March 2016
Cover photo © Terry Mathews www.terrymathews.co.uk
Inside this issue: • Avening WI ...................Page 31
• Probus One ...................Page 10
• Sir William Romney’s School ...................Page 54
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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk David Ellison - Accounts 4 The Damsells, Tetbury GL8 8JA. Tel: 01666 504166 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk
Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the April Issue is
Thursday 10th March 2016 Delivery - 26th/27th March Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.
Rates Media pack available from www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Back cover half page £100 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.40 Please quote your invoice number in payment transactions Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk
What’s On
2nd March St Michael’s Hall, Christine Russell:
Avening Primary School 8 Avening WI 31 Cheltenham Wine Festival 32 Chelworth Bookworms 12 Christian Aid 55 Civic Society 13 Computer Assistance 42 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 40 Dolphins Dramatic Society 43 Eating Out 34 Girlguiding 7 History of Tetbury Society 33 Leighterton Primary School 39 Letters to the Editor 50 Lion’s Den 5 Lion’s Recipe Book 5 Malmesbury Bridge Club 56 Mark Townsend Charitable Trust 16 Mayor’s Report 6 Minchinhampton Pony Club 17 News from St Marys’ Church 19 News from St Michael’s Church 51 Patient’s Participation Group 37 Priory Inn Blog 23 Probus One 10 Probus Two 48 Puddle Ducks 49 Save ‘n’ Borrow 58 Save the Children 52 Sir William Romney’s School 54 St Mary’s Playgroup 14 Tetbury Area Churches Together 38 Tetbury Art Society 36 Tetbury Camera Club 11 Tetbury Community Choir 57 Tetbury Dial-A-Ride 58 Tetbury in Bloom 18 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 20 Tetbury Police Museum 30 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 22 Tetbury Theatre Group 44 Tetbury Town Council 26 Tetbury Town Football Club 27 Tetbury WI 45 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 28 Tourist Industry Welcome Weekend 24 Unsung Hero - March 23 Wacky Races 27 What’s On 3 Woolsack Day 46 Young by Name 4
Sill life in pastels Please see the Tetbury Art Society in this issue. 3rd March HOTS AGM at 7.30 in Christ Church 4th March Glos Police Male Voice Choir 7.30pm, Cirencester Parish Church Tickets £10/£8 from twoeuphs@aol.com 07776 172622 or Cirencester Tourist Information. 4th March Women’s Day of Prayer at St Michael’s 2.00pm Other special services throughout March; please see the article in this issue. 5th March Tea Dance, Dolphins Hall 2.00 – 4.00 pm £5 a head payable on the door. 6th of March Mothering Sunday service at St Marys’ Other special services throughout March; please see the article in this issue. 7th of March at the surgery, Everyday First Aid session 2 to 4pm. Further details via the PPG; please see the article in this issue. 9th March Film Night at The Dolphins Hall, 7.00 pm; “Mr Holmes” Tetbury Film Society, funds to The Friends of Tetbury Hospital. £10 per person. Tickets from Tetbury Hospital 01666 502336 or by calling 01666 504039. 10th March Malmesbury Bridge Club 7.00 pm, Athelstan House Malmesbury New member drive: jimedwards2011@hotmail.co.uk or 01453 860649 Carol Paton, MBC secretary. 14th March Dolphins Hall at 7.15 speaker Nell Gifford on “Giffords Circus” Please see Tetbury WI article in this issue. 18th March Village Quiz at Avening social club Please see the Avening WI article in this issue. 18th March St Michael’s Irish Night Please see the article in this issue. 25th March Boxer Three Wheeler Challenge
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Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.
CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
Young by Name Painting the Town Yellow.
- The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop, named after Lewis Buzbee’s delightful book, “The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop”, which weaves together a memoir of his life as a bookseller with the history of books and bookshops.
What’s the connection between Tetbury and Vincent van Gogh?
But what about Van Gogh? I hear you cry. Bear with me, I’m getting to that...
No, it’s not the starry starry nights, the abundance of sunflowers (in the florists’ at least), the wonky-legged chairs in certain cafes, nor even the occasional pipesmoking man seen wandering through town in a straw hat. It’s one of the shops
Buzbee derived his book’s title from a quote from the great Dutch artist, who wrote that he longed to paint “a bookshop with the front yellow and pink in the evening”. I’m assuming Van Gogh meant as an artist, rather than as a painter and decorator, although that tack would have earned him more in his lifetime than his canvasses ever did. Whether he ever did it, I’ll never know. But I am very glad his ambition inspired the book’s title, because it panders to my passion for what I call eponymous buying. I’m not sure if that’s a recognised phrase, but it’s the one I use in my head to mean acquiring a product that shares the name of the place you buy it from. It’s easy to do with food or drink: Sancerre (the wine) in Sancerre (the French town in which it’s made) or, less romantically, Eccles cakes in Eccles. It’s a shame I don’t like cheese - I’m missing so many easy ticks there - but the roll-call of wines I can handle. The names of products and towns are more
frequently associated than the names of products and shops. You can’t buy boots in Boots, for example, and White Stuff seems to sell clothes in every colour but white. Anyone trying to buy an apple at Apple would be disappointed. If I wasn’t such a purist about spelling, I might enjoy buying shoes in Schuh, or, at a push, macs in TK Maxx. I haven’t checked the quality of the drugs in Superdrug, but I’ll take their word for it that they’re super. However, for a lad to go into Ladbrokes and come out as a lad, broke, would be a Pyrrhic victory. Arguably, some people do leave the fashion chain Fatface with a fat face, but only if they’ve gone in with one in the first place. Whoever thought that was a good fashion chain name needs a firm talking to from Top Shop. And yes, you can buy tops there. So I felt I had scored a rare victory when leaving The Yellow Lighted Bookshop recently with “The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop” under my arm, the name of the book exactly matching the name of the shop in which I’d bought it. But I failed to find what I really needed to go with it: a good eponymous snack. Anyone care to invent a Tetbury bun? I’m sure there’s a gap in the market. Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com @DebbieYoungBN
CL Tetbury Advertiser Ad 21-1-16_Layout 1 21/01/2016 14:29 Page 1
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Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner. Two courses for £14.50* The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com
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4 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Dear Readers, “Happy Mother’s Day” seems a safe opening for my column this month, so there you are. There’s an advert or two on the subject inside this issue too, if you’re stuck for inspiration, and of course phoning the lady herself up on March the 6th could do no harm. But already, I digress! For things Lion-ish this month, there are things to look back
on and also to look forward to. Since my last words with you we’ve made our Marie Curie collection, started our health incentive and also enjoyed a couple of social occasions, including going to the Greyhound Racing at Swindon, mobhanded. The staff were helpful, the meal perfectly acceptable and the dogs sprightly, so many thanks to Lion Paul for arranging the trip. The fact that I picked the winning dog in the first race at 6-to-1 on the nose helped - and although the rest
Lion’s Recipe Book Do you, your family or your friends have a favourite recipe you’d like to share? If so, then please join in with the Lions Tetbury Recipe Book! We’re launching it by asking local people to share their favourite recipes with us; they may have been in your family for generations, have been used to celebrate a special occasion, or just be delicious! Let us know the background and we’ll include that as well. The recipe book will be launched in April and will be on sale at our stalls at Tetbury’s major events – Wacky Races, Woolsack Day and the Summer Show. We’re already attracting sponsorship and advertising from food and drink companies to tie in with the recipes, and the book will raise money for local charities. Please send your recipes into Saxon Greenway saxon.greenway@gmail.com - of Willowbank, Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8BT, or to Barry Gibbs barrygibbs@rfx.org. uk - of 18 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL88JW. Many thanks!
Lions Den of the evening is a bit of a blur, I managed to lose steadily throughout and still enjoy myself. Great fun. Lion VP Alan Cross and I have also been out and about in the last couple of weeks. We went to Newport to attend a Lions meeting about things at “Zone” level (where groups of clubs meet up) and we were very proud to be able to tell them about the generosity of people in the Tetbury area and the things we have in progress for the coming year, like collecting for “Bluebell”. It’s good to be reminded that the Lions is a truly national and international organisation from time to time, too – which we can sometimes forget when getting our heads down over local issues. As it says on the left of this very page, we’ve turned Lions Barry and Saxon loose this month trying to pry from you your family recipes and accompanying stories of note, if you’ll share. The assembled material will be both saleable and interesting we hope – and it’s something new to us, so please contribute if you can. We have an honorary Lion amongst us, Lion Stephen Hirst, who is famous for his man-made cakes, so we’re hoping he will reveal some secrets about how he gets his Maltesers to stay on, at least. Let’s see. Looking forward, it’s Wacky Races in only a couple of months’ time now and the preparations are well in hand. In terms of club commitment and arrangements it’s the biggest thing we do, so if you’re thinking about pitching in, please do! I’ll be dodging around on the start line as usual, getting in the way, and Indeed our whole club will be ranged around the course at some point or other. Let’s see if we can’t make it the biggest and best yet. Lastly, many thanks to Advertisers and Contributors this month. Sometimes juggling all the elements of this marvellous magazine seem to prove particularly challenging – especially when Microsoft do their best to NOT help – so thanks for the patience evidenced. As usual, we have managed to stagger breathless over the finish line with another edition in hand. Just. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Richard Smith, Tetbury Lions
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March 2016 | 5
Mayor’s Piece Although I have written a piece for our Annual Meeting… …I also wanted to remind everyone that there will be speed watch cameras out and around Tetbury. Please be aware that where you are driving there are, at times people walking on the roads due to a lack of pavements, so please drive with extreme care around our lovely town. If the camera records that you are speeding the information will be sent on to the Police. St. Saviours Church is a beautiful old church but very sadly under used. We at
David Sheppard
Tetbury Town Council would like to see better use of it. Tetbury Town Council is looking at what the church can be used for and one idea is a permanent museum. As with everything nothing is easy and to do this we would need good heating in the building plus possibly toilets. However if we could link in with the Dolphins Hall this might prove to be a joint venture with the Dolphins Hall being open at the same time and providing toilets and possibly refreshments. Something to think about.
and look round. I am hoping this will enable a stronger link and ideas for linking our young people with the town.
I am going to attend both St. Mary’s and Sir William Romney’s School for a presentation
Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury
I am nearly at the end of my two years in office. It has been a very busy two years for me, juggling full time work commitments and Civic duties too, but I have enjoyed it very much - and I have tried to attend all events. I have met so many of you and enjoyed to chat and find out what your issues have been (if any) and to help, where possible, to put these right.
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6 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Thinking Day (the 22 of February) is the most important date in our Guiding calendar. nd
This is when we remember that we are part of a worldwide organisation, celebrate our friendships, and learn about the different places and cultures where Guiding exists. The date was chosen as it was the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. For the first time in many years the day fell on a school day this year and, with the permission of the headteachers, several girls proudly wore their guiding uniforms to school and took flyers to hand out to interested classmates. 1st Tetbury Guides made a short video to send to Guides in Cardiff (where my daughter is involved in Guiding) to wish them a happy Thinking
Girl Guiding
Day and to be part of their celebrations. I wonder if they used the ‘serious’ or the ‘alternative’ version?! 1st Tetbury Brownies recently held a “bringa-friend” pamper evening and before they had all gone to bed I had received enquiries from 2 more girls wishing to join! This is great news and will take our young members to over 100. To keep our units fully active, however, we do need more adult volunteers, so please consider coming along to help us. You are always welcome to visit a unit to find out more about what goes on – I can guarantee fun, friendship and so much more! Chinese New Year has been celebrated in several units, 1st Brownies created good luck scrolls, learnt how to write their names in Chinese and had the inevitable evening tasting food! The Rainbows learnt how to say Happy New Year in Chinese, made
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masks and lanterns and cooked a Chinese meal which they invited their parents to join them for. They have had a special promise evening and put on a production which they have researched and written themselves on the history of Rainbows. 2nd Tetbury Brownies have been working for the “There’s only one me” badge which encourages them to think about their positives and the quirks that make them individual. We hope that by encouraging this we will see them grow in self-esteem, selfconfidence and self-belief. A fun evening was had when they came dressed as their heroes, which included Zara Phillips, Mary Berry, Jana Kramer and Hermione Grainger. 1st Tetbury Guides and the Seniors had a visit from Chris Moody who helped us understand more about what it means to suffer from dementia, we are all now much more aware and hopefully more able to help if and when it is needed. They celebrated Burns Night and had fun making furry haggis badges although the actual haggis wasn’t a hit with everyone! We now have four girls helping with units who are working on their D of E awards – let’s hope Holly, Hannah, Ruby and Harriet wish to continue afterwards and become full leaders in four year’s time! Sue Doidge, Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com
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March 2016 | 7
Avening Primary School Springing forward! The first half term has been a busy one, and couldn’t have come to a better end last month, when we had a very important visit from HMI on behalf of Ofsted. That gave us the opportunity to show everything that makes our school special. Although we have to wait a few weeks for the details of the inspection, the initial response was extremely positive and one child summed up our School perfectly when she announced to the inspector that ‘Avening is a small school with a big welcome.’ The half term also ended with a fantastic presentation from the Kestrels class (Y1/2), who performed highlights from their class topic ‘I Like to Move it’. Parents gathered to watch a fabulous medley of dance, storytelling and music provided by the children on various instruments – and they left knowing a lot more about healthy living and science than they did when they arrived! Our School Council decided that the last day of term should be a non-uniform day to raise money to pay for a mosaic, to hang outside the school. As a Council they decided to have a ‘pyjamas and bad hair’ theme, which would explain why there were lots of dishevelled-looking children walking into school that day! The teachers didn’t disappoint either, and joined in the fun with Ms McKenzie sporting a very fetching pink wig! We raised £75 on the day towards the mosaic which children are helping to design.
