Tetbury Advertiser March 2018

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March 2018

St. Marys’ Church

Tetbury Scouts

Photo courtesy of Kevin Farnham


Tetbury Hospital 25th Anniversary Circulation 4,250


Established 1974

The Weighbridge Inn air! Spring is in the Home of the famous Come and join us for one of our famous 2in1 pies, or try one of our"2 newin seasonal dishes. 1" pie

Book now for Mother’s Day and a great family Easter! The Weighbridge Inn is a real, old-fashioned Cotswolds country pub. Dogs and children are welcome and there is a stunning garden to the rear with plenty of parking available. Located between Nailsworth and Minchinhampton, the pub is famous for its “2in1” pies. This is a unique dish of the filling of your choice on one side topped with mouth-wateringly crumbly pastry and accompanied by delicious cauliflower cheese on the other. However, the award winning Chef, Toby Refoy, also ensures a variety of weekly seasonal specials and home-made desserts are always available with four local real ales and a great wine selection to accompany them

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AWARDS 2016 welcome Good food, fine local aleslocal - and a warm Good food, fine aleswelcome - and a warm

What’s On

Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Steve Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk

Notice to Advertisers


March – Tetbury Fiesta Tickets On Sale Tetbury Hardware; details in this issue 1st March - “World Book Day” Celebration At Avening Primary School; details in this issue 3rd March - “Here Comes Trouble” with Keira Martin 7.00 pm at Tetbury Goods Shed 7th March - Robin Hedger on “Mosaics” Tetbury Art Society at St. Michael’s Hall 9th March - “An Exquisite Evening of Flute and Harp” 7.00 pm at Tetbury Goods Shed 10th March - “The Clown in the Moon” –

St Patrick’s Day Rhodri Miles 7.00 pm at Tetbury Goods Shed


Copy date for the April Issue is

Thursday 15th March 2018 Delivery - 31st March/1st April 2018

Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

10th of March – Comic Workshop at Tetbury Library 11.00 am. Please see details in this issue. 14th March - “Christmas in Tetbury” Meeting 6.30 pm in the Council Offices TE



No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising O NS from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for … and they’re OFF printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PART OF THE THRILLS, SPILLS AND EXCITEMENT the wishes of our advertisers. 17th March - Tetbury Lions “Race Night” LI

Design / Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

The Team




MARCH at the DOLPHINS SATURDAY 17th 17th March – “CelebraeStory” at Tetbury HALL RACE TRACK - TOTE OPENS 7.30 Library 11.00 am ‘Not Now, Bernard’ with Lesley Media pack available from www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk YOUR £5 TICKET INCLUDES FREE BAR SNACKS, YOUR PERSONAL RACE Column inch (single column width) CARD, RACING £6 COLOURS 18th March Sam Kelly andENTRY JamieINTO Francis FOR THE- RIDERS AND FREE THE UP RAFFLE. Column inch (double column width) £12 4.30 RUNNER’S pm at Tetbury Goods Shed JOCKEY CLUB BAR ‘TIL LATE Quarter page £60 LICENSED 24th March Company.” Comic GUINNESS will- “Sweet be ON SALE Half page £100 Chanteuse Nicola Clark 7.00504715 pm at Tetbury TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM SAXON on 01666 Full page £180 or TETBURY HARDWARE, LONDON ROAD Goods Shed Back cover half page £100 25th March - Holy Week commences Back cover full page £200 Please see the articles in this issue Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.60 V don olunt Friends of Tetbury Please quote your invoice number in atio ary no Community Transport payment transactions nly March Trips: To book 0345 680 5029 Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, 1080318 Tetbury Lions.indd 1

a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

12/02/2018 19:52

Sat 10th Cribbs Causeway 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 17th The Old Nelson Stroud 11:30am -2:30pm (lunch) Sat 24rd Highfield Garden Centre 10:30am-2:30pm 0350318

Useful Information CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.

DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through Kim Wood 01666 503609 or email: dolphinshallenquiries@yahoo.com LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www. visittetbury.co.uk

Avening Primary School 25 Avening WI 10 Chelworth Bookworms 44 Christmas in Tetbury 15 Computer Advice 6 Dolphins Dramatic Society 16 Eating Out 11 French Visit 18 Friends of Tetbury Community Transport 24 Girlguiding 43 History of Tetbury Society 17 Letters to the Editor 21 Lion’s 200 Club 5 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Piece 33 News from Christ Church 20 News from St Marys’ Church 38 Patient Participation Group 58 Probus 28 Puddle Ducks 30 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 40 Sir William Romney’s School 46 St Mary’s CE VA Primary School 26 St Mary’s Day Centre 27 Tetbury Art Society 47 Tetbury Camera Club 8 Tetbury Cares 63 Tetbury Dolphins LTC 53 Tetbury Fiesta 2018 12 Tetbury Football Club 42 Tetbury Goods Shed 9 Tetbury Hospital 32 Tetbury in Bloom 21 Tetbury Library 48 Tetbury Police Museum 50 Tetbury Scout Group 34 Tetbury Theatre Group 14 Tetbury Volunteer Community Bus 22 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 36 Unsung Hero 37 What’s On 3 Young by Name 4

SCHOOLS SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552 The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577 TETBURY CARES, www.tetburycares.org Website to signpost local health services

POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Tetbury Town Crier Tony Evans, 24 Box Crescent, Minchinhampton, Nr. Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 9DJ. Tel: 01453 731355 Mob: 07969 302042 Email: tonyevanstowncrier@btinternet.com

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950

TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

Young by Name

Fur Fury

Spring Fever Admiring the green shoots of daffodils popping up in my front garden, I’m struck by their similarity to post-hibernation grizzly bears. Both spend the winter tucked away, hidden and forgotten, in a kind of cocoon: bulb and cave, respectively. Seeing them emerge in spring is enough to warm the heart of any mortal, though round these parts you’re more likely to spot the former than the latter. A friend advises me that narcissi contain a natural form of antifreeze. I bet hibernating bears would like some of that, but unfortunately it’s not in a form that’s accessible to them or to us. (Otherwise I could have offered a bunch of daffodils to my husband for his car radiator, when it burst a hose and deposited all his antifreeze onto the M4.)

Further signs of spring at Young Towers are the little tufts of white, orange and black fur scattered throughout the house. Unlike me, Dorothy, our calico cat, takes no heed of the maxim “Cast not a clout till May be out” (or, possibly may with a little m, as in the flower, depending on which version of the saying you prefer.) Dorothy starts ditching her winter coat as soon as the days are noticeably longer. By midFebruary, she’s kitten-skittish, despite her middle age. I know the feeling! A single day of forgetme-not blue skies and bright sunshine is enough to infect me with spring fever, even in stubbornly sub-zero temperatures. That is, until I stumbled across an article identifying this notional affliction as a tangible, physical and serious illness. Common around March in pre-industrial times, “spring disease” was characterised by muscle weakness, wounds that wouldn’t heal, and loose teeth. It could even prove fatal.

vegetables that didn’t rot during storage, such as leeks and cabbages, and, once we’d discovered them, potatoes. Given my impending trip to the dentist, I concocted a supper consisting entirely of all three vegetables, just to be on the safe side. Confident that I can now enjoy my spring fever without losing my teeth, I stepped out next morning into a crisply cold but sunny day, ready to visit the dentist. Unlike Dorothy, I keep my winter coat on. Debbie Young Debbie will be launching her fourth Sophie Sayers Village Mystery novel, “Murder by the Book,” at the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival on Saturday the 21st of April. All events are free and everyone is welcome. For more information, please visit www.hulitfest.com

C-Fever Although the article was hardly ideal reading the night before a dental appointment, I braced myself to investigate. The disease turns out to be scurvy, caused by a winter diet low in fresh fruit and vegetables. In days past, by early spring the only sources of Vitamin C were

Spell your Life is a fun and magical life coaching business, especially designed for (but not exclusive to) women who want change and are ready to live the life of their dreams. Launch Event at Westonbirt House on 25 April 2018 in support of The Prince’s Trust; follow us on Facebook to find out more and get your ticket. www.spellyourlife.com 1050318

4 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

2018 just seems to be flying by. Here we are in March with longer days and the grip of winter gradually receding. I always think this is the best time of the year with the promise of Spring and then Summer to look forward to. Since the Lions organised the Tetbury Cares Workshop back in June last year, there have been two follow up meetings with the most recent being at the end of January. I am delighted that the original initiative has blossomed into something that has a momentum of its own. It is the intention that the workshop should continue to hold

meetings four times a year. One of the many outcomes from the latest meeting recognised how successful the Tetbury Cares Website is, (it is being accessed between 30-40 times a day) but also that those less computer savvy may not have access to the useful information it contains. To that end it would seem sensible if staff at the doctors’ surgery, hospital, library, dentist etc. could access the website and guide people, who may not have access to or know how to use a computer, to the correct source of help and support. I hope this can be achieved. After the success of last year’s event Tetbury Lions are again holding our Race Night at the Dolphins Hall on 17th March. Tickets are being snapped up fast,

Lion’s Den so if you wish to be involved in a really great night please contact Alan or Saxon Greenway on 01666 504715. Wacky Races is back again this year. A decision to continue to run the event was recently made and a small committee of willing committed volunteers has formed. We have entries already coming in so those who wish to enter should start to build their karts - if they have not already started. The date of the event is Monday 7th May this year. As usual we hope to provide a really fun day for the people of Tetbury to enjoy. We continue to learn lessons each year and I am sure the event will be even better this year. The use of Defibrillators and refresher training in CPR, is a hot topic this month. At a recent Lions meeting, we decided it would be a very good idea to be given some training in both, and this is being arranged for March. The Tetbury Cares workshop also would like to promote a “Resuscitation Month” in March; with a joint initiative between the British Heart Foundation and the Town Council, involving demonstrations of CPR and defibrillators in schools and other organisations throughout the town. Inside the back cover of this month’s issue is an article contributed to by the British Heart Foundation, on this very subject. The photo is of our trusty Lion Warren Hateley, with Nurse Jadie Cotterell and the newly acquired Visual Fields machine at Tetbury Hospital. We are all very proud of what Tetbury and our club have achieved. So that’s it for another month! Have a happy and healthy March, everyone. Steve Parr, President, Lions Club of Tetbury

Lion’s 200 Club

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan

This month`s £20 winners are Alan Cross, Neil Tunley, Mark Wood and Robin Levin, all local residents. The March prize will be the quarterly special of £100.

• Cosmetic treatment • Tooth whitening • Hygienist

An annual payment of £13 buys you into the Lions 200 Club lottery; we use these subscriptions to help local causes, and you get the chance to win a prize. Application forms can be obtained from Malcolm at Tetbury Hardware.

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788

Lion Crad 0100315

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

March 2018 | 5

Computer Advice Email Account Security – and Gmail Google have recently been carrying out a security appraisal of accounts and making users aware of any suspicious activity or unknown devices. This has been catching a few people out, as the email suggests your details are at risk and you should immediately change your password. Receiving such an email does tend to provoke an instant reaction of panic! Such emails are well-intentioned and may just highlight the fact that you access your mail through a third-party program, such as Outlook, Thunderbird or Windows Live Mail, for instance. When accessed this way, Google cannot verify the safety of the

program you are using and cannot reliably know your location, if you are using your home broadband. It will usually flag up an


We look forward to bringing colour and cleanliness back to your favourite floor coverings. Contemporary or traditional, large or small, piled or flat woven, hand knotted or tufted, shaggy or sheepskin, wool or silk – your rug will be cleaned using the right tools and techniques for the job. You can drop off or we can collect by appointment and either way you're very welcome to visit, discuss your requirements, and see us in action. 01453 836400 mail@rugcleaningworks.co.uk www.rugcleaningworks.co.uk Unit 11 Nailsworth Mills Estate Avening Road Nailsworth Stroud GL6 0BS



The Home of Specialist Rug Cleaning in the Cotswolds 0990516

6 | March 2018

error message, such as “An unknown device is accessing your account in Minehead,” for instance. Its best guess for your location is provided by your Internet Service Provider, which could be at the other side of the country! If you are using a mobile data connection, then your location will be much closer to reality. If you are having trouble using your mail program, then, but can log in via web mail or mobile, do let me know so that I can sort it out for you. To help keep your email and online accounts secure, use a secure password. Many people seem to have kept the default password given to them by their provider. If this is you, change it now! Do not use dictionary words, particularly ones that other people might associate with you. Create a good password with upper and lowercase letters, and substitute some letters for numbers, for instance. “Break things up” with some special characters, or punctuation if permitted. Most sites will specify at least eight characters, but please use this as a minimum. If you only access your email online, it would be worth considering an offline mail application (such as Outlook or Thunderbird,) even if you only use it as a backup. Then, even if your account is corrupted or locked, you’ll be able to access your materials. Also consider exporting your contacts or address book, in case this suffers the same fate. Email services like Gmail and Outlook have a two-step verification option, which means you receive a text to your mobile or have a code read to you over your landline. You need to input this whenever you connect a new device to your account, or indeed each time you connect, if you wish. This really can give you peace of mind, since an attacker would need both your phone and your password to be able to do any damage. Have a look at the options available with your provider or get in touch, if you need some help with this. If you have any queries or would like to book your PC in for a security check or an annual service, please contact me on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk. I’m now in my 30th year of trading. Nic Ingham

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Dyson are looking for Full-time and Part-time Customer Service Advisors. To apply please visit: www.careers.dyson.com And for more information please contact: customerservicejobs@dyson.com


Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month

March 2018 | 7

Tetbury Camera Club “Look and Learn” – with help from Tetbury Camera Club It’s amazing the interesting things you can learn by being a member of Tetbury Camera Club. (That’s in addition to figuring out how to take better pictures of course, which is why most of our members join our regular Tuesday evening meetings.) Things like “cold air doesn’t hold as much moisture as warm air.” This is what makes the Antarctic the driest place on earth, even more arid than the Sahara, though global warming has led to the odd inch or two of showers in recent years.

