Tetbury Advertiser May 2016

Page 1


May 2016

Inside this issue: • The Queen Cover photo © Kevin Farnham

...................Page 5

• Police Museum ...................Page 48

• Perfection Spa ...................Page 34

Circulation 4,250


Established 1974














The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk David Ellison - Accounts 4 The Damsells, Tetbury GL8 8JA. Tel: 01666 504166 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the June Issue is

Thursday 12th May 2016 Delivery - 28th-29th May

Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.

Rates Media pack available from www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Back cover half page £100 Back cover full page £200 Pre-printed inserts £200 Postage per copy £1.40 Please quote your invoice number in payment transactions Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk

What’s On 3rd, 10th, 17th, 21st, 31st May Tetbury Footpath Group Walks Please see the details in this issue. 4th May Save the Children Coffee Morning 10.00 am -12.00 pm the Priory Inn, Tetbury 8th May The Harmonettes in ‘Dorothy’s War’ 7.30pm at Malmesbury Town Hall Tickets: 01249 701628 www.poundarts.org.uk 10th, 16th, 18th, 26th Cotswold Voluntary Warden’s Walks Please see the details in this issue. 15th May – 21st May Christian Aid Week 18th May Glos Christian Aid Week Walks Tewkesbury to Gloucester Docks Rev John Beardsley walking the Severn Way 21st May Glos Christian Aid Week Walks Join Rev Stuart Radford, walking from Nailsworth to Tetbury 23rd May WI Regular Meeting Snooty Fox 10.30 am coffee morning 28th May ‘Grow!’ event: Tetbury Library 10.00 am – 1.00 pm; please see the details in this issue. 30th May 2-4pm Tea Dance, Dolphins Hall 30th May Malt House Book Sale Please see the advertisement in this issue. 1st – 5th June Glos. Guild of Craftsmen Spring Show 10.00 am – 6.00 pm Free admission Tetbury Market House FOOD BANKJo DISTRIBUTION POINT 1110609 Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 Open at St Mary’s Day Centre - Tuesdays from 10 –11

Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

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Contents Avening Primary School Avening WI Avonvale FC Chelworth Bookworms Christian Aid Computer Advice Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Dolphins Dramatic Society Eating Out Girlguiding History of Tetbury Society Leighterton Primary School Letters to the Editor (4) Lion’s Den Malthouse Update Mayor’s Report News from St Marys’ Church Patient Participation Group People For You Perfection Spa Priory Inn Blog Probus One Puddle Ducks Queen’s 60th Birthday Save ‘n’ Borrow Sir William Romney’s School St Mary’s CE VA Primary School St Mary’s Playgroup Summer Show Tetbury and District Footpath Group 22: Tetbury Camera Club Tetbury Community Choir Tetbury Dial-A-Ride Tetbury in Bloom Tetbury Library Tetbury Police Museum Tetbury Rail Lands Trust Tetbury Town Football Club Tetbury WI The Feoffees and the Thirteen Unsung Hero Wacky Races What’s On Woolsack Races Young By Name

7 40 37 41 54 17 16 36 10 11 22 26 18 5 21 4 32 43 27 34 24 33 42 5 30 50 15 28 23 38 12 52 14 14 44 48 25 29 47 8 24 6 3 46 51

Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk

DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270.

CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 839250 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047.

HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284. TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552. NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD VOLUNTEERS DIAL-A-RIDE @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS. Tel: 01666 502514 Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk

Mayor’s Report This is my last piece in the Tetbury Advertiser as Mayor… …and I would like to thank everyone for making my two years as Mayor such a memorable time; thank you for all the many invitations to meetings and events in the town. It has been a privilege to serve the town and to represent Tetbury Town Council. I would like to officially welcome Richard Smith as our new Town Project Manager. As a local person Richard has a lot of knowledge of Tetbury and the chance to get more town participation and develop and provide more events over the year. Also joining the staff at the Council offices is Georgina Osman as our new Customer Relations Officer. Georgina brings a lot of knowledge and ideas having worked at Cotswold District Council in Cirencester, and I am sure she will be a great asset to the team, supporting Natalie and Tara. It’s a very exciting time - and we all look forward to working together to help develop and promote Tetbury as THE place to visit. Having discussed re-cycling bags at our Heritage and Regeneration meeting we will be supplying the white and blue recycling bags along with the black boxes, so if anyone needs a new one or an extra one then come along to the TTC offices and collect or order one. It was a joy to take Easter Eggs to our Residents who attend the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Clubs. Their faces said it all. I had an invitation to meet the Bishop of Gloucester and to see the new stain glass window but sadly I was unwell and could not attend. However, Councillor Painter said the church was packed and the Reverend Poppy tells me there were more than two hundred and fifty attendees. Brilliant! I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Wacky Races since, as always, it should be a brilliant day and a lot of fun. I would like to thank Tetbury Lions in advance, since they do a lot of fundraising and have worked tirelessly to organise this event. I know what a lot of hard work these events are!

4 | May 2016

Lastly It was astounding to see so many people at the Town Meeting in March. Thank you all for coming along and for all your comments. It is great to see there are so many of you who care about the town and want to have your say about various issues. I know there was a problem with people not being able to hear due to lack of a

microphone and I that the venue proved quite cramped however by the time you read this we will have held the Annual Town Meeting at St. Mary’s and hopefully this will have proved a better venue. Should you still have further questions or “niggles” that you want to get off your chest, then please contact us at the Council Offices and we will try and help. Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury

WE ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE THE QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY... Join us for an open-air Picnic on

Sunday June 12th between 3.00 and 6.00 pm near the Market Hall.

All you need to do is turn up with a Picnic and a chair to sit on and we will provide the rest! We will serve hot drinks and squash FREE and there will also be the chance to buy a cream tea or cakes. Music will be provided, so if you want to dance bring your dancing shoes along!



For the Children, a fancy dress with a “Royal” theme. They can dress up as their favourite Royal, past or present, to win the “best costume” prize. We’re also hoping our local businesses will join in the fun, dressing their windows in red white and blue.


C o m e an d C e l e b r at e !

Happy Bir

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Dear Readers, What a time it’s been of late. It was a very unpleasant surprise for us, both as an organisation and as individuals, to hear that the Dial-a-Ride facility and Cotswold Volunteers were going into administration, with the associated threat to the provision of day care facilities. We’ve been collecting to raise funds to replace “Bluebell” the bus, as regular readers and contributors will

know, so we’re obviously now going to try to remain calm and stalwart while other plans are put in place. There’s already a Town Council working party, meeting to assist the process, so we’ll wait to see what fruit that bears. Meantime, Wacky Races is upon us – and fingers are firmly crossed that the weather will stay fair and that the competitors will complete the course in safety. I must

Lion’s Den extend thanks not only to our organising team (more about them next month, with the results), but also to the very generous Roger and Janet Grzyb of ADB Fire Solutions Ltd., who will sponsor the medical cover this year. Very kind indeed. If you’re coming to Wacky I’m told you may park either at the Memorial Recreation ground or at the Football club ground on Cirencester Road, so please choose your favoured location and avoid the possibility of having your day spoiled by a parking ticket… And what else have we been doing? Well, we’ve had the pleasure of dining in “Ciao!” as a group and also of inviting another very promising Lion – Bill Walsh – into our pride. We have very high hopes for Lion Bill indeed. He’s already practiced elsewhere, so we’re sure he will soon have us properly organised and well behaved. The Lion Recipe book is finished too, due to the efforts of many hands, but chiefly because of the dedication of Lion’s Alan and Saxon, “The Flying Greenways”. We hope you’ll help us make it a success by buying a copy, since it really is rather good. Very many thanks to all the locals who gave up family secrets when supplying a recipe – we really are most grateful.


Last, we were very proud to hear that “Hope for Tomorrow” has won a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category, an award announced on her Majesty’s 90th birthday. For one organisation in our little Cotswold town to have been honoured this way last year was remarkable – for two to be recognised is truly amazing. We’re delighted by their success and wish them much more of it in the future. Richard Smith, Tetbury Lions

rthday Your Majesty

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2016 | 5

stick to, and make sure you are consistent Making ‘SMART’ objectives with the help and perform this habit for at least two of a trainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes developing exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. etabMonday, of exerciseTon and ury LiWednesday right for you. Follow these steps to plan a ondoing s this for Friday. Once you have been ATTAINABLE better fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. SPECIFIC you in the right place and have the right A goal must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective you have set? This will keep your body and brain what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead to reduced focus and too REALISTIC To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. achieving the objective. Too high a MEASURABLE yourself goal and you may struggle to see the end, A goal must be too low and you will find yourself less Ins ide th is pr • Cart Lis ogra able to be motivated. ting an mm d Timin • Tetbur gs e: y Lions measured – • Buildin the Lions hoped they had captured the g the Eg gs IT pl • Safety orer ’S MA whether on TIMED In fo rmation Y ..! imagination of the town and created a IT’S R scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, ACEY ...!! major fundraising event. And indeed, IT’S W stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This ACKY ....!! Wacky Race day has grown so significantly 1! time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps in such a short period of time that this year will clearly be the biggest and the best. For the first time in five years we are fully subscribed and have been forced toJust close of the symptoms• that • Migraine some of Just the some symptoms Acute low back pain race entries early. • Neck can be helped by treatment: that can be helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain

5th Annu


Wacky Races





Ever since the first Wacky Races, held on that rainy Bank Holiday Monday in 2012,


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• Tennis elbow • Acute/subacute neck pain Call anow for free Call nowconsultation for a consultation! What is interesting is that we are seeing • Low backpain pain • Chronic neck Tetbury Chiropractic significant increase in the number of new Commitment-free 15-minute • Knee osteoarthritis • Migraine Vicinity and Wellbeingavailable Centre entries from quite distant parts of the Healthassessment • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders DermaCo House country. We started with eight local entries • Tennis elbow • Foot and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 Charlton Road but have now reached saturation 2point • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • Jwala Gurung Gurung Tetbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk with a total of 32 entries that includes • Knee osteoarthritis Doctorofof Chiropractic, Chiropractic, • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Gloucestershire Doctor www.tetburychiropractic.co.uk seven junior racers. Teams are now coming Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. GL8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. from as far afield as Preston, London and Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY Aylesbury while closer to home there are teams from Bristol, Cheltenham and Melksham. We are now working towards building media interest, not just the local paper, which gives us excellent coverage, but also radio and TV. Some old favourites VM LIMITED are returning including the Parry’s who entered the galleon “The Black Pearl” last year (made from parts of a garden shed) and a tank the year before.



Whatever they have entered this year, it is bound to be very different and entertaining. Also returning is the youth team Cadbury cream egg that won the Wackiest Team shield last year, the construction of this entry and the involvement of Boxer Power, both in this entry and the event as a whole, feature in the Wacky Race programme. To support the racing, we have also seen a significant increase in the number of stallholders who want to be part of the day and these will now be spread out to include the pedestrian area of Market Place. In addition to the traditional eating, drinking and ice cream outlets, look out for Mad Hattie the face painter, a bouncy castle, Dellawear funky jewellery and a roving balloon modeller.

