Tetbury Advertiser December 2018

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December 2018

Merry Christmas from Tetbury Lions Santa’s Circulation 4,300

Little Helpers


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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Steve Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the February Issue is

Thursday 17th January 2019 Delivery -2nd/3rd February 2019

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No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.

Rates Media pack available from www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £60 Half page £100 Full page £180 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.60 Please quote your invoice number in payment transactions Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Useful Information CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.

What’s On


Church Services & Carol Services Please see the articles in this issue 7th December - Friday 6.00 pm Switch-On Event! Full details in Tetbury Town Council’s article

8th December - ‘CelebraeStory’ Tetbury Library – details in this issue 14th December - CDC Cllr’s/Dolphin’s meeting 6.30 pm, see the ad in this issue 21st December - Library Club “Festive Makes” Tetbury Library - details in this issue 3rd January - ‘HOTS Archive Meeting’ See the “HOTS” article in this issue 7th January - Tetbury Summer Show AGM 7.00 pm, the Market Hall Tetbury. All welcome. 10th January to the 13th - Longfield Christmas Tree Collection See the “Tetbury Cares” article in this issue 12th January - Italian Story Time begins 10:30 am weekly, Tetbury Library; details in this issue

Friends of Tetbury Community Transport

V don olunt atio ary no nly

December Trips: To book 0345 680 5029 Wed 5th CHIPPENHAM 11:00am - 2:00pm Sat 8th CRIBBS CAUSEWAY 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 15th SWINDON OUTLETS 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 22nd GLOS QUAYS 9:00am - 3:00pm

January Trips: To book 0345 680 5029 Sat 12th CRIBBS CAUSEWAY 9:00am - 3:00pm Wed 16th NAILSWORTH 11:00am - 2:00pm Sat 19th BATH 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 26th WHITNEY 9:00am - 3:00pm


DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through Tetbury Town Council 01666 504670 or email: contact@dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www. visittetbury.co.uk

Avening Primary School 11 Avening WI 66 Chelworth Bookworms 6 Computer Advice 75 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 16 Dolphins Dramatic Society 64 Dolphins Hall 43 Eating Out 9 Girlguiding 63 Gloucestershire Constabulary - A417 34 History of Tetbury Society 36 Leighterton Primary School 25 Letters to the Editor 69 Lion’s 200 Club 5 Lion’s Den 5 Macmillan Coffee Morning 74 Mayor’s Report 20 News from Christ Church 33 News from St Marys’ Church 32 News from St Michael’s Church 32 Probus 23 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 14 Sir William Romney’s School 72 South Cotswold Bridge Club 8 St Mary’s CE VA Primary School 58 St Mary’s Playgroup 52 Tammy Lynn Kwan Photography 38 Tetbury 451 Comic Book Initiative 17 Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust 57 Tetbury Art Society 26 Tetbury Bowls Club 21 Tetbury Camera Club 42 Tetbury Cares 79 Tetbury Chamber of Commerce 37 Tetbury Community Choir 51 Tetbury Foodbank 49 Tetbury Hospital 31 Tetbury in Bloom 24 Tetbury Library 48 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 44 Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom 53 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 71 Tetbury Rugby Football Club 56 Tetbury Scout Group 62 Tetbury Theatre Group 45 Tetbury Town Council 28 Tetbury Town Football Club 46 Tetbury WI 12 Unsung Heroes 54 Westonbirt Prep School 76 What’s On 3 Young by Name 4

SCHOOLS SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552 The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577 TETBURY CARES, www.tetburycares.org Website to signpost local health services

POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Tetbury Town Crier Tony Evans, 24 Box Crescent, Minchinhampton, Nr. Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 9DJ. Tel: 01453 731355 Mob: 07969 302042 Email: tonyevanstowncrier@btinternet.com

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950

TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

Young by Name

wish to right a wrong done to me when I changed schools at the age of fourteen. Another girl stole my pen and claimed it was hers, despite clearly being perplexed as to how a fountain pen worked. As the new arrival, I wasn’t confident enough to contradict her. In a life of few regrets, that’s one of mine. I’m hoping she didn’t just throw it in the bin when it ran out of ink, as we did with the orange plastic Bic biros bought from the school shop. (Plastics recycling had yet to be invented.)

Plus Ca Change Crossing to France via the Channel Tunnel the day after Remembrance Day fills me with fin-de-siècle melancholy. This is likely to be the last time I set foot in mainland Europe as an official European. This column is no place for politics; I mention it because it’s just part of a general end-of-year yearning for time to stand still.

Et Voilà!

When I was younger, I used to look forward to welcoming each New Year! Now that my parents are in their eighties, I’m conscious of the growing likelihood of less welcome changes as each year goes by. I hanker after reminders of my younger days, when I had less sense of my own mortality, or of anyone else’s.

On eBay, I find the perfect replacement: A Parker Lady pen so treasured by its owner that he kept it in its original box. I hope it will comfort the seller, the son of the late owner, that this precious pen will have gone to a good home, though I can’t help wondering why a man bought a Parker Lady pen in the first place? A lost love who never received his gift? Perhaps one day I’ll write the story of what might have been.

Plus C’est La Même Chose Second-hand books in the editions I enjoyed as a child are comfort reads. I enjoy knowing from memory what will appear on the next page before I turn to it. I rescued from a charity shop a battered bear of comparable vintage to my own childhood teddy. What misfortune befell his owner that this creature should be consigned, appropriately enough, to a branch of Barnardo’s? I don’t want to answer my own question.

‘Vintage.’ You know you’re getting old when artefacts from your childhood are classified thus, as I’m reminded when I scour the internet to replace the ‘Parker Lady’ pen I had for starting big school. This diminutive black lacquer, gold-trimmed fountain pen (so much classier than a cartridge model, don’t you think?) was just the right size for the hand of an eleven-year-old girl. My quest isn’t only down to nostalgia. I

So as the year turns, don’t forget to cherish the old as you ring in the new. I wish you a peaceful and contented Christmas, treasuring and treasured by those that you love. Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com Debbie’s latest novel, Springtime for Murder, the fifth Sophie Sayers Village Mystery, is now available in paperback and ebook.


The Cotswolds’ dealer of Carl Hansen furniture and Louis Poulsen lighting, offering Hans J. Wegner’s iconic CH24 Wishbone Chair at an exclusive discount. Find us online or on two floors in the heart of Tetbury for festive gifts and design classics of the past, present and future. We’re passionate about beautiful products which will accompany you through life, rather than so-so stuff which won’t…



4 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

of laying a wreath at the Remembrance Day parade; especially poignant, as it was the 100th year anniversary of the end of WW1. It was fantastic to see so many of you lining the streets as the parade passed through the town; thank you all for your support. We’ve since agreed to fund the purchase and installation of a commemorative bench and we’ll complete the purchase and siting of the seat in the coming weeks.

On November the 25th together with Sally Marsh, our District Governor, Tetbury Lions hosted a celebration lunch at the Close Hotel to mark Lion Bert Hand’s fiftieth year as a member of Lion’s Club International. Having been a member in St Albans, Bert joined Tetbury Lions when he and his family moved to the area - and has been an active and valued member ever since, fulfilling many roles, including long service as Club Secretary. The opportunity to celebrate fifty years contribution to any organisation or society is a rare gift and all our members were delighted to be able to recognise Bert’s lifetime of service. We extend huge congratulations, both to Bert and to his family; we also look forward to his continued contribution to Tetbury Lions, for the foreseeable future! Along with honouring Bert, November proved to be a busy month for Tetbury Lions. We had a fantastic evening supporting South Cotswold Rotary Club at their Firework Display, which seems to get better and better each year, and I had the honour

Club. This enabled us to donate £2,000, knowing that it will directly impact their local community. This donation could fund as many as three pump wells, depending on how deep they must be drilled. Each requires little or no maintenance and should last up to thirty years.

We have also had the pleasure of supporting a Panto night at the Good Shed for the senior citizens of Tetbury – always a roaring success – and further, at our November Club Meeting, of badging up a brand new Lion – and making presentations to two further worthy causes. Our first presentation, of £1,310, was to the Youth Pod. Jo Tancock and six others associated with the Pod completed eight half marathons, running a total of 104.8 miles. Marvellous! Between them they raised a total of £1,670 and Tetbury Lions awarded a donation related to each mile covered. At the presentation of the cheque, Jo confirmed that all funds raised will go toward the twiceweekly drop-in sessions that the Pod offers for 11- to 18-year-olds. She also told us “TAYCT also use funds to provide a Job Club, supporting all ages of the community with CV writing, emails, job applications, universal credit and much more.” We were very proud to be able to help. What commenced as a “Reading in Schools Project” in a village in Northern Philippines in 2010 triggered research into why some children had real difficulty reading – and revealed the widespread presence of serious eye infections. With around 4,000 children likely to be similarly infected by drinking water contaminated with bacteria, the Laoac Lions Club of the Northern Philippines initiated a “Pump Wells” programme. Our second presentation, then, was to Second Vice District Governor Lion Ben Manluctao, who has close ties with the Laoac

Lion’s Lion President Bill Walsh was delighted to welcome Mr Nick Tucker into the Lion’s club during the November meeting, with a badge and Certificate of Membership. We look forward to Lion Nick helping us with our pledge of Service and we’re delighted to have him aboard.

Lion’s Den

200 Club

Hand delivered to 4,300 homes each month

We shall soon be supporting the Christmas Light Switch-On at the Market House on the 7th of December, with our Lions Tombola in attendance. We’ll also be on the streets during December with our Christmas raffle, selling tickets on the 8th and the 15th of December at a couple of locations in the town. All monies raised will be donated to Longfield, our designated Charity for this year, and we hope to attract your continuing support – but if you can’t donate, don’t worry – do stop and have a chat! I hope that you and your families enjoy the coming festivities, and on behalf of everyone connected to the Tetbury Lions, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. Lion President Bill Walsh, Tetbury Lions

An annual payment of £13 buys you into the Lions 200 Club lottery. We use these subscriptions to help local causes - you get the chance to win a cash prize! Application forms can be obtained from Malcolm at Tetbury Hardware. Each quarter, the Tetbury Lions 200 Club makes a special prize payment of £100 - this month’s £20 winners were: R. Lewendon, Ron Pearson, I. Stokes and R. C. Hewitt. Many congratulations to them all - and a very Merry Christmas from the 200 Club. Lion Gail North

December 2018 | 5

Chelworth Bookworms Mrs Robinson’s Disgrace by Kate Summerscale This book - subtitled ‘The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady’ - is a non-fiction account of one of the very first divorce trials held in England after the law was changed in the 1850’s to make divorce more accessible, and affordable, to ordinary members of the public.

The book makes it abundantly clear that a married woman in Victorian times had no rights at all over her own children - let alone her own money. She does not give evidence in court and her diary alone is provided as evidence. Isabella’s state of mind is the crux of the case: Was she being wilfully reckless in writing about her passions? Was she insane and had made the whole thing up? Or was she victim of some “female” disease that had affected her mind?

it too analytical and detailed, but others found it a fascinating insight into life 150 years ago. Whatever our views, we were grateful that whilst battles for women’s rights carry on even now, things are definitely a lot better than in Victorian times.

Not all of us enjoyed the book – some found

Ghilly Vincenti, Chelworth Bookworms

The first part of the book describes the life led by Isabella Robinson, the intelligent and well-read wife of a wealthy businessman. Using entries from Isabella’s diary, it describes in her own words how she spent her days, the people she met and the issues she discussed. Becoming increasingly bored and restless, she begins to develop crushes on anyone who shows her some attention – attention which her remote and rather authoritarian husband does not provide. Isabella’s life and reputation come crashing down when her husband finds and reads her diary and resolves to cast her aside. From this point Isabella’s words and feelings are lost, along with her diary, and the rest of the story is told from court transcripts and newspaper reports.

I will not tell you the verdict – read it for yourself!




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6 | December 2018

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South Cotswold Bridge Club

North`s bid is two clubs). Clearly North`s hand will not occur very often but there is little danger of their partner forgetting the meaning of his/her bid since overcalling in the opponents’ suit is highly noticeable! My research suggested you could use this overcall with as few as 6 High Card Points, but we think this a little dangerous so have adopted a minimum of 8 HCP.


leave North to decide what to do. (West may rebid letting North/South off the hook.) At worst, in defence South knows North`s hand much better and if they win the bidding they may have stopped an East/West part score, even if they go down. Thus the bid is both pre-emptive and aggressive.

I was doing some research the other day, to see if there was any way of signaling unusual distribution early on before the bidding getsOvercalls high, other than calling a South Cotswolds Bridge play “gentle pre-emptive three of a suit, or using weak South must not pass unless East intervenes… in Tetbury at 1.45 pm on twos. Looking specifically at overcalls, I tNorth mightdhave With I was doing some research he other ay, tao void see inif diamonds! there was any wduplicate” ay of signaling unusual distribution Thursdays at Christs Church, in the came across early one of owhich I was not aware South calls ttheir major the n before the bidding 0-11 gets HCP high, other han best calling a at pre-­‐emptive three of ais sassisted uit, or uplay sing eak Chipping. There forwthose but which I have now adopted. Suppose two level, 12-15 HCP call at three level, 16 plus twos. Looking specifically t overcalls, I came across one of which that I was not itaware but which I have anow need and you are guaranteed your hand has two five card majors, so by ago straight to game. In the unlikely event that partner.only £3.00 percards person per session. adopted. Suppose h as t wo f ive c ard m ajors, s o b y d efinition t hree i n a m inor suit: definition only three cards in a minoryour suit: hand South has a weak hand and less than three Just turn up, or if you prefer, contact cards in either major and no HCP in either, jimedwards811@gmail. then the probability is they have 5-6 cards in NORTH Jeremy North, South Cotswold Bridge Club the uncalled minor. Bid this at three level and

What do you think?

A Q 10 7 5 Q J 9 7 3

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The onvention I found The convention I cfound only works as anonly works as an overcall when the opposition opens with a minor suit. Let us overcall whensuppose the opposition West oopens pens with one diamond. North`s call would be two diamonds, which is forcing for one round a minor suit. Let us suppose West opens on their partner who should bid their best major at the appropriate level. (If West opens 1 club North`s one diamond. North`s call would be two bid two cfor lubs). Clearly diamonds, which isis forcing one round on North`s hand will not occur very often but there is little danger of their partner their partner who should bid their majorof his/her bid since overcalling in the opponents’ suit is highly noticeable! My forgetting the mbest eaning 0460617 at the appropriate level. (If West opens 1 club

Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270

research suggested you could use this overcall with as few as 6 High Card Points, but we think this a little dangerous so have adopted a minimum of 8 HCP.

South must not pass unless East intervenes…North might have a void in diamonds! With 0-­‐11 HCP South calls their best major aSOUTH t the two level, 1COTSWOLD 2-­‐15 HCP call at three level, 16 plus go straight to game. In the BRIDGE unlikely event that South has a weak hand and less than three cards in either major and no HCP in either, then the probability is they have 5-­‐6 cards in the uncalled minor. Bid this at three level and leave North to decide what to do. (West may rebid letting North/South off the hook.) At worst, in defence South knows North`s hand much better and if they win the bidding they may have stopped an East/West part score, even if they go down. Thus the bid is both pre-­‐emptive and aggressive.

LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE NOW! Lessons starting in Tetbury this winter

What do you think?