They are worth trying with high end kit, or the camera app on a normal mobile phone.

lots of his shots were taken from a lower level than the animals.

The first was that when photographing animals, try to get in close and personal and look into their eyes. The initial benefit of doing this is going in close forces you to look at things differently and it will also often stimulate a positive reaction from whatever you are aiming to picture.

There was another tip highlighted in that programme. Gordon talked about the amount of time it takes to locate the wild animals he films for just a minute or two of picture time. He and other cameramen might go out for days and not see anything worthwhile - but while doing that, he studies the location and the mannerisms and habits of the animals he is looking for. All the days without any shooting go toward achieving the award-winning filming for which the Bristol-based wildlife team are now famous.

Another of his tips was to try and get down low and look up at the subject, which produce a different angle and can make the end picture not only more interesting but often more impressive. Obviously, it isn’t always possible to do either with wild animals, but coincidentally in the recent BBC TV programme about how its leading wildlife cameramen work, Gordon Buchanan was shown filming bears accompanied by a Canadian naturalist, and

If you’d be interested in more tips about how to shoot better pictures, Tetbury Camera Club is always happy to welcome new members. We meet in The Priory Inn each Tuesday, at 7.30 pm. Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club


FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)

So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale In the winter period the Antarctic temperature can be -40 and even -50, which puts our Cotswold -4 or -5 into perspective - and to compensate for the dry atmosphere, when working there you need to drink at least 6 litres of water a day.

Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information. 0490215

Also, “Captain Robert Scott was chosen to head the expedition which led to him becoming ‘Scott of the Antarctic’ because in the navy he won a rowing race in the Caribbean!” These facts were something we learned courtesy of Ken Ingamells, a weatherman who has worked on many forces bases and who has spent a large part of his life posted on polar-region weather ships. Ken isn’t a camera club member, but is someone with a keen interest in taking pictures and recording his travels, as well as in meteorology. He joined us to show some of the remarkable images he has taken during his “extreme weather” travels, which have taken him to places like the Falklands, as well as to the polar regions. Moving a lot nearer to home, we had a very useful tip from David Boag, another visitor. David talked to us about being more creative with nature photography and a couple of his tips could be helpful to anyone wanting to take better pictures of their pets.

8 | March 2018

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Page 1

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

So much is going on down at The Shed – where to begin? Work on the Train Carriage continues apace, with Will Cook and his trusty band of men and women working hard to bring it up to scratch. As well as providing much needed space for the Café it will also provide Workshop space suitable for all manner of events, including drawing, felting, knitting, poetry and book groups as well as children’s activities. Teachers wanting to hire this space, please register your interest with me down at the Shed.

Spring and Early Summer 2018 MARCH

Nick Ullmann, our new Artistic Director, is getting to grips with his new role and is working hard meeting performers and their agents, to introduce a diverse variety of acts to the Shed. He brings a wide experience of music and the performing arts to the position – a talented cellist, he studied with David Waterman and Eileen Croxford and has performed as far afield as London’s Festival Hall and Glastonbury. He was part of Folk Group “Urusen” and tells me he is also pretty knowledgeable about tropical fish! Nick has been involved with Tetbury for many years, ensuring the annual Tetbury Music Festival runs smoothly every Autumn - and is delighted to be part of our thriving community. He is keen to encourage young local talent and hopes to forge strong links with our schools.


‘Here Comes Trouble’. Dance performance


Flute and Harp. Ileana Ruhemann & Gillian Tingay


‘The Clown in the Moon’. Rhodri Miles as Dylan Thomas


Sam Kelly and Jamie Francis. Folk duo


‘Sweet Company’. Comic Chanteuse Nicola Clark


We have a varied selection of performances in March, with music for all tastes, dance and theatre. Local Artist Nicola Clark brings her very own special magic to the Shed and the beautiful and intriguing Art Exhibition by Sandra Chin continues until the middle of the month. Check out our detailed programme for more information. Now then – this is where I come a little unstuck. To meet publishing deadlines, here I am writing about March in early February – which is fine until I get to the news about our Cinema and what’s on! At this stage I can report the equipment is in, there is a bit of snagging and similar to resolve, and then the plan is to start fortnightly film showings in March on a Thursday evening. But it is a tad too early for me to be able to tell you much of the programme. However – keep an eye on our Website: www.shed-arts.co.uk and make sure you are with us on Facebook and Twitter, and all will be revealed in due course. By the way - The Shed is acting as a collection point for wool donated to create Poppies for the major Remembrance display planned by Tetbury Town Council later this year. There is a big basket in our Reception Foyer. The finished Poppies will be passed on to the Council. Tara and Georgina at Tetbury Town Council have a selection of patterns for both the knitters and crocheters.

Wrong Jovi. Tribute Band


Little Howard’s Big Show For Kids


Tetbury Community Choir Concert


William Howard. ‘In Love with the Piano’ (am). ‘Exploring Chopin’s 4th Ballade’ (pm)


William Howard. Recital


William Howard. Schools Event


‘Watching Out’. Comedic theatre presented by the Everyman Theatre


Iron and Oak. Americana-tinged folk trio


Kathryn Limoi, Arts Centre Administrator, Tetbury Goods Shed


‘Charlie Bicknell - No Angel’. Cabaret


Tom Carradine’s Cockney Singalong


Andrea Valeri. Guitar virtuoso


7:30pm Sat. 17th March Malmesbury Abbey

16 23•24

Festival Players. Shakespeare’s ‘A Winter’s Tale’ Elvis McGonagall. Poet and stand-up Cotswold Sculpture Exhibition



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13/02/2018 19:17


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Films at the Shed See web site for details

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All tickets and info: www.shed-arts.co.uk Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 1170318

March 2018 | 9

Avening WI We are looking forward to another interesting and active year! Our programme has been devised by Sue Osborne and Helen Haiselden and promises to be extremely varied. We began with Alison Hesketh at our January meeting, whose talk was about the trials and tribulations (and very amusing times,) as a wife of a clergyman - entitled “Wed to the Cloth”. Only a few months into their marriage, her husband, an engineer, declared he was going into the Ministry of the Church of England. This meant a long training period away, leaving her to live alone and fend for herself financially, until he was able to take on a Curate’s position. Thereafter, they regularly moved to different parishes occupying strange and varied accommodation. Alison learned to live with having an everopen door for parishioners, and to have

her home regularly filled with jumble for the next sale - and all the while bringing up their young family. We heard of many hilarious situations she had to cope with. We all enjoyed her talk very much. We opted not to have monthly walks in January and February as the countryside is awash with “mud, glorious mud” - and


even the dogs have had difficulty staying on their paws! Instead, we are having a sewing workshop to make bunting in green and white for the WI to use on special occasions. Speaking of which, it is our turn to host the Group Meeting in June, when Tetbury WI, Kemble WI and Ewen WI will all visit Avening. We are well advanced with the plans for the evening. We will be taking part in the County knockout skittles competition once again. Our “Captain” Wendy Jennings will not be happy if we do not do better than last year! The Federation AGM in March is proving popular, as the main speaker will be Adam Henson of Countryfile fame. Our March walk will be around Frampton on Severn.

A small, friendly, family-run business with over ten years experience, we’ve worked on dry stone walling projects across the Cotswolds, both large and small. We offer competitive rates, free advice and free quotes For further information please contact Paul Nash on 07737 514755 or visit our website www.cotswoldstonewallers.co.uk 720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1 19/2/10 20:37 Page 1


E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ

Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com

The Christmas lunches which we prepared for the Stroud Macular Society and the residents of Beeches Park were greatly appreciated. Our catering team has already been busy with refreshments for a funeral in February. Our March speaker Is Celia Hargrave and her talk is entitled “A Cotswold Garden.” Visitors are always welcome to our meetings, which are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Memorial Hall in Avening. Shirley Hand, Avening WI



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10 | March 2018


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Spring into Mistral Tetbury!

Come into our Tetbury store for 10% off new season & chance to WIN a £25 gift voucher

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After an unexpectedly long lay-off (which helped restore the bank balance!), it was refreshing to be prompted once more to sample a local hostelry. Plus, I realised I hadn’t previously considered The Hunter’s Hall, so Flossy and I threw caution to the wind and ventured out mid-week. I say ‘threw caution to the wind’ because two of our least pleasant eating experiences

Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.

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AGW Howell (Builder) Ltd

Eating Out

over the years had been there – a bootleather burger, and an aubergine ‘surprise’ a lá Tommy Cooper: surprising because it was made with courgettes! Still, that was a long time ago, so it was only fair to see how things had changed. And if nothing else, the place deserves credit on at least two counts. Firstly, the prices. The most expensive things on a large menu were a 7oz fillet steak or a mixed grill, both at £15.49. Really? A fillet steak at less than twenty quid? Having said that, they’ve also got a super saver menu: prices start at £4.99 – including steak and chips! Also, bottles of Sancerre were available at only £25.99. That may not mean much if you’re not someone who ever looks at the lower reaches of a wine list, but take it from me, that’s around a tenner less than most places. Secondly, it has that rarity, a large garden. With things to amuse ‘littluns’, it’s perfect for sunny lunchtimes with the family. Actually, its variety of places to sit and eat or drink cater for just about everyone (though it may be worth avoiding the table where we sat, next to an indiscreet mousetrap!)

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As for the food, Flossy went vegetarian, choosing mushrooms in Stilton sauce followed by the quinoa ‘burger’ with fries. I decided to test the fish: calamari with chilli dip, then sea bass and scallops on a pea and prawn risotto. We were both instantly taken with the home-made sauces and dressings and both starters were good, though there were only three large calamari rings. The “veggie-burger” was most surprising: tasty and substantial with a lovely crispy coating, accompanied by a good-sized portion of fries. The bun was overly plain, given what’s available nowadays, but I’m being picky. My bass fillets were beautifully cooked and the scallops were sweet and soft, though maybe needing a few seconds more. The risotto was less to my taste, being a little too firm and dry – more like my mum’s rice pudding – and it was rather under-seasoned (cooked without stock or parmesan, I reckon). But it wasn’t unpleasant and I did mention that to the friendly waiter, who was perfectly happy to pass on the feedback. Ok, it wasn’t ‘fine dining’, but it was good value. The menus tell us The Hunter’s Hall, originally a coaching inn, was built in the 16th century. Whilst there are some spots that look like they haven’t been decorated since, a lot of people can eat well here for not very much, so it’s definitely worth a visit if you’ve a number of hungry mouths to treat.


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events


March 2018 | 11

Tetbury Fiesta 2018 Make some noise – Tetbury Fiesta is back! After a three year break, plans are already underway to deliver the most spectacular event yet, in 2018. The date is set for Saturday July the 14th and this year’s venue will be Sir William Romney’s School, Tetbury. All money raised will be donated to local charities including Tetbury Hospital, St. Mary’s School, Sir William Romney’s School, the Youth Pod and other Tetbury clubs. “We are very excited to have Fiesta back for 2018 and our new venue will allow us to stage a much larger event than previous years,” says Tetbury Fiesta Committee Chairman, Mark Trolly Wood. “Tetbury is a vibrant town that has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks to numerous new housing developments. These have brought many new residents to the area. Against this backdrop, events like Fiesta become even more important because they provide the perfect opportunity for the community to get together, make new friends and enjoy a fantastic day of music and entertainment.” Tetbury Fiesta, which will run from 12 noon to 11.00 pm, will provide a platform for local

musicians to showcase their talents. After an exhaustive audition process, acts from Tetbury and surrounding areas have been selected to perform on the main stage. These include The Layers - Place Nation Bones Like That - The Dirty Smooth - Audio Asylum - Heather Bristow - Chloe Wood - DJ Moggy and Drogo. There will also be food and produce stalls, sideshows and children’s entertainment and, of course, a beer tent.

