May 2017
Photo courtesy of Kevin Farnham
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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Stephen Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk
Notice to Advertisers
What’s On 1st May – Tetbury Wacky Races! Practise starts at 10.00 am 3rd May - Save the Children coffee morning 10.00 am in the Priory Inn 8th May 8th - Tetbury WI meeting 7.30 pm the Dolphins’ Hall 11th May - Copy date for Contributions to the Advertiser
Copy date for the June Issue is
13th May - Friends of Tetbury Community Transport trip to Stow on the Wold/Bourton on the Water
Delivery - 27th / 28th May 2017
9.00 am to 3.00 pm
Thursday 11th May 2017
Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.
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Print Wheatley Printers Limited,
14th – 20th May - Christian Aid Week 20th May - Friends of Tetbury Community Transport trip to Weston super Mare 9.00 am to 4.00 pm 20th May - Stable Nursery 16th Birthday Party Please see the ad in this issue 27th May - Friends of Tetbury Community Transport trip to Yate 9.00 am to 2.00 pm 27th May -Tetbury Library’s ‘Grow!’ event 10 am to 1.00 pm – see the article in this issue 27th May - Girlguiding Book Sale 10.00 am to 4.00 pm in the Malt House – see the ad in this issue 29th May - Girlguiding Book Sale 10.00 am to 4.00 pm in the Malt House – see the ad in this issue 29th May – Tetbury Camera Club Exhibition At the Market Hall – see the column in this issue 29th May – Tetbury Woolsack Day! For local walks led by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens in May, please see the column in this issue.
Contents Avening Primary School 19 Avening WI 24 Chelworth Bookworms 20 Christian Aid 38 Computer Advice 10 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 51 Dolphins Drama Group 48 Girlguiding 52 History of Tetbury Society 47 Injured Jockey Fund 36 Letter to the Editor 56 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Piece 29 News from Christ Church 38 News from St Marys’ Church 39 Patient Participation Group 50 People for You 40 Priory Inn Blog 14 Probus 16 Puddle Ducks 22 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 11 Sir William Romney’s School 46 St Mary’s Playgroup 42 Stable Nursery 9 Summer Show 34 Tetbury Art Society 58 Tetbury Camera Club 27 Tetbury Community Choir 30 Tetbury Footpath Group 43 Tetbury Goods Shed 31 Tetbury in Bloom 15 Tetbury Library 44 Tetbury Police Museum 53 Tetbury Volunteer Community Bus 33 Tetbury WI 12 The Close Hotel 18 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 59 The Food Bank 28 The Keys to the Shed 30 The People’s Pod 23 What’s On - May 3 Woolsack Day 6 Young by Name 4
T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number). DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284
LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552
LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk
NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk
TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552
Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950
The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577
Young by Name In Praise of May (No, Not That One) May has always been my favourite month, promising blossom, sunshine and the real beginning of spring. I trace my fondness for this month back to a special event in my childhood: the May Day ceremony held each year at the infants’ school I attended in suburban London. When I was seven, I was one of a number of May Maidens, decked out in white dresses with floral wreaths in our hair, to process the length of the school field behind the May Queen, to the tune that I will ever associate with that special day, the Elizabethan Serenade.
May the Force May’s special status was compounded by the words of one of my favourite hymns in our daily school assemblies at that time of year: “May time, Playtime, God has given us May time, Thank him for his gifts of love, Sing a song of spring.” I’m not sure who I thought had given us the other eleven months, but God obviously endorsed my preference. Decades later, I very nearly named my daughter May, till I realised that combined with the surname of Young, it would make her sound like an item on a Chinese takeaway menu. I imagined her being nicknamed Eggy in the playground, short for Egg May Young. More recently, I subconsciously shoehorned an optimistic May into my light-hearted new novel, Best Murder in Show. Elderly travel writer May Sayers, who dies before the book begins, creates a fresh start for the heroine, her great-niece Sophie Sayers, by bequeathing her a Cotswold cottage. In my world, even a posthumous May can usher in new beginnings and the promise of something better to come.
May or May Not
Looking Forward This lyrical piece of music was composed by a former English cinema organist in 1951 to herald the new Elizabethan age, a time of forward-looking optimism – just right for May, then. The same composer was responsible for another easy-listening piece, Sailing By, still used to introduce the Late-Night Shipping Forecast on BBC Radio 4 – a comforting combination for insomniacs as well as sailors. By the time I first encountered the Elizabethan Serenade at school, the Queen’s reign was well into double figures, so for me the piece became forever the emblem of a more literal kind of spring.
My irrational attachment to all things Mayish even make me more tolerant of the current Prime Minister than if, say, her name was Theresa Might. But deep down of course I know that names don’t matter. If I’d been raised in Australia, May would have all the promise of an English November, i.e. none at all. After all, the composer of the magical Elizabethan Serenade and Sailing By rejoiced under the prosaic name of Ronald Binge. Deeds, not words, as the suffragettes used to say. Come what may… Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com
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4 | May 2017
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Lion’s Den many support services available for local people. Our hope is that this unique initiative will bring benefit to local residents for many years to come.
Those of you who read the Advertiser regularly will realise that Lions put a lot of effort into raising money… …which can be given to help those in need, both locally in the Tetbury area and further afield. However, we sometimes find time to enjoy a social event together too and one such opportunity arose recently when, at the end of March, we celebrated in costume the famous Battle of the Alamo, when Davy Crockett and his men held out for thirteen days against a much larger Mexican force.
My Lions colleagues are also currently putting a lot of time and effort into preparing for two imminent major events. Wacky Races on Monday the 1st of May will be over by the time you read this, but the time and effort required from Lion’s members both in preparation and in the running of the event on the day, are enormous. We are learning from previous experiences, so this year should be bigger and better than ever. Let’s hope the weather is kind and we can all enjoy a good days racing. This year’s surplus will be donated to the fundraising for Ben Wernham and we’ll also be volunteering to do whatever we can for the DIY SOS team, who are visiting soon. “Tetbury Cares” Conference on the 3rd of June. We hope to bring together representatives from over fifty organisations which are involved in providing, or supporting, Health Care in Tetbury and the surrounding area. The idea is that Tetbury Lions, assisted by The Feoffees who are part-funding the exercise, can be the catalyst to help establish a central source of information about the
We are also supporting another worthy local initiative called Ronan’s Trust. Offering nurturing and support to those who have suffered a close family bereavement, Ronan’s Trust provides opportunities for bereaved individuals and families to meet in small groups, to work together in gardens and on land-based projects, as well as offering natural craft activities. The Trust is for anyone who has suffered a close family bereavement - the loss of a partner, sibling, child or parent – and they also provide practical support for those who have been immediately bereaved and need help in their gardens - mowing lawns, weeding and hedge cutting. Ronan’s Trust has allotments near Cirencester, Gloucester, Stroud and Tetbury and in the case of the latter, strictly organic methods are applied. Lastly, many local Tetbury people are finding the present circumstances financially very difficult, often through no fault of their own. To help with this problem, as you probably know, a local food bank has now been established in Tetbury. To support this important town initiative, over the next twelve months Tetbury Lions will be making a monthly financial donation to the new Food Bank, which will enable them to extend the numbers of clients they can assist. All these initiatives put into practice the Lion’s motto: “We Serve”. Alan Cross, President, Tetbury Lions
Fortunately, none of the Lions were lost in this modern version and a great night was enjoyed by all. Our thanks go to Roger and Janet for their efforts, which made the evening such a success. You may also have seen us collecting again recently for our annual Easter Raffle, which despite the rain was very well supported. More recently we were again highly visible with our bucket shake in the foyer at Tesco. In total both events raised a fabulous £1,269, so many thanks for your generosity. Some of our Lions members were dressed in Hospital “Scrubs,” which perhaps gave the game away that we have decided to celebrate the Centenary of Lions International in June this year, by making a major donation to Tetbury Hospital. Final details of how our donation will be used are yet to be settled, but I hope to be able to let you all know soon.
Welfare Officer Dave Hicks, Emma Tyer of Ronan’s Trust, Lion President Alan Cross
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
May 2017 | 5
Woolsack Day Tetbury Woolsack Races will once again be taking place on a Bank Holiday - Monday the 29th of May. Places are still available for teams and individuals wishing to enter, and entry forms are available on our website www. tetburywoolsack.co.uk This year we have the honour of being joined by Radzi Chinyanganya, a presenter from Blue Peter who is hoping to break a record in the Men’s individual race – so if you think you’ve got what it takes to race against him, get your entry forms in as soon as possible. Our main charity or “good cause” this year, is Longfield Hospice Care.
Based in Minchinhampton, Longfield provide specialist services for adults in Gloucestershire living with life-limiting illnesses. We will also be supporting local youth sports projects. Raffle tickets will be on sale throughout May and we have a wide range of fantastic prizes all kindly donated by local businesses – more details on our website and Facebook page As always, the Woolsack Races is a free event with lots to see and do – with the chance to visit our wonderful range of local pubs, hotels and shops. You can also take a stroll along the French Market, which will be situated in Long Street and offering a wide range of products from across the Channel. We also have many stalls offering all manner of items and a funfair for the youngsters, together with musical offerings from Ilu Axé Samba Band and Swindon Brass Band - and children’s entertainers Colin Dymond and World Jungle. Once again we will be starting proceedings
Timings for the day: 11:30 – 12:00 Veloton Cycle Sprint, 12:15 – 1:00 Children’s Races, 2:00 onwards Adults individual and team races followed by prize giving.
