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March Madness – Special Offers FROM Tetbury Hardware • James Wellbeloved Adult 18kg Packed for less than 15kg £49.00 Duck or Lamb • Crown Matt Emulsion 7.5lts Magnolia or White only £19.99 • Minky Ironing Board only £19.99 or Concertina Airer only £19.99 (While stocks last) Pet Products: If our Wholesaler stocks your product ask us for a price - lets see if we can help you all our local Dog and Cat owners .
Digital Photography: Our new machine is now able to print more sizes; bring in your memory cards and let us help you.
Garden Products: 2015 Mr Fothergill Seeds now in stock February Special 10% discount on seeds (Min purchase 3 packets). Full range of all other Garden Items stocked throughout the winter. Onion Sets and Shallots available.
Spring Cleaning, General DIY: We may have just the items you need to do the job so try before you travel. Ask us for any special requirements we might be more competitive than you think!!
Winter Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels. Please let us have any special needs you might have and we will try to oblige. Delivery available.
Do not forget we also supply Key Cutting Service, Shoe Repairs as well as a wide range of household items you never knew you needed.
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30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) 1200315
March 2015
4,200 Circulation
Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974
01666 502496 car care tetbury 01666 502496 care tetbury 01666 502496 car care tetbury 01666 502496 car care tetbury 01666 502496 car care tetbury 502496 carcare tetbury 01666 503828 503828 503828 503828 503828 Tetbury’sPremier PremierIndependent Independent Garage Garage Tetbury’s Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage Tetbury’s Premier Independent Garage
Established in in1974, 1974,we weare areTetbury's Tetbury'spremier premierindependent independent Established Established in 1974, we Tetbury's are Tetbury's premier independent Established in 1974, we are premier independent Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of independent Established 1974, we are premier garage offering a dedicated experienced team of garage offering aand dedicated and experienced garage offering aindedicated andTetbury's experienced teamteam of of garageWe offering avoted dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We were Garage theYear Year garage offering aIndependent dedicated and experienced of Year mechanics. were voted Independent Garage ofofthe mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage of Year the mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofteam the mechanics. Weboth were voted Independent Garage of of the Year 2012 by by2012 both Motor Trader andthe the Motor Industry Code ofof mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage the 2012 both Motor Trader and Motor Code 2012 by Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of by both Motor Trader and theIndustry Motor Industry Code of Year 2012 by both TraderTrader and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. 2012 byMotor both Motor and the Motor Industry Code of Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. We specialise inspecialise BMW,inMini, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,SEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and We specialise BMW, VAG (Audi, and Wein in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) We specialise BMW, Mini, VAGVW, (Audi, VW,Skoda) SEAT, Skoda) and and We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a We specialise inhave BMW, VAGcars (Audi, VW, Land Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available oravailable offer a SEAT, Rover. We 8 Mini, courtesy or offer a and LandLand Rover. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer aSkoda) Land Rover. We have courtesy cars available or offer collection service. Land Rover. We8have 8 courtesy cars available oraoffer a collection service. collection service. collection service. Follow @carcaretetbury usus @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury Established in 1974, weservice. are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering aFollow dedicated and experienced team of mechanics. We collection service. collection Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury were Independent Garage of the Year 2012 both Trader Care Tetbury customer satisfaction ourtop top priority At Carvoted Care Tetbury customer satisfaction isisour priority sosopriority At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is ourMotor top At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction isby our top priority so soand the Motor Industry Code of Practice. We specialise in Car Care Tetbury satisfaction iswebsite. ourwebsite. top priority so so do give us aCare call today visit our website. At Car Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority pleaseAt do give us agive call today visit our website. please do give us aoror call today or visit our please do us acustomer call today or visit ourRover BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda), Land and Mercedes. We have 8 courtesy cars available or offer a collection service. pleaseplease do givedousgive a call or visitorour website. ustoday a call today visit our website.
At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a call today or visit our website.
As anAs independent Mini, VAG (Audi, Established inare 1974, we arewe Tetbury's AtTetbury CarAt Care Tetbury wedealer offer dealer level level As an independent BMW, Mini,BMW, VAGBMW, (Audi,Mini, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's we offer full level an independent VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, are Tetbury's At Car Care Car Care Tetbury wefull offer full dealer Asan anindependent independent BMW, Mini, (Audi, Established in are 1974, we are Tetbury’s At Car Care Tetbury we off er full dealer level As BMW, Mini, VAGVAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As VW, an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in garage 1974, we are Tetbury's Atservicing, Car Care Tetbury we and offer full dealer Asand an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer fulllevel dealer level SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) Land Rover specialist premier independent offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW,SEAT, SEAT,Skoda) Skoda)and and Land Rover specialist independent garage servicing,and diagnostics and repairs VW, Land Rover specialist premierpremier independent garage offering a offering a servicing, diagnostics repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a of agenuineservicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering servicing, diagnostics and repairs using we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team genuine Land Rover parts. Our full service we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover parts. Our full service weinvest investininstate state of art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of genuine LandOur Rover parts. Our full service we ofstate thethe artthe dealer-level dedicated and experienced teamteam of of genuine Land Rover parts. full service wediagnostic invest ininvest art and experienced Land Rover parts. Our fullOur service we in state ofdealer-level the art dedicated and genuine Land Rover parts. full labour, service mechanics. offer aexperienced range ofteam services equipment to provide you with awith full includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT We offer a full range ofof services diagnostic equipment to provide you a dedicated includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT VAT mechanics. aWe full range ofa services diagnostic equipment to of provide you with adealer-level We mechanics. offer includesgenuine all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT diagnostic equipment to provide you with a mechanics. We off er full range of services includes all Land Rover parts, mechanics. We offer aoffer full arange of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with awith a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VATVAT mechanics. We range of services diagnostic equipment to with provide you includes all brake Land Rover parts, labour, mechanics. We offer a full of services diagnostic tofree provide a makes range includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT service for of all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8with free8you and uidWe change. We provide service all makes offull cars, four wheel drives and full range ofequipment service options freewith and uid change. We provide service for all cars, four wheel drives and full of service options with 8 free and brake uidbrake change. provide service fullrange range of service options 8 for allfor makes of cars, four wheel drives and and brake fluid change. We provide for all for makes of cars, four wheel drivesdrives and full range of service optionsoptions with 8 with free 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service all makes ofmakes cars,vehicles. four wheel full range ofcollection. service and brake change. Wekeep provide service forvehicles. allcommercial ofvehicles. cars, four wheeland drives and full range of service options with 8 free light commercial and brake uid change. We provide service light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep warranty intact. light vehicles. cars or collection. stamps to your keep your warranty intact. orcourtesy collection. courtesy cars book stamps tobook keepuid your warranty intact. courtesy cars or light commercial book stamps to your warranty intac light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars or cars collection. bookbook stamps to keep youryour warranty intact. light commercial vehicles.vehicles. courtesy or collection. stamps to keep warranty intact. intact. light commercial courtesy cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty
Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT MOT on4all Class cars4and full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to testing MOT testing on all 4Class carslight andvans light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics,Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling towear, ontesting all Class cars and light vans We provideWe fullprovide dealer level diagnostics, and repairs using Autologic ™ the left right, an wear, uncentred steering with awith free re-test included ifAll needed. All Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on allre-test Class 4included cars and light vans We provide full dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and We provide full dealer diagnostics, service and repairs using Autologic ™ the the left or right, an uncentred steering a free if needed. All vans Experiencing uneven tyre pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans We full dealer level diagnostics, service andservice repairs using Autologic ™ level leftExperiencing or right, anoruncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. We provide provide full dealer level diagnostics, uneven tyre wear, pulling to MOT testing on all Class 4 cars light and light equipment which offers the wheel orright, poor handling? If so, us to us and adjustments included free and repairs using Autologic ™full of the left or an uncentred steering with a free re-test included iffree needed. All offree service and repairs using Autologic the left right, an uncentred steering with aand free re-test included if needed. equipment which offers the level™of wheel wheel oror poor handling? Ifto so, contact towith bulbs areofincluded of serviceservice and repairs using Autologic ™level service and repairs using Autologic ™offull the left or right, an uncentred steering abulbs free re-test included if are needed. All equipment which offers the full level or poor handling? Ifan so, contact uscontact bulbs and adjustments areadjustments included the left or right, uncentred steering vans with a free re-test included ifAllneeded. functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! excluded) equipment which off ers the full level offull equipment which offers the full ofdealers. wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to us adjustments areexcluded) included free equipment which offers the level ofbook wheel orhandling? poor handling? so, us bulbs and adjustments are included free of functionality available to main book our four wheel alignment service. charge! (headlamp functionality available to main dealers. our wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) equipment which offers the full level oflevel wheel orfour poor handling? If so, contact tocontact and and adjustments are included free ofareofincluded wheel or poor Iflaser so,Ifus contact totobulbsbulbs All(headlamp bulbs and adjustments functionality available toat main dealers. Servicing car Car will will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) functionality available toTetbury mainTetbury dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) excluded) Servicing your car atCare Car Care Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car atyour CartoCare Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles book our four wheel laser alignment service. free of excluded) charge! (headlamp functionality available main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp Servicing your caraffect atcarCar Care Tetbury will not affect manufacturers warranty andwill handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles not manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyreyour wear and alignment willl transform vehicles not affect manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and Servicing your car atyour Car Care Tetbury will LaserLaser alignment willl transform your vehicles
not affnot ectwill your manufacturers warranty and save you money. fuel efficiency. handling characteristics, wear andand not affect your manufacturers and affect your manufacturers warranty and fuel handling characteristics, wear handling characteristics, tyretyre wear and will save you money. fuel efficiency. will money. efficiency. not save affectyou your manufacturers warranty and warranty handling characteristics, tyre wear andtyre will save you money. fuel effi ciency. will you money. fuel efficiency. will save yousave money. fuel efficiency. will save you money. fuel efficiency.
www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk www.carcaretetbury.co.uk Units 1-3,1-3, Priory Industrial London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8GL8 8HZ8HZ Units Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate,Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ 8HZ
The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com
Rates Media pack available from www.tetburylions.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Back cover half page £95 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.40
Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the April Issue is
Thursday 12th March 2015 Delivery date - 28th /29th March Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
What’s on 2nd March Tetbury Library ‘Book in a Bag’ promotion 3rd March Tetbury Library World Book Day 3.45 pm Story Time - all welcome 6th March Cotswold Voluntary Warden’s Walk 11.00 am from Chavenage Green 8th March Recreation Ground Litter Pick 10.00 am start at the Rugby Club 10th March Cotswold Voluntary Warden’s Walk 10.00 am starting with coffee at the Village Shop Horsley 11th March Roy Baker Memorial Lecture 2.15 pm in the Orchard Room, Highgrove Tickets: Gill Ashley on 01666-840993. 13th March St Mary’s Playgroup 11.00 am Coffee Morning 13th March K B Hancock Memorial Service 2.00 pm in St Mary’s Church, Tetbury 19th March Sherlock Holmes at the Dolphin’s Hall 7.30 pm - tickets from the Council office 21st March Cotswold Voluntary Warden’s Walk 10.00 am from the Hunter’s Hall, Kingscote 23rd March 100 years of the WI Celebration 9.00 am Baton Pass at the Market House 26th March Neighbourhood Planning 7.30 pm in the Council Offices; an open meeting 30th March NCT Easter Party 2.00 – 4.00 pm at the Dolphins Hall The Neighbourhood Group coffee mornings 10.00 am - 1.00pm St Mary’s Road Day Centre, Tuesdays. 07776 342440 Pod Sessions Tuesdays and Fridays 5.15 to 7.15pm, years 7-12 very welcome
Contents Lions Den Avening Primary School Cobalt Health Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Diary - March Dolphins Dramatic Society Dolphins Recreation Centre Financial Advice Girlguiding History of Tetbury Society It’s a Dog’s Life Leighterton Primary School Letters to the Editor Mayor’s Report Moravian Church Appeal NCT News from St Mary’s People’s Pod Priory Inn Blog Probus One Puddle Ducks Nursery Sir William Romney’s School St Mary’s Playgroup St Mary’s Primary School Tetbury Advertiser Tetbury Art Society Tetbury Camera Club Tetbury Classic Car Show Tetbury Community Choir Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Tetbury Hospital Charitable Trust Tetbury in Bloom Tetbury Ladies Luncheon Club Tetbury Library Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Tetbury Police Museum Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust Tetbury Theatre Group Tetbury Town Council Newsletter Tetbury Town Football Club Tetbury Wacky Races Tetbury WI Tetbury’s Unsung Hero The Feoffees and the Thirteen The Messiah Woolsack Bunting Appeal Woolsack Day Young by Name
5 30 36 6 3 16 10 9 20 38 14 35 11 13 15 49 30 44 19 26 25 32 18 27 51 16 40 34 52 56 39 4 27 28 23 46 22 23 58 24 8 42 19 42 54 48 48 12
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
Tetbury in Bloom “Tetbury Style” An important part of Tetbury in Bloom planting scheme is the “Tetbury style”. It comprises:
A fresh mix of perennials and shrubs, complemented by spring bulbs and summer bedding to give that added splash of colour and “wow” factor.
We garden sustainably, creating longlasting floral displays.
interspersed with orange geum, red penstemon, hardy fuchsias, and yellow leafed grasses. From early February, springflowering crocus, with their elegant gobletshaped blooms in yellows, purple and white, herald the arrival of spring.
Prior to 2005, the London Road flowerbeds were planted very formally with summer bedding; these provided a decorative, yet short-lived display. Today red berberis, yellow leafed spiraeas and dark leafed phormiums provide a good framework,
Lemon and orange narcissi ‘Falconet and ‘Red Devon’ follow in March and then give way to a wonderful display of Tulips in a variety of striking reds, deep pinks, oranges and yellows - ‘Perestroyka’, Yellow Flight’, Red Georgette and Beauty of Apeldoorn to name just a few. In early June we plant antirrhinums, geraniums and begonias to keep the colour going all season long. For minimal outlay, we provide a floral display from February right through to late October.
Rich red, pink, orange and yellow blooms – these dominant colours all contrast well with their surroundings.