For more information please visit www.facebook.com/TetburyFiesta18/ Sue Sillitoe, White Noise PR Tel: 07798 621891 Email: sue@whitenoisepr.co.uk

Tickets are on sale from the beginning of March and an “Early Bird” discount will be available until the end of April, reducing the price. All tickets are available from Tetbury Hardware of London Road. The Tetbury Fiesta committee want to hear from any local companies who would like to sponsor this event. Please contact: Mark Trolly Wood - Tel: 07730 606553. Email: trolly10@hotmail.com Malcolm Philby - Tel: 01666 500353. Email: philby1@philbym.co.uk

Photos courtesy of Stuart Truman

LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD The Forge, Trull Farm, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8SQ Telephone & Fax (01285) 841773 www.lee-cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use 0581115

12 | March 2018

Please Call: Martin or Jon 0581117

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Tetbury Theatre Group

comedies, murder mysteries and several which were just very thought-provoking. Roles in the group were confirmed: Diana Challis is vice chairman, Lin Ashby Treasurer, Sue Cole, Minutes Secretary, Publicity Secretary Celia Bayes and Shirley French is on the committee. Lawrence Moss has also volunteered to join us which is great. Having new committee members is good, as new ideas are always welcome. We have some good outings planned already, for 2018. In February we are going to see “Wicked” at Bristol, on the 8th of March we’re off to see “Pressure” at

Cheltenham, and on the 7th of April we’re going to “The Rivals” at the Watermill Theatre, Newbury. If anyone is interested in “just the coach” to any of these venues, do contact one of the committee members. Our summer outing is a boat trip from Runnymede to Windsor, then on to the wonderful Saville Gardens, which will be on the 28th of July. If you are interested in joining the group, it is £8.00 per family for a year, and should you wish to know more about us please phone Helen Price (Chairman) on 01666 503187 or Lin Ashby (Treasurer) on 01666 505029. Celia Bayes, Tetbury Theatre Group

On the 26th of January it was our AGM at the Dolphin Hall… …and since it was in 1993 that a group of people decided to organise visits to theatres by coach, this AGM was special as we are 25 years old, so after the business of the AGM we had a lovely cake and wine to celebrate. One of the original members was Lin Ashby, who is still doing a sterling job as Treasurer. Helen Price was re-elected as Chairman and gave a very interesting report of all our various outings including The Watermill at Newbury, theatres at Oxford, Cheltenham, Salisbury, Cardiff, and London, and details of lots of different plays, including


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14 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Christmas in Tetbury THE


With Sup

There will be a new “Christmas in Tetbury” Committee for this year, since the stalwarts who also continue to be responsible for Tetbury in Bloom have decided after much deliberation that they cannot carry on with organising the switchon event – although they will continue to do the beautiful lights and Christmas trees. We must thank them for all their hard work of past years.


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This leaves the opportunity for a new group or committee to take on the task of organising the Christmas switch-on of lights - and indeed any other Christmasrelated events or opportunities that we can think of, giving Tetbury and its businesses an ideal opportunity to capitalise on Christmas time. Many people have already said that they would like more Christmas events, special shopping events and different opportunities - so now is your chance to come up with some ideas.

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There will be a meeting to discuss this on Wednesday the 14th of March at 6.30 pm in the Council Office, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, if you want further information – or, indeed, if you just want to be kept “in the loop,” then please email Kevin Painter at tetburynews@icloud.com or Sandra Ball at sball@westonbirt.org - or contact Georgina at Tetbury Town Council on 01666 504670. Cllr Kevin Painter

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March 2018 | 15

Dolphins Dramatic Society The rehearsals for “Abigail’s Party” are in full swing and since I was sitting in on a rehearsal recently I can honestly say this play really is a must see! I was laughing out loud - although do be aware that it is NOT suitable for under 14’s. Helen, our Director, has certainly picked a strong cast and they are “morphing” nicely into their characters; they’re very believable. Put the dates in your diary of the 12th through the 14th of April and

tickets will be on sale at the end of March at our unique box office – Tetbury Hardware of London Road. I have been busily writing the programme, and it has been a real “trip down memory lane,” looking at the fashions and the type of party food that was popular at the time - and listening to the music. Celebrities we first saw in the 1970’s look so different now as do many of us in the Society! Worryingly, a few of our cast were not even born at the time that Abigail’s Party was written - and some others were only “babes in arms.” This sparked the bright idea, though, to have pictures from the 1970’s of some of the cast and other members of the Dolphins Dramatic Society. So do buy a programme and see if you can guess who’s who - it will definitely bring a smile to your face. Interestingly Mike Leigh, who wrote Abigail’s Party in 1977, had intended it to be a quick, forgettable job. But it was a play born from frustration with suburbia which became such a great success that it’s lasted. His generation was unable to understand the chaos and insecurity that WWII had inflicted on their parents lives. They had been to hell and back - and now hung on relentlessly to an idea of an unshakeable order and material respectability. Behave!

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Conform! Don’t step out of line! Wear a tie! Use Brylcreem! Of course, the war babies, who were the repressed teenagers of the 1950’s, became the generation of boys and girls who literally “let their hair down” in the “swinging” 60’s – but by the late 70’s the tamer aspiration of the 50’s to “Keep Up with the Joneses” had given way to an aggressive consumerism of a much uglier and more cynical strain. People hadn’t been inherently selfish in those post-war years - but now, many were becoming so. For Mike Leigh, the play came from his intuitive sense of the spirit and the flavour of the times, and from a growing personal fear of, and frustration with, the suburban existence. Helen and the production team are still looking for the following 70’s furniture and accoutrements so if anyone has any of the following they can lend to the Dramatic Society, please contact Jenny Miles on 01666 503059: A period sofa and two chairs, (ideally a 3-piece leather suite but if not, something with a 70’s look,) a sideboard/drinks cabinet, a low coffee table, a side table, a record player and some vinyl records, a magazine rack, a ‘pouffe,’ a rug and a 70’s lampshade. Terry White, Dolphins Dramatic Society

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16 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

History of Tetbury Society

ointments (the bottle labelled Salicylic Acid contained aspirin,) from which he would dispense treatment for his patients.

Barry Harrison of the Stroud Local History Society… …told HOTS on the 1st of February, that “The man who took Stroud’s Temperatures” was Thomas Hughes, who lived between 1742 and 1813, and who qualified as an Apothecary and Surgeon in 1772. Hughes was a well-respected character in Stroud who dressed, as befitted an apothecary, in a wide-brimmed black hat and a long black overcoat, as he strode about the town. Today we would call an apothecary a “pharmacist” or “chemist.” Perhaps the latter word is the more appropriate, because Thomas Hughes would have had numerous bottles containing drugs, herbs, lotions and

Medicine was in its infancy and results were somewhat “hit and miss.” Hughes kept a day book record of his successful experiments however, the temperature referred to in the title of Barry Harrison’s talk was not his patient’s temperature, because a practical clinical thermometer was not invented until 1866.

Street of Stroud has been the site of a pharmacist since 1774.

Hughes must have been one of the first to keep a daily record of the weather. From 1772, he recorded the air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind direction and speed on a scale of 0-5 and the rainfall - together with a last column for “special notes.” On one occasion he noted that the wind direction was different at a higher altitude and he recorded seeing what we now call the Aurora Borealis. So he was quite a scientist, yet it would appear that he was also secretive, because his records remained undistributed until he died and left them to the library of Gloucester Infirmary.

widespread ridicule,

In the late 18th century, the nation was on high alert in fear of Napoleon, and Hughes enrolled in the local Volunteer Cavalry Unit and rode a charger in training. Later in life he could still be seen riding the now-aged nag, albeit at a very sedate speed. The speaker told us a number of interesting historical facts:

Hughes’ colleague was studying via •correspondence course in about 1770 – long before the GPO!

Men trained in Midwifery – “Mid•husbands” were initially subject to Thomas Rickwood had a dispensary in •Tetbury, and Smith, a Tetbury doctor, was •alsoWilliam a surgeon. Barry Harrison had carried out a lot of detailed research and had illustrated his talk well, which was greatly appreciated. It being the first of the month, Jane had opened the evening by saying “pinch or punch” but I did not hear anyone say ‘white rabbits’ in response. She also told us that the Tetbury Advertiser that was published in 1864 by Isaac Tooley, contained a large advertisement for very special printed Valentines. Reports were distributed at the meeting and with the journals so that we can begin our next meeting with a short AGM. Adam Dolling of the Battlefields Trust will the tell us about the Battle of Nibley Green. That’s on 1st March at 7 30 in Christ Church.

‘Boots the Chemist shop’ in the High

Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society

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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

March 2018 | 17

French Visit Tetbury welcomed some distinguished visitors from France in January, when Dr Michel Hetroy, Mayor of Châtillonsur-Indre, and Chris Coombes, President of Berry-en-Touraine, met with a delegation from Tetbury and Cirencester to discuss a potential twinning. This meeting served to affirm the relationship that has been built up over the last few years by the various exchange trips between Châtillon and Tetbury.

Mrs May and President Macron were joined by people “binding together” the UK and France, and President Macron said he and the Prime Minister were “proud to celebrate the extraordinary values and talented people who link our countries.” Local partners were featured, with mayors and school leaders who have built links across the Channel, like the new twinning’s between Guildford and Versailles.

twinning initiative forward and there has been a meeting of a committee working group to do so; Councillor Sandra Ball, very appropriately, is taking the lead on this, so if you have any questions or want to get involved please contact her through Tetbury Town Council.

Tetbury has formed a new group to take the

Cllr Kevin Painter

Our future certainly looks to be in the safe hands of our young ambassadors and those of our young neighbours. A paid-for


Extending the hand of friendship to the region of Berry-en-Touraine there was a “French” evening, kindly hosted at the Kings Head in Cirencester, with beautiful French food brought with them by the French delegation.It was a chance to have an informal chat with members from France, Tetbury and Cirencester, which then moved on to a more formal discussion in Tetbury town Council offices. There, Councillor Sandra Ball who was the mayor at the time of the initial trips, greeted her French colleague, Dr Michel. Sandra said ‘’When I first joined the council I had no idea that I would be able to champion the youth of Tetbury - yet Maggie Heaven and I realised our dream of getting our young people to France and having French children back to us, last year. In 2019 we will be hosting France again - and hopefully we will have two other countries visit, also. We will jointly prove that Brexit need make no difference to our children and that there will always be a sense of “Entente Cordiale” for all children to enjoy.” Representatives of the youth sports clubs Richard Norris and Gary O’Connor also took part in these talks, to ensure that this is very much a ”grass roots” initiative. Following on from this meeting, some representatives were invited to an official reception at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, where the Mayor of Tetbury, the Mayor of Châtillon and the President of Berry-en-Touraine had the pleasure of being introduced to the Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron.

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determining the value of a deceased’s he ‘residence nil rate band’ can descendant, it is also important to note result in anRE Inheritance Tax that the RNRB is cut back by £1 for purpose CORD INHER ITANC E TAX BI LLS ARE A Restate EMfor I Nthe D ER O Fof the £2 million saving even if, due to the size of every £2 by which an individual’s overall trigger point, it’s not necessary to add FOexceeds R GO D ESTAT N I N G. your estate, the prospects forTHE meetingNEE D estate £2O million,” explainsE PLAN back gifts made within seven years its conditions appear unpromising at Wickenden. “Thus, currently there is of death, as you do when calculating first glance. reluctance igures released by HMRC confirm inertia no RNRBand at allpeople’s if the deceased holds to the Inheritance Tax liability on the assets of more £2.2 and the than issue. Themillion result– is the deceased’s estate. This means that that, thefamilies 2015/16 year, confront Yet more and inmore are tax having remember that business and agricultural record level of revenue generated, the government benefited from Cotswold Ltd to deal with IHT. The latest figures making a gift inWealth excessSolutions of the £3,000 assets count towards that threshold even money which could instead stay Inheritance Tax (IHT) to the tune of is based locally and is inviting Tetbury from HMRC show that the government annual exemption could produce a if they for 100% relief ”. future thequalify family to support £4.7 billion1. is thein first to discover the simple Advertiser IHT readers collected £5.1 Itbillion IHT time in theannual in substantial saving even if the donor generations. revenues have exceeded £4 billion and yet highly effective steps you can take 12 months to May 2017 – up 9% on However, he is keen to stress that, with fails to survive for seven years”. represents a 22%inincrease on theyear1; amount some thoughtful tax planning, there are to protect your wealth and stay in the same period the previous boostopportunities to the Treasury’s coffers of tax paid in previous tax year. The where the IHT liability control - helping the right amount furthermore, the the Office for Budget potential for estates to is In circumstances a reminder of the damaging effect death The income received by the Treasury cannot of beiteliminated, it canpeople be worth pass to the right Responsibility predicts that receipts will benefit from the full RNRB – even if, at can have on families’ plans to create from IHT has soared by 70% in the last duties giving some thought to tax efficiently at the right time. to £6.2 billion by 2020/21. first sight, that might not seem possible. and pass on wealth, and also that there are providing for it through appropriate five years1. “Property, asset and investment FIRST THINGS FIRST? perfectly legitimate ways of mitigating life assurance held in trust. In addition, Wealth Preservation Surgeries are values have, in general, continued to Many couples choose makefinancial use of and to careful Analysis by the Office for Budget IHT through foresight not being held, strictly by appointment it’s important to remember that Wills rise and IHT liabilities with them,” the standard rate bandofonIHT firstdoes death, Thenilmitigation not should Responsibility (OBR) suggests that the planning. only,be on reviewed 30 October 2017 at to theensure Main regularly says Tony Wickenden, Executive on the basis that, if unused, it can be number of estates on which IHT has require high-powered tax planning; only 16 Church Street, Tetbury, office, that they meet the desired outcome.* Director, Place.since 2010². atransferred to their surviving willingness to discuss thespouse issue, or take to be paidSt. hasJames’s quadrupled GL8 8JG from 10.00am to 4.00pm. registered on The plan you end up with should be one and civil makepartner use ofand the claimed many options Furthermore, it believeswhen that you more than action That is not so surprising All surgeries last approximately 45 second death. leaving assets available, such However, as establishing trusts where that is aligned with your objectives in 40,000 estates benil liable thehas tax consider that thewill IHT ratefor band minutes and are held in the strictest worth £325,000 someone than appropriate, andtomaking useother of annual in 2016/17. relation to who should benefit on your remained at £325,000 per person since confidence without obligation. the survivinglike spouse on the first death exemptions gifting. 2009 and will be fixed at this level until death and when; and, subject to this, The rise2021. in death the been surge can be beneficial if it keeps the survivor’s at least “Hadduties the nilreflects rate band for it allCall to 01666 be done as taxfor efficiently 503751 more as estate below the £2 million trigger point in residential property prices prices,index, as well linked to the consumer it as The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs possible. In seeking the best possible information or your complimentary for reducing the RNRB on second. the strong recovery today,” in other would be £385,000 heasset says. values, from taxation, can change at any time and are result for you and your family, it’s vital guide to wealth management. circumstances. which has dragged more households dependent “If you’veonleftindividual everything to your spouse, to obtain professional advice. IHT revenues are expected to keep into the IHT net. The OBR reports that and this causes their estate to exceed rising despite the new ‘residence nil rate The levels and bases of taxation, and £2 million, may benoworth using Wealth the will be itholding obligation housing assets now account for around We band’ (RNRB) being introduced this £325,000 nil rate band on death reliefs from taxation, can change at any Surgeries onthe 30first October half of the value of estates notified for Preservation year, initially at the level of £100,000 time. The value of any tax relief depends to leave assets office, into a trust, so that they the Main 16 Church Street, please probate, highlighting the impact that at contact Sharon Allsop, Practice per person, increasing over the next don’t consolidate with the estate of the on individual circumstances. Tetbury, GL8 8JG. If you are uncertain rising property prices have had on IHT Manager. Sharon can be contacted by three years to £175,000. This works surviving spouse, but remain accessible about how you stand regarding IHT and receipts. Meanwhile, the IHT nil-rate phone on 01666 503751 or by email on on top of the standard £325,000 nil For further information please contact to them,” saystoWickenden. would like know more about how band has remained fixed at £325,000 cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk rate band and is an allowance for us on 01666 503751 or by email on prevent much money falling per person for couples) since to “Many couples do of notyour realise that even people who(£650,000 pass on a property to their cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk theestates handsare of individually HMRC, or below your local 2009, sograndchildren it’s not surprising 1 HMRC, April 2016 if their £2 children, or otherthat linealthe into authority term care number of families paying has risen. Office for Budget writing involvesResponsibility, the referral to a service million, if through the estatelong on second deathfees, 2*Will descendants. But while theIHT RNRB can book your consultation today. March 2016 that is separate and distinct to those offered is above that figure, all of the RNRB ease an IHT burden, it is only useful to At the heart problem – including any transferable element – by St. James’s Place.Wills and trusts are not those who can satisfyofits this conditions. further information or to request your Trusts remains the simple fact that IHT is a For arebynot regulated Conduct by the Authority. Financial regulated the Financial could potentially be lost”. “Aside fromtax; having leave therelies interest voluntary thetoTreasury on complimentary guide to Inheritance Tax, Conduct Authority. “It’s also worth noting that in in the qualifying residence to a lineal 1 HMRC Tax & Receipts, 21 June 2017. 0260218

