Tetbury Advertiser June 2015

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Cover photo © Terry Mathews www.terrymathews.co.uk


June 2015

Inside this issue:

Wasn’t that Wacky?

......................................... pages 32-33

Name that Car

......................................... page 4

Tetbury’s in Bloom

........................................ page 54

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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

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Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the July Issue is

What’s On 3rd June and 22nd June Dolphins Dramatic Society Auditions 7.30 pm at The Dolphins Hall – further information in this issue. 5th June Cirencester Young Carers Charity Event 7:00 pm South Cerney Church, local choirs singing a wide range of music Tickets: £5:00 pp Raffle and Refreshments 7th June Sherston Open Gardens event 2.00 – 6.00 pm, Gardens big and small, Church Flower Festival, Art in the Barn, teas, stalls and children’s trail. £5 per adult. 10th June Save the Children coffee morning 10am - 12 noon in Tetbury Market Hall. Raffle, greetings cards and cakes. 11th June Avening WI meeting 7.30pm at Avening Memorial Hall. 13th June Stuart Singers Charity Concert at St. Mary’s Church 7.30pm - tickets for sale from Tetbury tourist office. 14th June Special Evensong; Jonathan Adkin and the church choir 6.00 pm at St Mary’s Church

Thursday 11th June 2015

19th June Longfield Solstice Walk

Delivery date - 27/28th June

01453 886868 for details, or email

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No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

events@longfield.org.uk. To register online go to www.longfield.org.uk/event/solstice-2015 6.00pm, 6.30pm and 7.00pm start times. 21st June Badminton House Open Gardens 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Adults £5.00 Children under 16 FREE Enquiries: theoldhall@badmintonestate.com 28th June Tetbury in Bloom Open Gardens Day Full details in this issue. The Neighbourhood Group coffee mornings 10.00 am - 1.00pm St Mary’s Road Day Centre, Tuesdays. 07776 342440 Pod Sessions Tuesdays and Fridays 5.15 to 7.15pm, years 7-12 very welcome.

Contents Avening Primary School Avening WI Avonvale Utd. FC Civic Society Computer Advice Cotswold District Council News Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Dolphins Dramatic Society Dolphins Recreation Centre Eating Out Guide Dogs for the Blind Guiding History of Tetbury Society Holiday @ Home 2015 Leighterton School Letters to the Editor Lion’s Den Longfield Solstice Walk Mayor’s Report Neighbourhood Planning Group Nepal News from St Mary’s Patient Participation Group People For You People’s Pod Priory Inn Blog Probus One Puddle Ducks Nursery Sir William Romney’s School Summer Show Tetbury and District Footpath Group Tetbury Art Society Tetbury Camera Club Tetbury Community Choir Tetbury Dial-A-Ride Tetbury in Bloom Tetbury Library Tetbury Police Museum Tetbury Rail Lands Trust Tetbury Theatre Group Tetbury Tourist Information Centre Tetbury Town Football Club Tetbury WI The Feoffees and the Thirteen The Ormond Said Tiggers Unsung Hero - June Wacky Races 2015 What’s On Young by Name

20 21 6 26 8 28 9 16 10 29 17 28 30 39 60 40 5 62 11 36 5 12 58 44 42 25 34 35 50 46 57 14 18 53 61 54 48 49 38 56 63 22 23 15 45 24 25 32 3 4

Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

Young by Name What’s in a Car Name? This month, the law of unintended consequences dictated that I should acquire a new car. Dropping in to a local garage to chivvy progress on my dad’s car’s MOT, I found myself wandering around its used car lot and falling in love at first sight with a Fiat Panda. If only actual pandas had the same impact on each other, there’d be a lot more pandas in this world. For some time, I’d been meaning to replace my aging Ford Ka. It had a lot in common with the proverbial spade that the old man claims was his grandfather’s before him except the handle and the metal part have each been replaced several times.

Sublime and Ridiculous. Although I loved my Ford Ka, I’d been constantly irritated by its name. I could never decide whether to pronounce it to rhyme with “car” or as the initials K A. The only redeeming feature was the suffix “Sublime”, in honour of its leather seats and air-conditioning. In the same way that you get “Friday afternoon cars”, haphazardly assembled by demob-happy workers, the Ford Ka brand name must be a Friday afternoon marketing job. It’s about as sensible as Mr Kipling launching a new product called “Kayke”, hard to differentiate from the rest of his exceedingly good cakes. (He hasn’t done this yet, by the way - but, Mr Kipling, if you’re reading this, please don’t go there.)

of taking my panda to the zoo at the weekend.” You get the picture.

Faster than a Speeding Panda. Other cars named after animals are usually associated with speed: Jaguar, Cougar, Impala. Even a beetle moves fast in relation to its size. Pandas are famously inert, as our visit to Edinburgh Zoo two summers ago hammered home: the crowd jumped the first time Tian Tian moved. Optimistically, the Zoo has installed a “panda cam” so you can watch live action footage around the clock. Most of the time, there’s not much difference between the

video and the still photo at the top of the webpage. If it’s action you’re after, click on “penguin cam” or “squirrel monkey cam”. It must have been a close call in Fiat’s marketing department one Friday between the Fiat Panda and the Fiat Sloth. Still, it could have been worse: I could have opted for a Vauxhall Nova, which may sound fine and shiny-new till you drive to Spain, when it morphs into the Vauxhall Doesn’t Go. Which is where I came in with my Ford Ka. (As the BBC likes to say, in the interests of fairness, other makes of car and cake are available.) Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com

But what’s not to love about a car named after an iconic and loveable animal? Not to mention its endless potential for jokes. “There’s a panda in my front garden,” I’m able to say to anyone gullible enough to listen to me speculating as to whether Waitrose stocks bamboo. Or “I’m thinking


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4 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Dear Reader, As we leave the darling buds of May, I hope we are in for a wonderful flaming June. I hope you enjoyed the Wacky Races on the 4th of May, and I should like to thank the Reverend Poppy Hughes for blessing the course and for the wonderful weather we had on the day. I had no idea she had such complete influence on high.

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Nepal Prior to the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal in late April, a member of the Tetbury Lion’s club was booked on a holiday that included a stop there, where he was to present a cheque for £200 to the local Lion’s club to assist their schools oral hygiene programme. The catastrophic

I can’t believe a year has gone since my predecessor as President the much-loved Nat Prosser passed away, and I shall always remember the grit and courage of his last public appearance, at last year’s Wacky Races. My thoughts have recently been with Ange and her family. I would like to thank the many sponsors who contributed to the Wacky Races, especially the Duchy for the use of the straw bales and Westonbirt Arboretum for the use of the crowd barriers. Many thanks too, for all those who helped on the day. This will be my last den article as President of the Lions, as I am stepping down. I shall look back on what we have achieved in the period with pride and satisfaction. We have created some groups within the club which have been a great asset to us; welfare and overseas liaison in particular, who have been in the public eye recently due to the Ebola crisis, and more recently with the earthquake which has shattered Nepal both of which been supported by our club and by your donations. We are also trying to put together the Leo’s club, which I hope will start off by the end of the year. We’ve also rekindled the spectacles recycling program, (where you can drop your old spectacles in at the local opticians), and the “Message in a Bottle” program, which I am sure will be a great success and a benefit to those in need. You may not be aware that Lions Clubs International was formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people

effects of the earthquake, both in terms of structural damage and loss of life, resulted in the cancellation of this part of his trip but also galvanised the Tetbury Club into some prompt action. A street collection was quickly organised, which raised £1,000 in just a few hours from the generous people of this locale, with some very significant personal donations received.

Lions Den put their talents to work improving their communities. Now, nearly one hundred years later and as a direct result of his inspiration, Lions are the world’s biggest service club association with 1.35 million men and women members. All members of Lions Clubs International are committed to serving local communities and share a set of common values. As volunteers, we are enthusiastic about making a difference and achieving extraordinary things. Given that we will be celebrating 100 years of Lions Clubs in 2017, Tetbury Lions are asking you, the people of Tetbury, to suggest inspirational ways in which we can celebrate this landmark. The Tetbury Club is seeking a project that in addition to being beneficial to the community is both lasting and meaningful. We are looking to break away from traditional items such as a bench or a memorial plaque to create something more substantial. We have come up with a few ideas ourselves but feel it would be much better if such an initiative actually came from you the people who live in Tetbury, who we believe can identify a need or project with greater passion. Please e-mail your ideas as soon as possible to president@tetburylions.co.uk. I will now be handing the Presidential baton over to Richard Smith and wish him and the Lion’s club every success for the future. Keith Leaver, Lion President

In addition, the club voted to increase this to £3,000. Much has been said in the media about how slow the relief effort has been and about the delays in actually getting funds to where they are needed. Since Tetbury Lions had already established email dialogue with the Lion’s Club of Kathmandu, we were able to ensure our donation did not get held up by any administrative delays. Once communication had been restored, the money was sent and is now being distributed in the community. You can follow the work of the Kathmandu Lions and what they are already doing for their fellow countrymen by following them on Facebook via https://www.facebook. com/lcktmsamakhushi The £200 allocated for the oral hygiene programme remains a separate donation for the school, but has now been allocated for the provision of books and educational materials which have to be replaced. We will remain in contact with our fellow Lions in Kathmandu and if further assistance is called for in the coming months, with your help we’ll respond as best we can. Tetbury Lions, Publicity Team

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 5

Avonvale United FC As our playing season ends, we look back on the achievements of the teams over the past nine months, which we celebrated at our annual presentation evenings. As well as being able to show off the KB Coaches Cup and the League Winners Cup, won by our Under 16’s this season, the following picked up individual awards in recognition of their efforts this year.

Our first team were promoted once again, making this four years on the trot. With our youth teams also performing well in their respective leagues the future looks bright indeed, all finished in the top three of their division. Congratulations particularly to the Under 11’s, who gained promotion in the North Wilts League after finishing as runners up in their division.

Alkmaar, The Netherlands over the Easter holidays, staying with host families and enjoying Dutch life. Lots of football was played (and indeed watched), as we were guests of AZ Alkmaar at their game against Feyenoord on Easter Sunday. We will welcome Jong Holland to Tetbury in 2016 and look forward to showing them the same hospitality and activities as we enjoyed there.

24 Members of our youth squad travelled to our sister club CSV Jong Holland in

Jo Johnson Avonvale United FC

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Under 11


Most Improved – Bailey Robinson Players Player – Lochlann Anderson & William Evans Player of the Year – Luca Pollitt Golden Boot – Luca Pollitt

Under 9 Most Improved – Leon Shortridge Players Player – Aled Watkins Player of the Year – Philip Monaghan Golden Boot – Jake Randall

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6 | May 2015

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Computer Advice Superfast broadband has arrived in Tetbury! Back in 2010 I ran an article on “The race to Infinity”. This was a race to get as many people as possible to register an interest in faster broadband. We fell well short at the time and it has been a long time coming but we now have a fibre broadband service in Tetbury! I am sorry to those of you just outside Tetbury wondering what I am talking about as the service has not been rolled out to everyone. Those on the outlying edges of the district are not connected, but hopefully this will change.

with some new hardware for the service to work, but you should only have to pay carriage costs if you are planning on staying with them for the next year to eighteen months. For some people, any additional cost may not be worth paying if you find your current speed acceptable. Within the town

To check the status of your line and whether you can upgrade to fibre, take a look yourself, go to http://www.superfastopenreach.co.uk/where-and-when/ Nic – The Tetbury Computer Shop Telephone: 01666 502067 mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk

For those of you outside of Tetbury who are connected to the Crudwell, Sherston or Westonbirt exchanges, you will have the capability to receive a minimum of 2Mbps by the end of 2015 according to the “Fastshire” website. The powers that be are evaluating the area to increase speeds further using additional funding. Check http://www. fastershire.com/where-when/broadbandcoverage to get the latest information. Coming back to those within the town, I have now connected several properties to the fibre connection and the speed has increased from around 10 or 14 Mbps to around 34 Mbps. However, the biggest improvement has been the uploading speed on to the Internet which has increased from around 1 to over 10 Mbps! If you have any requirement to upload to the Internet, the speed improvement is fantastic. It will also improve video conferencing/skype and dramatically speed up the connection to an online backup service, if you use one. Streaming several high definition video streams will also be possible, so if various members of the family cannot agree on what to watch, no problem, watch it all at once! Most ISP’s offer a fibre upgrade and you may even find that BT will offer it to you on a new contract that is cheaper than your current one, however, most will charge extra, so check the cost first before taking the plunge. If you are with BT and already have the 5th generation BT Home Hub [silver/black horizontal box with central blue light], then you are ready to go. Most other providers will need to provide you

you should be getting around 10 to 16 Mbps already. Check your speed by going to www.speedtest.net but do be careful to only click on the speed test option, not on the ads by accident. If your requirements are very modest, a stable 3 Mbps will suffice, although anything slower could be a problem. If your speed is an issue and you live in town, you may have a line problem which needs to be rectified. Do get in touch so that I can help you pinpoint where your problem might be.