We have already planned ahead for next season and are now taking orders for our summer hanging baskets, which comprise easy-care trailing begonias in pink, red, orange and apricots shades. They will be delivered to your door by arrangement at the beginning of June; all you need to do is to install them, water them regularly and give them the occasional feed. Details can be found in our adjacent advertisement or on or website www.tetburyinbloom.org.uk
All profits raised help go towards In Bloom projects. If you purchased our hanging baskets last summer and still have the empty containers, we’d really appreciate their return so we can re-use them for this year. To arrange collection, please ring Sue Hirst on 504213. Liz Farnham
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01666 503900 Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Dear Reader We are having the first signs of spring as I am sure you have noticed, with the appearance of snowdrops and daffodils breaking the surface of the soil. By the time you read this I hope we will have ”badged up” another new member of the Tetbury Lions - this time another lady, by the name of Saxon Greenway. I am sure that Saxon will keep us in order and will be a great asset to the club. Our district conference is booked for Saturday 7th March in Cardiff where we hope to send a contingent to display the highlights of our club’s activities over the last 12 months. Who
Lions Den
knows, we might once again win the muchcoveted award for the best club in the area. I am delighted to say that we have contributed towards the repairs to the Fire Brigade’s Christmas float this month - and since Ebola is still hitting the headlines and the news, I’m also pleased to say that we are continuing to support the relief fund through various raffles and other contributions. As some of you may have read in previous articles regarding Maggie’s in Cheltenham, who offer professional support to people with cancer and their loved ones, we are donating a further £1,400 for another 500 recipe folders. We have also donated £500
to local Club 77, who truly inspire through the dedication and commitment of their leaders. We hope to support them again with their future plans for cinema trips or ten-pin bowling. On the subject of daffodils; of course William Wordsworth comes to mind, but really I am talking about the Marie Curie collections which took place on the 27th of February at Tesco. I hope you had an opportunity to meet some of our Lions, standing in the cold in the foyer? In colder weather first aid, as we all know, can be a life saver and we have been approached by Peter Hodgson of Sureteam to provide training for four First Aiders. We’ve gladly accepted and we are sponsoring them with £500. We wish them every success with their training. As a club we are already looking ahead to 2017, which will be here in the blink of an eye. 2017 will be the Lion’s centenary, and plans are afoot on how we can celebrate this, so watch this space – meantime the Wacky Races is now going full speed ahead. This is a date not to be missed as it is going to be bigger and better than last year, so please put it into your diary: Monday 4th May. There are further details of the Wacky Races under a separate column within this edition of the Advertiser. Lion President, Keith Leaver
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01666 503900 March 2015 | 5
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
Winter Walks - Local walks lead by the Wardens in March are:
• • Tuesday 10th March at 10.00 am for coffee at the Village Shop Horsley, departing at 10.30 am for 6 miles to Ledgemore Bottom and Chavenage, returning via Barton End. • Saturday 21st March at 10.00 am from the Hunter’s Hall Kingscote for a 10 mile walk via Ozleworth. Friday 6th March at 11.00 am from Chavenage Green for 6 miles to Barton End and Nailsworth (lunch stop) returning to Chavenage via Ledgemore Wood.
Snow? Writing this early in February, there’s no snow yet – although small amounts have been around on Minchinhampton Common. A retired farmer I visit often regales me with tales about the huge amounts of snow which used to fall on the Cotswolds. He farmed at Nympsfield and was paid by the council each winter to use his tractor with blade fitment to clear the local lanes. “Snowdrifts so deep you could hardly see the hedges!” he says. Now I’ve written this, maybe there will be snow before you read it! It’s certainly very cold, but we keep warm enough outdoors in the Warden’s work party by keeping mobile with physical activity. We’ve continued to do a lot of hedgelaying lately, completing a long hedge at Coaley and it looks good. There are lovely views here, across the Severn Vale. We have another hedge to do next year. We have resumed laying a hedge at Luckington on the Badminton Estate. Apparently, the Duke of Beaufort’s Hunt ban barbed wire on the tenanted farms, hence the prevalence of traditional hedges. This hedge had been reserved for hedge laying training courses in December and January, however, due to the amount of rainfall, the adjacent stream rose and blocked access. Now it is cold and dry the stream has disappeared underground (it is a winter “bourn” feeding the source of the River Avon) so we can get in to lay the hedge.
‘In this village [Luckington] is a fine spring called Hancock’s-well… It cures the Itch and Scabbe; it hath done much good to the eyes.’ 17th century writer John Aubrey
In Preston Park in Tetbury we have repaired the bridge over the stream at Wor Well end by replacing the rotten support post. We have also way-marked the path. This is what Tetbury people would call the source of the River Avon and it is marked as such on the Ordnance Survey map. Wiltshire men in Luckington think differently! Another wet job by a stream was at Uley, where we replaced a stile with a kissing gate. This was to make a circular walk from the Uley Millennium field more accessible and was paid for by the Ramblers. The acute angle between the stream and the fence line here was quite awkward for fitting in a wooden kissing gate, but after much scratching of heads, we managed. Lastly, we’ve completed making safe the very steep path near Dursley where we have previously fitted steps and handrails. Some crushed road-fill was delivered for us, so we could surface this very muddy path. Richard Glanville
6 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Tetbury Wacky Races Continuing the countdown to the Tetbury Lions Wacky Races Soapbox Derby on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015, you now have just two months to conclude those final preparations and road test the vehicle. This is very important, as you must be confident that your design conforms to all specifications, especially with regard to the tow hook on the front and a roll bar and of course that the finished product is robust enough to survive three runs down the course! For anyone who is still unsure, all the rules and vehicle specifications can be viewed on www.tetburywackyraces.co.uk. The idea of focusing this event on the wackiest team,
that would like to get involved in helping, either on the day or before. Another very positive development has been the amount of sponsorship that the event is attracting. with the support team in appropriately themed costumes too, has captured the imagination and we are hearing some interesting stories as to what to expect on the day. Do not be surprised to see Smurf’s, Vikings or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a selection of other colorful characters, all of which will enhance the reputation of this event as a family fun day out. It is important to remind you that entries close on Friday the 17th April or, as the case may be, very much sooner, if we reach our maximum entry level of 25 teams. As things stand we have four junior and five adult teams already booked and paid for, leaving just 16 places to fill. If you are planning on submitting an entry, then please do so as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment. Like any event of this size, logistics plays a significant part and although Tetbury Lions is one of the biggest and most active clubs in the district, we are still slightly short on numbers to guarantee the safe running of this event. Thankfully we are assured of assistance from Tetbury ATC and Sir William Romney’s School with at least two other organisations yet to confirm numbers who can assist, so our manpower requirements look like being fulfilled - but we would never turn down a club or an organization
The invitation to companies to support the event by displaying corporate banners for a small fee has proved very popular generating over £300 so far; if you would like to take advantage of the many sponsorship opportunities on the day ranging from £50 upwards, or if you wish to get involved in this crazy family fun day out, please call Keith Leaver on 504450 for further details. The Wacky Race team
Tetbury in Bloom
Hanging Baskets Order Now! Full of easy-to-care-for, self-deadheading, drought resistant trailing begonias, in vibrant red, pink & apricot shades.
£30 each Order from Sue Hirst on 504213 or email sue@tetburyinbloom.org.uk Delivered to your door by arrangement, first week in June. 1110609 Jo could Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 What be simpler? 1220315
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
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Cotswold Life
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8 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Keep track of your ISA progress Many people are quick to take advantage of the tax breaks offered by Individual Savings Accounts (ISA’s). However, it would be wrong to think you can just squirrel away your money and then forget about it. About half of all investors in stocks and shares ISA’s have little or no idea how their portfolio is performing, according to online investment service Rplan. If you want to ensure your ISA is still working well for you, it is important to keep abreast of performance – either online or through the financial press – as well as the level of fees you are paying.
A new phase for ISA’s ISA’s entered a new phase from 1 July 2014 when the ‘New ISA’ limit increased to
Financial Advice
£15,000. Investors can now invest as much as they like of this allowance in cash, stocks and shares, or a combination of the two. Investors are also free to transfer ISA savings from previous years between stocks and shares and cash. Moreover, any interest on cash held within a stocks and shares ISA is now free of tax. Under the new regime, you can now have just one ISA, you don’t have to have separate ISA’s for cash and stocks and shares.
can only have one cash ISA and one stocks and shares ISA in any single tax year.
Still, while this simplicity might be attractive to some investors, you should not assume you will receive the best rate of interest on the cash element, so it might be worth having a separate cash ISA if you want a competitive rate. You can also transfer your ISA’s freely between providers – subject to any penalties that might be applied by your existing provider – but you
Junior ISA’s
One thing will not change, however – once it’s gone, it’s gone. At the end of each tax year, you lose any unused ISA allowance, so make sure you act in good time and, if you are unsure about anything, do seek professional advice.
A Junior Individual Savings Account or ‘JISA’ gives children the opportunity to start saving early – via cash, stocks and shares, or a combination of the two – within a tax-free wrapper. The maximum that may be paid into a JISA for 2014/15 tax year is £4,000, which can be invested into a cash JISA or a stocks and shares JISA, or can be allocated between the two. To be eligible for a JISA, a child has to live in the UK, be under 18 and must not be eligible for the Child Trust Funds (CTFs) that were given to children born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011. Currently, children who were eligible for a CTF cannot open a JISA although there are plans to allow CTF savings to be transferred to a JISA from April 2015. The JISA savings belong to the child but cannot be withdrawn until they reach 18.
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Dolphins Recreation Centre We have made a number of changes recently in the Dolphins Hall to make it an attractive events venue, the latest of these is to welcome the services of the Snooty Fox for when a fully staffed bar is required for functions - they will also be able to supply catering if required and our new booking form obtainable from our www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk website will enable all users to avail themselves of this service. Our marketing and bookings team are working on other initiatives, which we hope to reveal later. As part of our drive to eliminate dog fouling from the recreation ground, dog wardens are now patrolling, wearing Hi-Viz jackets.
needs one for a child, walker or sports player to fall in to cause a serious health hazard. We remain grateful for everyone’s co-operation in making the rec. a clean and pleasant environment. On a similar subject, we will be holding the first litter pick of the year on Sunday 8th
March at 10.00 at the rugby club. We hope to have as good a turn-out as last time, when we completed the job in three quarters of an hour. There will be refreshments at the rugby club afterwards. The more that turn up, the quicker it’s done! Dolphins Recreation Centre Committee
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10 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Dear Editor, I was pleased to read the leaflet to Dog Owners in December’s Advertiser. However as a dog owner who regularly walks in Football field I have rarely come across dog litter. I’m sure there must be some or else this leaflet would not be needed. What really upsets me is the litter left by people! I have walked by young people using the shelter and the skate board area just dropping cans, packets etcetera and if I ask them to please use the bins, more often than not I’m told what to do!
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I feel sad that they have such a lovely park to use and mistreat it so. I have also taken my grandchildren to the fantastic play area and had to pick up broken glass from discarded beer bottles. I suppose I’m from a generation where parents brought one up to pick up litter and put in bins or take home in your pocket. Maybe we can have a similar leaflet on litter? Ruth McCarrick Dear Editor, Sarah Amy Richardson, 1988-2015 Sarah’s family would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the celebration of her life on 21st of January and to thank Reverend Poppy Hughes who delivered the service in Sarah’s memory. Thanks too, to Mathews Funeral Directors, Jodie Smith (Acacia Flowers) and The Priory Inn. A special thanks to those who were unable to attend but sent cards, well wishes and kind words. The donations made at the service have been shared by the National Star College and St Roses School Stroud. Both these were close to Sarah’s heart and were much appreciated. We think we all did Sarah proud. She was a kind and beautiful person who was full of life and humour. The Richardson Family
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Moving to Tetbury 14 years ago was a leap of faith; we took the plunge after both Doreen and I had such a positive first impression of this lovely market town. Looking back, it is undoubtedly the best decision we could have made. In no time at all we found ourselves joining various groups such as the Lions and Tetbury in Bloom whilst Doreen also did voluntary work for the local hospital and the Tenova shop. Despite our advancing years, our circle of friends grew year-on-year - and what friends you have turned out to be! I am struggling to find the right words to convey my deep gratitude for all of the kindness and support you have given to both me and to my late wife, when we needed it the most. I count myself very fortunate to have known you and hope that those who read this letter will appreciate, that whilst involvement in charitable groups may seem quite a commitment, they will be repaid ten-fold by all the friendship, fun and support they will receive in return. By the time you read this letter, I will be over 12,000 miles away in New Zealand settling into my new home, but even so, Tetbury and all of you, will have a special place in my heart always. Eric Simpson
Quality Alterations has moved to 2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury GL8 8LL (Next to Tourist Information)
07581 058149 contact@michellemotti.co.uk 0960315
Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events
March 2015 | 11
Young by Name Finally Facing My Waterloo Until last autumn, if in a word association game I was given “Waterloo”, I’d probably have responded “Abba”. I vividly remember watching the Swedish pop group win the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 and thinking it was a life-changing moment. (In my defence, I was only 14.) My second response would have been “Charing Cross”, because Waterloo East was the next station out of London on the branch line to Sidcup, where I lived until the year of Abba’s victory. And I’d defy anyone to think of the Duke of Wellington without also picturing Wellington boots. I fear my historical ignorance adds points to the government’s plan to focus the school history curriculum on major historic milestones. In my day, history lessons jumped from the Black Death to the First World War, leaving me to fill the void with details gleaned from books and museums. The most I knew about the Napoleonic Wars came from reading Tolstoy’s War and Peace for a bet, about 25 years ago.
the strapline of the Waterloo 200 campaign describes as: “A Defining Moment in European History”. So in preparation for this great event, I’m reading up on it, with a local reference as my starting point: the Somerset Monument in Hawkesbury Upton, built to commemorate a local man’s distinguished service at the Battle of Waterloo.
Uxbridge, riding horseback beside him during the Battle: “By God Sir, you’ve lost your leg!” “By God Sir, so I have!” came the breezy reply. Now that kind of British pluck is definitely worth celebrating. Waterloo Ball information: www. fosmhawkesbury.co.uk and to find out more about the national celebrations of the bicentenary, visit the official government website, www.waterloo2015.org, or follow @ Waterloo2015_BE on Twitter.