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with the Veloton Cycle Sprint, followed by children’s races and culminating in the individual and team Woolsack races. As always these will take place up and down Gumstool Hill with records to be beaten – so come and cheer on the brave competitors. There is ample parking provided at a nominal fee and all proceeds from the day go to the charities.
Come along on the day and support this worthy event – it’s literally on your doorstep. Woolsack Race Committee
12/07/2015 16:51
EXPERIENCED GARDENER REQUIRED IN CHERINGTON To maintain an already established 1 acre garden Minimum 8 hours per week
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6 | May 2017
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A wonderfully situated individual detached family house enjoying a semi-rural aspect to the rear with southerly views from the rear garden over pasture land.
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Four double bedrooms Three reception rooms In an idyllic quiet corner of this popular village Third acre plot with south facing gardens and rural views Attached double garage Ample potential to update and extend
A very well appointed and attractively presented non estate detached bungalow enjoying a mature idyllic cul de sac setting within a convenient walking distance of the town centre.
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Three double bedrooms Sought after quiet cul de sac Newly fitted off white shaker kitchen New luxury bathroom Mature front and rear gardens offering seclusion Detached garage and three car drive
With some of the best rural views out over fields and beyond this is a delightful and well-presented two bedroom cottage.
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Two bedrooms Far reaching rural views Larger than average garden Redecorated throughout Cosy welcoming farmhouse kitchen with log burner Useful outside workshop
A delightfully situated charming terraced cottage enjoying both a quiet cul de sac location that is close to the town centre, but also a semi-rural aspect to the rear with a long level garden backing onto the river Avon.
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One bedroom On the edge of the town centre Quiet cul de sac lane Long lawned garden down to the river Detached annexe/studio with en suite shower room Top floor study/office
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Secret Garden OLD MANOR HOUSE “SECRET GARDEN” For a few special hours, the alarm systems and camera equipment guarding this particular garden were turned off to host a very different sort of event…
Most of you reading this article are well aware of the Military and Military Charitable events that the family host every year in The Old Manor House and Gardens in central Tetbury, but you might just raise an eyebrow to learn that the doors were recently flung open for some very determined little toddlers ‘on a mission’ to find Easter Eggs planted throughout the garden. Two Tetbury playgroups combined to tackle the challenge and screams of glee echoed behind very tall walls as the egg and spoon race took off - the winner was somewhat unclear however as eggs rolled off, were picked up and the rules seemed a bit fuzzy to all…
As a town Tetbury is used to seeing groups of people in formal dress or black tie lining up to get through the gates of this house. Sometimes even vintage tanks can be seen rolling into the garden for what have proven to be very popular events, but as some of you are aware the General has had a little boy and well… things have changed a bit! “It’s a funny old world” he said “my wife was asked recently by a bank teller at HSBC ‘why don’t you ever open the garden’ and she looked up stunned as we are currently hosting eleven events per year- so for this particular occasion (as there are no baby VIPs yet-) we are more than happy to release details and photographs (with mummy permissions of course) but for other events we just don’t feel the need to talk about our guests and no one wants to go to a party and wake up the next morning to find they are on social media or in the paparazzi.” So why are the gates so often closed during the day? “It’s a pretty unpleasant situation. We’ve had several bold, rogue ‘garden wall hoppers’ trying to get into the rear of some of the houses and high street shops appearing in our garden on a regular basis. The new mesh
But there was a definite tie for best dressed between little locals Holly and Milly.
stream security systems installed have absolutely halted the trespassing as well as the number of police call-outs and arrests so attempted crime figures for this small slice of Tetbury have dropped to very near zero but we have instead obtained some rather unexpected video clips of our dear neighbours doing odd things in our garden - obviously, the sound is recorded so we are considering sending them into You’ve been framed video clips show!” To end the mystery YES, The Secret Garden is open but mainly for the Military Charities that the family support so we do hope that has cleared up any confusion. “Our badgers have really enjoyed the melted chocolate Easter eggs left behind!” A big thank you to the family for hosting us! Sammy Puttick
A charitable donation has been paid to the Tetbury Lions for this feature
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8 | May 2017
We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
In May 2001, Steph Uren (the manager at the time), took over the ownership of the Nursery formerly known as Toad Hall, on the Tetbury Upton Estate – and the building was given a complete makeover. It was renamed The Stable Nursery and a new philosophy of Holistic Childcare whilst working with a strong Reggio Emilia influence was introduced. Steph and Zoe the Manager have shared many inspections and always maintain
Good ratings. We believe that if inspectors and families can see that you genuinely know and care for the children you are responsible for, you can only go from strength to strength, as the nursery has continued to do. However, we are now looking for new and if possible larger premises. An important aspect of the nursery has always been the idyllic outside opportunities for learning it creates – so we hope that a new setting will become available with a similar rural feel. We want to continue to offer forest school sessions with the freedom of the
Stable Nursery great outdoors from which the children currently benefit, so, while we are already considering other locations, if you know of anything you think we should be looking at, please give us a call. Lastly, we would also like to shout out to parents and children who have been part of our nursery family in the last 16 years, to come and celebrate our Sweet 16th Birthday, as we look forward to continuing to play an important part in the thriving community of Tetbury for another 16 years! Stable Nursery
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Happy 16th Birthday to the Stable Nursery. Inviting all families past and present to a sweet 16th Birthday picnic on Saturday 20th May from 1.00 to 4.00pm
For more information or to arrange a visit please contact zoe@thestablenursery.co.uk or call 01666 502830. 1180517
All profits distributed locally and internationally
May 2017 | 9
Computer Advice Windows 10 upgrade for free? Well, the official cut off for the free upgrade was last summer, but it is still possible to get a free upgrade without having to shell out for a new stand-alone copy. But first, a little background... Last year a few people ended up with Windows 10 by default, rather than by requesting it. At the time, I advised anyone in the position to stick with it, as uninstalling it could cause even more problems than just getting to grips with the new system. After downloading a free add-on that restored the start menu and old email program, most felt right at home, and were happy to carry on using Windows 10. Now that Windows 10 has been around for
a year and a half, it has proved to be stable. The new Creator’s update is being gradually rolled out and the ability to schedule updates will be welcomed. Other benefits will include the paint program now working in 3D, Cortana and Edge getting a makeover, better hardware support and so on. Speaking of updates, I have been holding off installing the Anniversary update [1607] rolled out from July last year, on my own Windows 10 system, (if you have the Professional version of Windows 10, you can defer updates for months,) in case I was to have issues with an old slide scanner. I have had it for years and I’m importing images. I still have 4,000 to go! Well, I can say the update went in fine and the scanner is still working. All I now need is the time to finish the job… Anyway, if you would like to future proof your computer and you missed out on the free upgrade from Windows 7 or 8.1 last year, I can carry out a free one, with just my time to
cover. If this interests you, do get in touch. Following my previous editorial and Windows Vista having now gone “end of life,” I have successfully upgraded many systems to Windows 10 without any issues. The minimum hardware requirements for both Vista and 10 are very similar, although on older systems I have found it advisable to install the 32-bit version, as the availability of 64-bit drivers can be an issue. If you are still using Vista, do get in touch as I can breathe new life into your old system, saving the need for a replacement. The combination of using a new solid-state hard disk with Windows 10 in an older PC is miraculous, and certainly worth trying if the old machine is still working OK. For more information, or a personalised service to supply and setup a computer/ laptop to your own requirements, or for any other PC issue at home or in the office, I would be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www. tetburycomputershop.co.uk - I’m now in my 29th year of trading. Nic Ingham
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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Another active spring Spring 2017 has been very active for willmaking, and for probate lawyers. Those rotters in the Ministry of Justice have managed to get a huge hike in probate court fees to go through parliament; it will hit those who die and cannot obtain a grant of probate by May, unless overturned.
residential nil rate band inheritance rate, which for many on April 6th became a reality. The dawning of this realisation has meant that I have had frequent visits from middle-aged clients, bringing their elderly parents for a review of the parents’ wills.
Last year we had to endure the stamp duty hikes, which have done a lot to hinder activity on house sales. If I were Chancellor I would give parents with young children some relief from stamp duty, because extra space is always needed. The legacy of George Osborne’s chancellorship has not been good in this respect - but for some his reputation may be redeemed, by the
These trusts, which were very prevalent before Alistair Darling in 2007, allowed widows to leave £650,000 free of inheritance tax to anyone, provided they inherited from their husbands, or vice versa. Some of my elderly visitors have been very fond of their daughters-in-law, and in some cases ex-daughters-in-law, much to the chagrin of their sons, trying to persuade their mothers to join in this bonanza. In this case, I am with the sons, who if they outlive their mothers can always make a gift to whoever they like, with financial impunity.
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Furthermore, if they hold joint property with their wives, there is a good chance they can avoid being inflicted with the new probate court fees, because joint ownership is a way of avoiding the new probate court tax, which for millionaires and above is set at £12,000 minimum. French chateaus appear not to be excluded - but it is no good persuading your elderly mother to stay in her residence and get equity release, because it is the net value that counts. It is better to downsize, because the old home will still qualify.
Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA www.lansdownelegal.com Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email: info@lansdownelegal.com
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The survival of many of us past the 5th April has meant that our descendants could now be £40,000 better off - and for the next three years they could be £10,000 better off each year (possibly twice that sum if two parents are involved) until 2020 and beyond - until a government has a change of plan, (provided we do not leave sums more than £2,000,000 and the value of our houses merits this.) Stepchildren, daughters-in-law and civil partners can also join in the fun as they count as descendants, but it is a bad time for nephews and nieces because they do not qualify for this relief, which effectively means that by 2020, any couple with a sizable house can leave £1,000,000 free of inheritance tax to their descendants, if they do not make life complicated by making conditional gifts or by leaving discretionary trusts.
• • • • • •
Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun
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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
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May 2017 | 11
Tetbury WI Some meetings, for some reasons, are memorable - and our April meeting was one of those. The speaker was Steve Knibbs, who is the reporter for Gloucestershire on BBC Points West. He was accompanied by his cameraman, Mark, and it was obvious how well they work together. We were informed about progress in the technology they use to put the news items together - and we viewed some recent news reports. A high spot was when two of our members and a guest (it was an Open Meeting) staged an
interview concerning the closure of Lloyds Bank in Tetbury. The whole evening was relaxed and informal, with a great deal of interaction between the speakers and the audience. Steve and Mark were very accessible and
friendly and stayed talking with us at the end of the evening. Steve is a great ambassador for our local TV news. Socially, this has been a busy month. We have enjoyed supper at the Number 65 Restaurant and the monthly coffee morning at the Snooty Fox. We have visited The Royal Mint and been into London to see “The Girls” - a musical based on the film “The Calendar Girls”. Our Food Group went to Jesse Smith in Cirencester for tea and a talk on butchery, where Perry was both entertaining and informative. Our skittles team lost narrowly against Rotary at a recent match, but enjoyed their evening two of our team were the highest scorers. In March, several of our group went to Cheltenham to the annual GFWI meeting where apart from WI business, there were talks by Lucy Worsley, the T V historian, and Lady Bathurst, one of our members. We shall meet at the Dolphins’ Hall on May 8th at 7.30 where guests or new members are always welcome and for monthly coffee on the 22nd at the Snooty Fox. Chris Gibson, Tetbury WI
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12 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Saturday 6 May
Saturday 2nd XI
Cricklade CC - 1st XI
Saturday 13 May
Saturday 1st XI
Cinderford St John CC - 1st XI
Saturday 20 May
Saturday 2nd XI
Bibury CC - 1st XI
Saturday 27 May
Saturday 1st XI
Cam CC - 1st XI
Wednesday 31 May
Midweek XI
Fairford CC - Midweek XI
Saturday 3 June
Saturday 2nd XI
Barnsley Beeches CC - 1st XI
Wednesday 7 June
Midweek XI
Malmesbury CC - Midweek XI
Saturday 10 June
Saturday 2nd XI
Sherston Magna CC - 1st XI
Wednesday 14 June
Midweek XI
Poulton CC - Midweek XI
Saturday 17 June
Saturday 1st XI
Gloucester City Winget CC - 2nd XI
Saturday 24 June
Saturday 2nd XI
Great Rissington CC - 2nd XI
Saturday 01 July
Saturday 1st XI
Thornbury CC, Glos - 2nd XI
Saturday 08 July
Saturday 1st XI
Oldlands CC - 1st XI
Saturday 15 July
Saturday 2nd XI
Oakridge CC - 1st XI
Saturday 22 July
Saturday 1st XI
Chipping Sodbury CC - 2nd XI
Saturday 29 July
Saturday 2nd XI
South Cerney CC - 1st XI
Saturday 5 August
Saturday 1st XI
Hatherley & Reddings CC, Glos - 2nd XI
Saturday 12 August
Saturday 1st XI
Poulton CC - 1st XI
Saturday 19 August
Saturday 2nd XI
Longborough & Sezincote CC - 1st XI
Saturday 26 August
Saturday 1st XI
Stone CC, Glos - 1st XI
Saturday 2 September
Saturday 2nd XI
Poulton CC - 2nd XI
13:30 0130517
All ďŹ xtures take place at the Memorial Recreation Ground, Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS
Bewley Homes is proud to support Tetbury Cricket Club and would like to wish the Club all the best for the 2017 Season. For more information on Bewley Homes and our Amberley Park Development, visit bewley.co.uk
Priory Inn Blog “It is just the little difference between the good and the best that makes the difference between the artist and the artisan. It is just the little touches after the average man would quit, that makes the master’s fame.”
materials. There are common threads that run quite distinctly throughout our network of 30-Mile suppliers, which are becoming rare in a modern business world: they work exceptionally hard – often at great personal sacrifice, they genuinely care about the quality of their product and the details (never happy unless their game is at the highest level,) and they love what they do.
Orison Swett Marden
None more so than the Godsells in Leonard Stanley. In 2014, we needed a new supplier for 3,000 kilos p.a. of mozzarella for our pizzas. Buying cheap over-processed, tasteless, vac-packed cheese just doesn’t do it for us. So, we began talking to Brian, Liz and their cheese ladies, as we had an inkling that they would be up for a challenge.
Over the thirteen years of owning The Priory Inn, we have truly enjoyed our connection with the local families and businesses who focus their working lives on either growing produce, rearing livestock or creating products from raw
After many months of talking, calculating, experimenting, creatively improvising, and most crucially, endless tasting, the result was a delicious, artisan Gloucestershire mozzarella. A staff tour last month revealed the early stages of the mozzarella-making
BARTER AT THE BACK DOOR! Turn your surplus fruit and vegetables into a night out...
Bring your freshly harvested produce to The Priory Inn and we will give you vouchers in return that you can use on food and drink with us* *Ts&Cs: produce must be home/allotment grown; delivered to us before midday on the day of harvest; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn within the stated period of time.
theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 ~ @theprioryinn London Road GL8 8JJ “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 0840616
as the curds were separated from the whey in the massive stainless vat. Then we watched the hand-stretching of the cheese which is crucial to the end product and involves large quantities of very hot water, a couple of broom handles, much patience and a critical time window. We are in awe of the many families we work with, like the Godsells, who have made difficult choices to continue in a tough world. As restaurant owners who care about the food we serve, we have always been sure that the authentic, characterful, topquality product which we have passed onto you is truly good and right - on every level.
Live music continues through May to a laidback Sunday night atmosphere: On the 7th, Lewis Clark’s lyrical folk/blues blends into a soulful voice. Bashema (niece of Jamaican reggae legend) plays on the 14th followed by Steve Page playing Americana on the 21st. Stevie Nicole Brown plays the month out, combining acoustic lyrical honesty and theatrical atmosphere. There are more details about all the artists on our website.
Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and Instagram to stay informed.
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
100208 Tanya Kelly,KP Gardens The Priory Inn
14 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Page 1
Tetbury in Bloom Summer is on its way! As the tulips fade and herbaceous borders burst into life, it is now clear that summer is approaching. May is a busy time for the gardener, for Chelsea entrants and for Tetbury in Bloom, as we prepare for the summer season ahead. The team is out on Tuesday and Thursday mornings thinning out drifts of hardy annuals, trimming back spreading plants, deadheading any late tulips, weeding the flowerbeds and generally making room for the summer bedding, which we will plant In June after the last threat of frost has passed. Sue is busy planning our work schedule and the logistics to ensure that the right plant combinations and the correct numbers of bags of compost and manure arrive at the right flowerbeds at the right time. With just under 3,500 plants, made up of geraniums, begonias and antirrhinums arriving through the month of June to be planted up in the 33 flower beds and 42 tubs and troughs throughout the town, it doesn’t all happen by magic!
Gas Safe Reg.
Having been mainstays of Tetbury in Bloom for the past 10 years, we are very sorry that Pete & Ange Morrissey have decided to hang up their trowels and retire from the team. We really will miss their enthusiasm and support and wish them all the very best for the future.
Oftec Reg.
Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287
Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom
We buy MSC Sustainable Fish (so you can trust our fish has been caught by traceable, responsible, sustainable fisheries)
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May 2017 | 15
anecdotes, shared with us by our cordial hosts David and Caroline Lowsley-Williams, and the visit ended with an excellent lunch. Thank you, Joanna.
Chocks Away! Few local people flying off on holiday would spare a thought for the very significant contribution made to aviation by Gloucestershire pioneers. But the Bristol Aeroplane Company was founded in Filton in 1910 and the Gloucestershire (Gloster from 1926) Aircraft Company in Cheltenham, in 1917. Cheltenham-born Frederick Handley Page established aircraft manufacture elsewhere in 1909.
Woodcarving is one of mankind’s oldest skills and Neil Gow told us on the 6th of April how his early artistic skills eventually led to him becoming a professional wood carver. His sculptures range from intricately carved table-top pieces to totem poles! short a runway for later heavier models, minimally fitted Gloster Javelin’s had to be flown out to nearby Moreton Valence for completion. Less was said about Bristol’s famous products, but the mere mention of names such as Bulldog, Blenheim and Beaufighter competed for many a trip down memory lane. On the 30th of March, thirty-one members and wives very much enjoyed a visit to Chavenage House – not only historic but still a true family home. The many interesting features of the 400-year-old house were embellished by numerous
Neil’s sculptures have been exhibited widely, including at Westonbirt (where he started “Sculptree”,) and at Tintern Station. It was a fascinating insight into his work: he need not fear any competition from our members. Theo Stening, Probus, 01666 504243
Barry Simon told us, on the 16th of March, that balloon flying had been recorded in Gloucestershire as early as 1783. Doctor Edward Jenner had flown a hydrogenfilled balloon with a friend from Berkeley Castle to Kingscote, before refuelling and continuing to what is now “The Air Balloon.” Among many other flights, a motorised balloon flew from Cheltenham to Gloucester in 1910. Barry described how wooden airframes and other aircraft components were moved to airfields by road, after being assembled in local garages and factories. The Gloster Aircraft company used an airstrip at Hucclecote, which it eventually purchased in 1928 and expanded into Brockworth for manufacturing purposes. Many aircraft continued to be made there after the merger with Hawker, including thousands of Hurricanes and Typhoons.
