Tetbury Advertiser May 2015

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May 2015

Inside this issue: • HRH Hospital Visit ................................................................................ page 6

Cover photo © Terry Mathews www.terrymathews.co.uk

• The Summer Show ................................................................................ page 6

• Inside the Lion’s Den ................................................................................ page 5

• It’s Woolsack Day! ................................................................................ page 12

Circulation 4,200


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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 email: alan@berellsroad.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com

Rates Media pack available from www.tetburylions.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Back cover half page £95 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.40

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the June Issue is

Thursday 14th May 2015

Delivery date - 30th/31st May Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

What’s On 2nd – 4th May Tetbury Art Society Spring Exhibition In the Market Hall Details in this isssue 4th May Wacky Races! 8th – 9th May “Pack up your troubles” in Sherston Village Hall, 7.30pm Tickets (£7 / £6 concessions) from Sherston Post Office, or 01666 840778 (eves.) 10th – 17th May Christian Aid Week 16th and 23rd May Woolsack Grand Raffle Ticket sales at the Market Place end of Long Street 17th May Woolsack Lunch and Auction In the Snooty Fox – commences 1.00 pm 17th May ”The Great Tennis Weekend “ initiative begins Details in this issue 19th May Free Dementia Awareness Week tea party at Ilsom House. 2.00 pm Contact Jan Pitcher or Val Croft on 01666 504131. 21st – 23rd May “The Importance of Being Earnest” Dolphins Production Details in this issue 22nd May Cotswold Care Hospice Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12 noon at the Market Hall. Raffle, cake stall and bric-a-brac. 23rd – 30th May (except the 25th) at Tetbury Library Drop in to contribute to the Tetbury Frieze

No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.

24th May Avening Open Gardens Day 12:00 – 4:00 pm

Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk

27th – 31st May Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen Tetbury Spring Show At the Market Place – details in this issue

Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

25th May Woolsack Day! 26th May – 6th June Tetbury Men at Gallipoli Exhibition At Tetbury library – details in this issue

The Neighbourhood Group coffee mornings 10.00 am - 1.00pm St Mary’s Road Day Centre, Tuesdays. 07776 342440 Pod Sessions Tuesdays and Fridays 5.15 to 7.15pm, years 7-12 very welcome.

Contents Avening Primary School 10 Avening WI 56 Christian Aid Week 50 Community Speed Watch 52 Computer Advice 36 Cotswold Dog’s and Cat’s Home 34 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 30 Dolphins Dramatic Society 38 Dolphins Recreation Centre 4 Guiding 31 Guild of Craftsmen 54 History of Tetbury Society 8 Letters to the Editor 49 Lions Den 5 Mayor’s Report 25 News from Christ Church 9 News from St Mary’s 47 Patient Participation Group 48 Perfection 46 Priory Inn Blog 11 Probus One 45 Puddle Ducks Nursery 14 Sir William Romney’s School 44 St Mary’s Playgroup 28 St Mary’s Primary School 24 Students of Marketing and Design 43 Summer Show 6 Tetbury and District Footpath Group 35 Tetbury Art Society 57 Tetbury Camera Club 15 Tetbury Community Choir 52 Tetbury Dolphins Lawn Tennis Club 18 Tetbury in Bloom 21 Tetbury Library 19 Tetbury Model Railway Club 29 Tetbury Police Museum 42 Tetbury Rail Lands Trust 16 Tetbury Theatre Group 41 Tetbury Tourist Information Society 40 Tetbury Town Youth Football Club 20 Tetbury WI 22 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 22 The Friends of Tetbury Hospital 26 The Malt House 59 Unsung Hero for May 11 Woolsack Day 12 Young by Name 32 Young Musician 2015 53

Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and right for you. Follow these steps to plan a Friday. Once you have been doing this for ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable you – are Society length of your workout or switch reports from for Dramatic production of exercises. “The SPECIFIC We are receiving very positive you in the right place and have the right This will keep your body and brain A goal must be individual to about you, aiming Importance of Being Earnest”, between hall users theatnewaccess bar arrangements, for the objective you have set? guessing, and help lead you to yourthe 2015 whatseem you to want to Setting smaller 21stdevelop and the 23rd of May. which be attracting a greater ones use can help you fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. of the hall for social events. Indeed, the new targets lead to In addition to the web-site www. The copy date for May’s Advertiser comes financial with a wedding REALISTIC reducedyear focus kicked and too off dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk we now have just before the Dolphins Recreation Trust’s reception in the hall onTo April the 1st Tim be realistic youfor must be able to visualize much wiggle room. a Facebook page too – and for anyone AGM, so it is probably tempting fate to yourselfwe achieving objective. Too high a Jablonski and Laura Hamer; wish the them MEASURABLE booking goal and you may struggle to see the end,the hall, we would be pleased to make any comments about the likely every happiness forbethe future. A goal must publicise too low and you will find yourself lessthe event on either. Please let Tara outcome of that event. able to be motivated. from the Town council offices know, when May seesmeasured the hall used for a number of – However, it is safe to say that the past year TIMEDinaugural Tea you are booking the event. whether the on Mayor’s events, including Havingthe a time frame for(of a goal is important, scales or 2nd on of a May, has worked out well for us, with a healthy Dance on the election Barry Gibbs, as this is what you must work towards. This stopwatch, having a end of year balance up some £4,000 from course) on the 7th of May, and the Dolphins and keepsRecreation Trust Committee time or weight to will give you a sense of urgencyDolphins last year, which should enable us to continue our policy of making improvements to both the hall and the recreation ground. Having said that, we are grateful to Tetbury Town of the symptoms•that • Migraine Justhas some ofJust thesome symptoms Acute low back pain Council for their £5,000 grant which • Neck can be helped by treatment:• Chronic that can be helped by treatment: lowpain back pain helped us particularly with the extra tree • Tennis elbowneck pain • Acute/subacute Call now for free consultation surgery, necessary to keep the perimeter Call now for a consultation! • Lowneck backpain pain • Chronic Tetbury Chiropractic hedges in check. Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity Health and Wellbeing Centre whiplash-associated • Shoulder girdle pain disorders assessment available • Acute DermaCo House • Tennis elbow • Foot and ankle joint problems 2 Charlton Road (hip wear and tear) Telephone 07469 187004 • Hip osteoarthritis disorders • Acute whiplash-associated Jwala Gurung Tetbury Jwala Gurung • Knee osteoarthritis Tetbury Doctorofof Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Gloucestershire Doctor Chiropractic, info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. GL8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. Tetbury Chiropractic, Vicinity Health and Wellbeing Centre, DermaCo House, 2 Charlton Road, Tetbury GL8 8DY

Dolphins Recreation Centre



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Pet Products: Nobody asked us to quote for pet food after our last advert. Please ask we could help you feed your pets more economically. For those still feeding garden birds we can offer large sacks of all foods at competitive prices – delivered to your door locally. Garden Products: Full range of Garden Seeds from Mr Fothergill plus all your needs in chemicals, composts and garden tools and requisites BBQ and Fire Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels as well as BBQ products come and see or place an order for a special event. Delivery available. Spring Cleaning, General DIY: All the products, tools and aids available on your doorstep plus some advice given freely. Do not forget we also supply Key Cutting Service, Shoe Repairs and Digital Photography as well as a wide range of household items you never knew you needed.

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4 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Dear Reader, Now that April has flown we are now looking forward to the darling buds of May, and judging by the buds on my wisteria, I feel sure we are in for a terrific summer. May is a wonderful time for Tetbury and it has a busy start with the Wacky Races on the 4th and of course the Woolsack on Monday the 25th. By the time you read this you will have noticed that the bunting has been put up and we Lions are very pleased that we have managed to contribute financially toward

acquiring it. Bunting was sadly missed last year and I’m sure you all agree that it gives a tremendous atmosphere to our town for both our visitors and residents alike. We are also delighted to have been able to assist in the start-up of the Library’s Chess Club, with a donation of £200; we wish them every success with this incentive and, like them, we hope it will benefit all age groups and help to bring the people of our town together.

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Lions Den Ebola remains an incredibly and serious problem internationally and our recent Easter raffle proceeds - which you generously supported - will be going at least in part to help fund the fight against that crisis, still hitting the headlines. Lion Roger from our Overseas Liaison group will be going to Nepal next month and meeting up with a local Lions member while he’s there. We’ve decided to donate £200 towards the Nepal oral hygiene fund mainly for children in his support, and I know that Roger will come back and give us a full update on the trip and his experiences. You may have noticed in the February edition of the Tetbury Advertiser, an interesting article regarding the work that Andrew Bartlett is involved with in Gambia. Andrew gave the Lions a compelling talk about his current project, highlighting many issues in Africa for us and pointing out the difference that a simple mosquito net can make to human life in that region. Andrew’s already raised the funds to purchase 250 nets from his fundraising and is now working hard to collect further funds for the Kaiaff Health Centre. Last – but by no means least – it’s time for the Wacky Races! Since this magazine will be delivered on the weekend before Monday Bank Holiday the 4th May when the racing takes place, there’s just this one last opportunity to remind you to come along, to drink some Wacky Races Beer and to support Tetbury Lions the town and the event with your patronage and with your donations too, if you can. Let’s all have a safe, fun and hopefully dry day – and let’s also hope the same is true for the Woolsack celebrations on the 25th. Let racing “IT’S MAY ...! IT’S RAC commence! EY ....!! IT’S WACKY

Monday 4th May 2015

Inside this programme:

❊ Guy Martin Sets World Record ❊ Build Your Own Cart ❊ About Tetbury Lions ❊ 2015 Entries Listing

WOW. He’ll NEVER Make it!!

.....!!!” 1


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Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd June at 8pm at the Close Hotel. We are always looking for new members who can bring new ideas and initiatives, so do come along. You will be very welcome at the meeting. Keith Leaver, Lion President

May 2015 | 5


Tetbury Summer Show Our revelations last month about the new items that feature in the Flower Show schedule seem to have been successful in prompting many of you to begin considering some very creative ideas. There will, as usual, be plenty for all age groups and abilities to be involved in, so please obtain your schedules early and scan the entries. The schedules will be available from Monday 1st June and can be obtained either by downloading from our web page www.tetburysummershow.co.uk or free of charge from Tetbury Hardware in London Road. One item that is a regular feature in the schedule, and one that all the family can get involved and have fun with, is the building of a scarecrow. Your scarecrow must be able to stand alone and brought to the recreation ground on show day, Sunday 9th August before 10.00 am. Entries for the scarecrow competition are just £1 and all will be on display outside of the marquee. One other important item to mention is that, courtesy of the Dolphins Hall Committee and of course favourable weather conditions, there will be extensive visitor parking on the recreation ground with vehicle access only via the Chavenage Lane gate. With the construction of 38 new one and two bedroom apartments in a development known as Lewsey Court, Tetbury has a new business in town and we delighted to announce that the developers, McCarthy & Stone, are a new major sponsor of the Summer Show. Long before the complex became available for viewing, the company declared an interest in getting involved in the community and, true to their word,

have supported us with a significant contribution. This is a major boost for which we are very grateful especially as it comes after funds were badly impacted by the promise of severe weather last year that kept many attractions and visitors away. While some of the major attractions have yet to be confirmed for this year, we can advise that all the fun fair rides have been booked, as have the children’s go-karts and the ever-popular Trigger the land train, who will also be taking part in the parade through the town. We will also have many model boats and planes and one or two

(hopefully) miniature steam attractions. The show has always had a strong emphasis on delivering to our young population an awareness and understanding of our rural environment and how it should be respected, but delivered in a fun way and with family participation. Watch out for updates regarding this element of the show in the next issue. Summer Show Committee


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The stunning VOCES8 are performing in Malmesbury Abbey on Saturday, 20th June at 7:30pm!

Malmesbury Abbey Music Society are very excited to be welcoming VOCES8 to Malmesbury Abbey for the first time, and warmly invite you to join them to be comforted by the sound of these eight beautiful, unaccompanied voices singing their new programme “LUX “in perfect harmony. The programme includes music by Tallis, Elgar, Ola Gjeilo, Allegri and Taverner. Tickets for the concert are priced at £15 (or £12 members) or £5 for students, and may be obtained from the Malmesbury Abbey Bookshop, from the MAMS Ticket Secretary David Barton on 01666 824924 or from Joy Smith on 01666 840865. Tickets will also be available on the door.