Bridge is fantastic for people of allSouth agesCotswolds and backgrounds Bridge play “gentle duplicate” in Tetbury at 1.45 pm on Thursdays at Christs Church, in There is assisted play for those that need it and you are guaranteed a partner. £3.00 per ♥ Havethe FunChipping. ♣ Compete person per session. Just turn up, or if you prefer, contact jimedwards811@gmail. ♦ Socialise ♠ Exercise your brain Jeremy North, Contact us to find out the details of South Cotswold Bridge Club the Beginners Bridge Lessons

starting on

Wednesday 9th January 2019 Contact Jim Edwards (EBU Teacher) jimedwards811@gmail.com

or 01666 502914


8 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Eating Out a salad. Both were very nice indeed – and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the chicken was a succulently cooked breast. It could have been spicier, but then I’m a bit of a chilli addict, so perhaps I’m being a bit unfair in that regard. The bean and spinach was crispy-coated and fresh tasting and came with a side of virtue! Having enjoyed that lunch, we thought it only fair to return for an evening visit, to try some other offerings. The mainstays of the lunch or dinner menus are pub classics, but they regularly make a few interestingsounding changes in each section - for example, the mushroom rarebit starter - and, as I say, there’s always an appealing selection of burgers.

A recurring theme in these columns has been the added value of eateries… …having a garden - and few places in the area have a nicer positioned one than The Black Horse at Amberley. Sloping down towards the Woodchester Valley, it affords stunning views across to Selsley Common which, on a summer’s day, are difficult to better. After a period of closure, a while back, the pub

is another that’s experiencing a successful revival - and with the garden, good beers and sound food, it’s easy to see why. Flossy and I recently took lunch in the garden, enjoying the view whilst munching through breaded mushrooms, which seemed to be homemade, and halloumi fries with paprika mayo. On that occasion, we followed with a burger each (an enticing range of which comprises the house speciality): broadbean and spinach for Flossy and Peri Peri chicken for me, accompanied by delicious skin-on fries and

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Luckily there was a good length wait before the mains arrived. In the spirit of experimentation and consistencychecking, Flossy chose the bean and spinach burger again which, once again, was tasty and nicely textured, though she said it was a little under-seasoned this time. I plumped for chargrilled jerk chicken with rice, kidney bean ‘potage’ (mash) and jerk pineapple sauce. The chicken was the tiniest bit dry but adequately ‘jerked’ for most tastes, the rice absolutely perfect and the mashed beans and pineapple sauce – which looked alarmingly ‘caramelised’ – were both very tasty. Not refined, but, allin-all, a well-conceived plate of grub. With three drinks, the bill came in at under £50, so along with the glorious view, a meal here won’t break the bank, either. Give it a go on the next sunny day or starlit evening – we reckon it’s worth it. 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1



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This time we shared a platter to start – the ‘Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese’. This included ‘mac’n’cheese’ bites, mushroom rarebit, mozzarella dough balls and Canadian poutine (which was simply a mug of fries with cheese and gravy.) We should’ve guessed, but this was basically an enormous carbfest! Breads, breadcrumbs, fries, cheese… as Flossy put it, clearly a dish designed for those who’ve gone out for a few beers and need something to absorb the excess alcohol! All very nice but very filling…

Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 0920318


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 9


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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We are into the final few weeks of term and it’s ‘lights, camera, action’ in every class, as KS1 and KS2 get ready to sparkle and shine in this year’s Christmas productions. The Eagles and Kestrels will be delighting audiences with their performance of ‘The Noisy Nativity,’ whilst the Hawks and the Owls will be travelling back to the Victorian era in their festive retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol,’ - appropriately titled ‘Bah Humbug.’ In between rehearsals, and raids on the costume and props boxes, the whole

school took part in ‘respect week’ recently, to coincide with national anti-bullying week. During the week, as well as talking about different aspects of respect, children participated in activities including British Sign Language lessons, Drumming Workshops and reminders about staying safe online. Some wonderful smells filled the school corridors a few weeks ago, as each class took part in the School Council’s very first Great Avening School Bake-off, to raise funds for Children in Need. Each class were given the task of baking cupcakes or biscuits and showcased their offerings to a judging panel at the end of the week, followed by

Avening Primary School a bake sale at the end of the school day. In addition, the reception children have been learning to bake bread, with some very delicious results and tastings going on in the Eagle’s classroom.

Our Avening sports stars have been flying the flag for the school recently, making us proud at a tag rugby tournament at SWR School, and in football at Cirencester Primary School. As well as our own Christmas shows to look forward to, the children are gearing up for our annual theatre trips, toward the end of term. This year KS1 and the Hawks will be going to see ‘Aladdin’ at the Wyvern Theatre, while the Owls will be hoping to pick up some top tips when they travel to the Bristol Old Vic to see ‘A Christmas Carol.’ What an exciting and jam-packed autumn term it has been! We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Avening School. See you next term! Avening Primary School For further information about this busy place of learning please see our school website: www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk

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We try to maintain our prices all year!! Christmas will soon be upon us, some of you are well planned and ready, others maybe not so. We are here for you locally no need to travel and no need to use your computer!! Please remember to order your Pet Food and any Winter Fuels early so we can ensure supplies. Well what can we offer with regard to Christmas we have Festive Lights, Tinsel, Baubles, Wrap, Crackers, Pet Treats, Stocking Fillers but no Stockings!! all available. If we can we will try to accommodate any special orders if time permits.

Malc, Lizzie and Steve wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2019. Thanks for your support for the last 7 years, here’s to a few more. Your local agent for UPS Package Handling



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Hand delivered to 4,300 homes each month

December 2018 | 11

Tetbury WI This November the country marked the Centenary of the end of the First World War, and several of our members walked from St Marys’ Church, following the Remembrance Service, to St Saviour’s Church. There, our member Sue represented the Institute with a wreath placed at the memorial in the grounds.

established Cobalt Unit which has helped so many of our members and continues to make advances in the research of the treatment of cancers. Linda kindly made a “booby bag” to be used for the collection, a novel and fun way of highlighting the excellent work being done at the Unit. Our monthly coffee mornings will resume as usual in January, from 10.30 on the 28th of January at the Snooty Fox. There we be no coffee morning in December as the date falls during the Christmas Season. With Christmas on our minds, the members of our Institute look forward to our Christmas night out at the “Hare and the Hounds” in early December. This event forms an opportunity for the ladies to dress up and kick of the Christmas festivities with a fun night, celebrating friendship and support. Therefore, our next regular Institute meeting will also be held in January. Please join us at our new temporary home of The Goods Shed at 7.30 pm on January the 14th, where we will enjoy “Pink Frogs & Frisky Ferrets, the

shorthand notes of a Cotswolds Reporter.” Tetbury WI members are from Tetbury and the surrounding villages too; we always welcome new members. Jennifer Walsh, Tetbury WI


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St Saviours Church will also play host to The Christmas Tree Festival from December the 3rd until January the 4th and members of our various crafts groups are once again busy making decorations to adorn the WI Tree, which will sit with a range of other beautifully decorated trees representing local organisations. Well worth a visit, with any donations received gifted to the churches in the town. This month we held our Annual Meeting, with a large attendance gathered to discuss our Institute. We had reports from all of the various groups and also held a raffle for a bursary to Denman College, where one lucky member received a donation towards a visit to the WI Institute to enjoy a course of her choice. One of our ladies, Rowena, then entertained us with a talk on her career as cabin crew, firstly with British Airways and latterly with Virgin Airways. Rowena made a late career change and in her early 50’s started her training as a flight attendant, a career she thoroughly enjoyed. Also at the November meeting we had the second of two collections raising a total of £138.71 for the Cobalt Unit. We are fortunate in Gloucestershire to have the well-

12 | December 2018

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Just Art Thinking of Christmas presents? Just Art, the gallery next door to the Tetbury Tourist information office, opened in June. It’s aim is to provide space for local artists to exhibit their art.

There are paintings in different styles and sizes and a selection of cards and calendars. Commissions are also taken for child or pet portraits. The Gallery is open on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday every week 10 am to 4 pm. For Christmas shopping on Friday the 7th of December the Gallery will be open late as per Tetbury tradition.

Just Art wishes a Happy Christmas to everyone. For further information please contact: Sue on 01666 505301/ suetownsendart@btinternet.com Or Libby on 01666 503650/ diranhoonanian@gmail.com

New class starts: Wednesday 7th November, 7pm, SWR Leisure Centre, £6/class Beatz is a simple fun way to get fit with tunes we all know! It’s suitable for everyone of all fitness levels & ages.

If you would like more information call Ruth on 07734 886275

Gloucester Branch First & Second Floors, Three Cups House 5C-5D Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG

Prestige Nursing and Care would like to wish all our staff and clients a very Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year London Procurement Partnership

Gloucester 01666 503 020 e: gloucester@prestige-nursing.co.uk www.prestige-nursing.co.uk

All profits distributed locally and internationally

December 2018 | 13

Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun Our lease at Number 15 Long Street has come to an end and we shall have to vacate our premises. Since my predecessors took on the lease there has been a revolution in communications, which gives us an opportunity to centralise. Remote working means that I can be sitting in front of a computer at home and dictate a document that can be printed on the other side of the world. Out of town offices have become the vogue for large firms and for my part I can keep all my securities in one office and save substantial sums on rent and rates. This should improve our efficiency. We are obliged to keep our files for six years - and advised to keep them for thirteen. We can store them off site in a container, and we can store our Wills in our strong room in Devizes or in fire proof safes in Pewsey. We will be contacting those who are holding securities to inform them of the whereabouts. There are some 2,200 Wills in our register, so that will take time. In the meantime, we shall search for a satisfactory consulting room in the area where we can concentrate on seeing our clients face-toface, dealing with matters in hand, rather than with office administration.

through the Probate process to achieve this. There is a tendency today to rely on written instructions or decide cases on paper evidence alone, whereas with faceto-face meetings one can get a feel for the family dynamics. In some cases, it will be useful to set up lifetime trusts that although not effective for inheritance tax can at least avoid the probate process when times are hard enough.

By personal contact you can find out factors that can be important as to the future relationship between the parties. You can find out how parents get on with their stepchildren - and in some cases, one will find that the stepchild has been brought up virtually as the child of the parent concerned, in which case one can feel more reassured as to their future intentions, should they survive. Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal

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Once again, the Government has decided to renew its intention to raise the Probate Court Fees. It backed off from this previously when there was a General Election in the offing, but now as far as I can see it is going to press ahead with the changes. So then, a widow in Close Gardens with a house worth £300,000 and savings worth £250,000 will be hardest hit, with an increase in Court fees of £155.00 if dealing through a Solicitor (£215 otherwise) up to £2,500 and probably not paying any Inheritance Tax. Joint ownership can alleviate this substantially, but there are families on their second marriage through no fault of their own that need to protect their Estates for the next generation. Promises by the deceased can lead to post-death litigation. They will need to go


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14 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk



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Cotswold Voluntary Wardens On the Duke’s Land The Warden’s work party has been in in the woods on the Badminton estate of late – coppicing Hazel to gather both stakes and ‘heatherings.’ Some of this material is for the hedge-laying competition and some is for hedges which are on our schedule, for attention later in the Winter.

Conserving Iron Age Fortifications We’ve also paid further visits to Brackenbury Ditches iron-age hill fort, on the Cotswold escarpment near Wotton-under-Edge. We’re continuing to clear trees from the ramparts.

On the Film Set We have been at Sheephouse Farm, between Dursley and Uley, to install a kissing gate on the footpath there. In 1971, this farmyard was the main location for the film ‘Dulcima!’ The main stars were Sir John Mills as the farmer and Carol White in the title role as Dulcima. John Mills was barely recognisable with his battered hat, facial stubble and with a loose-rolled cigarette stuck to his lip. Unusually, the director was quite happy with the run-down farmyard just as it was and did not make any alterations. It is now very much altered and very prosperous-looking.

Another of our wardens, John Dansie, organised the farm’s insurance.

Local Footpath Patrols In addition to the work party, the other main function of a warden is patrolling footpaths and carrying out minor clearance; I am

continuing with Tetbury and the Tetbury Upton Parish, including Doughton – another warden, Ian Parkinson, has taken over from me at Shipton Moyne, Long Newnton, Beverstone and Westonbirt. Richard Glanville, Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

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Other scenes were filmed in Tetbury, both at the then still-functioning livestock market, and around Chipping Steps. Also featured were a green Bristol bus, a Serios One Land Rover and a Fordson Major tractor. Local people were hired as extras including David Owen, one of our wardens.

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16 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury 451 Comic Book Initiative

Tetbury Town Council’s Heritage and Regeneration committee… …will be supporting the “Tetbury 451 Comic Book Initiative,” with a small area in the Council building dedicated to the display of original comic book art, dating from the 1960’s to the present day. There will also be rare and first edition comics that will be on alternated display. We that this initiative will evolve into an Art centre/Museum facility – and following on from the recent highly-successful workshops held both in Tetbury and other locations, there will be workshops and a reading area for comics and graphic novels. We’re planning a comic convention and “cosplay” event next year. We will be looking for donations: old comics, graphic novels and artwork – and if you would like further information or to get involved in 340208 Piano Tuition 22/2/08 22:24 this initiative, please contact Kevin by email comics451@icloud.com or ring or text on 07745 716547.

Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk 340208


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The Cedar’s Nursery School Exciting times are ahead of Tigger’s next year with the impending new, purpose-built building for our Cedar’s Nursery School Children. This new addition to our Tigger’s childcare started running in September 2018 in our main building music room. This Nursery School will provide totally FREE childcare using the Government 15 or 30 hours, as the Nursery School hours will run Term -Time only, with parents supplying their child’s own meals. On 30 free hours a child can attend FREE from Monday to Friday, 09.00-15.00, during school terms. On 15 hours children can attend FREE for 5 sessions of 09.00-12.00 or 12.00-15.00 or two and a half days. Lunch is at 12.15, so only children in all day or for the afternoon sessions need to bring in a packed lunch. Registration for January has already started, so please contact Tigger’s on 01666 503142 or email thecedarsnurseryschool@ gmail.com to get your pack. There are no registration fees or deposits charged. We also have a few limited spaces for 2-year olds on funding, please ask the Manager for more information. If parents want to pay for any additional hours, this can also be done combining free hours with paid hours. The Cedar’s Nursery School has already begun to blossom over the course of this term, with new children joining in January 2019. Staff have enjoyed getting to know their new key children, all of whom have settled in very well to their new learning environments. The children have also been busy exploring the large outdoors, petting the rabbits, feeding and collecting eggs from the chickens and keeping a close eye on our resident tortoise, Sheldon. Forest School sessions have also been planned for January, as we have increased the size of the Forest school area and added an allotment and orchard to incorporate our Eco Schools Award! This will also support our new ways of developing children’s thinking using the “Curiosity Approach”. For the rest of this Term we continue our “Free Stay & Play Sessions” on a Thursday morning from 10.00-11.30 (for children aged 2-5 years). Please book these by also emailing us at thecedarsnurseryschool@gmail.com Please email The Cedar’s Nursery School’s Leader, for further details and enquiries and also to book your stay and play sessions. thecedarsnurseryschool@gmail.com 1261218

A paid-for




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Proposed plans for the new Cedar’s Nursery School Building 1.5




Tigger’s @ Tetbury In the full day care side of the nursery we are getting ready to bounce into the festive season with a big bang! To start off the festivities we are holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 01 December 11.00–15.00 for all our friends and families. Please feel free to join us to meet some of the team and enjoy some mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas fun! We will have stalls held throughout the nursery, craft stalls for the children, games, biscuit decorating, a camp fire for toasting marshmallows in the Forest School area and a Santa’s Grotto! (If you are interested in holding a stall please contact the nursery)

Tigger’s are also making a pledge to move away from plastic resources and intend to phase these out over time, whilst replacing them with more natural and realistic objects, which encourage the children’s natural curiosity!