My research is already proving more entertaining than I’d expected, uncovering Debbie Young anecdotal gems such as the Duke of Website: www.authordebbieyoung.com 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 22:03 Page 1 Wellington’s remarking to the Earl of Twitter: @DebbieYoungBN
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This is why the Battle of Waterloo was low on my radar until just before Christmas, when a friend told me about the Waterloo Ball at Westonbirt School, marking the Battle’s bicentenary.
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My crass response: “Who will know or care about that?” I recognise that in British eyes, the Battle of Waterloo is A Good Thing because we won it, but for me it had much less resonance than last year’s centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, with which I felt a personal connection. I had met relatives affected by it, such as my Great Great Auntie Edie, widowed at a young age by the Great War. I’ve now realised the error of my ways. Especially in an election year, we should not underestimate the significance of what
“Somerset Monument, near Hawkesbury Upton” by UKgeofan. 1290315
12 | March 2015
PLEASE CALL 01666 502475
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
The last ten months as Mayor have been a wonderful experience During this time I have got to know the people who work and those who live in Tetbury that little bit better. I have spoken with some of the shop owners and gained their views on what is good and bad about the town. I have had the pleasure of visiting various places including Westonbirt Arboretum, Day Centres, Nursing Homes, Highgrove, Schools, the Twinning Society who I understand may be linking with a town in France - and I’ve been involved with
I know we have issues with parking, congestion and shops closing (due to high rents) to name but a few, however these are all things that hopefully we can address. The wheels turn very slowly, too slowly for some people, but we have to go through District Council with some issues and this is often a slow process. We are looking at ways to ease congestion and we are fully aware of parking costs and the need to draw tourists in to the town but also to maintain what we have.
CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks.
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Including: • • • • • •
Mayor’s Report
our WW1 commemorations; we still have a stone to unveil down at the Apple Orchard.
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I know rent is a big bugbear with shop owners; private owners appear to ask exorbitant rents with no way to put a cap on this - and it is driving shops to close and move elsewhere. This is very sad and needs to be addressed. I don’t know how we can do this yet, but I do intend to see what can be done. Let us hope that we might be able to fight back. On the note of Tourism and “putting ourselves on the map,” we have the chance to host a Town Crier’s Competition, date yet to be fixed. This could prove to be a yearly event and would be a lovely edition to the various events that we already hold. Please watch this space for further news! I was delighted to attend a function at Highgrove back in December and to have a chat with HRH Prince Charles. Like us, he is very concerned about the shops closing down, the high rents and what can be done. Brian and I enjoyed a great time at a couple of Quiz nights to raise much needed funds for Tetbury Hospital and Save the Children’s Fund. The fish and chips were brilliant and I believe a good time was had by all. On a different tack I have had several people talking to me about the Malt House. I have mentioned this very iconic building before and the need, I believe, to maintain the building and to not lose what is an integral part of our history. I realise that like all old buildings it needs to be maintained and looked after, but it would be a great shame to see such a valuable piece of Tetbury History disappearing. Could part of it become a permanent museum displaying the History of Tetbury? Who knows? Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury
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March 2015 | 13
It’s a Dog’s Life It’s a Dog’s Life… On a cold and wet November morning, I found myself being driven to Bristol; my destination – the dog kennels. I had, in a fit of madness, agreed to spend 24 hours in a commercial dog kennel. On the way there I was questioning my own sanity and of course also the psychological health of my “inmates to be”. The reason for this major loss of judgement on my part was to help raise much-needed funds and awareness for a Charity that rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes German Shepherd Dogs, GS Rescue Elite. My kennel was cold, damp, and grey. My three comrades and I were housed in a block with eight other dogs and there was very little light. I looked out on crates and bars in this very dark room and felt isolated and alone. I will never forget the noise coming from each dog! The howling, barking and whining meant there was no silent interlude the whole time. I think I finally hit breaking point when my “jailor” handed me a bucket. I had of course realised that there would be no ensuite facilities, but I had expected some outside time so I could nip to the toilets. Well - I was determined to cross my legs!
my fellow inmates was petrified of men, another one would chew her surroundings out of anxiety, and one dog would not allow anyone to touch him. Whatever the situation and whatever the excuses there is always the same result – a damaged dog needing help. It’s unsurprising that a dog with issues will react badly to being locked away in a concrete block with bars. Dogs with fear-based aggression only become more anxious and worried, thus exasperating their condition and reducing their potential for easy re-homing. Just like us, our furry friends require stimulation, exercise and love. Without this they become disaffected and end up chasing their tales, biting their own bodies creating sores and sometimes even refusing to eat. But there is hope for all dogs! Damaged dogs are harder to re-home, but it’s not impossible!
Just imagine if you could stop this cycle of damaging a dog further when they first arrive at a kennels? By supporting a charity offering simple and practical solutions, you can. A kennel that is brighter, with interesting surroundings, good quality food and nutrition, as well as a specialised trainer to work through their issues makes a huge difference. Through plenty of exercise in a secure environment and plenty of stimuli these dogs will have a chance for a new “forever” home and a more fruitful and happy life. I am pleased to say that my personal “lockin” experience was not in vain and with all the other quite mad participants involved, over £4,000 was raised for GSRE. If you wish to know more or to donate please go to www. gsrelite.co.uk Sandra Adams Buddy’s Raw Meat for Dogs
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No matter their story, every dog had arrived with their own problems, generally caused by people. I noticed that one of
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14 | March 2015
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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Moravian Church and Athelstan Museum Appeal As is now widely known The Friends of Athelstan Museum plan to buy the old Moravian Church to extend the work of the museum; it will enable us to do all kinds of things which are now difficult because of lack of space. We believe that other organisations may be able to find this new facility – when it is finished – useful. The Friends of Athelstan Museum (FOAM) have applied to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a grant to help with the cost of the project; to buy the chapel, to repair and restore it, to make the alterations necessary to enable it to be fully utilised and then to kit it out. Roger Griffin, Joint Project Leader of the project for the Athelstan Museum, said ‘the HLF seem sympathetic to our
cause – they helped us set up the present Athelstan Museum and were impressed with how that went, any way they sent other groups around to see what we had done – and we hope they will agree to provide funding.’ A requisite for HLF funding is the raising of an amount of match funding by the Museum. Until the Museum can show that it can do so, they will not release any money. Consequently, in early February FOAM will be launching a big appeal; not only to members who have supported the Museum in the past but also to the people of Malmesbury since this project will benefit the town as a whole. Not only will it remove a longstanding eyesore but give an extra facility to the town. We are not initially asking for money but a promise – a pledge – that if HLF award us a grant people will
Moravian Church Appeal then pay what they have committed to. If – when - HLF allocate us the money we need to be in a position to proceed immediately. Our Chairman Ernest Buchner wants to be able to say “right let’s get on with it”; not “hang on a bit while we raise funds.” We believe that the region will respond to our appeal with its usual generosity. Pledge forms will be available at the museum. More information from our website http://www.athelstanmuseum.org.uk or our special appeal website http://www. malmesburyappeal.co.uk Roger Griffin 01666 822230
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Caroline Haydon has been practising yoga for 30 years and is Haydon has been trainedCaroline with appleyoga London. Pleasepractising contact her yoga on:
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Please contact her on:
caroline@haydontaylor.co.uk Call 01453 452 739 or 07768 791 653 0990315
Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area
March 2015 | 15
Dolphins Dramatic Society It’s raining men… but obviously not in Tetbury! Sadly, due to the lack of male actors, it proved impossible for us to cast ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan.’ However on a brighter note, it has been decided that The Dolphins will perform ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ instead - another Oscar Wilde farce. The dates for this production have also had to be changed as we lost some rehearsal time, so it will now take place from the 21st to the 23rd of May. Surprise, surprise there will be a matinee performance on the Saturday, so for those of you who prefer to see a show in the afternoon do come along to this production, it really is funny. Make sure you note the dates down in your diaries folks; we look forward to seeing you.
about John Worthing, a carefree young gentleman, who has invented a fictitious brother, ‘Ernest,’ whose wicked ways afford John an excuse to leave his country home from time to time and stay in London with his close friend and confidant, Algernon Moncrieff. Algernon has a cousin, Gwendolen Fairfax and John, during his London sojourns under the name Ernest, has won Gwendolen’s love. She strongly desires to marry someone with the confidence-inspiring name of Ernest – however, when he asks for Gwendolen’s
hand in marriage from the formidable Lady Bracknell, John finds he must reveal he is a foundling who was left in a handbag at Victoria Station. Lady Bracknell is not impressed and insists that he produce at least one parent before she consents to the marriage. Returning to the country home where he lives with his ward Cecily Cardew and her governess Miss Prism, John finds that Algernon has also arrived under the identity of the nonexistent brother Ernest. Algernon falls madly in love with the beautiful Cecily, who has long been enamoured of the mysterious, fascinating brother Ernest. With the arrival of Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen, chaos erupts. This is the play that has the immortal line, ‘A Handbag!’ A great farce guaranteed to make you laugh. The Society is always keen for new people to join, not just to be on stage but also to make props, paint the set, help with stage management, organise costumes (wardrobe mistress), produce the programme and of course we still need more male actors, so bigger plays can be cast. If you are interested in any of these activities or would like meet some of the committee to have a chat, please call Jenny Miles on 01666 503059.
Phillip Webb, as mentioned in the last edition of the Advertiser, is still going to direct the new choice of play and despite the setback and change of production remains keen to put the actors through their paces. Phillip will also be taking a part himself. My goodness, he’s going to be a busy young man! For anybody who is not familiar with ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ the story is
Dolphins Dramatic Society
Tetbury Art Society Wednesday the 4th of February was our Annual General Meeting The evening was cold but travelling conditions were good (I don’t remember us ever having to postpone the AGM in February due to bad weather but it ought to happen one year). An unexpectedly high number of
members attended and some potential new members too so the hall was full.
Two other practical sessions – ‘own projects’ and ‘Inspiration Swap’,
The chairman reported on the activities of the past year and the programme for the year to come, the treasurer reported on our income and expenditure over 2014 and how much was in the kitty at the end of the year, we elected a committee for 2015 including three new committee members, we ascertained that our policy on supporting Tetbury Hospital and the Cotswold Care Hospice was still acceptable to the membership and finally, dealt with Any Other Business. This all took thirty five minutes and then we got down to the business of socialising, with a buffet and a magnificent cake provided by Doreen Pierce (see picture) and a quiz provided by Barry Barnes.
Two local painting weekends – ‘Corners of Avening’ and ‘Doughton’ and finally, a Christmas social.
Our programme for 2015 was devised by Maureen Hawkridge and is now on our website. It includes: Two demonstrations – ‘water soluble oils with palette knife’ and ‘water colour’, Two workshops – ‘charcoal’ and ‘drawing insect specimens with microscopes’, A talk by a number of members on their ‘Art and inspiration’,
16 | March 2015
Additionally there will be the usual two exhibitions in the Market Hall, a sale, a Roy Baker Memorial Lecture arranged by Gill Ashley on ‘The Royal Drawing School’ and it is expected that there will be a couple of trips, like, for example, one to “Art In Action”. So it will be a busy year. Our regular monthly meetings start on Wednesday the 4th March at 7:30 pm in St Michael’s Hall, when Max Hale will give a demonstration with water-soluble oil paints using palette knife techniques. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Whole School Open Morning – Saturday 14th March 2015 10.00am-12.00pm Pictured – Emma Bastin (YR 12), on Top of the Similaun, Austria 11,600 ft
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St Mary’s Playgroup Home and Garden Renovations & Improvements
The children thoroughly enjoyed focusing on travel last term. They all brought in their own favourite modes of transport to learn about and discuss. We have lots of activities planned for the next term and with spring on its way we will be going on some walks to look at the changes that the new season brings. The children will also be learning about people who help us – for example, firemen, police and doctors. We are hoping to get someone in from either the fire or police service to talk to the children about what they do.
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Among other activities, we have the Chinese New Year to look forward to where the children will make some dragons and lanterns. We also have Pancake Day, Valentine’s and Mother’s day to celebrate with lots of craft activities planned for the children to get involved with. Last year, in the run up to Easter, they made some lovely yellow chicks, little bunnies and brightly decorated eggs which will no doubt feature again this year – along with a little chocolate treat perhaps! The pre-school children are getting ever closer to ‘big’ school and will soon be visiting the school as well as doing several Craft Afternoons in a classroom environment. These visits are absolutely essential to creating a very smooth transition to school and above all else are thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
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If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would like to know more, then please email info@ stmarysplaygroup.co.uk or visit our website www.stmarysplaygroup.co.uk for more details.
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18 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Although when the penetrating late winter winds drop, there is a mystical sense of a new season just a fingertip’s distance away. Aside from the occasional staff tour of Bowin-the-Cloud vineyard, we don’t generally
Sourced from Sunnybank Vines in Herefordshire, the hand-picked varieties
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Tetbury’s Unsung Hero
Priory Inn Blog are Solaris - a white early ripener with a good dessert taste, Vitis Purpura Spetchley Park which is decorative and has red canes, Brandt, which has delightful Autumn foliage and red/ black grapes, Kempsey Black, which is a larger dessert grape and lastly Rembrandt, a vigorous, strawberryflavoured black grape. Patience is crucial and picking them too early before the sugars have developed (even if the colour has already changed) will only lead to a sour taste. We now have to watch them grow! Remember to book early for a relaxing Mothering Sunday on the 15th March, when we’ll have lovely specials and the usual “30 Mile” fayre. Dinner will be candlelit between 8.30 - 9.30pm on 28th March, as we join thousands of others globally in support of “Earth Hour”, raising awareness about climate change. Live music continues through March to a packed house and in a chilled Sunday night atmosphere. On Sunday 1st we have Blind River Scare, on the 8th Edd Donovan, the 15th is yet to be arranged but on the 22nd we have Leo James and on the 29th Rapunzel. Look online for more information about each act. Do follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. Tanya Kelly
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Nature still feels at a steely stalemate
“talk grapes”. Now, however, we have planted no fewer than five varieties of vine underneath our oak pergola. This will give another “edible angle” and more foliage to our garden and, in years to come, they will provide mini-harvests for cheese boards.
