoffer full arange of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with awith a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VATVAT mechanics. We range of services diagnostic equipment to with provide you includes all brake Land Rover parts, labour, mechanics. We offer a full of services diagnostic tofree provide a makes range includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT service for of all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8with free8you and uidWe change. We provide service all makes offull cars, four wheel drives and full range ofequipment service options freewith and uid change. We provide service for all cars, four wheel drives and full of service options with 8 free and brake uidbrake change. provide service fullrange range of service options 8 for allfor makes of cars, four wheel drives and and brake fluid change. We provide for all for makes of cars, four wheel drivesdrives and full range of service optionsoptions with 8 with free 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service all makes ofmakes cars,vehicles. four wheel full range ofcollection. service and brake change. Wekeep provide service forvehicles. allcommercial ofvehicles. cars, four wheeland drives and full range of service options with 8 free light commercial and brake uid change. We provide service light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep warranty intact. light vehicles. cars or collection. stamps to your keep your warranty intact. orcourtesy collection. courtesy cars book stamps tobook keepuid your warranty intact. courtesy cars or light commercial book stamps to your warranty intac light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars or cars collection. bookbook stamps to keep youryour warranty intact. light commercial vehicles.vehicles. courtesy or collection. stamps to keep warranty intact. intact. light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty
Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT MOT on4all Class cars4and full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to testing MOT testing on all 4Class carslight andvans light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics,Experiencing We provideWe fullprovide dealer level diagnostics, uneven tyre wear, pulling towear, ontesting all Class cars and light vans and repairs using Autologic ™ the left right, an wear, uncentred steering with awith free re-test included ifAll needed. All Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on allre-test Class 4included cars and light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and We provide full dealer diagnostics, service and repairs using Autologic ™ the the left or right, an uncentred steering a free if needed. All vans Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans We full dealer level diagnostics, service andservice repairs using Autologic ™ level leftExperiencing or right, anoruncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. We provide provide full dealer level diagnostics, uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars light and light equipment which offers the wheel orright, poor handling? If so, us to us and adjustments included free and repairs using Autologic ™full of the left or an uncentred steering with a free re-test included iffree needed. All offree service and repairs using Autologic the left right, an uncentred steering with aand free re-test included if needed. equipment which offers the level™of wheel wheel oror poor handling? Ifto so, contact towith bulbs areofincluded of serviceservice and repairs using Autologic ™level service and repairs using Autologic ™offull the left or right, an uncentred steering abulbs free re-test included if are needed. All equipment which offers the full level or poor handling? Ifan so, contact uscontact bulbs and adjustments areadjustments included the left or right, uncentred steering vans with a free re-test included ifAllneeded. functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! excluded) equipment which offers the full level offull equipment which offers the full ofdealers. wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to us adjustments areexcluded) included free equipment which offers the level ofbook wheel orhandling? poor handling? so, us bulbs and adjustments are included free of functionality available to main book our four wheel alignment service. charge! (headlamp functionality available to main dealers. our wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) equipment which offers the full level oflevel wheel orfour poor handling? If so, contact tocontact and and adjustments are included free ofareofincluded wheel or poor Iflaser so,Ifus contact totobulbsbulbs All(headlamp bulbs and adjustments functionality available toat main dealers. Servicing car Car will will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) functionality available toTetbury mainTetbury dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) excluded) Servicing your car atCare Car Care Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car atyour CartoCare Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles book our four wheel laser alignment service. free of excluded) charge! (headlamp functionality available main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp Servicing your caraffect atcarCar Care Tetbury will not affect manufacturers warranty andwill handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles not manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyreyour wear and alignment willl transform vehicles not affect manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your car atyour Car Care Tetbury will LaserLaser alignment willl transform your vehicles
not affect your manufacturers warranty and will save you money. fuel efficiency. handling characteristics, wear andand not affect your manufacturers and not affect your manufacturers warranty and fuel handling characteristics, wear handling characteristics, tyretyre wear and will save you money. fuel efficiency. will you money. efficiency. not save affect your manufacturers warranty and warranty handling characteristics, tyre wear andtyre will save you money. fuel efficiency. will you money. fuel efficiency. will save yousave money. fuel efficiency. will save you money. fuel efficiency.
www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk Units 1-3,1-3, Priory Industrial London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8GL8 8HZ8HZ Units Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate,Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ 8HZ