For information or enquiries, please email the Team at tiggers.tetbury@gmail.com

Tigger’s are extremely proud to have been shortlisted as a finalist by the National Nursery Recognition Awards for Communication with Parents, and for our strategies for working in partnership with parents/families. Parents can now access a ‘Parentzone’ app, which can be logged into or downloaded on any smart phone. Parentzone is used as a daily diary for all children, documenting their feeds, naps, meals and nappy changes, along with observations and daily photographs. Parentzone is a twoway communication tool where parents can upload photos, videos and messages to their child’s Key Person. It is also a tool for following children’s development and planning for their next steps! Tigger’s Nurseries are also starting their journey to become an accredited ‘Curiosity Approach’ setting. The Curiosity Approach is a modern-day pedagogy taking parts from Reggio, Steiner, Te Whariki and a sprinkle of Montessori. The aim is to help encourage the children ‘how to think’ and ‘not what to think’.










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2.5 m





2.5 m

Making and sticking to your 2015 fitness goals Mayor’s Piece

loved one; we need to be aware of them and to make sure they are not forgotten.

the goal and completion date firmly set in 5 – the chance for a fresh start, the aware that it is also a wonderful yourPlease mind.beWrite it down! ce to reignite your fitness, lose those time of year for those who would like to Making is great, as this nds, run that break that Onrace theand Saturday before relieve one us ofbig ourtarget Christmas Presents and is delight in burgling an empty whattakeyougreat really want to achieve – for onal best! Remembrance Day… house!running Make sure you haveor as much example, a marathon losing five this looks and sounds great on paper, …I was walking around the town looking security lighting on as possible, both inside stone. targets take that considerable when the ink dried and it comes at has the beautiful knitted poppy displays. I andBut out,these and don’t advertise you will was humbled so many - and all the timebeand it’sAsk easy to losetosight. n to it (inevitably after to theseeChristmas away. neighbours keep Creating an eye work and effort that has gone into knitting out for you, and perhaps also to pop to shorter-term goals aimed at the mainin goal k it is harderthem. and sweatier than ever), St. Saviour’s and St. Marys’ looked check on your house. If you see anything is beneficial, and these must also be goal seemslovely. muchThefurther Tommy from soldieryour and the Tommy suspicious, however trivial it may appear, bench managed look very fitting in the to churchyard of to stick ‘SMART’. A monthly p. Even if you’ve phone the police. objective might start St. Saviour’s. goals for a few weeks, results aren’t withI simply going to the gym three times would like to take this opportunity to Remembrance Daywe was are also all a very moving ys seen straight away, and per week. thank all our Councillors who work so in their various roles. Thank you to atient even atdaythe- and besttheof release times. of so many poppy Ashard weDeputy, are allCouncillor habitual Kevin creatures we fall petals was lovely. So many people turned my Painter, for cking to your targetstherequires out to witness two-minutea silence and into certain routines orahabits, which canallbe all his support - and big thank you to tured approach and an belief in remember ourinner fallen soldiers. the Grounds Team who keep our town of good or bad. Creating an exercise habit can also to Sue and her team, who make the ability to reach younow set.fast You approaching must Tetbury looking so nice. They really do work As what we are the be vital in helping you achieve your goal. town magical with the pretty lights on very hard. Finally, thank you to Stephen, ble to visualise the process the end Christmas period,and I would like to take the withandanGeorgina easy habit thattireless will bework easyin to StartTara lampposts and in the trees. So much hard for their opportunity to thank the Feoffees and – but don’t just fantasise! work goes into this each year. All we see the office. stick to, and make sure you are consistent Thirteen for the lovely trees and lights is the finished effect. Please support our aking ‘SMART’ objectives with the help and Have perform habit for atyouleast two that will be going up all around the town. a lovelythis holiday wherever are and magical “Switch on” of the Christmas lights trainer or byThey yourself a great way of thisbeat workis tirelessly to do every whatever you are doing. weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes is vital, otherwise you lack the ability - and the service in St. Saviour’s. year, and alongregimes with the loping exercises thatLowsley-Williams are to track improvement. of exercise a Monday, Wednesday and Councilloron Sandra Ball, We also need to remember those who cannot family,these who steps provide trees tothe planbeautiful a for you. Follow Mayor of Tetbury Once you have been doing this for outside the market hall steps. Thank you enjoy the festive season, due to the loss of Friday. a ATTAINABLE er fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. CIFIC you in the right place and have the right al must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective you have set? This will keep your body and brain what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead to reduced focus and too REALISTIC To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. achieving the objective. Too high a MEASURABLE yourself goal and you may struggle to see the end, A goal must be too low and you will find yourself less able to be motivated. measured – 01285 800041 whether on TIMED scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps 0181218



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20 | December 2018


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Tetbury Bowls Club You may have noticed that the hedge has been taken down from in front of the green; this is to create space for a new rain water collection tank as part of the new automatic watering system we are installing. It’s a huge investment for the club but one we believe is essential to help maintain the quality of the playing surface in future dry spells.

I’m sometimes asked where Tetbury Bowls Club is,

Back home, work is going on to restore our green after the ravages of the hot, dry summer which, despite the sterling efforts of our green keepers, Vic and John, saw some damage to the playing surface.

so for those of you who don’t know, it’s behind the Dolphins Hall and between the graveyard and the Memorial Recreation Ground. We often see people watching through the fence...come and say Hello! Outdoor bowling has now finished for the season but that’s not to say things have gone quiet. Some of us are playing indoor bowls at Stroud and Fairford indoor rinks – it’s very different, quite a challenge.

On the social side we enjoyed a lovely meal at The Old Royal Ship, Luckington, for our Club Competitions presentation evening, a change from the Dolphins Hall while it’s out of action. Good food and great company accompanied the presenting of the prizes and the lovely shiny cups. Internal competitions fall into several categories and each one is fiercely fought for as, as well as the cups, the winners names are put up on the walls of the clubhouse for posterity. Friday nights are social nights at the Bowls Club, where we have a bar, bingo, games, food and a good natter. Toward Christmas we will also be having our annual Christmas meal and a fundraising raffle with American supper evening. You don’t have to be a player to be a social member; £15 a year entitles you to all social events as well as watching the bowls during the season. You can get further information from any of the committee or our Facebook Page; it would be lovely to welcome more members. Jan Yates, Secretary. Tetbury Bowls Club

Merry Christmas to all our customers

Cirencester Road, Tetbury GL8 8EQ, Tel: 01666 502101

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 21





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What’s that word? Was it a quiz game on the 18th of October? No! Denis Cartwright explained how and why the American language is sometimes different from the English we speak today. He said that the early American settlers retained the typical language of the English aristocracy until after the War of Independence in the 1770’s when things changed. Why? The purchase of the extensive Louisiana lands from France in 1803 led to the introduction of many French words. Mexico-owned Texas and adjoining territories were annexed in 1845, and more Mexican land extending to the Pacific was then purchased, so many Spanish words crept in. Then ‘Amer-Indian’ terms and phrases were increasingly adopted. These new languages often described things unheard of, or non-existent, in England. Denis’s copious examples showed how the adoption of new words, often with unfamiliar case endings, expanded not

Yiddish and even Chinese contributions. But confusion sometimes resulted. For example, a hat with ten braided bands (‘galon’ in Spanish,) became a ‘ten-gallon hat,’ and the salutation ‘shalom,’ (peace,) lapsed into ‘so long’. The language is now flowing back steadily into the UK, sometimes confusingly, too. A test at the end of Denis’s enlightening talk showed that some members were less confused than others.

only the language, but also the usage of the words themselves. Nouns became verbs and verbs became adjectives. He illustrated how early Dutch and German settlers had influenced American English, as had Italian,

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Our new member Harold Porter captivated us on the 1st of November, when he described his early years on his family’s Cumberland farm - and then his career. His interest in agricultural machinery stood him in good stead when he joined the Royal Navy in 1943. Selected for training as a diesel engineer Harold portrayed his posting to Malta. This led to taking landing craft onto the Italian Anzio beaches and then work with naval port parties preparing Adriatic ports for Allied use. A transfer to Bombay was halted by the surrender of Japan. Soon he was demobbed and joined the National Fire Service. Successive training courses on preventing and fighting fires led to increasingly senior positions across the country, culminating in his appointment as Cumberland’s Chief Fire Officer based in Cockermouth. The service needed rejuvenating, money was short and there was local opposition to change. Extra responsibilities included chairing an EU standardisation committee. At the age of 60, Harold was promoted to be HM Inspector of Fire Services. ‘Off the record’ duties included preparing contingency plans to ensure the national fire services would be well prepared in the event of further hostilities. On retirement into an increasingly litigious world, his services were frequently sought as an expert witness. It was a very impressive and fascinating account of a distinguished life of public service, for which Harold was awarded the OBE and the Queen’s Fire Service Medal. December talks will cover decades of flight deck duties, the work of an MOD police dog handler, and Arctic naval ordeals. Newcomers are always Maths welcome! Christmas, 150208 & Merry English 22/2/08 22:05 Theo Stening, Probus. 01666 504243





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Tetbury in Bloom The End of An Era After more than twelve years with Tetbury in Bloom, and one hundred and twenty-three articles for the Advertiser, my husband Kevin and I have decided to step aside. I am still working full time in a job that requires me to travel around the country, and I want to spend my spare time nurturing a talent for painting, not planting! We wish Sue, Mel and the whole team all the very best, and count ourselves fortunate to have been part of such a “force for good,” while also making such wonderful friends. We are delighted that Tetbury in Bloom does not just focus on making the town look beautiful in the warmer months, or in preparation for one day of judging a year, as it did in the early days. It is now also responsible for the Christmas lighting displays and takes pride in ensuring that the town looks beautiful year-round. One of my final tasks will be to decorate a Christmas tree in Saint Saviours, something I particularly enjoy. Do come along and see if you can spot which one represents Tetbury in Bloom.

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Tetbury Minibus Autumn/Winter Day Trips

Despite the challenges the weather has Bicester Shopping Trip thrown at us, (a cold winter, dry summer Call 07939 890891 • Saturday and the recent frosts and wintry showers,)17th November from Tetbury • Sporting Events there is a lot to be proud of•thisFull yearday - not • Airport connections • Nightclubs least keeping the flowerbeds watered and • Cotswold Tours Bicester Trip • Adult £20, Child/OAP £15 Shopping • Parties well-tended, and the geraniums blooming • Saturday 17th November from Tetbury • School run from Tetbury-Malmesbury Bucks Fizz & pastries included until the end of October and• beyond. Fully licensed and insured for up to 16 passengers • Full day

Autumn / Winter Day Trips

• Adult £20, Child/OAP £15

Call 07939 890891

For a quotation please call 07939 890891 or visit www.tetburyminibus.co.uk A very big thank you to the following • Bucks Fizz & pastries included• Sporting Events Burford Market individuals and organisations for Winter their Burford Winter Market • Airport connections • Nightclubs support over the past year: Pam and1st December • Saturday from1stTetbury • Saturday December from Tetbury • Cotswold Tours Charlie Cleaver, Joan and Mike Kniveton, • Parties • 4 hours • 4 hours Debbie Szydlowski and Peter Stafford, Sue • Adult £13, Child/OAP £10 • School run from Tetbury-Malmesbury available for private hire Fully licensed and insured for up toAlso 16 passengers • Adult £13, Child/OAP £10 and Jeremy Townsend, Judith Randall, Gill For a quotation please call 07939 890891 or visit www.tetburyminibus.co.uk Moules, the residents of Lewsey Court and • For further details, please call 07939 890891 our very own Sue and Charlie Grene, for Also available for private hire or visit www.tetburyminibus.co.uk opening their gardens in support of the eighth Open Gardens Day. •

further Thanks too, to St Marys’For Parochial Churchdetails, please call 07939 890891 or visit www.tetburyminibus.co.uk Council, The Tetbury Lions, The Feoffees of Tetbury, Tetbury Town Council, Tetbury Upton Parish Council, The Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds, The Women’s Institute, and many residents throughout the town. Kevin and I are honoured to have been associated with such a wonderful organisation for so long and look forward to attending fundraising events as paying guests in the future.

TETBURY FISH & CHIP SHOP Would Like to Wish All Our Customers

A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom Ed: Many thanks to Liz, who has been a stalwart contributor to the Advertiser for so many seasons; she will be missed.

24 | December 2018


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Leighterton Primary School it so they looked just like the real one.

Haymead children getting ready to use acrylics.

All the children at Leighterton Primary School were very excited when they found out that we would be holding an Art Week. They knew that they would have the chance to try out some new things and to find out how real artists work.

Some local artists visited us during the week – and Colin Alden was our first visitor. Colin, who designed the packaging for the Maltesers Bunny, brought in the Air Stream that he has restored for us to see. The children in Apsemore and Bowldown classes had a good look at the silver caravan when it was parked on our playground, and Colin told them about the techniques he used to rebuild it, showing them by using kitchen foil on a metal frame. The children in Key Stage One all had the opportunity to make their own and to add windows and doors to

Catherine Oxtoby also came in and worked with the children in Haymead and Ridge classes. She brought some of her beautiful paintings in to show us - and explained that she uses a sketch book to record her ideas and to keep them together. She told us about how she creates the colours for her paintings and explained that she never uses the paint straight out of the tube, but always mixes it so she gets exactly the right colour for her work. We then sketched poppies and painted them, mixing our own colours very carefully. We used different types of paint, such as poster paint, acrylics and water colours, and created a soldier made from poppies. Ms Hatfield, our headteacher, ran a printing workshop for the children in Bowldown and Apsemore. She showed them some Indian wooden blocks and explained how she uses them to print tea towels using special fabric paint. Bowldown children had a go at printing using the Indian blocks and they look super. Even Mr Yolland Jones, our PE teacher, planned an ‘arty’ session for us in our PE lesson. Nicola Shelton, another local artist who paints landscapes, showed us some of her sensational pieces of art. Some of these have been exhibited in art galleries. She talked about the type of paint she likes to use in her paintings and we asked her lots of questions. After her visit, we painted our own landscapes, using ideas from her paintings. Brittany Hurdle also visited Years 5 and 6. She is a graphic designer who sketches, then adds to these sketches using computer software. It was very interesting to learn about the techniques she uses and the children had fun trying this out themselves. Ian Clark, drove his tractor on to our playground so the children in Apsemore could draw it. They did a wonderful job.


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Our School Business Manager, Mrs Davey, showed us some of her outstanding work too. We looked at pieces she did while she was at school and at some paintings she has completed recently. She uses lots of techniques, including pen drawing and painting with acrylics and watercolours. We saw a bird painting that her daughter, Amelia, had painted and exhibited while she was at school. Art week was amazing! By Charlotte and Evie (Haymead Class) If you would like to find out more or come and look around Leighterton Primary School, you are very welcome to contact the school office on (01666) 890273 and we would be delighted to show you round at a convenient time. Further information about school is also available on our website - www.leighterton.com

December 2018 | 25

Tetbury Art Society

on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www.tetburyartsociety. org.uk or phone me on 01666 502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666 503926. We meet on the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall in Silver Street at 7:30 pm, and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.