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Dear Editor, I’ve just heard that Mr John Billington will be soon leaving Tetbury for Southport for family reasons and I think he should be your Unsung Hero for March before he goes. He’s a tireless worker on behalf of both his favourite charity Allsorts (I know you both work on the Classic Car Show Committee) and he’s also tireless in promoting his model railway hobby through the Tetbury Model Railway Club, extending the membership to kids and young adults who are now increasingly becoming involved in this activity. He will be sadly missed and I hope you agree with me that he’s a good candidate for this singular honour. Ed: I’m glad to accept this nomination for JB. He’s been very good to our town and will soon be in receipt of his voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page 3. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month
March 2015 | 19
Girlguiding 1st Tetbury Guides had a very special presentation evening in February When Erin, Catherine, Heidi, Georgia and Alexa received their Baden-Powell Awards. Amazingly between them they have attended 654 weekly meetings, gained 54 badges and been on 31 camps and holidays. The girls gave a powerpoint presentation to their families and the Guides showing the activities and challenges they had selected. These included running disability awareness and international evenings, raising money for Children In Need, service in the community, learning independent living skills and lots of cooking!
Nursing Home. They have already planted flowers and been carol singing and have now spent an evening chatting with the residents – many of whom recalled their time in Brownies and Guides including Joan who told them she had been a Brown Owl in Hampshire. The Thursday unit are taking their Friend to Animals badge. Unfortunately I was there the week they brought pets in to show each other - including a very large spider! They have visited Pets at Home and are looking forward to a visit to the Vets and a farm.
themselves with Olivia who they take it in turns to take home each week. They have been looking at Roundabout the World in preparation for Thinking Day.
Rainbows are busy filling up their notice board with pictures or photos of
Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk
INTOPS news – the girls are still busy fundraising and will shortly be starting to organise our annual secondhand book sale which we hold over the Woolsack weekend. Please hold onto any (good quality) paperback fiction or children’s books and we will let you know next month when we are collecting them.
Following the presentations, everyone enjoyed eating cake and looking at the photo montages that had been made of their time in Guides. It is funny how the Guides always complain when I get the camera out but then love to look back at photos taken several years before… We hope that they carry good memories of their time with 1st Tetbury Guides with them for many years. They are now thinking about a memorable place to make their Promises as members of our Senior Section. Our Westonbirt Guide unit has recently doubled in size to 20 after taking in several new girls from Brownies and we really need to find a 2nd adult volunteer for this unit. They meet in the Westonbirt Prep school buildings and are lucky to have the use of magnificent grounds. Their meeting time is earlier than the other Guide units (5.00 – 6.30pm) and they follow the slightly ! shorter Westonbirt term dates. If you are interested in helping please get in touch. Brownie units in Tetbury are having an exciting term. The Tuesday unit are designing their own community badge to represent their friendship with the Priory
Express Taxis Of Tetbury - 07858450098 Fully Certificated Advanced Driver Now Available Quality & Service Guarantee - www.expresstaxi.co.uk 0421114
20 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
HOW ARE YOU PLANNING TO PAY FOR LONG-TERM CARE? The funding of long-term care is becoming a major political issue, but for many families it is already a burning personal one. It is estimated that more than 20,000 people per year are forced to sell their homes to pay for care (Source: www. adviceoncare.co.uk – January 2013) - and that number could be on the increase, given rising care costs. Some people do get state help. Depending on your income you may qualify, although a person who owns his or her home is likely to fail the local authority means test and be deemed a “self-funder”. In England, this threshold is £23,250 (in Wales it is £24,000 in Northern Ireland it is £23,250 and in Scotland £26,000) (Source: CRAG Guidelines 2014) In most cases this includes the value of any property owned, however, there are circumstances in which the family home is ignored: if you have a spouse or relative aged 60 or over still living in the home it will not be included within the local authority’s financial assessment. It should also be ignored if your care needs are classed as “temporary”. In addition, if your other assets, excluding the home, are less than £23,250 (£26,000 for Scotland), then you should not be charged for the first 12 weeks. Those in this situation can request that a legal charge is put on their home rather than selling it upfront. You need to be aware that not all benefits are means-tested. For example, people who need nursing care (as opposed to “personal care”) will receive a contribution towards these costs, regardless of their financial position. In England this is normally paid at £110.89 a week, with payments made direct to the nursing home. It is important to remember, however, that reliance on the state comes at the cost of choice of the care you receive. “For many people the self-funding route is going to be their only option. It is a worrying prospect as the cost of care can quickly add-up and eat into your savings.”
On average, someone who requires care in a residential care home will pay £531 per week, and for a nursing care home £731 per week (weighted averages for the whole of the UK, source Laing & Buisson Care of Elderly People UK Market Survey 2012/13), a huge ongoing amount to find at any age, let alone in later years. However, these are averages across local authority funded and self funded care, many self funders will pay much more than these averages. “It doesn’t take much to work out that you wouldn’t have to be in a care home for too long before you or your family had spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on paying fees.” In the past, pre-funded care insurance plans were an option – aimed at those who think they might need to go into care in the future. But as it stands not one UK insurer provides pre-funded insurance today with the last provider exiting the market in 2010, citing lack of demand.
You could try to fund care fees out of regular income – if you have the means to do so. For starters, if you are going into care and have no dependants, then your own property could be rented out and the rent used to offset the fees. Alternatively, with careful planning you could build an investment portfolio designed to pay an income without taking undue risk. You will need expert help because it is crucial that your capital is protected to a large degree. Again, just be aware that several years’ fees could quickly add up, so the balance and diversification of assets will have to be just right. We are all expected to live longer but while that is good news it is likely to mean that more people will need to consider care fees – not just for themselves, but also for their parents. It is an issue that many baby boomers are dealing with at this very moment – and it is an issue that is unlikely to disappear.
Instead, perhaps the most popular option for paying for long-term care is an immediate care annuity, which pays a tax free fixed income for life, provided that it is paid directly to the care home provider. This can provide some certainty for people moving into care, as they know their fees will be guaranteed to be paid for life; their money will not run out and they will not have to move into a local authority-run home later. There is also the reassurance that whatever is left from the sale of the home, once the annuity has been bought, can be left to the next generation. The price depends on a person’s age and health when going into care – the longer the insurer expects them to live, the larger the upfront cost. Most providers, however, allow you to buy “capital protection”, which refunds part of the cost in such circumstances. You can also pay into plans that protect against inflation via escalating benefits. Many people fund this annuity when they sell their home. Of course, the downside is that if the person dies shortly after going into nursing care then you will have paid out more for the annuity than the cost of fees. It can seem a little bit of a gamble, but an annuity does provide security in that you know fees are covered for life.
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Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust
repairing the brickwork. With the warmer weather and lighter nights we will soon be able to restore it ready for use.
I have just come back from a holiday in Bridport What an inspiring town it is. Like Tetbury it has lots of interesting independent shops - but it also boasts two theatres, The Lyric, and The Electric Palace - and an impressive palladium-style Art Centre with a total seating capacity of nine hundred. There were Cafés open in each venue and stimulating art exhibitions and films being shown several times a week. The population of Bridport is 10,000 and Tetbury will soon be over the 6,000 mark, reaffirming my belief that we are long overdue for both the Dolphins Hall redevelopment and the Goods Shed Arts Centre to match the renaissance we have been enjoying with our Royal connections and all our impressively up-market new shops. The Goods Shed team has been as busy as ever, getting ready for forthcoming events. A chicken wire framework has been attached to the walls, to display Nicola Clarks’ art exhibition and we are making arrangements to incorporate regular doors within the main entrance, so that we can keep the big ones closed when performances are on. This will be useful to provide an easy fire escape and keep the heat and the sound within the building as well.
Our latest Boot Sale was a record breaker, raising over £230. More people are attending and we have gained a popular new plants stallholder from Cirencester who has promised to bring homegrown bedding plants and become a regular. I would especially like to thank Roz Stowell who made lovely homemade marmalade and sold it at one of the tables entirely for the Goods Shed - raising a staggering £61 all by herself. We are still filling in lots of forms applying for grant funding, but we were bowled over by the application that Rebecca Aldam made recently, in entering us in a competition to win the cinema equipment for the Goods Shed. Her application was so funny and original that I truly believe we could win. In addition to her wacky bid she made a short film – go to YouTube and search for “Tetbury Needs A Cinema”; you won’t be disappointed! We will know if we have won in just two weeks so it’s very exciting. Thanks to Becky (“What a player”… as Barrie Doyle said, as he circulated the link
to our committee) - and thanks to all those well-known locals who threw themselves into a role for the film clip. I’m sure your Baftas are in the post! We have some really exciting fundraising events coming up so please look out for our adverts in the Advertiser and our posters. If you would like to join our team and help please ring me on 01666502877 or go to our website tetburyraillands.co.uk. We are also very interested to hear your views, so feel free to contribute ideas to our community scheme for the new Arts Centre in the Goods Shed. Thank you all, for all your continued support. Will Cook Chairman
Mike and Lloyd Avis have once again kindly volunteered to provide us with some extra electric sockets on the stage and two new emergency exit lights over the doors. Outside you may have noticed that the old concrete posts on the cattle loading bay have been removed, ready for us to start
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22 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
On January the 24th, thirty members travelled to Cheltenham Everyman Theatre for a performance of “Bouncers,” also availing themselves of the opportunity to go for tea and cake.
This is the review of the trip: “The play “Bouncers” is a modern comedy; four bow-tied men took us through all
aspects of clubbing in the 1980’s. They started as bouncers, but also acted many other parts, both male and female, indicating each group’s experience. For example, they showed a visit to the hairdressers, showering and disco dancing and the behaviour of drunken louts and members of the “upper” and “lower” classes. All this was done using only limited props. There were four metal beer barrels and four sparkly handbags which were danced around, on one occasion. Each mini-scene was linked with 80’s music.” “Some of the scenarios brought back our own memories and were sometimes quite embarrassingly accurate, but in contrast there was prolonged “toilet humour” and the language was often colourful and coupled with some crude (and graphic) actions! The four actors were word-perfect, smoothly
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Tetbury Theatre Group changing from one character to another and their different accents seemed accurate.” As I was away, I should like to thank Mrs Dyke for writing this review for the Advertiser. If you wish to join the Theatre Group or would just like more information about it, please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029. Jean Corcoran
Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Group With the likely increase in Tetbury’s population over the next few years, the Planning Group has been concentrating on looking at capacity within the town’s infrastructure. To this end, we have been in discussions with, amongst others, Romney House Surgery and St.Mary’s School, ensuring that the neighbourhood plan addresses their needs and incorporates appropriate solutions. One such issue is the clear need for extra space for sports clubs, as many of them are attracting a surge in membership and, with that need, playing space. We have had useful discussions with the main sports clubs in the town and are working towards a cohesive policy which could not only provide extra space and facilities but attract funding. Our next meeting is Thursday the 26th March at 7.30 pm in the council offices. It is an open meeting, so please come along and find out more. Barry Gibbs Chairman
Carat Boot the
Goods Shed
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Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month
March 2015 | 23
Tetbury Town Football Club Playing Football Is Fun – Even When You Are Only Three! Tetbury Town Youth Football Club has always catered for children aged from six years upwards, but due to demand we are now welcoming even younger children – those aged between three and five years. The club provides a safe, enjoyable environment to encourage familiarity and confidence amongst young players. It seeks to provide both boys and girls with an introduction to football, using fun games and activities to teach the primary skills needed to play the game. Coaches pay particular attention to developing children’s co-ordination, balance, ball movement and self-confidence.
Even at this very young age children are more than able to learn the initial skills that they will need to take their footballing further. Our aim is to give every child the opportunity to enjoy an introduction into football, and our coaching sessions are firmly geared towards inclusion and putting the child at the very heart of the activity, regardless of their ability. These sessions also give parents the chance to meet our coaches and learn more about the club and its ethos. Tetbury Town Youth Football Club is accredited by the FA and our coaches are FA and/or UEFA qualified. Safety is paramount and all safeguarding regulations with regard to young children are firmly adhered to. All age groups, from
three to 15 years, are coached in a friendly environment where the emphasis is on fun, improvement, confidence building and meeting new friends. This is what football is all about. Our ethos is to produce happy, imaginative, expressive, skillful and technical players who have all the attributes of a winner, rather than putting children under unnecessary pressure to win at all costs. Sport keeps kids healthy and we feel strongly that all children should be able to play with a smile on their face. These are just a few reasons why so many children are choosing Tetbury Town Football Club. For further details please contact Richard Norris on 07879 441938. Sue Fudge
The sessions are held every Saturday morning, starting at 10.30am at the recreation ground in Tetbury. Parking is available outside the clubhouse and the sessions are free, as we aim to provide a pressure-free experience. Coffees are also served in the club house. As the emphasis is firmly on fun, we play a range of games that the children really enjoy. These include erupting volcanos, sharks and fishes, rainbow hoops, ‘hit the coach’ and many more.
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Official fuel consumption figures in mpg (l/100km) for Ford Car range: urban 42,8-53,3 (5,3-6,6), extra urban 60,1-76,3 (3,7-4,7), combined 53,3-65,7 (4,3-5,3). CO2 emission Official fuel consumption figures inOfficial mpg (l/100km) for 99-125g/km. Ford Car range: urban 42,8-53,3 (5,3-6,6), extra urban 60,1-76,3 Retail only. Metallic paint extra cost. Vehicles shown for illustration purposes only. This supersedes all previously advertised manufacturer’s promotions. Details correct at time of going emission 99-125g/km. combined 53,3-65,7 to print.(3,7-4,7), Subject to availability. Contact us for terms (4,3-5,3). and conditions.Official Applies toCO new2 vehicles, contracted between 01.01.2015 and 31.03.2015 and registered between 01.01.2015 and
Retail only.savings Metallicare paint extraadvertised cost. Vehicles shown for illustration purposes the only.saving This supersedes all previously advertised manufacturer’s 31.03.2015. Where shown, prices are calculated by deducting from the manufacturer’s recommended OTR price. promotions. Details correct at time of going to print. Subject to availability. Contact us for terms and conditions. Applies to new vehicles, contracted between 01.01.2015 and 31.03.2015 and registered between 01.01.2015 and 31.03.2015. Where savings are shown, advertised prices are calculated by deducting the saving from the manufacturer’s recommended OTR price. 0090315
24 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Puddle Ducks Nursery
The weeks are flying by At Puddle Ducks and it hardly seems possible that we are half way through the academic year already. We have been busy as ever and the children have been enjoying learning all about letters and sounds as we continue our journey through Jolly Phonics. Amongst many other activities we have made spirals and soup during ‘s’ week; produced lovely apple crumbles and African flags for ‘a’; looked at touch and made tyre track pictures for ‘t’; planted
St. Mary’s School came to visit during one of our Tuesday afternoon sessions to meet some of the children who will be joining her later in the year and they all enjoyed her craft activity very much.
pansies and played post offices during ‘p’ week and for ‘i’ week we have explored the world of ice and even enjoyed a movement session using music from the i-pod – phew!