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8 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

A couple of months ago I wrote about deer parks at Badminton and Berkeley... ...and at the time I hadn’t realised that there also used to be another deer park much closer to Tetbury, at Chavenage. This was long ago, but an interesting artefact survives - a “deer underpass”! We were working on the path which is now a bridleway near to Chavenage, cutting back overgrown foliage and improving the surface, when I noticed something which had escaped my attention before, that beneath the path is an arched underpass of dry stone walling. We were told that this was designed to allow deer to pass

freely underneath, from the part of the park adjacent to Chavenage House garden lawn into the rest of the deer park, which still takes the form of a very long meadow along the valley below and now peacefully grazed by cattle or sheep. An underpass was deemed necessary so as not to impede the owners and guests of Chavenage House, when they were galloping on horseback between the house and Beverston Castle. Far-off days, indeed – but the idea has been useful since, for railways and motorways!

An Italianate Garden We have returned to Woodchester Park, at the request of the National Trust, since they’ve been given external funding to discover the extent of the Italianate-style

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens formal gardens of Woodchester Mansion. It’s becoming apparent that although the mansion was never completed, the gardens had been laid out to include terraced walks at two or three levels, the site of a temple, and a fountain - the base of which we discovered ourselves when clearing undergrowth there, a couple of years ago. Now that contractors are felling further trees for timber, we and the National Trust volunteers are clearing and burning the undergrowth to reach further walkways and features. The plan is to return the area from woodland to pasture – revealing the full extent of the gardens.

Bluebells at Kingscote They will be over by now – but the bluebells have been beautiful this year in Kingscote and in other local woods. At Kingscote the landowner requested us to fit a kissing gate on the footpath through Conygre Wood, in the hope of deterring bikers, which we’ve completed. We’ve also cleared many fallen trees from the path, which forms a very pleasant route from Kingscote to Horsley. Richard Glanville Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

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Local Walks Local walks led by Wardens in June are: Tuesday the 2nd of June at 10.00 am for 5 miles from Bell Lane car park, Minchinhampton, around Minchinhampton and Box Village. Monday the 8th of June at 10.00 am for 3 miles from Coaley Peak car park over Coaley Peak in search of wild flowers. Friday the 12th of June at 10.00 am for coffee at the Swan Inn, Wotton-underEdge departing at 10.30 am for a 5.5 mile walk to Brackenbury Ditches Iron Age hill fort and Tyndale Monument. Sunday the 14th of June at 10.00 am for 8 miles from Chipping Car Park, Wotton-Under-Edge, to Ashen Plains Wood and Waterley Bottom. Tuesday the 23rd of June at 18:45 pm for 3 miles from The Hunter’s Hall, Kingscote to Newington Bagpath and Lasborough.

May 2015 | 9

Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee At this year’s Dolphins Recreation Centre AGM the following officers and trustees were elected: Chairman – Barry Gibbs (also representing residents), Vice Chairman – Patricia Burrell (also representing the WI), Treasurer – David Lugard-Brayne (Resident), Bill Buss (Resident), Catherine Chidley (Puddle Ducks), Maureen Clarke (Save the Children), Sue Ferguson (Resident), David Hobson (Dolphin Dramatic Society), Ashley Kimber (Tetbury Cricket Club), Chris Marais (Tetbury Rugby Club), Malcolm Philby (Skate Park users), Rodney Smith

(Tetbury Town FC), Joe Stokvis (Tetbury Film Society), Sue Townsend (Tetbury Art Society) and Richard Witchell (Tetbury Upton PC). During the past month, the hall has been used for the very successful Mayor’s Tea Dance - and next month we have a selection of parties, including that of the St. Mary’s Nursery Group. For events requiring catering, we have a new cooker, a new fridge and a new bar set-up, so come along and make the most of our new facilities!

Outside, the new front car park is already attracting new resident permit holders – we had hoped to complete the resurfacing of the Hampton Street car park by now, but this has been delayed due to the need for us to source a new contractor. The planning permission for the new centre is almost complete, although we also have to commission a “bat survey” on the existing hall, to satisfy the CDC ecology officer that we will not be disturbing bat roosts... Barry Gibbs Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee




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10 | May 2015

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7:30 pm Saturday 20th June 2015 @ Malmesbury Abbey Tickets: £15 (£5 students) Abbey Bookshop, 01666 824 924 or on the door

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06/05/2015 11:56

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Firstly, thank you to all the Councillors for all their hard work.

to put Tetbury very firmly on the map for next year. One idea is to really celebrate our Heritage as a Wool Town and of course there is a lot of scope there.

We have had a lot of projects to work through but we are getting there! I would like to highlight some particular events and changes which are helping to shape Tetbury.

The Twinning Society is working hard to explore the chances of “Twinning” with a town in France - and let us hope this will happen. Thank you Martin for all your hard work in facilitating this. In the meantime we will be welcoming some of our German friends from Zwingenburg and I am sure we will make them very welcome on their visit for afternoon tea and then lunch at

The newly formed Tourism Group is moving ahead – the “Book of Treats” has proved popular and there are some good ideas coming out of the meetings for ways


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Thank you to Tetbury Tourist Information especially Jackie the bunting in time for the Wacky Races and Woolsack Day. The Town really is looking beautiful at the moment, with all the spring flowers out, and this is very much thanks to the brilliant hard work of Tetbury in Bloom. The flower beds are looking lovely and give a real lift to the town. Can we now look at the entrance signs to the town to get them looking really smart?

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the Four Pillars Hotel. This is not an official visit but I’m sure we will make them very welcome.

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 11

News from St Mary’s English fashion designer and businesswoman, Vivienne Westwood, once said: “Being part of a community with a church at its centre and singin’ hymns is a great thing to do.” I know lots of people would agree. As summer arrives, St Marys’ will fill again and again with wedding guests – and music will be at the heart of the celebration. The organ fanfare as the bride enters, popular hymns from school favourites like “One More Step Along the World I Go” to roofraisers like “Jerusalem”, the choir singing anthems during the signing of the register - and then, of course, the joyful sound of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” and other such delights, as the bride and groom turn to greet their family and friends as husband and wife. And it’s the same for other important life events, from christenings and funerals to gathering as a community on Remembrance Sunday, or for Christmas celebrations. And - week in, week out - in our Sunday services. We can be proud of our heritage of church music! As novelist Marilynne Robinson wrote, “One of the wonderful things about hymns is that they are a sort of universally

shared poetry”. And we can be proud of the way we support church music at St Marys’. This year, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Alison Parkhouse Organ Scholarship, which was set up by the Tetbury Parochial Church Council and the Friends of Tetbury Choir in 1990 to encourage young people to learn to play the church organ, and to help ensure that succeeding generations have an adequate pool of church organists to maintain the fine tradition of English church music. And, of course, our Director of Music Jonathan Adkin was one of the organ scholars – a tribute to the success of the charity.

already? If you love singing, also have a look at our ad in The Advertiser this month, since we’re hoping to recruit new members of the choir and would be delighted to welcome people to join us in continuing the musical tradition of our church. In other news, we’re excited that The Venerable Rachel Treweek will be consecrated in a service in Canterbury Cathedral as the new Bishop of Gloucester on 22nd July 2015. But before then, we will also have the opportunity this month to celebrate the ministry of our retired Bishop, The Right Reverend Michael Perham in a service in Gloucester Cathedral at 4.30pm on Saturday 13th June.

On Sunday 14th June at 6pm, our special evensong will celebrate all the work done by Jonathan and our church choir. Do please join us for the service – and perhaps become a Friend of Tetbury Choir if you’re not one

With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Rector, The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne

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05/04/2012 16:37 Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Wycliffe College has named Nick Gregory as its new Head from September 2015 Mr Gregory, will replace the current Head, Margie Burnet Ward who will be retiring at the end of this academic year. Before becoming a teacher, Mr Gregory spent eight years in a management role at Barclays, before moving to a teaching career. He has taught modern languages at Barnard Castle School, County Durham and Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood before becoming a boarding Housemaster at Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge. Mr Gregory said: “Modern education must be an excellent preparation for life – professional, personal, social, moral and I believe that Wycliffe produces people who are ready to face up to life after school and deal with its challenges.”

compete with anyone at anything, provided we were prepared to work hard, commit some energy to something and make the most of our talent. I hope this is something that people will believe in at Wycliffe.”

The new Head, who is currently Deputy Head (pastoral) at Mill Hill School, London, has a

Mr Gregory and his wife, Helen have three

strong boarding and academic profile. He was educated at Ipswich School and studied French and Spanish at the University of Nottingham.

be educated at Wycliffe and Ben, who has an autistic spectrum condition will be attending school elsewhere but will be very much part of their life at Wycliffe.

He said he hoped to pass on a deep belief he has held since his own school days. “It was really important to me to feel that at my school we could punch above our weight and

sons, Harry, Ben and Sam – Harry and Sam will

“I want someone’s time at Wycliffe to be an experience in itself,” he said. “It should be something to be enjoyed and appreciated for its

own intrinsic value and not just a means to an end of walking away with some exam results.” Mr Gregory said: “At Wycliffe, people really do matter. It is a place where differences and individual qualities are genuinely valued and respected and everyone embraces the concept of helping every single boy or girl be the best that he or she can individually be. These are all things in which I believe profoundly. “It will matter to me tremendously to be recognised as being not only the tenth Head of the College in its 130 plus year history but also to be recognised as being a good Head.”

Pictured : Tom Seabrook, selected to play in the England U16 Rugby Squad

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Tetbury Art Society This month we catch up on some of the material for which there hasn’t been room over the last few months. Gill Ashley reports that our sixth annual lecture, ‘The Royal Drawing School’, took place at Highgrove House on 11th March, by kind permission of TRH The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. There were two speakers; Will Topley, a senior member of the Faculty, and Michelle Cioccoloni, a postgraduate student.

Will trained at the Slade, when the teaching of drawing was coming to an end, and he explained how this tendency in many schools of art resulted in a shortage of teachers able to draw. It was against this background, that the Prince of Wales founded the Royal Drawing School in 2000 (it was granted the Royal title last year). It is an independent charity, funding 250 full and part-time courses, all heavily subsidized, and accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance. The Faculty consists of 75 practising artists, all committed to the training of future teachers of drawing. The courses range from drawing clubs for 10-18 year olds to a free Foundation Year with 45 places and tuition 5 days a week.

PART-TIME CLEANERS REQUIRED We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis to help over our busy summer season. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.


14 | May 2015

Michelle spoke of her experience as a fully funded Postgraduate Year with 30 students, using free studio space and provided with international residences. She had learnt more, in one year than she had in three years at a University art course. Her enthusiasm, as she begins her teaching career, was palpable and infectious. The proceeds of the lecture are donated to the Prince’s Charitable Foundation. A fuller account of the lecture may be found on our website. The Society’s Spring Exhibition, arranged by Daphne Morton, was open over the May Day Holiday weekend in the Market Hall. Over 160 pictures in a variety of mediums were displayed. Comments in our visitor’s book suggest that the exhibition was well-received. On the evening of Wednesday 6th May we had a charcoal drawing workshop in St Michael’s Hall led by Bridget Macdonald. Maureen Hawkridge reports that Bridget does large charcoal drawings: 4ft by 5ft is a normal size. She showed us how to use charcoal to make a variety of marks, and we experimented with this. One member even made her own charcoal, which came in odd shapes but worked well. Bridget then gave us small objects to draw, with interesting textures, such as shells and pinecones. We tried to put the techniques which we had discovered into these drawings. Everyone

agreed that it was an interesting and challenging evening. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months and are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art, whatever level they may have reached. Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society

CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks.


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The Market Hall, which stands proudly in the centre of town...

The Feoffees and the Thirteen

learn more about both the building and the history and work of the Feoffees and Thirteen in Tetbury.

...is now starting to be used more than in recent years, following the recent improvements which have included new curtains, chairs and heating system. It’s busy with markets and events and also visits from visitors to the town – indeed we’re pleased to be hosting a visit from the Derbyshire Archaeological Society on 26th July and would welcome enquiries from any other organisations who would like to

Should you wish to book The Market Hall for an event or family celebration or the lower Market Area, please contact our caretaker, Mrs J Poole of “Scentiments” 6 Church Street Tetbury (01666 503195)

Dates for your diary: • Friday 3rd July – Town BBQ on the Millennium Green • Saturday 12th September – Beating of the Bounds – this year we are holding the

annual historic walk and talk around our town during Heritage Weekend, when the Market Hall will be open to the public on both the Saturday and Sunday This month, I am pleased to report that we have been able to support St Mary’s Primary School with a grant for £1,500, to allow for new fencing in the Forest Classroom. If you would like to know more about the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies, are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website www.feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman

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May 2015 | 15

Dolphins Dramatic Society

• All the traders that placed an advert in the programme – The Dolphins really do appreciate your support.

Didn’t he do well...!

• Everyone who was happy to display a poster.