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Practice sessions start at around 10.00 am while racing will get underway at 1.00 pm on the Bank Holiday, Monday the 2nd of May. Be there! The Wacky Race Committee


6 | May 2016

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Journeys of many kinds Summer term has arrived and the Kestrels class (years 1/2) literally flew into the classroom on the second day back after the Easter holidays, for their new topic ‘Fantastic Journeys’. Air Hostesses Ms McKenzie and Mrs Wilkinson, donning matching uniforms and neck scarves, flew the class overseas to India and then to the Arctic, all in one morning! Later on this term, the class will be travelling again, to Bristol to visit Brunel’s SS Great Britain. The Hawks have also been on a journey this term for their topic ‘Mighty Olympians’. The

class travelled back to Ancient Greece to find out how the Olympic games began and to explore Greek history and mythology. The class will be going to the Cheltenham Science festival later on in the term. While the rest of the school travel around the world or back in time, the Owls will be taking a journey around the human body in their focus for term - ‘Doctor Doctor’. This topic promises to be a very active one, with the children already putting their knowledge to the test with drawing life size diagrams of the circulatory system and acting out the journey of blood around the body in the school garden! Another journey

Avening Primary School the Owls class are looking forward to is their residential trip in June to Minehead Adventure Centre. We have some exciting new after-school clubs this term with a pottery club as a brand new addition to the line-up. Other clubs include cricket, outdoor athletics, drawing and gardening. We also welcome the return of a firm favourite for our Hawks pupils with Forest School club. If that wasn’t enough to keep everyone busy, Stroud District Cricket Association will be running a ‘Chance to Shine’ Cricket club for KS2 pupils. The summer term is always filled with so many activities. We have our K’Nex challenge finalists taking part in the county final in April. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics,) is also in focus for our Owls class in May, when they will take part in a workshop designed around problem-solving with a humanitarian aid theme. The winners will be invited to the Royal International Air Tattoo in July to present their design to a panel of judges…and we haven’t even mentioned the Talent Show, the Musical Soiree, the Woolsack Races and the many, many sports fixtures. Watch this space! For further information about our happy, busy place of learning, please see our school website www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk or contact our school office 01453 833191. Jane Rushton, Head Teacher






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Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month

May 2016 | 7

We are presently in the process of updating our website, so please bear with us whilst this work is being undertaken and should you need to contact us in the meantime, please direct any enquiries directly to me at Cricketer’s Rest, 14 Northfield Road, Tetbury. I am pleased to report that we have been able to support the development of Tetbury Cricket Club, following their continued success, with a recent grant for equipment and we wish them well for a successful season.

• The Thirteen Summer Community BBQ at the Millennium Green – 1st July

If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees.

• Heritage Weekend – The Market Hall will be open to the public, along with many

Lance Vick Chairman

Dates for your Diary

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As many of you will be aware The Feoffees have a number of car parking spaces for rent both in the Chipping Car Park and at the bottom of Gumstool Hill at the old market and I can report that we have a

• The Beating of the Bounds, followed by the presentation of The Feoffees accounts in The Market Hall - 1st October




Wacky Races at the beginning of the month, then Badminton Horse Trials and at the end of the month Woolsack Day. We hope that the weather is kind to the organisers of these events and that they are well attended and enjoyed.

Finally, we have recently given a number of tours of The Market Hall to visiting groups and if anyone is interested in a visit and tour, please let us know, so that we can arrange.

other historic buildings in our town - 10th & 11th September


May is a very busy month for our town, with events which allow us to catch up with our friends and families.

space available at Gumstool Hill. Should you be interested in renting this space, please contact our clerk – Mrs Kate KeithWelsh at kate@keith-welsh.com


The Feoffees and the Thirteen


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8 | May 2016


See our display boards at At home in the Cotswolds Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Eating Out After an emotional weekend, it seemed the appropriate thing to do on the sombre grey Monday that followed was to treat ourselves to a full-scale lunch. So, without further ado, we jumped into the car and headed for The Gumstool Inn – strictly speaking not in Tetbury, I suppose, but as near as makes no difference.

Cheddar soufflé starter was a lovely balance of mild smoky fish and tasty cheese with a rich sauce, all of which was remarkably light given the flavours. I couldn’t resist the Crab ‘Sausage’ Roll with brown crab mayo, lemon and rocket - the light pastry a perfect vehicle for the mixed, herby crab meat and the deeply flavoured mayo being very moreish, too…

It’s fair to say, I think, that The Gumstool occupies the slot once filled by The Snooty Fox in terms of prices, being generally a couple of quid more expensive for most things. But that said, from experience the food is delicious (for example, the calves liver I had last time was absolutely beautiful) and there’s always an enticing range of dishes on the menu, with good beer at the bar, too. Added to which, the staff seem genuinely concerned about customers’ enjoyment of their meals – a pleasant surprise, compared to the seemingly cursory enquiries often made at some other establishments, and one which makes you feel like you are actually being ‘served’ as opposed to having your meal ‘delivered’. Our waiter appeared to be enjoying serving us..!

The mains included some ‘standards’ – steaks, burger, fish and chips - but also things like Lemon and Thyme Chicken Breast, Smoked Haddock Fishcake and Roast Rump of Lamb with sorrel mash and sundried tomatoes. However, the Gloucestershire sausages, mash, red onion jam and crispy shallots was something of a departure for Flossy (it not being a burger) and I can safely say they were some of the tastiest sausages I’ve ever tried. The mash was smooth and buttery; the jam, shallots and gravy adding a wonderful richness to the whole dish. I chose a simple pan-fried fillet of cod with samphire, lemon butter and new potatoes. The fish was perfectly cooked (though the skin could’ve been crispier for me), as was the samphire; and the potatoes… well, for such a straightforward accompaniment, they were lovely, especially when… er… ‘crushed’ into the lemon butter (poor form, I know, but I wasn’t letting that butter go to waste!).

From an appetising selection of starters, including parfait, scallops, smoked salmon, tomato and onion tart to name but a few, Flossy’s Arbroath Smokie and Montgomery

The inclusion of a glass of Chenin Blanc for Flossy and Picpoul de Pinet for me did help tip the bill into the ‘expensive for lunch’ category, but, as I say, we were

treating ourselves. Though the atmosphere is certainly genial and casual enough, The Gumstool is probably, for most people, not really a casual eatery in terms of price – but any time you feel you deserve that little ‘something extra’, then, in my opinion, there are few better places to get it… Fill

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10 | May 2016

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There are many reasons why people volunteer to help with our units.

together, so the leaders benefit too. Kerry is one of my Guides and I asked her if she would like to help at Brownies as I was fairly sure she would be great at it – and she is – a future leader, I hope…

I spent an evening with the Brownies recently and realised that we had 3 different sorts of helpers there so I asked them why they volunteered. Hannah is working towards her bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, and is using it for the community/ service aspect. Her sister is a Brownie and as Hannah was a Guide she knew what she was signing up for!

Our units are funded mainly by subscriptions paid per term by parents. The Guides pay £25 a term and the Brownies now pay £27.50. For just under £1.50 an hour the girls get many opportunities and experiences - and we are lucky to have support from the Feoffees and the Lions, who enable us to subsidise this even further where there is a need. We try to keep our fundraising to a minimum as our Leaders already give so much time to the weekly meetings, outings and residential events - but we do run an annual book sale during Woolsack Day so please see our advert for more details, and support us if

Carlie is a qualified Leader and started as a parent helping occasionally, but stepped up when they needed another adult – she also now takes our Seniors too so experiences all ages. Fran says she gets a lot out of seeing the girls develop and working

Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming

Girlguiding you can – both with donating books to sell and by coming to buy some more. Every year the County runs a training day for Leaders and this year we played hosts in Tetbury. We are very grateful to all at Sir William Romney’s School, who not only allowed us to use their premises but helped to ensure it was a successful occasion. Thank you also to Hannah from Scentiments who magically created a floral arrangement using the Senior Section centenary colours – it is lovely when we can make use of past Guides in this way and we wish her well in the Chelsea Young Florist Finals. I’m sure that many of you have visited our own Division Guiding shop in Minchinhampton, where it has been run for many years by Sue Blades, from her home. I have recently taken over the running of the shop and at the moment I am still running it from Sue’s home! However, if anyone knows of any premises in Nailsworth or Minchinhampton that may be able to provide us with weekly accommodation, please let me know. We sell uniforms, badges, books and gifts and hope that all parents will get used to ordering through us, as the profit then comes back to our units.

Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities.

Sue Doidge, Tetbury District Commissioner 1 Shepherds Mead, Tetbury GL8 8RB girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com

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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2016 | 11

Tetbury Camera Club Our speaker in mid-March was Simon Caplan… …(simoncaplanphotography.co.uk), from Downend, a member of Reflex Camera Club. The title of his presentation was ‘Extraordinay Ordinary’. The objective was to show the hidden beauty in the urban environment. The first part of his talk covered his abstract images from public buildings, car parks, windows and similar features, including a great variety of objects. Considerable use was made of differential focus, a topic picked up at a later Club meeting. The second part of his entertaining talk covered more conventional subjects such as docks, museums and churches etc. Overall, his material certainly lived up to the title of his talk.

the night. In the event, the creative juices were flowing and a range of very attractive images by members were projected. As an extra programme event, on 7 April a group of Tetbury members visited Tyndale Camera Club (previously Cam and Dursley) to show a selection of their work. The presentations covered digital images, AV’s and prints and were accompanied by descriptions of motivation, objectives and how particular effects were achieved. The presentations seemed to be well-received and we are to get a return visit from Tyndale on one Tuesday next season. Most recently, her visiting speaker was Leigh Woolford (leighwoolfordphotography. weebly.com), a member of Gwynfa Camera

Club. The first part of Leigh’s presentation was devoted to illustrations of the effects of different printing papers, mount colours and plugs-ins for image processing software. The second part consisted of ‘Fifty Prints’, his favourite and most successful images. All were accompanied by amusing anecdotes. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. Frank Jenkins Tetbury Camera Club 01666 500807 tetburycameraclub.org.uk

At the end of March, Mike Curtis (michaelcurtis.co.uk) came to judge the first of our two annual competitions. Mike is a familiar face at Tetbury and is always a popular judge despite some of the criticisms he hands out, in a very constructive manner. He made perceptive comments about all images, with hints for improvement in some. The winner of the “Close Up” category was Tony Banks and Dave Jones won both the “Still Life” and “Portfolio” classes. The first meeting in March was the chairman’s evening and he set members the task of creating images using differential focus as practiced by Simon Caplan. The images were, ideally, to be created by groups of members working together, either in advance or in Tetbury on

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Tetbury in Bloom Garden Favourites Sue Hirst, the Chairman, creative inspiration and driving force behind Tetbury in Bloom, tells me that her favourite display is, and always has been, the flowerbed on the corner of Braybrooke Close and London Road. “I love the different shapes and textures we have created and the overall pastel colour scheme, which gives a totally different look to any of the other flowerbeds in the town.” Such successful naturalistic planting requires careful planning. A limited pallet creates the biggest impact. One or two large plants give height and interest. Evergreen plants add structure and the grasses add an extra dimension of movement and texture.

The Braybrooke flowerbed is planted with spiky variegated phormiums, soft greyleafed grasses and foxtail lilies that give real height in the summer. Yellow-leafed choisya, together with lots of yellow variegated euonymus add structure and contrast well with the long flowering perennials, such as penstemons, hardy fuchsias, cranesbill, erodiums, sedum and phlox, in varying shades of pinks and mauves. Dark leafed heuchera, at the front of the border, continue the colour scheme. The addition of spring flowering bulbs and summer bedding (also in pinks and mauves) complete the look. Whilst the colour scheme may not be so bright as other town centre displays, it is equally as eye-catching. We hope that you enjoy the results as much as we do! Liz Farnham Tetbury in Bloom

Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Community Bus As most of you will be aware, the Tetbury office for Cotswold Volunteers has now closed and the Dial-a-Ride service has ended with the charity Cotswold Volunteers going into liquidation. Community Connexions, based in Cheltenham have taken over the provision of Dial-a-Ride and Volunteer Hospital Car Services and can be contacted on 0845 680 5029.

