Tetbury advertiser june 2014

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June 2014 June 2014.indd 1

4,200 Circulation

Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:04

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Diary of Events for June & July

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2 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 2


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www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:04

Advertiser Rates / Information


Diary of Events for June & July

1st June Avening Village Fete Includes Avening’s Famous Duck Race – 2:00 pm

June 22nd Tetbury Open Gardens Day Between 2.00 pm and 6.00 pm - details in this issue

6th June 70th Anniversary of D-Day Commemoration The Mayor, Cllr Sandra Ball, will unveil a stone and plaque; Chipping, 11:00 am

June 24th Tetbury Community Choir workshop with Jeremy Jackman Between 7.00 pm and 9.30 pm at Christ Church – details in this issue

7th June The Stuart Singers Choral Concert St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm

June 28th Strawberry Tea and Fun Dog Show 2.30pm at the Goods Shed – details in this issue

June 7th and 8th Dolphins Recreation Centre Presentations New Hall materials; more details and insert in this issue

11th – 13th July Royal International Air Tattoo At RAF Fairford. Full details from http://www.airtattoo.com/

June 8th Open Gardens in Ashley and Culkerton Between 2pm and 6pm, seven gardens in Ashley (GL8 8SX) and Culkerton (GL8 8SS) will be open for charity under the National Gardens Scheme

13th July Christmas in Tetbury “Midsummer Christmas Lunch” At the Close Hotel. Tickets - £22 from Sue Hirst on 01666 504213

June 14th TCC Summer Concert Christ Church, Tetbury 7.30pm June 14th - 15th Malmesbury ‘Living History’ free weekend

16th/19th July Flower Festival 10:00 am – 4:00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury 19th July Avening Primary School Summer Fair 21st July Tetbury Music Festival – Box Office Opens Details on the www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk web site

June 21st – 22nd Sherston Open Gardens

POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number)

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 502275

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270

TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

Useful Information

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336 PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk

Advertiser Rates / Information

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047

Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 505805 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

RATES Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Front cover half page £100 Back cover half page £95 Pre-printed inserts £135 Postage per copy £1.40

Copy date for the June Issue - Thursday 12th June 2014 ** Delivery date - 28th/29th June 2014 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

Celebrating the

June 2014.indd 3

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

Contents Lions Den 5 Avening Primary School 9 Avening WI 10 Avening Silver Band 58 Avonvale Utd FC 11 Bookworm 14 Computer Advice 18 Cotswold District News 29 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 34 Diary - June 3 D-Day Commemorations 59 Dolphins Recreation Centre 28 Guides 22 History of Tetbury Society 26 Holiday @ Home 21 Job Club 40 Mayor’s Report 20 NCT 56 News from St Mary’s 57 Patients Participation Group 48 Priory Inn Blog 23 Puddle Ducks 46 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 8 Sir William Romney’s School 38 St Mary’s Playgroup 27 St Mary’s Primary School 41 STEPS 45 Summer Show 13 Tetbury and District Footpath Group 52 Tetbury Arts Society 12 Tetbury Bowls Club 42 Tetbury Camera Club 19 Tetbury Community Choir 47 Tetbury Dial-a-Ride 55 Tetbury in Bloom 17 Tetbury Library 44 Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Group 50 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 43 Tetbury Police Museum - Cold Cases Files 33 Tetbury Probus One 15 Tetbury Probus Two 16 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 7 Tetbury Theatre Group 36 Tetbury Tourist Information Office 54 Tetbury Town Football Club 37 Tetbury WI 34 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 6 The People’s Pod 51 Tiggers 24 Unsung Hero - June 22 Wacky Races 30 Young by Name 4

Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

3 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:04

Young by Name WI Fidelity As we approach the middle of 2014, I’ve been taking stock of my New Year’s Resolutions, one of which was to join the WI (Women’s Institute). I’d been mulling it over for years. I knew a lot of ladies who belonged, but few were in my immediate social group. Until this year, the closest I’d got to joining was to buy an old WI brooch. I collect vintage enamel badges, and this one was a beauty - green, red and gold, bearing the organisation’s original motto: “For Home and Country”. This motto dates back to the year in which the WI was founded, 1915. In wartime conditions, and before women gained the right to vote, any British woman would surely have worn this badge with pride. Nearly 100 years on, the WI has switched focus. Its current motto “Inspiring Women” is a great line, implying that its membership includes inspiring women, as well as working to inspire women. Until I joined, I didn’t realise just how active and pro-active the WI has become. It’s too easy to dismiss its worth with the easy, jokey shorthand of “Jam and Jerusalem”, as my own experience demonstrates.

A few Christmases ago, I was all set to add “join WI” to my resolution list when through the letterbox came a neat little folded card, efficiently announcing the dates for the new year’s meetings. Neatly printed on the back were the words for the hymn Jerusalem. Much as I love the hymn, which we sung with gusto at every hymn practice in my primary school days, I allowed that resolution to fall off my list, unfulfilled.

Don’t Mention the Jam

Flower Festival Wednesday 16th July to Saturday 19th July at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury

Doors open from 10.00am to 4.00pm daily and refreshments will be served throughout each day.

But this year, I set aside my prejudice and joined. I knew that my author friend Sandy Osborne was coming from her home city of Bath to talk to our local group about her Bath-based novel Girl Cop (an enjoyable read for both men and women, I hasten to add). While visitors are allowed to attend any WI meeting without being obliged to join, I welcomed this prompt to make me sign on the dotted line.

Other churches and groups will be represented at the Festival.

I’m so glad I did. Joining the WI has been an eye-opener. I encountered a feisty, intelligent crowd with wide-ranging interests, energies and passions, and a refreshing curiosity. Not only is there a new, interesting topic for discussion each meeting, often with an engaging speaker from beyond the community, but there are also heaps of other activities throughout the month, from book groups to film clubs to walking parties. If I belonged to no other social group, I could easily fill my diary with stimulating activities purely from the WI. What a great way to make like-minded friends in your neighbourhood.

There are also opportunities to join other WI’s for activities and to contribute to national campaigns. Last meeting included a lively discussion about organ donor policy.

Please do come along to see this celebration of flowers.


I’m proud to be a member of the modern WI, which is definitely a force to be reckoned with – and if you don’t believe me, just ask Tony Blair. PS We’ve only sung Jerusalem once, and nobody’s yet mentioned jam. Debbie Young


4 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 4

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:04

Lions Den Dear Advertiser Readers, I recently heard the tragic news that we all knew was going to come, but nonetheless had hoped would not, that our beloved Lions President Dennis “Nat” Prosser has passed, as we Lion’s say, “To Higher Service”. His last “Den” piece is reproduced here. I’m sure you’ll want to extend your support and your love and best wishes to his wife Angela and his family and close friends.

Hi all,

We should be quick to pay tribute to Nat for his bravery and his constant commitment to the Lions. He continued to put others first right to the very end of his life, showing his immense courage, as usual, at the Wacky Races Day on the 5th May, where despite his own pain and discomfort, he battled on to be there right through to the presentation ceremony at the day’s end.

There can only be one way to start this article and that is to extend an enormous thank you to you all for turning out in such great numbers to support the Wacky Races, now in its third year and firmly established as a major fundraising event for the Lion’s Club.

I should like to think that Nat would want the Lions to continue their ‘business as usual’. I know I have your support in this belief. As the incoming President, I should of course like to have acceded to the task under happier circumstances, but I also know that within the Lion’s club we have a host of knowledge and experience which I can call upon, and that together we can continue the good work which Nat was committed to, and which will remain as his legacy.

There is a full report of this event elsewhere in this edition, but needless to say it was a huge success. The net surplus from this event will benefit the youth of Tetbury and, coincidentally, this has been a theme of some of our recent donations.

Yours sincerely

These have included a sum to help a lad acquire some tools so that he can compete equally with his contemporaries as he embarks on his apprenticeship as a mechanic, and also a sum to help support the swimming champion featured in our last edition.

Keith Leaver

Dennis “Nat” Prosser

1946 - 2014

Lion’s President, 2013/14 This week I said goodbye to my dear friend and our Lion President Nat Prosser. He was at home and surrounded by his loving family, after a cruel illness which he so bravely fought and about which he never ever complained. Over the years we have been friends we’ve shared many holidays, social events, family occasions, hobbies and interests. When looking back many happy memories and funny stories come to mind, however with many of them it was a case of ‘having to be there’ in the moment to share in the laughter and fun that came with being Nat’s friend. One thing we both shared a passion for was football - myself as a Bristol City supporter and Nat as a Swindon fan, following on from his time as a youth player for them. With the two teams often in direct competition, much friendly banter was shared throughout the seasons. Of late we became Forest Green Supporters, and as we grew older as much as we enjoyed the game, the tea and cake at half time was the highlight of the trip. Not all of our interests were shared. Nat’s mechanical knowledge left a lot to be desired, which was shown when he connected jump leads to his car back to front, resulting in £300 worth of damage. As his helpful garage-owning friend I assured him ‘it wasn’t all profit’! It has been my privilege to be Nat’s friend. He will be sadly missed by all and greatly by myself. May you rest in peace my dear friend. David Hicks Dear Editor, I’ve just heard, with great sadness, about the passing of your Lion’s President, Nat Prosser. He was a valued member of Tetbury Bowls Club as is Angela, and although only a relatively recent member, a valuable asset to the club. He will be missed by all those that knew him, for his enthusiasm for the club and for the game. Richard Cobb Men’s Captain

Celebrating the June 2014.indd 5

My memories of Nat? Oh, too many to name! The football and cricket plus golf were his games. We laughed and we cried at the wins and the fails And back at the bar of some beer would avail. A pleasure to know and to share all our aims, From a town that will always remember his name.

On a national level we have contributed £500 to the British Heart foundation in memory of long standing club member Ken Lewis, who passed away earlier this year. Our social calendar continues to be varied and included a very informative visit to several of the mills that still operate in Nailsworth, this month. The visit was made all the better with knowledgeable commentary from two individuals who have a long experience in the industry, and who now volunteer with the Stroudwater Textile Trust. This aspect of local history is well worth exploring and details are available from www.stroud-textiles.org.uk, you can even have a go at weaving! Arrangements are progressing well with the celebrations planned for October, as we complete 40 years of serving this community. We will be endeavouring to contact past presidents and former members who have helped shape the club, and would certainly like to hear from you if you fall into either of these categories. Just ahead of that we will be extending our relationship with the Maggie’s centre at Cheltenham Hospital to see a demonstration of their Saturday morning workshops and listen to a talk on nutrition. Our social programme includes a music night and a long weekend away at a Warner Leisure centre soon - always a very popular occasion. If you would like to join a very friendly club that serves the community and offers a busy social life then please join us on Wednesday 4th June at 8.00pm in the Close Hotel. Nat Prosser

Malc Philby

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

5 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Feoffees and the Thirteen

Feoffee and Thirteen Community events coming up include:

By the time you read this column I hope that you’ll have managed to visit The Market Hall for our Open Day on 1st June. This was an opportunity for the community to see the recent improvements made, learn about the building’s history and what this magnificent building can offer you or your organisation. If you missed it this time, The Market Hall will be open again as part of Heritage Weekend in September – please see details below.

• • Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th September – The Market Hall will be open Friday 4th July – Annual Community BBQ - held on the Millennium Green

as part of the National Heritage Weekend The Feoffees have been pleased to support the following young people recently:

Ben Halliday – grant for use towards his mechanics apprenticeship

One part of The Market Hall which has been ‘out of action’ recently is the clock; which has been stopped now for a number of weeks. Please be assured we are arranging for this to be fixed as soon as possible and we are presently awaiting delivery of a part to enable the clock to be repaired. Should you wish to book The Market Hall for an event or family celebration or the lower Market Area, the Trustees are pleased to announce that a new caretaker has been appointed, Mrs J Poole of “Scentiments” 6 Church Street Tetbury (01666 503195) will be taking over this position from Mr Kevin Sheehan who has being carrying out this role over the last few years. The Trustees would like to take this opportunity to express their thanks to Kevin for all of his help and assistance.

In addition, the local Brownie pack has been given a grant towards their work with the young girls in our community. If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman

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6 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 6

Contact the team on 01666 504418 www.perrybishop.co.uk www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

May has been a busy month for the Goods Shed. The Town council has appointed an architect, Jonathan Nettleton from Blake Architects in Culkerton. He will convert our concept drawings into detailed

plans and specifications to get us ready to put the project out to tender. An archaeological survey and a ground contamination survey are being carried out in preparation for the conversion. Our fundraising team has been working

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust very hard and we have been successful in gaining a grant from the Cotswold Districted Council for 10k and have also received a further 2k from the David Thomas Trust. We held a car boot sale on the 11th May in the Goods Shed which brought in a further ÂŁ272. It was a very cold day but despite that we had a good turnout and sold lots more bricks, mugs and posters. I would like to thank David Roberts for organizing the event and everyone who made cakes on the day. We will be holding a lot more fund raising events in the months to come so please keep a lookout for the posters and adverts in the Tetbury Advertiser - the next event will be a Strawberry Cream Tea and fun Dog Show with a Brass Band on Saturday 28th of June at 2:30 at the Goods Shed. There is a lot more information on our website including photos of our past events so please have a look on tetburyraillands.co.uk. If you would like to get involved please contact me through this site. Will Cook (Chairman)


Strawberry Teas and Dog Show At Tetbury Goods Shed Saturday 28th June at 2.30pm Everyone welcome! Delicious strawberry teas served all afternoon. Fun show classes. Enter on the day. Full details at www.tetburyraillands.com All proceeds to TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT


Celebrating the June 2014.indd 7

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

7 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun The Lender at bay - a conveyancing horror story: We deal with divorce, death and litigation - but moving house is right up there with the other topics I have mentioned, as a period of the utmost worry. This is mostly because large sums of money are involved and the participants are not fully in control of events resulting from the myriad of problems that are inflicted on them by lenders, money laundering regulations and government legislation.

protect his client by carrying out searches against the property that will protect them on completion. This shows up new charges against the property. We were not advised by the buyer’s solicitors that there were any charges registered after the 12th September and so the matter was completed and we sent the balance of the proceeds to our client and his former wife. We wondered why the buyer was having trouble with the Land registry and then received a very aggressive letter from the national lender saying that we had not discharged our responsibilities and they wanted another £14,000.