6 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk



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May 2015 | 7

History of Tetbury Society The HOTS Meeting on April 2nd related very well to the last meeting as it carried on with the Roman theme. The guest speaker was Nick Humphris, a volunteer from The National Trust who is based at Chedworth Roman Villa. Nick explained that there had been a villa on the site in the 2nd C, but it did not become the high status site that we know today until the 4th C, when more buildings were constructed to make a divided site with at least two dining rooms and several bath houses. It was never a military or agricultural site, unusually, but a private home within easy reach of Corinium.

bath house, both of which were covered by small sheds to protect them. In addition, the museum was built to store and exhibit artefacts for the site, which is still in situ. The owner, Lord Eldon, then decided to sell in 1923. The site was bought by Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (BAGAS), who had visited in 1889, for £2,500, and was then gifted to The National Trust in 1924 to save it for the nation.

Why build here? There is a natural spring with fresh water and a skeleton of an Iron Age boy has been found making it possible that it was built on a previous domestic site. When the Romans left Britain in the 5th C, the villa was robbed out and not discovered again until 1864, when a gamekeeper (who was out ferreting) found some tesserae down a hole. Frantic excavations that year unearthed the western dining room and

Since then much work has been carried out and it is still an archaeological site with digs often being run to discover more. The main features of it, now covered by a state of the art new building, are; the impressive

dining room with two mosaics, one of which shows Bacchus and Ariadne with their entourage of Satyrs and Maenads, at each corner being a cupid showing a different season; the bath house with changing room, warm room, hot room, hot tub and cold plunge pool and the corridor with mosaic, the longest in Britain as laid by Romans. There are more dining rooms, bath houses and mosiacs (excavated, but now recovered) and three different styles of hypocaust. One under the dining room floor with deep channels, one under the bath house, with piles of tiles and one in room twenty six made from stone pillars. The site is constantly being upgraded and worked up on to find more information and artefacts, more recently some painted plaster has been found, reinforcing the high status of the site. It was a very interesting talk that prompted us to visit on Easter Monday! Next month will be our first outside visit of the season. We shall be visiting Estcourt Park hosted by James Trotter. We meet in The Chipping car park at 6.45pm on 7th May. Where possible we need to share car travel and arrive at the same time because of the electronic gates.

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8 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

News from Christ Church April was a busy month at Christ Church. First, we had the services around Good Friday and Easter Sunday, then, a working party was involved in cleaning and painting. In the middle of the month we had two weddings on one Saturday. We did an Easter service at The Priory and are investigating taking a regular service at Ilsom House. This May will see our premises used for serving refreshments for both the Wacky Races and the Woolsack Day – and after that, members will be busy preparing for the very successful Holiday at Home which will be held on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st July.


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“Messy Church” continues on the 3rd Sunday of each month (except in May when it will be a week later). It starts at 4.00 pm and ends around 5.30 pm. Conversations are going on about making this an ecumenical venture, involving other churches in the Tetbury area. We are currently advertising for a new Leader for the Oasis Café on a Wednesday morning. If you would like to know more, contact Brian Cook or myself. Reverend Stuart Radford 01453 839250, 07889 138311


Ne w







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All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 9

Avening Primary School Time to be out of doors! After an Easter break full of sunshine, the summer term got off to an equally fine start, with the children and staff looking forward to an exciting term of learning, ahead, including lots of opportunities to learn outside. The topics in each of the four classes have an environmental theme this term. ‘We are the future’ is the theme for the Owls class (Y5/6). This will give pupils the opportunity to learn about current environmental issues around the globe. They will also be looking at how to ensure they have a safe and healthy future with a visit to Skillszone in Gloucester to support this aspect of learning. Later on in the term, the class will be extending their outdoor learning with a residential visit to South Cerney where they will be learning to paddle-board, kayak, build rafts and generally have a great deal of fun! Pupils in the Hawks class (Y3/4) have gone from being Romans last term to ‘Eco-Warriors’ this term, destined to save the Earth from destruction! The children have relished their learning challenges and are fully motivated on their mission to reduce, reuse and recycle. Later on in the term, their environmental prowess will see them cultivating eels, in a national project to support the declining eel population and they will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their nature

knowledge and outdoor skills with a visit to Copsegrove Farm. The Eagles (Reception/Y1) & Kestrels (Y1/2) will also be visiting Copsegrove Farm for their term topic ‘Dens and Dandelions’. Both classes are making great use of our wonderful learning garden, studying the plants and wildlife and witnessing the tadpoles growing in the school pond.

beds, because we have a very important deadline coming up on Sunday the 24th May when the school garden will be part of the Avening Open Gardens Day. We look forward to having many visitors come and see our special outside space and wonderful learning environment. Jane Rushton, Headteacher


The outdoors is also a focus for some of our extra-curricular clubs this term. As well as cricket and athletics, we are also running a nature and a gardening club and our avid Avening gardeners have been extremely busy cultivating the land and tidying the

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10 | May 2015

Please contact Tina T: 01666 505661 M: 07856 677633 E: lotinga@btinternet.com 1360415

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

The sunshine of last month has jump-started the growing process... ...and given new life and a much needed injection of warmth. “May” as we recognise it has only been around since about 1430. Before then, it was known as Magius (the growing month), Mayes or Mai. The Anglo-

Saxons referred to this month as Tri-Milchi – with the arrival of lush green grass, cows could be milked three times a day. Edwin Way Teale said “All things seem possible in May” - and the bright, energetic May winds certainly give a heightened sense of everything that is positive, ahead. A supplier that we rely on heavily for charcuterie is Native Breeds (in Lydney Park Estate.) Graham and Ruth Waddington,

CALLING ALL GARDENERS! Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...

Stargazy Fish Bar is Tetbury's new fish and chip bar and takeaway. We will need great service staff from the end of May.

Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!*

Our staff will have: A desire to deliver the very best service; A hard-working, enthusiastic work ethic; A smart, presentable appearance; and A naturally friendly personality.

*T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.

Full and part-time positions available.

If this sounds like you, please send Tanya your cv and a photo to jobs@theprioryinn.co.uk We look forward to hearing from you. 1030515


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Priory Inn Blog curers and charcutiers, are true masters, combining their skills, experience, knowledge of regional culinary heritage and exceptional ingredients to make a range of cured, cooked, smoked and airdried, matured products. They recently enlightened our kitchen and restaurant staff about the methods and sourcing of their products, and generously shared some all-important tastings: spicy chorizo, venison salami, wild boar salami (from The Forest), native nape (like coppa), and rosemary beef (like bresaola.) Live music continues through May to a packed house and chilled Sunday night atmosphere. On pre-Bank holiday 3rd May is the wonderful Dik Cadbury, on the 10th we welcome back Edd Donovan. The 17th sees the return of Steve Page and on the 24th we welcome Chris Webb, a new singer/ songwriter for us from Bristol. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed. Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn

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Unsung Hero - May - Jenny Miles Dear Editor, Jenny Miles is the backbone of The Dolphins Dramatic Society, she has been a member for approximately 30 years and her duties over the years have included: secretary, treasurer, costume maker, set painter, cleaner, prompt and sometimes she even gets on stage and acts! There are probably a lot of things she does that have been missed out but she is one of those people who always work quietly in the background. This lady does everything with a smile, nothing is too much trouble - without her The Dolphins Dramatic Society would be lost, she really is a trouper. I should like to nominate her as your Unsung Hero for May. Ed: I’m very glad to accept this nomination for Jenny; without her able assistance the Dramatic Society would certainly have been at something of a loss. She will soon be in receipt of his voucher for a meal for two, kindly provided by the Priory Inn. To nominate an Unsung Hero, please contact the editor through the details on page 3. All submissions are dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 11

Woolsack Day Over the years Woolsack Day has provided a great free family day out, and 2015 will be no exception. By now thanks, to CDB Building Services, the town’s summer bunting will have been erected and the streets will take on a festive outlook for the months ahead. On May 25th late Bank Holiday Monday the streets of Tetbury will once again be full of the sights and sounds of Woolsack, but in order to spread the load a bit this year we are holding the Woolsack Lunch and Auction in the Snooty Fox on Sunday May the 17th.

This has become an event not to miss in its own right, with a first class carvery lunch starting at one o’clock, followed by the Grand Auction at three o’clock. We are looking forward to selling lots of interesting items at first-class prices; look out for the Auction Catalogue that will be appearing nearer the date. We’ll also be selling tickets for the Grand Raffle on Saturday the 16th and Saturday the 23rd of May. First prize will be £100 and tickets will be available from our pitch at the Market Place end of Long Street. On Woolsack Day itself the French Market will be in full flow down Long Street, the Market Place and Church Street, and will host many traditional Woolsack traders selling a vast assortment of items. Chipping Street seems to have become the spiritual home of nurseries and plant suppliers over the years, almost filling the street with greenery. We have attracted a number of new stall holders this year so their offerings will be even more varied than usual. On the entertainment front we welcome back to Tetbury the Gugge 2000 band who provide their own unique vibrant brand of music guaranteed to entertain the assembled crowd. There could be no better start to the day. They come all the way from the Bournemouth area to perform in Tetbury and what a great band they are! If you want to get a sample of their music, their website is www.2000.co.uk and they also feature extensively on You Tube. We hope that the fantastic Ile Axe Samba band from Bristol will appear during the afternoon and coupled with a number of street entertainers, the programme for the fun side of the day looks extremely exciting. Entries are still coming in for the races themselves and we look to be heading for another full afternoon of sport, with Gumstool Hill providing the usual daunting challenge for our fearless competitors. Our Woolsack races seem to have acquired a reputation of eccentricity and quirkiness worldwide - this year we have some interest from a Japanese TV company! Discussions

are at an early stage as they wish to have one of their personalities actually take part. We hope they’ll be able to meet the challenge that Gumstool Hill provides… The whole plan for a great day came together thanks to a new band of dedicated volunteers plus a number of traditional helpers, who gave up their time very generously. Tetbury traders are also coming forward to provide sponsorship and assistance, which is extremely pleasing and encouraging. The main beneficiary this year is the Ferns Playgroup, which plans to remodel their premises to continue providing a great service to many Tetbury mums and their young children. Our website www.tetburywoolsack.co.uk will provide up to date information about Woolsack and special parking will be available in the Recreation Ground and the Football Field at Preston Park in Cirencester Road, so please come down to town on the 25th of May to wander around and enjoy a great free day out, and to help support charities which, with your help, Woolsack has provided many tens of thousands of pounds, over the years. The Woolsack Committee


12 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Wycliffe College has named Nick Gregory as its new Head from September 2015 Mr Gregory, will replace the current Head, Margie Burnet Ward who will be retiring at the end of this academic year. Before becoming a teacher, Mr Gregory spent eight years in a management role at Barclays, before moving to a teaching career. He has taught modern languages at Barnard Castle School, County Durham and Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood before becoming a boarding Housemaster at Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge. Mr Gregory said: “Modern education must be an excellent preparation for life – professional, personal, social, moral and I believe that Wycliffe produces people who are ready to face up to life after school and deal with its challenges.”

compete with anyone at anything, provided we were prepared to work hard, commit some energy to something and make the most of our talent. I hope this is something that people will believe in at Wycliffe.”

The new Head, who is currently Deputy Head (pastoral) at Mill Hill School, London, has a

Mr Gregory and his wife, Helen have three

strong boarding and academic profile. He was educated at Ipswich School and studied French and Spanish at the University of Nottingham.

be educated at Wycliffe and Ben, who has an autistic spectrum condition will be attending school elsewhere but will be very much part of their life at Wycliffe.

He said he hoped to pass on a deep belief he has held since his own school days. “It was really important to me to feel that at my school we could punch above our weight and

sons, Harry, Ben and Sam – Harry and Sam will

“I want someone’s time at Wycliffe to be an experience in itself,” he said. “It should be something to be enjoyed and appreciated for its

own intrinsic value and not just a means to an end of walking away with some exam results.” Mr Gregory said: “At Wycliffe, people really do matter. It is a place where differences and individual qualities are genuinely valued and respected and everyone embraces the concept of helping every single boy or girl be the best that he or she can individually be. These are all things in which I believe profoundly. “It will matter to me tremendously to be recognised as being not only the tenth Head of the College in its 130 plus year history but also to be recognised as being a good Head.”

Pictured : Tom Seabrook, selected to play in the England U16 Rugby Squad

Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege


Hand delivered to 4,200 homes each month

May 2015 | 13


Puddle Ducks Dilys returns! We’re very pleased to say that following our plea in last month’s Tetbury Advertiser, our lovely Dilys Duck has been returned to us. Thank you very much to the person who returned her! We are now, unbelievably, into the summer term and well into the run up to school transitions, as this will be the final term for some of our children.