Neil described the processes he follows from conception of a design to completion, exemplified by the impressive examples he had brought along. Showing the various tools he uses, from small gouges to chainsaws for larger sculptures, he explained the merits and disadvantages of different woods and how hidden inclusions could be overcome.
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
So – you want something framed – it couldn't be more simple. • You call to make a half hour appointment for me to visit you on a no charge, no obligation basis • I bring sample picture moulding and mount board to your home • You receive professional advice and a quotation for framing prints, oil paintings, fabric, memorabilia and also for updating existing 'tired' frames • I take away your artwork, frame it and redeliver at the agreed price within an agreed time scale
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The first turbo-jet designed there was watched by amazed onlookers when briefl y it Piano becameTuition airborne 22/2/08 during trials 340208 22:24 in 1941 - the first jet flight ever! With too
Care:Layout 1 22/6/09 21:38 Page 1
Page 1
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16 | May 2017
830709 0480615
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
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Children in har Children hardd w water ater ar areas eas ar aree 54% mor ely to to suffer suffffer e from moree lik likely er from ecz eczema. washed hardd w water ema. Hair w ashed in har ater is duller and rrougher. ougher.
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The Cotswolds lie in a hard water area where the minerals in water create limescale deposits when heated. The most visible sign of limescale in your home is furred up kettles and hazy glassware, but the hidden problems are costing your household hundreds of pounds a year. Can you afford to ignore your hard water? Contact us at The Tetbury Soft Water Company for a FREE survey and we can help. Our water softeners are ‘fit and forget’ and come with a 10 year Warranty.
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The Close Hotel is celebrating, after being recognised with a prestigious four stars by the AA. Adding a fourth star to the hotel’s rating is a significant achievement for their team, almost four years after they were acquired by the Cotswold Inns and Hotels collection.
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Commenting on this latest accolade, General Manager Chris McCambridge said: “We are delighted that our hard work and excellent standards have been further recognised. The entire team has worked extremely hard and this industry recognition is very well deserved.”
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In early 2017, an annual AA inspection took place at The Close Hotel, and it has Drop your donations into our shop or call 01666 502413 to arrange a free collection since been announced by the AA that The Close are now officially of 4 Star standard, The Furniture Emporium, London Road, Tetbury, Glos, GL8 8HW with 2 rosettes for culinary excellence and Registered Charity T: 01666 502413 E: info@cdch.org.uk W: www.info@cdch.org.uk No. 207006 Tetburyaward. Advertiser Ad_Layout 1 10/04/2017 12:06 Page 1 aCL breakfast 0270417
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18 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The countdown to summer! The last week of the spring term was a busy one at Avening School, with the Hawks class kicking off the week with a ‘Roman day’. Dressed in Roman attire and under the instruction of Mr ‘Wilkinsonus’, the class spent the day preparing and then consuming a Roman feast - then lounging on cushions before playing Roman games. Meanwhile, the Kestrels class fled the school for the day and visited ‘@ Bristol’ science and technology centre. The next day, the whole school experienced the martial art of Judo, when Judo instructor and parent Mr Maidment gave each class a display and lesson. The rest of the week was a whirlwind of class photos, a mid-week celebration assembly, an Easter service, an Easter egg hunt in the School Garden and one of the highlights of the year, the school talent show!
the Cheltenham Science Festival are already penned into the diary! The Owls class will be taking part in their residential visit to the Cotswold Water Park, where they will spend their time also engaged in water sports. The summer term is always filled with sporting fixtures. Forthcoming events include several cricket competitions, as well as our usual Sports Day and annual sponsored walk. We are working closely with our colleagues at Sir William Romney’s School, and this term will see us collaborate on a joint project for Year 5 and 6, based on the text Treasure Island. We will also be joining SWR for a ‘Proms in the Park’ in July, with children from our school joining the choir.
Avening Primary School FOAS (the Friends of Avening School) are also very busy with their fund-raising, with a return of the very successful Bear Hunt on Saturday 17 June. The FOAS summer fete takes place on Friday 7 July. We are currently fund-raising for IT equipment and to kick-start the efforts our Chair of Governors, Richard Barley, is cycling 600 km across France. Watch this space for further details on our fund-raising efforts and good luck Richard on your challenge! As usual, lots to look forward to! For further information about our happy, busy place of learning, please see our school website; www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk Avening Primary School
And now, here we are - into the summer term already! With less than three months to go until the end of the school year, there is a lot to fit in before we bid farewell to our Year 6 pupils and close the gates for summer. As the weather warms us up, our topics take an environmental theme, with Year 1 and 2 being inspired by ‘Dens and Dandelions.’ The Year 3 and 4 children will become ‘EcoWarriors’ and in Year 5 and 6 the topic is ‘We are the Future.’ Visits to Copsegrove Farm and
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May 2017 | 19
Chelworth Bookworms Caradoc’s Daughter by Colette Aubrey
Currently only available in eBook form, this novel should have something for everyone – history, mystery and romance. Set in both recent and Roman times, the story follows Claudia Osborne as she is tossed between the ancient the and modern. Whilst taking part in a guided tour of Rome, Claudia unexpectedly goes through a shift in time to find herself observing life in the same spot, but at the time of the early Christians. Initially thinking she must be going through some kind of mental collapse, she is afraid to tell anyone, but finally confides in the tour leader Walter.
Offering friendship and support, Walter keeps Claudia’s secret as she gradually begins to understand that what she is observing is the life of another Claudia – the daughter of the ancient chief Caradoc - who lived 2000 years ago and whose restless spirit seems to be seeking justice for her daughters. However, accident and misunderstanding separate the new friends and, left alone now in Rome, Claudia must find a new ally. Despite initial misgivings on both sides, she finds one in a local priest. With the help of Father Liam, Claudia discovers that the church where one of her flashbacks occurred is actually named after one of the earlier Claudia’s daughters, and that not far away is a second church named for the other daughter. The visions and the churches must be connected. It eventually becomes apparent that the 2 girls were early martyrs to their faith,
General Handyman Services
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but that lack of evidence of the ancient events has caused the Vatican to consider removing them from the list of saints. Claudia’s quest is now clear, in order to put their mother’s soul to rest, she must prove the authenticity of the legends and reinstate the girls’ status. Although based on early Christian stories and the workings of the Catholic Church, this book should hold the interest of believers and non-believers alike. Following trails in both Rome and back in the UK, this engaging story is populated by well-rounded and believable characters and the themes of love, loss, hope and determination are universal. Ghilly Vincenti, Chelworth Bookworms
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20 | May 2017
www.tiggersnurseries.com Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Frampton Mansell Stroud Glos GL6 8HZ www.jollynice.org Open Everyday 8am-7pm 0630517
@jollynice_ Jolly Nice Jollynice_
Puddle Ducks There is big news from Puddle Ducks this month! As some readers will know, Puddle Ducks was founded in 2009, the successor to Roundabout Nursery, which was in situ at the Dolphins Hall for many years. In fact, there has been a nursery in this room at the hall for over 20 years now, and our lovely Pat and Lynne have both been a part of the Roundabout/Puddle Ducks family for much of that time. We have created a warm and nurturing environment with a fully enclosed garden for outside play and have a ‘Good‘ rating from OFSTED in all areas. However, after much thought and deliberation, Catherine and the team have decided that it is now time to seek new premises. We will be staying in the hall and continue to run as usual until the end of the next academic year - July 2018.
We are not closing! All the staff at Puddle Ducks love what we do and consider it a genuine privilege to be a part of the lives of the children and families that come to us. We are, however, excited about the opportunities that this new chapter will bring for us and are
currently searching for exactly the right premises which will allow us to grow and provide the best setting that we can for your children. We are currently considering some suggestions that have been made to us and now ask that if any readers have or know of any land or premises that could be our new home, please do contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504 257. We are keen to explore all options and will obviously keep the town up to date with any developments! Each year, in the half term before Easter, we bring in our incubator and hatch either chicks or ducks so that the children can share in the process of handling the eggs to see the growth inside and the excitement as a fluffy new life makes its way into the world. This year, the chicks hatched over the weekend so unfortunately the children didn’t get to see them emerge - but there was great excitement come Monday morning and the following week! They are now settling in at Catherine’s house with some of our previous ‘hatchees’. We then had a wonderful turn out, when we invited parents and carers to a share a ‘Soup and Roll’ lunch with us. Everyone had a chance to sit and look through the learning journeys which the children create with their key person, before sitting down to lunch and a chat together. It was the perfect way to round off the spring term and just two of the events that makes Puddle Ducks such a special place to be. Puddle Ducks
McTimoney Chiropractic Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area
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22 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Hi Tetbury, it’s been quite a while… …since the Pod, Tetbury Youth Club, has put an article into the Advertiser. Have I ever explained why we are called “The Pod?” It all began when we had to move out of the County-led building (another story) into the temporary portacabin on the Memorial Recreation ground. The portacabin is such a small space in which to run a youth project that we pictured ourselves squashed in, “like peas in a pod,” only people in a pod - and hence the name. That was five years ago, and we are still in The Pod, while awaiting a better home.
important part of most sessions, we cook together then we eat together, a lot of conversation and fun is had around this process. We try to promote healthy eating - of course - but we also try to explore different types of foods and recipes, pushing our comfort zones, exploring different cultural foods. Do you enjoy cooking, would you like to come down and share a great recipe with us?