The national lender said we had a duty of care to look after them. We do - but not to this extent! The worst thing you can have in any potential litigation is a large number of people or institutions that could be at fault, because human nature as it is, invites all the participants to blame each other and fail to sort out the problem. We are in the clear but the buyer’s solicitors and the lenders have a problem. Our client will have moved on to pastures new and spent the money…

It transpired that the lender had taken our

Michael Hodge

We recently acted for a feckless individual, who had taken to drugs, incurred debt and needed his ex-wife to help with our communications related to the sale of his property.


He had a mortgage with a major national lender and other charges which were registered at the Land Registry. Our task, when a potential buyer is found, is to check with the Land registry what charges are registered against the property being sold. In this case we obtained what are known as “Office Copies” on the 12th September 2013, and sent them on to the buyer’s solicitors. The transaction proceeded and the sale was completed on the 12th December. Before completion, the buyer’s solicitors send a document which requests completion information; we - on behalf of the seller - have to give the buyer undertakings that we will discharge all the mortgages and charges registered against the property. It is up to us, then, to check with the lenders and other chargees (whose interests are registered at the Land Registry) how much is owed.

client to Court and obtained a charging order against the property, but that they did not register this until the 18th September.

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Licenced free range boarding

This we did - and we gave specific undertakings to cover these matters. In the case of the major national lender they sent us a statement stating that the amount required to redeem their mortgage included all debts due to this lender. The buyer’s solicitor should


• We offer both day boarding and longer stay boarding for dogs of all shapes and sizes. • The grounds are fully fenced, with a back up electric fence in front and a double-gated entrance. • With over one and a half acres, there is plenty of space for the dogs to run, and they are exercised regularly. • We are fully licenced and vetted, so your dogs are in safe hands. “My holidays at DoggiDayz are excellent. I am greeted and welcomed and

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made to feel at home immediately. It is great to be with other dogs that I can play and sleep with if I choose.” – Molly Pie, Airedale



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8 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 8

Little Ivy House, Grittenham, Wilts, SN15 4JU

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Avening School WORLD CUP ONLINE At Avening Primary School we have been developing our ICT provision, in line with the computing requirements in the new national curriculum. In the Hawks class (Years 3 ad 4), the children have been developing their programming skills. They wanted to learn how to write algorithms so they could create games about the World Cup. First they had to learn the skills needed to complete the task. Then they created some games to test their skills. They trialled their games, asking people to play them and give them ‘2 stars and a wish’ - what worked really well and how could they be improved in the future? The Hawks have now finished creating their apps. They have been published on the school website in the Computing Zone tab, under the Learning Zone menu. The games have something for everyone - footballs, rabbits, princesses, pirates...Take a look! The Hawks class hope you really enjoy playing the games! We have also recently set up class blogs on the school website, so that everyone can keep up to date with all of our news, learning and track the progress of our teams in sporting events. The blogs enable visitors to our website to leave us comments...Look at the Hawks blog. You can even leave the children comments about their amazing games! 19th July is the date of our summer fair, kindly organised by the Friends of Avening School. It will include dancing, singing and gymnastics and a variety of stalls – all run by the children. In term time please contact 01453 833191 / or see our website www.avening.glouc.sch.uk

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 9

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser


9 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Avening WI

MATERNITY NURSE We’re having a very busy year, as usual, with a lot of very interesting speakers. In March, we heard about Cobalt, the Cheltenhambased charity which has raised a huge sum of money over the years, to purchase the latest imaging equipment for the treatment of cancer, mainly for patients of the Cheltenham hospital. We are pleased to have been able to send a cheque for £200 to the charity – the proceeds of our village quiz in April and a members’ handbag party in her home.

A contented happy baby... everything else falls into place.

✦ State registered nurse with midwifery training ✦ Over 25 years’ experience as a maternity nurse ✦ Calm, conscientious, adaptable, highly recommended I have rarely met anyone who is dedicated and passionate about her job - F. Lund Marianne is a very gentle, calm and reassuring person and was a pleasure to have around. Always willing to help out where possible. - A.Vallet-Descourcelle 0820614

In April our speaker from the RSPB gave an illustrated talk about the birds and other wildlife in our gardens, we won our first skittles match in the county competition and we visited the newly re-vamped Trouble House, for what proved to be an excellent lunch.

Pixie Lock Ltd Professional Locksmith & uPVC Repair Specialist

In March we had a beautiful spring morning for our walk in the Westend area of our village, with lunch at a members’ house to follow. In May we have a walk on Minchinhampton Common, to look at the wonderful wild flowers and orchids. We have a visit planned to Kew Gardens on Wednesday 2nd July. The cost of the coach is £13 and the entrance fee is approximately £11, although if you are a Friend of Westonbirt Arboretum, entrance is free. If you’re interested in coming along, phone Sue Osborne on 01453 839327.

Please ring 07763 297054 for further information.

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10 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 10

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Avonvale FC

History being made - from conception to Northern Senior within 10 years! Nine years ago, Avonvale Utd senior section was formed with a team entry into Cirencester & District Division 2. Since that time, two further senior teams have been added to the squad, all three competing now in the Stroud & District League. With both the Reserve Team and the Third team gaining promotion during this time, there is a strong base to enable the Club to move forwards - and they have done just that with the First Team winning their division three years running, (pictured this season with the Division 1 trophy, winning the league by 13 clear points). We are

proud to be looking forward to Northern Senior Football next season. Not to be outdone, Vale U15’s have collected some silverware this season. In a hard-fought game won on penalties, Vale lifted the Tom Moore Cup in May, exactly 10 years after Vale won it last (a number of the current senior squad winning it when

they were 15 years old!) The boys will look forward to their final year in youth football and to their introduction into the senior teams, as they turn 16. We are proud of the achievements of all of our players, both young and old, but a special mention must be given to Avonvale Utd U11’s who have completed a full season in the North Wilts League without dropping a single point. 18 wins from 18 games, well done boys, another trophy for the cabinet! The youth section hosted our guests from CSV Jong Holland over the Easter weekend, and a great time was had by all. Thanks must go to all our host families, who welcomed the children into their homes. Along with the usual football matches and tournament, the weekend was packed with an afternoon of windsurfing, an evening of skittles, and with the children forming a flag tunnel on the pitch at Bristol Rovers when they took on Rochdale on Easter Monday. Truly, a weekend that won’t be forgotten any time soon. So, come and join us! There is room for all at Vale, no matter what your level of footballing experience or skill. Our senior season will start in June with pre-season friendlies and training (Thursday evenings, 6.30pm at SWR School), whilst our youth section will commence training at the end of August (Saturday mornings from 9.30am at SWR School). For more info call Jo - 07518017363

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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

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11 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Tetbury Art Society

Our membership has been recovering to previous heights, again, with the addition of some new, enthusiastic artists. And so, when the entry forms came in for our Spring Exhibition over the Early May Bank Holiday, thirty-six artists wanted to display their work, rather than the usual twentyfour or so, and the number of pictures to hang had grown from around one hundred and twenty five to around one hundred and eighty! We could not cope with so many, and so had to reduce the number of pictures that an artist could submit from six to five, changing our usual layout to make better use of the display stands. The preview went well and there were many people looking around the display. Over the entire exhibition, twenty-four pictures were sold, as well as £167 raised to be shared by Tetbury Hospital and the Cotswold Care Hospice. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed.

This was followed by the background in a mixture of viridian and alizarin. Moving to the middle part of the picture, he applied light washes to the buildings and a parked car outside the post office. Wanting to put in a few figures, he drew some on scraps of paper and moved them around the picture until he was happy with the composition before painting them in. The scene was to be of a wet day so he added umbrellas and painted the foreground with reflections in the road. After the break, Paul did a quick painting of a warm, sunny scene in Venice with reflections in the canal. The evening attracted a large number of members (we ran out of chairs!) and the demonstration was much enjoyed – there were many positive comments using words like ‘amazing’.

On the evening of Wednesday 7th May, we had a demonstration of painting townscapes in watercolour by Paul Weaver. Paul started by making a tonal sketch of a street-scene in a small town (Timsbury near Bath) from a photograph, using charcoal to develop the tones from the white of the paper to the darkest blacks. He then lightly sketched the scene on a piece of Bockingford paper taped to a board at eye level, before wetting the sky and putting in a strip of raw sienna followed by large areas of blue and permanent rose.

Looking ahead, we expect to be altering the planned summer programme so that we meet at St Michael’s Hall on the evening of 4th June, with members working in the hall on their current pictures or sketching around Tetbury. On Wednesday 2nd July we expect to be painting in Westonbirt Arboretum. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or by phoning Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm, and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham & Christina Lippiatt

Picture provided by Hazel Cudmore

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12 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 12

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As preparations for the Summer Show enter their final phase.

This year the schedules are absolutely free, and thanks to the continued support of Tetbury Hardware, which is very much appreciated, you may just go along and pick

We can report that the all-important schedules are now prepared and printed, www.artsfrenzy.webs.com www.artsfrenzy.webs.com


Fun,affordable affordable dance Fun, danceand and

one up. Alternatively, for the first time they are also being made available to download (from 2nd June) from our web page www. tetburysummershow.co.uk Remember of course to download the entry form, as these must be submitted to the collection point, (also in Tetbury Hardware), no later than 12 noon on Thursday 7th August. One special category that we have not mentioned yet has introduced exclusively for the Brownies, since this is their centenary year. Category 119 invites all Brownies to make a collage, no bigger than A4, in the shape of the promise badge using any material and including the number 100; some creative interpretations are guaranteed. The Brownies will also be in attendance on the day and are currently putting together a programme of entertainment – we’ll provide further detail in a future article.

the drama drama classes classes atatthe Christ Christ Church, Church, Tetbury Tetbury Street dance, physical theatre, contemporary dance, musical theatre, mime, ballet, puppetry, jazz, script work and much more! Mondays 4:30-5:30 Drama (ages 8-11) 5:30-6:30 Dance (ages 8-11) Mondays 4.30- 5.30 Drama (ages 8-11). 5:30- 6:30 Dance (ages 8-11) 6:30-7:30 FREE dance troupe rehearsal 7:30-8:30 Dance (ages 12-16) Tuesdays

Tetbury Summer Show

and are ready to be collected from the Tetbury Hardware Store in London Road.

6:30– 7:30 Drama (agestap 12-16) 7:308:303-6) Dance (ages 12-16) 4:15-5.15 Primary ballet, and street (ages

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If you have untaxed income, HMRC are hunting for you.

The schedule also contains details of the Fun Dog Show, which gets underway at 2.00pm. There is no advanced registration for this, registration will open on the day from around 1.15pm and there is bound to be a rush with around 100 entries anticipated. All shapes and sizes can enter with categories ranging from puppies under one year old to veterans aged over eight, while the best three pairs of legs entry always gets the cameras clicking.


Since the dog show is a much-anticipated and enjoyed part of the show, this year we are introducing a new feature that it is hoped will earn a similar reputation. Based at Christ Church in Tetbury, Arts Frenzy offers fun, affordable dance classes for the youth of the town and will be putting on two or three displays of their creative dance skills during the course of the afternoon.

latest HMRC are offering you the chance to bring your tax affairs up to date, and take advantage of the best possible terms. If you have undeclared income of any sort including the following examples:

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 13

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

22/04/2014 13:22

We have a tradition of supporting local businesses so we’re happy to report that also new this year are two very interesting stalls manned by local women. Jo Calvert will have a stall with a very varied display of painted ceramics - and to show her versatility, she will be selling a special edition Summer Show mug specifically to support the event. The more mugs she sells, the more she can donate to the show, so you know what to do! Also coming for the first time is Vicky Humphreys, who will have a stall packed full with a range of delicious must-have cup cakes. These can be eaten on the day or you can be provided with a box (up to 12 cup cakes) to take away. Lastly, Show Day will now, (and in future years), commence with a parade from Market Place to the recreation ground. While the content of this is still taking shape, we can though confirm it will be led by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums. Adorned in highland costume, these are a crowdstopper and will provide the “wow” factor as they parade down Long Street. What follows behind them will add variety and colour: details in the next issue! Summer Show Committee 13 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05


When invited to submit something for this Advertiser column, I thought hard about whether this should be a personal selection of what I’ve enjoyed reading, or focussed on current and new launches. I decided on the former, on the basis that you may probably work your way through the supplements regularly, and be better informed than I am on what the current ‘must-reads’ are!

I read this in school, and so began my long affection with Jane Austen’s superb observation and wit. I am a real fan. It’s not just the love story, but Austen’s ability to so beautifully depict society and standing as it was at the time. Her portrayal of Mrs Bennet leaves me smiling and looking for modern-day parallels, still. Re-read it sometime- it’s worth it.