By Jennifer Hill Certs CII (MP & ER) JENNIFER HILLAPFS, MD APFS, Certs CII(MP & ER) Chartered Financial Planning Practice Tel: 01666 503751 Main Office: 16 Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8JG Telephone 01666 503751 Email: cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk Email: cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk

Cotswold Wealth Solutions Ltd represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website at www.sjp.co.uk/products. H2SJP26932 09/17

News from Christ Church In Lent we remember the 40 years the people of Israel spent in the desert, and the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. In Mark’s Gospel the story of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness is told with remarkable economy - one verse and that’s it! “He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.” I’ve always liked the contrast between beasts and angels, here. There are outward beasts in our lives, powers and situations that can do us harm, and there are outward angels too in our lives, powers and people

that bring us blessing. But there are inward beasts and angels too - and often in our lives we wrestle with these. Lent is not, at its heart, about giving up chocolate, meat or alcohol, but about being willing to enter the silence of the desert inside us and recognising the angelic and the beastly sides of our nature; the struggle between good and evil in us. One of my personal heroes is a Canadian singer-songwriter called Bruce Cockburn, he’s written a song called Burden of the Angel/Beast (you can find it on youtube,) and its chorus is: “Could be the famine, Could be the feast, Could be the pusher, Could be the priest, Always ourselves we love the least, That’s the burden of the angel/beast.”

So, in Christ Church this Lent we will read the Bible and pray together, we will praise God for his goodness, and lament the world’s brokenness. We do this not out of blind ritual or sheer habit, but because we know our Lenten journey is one of recognising the spiritual forces within us and around us, waiting on God, discerning between the angelic and beastly voices, and being empowered by God’s Spirit, as Jesus was, to choose the right, to come through victorious and so to live life more freely and lovingly having won the inner battle. With every blessing, Noel Sharp, Minister of Christ Church

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! 20 | March 2018


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Tetbury in Bloom return as soon as possible please, so we can re-use them for this year. Thinking even further ahead, other plans for 2018 include Open Gardens Day on Sunday 29th July. If you would like to support us by opening your garden this year, or you have last year’s empty hanging baskets for us to collect, then please contact Sue Hirst on 504213. In the meantime, spring is here – enjoy it! Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom

Tetbury in Bloom

When I was growing up, at this time of year we would go hunting for the first sweet violets, and you needed to be sharp-eyed to spot them. I think it was this that introduced me to the joys of gardening. Nowadays, nothing reminds me more of spring than the brilliant yellow daffodils in the town’s flowerbeds, gardens and verges - and the radiant yellow flowers of dwarf narcissus ‘Tête á Tête’ brimming over in the town centre troughs. It is my favourite time of year.

Thinking ahead, we are now taking orders for our summer hanging baskets which comprise easy-care, trailing begonias in pink, red, orange and apricot shades – or you can choose baskets which comprise a selection of vibrant trailing geraniums. They will be delivered to your door by arrangement during the first week in June; all you need to do is to install them, water them regularly and give them the occasional feed. Details can be found in our adjacent advertisement or on our website www. tetburyinbloom.org.uk All profits raised help go toward Tetbury In Bloom projects. If you purchased our hanging baskets last summer and still have the empty containers, we’d really appreciate their

Hanging Baskets Order Now!

Your choice of easy-to-care-for, self-dead heading, drought resistant trailing begonias, in red, pink & apricot shades OR a vibrant selection of trailing geraniums.

£32 each

Order from Sue Hirst on 504213 or email sue@tetburyinbloom.org.uk Delivered to your door by arrangement, first week in June.


What could be simpler?

Letters to the Editor… or, r Dear Edit express ou ould like to w of I s d ge an sa Peter, Sally t and mes the suppor wing the thanks for received follo umber e av h e w at th the huge n condolence have found e W . written ff eo G ly tributes death of s and latter ations, a great er tt le s, rd of ca public in various about him e. m is ti of comfort at th e numbers med with th hanksgiving el h w er ov We were rvice of T tended his Se so many people who at e were so pleased that w d ice; I’m rv an ter the se last month to join us af nd to le ou ab ar e t er ge w of you unable to as u w I to at th to write yo only sorry I had hoped ot l. n al ay u m yo h is it speak w raid that th , but I’m af individually oothly and happen. t very sm d in the en w y da an The whole ho had a h everyone w of Geoff’s n io at is thanks to n ga or or d/ planning an vice of Thanksgiving. Ser hat all the funeral and wondered w e av h ay m ff I think Geo out! fuss was ab again, ks Many than

Dear Editor, Tetbury Footpath Walki

Dear E ditor, ng Group The long I am a member of -a the Tetbury Footpath into Ro waited Report o Walking Group and I’m mney H helping to organise a ouse Su f the Investiga on the new venture for them. tion rgery w 8th of The group intend to as pu F eb it s comm hold a Walking Festival encemen ruary, 12 mon blished on the weekend of the obtained ths afte t date. 27th to the 29th of Ap Co r v ril and the purpose wil nhs.uk/ ia: http://www pies of it can b l be to encourage people .glouces about-us e to see Tetbury as a te /publica “hub” for walking in the tions/in rshireccg. Those w Cotswolds. vestigati ho would on li one by p We plan to lead six wa lks of a varying natur honing 0 ke a paper copy e c 800 015 an obtain over that weekend, wh 1548. ich will be free to join Sadly, n either D and promoted to bot h locals and visitors r Angela Katarin Kir alike. a House S by will be retu Nehrig nor D u r rning to rgery; w If any of your reader their c e wish Romney s would like more o th n ti e n m ued p information on the eve both we Gerald r nt, please contact me ll in etired fr ractise of me - John Burton - on 016 o in m S R e o ptember 66 505777 or 07810 mney H dicine. Dr o 2017. W 658500. My email add happy r e wish h use Surgery ress is johnandcarmel@ etireme im a lon hotmail.co.uk nt. g and Alison Heske Kind regards, th John Burton


Jane Hain

All profits distributed locally and internationally

March 2018 | 21

Tetbury Volunteer Community Bus The Tetbury Volunteer Bus Committee must report, with great regret, that we have decided to cease operations from the end of February. Last April we had the opportunity to acquire a suitable minibus at a very competitive price, and a local committee of interested people had the chance to run a local, volunteer service for the benefit of Tetbury people. We had to start from scratch and put in place all the legal permits and insurances necessary, as well as find the drivers, organisers and helpers to make the system work. We ensured the financial side was sufficient to cover all costs too, and set aside a sum for purchasing a future vehicle, while at the same time providing local journeys to local people at reasonable cost.

hospital treatment and two more suffering longer-term problems which make the work load impossible. There was simply not enough time to replace these members before re-insuring and re-taxing the bus from the end of March. The bus was locally purchased and lent to the Committee until half the cost price of £15,000 had been repaid, when outright ownership of the bus would have reverted to the Committee. This figure has not yet been reached, and so the present owner retains the ownership of the bus – the Committee has no further responsibility or financial commitment to it. A number of well-wishers and friends have subscribed to the funds of the Bus, and all of these will be repaid, as there are sufficient funds easily to cover the amount subscribed. The Committee would like to make it clear that we believe there is a need for the

We all know what happened when CCVS went into liquidation. We sincerely hope that CC will not suffer the same fate – but to have a locally owned, run and controlled system still seems to be a sensible fall-back position. The Committee would be fully prepared to share the vast experience we have gained, if any other group felt inclined to take up the task. The Tetbury Volunteer Bus Committee

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The Committee worked tirelessly to meet these aims - and achieved them all. We had drawn up an official constitution which we wanted to launch at a public AGM next April, (after a year of testing the service out). What we had not counted on was the occurrence of illness among our members, including three of them needing

service we hoped to offer, and we have demonstrated that, from a standing start, a locally-run volunteer service is absolutely possible. We do not regard, and never have regarded, Community Connexions as a rival organisation. Both can help to provide local people with local transport, but last year CC depended upon £323,000 grant from Gloucestershire Council, and there is no certainty that this level of support can be guaranteed in the present climate of local authority cuts.


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22 | March 2018

ϬϳϳϯϬϳϵϰϬϱϯ ͬ Ϭϭϲϲϲ ϯϭϴϵϵϲ


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Friends of Tetbury Community Transport During the Friends of Tetbury Community Transport AGM, Chairman Steve Parr reported that just over twelve months ago, when the Friends of Tetbury Community Transport was formed, it would have been hard to imagine the success achieved. The original aim was to provide social and shopping trips at an affordable price to Tetbury residents - particularly to those who would otherwise find it difficult to get out and about. To make this possible with minimal risk, money was sought from several sponsors, including Tetbury Feoffees, Tetbury Lions, South Cotswold Rotary Club, Waitrose and Tetbury Town Council. During 2017 the Friends of Tetbury Community Transport provided more than 350 passenger trips and covered 1,900 miles - seeking only voluntary donations from passengers – and in the autumn of the year, in addition to regular minibus trips, expanded operations to cover a revamped

Tetbury “Volunteer Car” scheme, designed to take passengers to things like hospital, doctor and dental appointments. This was an incentive which involved recruiting eight new volunteers. Treasurer Roger Bellairs reported that expectations had also been exceeded at the financial level. Initial assumptions were based on passenger donations covering 50% of costs with sponsorship monies

covering the balance, but in practise voluntary donations covered 96% of total costs. The close cooperation of “Community Connexions” ensured costs were closely controlled too, and thanks were expressed for their ongoing and extensive support. Paul Riddick CEO Community Connexions who attended the meeting commented: “The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport” are a shining example of local volunteers providing much needed services for local people. The volunteers do a tremendous job for people who might otherwise find it difficult to get out and about. This gives local people their independence and improves their quality of life. I am proud to be associated with this invaluable organisation.” The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport have now reached agreement with Community Connexions to make the Tetbury Volunteer Car Service even more affordable. With effect from the 1st of April 2018, trips for Tetbury residents using Tetbury drivers will be subject to a voluntary donation as opposed to a “fare.” FTCT will subsidise any shortfalls from sponsorship money. FTCT have also recently reached an agreement with Sir William Romney’s School to make use of their spare minibus capacity, for group outings. Friends of Tetbury Community Transport



24 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Avening Primary School they made their artwork, which was shown to their parents back at school. Meanwhile, the Hawks followed the stream outside our school all the way to the River Severn, stopping at key points along the way to see how the stream developed, joining other streams on its journey. There is a lot to look forward to after half term break, with our annual “World Book Day” celebrations taking place on the 1st of March. This year we have chosen to centre our event around the bestselling classic children’s book, Peter Pan. We hope to recreate Neverland, teach the children how to fence, hunt for treasure, and create and perform a re-telling for parents using music. All in one day!