What’s happening right now at the Pod? We have our two weekly sessions, Tuesday’s and Friday’s, where we do a lot of cooking. Last week we made a Chicken Chow Mein, which went down well! Cooking is an
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The People’s Pod We’re also about to finish our year-long music project. We’ve provided an opportunity for two small groups of young people to learn how to play the guitar or how to sing with confidence, aiming to have young people try something new, gain a skill and increase their self-confidence and creativity. We have achieved this and have set a few young people off on a journey of creative discovery. We completed the project with a public concert in St Mary’s school and you can see a taster of this by visiting our Facebook page. The Pod is at a critical point now - we are understaffed and need to recruit new members to the team, since two of our youth workers, Mikala and Mel have moved on; thanks to both for such dedicated service. Being a youth worker is often seen as hard work. The time of day that youth workers are active and the energy that’s needed can be demanding, but that is only one perspective on what is a fulfilling and satisfying role. It’s extremely important – adult’s interaction with the lives of young people. Parents have this role, obviously, but not all young people listen to their parents all the time, so it’s necessary for there to be other voices of reason, advice and encouragement. It is a “sacrificial” role in some ways, giving of yourself beyond what a normal 9-to-5 job requires, but it’s vital and really is so rewarding. So, I am appealing to the adults of Tetbury to consider perhaps taking up a new calling, to support young people as a youth worker. No experience is necessary as training will be provided. We have also created an exciting new position which is for a Project Development Manager who will be responsible for the Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust. This is a part-time, dynamic and proactive role, involving coordinating with the Trustees to continue, improve and grow the work of the Trust. It will include the Pod, First Aid Group, Tetbury Job Club and any new projects in the community. The duties will include opportunities for personal growth, as well as managing, administration, dealing with people and responsibilities for the health and safety of the organisation. If you are interested in this opportunity or need further information on any of the above, please email mandy.scott@me.com in the first instance, or drop the Trustees a note to the Sureteam offices, (next door to the library,) and marked up for the trustee’s attention. Closing date for applications will be the 31st of May and interviews will be held in June. If you would like to know more about the youth club, what we do, what it’s like, who hangs out there, what’s the purpose of the youth club and “Do we do any good?” then please get in touch or come and visit, we would love to meet you.
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
Mandy, The People’s Pod
May 2017 | 23
Avening WI We had a most interesting day at Cheltenham Town Hall, attending the Gloucestershire Federation AGM. After the opening business, we listened to a talk by Lady Bathurst who had just completed her year as High Sheriff of Gloucestershire. She described the various activities she has undertaken during her term of office, and it was clear that she had thoroughly enjoyed the experience. She has also instigated a new WI at Eastwood Park Prison called “Lady B’s Butterflies,” which is proving a great success. This will give its members a new interest and will help them integrate into the community at the end of their sentence.
Woodchester Village Hall and although we won the first 3 places, only 2 teams could go through to the next round. Our own Spring quiz held at the Avening Social Club went very well. Derek was kept busy at the bar as brain power seems to need a lot of lubrication! As usual the ploughman’s supper table was demolished and after an excellent raffle we were able to donate £200 to our local Charity “Best for Ben”. The walk in March was around Box. It was a bright sunny morning and the walk was followed by lunch at the Halfway House. The April walk will be from Tetbury starting at the Preston Park car park and ending with lunch at the Royal Oak. We have provided afternoon tea for the funeral of a local man who lived in the village. Over 100.
We had pre-booked lunch at Carluccio’s restaurant and were well looked after and promptly served, giving us plenty of time to stroll back to the Town Hall for the afternoon session. Dr Lucy Worsley gave an excellent talk illustrated with slides. She is Chief Curator of the Historic Royal Palaces and her only complaint was that her office at Hampton Court Palace was extremely cold! She spoke about homes and houses over the years and was happy to answer questions from the audience. Three teams took part in the first round of the County Quiz competition held at
The speaker at our April meeting was Lorraine Stanton on “sausages stuffed with TLC”. Until recently Lorraine farmed Gloucester Old Spot pigs and used the meat to make her own sausages. She has made sausages from a huge variety of ingredients. She brought along a sausage making machine and made 2 varieties of sausages showing us how easy it is to make your own. She was very insistent that the very best sausages are made from the meat of free range slowly matured animals. On June 7th we have arranged a visit to the Royal Mint at Llantrisant followed by a 2nd venue at the National Trust’s Tredegar House and gardens. We are likely to have some spare places on our coach, so if you are interested in joining us please call Gwyneth on 01453 836556 to secure your place. Shirley Hand, Avening WI
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24 | May 2017
11/04/2017 09:21
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26 | May 2017
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Making and sticking to your 2015 fitness goals There’s a lot of truth in
Tetbury Camera Club
him, his picture-taking has taken him round the world. He has travelled from Azerbaijan to Alaska, Uzbekistan to the USA, using the a goal and completion date firmly set in your proof mind.ofWrite it down! selection of camper vans and cameras, and the truth in that other old saying, sometimes a Harley Davidson motor bike. Making one big great, as this is that ‘beauty is in target the eye is of the beholder!’
– the chance a fresh start,that the you theforold saying ce to reignite your fitness, lose those learn ds, run that race something and break thatnew whatToyou wantGervis to and achieve – for onal best! every day – at least if Early in his presentation Tony was asked jump really back to Tony his serious how difficult it was to find great subjects example, running a marathon or losing five this looks and sounds great on paper, touring, in a decade or more of coast-toyou want to, to photograph. He explained that one of coast cruising in his camper vans he has stone. But these targets take considerable when the inkandhas dried and it comes just how accurate that statement is was the best pieces of advice he’d been given every US state - many on several timevisited and it’s easy to lose sight. Creating n to it (inevitably after the Christmas about photography was; ‘if there’s nothing underlined to members of Tetbury Camera occasions - as well as 117 National Parks. to photograph, take a picture anyway and Club twice in quick succession recently. shorter-term aimed main goal k it is harder and sweatier than ever), Who knewgoals the choice wasat sothe large? you’ll find something’. is beneficial, and these must also be goal seemsFirstly, muchbyfurther from your Tony Gervis, a guest speaker On one of the more recent visits he stopped It’s a statement that was reinforced when to stick ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start p. Even if you’ve who managed had travelled from to Stourport in in the Park Rangers’ headquarters to ask shortly after Tony’s visit we saw a picture Worcestershire to show us a riveting for directions on how locate a diffi cult goals for a few weeks, results aren’t with simply going to the gym three times taken by one of our members, Fiona selection of his pictures. While Tony’s drive to reach canyon. His presentational skills ys seen straight away, and we are all per week. McCowan. Fiona is one of the regular were obviously working especially well to talk to Maths us was a& relatively one for 22:05 150208 Englishshort 22/2/08 Page 1 tient even at the best of times. participants in an entertaining and his shots creatures were so admired Asthat we day aretoo; all habitual we fall fun competition we set ourselves each that he left not just with the information he cking to your targets requires a into certain routines or habits, which can be month. This asks competing members needed, but also with a two-year contract tured approach and an inner belief in to photograph something from a list of good or bad. Creating an exercise habit can to photograph various views and features MATHS ability to reach what you set. You must subjects which is created at the start of the of the Parks for use in the Authority’s be vital in helping you achieve your goal. year. We are currently working on choosing ble to visualise the process and&the end with an easy habit that will be easy to Startbrochures! something to photograph which is ’30 ENGLISH – but don’t just fantasise! Tetbury stick to, andCamera make Club sure(tetburycameraclub. you are consistent minutes’ walk from home’, and the picture aking ‘SMART’ objectives with the help org.uk) meets at the Priory 7.30 on with this article was the submission by and most perform this habit forInn at atleast two Teacher experienced with Tuesday evenings. Visitors and new rainer or by yourselflearning is a great way of Fiona responding to the previous month’s For example, perform 30 minutes difficulties inbeat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. members are always welcome. The club brief, which was ‘abandoned building’. loping exercises andchildren regimesand thatadults are to track improvement. of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and will be holding an exhibition of members’ The barn she found is probably the sort steps to planSkills a for you. Follow these up to GCSE/Key work upstairs in the market hall on May 29 Friday. Once you have been doing this for of place that most people would never -- Woolsack Race Day. ATTAINABLE r fitness goal. 4-6 Call Jane Fraser consider pointing a lens at, but the result weeks, change it – maybe increase the A goal should be achievable for you – are Smith, proves not only that if you must find length of your workout or switchIain exercises. CIFIC 01666 500260 Tetbury Camera Club you in thesomething right place and have interesting, youthe will.right It is also al must be individual to you, aiming at access for the objective you have set? This will keep your body and brain what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead to reduced focus and too REALISTIC To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. achieving the objective. Too high a MEASURABLE yourself goal and you may struggle to see the end, A goal must be too low and you will find yourself less able to be motivated. measured – whether on TIMED scales or on a Having a time frame for a goal is important, stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps 150208
Tetbury Chiropractic, 2 Silk Mill studios, 2 Charlton road, Tetbury GL8 8DY
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Just symptoms some of the symptoms• that st some of the Migraine Acute• low back pain hat can be helped treatment: • Neck can be by helped by treatment: • Chronic lowpain back pain • • Acute/subacute neck pain Tennis elbow all now forCall free consultation now for a consultation! • Chronic neck pain • Low back pain etbury Chiropractic Commitment-free 15-minute • Migraine • Knee osteoarthritis cinity Health and Wellbeing Centre assessment available • Acute• whiplash-associated Shoulder girdle pain disorders ermaCo House Foot and ankle joint problems Telephone 07469 187004 • Tennis• elbow Charlton Road • Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) Acute whiplash-associated disorders • JwalaGurung Gurung etbury Jwala info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk • Knee •osteoarthritis Doctor of Chiropractic, Hip osteoarthritis (hip wear and tear) loucestershirewww.tetburychiropractic.co.uk Doctor of Chiropractic, Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. L8 8 DY info@tetburychiropractic.co.uk Telephone 07469 187004 Mchiro, CCEP, LRCC. May 2017 | 27
The Food Bank An amazing £12,000 was raised… …at the Food Bank Banquet, held at the end of March. No, I haven’t accidentally added a nought, it truly was £12,000! Who would have thought that it’s possible to raise that amount, by engaging a chef to cook a meal, using the contents of a typical food box?