Save for later: The Perfect Match by Katie Fforde. Katie’s latest romance, based around the wheeling and dealing in an Estate Agents. Like most of Katie’s novels there’s near references to Cotswold towns and villages and lost-and-found love. Perfect for the beach bag! Bookworm

Here’s my take: Easy read: Mr Rosenblum’s List by Natasha Solomans. A charming, comic novel about Jack Rosenblum and his quest to become the perfect ‘Englishman’. Arriving in Harwick in 1937, the story follows Jewish refugee Jack and his wife Sadie as they make a new life for themselves in England. Jack and Sadie have their ups and downs, and at times you become touched by the sheer determination and haunting plight of the new arrivals, but are then plunged into hilarious situations where Solomans shows her true skill as a writer. Just writing this now makes me wants to read it again. It’s not a new book but simply a lovely read and it has some great recipes at the back too!

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Must read: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. We all know the story and we’ve all probably seen various versions of the film.

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01666 503900 www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Best known as a novelist, he was first and foremost a journalist. This seriously neglected side of Charles Dickens was stressed by John Chambers on the 3rd of April, when he summarised four decades of the author’s life for us, between 1830 and 1870. John explained that, born in 1812, Dickens developed into a top Parliamentary Reporter after first undertaking a few menial jobs. Writing papers and sketches for magazines drew him into general reporting. His first novel, a great success and published in monthly instalments, led to similar writing becoming his major occupation. Briefly, we were told that five novels followed in the second decade, when he

Tetbury Probus One

travelled widely and became increasingly involved in championing social causes. By the 1850’s he was recognised as an enthusiastic and erudite speaker, critical of the inefficient Civil Service in particular. In the 1860’s he became the sole owner of The Spectator, with no reduction in his output as a novelist. There was much more: it was a well-paced talk by a warm and engaging speaker. Foremost too, on 17th April was food, when forty-six members, guests and their ladies enjoyed our annual lunch at the Minchinhampton Golf Club. Coincidentally, what and what not to eat and drink was also a subject on 1st May, when Nicholas Clark described his visit to Rajasthan, India’s warrior state. Over three times larger than England, and with a mainly

Hindu population of about 60 million, this largely desert state bordering Pakistan has many striking palaces and forts, which he illustrated with slides. These showed too the vivid colours used in clothing, other textiles and wall paintings. Transport, as Nicholas showed, remains fairly basic in Rajasthan ranging through trains, highly decorated buses and lorries, to auto- and cycle rickshaws. Ox-wheels to draw up water were still in evidence. Views of Jaipur, including the impressive facade of the Palace of the Winds, and of other cities, gave us a good impression of local life and living conditions. Theo Stening 01666 504243

STUNNING STAMPERS http://www.stampinup.com/ H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 826766 Email: contact@lucytom.com Web: www.lucytom.com

I’m an independent Stampin’ Up! demonstrator in Tetbury, looking to start a monthly paper arts and craft group. My aim’s to use a variety of techniques, tools and Stampin’ up! products to make cards, gift bags/ boxes, scrapbook pages, 3D projects and anything else we may think of! If you’re interested, or simply want to know a little more, please contact me, Linda, on 07970 351179 Email: stampingandstuff@btinternet.com




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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

01666 503900 15 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Tetbury Probus Two

We’ve recently had a speaker, Gerry Churchyard, who gave us the first of two talks on the ‘Zulu Wars’ of the late 1800’s. The first of these wars between Britain and the Zulu nation lasted around seven months, and involved 12,000 Zulu warriors (of their total of around 60,000) with our force of British plus others totalling around 11,000. This was not to be a good memory for Britain. We invaded them, primarily, because Sir Henry Bartle Frere and others believed

theirs to be good farm land, capable of providing rich pickings. Importantly, this was despite the British Government having refused permission for such an attack. In those days of course, communications were not of today’s order, and those on the ground did rather as they pleased in the short term. It is interesting to note that it was to be another 120 years before Britain undertook an invasion of another country - but via a Government decision this time: Iraq! The Zulus on the other hand simply wanted to be left alone to enjoy their rich farmlands. However, they were soon well-organised into fighting groups of around 12,000,


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mainly formed by age, with the 25 to 30-year-old’s going in first. In those dreadful days neither side ever took prisoners. Zululand, was about the size of Wales and the British column plus others led by Lord Chelmsford (Head of the British army) found the going overland extremely difficult. They only achieved around one mile a day with all their equipment, and there were frequent skirmishes with the Zulus. They eventually pitched camp at a place called Isandlwana where the Zulus tricked them into chasing what they thought was the main Zulu force. However, they then attacked the Isandlwana camp whilst a main force was away so that when they returned they found most had been slaughtered and then they were surrounded by massive Zulu opposition. The Zulus mainly used spears and knives, but did have some rifles. This then is remembered as the Battle of Isandlwana which Britain lost including major loss of life, as very few returned home. This was the start of around thirteen battles, and Gerry Churchyard will be returning to Tetbury Probus two on the 13th August to complete the story. If there are any of you out there who would like to join us do give a call to John Moules on 01666 502678 or Alan Twelvetree on 01666 503977. Our members are an agreeable crowd, and you will be made most welcome. Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell


16 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 16

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

I do enjoy looking around other people’s gardens for inspiration and the Tetbury Open Gardens Day is no exception. This year Tetbury Open Gardens Day is on Sunday 22nd June, between 2.00pm and 6.00pm. This will give you plenty of time to see all eight gardens and to enjoy the refreshments, which will be served at The Old Rope Walk this year by members of the Women’s’ Institute.

19 Northlands Way – GL8 8YT – An object lesson in gardening a small space; sculptured plants create interest - and humour - throughout the year, with floral colour for added summer interest.

• 15 Northfield Road – GL8 8HD – Don’t miss this garden, which offers a real

country feel. It is a private, tranquil oasis, much loved and gently gardened.

2 Silver Street – GL8 8DH – Enjoy a serene slice of Tetbury, this garden runs down a long slope, passing from delightfully domestic by way of a terrace to the shrubbery beside the stream.

Tetbury in Bloom

• Ludlow House – GL8 8ED – This garden has undergone significant work in recent

years to wonderful effect, with almost every plant in the garden moved - some more than once. Don’t miss the chance to see the results, and please don’t think you can see all there is to see from the driveway!

Close House, Close Gardens – GL8 8DU – Hidden away behind high walls, right in the heart of the Town, this secret garden is home to many mature shrubs and perennials, an established clear-water pond and fascinating statuary.

All funds raised will go towards “in Bloom” projects and town floral displays. Thank you to Highgrove Enterprises, Jenny Norden Interiors, Martin White Jewellers, The Lions of Tetbury, the Feoffees, Tetbury Town Council and many residents for their * 10% discount * with this advert kind donations towards our work. Liz Farnham

Mikki’s Mobile Clipping

“Thank you to everyone who has agreed to open their marvellous gardens to the public or has helped us.” Tickets cost £5 per person. Advance tickets (complete with a map and details of all the participating gardens) can be obtained from Ange Morrissey on 505723 or from the Post Office. Alternatively, buy your ticket at the first garden you come to or at the stall opposite the Market Hall on the day.

07970 868751 mikki.ponter@btinternet.com

*Dog Grooming* *Horse Clipping*


43 Silver Street – GL8 8DL – In perfect proportion with the tall Cotswold House, and tucked into the deep wall of the Wiltshire bridge, the contrasting foliage and colours of this sheltered, well planned garden will draw you to every corner.

5 The Old Rope Walk, Fox Hill – GL8 8XQ – A garden created from a quarry and a wild wood. Leave the superb borders via a rose arch and a wide gravelled path into the shady, carefully crafted woodland. Steps and paths beneath some of the most mature trees in Tetbury will take you up the hillside to the sunlit crown.

Rockside, Newnton Road – GL8 8XA – A wide, sweeping slope takes you up to stunning views. This garden complements the transformed house, emerging from long time neglect and a bedrock base.

Celebrating the June 2014.indd 17


40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

17 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Computer Advice free email services there is often no phone support and you are usually on your own…

Email Account Security and more on XP. Have you had your email account compromised? If so, you’re not alone. With BT changing over its email system, due in part to many accounts being compromised with Yahoo running the show, you should be vigilant and take your online security seriously. Use a secure password. Many people keep the password given to them by providers, like “London123” or “broadband123”. Change it now! Don’t use dictionary words, particularly ones other people might associate with you; create a good password with upper and lowercase letters and (for instance) by substituting some letters for numbers. Break things up with special characters or punctuation, if permitted. Most sites specify at least eight characters -use this as a minimum. Email services like Gmail and Outlook have a 2-step verification option, so you have a text sent to your mobile, or a code read to you over your landline, which you then input whenever connecting a new device to your account, or even each time you connect, if you wish. This gives real peace of mind, as an attacker would need your phone and password to be able to do any damage. Ask your provider for options, or get in touch if you need some help.

My editorial on Windows XP last month generated quite a response! The latest figures suggest many people have moved off the platform, but there are still lots of you running the obsolete system. If you must use it in the short term, do use Google Chrome or Firefox and under no circumstances use Internet Explorer. I must emphasise that you shouldn’t undertake any financial transactions, and use a decent antivirus package including a firewall. Many of the free AV products don’t. You’re putting your personal and financial security on the line, otherwise. If your XP computer is more than 6 or 7 years old, it would be worth considering a replacement, rather than an upgrade. These I can supply pre-configured with

a start button and menus that you are used to, from your old PC. If you have a desktop, then a replacement should be OK to connect to your existing screen, printer and so on. Do remember, if you think Windows 8 is not for you, I can configure it to look and behave like Windows 7 or XP. If you have any queries on the above, or if you would like to book your PC in for a security check, annual service, or to restore games like Solitaire to Windows 8, please do get in touch. Please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk INGHAM ASSOCIATES – THE TETBURY COMPUTER SHOP Now in my 26th year of trading

French Market Sunday 22nd Behind the Market Hall


If you’re using Windows Live Mail or a similar off-line mail program, you’re not so likely to have problems. This also has the advantage of downloading a copy of your email to your computer, leaving you with a copy of your messages, should your account be compromised and no longer accessible. To be prudent, you should trim down your on-line address book. Then, if your account is breached, only a few people will be put at risk from any scam emails sent out. If you have hundreds, your provider would soon lock your account for inadvertent “spamming” if your account was compromised, meaning you may not be able to get access to your account again! So, as a precaution, open messages with care and delete any suspicious ones immediately, without opening them. With



18 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 18

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Some weeks ago, we had a presentation by Nicki Gwynn-Jones who stood in at short notice, because the booked speaker was ill. Nicki was a very lively presenter and, in addition to showing and talking about the set of photographs which earned her a coveted Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS), she showed a range of her bird photographs, all in “high key” and very attractive. These aroused considerable interest, and gave rise to enquiries about the techniques she had used. The following week was a domestic event. Tetbury Camera Club is a member of the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) which holds an annual competition for its member clubs. We entered this competition in 2014 for the first time. Being novice entrants, we did

not expect to excel and, in the event, came 43rd out of 55 entrants. The evening included a showing the entries from the top four clubs and the individual images which did very well; this emphasised the very high standard of the entries. The consensus was that we should enter again next year, and try very hard to do better. The speaker at the next meeting, Steve Dury, provided very unusual entertainment. Steve is an enthusiastic member of a re-enactment society and showed many photographs taken during their battles. During the course of his presentation, he explained the organisation of his society and the choreography involved in the reconstruction of the battles. The gunpowder used is real enough and very closely guarded. He had a musket with

Tetbury Camera Club him, without gunpowder, and explained the origin of the expression ‘a flash in the pan’. As a finale, Steve and his wife donned the battledress of the time and Mrs Dury demonstrated some of the drum signals used during the battles. For the following meeting, the chairman, Steve Hammond, brought along some studio flashes and members were able to explore the potential of their cameras in taking portraits and still life using flash. Some the staff of the Priory was pressed into acting as models for the competition element of the evening. One of the annual competitions for club members held recently was for the ‘Digital Image of the Year’. This was won by Sandie Cox and the winning image is reproduced here. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury (except in June, July and August). Anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members.

1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1


For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Our programme and other information is available on our web site: www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk


Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

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June 2014.indd 19


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Celebrating the

Lettercutter in Wood

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

19 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Mayor’s Report

I should like to introduce myself, as I am the new Mayor of Tetbury. Some of you may already know me as a Councillor of some five years standing. To give you a small piece of information about myself; I was born in Norfolk but lived most of my life in North West London, until I remarried some twenty years ago and moved with my son to Tetbury. It has been a move I’ve never regretted. I fell in love with Tetbury, the people of Tetbury and what I believe to be a thriving community. I now work at The Priory Nursing Home as an Administrator, where I have been for the last ten years.

and traders individually, to see if there is anything we the council can do, to help them to draw both tourists and the general public into the shops.

10.00 am - Congregate at St. Mary’s Church

The council needs to continue to work as a team to pull together for the good of Tetbury, and I hope that we can all achieve this.

11.30 am Soldiers and officers of 29 Royal Logistics Corp / 59 Sqn will march to the Market Hall. There will then follow a presentation of medals to all the soldiers who have served in Afghanistan, and to the children of the soldiers. The medals will be presented by Major General (Retired) Wood, RLC.