We can now offer a


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Caring, curious, courageous

at Westonbirt, rounder’s tournaments, athletics meetings and a Panathlon event at Cirencester Deer Park School.

The Summer Term is well under way at St. Mary’s Primary School and we are looking forward to all the excitement it brings. Summer means getting outside and getting fit! We have lots of sporting events to look forward to this term including swimming

Our Year 4 children will be going off to the Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean for a two night residential to do all sorts of outdoor and adventurous activities in June, and then in July our Year 2 children will be camping on the school field for a night. We have also been very fortunate to have a new ‘trim trail’ on the Year 3 and 4 playground installed over the Easter holidays - and we are very grateful for to all the PTFA for raising the money to enable us to do this. They also have plans for further play equipment in a second stage of development.

St Mary’s CE VA Primary School children to explore the natural environment using photography, came with cameras and the children took some magnificent shots of nature in a ‘photo safari’ through the school grounds. “The children all enjoyed the morning and thank you to Iain for returning to show us our photos!” Charlotte (Y4)

Last term we had a science focus week and children participated in all sorts of exciting workshops and activities. ‘Wild Wonder’, a company specialising in encouraging

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Year 5 and year 6 children became palaeontologists and forensic scientists with two workshops from visiting speakers - and all of Key Stage 1 and Reception went to @Bristol.

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We ended our science focus with a day of firing rockets in Key Stage 1 and hurling eggs attached to parachutes off the fire escape in Key Stage 2!

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May 2016 | 15

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Our main areas of work in the last month have centred on Wotton-UnderEdge and King’s Stanley.

King’s Stanley Recreation Ground

Cotswold Lion

At the Recreation Ground in the centre of the village we have erected a wicket gate and replacement post-and-rail fencing on the boundary. We are also in the process of rebuilding a length of the dry stone boundary wall, which had collapsed.

The Cotswold Lion summer edition has been published and is now available free of charge from the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre in Church Street. This is a Cotswold Conservation Board publication (to which the Cotswold Wardens are affiliated) and in its new A4 full-colour guise it’s almost as attractive as the Tetbury Advertiser. Although, of course, not quite. It contains good ideas for exploring the Cotswolds in 2016 – the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Cotswold Area of Natural Beauty. Do take a look.

Outdoor Classroom At the English Primary School at WottonUnder-Edge we have completed brush cutting and bramble clearance alongside the football field, finding several balls in the process and clearing down the down the slope to re-establish the nature area for outside classroom activities. This area had become so overgrown as to be impenetrable, but now access to the bench seating area under the trees is re-established. I wish we’d had such a facility at my school!

Local Walks Local circular walks in the South Cotswolds lead by the Wardens in May are: Tuesday the 10th of May at 10.00 am from adjacent to Amberley Inn for 4 miles to view wild flowers on Rodborough and Minchinhampton Commons. Monday the 16th of May at 10.00 am from Chavenage Green near Tetbury for 5 miles via Beverston and the Hermit’s Cave Plantation.

On the Cotswold Way long-distance footpath, at Brackenbury Ditches iron age hill fort, we have installed a waymark post to show the route. We have also carried out more clearance, revealing more of the fort’s ramparts.

Wednesday the 18th of May at 10.00 meeting for coffee at the Hunter’s Hall Kingscote, departing at 10.30 am for 5.5 miles walk around the surrounding woods and valleys.

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Computer Scams, now including BT. They just keep coming - do not get caught out! If you are with BT for any of your Computer services, do watch out. Previously, most of the cold calls were supposedly from “Microsoft” or the “Windows Support Centre,” for instance. The procedure is similar, in that they want to get control of your PC - and they can be very convincing. They may say there is a problem with your connection or account, or that they have noticed you have downloaded malware when you’ve connected to the Internet. This is rubbish.

- If a caller claims to be from BT, ask them to give you an 0800 number that you can get back to them on. You can then call BT on 0800 800 150 to confirm the call is genuine

BT has the following advice on their website:

- Never provide personal information, such as credit card or bank details, to an unsolicited caller

- Be suspicious of unsolicited calls relating to a security/system problem, even if they claim to represent a respected company

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We would strongly recommend that you always call the caller back but that you do so from an alternative telephone line or mobile. If this is not possible you should wait for at least three minutes and check for a dial tone before making the call. BT automatically disconnects calls after two minutes of inactivity where one party has hung up.

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- Ask security questions about your account before continuing the call. If the caller can’t answer, they are NOT legitimate

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Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?

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Computer Advice

They may get you to look at the Event Viewer and tell you how they can “remove the problems” and “speed up your computer.” They will need access to your PC, so they will ask you to visit a website or load a remote access program such as Team Viewer. Of course a chunk of money will be required and extorted out of you at the end of the process. These kinds of “computer support scams” have been going for over 10 years now and show no sign of stopping, so do be vigilant.

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If you have been the victim of this type of scam you should also report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040, or online at www.actionfraud.police.uk

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Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2016 | 17

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, I was thrilled and honoured to be nominated as the “Unsung Hero” in the March Tetbury Advertiser. My twenty-two years as Treasurer of Tetbury Theatre Group have always been fun, as well as a great way to meet other Tetburians. Thank you! Lin Ashby (née) Tanswell, (Married 1st April!) Dear Editor (or may we call you Richard?) , We’d first like to thank you for the very generous comments you made in last month’s Lions Den. In the final run-in to moving, we have been exhilarated by the expressions of kindness from so many people in the town - and will treasure those as fond memories of Tetbury when we leave this week. We would also like to thank the Tetbury Lions. When we first arrived here fifteen years ago, we knew little about Tetbury and even less about the Lions. However, we hadn’t been here long before there was an invitation to come along to a meeting to “find out what Lions do.”

Dear Editor, It is impossible to think of Tetbury Hospital without thinking of Hettie, who first came to England in the 1960’s to stay with her Aunt and Uncle and who then met a tall good-looking young man with curly hair, a twinkle in his eye and a dry sense of humour - Brian Niblett. Truly a match made in heaven, this year they will be celebrating fifty-five years of marriage. After the births of Jackie and James, Hettie began work at Tetbury Hospital, proving to be one of the most hard-working and respected ladies in our town. It is impossible to even say her name without having a smile! Everyone loves Hettie - and if this fact must be proven, the fact that His Royal Highness Prince Charles sent a personal letter and gift to her on her retirement, should seal it. On behalf of the whole town and on behalf of the many, many, people whose lives you

have touched, thank you, Hettie. If anyone deserves a happy retirement, it is you. Cllr Kevin Painter Dear Editor, May I, through the Tetbury Advertiser, thank all my friends and neighbours for all the help they gave me and my husband Trevor during his long illness? I should also like to express my sincere thanks to Doctor Gerald and to the District Nurses at Romney House Surgery. Yours sincerely, Cordy Snell.

Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.

Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates

It soon became apparent, that “what Lions do“ is a tremendous amount! As people new to Tetbury, being in the Lions meant that our circle of friends and contacts widened very quickly. Fifteen years later, that opinion hasn’t changed – the Lions have proved to be the go-to organisation for making things happen for all age groups. It is done without fuss or rancour – just with good humour. The club’s motto is “We serve “- perhaps should also be added “just do it!“ So, for anyone new to the town, read the Advertiser as it drops through the door and go along to a meeting – we can recommend the outcome, as it has led to making some very kind friends throughout the town.

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Good luck and best wishes for the future, Christine and Barry Gibbs

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18 | May 2016

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20 | May 2016


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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The Malthouse is a unique grade II listed building just off The Chipping, which dates from the early Eighteenth Century, and which was rebuilt following a fire in 1898. “Malting” ceased there in 1919. (A malt house, or ‘maltings’, was a building where cereal grain was converted into malt by soaking it in water, allowing it to sprout and then drying it to stop further growth.

Malt is used in brewing beer, whisky and in certain foods.) The Malthouse Renovation Committee, set up in 2015 to run the restoration and modernisation, has met several times during the winter to discuss the future of the building. An architect has been appointed to draw up plans and costings following the meetings with the users and surveyors who have outlined proposals for the renovations. We need to raise funds to pay for the initial fees to enable this. We will then be in the position to apply for funds

Malthouse Update from Trusts, the National Lottery and so on. The first initiative was a coffee morning in The Malthouse in April and hopefully many of you came to see this iconic building, with its wonderful space that is so well-used by 300 adults and children on a weekly basis. It is a vital asset to Tetbury and the local villages.

Please help save The Malthouse To help fundraise, there will be a Summer Raffle with first prize of £100, a lunch for two at Calcot Manor and many other wonderful prizes; tickets will be available at various local events and from Skeins, at 56 Long Street. The Committee will have a stall selling cakes, jams and preserves at The Woolsack Race Day on bank holiday Monday 30th May – and on Thursday the 7th of July you may come and enjoy a Cream Tea and Tour of Chavenage House, (of “Poldark” fame,) which has been kindly donated by the Lowsley-Williams family. At the Heritage Weekend in September the Malthouse will be open for visitors and Syd Mosdell will be giving a lecture on ‘The History of the Malthouse’ on Saturday the 17th of September. Look out for other fun events in the future. Juliet Fenton, Chair and Trustee 01666504216 or 07557516287 Juliet@merchants.eclipse.co.uk


All profits distributed locally and internationally

May 2016 | 21

History of Tetbury Society When Mike Robinson spoke at the HOTS meeting on 7th April, he restricted his talk about the Battle of Waterloo to an engagement that involved the 28th (North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot. He said that it is most difficult to trace the true history of the battle since eye-witness accounts are not consistent and indeed, there was a conference held in London in 1812 that agreed an ‘acceptable official record’ which heavily distorted the actual events. They even decided to name the battle Waterloo, because the names of the nearest villages were “too Frenchsounding!” The 28th North Glos. Foot were drawn up alongside the main road from Brussels to Nivelles behind a thick hedge with the 95th Rifles and the Netherlands and Belgian troops. A few were located by an old quarry and on a piece of high ground across the road as sharpshooters and lookouts. At about 10 o’clock in the morning of the 18th June, they spotted French troops approaching and withdrew behind the hedge. When the French artillery opened fire the hedge protected our troops from bouncing cannon balls that often caused many injuries to foot soldiers. Rifle fire was exchanged when the French approached and casualties were suffered on both sides. Stalemate was broken when the Royal Scots Greys cavalry charged and put the French to flight.

Debbie Young spoke at our previous meeting on the 3rd of March and since she writes regularly in the Advertiser, it was interesting to meet a familiar contributor. Her childhood home was in Sidcup, Kent, but her father was evacuated to Todenham near Moreton-in-Marsh as a child, which left him with a love of Gloucestershire. Debbie’s been a resident of Hawkesbury Upton since 1993 - and a former member of staff at Westonbirt School. Her husband moved to a job in Bristol but since the cost of housing forced them to live further out, South Gloucestershire was an obvious choice. They are now used to the local people and the locals are used to them! Such considerations have led her to consider the question - ‘How long before something becomes History?’ She said history is happening all around us and it needs to be recorded. Some people keep a diary but most of us have memories that need recording.