A lighter evening of Christmas sugar craft replaced the usual demonstration at our November meeting; it was set up and led by our vicechairman Doreen Pierce. It reminded me of my primary school days working with plasticene! The objective was to each come away with our very-own rose, crafted in icing and mounted on an icing plaque ready to go on a cake. The first task was to roll out some green icing, stamp out a few leaves using a leaf-shaped cutter and mark on them stalks and veins. Then a piece of red icing was torn into about four small balls each of which was rolled to make a petal. Then the edges were thinned - and the petals assembled to form the rose. Finally, a piece of white icing was rolled flat to form the plaque and the leaves and rose were pressed onto this base. For the ambitious, there was time to add a few more roses. With a few bits of left-over icing, I later spent a happy half-hour with my two younger granddaughters passing on what I had learned.

As we approach the end of the year, we would like to wish Advertiser readers a Happy Christmas and Good Health in 2018. 100208 KP Gardens


Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society


Since the Prince of Wales reached his seventieth birthday in November, and he is our President, we had held a birthday card competition arranged by Doreen Pierce and Sue Russell. The winning entry had been judged by members to be the card produced by Gill Ashley, which was sent to His Royal Highness; he kindly acknowledged it with a card of his own. Looking forward, on Wednesday the 5th of December we will hold our Christmas Social, which will be our last event before the AGM in February 2019. More information



26 | December 2018

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Page 1

Town and Country Estate Agents t. 01666 505068 e. tetbury@hunterfrench.co.uk w. www.hunterfrench.co.uk 2 London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8JL


Tetbury, Gloucestershire

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Highfields, Tetbury £325,000 Built in 2017, situated on the attractive Highfields development, this semi-detached home is presented in great order. • Sitting room and kitchen/dining room, both with French doors into the garden • South-west facing rear garden • Three bedrooms, master with fitted wardrobes and en-suite • Private parking and garage



Tetbury, Gloucestershire £450,000 Situated on the outskirts of Tetbury yet just a short walk from the town centre, this detached family home is wellpresented throughout.

This property now has a sale agreed, if you are thinking of selling in Tetbury or the surrounding villages, we would be delighted to hear from you.




Tetbury, Gloucestershire

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This property now has a sale agreed, if you are thinking of selling in Tetbury or the surrounding villages, we would be delighted to hear from you.










Tetbury Town Council ‘Switch On’ This year there is a brandnew team and a brandnew Switch-On date, with ‘Tetbury’s Christmas Magical Mystery Night’ taking place on the evening of Friday the 7th of December.

Timings The night will kick off with a lanternlit procession starting at 6.00 pm from the bottom of Long Street, going up to the Market House. It will be led by the Nailsworth Marching Silver Band and Santa with his Elves - and the children will be joining in, with their paper lanterns. Those who wish to take part in the lantern-lit procession should assemble at the Town Council Offices from 5.30 pm onward, where Santa will be on hand to greet you. Everyone is welcome, although all children need to be accompanied by an adult. The Christmas Team will be on hand to distribute the paper lanterns.

The lights will be turned on after the procession, at approximately 6.15 pm. This year we are extremely happy to welcome Tristan Gemmill who plays Robert Preston in Coronation Street and the LowsleyWilliams Family from Chavenage House, both of whom have strong connections with the town. The charity, trading and refreshment stalls will then be officially open. Santa will be available in his Grotto in the Market House from 6.30 pm.

Road Closures and parking As usual there will be Free Parking after 3.00 pm in the Old Brewery Lane and West Street car parks and special Free Parking after 4.00 pm in the Chipping Street car park. As always, the Old Railway car park remains free 24-hours a day. Long Street will be closed to traffic from 5.30 pm until 6.30 pm to allow for the parade, and Church Street will be closed to traffic from 4.00 pm to 9.00 pm this year, both to allow stallholders to set up and to allow us all to enjoy the festivities. So, for those of you planning your journeys home, please take this into account. There will be a temporary “No Parking” Restriction Order from 3.30 pm in The Green, between Market Place Mews and St. Michael’s Church. This will allow traffic to pass through easily, without fear of obstruction or damage being caused to parked vehicles.

Organisation The Big Switch-On 2018 has been organised by the super team at Tetbury Town Council this year, with the support of Tetbury

PS: Don’t forget to visit the Christmas Tree Festival in St. Saviour’s Church the Community Carol Service in St. Saviour’s Church on Saturday the

28 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Shop Window competition – and this year’s theme is ‘Best Dressed Christmas Window.’ It will be judged from 6.30 pm on Monday the 3rd of December and participating shops will be awarded Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver or Bronze certificates, with an overall winner. Windows will be judged on ‘Impact,’ (including overall attractiveness and design flair), and “Use of Products,” (i.e. displaying wares, not just making the window look festive.) The ‘TinB’ team will also be dressing more than thirty Christmas trees.

Feoffees, who do such a wonderful job of lighting up their iconic Market House and collecting and decorating the two beautiful Christmas Trees. The trees are very kindly donated by the Lowsley-Williams Family and feature prominently on either side of the Market House steps.

over the baton for the event this year, to concentrate on their hard work with Tetbury in Bloom. They have done a fantastic job organising this event for many years.

The new team would like to say a huge thank you to Christmas in Tetbury, who handed

Alas, the Tetbury in Bloom team don’t get a rest! They are managing the Christmas

Christmas Shop Window Competition

They will be adorning the participating businesses, placing the lights in the large trees and on the lampposts. Some of their members will also be helping Ali Bristow of Artique to erect Santa’s grotto. If you have any queries about the event, stalls etc., please contact Georgina or Tara on 01666 504670 or at www.tetbury.gov. uk/contact-us/ Georgina & Tara, Tetbury Town Council

from the 3rd of December through to the 5th of January and to join us for 8th of December – with a 5.30 pm start. Mulled wine and mince pies!

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December 2018 | 29

Here at Tetbury Hospital, we’ve had a busy year! We have been listening to you and talking to GP practices across the county, to identify services which we can offer to patients, locally. We have welcomed new consultants and introduced several new services this year, a couple of which I’ve outlined below. We’re working hard to bring you more services

in 2019, continuing our commitment to keeping your care closer to home. Our new hospital leaflets are available at the hospital, Tetbury Phoenix Surgery, and various locations around the town. We are pleased to announce the launch of our updated and enhanced Ophthalmology Service, for both NHS and private patients. This means that our attending ophthalmic consultant surgeons will be running weekly

Optimum Mobility

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clinics, providing more appointment availability and minimal wait times - and we have trained our own technicians to support them. We are also very proud that virtually all cataract surgery can be carried out at Tetbury Hospital in our day surgery unit, creating a seamless pathway for patients and next of kin, without the need to travel further. Your loved ones will even be offered a cup of tea while they wait for you. Our consultants work very closely together and will carry out any surgery required, so you can be sure of a full consultant-led service at Tetbury Hospital. Lastly, we also introduced a Private GP Service, earlier in the year. You have our assurance that this service does not impact on any of the NHS services delivered, and revenue is invested back into the hospital for the benefit of all our patients. For further information on all our NHS and private patient services contact us on 01666 502336 - and remember if you need to see a consultant, ask your GP to select Tetbury Hospital as one of your “Choose and Book” choices. But, most importantly, keep warm and stay healthy!

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

December 2018 | 31

News from St Marys’ Church Mary and Joseph are coming to stay in Tetbury, this Advent!

and Richard Lloyd with special guests Pete Mannheim and Nick Ullmann. Combining the sacred and the contemporary, early booking is recommended! Ring Heather Bristow on 01666 503 946. The Tetbury Music Festival presents Handel’s Messiah on Saturday the 15th of December at 7.00 pm, with the instruments and choir of ‘Time and Truth.’ Book online at www.tetburymusicfestival.org All proceeds will be used for the church’s ‘West Door’ project. There are Candle-lit Nine Lessons and Carols, on Sunday the 16th December at 6.00 pm, with St Marys’ Festival Choir conducted by Ian Higginson, followed by mulled wine and mince pieces. Midnight Mass, at 11.30 pm on Christmas Eve. All are welcome to this joyful service, when the church is filled with people and beautiful music, bathed in the candlelight of our lovely chandeliers. And there is more for everyone! Here are some more dates for your diary – all at St Marys’ Church unless I’ve noted otherwise:

• Advent Carol Service, Sunday the 2nd of December at 6.00 pm. • Christmas Tree Carol Service, Saturday the 8th of December at 5.30 pm in St Saviours. • Candle-lit Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, Sunday the 16th of December at 6.00 pm. • Christmas Morning Family Service, Tuesday the 25th of December at 10.00 am. With carols! Of course! • Sunday the 30th of December at 10.30 am, a special Christmas service followed by festive drinks in the Vicarage. Wishing you a wonderful Advent and a very Happy Christmas, with love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ St.MarysTetbury Website: www.tetburychurch.co.uk

Find out more about preparing for Christmas by visiting: www.churchofengland.org/Christmas 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1


For the first time, we are holding a ‘Posada.’ This lovely tradition originates in Mexico, (Posada is Spanish for ‘inn,’) and throughout December small versions of Mary and Joseph travel around being welcomed into different households in the community, staying for the night, with Tetbury folk signed up as hosts in advance. Their journey will begin at St Marys’ Church on Sunday the 2nd of December, and end as we begin the 10.00 am service on Christmas morning.

• St Marys’ Christmas Market in the Market Hall, Saturday the 1st of December 10.00 am - 12.30 pm.

0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k

And we are taking up the theme in our Advent Home Groups! We’ll begin, of course, with that trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Then, as the heavenly host proclaim Jesus’ birth, we reflect on how the shepherds decided together ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem,’ while Wise Men travelled from the East.

And there’s lots more going on! Here are some highlights: Especially for children, every Sunday through December at our 10.00 am service, children can enjoy Advent stories and crafts in our ‘Little Fishes’ Sunday School. We also have the candle-lit Christingle Service with carols on Sunday the 9th of December at 4.00 pm. The Children’s Crib Service is at 4.00 pm on Christmas Eve. Children are invited to dress up as sheep and shepherds, angels, stars… and even donkeys(!) to help bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Every child is invited to be part of the nativity scene and as you can imagine, excitement runs high and it is a magical time. ‘We Three: Songs for a King.’ On Sunday the 9th of December at 7.00 pm, this Christmas concert features Heather Bristow, Nicola Clark

32 | December 2018

Wishing A Happy & Peaceful Christmas To All Our Customers & Friends


17 Church St Tetbury, Glos 01666 - 503597 Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

News from St Michael’s

We are well into autumn with Christmas fast approaching and it’s lovely to appreciate the wonders of the Cotswolds. Other parts of the world suffer war and famine – and although some here too are suffering when things have gone wrong, either in work life or through illness, those who are doing OK should remember to really appreciate all that is around them. We will soon be approaching Advent and lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath. The circle of the wreath reminds Christians of God, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning and no end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that Christians have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolise the light of God coming into the world through the birth of his son, Jesus. The four traditional advent themes for the four advent Sundays are: God’s people – The Candle of Hope: Hope is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at the light of this candle, we celebrate

the hope we have in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament Prophets – The Candle of Peace: Peace is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at this candle, we celebrate the peace we find in Jesus Christ. John the Baptist – The Candle of Love: Love is like a candle shining in a dark place. As we look at the light of this candle, we celebrate the love we have in Christ. Mary the mother of Jesus – The Candle of Joy: Joy is like a light shining in a dark place. As we look at this candle, we celebrate the joy we find in Jesus Christ. The fifth candle represents the Birth of Christ: The flame of this candle reminds us that He is the light of the world and that if we follow Him, we will never walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life.

Attending Church at this special time, we can immerse ourselves in what Christmas really means for us all - because for a short while we are away from the commercialism that our secular society has forced upon us. Let us not forget that for some Christmas can be a lonely time – those who will be on their own, those who are spending their first Christmas without a loved one and those for whom Christmas will be a sad time no matter the reason. You’re most welcome to attend either of our Christmas Services! They are Christmas Eve – Carols at 4.30 pm, followed by Mass at 5.00 pm, and on Christmas Day – Mass at 9.00 am. It is not just at Christmas time that you are welcomed to join us for the Celebration of the Eucharist; every Sunday morning our Mass commences at 9.00 am. Whether you are new to Tetbury or have been away from the Church for a while, we will always welcome you. A thought for the New Year: Why not welcome God back into your life? St Michaels Parish wish you all Blessings this Christmas and wish us all Peace, Joy, Happiness and Good Health in 2019. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michaels Parish Office/Hall, Silver Street

News from Christ Church Dear Friends, these are busy times at Christ Church with Forest Church, Carol Services and the Christian Aid 100-Mile Walk. The sun shone, and the rain held off, as we held a Forest Church event in woods at Doughton. We celebrated the God of creation in the wilds of creation. We had a scavenger hunt game, we looked and listened for the sights and sounds around us, we constructed a Celtic Trinity Knot pattern made of leaves, branches and moss. We sang and prayed and roasted marshmallows on an open fire. Fifteen or so of us of all ages enjoyed this joint event with Avening Parish Church and it was a very successful venture - we’ll certainly be doing more again in the new year.

Then, come January, the 100-Mile Walk takes place. Donna, a very active church member in Tetbury, will be celebrating her 50th birthday by undertaking a 100-mile sponsored walk to support refugees and internally displaced people. If you would like to join us for a day or more, or sponsor Donna or someone else doing the walk,

look here www.justgiving.com/campaign/ hundred-mile-walk or contact me nsharp@ christian-aid.org 0781 4141 100. With best wishes for a Peaceful and Joyful Christmas, Noel Sharp, Minister of Christ Church Tetbury

We are holding a carol service this year, for all who use our premises at Christ Church, as we’re home to so many community groups. This will be at 6.00 pm on Wednesday the 5th of December, so if you’re part of St Mary’s Playgroup, Chippin’ Chips, the Bridge Club, HOTS, Pilates, the Community Choir, Coffee Pot or any other group that uses Christ Church, then do come along for a short child-friendly service to celebrate Christmas.

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 33

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34 | December 2018

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History of Tetbury Society Di and Mont Bryan gave us an immensely enjoyable evening at HOTS on the 1st of November. ‘The Poets, Poems and Pictures of Gloucestershire’ was their subject - and they gave us seventeen poems with cleverly co-ordinated pictures. Di both chose and read the poems, with both great feeling and arm-waving, (missing the microphone every time,) – and read them as they need to be read, with a genuine Gloucestershire accent. She preceded each poem by giving us an outline of the life and troubles of the poet. Mont, for his part, organised the Power Point presentation of photographs, creating a montage of as many as three pictures and adding script where appropriate. Di started with F W Harvey, born at Hartpury, who when a POW in Germany wrote feelingly about wishing to see ‘my hills again,’ back in Gloucestershire. She followed that with W H Davies, who died at Nailsworth, and read his famous poem ‘Leisure,’ which includes the famous couplet:

John Drinkwater, one of the Dymock Poets, wrote ‘Cotswold Love’ and ‘Legacy.’ For Ivor Gurney, the musician and poet, Di chose the poem entitled ‘There Was Such Beauty’ and she later read ‘Strange Service,’ - a tribute to his mother country: England.

in which he looked back on his childhood. James Mc Woolley’s ‘Aussies over the Cotswolds’ was about the Australians learning to fly at Leighterton during WW1 - and ‘A Cotswold Lad’ by Frank Mansell, a friend of Laurie Lee’s from Sheepscombe followed. ‘The land remains but he is gone!’