We were also very excited during our ‘p’ week as we welcomed a very special visitor – Pearl the Playful Pet Puppy came for a visit! She was very well behaved as the children learnt about all the important things that come with looking after a Puppy. They took her for a walk around our room and enjoyed a game of ball too. Thank you Pearl for coming to see us!
Despite the cold weather we have been kitting ourselves out in overalls and wellies and braving the elements to make full use of our enclosed garden. This week they have been adding a splash of colour to our troughs with some beautiful flowers and will be adding potatoes and vegetables very soon. Puddle Ducks is currently full and we are unable to offer any places to new starters at the moment. We are however running a waiting list for families who wish to start in September 2015 and January 2016. Please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 to arrange a visit or reserve a place. Our baby and toddler group on a Friday
afternoon is held in the main Dolphins Hall Our afternoon pre-school sessions have on a Friday afternoon from 1.15-2.45pm. been great fun. We have made a fantastic All are welcome to come and play in a safe start in learning some of the essential skills environment however please do note that they will need in September when they for these sessions, while Puddle Ducks move to primary school. All the children staff are on hand to help, all parents and have responded very well to the slight carers are responsible for their children change in routine and following jolly throughout. Thank you! phonics in more depth than is possible 1251009 during a morning session. Mrs. Bell from Puddle Ducks Nursery
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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area
March 2015 | 25
Probus One
ably held by Bill Geers for three years, and Malcolm Parrish was elected Chairman in his place. Other officers remained unchanged.
Tiger on Board! This potentially worrisome situation was explained on the 16th of January when Denis Cartwright dipped into the comprehensive journal of Edward Barlow, a sailor born into a poor Prestwich family in 1642. Not liking the menial jobs he was given at home, Barlow walked to London and was eventually drawn to the sea. This led to the series of adventures recounted by Denis.
search and rescue operations, explaining the origins of the terminology used. A liberal sprinkling of anecdotes completed his term!
Tony Davis’s preview, which followed on from his June talk commemorating the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo, gave us a stimulating foretaste of a very interesting talk to come. Our retiring chairman then revealed the procedures followed and methods utilised in airborne
On the 5th February Paul Morris gave us a fascinating account of his experiences navigating Vickers VC10 flight re-fuelling tankers. Our attention did not wander. First flown as passenger aircraft in 1962 (the fastest before Concorde) the VC10 was renowned for its smooth flight. Quiet inside but very noisy outside, it was also very thirsty. The airframes were bought from British Airways by the RAF in 1986 for transport, aero-medical evacuation and flight re-fuelling purposes. Although the VC10’s fuel carrying capacity was subsequently increased from 70 to 83 tons, its consumption remained at 11 tons/hour, limiting its transfer capacity.
Having taught himself to read and write, Barlow recorded his experiences as he travelled throughout the world, progressing in ability and seniority on many ships with their different owners. Clearly his own man, he was forcibly marooned twice and also imprisoned by the Dutch, in the East Indies.
It could be seen from Paul’s excellent visual aids how re-fuelling technology was developed and used in war zones such as Bosnia, the Falklands, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. But the VC10s have flown their last flights. Superseded in 2013 by more economical Airbus variants which can carry and therefore deliver much more fuel, fifty years of loyal service have come to an end.
Denis brought Edward Barlow to life as he described the many cargoes carried and ports visited. On one occasion the cargo home included a tiger! Might this have been the one that killed the serving maid Hannah Twynnoy in Malmesbury on the 23rd October 1703? At our AGM on 29 January, our chairman Roger Smith took over the role of Programme Secretary so
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26 | March 2015
05/04/2012 16:37
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
St Mary’s CE VA Primary School is a GOOD school say Ofsted! On January 21st and 22nd we welcomed 3 inspectors to St. Mary’s CE VA Primary School to look at the good work the school has been doing since our previous inspection in 2013. The inspectors spent two days observing learning, looking at children’s books and talking to children, school leaders, staff, governors and parents. At the end of the two days they judged that the provision the school makes for the children of Tetbury is good in all aspects.
Here are just some of the things they said about us: - ‘Standards have risen steadily over the past two years and are above average; more pupils are now attaining the higher levels at the end of Year 6. Pupils are well prepared for secondary school.’ - ‘Pupils enjoy a wide range of subjects. There is a strong focus on developing their physical and musical skills as well as on literacy and numeracy.’ - ‘Teachers’ expectations are high and their relationships with pupils are based on
St Mary’s Primary School mutual trust and respect. Pupils’ benefit from teachers’ good subject knowledge and regular feedback.’ - ‘Children achieve well in the reception classes because the teaching is good and the environment stimulating.’ If you would like to read the whole report and find out more about what we do at St. Mary’s please visit our website: www.stmarystetbury.com and our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/WeAreStMarys. Life at St. Mary’s doesn’t stop for Ofsted though! We have been filling out bids in an attempt to raise funds for our planned Outdoor Classroom and Forest Schools development. Forest Schools has demonstrated success with students of all ages. By learning and playing in woodland pupils learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. We are transforming our small groups of trees on our school grounds into a place where children can participate in a variety of outdoor activities to benefit all children. Thank you to the Feoffees, The Jack Lane trust, The Lions, Gloucestershire Active Together Funding and our own PTFA for contributing generously to our planned developments. Helen Glover, School Business Manager
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Tetbury Ladies Luncheon Club
In keeping with their tradition, members of the Tetbury Ladies Luncheon Club held a Christmas Charity Raffle last year which raised the very substantial sum of £266.10. The money was donated this year to our local Youth Club, “The People’s Pod”.
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The photograph shows Mrs Mandy Scott of The Pod accepting the cheque from Mrs Pauline Bedford, the Chairman of the club, at their January meeting.
Clare Farthing
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Readers may be interested to note that the club, which has recently opened its membership waiting list, meets at the Calcot Manor Hotel for lunch followed by a guest speaker, on the fourth Tuesday of each month between September and June.
Clare Farthing Hair Stylist
clare_the_hair@hotmail.co.uk 5 The Ferns Tetbury Glos, GL8 8JE 01666 502721/07917726440
For more information please contact the Chairman Mrs Pauline Bedford on 01666 505313, or speak to any club member. TBC
Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events
Tetbury Ladies Luncheon Club
March 2015 | 27
Tetbury Library
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
“World Book Day is a celebration!
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It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading.” We love to celebrate reading at Tetbury Library. Back, by popular demand, will be the ‘Book in a Bag’ promotion from 2nd March. This is where library members of all ages can take home an unknown, bagged book and surprise themselves by reading something new! There will also be an extra special World Book Day story time on Tuesday 3rd March at 3.45pm, all welcome. Later on this month will be British Science Week and you can celebrate this with us on Saturday 21st March by taking part in a scientific challenge! Family teams are invited to drop in on that morning and, using Art Straws, make an elevated structure that can support a stack of books. The Art Straws are made from paper and are approximately 40cm long and 0.5cm in diameter. The straws can be joined together by a variety of methods but only by using other Art Straws – no glue/tape/spilt pins etc may be used! The structure must be at least 10cm off the ground at its highest point. Throughout the morning we will record the number of books each team’s structure can support, with the winning team declared Tetbury’s Top Scientists! So, organise a team, do some research then drop in to the library on the 21st to flex your science and engineering skills. Do you have a chess set that you no longer need? We would very much appreciate having it to start a young people’s chess club. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who entered our ‘Up-Cycle a Book Competition’. All the entries were so individual and very creative and enjoyed by all who saw them in the exhibition. Many thanks, also, to Mary Doyle and her daughter for appraising the up-cycled books with such interest and enthusiasm and to Tetbury Tesco and Tetbury Co-op for kindly donating the prizes.
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Winning entries: Happy World Book Day – celebrate by cracking open a new book!
28 | March 2015
Delivery Service Available
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WSP Solicitors Providing help when you need it THE PERSONAL INJURY TEAM AT WSP SOLICITORS PROVIDE A PERSONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE TO HELP ACHIEVE THE BEST OUTCOME FOR YOU. We understand that an injury or illness can affect your whole life - and that of your family. We can advise you on what is involved in making a claim, and if you decide to pursue it we can help you every step of the way.
What we can do for you: • Personal service from our highly trained specialists • Advice on all types of accidents and illnesses • Assurance that we will seek maximum compensation • Direct access to your lawyer by telephone or email • We will help you achieve a sense of justice • Recover any lost income or other losses.
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Avening Primary School Learning through the magnificence of theatre It has been a very theatrical first half to the spring term for our KS2 pupils. The Owls Class (Y5/6) journeyed to the Bristol Hippodrome to watch a spellbinding performance of War Horse, based on the novel by Michael Morpurgo. The children and staff were moved by the production and found the puppetry, simple scenery and music utterly inspirational. Pupils from The Hawks Class (Y3/4) stayed a bit closer to home when they recently visited a local school to watch a Bristol Old Vic production of Julius Caesar. Tying in with their current focus on The Romans, this cleverly adapted version of William Shakespeare’s original play was made accessible to a younger audience by being set in modern day and using media as its main tool, while managing to keep much of the original language of the play. The children were captivated throughout and a couple of the class were even involved in the performance itself. In the Eagles and Kestrels groups the binoculars have been out, as the children have been taking part in the Big School Bird Watch. It is amazing how many birds
Would you consider becoming a School Governor? The Governor’s of Avening School are looking to co-opt three new Governors to join them, who have certain skills and knowledge that would be helpful in carrying out our statutory duties. The skills we are particularly looking for are in the area of Special Educational Needs, Legal (eg public sector equality/data protection/complaints procedures), and IT skills. If you feel you might be interested or would like to know more, please contact either Stuart Richards (Chair) or Jane Rushton (Headteacher) via the school email address (admin @avening.gloucs. sch.uk) or by telephone (01453 833191).
can be spotted around the school site. The list this year has included finches, crows and the odd heron! Just before half term, we were visited by a barn owl, in class. This was an amazing opportunity to get really close to one of these beautiful creatures and we all learnt so much from the visit. E-Safety has been at the top of our agenda recently. On 10th February we celebrated Internet Safety Day in school, which included presentations by children from the Owls class in assembly, as well as spending time on important e-safety learning in each
class. To help us at Avening we have our very own wise owl - Edward - who has top tips for keeping e-safe. You can meet him in the e-safety zone on our website. On a sporty note, the children have been busy with friendly cross country races in preparation for district races held in Cirencester this month - and a magnificent performance from our Gymnasts, who took part in a recent competition held at Deer Park School. This month will also be a busy one for our footballers, who have four matches coming up. Avening Primary School
News from St Mary’s I am so pleased that many people pop into St Marys’ while they are out and about in Tetbury. They stop for a few minutes of quiet reflection, to enjoy the beautiful space, and perhaps light a candle for someone they are concerned about. And you can ask for our prayers too: there is a “prayer board” at the front of church, where you can write the name of the person to be prayed for, and we will add them to our prayer list. Or you can contact our lovely Parish Administrator, Diana, and ask her to add someone to that list (01666 500 088). This Lent, we are focussing on prayer at St Marys’ – and the theme for our Lent Groups is “An Invitation into Prayer”. We are really challenging ourselves over our prayer life, because it is so easy to let all our busy-ness take over, and not leave time to be still with God. As one cartoon puts it: “I am a great believer in prayer. I pray almost every day: almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday …” You are very welcome
to join one of our discussion groups – again, please contact Diana who can give you more information. And, each Sunday, our services at 8am and 9.30am are marking the journey through Lent. You are welcome to join us – especially for our special Palm Sunday procession on Sunday 29th March. We will be gathering in the Market Place at 9.30am for a brief service and then – remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem – we will walk down to St Marys’ to continue our worship. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, when we have services every evening as we prepare to come to the cross on Good Friday – and then rejoice at the empty tomb on Easter Day. But more about that next month! With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes, Parish Priest The Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne
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30 | March 2015
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Water Lane Workshops Creative workshops set in a beautiful Cotswold barn 20 minutes from Tetbury. Be inspired, learn a new skill and relax over a delicious lunch Furniture painting 17th March, 28th May Transform your old pine into beautiful painted treasures using our own china clay paints.
Planting design 19th May, 10th Sep Explore different garden styles, the principles of design, planting for different environments and create your own planting plans.
Lampshade and painted stand 19th March Make a 30cm drum shade with material you have chosen and paint a stylist wooden stand in one of our china clay paints.
Lino cut printing 5th March Create a fun design and transfer it to Lino. We use tools to cut away and progress to inking onto a bag, tea towel and greetings cards.
Flower arranging 11th June We reveal the secret to a beautiful ower arrangement using seasonal owers to decorate your home or give as a gift.
The days last from 9.30am to 3.15pm and the cost is ÂŁ85 which includes materials and lunch. Please visit waterlaneworkshops.co.uk or call Kate on 07770988455 kate@waterlaneworkshops.co.uk 1360315
Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events
March 2015 | 31
Sir William Romney’s School A message from SWRS Headteacher Steven Mackay I am writing to update you on a number of areas before the end of this term. As ever, Term 3 has been a very busy and productive one for the school. The approaching holiday will, of course, be welcomed by you and your children and I hope that it is enjoyable and restful. You may have seen that the 2014 School Performance Tables have been published. I wanted to draw your attention to the section on progress and, in particular, the value added (VA) scores. This score is the measure which demonstrates the overall progress made by students at a school, across all of their GCSE subjects. It is therefore the best indicator for showing how well students progress from their start point when they join a school in Year 7. The value added score for Sir William Romney’s is 1018.7 – one of the highest VA scores in the county and significantly higher than most of our neighbouring schools.