The ‘Friends of Avening School’ Parent’s Association, FOAS, have had their first meeting of the year and are looking forward to hosting their own Music Night in May, with a highly-anticipated performance by ‘The Grey Earls.’ They are also planning a village Bear Hunt in June. Watch this space for more details. Jane Rushton Headteacher
8 | March 2016
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CHP Lettings is a professional, independent property rental and management company covering Wiltshire and Gloucestershire I have used Howard Palmer to buy, sell and let properties for over 20 years. He is a true professional, experienced, a good communicator and cares for his clients. I have no hesitation in recommending him to those in the residential marketplace. Director, Edward Blake Ltd CHP Lettings, organised our tenancy with great professionalism and courtesy. Perhaps the best recommendation we could give is that we are now considering buying a property to let and would have no hestitation in asking CHP Lettings to manage it. Tenants CHP Lettings provided us with an admirably speedy service, with courtesy and consideration. We would not hesitate to recommend their agency. Tenants CHP Lettings offered a genuinely first class personal service with a sound knowledge of the property. His services were strides ahead of the competitors. He had an excellent rapport with the landlord and it was negotiated with kindness and discretion. Nothing was too much trouble and we are exceedingly grateful. He went beyond our expectation of a letting agent. Tenants
Our sports stars have been busy making the school proud with fantastic performances in netball and tag rugby and Forest School lessons will commence after half term, with sessions during and after school for our green-fingered nature enthusiasts. World Book Day plans are taking shape with children voting for their favourite author, who is to be announced at a special assembly after half term. There will also be ‘bedtime story’ time, library ‘share-and-learn’ sessions, a parent’s coffee morning, a book swap and many other ideas in the pipeline.
shutterstock_146035319 [Converted].pdf
Avening Parish Council is Looking for new Clerk Avening Parish Council is looking to recruit a Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer from 1 April 2016. The role of the Clerk is to assist and advise the Council, attend monthly Parish Council meetings, produce Agendas and Minutes, carry out any actions following meetings and to act as Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). Ideally, you will have some experience of local government but training is available. You will need to be able to work from home and have a computer, internet access and a telephone as well as your own transport. Hours currently average approx. 1 day per week and the salary will be based on national pay scales and dependent upon experience. Expenses are also paid. This is a very interesting and challenging role for the right person who will be an organised administrator with good communication and IT skills together with an interest in local communities.
Closing date for applications is 14 March 2016. For further information and an application form please contact the Parish Clerk on 01285 380041 or email: parishclerk@avening-pc.gov.uk 0080316
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Probus One Heroism at Sea Crossing the cold and stormy North Atlantic can be daunting at any time. In times of war, with the possibility of enemy attack, it was even more hazardous. But this was essential during the Second World War to ensure Britain continued to receive essential supplies. Thirty-eight merchant ships, escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Jervis Bay (a converted liner) sailed from Halifax for Liverpool late in October 1940. Bob Burnett told us on the 7th of January how this convoy (HX84) was attacked on the 5th of November by a German heavy cruiser, the Admiral Scheer. He described the heroic attempts made by first the Jervis Bay and then the merchant ship SS Beaverford (armed with only two guns) to fend it off, allowing the convoy time to begin to scatter, but neither ship was a match for the cruiser. Both were sunk, with major crew losses. Six ships were sunk in this courageous fourhour battle, clearly illustrated by Bob. The Admiral Scheer was sunk subsequently by the RAF at Keil in 1945. One tanker, the San Demetrio, was set on fire. It was abandoned by its crew then subsequently reboarded and managed to reach the Clyde, forming the basis of the eponymous film.
Denis Cartwright described how at Christmas 1940 he accompanied his father who drove from Leicester to Liverpool to deliver some building components. They brought back cattle-feed which could well have been imported by a convoy such as that described. Denis told us an interesting tale of times when life was in many ways simpler and more straightforward, without all the safety
Calmer waters prevailed at our AGM on the 21st of January. Our present officers and committee were re-elected, with the addition of Michael Auden as ViceChairman and David Evans as Assistant Programme Secretary. Then ‘The Convoy 440208 22:28tale Page 1 Arrives’ , aAllium sequel 22/2/08 to the sombre recounted at our previous meeting.
requirements and technical advances of today. It was a social history with stories of lorries driven by steam and producer gas, manual chokes and radiators needing to be drained down at night. In a moment of extreme hunger our speaker even ate some of the oilseed and molasses-based cattle feed, but survived to recall this trip for us all to enjoy. Theo Stening 01666 504243
Allium Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties
Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow
10 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Our first meeting in the New Year was a dinner at the Priory Inn Hotel for many members and their guests. This was organized by Margot Page and constituted a very successful evening. The subsequent meeting partly consisted of a showing and a discussion of the Club member images selected as the Club entries for the forthcoming battles with Cirencester and Stroud. The remainder of the evening was a presentation by Vince Pycroft, the Club President.
Tetbury Camera Club
The following meeting was the projection of digital versions of prints selected by ‘The London Salon’ for their annual exhibition of 2015. The London Salon (originally ‘The Linked Ring’) was formed in 1893, as a breakaway from the pictorial style of photography then prevalent. Its objective was to encourage the artistic approach to photography. It lives up to this objective and the images selected annually are generally of the more ‘avant garde’ style, although this year the consensus was many of the images were rather more conventional.
our laptop operator for the evening, Pete McCloskey gave his commentary on the entries and selected the winners. The meeting at the start of February was an internal affair, with Club member Sandie Cox showing images of Nepal. Sandie showed a very wide variety of images, ranging from travelogue to wildlife, accompanied by an interesting and informative commentary. The most recent event was the return of Matt Revell, who now came as a speaker. Before the meeting, Matt had been sent some basic images by Club members and, for the first part of the evening, showed how he would have dealt with them. He demonstrated the steps by means of screen shots from Lightroom and, to a lesser extent, Photoshop.Perhaps with the exception of a shot of some flowers on a plain background, these were not manipulations of the images in any extreme fashion but fairly subtle enhancements of local exposure, tones, contrast and saturation. The end products were quite impressive. For the second part, Matt showed some of his own images from start to finish, and showed how attention to detail (and expertise) may convert an apparently uninteresting image into one with impact.
Next was the judging of an internal competition. After an initial hiatus, which was handled very well by John Shepherd,
RAW FOOD FOR Prepared Raw, Delivered Raw DOGS & Eaten Prepared Raw, Delivered Raw... Raw & Eaten Raw
A picture from a recent competition, taken at Westonbirt a couple of months ago, is attached.
If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along Delivered to a meeting? Please Prepared Raw, Raw feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see whatRaw... goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member.
& Eat
Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Frank Jenkins Tetbury Camera Club Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk
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Chelworth Bookworms
going starts to take its toll and Marco and Celia seek a conclusion to the contest.
The Night Circus – by Erin Morgenstern In 1873 two renowned illusionists challenge each other to determine whose method is best. Can magic be learnt, or is it down to natural ability? After a dozen or more years training their pupils, the setting for the contest is agreed – a new circus is about to be launched and will be the cover for Marco and Celia to display their talents. Arriving unannounced across the world, the circus gathers admirers ranging from the expert clockmaker Friedrick Thiessen to a young farm boy, Bailey Clarke. But as the years go by and the illusions become more complex, the strain of keeping it all
Suspending your disbelief, the reader is drawn into the world of the Night Circus where the line between illusion and true magic is sometimes hard to see. The sheer imagination of this book is wonderful, but it is the relationships between the characters that really draws you in. As things begin to unravel and the dream of the circus turns darker, the story will be decided by those outside the contest. An unusual and absorbing book, The Night Circus split the Bookworms 70:30 – however for those who were happy to accept the fantasy, they found it truly magical. 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1
Ghilly Vincenti
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Health to Foot clinics everyFoot Monday andisonrelocating the first Saturday Tetbury Hospital from 1st December! ! of every month at Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs
Catherine Montgomery
Dip.CFHP Dip.CFHP(Adv) Dip.Bio MVR MSPRACT CotswoldFitForYou_A5Flyer_OutdoorFitnessCamp_v1.0 January launch.pdf
0797 0550 076
t: e: feet@catherinemontgomery.co.uk info@catherinemontgomery.co.uk www.montgomeryfoothealth.co.uk CotswoldFitForYou_A5Flyer_OutdoorFitnessCamp_v1.0 January launch.pdf 1 18/01/2016 20:00
MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1
Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609
12/07/2015 16:51
ONE DAY FITNESS CAMP Monthly on a Saturday Westonbirt Arboretum and Sports Centre Using the beautiful surroundings of the Arboretum you’ll be exercising outdoors in the morning and eating a healthy lunch amongst the trees. The afternoon is spent in the Sports Centre where you’ll try your hand at kick boxing, Pilates and much more. Please contact us to reserve a place or
£75 inc. lunch, refreshments and access to Arboretum Booking required Suitable for all fitness levels for full details visit
www.cotswoldfitfor you.co.uk 07920 424095 / 07984 836136 0230116
12 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
New cycle link
Cirencester Road for the 50 residential units currently underway in the Bovis development and the 39 proposed units in the adjoining Millers development. The Society is making a strong objection to the Cotswold District Council since it is obvious that many residents would wish to take the Cirencester Road route to the town centre, as well as that via Quercus Road.
The necessity of ensuring good and safe cycling links across the town and into the countryside are an important concern for the Civic Society. We can now report that a new cycling link has been established from west to east at the north end of the town, where all the new development is underway. The route will be from the Highfield Farm development to London Road through Quercus Road and via the Bovis Development to Cirencester Road. From thence, with the permission of the landowner’s, cyclist could continue across Cirencester Road to the existing right-ofway leading to the old railway line pathway.
Heritage Exhibition Centre The Heritage Exhibition Centre in St. Mary`s Church has been a valuable asset to residents and tourists for many years. However, it is now considered to be in need of enhancement and, perhaps, modernisation to make it more attractive. The Society is proposing to consult The History Tetbury Society to obtain their view on updating the exhibition.
Cirencester Road footpath The Civic Society are most concerned about the lack of a paved footpath in
Civic Society Royal Gloucester? As many will have heard through the media The City of Gloucester is expecting to make a bid for the town`s name to be changed to Royal Gloucester. For the Spring meeting of members of the Society, it is hoped to have a speaker from Gloucester to tell us about its rich history and the case the City hopes to put forward for its name change. Roy Angell The Civic Society
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates Mobile: 07745495427 1 Tel: 01453756742 16/02/2016 21:33 pete.oloughlin@sky.com
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INDOOR BOOT CAMP Every Sunday, 10.30am - 12.30pm at Westonbirt Sports Centre Blast away the cobwebs with this short but fast paced session including: running drills, bodyweight exercises, boxing, kick boxing and circuits. No need to book – just turn up ready to go! £15 per session or £100 for 10 sessions if booked in advance Booking Required Suitable for all fitness levels for full details visit
www.cotswoldfitfor you.co.uk 07920 424095 / 07984 836136 0280316
Hand delivered to 4,550 homes each month
March 2016 | 13
St Mary’s Playgroup The Dinosaur Invasion! As always we have been continuing to follow the children’s interests, which has meant more exploration of Dinosaurs, seeing us excavate them out of ‘ice eggs’, make and dig up bones in the garden, exploring them in ‘mud’ (chocolate gloop!), as well as rescuing them when they escaped playgroup! They have had so much fun using their senses to explore the world around them - as well as having an opportunity to look at and talk about growth over time. This week has seen us celebrate Chinese New Year and talk about different people’s special events – we have had Chinese food for snack, ‘cooked’ rice and noodles in our Chinese restaurant, enjoyed ‘dragon dancing’ and lots more! Our pancakes which we designed, made and ‘tested’(!) also went down a storm as we talked about Pancake Day on Shrove Tuesday – we have eaten well this week! We are pleased to say we raised £108 with ‘bag2school’ this month so a big thank you to all our families and friends for donating their clothes. And a HUGE thank you to the lovely people from Tetbury Flower Show (as well as our very kind nominee!) for the
generous donation of £200. We have plans to develop our immediate outside area with new flooring which we can now go ahead with – thank you! By the time this goes out we will also have had our Family Valentines Disco which we hope will be a filled with fun and lots of love. More details next time! Congratulations to our lovely Secretary Vikki Morris and her partner James Meacham who have just had a beautiful baby girl Eliza - she is taking a well earned break from
writing this months Advertiser to snuggle up at home with their new edition! St Mary’s Playgroup is now part of the Tetbury Toddler Alliance along with other local groups, so will be ensuring the joint ethos (including providing a ‘mobile phone free zone’) is maintained. Our ‘Seedlings’ baby and toddler group will continue every Monday morning from 9.39-11.30 and is run by our lovely mum Jackie Hunt. Jackie is also one of our playgroup assistants and her familiar face for the children who come up to us from the toddler sessions help them settle quickly. We always have a planned activity during the session that varies based on season and children attending (we focus more on sensory play when we have younger babies), along with plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers, so drop in and join the fun. To learn more about us, please visit www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk or call 01666 503777 or with any enquiries - we are always happy to hear from you. Heidi Bailey Joint Playleader
14 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
• Large cadiovascular & resistance area • Seperate free weights zone • Circuit Zone • Fitness Classes • Supplement shop • On-site Sports Therapist • Diet plans and nutrition advice • Personal training • Showers and changing facilities • Coffee lounge with free Wi-Fi
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Mark Townsend Charitable Trust The Mark Townsend Charitable Trust was set up by the family… …and close friends of Mark as a positive way to celebrate Mark’s memory. The Trust raise funds to help people who need it most. If you, or someone you know, need our help, then drop us a line, message us on Facebook or contact us through our website. We will consider requests for anything that might be needed from petrol costs to school trips from parking costs to counselling.