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
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The gifts of food donated at Tesco in Cirencester over the weekend of the 7th and 8th of April amounted to four tons. This all had to be taken to the warehouse, where the process of dating it etc., as outlined in last month’s Advertiser, is now almost complete, due to the hard work of the many volunteers involved.
Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.
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The Food Bank continues to be open every Tuesday morning from 9.30 to 11 am at St Mary’s Day Centre, St Mary’s Road. My thanks to all those who supported either of these events, and, of course, to our regular team of volunteers.
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28 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Changes for the better? I think not! It’s amazing how quickly things change. Tetbury continues as a great community, happy in the knowledge that we enjoy a good range of services, and then - crash, bang wallop - Lloyds Bank announce that they are closing their Tetbury branch in September, and one of our first-class, hard-working Police Community Support Officers is transferred to Stow! When HSBC closed their doors last year, many people transferred their banking to Lloyds, after receiving assurances that this branch would not be closing. Most certainly not after a thorough revamping
of the facilities. And yet here we are facing closure of the town’s last bank. Is there not some ruling regarding the closure of the last bank in town? We have another 800 houses coming to Tetbury, a 35% increase in the number of homes, do Lloyds not place any weight on this? Why should we have to go to another county, or make at least a 10-mile journey, to deposit cash? How much trust can be placed in organisations that say one thing and then go back on their word? There seems to be somewhat of an air of resignation about this closure, although I do believe that Lloyds must be brought to book over this bad news for our town. After all, they did make a £4.2billion profit in 2016, even with the overhead of the Tetbury branch.
Mayor’s Piece Our local police force of one fully-fledged constable and two community support officers have been operating in Tetbury and the surrounding area for several years. They have become very well known to both the law-abiding and the law breakers. We have a very low crime rate in the town, and I suppose that could be one of the reasons for reducing the size of our small but perfectly-formed police team. They have built up a very efficient information network and have worked hard to maintain their local presence, to maintain the low levels of crime. And now a 30% reduction in personnel. How can we overcome this? We are going to have to be more vigilant, and not hesitate to report any suspicious behaviour that we may see. As police numbers decline, there will be a greater dependence on public co-operation and involvement. We must get assurances from the Police that they intend to maintain their presence in the town in order that we can continue to have a safe community in Tetbury; the Town Council will continue to be vigilant in this respect. On a much more positive note, County Highways have worked up plans to make the Hampton Street junction safer for pedestrians. These plans will be available in the Town Council Offices should you wish to understand them fully and were also discussed at the recent Town Meeting. It seems that it’s just a matter of getting finance in place to get the work done, to improve pedestrian safety at this very busy junction.
All patients of Romney House Surgery have now received a letter informing them of their ‘named’ doctor and about the new doctors who have joined the team. These are the first steps in maintaining the provision of the good medical service that we are used to. I know that the Practice is also seeking areas of land on which to develop a new surgery, which we will need to cater for the enormous increase in our population. This is an opportunity to take a massive step forward in healthcare in town, and I hope that this can be achieved for the benefit of us all. Cllr Stephen Hirst, Mayor of Tetbury
Pet Products – all major suppliers stocked or to order, Home and DIY, Electrical including the largest range of lamps in the town, Garden care products finest range of items locally, Key Cutting, Photo Printing as well as all your BBQ Fuels- we will continue to stock all fuels throughout the Summer. Remember we can deliver locally.
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Your local agent for UPS Package Handling
May 2017 | 29
Tetbury Community Choir Raising the Roof at The Goods Shed Well nearly! It was a privilege and joy for the choir to perform at this wonderful new venue on Monday April the 3rd. It was the first performance with the very impressive new seating installed. This meant an audience of nearly 200 people, were seated in comfort with uninterrupted views. It was also the first time the choir had performed in public under the direction of our Choirmaster, Richard George. We are all so grateful for his hard work and enthusiasm at every rehearsal. The programme was an eclectic mix including ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’, ‘Baltimore’, ‘The Sound of Silence’, ‘Hit The road Jack’, and among others, ‘The Wonder of You’ with an invitation to sing along with us. It also included an arrangement by Mr George of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and a first performance of a song written by Mr George, ‘The Sharing’! Anne Smith and Jackie Rymer each sang a solo. The atmosphere at the hall was wonderful and the audience very appreciative. We have received lots of great feedback since! The concert and raffle raised just over £1,480 for the Goods Shed. Our thanks to Jill Dodge for her part in arranging this event. 130208 GLC Williams
The Keys to the Shed - After more than 20 years of consultation and planning,
The choir now takes a short break. The next meeting is on Monday May the 8th at 7pm. We have been invited to sing in a competition at Upton Festival on Monday the 29th of May. We will be working on the songs for this event.
and a year of renovations; a legal finale was witnessed today, when the lease to The Goods Shed in Tetbury was signed and formally handed over from the Town Council to the Trust - who will now run the building as a vibrant and creative arts centre for the town and the surrounding South Cotswolds.
Our numbers are increasing steadily but we always welcome new members, previous experience not necessary! We have strong alto and soprano sections, as well as an increasingly strong support from our tenors and basses. We would love to have more support for our gentlemen. Please come and join them.
The Deputy Mayor of Tetbury, Councillor Kevin Painter said, “This is a great day for the town of Tetbury. I feel honoured and privileged to be part of a council that had the foresight to work with the community and handover the running of this muchneeded arts centre to its people.”
For more information, we have a website: http://tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com or find us on Facebook. Contact: Sandy Thomas - Email: sandy.thomas.st78@gmail. com
“To see The Goods Shed transformed is indeed satisfying and a credit to the townsfolk of Tetbury. It is a gem of a space.”
Ginney Atkinson, Chorister
The Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre has been established to provide a recognised centre for the provision of high quality arts events, run for the community and others. The focus is to promote discovery, enjoyment and knowledge through participation.
Page 1
G. L. C. & R. Williams
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30 | May 2017
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17/04/2016 20:48
reminiscent of a real carousel or zoetrope.” Her work will be open for viewings on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout May, with free admission.
This May, the Goods Shed celebrates creative crafts and artistic inspiration. But first, we’ve just witnessed a legal finale. The lease to the building has now been signed and formally handed over from the Town Council to the Rail Lands Trust. It’s an historic moment for us which our Chairman, Will Cook, described as, “the real beginning of The Goods Shed. He said: “We have worked in successful partnership with the Town Council to get this far and it’s been a positive journey. But this is the legal finale, when we will take responsibility for the Arts Centre”. The handover of the lease means we can now attract more funding, which, together with our band of passionate, hardworking volunteers, should ensure the future of artistic performance in Tetbury. The lease was agreed for us by Cirencester-based solicitors, Tanners. Partner Julian Archard, commented, “It is with pleasure that we have been involved in the finalisation of this lease, which represents the culmination of many people’s efforts to provide an exciting new arts venue for Tetbury”. It was a “Jewel in the Crown” occasion for all of us. And so, onwards and upwards!
In-keeping with our “craft” theme, we are also holding several workshops, including knitting, apron making, Indian block printing, pattern cutting and handbag making. If you’re feeling in need of creative inspiration, or just want to learn a new skill, do take a look.
children’s theatre production company, “Blunderbus,” on the 20th of May. With a knack for creating magical experiences, they are staging two performances of “Dogs Don’t Do Ballet”, the award-winning children’s book by Anna Kemp. It’s suitable for those aged 3 to 7 and family tickets are available. Hope to see you all down at The Shed very soon!
Finally, if the kids are looking for something 681010 March Roofing:Layout 1 21/9/10 22:08 Page 1 to keep them entertained, we welcome Tetbury Goods Shed
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This month, Tetbury is participating for the first time ever in “The Select Festival.” A celebration of the applied arts in the Stroud valleys. The Goods Shed has been chosen as the venue.