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We were very excited this week to receive a special visitor to the setting as we returned from the Easter break. Two spring lambs called Oliver and Spotty Dotty came to say hello. The children were able to bottle feed them their lunch before the lambs decided it was more fun to explore the garden! We have also been enjoying the garden in the beautiful spring weather and have even enjoyed lunch outside. Looking back to the end of last term, the children have been continuing looking at sounds with Jolly Phonics and a wide variety of activities. Our thanks go to PC Leah Davis and PCSO Paul Hancock who took the time to drop by and see the children when we were looking at ‘P for Police’. We enjoyed sitting in the police car   and finding out just how loud the sirens are when you are standing right next to them!


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The children know how wonderful their mummies are and what a good job they all do and so we celebrated them all with a Mother’s Day lunch of soup and a roll all made by the children themselves. Lots of mummies came and a wonderful time was had by all.

first moments. The children decided to call him Marlon and we very quietly sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to welcome him. Marlon is a very friendly duck and took to life in setting very quickly! He has gone now to live with Catherine but we hope he will come and visit us from time to time.

Puddle Ducks is currently full and unable to offer any new places this term - however we are running a waiting list for September 2015 and January 2016. We may be found at the back of the Dolphins Hall in Tetbury and run Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 12.15pm, with an optional lunch club until We are also pleased this month to bring 1.15 pm in term time only, for children news of the eggs that we were incubating. between 2½ and school age. If you are        Although they were not due to hatch until interested in your pre-school child joining the last day of term, the fi rst one very       us in the future please contact Catherine considerately made an appearance on the    Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be very Wednesday before the Easter holidays and   pleased to arrange a time for you to visit us even timed his entrance into the world just    during a morning session. as thePage children were coming back in from    CL Tetbury Advertiser_Layout 1 14/04/2015 13:59 1 1251009 the garden so we were able to witness his Puddle Ducks Nursery


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the close hotel in Tetbury

HHH   Morning Coffee,  Lunch,   Afternoon Tea, Dinner. Two course Lunch - £13.50   

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Monday to Saturday

The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com

www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk 0220515

14 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

A visiting speaker in March was Martin Cooper, a local photographer and a member of Stroud Camera Club. Martin has had many pictures accepted in exhibitions across the world and he also sells copies via his personal web site (wwwmartincooperphotography.com). Martin showed us a wide variety of his excellent images, taken in a range of locations and included some abstracts, accompanied by his extremely interesting and detailed commentary. This was followed by the battle with Cirencester, held at Cirencester. We had won against Stroud and, using the same set of prints and digital images, hopes were high for a victory against Cirencester. In the event, our hopes were fulfilled and we beat Cirencester. We shall have to work pretty hard to maintain this record of two victories when the battles come round next year.

interesting that an experienced judge, Club member Sandie Cox, had previously viewed all the images and independently selected her view of the winning portfolio……..by Liz Cooper. A recent speaker was Leigh Preston, a well-known name in photographic circles. Leigh was accompanied by Peter Johnson, a fellow member of Gloucester Camera Club. Many members had responded to the request to bring in prints for critique by Leigh. Leigh selected a range of prints from those offered and then he and Peter waxed lyrical, or fairly lyrical, about them in terms of ‘Seeing, Design and Purpose’. As he had demonstrated in a previous visit, Leigh was very eloquent in expressing off the cuff comments about all the prints he had selected. During the second half of the evening, Leigh and Peter showed some of their own images to illustrate the messages of the workshop.

Tetbury Camera Club Reproduced here is a picture by Carole Mortimer which won the Minimalist category in a recent competition.. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk

The next meeting comprised a new competition for ‘Mini Portfolios’. These consisted of 5 digital images on specific themes with a 6th image left to the entrants’ choice, accompanied by a montage of all the 6 images. Because of the range of subjects, entry proved to be pretty demanding. But, nevertheless, it was gratifying that there were quite a few entries. All the images were projected to enable Club members to attribute scores to all the images. The scores were then totted up to arrive at the overall joint winners, Mike Hawkridge and Tony Banks. It was 440208 Allium



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May 2015 | 15

Tetbury Rail Lands Trust This month we have started to plan the new layout for the inside of the Goods Shed incorporating the retractable seating system. We’ll soon have the updated drawings and we will show the new design in our model of the Goods shed. Local joiner Pat Hennessy has just finished fitting two doors within the large sliding ones at the front of the Goods Shed. This will make the building easier to use as we now have accessible exit points that will allow us to close the large doors during our events, keeping sound and heat inside. The new doors blend in very well from the outside. Nicola Clarks’ Goddesses evening was a great success. Although it wasn’t that warm, it was attended by an enthusiastic audience of around a hundred people. The seed of inspiration for the evening was sown late last year, when Nicola described her vision to paint eight big canvasses, one for each of the Goddesses, embodying the progressing seasons and festivals in the Celtic calendar. The Goods Shed became her studio as there was plenty of room and she needn’t worry about mess. Soon Nicola realised that she had suitable models for each of the deities amongst her musical friends and she began composing

original songs for each character to perform on the night. Nicola finished the enormous task in time so on the evening of Sunday 28th March all the amazing canvasses were hung in order on the back wall and eight lovely goddesses all dressed in black with coloured shawls processed by candlelight onto a low stage in front of their images. It was truly magical listening to the songs performed so engagingly by each goddess and looking at the sparkling depiction of each one. We were spellbound and stayed till late mulling over the show with nibbles and wine. It is exciting to experience now how inspiring a venue the Goods Shed will become.

Carat Boot the Goods Shed

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For that one night of magic Nicola truly brought the Goods Shed Art Centre to life! She has been painting in the Goods Shed for the last six months and we have all enjoyed popping in to watch her work. Her next project is in America where she will be painting a large mural that will take about 3 months. We thank her for all she has accomplished, wish her well and look forward to her return in the autumn. April’s Car Boot Sale was well attended and successful - and although we all take things down to sell, we still seem to end up buying things and bringing more back! Up to now we have had to take down water in containers and soon we will be having the


mains water supply restored, which will make life easier. We have some really exciting fundraising events coming up, so keep an eye on our website tetburyraillands.co.uk. If you would like to join our team and help, please ring me on 01666502877. We’re always very interested to hear your ideas for the new Arts Centre. Thank you for all your continued support. Will Cook (chairman) Tetbury Rail Lands Trust

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16 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Tetbury Dolphins Lawn Tennis The tennis season is here once again - for those who choose to hibernate in the winter! We really do need your support this year as new member numbers have not been in line with projected targets. The Tetbury Dolphins Tennis Club needs a new home at the Recreation Ground to truly make

tennis accessible to everyone and at all times, so the committee is working to secure funding through the Lawn Tennis Association and other funding agencies, such as Sport England. We’re certainly hoping to see some of the S106 monies coming Tetbury’s way. Please come and play, bring some friends, encourage your children to enjoy Saturday and Thursday evening coaching; it will all help to secure the necessary funds.

tennis nationally and of course, in Tetbury! Equipment is provided so come alone, with the family or with the children and either play, practice drills or just watch. Fun, prizes and refreshments are all provided. To find out more visit www.lta.clubspark.org.uk and look out for the advertising posters and banners, and the forthcoming letter drop.

We are very excited about ”The Great Tennis Weekend “ on Sunday May 17th 2015. This is a National initiative aimed at promoting


We welcome and encourage any juniors with an interest in racket and ball to consider Saturday morning coaching, and there is now also available Thursday evening junior coaching.

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Club Sessions : Monday and Wednesday Evenings 6pm - till dusk / Sunday mornings 10.00 - 1.00pm. Please visit our new website tetburydolphinsltc.co.uk for further information, contact any committee member, or visit us on facebook. If all else fails, information is displayed on the clubhouse notice board at Sir William Romney’s School.

Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA www.lansdownelegal.com Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email: info@lansdownelegal.com

Marcus Galea, Deputy Chair TDLTC

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

“Every town should have a library.”

Tetbury Library

you joy and pride. All ages and (ahem) ‘drawing styles’ welcome!

Mr Wrench from ‘Fargo’ There’s lots to love about Tetbury (naturally we believe this includes the library!). To celebrate all that is great about our town we invite everyone to help create a Tetbury Frieze. Drop into the library from 23rd to 30th May where there will be a giant roll of paper unravelled for you to draw one of your favourite things about Tetbury. This could be a place, club, historical fact, an event, a memory … anything that gives

Many Tetbury Library customers are enjoying success with their improving IT knowledge and skills, thanks to our wonderful Computer Buddy, Bob. Now that Bob’s students are ‘flying the nest’ and working more independently there are some vacancies for computer tuition – please book your free, personalised lesson. Would you like to get more from your reading in a friendly and informal environment? Pop into the library and sign up for Tetbury Library Reading Group. Books on dementia are still available to borrow and are now in the health section where you can find books to help improve your understanding and quality of life in all areas – from easing back problems to stress busting. A member of staff will be happy to help you locate the book you need.

Tetbury Library recently witnessed a great feat of engineering when the ‘Team Picnic’ family created an elevated structure (just out of paper straws) that supported 104 books and a girl! Well done to all the families that took part in the British Science Week Science and Engineering Challenge – it certainly was a fun morning – and especially to Team Picnic for becoming Tetbury’s Top Scientists! This month Tetbury Library will be closed on both Bank Holiday Mondays (4th and 25th) then from Tuesday 26th May we are pleased to be hosting a special display to remember the Tetbury men who fell at Gallipoli. We look forward to seeing you soon. Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie.

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01666 503900 May 2015 | 19

Tetbury Town Youth Football Club Training continues through the month of May... ...for our youth teams and will up until our Annual Presentation Celebrations on May 30th at The Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground. Celebration football matches begin at 10.30am with the presentations following at 11.30am. We look forward to celebrating our players for the efforts they have ALL given throughout the season. The Facebook group ‘Old Tetbury’ is very popular and we all enjoy its many posts from members. It makes interesting viewing seeing the old photographs posted of past football teams and players. Did you know on this page there is an album titled Tetbury Town Football Club, and any photograph relating to the club you may have can be posted here. So, if you have any football photos you would like to share and add to the growing album please do so. We look forward to seeing these.

very simple way. Supporters register to help a good cause and whenever they shop through the site with any of the 2,700 retailers listed on easyfundraising.org.uk, the retailer gives a small percentage of what’s been spent back to the good cause to say thank you for shopping with them. Please visit our Blog at ttyfc.blogspot.co.uk for more details of how to register and support Tetbury Town Youth Football Club. Finally, Tetbury Town Youth Football Club has recently completed their Annual Health Check with the FA to ensure the standards




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Thank you to everyone who entered and supported our Quiz night held at the Dolphins hall, it was an enjoyable evening of entertainment and we look forward to hosting another in the near future. We would particularly like to thank the following for their generosity donating raffle prizes which helped raise funds for our youth teams. Look out for future social events which are on the calendar.

Pixie Lock Ltd Professional Locksmith & uPVC Repair Specialist ‘Local & Independent’

Many thanks to:Tetbury Hardware Store. Premier Stores. Car Care (Tetbury) Ltd. R and J Pearce Ltd. The Priory Inn. The George Veterinary Surgery Scentiments Tetbury Town Youth Football Club is now aiming to sign up supporters to easyfundraising.org.uk to help boost their fundraising for free. Funds are raised in a

of provisions for a Charter Standard club are maintained. The FA Charter Standard programme is a kitemark, which recognises and rewards high quality levels of provision in club football. The kitemark is awarded to clubs that are well run, sustainable, which place child protection, quality coaching and safety as paramount. We are justifiably proud as a football club to retain this.

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20 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Tetbury in Bloom

May is the month when miracles start to happen in the herbaceous border.

Tetbury in Bloom Open Gardens Day is on Sunday 28th June, between 2.00pm and 6.00pm. There will be several new gardens to visit this year. Do look out for the details in my next article, for posters around town, or check out our website at www. tetburyinbloom.org.uk.

Looking back over the past decade, the Anniversary Gardens has seen one of our most dramatic, but less well known, projects. The Anniversary Gardens, located between The Chipping and The Ferns, was a tired space until it received the Tetbury in Bloom makeover in the spring 2007, to mark the 80th birthday of Her Majesty The Queen. Inspired by the vision of our good friend, Eric Simpson, and with the support of the Civic Society and neighbours it is now a quiet oasis and beautiful sensory garden in the centre of town.