“Second to the right and straight on ‘til morning……” Peter Pan The children are loving the new technology in school. They are coding, debugging and developing excellent IT skills. Thanks to recent fundraising efforts and incredibly generous donations from local businesses and community groups, including the Tetbury Lions, we were able to purchase a tower of 16 laptops and a tower of 16 tablets which can be easily transported from one class to the other on wheels, enabling all the children to use them. Our Avening Primary School IT (APSIT) campaign to raise money for IT continues, as we hope to purchase more computers at some point, to enable more children to use them simultaneously. Seven of our pupils entered The Primary Maths challenge this year, which is a national event designed to encourage original mathematical and logical thinking. Over 60,000 pupils take part in this event and our pupils achieved some excellent scores. One of them, Eddy, was selected to take an even more demanding set of questions named “The Bonus Round,” which was held later in February. We are awaiting his results but we’re already incredibly proud that he scored in the top 5% of the country for his first paper!

Our Avening sport stars have also been making us proud yet again, with recent fixtures in netball and cross country and a multi-sport festival in Cirencester. The Kestrels (y1/2) and Hawks (y3/4) classes have been out and about, with the Kestrels visiting the “Nature in Art” museum near Gloucester. They made beautiful clay and wire sculptures there and used our new tablet computers to film a video on how

Our pre-school “Fledglings” sessions will resume after the half term break, from 2.00 until 3.00 pm in the school garden every Friday (except for the 9th of March). Please contact the school office for more information on these sessions. Anyone with a pre-school child is welcome to attend. For further information about this busy place of learning please see our school website: www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk Avening Primary School

130208 GLC Williams



Page 1

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March 2018 | 25

St Mary’s CE VA Primary School We are now well into the Spring term…


…and looking forward to Easter at St. Mary’s, and our Year 5 and 6 children have been studying World War Two as part of their history topic. The children dressed up in authentic costumes to re-enact the experiences of children living during the war. Here are some of their descriptions of the day: ‘On Tuesday 6th February, intrepid year 5/6 pupils at St Mary’s Primary School took a step back in time to World War two by dressing up as evacuees. This assisted them in understanding what life was like as children in the 1940’s.’ Hannah

‘When the historical adventure commenced, the teachers sent the children into the hall where “Yes Sir” and “Yes Miss” reverberated through the corridors. Despite the pupils’ enthusiastic behaviour, they held their breath as the atmosphere took a dramatic turn as the hoarse voice of Neville Chamberlain from the radio - also known as a wireless - told them that Britain was at war with Germany. A sombre mood filled the minds of all the children: their eyes were so wide as they contemplated the seriousness of the situation, that it felt as though the air could read their thoughts.’


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Heidi ‘Next, the children enjoyed cooking. While some made vegetable pasties; others made potato shortbread. There were two ingredients in the pasties: potatoes and carrots. Children worked in groups of six and made little pasties with their initials on. Later they paired up (one girl, one boy) to learn a 1940’s dance. They learned that this was to uplift the spirits of people during the sad times of the war. It was incredible fun and the children enjoyed every part.’ Nicole ‘The journey continued when a special surprise arrived in one of the school’s playgrounds – an authentic World War Two Land Rover! All the children took turns sitting in the front; others were even lucky enough to try out the driver’s seat. The engine roared and fumes of petrol wafted from the back. Many children reminisced about how even everyday things, like cars, have changed so much between back then and now. However, the student’s fun didn’t stop there. Whilst creating traditional evacuee tags and paper gas-mask boxes, the children watched a part of Carrie’s War, about two evacuees and the exciting and, at the same time, torturous journey they went through. This captured the emotions of actual wartime evacuees impeccably.’ Charlotte Mrs Jo Woolley, Headteacher, St Mary’s CE VA Primary School

26 | March 2018

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St Mary’s Day Centre


Landscaping Before

Extension Before

On December the 5th, we were delighted to welcome the children from St. Mary’s Primary school to the St Mary’s Day Centre. These youngsters had started school for the first time in September 2017. Along with the form master, teachers and helpers, we were entertained by their wonderful acting and singing. The Day Centre clients and staff thoroughly enjoyed the hour-long entertainment of festive fare and we would like to thank all who took part - and the wonderful staff of St. Mary’s Primary School for agreeing to our request for the visit. After the event everyone tucked in to squash and biscuits before departing back to school. Everyone at the Day centre was left feeling cheerful and indeed somewhat overawed by the children’s accomplishments.

New Build Before

Landscaping After

dscaping Before

New Build Before

Please send our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this event. It has done a lot of good for us all. Kind Regards, Penny Williams

Extension After

Extension Before

New Build After

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March 2018 | 27

Probus Too old to fight… …too proud to ask. Who are? Many former Gurkha veterans - who for themselves, for their widows or sometimes for their communities, need help to get the necessities for basic living. Brigadier Bruce Chapman, who served with the Gurkhas for thirty years, explained in his lively talk on the 7th of January that these soldiers were first recruited from Nepal by the British East India Company in 1815. Forty years later, they were the backbone of the Indian Army. At the time of partition in 1947, four regiments were transferred to the British Army, becoming the Gurkha Brigade. Now 3,500 strong, tough and fearless they continue to serve Britain with great distinction in many campaigns and peace-keeping operations. Proudly recounting their impressive history and traditions across three hundred years,

Brigadier Chapman cited many personal experiences and demonstrated the famous Kukri knife every Gurkha carries.

Nepal, were illustrated. Club members’ contributions towards this work were gratefully acknowledged.

However, he explained that pension arrangements for 25,000 older exservicemen, especially those whose service had been curtailed by British Army redundancies, had not been adequate. This had led to the foundation of the Gurkha Welfare Trust in 1969.

On the 18th of January we were told about an Irish family-owned textile company which purchased a business in Coventry in the 1890’s and diversified into pedal cycles and motor cycles. It then branched off into manufacturing engines and motor cars. This was the early history of the Riley marque, described to us by Malcolm Collisson, a very knowledgeable Riley enthusiast.

The significant financial, medical and community support it now provides to ex-soldiers and others who have suffered catastrophic loss through landslides and other natural disasters throughout

We offer a professional and reliable cleaning service for your: • Windows - inside and outside • Window sills

Many years developing new engine features and concepts such as detachable wheels led to a range of family and racing cars which had remarkable successes at Le Mans in the mid-Thirties, as well as to the ERA and BRM developments. However, competition took its toll: the assets and goodwill of Riley Motors were transferred to Morris Motors in 1939. Malcolm illustrated the range of Riley models manufactured and then told us about the challenges he had faced in rebuilding two Rileys - a 1936 Kestrel Sprite and, from 1998 to 2002, a 1933 Lynx. The results were impressive: one could only admire his skills and perseverance.

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Looking ahead, arrangements for our meetings for the rest of the year are welladvanced. Travel is a popular subject, so our Speaker Secretary has ensured several talks have been included from people who have lived in other countries and can share their experiences with us.


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28 | March 2018

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

News & Events! Dolphins Hall

Firstly, although a little late, we would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! We would also like to thank the very many people who supported us throughout the year. We are pleased to say we ended the year with success - and have started 2018 with success. All our daily fitness classes have re-joined for the year and are very well attended. All ages are welcome whether already fit or wanting to get fitter Angela and Brian are extending their “Time 2 Dance,” held every Tuesday, to additional hours. These classes attract people both from Tetbury and further away. They also hold the “Tea Dance” on the 1st Saturday afternoon of every other month, between 2.00 and 4.00 pm. It’s is a wonderful way of catching up with old friends – and to make new ones. What could be better than dancing and then having a cup of tea and a piece of cake, which Sandra Ball will be delighted to serve? It’s £5 per person for an afternoon of enjoyment. I’m pleased to say that the Tetbury Lions have reserved the Dolphins Hall for a further twelve months. Their meetings take place every first Wednesday of the month and we look forward to many more good deeds for the locale being

planned at the Dolphins. We ended the year with a Trustees Supper party, which was well attended and enjoyed by all. A very well attended Christmas Eve party was held in aid of the refurbishment of The Dolphins Hall. Everyone including children enjoyed dancing to D. J. Sweet Lightning. New Year’s Eve was a Family Disco night and so very well attended. It was wonderful seeing the children enjoying themselves and parents relaxing. January continued to be busy with a Christening with approximately one hundred family and friends attending. This was followed by a 30th birthday party where again approximately a hundred people attended, together with smaller events taking place. This year we will continue our family discos with dancing, and other children’s entertainment. We will also have various gigs, some already booked. Due to the success of the Dolphins Hall we are now self-sufficient and pleased to announce that Kim Wood is taking all our bookings. Her telephone number is 01666 503609 – and it’s now on Page 3 of the Advertiser. She’s also on

Julia and her “Tappy Toes” session is great fun for the children.

Tina and Maggie cooking up a storm.

Ann, Maggie and Colin.

Facebook and she has a new email address - dolphinshallenquiries@ yahoo.com

This year you will begin to see changes in the hall. Already we have had all the cloakrooms and lobby refurbished. Plans have been re-submitted to change the Youth Club to the rear of the hall. It is anticipated that work will commence on the hall beginning of August. One Tender has been received for the building works and we are waiting from the Architect for two more tenders to arrive. Then we can enter discussions with all the Trustees.

Saxon Greenway is not only our Secretary but taking charge of all invoicing. Kim and Saxon are proving to be a wonderful duo and we’re delighted we now have a great admin team working together. We must not forget the generosity of Councillor Stephen Hirst in allowing the Dolphins Hall to enjoy the administrative help from the team at the Town Council offices – and we must give a huge “Thank you!” to Tara and Georgina of Tetbury Town Council, for all their hard work over the two years I have been Chair. However, with the substantial increase in bookings, it is time to stand on our own two feet.

BBCs Manpreet Mellhi’s live broadcast from the “Tappy Toes” session.

All the users of the hall will be given adequate notice of when the work will affect the use of the Dolphins Hall. However, due to some quite big bookings already in the diary, this will not be until early 2019. We will be giving updates on the refurbishment each month in the Tetbury Advertiser.

Kim, Jeremy and Trolly enjoying the “Thank you” Maggie laid on for her committee.

Look out for all the future functions in the Dolphins Hall Make sure you put the 21st of April in your diaries so you can come and dance to “The Lathers,“ a well-known Gloucestershire group. They will be accompanied by the duo “Felyx Fox,” who are also local. Felyx Fox have drawn a lot of attention lately and have a great following. They have recently released their debut single ‘Rivers,” and undoubtedly much more success will follow. Be sure to read the Advertiser next month for more “Firey Gig” and Disco nights. Maggie Heaven, Chair, Dolphins Hall Committee


Puddle Ducks

happen next and what they might do with their own stick! Thank you, Mrs Bell.

As I write, we are approaching the February half-term break; unbelievably this also marks the half-way point in the academic year. The weeks really are racing by and we have been very busy, as usual, here at Puddle Ducks. We have been pleased to welcomed Lina to our team. Lina became an experienced pre-school teacher in her native Germany and has settled very well. Missie, who is currently studying at college, is also continuing her placement with us for one day a week - and is doing a fantastic job. In previous years we have run a very successful pre-school afternoon, for those children who will be starting school later in the year. This time we have dedicated a whole day to them! The children have taken to these longer and slightly more structured sessions very well, and we have all been having a wonderful time. It was at the beginning of one of these pre-school days that we were very pleased to welcome Mrs. Bell from St. Mary’s School, who came to read the children an exciting story about Stanley and his stick. The children all sat beautifully and joined in with their fantastic suggestions about what might

A particular hit this term was the creation of the Puddle Duck post office! The children wrote themselves letters and enjoyed post office role-play, before taking a trip to the real post office to send their letters home. We have had reports of great excitement when they received their very own letters in the mail. The children also had lots of fun on an animal spotting adventure around town. Such a great time was had that we turned the photographs of the trip into a wonderful story book, featuring our lovely children; photographs are a great way to bring even more fun to an everyday activity. The children discovered this for themselves, when they each made a carriage with their

photographs ‘looking out of the window’ to add to our fantastic Puddle Ducks train. It now reaches almost from one end of the room to the other! The benefits of physical play and activity each day are well known and, whilst our garden is suffering the after effects of a wet spell, we have been making the most of our great position by the side of the recreation ground to visit the play park as much as possible. The children love the opportunity to run across the open space and then be rewarded with a swing at the other end – the little climbing frame also makes the perfect pirate ship, we have discovered. We are looking forward to returning after half-term for lots more fun and learning through play. Puddle Ducks


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30 | March 2018

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Tetbury Hospital Tetbury Hospital – the heart of its community, is something of a miracle, for had it not been for the Herculean efforts of local people in the early 1990’s, there would be no NHS hospital services in the town today. When Gloucestershire Health Authority proposed closing down Tetbury Hospital in 1988, thousands of locals turned up to protest. The town subsequently set up an action group, and within a few months had prepared a plan under which an independent Charitable Trust would take over and run the hospital. But it wasn’t simply a matter of making the decision, the plan needed to be financed. In February 1992 the town’s own trust took over the running of the hospital, then commenced a huge fundraising project which began in May of 1992. Following a successful refurbishment, the doors re-opened to serve the community on the 8th February 1993 - and by 1994 the

“Tetbury without a hospital community had raised over £1,000,000 – against an original target of £875,000. Today Tetbury Hospital Trust is a charity which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments, though not for the upkeep of the building. The hospital’s survival still depends on fundraising and the generosity of local people. The hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, with more than forty consultants from both counties holding regular clinics there. Facilities today include a Day Surgery Unit with a stateof-the-art operating theatre, Out-patient clinics, Minor Injuries Unit, Physiotherapy Unit and X-Ray Department. The hospital also provides accommodation for Tetbury Dental Practice.