We have the Medals Parade of the 29th Logistics Corp, South Cerney Barracks on the 27th June and we are honoured that the regiment has chosen Tetbury as the venue in which to receive their medals of service in Afghanistan. The schedule will be as follows:

I would like to thank my husband Brian, who has supported me to achieve my goal as Mayor of Tetbury. I think I would term him as a “Councillor’s Widower” as there are some weeks when he barely sees me in the evenings! Tony Walsh, our newly elected Deputy Mayor, will, I know, be a really good support for me in my year of office - as I’m sure will all the other Councillors.

10.30-11.30 am - Church Service for the returning with Major Steve Roberts and the Reverend Poppy Hughes

12.30/1.00 pm - The Soldiers will march down Long Street to the Dolphins Hall for refreshments with family and friends. There will be an official photographer on hand to mark the occasion and, an opportunity for families to order photos. The subsequent World War 1 commemoration on 2nd and 3rd August will, we hope, be a fitting tribute to those who served their town and country and lost their lives during the four year conflict. Cllr Sandra Ball

So what am I going to do in my year of office? I won’t make any promises I can’t keep, but I do hope to get round to see all the various groups that make up Tetbury. I also want to meet all the shop owners

BADMINTON HOUSE GARDEN OPENING Sunday, 22nd June 2014 - 11-5pm ENTRY £5 ON THE GATE - REFRESHMENTS www.badmintonestate.co.uk 0140614

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20 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 20

jill@greenangelsecocleaning.co.uk www.greenangelsecocleaning.co.uk 500213

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Holiday @ Home 2014– A ‘Holiday’ in the Cotswolds, with a difference. The Cotswolds are well regarded and visited by people both from this country and overseas; rightly so, if you are able to get out and travel around to appreciate the views and scenery. But for those not able to take a holiday, or even a trip within the county, what do you do? Well, the ‘Holiday@Home’ project has been running in Tetbury for 10 years, this year. This is a project run by all the Churches in Tetbury and which takes place at Christ Church in The Chipping over a couple of days, which this year will be Thursday and Friday, the 7th and 8th of August. It’s a simple idea, to provide a one-day 520912(usually), L & P for Plumbing:Layout holiday those more elderly 1 members of our town unlikely to get a

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break otherwise, either because of age or disability. The holiday starts with guests arriving at Christ Church or being picked up at their own home by car or mini-bus. Following a welcome drink, the day begins with activities and table games. Photo displays of times past provide the incentive for many memories and conversations. We usually then have a good sing, at some point, since of course some of the old songs are never forgotten. Various other entertainments and “Time for Thought” carry on through the day, until the carriages are called again, and guests are taken home at end of the afternoon. And a holiday is not a holiday without good food! A three-course lunch is provided in the middle of the day, and a traditional ‘tea’ later in the afternoon. We’re fortunate to have a professional caterer 18/8/12 20:37 Page 1 volunteers to help with lunch, and the provide delicious ‘home-made’ puddings and cakes. No one goes home hungry! Our theme this year is ‘The Circus’ – so there’s plenty of opportunity for lots of colour and fun, although we shan’t be sneaking any Lions away from Longleat! Do any readers happen to be into High Wire Walking? We could also do with some Circus pictures, since we hear there used to be a regular Circus in Tetbury. Do you have any photos you could lend us for the couple of days please? The project is staffed by over 50 volunteers, and the whole day is provided FREE to all our 60 guests. This is due to generous

Holiday @ Home sponsorship of the project by a number of companies and organisations, which have in the past included Tetbury Feoffees, Tetbury Lions, South Cotswold Rotary, Tetbury Relief in Need Charity, Tetbury Evening WI, Ivor Hill (Tetbury Fun Run), Ingleburn Trefoil Guild, St Michaelfest / Christmas Lunches, Tetbury Probus and many other donations. The Holiday@Home project is very grateful for all donations and funding. During June, we will be looking at putting together our invitations list for this August’s holiday. If you know of anyone in Tetbury who is basically house-bound and who will not be taking a holiday this year, and who you feel would enjoy a one day ‘holiday’ in the beautiful Cotswold town of Tetbury, please contact us as soon as possible, with their details. We can host 30 guests each day, but hope that we can accommodate all those who request places. Guest invitations will be finalised late June. If you have the name of someone who you think would like to be invited, please contact Allan or Jenny Norwood (01666 – 504075, email aandj@mailcan.co.uk - who are compiling the list. For more information, or to provide Circus photos, please contact: Brian and Sue Cook: 54 The Street, Didmarton, Glos. GL9 1DS, or email bacwoodb@aol.com

Where’s your dog going on holiday this year? DOG BOARDING - In my home No kennels or cages just comfy beds in my kitchen Lots of fun, daily walks and trips to the beach and arboretum

Call Melissa Powell on 07546 665550 / 01666 840304 email: melissajpowell@aol.com Forge House, Alderton, Wilts SN14 6NL Maximum 5 guest dogs - Licensed and Insured



Celebrating the June 2014.indd 21

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

21 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Brownies from Tetbury recently joined over 800 others from around the County, at a special PGL weekend to celebrate the “Big Brownie Birthday”. The first evening was taken up with the opportunity to try 30 different party activities, such as a disco, drumming, face painting and cupcake crafts – to name just a few! The girls got to take part in eight different adventurous activities over the weekend, with a massive camp fire on the Saturday evening. I was lucky enough to visit on the Saturday and was amazed at the organisation and activities on offer. So much so that we have booked a similar experience for the Guides next year! We are very fortunate that the Priory Nursing Home allows us to use their gardens during the summer so as a thank-

MATHS & FRENCH Friendly experienced tutor specialising in children with learning difficulties, offers after school tuition in Maths, English and French. Tutoring also offered for Marling & Stroud High entrance exam.

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Tetbury’s Unsung Hero

you gift, and as part of the BBB challenge badge, 2nd Tetbury Brownies have been busy planting flowers and plants in their courtyard garden. The Brownies then met the residents who had been watching them, and they shared squash and fairy cakes. It was a lovely evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all, and the Brownies are looking forward to return visits including games on the Priory’s lawns. Thanks to Dobbies of Cirencester for donating plants, planters and compost. We’ve had two teams of Guides and one of Brownies taking part in the County outdoor cooking competition, at our HQ near Cheltenham. Although they didn’t win they certainly made their leaders proud and were very impressive with their International food and outfits! Several girls also had the opportunity to take part in a free sports evening when members of Gloucestershire Women’s Football Association came to run a skills

evening, held at SWR Leisure. Although the perception is that football is “what the boys do” those that came really enjoyed themselves. They now have the chance to take part in a Division event in Stroud, even if they didn’t come to the first one. I was pleased to get emails about the Six names after the last article – the full list is Pixie, Gnome, Elf, Sprite, Leprechaun, Imp, Ghillie Dhu, Bwbachod, Fairy – which I have just been given, and the two original badges I still need to find - Little People and Twlwyth Teg. An amazing fact - nearly one in four girls aged eight are Brownies and nearly half of all adult females have been involved in Guiding at some point in their lives! We currently have spaces in Rainbows and Thursday Brownies and are looking for volunteers to help lead Guide units. Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk

Dear Editor, I should like to nominate Sue Doidge for your “Unsung Hero” piece this month, please. Despite being a mother to two of her own children, and having taken on commitments to other organisations in the past (such as the PTA) as well, Sue quite selflessly gives an amazing amount of her time and energy (including on many weekends) to the Guiding movement, in her capacity as Tetbury District Commissioner. She’s an inspirational leader to the youth of the town, always approachable and pleasant, as well as someone who can be relied upon to take the caring and nurturing side of her role seriously, making sure that all her charges are well looked after while they’re also having fun. She would be a very worthy recipient of your praise. Ed: I’m very pleased to agree. As well as all of the above, Sue’s also one of the Advertiser’s willing contributors too. How she fits it all in, I can’t think. Sue will soon be in receipt of her voucher for a meal for two, very kindly provided by the Priory Inn.

22 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 22

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:05

Slowly but surely, some old veggie favourites are re-emerging after weeks of having to endure the “hungry gap” That frustrating period of time for gardeners and farmers when the Winter root vegetables have come to an end but the Spring produce has yet to fulfil its potential.

Roz at Adeline Farm on The Fosse Way continues to be a highly energetic source of very special salad leaves – they’ve survived the strong Spring winds, snugly tucked away in her polytunnels. Broad beans are with us again and we are in the early days of the strawberry season – delicious already from Over Farm in Stroud Farmer’s Market. You can almost reach out and touch summer! Our ethos for seeking out the freshest, seasonal, local food for our menus is a

Christmas in Tetbury Midsummer Christmas Lunch

2. Don’t buy anything with more than five ingredients 3. Only eat at a table - eat slowly and communally – and... 4. Distrust any food claiming health benefits.

Thank you to Hortensia for their donation of the giant Easter Egg! 21/9/10


satisfying and healthy way of driving our business. It is also enjoying a continued resurgence as the right way to eat at home: cook from scratch, enjoy real food, strip away the complicated layers of nutritional advice that befuddle us, and get back to the basics. Michael Pollan, food writer, gives some simple guidance on how to eat a healthy diet and enjoy it which we endorse in our menus: 1. Don’t eat anything your greatgrandmother would not recognise as food

Sunday 13th July at The Close Hotel. £22 per person for a two course lunch, excluding drinks. Tickets from Sue Hirst on 01666 504213.

681010 March Roofing:Layout 1 0250614

The Priory Inn Blog

Page 1

M.MARCH ROOFING Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling

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We welcome a fourth “Barter at the Back Door” season. Any keen fruit and veg growers are very welcome to bring us any surplus and to receive Priory Inn vouchers to redeem against food and drink or even hotel nights, in return. We pay the full market value for all home-grown produce. Live music continues every Sunday through June to a packed-house and in a great atmosphere. On the first we have Harper’s Ferry returning, with a stripped-back acoustic set. Bristol-based Elliot Hall and Rapunzel play for us on the 8th followed by the consistently great Dik Cadbury on the 15th. Alan Coles is very welcome again on the 22nd and the month ends on the 29th with a new act for us - Seth Bye and Katie Griffin, a multi-instrumental folk duo, who blur the lines between traditional folk and contemporary music. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. Tanya Kelly

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June 2014.indd 23

Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...

Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.

Ch arge

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Celebrating the



40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”

23 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:05

Tiggers Nursery

Summer Safety! Exposing your child to too much sun may increase their risk of skin cancer later in life – so here are some tips to protect your child from sunburn. It sounds simple I know, but do encourage your child to play in the shade, especially between 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its strongest. Of course, keep babies under the age of six months out of direct sunlight, especially around midday.

Curtains & Blinds Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished

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Cover exposed parts of your child’s skin with sunscreen, even on cloudy or overcast days, and use one that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or above and is effective against UVA and UVB. Don’t forget to apply it to their shoulders, nose, ears, cheeks and the tops of their feet, and to re-apply it often throughout the day. Be especially careful to protect your child’s shoulders and the back of their neck when they’re playing, as these are the most common areas for sunburn, and cover your child up in loose, baggy cotton clothes, such as an oversized T-shirt with sleeves. Also get your child to wear a floppy hat with a wide brim that shades their face and neck. Protect your child’s eyes with sunglasses that meet the British Standard (BSEN 1836:2005) and carry the “CE” mark (check the label or ask the manufacturer). If your child is swimming, use a waterproof sunblock of factor 15 or above. Re-apply after toweling! Avoiding dehydration is also very important, and like adults, babies and young children need to drink plenty of fluids. If you’re breastfeeding your baby, you don’t need to give them water as well as breast milk, however, they may want to breastfeed more than usual. If you’re bottle feeding, as well as their usual milk feeds, you can give your baby cooled pre-boiled water throughout the day. If your baby wakes at night, they’ll probably want milk.

If they’ve had their usual milk feeds, try cooled pre-boiled water as well. You can be creative when trying to keep your child hydrated! If they’re over six months old and they get bored with water, try giving them a combination of very dilute fruit juice, ice cubes and homemade fruit juice lollies throughout the day. For older children, plenty of fruit and salad will also help keep their fluid levels up. At Tiggers we have a sun policy in place to protect the children and avoid any risk to their health and wellbeing. This includes areas of shade, the use of sun creams of minimum 30 SPF, and checking the UV rays outside of the policy. Children wanting to play in the sunshine between 11:00am and 3:00pm are limited to ten minute slots. We also realise that some sun exposure is beneficial to the children in order to obtain vitamin D, so we ensure that they have plenty of outside play - but with the safety of adequate protection in place. Tiggers


24 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 24

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:06

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the difference June 2014.indd 25

Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form For more information please call: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471. W Wycliffe, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege www.wycliffe.co.uk

26/05/2014 20:06

History of Tetbury Society On 1st May we visited Willesley House where we were met by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gibson, who made us very welcome. We were given two pages of notes about the history of the house and a ground floor plan to clarify the stages of its development. Fortunately it was a warm dry evening, so Mr. Gibson gave us a brief introduction before we were split into two groups of about 20 for the conducted tours.

reign of Elizabeth the First and a new roof and front during the time of Queen Anne. The Victorians - inevitably - made later changes, and the front door and porch were added during Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. Previous owners have been, predominantly, clothiers.

is another pond that had been used as a sheep wash. A third pond was probably used to store live fish.