In 2013, we replaced the lavender bushes with hardy fuchsias to complement the white Japanese anemones and the red leaved heucheras. We added snowdrops and narcissus to extend the flowering season into early Spring.

Many thanks go to Gerald and Hortense Oates of ‘Hortensia’ for donating the generous proceeds of their Easter egg auction which will go towards making Tetbury look even more attractive. Liz Farnham

We added a pergola to give height and interest, to provide support for climbing plants such as clematis (which start to flower this month) and to draw visitors in. We added more paths and widened existing paths to make access easier. We extended the planting areas and we removed the old broken paving and walls and turfed the bare areas. We gave the existing rosebushes, rosa regosa (or “apple rose”) a severe pruning to bring them back into life with luscious new growth, and added a further fifty rose bushes. We added crocuses among the grass. But we have had to remove the cherry tree due to disease but have plans to replace it with a new tree soon.


Rural Skills Centre

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All profits distributed locally and internationally


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www.rau.ac.uk May 2015 | 21

Tetbury WI We were delighted to welcome Mr Jeremy Field to our meeting in April. He is a surgeon who specialises in the treatment of hands. His presentation was highly professional and informative and he engaged with all of us by answering a wide range of questions and with a lot of hand-holding.. A significant event in March was the movement of a baton through Gloucestershire to mark 100 years of the WI. The baton came to us at the Market House from Avening in a Ferrari. Sallie then cycled it to the Green where it was taken by Yvonne, Mary and Dee who ran with it to

Long Newnton. From here it was driven in a vintage MG by Barbara and her husband to Oaksey village hall. After this we enjoyed coffee and bacon butties in the Snooty Fox and were pleased that so many of our members turned out early in the morning to mark the occasion. We have also been happy to hear that Sandie has received a commendation from the Royal Photographic Society for her entry in the annual Nature group competition for her photograph of elephants in Kenya. She kindly offers her

Supper at No 65 was a fun evening out, as was a recent skittles match, and our monthly coffee mornings continue. Four of us enjoyed helping at the Tetbury NCT Easter party at the end of March. Despite a rather cold afternoon the egg hunt outdoors was very popular (but we made the tea). Our next meeting is on May 11th at 7.30 in the Dolphins’ Hall when we have our Resolutions night. We enjoy having visitors. Chris Gibson, Tetbury WI

Green Angels

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury

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Spring has arrived and is in full swing...

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...with Tetbury becoming a hive of activity and a number of events taking place this month. There are the Wacky Races, Badminton Horse Trials and the world famous Woolsack Races. We hope that all of our residents and visitors have a wonderful time, that the weather is fine and that lots of money is raised for local good causes. Our Annual Community BBQ is due to take place this year on Friday 3rd July – details below – please come along with your picnic blankets, chairs and drinks and we will provide the burgers and sausages, this is always a great evening to catch up with old and new friends and enjoy the summer sun – hopefully! Although the weather didn’t put us off last year and we still managed to hold this event and have a great time.

help to our other members who have queries concerning anything photographic.

Regular house cleans – weekly, fortnightly, monthly One off blitzes Moving in/moving out cleans Call or email:

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Dates for your diary • Friday 3rd July – Town BBQ on the Millennium Green • Saturday 12th September – Beating of the Bounds – this year we are holding the annual historic walk and talk around our town during Heritage Weekend, when the Market Hall will be open to the public on both the Saturday and Sunday If you would like to know more about the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees. Check out our website - www. feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick – Chairman

22 | May 2015

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


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St Mary’s Primary School We are the Champions. Again! Amazing! For the second year running, the St. Mary’s Primary School Lions Netball Team are the Gloucestershire Primary Netball Champions after a fantastic day of matches at Cheltenham College on Wednesday 25th March. With 55 goals scored across 6 matches and only 5 conceded, the Lions were unstoppable, saving their best performance for the final where the score was 13-1! It’s impossible to choose a player of the tournament as each and every one of the team played exceptional netball and we couldn’t be

more proud. Oscar Purnell had the honour of captaining the team this time, with the rest of the Lions being Lily Stevens, Georgia Smith, Chloe Packer, Rebecca Thomas, Holly Elliott, Tyler Jaggers and Daniel Wright. We are extremely grateful to Kate Harper for all her hard work coaching the team. Congratulations too to Lily and Georgia who have consequently be invited to county trials after their performance at the tournament. On Wednesday 18th March, after winning the STEMworks Computer Challenge for Year 6, Rose Pollok Morris, Bibi James and Rebecca Thomas attended a morning at Delphi Diesel Systems , Stonehouse. ‘We started the morning by finding out what Delphi make. Then we assembled a fuel injector, which was a challenge. After

break, we had a tour around the factory and saw lots of different robots making the injectors. It looked confusing and there was a horrible smell, but it was very interesting. It was a very educational experience that really helped us understand what humans and robots are capable of.’ 520912 L & P Plumbing:Layout 1

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24 | May 2015

PART-TIME CLEANERS REQUIRED We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis to help over our busy summer season. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk



I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone... ...from the organisations that work tirelessly to raise funds for good causes, from Tetbury Town Council, from local businesses and of course you, the people of Tetbury. Everyone works so hard to make this a town to be very proud of! Yes, we can always say that there is more to do - there always is. Work never stops! With this in mind I was very honoured to be invited to the opening of the new X-ray

department at Tetbury Hospital and to meet HRH Prince Charles, who opened the new unit. It was a pleasure to meet some of the staff. We should be very proud of such a lovely hospital that provides us with such good service. I would like to thank those Councillors who are retiring from the Council this year. They have done so much representing the people of Tetbury and although you may not be aware of it have completed a lot during their term in office. Liz Farnham who has worked tirelessly to drive forward the Neighbourhood Plan, Jean Henderson who has given us a lot of information and

Midday Supervisor Vacancy

We are looking for a lively, enthusiastic Midday Supervisor to join our caring, curious and courageous learning family. For further details please call the school on 01666 502275 or 20/10/09 19:43 Page 1 visit www.stmarystetbury.com/vacancies

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Mayor’s Report help concerning the Doctors surgery, Diana Hicks for pushing through the lovely new Bench in St. Saviours Churchyard and all her work as a District Councillor, Caroline Morgan who has done so much for the Goods Shed with fund raising and Les Brown for his support and questioning of all matters and his enthusiasm. They will be missed. I would like to highlight some particular “events” that are helping to shape Tetbury. The newly formed Tourism Group is moving ahead – The Book of Treats has proved popular and there are some good ideas coming out of the meetings for ways to put Tetbury very firmly on the map for next year, one idea is to really celebrate our Heritage as a Wool Town so watch this space! The Twinning Society is working hard to explore the chances of “Twinning” with a town in France - let us hope this will happen and thank you Martin for all your work to obtain this. In the meantime we will be welcoming some of our German friends from Zwingenberg soon and I am sure we will make them very welcome on their weekend visit on the 30th May. This is not an official visit but many of you are opening your homes to them, thank you Jack and his team for organising this. The Town is looking beautiful at the moment with all the spring flowers coming out and this is all thanks to the brilliant hard work of Tetbury in Bloom. The flower beds are looking lovely and give a real lift to the town. Thank you to Tetbury Tourist Information especially Jackie for pushing to get the bunting organised for the town in time for the Wacky Races and Woolsack Day. We would also like to thank her husband who will have given his time to put up the bunting for nothing, it is much appreciated. I would like to thank so many more of you both as individuals and as groups but there just isn’t enough room in my column and the Editor would lynch me! Stop Press: Due to unforeseen circumstances with the Town Criers Association and a muddle on their part in respect of dates, we will not be able to hold the Town Crier Competition this year but we are looking to start it up next year. Cllr Sandra Ball – Mayor of Tetbury

email: info@tpcplumbing.co.uk 1320415

Profits support the Tetbury community and its surrounding area

May 2015 | 25

The Friends of Tetbury Hospital Prince Charles visits to open the upgraded X-Ray Unit. The Prince of Wales recently visited Tetbury Hospital as Patron of the Friends of Tetbury Hospital, the group which raises funds to support the purchase of new equipment and the maintenance of the hospital building. His Royal Highness opened the newlyupgraded X-Ray Unit, which took the Friends of Tetbury Hospital around twelve months to fund, by raising the £108,600 needed to purchase the state-of-the-art equipment. During the tour of the hospital, HRH spoke of his visit to the hospital around 25 to 30 years ago, when he cut off the top of one of his fingers, staking trees at Highgrove. He said that the hospital at that time was unable to do the necessary surgery and so he was referred to Swindon.

Wendy Hadfield, manager of the Minor Injuries Unit, explained that the hospital has come a long way since then and could now easily deal with like problems. Wendy then showed HRH some of the new equipment that the hospital is using and spoke about her own forthcoming London Marathon run in support of Children with Cancer.

Since the recent NHS re-organisation, the Hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire with more than 50 consultants from both counties holding regular clinics at the Hospital. Friends of Tetbury Hospital

David Sheppard

During the opening HRH said “I have to admire the work done by the team here, it’s a very special personalised service that you get here as everyone gets to know you.” Tetbury HospitalTrust is a charity established in 1991 which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments though not for the maintenance of the hospital estate or new and replacement equipment. The Hospital’s survival depends on local fundraising and the generosity of local people.

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26 | May 2015


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St Mary’s Playgroup As we begin a new term so too do we begin a fresh new chapter, here at St Mary’s Playgroup! We are so excited to announce that we have started the summer term with two new members of staff who are jobsharing the Playleader role. Both Amanda and Heidi are qualified Primary Teachers and are delighted to be bringing their experience and new ideas to the playgroup, to help us uphold our high standards. Along with this we have also just released our new logo for both the Playgroup and Baby and Toddler Group (now named ‘Seedlings’) which we have to thank our mum Lizzie Walkley for designing. I hope you’ll agree when you see it that she did a fantastic job! We believe the logo of the tree and apple are reflective of our fun, nurturing group and also shows our growth and emphasis we will be putting on outdoor learning. And to top it off we have also launched our new website which is clean, contemporary and simple to use for providing information to parents looking for childcare in the area as well as keeping our current parents up to date with what is going on. www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury. co.uk This term we are focusing on learning around growth in the great outdoors and will incorporate a number of much loved books including ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’. The children will get to ‘grow their own butterflies’ starting with baby caterpillars and watch the life cycle before releasing them into the wild, as well as a whole host of planting, seed play and exploring colours and minibeasts outdoors. We will also be focusing on developing the children’s fine motor control skills with lots of tearing, scrunching and cutting and incorporating numeracy activities each day to work on counting and number recognition. Alongside all of this we will be

watching to see what inspires and intrigues our children to plan around their interests. Pictured, you can see Otis, Alfie, Charlie and Seb threading cheerios onto spaghetti to work on their fine motor control skills as well as counting and comparing who had the tallest tower! Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30 and is now run by one of our mums, Jackie Hunt who is qualified in childcare and a great

asset to the team! We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to preschoolers so drop in and join the fun! Please visit our new website www. stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk or call 01666 503777 to learn more about us or with any enquiries, we are always happy to hear from you! St Mary’s Playgroup

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28 | May 2015


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Page 1

Firstly, the sad news that we are losing our inaugural chairman John Billington...

modelling subjects over the autumn and winter. Subjects have ranged from “scenics” to soldering, plaster casting to modelling in plastic card and the principles of the electric motor. So successful have these been that we intend to continue and broaden the range of subjects next autumn.

...who is returning to the North Country for family reasons.

The Club continues to develop and expand both the junior and the exhibition layouts and it is our intention to exhibit both static and operating models at the forthcoming Classic Car Show at Sir William Romney’s School on September the 6th. We are also receiving an increasing number of requests from individuals to help with aspects of their own personal layouts. A couple of members have been updating “Kleaver Hill”

John was the inspiration for the establishment of the Club back in November 2012 and his leadership, enthusiasm and dry sense of humour will be greatly missed. David Ellison has replaced John as chairman and Terry Bird has taken over as secretary. We have had a very successful series of talks and demonstrations on various

Tetbury Model Railway Club a compact N-scale GWR-themed layout with two automatically operated signals, one for each direction, using reed switches and magnets. The results will soon be displayed in the Tetbury Tailor’s shop window and if, as a result of seeing this layout, you feel inspired to have a go at railway modelling we would be very pleased to welcome you to one of our club meetings. These are held every Wednesday evening, 7:00pm to 9:00pm on the first floor of Old Coombe House on New Church Street. Please contact Terry Bird (01666 826146) or look at our website (tmrc.org.uk). 1110609 David EllisonJo Gale:Layout 1


Jo Gale (as mentioned in) 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1



Cotswold Life

Page 1

Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs


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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 29


Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Chavenage: In April we have been working for two sessions close to Tetbury, at Chavenage. Now, Chavenage House, the home of the Lowsley-Williams family, may be familiar to many of us from the “Poldark” TV series and previously, perhaps, from the series “Larkrise to Candleford.” In a recent scene, in one of those clever tricks only possible on the television, Ross Poldark leapt on his

horse, rode through the gates of Chavenage House and was then immediately riding on the cliffs of the Cornish Coast! You’ll be pleased to hear no such strange occurrences befell us as we worked nearby, clearing overhanging trees from sections of two bridleways on the estate, improving the surface of a steeply-graded slippery section and installing a new gate and rehanging another one.