To help us make this possible we also need your support. We have set up a 200 Club to raise funds for the charity and would like to invite you to join. You can buy a number at an annual cost of £12.00 and numbers will be issued from 1 to 200. There will be a monthly draw, which will consist of a first prize of £20.00 and a second prize of £10.00. There will be a special draw in May each year to remember Mark’s Birthday.
Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: ben@kingstrees.co.uk W: www.kingstrees.co.uk
• Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured
To each and every person who has already joined the 200 Club or made a donation to the Trust – thank you very much for helping us to help others and to remember Mark. Save the date for this year’s big event Saturday 21st May 2016 – more details to follow. The Mark Townsend Charitable Trust, c/o Strada View, High Street, Avening, Tetbury, Glos, GL8 8NF 01453 832799 Facebook - www.facebook. com/themarktownsendcharitabletrust
16 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha
Wayne Hardiman Carpentry & Building Free Estimates 07787 576309 01666 880066 260313
410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1
The Pony Club is an international voluntary youth organisation for young people interested in ponies and riding. Founded in England in 1929, there are around 345 Branches and 540 Centres in the UK alone. The Pony Club has been the starting point for a large majority of equestrian team members and medal winners. 19:52
Page 1
Minchinhampton Pony Club is one of two branches local to Tetbury and our objectives are to encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and
Minchinhampton Pony Club riding, to give instruction in riding and horsemanship and to educate Members to look after and to take proper care of their animal – and to promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty to create strength of character and selfdiscipline. Membership is available to children until the end of The Pony Club Year in which they become 25 years old. If you would like to know more about us, please contact Julie Crew - julie@jcrew. plus.com or 07855852710 or check out our webpage - http://branches.pcuk.org/ minchinhampton/
Phoebe Ind competing at the Shipton Moyne One Day Event – April 2015 410713
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For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk 0041014
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At home in the Cotswolds 0400715
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
March 2016 | 17
Tetbury in Bloom
door by arrangement during the second week in June; all you need to do is to install them, water them regularly and give them the occasional feed.
Gardening in the Shadow of Saint Marys’ Church. After more than a decade writing these articles, I thought I would ask others in the team to share their favourite Tetbury in Bloom stories. When I first asked Ange Morrissey, I was surprised to learn that her favourite initiative was the memorial flower bed and fernery at the western end of Saint Marys’ Church, underneath the magnificent East window. Why is this? The answer was because not only does it look good all year round, but because of the challenges to overcome in gardening in the shade; reduced light levels, temperature levels that are not as extreme as in the sunshine and the damp conditions caused by moisture being slow to evaporate. Ferns are ideally suited to this moist, shady spot, protected from wind and hot sun by the walls of the church and the canopy of the existing trees. The bold forms of ferns, their fine foliage and the different, subtle, shades of green
Details can be found in our advertisement below or on our web site www. tetburyinbloom.org.uk All profits raised help go towards In Bloom projects. If you purchased our hanging baskets last summer and still have the empty containers, we’d really appreciate their return so we can re-use them for this year. To arrange collection, please ring Sue Hirst on 504213. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom are a marked contrast to the typical colourful Tetbury in Bloom flowerbeds take a look for yourself. A neighbour recently told me how the beautiful daffodils, in bloom in January on the bank of the West Street car park (another Tetbury in Bloom initiative), remind her of her childhood in York and the flowers alongside the city walls. If you have any favourite memories to share, please do let me know, at liz@ tetburyinbloom.org.uk We have already planned ahead and are now taking orders for our summer hanging baskets which comprise easy-care, trailing begonias in pink, red, orange and apricot shades OR you can choose baskets which comprise a selection of vibrant trailing geraniums. They will be delivered to your
Tetbury in Bloom
Hanging Baskets Order Now!
Your choice of easy-to-care-for, self-dead heading, drought resistant trailing begonias, in red, pink & apricot shades OR a vibrant selection of trailing geraniums.
£30 each
Order from Sue Hirst on 504213 or email sue@tetburyinbloom.org.uk Delivered to your door by arrangement, second week in June.
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18 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Are you ready for Mothering Sunday? It’s a wonderful opportunity to say thank you, to our mothers and to everyone who has helped “mother” us over the years. Speaking personally, I have a wonderful mum who has been a great role model and given me oodles of unconditional love. She’s always believed in me too - although perhaps not quite as much as Picasso’s mum! He once wrote: “My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a 100208 KP Gardens 22/2/08 21:50 general. If you are a monk, you will become
the Pope’. Instead I was a painter, and became Picasso.” We’ll have our special Mothering Sunday service on Sunday the 6th of March, 9.30am at St Marys’, so do come and join us.
News from St Marys’ Church Thursday 24th March is Maundy Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper at a special service at 7pm at St Marys’ Tetbury. Then on Good Friday, we follow Jesus’ journey to his death and burial. We join the Churches in the Tetbury Area for the Procession of Witness at 11am, starting at the Gospel Hall in Hampton Street, followed by our Good Friday service in St Marys’ at 2pm. Finally, at St John the Baptist in Shipton Moyne that evening (7pm), we share in a service specially written for our Benefice by The Right Revd Michael Perham, former Bishop of Gloucester, to mark the burial of Jesus.
And then we move into Holy Week at the end of the month. Beginning on Palm Sunday (the 20th of March), we have our procession when we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem, with that wonderful hymn: “Ride On, Ride On in Majesty”. Then, each evening in Holy Week, our 7 pm go from village to village, Pageservices 1 providing times of quiet reflection and prayer. On Sunday, in Long Newnton with Stations of the Cross – on Monday in Beverston with lessons and carols for Holy week - with Stations of the Cross again on What a joy it will be to then celebrate Tuesday in Avening and on Wednesday in Easter, and Jesus rising again. We start as 150208 Maths & English 22/2/08 22:05 Page 1 we light our “Easter Fire” outside church Cherington with a Taizé service. on Saturday 26th March at 9pm. This is followed by a wonderful Easter service which moves from darkness to light and finishes up outside again with lots of bells & and fireworks. All this and also some great hymns! So do join us then – or for our services on Easter morning at 9.30 am.
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Mothering Sunday is Sunday 6th March – don’t forget! With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes, Rector The Benefices of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne, and Avening with Cherington
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March 2016 | 19
Tetbury Nursery Playgroup At playgroup this term the children have been very busy celebrating the Chinese New year, Pancake Day and Valentine’s Day. These events have offered a range of activities and opportunities to develop new skills including craft, cutting, cooking, markmaking and stories.
At pre-school the children have been introduced to ‘Fluffy’ the take-home bear. All the children are keen for their turn, we always have some lovely stories to share with the group on his return. The letter basket has been introduced, where each week the children bring in an item which begins with a different letter of the alphabet. They have had a visit from Mrs Bell and have had the opportunity to have taster of St Mary’s school forest resource. This was extremely popular and all the children listened well to the safety rules with regard to the fire. The morning was finished with hot chocolate, which was gratefully received on the cold frosty morning.
The weather has also been a great source In the crèche the younger children have of learning opportunities, the frost and ice been helping to make a wintry scene ready being a particular favourite as we were able for the snow! They have been gluing and to put out different shape pots of water the sticking and painting to create the scene. night before for the children to explore the As the crèche only has small numbers changes the next day. They were also able there has been lots of opportunity for to track natural places where the rain water staff to develop their personal, social and emotional and communication skills. This had frozen. They were then able to explore really helps when they make the transition the shapes, textures and the changes of 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 20/2/10 10:54 Page 1 to playgroup. state throughout the day.
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
Our next funding raising event for the playgroup is being run by Boxer of Tetbury, it is a Three Wheeler Challenge: John O’Groats to Land’s End in 48 hours. This event starts on 25th March 2016 and all proceeds raised are going to the playgroup for our double glazing. If you would like more information about this, you should go to the Boxer face book page or: www.justgiving.com/cliff-perks After having our ceiling lowered and the main room decorated, the staff started to think about the playgroup building and the changes that have occurred over time. Therefore, we would like to hear from anyone who has photos or memories of the playgroup building either when it was used as a playgroup or when it was used for other purposes. We would like to get enough photos and memories so that we can hold an open morning for the people of Tetbury to see how the building has changed over the years. The toddler group is continuing to have a break, but as soon as we have a date for reopening we will let everyone know. Whist we have been on this break we have formed a Tetbury Toddler Group Alliance with the other playgroups in the Tetbury area, and have agreed some common golden rules to help parents and children have an enjoyable experience at the local toddler’s groups. Raewyn Platts, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup
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20 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Tetbury Rail Lands Trust This month the focus at the Goods Shed is shifting… …from putting on a stream of increasingly ambitious fundraising events to getting ready for the build and thinking beyond the renovations, so we are ready to leave the blocks with a lively programme upon completion! We have been getting advice from specialists who work in the field of the performing arts and were advised that if we wanted to attract interest from professional dance, musical and theatre companies we would need to rethink the rather amateur “school play” small stage and instead exploit the more versatile and intimate amphitheatre-like set-up that the staged seating would provide. Our helpful architect Ian Maslin is redrawing the final plans ready to put them out to tender with these upgrades noted. Meanwhile we met Lawrence from the Barnwood Trust and with him we explored ways to make The Goods Shed a ground breaking exemplar in the opportunities it offers to those with physical and mental
disabilities. We are making sure the building and its environs are adapted to attract, warmly embrace and fully integrate everyone, offering equal opportunities and inspiration and community spirit to all to avoid the current isolation of vulnerable groups. Please join us if you have relevant experience in this field as we would value your input and help. The platform is coming on well and we are now ready to replace the steel railings. These are relatively expensive so I was thrilled when yesterday I quite unexpectedly received a miraculous donation of £300 from ex-Tetburians Sheila and David Todd, now living in America but following our every move, so this will help to get us going. We have saved thousands of pounds by doing the work ourselves and the cattle loading bay is unrecognisable from its former dilapidated state. We plan to book brass bands on Sundays, and use it this summer for performances of every kind. Our pianist and composer Jan Vriend is busy rehearsing for his Highgrove concert next month and we hope to have a joint fundraising summer bike ride with the Dolphins Hall group. The Boot Sales are carrying on until work starts as they bring in useful steady funds so if you see posters and banners around the town you can assume you will find us there as usual. TV celebrity David Baddiel has promised to
put on a show for us when we are up and running, and wanted to know all about the Goods Shed and its seating capacity, so we will remind him of his promise when that time comes. It is a good time to join our group as you can help us plan next year’s programme. As usual you can ring me on Tetbury 01666 502877 or go to our website tetburyraillands.co.uk Will Cook, Chairman Tetbury Rail Lands Trust
Carat Boot the Goods Shed
2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm 01666 502877 TETBURY GOODS SHED PROJECT 1400714
22 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
“I wonder if the sap is stirring yet, if wintry birds are dreaming of a mate, if frozen snowdrops feel as yet the sun and crocus fires are kindling one by one...” Christina Rossetti For the many farmers, growers and artisans in our “30 Mile Food Zone” who depend on seasonal conditions for their produce, there have naturally been implications of the unseasonably warm and wet Winter. The lack of an early ground frost impacted the quality and volume of root vegetables and the ongoing saturated harvest continues to be difficult. Many crops such as purple sprouting broccoli went to seed bolted - many weeks ahead of their normal schedule. If you enjoy a good burger, then you may wish to give one on our menu a try. It is a 100% Wagyu beefburger from The Newnton Herd, raised on lush pastures just a few miles from Tetbury. The Tucker
Priory Inn Blog
family’s patient and traditional approach to farming ensures the cattle enjoy a good healthy diet and plenty of fresh air. The word Wagyu refers to all Japanese beef cattle. ‘Wa’ means Japanese and ‘gyu’ means cattle and can be referred to as the ‘caviar of beef’. It is renowned by chefs all over the world for its highly prized marbling which is a ribbon-like pattern of healthy fat running through the meat. It is graded according to the pedigree of the beasts and the meat’s propensity for top grade marbling patterns. The high level of intramuscular fats is the main reason for the meat’s buttery texture and exceptionally tender and juicy flavour. Enjoy a juicy Newnton Wagyu burger with us – or buy a Wagyu beef box direct from the farm to sample at home. www.wagyugb.com Live music continues through March to a chilled Sunday night atmosphere: On the 6th, Blind River Scare plays original Americana, folk and country tinged songs. One of our favourites, Dik Cadbury plays the 13th March, performing a selection of his
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Friendly Female Personal Trainer with Private gym for you to work out in. Tailormade exercise Programs designed to suit your needs and goals and I will
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favourite covers and original material. Leo James and Katy Hooper are back on the 20th combining warm husky vocals, shimmering lap steel and finger style guitar. Rounding out March on the 27th is the multiinstrumental Seth Bye and Katie Griffin. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed. Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn
Unsung Hero Dear Editor, Having recently been on a Theatre Group outing, I would like to nominate their Treasurer Lin Tanswell as your “Unsung Hero” for March. Apparently, Lin has been with the group since its inception 22 years ago. She went onto the committee very early, and for most of the time since has been the Treasurer. As many people know, the Theatre Group is a wonderful amenity, especially for those people who no longer like driving in the dark. The hassle is taken out of booking seats and one always has friends to go with. I am sure that Lin and the committee know how obliged we are to them, but it does no harm to say thank you to Lin for organising the ongoing programme and for making sure everyone enjoys themselves when she takes the coach to the various venues. Long may it continue. Ed: I’m very happy to accept this nomination for the selfless Lin and if she’s kind enough to contact me in the near future I shall ensure she receives her voucher for a meal for two, generously provided by the Priory Inn. If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know; my details are on page three of the magazine.