Phillip Webb did a grand job steering the cast through the intricacies of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ and playing a part himself; a difficult task which he mastered well. It has been a pleasure for all of us taking part in this production to work with Phillip; he is always so polite when he asks one to go that extra mile. In fact he is always polite, and so encouraging!

• Tara and Jenny at the Council Offices for all their patience and kindness sorting out our bookings for The Dolphins Hall.

Now the play is over, as always there are some very important thank you’s to make:


• IHS for printing the programme and making it look so professional. • Tetbury Hardware – Malcolm you did a great job as box office to The Dolphins, we hope you will continue.

Brian Edge for storing the A board.

The Dolphins Dramatic Society would be lost without the support of all these wonderful organisations and people. Thank you.

As the saying goes time and tide wait for no man and as such we must push on to the autumn production. Anne Smith will be directing and she has chosen a musical this time – Summer Holiday. I am sure many of you remember the film and will enjoy

singing along with all the songs. There is a lot of work to do, so Anne wants to get started early and as such she is keen to get on with the auditions and have the play cast and ready to start at the end of August. The dates for the auditions are: Wednesday the 3rd June Monday the 22nd June

Dolphins Autumn Production 2015

Dolphins Autumn Production 2015 Dolphins Autumn Production 2015

Please arrive at The Dolphins Hall, New Church Street, Tetbury at 7.30pm promptly.


Auditions Dolphins Autumn Production 2015 2015 Dolphins Autumn Production Auditions Auditions Auditions Auditions for the

Some preparation is required for people interested in coming to auditions; they will be asked to sing two songs. Sheet music and lyrics can be accessed from The Dolphins Dramatic Society website: www.Dolphinsdrama.uk which will also direct people to ‘you tube’ links for the songs, so that they can hear them and get a feel of what they should sound like. This information will stay on the website until auditions are over. We ‘earnestly’ hope to see many of you at the auditions – rehearsals will be great fun!

Dolphins Dramatic Society autumn production

Terri White, Dolphins Dramatic Society

Auditions to be heldfor at:the Auditions for the Street,production Auditions for the The Dolphins Hall , Society New Church Tetbury Dolphins Dramatic autumn

Dolphins Society autumn22nd production Wednesday 3rd Dramatic June 7:30pm &autumn Monday June 7:30pm Dolphins Dramatic Society production toAuditions be held at:for the tofor be audition held at: requirements: Visit our website

to be, New heldSociety at: autumn The Dolphins Dolphins Dramatic Hall Church Street, production Tetbury The Dolphins Hall , New Church Street, Tetbury www.dolphinsdrama.uk

The Dolphins Hall 7:30pm , NewtoChurch Tetbury Wednesday 3rd &Monday Monday 22nd June 7:30pm be heldStreet, at: Wednesday 3rdJune June 7:30pm & 22nd June 7:30pm Any questions contact

Wednesday 3rd June 7:30pm Monday 22ndStreet, June 7:30pm Visit our website for requirements: The Dolphins Hall ,audition New Church Tetbury Visit our website for&audition requirements: Anne on 07887377139

Visit our website for 7:30pm audition www.dolphinsdrama.uk www.dolphinsdrama.uk Wednesday 3rd June &requirements: Mondaydates: 22nd June 7:30pm Performance Any questions contact www.dolphinsdrama.uk 25,audition 26, 27, 28th November Any questions contact 2015 Visit our website for requirements: Anne on 07887377139 Any questions contact Anne onGyngell 07887377139 Stage adaption by Michael & Mark Haddigan www.dolphinsdrama.uk Summer Holiday based on the film “Summer Holiday”

Performance dates:

Anne onquestions 07887377139 Performance dates: Any contact 25, 26, 27, 28th November 2015 By special arrangement with Studio Canal Performance dates: Summer based theon film “Summer 25, Holiday 26, 27,byon28th November 2015 Anne 07887377139 This amateur production is presented arrangement with Holiday” Josef Weinberger Ltd. Orchestrations by Keith Strachan

Directed by Peter Yates, screenplay by Ronal Cass & Peter Myers

Stage adaption by Michael Gyngell & Mark Haddigan

Summer Holiday based on the film “Summer Holiday” 25, 26, 27, 28th November Orchestrations by Keith Strachan Performance dates:2015 Stage adaption by Michael Gyngell & Mark Haddigan

Directed Peter Yates, screenplay Ronal Cass & Peter Myers SummerbyHoliday based on the by film “Summer Holiday”

25, 26, 27, 28th November 2015


16 | May 2015

Orchestrations by Keith Strachan By special arrangement with Studio Canal& Mark Haddigan Stage adaption by Michael Gyngell Directed by Peter Yates, by screenplay by with Ronal Cass & Peter Myers This amateur production is presented arrangement Josef Weinberger Ltd. Orchestrations by Summer Keith Strachan Holiday based on the film “Summer Holiday” 1260314 By special arrangement with Studio Canal Directed by PeterStage Yates,adaption screenplay by RonalGyngell Cass &&Peter by Michael MarkMyers Haddigan This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd. By special arrangement with Studio CanalStrachan Orchestrations by Keith

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

This amateur production is presented byYates, arrangement withbyJosef Weinberger Ltd.Myers Directed by Peter screenplay Ronal Cass & Peter

At the end of June Jenny Warner, local Tetbury hairdresser, and her friends, three of whom originally met at the Tetbury Toddlers group when they had young children - are walking 50 kilometres (31 miles) together in one day, to raise money for the Charity Guide Dogs for the Blind. The picture shows the team on one of their recent training days. From left to right are Liz Collins, Wendy Jenkins, Sheila Jenkins and Jenny Warner. The photo was taken just before they set off - they are seldom quite so sprightly afterward! Their fund-raising walk is part of the “Grand Union Challenge” event, which takes place along a section of the Grand Union Canal

from Watford to Bletchley. As ‘Team Jenkins’ they are doing the walk in memory of Sheila’s husband Mark, who died last year, sadly, at the age of 51, after a long battle with cancer. Many people in Tetbury are sure to remember Mark and Sheila who lived here for a number of years. Mark was a great supporter of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and he gladly gave his time to encourage the life changing work this wonderful charity does. The ‘Four Amigas’ expect to be walking at a pace of three miles an hour (or thereabouts) so they are likely to be marching along for a solid ten hours or more on the day of the challenge. In the meantime, they are progressing very well with their training regime, regularly walking together and swapping blister remedies to make sure they

Guide Dogs for the Blind are all ready for the real thing. Apparently, lamb’s wool wrapped around your toes does wonders for blister prevention. (Sitting in an armchair can be equally effective, but please don’t tell them that.) At the time of writing, they are just under a third of the way to their fund-raising target of £1,500. If you would like to support their efforts then please visit Sheila’s ‘Just Giving’ web page and make a donation. It’s really easy, it doesn’t have to be for much and it can be done anonymously if you like. https://www.justgiving.com/sheilajenkins/ 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 David Warner


Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

Cotswold Life

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 17


Tetbury Camera Club “His presentation was a fascinating exposition on the road to becoming a professional photographer.” Steve Russell of Steve Russell Studios (www. steverussellstudios.com) in Nailsworth was our speaker at a meeting in mid-April. His presentation was a fascinating exposition on the road to becoming a professional photographer and about the variety of his work, with many anecdotes about his commissions, subjects, shoots, equipment, and the world-wide travel involved. All of this was illustrated with a copious display of his excellent images, as well as details and examples of his own method of display, “Photines” - photographic images on bronze. See www.photines.com for further details.

that one benefit of the sociability side of the Club is that there is generally someone who knows the answer to any problem. Discussion at the subsequent meeting included the forthcoming exhibition on Woolsack Day, Monday the 25th May. This is the annual chance for the Club to display its work. The exhibition will be held upstairs in the Market Hall, open from 10am until around 4.30/5pm. Entry is free and provides a good opportunity to see the work of members. There is always at least one member present so that it provides a good opportunity for any prospective members to find out more about the club.

If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest to see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. We meet at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk Frank Jenkins, Tetbury Camera Club

The next meeting involved judging entries in our annual competitions for individual digital images - both individual prints and portfolios of 10 prints. The judge was Mike Curtis. Mike is always a popular judge at Tetbury, having been asked to judge here quite a few times over recent years. He clearly does his homework and has something to say about all entries. He also possesses the knack of being critical when he thinks it appropriate without creating any annoyance or irritation for the entrant concerned. Additionally, being an ex-professional, he carries the clout of personal experience. As a parting comment, Mike was very complimentary about the standard of photography at Tetbury, which is very pleasing as Mike visits many clubs in his role as judge. A digital image, ‘Tango Crazy’, by Dave Jones, which did very well in the annual competition is reproduced here.

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The next meeting consisted of two halves. The first half was a club-judged knockout of digital images. The second half was a new departure, questions raised in advance by members answered by a panel of three, Steve Hammond, Mike Hawkridge and John Bishop. This session demonstrated the depth of knowledge possessed by members. It rather proves the assumption

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Avening Primary School Digging, planting and a spiky visitor in our School Garden. What better place to be at this time of year than the School garden? Thanks to joint efforts from our gardening club, and parent and teacher volunteers, our school garden is looking fabulous at the moment and every week it looks even better as we work towards showing off all the hard work at the Avening Open Gardens Event on Sunday 24th May. Our gardening club (made up of KS2 children and Mrs Rushton) have planted lettuce, radishes, beetroot and carrots in our raised beds, stocks and sunflowers in the wildlife area and are cultivating lemon balm for a bed in our new outdoor classroom. At the end of May, Tamsin Bent from Stroud Valley Project visited our eager young gardeners and helped them to plant wheat, which will be harvested later on in the year. Tamsin will then visit us with the flour from our wheat, which children will use to bake bread in our KS2 classes. This provides the children with an invaluable insight into how food gets from the ground to the plate and enables them to be an integral part of the whole process.

Back inside the classroom, our Kestrels class (Y1/2) have been growing beans and subsequently produced a wonderful music composition about the growth of a seed, which they performed in front of parents. The School garden has not only helped the children learn about how things grow but also how to encourage and help protect wildlife. Last month we found a hedgehog in our hedgehog box which caused great excitement throughout the school. It has been well cared for by the children, being given water and fed with mealworms and

the children are learning all about their hibernation, nocturnal movements and the environment in which hedgehogs like to live. At the end of May the whole school paid separate visits to Copsegrove Farm in Bisley where they experienced real outdoor fun and acquired skills such as den building, exploring the natural habitat of wildlife and toasting marshmallows over a bonfire. A well-earned educational treat after a busy first half to the summer term! Alex Adcock, Avening Primary School

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01666 503900 Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

whether on TIMED scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps

Avening WI



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We had a lovely spring day for our walk at the end of April. We parked by Minchinhampton church and walked all around Besbury common, where the early wild flowers were at their best with primroses, violets and bluebells in bloom and the banks a mass of dandelions and cowslips. We enjoyed our lunch at the Halfway Cafe at Box afterwards. Skittles did not go well for us against Stone WI in the county competition, but we had a pleasant and convivial evening. We hope to enter the playoff for the plate given to first round losers. We are also hoping to have a good collection of children’s clothes for our Vine Project for transport in July. Since we had an inspiring talk by Patricia Chase, we have been keen to help these South African children - many of them orphans after losing their parents to AIDS. We are also busy with our preparation for the group meeting in June and our walk in June will take place along the canal from the Daneway Inn, passing through the nature reserve. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 11th June at 7.30pm at Avening Memorial Hall and, as ever, visitors and new members will be made very welcome. Shirley Hand, Avening WI


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01666 503900 May 2015 | 21

Tetbury Town FC What a tremendous finale to the 2014/2015 season at Tetbury Town FC! With an early finish to league matches for the U12’s, they continued to participate in friendly matches with local teams before taking their place at the Wally Smith Cup Final on Friday 24th April. At a buzzing recreation ground, the team welcomed a strong Hardwicke side for a fantastic footballing contest. Although the visitors were always a threat, match-winning performances from every member of the U12 team saw them win 2-1 and lift the cup for the first time in the club’s history! The U14 team finished the season positively too, introducing more local children to competitive football and are already looking forward to next season. The U10’s, U8’s and U7’s have attended their relevant end of season league cup competition and the exciting end to end matches provided them with valuable tournament experience.

Off the pitch, fundraising activities have included a successful tombola stall on Woolsack Day. Thank you to all of you who donated prizes or supported the stall, hopefully there are lots of winners amongst you. Four of our coaches have successfully achieved their FA Level 1 Coaching Badge and are keen to try out their new found skills on their team.

The under 8’s will soon be enjoying the thrills and excitement of Mojo Active in Bristol on their end of season outing, we look forward to hearing their stories.

With so many local children aged 3 upwards playing for the club, the club is improving links with local schools. Coaching sessions were enjoyed by pupils at St Mary’s Primary School in May and they have appointed an Ambassador to improve communication between both parties.