Hawkesbury have published three volumes of village history, mainly of stories collected by talking to the older residents. Their childhood memories make fascinating reading and bring home the changes that have occurred within a lifetime. Debbie has noticed that asking questions leads to memories being rekindled as does a visit to something that was once very familiar. Debbie’s aim was to encourage us to collect memories and having recorded them - print them. Today we can use mobile phones to record voices and take photographs and the computer is yet another device not only for recording but sending information via the web. Future generations will be amazed by what today is mundane, everyday life. We thanked Mike and Debbie in the usual way. We next meet on 5th May at 6.45pm in the Chipping for a visit to Bisley. Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society

The 28th Foot had left Ireland when they heard the news that Napoleon had returned to France. They had fought at the battle of Quatre Bras on the 16th of June and, all together, suffered about 30% losses in dead and wounded; Mike has clearly has made a close study of events in 1815 and has now given us two interesting talks.

Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

Book Sale Monday 30th May

Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm

(During Woolsack Day)

10am - 4pm at the Malt House (off the Chipping car park)

Out of hours appointments are available on request.

Please help us by collecting “as good as new” books to sell. Adult paperback fiction and any Children’s books

Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy

Bring books to the Malt House during unit meetings or call Sue Doidge 01666 504361

We need your Books! 0150516

22 | May 2016

Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

We are delighted to report that once again there remains a strong business interest in the Summer Show but it is apparent that interest is no longer local. We can reveal that even though there is still three full months before the show takes place on Sunday 14th August on the recreation ground, several stallholders

have already signed-up to attend. Records show that these stallholders are now coming from far and wide and, fortunately for the show, present us with a Pandora’s Box of delights. We of course look forward to welcoming the local concerns who support us every year like the Bowl’s Club and Debbie Wood (the face painter from Magic Masks,) but the new additions are surprising, varied and delightful. Coming from Stonehouse is a company called “Jack Bakes” - providing vegan and gluten-free cakes, cookies and savoury muffins. This may be welcome news for those of you who have dietary

Stuart Forrest Accredited CBT Therapist

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Finally, it would appear that our Fun Dog Show is the current winner of the “longdistance attraction” award, as coming all the way from Carmarthenshire is “Lincolns Lunch Box,” a company who bake handmade, plant-based dog treats that are tasty, wholesome and enjoyable. Never mind if your dog is taking part or not in the Fun Dog Show that starts at 2.00pm, if you as the owner have dietary concerns about your delightful canine, these may be the people you need to speak with.

For confidential advice or to arrange an assessment contact: stuart@tetburycbt.co.uk Tel. 07791161827

S.A.Cuss Limited

01666 500007



Wiltshire features twice (for the moment at least) in the list of new additions, but we are happy to report that we have also ventured even further afield, already. Very keen to participate are Circle Cider, a small but very popular brewer from Swindon with a big reputation and a regular visitor to the towns Outlet Village market scene.


Anxiety Depression Addiction Bereavement Phobias Insomnia


limitations or who prefer a meatless diet. However, everyone will be pleased to know that John Newman will be occupying his usual position on the show ground with his selection of mouth-watering beef burgers, hot dogs and bacon rolls and, as last year, is expected to sell out before the event ends.

Also from Swindon we welcome an independent Usborne Books organiser who will be providing a selection of books for all children aged between a few months to 14 years old. This is a first and a delightful addition for the Summer Show, and it has got to be a “must visit” for all parents and teachers alike. Closer to home is Cirencester-based “Sheunique” and we welcome her for her first of many visits, Sheila Lloyd-Graham, aka “Lady She.” You will find her a charming woman who has transformed from army physical training instructor to glamorous WWII Hollywood actress, offering “classes in hair styling, makeup and deportment to help vintage lovers establish their own authentic look.” So ladies be prepared, whether your interest is a hen night or that elusive retro look, this is surely a treat for you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective talking therapy for:


Summer Show

Town & Country News

Our next update will feature more stallholders, the attractions you will enjoy and the launch of the all-important 2016 schedule. Summer Show Committee

Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas.

Andrew’s Mobile Disco

Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!

Music for all occasions from the 50’s to today. Classic hits, party tunes and your playlists!

We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.

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Email: sarah.townandcountrynews@btinternet.com

Tel 01666880332 Mobile 07702905509 1210316

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events


May 2016 | 23

Priory Inn Blog

source of their own home (or allotment) grown vegetables or fruit and we exchange vouchers at the current market value for their produce. Please feel free to join in and bring us your excess throughout the growing season.

“Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, and youth, and warm desire!” John Milton, ‘Song on a May Morning,’ 1660 An endorsement of great seasonal things to come is the beginning of the fifth year of our “Barter-at-the-back-door” scheme. Local gardeners are emerging from hibernation with trugs of rhubarb, late purple sprouting broccoli and occasional foragers with sorrel and wild garlic. This scheme is open to anyone who has a local

Unsung Hero

Dear Editor,

I would like to nominate Sandra Ball, our lovely lady Mayor, as this months “Unsung Hero”. She has been a good ambassador for Tetbury fronting up a relentless calendar of events and “giving extra” without showing any signs of combat fatigue. Her shining face, like that of the best possible “Sports Day Mum”, enjoying the singing reindeers on the steps of the Market Hall on Christingle night, is a picture that will last in my memory.

Last month we spent a morning at The Godsell’s dairy farm in Leonard Stanley to see some mozzarella-making action from the skillful team that crafts our pizza and many menu cheeses. Liz and Bryan Godsell are passionate about making excellent cheese as well caring deeply about their cows at Church Farm. This care for their herd and the end product has led to them being great supporters of The “Free Range Dairy” movement.

graze for at least 6 months of the year, roaming pastures 24 hours a day in Spring and Summer. This is healthy for both the animals and unsurprisingly also good for the milk and other dairy products. Spring is a time of celebration for these farmers as they watch their cows gallop – rodeostyle - out to Spring pastures for the first time in 6 months. There are some joyous clips of Springtime frolicing cows and more information on their promise on the Free Range Dairy website freerangedairy.org. Live music continues through May with Steve Degutis playing on the 1st, Rapunzel on the 8th and Chester on the 15th. Details are on our website for the remainder of the month at theprioryinn.co.uk. Follow us also on Twitter @theprioryinn

One of the main aims of this group is to ensure that cows enjoy the freedom to

Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn

Sandra has been fair-minded, listening and making up her own mind on local issues - and she has truly engaged in trying to make a heartfelt difference to the running of our town. Thank you Sandra, you have been proud of Tetbury and we appreciate that and applaud you for all you have achieved in the last two years.

If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know; my details are on page three of the magazine.

Ed: I’m delighted to accept this nomination for the hard-working Sandra Ball, without fear of being criticised for undue favouritism. If she’s kind enough to contact me in the near future I shall ensure she receives her voucher for a meal for two, generously provided by the Priory Inn.

LATE NIGHT SUPPER CLUB Two for One: Pizzas, Burgers, Fish and Chips* ~ offer is available after 9pm each evening throughout May ~ ~ offer applies only on presentation of this advertisement ~ offer applies to EAT-IN and TAKE-AWAY pizza, burger and fish and chips ~ *T&Cs apply:- This offer is subject to availability and this advert must be presented on placing order (one original advertisement is required for each free meal and photocopies or other facsimiles are not accepted); this offer is only available after 9pm; when you buy more than one full-sized pizza or burger or fish and chips, the cheapest item is free; one advertisement is required for each free pizza; the 2 for 1 offer can apply to groups of up to 6 people (3 original advertisements required); the offer runs from 1st May 2016 and expires on 31st May 2016.


24 | May 2016

theprioryinn.co.uk ~ London Road Tetbury GL8 8JJ ~ 01666 502251 Reservations Advisable Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

It is an exciting time at the Goods Shed, as the tenders for the conversion will be in on the 25th April. This will give us the final figures which we have been waiting for and allow us to know the accurate cost of the conversion. At the recent town meeting in the Dolphins Hall, concern was expressed over the impact on resident’s council tax of the loan Tetbury Town Council proposes to take out, to

cover the shortfall in our funding. Although we don’t have that detail yet, the financial implications for local taxpayers would be very small – that we do know – and once operating we have always intended, like Prema in Uley and the Brewery Arts in Cirencester, to be financially independent. In the long term hope even to make a small profit, and to be a magnet for visitors who will bring their much-needed spending power to Tetbury. This will, we hope, help regenerate the businesses in the town. Judging by the enquiries we have already

WE ARE HIRING GREAT PEOPLE! Come and join The Priory Inn team

WE ARE HIRING GREAT PEOPLE! Come and join The Priory Inn team

We are always keen to forge strong links with passionate and exceptional people: chefs to work in our "30 Mile Food Zone", creating fresh local food without the fuss; and front of house delivering highly professional but informal service in a strong, fun and talented team. We are always keen to forge strong links Competitive salaries plus tips and discounts ~ live-in with passionate and exceptional people: option ~ free use of local gym ~ farm and supplier tours ~ chefs work in ~our "30 training Mile Food Zone", 28to days holiday ongoing ~ uniform creating fresh local food without the fuss; currently have: and frontWe of house delivering highly FT Breakfast Chef and professional but informal service in a FT Kitchen Porter positions open strong, fun and talented team.

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2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm 01666 502877

Please email your cv to jobs@theprioryinn.co.uk

Competitive salaries plus tips and discounts ~ live-in option ~ free use of local gym ~ farm and supplier tours ~ theprioryinn.co.uk/jobs ~ 01666 502251 28 days holiday ~ ongoing training ~ uniform 0950516

“Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”


We currently have: FT Breakfast Chef and FT Kitchen Porter positions open

Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust had from people wanting to book the Goods Shed, we feel sure that it will be a popular vintage railway location for everything from lecture tours, car boot sales, farmer’s markets, cinema, theatre in all its forms, to a wide range of artistic and social events; in short a sparkling new hub for our community to use and enjoy. The outside platform is nearing completion, as anyone who has seen our volunteers raking the freshly delivered gravel like Zen Monks will know. All that remains is to fit the removable steel railings (no more than a few days’ work) and we are ready to go. The opening ceremony with its ribbon cutting celebration will take place on Wacky Race day. Once the ribbon has been cut, Nicola Clark is putting together some musical acts to christen the platform and we are having a market. We raised another £250 at our last Car Boot Sale and are planning to continue with these for as long as we can, as they have become more and more popular. It is an interesting time to get involved as it is all starting to take shape now, so if you would like to contact me please ring me on 01666502877 or go to our website, tetburyraillands.co.uk. Will Cook, Chairman Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust

Please email your cv to jobs@theprioryinn.co.uk


theprioryinn.co.uk/jobs ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”


A charity cycle ride for everyone along the quiet lanes round Tetbury. There will be a short 6½-mile route for children and people of all abilities, and a more-challenging 20-mile route for the more fit. ENTRY FORMS from Town Council Office, Tourist Information Centre, Veloton, Tetbury Leisure Centre, Jole Rider and at Goods Shed Special Markets.




Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month

May 2016 | 25

Leighterton Primary School ANZAC Day 2016 The whole community here at Leighterton are very proud of our ANZAC links. The ANZAC’s are the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, who were based at Leighterton during the First World War. During World War One the Royal Flying Corps was established - and near the end of the war, Australia set up its own Air Corps. The first detachments were sent to the UK in 1917 and the First Training Wing of the Australian Flying Corps was established in January 1918. Leighterton hosted Number 2 Station and Squadrons 7 and 8 came here.