20/09/2015 21:38
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March 2016 | 23
Tourist Industry Welcome Weekend Sign up now for the Welcome Open Weekend! Many visitors from home and abroad visit the Cotswolds in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire to enjoy a wide variety of wonderful attractions, all set against the outstanding natural beauty of our distinctive rural landscape. As Spring approaches the local tourism sector is gearing up for the 2016 season and looking forward to welcoming all visitors. The tourism industry recognises the contribution of many friendly and hospitable local residents to the continuing growth in visitor numbers, and is keen to give something back to the community as a gesture of thanks. As a result, tourism providers are lining up to be part of an exciting Welcome Open Weekend (WOW) from Friday 15 April to Sunday 17 April 2016, which will offer special ‘two for one’ vouchers for a wide range of attractions. This event has already proved to be very popular in West Oxfordshire, and it promises to be even better this year having been extended to residents in the Cotswold District. Councillor Chris Hancock, Cabinet member for Enterprise and Partnership at Cotswold
District Council, looks forward to a very successful event: “WOW is all about helping local residents to appreciate the wonderful area we live in by exploring and rediscovering the attractions on offer at discounted rates of 2-for-1. This is a great opportunity for attractions in the district - especially smaller establishments and activity businesses – to reward residents for helping them
attract and retain so many visitors. Tourism providers will be working with the local tourism team to allow local people to access a fantastic range of things to see and do right here on their door step for only 50% of the usual cost. WOW also gives the local tourism sector an early opportunity to promote their latest attractions via a bespoke website and social media.” Some twenty local attractions have already signed up for WOW, including: Chipping Campden’s Court Barn Museum, Bibury Trout Farm, Rousham House and garden near Upper Heyford and Fairytale Farm near Chipping Norton. The local tourism team expects that more businesses will join the scheme over the next few weeks.
To get the two-for-one discounts, local residents just need to collect a voucher sheet from any of the Visitor Information Centres or other collection points across both districts.
If you are interested in this position, please contact Natalie Haines at clerk@tetbury. gov.uk or telephone 01666 504670 for a job description and application form.
For more details about WOW, including a full list of the offers, where to collect vouchers from and the dates when they are available, see the Councils’ websites: www.cotswold. gov.uk/wow and www.westoxon.gov.uk/ wow . The voucher sheets will be available from Friday the 1st of April onwards, or call 01285 623000 or 01993 861080.
We are currently recruiting a temporary full time groundsman to assist the existing ground-staff during the summer months. You will need a clean driving licence and some bank holiday work will be required to support local events in the town. The starting date would be April 2016 – October 2016 inclusive 30-37 hours per week.
Closing date for applications Monday 14th March 1120316
Sue, Jill & Donna at Tetbury Tourist Information Centre
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
Tetbury Bookkeeper
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information. 0490215
24 | March 2016
Philippa Lark Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
What makes Save ‘n’ Borrow so Special? • Flexible saving: You can save from as little as £1 a month, regularly or irregularly. • Fair borrowing: Low interest loans are available to members who can show that they can afford the repayments
How to become a Save ‘n’ Borrow member: Call in to the Tetbury Town Council Office at the bottom of Long Street any Thursday afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm. The Council have kindly arranged for us to use a ground floor room there, at no cost, where transactions can be made in privacy and all of the team of eight volunteers have signed a confidentiality agreement. To become a member, you will be asked to pay a one off membership fee of £2 and make an initial deposit which can be as little as £5. You will need to bring with you
• Extensions • Renovations • New builds Garages • Minor Alterations For a free quote call Colin or Nick Ball on: BUILDE
Aileen, the Village Agent will be in the Volunteer office as usual on Tuesday 1st ,15th
Or Visit our website @ www.cdbbuilding.co.uk
For appointments outside Tetbury call, 01285 659374 for Volunteer Hospital Car Service.
01666 503326 or 07833 384991
Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Community Bus.
We are open Monday to Friday with invaluable help from volunteers. If you would like to help us in the office or out on the vehicles give us a call.
Come, sign up as a member, Save and/or Borrow any Thursday 2 – 4 pm.
We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
Tetbury Dial-A-Ride
Spring has sprung as they say, it’s time to riz! Get out and about with us on the Dial-a-Ride. It’s sociable and practical with shopping and appointments sorted there’s always a chance to meet others for a chat.
We are indebted to the Tetbury Town Council for letting Save ‘n’ Borrow use the Council Offices and to Tetbury Lions for their generous grant of £500 to get the project off the ground.
• Not for profit: Wholly run by trained volunteers who have signed a confidentiality agreement • Mutual Ownership: Members own and control the credit union – there are no outside shareholders
So you can save when you can and borrow if you need, but only if you are a member.
Save ‘n’ Borrow is a community organisation that offers savings and loan facilities to people living or working in the Tetbury or Stroud District area.
Sounds good?
some form of photo identity, for example, a driving licence, passport or bus pass. Also two pieces of proof of address, for example, council tax letter, utility bills, rent book plus your National Insurance number. These are all needed to comply with the Financial Services rules and regulations which are there to protect against fraud.
Save ‘n’ Borrow, Stroud Valleys Credit Union is here in Tetbury every Thursday 2 -4 pm.
• Professional: Your savings are safe as they are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and comply with the Credit Union Act 1979.
Save ‘n’ Borrow
The sign of building quality 1121111
& 29th March. 10.30-1pm. Tel: 07810630156 if you would like more information.
Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9 .30am. Tetbury, town (including appointments) WEDNESDAYS: 12-2pm. Appointments (doctors, dentist, hospital etc.) THURSDAY MORNINGS: (9am, pick-up Avening) 9.30am. Tetbury, town and Tesco (including appointments) THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tesco. FRIDAYS:
10.30am. shopping trips: Cirencester, 4th March. Wyevale & Nailsworth, 11th March. Library Club, 18th March. Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, We look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (monday-friday 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
26 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
ashcroft veterinary surgery PET CARE PLAN SAVE OVER 30% ON BOOSTERS, FLEA AND WORM TREATMENTS. EASY MONTHLY DIRECT DEBIT TO SPREAD THE COST. 20% OFF ALL HILL’S VET ESSENTIALS PET FOOD. SAVE 10% ON ALL OTHER PURCHASES AND FEES. INCLUDES FREE MICROCHIP (Compulsory for dogs from April) For more information just call or pick up a leaflet. Prices start from £15.50 per month for a cat or small dog. Price includes full booster vaccinations and a year’s supply of flea and worm treatments saving over 30% on normal costs, free microchipping, 10% off all other charges and costs, 2 health checks a year and no membership fee to pay. Simply call in to sign a direct debit form and we will do the rest. No need to wait until vaccinations are due, join at any time.
BATH TIME MADE EASY! Why not treat your best friend to some pampering. We can now bath and dry your dog, trim nails etc.
Shampoo and Blow Dry From £15
All pets also get a free health check by our Vets whilst with us.
Microchipping £15 All prices include a health check by our vets.
Claws/Anal Glands £10
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-6.00 Sat 10.00-1.00 Information and appointments: 01666 500853
www.ashcroftvets.org.uk 0090316
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
If you or your child is in this position and is looking for an Educational or Training Grant, please contact us. Grants can be awarded for Tetbury residents and can be for books or equipment required to further studies and training. Please write to me at Cricketers Rest, 14 Northfield Road, Tetbury.
As Spring arrives I hope that the wet and windy weather of the beginning of 2016 has now gone,
Dates for your Diary: • The Thirteen Summer Community BBQ at the Millennium Green – date to be confirmed.
and we are all able to get busy with our homes and gardens. This is the traditional time to Spring clean and plant our vegetables and flowers ahead of the summer and The Feoffee’s and Thirteen will be doing the same with our Open Spaces and The Market Hall. Jobs will include the pruning of the trees in the Community Orchard at Herd Lane, and the repair of the automatic closure catch on the five bar gate on the Railway Line. Could I ask you all to please ensure that this gate is ALWAYS closed? Whilst there are no cattle in Preston Park this is not such a problem, however, once they return this is our safety gate to stop any cattle getting to the Long Stay Car Park and into Tetbury!
1120316 Tetbury Sports Massage.pdf
1120316 Tetbury Sports Massage.pdf
• The Beating of the Bounds, followed by the presentation of The Feoffees accounts in The Market Hall - 1st October. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Easter? Here’s hoping for some dry and sunny weather. Lance Vick, Chairman Tetbury Feoffees
Tetbury Sports Massage Sports, Remedial & Holistic Massage
Our young people will be getting ready for their all-important exams soon and many will be looking into what colleges, universities and apprenticeships are available to them as they plan their futures.
• Heritage Weekend – The Market Hall will be open to the public, along with many other historic buildings in our town - 10th & 11th September.
• • • • • •
Stiff & sore, neck, shoulder, back, knee pain? Have you injured yourself either through sport or everyday life? Is it putting you off sport/exercise or affecting your work? Eliminate aches & pains, increase your flexibility. Sports massage can detect problems, prevent injury & speed recovery. Don’t give up your sport and endure discomfort – have a sports massage!
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
AAwealth wealthof ofexpertise expertiseon onyour yourdoorstep doorstep We We provide provide anan experienced experienced wealth wealth management management service service and and offer offer specialist specialist advice advice in in a wide a wide range range of of areas areas including: including: • Investment • Investment planning planning • Retirement • Retirement planning planning • Inheritance • Inheritance Tax Tax planning planning For For further further details details contact contact Jennifer Jennifer Hill Hill on:on:
Tel: Tel:01666 01666502459 502459 Email: Email: Cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk Cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.ukWebsite: Website: www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk
Tetbury Police Museum
He beloved the plate was his property, but would not swear positively. Joseph Tompkins, footman to Lord Carbery, but formerly in the service of Mr Bill, believed the plate produced was Mr Bill’s property, but there was great difficulty in identifying the articles produced.
Spring is upon us and were seeing visitor numbers begin to increase; they tend to be visitors to the town rather than residents, though, so if you haven’t been to the museum why not come along and find out more about the social history of the town? Our Cold Cases are proving very popular and we are always looking out for more interesting historic cases, so if you like researching such things then do let us know and we will point you in several directions where such material is available. Now for some more of our Cold Cases:
Bloody Tetbury Shoemakers, 1838 Two travelling shoemakers, named Lemon, father and son, from Tetbury, who have for the last five months been residing in the Stapleton-road, have been apprehended on a charge of stabbing the policeman at the Redcliffe-house, Bristol, as mentioned in our last. Upon searching their lodgings, the identical shirt worn upon that occasion was found. It was stained by blood.
15th of July, from information he received, he went to Gilbert Street, and watched outside the shop of Mr Dobree, pawnbroker. He saw the prisoner looking round the corner of the street, but on catching sight of him he ran away. He followed and overtook the prisoner, and told him he had offered some plate for sale, would he say where he got it from? The prisoner said the plate had been in his possession for a long time; it was his property, having been given him by his father. The pawnbroker, believing that the prisoner had not come honestly by the plate, gave him into custody. Mr Bill, of Tetbury, Gloucestershire attended last week, and stated that the prisoner had been in his service and left in June last.
The proof that the prisoner had stolen the plate being defective, Mr Raven said the charge now resolved itself into one of unlawful possession only. He was unable to give any proof of the way the plate came into the prisoner’s possession, but he might say the prisoner had hitherto borne a very good character. The prisoner would plead guilty to the unlawful possession. Mr Flowers said, if Mr Bill did not feel sufficiently interested to attend, he should take the case as one of unlawful possession, and commit the prisoner for two months, with hard labour. Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom Archives; original: The Times 5 August 1871 John Silvester, Hon Curator Tetbury Police Museum curator@tetbury.gov.uk
Suppliers of quality traditional and contemporary bathroom suites “We aim to create dream bathrooms on any budget”
The wounded man, when before the magistrates, immediately identified the prisoners, and the needful depositions were made, to serve as evidence in the event of the stabs proving mortal. The villains appeared to be in the greatest state of agitation, the younger especially, who is only 16, and who attributes the horrible attempt at assassination entirely to the father. It now appears that it was a shoemaker’s knife which inflicted the terrible stabs. Source: Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom Archives; original: The Times 30 May 1838.
Stolen Silver Teapot, 1871 At Marlborough Street, Thomas Denley, footman out of a situation, was charged with having in his possession a silver teapot, cream jug and other articles of plate, without being able to give a satisfactory account of the same. Mr Raven appeared for the prisoner, Detective Dawson, C Division, said on the
30 | March 2016
Free CAD renderings of your project! We bring your project to life using our computer aided design tool to create scale plans and 3D renderings of your dream bathroom
The Elephant Bathroom Company | Sales and Showroom | Unit 1 Charlton Business Park Crudwell Road | Malmesbury | Wiltshire | SN16 9RU | Tel: (01666) 824888
Visit www.theelephantbathroomcompany.co.uk for more details Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Avening WI
A party of our members recently enjoyed lunch at the Highfield Garden Centre…
Di Wall, one of our members, gave an interesting talk at our January meeting about Victorian childhood. It was good to hear about local history and we saw some fascinating photos of Minchinhampton in the past. This month we have a talk on “Shelter Boxes”. This was our chosen charity for our autumn quiz, so we shall be passing on our donation at the meeting.
…and were glad to have reserved a table, as it is a very popular place. Some indulged in pudding, but the portions were so generous it seems they all ended up with a doggy bag! Afterwards there was time to look around all the shops before meeting up to come home.
Pixie Lock Ltd Professional Locksmith & uPVC Repair Specialist ‘Local & Independent’ 24 Hr Call Out - No Call Out Fee – Fast Reliable Service Non-Destructive Entry (Wherever Possible) Keys Cut on Site – uPVC Repairs All Work Guaranteed – Fully Insured – CRB Checked Free Consultations
Our summer outing will be in June. It is a visit to Dyffryn Gardens near Cardiff and we hope the gardens will be at their summer best.