Leonard Clark. a teacher from the Forest of Dean had written a poem about ‘The CiderHouse.’ He also wrote ‘Singing in the Streets,’

More light-heartedly she read ‘Cotswold Tiles’ by Edward Berryman, which makes it clear that the small tiles are at the top and the large ones at the eaves - and that they ‘weather down the ages.’ Then she read ‘Adlestrop’ by Thomas Edward - where a blackbird sings in the station.

‘What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.’

Valerie Roseblade, who as ‘Serendipity’ memorably wrote regular columns for the ‘Advertiser,’ centred her poems on her family. Di discovered and shared her poem about a tour of Paris which ended with the line ‘Beverston’s far enough away for me!’ Di then read one of her own compositions, entitled ‘The Diamonds of Life,’ which was a tribute for a Diamond Wedding. Josie Drinkwater had written ‘A letter with a Photograph’ that was a nostalgic reminiscence of her father as young sailor boy - and her ‘Christmas Dream’ told of the toys coming to life until the clock strikes twelve. Di concluded with Laurie Lee’s ‘Christmas Landscape,’ in which he contrasts the birth of a baby with the bitter cold of winter. It was a truly great HOTS meeting. Next month we have the Annual Social, which has been moved to the 12th of December, when Gwilym and Carol Davies will entertain us.


Tickets are available from Sue Russell. Then on Thursday the 3rd of January we ask members to bring along any items they think would be interesting to our ‘Archive Meeting.’ Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society

36 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Chamber of Commerce hosted a very popular open day recently, to engage with businesses and to get their thoughts and suggestions about the future of the Chamber - and the other business opportunities available. Although shops are the predominant businesses in the town, we do have a great number of specialised services in the various industrial sites too; a few have already taken an active interest in trying to promote their businesses and suggested that we compile a directory of services. To do so, the chamber will be contacting this section of businesses in due course.

There is another level: the sole trader or consultant working from home with specialised services arena. As this is a very difficult market to contact, please take this as an invitation to contact us and give us information about your business services. If you’re in this sector. One project that needed immediate organising was that of a potential latenight Christmas shopping experience complementing the Christmas light switchon, so the Chamber was very pleased to appoint Sally Walker as Events Coordinator. Sally, of “Tailor-Made Events” has been assisted by Carra Bacon of “Oinky Lettering” to prepare the Christmas shopping night. Maps will be provided for a fun tour of the amazing Tetbury shops opening late - and the evening will end at the Royal Oak with

Tetbury Chamber of Commerce music on their piano for a sing-along and chestnuts being roasted on the fire.

This is how the new Chamber of Commerce will be operating. We will be utilising the skills of our own local people and giving them the support to get any project off the ground. Other projects we will be taking forward next year will be the Tetbury Business Awards, the new “Tetbury Guide,” and the return of the Tetbury Food Festival. We intend to foster better publicity and promotion of our town, with a centralised PR point. In the hope you will have a very happy Christmas and of course that there will be a prosperous New Year for all of us, Cllr Kevin Painter If you would like further information or get involved please contact Kevin by email via tetburynews@icloud.com or ring or text on 07745 716547.

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shaun.cuss@btinternet.com December 2018 | 37

Tammy Lynn Kwan Photography The Advertiser is hugely indebted… …to Stroud-based photographer Tammy Lynn Kwan and her assistant Annie Blick, who were kind enough to give freely of their time in producing this month’s “Light Painting” cover photograph and associated images. Very many thanks to them both – and to Tetbury Lion Ken White, chiefly for standing so very still. Find out more about Tammy Lynn here at www.tammylynn.co.uk or email her as tammy@tammylynn.co.uk Her telephone number is 07983 826508. Thanks too, to the Reverend Poppy Hughes, for letting us release Elves into St Marys’ churchyard at short notice.






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38 | December 2018

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December 2018 | 39

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Tetbury Camera Club There is little doubt that most of us will have heard the comment… …that ‘every picture tells a story’ but unlike many idioms or sayings, where it originated, what prompted it or who first conceived it now seems to be lost in time. One thing for sure though, is that Rod Stewart wasn’t its initial author when he used it as the title of one of his earliest hits. Another is that these days it’s a saying that is as relevant as it ever was, and it’s one that sprang to mind a few weeks ago when Tetbury Camera Club had a fine evening of entertainment and inspiration when we enjoyed a visit by Worcestershire based photographer Darren Leeson. Darren’s forte is street photography, which for anyone who hasn’t come across the term before refers to outdoor picturetaking which is often ‘gritty’ in style and content. One of the best known of its early exponents was the French photographer

Henri Cartier-Bresson, who would ‘snatch’ pictures of people in the street that he felt were doing simple things which were unusual or interesting. Darren’s presentation to us showed he often manages to capture a similar individual, atmospheric style of image. To use Darren’s words, ‘although my interest

in photography is wide-ranging, I have a strong passion for the real and surreal stories and theatre of the street.’ During his evening with us he entertained with a wide-ranging selection of images, showing shots such as the mobile diner picture which is illustrating this month’s article. It is obviously firmly closed for business, despite its open-all-day signage. Despite the apparent simplicity or naivety of street pictures they are not as simple to take as they might look. Not everyone can see them – and for most people it isn’t easy to be bold enough to just snap a shot of someone you don’t know, or even to walk up to someone you’ve never seen before and ask them if you can photograph them. Among the hints and tips Darren offered to our members there were a couple that are easy for virtually anyone to follow, even using a picture-taking smartphone; always take it with you! Darren almost never leaves home without one of his cameras. Another comment he made was that using a small unobtrusive camera makes you look more like an amateur and tourist, so people are less likely to be watching what you’re doing. One of the cameras he uses is about 10 years old, rather bashed, looks well-used and sports a simple looking small lens acquired from an auction site. Leave the larger long-length lenses for other photographic projects. Another was watch what’s going on around you. If you don’t look you won’t see. If you are interested in seeing more of Darren’s work Google his name or have a look at his website: street-fotografie.co.uk Tetbury Camera clubs meet upstairs at The Priory Inn at 7.30 each Tuesday. It is always happy to welcome new members, or anyone who is interested in knowing more about photography. The club’s website: tetburycameraclub.org.uk shows its programme as well as lots more information.


42 | December 2018

Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Dolphins Hall

DOLPHINS HALL A Public Meeting is being held by District Councillors On behalf of the people of Tetbury To be held at the Dolphins Hall Friday 14th December - 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm prompt This is an opportunity to air your views and ask questions about the future progress of the Dolphins Hall, Recreation Grounds and the Grounds surrounding the Hall. In particular the positioning and future of the Youth Club facilities. The meeting will be chaired by an independent person. We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting. Tina Stevenson and Maggie Heaven 0671218

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It has been another busy month for the Dolphins Hall trustees. We have had progress meetings with several user groups and sports teams and been in a number of meetings with Gloucestershire County Council - negotiating an extension to the Big Community Grant. We have also met with planning officers from Cotswold District Council, seeking planning guidance on our current ideas. We have spent time with architects and quantity surveyors, looking at building options and costs – and all this has been a major commitment for us as trustees - many of whom must fit this around having full-time jobs and families. I would like to publicly thank those involved for so willingly giving up their time. Projects such as this one are incredibly complicated. As a charity, we must always ensure we follow both Charity Commission rules and our own constitution. As a charity that manages a resource that is in trust to the town, some of the requirements can often get quite complicated! This all means that every idea and every step needs to be constantly checked against the rules of what can and cannot happen. On top of this, we work with many different groups and wish to do our best to remain engaged with these groups in the decision-making process. This can often make progress feel incredibly slow, but we feel, strongly, this is the right way to do things. We are committed to delivering a vital and sustainable development of the Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground for the people of Tetbury - and to keeping everyone informed of progress, openly and honestly, as soon as we are able. Assuming all goes well, all the activity I have listed should put us in a position to very soon hold a series of consultation events, where you will be welcome to come and see our proposals and to ask questions and make comments, before we submit them for full planning permission and go out to tender with builders. In the meantime, we really do welcome any questions from the public concerning the project, so please feel free to contact me through chair@dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk.

30 years experience, specialising in Kitchens, Bathrooms, Extensions and Renovations


You can also follow progress on our website http://www.dolphinshalltetbury. co.uk or via our Facebook page https:// www.facebook.com/DolphinsHallTet/ Steve Scott, Dolphins Hall Committee

07786 085928 or 01666 505110

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December 2018 | 43

Tetbury Nursery Playgroup It’s time to celebrate at playgroup. This term is all about celebration and festivals, leading up to the big one! The staff also had reason to celebrate back in October, when we maintained our “Good” rating from Ofsted. The inspector spent the day with us, observing the children playing both inside and outside. She liked the fact that the children were able to free flow between the garden and playrooms. The inspector commented on the following:

songs ready for the nativity play, which is being held just before the bazaar. During the weeks leading up to the holidays the children will be able to do some festive cooking, make Christmas cards, calendars, decorations, explore festive dough etc. The term will then end with the annual Christmas party. In the “Play and Stay” group Laura has been incorporating some seasonal crafts with her other sensory activities. It is lovely to see all the parents and their children socialising in this group.

Karen Milhench, Tetbury Nursery Group


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Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287

To read the full report you can go to the Ofsted website.

During November we started to get the glitter out as children made their firework pictures and Diwali crafts. The pre-school children made beautiful clay candle holders, to celebrate Diwali. We had hot dogs for snack when it was bonfire night and made rockets and other fireworks for our display.

If you wish to contact us about any of our facilities you can ring 01666 504855 and ask for Karen or Linda, or by emailing tetburynurseryplaygroup@ eygloucestershire.co.uk


• We are a well-established team that work well together.

Staff have been very busy not only with the visit but also with their training, three of us have just completed our first aid training and we now getting together with St Marys playgroup to hold some outreach training together. We have also hosted a ‘Chatter Matters’ course for parents, where the reception teachers from St Mary’s school came down to talk to the parents about communication with their children.

The crèche also has their own supply of glitter and are not afraid to use it. Over the coming weeks they will also be making cards and Christmas decorations and they will have a mini party each day, during the last week of term.


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Now we are preparing from Christmas, we are making decorations to be sold at our bazaar and the children are practicing their

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44 | December 2018

7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Theatre Group We have lots of treats coming, in December we are going to Bristol Cathedral for a Candlelit Carol service, we did this last year and it was a magical evening. On the 18th of January it is our AGM and social evening, which is being held in the Market Hall. In February we are going to the Everyman again to watch “The Girl on the Train,” which is a well-known and very popular book. We are leaving in the morning, so will have time for lunch and shopping. If anyone would like to use the coach only or have any other information, please contact Lin Ashby (Treasurer) 01666 505029 or Helen Price (Chairman) 01666 503187.

Our November Theatre trip was an evening performance to the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham… …so no shopping this time, but it is lovely after an evening performance to come out of the theatre into the darkness and see our yellow coach waiting for us. The play was “The Comedy about a Bank Robbery” performed by the Mischief Theatre Company, who we saw when they

performed “The Play that went Wrong” in February last year. The Comedy about a Bank Robbery is about a priceless diamond entrusted to the City Bank, an institution that even has the security guards involved in the plot and it did go horribly wrong! The Mischief Theatre Company was founded in 2008 by graduates of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, starting out as a small theatre group on the London and Edinburgh fringes, they have grown into one of the UK’s leading comedy theatre companies, The actors were all very multitalented, as they were so slick, agile ,fast and even sang, it was great fun.

Celia Bayes, Tetbury Theatre Group

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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 45

Tetbury Town Football Club We wanted to start our round up of what has been happening… …in the youth section of Tetbury Town Football club with a huge “Thank you!” As everyone in the club and a lot of people in the town may be aware, Rich Norris our Chairman and Sarah Norris our secretary have stepped down from their respective roles after many years of dedicated service. When Rich took over as chairman, TTFC youth were struggling. Less than 100

children were part of the setup and the future of the club was uncertain. Through boundless enthusiasm, energy and passion for the involvement of young people in the game, Rich has helped create what we have today: a thriving club with nearly 250 children playing football every week in our town. Kids from 3 to 18 are part of what has become an FA Charter Standard club, with qualified coaches at every level, close links with local people and businesses and a large team of volunteers helping every week. Sarah has been instrumental in creating this success, from sorting out kit, ensuring all necessary qualifications are up to date, coordinating fund-raising and finances to the countless other tasks that help make a club

work. A legacy of their tenure at the helm of TTFC youth is now apparent in the players looking to move up into the seniors’ side who have come right through the Tetbury youth system, the ambition of all clubs, but one achieved by relatively few. So as we move forward, building on the success they have helped create, we wanted to say how much they have been appreciated and valued by everyone at the club. There have been some unique challenges so far this season, with the hottest summer in recent history being responsible for one of the biggest. You may have noticed the huge cracks that opened up across the Rec in the dry weather? These rendered the pitches unplayable and triggered a huge effort from several of the towns sports clubs that ended with over 50 tons of topsoil being shovelled by hand to fill them up. The “Big Fill” paid dividends and play eventually resumed. This crisis also bought into focus the need for more pitch space. With so many children playing each week, the Rec alone could not cope with the demand. The club are excited to announce, then, that they have entered into an agreement with Sir William Romney’s school to use their facilities. This has immediately relieved the pressure on the Rec and is giving us lots of options going forwards. As we head towards Christmas, all the age groups are progressing well and excited about our club trip to Forest Green Rovers - and the club is looking forward with confidence to an equally successful 2019. Claire Williams, Tetbury Town Football Club

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46 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk




As Featured In

Skin Specialist Featured In

Tetbury Library

Once again - just turn up! For adults, a new Library Reading Group will be starting; please contact the library to sign up. The library’s entry for Tetbury’s Christmas Tree Festival contains a ‘tinsel’ of words. Do you know which book they come from…? After visiting the festival at St Saviour’s Church, pop in to the library to see if you’re right!

“Words are gifts we give each other.” Anne-Marie Duff

Tetbury Library festive opening hours are: Christmas Eve 10 – 1, Christmas Day, Closed, Boxing Day Closed, Friday the 28th 10 – 1, Saturday the 29th 10 – 1, New Year’s Eve, Closed, New Year’s Day, Closed.

As a gift to younger members of our community, we are excited to announce that Mrs Claus will be visiting the library! On Saturday the 8th of December at 10.00 am, (please note the earlier time,) our very special guest will be sharing Dr Seuss’ words from ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas.’ This ‘CelebraeStory’ is suitable for 3- to 8-year-olds and their families and includes a follow-up activity and a chance to exchange some festive words with Mrs Claus. It’s Free, just turn up! Other gifts for you this month include Winter Silk Painting Workshops – Saturday the 8th for adults, Saturday the 15th for children, both between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. Book your place at the library or online at Eventbrite. A special ‘Festive Makes’ session with coffee and mince pies at Library Club, (for older members of the community who would find it difficult to get to the library by themselves,) takes place on Friday the 21st – book your place, (and your lift,) at the library on 01666 502258. Club dates for the season are ‘Baby Bounce & Rhyme Christmas Party and Craft’ on the 19th December, resuming on the

Warmest wishes to you from Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie


2nd of January – the last ‘Chess’ on the 7th of December, resuming on the 11th of January, the last ‘Crafters’ on the 1st of December, resuming on the 2nd of February, the last ‘Scrabble’ on the 5th of December, resuming on the 6th of February, and the last ‘Yarn Bombers’ on the 11th of December, resuming on the 8th of January. January gifts include a series of twelve stories in Italian! From the 12th of January at 10.30 am local Italian speaker Susanna will be introducing 3- to 6-year-olds to some beautiful words via stories and activities – weekly.