Value added score The new performance tables (introduced next year) have recognised that the best measure to judge achievement in a school is the value added score. I wanted to share this with you as I feel it is important to celebrate the success that the school has had with these results. This has been masked by the emphasis on attainment rather than progress in previous years and it is refreshing to see that in future the outstanding progress that your children make at SWR make will be recognised.
know that parents with children at the school will be equally as pleased.
Staffing Lastly, I would like to update you on a staffing matter. You will be aware that Mr Mahon has been covering Mrs Day’s classes during her absence from school. We have been very fortunate to have his services over the previous five months; however, his placement with us is coming to an end this term as he moves on to another role.
Mr Mahon has involved himself fully with the wider life of the school and was responsible for arranging an excellent Christmas concert and a range of extracurricular activities. We wish him well for the future. We have appointed Mr Norman McLachlan to this post to continue to cover Mrs Day’s absence. He will be starting with us on Friday, February 13, 2015 and will also be the tutor for 9LD. Steven Mackay - Headteacher
I am immensely proud of the attitude and effort of our students and grateful for the hard work and commitment of teachers and support staff at the school. The progress score for the school in the 2014 Performance Tables is evidence of both of these factors. On a related matter, I was delighted to see that St340208 Mary’s achieved a “Good” in22/2/08 their recent22:24 Piano Tuition Ofsted inspection. This is well deserved and I
Page 1
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32 | March 2015
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March 2015 | 33
Tetbury Classic Car Show It was with the greatest of pleasure again this year that The Tetbury Classic Car Show Organisers were able to hand over a sizeable sum of money to the representatives from our nominated Charity ALLSORTS based in Stroud. The funds were raised at our second annual event, held in beautiful sunshine back in September in that wonderful summer we had last year. Very big thanks must go to a lot of people not least the dedicated team of organisers helping me with the event, including Keith Leaver, Tim Peacock, John Bevan, Stephen Hirst and Richard Smith, all of whom put in a lot of time and energy planning and organising things. Thanks also must go to all our sponsors including Tetbury Audi our main sponsor and our very own Royal Oak, for putting on such a splendid bar. Our own Lions Club and W.I. were also tireless, providing the much needed help with marshalling the event and helping with teas respectively, and many thanks are due to the Youth Club for running our BBQ’s with their adult helpers. I’m sure you will agree with me when I say that the event was a huge success enjoyed by all who came and we raised a very pleasing sum of money indeed with over £8,500 in net profit after expenses. There are a number of recipients including the Dolphin Hall Refurbishment Fund and the Youth Club, but our major beneficiary remains our Charity ALLSORTS www.allsortsglos.org.uk.
Our 2015 Classic Car Show is on Sunday September 6th this year, on the playing fields of Sir William Romney’s School in Lowfield Road, Tetbury. We’re very grateful to the recreation ground for helping us start things off, but we believe this change of location to SWRS will allow us to expand the event into displaying even more cars and providing even more stands, stalls and attractions.
With a cheque for £3,750 our team handed over very welcome financial support to our wonderful charity. ALLSORTS, as you may know by now, supports families across Gloucestershire with children and young people who are severely physically disabled. They provide support in the shape of respite care, holidays, outward bound trips, youth clubs, equipment and a toy library which lends age-appropriate and disability-appropriate toys to the families, as well as advice and general support. It was at just such a youth club that the Organisers handed over this year’s cheque donation. The Charity has also just acquired a MOBILOO which allows the Carers to cater for the needs of the young people when they are out and about.
Bishop Property
Once again we will be supporting ALLSORTS and this time, Sir William Romney’s School, too. We hope you will all put this event in your diaries and come along. The show will be bigger and better than ever and definitely one of the best in Gloucestershire, so bring the family. John Billington, Classic Car Show Committee
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34 | March 2015
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Telling tales... It’s not something we usually encourage children to do, but that is exactly what we have been doing here at Leighterton Primary School! On 28th January, we welcomed The Story Emporium’s Phil McDermott to our school and watched as he captured the imaginations of the whole school with his vivid storytelling, firing their creative images and inspiring them to be storytellers themselves. Children and staff are still buzzing now! Buzzing has been evident in Class 4’s classroom rather a lot since Christmas
with their investigations into electricity feeding into their topic ‘Spy Kids’ with the creation of various gadgets and gizmos. I feel a little on edge as I visit their classroom, uncertain as to what secret surveillance is being practiced on me… The Y5/6 pupils started this topic with a trip to Bletchley Park - an amazing experience for them all and, as ever, the guides from the visit made a point of praising the children’s attitudes, positivity and manners which always makes us proud. Visitors to our school always comment on the attitude and atmosphere which pervades and a visiting Head Teacher
We are a small, friendly business. Our aim is to help enhance your special occasion with our beautiful vintage or Retro china. We can provide you with a variety of products to help your day become the perfect day that you imagined. Just give us a call; we are happy to give you a no-strings preview of our beautiful items.
Leighterton Primary School recently commented on the supportive nature of the Reception and Y1 pupils in Class 1, commending how they work together and the evident caring attitude. This is being further developed through this term’s topic of ‘People who help us’ and all the children enjoyed a day off whilst their class was instead populated by doctors, nurses, vets, fire fighters and policemen for the day- there was even a mini Miss Bence and a mini Mr Henley (Teachers of Class 1 and 4). Class 2 are loving their topic ‘The Great Fire of London’ finding out not only about old London but also its modern counterpart: they loved telling me all about the Shard with one little girl informing me that she is starting to save now for her penthouse apartment! Hopefully their enthusiasm will not be dampened by the planned visit by a fire engine later this term. A mummy guards the door of Class 3 so if you dare to enter you will not be surprised to be confronted by a tomb daubed with hieroglyphics- but duck your head as Howard Carter’s plane swoops down towards the discoveries being made by our Y3/4 pupils. Following on from last term’s knowledge gathering about ‘Local heroes’, they have now moved further afield to utilise their research skills. The whole school is switched on to learning with this vast array of topics, and are also enjoying a broad range of sporting, crafty and techno clubs and opportunities both within the school day and after school hours too. We are strengthening links within the local community, and have just started an exciting new venture in the form of our ‘Film Making club’ which has proved so popular that we have has to spread it over 2 sessions each week! More and more of our older pupils are also organising and leading clubs for the younger children, and as we head into spring, and each class considers what to plant in their raised beds, the children are definitely blossoming too! Leighterton Primary School
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March 2015 | 35
Cobalt Health Cobalt Health’s support of Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Nurse Since 2011, local charity, Cobalt Health has supported the role of a Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) Cancer Nurse. Megan Willsher looks after the needs of young people, aged from 15 up to 25, who have been diagnosed with cancer and are living in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. This is a relatively new and innovative role, jointly funded by Cobalt and the Gloucestershire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. In fact Megan is the only nurse with this role in our area and is one of only five in the South West region, which has acted as a pilot area for the role.
bring. I especially admire them for their ‘tell it like it is’ attitude, how positive they always are and how well they cope when faced with such difficult situations. It’s fantastic that Cobalt is able to support this role. I see patients in their home, during hospital treatment, with doctors in clinics and look at supporting them and their families throughout their cancer treatment and beyond if necessary. I help them get the most positive experience. We look at psycho-social issues which is very important to that age group. For example, we discuss body image, peer support, general health, education, fertility, mental health issues and employment.” Megan ensures that an appropriate framework, meeting the needs of young adult cancer patients, is established at
a time when they are most vulnerable and says “The number of young people I see is always changing. At the moment I’m supporting about 35 across the Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire, a mix of those newly diagnosed, relapsed patients and new referrals.” Media contacts: Sam Watson, Head of Fundraising. Cobalt, Linton House, Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7AS, Telephone: 01242 535908, Fax: 01242 535919, email: samantha.watson@cobalthealth.co.uk Photo: Megan Willshire, Cobalt Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Nurse, courtesy of the100project.net Charlotte Morris
As Cobalt will often see these teenagers and young adults as part of their diagnostic and treatment programmes, the charity’s support of Megan’s role was a natural progression of its’ aim to provide the very best support for cancer patients. Megan works across the boundaries of health and social care communities and voluntary organisations to encourage a flexible approach to the provision of emotional, as well as medical, support for teenagers and young adults with cancer. It is widely recognised that a specialist who can oversee and coordinate support for this vulnerable group of young people is crucial. Megan says “I have always worked with teenagers and young adults in my nursing career and really enjoy the challenges they
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36 | March 2015
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History of Tetbury Society Mrs Anne Crow spoke to the HOTS meeting on 5th February on the subject ‘Gloucestershire War Poets’ but she covered rather more ground than that. The foundation of her talk was ‘The Fifth Glo’ster Gazette’, a magazine produced by that Battalion of Territorial Volunteers
during WWI. It was the Padre G. F Helm who suggested that a magazine should be published and, initially in 1914 a batch of 50 copies was typed and duplicated for sale at thruppence each. Ultimately editions ran to 1500 copies printed back home in England with the last edition in 1919. Anne was using a Selected Collective Edition which she has compiled and edited. From the start there was no intention to produce literature. The aim was just ‘Lots of Fun’ and ‘Raise a Laugh’ so we were shown cartoons that soldiers had drawn poking ridicule at the enemy, the officers and the terrible conditions in which they were existing. The artists were anonymous – RAGS and OWL being regular contributors. Anne also projected a selection of poems, some of
which were parodies e.g. nursery rhymes or Gilbert and Sullivan. She read them out with the correct emphasis and phrasing that really brought out the true meaning of the stanzas. Pte F. W. Harvey has been dubbed “The Gloucestershire Laureate.” Anne’s research had revealed some facts about Tetbury servicemen including Pte T. Jones who was one of the troops that showed exemplary military discipline when the troopship ‘Tyndareus’ was mined off South Africa. Our next meeting on 5th March (7.30 at Christchurch ) is the AGM, but we intend to deal with formalities quickly in order to leave as much time as possible for our speaker. Dr. Alison Brookes from the Corinium Museum is to tell us about the ‘Tetbury Roman Coin Hoard’. History of Tetbury Society
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Rural Skills Centre
Royal Agricultural University The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills. Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more..... For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk 0041014
38 | March 2015
Rural Skills Centre
Job Vacancy Hospital Cleaner for Theatres Closing Date: 16th March 2015 15 hrs from 5pm – 8pm Monday to Friday and occasional Saturdays. The Hospital Services Department are looking for a highly motivated individual to join our friendly and hardworking cleaning team who are prepared to go the extra mile to maintain cleaning standards in our minor injuries unit, theatres and clinics. A clean hospital environment is essential for providing a safe healthcare environment for our patients so as a cleaner you will play a vital role in our hospital and the wellbeing of our patients. We couldn’t do our job without them.