Shirley Hand Avening WI
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Our March walk will be around Avening and we do hope there is less mud to walk through than at present! Lunch will be at a member’s house and we also have a friendly skittles match arranged in March at the Social Club, against Sandhurst WI, who are the team we met in the County Plate competition. On March 18th we are holding our village quiz at the Avening social club. As usual the cost will include a ploughman’s supper.
Call Ollie on 01666 848097 – 07823881639 – info@pixielock.com www.pixielock.com 1361013
Names will be taken for members wishing to attend the federation A.G.M. in Cheltenham Town Hal, where the main speaker will be Mandy Hickson, who was the only female pilot to be part of an R.A.F. Tornado Squadron.
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March 2016 | 31
Chelteham Wine Festival
and learn about different grape varieties, wine styles and the people and places behind them.
A new wine festival in Cheltenham… …is set to provide an unmissable fine wine experience for wine lovers. A Charity Grand Tasting will take place on Saturday 14th of May at the Cheltenham Town Football Club, between 12 noon and 5 pm. Twenty top independent wine merchants are exhibiting, including Tetbury’s own Vinotopia and Thomas Panton, showcasing wines from some of the world’s best wine regions. Those attending will be able to explore over 250 special wines from France, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina, the USA and many more. A wonderful opportunity to taste, discover
All wine lovers from beginners to enthusiasts will enjoy a great day out in the relaxed and informal atmosphere of the walk-around tasting. Tickets include a complimentary wine glass, and all wine tasting samples.
John Parr Cheltenham Wine Festival Committee
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
Opening Times:
Andrew’s Mobile Disco
Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm
Music for all occasions from the 50’s to today. Classic hits, party tunes and your playlists!
Out of hours appointments are available on request.
Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy
Andrew Kent
andrewk@globalnet.co.uk Tel 01666880332 Mobile 07702905509
The festival is being organised in association with Rotary Cheltenham North, in aid of local charities, Macmillan Cancer Support and Kidney Research UK - so Invite your friends and make it a date. Grand Tasting Tickets at £20, in advance only, are available from cheltenhamwinefestival.com
Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0071015
Grand Wine Tasting Saturday 14 May 2016 Top Wine Merchants | 250 Wines Cheltenham Town FC | 12noon-5pm Tickets £20 in advance only
Visit CheltenhamWineFestival.com
In association with:
In aid of local charities and:
Cheltenham North 0020316
32 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The speaker at the HOTS meeting on 4th February was Ian Mackintosh…
today, there once were 4 mills within a ½ mile stretch along the Frome, all using the same flow of water for their power. They were all ‘Fulling Mills’. There is a record of Wallbridge Mill in 1470 and Kings Mill 1460.
…and his subject was ‘400 years of Stroud Water Textiles’. Ian is the authority on the history of Stroud and acknowledged as a very good speaker so it is not surprising that 70 members came to hear him speak.
In those very early days the work of preparing the wool (carding and spinning)
History of Tetbury Society and even the weaving was a cottage industry. Lengths of rough cloth 10ft wide x 20yards length were brought from the weaver’s homes to the mills where they were ‘fulled’. This was a process of beating the cloth repeatedly with water powered very heavy mallets known as ‘stocks’. This reduced the width of the cloth to about 6ft wide. The surface of this thickened material then had to be smoothed first be raising loose fibres (the nap) with teasels and then shearing off those fibres. The lengths of cloth were hung up to dry in the open air on ‘tenter’ racks which had tenterhooks along the top. He showed paintings of the scene with three colours of ‘West of England Broad-cloth’ – the famous ‘Stroudwater Scarlet’, undyed white and ‘Berkeley Yellow’ – hanging from the tenterhooks.
Ian illustrated his talk with slides and he indicates the detail to which he is referring by pointing with a ‘foil’ sword. As many as 170 to 200 possible mill sites have been identified in the five valleys of the Stroud area but, given the time available, he concentrated his talk on the Frome Valley close to the town. Though little remains
Town & Country News
These processes were extremely labour intensive and eventually machines were invented to speed the processes and improve the finished product. The wellknown invention is the ‘spinning-jenny’ which had an impact on the home workers but the industrial revolution changed the work in the valleys completely.
Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas. Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!
The first the machines were small and hand powered but ultimately huge looms and spinning machines were watched over by
We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.
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one operative. The old fulling mills gave way to much larger premises and the construction of the canals forced relocation of some mills.
! !
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
Another factor that changed the industry was the introduction of Merino wool, which was much finer than the local wools. Steam power eventually took the place of water power and we were told of some incidents of accidents. Our Chairman, Jane Haines, ended the meeting by showing us the ‘Toc H’ Lamp of the Tetbury branch that has been given to us for safe keeping and will be put on display this summer. She also reminded us that the next meeting is on 3rd March at 7.30 in Christ Church, is the AGM. The report to the meeting was circulated so that the formalities can kept to a minimum to leave time for our speaker who is Debbie Young - her subject ‘A Relative History of Hawkesbury Upton’.
All profits distributed locally and internationally
Alan Twelvetree History of Tetbury Society
March 2016 | 33
Eating Out
fish-finger sandwich, hoping for homemade ‘goujons’. But no. That said, the mountainous slices of cake are delicious.
Today I’m on the horns of a dilemma.
It’s probably a ‘great find’ if you’re passing through, but as a lunch choice..? Afternoon tea and cake is the best bet, in my opinion.
I’m not by nature derogatory (though Flossy argues otherwise), so I’m not keen to write negatively about any of our establishments. However, if this column is actually going to serve any purpose, I feel I need to be honest, to ‘speak as I find’, as a Yorkshireman might say (which Flossy reckons is just a way of introducing the fact that you’re about to be rude). So, with that in mind….
Instead, I went for the standard café fare at Lyndseys – the antithesis of The Blue Zucchini: plain, living-room style décor, no music and the gentle thrumming of hushed conversations.
The Blue Zucchini, a perfect example of style over substance, with its nailed-up vinyl albums and loud-ish music, was one lunch possibility. But I’ve been twice recently and it was difficult to say anything much beyond ‘lacklustre’. The first time, ‘hot dog in brioche style bun, chips, sweetcorn relish and coleslaw’, sounded interesting. But it wasn’t. The hot dog and relish seemed to have come from a jar, the bun was a bog-standard finger roll and the chips were… well, just chips. It could all have come straight from a supermarket shelf, frankly. The second time, with Flossy and a Friend, Flossy’s burger was “alright”, but paled significantly in comparison to others, Friend had a flaccid mozzarella and tomato panini with oily-tasting chips, and I had a 140208 Classic Windows
As it was about one o’clock, they were so busy that when a couple sat down a few minutes after me, the waitress said she was too busy to serve them just yet. Consequently, as she rushed off, they got up and left! I don’t know about you, but surely the time to shine is when you’re busy – that’s the real test of quality control, in both food and service. But maybe that’s just me… My chicken and bacon salad was much more bacon than chicken - to borrow that old joke: ‘How did you find the chicken?’ ‘Easy. I moved a piece of cucumber, and there it was!’ Harsh, perhaps, but true, since there was barely more than one mini fillet’s worth, and what was there would’ve benefitted from some ‘rehydration’, let’s say. The salad was basic – cherry tomatoes, cucumber and iceberg lettuce (really?), with slices of fruit, and garnished with dried – yes, dried - herbs. The dressing was nice, even if it didn’t arrive until I’d half-finished. On the plus side, the lemon
sponge cake was lovely – even better than my old mum’s, which is saying something. Probably another one best left for tea and cake, then. I’m conscious of seeming mean, airing dissatisfactions in public, so to speak - so, apologies. But the bottom line is, if you’re lunching out, there are better places to spend your hard-earned cash. Perhaps I should be a more confident complainer – and ‘speak as I find’ when I’m there… Fill
Curtains & Blinds Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished Sonia Thomas 01666 502516
Page 1
34 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Dr Michael Hollywood BVetMed CertVOphthal MRCVS The George Veterinary Hospital – Tetbury branch 01666 503531
LAPAROSCOPIC BITCH SPEYS Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique for viewing the internal structures of the abdomen. A laparoscope (camera) inserted through a small (keyhole) incision in the abdomen magnifies the internal structures of the abdomen on a TV monitor. Additional small incisions are made to facilitate the use of surgical instruments. In recent years laparoscopy has been adopted as a less traumatic and less painful alternative to traditional surgery in human medicine. TRADITIONAL SPEYS In a traditional spey a 5 to 10cm incision is made in the abdomen through which the ovarian ligament is stretched away from the abdominal wall. This stretching may cause bruising and may be a cause of some post-operative pain. Traditional speys require significant tension on the ovaries and uterus which may cause trauma and bleeding. In this procedure the ovaries and the uterus (womb) are removed. LAPAROSCOPIC SPEYS The George Veterinary Hospital now offers all clients the option of having their bitch neutered laparoscopically. The procedure is performed with magnified views of organs allowing for greater precision. In this procedure only the ovaries, not the uterus, are removed using a laparoscope inserted through two or three tiny 0.5-1cm incisions into the abdomen. The ovarian ligament is carefully cut and cauterised, rather than torn. Laparoscopic speys offer patients up to 65% less pain and less trauma than traditional speys.
• The entire procedure is performed through a few keyhole incisions rather than a larger abdominal opening. Smaller incisions are less painful and reduce recovery time. • Decreased risk of wound infection • The bitch’s activity restriction is less critical during the post-surgical period (although restriction to lead exercise is recommended for 10 days) • Laparoscopy allows better visualisation of abdominal organs. • Controlled incisions eliminate the pain and bruising caused by the tearing of tissue. While laparoscopic surgery has become the gold standard for a wide range of operations in humans, it is still far less employed for procedures on animals throughout the UK. It requires a substantial investment in both specialist equipment and the additional training of veterinary surgeons and so many veterinary practices do not consider this a viable opportunity. However, the benefits for both pets and owners, over some traditional open abdominal surgery procedures, are clear with reduced levels of pain for the patient, less risk of complications and a quicker recovery time just a few of the important considerations for pet owners. Please contact our team if you would like to discuss the options for your pet in more detail.
ADVANTAGES OF LAPAROSCOPIC SPEYS OVER TRADITIONAL SPEYS? • A recent study concluded laparoscopic speys caused less surgical stress and vastly reduced post-op pain. This is due to the smaller incisions and a reduction in the abdominal retraction and manipulation required.
Visit us at 23 Church Street, Tetbury A paid-for feature
Tetbury Art Society
Something that I have never mentioned before is painting at Shipton Moyne village hall on a Monday afternoon. This is not strictly part of our art society but was started by one of our members, Pauline Stevens, and most of the attendees are our members too, so it gives me a way to provide a picture of us hard at work.
Our AGM was held on Wednesday 3rd February and, as usual, business was completed in about 35 minutes. Then our Treasurer, Hazel Cudmore, and our new Membership Secretary, Sue Russell, started the process of collecting subscriptions and handing out Membership Cards for the year. Gill Ashley had tickets for the Roy Baker Memorial Lecture available for purchase and this was followed by refreshments and entertainment laid on by our Social Secretary, Margaret Morgan. The entertainment was several rounds of ‘Mr and Mrs,’ where several couples were individually asked questions about the other and their answers checked. For example, do they agree about what time of the day the lady feels at her best? As far as I know there have been no marriage breakups as a result! On Wednesday 2nd March we have two events. In the afternoon there will be the 2016 Roy Baker Memorial Lecture held in the Orchard Room at Highgrove, for which tickets have already been sold. This year’s speaker will be Daphne Todd OBE, portrait painter and first female President of the Society of Portrait Painters 1994-
2000. The subject is ‘The Individual as Artist and Sitter’. In the evening there will be a demonstration at St Michael’s Hall by Christine Russell of still life in pastels.
Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926.
The meeting on 6th April will feature We meet on the evening of the first ‘Mood and Atmosphere’, a demonstration Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s by Val Riddler using mixed media. I hope Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and that members are busy painting because, you will find that we are a friendly group at the end of April, we set up our Spring welcoming those interested in art whatever Exhibition in the Market Hall ready for the level they have reached. Spring Bank Holiday (the year seems to be 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 22:03 Page 1 moving on quite rapidly). Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society
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36 | March 2016
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Sadly, the Practice is saying good bye to Dr Chris Woods, who is retiring at the very end of March.
special affinity. On behalf of the patients, the PPG would like to wish him a long and happy retirement.
After 14 years dedicated service to the practice and of course his patients will be very sad to see him go, especially his elderly patients with whom he had a 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian
In the knowledge that Dr Woods departure would leave a gap which would not be easy to fill given the present national difficulty in recruiting GPs, Dr Willis has returned to the practice part time and further cover will be given by locums including Drs Shaikh and Cardew.
nurse Practitioner and a health care assistant are in the process of being appointed which will take a lot of pressure off the doctors. Hopefully a name will be forthcoming in time for next month’s Advertiser. Also a completely new appointment has been made for a ‘Social Prescriber’.
Doctors may be difficult to recruit but there has been more success in other areas. A
This may be a new term for many readers but it relates to those patients who have needs that are not all medical. The surgery has joined forces with others to share a social prescriber. Lisa Hepworth has been appointed and she will be at Romney House Surgery every Thursday. If it thought that Lisa can help in any way either a GP or a nurse will refer patients to her. She will also be able to call on the Tetbury Welfare Charities if she thinks that they could help out financially with transport etc.