Our children here at Leighterton have all contributed to our ANZAC Day 2016 display in our hall. Everyone has made a poppy for the display and some of the children have researched and written about the ANZAC’s. If you would like to come and find out more about the ANZAC’s or have a look around our school, please contact Mrs Harris or Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 or through our website – www. leighterton.com to book a tour. Meryl Hatfield 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian Headteacher

LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon




Page 1

A r e l i a b l e , f a s t & f r i e nd l y s e r v i c e The runways were grass. Trainees came to the squadrons once they had completed six weeks basic training and passed a written exam in Aeronautics, Morse code and the Theory of Artillery. They flew twelve times with an instructor, each flight lasting only fifteen minutes, before going solo. They would then complete four hours of solo flights before going on to advanced training. Here at Leighterton, training was in two seater planes. The planes used were Sopwith Pups, Sopwith Camels, the Royal Aircraft Factory SE 5A and Avro 504. The Sopwith Camel is reputed to have had particularly poor handling characteristics. The ANZACS became well known locally for their daredevil flying. The ANZACs left the stations on 11th May 1919 and the air strips at Leighterton reverted to farmland again. Twenty-four of the ANZAC pilots who were trained at Leighterton and who were killed during the war are buried in the cemetery here. Each year, on the Sunday closest to ANZAC Day, which is on the 25th of April, representatives from the Royal British Legion, the Royal Air Force and other community groups, parade from Leighterton Primary School through the village to the cemetery, where a service of remembrance is held to commemorate the ANZAC’s who are buried there. The children from our school lay sprigs of rosemary on the graves of the servicemen. The Royal British Legion visited our school earlier this month to share more information with us about the ANZACs and to tell us what would happen on ANZAC Day. The Royal Air Force also came in and told us about their roles and about careers that are available in the Royal Air Force nowadays. They brought parts of their uniforms for us to try on and medals to look at.

26 | May 2016

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

People For You

Quality Alterations of Tetbury

2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury Glos (Next to Tourist Information)

Offering a full range of clothing alterations, from shortening of hems to a complete garment remodel Zip replacements, repairs and sewing on buttons Wardrobe consultations in your own home Cushions made to order and much, much more! We aim to return your garments as soon as we can, when possible, within an hour for a single shortening Experienced - Highly Recommended Competitive Rates

Mon-Fri 9.30-3 or by appointment 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk 1020415

People For You provide a lifeline on your doorstop to regular companionship and friendship. You are invited to our coffee morning on Friday the 3rd of June at Christ Church in Tetbury, between 10.30 am and 12.00 noon. Please do join us for FREE refreshments, including delicious home-made cakes. It’s an ideal opportunity to meet us and to enjoy a chat together. Everyone’s welcome! We live in a very different world to that of twenty or thirty years ago, when communities were more cohesive. The internet, for all the positives it has brought to the modern world, is guilty of destroying the quality of human interaction. And we need it - we need to talk to each other! It’s vital to our emotional survival as a human being to have this. It’s not complicated, it’s not difficult, it’s just having someone to talk to on a regular basis – and this is where People For You, the volunteer befriending service, comes into its own. What we offer is regular companionship with someone who lives locally, who can bring the community to you, who can bring colour and light and fun and laughter to your doorstep. We tackle the issue of loneliness and isolation head on.

Are you able to help? Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the service, they bring joy, they bring pleasure, they bring a bit of gossip but, most importantly, they bring themselves. We couldn’t exist without their support. If you have the empathy and commitment to be a volunteer, please do get in touch. We provide training, on-going support and also an opportunity to forge new friendships. And if you feel this service might be of interest to you, please get in touch. No-one needs to feel alone or un-heard - this service is here to support you. And finally - We very much look forward to seeing you on 3rd June at Christ Church. Please put the date in your diary! Sue Black, People For You 07810 630167 / 01452 528491 sue.peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com 0680515

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May 2016 | 27



St Mary’s Playgroup As we spring forward after our Easter break we are excited about our up and coming busy summer term. By the time you are reading this we will have already started growing our new family of caterpillars! We raised 6 caterpillars last year and watched the life cycles as they became chrysalis, before hatching and becoming beautiful butterflies that we could release. It was such a fantastic experience for the children to see the changes each time they came in, that we have decided to do it again this year. With the season changing we will also be focusing on growth in our environment, spending time exploring and playing with vegetables, seeds and natural objects and planting our own herbs and flowers too. We can’t wait for the better weather when we can spend even more time down in the beautiful open gardens behind the Nursing

Home – we are so grateful for the continued support of the National Benevolent Charity for allowing us to roam free in the space.

the local Primary School to visit and enjoy activities in their future classrooms. Time is going so fast…

We are now in our final term before our preschool children ‘fly our nest’ and move onto Primary School so we are encouraging lots of independence and practicing changing for P.E, as well as linking with

This month has seen the sad farewell of our wonderful and well-loved ‘Seedlings’ (our baby and toddler group) group leader. She has nurtured the group for us so fantastically over the last year and I think it’s fair to say she will be missed by all staff, mums, carers and children – we are so grateful for all her hard work! Our ‘Seedlings’ baby and toddler group will continue every Monday morning from 9.30-11.30 and will now be run be our equally lovely mum Kelly! Kelly is also one of our members of staff in the playgroup with an extensive background in childcare, including a level 4 equivalent in birth to three years along with NVQs in childcare level 2&3. She has some fantastic ideas moving forward with the group, which we hope you will come along to be part of. All ages and stages are catered for and everyone is welcome, so please drop in and join the fun. Please visit our website or Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup and Toddlers’ to learn more about us or if you’d like to come and visit, we are always happy to hear from you.


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28 | May 2016


Mobile 07501 667626 LOCAL REFERENCES AVAILABLE 1010516

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

With the warmest winter for England since records began in 1910, it would point towards winter football in slightly more enjoyable conditions, however, being the second wettest (just behind the winter of 2013/14) it has proved difficult to fulfil fixtures without turning the Recreation Ground into a mud bath. For some reason, I am sure in the winter of 2015/16, that it always decided to rain at the weekends!

Thankfully, sensible decision-making about when to play on the pitches have meant that we only have a handful of fixtures left across all our youth teams; training will continue through the month and lead right up until our Annual Presentation Celebrations on the 21st May at the Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground. Celebration football matches begin at 10.00 am, including crossbar challenges, penalty shoot-outs and several other fun activities. Presentations will follow at 11.00 am and we look forward to celebrating our players for the efforts they have ALL given

Tetbury Town FC throughout the season, with maybe the odd piece of silverware to present. Everything doesn’t just stop after the season finishes and planning is already underway for next season and beyond. The 2016/2017 season will be an exciting one as we continue to grow our club and its reputation as one of the best in the area. We aim to field eight teams across all the age groups and also to continue with our enthusiastic Tiny Tigers! This will involve nearly 150 children participating in football, which we are justifiably proud of. Look out for future news on developments.

Are you an aspiring football coach?

Tetbury Town FC prides itself on having qualified coaches in all sessions and is happy to help support all coaching paths by offering funding for recognised qualifications. We pride ourselves on being a club that offers growth, allowing coaches to apply for coaching and leadership opportunities. Juniors are also invited to become involved by working with experienced coaches and may be even towards the ‘FA Young Leaders Award’, which is an FA course for 12 to 16 year olds interested in coaching or refereeing. The club is continually growing and it is an exciting time to be part of our team.

chris@elliottbrothers.net 07786 085928 01666 505110 0370416

We are looking for professional and confident individuals who are able to join our dynamic team. We encourage children to flourish by improving their skills and confidence, whilst they learn at our fantastic sports club by qualified coaches. Are you an aspiring football coach? Would you like to become involved? Coaching youngsters is so rewarding, because of their resilience, enthusiasm and willingness to make mistakes as part of the learning process.

Zara Lamb

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Tel: 01285 774471 - 07870 943397 email: springlamb33@gmail.com

If you would like to discuss these opportunities further, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07879 441938 or email richard.norris@rndsltd.co.uk.



Richard Norris Youth Chairman Tetbury Town FC


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May 2016 | 29

Save ‘n’ Borrow Tetbury Sports Massage

Save ‘n’ Borrow Credit Union is going strong and open every Thursday from 2 until 4 pm, in privacy, at the Council Offices at the bottom of Long Street.

Sports, Remedial & Holistic Massage Stiff & sore, neck, shoulder, back, knee pain? Have you injured yourself either through sport or everyday life? Is it putting you off sport/exercise or affecting your work? Eliminate aches & pains, increase your flexibility. Sports massage can detect problems, prevent injuries occurring & speed recovery.  Don’t give up your sport and endure discomfort – have a sports massage

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Save ‘n’ Borrow does not make loans without being sure that the member can make the repayments but, because the interest rate charged to borrowers is so low, it makes Save ‘n’ Borrow loans much more affordable. Spread the word! Save ‘n’ Borrow is here at the Town Council Offices every Thursday 2 – 4pm. This is a community venture run by the community, for the community. For further information, call in or phone Alison Hesketh on 01666 505113

Runners – legs tight or sore? Ease them up with a sports massage. Improve performance with pre/post event massage. Christina Ticehurst BTEC ITEC MFHT 07738 597436 www.tetburysportsmassage.co.uk info@tetburysportsmassage.co.uk


David Sheppard Building Contractor • New Builds • Extensions • Dry Stone Walls • Patios Mobile: 07885 397986 Tel: 01666 502940




30 | May 2016

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Places available for Year 7 entry in the Preparatory School Specialist subject teachers, a child centred approach to learning and superb facilities lead to excellent results. Minibus service available. Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 -18 Please contact: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471. 1250416

Stonehouse, GloucestershireGL10 GL10 2JQ| Twitter | Twitter @WycliffeCollege Stonehouse, Gloucestershire 2JQ @WycliffeCollege


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News from St Marys’ Church April 2016 was a memorable month for St Mary’s Church! We had a wonderful service on Sunday 10th April, when Bishop Rachel came to bless the new glass door at the entrance to the church. Lots of people came to meet the new Bishop of Gloucester: altogether about 250 people attended, drawn from our family of churches across Tetbury, Avening, Beverston, Shipton Moyne, Long Newnton and Cherington. And we were delighted that the Food Bank outlet opened at the St Mary’s Community Centre on Tuesday 26th April. This will provide emergency food for local families in crisis, rather than having to try to get into Cirencester to get the help they need urgently. The food bank outlet will be open 9.30-11.30 on Tuesday mornings. We are grateful to everyone who has volunteered to staff the centre, and to help deliver donations to the Cirencester warehouse, and to collect supplies. This is truly a community effort. Thank you.

and the St Marys’ congregation has given me a great start – not only with monetary donations but lots of encouragement, hugs and moral support.” And my usual invitation to everyone … do join us for our regular Sunday service at 9.30am – with Little Fishes Sunday School for children. I look forward to seeing you soon! With love and prayers, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Rector, The Benefices of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne, and Avening with Cherington


Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Health to Foot clinics everyFoot Monday andisonrelocating the first Saturday Tetbury Hospital from 1st December! ! of every month at Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every Catherine Montgomery



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Coming up in May, we have our great e: feet@catherinemontgomery.co.uk info@catherinemontgomery.co.uk www.montgomeryfoothealth.co.uk Pentecost celebration at our 9.30am service 0911215 on Sunday 15th May. This is the time we mark the coming of the Holy Spirit, to give us the courage and heart to do all God asks MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1 12/07/2015 of us. So it feels right, that same evening at 6pm, to have a special service to launch this year’s Christian Aid Week (15th-21st May). This appeal unites over 20,000 churches in FOR ALL YOUR CAR BODY REPAIRS raising money to fight global poverty.