There are extensive gardens with stables and barns. Further down the lane there is a six-bay cart shed, behind which the pond has been specially adapted for soaking the timber wheels of old carts. Across a paddock, which has the remains of very wide ridge and furrow ploughing, there

On 5th June we will visit Frampton on Severn, where Rose Hewlett will be our guide. Cars will leave the Chipping at 6.45 and visitors are most welcome to this meeting

The core of this property is a Saxon ‘Cross Manor House’ which was built of stone. We were shown the layout of the Hall, Cross passage and Solar which, at ground floor level, is all pretty well intact. The house has seen many over the22/2/08 years, 150208 Mathschanges & English 22:05 with major additions and changes in the

Alan Twelvetree


Page 1




We are most grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Gibson for their hospitality and for a most informative visit to an extremely interesting historical home.



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26 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 26

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:06

It’s so hard to believe that here we are almost at the end of another year at playgroup!

us in July to move on to pastures new. We all really enjoy this last term. We try and have lots of fun together, but it is tinged with a little sadness for all. The children are so excited to be going to BIG school, but for the adults, we will find it much harder, it’s a sad fact that our children are growing up and they are no longer “our babies”!

We have so much we still need to do, both staff and children will be very busy preparing for the summer, with hopefully some much better weather, our trips and of course the end of term party. It is a very important term for our preSchool children, who will, sadly, be leaving

We, the staff are very proud of all our children, we feel we have helped them learn the skills they need for the next stage in life and they have all reached and surpassed what has been asked of them.

St Mary’s Pre-School Playgroup and Toddlers EST 1975

Daily Sessions Available ***** Children from 2 years 6 months to 5 years Welcome ***** Weekly Toddler Group - Mondays 9.30 –11.30 ***** Dedicated Pre-School Session ***** Fantastic Preparation for School ***** Book your place now to avoid disappointment!

For more information & session times pop in one morning, give us a call or visit our website

01666 503777 www.stmarysplaygroup.co.uk Christ Church Hall, Tetbury GL8 8EU 1260614

St Mary’s Playgroup We send them off with the knowledge that they will continue to grow and achieve their goals in whatever they do. The pre-schoolers were invited to St Mary’s School to watch the Reception Class perform their dress rehearsal of Peter Pan, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. During the Tuesday afternoon sessions they have been taking part in P.E. in preparation for school -next term all of the pre-school children are very much looking forward to our annual trip to “Go Bananas” in Stroud. Next term all of the children have been invited on a trip to The Slimbridge Wetlands Centre on Tuesday 10 June. I’m sure we’ll have some fun stories to tell and there will be lots to learn and talk about back in our playgroup sessions afterwards. If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would like to know more, then pop along to one of our sessions which are held every term time weekday morning at the back of Christchurch. Call 01666 503777, email info@stmarysplagroup.co.uk or visit our website for more details. Our popular Toddler group continues every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 to 11.30. Louise always arranges a different fun, creative and often seasonal craft activity, and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. It’s a great opportunity to have a coffee and meet some other mums, dads and carers while your little one(s) can play in a safe environment and make some new friends. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun!

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By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

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Celebrating the

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 2014.indd 27

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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

27 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:06

Dolphins Recreation Centre This is an exciting time for the trust, and we hope for the town, as we unveil the designs for the new hall. The brochure inserted in this copy of the Advertiser is able to show you the basic designs, but the full presentation in the hall on the weekend of June 7th and 8th will give Tetbury residents a chance to look at the designs in larger scale and in more detail, to see a scale model of the new hall, and to talk to the architects and members of the project team, who can answer your questions.

CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks. Call Jeffie Openshaw (Mrs) on 07754451638 or 01666 500328 email: jeffieopenshaw@gmail.com

830709 Hansen Tree Care:Layout 1


The hall will be open from 10 am in the morning until 4 pm in the afternoon on both Saturday and Sunday, and people are welcome to come in at any time. Verbal presentations will be made at various times during the day.



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We hope that as many people as possible will be able to attend the presentation – this development will be the first new community building that Tetbury has seen for 50 years and it’s being designed to meet the needs of the town’s rising population. Dolphins Recreation Trust Committee



SEE THE PLANS TALK TO THE ARCHITECTS LOOK AT THE FACILITIES Tell us your thoughts at our presentation 5TH and 6TH June DOLPHINS HALL 10.00a.m – 4.00 p.m. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED


28 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 28

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:06

Cotswold District Council

Foxley Plumbing & Heating

At the May planning committee meeting, permission was approved for the retirement village on the Autonumis site in Cirencester Road.

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This will be for 114 apartments, with support/care facilities. The contributions to the town in general will include, subject to finalisation, £126,000 for general support and facilities for the elderly in the town, including transport, dementia care training and falls prevention classes.There will also be a sum of £63,660 towards the Goods Shed and Dolphins Hall community facilities. This latest permission brings the total of houses either being built or with planning permission to 717, against Tetbury’s allocation of 650 for a 20-year time span. However, with the district’s 5-year land supply now achieved, and thus meeting the government’s requirements, it now means that Tetbury is able to make a robust defence against any further development - without the fear of losing appeals on the grounds of non-delivery of a 5-year land supply, as happened at Highfield Farm and Berrells Rd. Barry Gibbs

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 29

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

29 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:06

Tetbury Wacky Races 2014

30 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 30

Photo courtesy of Brendan McFadden 26/05/2014 20:06

For the third running of the Tetbury Lions Wacky Races soapbox derby, the early May Bank Holiday Monday was absolutely fabulous - a just reward for all the hard work that went into making the event such a wonderful success. The popularity of the soap box derby, not just in Tetbury but throughout the Cotswolds, grows increasingly year-onyear, and those with a need for speed, comedy and carnage were not disappointed. Indeed we had members of a Lions clubs in Leeds visit us, as they are interested in holding a similar race, and club members from Australia and New Zealand who were in the country made a special visit, as they had heard of the event - while one family flew in from the Netherlands to stay with friends, drawn by stories of mayhem and fun. Having arranged the straw bales to make the demanding hairpin bend just a little safer, we seem to have made the course faster too, as the course record was broken and now stands at 30.93 seconds. This was achieved by Steve Thomas in C12 - his distinctive carbon fibre vehicle which, for the third consecutive year, took the winners laurels and trophy in the adult section. Jessica Wilcox regained the junior trophy that she won two years ago, with a time of 40.28 seconds. While one or two of the carts gave their drivers a ride that would cure constipation, and the Cornish Pirate entry managed to turn over not once but twice, the competition is clearly getting stronger as the carts are of a much sturdier design and getting faster. The one thing that continues to really separate the teams is how successfully they negotiate the hairpin bend (also known as crash corner). This year the open top bus was a great addition to the day - it proved a very popular vantage point to view the proceedings and from which to take some excellent photos. The leader board in the Chipping car park also provided great interest, as all the teams and the viewing public could see how each was progressing. Traders at both the Chipping car park area and the finish area by Millennium Green were kept busy all day too, and happily contributed substantial donations to our fundraising efforts, as a result. Counting is still taking place but early indications suggest a contribution easily more than double last year’s total will be heading towards helping the youth of Tetbury. An event of this magnitude and popularity could not be achieved without the outstanding cooperation and significant help of others, for which the Lions Club are truly grateful. He was one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave, so a huge “Thank you!” goes to David Wilson and his volunteers from Duchy Home Farm, for delivering and collecting all of the bales, a massive undertaking by a reliable team. Without bales, we would not be able to hold the event. Similarly, we could not operate without the Millennium Green or the Chipping car park and for this we thank the Feoffees who, like many others, have supported us from the very beginning and who also took the trouble to thank us for ensuring both sites were left in a good clean condition at the day’s end. We also very much appreciate the cooperation of the local residents, who tolerate the inconvenience of the day and the early morning start. Finally - to all who turned up with family and friends to enjoy the atmosphere and donate so much to what is the flagship fundraising event for Tetbury Lions - thank you all so very much! Here’s to next year! The Wacky Race Team

31 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 31

26/05/2014 20:06


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26/05/2014 20:06


Tetbury Police Museum

The New Pool Affair John Curtis Broom was a respected and well-known member of Tetbury’s community in the late 19th and early 20th Century.

The Coroner said he thought that the act was “not intentional “and the jury unanimously agreed. The foreman strongly recommended that the new pool should be “more securely protected than it is at present”.

A carpenter and wheelwright by trade, he was also an elected member of Tetbury Upton Parish Council. Early on Thursday March 7th 1907 his body was found drowned in New Pool by the gas works on London Road - very close to his home. The inquest was held that same afternoon and it appeared that John Broom had been in the Plough Inn (now number 65 Long Street) and had left between 9 and 10 o’clock, apparently to go home. John was a Methodist and did not drink alcohol. Mrs Broom said that John was in his usual good health, apart from a recent bout of influenza that had left an occasional “fit of giddiness”, and that his sight was especially bad at night. A neighbour, Eliza Townsend, appeared to be the last person to see John Broom alive. She was going home up London Road when she noticed John following her, some distance behind. She carried on and passed the Pool but stated he had not yet reached it. She heard no shouting or other disturbance and continued home anticipating he was still following.

John Silvester Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum E: curator@tetbury.gov.uk

Charles Broom, son of John, said that he searched until 11 o’clock at night, and at 7 o’clock the next morning found his father’s body in the pool. The pool was only partly protected and it had been a dark night. Charles thought his father must have turned off the road just before getting to the pool and instead of returning to the road he had gone straight on and fallen into the water. Dr Mellish stated the deceased had been dead for some hours. Police Sergeant (Robert) Smith, who had helped to get the body out of the water, said there were no visible signs of a struggle at the side of the pool. No one at the gasworks heard any noise or shouting. The pool was unprotected where Mr Broom was thought to have walked in.

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 33

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

33 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:06

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens As reported previously, from April, Gloucestershire County Council has contracted out all highways and rights-of-way (byways, bridleways and footpaths) maintenance work to Amey Construction. This promises greater efficiency. Our first footpaths job, in April, was replacing a stile at Stinchcombe. However, since it was in April, the council could no longer supply wood – and Amey were not yet set up to do so; we managed to use the last of our wood, leftover from a previous job, plus some parts of the old stile which were still serviceable, to make the job safe.

smaller areas. They mow the grass and strim the paths. They recently asked us for our assistance in clearing weeds and overgrown plants from the car park at Coaley Peak. This is a popular spot with spectacular views across the Severn Vale. You can see the clouds being driven up the Bristol Channel on the south-westerly winds – and then the view disappears and it’s raining! We have completed two dry-stone walling jobs – one adjacent to Woodchester Mansion, the other at Leighterton Primary School, where the wall is low and circular and intended for use as an “outdoor classroom”. Using it, the children can be taught to appreciate the countryside, while out in the open and away from

Our next task, on footpaths, was requested by the council as a matter of safety. We screwed metal non-slip safety strips onto two wooden board walks we had previously erected, across a marshy area. The council had been concerned that they might be sued if someone were to slip; all’s safe now, we think. The County Council have retained on their staff the Countryside Warden and two assistants. They maintain the councilowned Crickley Hill Country Park on the Cotswold escarpment above Gloucester, the Coaley Peak viewpoint, Cooper’s Hell (of cheese-rolling fame) and two other


their computers. We have previously built similar outdoor classroom walls at Sherston and Malmesbury Primary Schools, and there is also one at Tetbury St Mary’s Primary School. Local walks with the Wardens in June are: Sunday 8th June at 10:00 am from Nailsworth Bus Station car park for nine miles via Kingscote. Sunday 15th June at 10:00 am from Wotton-under-Edge (Chipping car park) for seven-and-a-half miles via Kingswood and Hillesley. Saturday 21st June at 10:00 am for coffee at Kingswood café next to the pub, leaving at 10:30 am for six miles, via Lower Woods. Richard Glanville

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34 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 34

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:06

In April a course in basic first aid, run by the St John’s Ambulance Brigade, was well supported and thought to be of great benefit by all who attended.

Tetbury WI

to our next WI supper which will be at Cafe 53 in June. For the second year running we have the largest membership of an individual WI within the Gloucester Federation. The WI next nearest in size has approximately 15 fewer members.

three of our ladies. It was a very enjoyable evening and made us aware of the range of experience, talent and sense of humour we have among us.

Many of us have had some training in our working lives and it was interesting to be made aware of changes in procedure.

Our considerable increase over the last few years is something that has surprised and pleased us. It must be because of our members!

On June 9th the talk “Find the edge bits” will be by the Reverend Poppy Hughes. As usual this will be at the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30. You are welcome to join us!

We recently enjoyed supper at the Weighbridge in Avening and look forward

At our April meeting we were entertained by talks from Jackie, Yvonne and Linda -

Chris Gibson 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1 Tetbury WI





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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 35

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

35 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:06

Page 1

190208 NEW Stone specialists

Tetbury Theatre Group



Page 1


Salisbury Playhouse on Saturday 26th April; my thanks to Judi and Basil MasonSmith for writing this review:


Our theatre visit in April was to see Alan Bennett’s hilarious comedy “Betty Blue Eyes”, which has been produced as a wonderfully witty musical, performed by a multi-talented cast. Fifty like-minded members of Tetbury Theatre Group enjoyed a happy day visiting Salisbury Playhouse, coupled with a walk around the town and open market – and the sun shone. Set in 1947 in austerity Britain, the only light on the horizon is a private function to celebrate the forthcoming marriage of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The local Town Council are secretly and illegally fattening a pig called Betty for a lavish private banquet. The play was full of laugh-out-load intrigues, and was a feelgood musical treat! The Committee are pleased to say that despite being seven months away, the tickets have all been sold for the performance of “The Christmas Truce” at the RSC Stratford-upon-Avon in December. If you would like to join the Theatre Group, please phone Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029 for further information.