Our Tiny Tigers have thoroughly enjoyed our Saturday morning tailor-made football sessions during the season. As well as developing their love for the game and improving their footballing skills, it has been all about fun, fun, fun! Several will be ready to form the Tetbury Town U7’s team next season and it was amazing to see how many young ones were even prepared to brave the cold and rain to attend as many sessions as possible.

Discussions are also taking place with Sir William Romney’s School to see how the club can cater for the ‘older’ members of the community. Everything doesn’t just stop here as planning is already underway for next season and beyond. The 2015/2016 season

will be an exciting one as we continue to grow our club and its reputation as one of the best in the area. We aim to field 7 teams across the age groups and continue with our enthusiastic Tiny Tigers! This will involve nearly 120 children participating in football, which we are justifiably proud of. With a fantastic spirit and family atmosphere being built at the club, I am looking forward to a terrific season, and beyond! Finally, I will continue to be in contact with you over the summer with any exciting developments including award winners from our Presentation Day, held at the end of May, and more importantly the dates of our first training sessions for the 2015/2016 season! Thank you and have a great summer! Richard Norris Youth Chairman, Tetbury Town FC 22:28 440208 Allium 22/2/08

Page 1

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22 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Tetbury WI

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We were happy to welcome more new members who joined us at our May meeting.

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Our May meeting started with WI business. This is the month in which we discuss the resolution to be proposed at the NFWI meeting in June. After refreshments we were entertained with a talk by Lorna. She brought several beautiful vintage dresses and displayed them on manikins. They had been kept in her family for some generations and each one came with its own story. Two social events have been enjoyed since our last meeting - a lunch at Egypt Mill and a visit to Bletchley Park. We are, on occasions, able to open visits to our family and friends when we have seats to fill on a coach. Our next meeting will be on Monday the 8th of June at the Dolphins Hall. The talk is called “You cannot be serious!” (which provides a clue to the sport!) and is by Brian Partridge. If you are intrigued, do join us. Email: tetburywi@hotmail.co.uk Chris Gibson, Tetbury WI


The Cotswold Electric Bike Treasure Trail Tetbury by Pedego Electric Bikes of Stroud.

Pedego are now launching a second Treasure Trail with Tetbury as the main destination. To mark the launch of the new Tetbury Treasure Trail an open evening event for electric bike test rides and a mini Treasure Trail has been organized for the evening of Thursday June 11th at the Royal Oak. Join Pedego at the Royal Oak to experience what electric bikes are all about!

Tetbury Treasure Trail Evening

Thursday June 11th At the Royal Oak, 1 Cirencester Road, Tetbury, GL8 8EY For further question about the event contact Pedego Electric Bikes T: 01453 883261 E: ask@pedegoeurope.com W: pedegoeurope.com/electric-bike-hire

Participation and attendance is absolutely free. On collecting an electric bike, you’ll head out on the trail in small teams, following the clues and answering the questions along the route.


All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 23

Tiggers Tiggers Family Fun Day. Tiggers are hosting a massive free family fun day on 19th July and everyone is welcome. During the day there will be a bouncy castle, Tetbury Town Football goal with coaching, BBQ (with free food for everyone who confirms attendance), refreshments, Winston’s Ice-cream van, guest appearances from Elsa and Ana (Frozen), face painting, balloon modelling, Police car with Police Lady, garden games, animal petting sessions and lots more fun and games still to be planned! If anyone has anything fun to add or suggest for our day please contact us direct 01666 503142. The fun will start at 1pm and continue till until around 4pm, so make sure you don’t miss out on a great time with your friends and family!

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The email to request a BBQ voucher is theresaogden@hotmail.co.uk this will confirm your attendance so we can order enough food as we are expecting high numbers from initial acceptances. You are also welcome to bring your own picnics to enjoy in the gardens whilst your children play on the assault course or groom the ponies. Please note Smoking will be prohibited from the entire site.

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We hope to see you all there! Tiggers

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24 | May 2015

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Tiggers@Tetbury, Email: tiggers.tetbury@gmail.com, 01666 503142 Tiggers@Downfield, Email: tiggers.stroud@gmail.com, 01453 750957 Tiggers@Cirencester, Email: tiggers.cirencester@gmail.com, 01285 654000

www.tiggersnurseries.com Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

The Priory Inn Tetbury’s Unsung Hero Dear Editor, “Mr X” is a fabulous contributor to the ongoing business of Tetbury Feoffees and without him many of the open spaces Tetbury takes for granted would be unkempt and unloved. He’s also a great contributor to the youth of the town - still assisting with the People’s Pod on regular occasions, as he has done for many years. He’s organised all manner of community service projects in conjunction with Leyhill Prison from which the town has benefitted, such as the new footpath in the recreation ground and ensuring the Dolphins Hall received a coat of paint. Lastly, “Mr X” is always willing to lend a hand to do those things which “just need to get done”. I know, for instance, that he was quick to swing into action for the Wacky Races, being of huge help and assistance – which is quite typical of him.

identity when he goes to enjoy dinner with them. That’s exactly the way he’d like it. Ed: I’m delighted to receive this very novel nomination for someone who is very well known to the town, but whose modesty is indeed as much of a byword as his tremendous sense of civic duty. He will soon be in receipt of his voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page three. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence, as can clearly be seen this month!

LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...

Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.





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150208 Maths & English

22:05 Page 1 Stargazy Fish Bar is Tetbury's new fish and chip bar and takeaway.

We will need great service staff from the end of May.


Our staff will have: A desire to deliver the very best service;

Teacher experienced with learning difficulties in children and adults up to GCSE/Key Skills

Full and part-time positions available.

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But spring marks just the start of a frantically busy season for local market gardeners. Remaining in tune with Nature and the recent clement conditions, they have been planting out potatoes, cabbages, lettuces, salads and chards raised under glass or in polytunnels and drilling beetroots, turnips and spring onions direct into well-tended, nutritious soil. Potting on of tomatoes, chillies and peppers, and sowing cucumbers, sweetcorn and squash is all in the mix. Sonia at Coleshill Organics is looking forward to a third generation of vegetables from saved seeds and a humble satisfaction in engendering a rich genetic past in her produce - as well as gaining benefits from pest resistance and speedy germination. Her exceptional produce can be enjoyed in many of our dishes and at Stroud Farmer’s market each Saturday.

As you may have guessed by now, “Mr X” is also defined by his modesty. That’s why I should like to nominate him as your Unsung Hero for June, completely anonymously. I hope that only you and I and the Priory Inn will be party to his


Many of the dive-bombing swallows’ 6,000 mile journeys are now over, until temperatures begin to dip in the autumn.

A hard-working, enthusiastic work ethic; A smart, presentable appearance; and A naturally friendly personality.

If this sounds like you, please send Tanya your cv and a photo to jobs@theprioryinn.co.uk We look forward to hearing from you. 1030515

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

We believe it is really important for our team to suck up as much knowledge as possible about our suppliers and to become as passionate as we are about their produce, so we regularly take them to our family of suppliers throughout the year. On a bright and blustery day recently we were treated to a tractor tour of the immaculate 600-acre Adey’s Farm in Berkeley, farmed by Tim and Caroline Wilson since 1994. The farm uses a natural system of clover crop rotation, which also provides a high quality and protein-rich feed for their livestock. Their Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cattle enjoy stress-free lives in the green pastures and the end result is marvellous wellmarbled, delicious beef. We buy succulent and flavoursome sirloin steaks and lamb for our menus and can highly recommend any of the Adey’s Farm meat on sale at Stroud market every week. Live music continues through June to a packed house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere. On the 14th we welcome “Rapunzel”, a Bristol-based duo, followed by “Wildwood Jack”, an Inventive folk and roots singer who blends fingerstyle acoustic guitar and ukulele in new ways. Henry Bateman joins us on the 28th – his music is very influenced by Peter Gabriel and Randy Newman. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn

May 2015 | 25

Civic Society

Dolphins Hall, cycle paths, better open spaces and leisure facilities and so on.

My last article in the April issue set out the great variety of matters (e.g., traffic, business, community) ... ...that it was necessary to cover in the preparation for the Tetbury Neighbourhood Plan (TNP). I have been asked what the benefits of the plan would be - in brief the Society sees the benefits as follows: (a) The TNP is a government-backed statutory plan which looks ahead long term (up to 20 years), as distinct from normal year-to-year budgetary type planning.

(d) If the CDC decides to give planning permission contrary to the provisions of the TNP, it must give the Town Council a reasoned explanation for doing so. At the recent Civic Society`s A.G.M. our Chairman, Brian Kimber, who has been a member of the Society since its inception in 1967, gave a fascinating account of the work and improvements the Society has initiated either on its own or with the help of other societies and organisations, (for instance, The Town Council and The History of Tetbury Society.) The list included the Anniversary Garden, Heritage Plaques and the History Exhibition in St. Mary’s Church – as well

It is hoped to arrange in early autumn a trip to Strawberry Hill in Twickenham for Society Members and others wishing to come. This is a fantastic gothic revival building, part-converted and largely extended by Prime Minister Horace Walpole. Anyone interested in coming or learning more about it should contact Charles Whittaker - Tel. 01666 500905. Roy Angell Tetbury Civic Society

Do you have piles of paperwork?

(b) It will give the Community and the Town Council more power and authority in discussions with the District Planning Authority (CDC). (c) The Town Council will be involved much more with developers, who will have to discuss their detailed planning proposals with both the CDC and the Town Council. In the case of major developments this will include discussions relating to moneys available to the Town Council (via Section 106 and Infrastructure Grants) for vital community improvements, such as to the

as the preservation of buildings, such as Romney House Surgery and St. Saviour’s Church. The publication by the Society of the `Cotswold Gem` in 1979 (republished in 2002) pulled together many fascinating aspects about the history of the town and its important buildings, and introduced heritage trails and walks for tourists.

Would you like some help to organise it? Please call me for a chat and further information

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26 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

WSP Solicitors Providing help when you need it THE PERSONAL INJURY TEAM AT WSP SOLICITORS PROVIDE A PERSONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE TO HELP ACHIEVE THE BEST OUTCOME FOR YOU. SERVICES PROVIDED BY WSP: Conveyancing Divorce/Separation & Children Wills, Trust & Probate Advice for the Elderly Mental Health & Deputyship Disputes Motoring Offences Employment Meet the team - Demelza Pallant and Joanne Marsh of the Stroud office

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Guiding What do you get if you mix a Nursery owner, a University graduate, an A level student, a Year 8 pupil and fifteen 5 - and 6-year-olds? The short answer is Tetbury Rainbow unit! The longer answer is a summer term full of fun activities – most of them chosen by the girls during their Rainbow Chats! A recent nature walk involved looking for lots of different types of bugs and ended with the Rainbow circle, promise and song

on the Millennium Green. Several of the Rainbows joined the Brownies on their trip to the Cotswold Wildlife Park and one Rainbow said she had enjoyed meeting the Brownies and the leaders and having a huge ice cream! Another said she wasn’t afraid of bats anymore after a walk through the bat enclosure – all holding hands in one long line so no-one was left behind. Future plans include a picnic on Rodborough common with a visit to the Division Centenary plinth and a visit from a cheerleading coach who is coming to teach them their own “Rainbow cheer”. As part of their food topic they are all going to design a sandwich filling and are excited that the head chef and owner of the Wild Garlic in Nailsworth has agreed to come and judge them.

and they are going to hold a Promise Party when they will all be enrolled. The girls have asked for a “Frozen” theme and are going to welcome a special guest – although this is not likely to be the Queen as one of them requested! Finally, a first for Tetbury Rainbows – a sleepover is being planned! Thank you and well done to Stacey, Izzy, Immy and Freya – what a fantastic term of exciting activites! Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com

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Cotswold District Council News In the district elections held on the 7th of May, the following candidates were elected: 0760615

Following the official adoption at the District Council AGM on the 19th May, contact details for all councillors can be obtained via the CDC website www.cotswold.gov Follow the menu “About the council”and then “Contact your councillor.”