We’re delighted that a member of our congregation – Eileen Hodgson – ran the London Marathon on 24th April, raising money for Christian Aid to loud cries of “Come on, Eileen!” She told Christian Aid: “I was inspired to run for Christian Aid because I just cannot understand the unfairness of poverty. I feel privileged to have been given the place


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32 | May 2016

Beautiful nails ~ one of life’s pleasures Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


A Policeman’s lot … … may not be a happy one, but ours was on the 3rd of March, when John Falcon talked to us about Gilbert and Sullivan’s operas. One of the most successful partnerships in the world of music, he told us Gilbert (b.1837), the son of a naval surgeon, was obsessed with the theatre. Very clever and witty, he became an established satirist who could make money out of the ridiculous. Sullivan (b.1842), the son of a military bandmaster, became a professional musician and although he increasingly wanted to create something with more artistic quality, eventually writing several grand operas, he is remembered mainly for his operettas. John summarised the plots and background of all twelve, with many illustrative musical excerpts and anecdotes. ‘Trial by Jury’

led to collaboration with the impresario Richard D’Oyly Carte and eventually to the Savoy operas such as ‘HMS Pinafore’ and ‘The Pirates of Penzance’. ‘The Mikado’ ran for 672 successive performances. It was a very human story, lightly told by a very knowledgeable enthusiast. Sullivan’s grandfather knew Napoleon, who featured prominently in our talk on the 17th of March. Colonel Tony Davis described and illustrated for us the main features of the Battle of Waterloo on the 18th of June 1815. This followed Napoleon’s escape from Elba and, because of the political situation in France at that time, his resumption of the command of the French army. Coalition forces reformed rapidly to frustrate Napoleon’s ambitions to recapture Europe, leading to the battle which would decide Europe’s future. EMAIL: SARAH@SERAPHINDESIGN.COM



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Napoleon’s misperceptions of the extent of his success, failures in communication and lack of appreciation of the terrain were all explained, together with their strategic consequences. The toll on both human and equine lives and suffering was horrendous: injuries were gruesome. In total, 40,000 troops were killed or wounded. Marshal Blucher followed the fleeing French forces and wreaked ruthless revenge.

…”Well thank God, I don’t know what it is to lose a battle, but certainly nothing can be more painful than to gain one with the loss of so many friends. It was a damned nice thing, the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life”…




British troops (many foreign in British uniforms), commanded by the Duke of Wellington, and supported by Marshal Blucher’s Prussian army, faced the French troops commanded by Napoleon with the armies of Marshals Ney and de Grouchy. The ever-changing shape of the battle could be followed and envisaged with Tony’s clear diagrams showing the sequential positioning of the artillery, cavalry and infantry at each stage. The likely scene was enhanced by excerpts from later films.

Rarely have we had a talk prepared with such care and detail. As Tony said, Wellington must have the last words:


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01666 503900 May 2016 | 33

Perfection Spa Award winning beauty salon, Perfection Health and Beauty of Foxley, near Malmesbury, have once again been selected as one of the top five salons in the UK, in the prestigious Professional Beauty Awards 2016. Hundreds of salons entered across the UK, so it is a spectacular achievement to be nominated as a finalist for the ‘Salon of the Year’ (three rooms or fewer) category.

We always endeavour to deliver high quality treatment standards and exceptional customer service. I am incredibly proud of my team; they consistently strive to keep Perfection at the top of its game, and it is a reflection of their hard work and commitment that we have yet again made it through to the biggest awards in our industry.” Perfection opened in March 2011, when Michelle and her husband Simon Stead transformed a former cowshed into a successful beauty salon. It has recently featured in Vogue, Tatler and Cotswold Life magazines. Michelle employs and

manages a team of seven and is currently in the process of renovating the upstairs of the salon. The expansion will include a dedicated Manicure and Pedicure lounge, as well as two additional treatment rooms. Perfection offers a variety of beauty treatments ranging from massages, facials, acrylic nails, spray tanning, electrolysis and cosmetic enhancements such as Botox. For more information, please visit http://www.perfectionspa.co.uk / or call (01666) 822811 Perfection Health and Beauty

Salon Owner Michelle Stead commented “I am truly honoured that our hard work, passion dedication has been 260313 Wayneand Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha recognised nationally.

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Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner. Two courses for £14.50* The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com

www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk *Two courses for £14.50 served in the Brasserie from 12noon to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. 0250516

34 | May 2016

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Dolphins Dramatic Society Well done to all the cast on a first class production. A lot of hard work and very many lines to learn, especially for Jackie who played the lead role as Bella Manningham. Jackie was on stage 95% of the time, with hardly any time to take a breather. However, the wonderful support of cast members spurred her on and she played a very difficult part brilliantly. The set was amazing and really contributed to the menacing air that prevailed throughout the play. Excellent work Anne and of course Jenny.

Hudson for working his lighting and sound magic, so clever, it looked like the lamps were really being lit. There were many other amazing lighting and electrical feats he conjured up which ensured the show could go on. Also thanks to Tom Bull and Dan Lee who helped David. To IHS for printing the programme, a very special thank you to Matt Capener as he really only had one day he could do the print run amongst all the other work he had to do. Fantastic! Thanks to all the traders who placed an advert in the Dolphins programme and to those who displayed posters in their shop window – and last but not least a big round of applause to all the people who took time out of their busy lives to come and watch the play. Thank you.

A BIG thank you to Sureteam who not only placed an advert in the Dolphins spring programme but also provided First Aid training for two members of The Dolphins Dramatic Society. Their generosity is very much appreciated - and although we hope we never have to put the first aid into practice, it does mean if something happens during a production there are two people who can work with knowledge quickly and efficiently. Thanks also to Tom Bull who designed the poster, banner and programme – stunning work and all done when he was so busy and ill. We hope the whiskey helps! To David

The next production is the pantomime. It might seem like ages away but sets need painting, a cast choosing, costumes and props need to be made and lines learnt. Do you know what we are putting on? Oh yes you do, it’s Jack and the Beanstalk and it will run from Thursday the 24th of November to Saturday the 26th of November. As always there will be a special night out to the show for the older people of Tetbury on Wednesday the 23rd of November, organised by Tetbury Lions. If you are interested in joining The Dolphins Dramatic Society, we would love to see you. Contact Anne Smith 0788 737 7139 or Jenny Miles 01666 503059. Terri White Dolphins Dramatic Society

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36 | May 2016

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WE ARE FULLY INSURED Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

We have had a busy few months at Vale both on and off the field. On a chilly Sunday in March we gathered to see Fran Eddolls on his way for a 14-mile run, which raised funds for a new first team kit for next season. His team spirit and generosity with his time was very inspiring, not to mention his level of fitness! Thank you Fran. We also had a great night out at Swindon Greyhounds which not only was a fab social evening, but raised more money for our Club too. A win-win situation.

form and currently with three games in hand, a top spot in Division 3 is possible. The Under-13’s are competing well too, with their small squad in Division 2 having just taken three points off a strong Marlborough side who were expecting a win. The under-18’s have had a mixed season, but are currently sitting mid-table with two games left to play, in what is a stronger league than they have previously encountered. Our Under-16’s are currently awaiting their semi final in the KB Coaches Cup. Fingers crossed that the cup can return to Vale for the second year running. Good luck boys!

Avonvale FC joining a league in September. Our senior sides are holding their own too, despite an injury-hit season. We will enjoy a few weeks off before our pre-season commences once again. Check our Facebook page for details.

A superb highlight of our year so far was at Easter, when we hosted the 10th Avonvale Utd / CSV Jong Holland exchange visit. Eighteen Dutch children came to stay for four nights with our Vale families, taking part in many activities that we’d planned for the weekend. Football of course played On the pitch, our youth teams are all its part, with the annual ‘England v Holland’ Vale Cougars have had a fun-packed competing well as we near the end of the games, which we can report ended with 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1 will 18/6/13 19:52 Page 1 100208The KPunder-12’s Gardensare22/2/08 21:50 season, Page 1and some of the older ones be season. looking in good two wins for England! The boys (from both countries) were a credit to their families for the whole weekend, and never more so than as they stood together for a minute’s LOCAL silence to commemorate the life of Dutch RS footballing legend Johan Cruyff, who LOW-COST REPAI had died days earlier. The weekend was filled with FIFA, Ice Skating, Games Night, Lazer Quest, Indoor Football and Tubing at Gloucester Ski School. Exhausting but immensely enjoyable nonetheless. Finally, we must say a massive thank you to Mark Robinson and Sam Brown who refurbished the Vale Café over the Easter weekend, making it ‘good to go’ once again. Normal service has been resumed and all may be fed and watered on a Saturday morning, once more!



For more information on Avonvale Utd FC please see our Facebook page, or contact 07518 017363. Players of all ages and abilities welcome! We are now taking registrations for next season 2016-17.

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May 2016 | 37

Tetbury Footpath Group The walking season is now underway and visitors are welcome to join the group… …on Tuesdays for any of the walks to see and enjoy the countryside around Tetbury. Please contact the leader in advance. Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks; participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors.

Level: A/B, Leader: Pat (840267) 17/05/2016, 2.00 PM, cars needed, a pleasant walk through quiet countryside from Didmarton following the Sherston Branch of R. Avon to Sopworth, then following the Wiltshire Path and returning to Didmarton, 4.5 m 7.5 km, Level: A/B, Leaders: Helen & Linda (503187)

Levels: A = easy to D = hilly Tetbury Footpath Group

21/05/2016, 12.00 – 3.00 PM, cars needed, walk from Nailsworth to Tetbury for Christian Aid. Walkers and Sponsors reqd., 6.5 m 10.5 km, Level: B, Details from Rev. Radford 01453 839250

CALLING ALL GARDENERS! Turn your surplus fruit, veg and herbs into a night out...

All walks begin from the Tetbury Goods Shed free long stay car park. Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be very muddy.

Bring freshly harvested, surplus produce to The Priory Inn and we'll give you vouchers in return that you can spend on food and drink with us!* *T&Cs: Produce must be home (or allotment) grown; delivery before midday on the day it is picked; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value of that produce is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value of the produce can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn.

03/05/2016, 10.00 AM, cars needed, a delightful walk with beautiful views around Kingscote and Horsley woods, 5 m 8 km, Level: B/C, Leader: Kevin (505357) 10/05/2016, 2.00 PM, cars needed, from Sherston to Luckington, along the river valley to Brookhill and back, 3.5 m 5.5 km,


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Midsummer Christmas Lunch Sunday 10th July 2016, 1.00pm for 1.30pm Hare & Hounds, Westonbirt, Tetbury

• Tickets £26 per person, available from Sue Hirst on 504213 or sue@christmasintetbury.org.uk • Two course menu (4 choices), coffee and tea included other drinks extra! • Raffle & visit by Santa! • Profits to ‘Christmas in Tetbury’ 0220516

31/05/2016, 4.00 PM, cars needed, a lovely early summer walk alongside the river at Malmesbury, 4 m 6.5 km, Level: A, Leader: Audrey (504368)

Call Alison on 07530 955786 or 01666 505004 Email alimccloskey@outlook.com 0060416

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38 | May 2016

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Six ladies had an enjoyable day at the County AGM held in Cheltenham Town Hall.

Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)

So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple.

There were several good speakers in the morning including one from Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust encouraging us to grow lots of appropriate plants in our gardens this summer to increase the number of pollinating insects. After lunch at Pizza Express we heard the main speaker, Mandy Hickson, who had been a pilot for 17 years and was the only female pilot to fly in a Tornado Squadron.

• You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale

Please telephone me on 07764 302 683 for more information. 0490215

We had a bumper attendance at the Spring quiz enabling us to make a good profit. It was enjoyed by all participants and! after lots of “seconds” at the Ploughman’s supper table, there was only enough left! for a passing mouse! Our friendly Skittles match against ! Sandhurst WI was a great success. Our team members all brought along a plate of food for a marvellous supper.