Successful applicants’ will: • • • • • • •
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For further information and details please contact Gina Ellis or Susan Probert, Matrons on 01666 510755 or email matron@tetburyhospital.co.uk 0450315
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
is beneficial, that goal seemsalways muchseen further straightfrom away,your and we are all per week. and these must also be ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start grasp. Even if you’ve managed to stick to impatient even at the best of times. we are all habitual we times fall your goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with As simply going to the creatures gym three Sticking yourwetargets certain routines or habits, which can be always seen straight away,toand are all requires a perinto week. structured approach and an inner belief in impatient even at the best of times. bad.allCreating an exercise habitwe canfall Asgood weorare habitual creatures your ability to reachrequires what you set. Sticking to your targets a You must becertain vital inroutines helping or youhabits, achievewhich your goal. into can be be ableand to visualise processinand the end structured approach an innerthebelief easy habit will behabit easy tocan Start good orwith bad.anCreating anthat exercise goalwhat – but don’t just fantasise! your ability to reach you set. You must makeyou sure achieve you are consistent be stick vital to,in and helping your goal. ‘SMART’and objectives with the help be able to visualiseMaking the process the end perform thishabit habitthat for will at least two to with an easy be easy Startand a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the abilitystickweeks. goal – but don’t of just fantasise! Formake example, 30 consistent minutes to, and sureperform you are Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the developing exercises and help regimes that are to track improvement. andofperform habit for at leastand two exercise onthis a Monday, Wednesday of a trainer or byright yourself a greatthese waysteps of tobeat planisavital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. for you.is Follow example, 30 this minutes Friday.For Once you haveperform been doing for developing exercises and regimes that are ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. of exercise a Monday, Wednesday to track improvement. 4-6 weeks,onchange it – maybe increase theand right for you. Follow these steps to plan a A goal should be achievable for you – areFriday. Once youworkout have been doing this for length of your or switch exercises. SPECIFIC ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. you in the right place and have the right4-6This weeks, change it – maybe increase will keep your body and brainthe A goal must be individual to you, aiming A goalatshould for you you have – are set?length of your workout or switch exercises. accessbeforachievable the objective SPECIFIC guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 what you want you intotheSetting rightsmaller place ones and can have the right will keep and brain help you developThisfitness A goal must be individual to you, aiming at access – youyour can dobody it! accomplish. General forandthe set? guessing,goal and help lead you to your 2015 workobjective towards a you biggerhave end goal. what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop fitness goal – you can do it! to accomplish. targets General lead work towards a bigger end goal. reducedtofocusand and too REALISTIC targets lead room. To be realistic you must be able to visualize reduced focusmuch and wiggle too REALISTIC yourself objective. Too high a To be realistic youachieving must bethe able to visualize much wiggle room. MEASURABLE goal and you may struggleToo to see theaend, yourself achieving the objective. high A goal must be MEASURABLE goal and you too low and you will find the yourself less may struggle to see end, to be motivated. A goal mustable be too low and you will find yourself less – able to measured be motivated. – Montgomerie whether on TIMED and Amanda Montgomerie, Captain Ian Farquhar (left tomeasured right) Beatrice TIMED whetherscales on or Having amounted time frame forbehind, a goal is important, on a Hunt) (Joint Master of the Beaufort Katharine Landale (receiving the Havingaa time important, scales or stopwatch, on a having as thisframe is whatforyoua goal must iswork towards. This cheque on behalf of The Friends of Tetbury Hospital). as thistois what youyou must workoftowards. Thiskeeps stopwatch, having will give a sense urgency and time ora weight time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps
• Acute low back Just some of the symptoms • Acute low back painpain can be by treatment: • Chronic low back that can be that helped by helped treatment: • Chronic low back painpain • Acute/subacute Call now for free consultation painpain Call now for free consultation • Acute/subacute neckneck • Chronic neck pain • Chronic neck pain Tetbury Chiropractic Tetbury Chiropractic • Migraine • Migraine Health and Centre Wellbeing Centre Vicinity HealthVicinity and Wellbeing • Acute whiplash-associated disorders • Acute whiplash-associated disorders DermaCo House DermaCo House • Tennis • Tennis elbowelbow 2 Charlton Road 2 Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip(hip wear and • Hip osteoarthritis wear andtear) tear) Tetbury Jwala Gurung Tetbury Jwala Gurung • Knee• osteoarthritis Knee osteoarthritis Gloucestershire Doctor Chiropractic, Gloucestershire Doctor of Chiropractic, JS Painters & DecoratorsTelephone 22/2/08 22:20 PageMchiro, 1 GL8 8 DY 250208 CCEP, LRCC. info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk 07469 187004 GL8 8 DY Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 0630215
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
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Tetbury Hospital Charitable Trust Beaufort Hunt raises funds for Tetbury Hospital’s new Eye-Care Centre The Beaufort Hunt gave a belated Christmas gift to Tetbury Hospital late in December, in the form of a cheque for £400. Hunt supporters Beatrice and Amanda Montgomerie raised the money by selling Christmas table decorations from the Beaufort Hunt Ball following the Hunt’s annual party. Captain Ian Farquhar, Joint Master of the Beaufort Hunt commented “The Beaufort is delighted to be able to support such a worthwhile and local cause” The money raised was used towards Tetbury Hospital’s One-Stop Eye Care Clinic - two pieces of optical equipment creating a much-needed one-stop approach to ophthalmic care at the Hospital. The urgent need for the new equipment is driven by the high demand in the area due to an ageing population together with long waiting times at other hospitals. Tetbury Hospital Trust is a charity established in 1991 which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments though not for new or replacement equipment. The Hospital’s survival depends on local fund-raising and the generosity of local people. Since the recent NHS re-organisation, the Hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire with more than 20 consultants from both counties holding regular clinics at the Hospital. 440208 Allium
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And have fun getting fit! Classes only £5 Monday 6.00pm Nailsworth Primary school Tues 7.30-8.30pm Tuesday 6.15pm Westonbirt Leisure Centre at Luckington Community School For all other classes and venues Thurs 6.30-7.30pm at Sherston Village Hall Visit www.pts4u.org.uk Sat 10-11am Avening Memorial Hall Or call Ruth King 07734886275 For all other classes and venues Visit www.pts4u.org.uk
Ruth King 07734886275 Providing the forumOr forcall local community to share latest news and events
Page 1
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Tetbury Hospital Charitable Trust
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March 2015 | 39
Tetbury Camera Club Our first meeting in the New Year comprised a show of images from the London Salon exhibition of 2014. The evening started with a brief history of the London Salon whose roots go back to 1893. The objective of the Salon is to promote photography as art and the CD we looked at which contained their images has two files. One held a recorded commentary on 100 images, the other all the images from the exhibition. Contrary to past practice, on this occasion we played the recorded commentary. This was by Leigh Preston, a well-known name, who visited us in February 2014 and is due to come again at the end of March. Listening to the commentary greatly increased the appreciation of each of the images and enhanced the experience. The next meeting consisted of the showing of images submitted by members selected for the bi-lateral competitions with local clubs, Stroud and Cirencester. Separately, we viewed the images selected for the multi-lateral competition with clubs in the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF). The former competitions have yet to take place, but we now know the result of the WCPF competition which is open to all clubs in the Western counties. Last year, the first year we entered, we were placed 43rd out of 55 entrants. Since we are only a small club this was by no means a disgrace, but we resolved to do better this year. In the event, we were placed 19th out of 47 entrants - a very encouraging result which will spur us on to do even better next year.
It’s time to put on your dancing shoes, even if you can’t dance.
If you want to get fit fast, lose those unwanted pounds and have more fun than you can believe doing it, here’s some great news for you.
Classes £5 payg, suitable for all ages & fitness levels: Tuesday 7.40pm – Nailsworth Primary School Wednesday 7.00pm – Tetbury Leisure Centre Thursday 9.00am – Westonbirt Leisure Centre Contact Ruth King on 07734886275 for booking or more information, or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ dance stars Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite produced a unique dance and fitness programme –
The most recent internal competition was judged by Howard Warren. Howard is both an experienced judge and a club member. He explained that he was faced by double jeopardy; not only are judges potentially unpopular with the majority of entrants but he has to come back next week as well! However, Howard commented fully on all of the images entered with his customary aplomb. One of the winning entries, by Liz Cooper, is reproduced here.
The speaker at the next meeting was Dave Yates, who is, among other distinctions, a member of the London Salon. During the first half of the evening he showed us a range of his own colour prints and then, in the second half, his black and white prints. All were excellent. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk Frank Jenkins
Is pleased to announce, by popular demand, the arrival of a new KETTLEBELL fitness class. The class is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, men and women alike. Limited weights are available for hire (£1), so booking is essential, classes are £5, pay-as-you-go. Nailsworth Primary School: Monday 7pm Tetbury Leisure Centre: Wednesday 8pm
How Did I Get Here?
For more information, or to book your place, please call Ruth King on 07734886275 or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes. What Have You Got To Lose? Be Yourself Only Better!
40 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Elephant Bathroom Company
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Tetbury WI
The Feoffees and the Thirteen This month I would like to mention the current hot topic of parking.
In February, we were pleased to welcome Saleha Moolla to our meeting. She spoke about Islam and answered many wide ranging questions from the audience. Her two daughters also took part and talked about various issues with some of our members. Sharia law was discussed, radicalisation and “honour” killings were some of the topics included. We, in the WI, have no political or religious affiliation. As well as being entertained, we like to be informed. Saleha’s humour and sincerity were appreciated by us all.
And how we can help support our town, both traders and shoppers alike. Many of you will know that Cotswold District Council held free parking in council car parks on Monday and Tuesday afternoons during January and February and some of you may want to know why this did not include The Chipping car park. The Chipping car park, whilst managed by Cotswold District Council, is in fact owned by The Feoffees and all monies raised are then spent in the town on projects and grants for our community and residents. In fact, we reduced the price for the first hour of parking last year in order to help traders and encourage people to make visiting the town a little easier. So can I ask if you are going to park in town, remember that The Chipping car park money goes back into our town and not the district.
Socially we have enjoyed another delicious lunch at the Ormond and our regular coffee mornings at the Snooty Fox. Apart from our regular group activities we are taking part in workshops and the most recent was a lesson in felting - the first of several we hope. On March 23rd, a baton will be moved through Gloucestershire to celebrate 100 years of the WI. It will arrive in Tetbury at nine am at the Market House, having come from Avening - and then will be transported to Oaksey by some of our members who will be running, cycling and driving a vintage MG. We shall enjoy coffee and breakfast at the Snooty after a rather early start for some of us!
The Market Hall has been the focal point in our town for centuries and I am pleased to advise that Tony Walsh has prepared and has given a number of talks and displays recently on its history and the history of The Feoffees in Tetbury. If you
Our next meeting will be on March 9th at the Dolphins’ Hall when Di Alexander will talk on the Dymock poets. You are welcome to join us. 150208 Maths & English
Chris Gibson
• • • •
Ryan McCarthy St Mary’s Playgroup Club 77 Tetbury Fire Service
Dates for your diary • Friday 3rd July – Town BBQ on the Millennium Green • Saturday 12th September – Beating of the Bounds – this year we are holding this during Heritage Weekend when the Market Hall will be open to the public on both the Saturday and Sunday If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website www.feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman
Page 1
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42 | March 2015
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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area
March 2015 | 43
People’s Pod
them know it’s coming up. Keep your eye on our articles and posters for details as they unfurl.
The end of February saw us change our young person assistant at the Pod We say goodbye to Chelsea who has worked for us for the past 6 months. Chelsea enjoyed working at the Pod, and has gained confidence in taking on responsibilities and interacting with people. Thank you Chelsea, for your commitment and willingness to learn and to try new things - we hope you enjoyed it and gained from the experience. Well done. Early in February we had a Karting presentation at Boxer Power and Equipment Ltd, where we showed some young people and parents around the workshop to explain the details of our Karting project. The aim was to inspire the young people to apply for a position on the four-man team. At the point of writing we have not selected that team yet, but those who came to the presentation definitely had a better understanding of the process and left excited, hoping they might be selected. Last month I mentioned that we were waiting on news as to our success in winning some funds for a music project. I am surprised and excited to say that we’ve heard that we have been awarded one of the grants we applied for. The music project will give an opportunity to a number of young people to explore singing or guitar playing, gaining confidence and having fun learning a skill. Towards the end of the project we want these young people to be able to share what they have learnt by performing publicly. This might seem scary but it’s part of the confidence and creativity that we aim to encourage in them – and we shall of course support all the young people properly, putting them only in situations they can cope with.
Lastly I want to share a date, 20th March 7.30pm - 10.30pm, when we will be holding a girls session where we will be focussing on Well-being and Self Esteem. Using some material from Dove, we are going to gently consider how we feel about ourselves, how we should feel about ourselves, and
how external pressures challenge our self esteem. We will also have time to relax and have some fun, such as nail art, craft, sharing food and maybe watching a film. All events are for years 7-13. Weekly Pod sessions 5.15-7.15pm Tuesdays and Fridays at the Pod on the Rec. For further information Call Mandy 07968 591912 Mandy Scott
Kirstie Stevens HAIRDRESSING AT HOME 07515 692232 1501213
St Mary’s Pre-School Playgroup and Toddlers
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Book your place now to avoid disappointment! For more information & session times pop in one morning, give us a call or visit our website (see details below)
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641010 Tetbury Mini Bus:Layout 1
So, if you know a local young person who hasn’t had the opportunity to have singing or guitar lessons but would like to, or someone who would see some benefit in their confiPat dencetesting:Layout and self esteem by 530212 1 being 17/1/12 involved in this project, then please let
Page 1
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Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events
March 2015 | 45
Tetbury Police Museum Our Curator, John Silvester, having given an illustrated talk on Early Policing in Gloucestershire to the 41 Club in Weymouth, is able to make a similar presentation to local clubs and societies; one is already booked for the Sherston W.I. later in the year. Is anyone else interested? We are pleased to announce that we have a new professional mentor: Angel SuttonVane is a freelance museum adviser and the Curator for the Devon & Cornwall Police Historic Collections and we’re lucky to have her on board to help. John Silvester, Hon Curator, Email curator@ tetbury.gov.uk Now some more from our Cold Case Files:
Rail Crash Remembered, 1928: Part 1 In the early hours of October 13, 1928, the Leeds-to-Bristol mail train collided with another at Charfield station and in the ensuing fire 14 people lost their lives. To mark the occasion a memorial service was held in St James’ Church, Churchend. The arrival of a passenger train ten seconds early caused sixteen deaths in a horrific blaze that gutted coaches and their
occupants. Passengers were travelling on the night mail train between Leeds and Bristol. It steamed at 60 miles per hour towards sleepy Charfield village as a 51-wagon goods train was shunting backwards into a siding. Just another ten seconds and the goods train would have been clear, but Lady Luck was looking away that night. For some reason never fully explained or understood, the mail train roared past a signal at red and crashed into the goods train. Unfortunately the mail train was one of the older types still lit by gas (electricity was then taking over for trains illumination) and gas cylinders were hung beneath the front coaches. This gas ignited on impact, and the massed wreckage became a funeral pyre within seconds. As the train hurtled towards Charfield through patchy fog, most of the passengers were asleep. In the Charfield signal box signalman Henry Button accepted the mail train from the Berkeley junction and put the signal to red. This should have halted the train until the goods train was off the line. But driver Henry Aldington and his fireman Frank Want read the distant signal as green, and continued on their fateful journey. The engine and tender of the goods train were still on the line as the mail train hit them. Desperate efforts of the goods train driver to clear the line were defeated by ten fateful seconds. The mail train crashed into the goods tender, and ploughed off the line into another goods train - luckily empty - passing on the up line. The mail train landed on its side among the smashed wagons, and hot ashes from the firebox spat over the line. Three coaches behind the engine telescoped, falling against the brick bridge immediately above the line.
Within 20 minutes flames were leaping 40 feet above the cutting. It took five hours before fire engines from Gloucester, Bristol and Stroud managed to get the flames under control. But it was much later before anyone could face the grisly task of recovering the bodies. The Railway Tavern,
near the bridge, was turned into a first-aid station. More than 30 people were treated for minor injuries and 11 gravely injured people were rushed to Bristol Hospital. Relatives came to Charfield to identity the bodies. The charred remains could only be identified, for the most part, by rings, watches, cigarette cases, and in one case a piece of distinctive shirt. To be continued ….. Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom archives. Original Source: Glos Gazette
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46 | March 2015
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Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area
March 2015 | 47
Woolsack Day Plans Commence for the 2015 Woolsack Day. Woolsack is a great day for Tetbury. Free entertainment, a first class street market with magnificent street entertainment and a fun fair topped off by the world famous Woolsack Races. Last year’s event raised £3000 which was recently donated to the Great Western Air
Ambulance a service to which many Tetbury people owe their lives. This service does not receive any NHS funding and relies entirely on voluntary contributions, and we were pleased to provide a donation to protect the ongoing service of the Air Ambulance. Plans are being formulated for the 2015 event and the team hope to provide yet another successful great day for the town. Gugge2000 are due to make another welcome return with their iconic musical rendition that captivates the crowds. We are also seeking other unique street entertainers
to provide a great treat for the crowds that converge on Tetbury for the day. We do require as a matter of urgency a number of volunteers to assist in the planning and running of the event. Should you be willing to join the team, please contact Stephen Hirst on 01666 504213. We need your help to secure the future of Tetbury’s traditional Woolsack Day.