Tetbury and Upton Tina Stevenson (Conservative)

28 | May 2015

Tetbury Town Stephen Hirst (Conservative)

Tetbury East and Rural Maggie Heaven (Conservative)

Grumbolds Ash with Avening Jim Parsons (Conservative)

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

For no good reason, this week I decided on a midweek lunch in Tetbury. With so many places to choose from, I thought maybe I’d have a nice door-step sandwich somewhere. I certainly didn’t expect to find myself in ‘The Close Hotel’ having a three-course meal… It’s fifteen years since I first dined at ‘The Close’. In those days, it was all genuine silver service: a pianist played Copland’s ‘Blues’ as we entered (not just for us, obviously!), between courses amuse bouches appeared, and staff dusted off the table into a shiny silver dust pan. Okay,

Eating Out

we’re not talking “The Ritz”, but at that time it was the best I’d ever experienced – which helps if you’re splashing out! Since then, like many places in Tetbury, it’s gone through several more casual incarnations, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a lunch-time prix fixe menu posted outside - two courses for £13.50, or three for just £16.50. ‘Well,’ I thought, ‘some sandwiches cost nearly that and, from experience, often come with unpleasant crisps and some flaccid, unappetising salad.’ A no-brainer, surely? Staff seemed genuinely pleased to see me and since I was alone, finding a table was easy. On this occasion, ‘To start’ included

pea and ham soup, smoked salmon fishcakes or a pork shoulder presse, which I chose. Before you ask, no, it wasn’t some bizarre kind of pork cordial! It was coarse Pâté , rillette-style. Very firm and tasty. ‘To continue’, the choices were lamb’s liver and mash, hake fillet, new potatoes and tomatoes or wild mushroom and parmesan tagliatelle. The hake was splendid – slightly crispy skin with moist, flaky flesh and the spuds were slathered in butter. All very nice indeed, washed down with a rounded, peachy, reasonably priced glass of white Valdepeñas, which went well with the sweet tomatoes and butter. Now, I rarely ‘do’ desserts, but I thought, ‘No harm in looking.’ Especially since it was only £3 extra. ‘To conclude’ offered orange marmalade cake with custard ice cream, rhubarb frangipane with pistachio Chantilly or sticky toffee pudding with vanilla ice cream. The marmalade cake was delicious – light and studded with nuggets of bitter peel, the custard ice cream smooth and subtly flavoured. Three lovely courses - well-judged in size for a lunch - with wine, for just £21.50? An absolute bargain. I recommend you go there at once. But, please, don’t tell ‘Flossy’ (my wife) any of this – she thinks I was at home working…

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 29

History of Tetbury Society HOTS were lucky to have a beautiful sunny evening for the visit to Estcourt Park on the 7th of May.

It is not known when the Estcourt’s first came to this place but there is a record dated 1303, and in 1359 a Manor House was built near Shipton Moyne, now the site of Park Farm. This was replaced in 1568 by an elegant two-story Tudor House. This old house fell into disrepair and in 1776 the third Thomas Estcourt decided to rebuild on a new site that is equidistant from Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne Churches, both of which have family memorials. Sadly this house was demolished in 1964 but we visited the site and could appreciate the distant views of Tetbury Church spire across the parkland, framed


We made our way in convoy to the Estate Offices which are at the centre of the Park, which was laid out 240 years ago by the Estcourt family. The buildings in this area include cottages, a carpenter’s shop and a smithy built in 1854 and roofed with very distinctive ‘fish scale’ tiles known locally as Estcourt Tiles, which were made at the Fosse Tilery, on the estate. Close by, there is also a sawing shed and ladder barn.

by farm buildings and the wooded slope We ended the evening by walking along by the lake and returning to our cars via the down to the Avon Valley. We saw a range of drive across part of the parkland with its large buildings built in 1781 surrounding a large flock of ewes and lambs – a ‘pastoral paradise’. yard with a well. There was a stable block, Our next meeting on 4th June is a visit to ox house, pigsty, wagon- and coach-house, Cirencester. We leave the Chipping at 6.45 pm. and a formal range of stables, all beautifully 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 Alan Twelvetrees, History of Tetbury Society restored by the present owner.

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30 | May 2015

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Wacky photographs provided by Kevin Farnham and Richard Burton.

The fourth running of the Tetbury Lions Wacky Races was an undoubted success... ... which “has swiftly come to be one of the highlights of the Cotswold calendar” if the opinion of our colleagues from the Stroud Wilts and Glos. are to be believed. Once again the event was bathed in warm sunshine, unlike the days both before and after, and it was estimated that over 4,000 people attended, for a crazy day of speed, mishap and mayhem. They were not to be disappointed! The pits area in the Chipping car park saw the morning arrival of a Carrot cart, the Jamaican Bobsleigh team, the Fire Service with Trumpton (a wheel fell off on the very first run, spraying the crowd with water as it went down the course), and the Black Pearl, a wooden galleon made from parts of a garden shed. The all-women Angel Interceptor team also arrived complete with Tim “Captain Scarlet” Peacock - and of course no-one will ever forget the “Eggplorers” team’s giant cream

32 | May 2015

egg as it trundled down the course with Sam Hutton at the wheel. In total there were 29 entrants and all but a few managed the course without too much difficulty. In the end Steve Thomas in his carbon fibre creation “C12” took the shield for the fourth consecutive year as the fastest adult, and achieved a course record time of 29.58. The fastest woman was Briony Lee who came seventh overall in the Jamaican Bobsleigh, while the fastest junior was James Norris also in the Jamaican Bobsleigh – gaining a very impressive eighth place overall. It had been estimated that to run the day properly we needed a head count of around fifty-five and with only thirty three members in our Lions Club as yet, it had always been apparent that we would need some help! Sure enough Tetbury rallied round, and members of the Priory Gym and the Rugby Club made impressively short work of distributing the two hundred straw bales donated by Duchy Home Farm and the crowd control barriers we’d been loaned by the Arboretum on the Sunday and also in helping to pack it all away at the end. It made a huge difference and we are very grateful.

We also need to thank the thirteen students from Sir William Romney school who assisted with the selling of programmes and with collection buckets. They performed with great enthusiasm and conducted themselves in a cheerful manner at all times – winning a lot of admiration from the Lions for the work they put in. Would they consider joining as Leo’s? We shall see! The Royal Oak was very busy all day, the special Wacky Races “Engine Ale” was a sell out and our two first aiders, Sue and Anna, need a mention as they were, unfortunately, kept busy on a couple of occasions. We also had a good number of companies come forward paying for adverts in the programme and displaying banners on the crowd control barriers at the finish, all of which helped boost our funds on this major fundraising day. Donations are still coming in from the traders so we have yet to realize a net surplus figure, but it is looking very encouraging. We look forward to more fun on 2nd May 2016 when Wacky races returns! The Wacky Race team

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

May 2015 | 33

Probus One Join the club! Some things cannot be valued easily, but clearly meet a local need. Now in its fortieth year, our friendly group of retired professional and businessmen from many backgrounds who meet regularly because they enjoy each other’s company and a wide-ranging programme of talks, is a good example. We must be doing something right, since we’re as relevant and popular with Tetbury men today as we were in 1976.

slow start as an apprentice painter, yet rose to become the Spanish Court Painter, very much in demand.

was a very human story, simply told and clearly illustrated. As with most of our talks, we learnt much.

Fascinated by The Enlightenment, he produced a wide variety of etchings and paintings in different styles and media, including cartoons for tapestries, perceptive portraits and frescos. Ear problems led to deafness and depression, though; periods in which he painted visions of witches and uncanny apparitions, representing the cruelty and oppression he’d seen in Spain.It

So, gentlemen, why not do what our thirty members did? Come along to the St Mary’s Day Centre at 10.00 am on the first or third Thursday next month or any following month and give us a try. Just give me a ring if you would like any further details. Wives have been known to persuade their husbands that they might be missing a good thing! Theo Stening, Probus, 01666 504243

What do we do? At our meetings twice a month, after a cup of coffee, we are given a talk usually by a visiting speaker. Recent subjects have included accounts of historical events, engineering achievements, travel experiences and musical reminiscences. Our meeting on the 7th of May was a typical example. The life and works of the eminent Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746 1828) were relatively unknown to most of us, but David soon changed He 100208 KP Sweet Gardens 22/2/08that. 21:50 illustrated how this son of a gilder made a

Page 1


HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1080615 1110612

34 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

How fast the year is racing by at Puddle Ducks!

with activities suiting their individual needs in a caring, stimulating and fully holistic environment.

We have all been busy as ever, enjoying a wide range of activities linked to our Jolly Phonics topic. Amongst other things we have been cooking, painting, cutting and sticking, constructing, creating, singing and role playing – phew! It is lovely to watch how the children respond to the setting and blossom throughout the year

As always at this time of year, we are thinking about the transition to school for many of our children and those who will be moving on to St. Mary’s School enjoyed another afternoon in their future school and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The process of visiting the classrooms and meeting the teachers is a valuable one

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A brand new food experience every Friday 5.30pm to 8.30pm by Tetbury Market Hall

Puddle Ducks and can really help to ease any worries the children may have about their move so we are grateful to the staff at St. Mary’s for inviting us along. It is also lovely of course to catch up with the children who moved last year and hear about how well they are all getting on at big school. Our additional afternoon sessions for all pre-schoolers who will be leaving us in July continue to go well. The children have responded very well to the challenges of the slightly more structured sessions. The Tuesday afternoon children enjoyed a great PE session on the recreation ground, enjoying the space for running races and playing parachute games whilst the Thursday pre-school group enjoyed a long walk around Tetbury, taking in some of the important places in our town. We found the Fire Station and the Library and visited the Church and Post Office as well as looking at some of the interesting shop window displays, particularly talking about those that were celebrating the birth of Princess Charlotte, which of course was of particular interest to our girls who very much enjoy being Princesses themselves! All the children walked beautifully and when we got back they produced some real masterpieces when drawing some of the things they had seen on our trip. Puddle Ducks is currently full for the remainder of the academic year. However we are taking reservations for September 2015 and January 2016 so if your child will then be aged between 2½ and school entry and you would be interested in them joining us, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased to arrange a time for you to visit us during a session. We run weekdays, term time only from 9.15am-12.15pm with an optional lunch club until 1.15 and we are found around the back of the Dolphins Hall. We would love to hear from you. Puddle Ducks


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07766 505154



All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 35  

Neighbourhood Planning Group We are putting final touches to our recommendations on suitable sites, having scored all potential sites in the area. Although Tetbury has exceeded its District allocation for the next 20 years with those planning applications already granted, this does not mean that the town should not have a robust plan in place in the event, for instance, of those developments with planning permissions not going ahead for some reason, to be replaced by other applications coming forward. New applications could then be assessed against the neighbourhood plan, which will if adopted be a major consideration in planning decisions.

380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1

Design aspects are also at the top of the list on policy. With the recent plans for Quercus Park on the Cirencester road, the town was able to successfully change aspects of the development, such as materials, road frontage appearance, garaging and pedestrian access.

A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd Specialist In Stone Work & Renovations General Building

We continue to be on the look-out for new members of the team, who would like to help construct ideas of how Tetbury should be in these next 20 years, whether for infrastructure, leisure, health provision, schools or transport.


If you are interested, please contact Natalie Haines, the Town Clerk on 01666 504670.

Call for a free quote:

Barry Gibbs Tetbury and Tetbury Upton Neighbourhood Planning Group



Barn Conversions • Paving Brickwork • Blockwork


Likewise, we are also close to formulating a policy for housing size and design. Having identified from the housing survey needs regarding the size of house in respect of 10% discountwe* can withrefer thisto advert the number* of bedrooms, this as planning applications are finalised.

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........Try Tetbury First and Shop Local.........

Spring/Summer seems to be upon us

So whether its DIY, Spring Cleaning, Gardening or in fact any job around your property then look to us first, pop in or give us a ring and we may be able to save you a journey and also some money.

Pet Products: Nobody asked us to quote for pet food after our last advert. Please ask we could help you feed your pets more economically. For those still feeding garden birds we can offer large sacks of all foods at competitive prices – delivered to your door locally. Garden Products: Full range of Garden Seeds from Mr Fothergill plus all your needs in chemicals, composts and garden tools and requisites BBQ and Fire Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels as well as BBQ products come and see or place an order for a special event. Delivery available. Spring Cleaning, General DIY: All the products, tools and aids available on your doorstep plus some advice given freely. Do not forget we also supply Key Cutting Service, Shoe Repairs and Digital Photography as well as a wide range of household items you never knew you needed.

p Kee 1340515

it in


bu Tet

30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook)

36 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.


503828 503828 ABOUT US


We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Established in 1974, are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. We have 8we courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land Rover. We have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, mechanics. We wereservice. voted Independent Garage of the Year by both Motor Trader andindependent the Motorgarage Industry of collection collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and2012 Land Rover specialist premier offeringCode a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury

At Car C


we invest state ofSkoda), the art dealer-level dedicated and team of cars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,inSEAT, Land Rover and Mercedes. Weexperienced have 9 courtesy At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so mechanics. offer a range diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We full of services available or offer a collection service. At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free call today or visit our website. courtesy cars or collection.

are tetbury

ier Independent Garage



and brak

light commercial vehicles.

book sta

01666502496 503828



tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.

bulbs an charge!

DO YOU OWN ONEUnits OF1-3,THESE? Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester


If so, ask yourself .....................


Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level


premier independent garage offering a


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servicing, diagnostics and repairs using

service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of

.....................if MOT theTESTING answer is NO YOU MAY BE USING THE WRONG GARAGE!


Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to

MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans

the left or right, an uncentred steering

with a free re-test included if needed. All

wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to

bulbs and adjustments are included free of

book our four wheel laser alignment service.

charge! (headlamp excluded)


Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles


handling characteristics, tyre wear and fuel efficiency.


strial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust May has been a very good month for the Goods Shed, starting with our first ever Music Festival. It was exciting to see a smart temporary floor laid for our first Ceilidh, with dance band “Captain Swing” programmed for the Friday night. It was an amazing evening and we danced our socks off! The following Saturday Nicola Clark scheduled over twenty acts from 12:00 noon until 10:00 pm. Gavin, a.k.a. ”Gavalot Winstone 111”, from Nailsworth, brought along a bicycle-powered PA system he’d designed and built himself, to run the open microphone. His beautiful daughters Jasmine and Lucy provided the pedal power. Chris Newton ran things all afternoon and MC’s Barry Watkins and Kieran Archer kept everyone to schedule. Sam Dugdale introduced the acts and Richard Cox and Colin Sillence provided a free sound system, with Lloyd Masson mastering. In the evening, Mike Scott, “Blondes with Beards”, “The Yirdbards” and Johnny Coppin sang, inviting us to join in with the choruses and harmonies. Final act “Dead Man’s Congas” had us all dancing in the aisles. We enjoyed it so much that we intend to make it an annual event.

Carat Boot the Goods Shed

2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm

I’d like to thank the whole Goods Shed team and all the performers for giving their time without charge and Eagle Plant for the loos, Lloyd and Mike Avis for the new electrics, Tetbury Lions for their gazebo, local businesses Artique, Tesco and The Royal Oak for the generous raffle prizes they donated, Hobbs House Bakery for providing free sandwiches and finally the people who came, for making it such a success.

The Goods Shed was also hired out to host a Vintage Fair on the same day, boosting our fundraising and showing what a useful asset our building is - and a small local band is also hiring the shed to practice in. This gives us confidence that the building will be able to generate income to fund its activities and take its place in Tetbury’s cultural life.

Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins

Will Cook (Chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome 22:03

Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust


Page 1 340208


If you Google “Cotswold TV Wacky Races”, you’ll see all the fun.

On Wacky Race day Graham Cleaver, (an original young stoker from Tetbury’s steam past, who with Tim O’ Shea, the engine driver did the historic run from Tetbury Finally, I’d like to thank Keith Leaver of the to Kemble) - and his friend, David Walker, Tetbury Tailor for generously donating a raced their scale model of Tetbury’s original further 144 mugs for us to sell for our funds train, fondly known as “The Donkey”. Its - and the Feoffees for giving us 54 chairs size and weight meant they were never which will be handy for our events. be going to break any speed records, but they got full marks for their handsome We have some really exciting fundraising 340208 Piano with Tuition 22/2/08 22:24 Page 1 engine complete smoking funnel. The events coming up so keep an eye on our winning speed was just under 30 seconds website tetburyraillands.co.uk and the Advertiser. If you would like to join our team and help, please ring me on 01666 502877. We’re always very interested to hear your ideas for the new Arts Centre. Thank you for all your continued support!

01666 502877 TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08

our champions came in with a respectable 47 - so well done Team Goods Shed!

Tel: 01666 505692

G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is given that the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust will be held at the Tetbury Town Council Offices, Long Street, Tetbury. 18th June 2015 at 7.30 pm 1220615


38 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

The Cotswolds are well regarded and attract visitors from both this country and overseas – and rightly so! If you are able to get out and travel around to appreciate the views and scenery then that’s fine - and on the day of writing this article, it’s beautiful outside. But for those not able to take a holiday away from their own home, or even to take a trip within the county, what do you do? Well a ‘Holiday@ Home’ project has been running in Tetbury, which is now in its 11th year. This is a project run by all the Churches in Tetbury and based

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at Christ Church in The Chipping, Tetbury – and this year the ‘Holiday@Home’ event will take place over a couple of days – Thursday and Friday, the 30th and the 31st of July. The holiday starts with guests arriving at Christ Church, or being picked up at their own home by car or mini-bus if they are not mobile. Following a welcome drink, the day continues with activities and table games, or just a chance to chat. Photo displays of times past provide the start of plenty of memories and conversation and we usually have a good sing-song at some point. Some of the old songs are never forgotten! Various other entertainments and Time for Thought carry on through the day, until the carriages (well, cars and mini buses) are called again, and guests are taken home at the end of the afternoon. What have we missed out? Well, of course, a holiday is not the same without some good food! A three-course lunch is provided, with a traditional ‘tea’ later in the afternoon. We are fortunate in having a professional caterer to help with lunch and the volunteers provide delicious homemade puddings and cakes. No one goes home hungry! Our theme this year will be ‘Transport’ – so any photos of Tetbury Transport in bygone years would be really interesting. It does help to stir the memory banks and promotes good conversation about ‘The Old Days….’ Do you have any photos you could lend us for those couple of days, please?

Holiday @ Home 2015 The project is staffed by over fifty volunteers and the whole day is provided free to all our sixty guests. This is due to the generous sponsorship of a number of companies and organisations. As in recent years, Tetbury Feoffees have also given us generous funding - and we have been grateful for other donations as well. We really do appreciate all donations and support. We’re now putting together the invitees list for this August’s holiday. If you know of anyone in Tetbury that doesn’t manage to get out much, or who will not be taking a holiday this year and who you feel would enjoy a one day ‘holiday’ in the beautiful Cotswold town of Tetbury, please contact us soon as possible with their details. Holiday@Home can host thirty guests each day, but hope that we can accommodate all those who request places. Guest invitations will be finalised late in June. If you have the name of someone who you think would like to be invited, please contact Allan or Jenny Norwood (01666 – 504075, email aandj@mailcan.co.uk) who are compiling the list. For more information, or to supply photos, please contact: Brian and Sue Cook, 54, The Street, Didmarton, Glos. GL9 1DS or email bacwoodb@aol.com

23/01/2015 21:47





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Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

May 2015 | 39

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations.

We at Tetbury CC would like to thank the Lions for the donation given to us toward our new sight screens. Due to the success of the first team last season, it was imperative that we had sight screen structures in place in order for us to play in the GCCL Division Two this year – and the donation helped make this happen.

We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com 0680515

This funding helped us secure our position in this league and for that we’ll be eternally grateful. Yours sincerely, Alex Evans Tetbury Cricket Club





Dear Editor, May I say a big “thank you” to the Lions for the £400 funding given to help me attend the three week outward bound course in Penworth? The course was great fun, presented me with many challenges, allowed me the chance to meet and befriend people from different countries and certainly helped me with my personal confidence. Since completing it I’ve found full-time work and passed my driving test. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the course and I really C appreciate the Lion’s Club help. Thank you once again, Ryan Scotford










40 | May 2015


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

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MariaSPilipczukS 4STrullSFarmSBuildings,STrullSFarmS Tetbury,SGloucestershireS GL8S8SQS Tel:S01285S841541S email:Smariaemanacia@gmail.com

Telephone Maria for more information: 01285 841 541 0370615

The People’s Pod At the point of writing this article, Tetbury has just enjoyed the 2015 Tetbury Wacky Races, and they were great. Well done to all who organised them. For the third year The Pod entered a youth team too, Tetbury Youth “Eggplorers.” Yes we were the Cadburys cream egg look-a-like! That egg shape was a real challenge to Cliff and Tom Perks, our partners from Boxer Power and Equipment on the project. They spent many hours considering how to achieve that shape simply and economically, whilst keeping the kart safe for the young people. Didn’t they do well? Sam, Billy and Lewis, our young people in the team, helped design, build and decorate the kart through an eight-week project. Sam was our driver on the day, and he calmly rose to the challenge, not at all phased by the hill or that dreaded corner, “Druids.”

Mike our youth worker was dressed as Willy Wonka and the young people as Oompa Loompa’s, and together with the egg kart we won the wackiest entry this year, so well done to the youth team and Boxer for another inventive and winning entry. We’ve said good bye to our young person worker Chelsea, who has completed her six month role with us. Chelsea served us well, engaged in the role enthusiastically and successfully completed a level one Health and Safety at work course while she was here. Her family told us that Chelsea “grew in confidence and became more chatty” during her time with us – and we hope that continues! Thank you Chelsea for working with us, you did well. Chelsea’s replacement is Jung, who started her six month employment contract in May. We are positive that Jung will be an asset to us since we can already tell that she uses her initiative and has a good work ethic. Welcome to the team Jung!

Finally, a “wanted” plea! Is there someone in our Tetbury community who could come to the Pod and help us make a bird table? We would like to construct a wooden bird table that could be installed beside the Pod. We’re looking for someone who could help the young people come up with a design and then lead them in making it. This would only involve two of our young people, so please don’t be scared into believing you would need to become the teacher of a class of thirty! I’m sure there is an able craftsman in our community so if that’s you, please gives me a call. The Peoples Pod is open every Tuesday and Friday from 5.15-7.15pm on the Rec. For further information call Mandy 07968 591912 or email mandy.scott@me.com Mandy Scott, The People’s Pod

R&W DECORATORS Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios

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01666 840060


42 | May 2015


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


140208 Classic Windows



Page 1


Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 43

People For You

As we’ve just celebrated VE Day, let’s not forget that the older generation have some wonderful memories to share and a rich vein of history to tap into - what a sacrilege it would be if those memories were never to be shared! To be completely lost!

“People For You” provides regular companionship and friendship. Do you sometimes feel that you have no one to talk to you? Or do you sometimes feel you are missing the opportunity to share an experience with someone you can trust, someone who can visit you on a regular basis providing company, a listening ear, offering the hand of friendship?

So if you need friendship and support, or if you feel you have the empathy and commitment to be a volunteer, please do get in touch. We provide training, ongoing support and also an opportunity to forge 830709

If so, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you about People For You and the service it brings to the community. People For You operates in Tetbury and surrounding areas and provides a volunteer befriending service offering regular companionship to the isolated, housebound, vulnerable and older people in our community. We introduce a reliable local volunteer to visit you regularly in the comfort and privacy of your own home, providing a unique opportunity for the volunteer to let you know what is happening in your community. It’s a sad fact that with an ageing population, families scattered or no family at all, a lot of older people do not receive regular companionship and People For You tackles this very issue head-on.



new friendships. Remember – it only takes an hour a week to transform someone’s life. No-one needs to feel alone or unheard this service is here to support you! Please contact Sue Black (project coordinator) on 07810 630167 / 01452 528491 or email sue.peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk

Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1

HANSEN TREE CARE LTD For a professional and efficient service including felling, pruning and hedging contact Piers Hansen (B Eng Hons) on 01453 836207, 07770 745642, piers.hansen@btinternet.com

Fully insured and NPTC qualified 830709 0480615

Join us for the inaugural “Go Walkies” in aid of two great local charities.


When: 28th June 2015

Start time: 10.00 a.m.

Start at the Tetbury Goods Shed for a four and a half mile stroll, taking in part of the Monarch’s Way Walk and Long Newnton. Entry fee £15, but we hope your pooch can raise as much sponsorship as possible for doing what they love doing best – going walkies with you! For more information: www.cdch.org.uk or ring 01666 504 425 0240615

44 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Ten years ago on the 21st May 2005 two fresh-faced and naïve people... ...one of whom was 40 weeks pregnant, walked into The Ormond’s Head Hotel with their four-year-old son, to start a new life in Tetbury. Attracted by this beautiful town as we drove in for the first time over Bath Bridge, we thought the Ormond had potential and that Tetbury was a popular destination. We were excited, if apprehensive.

bouncers at the gate, as the bar was rammed with two hundred and fifty young people smoking, drinking and having a good time. This produced its share of problems(!) including shattered windows in Long Street – and also didn’t sit well with the needs of an accommodation business, so in April 2006, after one too many fights, we took the decision to close at 11.00 pm at the weekend.

We went from very busy to dead as a Dodo overnight – but it did give us time to begin refurbishment! Ten years on The Ormond At the time we held the only late license is a very different place 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian 22/2/08 22:48 Page 1 from the one we in Tetbury and on weekends needed bought, even though the refurbishment we

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The Ormond Said started all that time ago still isn’t finished and probably never will be. Much of the work needs doing again (yes we know the front needs painting, bear with us), but we remain a great pub for locals and a very comfortable hotel. We now have sixteen rooms - and guests always say how much they like the informal atmosphere. We always wanted a comfortable, chilled-out place where people could come in and feel welcomed, and we wanted gutsy, flavoursome food that keeps pace with modern tastes. We think we have that. None of this could be achieved without the contribution of many people, (far too many to list), but to give specific mention to some key people: Sylwia Rogan, our manager, has worked here since October 2007 and has made an incredible contribution with her unmatched commitment and energy. Paulina Pieprzyk and Mylene Valencia have been our loyal housekeepers since April 2009 and 2011 respectively – and quietly get on with a busy and demanding job. The rest of my thirteen full-time staff also deserve thanks, especially Ben at front of house and Mariusz, our head chef. He has always been a pleasure to work with and is the calmest chef I have ever encountered. Tom Panton, our main wine merchant for the entire last ten years, has been a loyal friend and has kindly donated some fizz for our anniversary celebrations. Julian Pearce, who has come to my rescue to solve plumbing issues and catastrophic leaks at all hours of the day and night, always takes my calls and is reliable and helpful, even coming out to fix a leak on Christmas day a few years ago. I am so grateful to him that I have even come to like his moaning! My father and my brother Gareth who have recently invested in the Ormond have been a great support to me. You will now see Gareth behind the bar on Mondays and Tuesdays, still putting up with me bossing him around. It’s been his lifetime’s work! And of course, I have to thank Iain, who has been on 90% of this journey with me, through all its ups and downs, near-misses, mini disasters and minor triumphs - and without whom I wouldn’t have been here and couldn’t have done it. Adrienne Bailey, The Ormond


Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

May 2015 | 45

Summer Show With sponsorship money now assured from both IHS in the Cirencester Road and McCarthy & Stone, we have set about confirming attractions for this year’s show on Sunday 9th August. As previously mentioned we have the everpopular land train and children’s go karts already secured, but we can now advise the main attraction for our youngsters is going to be the challenge of climbing Spider Mountain. This is an inflatable, a little over 20 feet tall, in which you have to climb up through layers of webbing before descending down the slide. You will certainly want to have more than one go!