Page 1
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Patient Participation Group
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The PPG has some interesting posts on the blog re: prescriptions and appointments. You can read them on the Internet https:// romneyhouseppg.wordpress.com or for those not online, they are also on the PPG notice board as well as in The Waiting Room Files (look for the red file folder on the coffee table in the corner). The long awaited new Media Screen will be installed on Thursday 10th of March. This will serve as a patient call system replacing the old Jayex board, as well as a medium for communicating key messages from the practice, the PPG and health promotion videos from NHS Choices. At its committee meeting on the 28th of January the PPG spent a long time trying to experience through patients’ eyes their difficulties when accessing the surgery, the doctors, and waiting in the waiting room. It gave us much food for thought and we were able to make a lot of suggestions, which we hope will be taken on board in the months to come. The Red Cross has offered a chance for carers, those they care for and anyone with a long-term condition, to come along to an Every-Day First Aid session. It will be simple and basic with an emphasis on being fun and interactive, as well as building up people’s confidence and willingness to get involved in a first aid emergency. The session will be held on Monday the 7th of March from 2 to 4pm at the surgery.
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Finally, the Alzheimer’s Society is holding a Roadshow in Cirencester Hospital on 3 March from 10 until 4pm. Do go if you are able and you think it could help you or someone you are close to. Alison Hesketh PPG Liaison Officer 01666 505113, alison. hesketh1@btinternet.com PPG email: romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk
March 2016 | 37
Tetbury Area Churches Together TACT, as we are known, have developed a Welcome Pack for newcomers and tourists. This pack includes details of each church’s services and regular activities, plus a list of useful contacts. Copies of this pack have been delivered to the Tourist Office, Doctors, Estate Agents and local Hotels. Lent is a busy time for churches. There are Study Groups, Soup Lunches, Preparations for Easter as well as the usual meetings, activities and services. With Easter being very early this year, no sooner had we finished Christmas than we were organising Lent. Traditionally Lent was a time when people gave something up for the period
such as chocolate. Nowadays people are looking to do something more positive. One way is ‘40 Acts’, a scheme where you do one act of kindness each day. All the churches in Tetbury are very keen to find links with the local community most of them provide volunteers to the Save and Borrow Credit Union scheme and another avenue is Foodbank, which I have mentioned in a previous edition. After Easter there will be a Distribution Centre at St Mary’s Centre on a Tuesday morning. In August we will be having the Annual
‘Holiday at Home’. In addition, the team are organising a Spring Tea, which will be held on the Queen’s 90th birthday, April the 21st at The Mayfield Hotel in Crudwell. The churches have also been developing links with Residential Homes in the area. The sad closure of The Priory at the end of March has had quite an impact on local congregations. Please spare a thought or prayer for the residents who have moved and the staff who have had to face a lesscertain future. Rev Stuart Radford
LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon 760411
38 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
February has been a very busy month here at Leighterton Primary School! We are very lucky to have a specialist sports teacher and a specialist gymnastics coach on our teaching team to work with our children each week and we have been taking part in many sporting activities both in school and out. The focus for our games lessons in PE this term has been developing ball skills for our younger children and on hockey for all of our children from year one onwards. Our children enjoy taking part in an after school hockey club too. Gymnastics is taught throughout school during the course of the year and this term our key stage one children have an after school gymnastics club.
Our key stage one hockey players
The children at Leighterton have many cross country fixtures planned and train as a team every Friday straight after school, with some of our dedicated parents, whatever the weather. They have already taken part in a friendly running competition where they supported each other well and are just about to begin taking part in the league. We are also very proud of our netball team who train weekly too. They recently took part in a Hi 5 netball festival where they supported each other well and came third overall. On Shrove Tuesday our PTFA opened a ‘Pop Up Pancake Café’ which was extremely popular. There were many yummy toppings to choose from and we all had a lot of fun eating them and socialising. They also raised a lot of money to spend on the children at school Safer Internet day has run all over the UK during February and at Leighterton Primary School, we have been reminding ourselves about the ‘dos and don’ts’ of using the internet safely. We worked together during whole school assembly to discuss what we should do if we are worried about something we see on the internet and which trusted adults we could tell our worries to. We have all contributed to a display in our school hall about how to ‘Stay Safe Online,’ and back in our classrooms, we have been following this up by watching film clips about internet safety and discussing them in groups. As part of their topic about ‘Earth and
Leighterton Primary School Beyond,’ our oldest children have been following the work of Tim Peake, in the International Space Station, and they have visited @Bristol to take a trip to the stars in a planetarium show. They all enjoyed the stunning vistas of the night sky, and found out how to spot seasonal constellations, as well as discovering the awe-inspiring science behind the stars. If you would like to come a have a look around our school, please contact Mrs Harris or Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 or through our website – www.leighterton.com to book a tour. Hatfield,22:24 340208 Piano Tuition Meryl 22/2/08 Headteacher
Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist. Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome email:jon.adkins@longfurlong.co.uk 340208
Tel: 01666 505692
All profits distributed locally and internationally
March 2016 | 39
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Hedge Laying My favourite job with the Wardens is hedge laying in the traditional style. Having finished the hedge by the footpath in King’s Stanley, we have started another hedge at Luckington. But it can be very wet work this winter. Having cut sufficiently through each upright so that it is ready to come down under its own weight, you pull it down from vertical to near-horizontal, in the process depositing masses of water upon your head and shoulders. Then you have lost your overhanging shelter and the rain falls freely on you. Time to stop for tea! But the finished job of a nice thick stock-proof hedge is very satisfying.
Tresham and Newark Park We have worked at both these locations in early February. On the footpaths by Tresham Farm, we repaired two stiles and erected two signposts to clearly mark the correct route avoiding the farmyard. At Newark Park, for the National Trust, we have erected waymark posts and two very large and heavy notice boards to detail permissive paths around the estate. We have also cleared overhanging trees bearing against a field boundary fence.
We were fortunate to be there during the Snowdrop season. At this time of the year, with no leaves on the trees, we could clearly see Tresham (a very small village on the escarpment but with its own little church), from Newark Park – and indeed Newark Park from Tresham. They are only a mile apart across the valley (Ozleworth Bottom) with a footpath linking them. By road it is 8 miles around the head of the valley via Kingscote. Newark Park is open to the public to visit the house, a former hunting lodge, and to walk on the grounds and the hillside, with fine views using the circular walks. There are three other large estates in the valley which are private, namely Ozleworth Park, Lasborough Park and Boxwell Court. Footpaths pass close by all three. Lasborough and Boxwell also have tiny churches still in use, whereas Ozleworth church is redundant, but can be visited.
Tuesday the 15th of March at 10.00 am for coffee at the Royal Oak, Leighterton, departing at 10.30 am for 5.5 miles to Tresham and Boxwell. Sunday the 20th of March at 2.00 pm from the parking area on Rodborough Common (grid reference 850235) near the Bear, for 2.5 miles around the common. Tuesday the 22nd of March at 10.00 am from the parking area on Selsley Common (grid reference 828026) for 6 miles to Penn Woods and Coaley Peak. Richard 380510Glanville AGW Howell:Layout 1 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
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Local walks lead by the Wardens in March are: Saturday the 5th of March at 10.00 am from Bell Lane car park by Minchinhampton Church for 9 miles via Avening.
Friday the 11th of March at 10.00 am from the car park by the King’s Head at King’s Stanley, for 6 miles via Selsey Church and canal towpath.
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Tresham Valley, photo courtesy of Richard Goodenough - www.tresham.org.uk
40 | March 2016
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Computer Assistance Running Windows Vista? Google’s support is ending. Within the last couple of weeks, Google have announced that they will be pulling support for both Windows XP and Vista. The former is no surprise as support for Windows XP finished back in 2014. However, Windows Vista is still to be supported in a limited way by Microsoft until April 2017, another year, so Google’s announcement has come as a bit of a surprise. You may see a notice appearing in the Chrome browser.
Microsoft website to download your free copy. However, do backup all your data before going ahead. A major update for Windows 10 has been released and most manufacturers are now on board with the new operating system. Most computers that I have upgraded have been fine, particularly if they are less than 6 years old. Some have had some issues with graphics card drivers, but nothing too disastrous. Old programs that are not Windows 10 compatible can be a problem, but do not be tempted to uninstall
Nic – THE TETBURY COMPUTER SHOP Telephone: 01666 502067 mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk
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To give a real performance boost, consider a solid state drive which will dramatically improve performance and can give a new lease of life to older PCs that you may have considered redundant. Even an old XP machine with 2GB of RAM can be transformed, providing a new version of Windows is used. If you have a newer system, I can clone your existing drive to save reinstalling all your programs and data. Do get in touch for details
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Is now the right time to upgrade to Windows 10? The free upgrade is available until the end of July this year, if you are using either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1. You may have seen an icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If not, you can visit the
If you would like to upgrade your computer, book it in for an annual service or to discuss any of the points above, do get in touch.
This does not mean that you need to ditch Vista now, but I would recommend switching to something else after April to make sure you are safer online. Do not however use Internet Explorer, as all older versions have had support terminated and you really will leave yourself vulnerable. If your current Vista PC or laptop is running well and you have no hardware issues with it, I might be worth upgrading to give it a new lease of life. This should work out cheaper than buying a new system, although you will need to back up your data as a clean install will be required. If you are having issues with your PC, then it might be a good time to consider an upgrade or replacement.
Windows 10 as this can fail spectacularly. Get in touch if you need help before trying to go back to your old version. My previous editorials have covered the plus and minus points of Windows 10, which you can find on my web site at the address below.
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Call Bob May on 01666 502799 / 07866 250073 350209
42 | March 2016
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Dolphins Dramatic Society
You will be pleased to know that Amelia Frederico is back with The Dolphins again. Can you believe it? Amelia started with the Society when she was 11 she is now 21 and has come back to us after finishing a three-year University degree last summer. Lucky for us - Amelia has got her first job in Cirencester so it means we can hang on to her for the time being! Amelia has always been a joy to work with, good fun and not only learns her lines but everyone else’s too. Great to have you back with us Amelia. Also returning to the stage is Phillip Webb – my goodness what good casting; look at the picture of Vincent Price who played in the
American version of Gaslight and our lovely Phillip – they both look so sinister but we know for a fact they’re nothing of the sort!
Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.
The American version of the play was called Angel Street and premiered on Broadway at the John Golden Theatre on 5 December 1941 it transferred to the Bijou Theatre on 2 October 1944, and closed on 30 December 1944 after 1295 performances. The reason it was called Angel Street is because the action of the play takes place in London in a house on Angel Street. Vincent Price played Jack Manningham on Broadway in 1942. However when the film version was made in Hollywood in 1944 starring Ingrid Bergman, the name reverted back to Gaslight; it was in this version that Angela Lansbury made her debut – she was just 18 years old. The atmosphere is menacing and with the creaking floors and flickering gas light you will wonder if Bella is losing her mind, if you like a good thriller and want to find out what happens do come and join the Dolphins Dramatic Society in their version of Gaslight at The Dolphins Hall 14th – 16th April 2016. Urgent – Does anyone have a chaise longue and/or a hat/coat stand the Dolphins could borrow for this production? They will be well looked after. If you can help please call Anne: 0788 737 7139. Terri White Dolphins Dramatic Society
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March 2016 | 43
always seen straight away, and we are all per week. impatient even at the best of times. As we are all habitual creatures we fall Sticking to your targets requires a into certain routines or habits, which can be structured approach and an inner belief in or bad. Creatingnumbers, an exerciseall habit performances in the moving withgood thirty musical ofcan your ability to reach what you set. You mustBBC TV show “Strictly be vital in helping you achieve your goal. which had elements of nostalgia, especially be able to visualise the process and the endprior to that were very Come Dancing” and Start with an easy habit that will be easy to goal – but don’tprominent just fantasise! in world class competitions in arranged forstick the wide agesurerange the to, and make you areofconsistent Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help audience. The occurred thetwo andshow-stopper perform this habit for at at least all forms of ballroom dances, particularly of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes very end after the normal curtain call, when the Tango, having been World Champions developing exercises and regimes that are exercise on an a Monday, Wednesday to track improvement. Vincent and of Flavia gave exhibition danceand 2005/2006. these steps to plan a right for you. Follow Friday. Once you have been doing this for of the Argentinian Tango. This brought thethe ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase We were certainly wellA goal rewarded with a should be achievable for you – are audience to its feet and rounded off an length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC you in the music right place and have the rightandThis that combined and excellent entertaining will keep show. your body and brain A goal must be show individual to you, aiming at non-stop the objective …in the Dolphins Hall and it was pleasing dance and totheaccess stars for appearing in you have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 whatroutines you want Setting smaller ones can help Returning you develop home after show fitness goal – youthe can do it! it was to see more members attending than in accomplish. General every scene demonstrating their skillaand and work towards bigger end goal. interesting to see how many of our targets lead backed to the previous year. The Chairman, Helen talent, superbly up by a team of group were practicing leg fl ips and other REALISTIC reduced focus and too Price, gave a résumé of the last year, four couples and two singers. What To be realistic youadded must be ablecontortions to visualize in preparation for the next Tea much wiggle room. reporting that it had been a busy, varied further interest to the show was that itthe had achieving objective. Too high Dance at athe Dolphins Hall!” MEASURABLE yourself and successful one. a story to link the various goalscenes and you together may struggle to see the end, A goal must be too low and you will find yourself less Ray Sheppard, - and centred mature gent browsing able on to a be The Treasurer, Lin Tanswell, explained that motivated. Tetbury Theatre Group through memorabilia in his attic which set measured – there had been some losses and although TIMED For any information on membership please whether on the background to the various routines. there are funds to cover this at the moment, is important, scales or on a Having a time frame for a goalcontact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505129 or she doesn’t want them to run them down. this is whatand you must This on 07561 284607. stopwatch, havingwas a asuplifting The whole show fastwork towards. Helen Price time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps The Committee was re-elected with David Loshak and Ray Sheppard standing down. To start this year’s Programme, the Group went to Bristol Hippodrome for a matinee of the symptoms• that • Migraine of “The Last Tango”, and Ray Sheppard has Just some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain • Neck can be helped by treatment: that can be helped by treatment: written the following piece: • Chronic lowpain back pain • Tennis elbow • Acute/subacute neck pain Call now for free consultation Call now for a consultation! “On Wednesday February the third, thirty• Low backpain pain • Chronic neck Tetbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute nine of our members set off from Tetbury in • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity Healthassessment and Wellbeingavailable Centre our usual luxury coach. bound for the Bristol • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders DermaCo House Hippodrome to see a matinee performance elbow and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 • Tennis• Foot 2 Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) of “The Last Tango”- this being a dance/ Acute whiplash-associated disorders • Jwala Gurung Gurung Tetbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee osteoarthritis musical extravaganza featuring Vincent Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Gloucestershire Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. Simone and partner Flavia Cacace. GL8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC.