Views: Two other locations we have worked at in the last month have been on the Cotswold escarpment - both with magnificent views and both on the “Cotswold Way” path. At Uley Bury we have done some more brush cutting and clearance to maintain the views and the pasture land, and at Brackenbury Ditches near Wotton-UnderEdge we have done more tree-felling on the ramparts of the iron-age hill fort. If this were not done, these ancient fortifications would disappear.

the 25th of May. There is a small charge for church funds and you will have to climb the spiral stairs, but you will be rewarded by magnificent views including one of Prince Charles’ estate at Highgrove. You’ll also see the bells and can even try your hand at ringing. I shall be there!

The Cotswold Lion: The summer edition of the Cotswold Lion newspaper has now been published and is available from the Tourist Information office in Church Street, Tetbury. It includes an article on Cotswold viewpoints. And if you’d like a good view without having to walk into the countryside, come to Tetbury Church Tower for the tower opening on Woolsack Day, on Bank Holiday Monday

Other articles in the Cotswold Lion are about Cotswold gardens, rivers and meadows. Subsidies to improve marginal grassland through fertilisation have been stopped recently as “not cost effective” so concentrating particularly

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

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on the Commons, on the escarpment and on water meadows in river valleys a project to save our magnificent meadows is underway. The grassland supports wonderful wild flowers, including frog and bee orchids, Cotswold pennycress and the beautiful purple Pasque flower, pictured on the Cotswold Lion magazine’s cover. We, as the volunteer arm of the Cotswold Conservation Board have been involved in this project at several locations, including Uley Bury, Stinchcombe Hill, Woodchester, and Selsley and Rodborough Commons.

Fifty Guides and their leaders combined adventure and fun recently, when they went on an activity weekend at PGL. They all had the chance to attempt eight different activities including crate stacking, climbing, fencing, canoeing and zip wire. The giant swing was very popular with the girls but terrified me –

Walks: The Lion lists all the walks led by the Warden’s until September. The local walks in May are: • Thursday 7th May at 10.00 am for coffee at the Bell Inn, Selsley, departing at 10.30 am for 5.5 miles to Woodchester and Selsley Common. (Park on the road near the Bell Inn.) • Sunday 10th May at 10.00 am to 2.00 pm around Rodborough Common led by the National Trust. (Park by Winstone’s Ice Cream.)

even though I stayed firmly on the ground watching! It was great to see so many of them overcome their fears and achieve things they didn’t think possible, however, I don’t think we took the same girls that parents said “would not be able to try anything up high” and “would not eat very much as they were very fussy.” Curious! We were able to subsidise this event from funds raised at our annual book sale – please see the advert for details of this year’s event which will be helping fund the four Guides who have been selected to attend International events in the summer. Please help us by donating books for sale and coming to buy! Donations of adult paperback fiction and children’s books (in good condition please) can also be left in the labelled box at 1 Shepherds Mead.

• Tuesday 12th May at 10.00 am for 4 miles from Amberley Inn around both Minchinhampton and Rodborough Commons. (Park on the nearby road.) • Monday 18th May at 10.00 am from the public car park near the King’s Head at King’s Stanley for 4.5 miles to Selsley Common. • Tuesday 26th May at 10.00 am for 5 miles from the Tetbury Tourist Information Office in Church Street Tetbury to Long Newnton and back. Richard Glanville

Guiding I would like to thank our dedicated leaders this month as over half of them gave up another night to attend a “Safe Space” training. Several of them are now very close to finishing their Adult Leadership Qualification and the time they give up is very much appreciated. Unfortunately as some of our units are full we are now turning girls away – this problem could be solved if we had more volunteer leaders as we would be able to increase the numbers of girls in each unit. Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com


May 2015 | 31

Young by name Springing into Action The unseasonably warm weather after Easter makes me buck up my ideas about housework, a topic never front-of-mind for me. With spring sunshine streaming through smudgy windows, I can no longer pretend that it’s fairy-dust adorning the piano. I brace myself to brandish a duster and head for the under-sink cupboard. First task: awaken the cleaning materials from hibernation. Second task: dust the can of polish. In search of a duster, I move aside a dozen blue, green and yellow bottles, mostly unopened since I bought them in an optimistic extension of the “new broom sweeps clean” theory. I’ve since decided that only applies to brooms, because brooms can be used straight after purchase without any more ado, unlike these fancy products, which require you to read smallprint instructions and find accessories cloths, sponges, buckets, or squeegees. Some of the products I don’t even recognise. Unable to remember buying them, I half-expect their price labels to be in shillings and pence. What a good thing they don’t bear a use-by date.

In the absence of spring sunshine, the second best trigger for housework is to schedule a party, because my loathing of housework is exceeded by my fear of being branded a slob. Fear of a visitor’s judgemental finger running through the dust on top of the piano spurs me into cleaning mode, but family fingers are less effective. The “Clean Me” message that my daughter wrote in the dust on my husband’s laptop has lain undisturbed for several days.

How to Get Things Done

that I so clearly lack: enthusiasm and elbow grease. I wonder what reaction I’d get if I asked for those in Tesco? If you liked this month’s column, you’ll enjoy “Clean Linen”, one of 22 very short stories in my latest paperback, Quick Change, which may be ordered from The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop and other good booksellers for just £5.99. It’s also available as an ebook from the usual suspects. To be among the first to hear about my new books and events, sign up to the mailing list at my author website: www.authordebbieyoung.com

This notion that the best way to get something done is to do something else is what I call “Janet’s Principle”, named after my sister-in-law, who once declared, just before serving us home-made apple pie, that “The best way to clean your nails is to make pastry”. In other areas of my life, I prefer a more direct route to results. One of my favourite mantras is “The best way to get something done is to do it”. Or alternatively hire a cleaning lady. That option wouldn’t have been open to the original working-class inhabitants of my Victorian cottage. Even so, they will have kept it much cleaner than I do, with little more than a broom, a rag, and some old-fashioned soapflakes. Our forefathers didn’t need gimmicky modern product, because they had two vital ingredients


32 | May 2015

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May 2015 | 33

130208 GLC Williams

Go Walkies! That an apple a day keeps the doctor at bay ... ... is almost certainly a myth, but owning an animal has actually been proven to keep that pesky medic at more than arm’s length. Did you know that pet owners have significantly reduced blood pressure, are better able to manage chronic pain (such as migraine or arthritis) due to reduced anxiety levels, deal with stress better and experience increased emotional well-being and happiness levels? It’s true - so it’s no surprise that Tetbury Hospital and the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home have teamed up to raise awareness of the wider health benefits of pet ownership, and to raise much-needed funds for both charities via an augural “Go Walkies” on the 28th June.


Page 1

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This gentle 4½ mile walk, taking in parts of the Monarch’s Way and Long Newnton, is open to everyone (pet owner or not) who would like to help two great local charities. Well behaved dogs are welcome! Cotswold Dogs & Cats Home


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Join us for the inaugural “Go Walkies” in aid of two great local charities.


When: 28th June 2015

Start time: 10.00 a.m.

Start at the Tetbury Goods Shed for a four and a half mile stroll, taking in part of the Monarch’s Way Walk and Long Newnton. Entry is free, but we hope your pooch can raise as much sponsorship as possible for doing what they love doing best – going walkies with you! For more information: www.cdch.org.uk or ring 01666 504 425 0270515

34 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Walks for May 2015. The Group organises walks in the area around Tetbury on Tuesdays until the end of October. Visitors, or anyone not already a member and wishing to join a walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining in advance; all are welcome.

All walks begin from the Tetbury station yard free long stay car park. If anyone is planning to join the walking group after it has left the long stay car park, please contact the leader in advance to verify the exact route to be used. Leaders and the Group will not be responsible if members or visitors fail to meet the walking group after it has left the start point

Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Most walks have a variety and number of Participants walk at their own risk and must stiles and may be very muddy. take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders not accept responsibility any 410713doPaul Dyer:Layout 1 for 18/6/13 19:52 Page 1 Tuesday 05/05/15, 10.00 am, cars needed, member of the group or for visitors. Sapperton, Pinbury Park, Daneway, Return to Sapperton along disused Canal. Optional lunch at Daneway Inn, Length 5m, (8k), AL LOC Level; B, Leaders; Chris & Shirley (502164) AIRS

Walks Program:


Tuesday 12/05/15, 10.00 am, cars needed Hunters Hall car park. Kingscote, walk

Tetbury and District Footpath Group around Newington & Lasborough, back via deserted church of St Barnabas. Optional lunch at Hunters Hall, Length 4.5m (7k), Level - B/C, Leader; Kevin (505357) Tuesday 19/05/15, 2.00 pm, cars needed, Chavenage Green, Longtree Bottom, Shiptons Grave Lane, York Farm, Avening Park & Macmillan Way to Chavenage Green, Length; 5.75m (9.25k), Level; B/C, Leader; Ian (502939) Tuesday 26/05/15, 9.30 am, cars needed, Bisley Playing Fields, Sudgrove & return via Throughall, several ups & downs. Optional lunch in Bisley. Length; 5m (8k), Level; B, Leaders; Chris & Shirley (502164), Note Early Start Time Levels: A = easy to D = hilly



All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2015 | 35

Computer Advice

use up more space than necessary. Use Disk Clean-up or do get in touch if you are not happy deleting the files yourself.

Scan for viruses and spyware.

When was the last time your computer was serviced? Servicing your hardware as you would your car can dramatically improve reliability and performance, whilst also catching problems before you lose data or your hardware fails. If your computer is running very slowly, has pop-up ads, is freezing occasionally or takes forever to start-up or shut down, it does not mean you have to go out and buy a new one. If you have never had your computer serviced, you could notice a dramatic improvement in speed and reliability, last experienced when the hardware was new! I have listed some tasks that will help improve your computer’s health, but do get in touch to book in a thorough service to bring that “just like new” feeling again.

Clean up your hard drive. A typical computer is often stuffed full of files you really don’t need. Removing these files should make your PC run faster. Uninstall any programs that you are not using, particularly cameras and printers that you no longer use. Old service packs, windows updates and system restore can

A common reason for sluggish PC performance is malware, including viruses and spyware etc. If you don’t already have some kind of antivirus protection installed, you should get some immediately! Toolbars clogging up your browser screen, popups or search results not what you expected? Do get in touch to have your Internet experience liberated. Your broadband connection may not be the most limiting factor in the speed of your Internet!

Add more memory. Adding RAM is a good way to improve a PC’s performance, particularly if you have under 3GB for Vista, Windows 7 or 8. You may have noticed a plethora of icons that load in to the bottom right hand side of the status bar along the bottom of your screen. These all consume memory, leaving less available for the programs you do want to run. Disabling some of these will increase performance, however caution is required as some of them are important and will affect the operation of the PC.

Keep it cool! If the vents around the PC are blocked up with dust, or soft furnishings whilst in use, you run a serious risk of damaging your PC.

Do use a vacuum or brush on the outside to keep the vents clean. If the inside needs cleaning, I can carry this out without causing static damage which can arise using a domestic cleaner.