The funfair rides have also been booked and will include some new attractions, in addition to the children’s favourite bouncy castle and other traditional rides. Fir Tree Falconry will also be present with a selection of owls and falcons that you will be allowed to hold under supervision - a wonderful photo opportunity. A regular and very popular feature of the show is the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums and they will again be leading The Parade from the Market Place to the recreation ground, where they will continue playing.


The Parade this year will also include some of the creations that featured in the memorable Tetbury Lions Wacky Races event in May, including the giant cream egg. The parade will arrive at the show at 1.00 pm when the marquee will be open, giving a chance for all to admire the wonderful selection of flowers, vegetables and other exhibits. If you wish your organisation or club to be part of this parade, do please get in touch on the number below. Now very much part of the Summer Show is the Adam Philby Skateboard Trophy competition, which this year brings the World Jungle to the event, providing a range of children’s activities. The competition will as usual be organised by the Cirencester based Decimal skate shop.


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46 | May 2015

We are now looking to book all the craft stallholders so if you have a creative talent and wish to promote yourself, or sell home made goods on the day, then call Ken on 01666 504189 and he will provide all necessary details. A newcomer to the show will be a young lady selling candy floss from a prettily decorated handcart. And now, a final reminder that schedules will be available from Monday 1st June and can be obtained either by downloading from our web page www. tetburysummershow.co.uk or free of charge from Tetbury Hardware in London Road. We must also remind you that, courtesy of the Dolphins Hall Committee and of course favourable weather conditions, there will be extensive visitor parking on the recreation ground, with vehicle access only via the Chavenage Lane gate. Summer Show Committee

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

ashcroft veterinary surgery New Tetbury Branch Opening June

Long established, friendly, family run business. Free parking, open all day plus Saturday mornings. Fully equipped modern surgery. Save 10% with our pet care plan. Pet Food and sundries.

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Tetbury Library “What in the world would we do without our libraries?” – Katherine Hepburn. Exciting times for Tetbury Library, as we embark on establishing the first Tetbury Library Chess Club! Thanks to the very kind and generous donation of £200 from the Tetbury Lions, we have been able to buy some beautiful wooden chess boards and sets and even a chess clock!

first-come first-served basis, week by week. For beginners, learning sheets can also be provided. Spread the word. In other news, the Library will soon be gearing up for this year’s exciting Summer Reading Challenge based on the theme of “Record Breakers”- so let’s see if we can encourage even more children to take part this year and break our own record! Remember, Tetbury Library also offers a wide range of services including free computer tuition with our resident

Details are being finalised, but at least one weekly chess club will be established every Friday afternoon, between 4.00 and 5.00 pm, with the possibility of a second chess club taking place every Saturday morning between 11.00 am and 12.00.

Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie Tetbury Library

Genial Jobber Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?

The chess club will be completely free and inclusive and will be open to all ages and abilities from five to one-hundredand-five-year-olds, from Grand Masters, to those dusting off their skills, learning as they go or complete novices who have never played before.

Friendly, reliable service, Established June 2005

Including: • • • • • •

We are hoping to get the Chess Club up and running in the next few weeks...so watch this space! Details of exact starting times will be made available as soon as possible, but there will be a limited number of spaces (10 boards = 20 people playing), so it will be run on a

computer whizz, Bob, a wide choice of the latest fiction and non-fiction titles to suit all tastes, an extensive range of DVD’s including the latest blockbusters, audio books, free use of the People’s Network computers (soon to be updated), agerelated and disabled bus passes, Baby “Bounce & Rhyme” - and very cheap photocopying and printing facilities (only 10p per black and white sheet) - plus a host of other services. So do please pop in!

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48 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Tetbury Police Museum putting them in her apron. Mrs Bubb, who seems to have actually been quite assertive for a “weak woman”, tried to take them back, grabbing some of the wheat ears that were hanging out from Mrs Essex’s apron. In response, the angry farmer’s wife struck Mrs Bubb with the back of her hand, knocking her to the ground. “Murder!” cried Mrs Bubb, calling to Mrs Phillips for help. The latter woman tried to lift her friend up, but couldn’t – Mrs Bubb was in too much pain to move. Dr Lowe was called to the scene, and found Mrs Bubb “in agony” with the neck of her thigh-bone broken. Dr Lowe later dramatically told the court that Mrs Bubb “would be a cripple for life” and that he had never known anyone to “recover the use of their limbs, after such an accident.” The defence tried to assert that she had broken her thigh-bone as a result of slipping on the ruts in the ground she was standing on, and that it could have happened regardless of whether her employer’s wife had hit her or not. The prosecution reminded everyone that Mrs Bubb had been the victim of violence. The jury ordered that £60 damages should be paid to the Bubbs.

When this was compiled, we were planning a visit on 20th May... ...by three classes in the year 5 and 6 groups from St Mary’s Primary in Tetbury, as next term they will be doing a topic on Crime and Punishment. We trust good fun will have been had by all. We are also planning a visit by the local Brownies pack. Anyone wanting to visit us can do so on weekdays between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm, or at other times by appointment. Admission is free. Email curator@tetbury.gov.uk Now for some more from our popular Cold Case Files:

Crippled by Farmer’s Wife In 1832 two residents of Avening (Mr Bubb and Mr Essex) were embroiled in a legal wrangle. Mr Bubb was described as “a poor labouring man” seeking compensation after his wife’s thigh bone was broken by Mr Essex – a man whom the London Morning Post, completely impartially, called “an opulent farmer” not once but twice, in the same report. Mr Essex employed Mr and Mrs Bubb as agricultural labourers. Mary Phillips, a friend of the Bubbs, gave evidence to the court saying that Mrs Bubb was over 50, a “little weak woman” who used to be a laundress.

On 17 August 1831, Mrs Bubb, together with some other women, including Mary Phillips, went to glean* in Mr Essex’s field. Whilst standing by a stile, Mrs Essex came up, and Mrs Phillips asked her if the field was likely to be reaped that day. Mrs Essex said it wouldn’t. In the meantime, Mrs Bubb went to join her husband in the field. Mrs Essex saw Mrs Bubb’s gleanings and grabbed them. Mrs Bubb asked for them back. Mrs Essex refused, saying they were hers, and she was keeping them, whilst

The two families would have to have continued to show a semblance of getting on – Avening was a small place - and indeed 17 years later the Bubbs were living next door to the Essexes in the village where the former family worked as labourers and shepherds, and the Essex family still farmed. *Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers’ fields. Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom; original source: The Cotswold History Blog http://www.cotswoldhistory.com John Silvester, Hon Curator Tetbury Police Museum

HAVING FUN MAKING THINGS Children’s craft workshop on the morning of 27th June in Cherington Village Hall 10.30 to 12.30 am Some of the Great Work!!

Come along and make some items to be entered into the Cherington Show on the 26th July.

Age groups between 5 to 11 years - All materials will be provided. There will be a very small cost to cover refreshments and materials of £3.00 We know how creative and imaginative our children are, and we want them to show off all their talents, so do come. You need to book for one of these limited spaces.


Please contact either Kate Gegg at kategegg@hotmail.co.uk or Christine Williams on 01285 841 337

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 49

Sir William Romney’s School Finn Gazzard, a Year-10 student at Sir William Romney’s School in Tetbury, gets a kick out of Taekwon-Do... ...and so do his bruised opponents! Fifteen-year-old Finn, the reigning British champion in his age group category (14 – 17 years), recently fought his way to a gold medal at the Battle of the Bridge Welsh junior championships in Gwent. That medal is now proudly displayed at his home, alongside the three British youth championship gold medals he has captured in the past two years.

Finn, a red belt, trains at Nailsworth’s MysticEagle Taekwon-Do Club and competes in the under-17 (70kg+) division, where he usually faces opponents who are older and heavier. He only took up the sport just over two years ago after watching a Karate Kid movie, but has now set his sights on reaching black belt status in the next 12 months. Taekwon-Do originated in Korea and is one of the oldest forms of martial arts, reaching back over 2,000 years. It involves kicks, punches, blocks and dodges with bare hands and feet but, as Finn explains, there’s more to this ancient art than battering an opponent. “I used to have a short fuse, but Taekwon-Do has taught me self-control.” He says. “It brings inner peace and has certainly helped me improve my selfesteem and mental strength.”

If you thought the name Joe McGahan rang a bell, you’d be right! Joe, a Year-7 pupil at Sir William Romney’s School, is learning bell ringing at St Mary’s Church - and each Friday you can hear the glorious sounds of his efforts echoing over Tetbury. Joe first took an interest in bell ringing at his brother Bobby’s baptism last November and began learning to ring at St Mary’s just after Christmas. He’s now mastered putting the hand stroke and back stroke together, as well as learning to ring in rounds and changes -but there’s a lot more to bell ringing than pulling a rope. Controlling a bell for full circle ringing requires considerable skill and change ringing is an activity that can provide endless fascination. Joe is really enjoying his new-found hobby and looking forward to ringing at church services and weddings in the not too distant future. “It’s fun, but it’s also hard work,” he says. “Sometimes the rope can pull me off my feet!” Sir William Romney’s School


50 | May 2015

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May 2015 | 51

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52 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Raising our profile Readers may have seen a few posters advertising the Choir, since we’re having a bit of a publicity drive, and have already attracted some new members. But more

are always welcome! We are a mixed gender choir, and we are hoping there are some ladies and gentlemen out there who want to do more than just sing in the bath! We now have a Facebook page under “Tetbury Community Choir” which is still a

We can now offer a

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Tetbury Community Choir work in progress, but which will soon be filled with pictures and updates. We are working on some great material, really diverse - lowbrow to highbrow - from songs from the shows, via pop songs like Abba, to some of the Messiah choruses. There is always something for everyone and it’s really all about the sense of achievement, community and fun to be had from singing together. We are amateurs but we make a lovely noise and we absolutely enjoy it. We sometimes sing at local events, and have occasional concerts, and we are hosting a choir from Zwingenberg in Germany in October.


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up to a rehearsal. We rehearse on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, please contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas. st78@gmail.com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali. co.uk. We look forward to seeing you! Margaret Foster, Tetbury Community Choir

Why do people value The Priory? “The staff are friendly, kind and caring and have done a huge amount to help [Mum] feel settled and comfortable. There is a happy atmosphere and lots of smiles as well as empathy. The food is excellent and relatives are encouraged to join in with meals.” - Daughter of a resident

Whether you’re looking for day-care, short-term respite care, or a longer term move to a residential home, The Priory in Tetbury offers a lovely ‘home from home’ environment. With attractive, landscaped grounds, lots of activities to take part in and tasty, fresh meals on the menu, why not arrange a visit to experience The Priory for yourself? For more information, contact us on: 01666 502 332 | enquiries.thepriory@somersetcare.co.uk 1190415

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May 2015 | 53

Tetbury in Bloom Gorgeous Gardens.

the Women’s’ Institute – a big thank you to them for their generous support. There will be a raffle for Stephen Hirst’s famous cakes, a plant stall and second hand tool sale,

including a “Hayter” electric mower. We look forward to seeing you. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom

In June, with summer upon us, gardens will be bursting into life. This is the ideal time to visit others’ gardens for inspiration and a delightfully English afternoon out. This year Tetbury Open Gardens Day is on Sunday 28th June and an impressive eleven beautiful gardens will be open to the public, many of which have never been open for viewing before.