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36 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 36

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:07

Tetbury Town FC Family Fun And Awards Mark The End Of TTFC’s Football Season Tetbury Town Football Club prides itself on being more than just a football club. The inclusive welcome offered to players also extends to their families, who are encouraged to join in the many social events held by the club throughout the year.

In recent weeks these have included a hugely successful Veterans Family Day, which took place at the Club House and on the Recreation Ground over the first May Bank holiday weekend. This popular annual event gives former TTFC players a chance to dust off their boots for a special one-off match and this year’s event was supported by a large crowd of family and friends who turned out to watch and cheer the players on. There was also plenty for

the kids and non-footballers to enjoy, including face painting, a bouncy castle and a BBQ. Local band Van Burgundy provided the evening entertainment, while a bucket collection was held on behalf of Asthma UK. Continuing the social theme, TTFC Seniors marked their end of season with an Awards Presentation Evening at The Ormond in Tetbury. Among those who took home gongs were Michael Jackson, First Team Player’s Player; Martin Seal, First Team Manager’s Player; Adam Wynter, Second Team Player’s Player; Guy Hall Day, Second Team Manager’s Player; Aaron Reid, Third Team Player’s Player and Simon Crane, Third Team Manager’s Player. The awards for Young Player of the Year, Most Improved Player and Outstanding Commitment went to Adam Wynter, Guy Hall Day and Charlie Eddolls respectively. The Seniors’ have also voted in a new committee of next year, which will be chaired by Tracey Woodward with assistance from vice-chair DaveBricknell. Retiring chairman Carl Wait was thanked for all his hard work over the last year. Further down the age spectrum, TTFC’s U11 players were treated to an end of season Tubing party at Gloucester ski slopes, organised by team manager Richard Norris. 30 parents and children raced each other down the slopes on inflatable rubber rings and a great time was had by all, even if the Dads did get a little competitive at times!

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After an hour of tubing, there was time for everyone to enjoy burgers, hot dogs, Page 1 nuggets and chips in the ski slope cafe.

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“The kids have worked hard for the club this season and played really well, so we wanted to reward them with a fun day out,” Richard Norris says. “Being part of TTFC extends beyond football; we have a great atmosphere at the club and we like to encourage all members of the family to get involved. That’s why these social events are so important and why we hope to run a lot more of them in the future.” The Youth section will hold its AGM at 7.30 pm on June 10th at the Club House. Everyone is welcome to attend and put themselves forward for election onto the committee. If you would like more information, please contact Sue Fudge on 07798 621891.

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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

37 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:07


(by Mimi Saunders in the style of Edward Thomas)

Poetry techniques Year 7 students have been developing their understanding and use of poetic techniques and having a go at writing their own poems in the style of some classic Poets. Below is just a small sample of some of the fantastic work that’s been produced.

The Leaf

(by James Slater, in the style of Simon Armitage)

The never ending cycle has not yet ended, It is just beginning Fumbling and falling Nature’s way of saying hello and goodbye I watch it fall, Hold out my hand and catch it. I see its fragile, minute skeleton Amongst the grub and filth, I see beauty. It has been on a journey, A journey only it and it alone has been on, Now I let it go. I let it be free. The cycle ends.

The pigeon struts across the pavement, It has no name and nobody cares for it. Picking up pieces of crumbling bread, It bobs its head and glares solemnly at you. It can’t display its thoughts and feelings, If it could would we push it aside? And think it a dumb beast without knowledge, But it is cleverer than us because it has learned How to listen and knows when to take flight.

A Soundless Fly

(by Lottie Smith in the style of Walt Whitman)

I mark’d, where, on the mantel piece it stood Mark’d how, it explored the dim surroundings, It launch’d flying, darting running away from itself; Ever tirelessly speeding away. And you, O my So soundless fly, where you stand, Surrounded, surrounded, in merciless oceans of dimness, Venturing, exploring – seeking the beast, Till the beast you need, be form’d Till the beast threads you a death bed, Till you are caught, O my So soundless fly.

Year 5 Experience Days

In June each year we welcome Year 5 pupils from local primary schools to experience a day in the life of SWR. They take part in a selection of lessons, ranging from Drama to Science. Here’s what some of them had to say last year: What I learned:

• that you can change the colour of fire • how to show lots of expression when doing a freeze frame • how to blend oil pastels • how to saw precisely • about slow motion acting • how to make and mend things • that abstract shapes and colours make good pictures • how to make a pen holder and use the right equipment What I enjoyed best:

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• using the Bunsen burners • woodwork, because I want to be a carpenter • everyone was friendly • all of it!


B t

We currently have pupils coming from Avening, Horsley, Minchinhampton, Nailsworth, St Dominic’s, St Joseph’s, St Mary’s and Woodchester primary schools; and the dates for this year are: Monday 18th June Wednesday 20th June Friday 22nd June


If you child would like to take part, please contact us via email to community@swr. gloucs.sch.uk or telephone 01666 502378.

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H June 2014.indd 38

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June 2014.indd 39

Follow us on Twitter! @cherish_salon Find us on Facebook! Cherish Salon, Tetbury 26/05/2014 20:07

Tetbury Job Club

Tetbury Job Club are offering a free-ofcharge, Basic IT Course for beginners to be held over four weeks, running on 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th June, from 1.30pm-3.30pm, at Christchurch, The Chipping, Tetbury, Glos, GL8 8ET. The course is being provided by Cirencester College and will suit anyone with limited IT knowledge who would like to learn their way around a computer, send emails and access the internet. We have a limited number of spaces so please register your interest early by calling Annabelle Carter of Cirencester College, on 01285 626215. This course is not just for Job Club members, so if you are interested please call Annabelle.

success in finding a new job. DG has been actively engaged in the Tetbury community as a volunteer but has not found work for a number of years, so this is indeed a good moment. We hope you have much happiness and fortune in your new job. Well done!

pm at Christ Church, in the school room upstairs. We welcome new members all the time and encourage you to come along if you need some help and encouragement in your pursuit of finding employment. We are happy to support you in any detail or help you find specialist help if need be. Booking is not necessary.

The Job Club meets every Tuesday 2- 4

Any queries please call Mandy 07968 591912

720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1



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The Job Club would like to celebrate with one of our members, DG, on his

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40 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 40

05/04/2012 16:37

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:07

We are certainly a happy bunch, here at “People don’t notice St Mary’s! Laughter and smiles emanate whether it’s winter or from the classrooms and corridors as the summer approaches and the school field summer when they’re is filled with a circus of children twirling, happy. 530212 ” Pat testing:Layout 1 17/1/12 swirling and playing together. It is not only Anton Chekhov our field that the children are exploring, we have lots of outdoor and offsite learning coming up!

Tetbury Area

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EYFS will be continuing their Seaside topic and will be heading out to WestonSuper-Mare for a fun-filled day (including ice-creams!) where they will learn all about the history of the seaside. KS1 children will be exploring their local environment and setting up camp as they become ‘Great Explorers!’ Children in Years 3 and 4 are staying local and will be visiting Badminton Estate for an educational day of learning hosted by Countryside Learning. In June, the year 6

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St Mary’s Primary School children will be attending a leavers’ service at Gloucester Cathedral, which is sure to be a memorable event for all involved. It will be a very busy end of year for those children in years 5 and 6, as, not only will they be wowing audiences with their musical production ‘Shakespeare Rocks’, but they will also be travelling to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery where they will participate in a history teaching session about the Ancient Greeks.


Get your leg warmers and glo-sticks at the ready as it’s time for the Summer Disco! The children will be grooving to their favourite tunes on Friday 13 June. Due to the popularity of last year, we will be holding another ‘school camping weekend’ on the 27th and 28th June. Stay one or two nights, it’s up to you! Pitch bookings now being taken. We’ve started planning our Summer Fayre which will take place on Saturday 12th July from 11am-2pm. Plenty of fun for all the family with trade stalls, car boot, raffle, tombola’s, face painting, bouncy castle and plenty of strawberries and cream! Please come along and show your support for Tetbury’s only primary school.


Celebrating the June 2014.indd 41

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

41 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:07

Tetbury Bowls Club


The season has finally got under way with the friendlies. In April games v Melksham lost 84 - 104, v Bradley Stoke 95 - 71, v Painswick rained off after seven ends.

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The seniors v Dursley 113 - 81. In May friendlies v Purton 107 - 89, v Olveston 100 - 96. The seniors v Purton away 115 - 92 and played them again at home 119 - 89.

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In the league the Mens A team got off to a winning start at Frampton 75 - 41 (8-2). In the ladies Corinium league unfortunately they lost to Victory Park (22-38).

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The Mens triples got under way on Monday 12, with a win for Pete Stinchcombe’s rink, but losses for Roger Bird and Jerry Parry. C



There were wins for Val Smith/Roger Bird in National mixed pairs, but Marg Cobb/ Jerry Parry lost at Stroud.

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On Thursday evening May 15 in the ladies over 55’s Marg Cobb and Val Smith overcame Gill Hodder and Jackie Howes from Stroud, needing 4 on the last end to tie the game they picked up a 6 to win 22-20. CMY



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We are rapidly approaching the end of the school year; the pre-school children have had the second visit to St Mary’s School, where the children thoroughly enjoyed a treasure hunt both inside the school and in their garden. We are now starting to practice 040208 Bell House 22/2/08 22:00 for our sports day at the end of term.

All the children have been looking at healthy eating and food. We have devoted time to both fruit and vegetables. Not only have we tasted them and cooked with them we have used vegetables and fruit for different printing activities. Whilst the Page 1 world cup is on we will be looking at food


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7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788

Feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff? I will work with you to clear the clutter and re-organise your home Please call me for a chat and further info Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk

Tetbury Nursery Playgroup from the various countries that take part. We would like to thank Tetbury Town Football club for the donation they made to the playgroup. This money will enable us to buy some new equipment for the crèche and playgroup room. As a charity, donations like this make all the difference. We host a bingo evening once a fortnight and the proceeds from these also help with resources etc. All are welcome to attend. The breast feeding support group has been popular for parents who need emotional and practical support. We have a professional come most weeks, to help support us. Toddlers continues to be busy and parents are using this time to come and look around the playgroup and meet the staff, before their child starts in September. Crèche is very busy and it is nice to have the crèche children outside playing alongside the playgroup children. Giving the crèche children a chance to get to know the playgroup staff. September will soon be here, and our sessions are looking busy, so please do contact us if you require space for the new school year. Visits are welcome any day, although it is helpful if are able to call ahead. If you have any questions please do call us on 01666 504885.



Celebrating the June 2014.indd 43

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

43 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:07

Tetbury Library

Happiness Study says: Visiting libraries is as good as a pay rise! Study commissioned by Dept. for Culture, Media & Sport. If you are unable to visit your library as often as you would like, then you can still experience some of the wonderful benefits of being a library member from home for instance you can access hundreds of courses for free, learning in your own time, at your own pace with expert instructors giving feedback. Courses include Accounting, Child Psychology, How to Create Web Pages, Reiki, Scrapbooking and Wedding Planning. Head to www. gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/vrl (virtual reference library) then click on “UniversalClass”, or click on “Transparent Language Online” to learn any of the eighty-plus languages available.

You may also download eBooks and eAudioBooks free of charge from www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/ downloadlibrary. Many titles are available through the Overdrive or Borrowbox apps which are compatible with various devices including Mac & Windows computers, iPhone, Blackberry 10 and Kindle Fire HD. Leaflets are now available at the library should you require any assistance with this. Please note, to access any aspect of the digital library, you will need a

Email- cobwebs742@btinternet.com TETBURY 01666 539057 STROUD 01453 569123

CIRENCESTER 01285 841473 SWINDON 01793 469176


170413 IBIS:Layout 1



Page 1

Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Ba Bach Flower Consultations, Massage. AVAILABLE AT

Window Cleaning

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Kylie, Jackie & Linda.




Oh! In case you are wondering, using the Wellbeing Valuation approach, apparently the library experience is comparable to a £1,359 pay rise!



Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353

Gloucestershire library card that starts with the numbers 77. If your card does not have this, you can swap it for a new one at the library. If you’re joining the library for the first time, please bring ID showing your name and address.


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44 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 44


www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:07

The STEPS team The Cotswolds received some good news this month With the announcement from Cotswold District Council that they have achieved the much-needed five-year land supply. This means that the planning committee is under less pressure to pass the vast majority of applications received, and developers cannot use the lack of a land supply to “railroad” their proposals through. However, we still need the long-

awaited Local Plan to be put in place to control where future housing is allocated. STEPS have this month submitted its comments to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the effectiveness of the National Planning Policy Framework; the new legislation that has allowed so many new houses to be built here in Tetbury. We hope that our comments are listened to within government. The full details are in the ‘News’ section on our website.

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The Autonumis site application by Pegasus Life to build 114 dwellings has been passed by CDC. This brings the total recently in Tetbury to 727. This is a huge increase for a small market town with very stretched infrastructure such as: the doctor’s surgery, parking, traffic flow, sewerage works and our schools. Most of these applications have been to build on greenfield sites in our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which has been left unprotected. In addition, Redrow Homes have submitted their proposal to build 120 houses off Blind Lane, opposite SWR school, with access via Lowfield Road and Hampton Street. This is a smaller number than the 350 originally detailed, but more may follow. We have objected to this on behalf of our signatories. If you would like us to represent you please visit the website and sign up to support our efforts. Thank-you! The STEPS team.