As Chief Executive Zena Dalton comments: “Investing in ophthalmology equipment is one area where the Friends of Tetbury Hospital have really made a huge difference. Having the equipment to improve or to stop the deterioration of a person’s sight makes a positive contribution to their wellbeing in general. This has a positive knockon effect to all aspects of their life, and that of their family and the wider community.” And the innovation doesn’t stop there, the hospital now has many new and exciting projects underway to increase the services available locally, reducing the need to travel into larger centres. This year they will be fundraising for a new Procedure Room. The Friends of Tetbury Hospital

97% of the hospital’s services are delivered on behalf of the NHS, but they also provide a range of private medical treatments. The hospital continues to invest in new technology to provide the best services for its community and the Friends of Tetbury Hospital valiantly fundraise for new equipment. The hospital now has a ‘OneStop Eye-Care Clinic,’ which allows many more patients to be diagnosed and treated without the need to go to larger centres.

Tetbury Advertiser helped publicise the progress of the Hospital Trust

32 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

l…Tetbury without a heart.” Tetbury Hospital became Tetbury Hospital Trust, an independent hospital run by a charitable trust – when there was a threat to close the hospital by the National Health Service, who had run the hospital since 1948, the year in which Aneurin Bevan created the new nationalised health service to provide free medical care “at the point of need,” to all Britons.

Many years before this, the Estcourt family donated the building we now know as Tetbury Hospital to the town in 1868, it was then called Tetbury Cottage Hospital. A local hospital for local people. There was an event at the hospital in February to celebrate the anniversary of the Hospital Trust and seven ladies who had worked at the hospital in the 90’s attended. A good number of interesting photographs, letters and press cuttings were on display which

Mayor’s Piece tracked the hospital’s progress from the 1990’s, including the Minor Injuries Unit that was set up in the Market Place.

Other matters: The Town Council has just concluded its Budget for 2018/19 and has increased the Council Tax per household by an average of £2.20 per year. A number of projects are planned for the next year which include installation of CCTV in the Town Centre, developing the New Burial Ground, helping the Dolphins Hall Trust develop the hall and providing small grants for local organisations and clubs. As well as these items we are discussing the need for more Early Years facilities, we do have a growing population of young people and we have to develop a robust number of early years places. The number of completed new houses seems to grow by the day, the site at the end of Cirencester Road is quickly developing, the Bath Road development has received full planning permission and the site between Tesco and Northfield Road is currently subject to discussion with the planners. The Steepleton development is like a cruise liner being built in our midst with the 112 units being increased to 126. The total number of new homes for Tetbury in the planning system is now 865 with about 200 affordable homes in the mix. I am pleased to read that the Chief Constable has adopted the ‘Tetbury Model’ of community policing. Since the introduction of Police Community Support Officers Tetbury has benefited from having a regular team of police officers looking after the town and becoming part of our Community. PCSO Sue Fellowes has looking after our town from day one of the Neighbourhood Policing Scheme was introduced. She quickly became part of our community quickly identifying the areas where her support was most needed.

t, as shown in these back copies:

The total team with Sue comprises PC Leah Davis and a new member, PCSO Andy Biddell, being supported by PC Ashley Weller who is the Rural and Wildlife Crime Officer. Should you wish to speak with any member of the team please contact the Town Council Offices and an appointment will be made for you. Our scheme to cover parts of the town with knitted poppies to commemorate the end of World War One is gaining interest with a good number of ladies knitting away and producing red poppies. If you wish to join in the ‘Great Knit’ please ring the Town Council Offices 01666 504670 so that you can be given the pattern and information regarding the wool etc. The result will be spectacular, all the best for a Mad March. Cllr Stephen Hirst, Mayor of Tetbury

All profits distributed locally and internationally

March 2018 | 33

Tetbury Scout Group As Scouts, we already know that Scouting develops socially engaged young people… …individuals who are curious, kind, welcoming, active, resilient and extraordinarily equipped with skills for life. Now, we have evidence to back it up. A new research study has revealed, or rather – confirmed, that Scouting develops strong community engagement in young people, fostering a culture of curiosity and acceptance. The report showed that Scouts are one-third more likely to take an active role in their communities, 17% more likely to demonstrate leadership skills, 19% more likely to show emotional intelligence and 17% more likely to be able to work well in teams. But most importantly, it is fun – it is

only 3 weeks since the last report and it is amazing what we have been up to! The Beavers have tested their problem-


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solving skills by designing and building some great egg transportation devices and they had a ‘cracking’ time completing a great egg race. For their Experimenter badge they made raisins dance, created giant hands and made their very own slime. The Beavers also used Mento mints to create a Diet Coke fountain. Next month they are looking forward to a visit to the fire station and will be looking at their impact on the world around them. Our plans to restart Cubs are continuing apace with our new leaders making their final preparations. We hope to announce a start date for the new pack very shortly – so please watch this space! In the meantime, if you would like to put your young person on the list, please let me know – for Cubs we welcome girls and boys between 8 and 10 ½ years. The Scouts started the year off with a visit Tetbury Police for a question and answer session. They have been working on their Skills Challenge and been learning about IT use and safety. The last meeting before half-term finished with an energetic (and cold!) wide game in the snow at fabulous Penn Wood Scout Centre, which is in the centre of a 150-acre wood near Selsley Common.

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34 | March 2018

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As Spring arrives… …and the young people of our town start to prepare for their GCSE’s and A Levels in the Summer, I thought this would be a great opportunity to highlight the availability of education and training grants, as they move forward from school.

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Our charity is able to make grants towards equipment for people undertaking apprenticeships for a trade, or those entering into further education. In addition, we can also award grants to local schools, groups and clubs and this month we have been able to provide a grant to Tetbury Rugby Club towards their Under 11 boys Rugby Tour.

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If you think we may be able to help you or your group with an education or training grant, please visit our website – www. thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk - or speak to one of our members. Lance Vick, Chairman


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36 | March 2018

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Genial Jobber Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?

Tetbury’s Unsung Hero Dear Editor, I’m wondering if you would be so kind as to consider a lovely lady from Shipton Moyne, called Caroline Baker, as your “Unsung Hero?” As well as occupying her time fully as the Chairperson of the Elizabeth Hodges Trust, an Educational Foundation for the benefit of young people living in the Parishes of Didmarton, Westonbirt and Lasborough, Shipton Moyne, Long Newnton, Ashley and Tetbury Upton, every year she kindly gives up lots of time setting up the “Tetbury Hospital Quiz.”

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She has been doing this now for nearly ten years, and each year the occasion raises approximately £450-500 profit – a total of approaching £5,000 for this excellent cause. Many people would be pleased if this deserving lady could have a treat for herself. With kind regards, Name and address withheld Ed: I’d be very happy to have “Caroline from out of town!” contact me soon, so I can ensure she receives the voucher for a meal for two at the Priory which she unquestionably deserves. Many thanks to Rob Goves of “Relish” for providing it. If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know - my details are on page three of the magazine. Someone local please – but no, they don’t have to be a Tetbury resident.

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March 2018 | 37

News from St Marys’ Church Have you been watching A Vicar’s life on BBC2? It has been essential viewing in the curate’s house! Not just out of professional interest, but because one of the vicars in it, Father Matthew Cashmore, trained for ordination with me. (If you watched episode two very closely you might have spotted my cameo appearance as well, filmed when we were finishing our time at college near Oxford together.) The series has been following the lives of four vicars from our neighbouring diocese of Hereford. It has shown some of the reality of serving in a rural area, like ours in plenty of ways – and seeing my friend Matthew’s ordination as a deacon on the programme took me back to my own ordination at Gloucester Cathedral last summer. My first six months living ‘a vicar’s life’ has echoed a little of what we have seen in the series. It is a huge privilege to be invited to spend time with people at the most poignant moments of their lives. I have also been struck by the countless acts of goodness which so many in this community are ready to do for each other. April the 22nd is ‘vocations Sunday’, when the church celebrates God’s calling in our

lives. We are very lucky that Father Matthew will be joining us to tell his story at St Marys’ at 10.00 am. Everyone is very welcome (he might even sign autographs!) It will soon be my first Holy Week and Easter in our Benefice. I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you, and I have asked our Rector, Poppy, to describe what happens. Here’s a guide to everything that is planned:

Beginning on Palm Sunday (the 25th of March) at 10.00 am, we meet in the Market Place to re-enact the procession as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Do come and join us – palms are provided, but you can also bring branches from your garden. We process to church, singing that wonderful hymn: “Ride On, Ride On, in Majesty”. And we prepare for the week to come by listening to the dramatic Gospel account of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion.

Then, each evening in Holy Week, our 7.00 pm services go from village to village, providing times of quiet reflection and prayer: Monday in Beverston with lessons and carols for Holy week, Tuesday in St Saviour’s Church with a candle-lit Taizé service - and Wednesday in Long Newnton with Stations of the Cross. Thursday the 29th of March is Maundy Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper at a special service at 7.00 pm at St Marys’ Tetbury. Then on Good Friday, we follow Jesus’ journey to his death and burial. We join the Churches in the Tetbury Area for the Procession of Witness at 11.00 am, starting at the Gospel Hall in Hampton Street, followed by our Good Friday service in St Marys’ at 2.00 pm. Finally, at St John the Baptist in Shipton Moyne that evening (7.00 pm), we share in a short and moving service to mark the burial of Jesus. What a joy it will be to then celebrate Easter, and Jesus rising again. We start as we light our “Easter Fire” outside church on Saturday the 30th of March at 9.00 pm. This is followed by a wonderful Easter service which moves from darkness to light … and finishing up outside again with lots of bells, fireworks and bubbly. And all this with some great hymns! So do join us then – or for our services on Easter morning at 10.00 am. With love and prayers, The Rev’d Rob Church, Assistant Curate

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38 | March 2018

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Joint Notice Sponsored by Tetbury Town Council and the Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground Management Committee, with St Mary’s Parochial Church Council and the Church Commissioners

Dogs to be kept on a lead The Recreation Ground behind the Dolphins Hall is intended for general recreation, for children to use as a play area, and for a number of sports teams to practice and play matches; it is not an area for dogs to run free. There have been a number of unpleasant incidents where irresponsible dog walkers have either failed to monitor their dogs or failed to clear up after them. There has also been an incident where someone was bitten by a dog allowed off its lead. As a result, owners are reminded of the long-standing rule that dogs are to be kept on a lead in the Recreation Ground. Dog owners and walkers are requested to respect the same rule in St Saviour’s Churchyard and St Mary’s Churchyard. Tetbury Town Council – 63 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA 0250318


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All profits distributed locally and internationally

March 2018 | 39

Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun Joint ownership – another minefield In 1965 I read a book by Henry Kissinger - “A World Restored,” which produced a sneer from my history tutor Felix, because Henry was “a diplomat” and “not a proper historian”. It dealt with the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and the aftermath of the defeat of the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte. There were amusing anecdotes about Dr Keate, the Headmaster of Eton, giving ice creams to his victorious former pupils in the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris - but the lessons I took from the book were about successful diplomacy and “the balance of power,” which have fortified my beliefs in my subsequent legal career.

for life; not just until sale. She should be allowed to purchase another property and downsize if she wants. Arrangements can be made to preserve the assets for the next generation. Even if the widow might not want to reinvest her late husband’s share in the house in another property, she might be able to reinvest his share in other income-producing assets, to see her through difficult times if, (for example,) her pensions were inadequate. Another way of

An advisor has to have diplomatic skills to deal with intransigent clients (like Napoleon Bonaparte). A useful signpost is what the survivor would get if divorce, rather than death, is to be the intervener. Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal

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France was able to rebuild and join the concert of nations in 1815 in a positive way, like Germany in 1945. Matrimonial law in the last 50 years has also been based on these principles. The party that appears defeated must be allowed to rebuild. If not, there is a greater possibility of a sense of injustice, which leads to severe problems. Successful diplomacy can save a client a fortune in legal costs. The construction of a Joint Ownership Deed of a house and a Will should be designed with a balance of interests in mind. The vulnerable should be protected. Sensible trustees are required. They can be beneficiaries.

dealing with this would be for the widow to receive half her husband’s share, giving her perhaps 75% of the proceeds of the matrimonial home.



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A former colleague constructed a Will for a husband and wife, whereby each left the other their share in the house, to be passed to the wife’s stepchildren on the sale of the former matrimonial home. The Solicitor concerned failed to deal with the necessary arrangements at the Land Registry and so on the husband’s death his interest passed to his wife, as existing ownership provisions overrode the will. The widow concealed the Will, which the stepchildren only discovered when she went off to sheltered accommodation. Threatening letters were sent. The widow, quite correctly, backed down. Parties should be warned not to sign wills like these! A widow, after a long marriage, (it might be different in the case of a short second marriage,) should be allowed to enjoy the benefit of her late husband’s share in the matrimonial home

40 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


What a busy month! The Club has seen a huge amount of progress in the last month and has also battled weather conditions that were probably more suited to ducks!

fixtures on BT Sport are always available on these days and as always, old and new members are welcome. Plans are in place for more improvements to the facilities over the coming months and we are keen to start the process of creating a longer-term vision for the Club. So, plenty

A wet and cold start to 2018 has led to a number of cancelled fixtures for both the youth and seniors. However, our dedicated teams have continued to train when possible, showing improvement even on the high standards produced in 2017. Both the players and the strong team of qualified coaches are looking forward to the second half of the season and all the excitement that this will bring. Work has begun, on and off the field, to refresh and update our facilities and to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our many different club members, as well as of the wider community. The Club would like to recognise the developments completed so far and acknowledge the local trades and companies who have supported the towns’ football club in achieving them.