New for 2015: Sue and Stephen Hirst, 8 Springfields, GL8 8EN Jeremy and Sue Townsend, 68 Cirencester Road, GL8 8EQ Lance and Pat Vick, Cricketer’s Rest, 14 Northfield Rd, GL8 8HB Rachel and Chris Moody, 10 Courtfield, GL8 8LF Chris and Debbie Tetley, 2 The Old Rope Walk GL8 8XQ Ian and Teresa Cunningham, Woolsack Cottage, West Street GL8 8DR Alistair and Jo Blant, 52 West Street GL8 8DR Paul and Helen Downey, The Piece, Cutwell GL8 8EB

Last chance to see: James Hudson and Lorraine Scrivens, 19 Northlands Way GL8 8YT Tony and Elizabeth Sykes, Rockside House, Newnton Road GL8 8XA Alan and Julie Simcock, 5 The Old Rope Walk, GL8 8XQ A very big thank you to all the gardeners. Details of where to obtain your ‘passport’ allowing you entry to all the Open Gardens, can be found in our adjacent advert or visit our website: www.tetburyinbloom.org.uk Refreshments will be served at 5 The Old Rope Walk again this year by members of

Tetbury in Bloom

Open Gardens Day Sunday 28th June 2.00pm — 6.00pm A chance to visit 11 beautiful gardens Maps & ‘passports’ to all gardens available on the day from the start point in Church Street near to Market Hall or from any of the open gardens. £5 per person (children under 16 free) Cafe, raffle, plant and old tool sale at The Old Rope Walk More details available at

tetburyinbloom.org.uk 1120615

54 | May 2015

NOTICE OF THREE CASUAL VACANCIES One vacancy in Tetbury East, one in Tetbury Town and one in Tetbury West wards. Any person willing to fill these vacancies should apply to the Town Clerk in writing on or before Wednesday 10th June 2015. The applicants must either: • Be registered as a local government elector for the area of the town • Have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Town or within 4.8km of it • Have worked in Tetbury (principle or only place of work) for the past 12 months In addition the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor. PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2019. However for the interim period election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors of Tetbury Town Council. Applicants will be voted on at the 15th June 2015 Full Council Meeting. Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council Clerk@tetbury.gov.uk Tel: 01666 504670 Office Hours 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday Website: Tetbury.gov.uk 1160615

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Printing the Tetbury Advertiser for over 30 Years






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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 55 Units C1 - C5 Phoenix Trading Estate, London Road, Stroud, Glos GL5 2BX

Tetbury Theatre Group

our June visit to the Cheltenham Everyman theatre to enjoy some Gilbert and Sullivan. Following our AGM in February a questionnaire was circulated to all members and the response supports the selection of shows that the committee pick, bearing in mind the widely differing tastes of our membership.

The group continues to attend a wide range of theatre productions on a monthly basis. On Saturday May the 16th we are visiting the Salisbury Playhouse, to see “The Little Shop of Horrors”. As the deadline for copy in this issue of the Advertiser is May the 14th our review of that play will appear in the July issue - together with the review of

We are still anxious to enrol new members and reiterate that we are not an Amateur Dramatic group and our only objective is to attend interesting and enjoyable theatre shows with wide appeal. Most of

the performances are matinees and cover attractive venues including Salisbury, Bath, Malvern, Newbury Cheltenham and others - with travel included to and from Tetbury, and time for lunch and some shopping as well as the theatre performance, included. If you are interested in joining our friendly and varied group of theatre goers please give a call to Lin Tanswell to find out more (01666 505029 ) or contact any of the committee members. Ray Sheppard Tetbury Theatre Group

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56 | May 2015


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Tetbury and District Footpath Group


Walks for June:

! !

The walking season for the group has started well with good weather, although windy at times. All walks are on Tuesdays. Visitors are welcome to join the group for any of the walks and see and enjoy the countryside around Tetbury.

By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the Tetbury station yard free long stay car park. Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be very muddy.

Walks Program:


02.06.15, 10.00 am, cars needed, Circular walk around Slad Valley, including part of Laurie Lee’s Wildlife Way. Optional lunch at Woolpack in Slad. 6m, 9.5k, Level: B/C, Leader: Kevin (505357)


! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09.06.15, 2.00 pm, cars needed, Malmesbury River walk circular, 4m, 6.5k, Level: A, Leader: Audrey (504368)

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16.06.15, 2.00 pm, Elmstree, Westonbirt, Doughton, 5.5m, 9k, Level: A, Leader: John (504430) 23.06.15, 10.00 am, cars needed, Edgeworth circular, 5m, 8k, Level: B, Leader: Sallie (503712) 30.06.15, 6.00 pm, Summer Evening walk through Doughton, Barber Lane, Wormwell Lane, Starveal Lane & Return, 5m, 8k, Level: A/B, Leader: Anne (502326). Note; Evening Start Time Levels: A =Paul easy to D = hilly 410713 Dyer:Layout 1



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May 2015 | 57


Patient Participation Group Good news! At the AGM of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) we were informed by the Practice that their bid for funding for new premises for Romney House Surgery had been successful and that the four year planning process for this would now begin with exploratory talks with interested parties. Good news indeed! There are many hurdles to go through but hopefully in the foreseeable future Tetbury will have a new purpose-built surgery with sufficient parking. In the meantime additional patients from our expanding town will be well looked after at the Romney House Surgery by our existing team of doctors - with possibly extra doctor hours and/or a nurse practitioner. Also, there are ongoing talks taking place between groups of GP surgeries to see how they can work together to improve the services and the opening hours offered to patients. The group of practices that Tetbury will be working with is the South Cotswolds group, which also comprises Cirencester, Fairford, Lechlade, and Rendcombe. It has to be said that this is not a very natural grouping; however, we are sure that our doctors and practice staff will work tirelessly to do whatever it takes to make sure that patients are well cared and catered for.

NHS England reports that the NHS has improved dramatically in the last 15 years .Cancers and cardiac outcomes are better, waits are shorter and patient satisfaction is higher. However, the quality of care can be variable, preventable illness is widespread and health inequalities are deep-rooted. Patient needs are changing and new treatments emerging. There are many challenges for the health service - mental health, cancer and support for frail elderly patients being some of them - as well as obesity, alcohol and smoking. Nationally there are ideas as to how these challenges can be addressed, including encouraging GP’s to stay in general practice beyond their normal retirement age. According to an NHS England’s GP Survey – remember the PPG did not undertake one

this year- 78% of our patients get to see or speak to their preferred doctor and 89% of patients find it easy to get through to the surgery by phone. The surgery would like to improve the time patients spend waiting to be seen for their appointment, the explanation of test results and the number of patients who would recommend the practice to others. Your PPG would like to add to that list the length of time it takes to get a nonurgent appointment, which is often reported to us as now being five weeks. At the next committee meeting of the PPG a new chairman will be appointed, to whom I offer my support and best wishes. It has been a privilege to be the chairman and I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. Alison Hesketh, For the PPG

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58 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Leighterton School Since returning from the Easter break, life here at Leighterton has been as busy as ever! Our film club concluded with a star studded Oscars-style party, and ‘Junk drumming’ commenced – filling the hall with rhythm and beat each Friday after school. The second week of term saw us focus on a theme as a whole school: Leighterton’s heritage has strong links with the Anzacs, stationed here in WWI. The Anzacs became well known locally for their daredevil flying. They left the Stations on 11th May 1919 after which Leighterton reverted to farmland. Training was always a risky business, and 24 Anzacs are buried in the small cemetery at Leighterton, a testament to the perils of early flight. Every class researched and responded to their findings. Members of 501 squadron visited, along with representatives from the Royal British Legion, as part of our Anzac week. Children wrote letters and created stunning artwork in response to their project. The week culminated in Leighterton pupils playing a part in the annual service on April the 26th - laying rosemary for remembrance on the war graves during the roll call (for ANZAC’s rosemary is synonymous with remembrance and commemoration), reading letters to the airmen who gave their lives, singing a remembrance song whilst the VIP’s drank their tea - and creating a pebble poppy in the school grounds, with a black pebble representing each of the 25 names of the men who gave their lives. The feedback we have received as a school form families and dignitaries alike has been stunning, and we were extremely proud to

play a part in this commemoration. It also proved a great introduction to Class 4’s topic for this term which is ‘Australia’. Continuing in the international theme, some of our Y5 pupils are lucky enough to be joining pupils from Thrupp Primary School on a week-long ‘Chinese immersion’ residential course in the summer holidays, and Mrs Mylechreest from Thrupp School has met with them to outline the opportunities and activities: exciting stuff! Class 3 enjoyed a trip to Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford, kick starting this term’s topic of ‘Rocking Rocks and Fabulous Fossils’ - and they have also made some fabulous discoveries of their own on Leighterton Tump! Two Year 4 pupils were excellent ambassadors for the school as winners in the county ‘K’nex Challenge’ championships held at Millbrook Academy at the end of April, showing off their design technology skills and thoroughly enjoying the experience. All Classes – and our popular After School Club - have been busy planning and planting their raised beds, everything from wild flowers to potatoes and peas! Linking to this theme, each Class are visiting Tesco in Tetbury to find out more about where our food comes from int eh ‘Farm to Fork’ sessions being offered by the store. Summer sports are well under way, and we have welcomed Mr Charlie Yondell-Jones as our latest sports coach for the summer terms – every child is benefitting from his athletics input and building on their skills in this area. Teams and classes have already been out and about representing the school in a variety of sports, with many more such events in planning for the week ahead. And at last…the sun is shining! Jane Attwood, Head Teacher

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60 | May 2015

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Tetbury Dial-A-Ride


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250208 JS Painters & Decorators

CIRENCESTER 01285 841473 SWINDON 01793 469176



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...the Dial-a-Ride service is a friendly way to get those jobs done or just visit somewhere else for a cup of coffee!


The Tetbury office is now open Monday to Friday , 9-1pm with help from volunteers.

Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......

Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates

If volunteering is on your mind, we welcome offers of help, driving or helping. Either with the vehicles or in the office. Cirencester office are looking for car drivers for the Volunteer Hospital Car Service taking passengers to appointments in your own car. There is a mileage allowance for each journey.

Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406

The Village Agent, Aileen continues with her fortnightly visits. Come in to see her if you would like more information.

Painter and Decorator





Servicing • Repairs • Diagnostics

01666 505010 19/2/10


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E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ

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Delivery Service Available

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Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments). WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury (including appointments).


THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9am. Nailsworth & Avening with, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 9am 25th June. THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 7th June. Cirencester, 14th June. Waitrose, 21st June. Library Club, 28th June


720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1

Whether it’s a regular shopping trip, an occasional trip away from Tetbury or an appointment at the surgery or hospital...

Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon - Thurs, 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.

Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512


May 2015 | 61

Longfield Solstice Walk Families will step out in memory of loved ones while supporting Longfield with the Solstice Walk - walkers can enjoy a 5km or 10km circular route around Minchinhampton Common on June the 19th and money raised from the event will help Longfield, (formerly known as the Cotswold Care Hospice), provide free specialist care to people in Gloucestershire. Every year Longfield, based in Minchinhampton, supports more than 900 people in Gloucestershire who have a life-limiting illness. Kelsey Bliss’ family will be taking part to say thank you for the support they and Kelsey received from the hospice charity. Kelsey, from Stroud, who had cystic fibrosis, attended day therapy, and “She described it as a space where she could be herself, where she could say what she thought and no one felt sorry for her,” said her mother Teresa Dougherty. “It was an amazing place where she could relax, discuss her fears and make new friends.”

Kelsey was 23 when she died in July last year following a lung transplant. Longfield has gone on to help her family cope with her death. The walk starts and finishes at Longfield in Burleigh Lane where there will be music,

MHM FABRICATIONS Fabricator/Welder Required

a band, children’s entertainment and a special memory arch. “We are committed to supporting more people than ever before, but we can’t do it without the generous support of our community,” said Andrew Fletcher, Longfield’s new chief executive. “It will be a wonderful way to mark the longest day of the year, enjoy the stunning views of the Stroud Valleys and remember loved ones.” For details please contact the hospice on 01453 886868, email events@longfield.org. uk. To register online go to www.longfield. org.uk/event/solstice-2015

For Tetbury-based Structural Engineering Company


Please contact Mick Monks if interested

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Window Cleaning

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Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...


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62 | May 2015

Please contact Tina T: 01666 505661 M: 07856 677633 E: lotinga@btinternet.com 1360415

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

B&A Decorating

Est 2002

Complete painting and decorating service

As a resident of Tetbury you may think “What does Tourism have to do with me?”

All aspects of painting • Interior • Exterior • Staining • Free Estimates Mobile 07876 828246

Tetbury Tourist Information Centre

Email b.a.decorating@gmail.com 0061114

Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.

Well, it has been proven that a thriving visitor economy such as that of Tetbury and the Cotswolds means it is a good place to both live and work. The supply chain for tourism is greater than we think! Hairdressers may think tourism doesn’t relate to their business, for instance, but of course it does, since hoteliers, waitresses, and landladies all need to get their hair done. The same is true for service trades like plumbers and electricians, since hotels, shops and so on all need to keep up with running repairs. So a good tourist hotspot means a thriving community. At the Tetbury Information Centre we welcome over 15,000 visitors to Tetbury each year and are delighted to hear comments like “What a lovely town” and “What friendly people”. Many visitors come for a one-off event such as a wedding but return to stay for longer, as they were so enchanted by Tetbury and the area. So all we can say is keep up the good work and we’ll see you in September after what we hope will be a busy and productive summer! Tetbury Tourist Information Centre

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May 2015 | 63


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