E-MAIL adamoxi72@gmail.com


48 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Foodbank further support too, to help clients sort out their underlying situation, whether that’s redundancy, sickness, domestic violence, benefit problems, or short-term demands on an already stretched income, such as a broken boiler or car. The reasons that people access Foodbank are very varied, then - and it is worth reflecting on how easy it would be for any of us to suddenly find ourselves in a position of need.

Firstly, a huge thank you to all of you who support our work in any way. We remain tremendously grateful for the wonderful donations of food, time and resources. Our need, sadly, continues to grow - and in the first six months of this financial year, we supported more families, couples and individuals than ever

before. We are often asked: “Who uses a Foodbank?” The answer is simple - it could be any of us at any time. Foodbank clients are referred to us by frontline professional agencies such as Citizens Advice, GP surgeries, the Town and District Councils, schools and other charities. Those in need of our support are issued with a voucher, which they bring to redeem for food. We aim to signpost them onto

With this in mind, we are currently running a Foodbank fundraiser “MyFoodbankSupper.” Invite your friends or family around for dinner, and then rather than cooking from a cookbook, take on the challenge of creating a dinner from items typically found in a Foodbank parcel. We’ll supply a party pack with invitations, balloons, gourmet flags and information; all we ask in return is that your guests, (rather than bring the host wine, flowers, chocolate etc.,) make a monetary donation to the Foodbank. We’re hoping you’ll share your recipes with us, so we can compile a cookbook to share with Foodbank clients. For more information please email info@cirencester. foodbank.org. uk or go to the website page www.cirencester.foodbank.org. uk/supper Rachel Brindley, Foodbank Project Manager, 07506 174373



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Tetbury Community Choir Our latest concert was on Wednesday the 17th of October, at St. Mary’s School. Tetbury, in aid of School funds, particularly the refurbishment of the school hall. At the concert, we were joined by a soloist, the very talented Heather Bristow, who sang four songs, including ‘The Miner’s Tale,’ which she also wrote. The choir sang thirteen songs, during which two of our choir, Michéle Maund and John Saynor, also sang solos. The concert seemed wellreceived by the audience with a number saying so to us - and we received a pleasing and much appreciated letter of thanks from Jo Woolley, the Head Teacher.

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With the concert and the specific rehearsals for that concert now past, Richard George, our Musical Director, then started to teach us two new songs, to start to extend and refresh our repertoire, as well as continuing to polish some of the those that we already know. The first new song being from the Stephen Sondheim musical show ‘Sweeney Todd’ – ‘While I’m Around.’ The second is a Duke Ellington number, ‘It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t got that Swing;’ two contrasting pieces, both arranged for choirs, the first a gentle ballad, the second a quite fast-paced, syncopated jazz piece. We try to have a variety of styles and pace in our singing.

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We now have fifty-one people in the Tetbury Community Choir - if you want to join us, we meet at Christ Church in The Chipping, Tetbury on Mondays starting at 7.00 pm, and finishing at 9.00 pm, with a short break of around ten minutes. As noted in the choir’s item in last month’s Advertiser, we are (still) looking for a new Musical Director for the choir, as our current director has told us that he is leaving for personal reasons. Please get in touch with our Secretary, Ian Thomas, if you are at all interested in the post of Musical Director or are interested in becoming a member of the choir. Ian can be found on 01666 502939 or email thomasik42@gmail.com. You can also get in touch with us via our website www. tetburycommunitychoir.co.uk. Lesley Jablonski & Ian Thomas - Choristers

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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 51

St Mary’s Playgroup

stuff!) and are enjoying Christmas activities already. Don’t forget that we will be hosting a Christmas Fayre on Sunday the 2nd of December from 10,00 am until 2.00 pm in the Market Hall! Pop in and see the wonderful stalls and enjoy a warming hot chocolate and cake. We also have a spot with our sweet cart underneath the Market Hall on the 7th of December for the towns light switch-on. Playgroup is also hosting an advent Calendar with promises and prizes – including a brand-new television, an evening of baby sitting, meals, cakes and more!

Lest We Forget - 11.11.18 To mark the one hundred years from the end of the first World War, the children have taken part in the Remembrance by making large poppies from card with lots of glitter - as well as beautiful fine-brush paintings of poppy fields. They have all thoroughly embraced seeing the poppies displayed around the town and have been very curious as to what it all means. This, coupled with our regular visits to Ilsom house, has helped to inspire our next generation to forge relationships with the older generation. We have been delighted to be allowed to use the grounds at Ilsom house to host our Forest School setting - and it is great to see how involved both young and old have been. We have had a visit from the Zoo lab, as well as joining in with a musician with a visual impairment which the children all thoroughly enjoyed – we all made lots of noise! Forest School has allowed our children to explore the outside world in a safe and secure environment and has encouraged them to think about wildlife hibernation. The children have been able to see hedgehogs, thanks to the Hedgehog hospital, and made clay hedgehogs to take home.

The children have had a wonderful time exploring playdough over the last couple of weeks – using different scents and textures and making paint from natural materials found in the outside space. In the small world corner, the children have enthusiastically made dens and houses for the wooden dolls out of various sticks, twigs and leaves. The children have also embraced the change in weather by playing in the mud kitchen outside with the cups and spoons – pouring and measuring. It’s a great way to get messy too! With Christmas firmly in our minds the children have begun to explore the glitter drawers (the environmentally friendly

Our lively Seedling group continues on Mondays from 9.00 am until 11.00 am in the front of the Christ Church, which is now being hosted by all our lovely faces at playgroup, to help all parents and children become familiar with the team. Everybody is welcome, and all ages and stages are catered for with fun and fresh activities each week. Please drop in, say hello and enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee) with other Mums (Dads, Grandparents and Carers!) and little ones. For more regular updates or to arrange a visit please visit our Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup and Toddlers’ or have a look at our website www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk. Vikki Morris, Secretary to the Playgroup Committee

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52 | December 2018

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… And now for the second part of our epic tale from our Cold Case files, continued from last month’s item about William Grover Bignell (32), a Wottonunder-Edge man, who was accused of murdering Margaret Legg at Long Newnton near Tetbury on October 25th of 1925.

The Tetbury Sensation, 1924 – Part 2: The Case Continued Evidence having been given bearing out Counsel’s statement Mr Holt for the defence called Emma Brain of Wotton

under Edge, a cousin of the prisoner, who said that his mother had attempted suicide in 1906 and that his brother had died in a mental asylum in 1909. Prisoner had always seemed strange since boyhood. Police Sergeant Crook stationed at Wotton-underEdge said the prisoner had attempted suicide in 1923 by drowning. Mr Holt’s line of defence was that the prisoner had contracted a disease and he put in Army medical papers to show that prisoner had suffered tremendously from that disease and that it had sapped his brain. [Research shows that two further medical witnesses contradicted this assertion]. Mr Holt contended that although prisoner had committed the murder, he was not sane when he did it.

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Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom The dead woman had written letters to the prisoner all in the terms of the greatest affection. Here was a woman very fond indeed of this man, prepared to leave her home and husband and run away with him although she knew he was destitute, willing to risk everything and apparently tramp the country with him. Did it not strike them as very curious that this man would have enticed this woman from her home to tramp the country with him and to have killed her within a very short distance of her home? By doing so he was apparently losing the only friend he had in the world. “Why,” said Counsel, “Would he had done this idiotic, and in his submission, insane act?” Speaking of the conduct of the prisoner after the act, Counsel said prisoner did not attempt to get away. He returned to the village he had just left, (and where of course he was bound to be recognised by people who had seen him,) and instead of seeking concealment he stood in an open place proclaiming that he had killed a woman. “Did that strike them as being the action of a sane man after committing an offence of that kind?” The Judge in summing up said it was not a merciful thing to find a verdict of


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A typical arrest of the period 1101115

insanity if they were sure the person was not really insane - and that the last place he ought to go was the lunatic asylum, for that was a fate no one could contemplate as a merciful fate. It was more merciful and more consistent of duty and the right course if a man was guilty of murder and was not insane to find him so in accordance with the facts. The jury retired and were absent for about 20 minutes and upon their return found prisoner guilty of murder. Accused when asked why sentence should not be passed said “No, a very good verdict”. Sentence of death was passed by Justice Roche. Source: Gloucester Journal 24th January 1925; further research: John Silvester, museum volunteer. Maria Marsh, Honorary Curator, Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom


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December 2018 | 53

Unsung Heroes for December

DAN BAILEY BUILDING Dear Editor, I would like to nominate Pam and Roger Bellairs for your “Unsung Heroes” award this month please; they do so much for the local community. Roger helped to set up the “Friends of Tetbury Community Transport,” who provide both the day trips as detailed on page three of the Advertiser, and also the volunteer car service for those needing transport to hospital and doctors’ appointments in the GL8 postcode area.

Landscaping Before

Extension Before

As well as being a volunteer driver herself, Pam is very actively involved with the WI, too. And having staged another successful Macmillan coffee morning as you reported recently, the funds she has worked hard to help raise over the past seven years now total more than twelve thousand pounds. Roger has also run the “Community Speedwatch” team for several years, which enables the police to find uninsured and untaxed vehicles - as well as helping them to pursue those speeding or using mobile phones while driving in Tetbury. Volunteers are always needed!

New Build Before

Name and Address Supplied Ed: It would be a delight to have the modest and unassuming Roger contact me soon, so I can ensure the Bellairs receive their voucher for a meal for two at the Priory Inn, which they so richly deserve. Many thanks as usual to Rob Goves of “Relish” for providing it. If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know - my details are on page three of the magazine.

Landscaping After

Landscaping Before

New Build Before

Extension After

Extension Before

New Build After

opening hours

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54 | December 2018

Property Maintenance


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Tetbury Rugby Football Club

age-group flags that have been purchased, thanks to the sponsorship provided by Hunter French estate agents. These will be used going forward on match and practice days, to provide a focal point for the assembly of players and to help bring some order to a very busy environment, with so many children playing rugby on a Sunday morning. We’re always keen to hear from potential sponsors who have an interest in supporting grassroots rugby in a mutually beneficial manner.

November was a very busy month for Tetbury RFC. Firstly, thank you to everyone who supported the club by buying a hot dog or burger at the Rotary Club Fireworks Night at Sir William Romney’s on Saturday the 3rd; you’ve helped raise funds for the U11’s end of season tour. A big hand to the volunteers on the night, who coped cheerfully with the tent being blown away beforehand and ensured that service continued uninterrupted. We’d also like to thank Eagle Plant, John Newman at Jesse Smith’s and Stone Supplies (Cotswolds) for their help in delivering the event. Whilst the rain held off for the fireworks, it certainly came to stay the following morning, when the Mini and Junior teams enjoyed the coaching and support of players from Gloucester Rugby, who took over the training sessions for the day. Despite the rain, it was a very successful morning for everyone with new skills learnt and a lot of smiles all round. This was followed by a question and answer session with the players and the opportunity for photographs. It was also a great opportunity to unveil the

This month we were also able to help Tetbury resident Shaun Scotford achieve a long-held ambition to watch an England rugby match at Twickenham. Despite the close result not being in England’s favour, Shaun enjoyed the day thoroughly. Speaking of results, the senior side has not been enjoying much success on the pitch of late and with a spate of injuries and other off-field commitments, we are often fielding a bare fifteen in our league matches – so if you are a former player who’s considering a return to the game, or someone interested in playing and yet to take the plunge, please do get in touch and we’ll see what we can do facilitate your taking the field for Tetbury RFC. We have a committed core, but we’re always keen to welcome new faces - or familiar ones returning! Roger Peill, Chairman, Tetbury RFC thatsmr.peilltoyou@gmail.com

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56 | December 2018


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Who can believe Christmas will soon be upon us? We have already enjoyed decorating our Christmas Tree at St Saviour’s Church, and we are thankful to the wonderful Westonbirt

Arboretum for visiting us every month and for spending the November session making decorations for the tree. Indeed, the young people have been busy making many beautiful and natural decorations, so do head down to St Saviour’s Church and look at all the wonderful trees. As you may already have seen from the Lion’s article, it has been a busy few months with fundraising galore at the Pod. With the donation of £1,310 from the Lions and fundraising efforts of those who ran (an amazing £1,670.60), we have a total of nearly £3,000! We are so thankful to all those have run and who have donated money, to support the work we do with the young people of Tetbury. Additionally, we are excited that the people of Tetbury can now support TAYCT through regular giving. As an organisation it can be difficult to obtain funding from outside Tetbury due to its perceived affluence, which can mask the needs of some who live in our town. We try to offer services for free/minimal cost to be inclusive of all young people, whilst valuing the hard work and dedication of our youth workers. We are therefore looking to our town to

Tetbury Counselling Service Graham Hackney Dip HIC (BCPC) MBACP T: 07833 993249 www.tetburycounselling.co.uk E-mail: tcsenquiry@outlook.com

Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust support the young people and to continue the good work that we do. This can be done through our donate button on our Facebook page: @thepeoplespodtetbury or the following link will take you straight to our donation page: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/8841#/ DonationDetails

Young people in Tetbury need stability to feel safe and valued. Today, we can make the difference to help provide support for young people in Tetbury. For just £5 a month, (£60 annually) this will cover the cost of one dropin session over the year. Things the young people say about our drop-in sessions are: ‘It’s a chance to meet new friends’, ‘It’s a nice community/atmosphere’, ‘A good time away from family’ and ‘A chance to see friends and make free food!’ So, if you think you might not miss the cost of less than a latte a week, please head over to our Facebook page or our donation page, where you can help keep the youth work in Tetbury going. Young people have so much to offer and we want them to feel valued members of our community. We are also excited to announce that we will be arranging some young people’s cinema evenings during 2019 in conjunction with the Good Shed. This will be open to all young people aged 11-18 years and tickets will be at a discounted cost to be affordable for everyone! The first one will be taking place on 23rd January 2019, so keep your eyes open for advertising around the town and get your tickets booked to have something to look forward to after Christmas. Happy Christmas Everyone!


Jo Tancock, The People’s Pod

Woodland Forest School –––––––– New Pre-School

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 57

St Mary’s CE VA Primary School As we move rapidly towards Christmas, the school is buzzing with excitement. The glitter is out, there’s glue everywhere and paper chains, elves and snowflakes are starting to adorn the classrooms. The corridors are filled with the sound of children singing and we are looking forward to the Key Stage 1 musical production of ‘Hey Ewe.’ Very small children dressed as sheep and shepherds are walking around the corridors and teachers are sporting some very dodgy Christmas jumpers. In September we embarked on a journey to improve outdoor play across the school. We are working with experts from The Outdoor ! to Play and Learning Programme (OPAL) completely rethink the way we approach and support play at school. Children !spend 20% of their time at primary school in play and we want to ensure that this ! time enables children to be happier, healthier and more confident.


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We have held a training day for staff about the vision for play at St. Mary’s and we have managed, thanks to the support of our amazing PTfA, to get a specially designed storage shed for a wide variety of play equipment. We are now working towards getting some welly storage sorted so that children can access the field in all weathers. The transformation so far has been amazing, and we are really excited by it. The children are having a fabulous time and outdoor play at St. Mary’s is a wonderful thing to see! On behalf of everyone at St. Mary’s School we wish you a very happy Christmas.