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“no job too small” 381211

“Try Tetbury F

Don’t forget - Key Cutting, Photo Printing, DVD Transfer, Shoe Repairs, Watch Batteries and much more. Free Local Delivery for Pet Products: We continue to stock the major brands on the shelf or to order – James Welbeloved, Royal Canin, Hills Science bulky items provided Plan and Burns. There are some offers on certain pack sizes and brands so please ask. Other brands can be ordered for our deliveries by Lizzie and the Tetbury on Tuesday and Friday. NEW !! We are now stockists for 2 new brands of Pet Food – Berns, which includes the Acana and Orijen ranges Hardware Silver Van. of Biologically Appropriate foods for both dogs and cats and also Lily’s Kitchen who supply natural, organic foods for your pets. This


product is also found in Waitrose!! Please speak to us about these and other requirements. These two suppliers were sourced by customer requests so we do listen. Garden Products: All Popular brands of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and growth promoting products are in stock or just a few days away. We still have seeds available with Seed Cubes reduced to 75p!! Composts, canes and tools for all aspects of gardening are in store and can be delivered (Within Tetbury). Household/DIY/Electrical: You will be surprised at the range we stock so try us before you travel. BBQ: We hope the Summer will allow BBQs and garden entertainment. Let us know what you want and when. We stock Charcoals, lighters as well as Kindling and Coals. Small or Large BBQs can be ordered for a quick collection. We will be getting in Paddling Pools before you see this advert. Fingers crossed for sunshine. Tetbury Hardware continues to strive to supply the products you want when you want them. It does need planning for you and also ourselves we will do our part please help us to help you. 1330614

30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) Celebrating the June 2014.indd 45

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

45 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:07

Puddle Ducks Nursery name is…..thanks and goodbye!” The children really enjoyed Lina’s visit and we appreciate her giving us her time. We have been as busy as ever at Puddle Ducks, and it hardly seems possible that we are now approaching the last couple of months of our year. We have been continuing our journey through the jolly phonics and enjoying a diverse array of activities relating to each letter including baking, painting, junk modelling, singing, craft and physical games. The children and staff would like to thank Lina for coming in during ‘G’ week to teach us all a few words in German. We can now all say “Hello. My


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There is always a selection of learning opportunities available for children to choose, related to the “sound of the week” that will aid development across all areas of learning. These are personal, social and emotional development, physical development, communication and language, literacy, maths, expressive arts and design and understanding the world. We believe that children learn best whilst enjoying themselves and so we work hard to provide an holistic environment, giving the children freedom to make their own choices whilst helping them to develop and  reach their individual potential. We  are looking forward to much more fun as the summer term continues, hopefully    with lots of outside play in our fullyenclosed garden.


Our pre-school afternoons, for those children who will soon be moving on to primary school, have been going well. We are now super-quick at changing for PE, which will be very good news for1 1130509 Springfields1:Layout

their future teachers! Some children very much enjoyed another visit to St. Mary’s School, where they got to explore a little bit through a treasure hunt around the building and grounds. They were also very pleased to be invited to watch the wonderful reception class production of ‘Peter Pan’, which starred some of the Puddle Ducks children who moved to school last year, which was lovely for children and staff to see! Thank you to the school for welcoming us, once again. Just a reminder that we are still collecting the Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers so please have a look for any stray vouchers which would be gratefully received to help us obtain more PE equipment. Puddle Ducks runs term-time only from 9.15-12.15 with an optional lunch club until 1.15 for pre-school children from the age of two. If you’re interested in your child joining us, please contact Catherine Childley on 01666 5024257 for more information, or to arrange a visit.

Ducklings baby and toddler group continues to run on a Friday afternoon in the Dolphin Hall from22:12 1.15-2.45. All welcome. 22/4/09 Page 1


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46 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 46

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:07

We are very excited to announce details of our workshop with Jeremy Jackman It is being held on Tuesday 24th June 2014 between 7.00pm – 9.30 pm, at Christ Church, Tetbury. Jeremy was for ten years the first counter-tenor with the King’s Singers. He is a vastly experienced professional musician, whose work in the field of vocal/choral music is of the highest international standard. He now enjoys an enviable reputation as a

choral director and choir trainer, and is in increasing demand both nationally and internationally as a conductor and workshop director. The workshop is open to all singers, so men; this is your chance to “come out of the woodwork”. (You don’t have to be a TCC member). Jeremy is an engaging and energetic director and you will be thoroughly entertained by his good sense of humour and musicianship. The cost is just £10 per person. If you are interested in coming along, tickets are available by email at deborahshearman@me.com or by calling either our choir director Nicki

Tetbury Community Choir Heenan on 01666 840 883 or our choir chairman Sandra Cook on 01454 238372. Spaces are limited, so please contact us to reserve your place. Payment will also be taken on the door. We have put together a selection of songs for you including a medley from West Side Story, a snippet of Gilbert and Sullivan and some other songs with a Latin flavour, for our TCC Summer Concert – Saturday June 14th Christ Church, Tetbury 7.30pm. Of course there will be some community singing: Ole! Tickets are available from choir members, or as above. Three - Part Messiah - We have been very fortunate to secure the opportunity for a one day workshop on Saturday November 29th to sing Handel’s Messiah arranged by Fiona Evans a past member of The Sixteen. This is written in Sop, Alto and Men – if you enjoy singing this Oratorio or have always wanted to, please put this date in your diary. Spaces are strictly limited so book early. The cost will be £20, to include the score. Choir dates and for the future: We meet every Tuesday night between 7.15pm – 9pm at Christ Church, Tetbury, GL8 8JG. The last date before we break up for the summer will be 7th July 2014. For more information contact Sandra Cook 01454 238372 (cook344@btinternet. com) or Debbie Shearman 01666 505098 (deborahshearman@me.com)


Celebrating the June 2014.indd 47

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

47 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:07

Patients Participation Group Do you know you should lead a healthier life style but don’t know where to start? Do you often think about eating more healthily, exercising more and as a result possibly losing weight but have either tried and failed or keep thinking you will start tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes? If this describes you do come along to the inaugural meeting of The Healthier Living self-help group on Thursday 12 June at 6.30 at the surgery. The slogan for the group is: ‘It’s easier together’, because we all know that encouragement and support from others will help us tremendously. Do come, all are welcome.

The survey report indicates that older patients are more satisfied than younger patients and those with young children are the least satisfied. This could be linked to concerns about not being able to get an appointment within 48 hours or with the timing of a given appointment which were expressed by some patients. Blood test result information was another area which didn’t do so well but we are assured that this is now being addressed and the system communicated to patients. Kesh, the practice manager, has written below making clear what the new system is. The difficult problem of parking at the surgery was again raised by (mainly older) patients even though there was not a question about this as there is nothing that the practice can do to alleviate this problem in the near future.

The AGM of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) took place on 27 May at the Anyone wishing to join the diabetic selfsurgery. Pauline Foster used her skills and help group should get in touch with Sally experience to present the 2014 Patient Woolley as this group is still active and Survey for which she had analysed the new members are always welcome. collected data and written the report. I am sure you will be pleased to know, Kesh Makhecha (Practice Development that most of the 500 patients who took Manager) writes: My colleagues and I are part were very satisfied with their overall delighted with the strides made towards experience of being a patient of Romney increased satisfaction levels in the 2014 House Surgery and gave an average Survey. We are equally committed to taking rating of 4.3 out of 5. This is good to action where feasible on areas of lesser know especially since the vast majority satisfaction and will include an update on of the local population are patients of those in next months Advertiser. the surgery. We are indeed indebted to Whilst additional car parking spaces the practice, both doctors and other staff are not feasible, we are continuing for all their hard work which has brought CL tetbury advertiser_Layout 1 12/05/2014 12:34 Page 1 with the Town Council, our dialogue about this high level of satisfaction.

Neighbourhood Planning Group and Diala-Ride amongst others to explore other options for easier access. Feedback from other practices in the County suggests an ongoing tension between patients that wish to walk and those that prefer to drive to their GP practice and we’ll bear that in mind as we move forward. The much simpler process for blood test results is bedding in well. Essentially, the clinicians now advise patients that they can call the practice team after a specified number of days to enquire about their results. Upon receipt of results, the doctors record whether they have any concerns and if not, our staff can communicate that directly to patients instead of clogging up doctors diaries with unnecessary appointments to communicate this. This process is taking some patients time to adapt but for the vast majority, it is already working very well.



B M f a


Finally, do please pop 26th June (6 to 8 pm) in your diaries for an Open Evening at the practice when in addition to the PPG, other ‘stall-holders’ will include People For You, Slimming World, Carers Gloucestershire, Tetbury Memory Club, Dial-a-Ride, Village Agents and the Clinical Commissioning Groups information bus will also attend. Alison Hesketh Chair PPG alison.hesketh1@ btinternet.com Tel: 505113 Kesh Makhecha Practice Development Manager








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48 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 48

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Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ June 2014.indd 49

26/05/2014 20:08

Neighbourhood Planning Group


As I write this month’s article, at the beginning of May, seven plans have been “made”, becoming part of the local development plan, forty-one plans are out for formal examination, eighty-eight draft plans have been produced and in excess of one thousand communities, like Tetbury and Tetbury Upton, have begun the Neighbourhood Planning process, giving communities the power to set the priorities for local development. It is good news that Cotswold District Council can now demonstrate that it has a housing land supply arranged, in excess of the five year plan required by central government. This means they are in a much better position to resist inappropriate proposals for residential development. It doesn’t, however, negate the need for a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which will allow Tetbury people to get the right type of development for Tetbury and Tetbury Upton. So the work of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group continues.

Extension Before

Landscaping Before

We are working with Gloucestershire Rural Community Council to finalise the town survey, and negotiations continue with Gloucestershire County Council regarding commissioning a comprehensive traffic flow survey. (More about that in future articles.) In addition, we are working with Tetbury Town Council to complete a “Local Green Spaces Toolkit”, the output from which will be used to make recommendations to CDC regarding which sites should be designated as local Green Spaces, in the draft local plan.

New Build Before

If you can help with the process, would like to attend the next meeting of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group (10th June, at 7pm, in the Close Hotel) or would like to know more, please contact me, Liz Farnham, via lizfarnham@tetbury.gov.uk, or on 01666 504746. Alternatively, contact Natalie Haines at the Town Council on 01666 504670; we look forward to hearing from you.

Extension After

Landscaping After

Cllr Liz Farnham Chairman - Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group

Tel:Landscaping 01666 822 100 Before

New Build Before

Extension Before

Tel: 01666 822 100

New Build After822 01666 Tel:Tel: 01666 822 100

Tel: 01666 822 100


Tel: 01666 Bathroom 822 100 Showroom

Extensions Loft Conversions We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Barn Conversions Extension After contemporary suites. Landscaping After water softeners and salt boilers Tel: 01666 822 100 Listed Building Refurbishment all drainage pipework radiators over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Plumbingcylinders FittingsWith Bathroom Showroom oil tanks we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. Groundworks and Landscaping We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Natural Stone Walling for both trade and Plumbing public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday Fittings Bathroom Showroom Fittings Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings Roofi ng contemporary suites. water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing We stock attings wide range of Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full fiShowroom for both trade andplumbing plublic of plumbing fittings Visitall our Bathroom toShowroom see our full fittings drainage pipework radiators Guttering Plumbing Fittings Showroom mbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 yearsFascias of Bathroom bathroom& knowledge, water softeners and salt • traditional for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom c range of wet rooms, suites and Build oil tanks all drainage pipework cylinders we’re sure to have aNew design toAfter suit everyone. Kitchens oil tanks boilers contemporary suites. & Bathrooms suites. water softeners and salt boilers de range boilers of plumbing our Bathroom Showroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide contemporary range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see full salt radiators cylinders Extensions Roofing Showroom to see our full We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and all drainage pipework radiators and range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Loft Conversions & Guttering With overCarpentry 50 yearsFascias of bathroom knowledge, k publicradiators With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, contemporary suites. water softeners and salt trade boilers and public for both range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Barn Conversions Kitchens & Bathrooms oil tanks cylinders contemporary suites. Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am 5.00pm Monday to Friday we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. eners andcylinders salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators have a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Property Maintenance Listed Building Refurbishment Carpentry Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - cylinders 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks contemporary suites. we’re suresalt have a designboilers to suit everyone. e pipework radiators water softeners and With over 50 years of tobathroom knowledge, Groundworks and Landscaping Property Maintenance cylinders all drainage Natural Stone Walling we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators With Business over 50Park, years of Hill, bathroom Tetbury SN16 9JUknowledge, 7.30am - 10, 5.00pm Monday toPark, Friday Unit Malmesbury Business Tetbury 9JU 10, Malmesbury 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Hill, SN16Unit y to Friday gs Bathroom Showroom Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks cylinders Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk aturday we’re sure to 824980 have a design to suit416875 everyone. T: 01666 M: 07788 Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU pm Monday to Friday www.danbaileybuilding.co.uk bing fittings Visit ourEmail: Bathroom Showroom to see our full info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 00 noon Saturday range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday contemporary suites. boilers Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk Plumbing Fittings

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8.00am 50 | June 2014 - 12.00 noon Saturday

radiators With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, cylinders June 2014.indd 50we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone.


www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:08

The People’s Pod dedicated to the project. Thank you to the parents and families for driving your children back and forth and for your support on the day. Lastly, the biggest thank you must undoubtedly go to Cliff, Neil and Tom and their families from Boxer Power and Equipment Ltd who give of their skills and time to enable the project to happen.