Tetbury Theatre Group
The Theatre Group AGM was held on Friday February the 29th…
This couple are well known for their
Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY
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44 | March 2016
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Tetbury WI
DAN BAILEY BUILDING Despite the inclement weather, our February meeting was well attended, Landscaping Before
Extension Before
when the speaker was Naomi Boast from the National Star College at Ullenwood; 180 students with a range of disabilities study there, aged between 18 and 25. They come from all over the country. The main message she emphasised is that these are not disabled people but people with disabilities. Several of our members will be having lunch at their “Star Bistro” at the end of February.
New Build Before
Lunch at the Ormond in January was very enjoyable and a very pleasant way to spend a winter lunchtime. There will not be a monthly coffee morning at the Snooty Fox in March, so the next one will be on Monday the 25th April. Please come along and join us there if you would like to meet us in a smaller group before the main meeting on May the 9th. We are looking forward to many new activities this year and we are planning the Group Meeting which Tetbury will be hosting this year in June; our next meeting will be on the 14th of March at the Dolphins Hall at 7.15 for 7.30. The speaker will be Nell Gifford and her subject will be “Giffords Circus”.
Landscaping After
dscaping Before
New Build Before
Chris Gibson Tetbury WI
Extension After
Extension Before
New Build After
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See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres March 2016 | 45
Woolsack Day Woolsack Races 2016 Bank holiday Monday 30th May. With just 3 months to go until the 2016 world famous Woolsack Races, entries are now being accepted for teams and individuals to compete and we are particularly keen to get a large number of team racers this year, to make the event as thrilling as possible for the crowds that come to Tetbury to this free event. For any team interested in competing, teams must consist of four people and we have races for men, women and mixed teams (two men and two women.) Entry for teams costs £20, for individuals £10 and for youth teams between 14 -17 years, £15. We advise that anyone considering competing walk the course before the event and we would like to stress that entrants run at their own risk. For those who haven’t been to the event before it is a relay event up and down Gumstool Hill in Tetbury (which reaches a 1-in-4 gradient), carrying a sack full of wool (there are different weight sacks for the women and men.) There are cash prizes for the winners, trophies and world record times to compete for. All proceeds from the day will go to three very worthwhile local charities; this year’s beneficiaries are Hope For Tomorrow, Tetbury Gymnastics Club and The Tetbury Goods Shed Project. As well as the races there will be an auction, street market, stalls, fun fair, entertainment and music for all the family - to make this a great day out for all ages, so if your company, sports club, organisation or mates fancy competing for the title of 2016 Woolsack race winners please go to our website www.tetburywoolsack.co.uk and fill out the entry form and arrange payment
before 1st May 2016 - to ensure a mention in The Woolsack Runner. If you would like to have a stall at the event our website has a section - “Stallholders Apply” where there is information on the costs and a form to complete and if you are interested in sponsoring the event please contact tetburywoolsack@googlemail.com For all information on the day keep an eye on our website above and our Facebook page Tetbury Woolsack Races and Twitter page Tetbury Woolsack Day. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 30th May.
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Woolsack Race Committee
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Mr Laurie Robinson, BSc (Hons), PGCE
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Mr Laurie Robinson, BSc (Hons), PGCE
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46 | March 2016
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Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.
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We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Established in 1974, are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. We have 8we courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land Rover. We have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, mechanics. We wereservice. voted Independent Garage of the Year by both Motor Trader andindependent the Motorgarage Industry of collection collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and2012 Land Rover specialist premier offeringCode a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury
At Car C
we invest state ofSkoda), the art dealer-level dedicated and team of cars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,inSEAT, Land Rover and Mercedes. Weexperienced have 9 courtesy At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so mechanics. offer a range diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We full of services available or offer a collection service. At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free call today or visit our website. courtesy cars or collection.
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tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. We offer full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.
bulbs an charge!
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If so, ask yourself .....................
Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level
premier independent garage offering a
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servicing, diagnostics and repairs using
service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of
MOT TESTING YOU MAY BE USING THE WRONG GARAGE! .....................if the answer is NO
Experiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to
MOT testing on all Class 4 cars and light vans
the left or right, an uncentred steering
with a free re-test included if needed. All
wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to
bulbs and adjustments are included free of
book our four wheel laser alignment service.
charge! (headlamp excluded)
Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles
handling characteristics, tyre wear and fuel efficiency.
strial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ
Probus Two Our 2016 meetings recommenced on the 13th of January. The 13th is said to be unlucky for some – as it was for this writer, since mid-morning of the 12th our speaker, Wing-Commander Paul Morris, had to fly abroad immediately! As Speaker’s Secretary I had just the afternoon and evening, so I researched my own career and gave the presentation the following morning…. I had always wanted to be a buyer of art goods but ended up as a trainee Ceramic Artist for the then-famous porcelain manufacturer, Royal Worcester Porcelain Co. Ltd. It was quite an experience, and I found fellow artists not only high-level but also
forever playing pranks, as described by TV’s Henry Sandon in one of his books. The last of the famous Stinton family was still there painting highland cattle, and I watched him in awe. However, within two years, in the late 1950’s they ran into financial trouble and made the trainees redundant. I then searched for a buyer’s role, but a businessman with a china decoration studio in Bromsgrove contacted me with an offer as Manager and artist. Since it was half way house, in a sense, I accepted, took on another two staff, and our output largely went to his various shops in Cornwall. However, it was not to last, as he became ill and the business went into liquidation - so I finally ended up as a buyer with a large industrial group, the best move ever. Later still I joined the Hawker-Siddeley Group and became Purchasing Manager of the High Duty Alloys concern, which had the distinction of being mentioned in a James Bond book!
Later in January we invited a local man, Roger Smith, to talk to us of his life and career to find it was one of the most exciting and interesting talks we have ever had and that will be our subject in April – something very special. If you are new to Tetbury or already live here and would like to join us do give a call to John Moules on 01666 502678 or Alan Twelvetree on 01666 503977. Our members are an agreeable crowd and you will be made most welcome!!
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Finally, I became Central Negotiator and purchasing Co-ordinator for the group and rarely if ever purchased anything artistic! Sadly, they were taken over in the early 1990’s by BTR and I survived as Group Purchasing Manager (Eng.) until retirement.
Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell Probus Two
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“Centre of Excellence” Dental Practice Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The term is flying by as usual… …and unbelievably we find ourselves halfway through the academic year already. The children very much enjoyed a special trip to St. Mary’s School to take part in a forest school activity. We all had so much fun and were lucky with a bright and sunny day although it was very cold and we were grateful when Miss. Watts made a small fire where the children got to roast their own marshmallows and warm up
with a hot chocolate. Many thanks to Miss. Watts and St. Mary’s School for inviting us and to the parents who helped to walk us there and back. We must also give a mention and send grateful thanks to the lovely Nanny of one of our children who is a keen knitter (luckily for us) as she not only made each child at Puddle Ducks a lovely knitted stocking at Christmas which they loved but she is now also helping us with a slightly bigger and very colourful project - more news to follow soon!
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Puddle Ducks We are continuing to follow jolly phonics and have been talking about ‘T’ for transport and ‘P’ for people who help us. The two topics were linked when we turned our room into an aeroplane and Vicky, one of our mums who is an Air Stewardess came in in uniform to serve a special aeroplane snack which some of the children had walked to the shop to buy earlier in the day. Thank you very much Vicky for giving up your time to come and see us. We are also grateful to Watch Manager David Smith from Tetbury Fire Station who came to see us during ‘people who help us’ week bringing with him the co-responder vehicle which the children enjoyed sitting in and pressing the button for the siren! Thank you, David. Our afternoon pre-school sessions have started very well with all the children being excited to stay and join in. They are all doing amazingly well getting changed for PE and engaging with many activities which are planned to promote development across all areas of learning and they are rising to new challenges brilliantly. Puddle Ducks has only limited spaces available for the remainder of this academic year however there are a few! If you are interested in your child joining us or if you would like to visit with a view to reserving a place for next year, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 and she will be pleased to arrange a day for you to come in during a session to see us. We run term time only, Monday-Friday from 9.15 am - 12.15 pm with an optional lunch club until 1.15 pm and we are to be found at the back of the Dolphins Hall. Don’t forget that we also run our baby and toddler group on a Friday afternoon from 1.30 - 2.45 pm where Catherine and Pat will give you a warm welcome and your child can play in a safe environment.
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March 2016 | 49
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Tetbury Toddler Group Alliance is made up of Tetbury Children’s Centre, Puddles Ducks Nursery, Tetbury Nursery Playgroup, St Mary’s playgroup toddler group. Chipping Chicks, Oasis Café @ Christ Church and St Mary’s school sapling group. The aim of the alliance is to ensure that each toddler group has the same golden rules/ standards, whilst still offering a varied range of groups. The alliance officially starts on the 1st April 2016 and the leaders of each group will be meeting up on a regular basiis to keep up to date on best practice etc. The golden rules, and an explanation of how they benefit the children and carers who attend the groups will be on display in each group. If you want to know about any of the groups, you can contact the Children’s Centre who have an information list. Karen Milhench
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan
• Cosmetic treatment Dear Editor, I would like to thank Mr Clive Chivers for the tremendous help he gave my husband Chris. One morning recently as my husband was cycling to work he was knocked off his bike at the Snooty Fox roundabout, taking a nasty bump to the head. He was left lying on the road unconscious, in a very bad way.
• Tooth whitening • Hygienist
Robert W. Carter B.D.S.
There were a number of people helping him, but it was Clive who really stepped up and saved his life, clearing his airways etc. Thankfully my husband is recovering well and we owe so much to Clive, it would be great for him to be recognised in the Advertiser.
7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
Kind Regards Susie Page
50 | March 2016
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
They say that time flies by as one gets older; I cannot believe that we are well into February already and Lent has begun, marking the forty days and nights that Jesus was in the desert. Traditionally one should give something up for Lent, but I think that doing something extra to help someone or to do something spiritually is a mark of our own renewal. Many years ago whilst living in Bath, my local Parish Priest celebrated Mass at 7.00
am for those who wished to attend before going on to work during Lent. I used to make the effort to attend, even though I lived a 30minute walk away. It set me up for the day, to start the day quietly and reflecting. Springtime is not only about our own renewal but for growth too; it is a time when we clear the garden ready for new growth in the summer. Easter is early this year, so everything is earlier; we would like to wish all Mothers a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday 6th March. My own Mother passed away five years ago, and I miss her
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News from St Michael’s Church every day -she was a wonderful inspiration to all she met and all her family loved her. I am sure there are many out there who have lost their mothers too but I am sure like me you don’t need Mother’s Day to remember her. We pray that all our Mothers are resting in peace. We are at present coming up with ideas for fundraising for the Parish and our first social of the year will be an Irish Night which will be on Friday 18th March. Tickets are available from the Parish Office which includes a Guinness Stew and great music. Women’s Day of Prayer is being held here at St Michael’s on Friday 4th March, at 2.00pm. This year’s service has been prepared by Christian women of Cuba. All are welcomed to attend and we look forward to welcoming you. I would like to finish by saying please take care in the storms and flooding that we are experiencing at present and from what has been predicted, the bad weather is likely to last a while. As I write this we are confirming the times of our Easter Services; if you would like to attend any of our Easter Services, please check our website www.stmichaeltetbury. org.uk or telephone the Parish Office on 01666 502367.
Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michaels Catholic Church
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March 2016 | 51
Save the Children Save the Children works in 120 countries throughout the World, including the United Kingdom. Saving children’s lives is at the heart of what it does and it is the reason it exists. In times of crisis and disasters the Emergency Fund enables Save the Children to act quickly and reach children before it is too late. The teams do whatever it takes to reach children in desperate need, delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, protection and education. In 2014 the health and nutrition programmes reached 9.6 million people and yet nearly 6 million children still die each year, many from causes that could be prevented. The ‘No Child Born to Die’ campaign helped to secure a U.K. government pledge of £1 billion towards immunisation in poorer countries. It also helps identify vulnerable children who are at risk of abuse, exploitation and neglect on the streets, refugee camps or in institutions. It works in the poorest parts of the world to help families in greatest need, and it is committed to ending child deaths from hunger. It also helps the millions of children worldwide who are missing out on education and ‘Born to Read’ helpers are supporting 23,000 pupils across the U.K. with reading and writing.
All these facts and many more can found on the Save the Children Website and it is hardly surprising that with help from loyal supporters the Tetbury Branch of Save the Children has successfully fundraised for over 30 years. Help is now needed if the good work is to continue! The committee would be delighted to welcome
new members, but if time and regular commitment to meetings is difficult we would like to hear from anyone who could spare a few hours to help us at one or more of our fund-raising events. Please contact Maureen Clarke (01666 503574) or Diana Hicks (01666 502161) for further details.