Mrs Woolley, Headteacher

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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December 2018 | 59



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Steve & Lesley Keitley “Thanks for making all the work happen at the house at short notice & before Emma & Mike’s wedding on Saturday. Harry is great & has been really considerate through all the ups & downs of the last couple of weeks. We are delighted with the result.”

Jeanne Bower-Robinson “Having any building work done is inevitably disruptive but having Simon and Co. here made it as easy as possible. They all worked really hard and consistently, left the site neat and tidy every day and were always very pleasant and cheerful - even in the snow! They were particularly kind to my husband who has Alzheimer's. Simon interpreted my ideas perfectly and we are delighted with our new Garden Room fashioned out of an old outhouse. In fact we missed them when they had gone. Can't say better than that”

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Tetbury Scout Group The Scout Group have continued this term with activities to learn about and remember the one hundred years since the end of World War I. By the end of the war, Scouts had made an outstanding contribution to the war effort both on the Home Front and in the Armed Forces. It was a contribution that was recognised at the highest level, with David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, stating that: “It is no small matter to be proud of, that the Association was able, within a month of the outbreak of war, to give the most energy and intelligent help in all kinds of service. When the boyhood of a nation can give such practical proofs of its honour, straightness and loyalty, there is not much danger of that nation going under, for these boys are in training to

render service to their country as leaders in all walks of life in the future.”

looking forward to some exciting Christmas crafts and the light switch on in town.

The Scouts did not come through the war unscathed. Over 84,000 former Scouts and Leaders had enlisted in the Armed Forces and around 8,000 of them did not return. The bravery of Scouts undertaking war work was recognised with former Scouts awarded at least 21 Victoria Crosses, the highest military decoration awarded for valour.

This month the Scouts decided to test the smoke alarms at the Malthouse by making their own burgers with designer fillings. There were a few unusual ‘fusion’ and ‘smoke house inspired’ recipes, which ‘unfortunately’ the leaders were not able to enjoy. Over the next few weeks they will enjoy The Stomp, a night time challenge hike around Selsley Common, building a Christmas tree for the Christmas Tree Festival and learning First Aid skills.

As well as joining the Remembrance events, the Beavers have been making the most of the dark nights. At St Mary’s Forest School, they investigated the tradition of Guy Fawkes night, learnt about the gun powder plot, cooked little sausage rockets and welcomed George and Timmy as Beavers with their investiture all around the fire they made. The Beavers went on to enjoy a scary Halloween party with apple bobbing, a toilet paper mummy game and vampire donuts. Over the next few weeks they will be using craft skills to tackle the builder badge. Our Cubs have increased in numbers again, are working towards their navigator badge and have visited the police museum. They are

The Scout Group will be doing the Christmas Post this year as usual – please look out for our post boxes around Tetbury from the end of November. For only 30p per card our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will deliver your cards within Tetbury, Beverston and Leighterton over the weekend of the 22nd of December. Once again, thanks to Premier Stores, Scentiments, St. Mary’s Primary School, Tenovus and Tetbury Hardware for their continued support in hosting the boxes. Tom Glover, Group Scout Leader gsl@tetburyscoutgroup.org.uk


62 | December 2018

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Girlguiding out top - and we look forward to returning to the Council next year when they will put forward suggestions to reduce and educate locals about speeding. Rainbows recently had a fun evening of games, all of which involved listening carefully! At the end of the evening they voted on their favourites to play again. For bonfire night they made rockets out of cake cases and straws and had a race to see who could blow their rocket across the line first.

Tetbury always has a good turn-out for Remembrance Sunday…

returned to the school for the rest of the meeting, where the Guides got into Parties depending on how many smarties of each colour they had in their box! 1st Tetbury Brownies raised £80 at a fun bingo night and have introduced the new programme; 2nd Tetbury Brownies had a Halloween party one week and then made fairy lights the next to balance things out!

…and as usual we were very proud of our girls, who came in numbers to support the service and parade. There is something quite special about having the roads closed for the march - and the band of Guides and Scouts certainly helps to keep us all in step. 1st Tetbury Guides took over the Town Council Meeting Room on the first day of UK Parliament week, in November. We were met by the Mayor, who explained what happened in Council meetings and how people are chosen to be there. We then


They discussed the top issues that they identified as problems for Tetbury and after sharing presentations and slogans, a secret ballot was held to discover which was the winning party. ‘Speeding’ came


Don’t forget to contact us if you would like to help us run our units. We are looking for leaders for Rainbows and Brownies and a Treasurer for a Brownie unit. Sue Doidge, Girlguiding Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com 07961 116678




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December 2018 | 63

Dolphins Dramatic Society Well, that’s another successful production put to bed! Months of planning, rehearsals, painting, set-making and making costumes - and it’s all over in a flash. Tetbury Goods Shed is fantastic, but presented a real challenge to Anne Smith, Director of Beauty and the Beast. However, Anne, with help from Jenny Miles, moved mountains and worked miracles, they really did, so a very big “Well done!” to them. And with such an amazing show there are always so many people The Dolphins need to thank… Photo by David Hobson. Left to right: Neil Hainsworth as Felix, Terri White as Malabelle and Martin Porter as Ma Firstly, Tetbury Lions, who have been incredibly generous and supportive. The Society truly is very, very grateful to them, they are wonderful. We must also thank the Trustees of The Goods Shed, Kathryn Limoi and her volunteers – and David Hudson, for travelling to Tetbury from Cornwall, providing the set, obtaining the drops and the necessary equipment to build it as well as organising and working the awesome

lighting and sound effects. What a clever man! Thanks to David we had wings, so we could have an exit and an entrance.

displayed a poster. Of course, to all of you who came to see Beauty and the Beast, many thanks.

Thanks to Rick Hicks for making the props, Malc Philby for his wonderful work as our ‘Box Office,’ IHS Markit for printing the fabulous programme and the posters, Tetbury Fire Service for allowing The Society to use their back room for rehearsals and Tetbury Town Council and The Snooty Fox for displaying our promotional banners. Many thanks to all the traders who bought advertising space and to all the shops that

We are now moving on to the spring production which, due to work going on at the Dolphins Hall, will also be at Tetbury Goods Shed. The choice of play is very apt for the Goods Shed but it is still under wraps at present, so I won’t be able to tell you about it till February. Until then, all The Dolphins would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Terri White, Dolphins Dramatic Society


64 | December 2018

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Avening WI Avening village had a wonderful Centenary Armistice Concert in the village hall on the 10th of November. After a moving light and music scene of World War One, projected onto the church with a voice-over from young teenagers, we moved into the hall. There were contributions from Avening School, Avening Silver Band and a host of talented villagers with poems, instrumentals and songs. The evening finished with community singing, in which everyone joined with gusto, waving our Union Flags. Even Elvis Presley rocked up to sing “Can’t Help Falling in Love” along with the Avening Angels Choir. Our WI provided a hundred Ploughmens’ Suppers, and lots of cakes were brought along by visitors to the concert. Thank you to Tony and Mandy Slater for their organisational skills. In October, twelve members and several dogs travelled to Selsley Common for our monthly walk. It was a lovely day and the trees were beautiful with autumn colour as we walked through the woods. We had lunch at the Thistledown café. Our November walk will be around Uley bury. We plan to drive to the top of the hill before we start the walk…

We heard all about Mr Punch and his long history at our November meeting, which was followed by our annual general meeting, concluded in record time, I think!

and that lots of villagers have volunteered to help, and to make cakes. We’ve had a welcome donation from the Parish Council to help us with the start-up.

Our Christmas lunch is at the Snooty Fox, followed the next day by the County Carol Concert in Cheltenham Town Hall. Just as last year, we are preparing a full Christmas lunch for two groups. We will be having our own party with a bring-and-share supper. Everyone will bring one ‘Secret Santa’ gift, and we will also collect for the Stroud Food Bank, during the party.

Tetbury Lions Club have also given us a generous donation, with which to buy a coffee machine. As we do not have a village shop, we hope the coffee morning will provide a focal point for both young and old to meet – and of course visitors will be welcome too! The first coffee morning was well attended, so we hope it will be a great success.

We are excited to be starting weekly Tuesday coffee mornings in Avening –

Merry Christmas! Shirley Hand, Avening WI

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Another fun evening of skittles at the Social Club was enjoyed, with sixteen skittle players attending. Star ‘skittler’ was Margaret. Well done to Sarah-Jane who came along to have a go even though she had a broken arm!


A Christmas wreath-making workshop is arranged for December. It was very successful last year, and we will finish the session with a bring-and-share lunch.

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December 2018 | 67

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Letters to the Editor…

Dear Editor,

I would like please, through your “Lette rs” column, to forma for organising ticket lly thank Tetbury Ru s for my brother an gby Football Club d I, to the recent International at Tw England v’s New Zea ickenham. land Rugby Union I have a very debilit ating illness involving the loss of the full use club, they not only of my legs – but aft arranged full memb er I contacted the ership for me, they arranging pitch-side also contacted the seating for us both. RFU and Twickenha m, The day was amazing and the stewards at Twickenham perfor thank everyone enoug med well beyond the h - it has enabled me call of duty; I canno to tick one off my “bu t Yours faithfully, cket list!”

Shaun Scotford

Dear Editor, The Feoffees and the Thirteen of Tetbury would like to wish the town and its neighbours a very Happy Christmas, and that we have an especially successful trading season for our high street and shops. We are proud to support the town with the decoration of the Market House and Christmas Trees, which have once again been generously donated by the Lowsley-Williams family. The Feoffees and the Thirteen

Dear Editor,

The Poppy and District for their support of on to the population of Tetbury premises, ness busi s, Please will you pass my thanks ctor colle e helped in any way; house to hous who e thos all to ks ne who than My anyo ? Appeal 2018 the in-store collection,) plus o Tetbury (who helped to count street collectors, churches, Tesc helped me personally this year. tion this year’s appeal. With the addi The total is £17,363.08 so far, for ible poss be not ld wou more – and this of Gift Aid, it will be considerably this with help to time r thei up give to without people who are willing cause. minutes the town join in with the two I have never seen so many of poppies of rop 00-d mpanied by a 10,0 silence at 11.00 am, this year acco ees. Feoff the of n issio perm kind from The Market House, with the Jane Haines, r Honorary Poppy Appeal Organise


November 2018

REM EMB E 1918 RING A serie

s of comm

postcards from


War 1

Dear Editor,

Cover photo courtesy of Kevin



Circulation 4,300


Established 1974

All profi ts distr

ibuted loca

Firstly, well done to the Tetbury Advertiser for their beautiful November since the end of World edition, recognising one War 1. The photograph hundred years on the front cover was sprinkled throughout beautiful and the Com the magazine were ver memorative Postcards y enlightening. The edging thoughtful. of poppies on each pag e was also truly Secondly, didn’t Tetbur y look amazing? All the knitted poppies in shops, outside and inside of St the Council offices, and Marys’ and St Saviour’s. adorning both the The thought that had gon it home was really quite e into recognising those overwhelming, so thank that didn’t make you to all those who hel by knitting, displaying ped organise Tetbury’s the poppies and sharin Rem embrance Day g the info rm tomorrow for our today. ation about all those wo nderful people who gav e their Terri White lly and







Ed: For the November Advertiser we were ind ebted to Mr Kevin Far Roberts of Wilprint for nham for the cover ima fantastic layout, as eve ge, and to Mr David r. Mr Tony Allen of the provided images. Thank web site www.worldwar1 you, Tony - and get wel postcards.com l soon. We’d like to join you in giving special thanks to Tar a Nib lett and beyond,” to source of Tetbury Town Counci , assemble and arrang l who went so very far e Remembrance Day ma “above look amazing. terials. Well done, Tar a – yes, Tetbury did

“The Advertiser’s very pleased to announce that once again we’ve been successful in the national Parish Magazine awards, this time winning second prize overall and “Best Content” in the A4 category. Many congratulations to all our contributors.”

Plese note there is no Advertiser in January. “Santa’s little helpers” are taking a well-earned break. The next Advertiser is the February edition, copy date is 17th January 2019! Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

December 2018 | 69

on our balance and coordination. These effects can be even more severe in our companions due to their small size. With Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties just around the corner, keep an eye on your drinks, to prevent them falling into the wrong paws!

Author: Dr Jake Thomas BVM BVS MRCVS

The George Veterinary Hospital 01666 823165 Tetbury Clinic 01666 503531

‘TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY CAREFUL To avoid emergencies this festive season, take a moment to inform your family of the potential risks to your pets! • Chocolate: Whilst we can treat ourselves to a chocolate or two from the tree, it is important to remember that even in very small amounts, chocolate can be toxic to dogs. Vomiting and seizures can result, so be careful when hanging chocolates on the tree - stick to the higher branches and keep selection boxes out of reach. • Grapes and Raisins: These can cause kidney damage in some dogs and possibly cats. It is impossible to be sure exactly which dogs will be affected by the toxin, but the damage is permanent and occurs within 72 hours of ingestion. For that reason, contact your Vet immediately if your dog gets their paws on the mince pies, Christmas cake or Christmas pudding. • Macadamia nuts and Peanuts: Nibbles and pre-dinner snacks are popular at family gatherings. However, they can cause gastrointestinal upsets and sometimes even neurological signs in our furry friends. • Alcohol: Alcohol is well known for its effects

• Onions, Shallots, Garlic and Leeks: These can cause damage to red blood cells in our pets, resulting in anaemia. Even if cooked, damage can occur and yet it may take a few days for signs to show. Keep leftovers out of reach and don’t be tempted to offer your pet any of the remaining stuffing or onion gravy… • Xylitol: Xylitol is in different household foods from chewing gum to the sweeteners used in home baking and teas and coffees. Ingestion can lead to dangerously low blood sugar levels or even liver failure in dogs. • Plants: Several seasonal plants have the potential to make our pets feel ill. Mistletoe, holly and ivy can all cause retching, salivation and potentially vomiting though are rarely more serious, except in bunnies. Rabbits are highly sensitive to ivy and may prove fatal if eaten. Poinsettia is often mistakenly believed to be very toxic to cats, though it may make them feel quite sick. • Decorations and Wrapping Paper: Although we have highlighted what foodstuffs our pets may sneakily munch on whilst our backs are turned, there are other ingestible items to be mindful of in December particularly including wrapping paper, candles and the packaging from gifts.

Don’t forget:

While some pets may love all the excitement, other pets prefer a quieter life. Having somewhere they can retreat for peace and quiet is important – placing treats and toys in their safe place means they can also enjoy the holidays - and join you when they feel ready. Whilst we hope that you and your families enjoy a very happy and event-free Christmas, we remain available 24 hours a day for emergencies should you wish to contact us for advice or treatment. If you do think your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t have, don’t mull it over; please contact us as soon as you can for advice. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Visit us at 23 Church Street, Tetbury

A paid-for



70 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

I mentioned in last month’s piece that The Shed has the most magnificent Steinway B Piano. So exciting! It arrived thanks to the generosity of a couple of anonymous benefactors who donated £20,000, leaving us to raise £22,650 within the next eighteen months. So, we were absolutely delighted when local composer and pianist Jan Vriend agreed to give our fundraising a real boost with a Gala Concert on the 17th of November. He chose to play a collection of Chopin’s scherzos and ballades and everyone agreed it was a magical night of superb music. Councillor and TRLRT Trustee, Stephen Hirst, introduced the performance together with details of our campaign to raise the necessary funds to enable us to keep the piano at The Shed. We are asking people and businesses to sponsor the 88 keys on the piano with a donation of £88.00; if they felt able £100 per pedal or maybe even £500 for the piano stool. We were thrilled that several people signed up on the night, some choosing a particular key to put their name against, whilst others were just happy to help. We will be keeping a permanent record of all sponsors on a special display board (thanks Brecon) so you can see how we are coming along. Anyone wanting more information can contact Administrator Kathryn Limoi or Treasurer David Walker on 01666 500137. As always, we are extremely grateful to our seemingly indefatigable team of Volunteers who created plates of tasty canapes and nibbles; acted as Stewards, Waiters and Helpers for our Gala Night – Thank You. And thank you Jan for your time and dedication not to mention your musical prowess.