We’d like to celebrate a second successful carting project this year. The pod teamed up with Boxer Equipment Ltd and four young people from SWR, to modify and race a go cart in the Tetbury Wacky Races. We absolutely love having opportunities challenged. It’s a challenge for us to provide the project and it’s a challenge for those taking part. We had eight sessions leading up to the race working on things, modifying the steering and the overall look of the cart - then, before you know it, it’s race day. All the preparation of the project culminates for me in the moment each young person sits in the cart at the top of the track, waiting to go down for the

first time. I wonder what they are feeling and thinking; hoping that they are truly excited and challenged, but with enough fear and respect to be safe. Then with a hefty push, off they go. Sadly the races go far too quickly, without enough turns to perfect their skills, but we’ve whetted their appetites, and maybe they will find a way to make their own cart one day, and race again. So, well done Andrew Dyer, Milo Herbert, Asher Courts and George Walton! I’d like to thank Tetbury Lions for organising the event, you are a credit to our community, and also for donating money to The Pod, for which we are very grateful. Thank you also to the young people for being so polite, engaged, and

We are great supporters of the Wacky Races and would encourage engineers or would-be engineers and racers to get thinking and building, ready for next year. We would especially encourage other youth entries. Rules can be found on the Tetbury Wacky Race website. 340208 Piano Tuition 22/2/08 Well done to Jess, for winning this year’s Junior Event!”


Page 1

Piano Tuition


Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk Investments 340208

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 51

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

51 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:08

Tetbury and District Footpath Group

of the previous day and let her know if you would like tea), 3.5 m (5.5 km), Level A, Contact; Chris & Shirley (502164)

Walks Program for June: 03/06/2014, 2:00 PM, Wiltshire Bridge, Tetbury Hospital, Folly Farm, Monarch’s Way to Addy’s Firs, Wallgutters Covert, Newnton House and Farm, Long Newnton Church, Footpath to Newnton Road, Wiltshire Bridge, 5 m (8.5 km), Level A, Contact; Ian (502939) 10/06/2014, 2:00 PM, Tetbury Circular; Long stay Car park, Sewage works, Berrells Road, Long Furlong Lane, Chavenage Lane, London Road, Park Close for tea, Love Lane, Long stay car park. (Shirley and Chris have invited walkers to stop for a cup of tea and cake in their garden if they would like. Please ring Shirley by the end

17/06/2014, 2:00 PM, Cars needed, Daglingworth - Bagendon Circuit. Daglingworth, High Tun Farm, Welsh Way, Merchants Downs, Bagendon House and ,church, Welsh Way, return to start., 4.5 m (7.5 km), Level B, Contact; Diana (502768) 24/06/2014, 10:00 AM, Cars needed, From Amberley Hotel, a circular walk around Minchinhampton Common rim, passing Rodborough Fort and return, with optional stop at Winstone’s Ice Cream Parlour en route, 4 m (6.5 km), Level A/B, Contact; Kevin (505357) Levels: A = easy to D = hilly Most walks have a variety and number of 1120509 SPRINGFIELDS 2:Layout 1 stiles and may be muddy.

Visitors or anyone not already a member and wishing to walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining, all are welcome. Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the free long stay Tetbury station yard car-park. If anyone is planning to join the walking group after it has left the long stay car park, please contact the leader in advance to verify the exact route to be used. Leaders and the Group will not be responsible if members or visitors fail to meet the walking group 23/4/09 Pagepoint 1 after it has21:28 left the start


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52 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 52

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26/05/2014 20:08 15/02/2013 12:54

Tetbury Tourist Information Office Blooming Marvellous! “June is busting out all over” with lots of local gardens open to view which should give you lots of ideas for your own patch. Summer shows and fetes will be starting this month so don’t forget to let us have A4 posters and information of any events. The CDC monthly events will no longer be available in booklet form it will only be available online at www.cotswolds.com, we are always happy to look up events for you if you do not have a computer. Highgrove garden tours are now in full swing bringing lots of visitors to the town and as the weather has improved lots more day trippers are arriving, country walks and cycling are increasingly popular. We still have plenty of tickets for Westonbirt Concerts as I write with first dates later this month. We continue to get the usual requests, directions (especially entrance to Highgrove), what there is to see in and around Tetbury and occasionally the reminiscences’ of past visitors or residents. One email we had recently was “what was the name of the baker’s shop at the bottom of Long Street, the grocers shop opposite and the couple who ran it?” (Who remembers the wonderful counters and shelving?). Fortunately one member

of staff remembered it well! Please see our website for all current tickets on sale, “what’s on”, accommodation and other information regarding the town, but we are always pleased for you to come and ask in person.

We have a new range of tea towels and walking books and for those of you who like to plan ahead, a 2015 calendar! Are there any local talented “crafty” people out there who would like to show off your wares, our window is available to rent for the princely sum of £20 for a whole month!

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L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street ❈ All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213

54 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 54

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:08

Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Summer is here, the days are longer. It’s a good time to try out the Dial-a-Ride!

The Tetbury office is now open Monday to Thursday , 9-1pm with help from volunteers and Katy from Cirencester Volunteer Office.

Whether it’s a regular shopping trip, an occasional trip away from Tetbury or an appointment at the surgery or hospital. It’s a friendly way to get those jobs done or just visit somewhere else for a cup of coffee!

If volunteering is on your mind, we are looking for car drivers for the Volunteer Hospital Car Service taking passengers to appointments in your own car. There is a mileage allowance for each journey.

The Village Agent is visiting on 3rd June. Come in to see her if you would like more information. Many thanks to Tetbury Model Railway Club, who have re-decorated the office for us. It’s looking fresh and clean so do come in to see us!

Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule

TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments)


WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury Market (including appointments)

Jobs Done 4 u

tel: 0787 0993632 01666 502953


Housekeeping, shopping Driving, errands Cooking, dinner parties, Dog walking emilyhowell246@btinternet.com

Emily Howell


THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Nailsworth & Avening with, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 9am 29th May. THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 6th June. Cirencester, 13th June. Library Club, 27th Jun TUESDAY pm: Cribbs Causeway, 2nd June (1.30pm start)

General Handyman Services

‘No Job Too Small’ Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270 1250212 130208 GLC Williams



Page 1

Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Tues/Wed/Thurs, 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.

Maths / English tuition Maths GCSE, all key stages. Experienced, qualified teacher CRB checked.

G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040

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June 2014.indd 55

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Celebrating the


40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

55 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:08


Calling all mums, dads and expectant parents of Tetbury!! Tetbury NCT needs you!! ……….to come along to our Annual Members Meeting, eat cake, drink wine, be merry and help shape the future of the Tetbury NCT branch. On Thursday the 12th June we will be holding a get together in the Market Hall for anyone who would like to attend. Although it is called the Annual Members Meeting it is not just for members, in fact we would be delighted to see some new faces. If you are interested in hearing about what we have been doing over the past year, what we are planning to do next year or would just like to get out for the evening and come and meet some other local parents, then please do come along. It is an informal evening with lots of friendly chatting and consuming of the all-important cake and wine. Other key local figures will be present such as the Children’s Centre staff so it aims to be both an informative and relaxing evening.

We are always looking for ways to make sure we are providing appropriate and popular services to local parents and offering plenty of opportunities to attend groups or social events. If there is anything you feel we could be doing that we do not already offer we would love to hear from you. Please come along and share your ideas at the meeting which starts at 8pm or if you would like to share your ideas but are not able to attend please contact us at tetbury@nct.org.uk or on our Facebook or Twitter page. Finally, we would also like to say thank you to all the parents who attended our recent Baby First Aid classes. Well done to Clair who organised the events perfectly. Feedback was great from all who attended and of course everyone left feeling a lot



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8 pm Thursday 12th June, Market Hall, All Welcome  Have a glass of wine and some cake  Meet other local parents  Help shape the branch’s plans for the next year  Discuss how volunteers support the Tetbury NCT branch For more info please contact Caryl on tetbury@nct.org.uk or 061108 Dowding & Sons:Layout 1 just turn up on the evening.


Brickwork • Blockwork

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www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:08


The English painter and poet, William Blake, wrote: “Imagination is evidence of the Divine.” Or to put it another way, we can glimpse God in all the wonderful and beautiful things we create. And we hope you’ll find plenty to inspire you at St Marys’ this month. We begin with our Sung Evensong at 6pm on Sunday 1st June, where our theme is

gifts and creativity, and which includes performances by the talented young musician, Charlotte Corderoy, and our own Alison Parkhouse, Organ Scholar. Then on Sunday 8th June, our 9.30am service will be a party to celebrate Pentecost, the birth of the church. At 6pm that same evening, there is a special evening of poetry and reflection entitled “Touched by Fire”, led by Julie Nicholson and Bristol-based actor David Collins. Julie has a background in devising and

Optimum Mobility Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist * Wheelchairs, manual and powered * * * * * * *

Scooters and portable scooters Powered rise/recline armchairs Household, bathroom and walking aids Large display with private test area Disabled facilities, easy parking Proper maintenance Part exchange, new & reconditioned

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 57

40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

The Revd Poppy Hughes Parish Priest The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne

Quality Alterations of Tetbury

21 Market Place

(Upstairs, in the old Cook Shop building)

Offering a full range of clothing alterations, from shortening of hems to a complete garment remodel Zip replacements, repairs and sewing on buttons Wardrobe consultations in your own home Cushions made to order and much, much more! We aim to return your garments as soon as we can, when possible, within an hour for a single shortening Small selection of beautiful little girls dresses, boleros and shoes Experience - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates

Mon-Fri 9.30-3 or by appointment

Brentmoor House, Newmarket Rd, Nailsworth, Glos GL6 0DQ

See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres

On Tuesday 10th June, you’re invited to share in the beauty of creation, and join Bishop Michael as he continues his pilgrimage through the area, passing through Long Newnton at lunchtime and Shipton Moyne for tea. More details on the St Marys’ website.

With love and prayers, Poppy

We are a family business


producing community theatre, and writes: “Irrespective of rain or shine, summer is an affirmation of the persistence, hope and resilience of nature, which resonates with the wellspring of life, creativity and resurgence of the human spirit. Through poets including Stephen Spender, Elizabeth Jennings and Seamus Heaney, as well as poets less well known, we will explore some themes of the season, sharing thoughts and ideas in the company of others.”

There’s all this and more, with our usual Sunday services at 8am and 9.30am each week, so come and share some inspiration. As Albert Einstein said: “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”

Mobility assessments and tuition at home


News from St Mary’s

07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 1190613

57 | June 2014 26/05/2014 20:08

1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1

Avening Silver Band

Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher

Avening Silver Band has performed at many local events since our formation in the 1930’s, and we are very keen to maintain this record of constantly being able to provide music to accompany the lives of the locals. To help ensure we can do so, we invite interested musicians to come and play with us!

For more info,

For more details, or just for a chat, please ring the Bandmaster Jim Hill on 01453 834438.



Friendly and Informal Brass Ensemble

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Would welcome additional players

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Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic.

We rehearse every Monday evening at 7:30 in the Baptist Church in Minchinhampton, and we have an extensive programme in place for the coming year. (Some instruments are available, if they’re required.)

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Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314 Page 1

Allium Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties

Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker

Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.

Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy

Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow 440208

58 | June 2014 June 2014.indd 58

Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514

www.tetburylions.co.uk 26/05/2014 20:08

Tetbury Commemorate Seventieth Anniversary of D-Day At eleven o’clock on Friday 6th June, Sandra Ball, the newly elected Mayor of Tetbury, will unveil a piece of Cotswold stone bearing a plaque to commemorate both the Seventieth Anniversary of D-Day and in memory of the Officers and men of the American 654th Battalion who served in the town. With the permission of the Feoffees of Tetbury who own the land, the stone, donated by Veizey’s quarry, will be placed in a corner of the Chipping car park and will look towards the old Malt House, where the men created a 3D model of Omaha Beach. The model was made to a Horizontal scale 1:2,500 and a Vertical scale of 1 inch to

D-Day Commemorations

68 feet, and represented a ground area 6 miles long by 5 miles deep. All who wish to attend will be welcome.

Another 23,400 were landed from the air by parachute or glider.

A brief history: June 6th, at dawn on this day seventy years ago, the day was simply referred to as D-Day. Code Named Operation ‘Neptune’ it marked the beginning of Operation ‘Overlord’ the invasion of German occupied Europe by the Allied Forces under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The American soldiers of the 654th Engineer Topographic Battalion stationed here, in Tetbury, were not front line troops and therefore they were not part of that first day. However, the work they did while in the town was of vital importance to the preparation, planning and execution of both Operation Neptune and Operation Overlord.

The invasion which took place on the Normandy coast of France was the largest amphibious assault ever conceived. It involved five army divisions as part of the initial assault, supported by over 7,000 ships and 11,000 aircraft. In total 75,215 British and Canadian troops and 57,500 US troops were landed by sea on D-Day.

Once the Normandy Beaches were secured the men of the 654th Battalion followed their comrades taking with them all of their survey, mapping and printing skills. The invasion may have been a military success, but the Germans were far from being a spent force and the war was far from over.


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Silhouettes stencilled on Normandy beaches commemorating D-Day Page 1

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Celebrating the June 2014.indd 59


40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser

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June 2014.indd 60


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