Book your PC or laptop in for an annual service. As well as checking the above points, checking Windows updates and service packs, I also check the error logs and point out any potential problems before they damage the computer permanently. A disk and memory check would be carried out as a matter of course. A regular service can save you money in the long run, potentially avoiding the hassle and expense of fixing or replacing a PC if it crashes on you completely. Nic Ingham

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36 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

BUDGET 2014 THE PENSIONS REVOLUTION The 2014 Budget proposals have been described by some retirement planning experts as a ‘pension’s revolution’. The new reforms come at a time when the world of pensions is already undergoing other significant changes. The annual allowance – the maximum tax-efficient limit for contributions to all your pension arrangements during a tax year – was reduced again for tax year 2014/15, this time to just £40,000 – compared with the £255,000 it was as recently as 2010/11. There was also another cut in the lifetime allowance. This effectively sets the maximum tax-efficient limit for the overall value of your pension benefits. The lifetime allowance is now £1.25m against a peak of £1.8m. Automatic enrolment of employees and other workers into pension schemes is gradually progressing through the labour force, having started in October 2012 for the largest employers. The current structure of the state pension – basic state pension plus, for employees, the State Second Pension (S2P) – will be replaced by a new singletier state pension, from April 2016. This will cover both the employed and the self-employed, and it will be worth a maximum of about £150 a week in today’s terms, before any transitional increments apply.

types of pension schemes allow you to build up a fund of money that you use to provide a retirement income and a tax-free lump sum. Traditionally, most people have used their fund to buy an annuity to provide a regular retirement income, or accessed their fund through a capped drawdown plan. But from 6 April 2015, all members of a defined contribution arrangement will be able to draw money as they see fit after the age of 55, subject to the rules of their scheme also permitting this. The tax-free lump sum limit of up to 25% of the fund will remain, with the rest of the fund taxable as income. In theory, the flexibility will allow a pension fund to be treated in the same way as any other investment: you will be able to take withdrawals whenever you want. However, in practice, the tax treatment will discourage the extraction of large sums in a single year. So, unless you really need the extra income, you may want to limit any increase to keep you in your current tax band. In the event of death, up to age 75, benefits can now be paid as a tax free cash sum or as tax free income to any beneficiary, and from age 75 a Lump Sum Payment subject to 45% tax, Income payment to any beneficiary, subject to their marginal rate of Income Tax.

The latest proposals announced in the 2014 Budget are designed to change the retirement landscape further by breaking the link between pensions and annuities.

The standard earliest age at which you can draw pension benefits is currently 55. A consultation document published alongside the Budget proposed that this minimum age should increase in line with the state pension age (SPA), with the first rise being to 57 in 2028, coinciding with SPA reaching 67. However, the document also asked for views on whether a ten-year gap between the minimum pension age and SPA should be reduced to five years, “to allow more time for people to accumulate pension wealth before they reach retirement.”

The proposals focus on money purchase pension arrangements, sometimes called defined contribution pensions. These

And at present there is no tax relief on your personal contributions to pensions that you make once you have reached

In the background, the earliest age at which people will be allowed to start drawing their state pension is set to rise: it will be 66 for both men and women by October 2020, with another year added between April 2026 and April 2028.

Special Promotional Feature

your 75th birthday. The government now wants to consult on whether to revise or abolish this ceiling. The complexity of the new options has prompted the government to introduce a new right from April 2015 to impartial financial guidance at the point of retirement for anyone with a defined contribution pension. One point is clear: what will be on offer is just guidance, not advice. At this stage the broad outline of the reforms is clear, but not all of the detail. So it’s important to seek advice from a professional who can keep you up to date with the reforms and build a complete picture of how the new retirement landscape could affect you. To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Jennifer Hill, Principal of Cotswold Wealth Management. Telephone: 01666 502459 Email Jennifer.hill@sjpp.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk


Dolphins Dramatic Society

the Marquess of Queensberry, the father of Lord Alfred Douglas; the Marquess had plans to sabotage Wildes’ appearance on stage by throwing rotten vegetables at him. Wilde had issued a libel charge to the Marquess because he had implied that Wilde was conducting an illicit relationship with his son.

The Dolphins have a new box office! Malcolm Philby of Tetbury Hardware has very kindly offered to take over from Russells as The Dolphins Dramatic Society’s box office. Tickets will be on sale from the beginning of May, so don’t forget folks make sure you go to Tetbury Hardware, London Road, Tetbury to purchase them. The Importance of Being Earnest is certainly popular this year, the West End (London), The Malvern Theatre and The Wyvern are all putting on a production of the play at various times during 2015. Well, The Dolphins Hall together with The Dolphins Dramatic Society is up there with the top Theatres, I am sure we will be just as good and a fraction of the price – so do come and see us 21-23 May 2015. By the time this hits your doormat, there will only be a few weeks left to go before the show opens. The costumes and props look brilliant as does the set. All the actors have been working hard learning their lines and Phillip has made sure we all know our exits, entrances and all those little nuances that make a play more interesting. What would Oscar Wilde make of all this attention for a play that had rave reviews 120 years ago? Who were the actors in 1895?


However, on the 5th of April 1895, Wilde was arrested and on the 6th of April his name was removed from the programme and all advertising for the play.

Irene Vanbrugh as Gwendolen Fairfax and George Alexander as Jack Worthing in the 1895 production of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, from The Sketch magazine, London, March 1895. NAL 131655

Well Oscar Wilde, your name adorns all our advertising as well as the programme and The Dolphins are ‘pulling out all the stops’ to do you proud. We look forward to seeing many of you at the production but don’t worry, you don’t have to come in evening dress but you can stand to applaud if you like! 150208 & Dramatic EnglishSociety 22/2/08 Terri White,Maths Dolphins

‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ premiered on St Valentine’s Day 1895 at the St James’s Theatre, London. It was a sparkling first night, and all the audience was in evening dress. Oscar Wilde attended, wearing a most flamboyant outfit as befitted his personality. The production was a huge success. Allan Aynesworth, who played Algernon Moncrieff said ‘I never remembered a greater triumph, the audience rose from their seats and cheered and cheered again’. At the final curtain, Wilde was called to take a bow but he refused. He was avoiding



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38 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk



Dolphins Dramatic Society Presents



Oscar Wilde

Directed by Phillip Webb Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd And Saturday 23rd May 2015 Curtain up 7:30 pm Saturday Matinee 2:30pm Adult: £7.00 Concessions £6.00 To be performed at Dolphins Hall, New Church Street , Tetbury. Tickets available from: Tetbury Hardware, London Road, Tetbury. Or online at: www.Dolphinsdrama.uk

Tetbury Tourist Information Centre May is a busy time for us with many big local events.

opening on Sundays too, making for a great vibe – aided and abetted by our lovely new bunting fluttering overhead. It really adds to the “holiday” feel. A big thank you to all who contributed to the bunting fund and made it possible.

Are you a Historian, an Actor, a Raconteur? The Wacky and Woolsack Races and Can you tell a good story, spin a pleasing Badminton Horse Trials all attract visitors, tale, create some magic? If so we are looking and of course the Highgrove Garden Tours for you to become a Tetbury Town Guide. are in full swing, drawing people from far Starting from the Market House you will take and wide. The town seems to be lively visitors on a spell-binding tour of Tetbury. * 10% discount * with this advert every day of the week and to this end many Initially twice a day on a Saturday, once a of the shops on Church Street will now be

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month, a rota will be created based on the number of volunteers. Ideally the tour will last an hour and cost £2.50 per person, £1 to the T.I.C & £1.50 to the guide. Anyone interested should contact Tetbury Town Council by email or letter as soon as possible please. Tickets for most of the Westonbirt concerts still available - Tom Odell, The Vamps, Robert Plant, Spandau Ballet and McBusted. Paloma Faith is sold out. We are also selling tickets for events at the Goods Shed. Please note - we will be closed on Monday the 4th and Monday the 25th of May.”

Wanted! Tetbury Town Guides. Are you a Historian, an Actor, a Raconteur? Can you tell a good story, spin a pleasing tale, create some magic? If so we are looking for you to become a Tetbury Town Guide. Starting from the Market House you will take visitors on a spell-binding tour of Tetbury. Initially twice a day on a Saturday, once a month, a rota will be created based on the number of volunteers. Ideally the tour will last an hour and cost £2.50 per person, £1 to the T.I.C & £1.50 to the guide.


Applications by Friday 22nd May. Please apply in writing to:Tetbury Town Council, The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street. Tetbury GL8 8AA Tel 01666 504670 Email: clerk@tetbury.gov.uk



E-MAIL adam130772@btinternet.com 1170312

Curtains & Blinds Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished Sonia Thomas 01666 502516


40 | May 2015

Classes on Thursday mornings Email Becky@thebodyworkshop.net • Call 07789687128 Visit www.thebodyworkshoppilates.net Visit www.facebook.com/bodyworkshoppilates


Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

Tetbury Theatre Group

On Wednesday April the 1st a party of thirty of our members travelled by coach to Bath. In the good sunny weather of the late morning there was plenty of time for shopping and lunch, before they attended the matinee performance of Twelve Angry Men at Bath’s famous Theatre Royal. This dramatic and very well acted play was written by Reginald Rose and based on his own personal experience as a juror at a manslaughter trial in New York early in the 1950’s.

Tom Conti, was convinced of a “Not Guilty” verdict. The judge required a unanimous verdict and so we sat through convincing and passionate arguments, with a total reversal of decisions following complex and sometimes acrimonious debate between the jurors. different and often racially-biased views of the twelve jurors

This was a thoroughly enjoyable play and all those attending gave it high praise.

The very strong cast was headed up by Tom Conti, and all the other jury members were equally competent. Although they were dealing with powerful (and often bigoted) opinions, there was plenty of humour and surprises.

The Theatre Group committee continues to research activities to meet the widely different interests of its members but for various reasons it seems difficult to enlist more than a core group of thirty to partake and this has a big influence on the cost of the transport.

The action of the play takes place in the Jury Room of a U.S Court at the conclusion of a murder trial and the jury has retired At the commencement of the deliberations, in250208 order toJS reach a verdict,& with the whole 22/2/08 Painters Decorators 22:20were Page 1 eleven jurors prepared to give a dialogue revolving around the widely “Guilty” verdict and only one member,

Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......

Following our AGM we have circulated a questionnaire regarding preferences; hopefully the response will assist us in reaching a wider following. Future Theatre visits already planned for the next few months are as follows: May - Salisbury Playhouse - Little Shop of Horrors. June - Cheltenham Everyman Cox and Box / HMS Pinafore. July - Cardiff St David’s Hall - Welsh Proms.

Painter and Decorator

If you have any comments or questions, or wish to join the Theatre Group, please telephone Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029 or speak to any member of the committee

Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406

Ray Sheppard, Tetbury Theatre Group



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May 2015 | 41

Tetbury Police Museum Alas we didn’t sell enough tickets to cover our costs for the Sherlock Holmes play back in March, but we’re hoping for better things with our summer holidays kids’ workshops - CSI: Tetbury. Look out for details for the August school holidays appearing in the Advertiser soon. If there’s anybody out there who could spare an hour or two to help out with the crime scene workshops it would be greatly appreciated. Contact John Silvester at curator@tetbury.gov.uk or leave a message on 01666 504670.

found by P.C. Arthur Garner fast asleep under some sacks. On searching him some matches were found in his possession. Mr Mitchell, in passing sentence of 7 days hard labour on Williams, remarked that it was a very dangerous practice for anyone to sleep near straw or hay when they had matches on them.

then known, and is now Christ Church) on The Chipping tells us of Thomas Holborow (“an ancient man of 69”) who was arrested for “he knows not what” in the mid 1600’s and imprisoned. He died a few weeks later. His only crime – being a Quaker!

Source: The Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom archives; originally The Cheltenham Chronicle 10th July 1912.

John Silvester - Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AA Tel 01666 504430 | Mob 07843 377080 Email curator@tetbury.gov.uk www.visittetbury.co.uk/police-museum

Source: The Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom archives.

Quaking in His Boots! The records of the old Congregational Church (or Independent church as it was

Now for some more of our Cold Case Files.


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Peaceful Sleeper Disturbed:


At Tetbury Police Station on Saturday morning, Charles Williams, a tramp, was brought before Mr A. C. Mitchell, charged with sleeping “rough” on Friday night in a shed at Hilsome Farm, Tetbury Upton, belonging to Mr A. J. Walmsley. He was

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42 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

We started off as a group of eager Year 10’s, without a clue about what marketing involved. By the end of our work experience week we had expanded our knowledge and gained new skills that can be transferred into our

Students of Marketing and Design

school work, put on a CV and be used for University applications and beyond. During the week, we’ve learnt how to write a press release, how to make a first class logo and improved our skills working in groups and individually. With help from Mark, one of the graphic designers, we have designed our own logos which have been printed onto T-shirts as a souvenir of

Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

our week. Mark showed us what it takes to create an eye-catching logo and how to use the design software. Another of the team, Jaqueline, provided us with advice on how to create a successful press release which helped us to create our own. We also shadowed new business ventures, which helped us see first-hand how the company works. These tasks have kept us fascinated throughout the week. Our objectives were to improve our understanding of a working environment, to gain more knowledge about a design department (particularly in regard to how they use graphics software,) and to gain an insight into what marketing and design is like and if it’s a career path we would like to follow. Finally we hoped to enjoy the week - which we can gladly say we did! Students from Malmesbury School

Opening Times:

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May 2015 | 43

Sir William Romney’s School

among the most affected social groups, of which students are the second highest ‘at risk ‘group.