Having this piano will allow us to put on a greater variety of musical events – from classical, through jazz, easy listening, folk, maybe tea dances and so much more – something for everyone living or visiting Tetbury. Our Mayor, Sandra Ball, used the Shed to host a “thank you” to everyone involved with the incredible Poppy display during Remembrance. People had spent months knitting or crocheting individual poppies that were then collected together to create amazing seas of poppies decorating major sites in the town. A real labour of love by all concerned and a big “thank you” to the Council and everyone who took part. Tetbury’s very own Amateur Dramatics Society took over the Shed for a few days to put on their performance of Beauty and The Beast – a much loved traditional Panto with their very own special twist and it was a real pleasure to see everyone having so much fun. November also saw the start of our Carer and Baby Thursday morning Cinema sessions, when Mums, Dads and Carers can grab a coffee and sit down and enjoy a movie with their little one and not have to worry if their child has a bit of a whimper or grizzle! Happy Christmas and a great New Year from all of us at Tetbury Goods Shed.


Kathryn Limoi, Arts Centre Administrator

Hand delivered to 4,300 homes each month

December 2018 | 71

Sir William Romney’s School In June this year the SWR Social Spaces Project was launched to create improved shared spaces at the school.

Town & Country News Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas. Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!

We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and happy New Year and thank them for their valued continued custom and support.

In June this year the SWR Social Spaces Project was launched to create improved shared spaces at

Tel: 01666 502398

Email: sarah.townandcountrynews@btinternet.com 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 22:03 Page 1 This project is going to focus on garden. exciting The canteen w ill be improved to allow better flow and w ill have funkier décor. The outside area wcanteen, ill be a better external environment communal to spend break-­‐times. The hand orticulture area will be enhanced to the areas build on the great work James Courtice has done. the garden. The canteen will be improved This allow is a very abetter mbitious pflow roject, band ut it is awill lso an have exciting ofunkier pportunity for Tetbury and surrounding to areas to come together as a community. In order to fund the projects, we are looking at accessing décor. The outside area will be a better grants as well as our own fundraising. Once our plans are in place, we will also be looking for environment spend break-times. donations of material ato nd labour so please do let us know if yThe ou can help! You can contact us at G. L. C. & R. Williams socialspaces@swr.gloucs.sch.uk horticulture area will be enhanced to build Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing on great Courtice has done.parents to create initial designs SWR the students and twork eachers James are working with a group of volunteer the school. This exciting project is going to focus on the canteen, external communal areas and the

Rose Arches & Gazebos

and concepts which will be on display within the school from early December.


Field Shelters & Stables

This is a very ambitious project, but it is Wrought Iron Work To get this project launched, several events are being planned: a quiz night on 20th also an exciting opportunity for Tetbury Large December (tickets available from the office) and in Spring a car boot sale and band night. TStock he aim is of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools and areas tothe come as to get surrounding the funds in and start work on outside atogether reas as quickly as possible, with works being done CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, the canteen over the ato community. Insummer. order to fund the projects, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE we are looking at accessing grants as well as The team will be on Church Street on 7th December for the Tetbury Christmas Lights Switch on. TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 Please do come and talk to us about the project……there’ll be mince well! our own fundraising. Once our plans are in pies as 130208 place, we will also be looking for donations The PTFA have set up Easy-­‐Fundraising so that SWR can benefit whenever you shop online. Please of and labour so please do let us see material https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/swrptfa/ know if you can help! You can contact us at For more information on our events please visit the school Facebook page and website socialspaces@swr.gloucs.sch.uk http://swr.gloucs.sch.uk/

SWR students and teachers are working with Jon Bell, Teacher, SWRS aHead group of volunteer parents to create initial designs and concepts which will be on display within the school from early December.


Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Foot Health Tetbury Osteopaths Foot clinics every Monday andaton the first Saturday 22 every London Road (opposite the Priory Inn). of month at Tetbury Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every

To get this project launched, several events Catherine Montgomery Dip.CFHP Dip.CFHP(Adv) Dip.Bio MVR MSPRACT are being planned: a quiz night on 20th December (tickets available from the t: office) and in Spring a car boot sale and e: feet@catherinemontgomery.co.uk info@catherinemontgomery.co.uk www.montgomeryfoothealth.co.uk 0710317 band night. The aim is to get the funds in and start work on the outside areas as quickly as possible, with works being done MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1 12/07/2015 to the canteen over the summer.

0797 0550 076

Solution Focused Hypnotherapist

The team will be on Church Street on 7th December for the Tetbury Christmas Lights Switch on. Please do come and talk to us about the project……there’ll be mince pies as well!

Emily King DHP, HPD, RMN Move away from negative thought patterns, reduce your anxiety and feel empowered to take back control of your life.

The PTFA have set up Easy-Fundraising so that SWR can benefit whenever you shop online. Please see https://www. easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/swrptfa/

Offering Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions to individuals of all ages, including children and teenagers.

For more information on our events please visit the school Facebook page and website http://swr.gloucs.sch.uk/


Jon Bell, Head Teacher, SWRS 0431118

72 | December 2018

Call 07867 755 772

Email emily@livingalifeinspired.com

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


SWR Leisure

Join us for our Family Christmas Party & Bazaar Friday 21st December 5pm - 7.30pm

£5 per child, under 2’s go FREE! Activities include: Unlimited Bouncy Castle, Christmas Disco, Santa's Grotto, Tuck Shop, Hot Drinks, Mince Pies, Christmas Crafts & Games Tickets will be on sale from Saturday 1st December

Join the Gym in January for just £15! If you join as a member afterwards, there will be no joining fee*

Benefits include: - Free gym induction - Free nutrition advice - Free entry to ALL standard fitness classes - Membership rate for Spin & Yoga - Membership rate for hall bookings - Unlimited use of the gym with a personalised programme Join in with our gym challenge for the chance to WIN 3 personal training sessions *must join within a month of your £15 one month expiring Find us on Facebook for all our latest offers and information

Lowfield Road, Tetbury, Glos, GL8 8AE T: (01666) 501086 E:leisure@swr.gloucs.sch.uk Facebook: SWR Leisure Centre 1141218

Macmillan Coffee Morning Charity raises money, for Charity! TETBURY HOSPITAL RAISES ÂŁ356.58 AT THEIR MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING Tetbury hospital staff raised an amazing ÂŁ356.08 during their Macmillan coffee morning. Tetbury Hospital, as a charity themselves, who are continually raising money to purchase new equipment and improve services at the hospital, were delighted to be able to support Macmillan this year. For further information contact: Lian Franklin, Marketing and GP Liaison Manager Mob: 07534 865927 or 01666 502336 Email: lianfranklin@tetburyhospital.co.uk



Wishing all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We provide an experienced wealth management service and offer specialist advice in a wide range of areas including: Investment Planning | Pension Planning | Inheritance Tax | Mortgages | Life Insurance | Long Term Care For further details call

Tel: 01666 503751 Address: 13 Market Place, Tetbury, GL8 8DA Email: cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk Website: www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up payments on your mortgage.

74 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Are you using Windows 7? The Windows 7 operating system will be going ‘end of life’ around this time next year. If you are still using this version of Windows, you will need to act in 2019. Windows 7 has been a popular and reliable operating system and was universally acclaimed after the numerous problems with Vista that came before it. Now, that all seems a very long time ago! You will need to either upgrade or to replace your system. When XP and Vista went end of life, many thought they could carry on using it

indefinitely. But many banking and other secure websites prohibited users from logging on, as the security risk was too high. This will also happen with Windows 7. The good news is that the hardware requirements for Windows 10 have not really changed since Windows 7 was released, so many computers can be upgraded without having to shell out for new kit. If you have a minimum of 3GB RAM and a hard disk with at least 50GB of free space, then you should be ready to go. I would recommend backing up your data

before attempting an upgrade. If you are having issues with your installation, it might be prudent to reformat the drive for a clean start with the new system. At the same time, swapping your hard drive for an SSD, (a Solid-State Disk,) will dramatically improve performance and breathe new life into your PC. If you need help with this, do let me know.

When you move to Windows 10, I can make the process easier for you by giving you the same Windows menu that you are used to, without the need to click on any tiles or wade through options you do not understand. If apps baffle you, do not panic! You can use your favourite programs without having to use any of the new style apps at all.


Having the latest version does keep you safe for online activity, while giving compatibility with most new and old technologies alike. I can offer the upgrade at no cost with only my time to cover. Do get in touch for details.

CDB BUILDING SERVICES We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:

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Computer Advice

And where does the time go? Another year seems to have slipped by! May I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a great start to the New Year? Thank you so much for reading my editorials and I do hope I can be of service to you in 2019. If you have any queries on the above or anything else that might be affecting your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, do get in touch. If your device is running slow or it is not what it once was, let me run a service for you to restore its original performance. You can get in touch with me at The Tetbury Computer Shop, 01666 502067 - mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk Nic Ingham,

The Tetbury Computer 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1 Shop 17/1/12

Tetbury Area

Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation. Please phone for details on

01666 502879 Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events


December 2018 | 75

Westonbirt Prep School Westonbirt Prep – once again one of The Times “Top 100 Prep Schools” in England.

activities such as cookery, life-saving, first-aid, Bike-a-bility and Forest School. They are encouraged to draw on skills developed through experiences such as their residential trip and entrepreneurship day, during which they are challenged to create their own product and business.

For more information on Westonbirt Prep please visit www.westonbirt.org. Our next open day is on 2 March from 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. To book, please visit www.westonbirt.org/ admissions/open-days Westonbirt Prep School

Westonbirt Prep School is celebrating making the Top 100 Prep Schools list in The Times newspaper for the second year in a row. Moving up from 88th place last year, this year sees the prep school advance to 60th position. Mr Sean Price, Headmaster of Westonbirt Prep says ‘We are delighted with this result, which reflects the hard work of all our students and staff. Westonbirt Prep strives to deliver the best all-round education for every child. Whilst academic results such as this are welcomed, emphasis remains on each individual’s needs, both in and out of the classroom, and great emphasis is put on developing skills and recognising achievements in areas such as sport and performing arts.” Westonbirt Prep pupils complete a unique ‘Skills for Life’ Diploma in Year 6, where all individuals learn and evaluate a range of personal development skills through

Christmas at

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Open as usual on New Year’s Eve 01666 505 690 | info@theormond.co.uk 23 Long Street, Tetbury, GL8 8AA www.theormond.co.uk 0761018

76 | December 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Stuart Forrest Accredited CBT Therapist

BABCP Accredited CBT Therapists

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective talking therapy for:


Anxiety Depression Addiction Bereavement Phobias Insomnia For confidential advice or to arrange an assessment contact: stuart@tetburycbt.co.uk Tel. 07791161827





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Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from

Malmesbury your repairs.& Tetbury areas.

Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life.

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December 2018 | 77

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Bijou Beauty by Maria Church Farm Long Newnton Tetbury GL8 8RS TEL: 01666 503 315

bijoubeautybymaria@gmail.com 0111218

Tetbury Cares

u tb


r ca ry


Longfield Christmas Tree Campaign

rg .o

Collecting your Christmas tree – for charity.

te w.

Longfield will collect the tree from your home between January the 10th and the 13th and recycle it for you, in return for a donation. All you need to do is register before 6.00 pm on Sunday January the 6th and make your donation online or by phone. Have your tree collected and recycled, just after Twelfth Night, and help a highly valued local charity at the same time! The money raised will help to pay for Longfield’s ‘Hospice at Home’ nurses.

They provide specialist support, day and night, on every day of the year (including Christmas Day!) and the service is completely free of charge. So please be generous in donating to Longfield this Christmas and support people in your community, when they need it most. For more information or to register go to https://www.longfield.org.uk/event/ christmas-tree-recycling or ring 01453 886868 (option 1). Longfield

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

December 2018 | 79

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Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.




We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover. WeRover. have 8We courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, collection collection service. service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury

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WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR we invest in state of the art dealer-level

At Car CareAtTetbury satisfaction is ourdiagnostic top is priority sopriority Car Carecustomer Tetbury customer satisfaction our top so you with a equipment to provide please do please give usdo a call today or visit our website. give us a call today or visit our website. full range of service options with 8 free courtesy cars or collection.



dedicated and experienced team of


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As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Since starting smaller in 1974, At Car Care Tetbury offer full dealer level We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, pulling to VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier and repairs servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level independent garage with genuine Rover Ourservice full equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer full rangeWe diagnostictoequipment towith provide youa withmechanics. a of services includes allparts, Land Rover parts, labour, VAT fullWe range ofaservices diagnostic provide you We offer a team includes all Land Rover labour, VATparts, diagnosticequipment equipment to provide youawith experienced of mechanics. offer a includes all Land Rover functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignmentlabour, service. VAT for allof makes of cars, four wheel andand full range of service with 8 free for all makes and brake uid change. We provide serviceservice of cars, four wheel drives and drives full service options with with 8options free9 courtesy change. provide service fullrange rangeofof service options full range services for all makes of cars, fourbrake uid and brakeWe fluid change. We provide Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. book stamps to keep your warranty not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and

will save you money.

fuel efficiency.

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with a fr

bulbs an charge!


Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester

AUTO GEARBOX FLUSH AND OIL REFILL - NOW AVAILABLE We now have the latest auto gearbox flushing machine, this removes all the old oil from the gearbox (draining doesn’t remove all old oil from gearbox).

WARRANTY WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOT TESTING WARRANTY REPAIRS WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOT TESTING The gearbox is then flushedREPAIRS through to remove any dirt/debris, new oil is filled and conditioning fluid added, this maintains any oil seals, valves etc.

Wedealer provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, ExperiencingExperiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans uneven tyre wear, pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full level Most manufactures have a service schedule for this at set mileage, others say the gearbox is service and repairs using Autologic ™ the left or right, an uncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. All service and repairs using Autologic ™ the left or right, an uncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. All equipment which the full level ofor more wheel or poor handling? so, to bulbs and adjustments free of equipment fulloffers level of wheel orthe poorgearbox handling? If so, tocontact bulbs and adjustments are included are freeincluded of sealed forwhich life,offers but the after 100,000 miles oil iscontact oftenIfuswell pastusits best and functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded)

gives issues such as jurking gearchange and slow to change from one gear to the other, cold

at Car Care Laser alignment willl transform Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury will Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehiclesyour vehicles gear change issues etc. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear andtyre wear and will save FULL you money. will save you money. PRICES FOR FLUSH

fuel efficiency. fuel efficiency. AND OIL CHANGE START FROM £145 +vatwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk

Units 1-3,Industrial Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Units 1-3, Priory Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ

Land Rover Discovery Complete flush and oil change



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