It’s such a great day for the town, don’t let’s lose it. Stephen Hirst
Woolsack Bunting Appeal You may have noticed that last year there was no bunting up in Tetbury for the Woolsack races. There were two reasons for this, firstly there wasn’t a team to erect it and secondly the bunting had disintegrated and was thrown away. We need to rectify the situation; a local firm has volunteered to put the bunting up this year free of charge. Now we just need to get the bunting! The Mayor and I have made personal donations to get the fund going and now I’m asking shops, businesses, pubs and hotels to help. If each business could donate £10 we would be well on the way to getting the bunting. Please leave your donation with either the Tourist Information office or the Town Council preferably in an envelope marked “Bunting Fund” and the name of your business, so that it can be acknowledged. Please make cheques payable to Tetbury Town Council. If generous individuals would also care to donate, we’d be happy to accept! If you have an email address and would like to be added to our database please contact me at tourism@tetbury.org email address. Many thanks in anticipation and kind regards, Jackie Williams, Manager Tetbury Tourist Information
Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1
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48 | March 2015
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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Tetbury NCT
Spring is finally on its way!
Our next Nearly New Sale is fast approaching on March 14th from 11-12.30 at St Mary’s And for those of us with small children this School. (Early entry for NCT members with means some very welcome relief in the a valid membership card.) Be sure to get form of trips to the park, walks along the old there early to grab the best bargains! Packs railway line and visits to Westonbirt. I, for are still available if you want to sell. Email one, am looking forward to exploring the Newman:Layout 1 28/6/08 fl1080608 owers andRicky budding trees around Tetbury Charlie on tetburynctnearlynew@gmail. as we’re able to get out and about more. com for a pack or more information.
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic. For more info,
Call Ricky on 01666 504644
Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark
The Signature antenatal course for June babies is now full. It should prove to be an exciting and thought-provoking eight weeks exploring pregnancy, birth and the transition to parenthood. Places are still available for August babies on the course taking place in June. Please email capacity3d@nct.org.uk for more information. From all of us at Tetbury NCT we hope that you enjoy the longer days and warmer weather. And we hope to see you at an event soon! Sara McMahon
Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
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Saturday 14th March 11am-12.30pm
St Mary’s Primary School, Tetbury
Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk 140208 Classic Windows 22/2/08 22:04 Page 1
For more information or a Sellers Pack contact: tetburysale@nct.org.uk 0844 243 6296 (option 2) 0520215
Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area
March 2015 | 49
Paul Carpenter Carpentry Services All aspects of carpentry, kitchens, uPVC doors and windows
Tel: 07952 931552 18/6/13
410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1
Spectacles Recycling Donate unwanted glasses and change someone’s life. Imagine if you could help a child read. An adult succeed in his job. A senior maintain her independence. And provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. To help with a continuing Lion’s initiative you can drop off your usable eyewear at either: Haine & Smith Opticians, 5 Church Street Tetbury GL8 8JG Tel. 01666 503610 or Armstrong & North Opticians, 2 Church Street Tetbury GL8 8JG Tel. 01666 502 913 contact1Brian Gammon briangammon@tiscali.co.uk for information or collection. 19:52 OrPage
380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1 410713
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McTimoney Chiropractic Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area & now at Tetbury Hospital
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50 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Since it started in 1974, the magazine front page has included advertising. It’s been a lucrative approach but not, it’s true, always a very attractive one! Next month we’re going to trial advert-free front pages and we’re delighted to say that Mr Terry Mathews, Graphic Designer and professional Commercial Photographer, will be helping us by donating some of his images, both old and new.
“If there are any locations you think would look attractive on our cover, please let usHardiman:1090406 know.” 260313 Wayne
Meanwhile, our online edition has had a few teething problems and we’re working on speeding up the way it renders – thanks to Maliya Price for making us aware of the issue. Happily, we’ve also received the following compliments this month, which I’d like to share with you. “Tetbury Advertiser has been fabulous for my business…”, “Response has been great!”, “Many thanks again for your patience”, “You have at least one very satisfied customer!!”, “My ad looks great – many thanks.”
Tetbury Advertiser We can’t please everyone, it’s true, but we do try hard - and our advertising rates remain reassuringly low, so if you’ve been thinking of giving us a try, please do. Lastly, I hope we’re continuing to do things right on your behalf. We’d be delighted to hear from you of course, whatever your thoughts on the subject! Editor
Wayne Ha
Wayne Hardiman Carpentry & Building Free Estimates 07787 576309 01666 880066 260313
it’s a Charity thing!
First ........Try TetburyLocal......... and Shop
Hardware s FROM Tetbury • Crown – Special Offer Duck or Lamb than 15kg £49.00 Board only £19.99 or March Madness Packed for less • Minky Ironing ed Adult 18kg • James Wellbelov Magnolia or White only £19.99 (While stocks last) 7.5lts only £19.99 Matt Emulsion Concertina Airer
able to print machine is now phy: Our new help you. Digital Photogra cards and let us in your memory more sizes; bring just the We may have , General DIY: travel. Ask us Spring Cleaning try before you to do the job so competitive items you need might be more requirements we for any special Shoe than you think!! Key Cutting Service, we also supply items of household Do not forget as a wide range Repairs as well you needed. you never knew
ask us for a r stocks your product . : If our Wholesale Dog and Cat owners Pet Products you all our local if we can help price - lets see Seeds now in stock : 2015 Mr Fothergill purchase Garden Products on seeds (Min 10% discount stocked February Special Garden Items range of all other 3 packets). Full and Shallots available. winter. Onion Sets the t throughou stocks of all our We will be holding needs you special any Winter Fuels: have us fuels. Please let Delivery available. normal winter we will try to oblige. might have and
30a London
ry GL8 8JL Road Tetbu
March 2015
4,200 Circulati
Published by
Ke 01666 500353 the
(Follow us on Google
Tetbury since Lions Club of
it in
and Facebook)
Page rates are: Single column inch £5 Double column inch £10 1/4 page £55 1/2 page £90 Full page £160 Back cover 1/2 page £95
We help publicise club activities and events in the town via our editorial columns, and we help promote businesses and services in the town with cheap-rate advertising opportunities.
Everybody wins! Unlike magazines run for profit, our surplus is ploughed back into local facilities, good causes, and to individuals in genuine need. If you advertise with us, you can be assured that you are also making a contribution to the locale.
Why wait?
Providing the forum for local community to share latest news and events
March 2015 | 51
Tetbury Community Choir New season, new songs… When we began our new term on 10th February we started looking at some new material for the 2015 season, as well as continuing to work on a few of the classical choruses we learnt recently, and all the other popular songs in our repertoire. After our success with Handel’s Messiah, we feel ready for anything! At the AGM, we appointed a new Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as extending many thanks to the outgoing committee, who have done sterling work for the Choir. Nicki Heenan continues as our Musical Director, and she is busy developing some exciting plans for 2015. There’s loads of evidence that proves that singing is good for your health. Our Choir
R&W DECORATORS Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios
Tel No. 01452 814459 Tel No. 01452 542179 Mob. 07779427353 / 07866366319 “no job too small”
is friendly and informal, and welcomes new members – men and women. There’s no audition, just come along and try a session. You don’t need to read music just like singing and have a sense of fun. We rehearse on Tuesdays from 6.45 pm at Christ Church, Tetbury.
If you would like more information about the choir or our events, please contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail. com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk . We look forward to seeing you!
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall There are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more information please contact Monika on 07840826306 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.
L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street ❈ All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213
52 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Don’t forget...Sunday, March 15 is
Mothers Day
Landscaping Before
Give your mum a beautiful hair and nails treatment this Mothers Day!
Extension Before
New Build Before
20 Hampton Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JN Telephone: 01666 505466 / info@abiandrews.com www.abiandrews.com 0020315
Landscaping After
Landscaping Before
New Build Before
Cleaning Services
Extension After
Extension Before
New Build After
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Extensions Loft Conversions Barn Conversions Extension After Landscaping After Listed Building Refurbishment Groundworks and Landscaping Natural Stone Walling Roofing Fascias & Guttering New Build After Kitchens & Bathrooms Extensions Roofing Carpentry Loft Conversions Fascias & Guttering Barn Conversions Kitchens & Bathrooms Property Maintenance Building Refurbishment Carpentry Fully insured, friendly and reliableListed service. Groundworks and Landscaping
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March 2015 | 53
Messiah Triumph
Optimum Mobility Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist
Dear Editor,
* Wheelchairs, manual and powered
The columns dedicated to the Community Choir in the pre-Christmas editions of the Advertiser were dominated by the preparations for a workshop on the Messiah, which took place at the end of November. It turned into a triumph. The coaching from our visiting professionals was excellent, but the chief prize must be awarded to our leader Nikki, not just for her guidance in the run-up to the event, but in having the courage to take the choir beyond its comfort zone into what, for many, was uncharted territory. I hope she was as exhilarated as the rest of us were by what emerged after weeks of hard work.
We are a family business
The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury
01666 840060
Solid Light Oak Corner TV Cabinet with glass doors £100 ono. 1040 mm wide - 60 mm high - 53 mm deep.
Bookcase with 2 shelves and 2 drawers £90 ono. 1130 mm high - 1040 wide - 30 mm deep
Page 1
Like New! - Telephone Colin on 07747 898291
For Sale
Ed: Mr Rees – my opportunity to publish your letter has only just come about; many thanks, we heartily agree with your 100208 KP Gardens 22/2/08 21:50 sentiments.
Scooters and portable scooters Powered rise/recline armchairs Household, bathroom and walking aids Large display with private test area Disabled facilities, easy parking Proper maintenance Part exchange, new & reconditioned
Mobility assessments and tuition at home
For Sale
John Rees
* * * * * * *
Zara Lamb
Bookkeeping and Payroll services General Bookkeeping, VAT returns, Management accounts, EC Sales Lists, Payroll and more. Sage or QuickBooks computerised accounting, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, or your own system. Experienced with Multi-currency accounting and International Trade. Tetbury references available
Enquiries welcome any time Tel: 01285 760707- 07870 943397 email: springlamb33@gmail.com
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple.
• You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
• Over 40 years experience • No job too small
telephone me on 07764 302 683 22:12 for morePage information. 1130509Please Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 1 0490215
Call Robert Hart
Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907
54 | March 2015
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
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• Extensions • Renovations • New builds
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Rob Wootton
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Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319
For a free quote call Colin or Nick Ball on:
We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
The sign of building quality 1121111
Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month
March 2015 | 55
Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Spring is here again so it’s time to get out and about! Join us on the Dial-a-Ride for local shopping trips and appointments or perhaps you would like to go a little further! The monthly trips to Yate, Cirencester and Sainsbury’s are popular and the most recent Friday one to Waitrose, Malmesbury is also gathering fans.
with, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 26th March THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco FRIDAYS: 10.30am. Shopping trips: Yate, 6th March. Cirencester, 13th March. Waitrose, 20th March 10am. Library Club, 27th March. Please ring or call in to talk to us about
As always, Bluebell, the adapted car is available if you have a local appointment, which doesn’t fit the Dial-a-Ride schedule. Please give us a call, with as much notice as possible and we will do our best to help. For appointments further afield, please call the Cirencester office Tel: 01285 659374 to book with the Hospital Car Service. Aileen our local Village Agent will be in the office for her usual ‘drop-in’ sessions. If you would like to speak to her call in or ring 07810 630156.
Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments) WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury Market (including appointments) THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9am. Nailsworth & Avening
volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon – Fri. 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
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56 | March 2015
Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk
Your Local Colour Printers Litho Print
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Call: 01453 731001
Units C1 - C4, Phoenix Trading Estate, London Road, Stroud, Glos GL5 2BX
Elections will be taking place at the Dolphins Hall, New Church Street, Tetbury, on Thursday 7th May 2015. If you would like to become a Councillor visit Cotswold District Councils website (www.cotswold.gov.uk) for a nomination paper, alternatively papers can be obtained from Tetbury Town Council offices from 24th February 2015 and we would gladly discuss the role of Town Cllr. Your completed nomination paper must be HAND DELIVERED to the Elections Office at CDC no later than 4pm on Thursday 9th April.
Meet our New Councillor
At the Full Council meeting in January 2015, Brock Bergius was coopted as your new Town Councillor. Brock is the owner of York House boutique bed & breakfast in Silver Street. “Tetbury is a very special Cotswold town and a place which Brock holds dear. Brock believes that he could bring a spot of ‘youthful vigour’ to Town Council proceedings”. Welcome Brock to Tetbury Town Council!
New Play Equipment in Suffolk Close Following the January Heritage and Regeneration Committee meeting, it was agreed to purchase a new piece of play equipment in the Suffolk Close play area. The equipment below (Tunnel Net) will be installed within the next couple of months.
A Paid for feature
Tetbury Town Council has a grant fund of £10,000 which is distributed to local organisations within the town to help with their projects. We also help fund a Youth Worker for the Peoples Pod. This year we have donated to the following organisations:
Dolphins Hall - £5,000 Flower Show - £500 St Mary’s Primary School - £230 Model Railway Club - £500 Cotswold Volunteers - £1,000 Monday Club - £350 Citizens Advice Bureau - £200 Guides - £486 Christmas in Tetbury - £1,000 Cricket Club - £500
If you would like to apply for a grant for your local organisation please call into the office to collect a grant application form. Grant applications will be accepted from 1st April 2015. In addition Tetbury Town Council has contributed to Heritage and Regeneration projects including the following:
World War I New Playground Equipment Christmas In Tetbury
Tetbury In Bloom Police Museum
Do you want to be the next Tom and Barbara but do not have the land to pursue your ambition? We may be able to help you. If you would like an allotment on Hampton Street please contact 01666 504670 or email your contact details to administrator@tetbury.gov.uk The cost for an allotment is £40 per year, with a £5 joining fee and £5 Shed deposit to pay in your first year. We are currently collecting names for our waiting list.
We are currently in the process of designing the new Tetbury Town Council Website. Do you have any photographs of Tetbury that we could use? If yes, please email your jpeg images to administrator@tetbury.gov.uk
ONE BEDROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT in “The Old Courthouse” – Approximately £500 per calendar month excluding bills. If you would like to view the flat with a potential of renting please contact 01666 504670 alternatively email the Town Clerk at clerk@tetbury.gov.uk references will be required.
OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Are you a local business in need of extra space? Tetbury Town Council has a room/office to rent. For more information please contact 01666 504670 alternatively email the Town Clerk at clerk@tetbury.gov.uk
A Paid for feature
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