Former Sir William Romney’s School head boy Oli Jones... ...will tackle Mount Kilimanjaro in September, in aid of the Meningitis Research Foundation. Oli (now twentyone) is part of a team of fifty-seven students from Loughborough University, who will take on Africa’s tallest mountain in a bid to raise more than £150,000 for the charity, which funds research to prevent meningitis and septicaemia, as well as carrying out research to improve survival rates and outcomes. In addition, it promotes education and awareness of these diseases

Oli has set himself a personal target to raise £3,000 and has been helped by students at his former school who have donated £125 – the proceeds of a Xmas Fayre. To date the ex-Tetbury student has raised £1,500, including £811 from collecting on London’s Underground, from bag-packing in supermarkets and from a Christmas raffle. “I’m so proud that my school has helped contribute towards funding something so important,” says Oli. “Many people don’t know what Meningitis is, and how it affects people. If my team reach this huge fundraising target, we will be able to help with the development of understanding into the disease, and provide support services for those who have suffered with both Meningitis and septicaemia.”

create this competition-standard facility. It will not only be used by SWR students, but will also be available to the wider athletics community. 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1

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Oli is now in training for his tough trek in Tanzania. “Approximately 25 000 people attempt to summit Kilimanjaro annually – and only two-thirds are successful. Altitude-related problems are the most common reasons climbers turn back,” he comments.

General Building Renovations

Former Sir William Romney’s School head boy Oli Jones (left) with fellow-student Jack Middleton on London’s Underground


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Big leap to competition level Ground works have started on Sir William Romney’s School’s long- and triple-jump facility. A grant of £15,000 has been awarded by Gloucestershire County Council’s “Active Together” Scheme to


Sir William Romney’s School

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Avening Village Fete Sunday 7th June

This year the Art and Craft Exhibition in Holy Cross Church will be open from 10:00am to 5:00pm on Sunday June 7th Table space will be available for entrants to exhibit and sell their own paintings, crafts, cards, sewing and jewellery.

The ducks will be back along with the usual fun of the fete Fun Dog Show, Ice Creams, Bottle Stall, Bouncy Castle, Raffle, Classic Cars and Lots More... For further details please telephone Stephanie on 07796 981308


44 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


Big Brother was watching! The German Democratic Republic is history, but not forgotten. On the 19th of March Charles Rees gave us a comprehensive overview of the events leading to its formation, and the activities of the feared and hated secret police of the Ministry for State Security, together with its leaders.

He summarised the methods used in an attempt to control society by identifying and suppressing anyone who expressed or even thought of expressing any views contrary to those of the ruling Communist Party. These included infiltration, honey traps, interrogation and imprisonment without trial in secret prisons, all backed up

General Handyman Services

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By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

Probus One by KGB support, very efficient spies and a vast network of informants. But in the end, Charles said, support from Russia diminished as Perestroika and Glasnost grew. Rising public discontent and the high cost of maintaining STASI’s activities led to the GDR leaders losing their nerve. In November 1989 theWall fell: reunification soon followed. STASI’s files on millions of people, opened in 1992, would have stretched from Bristol to London. It was a thoughtprovoking tale of intimidation, resilience and triumph. Ian Mackintosh, a founder-member of the Stroudwater Textile Trust, reminded us on the 2nd of April of the 700-year history of local cloth making. A masterly story-teller, he explained how mills had existed by the 1400s. Wool was combed, spun and woven into broadloom cloth ten feet wide and twenty yards long in weavers cottages. Fulled for twenty-four hours, this cloth shrank to a six foot width. By 1680 the land south of Painswick was the land of the clothiers. Dyed in the wool or dyed in the piece, increasing mechanisation of the spinning and weaving processes as the Industrial Revolution gathered pace changed the Stroud landscape from the 1700s onwards. Illustrating his talk with samples and slides, Ian described the processes involved and the social consequences of new technology. He also summarised the histories of several mills, where increasingly workers suffered long hours, dangerous practices and intolerable noise. Sadly, he said, little is now left of an industry which once employed thousands of local workers. But all is not lost. Snooker, casino and tennis ball cloth is still made at Cam Mill and finished at Lodgemore Mill. Following Ian’s talk, on the 30th of April Brian Thacker led a group of members on a tour of Dunkirk, Egypt and Gigg Mills to see first-hand typical textile machinery used in the past. In the meantime, forty-six members, their ladies and guests enjoyed the annual Club Lunch on the 16th of April at340208 the Minchinhampton Golf Club. Piano Tuition 22/2/08 22:24 Theo Stening - 01666 504243

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May 2015 | 45


Perfection Local Tetbury business woman Michelle Stead, who runs and owns Perfection Health and Beauty Salon in Foxley, on the outskirts of Malmesbury was shortlisted for four categories in the Wiltshire Business Awards. These included: “Small Business of the Year”, “Business Person of the Year”, “Customer and Staff Care” and “Overall Excellence Award”. Michelle and her husband Simon attended a finalist’s evening alongside 170 other entrepreneurs, SME’s and organisations from across the county. Identified as potential winners by the award’s judging panel and sponsors, Michelle was one of thirty-six finalists who got through to the final stage of the competition, which consisted of a lengthy two hour “Dragon’s Den-style” Interview. She has also been awarded Second Place in the “Small Business of the Year” Category last month, at the Wiltshire Business Awards Gala Dinner at Centre Parks - and was a finalist in all of her other categories. This is another tremendous achievement for the Perfection team, after their recent National salon of the Year Award and their recent appearance in Vogue Magazine, of which the team are very proud. For more information please visit www. perfectionspa.co.uk

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required.

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7 Burnham Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0BQ CSL_0012 Tetbury Advertiser Half Page Ad.indd 1

46 | May 2015

05/04/2012 16:37

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk


720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian

News from St Mary’s



Page 1

Happy Easter! No, really! One of the things I love about our Easter celebrations is that they last 50 days. That’s ten days more than Lent, which always feels right. More time for rejoicing and lots of Alleluias! I always remember a friend of mine – not a church goer – asking why Christians are so “crazy happy” at Easter. She could understand Christmas … but not Easter. I explained it like this. All of us – at some time in our lives – will be like Mary Magdalen standing by Jesus’s grave before sunrise. We will all stand by the grave and weep. We will weep for people we have lost, for dreams and hopes that are shattered, and for relationships that seem broken beyond repair. But then Mary Magdalen turns, and finds Jesus is alive. And in that moment she knows – and we know – that fear, darkness and death will never have the last word. She knows – and we know - that in Christ love and life and light are unconquerable. And that HAS to be good news! We’ve been having some other fun too. Did you hear about Peter Andre hiding in the vestry in Holy Trinity Church in Long Newnton? ITV’s Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Away was playing a hoax on Ginny Bray, secretly filming at her daughter Phoebe’s baptism with her favourite pop star in the background. It was all good fun, and I think I managed to say on the right side of telling the truth … I did say we couldn’t use the loo because we have a problem with the vestry. The fact that the “problem” was Peter Andre was hiding there just wasn’t mentioned. And it was worth it. Ginny seemed very happy when Ant & Dec sprung the surprise on her. And the celebrations continue. Do join us on Sunday the 24th of May for our Pentecost service. It’s the birthday of the church and we’ll be having bunting and balloons … and cake.

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48 | May 2015

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Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

The AGM of the Patient Participation Group took place on 30 April...

not believe that it is healthy for anyone to stay in one position for more than three years. I have enjoyed my term as Chair and thank everyone for their support.

...far too late to give information on it in this edition of The Advertiser. Next month we will be in a better position to let you know about the practice’s five year forward plan which was an agenda item for the meeting.

The practice has put in a bid for funding for new surgery premises that will include car parking, which is one of the main matters of concern raised by patients. However, I must stress that the bid may not be successful and also, if the bid is successful, it will take years for the new surgery to be built.

There are some things I can let you know. I stood down as Chairman of the PPG at the AGM. Although there is no length of term of office written into the constitution I do

Dr Swanborough has returned to the practice after her maternity leave and Drs Cardew and Jones, who were standing in over this period, have now left. There have also been other changes in the

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nursing team with the retirement of Alison Plumb and also the resignation of Debbie Cunningham. We thank them all for all they have done for us, over many years in some cases, and wish them well in their future lives. The nursing team is joined by Ann Green, Wendy Hadfield and Ruth Parkinson and we hope that they have a long and happy time at Romney House Surgery. At the last PPG committee meeting before the AGM, we had an interesting discussion with the practice about patient records after several patients had raised concerns. Remember, we do not take up individual patient complaints but we do discuss issues with the practice when three or more patients draw the same concern to our attention. Although answers were given to all the points raised we will be keeping this under review as we will with the other major area of concern: the difficulty of booking an advance appointment with some patients having to wait for five weeks. The Carers Group and Healthier Living Group are both going well and patients wishing to join or wanting further information can get in touch with me or Pat Hodges respectively.

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May 2015 | 49

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, The Family of Mike Parry. Ruth, Liz and Jane would like to thank everyone for their cards and kind messages of sympathy in the sad loss of their dear Husband and Father.

We can now offer a


Many thanks also for donations received for Tetbury Hospital and St Mary’s Day Centre.

for both Trade and Private Customers

Liz Marshall

QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS Dear Editor, QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERS FOR 30 YEARS I was lucky enough to win the Luxury Hamper in your Tetbury Lion’s Easter Raffle. QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERYMANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS FORFOR 30 YEARS QUALITY BESPOKE JOINERY 30 YEARS And what a superb and well-appointed hamper it is! We will be enjoying the contents for a long time to come. Thank you,

CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALL US ON 01666 824 797 CALLUS USON ON 01666 01666 824 797 CALL 824 797

Dinah Knight Ed: Many thanks to all those people who were kind enough to stop and buy raffle tickets on what were two very cold March days! Many thanks too, to Moira ( Activities Secretary) for making all the arrangements.

New Website: www.moulderjoinery.co.uk E-mail: info.moulderjoinery@gmail.com 0810315

The annual house-to-house collection for Christian Aid will take place from the 10th to the 17th of May this year. So if you receive an envelope please give as generously as you are able, to help really poor people throughout the world who are refugees, live in war zones, are suffering from droughts, floods or other disasters.

there are spare ones at the back of all the churches in Tetbury and at the Post Office. Last year, thanks to your generosity we were able to send in a total of £8,797.79 to Christian Aid. This included the Tesco collection and the abseil. It would be great if we could match it again this year!

Christian Week 10th –17th May. 140208 Aid Classic Windows:180206 Classic Windows 18/4/13 19:05 because Page 1 If you don’t receive an envelope we haven’t a collector for your road

Alison Hesketh Area Organiser for Christian Aid


50 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

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All types of tiling undertaken (slating : imitation : etc.) Complete re-roofs undertaken General roof repairs and maintenance Re-pointing to brick/stonework etc.

Work on new songs and practising our existing repertoire gathers pace - we are now halfway through our spring session. Current plans for the year include singing for Holiday@Home in July, which is a local initiative to provide those in the town who do not really get a holiday a chance for a ‘virtual’ day out - a ‘Staycation’ in Tetbury!

Our Choir is friendly and informal, and welcomes new members – men and women. You don’t need to read music - just like singing and have a sense of fun. There’s no audition, just come along and try a session. We rehearse on Tuesdays from 7.00 pm at Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. If you would like more information about the choir or our events, please contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail. com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to seeing you!



Spring into action!

We are also welcoming members of the Unisono choir from the Tetbury twin town of Zwingenberg, Germany. The Choir went to Zwingenberg a few years ago and now one of their choirs will be visiting Tetbury in late October 2015. We are really looking forward to meeting them, and the visit will include a concert.


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Tetbury Community Choir


52 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

This year’s local final of the annual South Cotswolds Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition... ...was held at Wycliffe College on Sunday 22nd February. Now in its 12th year, the competition is designed to give young people with musical talent an opportunity to play solo in front of a live audience under competition conditions. The local final followed heats held at Katherine Lady Berkeley School and Westonbirt School. The competition is run by nine Rotary Clubs in the area.

on each of the performances should spur the contestants on to further musical successes. Each contestant had to display mastery of technique on his or her chosen instrument(s) as well as feeling for the music and relationship with the audience.