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CHOIR We are delighted to be able to bring this world famous choir to Malmesbury Abbey for an evening of sacred music:
of St Martin in the Fields
Palestrina – Assumpta est Maria Parsons – Ave Maria Joubert – There is no Rose Bruckner – Ave Maria Tavener – Hymn to the Mother of God Sandstrom – Det är en ros utsprugen Gorecki – Totus Tuus Plainchant – Regina Coeli Victoria – Regina Coeli a8 Scarlatti – Stabat Mater a10 0660316
52 | March 2016
Saturday 5th March 7:30pm Malmesbury Abbey Tickets £15 (£5 students) from mamsmusic.co.uk Malmesbury Abbey Shop David Barton 01666 824 924 Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
March 2016 | 53
Sir William Romney’s School SWRS is top performer in school league tables. Students at Tetbury’s Sir William Romney’s School make the most progress compared to other comprehensive schools in the area, according to the Department of Education’s 2015 and 2014 School Performance Tables. Headteacher Steven Mackay was delighted with the results: “The value-added scores of 1019.6 in 2015 and 1018.9 in 2014 are an outstanding achievement for the school. These confirm our position as among the best performing comprehensives in Gloucestershire in the last two years and this is higher than those of two of the selective schools in the county,” he commented. The school’s value-added score for 2014 and 2015, which reflects the progress made by students from Key Stage 2 to GCSE, shows that students at SWR have made the most progress compared to the other comprehensive schools in the local area. Until now the School Performance Tables have used an attainment measure as the
headline figure (5+ A*-C with English and Maths), but from 2016, progress scores will be the headline figure used for the performance tables. This change in measurement allows an accurate and reliable comparison for the first time and allows parents to compare progress between schools in different contexts.
SWR takes the lead in Sport Relief publicity. SWR has been chosen as the ‘face’ of this year’s Sport Relief publicity campaign aimed at schools across the Western region. In recent years the school has built an enviable reputation in raising funds for various charities, particularly Comic Relief, and this effort was rewarded when Cardiff-based Cowshed Communications approached SWR to take a leading role in the 2016 Sport Relief campaign. Headteacher Steven Mackay said: “I’m delighted that our school’s excellent charity fund-raising efforts have been recognised and that we have been singled out in the region to raise awareness of this worthy cause.”
The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Games take place on the weekend of March 18-20 when competitors will be encouraged to run, swim, cycle or walk at events across the country. The pre-publicity campaign kicked off in early February when SWR students wore fancy dress to complete a ‘mile in style’ to show how easy it was to take part in this year’s campaign and raise some all-important cash.
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Head boy Ben Theaker said: “It has been fun dressing up and seeing everyone’s best costumes. We might all look a bit silly, but we are doing it for a great cause.” John Farr, PE curriculum coordinator, commented: “Every year we look to find ways of making our mile a bit different. The effort everyone has put in is tremendous and there have been lots of laughs. I’m sure we’ll see a few outfits making another star appearance when we do our Mile in March.”
HANSEN TREE CARE LTD For a professional and efficient service including felling, pruning and hedging contact Piers Hansen (B Eng Hons) on 01453 836207, 07770 745642, piers.hansen@btinternet.com
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54 | March 2016
Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives. Since 2002 it has raised over £262 million to help people living in tough conditions across the UK and the world’s poorest communities. Sir William Romney’s School
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Come on Eileen! Eileen Hodgson is running in the London Marathon on Sunday 24 April to raise money for, and awareness of, the work that Christian Aid does around the world helping the poor out of poverty. Please sponsor her if you can. Eileen, a local mother of three teenage plus children, ran in the 5K run around Woodchester Park for Christian Aid and clocked in as the fastest woman runner beating all others even though many were far younger than her! A stipulation to gain a charity runners place in the London Marathon is an undertaking
Christian Aid
to raise a minimum of £2,000 for your chosen charity and of course Eileen would like to raise more. The easiest way to make a donation is to go onto the internet by typing in www. virginmoneygiving.com then following the directions ‘make a donation’, ‘sponsor a friend, ‘enter friend’s name’ – Eileen Hodgson, ‘donate now’, ‘amount’ and then put in your bank details as requested. This is a very safe, tried and trusted way to sponsor anyone. If you are unable to use the internet in this way or do not wish to, then Eileen does have paper forms and can be contacted on 07729025086. All donations go to Christian Aid and please gift aid your donation if you can as this will also help to prevent Eileen having to make up any shortfall from her own pocket!
21 May when the Rev. Stuart Radford, the outgoing minister at Christchurch in Tetbury, together with Rev. Noel Sharp, the incoming minister, will be undertaking a sponsored walk from Christchurch in Nailsworth to Christchurch in Tetbury. A coffee morning at Nailsworth will send them on their way and they will be received in Christchurch, Tetbury with afternoon tea between 3 and 5 pm. If you would like to walk with them they would be delighted, or, you could sponsor them they would be equally delighted, or, you could just turn up and buy a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of homemade cake to show your support. All monies raised on this day will go to Christian Aid.
Another to raise money 681010 exciting March event Roofing:Layout 1 for 21/9/10 Christian Aid is being held on Saturday
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You are invited to join the celebration of
Tetbury Library’s 50th Birthday Saturday 19th March 2016 11am to 12 noon There will be a display of the library’s history, a collection of books orginally published in 1966, a special commemorative visitors book where you can record your memories (both in writing and in photographs, if you have any) of Tetbury Library, an opportunity to meet past library staff and share tea and cake! Cake kindly donated by Hobbs House Bakery, Tetbury.
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March 2016 | 55
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Calling all Bridge players!
* Wheelchairs, manual and powered * * * * * * *
Malmesbury Bridge Club is looking for new members, so if you play Rubber Bridge socially and would like to try to play Duplicate but feel that joining a bridge club is a bit daunting, then this may be the answer! The Club is planning to run assisted play evenings on the second and third Thursdays of each month. These sessions would run at the same time as the normal club evenings and would use basic ACOL, but would be at a less pressured pace. There would be one or two club members there to explain how duplicate works and to give advice, if wanted, on play, scoring and tactics. The hope would be that once people had tried it a few times they would move on to play in the main club sessions, although there would be no pressure to do that. The first session will be on Thursday March 10th at 7pm at Athelstan House in Malmesbury, where tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. If you think you might be interested, please email the membership secretary Jim Edwards at jimedwards2011@ hotmail.co.uk
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7 Burnham Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0BQ CSL_0012 Tetbury Advertiser Half Page Ad.indd 1
56 | March 2016
05/04/2012 16:37
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
We have started our new season in our new venue, with the AGM. We thanked the Committee for all their hard work, and they were all re-elected to continue until next year. We reviewed what has been
an action-packed year, with the four-day German choir exchange visit and concert, Holiday at Home, two fund raisers at Tesco, the Christmas lights switch-on, and singing for the residents at Kingsley house. We welcomed our new Musical Director Richard George, and we are now busy planning what we will be working on in 2016!
White Tiger Events We offer a personal and professional team with a focussed aim to deliver your requirements and meet your expectations, from family occasions and celebrations to festivals: • Fully managed catering solution • Mobile and pop up bars • Beer caddies ( A barrel of your choice delivered in a self contained unit chilled with gas and plastic glass’s) ideal for garden parties or BBQ’s just add people. Call Tim on 07973 789131 or e-mail: tim@shinyminds.com
Tetbury Community Choir Our repertoire is a very eclectic mix, with pop, rock, songs from musicals, classical and jazz among our vocal genres. Why not come along and give it a go? The emphasis is always on fun and the pleasure of creating good music together. New members are always welcome, as are all age groups - young singers as well as the young at heart. Get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal – the first session is free. We meet at 7 pm on Mondays, in the Coach House function room of the Ormond in Tetbury. For more information check the website http://tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com our Facebook page or contact Sandy Thomas on 01666 503821 or Margaret Foster on 01666 577535 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1 Chair 17/1/12 Margaret Foster,
Tetbury Community Choir
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
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March 2016 | 57
BREAKING NEWS FROM TETBURY TOWN COUNCIL Tetbury Town Council has recently been awarded Local Council Award Scheme ‘quality’ status. We are the first council from the Cotswold District to achieve this award. This is a huge achievement, as it recognises that Tetbury Town Council is delivering a national professional standard to the local community and both demonstrates our achievements and a commitment to improvement.
Tetbury Town Council is holding a public meeting on: Thursday 17th March 2016, 7pm at the Dolphins Hall. Items up for discussion so far are:
Goods Shed and Dolphins Hall updates
Burial ground
If you are unable to attend but would like to put a question to the Town Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Cotswold District Council, please forward to clerk@tetbury.gov.uk. Come along and have your say; this is your town, so make your voice heard.
Have you ever thought about being a Councillor? Tetbury Town Council currently has a vacancy. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Town Clerk in writing on or before Monday 14th March 2016. The applicants must either: • • •
Be registered as a local government elector Have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Town or within 4.8km of it Have worked in Tetbury (principle or only place of work) for the past 12 months
In addition, the applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor. PUBLIC elections will not be held until the year 2019. However, for the interim period, election to the Town Council will be voted by the present Councillors of Tetbury Town Council. Applicants will be voted on at the 21st March 2016 Full Council Meeting and applicants wishing to be considered MUST attend this meeting. Natalie Haines, Clerk to the Council The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA Clerk@tetbury.gov.uk Tel: 01666 504670 Office Hours 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday Website: Tetbury.gov.uk
We are in the process of providing an information booklet to new residents of Tetbury, if you would like your organisation/club listed please contact administrator@tetbury.gov.uk or 01666 504670 with all contact details. A paid-for feature
Wacky Races 2016
Judging by the very encouraging level of support from our very first update… …of the 2016 event in last month’s Advertiser, we are sure to have a great family day of entertainment, not to mantion thrills and spills. One entry has already been received and we know that several of last year’s fabulous array of vehicles are being stripped down and adapted for this year. As this event is a major fundraising event for Tetbury Lions, it is particularly gratyfing that several traders in the town have come forward to sponsor the event by either paying to sponsor their banner on the finish straight or to have a page in the full colour programme. Such has been the level of interest, we already know that income from both will be up on the previous year. Indeed, one company, G.L.C. & R Williams Ltd (Cherrington Forge) has gone the extra mile offering a 10% discount on all items purchased from them for the making or decorating of any Wacky Race “vehicle” that is entered into the 2016 event. This offer
HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612
prompts a reminder that all vehicles taking part in the 2016 event MUST comply with the specfications as detailed in the rules, which are available on our website: www.tetburywackyraces.co.uk The rules, which clearly state the need for a secure roll bar, will be enforced on the day in the pre-race inspection. Any infringement could lead to disqualification so if any welding or metal shaping is needed, you know where to go. This discount is only available on production of a completed entry form. It is appropriate to remind at this point that if you wish to take up a sponsorship opportunity or be creative to get involved in some way, please call Ken White on 01666 504189 to discuss.
Tetbury Town Youth FC has a bright future thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our Committee, Coaches and Managers; as well as the fantastic support we receive from our players’ parents. With our focus on having a team in every age group from Under 7’s to Under 16’s, the Club is on the road to a truly bright and exciting future providing opportunities for everyone to play the national game, whatever their age, gender, ability, race, culture or background. Remember that this is a family Club and active participation by parents and supporters is as important as the efforts of players and committee members; ensure you play your part in the future success of the Club both on and off the field. If you have what it takes to coach, manage, referee, fundraise or just have a child that loves football then why not join us – all are welcome! We are looking for our next generation of referees and lines people. If you are 14 years and over and would like to run the line or referee some matches then please do get in touch. More and more people of all ages are getting into refereeing and Tetbury Town FC can help support this. Football, like any sport, is great fun for the
Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events
As you will have read in the Tetbury Advertiser, Tetbury Lions have tasked themselves with raising in excess of £12,000 to replace the wheelchair accessible vehicle that is available to all residents over the age of 21 who hold a valid car license. The current vehicle, considered a valuable resource for the town, is at least 12 years old and is fast approaching the end of its reliable days. It has been decided that this project will be the main beneficiary of the net surplus from the 2016 Wacky Races soapbox derby taking place on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May. We continue to look at improvements in the smooth running of this event and this year there will be additional two-way radios to improve communication. In addition, several individuals with key positions – Race Director, Starter, Timekeeper – will be wearing high visibility waistcoats with their positions clearly stated. Also clearly identified will be the four first aiders, two at each end of the course and the two health and safety officers. The Wacky Race team
Tetbury Town Football Club kids, a brilliant social activity and teaches so many skills they will use later on in life (not just on the pitch). I would like to reiterate the importance of the Club and really call on the community to come together for our children’s future and their children after them. We want to make this a place we can be proud of and where the children and their parents can come along, play or watch football, get fit and just have fun. Last month we reported the planned work on our facilities at the recreation ground and we are actively fund-raising to support this. To help fulfil our dreams we are currently looking for voluntary contributions so we can continue to improve the ground and facilities such as: new toilets, showers, internal and external doors. We are also in need of security lights and upgrading our floodlights for our training grounds. I would like to encourage local businesses and tradespeople to get involved and do what you can to support our teams; it is a wonderful advert for the town. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you can help this project in anyway. If you are interested in becoming involved with our enthusiastic youth set up or would like to offer help in whatever capacity, please feel free to contact Richard Norris on 07879 441938. Richard Norris Tetbury Town FC
March 2016 | 59
TETBURY COMMUNITY CLASSES Email Becky@thebodyworkshop.net • Call 07789687128 Visit www.thebodyworkshoppilates.net Visit www.facebook.com/bodyworkshoppilates
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