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We are incredibly honoured to be exhibiting the work of Stroud artist, Kerry Phippen, whose ink paintings evoke her passion for wildlife and draw inspiration from the animals she often sees in our local countryside, including deer, foxes and horses. Kerry says she is, “thrilled to be showing this new body of work in the renovated Goods Shed. What a beautiful building and space to show in! When I first came to visit, I realised I would have to upscale my paintings to make sense in the space and had an initial response of bringing the outdoors inside somehow. I could visualise animals leaping around the room
Tetbury Goods Shed
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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
May 2017 | 31
What’s on at
01 02 05 06 07
Wacky Races, Market 10am–5pm Knitty Know How • 6pm–8pm Inspiration for knitters with Tilly Headford. £5 Pictures & Places; Gloucestershire Woollen Industry in Paintings. 7pm–9pm • Talk by Jenny Tann. £7 Club Cairo; Artique presents Egyptian dance. 7pm for 7.30pm A celebration of live music and dance from across the Middle East. £15 Knit Community Bunting 10am–4pm Drop-in knit-in with Pat Hodges. £5
Knitty Know How • 6pm–8pm £5 Inspiration for knitters with Tilly Headford. £5
Indian Block Printing • 10am-1pm Workshop with Clare Walsh. £45
Pattern cutting • 10am–4pm Workshop with Valerie George. £70
CONCERT - Amico Quartet with Daniel Bristow Violins • 7pm for 7.30pm Concert on instruments made in Tetbury from a single tree. £10
Knitty Know How • 6pm–8pm Inspiration for knitters with Tilly Headford. £5
Textile Printing workshop • 10am–4pm Workshop with Liz Lippiatt. £65
Lewis & Wood Fabrics • 7pm–9pm. A talk on their fabric and wallpaper designs. £6
CHILDREN’S THEATRE: Dogs don’t do Ballet 11.30am and 2.30pm Blunderbus theatre £10. (£36 for a group of 4)
Knitty Know How • 6pm–8pm Inspiration for knitters with Tilly Headford. £5
Needle felting workshop • 10am–3.30pm With Steffi Stern and Sophie Buckley £60
Millinery workshop • 10am–4pm With Louise Pocock. £85 inc. Materials
Woolsack Day Market 10am–5pm
Larks in the Park
Creative fun for youngsters, in and around the Shed. (7-10yrs). 31 May. 10am–12 & 2pm–4pm £15 a session
Club Cairo Egyptian Music & Dance 6 May. 7pm for 7.30pm
Larks in the Park 10am–12pm or 2pm–4pm Children’s activities (7-10yrs). £15 per session
Designer Bag workshop • 10am–4pm Make a sumptuous bag and impress your friends. £70
Children’s Theatre: Dogs Don’t do Ballet 20 May 11.30am & 2.30pm
03 04 10
CELLO RECITAL: Joy Lisney 7pm for 7.30pm Joy Lisney is one of the most exciting young string players to emerge in recent years. £15 THEATRE: Merry Wives of Windsor 5pm for 5.30pm Hilarious and colourful comedy from the Festival Players Theatre. Bring a picnic to enjoy outside the Shed before the performance £14 CONCERT: Women in Harmony 7pm for 7.30pm Tunbridge Ladies Choir. £10
For event details and bookings, visit
www.shed-arts.co.uk 32 | May 2017
Hookshouse Pottery Open Garden 2pm–5.30pm In aid of the Goods Shed
Charity Bike Ride 11am–4pm In aid of the Shed and local charities
RECITAL: James Lisney, piano 7pm for 7.30pm James Lisney’s repertoire ranges from baroque masterpieces to music of the present day. £15
Writers’ Workshop: Mary Griese 10am–4pm £45
Open Friday-Sunday, 10am-4pm Enquiries: info@ shed-arts.co.uk
Theatre: The Merry Wives of Windsor 6 June. 5pm for 5.30pm 1270517
Events marked are part of the Select Festival.
All events are subject to change or adjustment so please keep an eye on the latest information on the website
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
The Tetbury Volunteer Community Bus group are absolutely delighted to notify everyone that Tetbury will have its own minibus within a few weeks. This bus is for everyone regardless of age, and has been specially adapted for wheelchair access so anyone with mobility difficulties can go out and about in Tetbury with a door-to-door service.
The service is “Not for profit.” A small annual membership fee and a sum on each trip should ensure that the costs of maintaining the bus and the proposed local office are covered. There will be regular trips into town and other trips to destinations chosen by the service users. It will even be available for private hire for any groups, clubs or societies, day or evening. It was primarily purchased to help with the transport in town, although with the cutbacks within our existing bus services, the team will be looking at what transport might not be available and therefore needed to get to other destinations.
Tetbury Volunteer Community Bus Unity in our Community! At the time of writing an open day is planned, organised for anyone wishing to get involved to come along and have a chat. If you would like to be a volunteer driver or escort, or just happy to become part of a team to bring the heart back into Tetbury, we’d like to hear from you. If you have a morning or afternoon available and want to help, give us a call on 01666 505304. You won’t be sorry. there is lots of laughter and social community spirit on this bus. The Committee would like to thank our very generous main sponsor (who wished to remain anonymous,) our other major sponsors, and all the many other people who have shown such belief in this project. If you would like to find out more about how to get involved financially, then please contact Ros Stowell, Treasurer, 6 Cookspool, Tetbury or ring Ros on 01666 502529. There is still a lot of work to do to make this a fully sustainable service, but so far the response has been amazing. This is our bus for our community - for our town and our people. This project is literally driven by you. K D Painter Mob 07745716547 kevindpainter@icloud.com
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May 2017 | 33
Summer Show We are pleased to report that preparations are well underway for the 2017 Tetbury Summer Show,
The George Veterinary Group is continuing its long tradition of supporting the Fun Dog Show and is again sponsoring the rosettes that will be given out on the day. Either Cyril or a colleague will be along to judge the various categories and join in the fun. A reminder that all dogs, whether in the show or not, must be kept on a lead at all times.
which will be taking place on Sunday the 13th of August on the Memorial Recreation Ground. Gates will open to the public at midday and the parade through the town from Market Place to the show will set off at 12.45 to arrive at approximately the same time as the marquee opens after judging has been completed. The schedules have been updated and as usual hard copies will be available from Tetbury Hardware from the 1st of June, and will also be available for downloading from the web page on the same date. Several changes have been made and perhaps the most significant are those relating to the photography section, which remains open to all ages. This year we are offering very different challenges, as the subjects are “Tetbury Characters” (remember they do not have to be human), “Tetbury Architecture,” “Colours and Shadows.” There is plenty of time to consider these topics and to choose your 140208matter Classic Windows 22/2/08 subject very carefully.
very much like to hear from you. The web page, www.tetburysummershow. co.uk has been updated and now includes a stallholder application form, available to anyone who wants to come along and showcase their crafts or services. All stallholders must bring their own gazebo, tables, chairs etc., and are responsible for clearing all rubbish at the end of the day. This year Kathryn Limoi has joined the team and will be coordinating all matters relating to the provision of stalls. Her details are of course on the application form. Summer Show Committee
On the subject of animals, we can confirm that a troop of Meerkats will be visiting Tetbury for the first time. These adorable creatures are used to humans, so this will provide an excellent photo opportunity for anyone wishing to handle one. Returning to the show are regular favourites, Roy Rogers and Trigger his land train and of course our long-legged roving entertainer with an extraordinary bicycle, Professor Crump. We are also welcoming back the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums for what may be a final visit, as costs are regrettably increasing and sponsorship is getting harder and harder to source. However, if there is a business out there that wants to get involved in a 22:04 Pagefamily 1 traditional fun day out, we would
34 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
FLEA AND TICK CONTROL MADE SIMPLE BRAVECTO - a single tablet for dogs or spot on for cats. One dose every 3 months for complete flea and tick control. Text reminders to your mobile so you never forget when the next treatment is due. (Included with our Pet Care Plan).
We have been seeing a few cases of Kennel Cough continually throughout this mild winter. This infection causes a very nasty, dry, hacking cough in dogs. Your dog does not need to have been into kennels to catch kennel cough, it is so contagious just walking past a coughing dog can be enough to catch the infection. Fortunately a vaccine is available (included in our Pet Care Plan) to help prevent the disease. Just a few drops up the nose, is enough to provide protection for your dog. With Spring on the way the risk of more cases can only increase. Please call the surgery for more information and advice.
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Injured Jockey Fund
A Cheltenham Festival Preview evening, hosted by Tetbury-based Cotswold Wagyu and Vinotopia Wines was an unqualified success, and a superb £8,752.74 raised from the event has been donated to the Injured Jockeys Fund. Held at the delightful and historic Chavenage House, the evening drew a sell-out eighty-plus guests, who enjoyed a Champagne and canapés reception before top racing trainer, Alan King, shared some entertaining and insightful tips on the Festival to come. Guests tucked into a delicious dinner of Wagyu beef with matched wines, before a fundraising auction saw them dig deep and bid generously.
Landscaping Before
Extension Before
The charitable cheque was presented at the Tetbury farm base of Cotswold Wagyu by Mike Tucker (pictured left) and Jeremy Hill of Vinotopia Wines (pictured right.) Receiving the cheque on behalf of the Injured Jockeys Fund was senior almoner of the charity Chicky Oaksey (centre.) Mike Tucker said “Our thanks go to our auction donors and guests for their great generosity - and to Alan King and all involved, for their enthusiasm and support. We’re delighted that such a significant sum was raised for this excellent cause and thank Chicky Oaksey for coming to receive the cheque today.”