The chairman of the panel of judges, Michael Castle, highlighted that this year’s finalists were an extremely talented group of musicians. His constructive comments

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Young Musician Final 2015 Third place in the competition was awarded to Ella Brown of Farmor’s School in Fairford. Ella plays guitar, which is a new category in the competition this year. The runner-up this year was Daniel Harding, a Violin Scholar at Wells Cathedral School. He was unique in composing one of his pieces himself, a task he had undertaken for his coming GCSE exam. The technical complexity and musicality of the piece received tremendous applause from the audience. The winner of the local competition was Lydia Kenny from Rednock School in Dursley. She played Alto Sax and produced a very lively performance. Lydia was presented with the Mervyn Norrris Cup plus £300. In addition, her school received £500 to encourage participation in music and in competitions such as ours. Since winning, Lydia has gone on to win the Rotary District and Regional competition, and is now set to compete in the National Final on the 16th of May. We wish her every success! We hope that the success of the competition will encourage more young musicians to enter next year, and we wish the winner and finalists from this year’s competition every success in their musical futures. Tony Hadfield, Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds


Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2015 | 53

Guild of Craftsman The Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen return to Tetbury’s historic Market House for their annual Spring Show at the end of May. The Guild’s members are amongst the top craftspeople in the UK - many with international reputations. This is an opportunity to see, buy or commission their work and to meet over twenty professional designer-makers including jewellers, leather workers, weavers, textile designers, bookbinders, stained glass artists, furniture makers and potters. The magazine ’Gardens Illustrated’ is supporting this year’s show. Guild members will create a themed exhibition area inspired by the English Country Garden. There will also be a daily program of demonstrations for visitors to watch and discuss the designing and making processes.


Wednesday the 27th of May:

Saturday the 30th of May:

Susan Early - Basket maker Nick Ozanne – Hand weaver Harriet St Leger – Jeweller

Tim Blades – Jeweller Ursula Jeakins – Bookbinder Nick Ozanne – Hand weaver

Thursday the 28th of May: Liz Lippiatt – Textile worker MacGregor & Michael – Leather workers Nick Ozanne – Hand weaver

Friday the 29th of May:


Window Cleaning

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...

Sunday the 31st of May: Andy Moore - Calligrapher Nick Ozanne – Hand weaver

Rob Wootton

Tetbury Spring Show is open from 10 am to 6 pm from Wednesday 27 to Sunday 31 May. Free admission. For more information go to www.guildcrafts.or.uk

Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319

Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353


Kristian Pettifor

Alison Dupernex – Knitted textile maker Ursula Jeakins – Bookbinder Nick Ozanne – Hand weaver


Spring Show Wednesday 27 – Sunday 31 May 10am – 6pm Free admission Tetbury Market House Market Place, Tetbury, Gloucestershire

gl 8 8 da

Contemporary design and craftsmanship by members of the Guild with daily demonstrations and a special display inspired by ‘The English Country Garden’

www.g uildcrafts .org.u k t : 012 4 2 2 4 5215 e: i n fo @g u i l d c r a f t s. o rg . u k The Gloucestershire Guild of Craftsmen is a registered charity no.1109160 0510515

guild ad tetbury 175x100 colour march 2015 FINALp.indd 2

54 | May 2015

1/4/15 12:56:59

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

WSP Solicitors Providing help when you need it THE PERSONAL INJURY TEAM AT WSP SOLICITORS PROVIDE A PERSONAL, FRIENDLY SERVICE TO HELP ACHIEVE THE BEST OUTCOME FOR YOU. We understand that an injury or illness can affect your whole life - and that of your family. We can advise you on what is involved in making a claim, and if you decide to pursue it we can help you every step of the way.

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Avening WI Well, we had the excitement of the WI Centenary Baton...

We are a small, friendly business. Our aim is to help enhance your special occasion with our beautiful vintage or Retro china. We can provide you with a variety of products to help your day become the perfect day that you imagined. Just give us a call; we are happy to give you a no-strings preview of our beautiful items.

...passing through our area, although it was a rather insignificant object! It arrived at the County A.G.M. in Cheltenham to a trumpet fanfare, carried by a runner from Gloucester. It then travelled all around the County by various methods of transport. Hereabouts we had a vintage Winstones Ice Cream van, an electric car (to Avening) a Ferrari (to Tetbury) a lady on a bike (to Long Newton) then more runners etc. and eventually being rowed over the Thames at Lechlade.


Several ladies from Avening attended the A.G.M. in Cheltenham and enjoyed very good speakers including Kate Bliss (known for her appearances on Bargain Hunt and Flog It) talking about antiques. One of our members, Sue Osborne was lucky to win the £50 prize in the 200 Club draw. Our quiz was most enjoyable and out of the proceeds we will be giving Avening Scool £100 towards the cost of new books for their refurbished library.

Abi Andrews Hair & Make Up 20 Hampton Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8JN

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We also entered 4 teams for the County W.I. Quiz and have 3 teams going through Business Cards.indd 1 to the next round at Chedworth in the Complete painting summer. We play against Stone W.I. in the All aspects of painting first round of the County Skittles and we • Interior hope to do well after winning our friendly • Exterior match against Sheepscombe in March.Business Cards.indd 1

B&A Decorating

Our April meeting took the form of making flowers using various crafts. This is in preparation for our Tetbury Group Meeting in June hosted this year by Avening.

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Our walk in April will be on Besbury Common near Minchinhampton. At our May meeting our speaker is Alan Wells and his subject is “Gardening for Bees.” Shirley Hand, Avening WI

R&W DECORATORS Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios

Tel No. 01452 814459 Tel No. 01452 542179 Mob. 07779427353 / 07866366319 “no job too small” 381211

56 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

On Wednesday 1st April, four of our members talked about “How I got where I am today.” I was sorry to miss this meeting but Margaret Morgan kindly provided a report that I have précised below.

Our first speaker, Nicola Clark, was brought up in Vienna and wanted to be a painter. During the 1970’s she studied in London eg at Goldsmith College. She next moved to Germany where she drew archaeological objects precisely to scale and then to India for 7 years where her painting became side-tracked as she experimented with music. Returning to London, she resumed

Tetbury Art Society painting and was awarded the “BP Portrait Award” in 1997. Now living in Tetbury, Nicola paints horses and angels. Gill Ashley wasn’t initially drawn to art; she went into business studies and became a tutor. She later joined her husband at the National Trust in Deerham Park where, putting on an art exhibition, she began to find her artistic feet. She sought out The Gloucester art and crafts structured programme where Jeremy Duncan influenced her. Now living in Sherston, Gill uses a variety of mediums – she doesn’t like pastels but loves experimenting with acrylics and inks. Her approach is to see her subject and choose colours most suited to her taste and design. She is influenced by Anne Blockley and works from photographs and quick sketches. Our next speaker, Barry Barnes, was very interested in planes as a boy, cycling to RAF Kemble to watch the jets. His talent for drawing and painting was obvious as he always won the art prize at the William Romney School. He joined the army as a boy soldier and for part of his military career served in Germany with the Horse Guards (tank regiment). While serving at Windsor, he found a side job as an aircraft cleaner at Heathrow and later became an aviation fitter. In the 1970s when he worked for Brays, he was persuaded to join the Tetbury Art Society. This encouraged Barry, a watercolourist, who then joined the prestigious Aviation Guild where he has become a respected member.


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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

Our last artist was Alison King who started painting around 1999 as a new hobby encouraged by her husband and family. She was encouraged to paint from photos that she had taken while travelling- a turning point for her. When you view Alison’s work, movement and figures play a very important part, with straight lines and weaving ribbons, interwoven. The ribbons join the elements together and provide movement. The sense of strong shapes, circles and arcs provide a framing device. Alison starts her work with an idea, personal sketches, and a palette of her favourite colours, All these artists brought along a sample of their work. It was a successful and interesting evening arranged by Maureen Hawkridge. Our 2015 Roy Baker Memorial Lecture on ‘The Royal Drawing School’ was held in the Orchard Room, Highgrove by kind permission of TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall on Wednesday 11th March. Our Spring Exhibition takes place in the Market Hall from Saturday 2nd until Monday 4th May and then on Wednesday 6th May we will have a charcoal drawing workshop in St Michael’s Hall at 7:30pm. Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society

May 2015 | 57

Community Speed Watch

STORAGE Clean dry storage only - at reasonable rates. Minimum two months. Units approximately 10ft x 12ft x 10ft high. 1240515

Local resident volunteers have been undertaking Community Speed Watch monitoring in and around Tetbury for two years. This initiative is supported by Gloucestershire Constabulary and the local council, with the aim of reducing speeding and improving driver behaviour in this area. Whilst the volunteers have no powers to sanction a prosecution, details of any vehicle exceeding the designated speed limit are passed to the Constabulary, in order that a letter may be sent to the registered keeper of that vehicle. The driver will be asked to respect local speed limits and behave more responsibly in future. The Constabulary may target persistent offenders and in certain circumstances of particularly excessive speed/dangerous driving may visit the offender to issue a caution. We are committed to reducing road casualties and addressing anti-social use of the roads.

Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com 720310 Bath ET Road, Lumley:Layout 1 8QX 19/2/10 20:37 Willesley, Glos. GL8 : Tel: 01666 880314 Page 1

E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ

Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com

During the last two years we have identified a number of “hot spots” where speeding is prevalent and considered particularly dangerous. Local residents may like to consider their driving behaviour in these locations:

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1. Exiting Tetbury on the Bath Road within the 30mph zone 2. Entering and exiting Tetbury on Hampton Street 3. Exiting Tetbury along London Road between the Audi garage and Ilsom within the 40 mph zone 4. Exiting and entering Tetbury travelling between Wiltshire Bridge and Tetbury Hospital.

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Delivery Service Available

If any residents have particular concerns regarding speeding in other locations in Tetbury we would be willing to consider carrying out surveys in those areas in the future. We are always on the lookout for volunteers and if you are interested in helping and can spare approx an hour a month of your time, please call 07759 142577. Community Speed Watch Coordinator

58 | May 2015

Read online at www.tetburylions.co.uk

1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1


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Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall There are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more information please contact Monika on 07840826306 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.


Is it important to you? The Malt House was given to Tetbury in trust, and is now in dire need of major refurbishment. The Grade II listed building is currently home to over 150 young people in Guiding and Scouting groups and also to the Rifle Range. The Trustees and Management Committee are holding an open meeting on Wednesday the 17th June at 7.30pm in the Guide hall, The Malt House, The Chippings, and we invite all interested parties to attend. The building will be open from 6.30pm for people to look around, and at 7.30pm Steven Hirst (Town & District Councillor) has agreed to chair the meeting, as he is independent of both the Trustees and the Committee. He will take views, ideas and offers of support from everyone present. The Malt House Trustees Enquiries: Peter Clarke - 01666 503134 tetburymalthouse@gmail.com

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May 2015 | 59

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mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage of the Year 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of Code of At Car Care satisfaction is (Audi, ourdiagnostic topVW, priority soSkoda), AtTetbury Car Carecustomer Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so mechanics.We a full equipment to provide youRover with a and Mercedes. We offer of services Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG SEAT, Land have 9 range courtesy cars please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free available or offer a collection service. At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a courtesy cars or collection. light commercial vehicles. call today or visit our website.




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As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Established in dealer 1974, we Tetbury’s At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to We provide full levelare diagnostics, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent off™ering a and repairs service and repairs usinggarage Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and experienced teamof of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced team of genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level dedicated experienced genuine Rover Ourservice full equipment and which offers the fullteam level of wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer aservices full rangeof services diagnostictoequipment towith provide youa withmechanics. a of services includes allparts, Land Rover parts, labour, VAT fullWe range of diagnostic provide you We offer aWe includes all Land Rover labour, VATparts, diagnosticequipment equipment to provide youawith mechanics. off er a full range includes all Land Rover functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignmentlabour, service. VAT all makes of cars, fourwheel wheel drives and full range of service with 8 free for all makes and brake uid change. We provide serviceservice ofmakes cars, four drives and drives full service options with with 8options free8 courtesy and brake uid change. provide service fullrange rangeofof service options for allfor of wheel cars, four and and brakeWe fluid change. We provide Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. light light commercial vehicles. book stamps to keep your warranty not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and

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