By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

At the end of the month we played our first match in the County Skittles Tournament against Ampney Crucis WI. We were well ahead at the half-way stage, when we enjoyed the bring and share supper provided by our team. In the second half things started going downhill, making the last leg very exciting, but luckily Avening just managed to win, by five pins! A small party of ladies joined the County visit to a Gloucester Mosque. They were most enthusiastic about all they had learned and found it most enlightening. Our April speaker, Shawn McCormack, arrived with a trolley of boxes containing his ! 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 “kit” to illustrate his talk on being a member 1331013 of The Queen’s Bodyguard of Yeomen of the Guard. He showed slides and told!of the history of the guard formed to protect the monarch. We heard of the various duties !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they had during the year. Fortunately they don’t have to sleep outside the monarch’s bedroom door any more!



Page 1


We are looking forward to joining Tetbury and Kemble at the Group meeting in the Dolphins Hall in June -and on the 23rd of June we are visiting Dyffryn House and Gardens near Cardiff. This is a new National Trust property open to the public, which promises to be very exciting. Shirley Hand Avening WI

40 | May 2016


We passed around lots of interesting photographs during the talk. We were most impressed by the magnificent, embroidered uniform which weighed a ton! Even the hat was heavy. We will now have great respect for them when we see them conducting their ceremonial duties.

0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k

Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

“All the Light We Cannot See” – by Anthony Doerr 1930’s Paris, and young Marie-Laure is adjusting to the loss of her sight. Her father, who works as a locksmith at the museum close by, hopes to help his daughter find her way through life by building her a scale model of the city. Whilst the model is coming together, Marie-Laure spends her time exploring by touch and smell, discovering many of the treasures within the natural history departments in the museum. Hundreds of miles away, two orphans are

being brought up in a charity house in the industrial heartland of Germany. Werner and his sister Jutta spend what free time they have scavenging around town, hoping to find anything that will help brighten the lives of their housemates. After finding and repairing an old radio, their horizons are expanded by listening to forbidden broadcasts, which tantalise them with possibilities that they fear they may never experience. When France falls to Germany, MarieLaure’s father is entrusted with a decoy for one of the museum’s great treasures and the pair escape to the coast, where they



Chelworth Bookworms seek shelter with a reclusive Uncle in the old fortified city of St Malo. Here MarieLaure has to start again, learning a new maze of streets, but also discovering the wonders of the seashore. At the same time, recognised for his expertise with radios, Werner too is removed from familiar surroundings and sent to a prestigious college. Although he recognises that this opportunity is a way to escape a life of drudgery, he is aware that the system will try to crush his independence and he must work hard to hold onto his identity. As the years go by, both teenagers are sucked into the war until gradually they both find themselves trapped in the siege of St Malo, unaware of the links that bind them. This Pulitzer Prize-winning book draws you into time and place so that you feel that you too are discovering the world of MarieLaure and Werner, just as they do. From the tiny shells of sea-snails, to the titanic shells of massed bombers, it is as if we experience the world as they do through sound rather than sight. And although the times may be dark and fearful, it is the light in their minds eye that sustains them.

E-MAIL adam130772@btinternet.com 1170312

Ghilly Vincenti Chelworth Bookworms

AVENING CHURCH FETE & FUN DOG SHOW Sunday 12th June at 2.00pm. Famous Duck races Raffle Bottle tombola Delicious Cakes Teas The Elegant Sausage Childrens Area Brick-A-Brac & Much more Including the return this year of the mini traction engine rides With Arts and crafts stalls in the Church For details of stalls and offers of help contact Stephanie email stephanie2432@hotmail.co.uk


To book a table for arts and crafts contact Doreen 01453 835090 or email derrick.pierce@hotmail.com

Providing the forum for local community to share its latest news and events

May 2016 | 41

Puddle Ducks Nursery

September or January 2017, please call Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 who will be pleased to arrange a time for you to come and visit us.

It is always nice to start writing with some good news! Last month we reported that we were once more incubating eggs at Puddle Ducks and promised an update. Well I am pleased to say that we were lucky to hatch four lovely chicks just before the Easter break. The first three were hatched over the weekend and were ready to say hello to the children on Monday morning. The fourth chick kept us waiting and watching all day before finally making an appearance at 6.30 that evening. We were all fascinated that if we were very quiet and listened very hard we could hear the chicks chirping, even inside their eggs! They have now gone to join our ducks from last year and live at Catherine’s house. After the excitement of our new arrivals, we rounded the spring term off by enjoying lots of Easter crafts and games and on the last day of term we invited mums, dads and grannies to join us for a celebratory soup lunch in the hall. There was a great turnout and a lovely time was had by all. And now here we are in the summer term already! The weather is typically April-ish with a good mix of sunshine and showers but we have been donning our overalls and wellies to make the most of our lovely

We run each weekday during term-time from 9.15-12.15 with an optional lunch club until 1.15 each day. For younger children don’t forget our baby and toddler group on a Friday at 1.30-2.45 with Catherine and Pat who will guarantee a warm welcome and a safe environment for your child to socialise and play. We hope to see you soon! new garden area whenever possible. We have been making dens and looking for the bugs and insects that are starting to return after the winter. Our new wig-wam also made the perfect place to re-enact the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ as part of our ‘h’ for houses week. However, no matter how hard we huffed and puffed we just could not blow the wig-wam down!

Puddle Ducks Nursery

  

Our busy pre-school afternoons are continuing to go well. These are sessions specifically planned for those children who will shortly be leaving us to make the transition into ‘big school’. They have all been thriving on the challenges of a slightly more structured session which builds upon the topic of the week, extending development through play across all seven areas of learning. Puddle Ducks is now full for the remainder of this academic year. If you are interested in your pre-school child joining us in


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Ridgeway Coach House 13 Hampton Street Tetbury Glos GL8 8JN

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42 | May 2016

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Funeral Director

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Philip Horgan

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

A warm welcome to our new members of staff! We have two new members of staff joining the surgery. Good news! First we’d like to welcome Nurse Practitioner Sarah Gerald, joining us from Cirencester. She is a prescribing nurse so will be able to prescribe drugs for certain conditions and both Sarah and her fellow Nurse Practitioner, Wendy Hadfield, will be able to provide ‘same day’ consultations for patients with an acute condition. Sarah has also had extra training to attain qualifications in asthma, sexual health, nurse triage and teaching and assessing.

The second new member of staff may well be known to some of you already. Dr Simon Truckle enjoyed his time as a locum GP with the surgery so has decided to join permanently as a partner. This will give the surgery stability as the number of patients increase with the new housing. Dr Truckle has many years of experience as a GP in Hertfordshire and latterly in Bedfordshire. The PPG is working with the library to help support patients to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Bob is the library’s Computer Buddy, and he helps people find their way around computers and the Internet – he’s there to help people get online regardless of age and ability.

Many nurses today have studied for extra qualifications that allow them to take on Once on line, Bob can point you in the more responsibility. Our team of nurses is direction of the surgery website, the PPG no exception, and the different jobs they blog and other health related websites can now do to support the GPs will be the 250208 JS Painters & Decorators 22/2/08 22:20 Page 1 such as NHS Choices. He can also help you subject of a future PPG article.

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Patient Participation Group register for online services, like booking appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions. Ask at the dispensary or reception for a Login and Password for Patient Online then take that with you and Bob can show you what to do. Computer Buddy Bob may also be booked by appointment and is available Tues 1.30 3.30pm and Fri 10 -12 am. You can also use the library’s computers and free Wi-Fi at any time. Contact the library for more information. I apologize for a delay in announcing the AGM. The committee is looking at introducing new Terms of Reference to reflect the evolving role of the PPG and we want to get it right. However, this delay will give us more time to plan an AGM to suit the patients, so if you have any suggestions on who you would like to speak or about which topics you would like covered, let Jennifer know at the email address below, leave a note in the wooden box in the PPG corner of the waiting room, or speak to any PPG committee member. And if you would like more information on joining the steering committee, don’t be shy, come forward make yourself known! Jennifer Skillen romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk https://romneyhouseppg.wordpress.com

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May 2016 | 43

Tetbury Library “The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” Gertrude Jekyll Gardeners, do you have too many tomato plants or an abundance of begonias? Do your daffodils need dividing or has your salad seeding been too successful? Then come along to the ‘Grow!’ event at Tetbury Library on Saturday 28th May. From 10am to 1pm there will be a selection of plant and nature inspired events, including a free community plant swap! Please bring your surplus plants/ seedlings/seeds/bulbs etc. either on the day before (Friday, between 10am and 6pm) or from 10am on the Saturday, labelled with the plant name and any other useful information. On the day itself, anyone is welcome to take home new plants/seedlings/seeds/bulbs and give them a new home.

It was wonderful to see and hear from people who had worked at the library (and even helped - literally – to build it!) during the last half a century. There was a real sense of community from all the local support, not least from Hobbs House Bakery who kindly donated a very impressive birthday cake. Thank you also to Jane and Geoff from the History of Tetbury Society who kindly let us borrow the fascinating ‘scrap books’ of

Tetbury news clippings for the history of the library display. Tetbury Library will be closed on both Bank Holiday Mondays this month (2nd and 30th), but we look forward to seeing you at the ‘Grow!’ event. Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie. Ed: Happy Birthday indeed, to Tetbury Library. I’m indebted to Cllr Kevin Painter for attending the occasion with his camera.

The Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will also be available at the ‘Grow!’ event with information on their beautiful nature reserves, inspiring conservation work and courses and tips on how to make your garden more wildlife friendly. Especially for families, there will be a free activity running throughout the morning: combining nature with the ever-popular medium of clay, drop in and make a plant inspired clay tile. To top it all, there will be a selection of gardening and nature themed books available to borrow to really help grow-on your gardening passion!

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44 | May 2016

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Woolsack Races

We hope to watch some great racing up and down the hill both by individuals and teams.

The condensed programme for the day is therefore:

Woolsack 2016 – almost there! The Tetbury Woolsack Team have been working their socks off to provide a great day of free entertainment on Bank Holiday Monday the 30th May. The day starts around 10.00 am with the Street Market opening for business. Lots of local stalls selling all kinds of produce and items together with the wonderful French Market will occupy the main streets of Tetbury creating a great atmosphere all through the town centre. At 11.30am something new, which is bound to prove to be popular with spectators. It’s the Veloton Woolsack Sprint, where competitors will cycle up the hill hopefully carrying woolsacks. Fastest to the top is the winner.

10.00 am Street Fair and Funfair Open in the town centre

partway up Gumstool Hill. At 1.00pm the Woolsack Auction will take place in the town centre, already lots of worthwhile lots are being collected to provide a very worthwhile auction sale.

11.30 am Veloton Woolsack Cycling Sprint up Gumstool Hill. Street Market, Funfair and Street Entertainers in the town centre all day long. 12.15 pm Children’s Woolsack Races.