Ricky Seal of RS Kitchens & Bathrooms has worked long and hard refurbishing our men’s toilet. We are extremely grateful that he has managed to create a light, clean and more welcoming and safe space for the smaller members of the club. (Well, as welcoming as a toilet space can be!) Tetbury Carpets & Flooring have also kindly supplied and fitted the specialist safety flooring for the new toilets to complete the new look. The Bar in the Clubhouse has been refreshed thanks to Nick Wood and Richard Horton of Nick Wood Painting & Decorating giving up their spare time. A huge thank you to Ryalls Decorating & Building Supplies for generously providing the paint required to create a fresh, relaxing environment for members to enjoy a variety of refreshments while taking part in the post-match debrief and accompanying banter on a Saturday. New on Wednesday nights is ‘Coaches Corner’, a great opportunity to share alternative training and coaching techniques. The latest Premier and Champions League

42 | March 2018

Richard Norris, Chairman, Tetbury Town Football Club

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The first phase of floodlight improvements has taken place. Mark Elliott has done a fantastic job installing them, with the U12’s to our senior teams are benefitting from a vastly improved training area during midweek. Being able to rotate training makes a big difference to the grass area too, helping to avoid training taking place in a mud bath! Rain dripping through the roof onto the away team during pre-match preparations may have been an interesting tactic, however it was agreed that it was time to fix the roof. Thank you to Richard Jones for braving the snowy conditions and completing the roof maintenance that was required.

more to follow next month! Our doors are always open and we welcome players young and old. If you are interested in becoming involved in any capacity, please feel free to contact Richard Norris on 07879 441938 or tetburytownfc@hotmail.com


Tetbury Football Club

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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– the chance for a fresh start, the ce to reignite your fitness, lose those ds, run that race and break that onal best! this looks and sounds great on paper, when the ink has dried and it comes n to it (inevitably after the Christmas k it is harder and sweatier than ever), goal seems much further from your p. Even if you’ve managed to stick to goals for a few weeks, results aren’t ys seen straight away, and we are all tient even at the best of times. cking to your targets requires a tured approach and an inner belief in ability to reach what you set. You must ble to visualise the process and the end – but don’t just fantasise! aking ‘SMART’ objectives with the help rainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability chris@elliottbrothers.net loping exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. for you. Follow these steps to plan a 07786 085928 ATTAINABLE r fitness goal. A goal should be achievable for you – are CIFIC 01666 505110 you in the right place and have the right * 10% discount with this al must be individual to you, *aiming at advert access for the objective you have set? what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. lead to Mikki’s targets Mobile Clipping Mikki’s Mobile Clipping reduced focus and too REALISTIC 07970 868751 To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. mikki.ponter@btinternet.com yourself achieving the objective. Too high a mikki.ponter@btinternet.com MEASURABLE goal and you may struggle to see the end, *Dog Grooming* A goal must be too GROOMING * DOG * yourself less low and you will find *Horse Clipping* able to …bea service that comes to you! motivated. measured – All breeds welcome, 5yrs experience, whether on TIMED Fully insured, & reliable time frame for a goal is important, scales or on a Having afriendly as this is what you must stopwatch, having a * HORSE CLIPPINGwork * towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps 0370416

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the goal and completion date firmly set in your mind. Write it down! Thisone month’s Making big targetGirlguiding is great, as this is is a want brieftorequest whatpiece you really achieve – for example, running a marathon or losing five for more adult leaders! stone. Butofthese targets take considerable Each our units – Rainbows aged 5-7, Guides 10-14sight. and theCreating newly timeBrownies and it’s7-10, easy to lose named Rangers 14-18 need at least shorter-term goals aimed at the mainone goal more leader each. I have now been a leader is beneficial, and these must also for well over 30 years, and I can honestly saybe ‘SMART’. monthly objective start that I A have got much more out might of Guiding than I have put in – it really is great fun. with simply going to the gym three times per week. As we are all habitual creatures we fall into certain routines or habits, which can be good or bad. Creating an exercise habit can be vital in helping you achieve your goal. Start with an easy habit that will be easy to stick to, and make sure you are consistent and perform this habit for at least two weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Once you have been doing this for 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the length of your workout or switch exercises. This will keep your body and brain Perhaps you enjoyed being a Brownie or guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 Guide yourself when you were young and fitness goal – you can docould it! get involved have wondered if you again? Now is an exciting time to try, since we are about to launch a brand-new programme from September. Not only do we have fun as adults, but we also get a chance to challenge ourselves, by doing things we never thought we could. Nobody would have thought that I could have conducted a promise ceremony half way up a climbing tower! Please think about giving volunteering a try and contact me if you would like to visit any of our units before making any commitment. Sue Doidge, Girlguiding Tetbury District Commissioner, girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com


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Just symptoms some of the symptoms• that st some of the Migraine Acute• low back pain hat can be helped treatment: • Neck can be by helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain • • Acute/subacute neck pain Tennis elbow all now forCall free consultation now for a consultation! • Chronic neck pain • Low back pain etbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Migraine • Knee osteoarthritis cinity Health and Wellbeing Centre assessment available • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders ermaCo House Foot and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 • Tennis• elbow Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • JwalaGurung Gurung etbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee •osteoarthritis Doctor of Chiropractic, Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) loucestershirewww.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Doctor of Chiropractic, Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. L8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. March 2018 | 43

Chelworth Bookworms “Capital”

by John Lanchester

London 2007, and the people living and working on Pepys Road are about to go through an eventful year. For the first 100 years of the road’s existence, it had been the home to aspiring families taking their first step up in the world, but gradually, as property prices began to rise, a shift had taken place.

340208 Piano Tuition

Petunia was born and raised on Pepys Road but is now a widow, and her children and grandchildren are all grown up. She lives alone, her health slowly deteriorating along with the state of her house. At the other end of the road live Roger, Annabelle and their two sons. A trader in the City, Roger is expecting a million-pound Christmas bonus – and Annabelle has already spent it. The Kamal family, on the other hand, are living a life which seems truer to the road’s original purpose, building a business and their family fortunes at the same time. Existing alongside the owners of the various properties are those that just work there: the Polish builder, the Hungarian nanny and the African traffic warden. And finally, young Freddy who, along with his father, is waiting for his life to start as a professional footballer. A microcosm of modern-day life, the people of Pepys Road are instantly recognisable. Some we like, some not so much. Some will experience tragedy, some drama, some injustice, some love. The different viewpoints described clearly, easily and with humour, let us “under the skin” of these people - and we quickly become drawn into their lives. By the end of the year, many of the inhabitants will have moved on. The book is so easy to read that you’ll wish you could follow them and find out what happens next. Definitely recommended. Ghilly Vincenti, Chelworth Bookworms


44 | March 2018



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Badminton Coaching 6 taster sessions for Adults (over 16’s) Every Saturday, 10am - 11am Saturday 3rd March - Saturday 14th April £5.00 per session 

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All equipment provided Other Badminton Activities at SWR Leisure Family Badminton Play with the family or with a group of friends on Saturdays and Sundays for only £6.00 per court (normally £10.00). Walking Badminton

Looking for a gentler game? If you have limited mobility and flexibility then walking badminton could be for you. The emphasis is on keeping co-operative rallies going by using special equipment and methods that make this possible. Please leave your contact details at the centre and if there are sufficient numbers a group will be formed. Tetbury Badminton Club Is a long established club that meets every Monday and Thursday evening at 8pm at SWR Leisure, everyone is welcome. Lowfield Road, Tetbury, Glos, GL8 8AE

T:(01666)501086 E:leisure@swr.gloucs.sch.uk 1050318

Facebook: SWR Leisure Centre

Sir William Romney’s School Ellie Harrison visits SWR! As part of our “Raising Aspirations” Programme, we welcomed wonderful exstudent and Countryfile presenter Ellie Harrison to school as a guest speaker, in January. Ellie spoke about her experiences at SWR and her love of the great outdoors and how this influenced her career choices. Students in years 10 and 11 were inspired by her passionately delivered and invaluable advice on the importance of resilience and of independently following our dreams: finding where our talents coincide with the needs of the world, and how to work hard and use this to build a successful and happy future. We would like to thank Ellie again for finding the time in her busy schedule to meet with our Key Stage 4 students!

Cheltenham Town Community Trust Cheltenham Town Football Club’s Community Trust is regularly visiting Sir William Romney’s School, to lead engaging workshops with boys in Year 10 on a variety of issues surrounding the important subject of mental health. Sessions have


focused on body image, men’s health issues and relationships. This eight-week course is using football to communicate many important messages about mental health to our students, in a relevant and engaging format.

Computer Science Sessions

of coding, algorithms and game design. Year 5 and 6 students from both schools participated in a hex-bug challenge, problem solving tasks and even designed their own computer games! Thank you to all the teachers from both schools for working alongside Mr Duke, (Subject Coordinator for Computing,) to make it an exciting day full of learning for their pupils.

Both Minchinhampton and Rodmarton primary schools have visited SWR for a day

Jon Bell, Sir William Romney’s School





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46 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Art Society demonstration. These are just the first two items of our programme for 2018 which is comprised of four demonstrations, two evenings with hands-on content, a surgery for work “that has failed to delight the artist,” two exhibitions, a sale and a Christmas social. Additionally, we will be painting or sketching outdoors on Monday afternoons in the second half of July and August, weather permitting.

Our year always builds up fairly slowly: January and the first half of February were used by the committee to prepare for the AGM (followed by some socialising,) which was scheduled for Wednesday the 14th of February - my planning chart failed to mention that it was St. Valentine’s Day!

And now, at the beginning of March, our programme for 2018 (kindly devised over the course of 2017 by Maureen Pierce,) is about to begin. On Wednesday the 7th of March we meet at St. Michael’s Hall, where Robin Hedger will give a talk and demonstration about mosaics. Then on Wednesday the 4th of April, Ray Hedger will give an oil painting

A couple of coach trips and a summer social are likely to be arranged too. Some of our members also meet regularly at the village hall in Shipton Moyne on a Monday afternoon to paint although, strictly speaking, this activity is not part of Tetbury Art Society. Without any photos from 2018 available at the time of writing, I am happy to be able to show you this one from 2017, showing our ‘hanging team’ taking a well-deserved break whilst in the process of hanging around 120 pictures for our August Exhibition. Exhibitions are on my mind now, with the Spring Exhibition in May approaching rapidly. More information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.

Tetbury Counselling Service

Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society

Graham Hackney Dip HIC (BCPC) MBACP T: 07833 993249 www.tetburycounselling.co.uk E-mail: tcsenquiry@outlook.com 1200917

Town & Country News Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas. Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!

We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.

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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

March 2018 | 47

Tetbury Library “We read to know we are not alone.”

C.S. Lewis

When we see ourselves mirrored in a story it not only helps us to engage in the world of books, but also increases our emotional intelligence and understanding of ourselves. Reading about other people enhances our understanding of and empathy for lives that exist parallel to ours,

making us feel more connected within our society. Tetbury Library’s ‘CelebraeStory’ highlights this, by having a different storyteller each month, celebrating the fact that anyone can enjoy reading.

January’s ‘CelebraeStory’ This month we are delighted that enthusiast Lesley (yes, that’s right, simply ‘enthusiast’ as her passion for absolutely everything cannot be narrowed down!) will be telling a story on Saturday the 17th of March at 11.00 am. Most people will know Lesley from Tesco, (or the possibly Art Society, or the choir, or the Dolphin’s Dramatic Society,

or Jive classes…,) and she will be reading the ever- popular ‘Not Now, Bernard’ by David McKee – the ultimate warning to parents about the consequences of making your child feel alone! It’s free, includes a follow-up activity and is suitable for 3- to 7-year-olds (warning: the story contains a monster!). If you have any clothing with monsters on it, then please wear that! For fans of comics and graphic novels, we are excited to announce that the first of three special workshops will be on Saturday the 10th of March at 11.00 am! Comic book author Fumio Obata’s style is inspired by the Manga and Anime cultures of his up-bringing in Tokyo, together with European influences. This workshop is suitable for anyone aged 13 years to 113! It’s free, but places are limited, so please book your spot on www.eventbrite.co.uk or contact the library. For anyone coping with a long-term illness (from Arthritis to Depression to life after a Stroke), you need not manage alone. The library has a collection of helpful books, as recommended by health professionals and Reading Well – useful for both those affected and carers. There is even a board game to promote the understanding of Dementia – please ask a member of staff to borrow it. Tetbury Library will be closed from Friday the 30th of March to Monday the 2nd of April (Easter weekend). Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie, Tetbury Library

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48 | March 2018

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PET CARE PLAN DISCOUNT SCHEME Our pet care plan allows you to budget for your pet’s routine healthcare costs.

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Tetbury Police Museum I am neither an expoliceman nor a museum professional, (which is why we have a separate professional mentor,) although I was responsible for museum services, amongst many others, in my past employment as a director for a local authority in Surrey. But I have a love of local history. I have undertaken the role of Honorary Curator at the Museum, then, since 2011 and I undertook the Re-Accreditation of the Museum with the Arts Council in 2013-14. But following a stroke in 2017 I have decided I need to take on less demanding duties at the Museum, so I have given notice that I no longer wish to act as the Hon Curator after Spring 2108. I do plan to continue undertaking other day-today volunteering activities though, such as writing this column. So if anyone out there has a love of sharing stories, likes to meet new people, has a passion for unique collections, seeks a new challenge, and has a joy of preserving our heritage, then this could be a role for you. If you would like to find out more, then please get in touch. Enough of that! Now another Cold Case File:

140208 Classic Windows


CSI:Tetbury workshop 2013

Fourth consequence of illicit connexion At the Tetbury Petty Sessions on May 5th1847 before Col. Kingscote, W. M. Paul Esq., J. Wood Esq., and J. Clutterbuck Esq., William Hodges of Bibury, a labourer, was summoned by Caroline Underhill, of Tetbury, as the putative father of her illegitimate child. From the evidence, it appeared that they were both living in the service of Mr Richard Barber, of Charlton Court, near Tetbury, where the intimacy sprung up, which ultimately resulted in the birth of the child. The girl’s evidence was corroborated by John Stephens, who, very reluctantly, deposed certain circumstances which


Page 1

tended materially to strengthen the case. The girl did not appear before the Bench under the most favourable auspices, this being the fourth consequence of illicit connexion. Hodges was ordered to pay 1s 6d a week towards the maintenance of the child, together with the expenses, 18s 6d, which he was allowed a month to pay in. There was another charge against the same defendant for absconding from the service of his master, the above mentioned Mr Barber; but the case was dismissed, that gentleman declining to press it. Source: Wilts & Gloucestershire Standard 11th May 1847. John Silvester, Hon Curator curator@tetbury.gov.uk


50 | March 2018

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All profits distributed locally and internationally


March 2018 | 51

act as ‘vectors’ which means they can carry microorganisms and spread disease between animals and humans when feeding. In the UK these include Lymes disease, Ehrlichia and Babesia.


The best way is by using a tick hook; Using a tick hook it safely and effectively removes the to remove the parasite tick every time and is easy to use – these can be purchased from any of our branches. Simply slide the hook around the tick, keeping it level with the skin, and gentle twist anti-clockwise. Once loose, pull the hook away and dispose of it by flushing it down the toilet. Avoid methods of removal such as burning or covering in Vaseline or alcohol as this stresses the tick and can cause it to regurgitate its meal back into the host, increasing risk of infection.

Dr Emma Bailey BVSc MRCVS,

Veterinary Hospital 01666 823165 Tetbury clinic 01666 503531 TICK, TICK, TICK…

As we leave winter behind us and the weather starts to warm up, ticks become more of an issue for us and our pets. Here is all you need to know to keep your pets protected.



Ticks are small, eight-legged creepy crawlies with a round whitish body, commonly found in grassland and woodland but which can also be seen in your garden, if you live in an area with lots of wildlife. They’re most active between March and October and are most commonly seen in warm wet weather, sitting at the top of grass stalks ticks wait for you or your pet to brush past to attach themselves. They bite and then feed on blood almost tripling in size; once they are full they will then drop off. They have very sharp mouthparts that can cause inflammation around the area of the bite. They can also

There are many products on the market such as spot-ons and tablets that diffuse the anti-parasitic treatment into the fatty layer of your pet’s skin, which will cause the tick to detach itself - but the tick will still have to bite for this to be effective. If your pet is particularly prone to ticks, there are also anti-parasitic collars available that both repel and kill ticks. It’s worth discussing this option with your vet. Keep up to date with any flea and tick treatment. This is essential if you are travelling with your pet, as tick-borne diseases are often more common in other countries. If you have any questions please pop into one of our branches and one of our team will be happy to advise you.

The DO’s and DON’Ts of TICK REMOVAL *DO* Remove a tick as soon as you notice it *DO* Remove gently, ensuring to remove the mouthparts *DO* Contact us if you’re worried – we can demonstrate how to remove a tick *DO* Keep your pet’s flea and tick treatment up to date

*DON’T* Use Vaseline to deprive tick of oxygen *DON’T* Burn it or put alcohol on it *DON’T* Squeeze the ticks body while removing it *DON’T* Try and remove anything if unsure about whether or not it’s actually a tick A paid-for

Visit us at 23 Church Street, Tetbury



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52 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

I haven’t touched a racquet since late summer last year, and I am very much looking forward to when we can play evening tennis again. In the meantime, there is lot to update you about. Firstly, the Wimbledon ballot. Tetbury tennis club is allocated Wimbledon tickets each year, based upon the number of registered LTA members at the club. If you get the chance to go it’s a great and full day of tennis with tickets giving you the chance to wander around the outside courts as well as having a seat at one of the major courts. At the time of writing we don’t know how many tickets we’ll get but

Tetbury Dolphins LTC

its normally around three to four pairs. The ballot will be held during a Sunday club morning sometime in April. We’re excited to be building up the coaching programme with Steve Johnson – for contact details see the website. Steve is planning to: • Run an Easter camp for juniors in the afternoons from the 9th to the 13th of April • Continue with coaching and fitness



• Expand Saturday morning to be: 1.00 to 1.30 pm, pre-school children 1.30 to 2.30 pm, school age children – bookable through Steve. 2.30 to 3.30 pm, “pay and play” session

Abi Andrews Hair & Make up The Garden Room 6 Alexander Gardens, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8YZ

• Introduce a ‘Rusty Racquets’ session on Tuesday evenings (7:30 to 8:30 pm) with ten sessions free to new members. Additionally, we will be running an open day for new members on Sunday the 15th of April. Please see posters around town or visit our website for details. 2018 will see us running three club tournaments on the 20th of May, the 15th of June and the 9th of September and we continue to be very keen to bring in new members. Over the last couple of years, we’ve experimented with half-price new membership. This year we are going to replace that with the idea of free rusty racquets sessions for new joiners. Aside from the above, we’ll be entering our usual teams in the Chippenham and Gloucestershire leagues and all club nights remain the same. For anyone interested in helping, the next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday the 26th of February, 7.00 pm at the Priory, and all are welcome. Our AGM will be on Tuesday the 6th of November – also at the Priory. That’s all for now – hope to see you all soon. Richard McMahon, Chairman, Tetbury Dolphins LTC Website: www.tetburydolphinsltc.co.uk Email: info@tetburydolphinsltc.co.uk

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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

March 2018 | 53

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People For You provides a free volunteer befriending service offering regular companionship to the older and vulnerable people in the community. We introduce a reliable, local volunteer who visits you regularly in the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you feel this service might be of interest to you, please get in touch. And if you feel you have the empathy and commitment to become a volunteer. Please contact Sue Black at People For You on 07810 630167 / 01452 528491 or email sue.peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk ******* People For You will be at Tetbury Library on every third Friday of the month: 11 am to 12 noon. *******0841117

54 | March 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

March Offer Just



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Following the hugely successful Golf Taster Programme last year, Minchinhampton Golf Club is once again offering FREE Golf Taster Lessons and informal introductions to golf for budding players both male and female

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March 2018 | 57

Patient Participation Group We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Practice Manager, Emma Vynne. Emma may already be known to some of you, as she has worked for Romney House Surgery since 2014, having previously worked in the healthcare sector for nine years. She is originally from Manchester

and missing her friends and family, it took a little time to feel at home in Tetbury; now happy and settled here, she still misses the shops of her home city! Emma lives with her husband and two boys who are all football crazy, but she herself enjoys reading, going to the gym and spending time with friends and family. (No mention of football!) With all her experiences in healthcare and knowledge of RHS, she felt that the time had come to combine everything together and step up to a new job. With all her knowledge and experience we are sure she will be a great asset to the surgery.

Flu It seems that the Tetbury area was lucky with flu this year, with lower rates of flu-like illnesses locally than in other regions, especially larger urban areas. This is probably because we were the top surgery in the area for flu vaccines this year, administering just over 2,100 vaccinations! So, thank you to everyone that has done their bit to help keep flu-like illnesses in Tetbury under control. But it is never good to be complacent! There are different flu viruses still doing the rounds and although one type has

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58 | March 2018


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dropped off, influenza B - the predominant strain - is still circulating; it is a good idea to be aware and to take care.

Feedback One of the most important PPG jobs is passing on the views of patients to the surgery. Most of them are positive, especially in the last few months, as the surgery has settled down with their new GPs and staff. Basking in glory isn’t the only function of feedback though; it is also used to improve services too, so the PPG and surgery are constantly looking at the feedback to find ways of improving the service.

There is also a very important survey undertaken every year between January and March, called “The GP Patient Survey.” It is done on behalf of the NHS by a professional company and is completely anonymous. You can’t volunteer to take part, they contact people directly, so if you have one of these surveys land on your doormat, please fill it out, especially if you don’t often go to the surgery. The Friends and Family Test is great for getting feedback from patients who use the surgery regularly, but the GP Patient Survey covers a wider group of our patients. For more information and to see how we did

last year visit the website https://www.gppatient.co.uk If you belong to a group and would like a member of the PPG to come and talk about the surgery or if you just want to give us your feedback, let me know (via email or through the surgery) and we will arrange a visit. Jennifer Skillen, Chair, Romney House Surgery PPG, romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk


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March 2018 | 61




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Tetbury Cares

Am I liable if the patient does not recover? It is very unlikely that you, as a passer-by, would be held liable for the administration of CPR or the use of an AED. Someone whose heart has stopped beating from a cardiac arrest is technically dead, so any attempt at reviving them would be looked upon favourably by the courts. AED’s are very clever machines and cannot harm the patient.

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The Fire Brigade’s First Responders

How to use Tetbury’s Automated external defibrillators (AED’s) The installation of the bright green defibrillators around the town has prompted residents to wonder what they would do if they came across someone in cardiac arrest or having a heart attack in public. Here is some simple advice.

What is the difference between a heart attack and a cardiac arrest?

You might be sitting next to someone who is having a heart attack and they could feasibly not know. They would remain conscious and probably feeling some pain, typically in the chest. You should call an ambulance in this situation, but they would NOT need resuscitation. A cardiac arrest is very different indeed. If someone has a cardiac arrest their heart will have stopped, or be beating erratically, and they would be unconscious and have collapsed. Their life would be in great danger. Without resuscitation (CPR) and the appropriate use of the defibrillator (AED) there will be absolutely no chance for that individual. Research has shown that an “out-ofhospital” cardiac arrest patient has about a 9% chance of a positive outcome if CPR is performed promptly. This is dramatically improved to approximately 50% if a defibrillator is also used.

What would I do if I came across someone in Tetbury who had collapsed with a cardiac arrest? Call 999. If you don’t have a mobile phone, ask someone else nearby to do so and follow

the instructions from the 999 operator. Start and continue CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.) It’s important to start administering CPR immediately to keep the blood flowing to the patient’s vital organs, particularly the brain, and to keep it going. If you get tired, ask someone nearby to take over until the ambulance or first responder arrives. If you have a mobile phone put it on loudspeaker mode so that others can hear the 999 operator and you can continue with CPR. Send someone for an AED (Automated External Defibrillator.) Don’t leave the patient, but send another passer-by for the nearest AED. The ambulance operator will give you the location and code to the nearest accessible defibrillator to unlock it from its housing.

Where are the defibrillators? There are eight AEDs in Tetbury at present, located at Tesco’s supermarket, the Priory Gym, there are two at the Fire station, at Romney House Surgery, the Hospital, the Tourist Information Centre and at Sir William Romney’s Sports centre. Some of these are only available when the premises are open, but the Tesco and TIC equipment is mounted outside and is available 24/7. Some staff of the establishments housing the defibrillators have been trained in their use and one of them may come with you to help with its use.

How do they work? The AEDs are fully automated; you don’t need any training in their use, as the machine will talk you through the process. If the patient’s heart is not in ”ventricular fibrillation,” (beating in an uncoordinated way,) the machine can tell and will NOT shock them.

Tetbury is some way from the nearest ambulance station and the fire brigade’s first response vehicle may get to you before the ambulance, or before the nearest AED can be retrieved. (They aim to get to a patient in Tetbury within 5 minutes of a 999 call.) The first responders are trained in CPR and in the use of their own defibrillators, so let them take over.

Do I need training? Obviously if would be good if a large proportion of the residents of Tetbury were trained in CPR and the use of AED’s and we are trying to get demonstrations organised around the town, but this will take some time and it is unlikely that everyone having a cardiac arrest will have a trained person standing nearby. It is more important, therefore, that most residents have a look at one of the excellent illustrations published by the British Heart Foundation or the Resuscitation Council on CPR and AED’s either online or in one of their leaflets. The online versions show how to help a patient step by step. Don’t be nervous if you find someone collapsed in cardiac arrest. Time is of the essence so simply have a go, you could save their life. This article has been prepared jointly by The British Heart Foundation, The Tetbury Lions Club and the Tetbury Cares Forum. The new section on the Tetbury Cares website “Save a Life – A Quick Guide to Resuscitation” has a link to the two main BHF videos. Visit the Tetbury Cares website at www. tetburycares.org and click the “Save a Life” link. Lion Chris French

More information can be found at the British Heart Foundation website, www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/how-to-save-a-life/how-to-do-cpr/cpr-training-videos www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjcCjSNvUY Or the Resuscitation Council (UK) website www.resus.org.uk

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March 2018 | 63

Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.


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