Whilst the street fair and the funfair 1.00 pm Woolsack Auction. together with street performers continue 2.00 pm Adults Woolsack Races. to provide great entertainment through the day, the Woolsack competitors will be We are sure that you will enjoy a great day warming up getting ready to take part in out – for free! 681010 1 21/9/10 22:08 Page 1 the worldMarch famousRoofing:Layout Woolsack Races which Woolsack Committee will commence on Gumstool Hill at 2.00pm


The children’s Woolsack Races will be from 12.15 pm to 1.00 pm where entries from St Mary’s School will compete in relays, racing

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46 | May 2016

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It is always a pleasure to meet and greet visitors and new members at each monthly meeting. Some have also come along to join us at our regular monthly coffee mornings at the Snooty Fox (next date May 23rd, 10.30 a m) where we meet as a smaller group. In February we held our annual New Members’ Evening where all those who have joined us during the previous year have an opportunity to meet each other and the committee. One new member has offered to set up an art group for our members - more news when it’s up and running. Apart from the main meetings, we have enjoyed an excellent supper at No. 65. This is a regular venue for us as we know we

shall not be disappointed and it is always oversubscribed. Our other foodie outing was to the Star Bistro where the food was prepared by the students at the National Star college at Ullenwood. This is a college for severely disabled young people. We all agreed the meal was truly quality – even restaurant standard. Following the meal, we had a tour of the college and were impressed by the wide range of activities, the happy atmosphere and the beautiful location. The skittles match against Yew Trees WI of Painswick was closely contested but we lost by six points. Our team is now looking forward to a match against the Rotary Club. Thanks to Sallie for organising these events. In April, three of us helped at the NCT Easter party. It was a very well organised party with lots of activity and entertainment and great fun for the children.


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Tetbury WI At our March meeting the speaker was Nell Gifford. She was accompanied by Nancy Trotter- Landry and together they shared with us their enthusiasm for the circus. In April, Sue Pullen talked to us about farming, from the point of view of a Farmer’s wife. At the same meeting, Judi reported on the recent GFWI meeting held in Cheltenham. She rightly pointed out that, through attending this meeting, we are made aware that we belong to a vibrant national organisation. The focus of our meeting on May 9th will be discussion of the NFWI Resolutions. Every year members propose and then select Resolutions which form the basis for National campaigns. The two which will be voted on in June, at the Annual meeting in Brighton, are about food waste and appropriate care for people with dementia in hospital. I would like to thank the four girl guides who arrive punctually to set up the Hall at every meeting. They are cheerful and very helpful and we appreciate their help enormously. If you have received the May edition of the Advertiser in time, I’d like to invite you to come to our stall and buy cakes at the Wacky Races on May 2nd. Good luck to the Wacky Races team! We hope the day is a great success for you.


Chris Gibson Tetbury WI


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May 2016 | 47

Tetbury Police Museum We haven’t yet got the new “old” telephone installed, but it should be here soon. This will enable visitors to pick up the phone and listen to calls to the police station, taken from actual cases from our Cold Case Files. Speaking of which, here’s one for you to enjoy:

Manslaughter by the Police, 1843 An inquest was held at Tetbury on Friday and Saturday last before Mr J. G. Ball, coroner, on view of the body of Llewellin Alley, aged 37, who died in consequence of injuries received on his head. Many witnesses were examined, from whose testimony it appeared that the deceased, while near his own door on Wednesday evening, being Tetbury Mop day , heard a female voice calling for assistance, and for the police. He proceeded to the spot, accompanied by his wife, and on the woman whose voice he had heard charging a man with robbing her, he seized him by the collar, and sent his wife to the police-station for aid.

then without his hat, as he had been from the first; there was some discrepancy in the evidence as to what was passing at this time, but one of the policemen (some of the witnesses say both) struck the deceased on the head; several severe blows were given, and he was taken to the station-house*, where he was attended by two surgeons, and every means were used to promote his recovery, but he died on the morrow.

On her arrival there two policemen in plain clothes hastened to the place. Alley was

Several witnesses stated, that on their arrival the policemen did not state who or

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what they were; that Alley did not strike either of them; and that no stones were thrown, and described several violent blows given on the head of Alley by one of the policemen named Jones, with a staff, resembling a constable’s staff. Some witnesses also spoke of blows given by the other (Bick) with a smaller stick, which appears to have been broken. On the other hand, the statement of the police was, that Alley struck one of them; that a stone was thrown; that one blow only was given by Jones (Bick stated that he did not see more than one), and that Bick did not strike him at all. They also stated that they declared themselves policemen. The Coroner, in commenting upon the evidence, said the question was, whether the verdict should be one of murder or manslaughter. The jury were then left alone to consider their verdict, and in about half an hour unanimously returned a verdict of “Manslaughter” against William Jones and James Bick, the policemen, who were committed on the coroner’s warrant. Source: The Times 14th October 1843 Tetbury Police Museum * Curator: The Tetbury Police Station (now the Museum and Council Offices) was not opened until 1884, so the “station-house” referred to would have been another building.

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Mr Laurie Robinson, BSc (Hons), PGCE

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48 | May 2016


Phone: 07939 546140 E-mail: LSJRob@aol.com 17/08/2015 22:15

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk Mr Laurie Robinson, BSc (Hons), PGCE

Phone: 07939 546140 E-mail: LSJRob@aol.com

Science Tutor


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Sir William Romney’s School SWR teacher is nominated for Teacher of the Year Colin Davies of Sir William Romney’s School has been nominated for the Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard’s Teacher of the Year competition. Mr. Davies (36) is Creatives Leader of Learning at the school where he has been teaching for nearly 12 years. Prior to that, he studied Visual Communication at the Birmingham City University. Mr. Davies said he was “amazed” to be nominated for the award and that to be singled out from other ‘worthy’ teachers he found a humbling experience. “Sir William Romney’s is such a small school and is part of a lively community. You know everybody and you get to learn what motivates students – that is something bigger schools perhaps miss out on. The school has also been recently judged ‘good’ by Ofsted and all of the teachers have contributed towards that,” he explains. Mr. Davies teaches all GCSE Art students at the school. The course is popular, with nearly half of each year group opting to

• • • • • •


Pictured celebrating with headteacher Steven Mackay are (from left): Milo Herbert, Joe Noone, Steven Holloway, Anna Chappell, Ruby Chidley and Tamzin Ward.

take the subject every year. The percentage of GCSE Art students getting A star to C grades has been 90 per cent or over, for the last five years. “I like spending time with students. They all have really interesting characters and I like to think I give them confidence so they will give things a go. They respond to praise and that is an important factor of teaching, showing them that they can produce amazing work,” he concludes.

In their report, the inspectors found that “Outcomes overall for pupils in all years are good. Many are now making rapid progress as they move the school.”1 22/4/10 380510 AGWthrough Howell:Layout

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50 | May 2016

SWR students celebrate the recent Ofsted report when inspectors judged every aspect of the school as ‘good’. Ofsted found that the school had made significant progress since its last inspection in 2014 when it “required improvement”.




Jumping for joy at positive Ofsted report!

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Expecting the Unexpected As always, the highlights of our Easter holiday are the things we do not plan. The chances of being surprised on our travels are always high, because we are notoriously bad at planning our itinerary before we set off. We once embarked on a month-long tour of France with neither a country map nor a guidebook. Serendipitous pleasures along the way may be as simple as arriving in a town to find it’s market day. Once, in Montreuil, having parked for the night in its deserted market square, we awoke next day to find the market in full swing around us. The stallholders had kindly allowed us to sleep in. This Easter, when we toured northern Europe, we were enamoured of the witchcraft museum in the small Dutch town of Oudewater. The proprietors weigh visitors

on historic market scales to test whether they are witches. Medieval folk believed that witches were very light, so that they could fly on broomsticks. Traditional punishments for the guilty included being burnt at the stake, but if you carried an Oudewater certificate stating your innocence, noone could burn you alive. Well, you never know when that might come in handy, we thought - it’s definitely worth paying the extra Euro for one of those. By the time we hit Gouda Cathedral a week later, my husband was “Cathedral-ed out.” While my daughter and I viewed its famous stained glass, he went off in search of liquid refreshment, returning, jubilant at the appointed time. “I’ve found this amazing Italian bar where everything’s free,” he said. “They’re having some kind of open day. The proprietor told me to bring you.” The Dutch sign in the window of the Delizie

Young by name restaurant confirmed that he’d stumbled upon their official opening party. Inside, musical entertainment was provided by an excellent accordionist and a guitarist. We lapped up the congenial atmosphere, as well as the free bar and buffet, and joined in the ribbon-cutting ceremony. We feature in the official photos taken to commemorate the event. However, I missed one great selfie opportunity of an event, which, for all I know, may currently be the lead story in Gouda’s equivalent of the Tetbury Advertiser: “British tourist’s hair catches fire at Delizie’s launch event”. Yes, I was that tourist. Leaning back to stretch, I did not notice the tea light on the shelf behind me, sitting at just the right height to ignite my shoulder-length hair. You know how when the waiter brings in a candle-lit birthday cake for a restaurant guest, everyone turns to look? It was just like that, only with my head substituting for the cake. Fortunately, my husband and I quickly batted out the flames with our hands, before any serious harm could be done. Only later did I realise where I’d gone wrong: I’d left my Oudewater certificate back in our camper van. Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com Twitter: @DebbieYoungBN

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May 2016 | 51

Tetbury Community Choir We have come on by leaps and bounds with our new repertoire since our Easter break. We are now learning a John Rutter piece, inspiring and uplifting music, with excellent parts for the altos and men as well as sopranos – in fact a good all-rounder. There is always something for everyone, and it’s really all about the sense of achievement and community to be had from singing together. We are amateurs but we make a great sound and we have fun doing it!

Membership is still open, we welcome all ages and genders – particularly young singers, as well as the young at heart. Get in touch or turn up to a rehearsal – the first session is free. We meet over three terms a year, at 7pm, on Mondays, in the Coach House function room of the Ormond in Tetbury.


Terry Howell

There’s lots more information on our website including term dates, (tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com), as well as on our Facebook page. Or contact Sandy Thomas (Secretary) Tel: 01666 503821, email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail. com or Margaret Foster (Chair) Tel: 01666 577535 email fossnmags@tiscali.co.uk. Margaret Foster, Chair Tetbury Community Choir


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May 2016 | 53

Christian Aid “Come On Eileen” is replaced by “Well Done Eileen!”

When Bishop Rachel came to Tetbury Church in April to dedicate the new glass door, she took the opportunity to sign Eileen Hodgson’s London Marathon Christian Aid runner’s vest. Eileen pledged to raise £2,000 for Christian Aid by taking part in the London Marathon and, at the time of going to press, she is £150 off her target. So, if you too would like to sign Eileen’s vest for a small donation, or make a post-run sponsorship to help bridge the gap, your support would be most welcome. The web site is open for another month, It’s Virgin Money Giving and the page is “Come on Eileen”.

tea will be at Christ Church between 2.30 pm and 5.00 pm to welcome them back from their six-and-a-half-mile trek.

Christian Aid Week is from Sunday the 15th to Saturday the 21st of May this year and will begin with a special service at St Marys’ Church at 6.00 pm, led by the curate, the Reverend Kim Hartshorne. Saturday the 21st of May will end the week with the Reverend Stuart Radford, outgoing minister at Christ Church, joining with the incoming minister, the Reverend Noel Sharp, to undertake a sponsored walk from Nailsworth to Tetbury.

Between these two events marking the beginning and the end of Christian Aid Week, the usual house-to-house collection will take place in Tetbury and the surrounding villages. Please be as generous as you can. All the seventy-five collectors are local volunteers, as are Eileen, Stuart and Noel, who are all Members of the Tetbury Footpath Group and will be joining them, giving up their time to raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world.

Coffee will be served at Christ Church, Nailsworth from 10.00 am to 12.00, to give the walkers a good send-off - and afternoon

If you can sponsor them, please do. If you can walk with them, they would be delighted to have your company – you will not be alone, as members of the Tetbury Footpath Group and other walkers will be joining them. And even if you haven’t walked you may still join them for coffee or tea, or both. All are welcome. To sponsor Stuart, it’s again a Virgin Money Giving page, Stuart-Radford, or for more information contact Noel on 01454 415923.

Alison Hesketh, 01666 505113 Local Christian Aid Organiser




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