New Build Before
Landscaping After
Landscaping Before
New Build Before
Extension After
Extension Before
New Build After
Extensions Loft Conversions Barn Conversions Extension After Landscaping After Listed Building Refurbishment Groundworks and Landscaping Natural Stone Walling Roofing Fascias & Guttering New Build After Kitchens & Bathrooms Extensions Roofing Wednesday 31 May – Sunday 11Loft June Carpentry Conversions Fascias & Guttering Barn Conversions Kitchens & Bathrooms 10am – 6pm Free admission Property Maintenance Listed Building Refurbishment Carpentry
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Property Maintenance
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May 2017 | 37
News from Christ Church May is a super-busy time for me personally, in a good way. As well as being the minister at Christ Church, I am also the Regional Coordinator for Christian Aid in Gloucestershire, speaking to churches about what we do and supporting the amazing efforts of volunteers across the county. Christian Aid Week is always in May - this year the 14th to the 20th of May - when the red envelope comes through your door.
Theodor volunteers every Christian Aid Week because of the vital support he received when he was a refugee. That shows a wonderful spirit we can all aspire to - one who was once a refugee himself working to help all those who are refugees today. We come together in Tetbury at Christ Church on Sunday 14th May at 6pm to celebrate the work of Christian Aid and to commission the house-to-house collectors. Do come along. Reverend Noel Sharp, Christ Church
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Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. Sunday 21st May @ 4pm
Some say charity begins at home - some say charity begins with the homeless. Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, whose message is that charity begins wherever we can help our neighbour.
If you've never been before it is an afternoon of Crafts, ‘Open The Book’ (ask the kids about that!), Worship Time and Food for all the family. Entry is FREE and it lasts until around 5.20 pm. If you've never been before, give it a try! Please can children be accompanied by a well-behaved adult!
It warms my heart that so many people are inspired show their love of their neighbours overseas by knocking on the door of their neighbour in their street.
Just a reminder on Friday mornings (10.00 a.m. to 12 noon) at Christ Church, our Chippin’ Chicks group meets. This session is for carers and babies/toddlers (birth to 3 years of age) at a cost of £1.50 per family, per session. This includes all tea/coffee and toast. 0220517
Theodor Davidovic Our focus this year is our work with refugees. A 91-year-old Serbian man called Theodor, now living in Scotland, was a refugee in camps in Europe in 1945, and says he owes his life to the work of Christian Aid supporters: ‘It was Christian Aid who sent us care packages. It was Christian Aid who fed us. I feel I owe my life to the cause.’
Chippin’ Chicks meets every Friday, including school holidays!
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It’s not too late to decide to hold a breakfast, lunch, tea or supper in Christian Aid Week the 14th – 20th May, and to ask your guests to donate to Christian Aid to help refugees, those suffering in war torn areas, or from the effect of famine.
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We have all seen the awful pictures in the media – this is a chance to do something about it. If you can’t help in that way please give generously to the house-to-house collection.
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38 | May 2017
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The Times they are a-changing …
you don’t arrange to meet a friend for coffee at 9.30am, do you? It’s always at least 10 o’clock. So nice things happen at 10!
Our big headline at St Marys’ Church is a new time for our main Sunday service, moving from 9.30 am to 10.00 am, from Sunday the 7th of May.
You could call it our Good News at Ten …
We think the change makes sense. If you’re working, or have children at school (or both…), you struggle to get out of the house before nine all week. So, Sundays should feel different. Some people also find early starts more difficult as they get older. And anyway,
And our Sunday early birds get a bit of a liein too. From Sunday the 7th of May, our 8.00 am service also moves to the new time of 8.30 am. I know I’m looking forward to that! Other notes for your diary include an invitation to join us for morning coffee, cake and chat on Wednesday the 10th of May at 10.15 am in church. Then, on
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News from St Marys’ Church Woolsack Races Day on Monday the 29th of May, we will be opening the bell tower to visitors between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm, with tea and coffee served in church. And out and about, we will be joining Tetbury Area Churches Together to raise money for Christian Aid Week (14th-20th May). The focus this year is help for refugees across the world, to relieve suffering and to build a world where everyone has a safe place to call home. The charity is highlighting the terrible choice people face: to live with terror, bombs and bullets or make dangerous journeys in search of safety. Sixty years ago, Christian Aid was set up to support work with refugees in Europe following the Second World War. This year, the charity is urging us to act again now. So please do support those collecting out on the streets, and house-to-house. I look forward to sharing all this with you. With love and God’s blessing, Poppy The Reverend Poppy Hughes Rector, the Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton & Shipton Moyne
The ‘New’ Greyhound Inn For very good food, real ales, lagers and wines in a relaxed informal atmosphere ‘New’
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May 2017 | 39
People for You Please join us at our Coffee Morning on Thursday, 1st June 10.30am to 12 noon in the Foyer Room at Christchurch, The Chipping, Tetbury.
I am sure many of you already know about People For You,
FREE refreshments, including delicious homemade cakes, will be available plus it’s the perfect opportunity to meet others in the community.
EVERYONE WELCOME! 250208 JS Painters & DecoratorsSue22/2/08 22:20 Black, People For You Page 1
the local volunteer befriending service in the community, but maybe you are new to the area and are unfamiliar with our service, so to put you in the picture, we provide regular companionship to those older people who might be feeling a bit cut off from the community.
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And if you feel you have the empathy and commitment to become a volunteer, please do get in touch. We would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact Sue Black at People For You on 07810 630167 / 01452 528491 or email sue.peopleforyou@grcc.org.uk
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St Mary’s Playgroup At last the sun has arrived! It finally seems like Spring has sprung and we have enjoyed the lovely warm sun over the last few weeks. We have had a lovely half-term and the children have enjoyed Easter fun, including searching for eggs, making cheesy chicks, hunting outside with egg boxes and learning about the real meaning of Easter.
all the wonderful characters! Thank you to all the local shops who so kindly displayed the eggs, Darby Law for coordinating the whole event, Heidi Bailey for her wonderful artwork, the Tourist information office for selling the sheets, and everyone who bought one and got involved. We have raised over £100, and will be drawing two winners from the answer sheets at the end of April, who will win Easter hampers.
It has also provided us with a great opportunity to focus on our understanding of the World through our new tadpole additions - as well as our ever-growing resident African land snails! We can’t wait to see the tadpoles develop into frogs - thank you Holly Bell for the kind donation of a tank. Our focus for next term will start off with the children’s interests as well as the story of the hungry caterpillar – the staff are already looking forward to the arrival of our baby caterpillars, which we will get to watch first hand transform into butterflies.
Over the last six months the Co-op have been running a local community fundraiser and we were lucky enough to be one of their nominated charities. Shoppers could become members to receive benefits as well as donating 1% of their shopping bill to their chosen cause. We were asking to receive funding to raise money for our Seedlings baby and toddler group, but what we weren’t expecting is the amazing amount we received! The total raised was just over £1,400, which not only will pay for another year of Seedlings, but will also mean we can buy new resources for all the families, carers, babies and children who attend to enjoy. We can’t thank everyone who got involved and chose us as your cause enough – we are overwhelmed by your support!
For our latest fundraiser, we decided to launch an Easter egg hunt around the town for all our local families and friends to get involved with. Thank you all for the support we received to make this a success - we hope you enjoyed them and managed to find
Our Seedlings group continues every Monday morning from 9.30 to 11.30 at the front of Christ Church (and now will for the next year!) It is run by our lovely mum and Playgroup Deputy Kelly, who every week offers fresh and exciting activities that the
children love exploring, as well as always greeting everyone through the door with a welcoming smile and a listening ear. All ages and stages are catered for and everyone is welcome, so please drop in and see for yourself what a lovely group it is. For more regular updates of what we’re doing please visit our Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup & Toddlers’ or have a look on our website to get in touch for a visit www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk Vikki Morris Secretary to St Mary’s Playgroup Committee
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42 | May 2017
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Walks for May 2017 As this is written, the group have completed the first two walks of this year. On a fine spring day, when twenty-seven members walked around the outskirts of Tetbury, for a gentle start to the season. Then, on another equally good day, twenty-two members walked from Coaley Peak into Woodchester Park. Come and join us for future walks in the area around Tetbury! We would welcome
new members and also any visitors, who are asked to contact the leader of the walk, in advance of the day of the walk. All walks start from the free long-stay car park by the old Goods Shed off Cirencester Road. We aim to use mainly footpaths and tracks, so walks may be muddy and stiles will be encountered. Whilst all reasonable care will be taken, it is the responsibility of each individual walker to be able to complete the route and to look after their own safety.
Walks Program: Levels: A = easy to D = hilly 02-05-17, 3.00 pm. A short walk around the Southern edge of Tetbury exploring the many points of interest. Length: 1.5 m, 2.00 km. Level: A/B. Leader: John 504430. Please note the start time. 09-05-17, 10.00 am. Cars needed. A beautiful walk through the valleys and woods of the Edgeworth area. Length: 5.00 m, 8.00 km. Level: B/C. Leader: Sallie 503712. 16-05-17, 10.00 am. Cars needed. From Stamages car park (Painswick) to Sheepscombe and return via Lords & Ladies Woods. Length: 6.00 m, 9.60 km. Level: B/C. Leader: Chris 502164. Note; Lunch break at Sheepscombe en-route, advise leader by 15th if lunching at Butchers Arms, or take a picnic.
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23-05-17, 2.00 pm. Cars needed. Drop down into Toadsmoor Valley from Eastcombe, through woods, pass lakes and return up Bussage Hill. Length: 5.00 m 8.00 km. Level: B/C. Leader: Diana 502768.
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Tetbury Footpath Group
30-05-17, 2.00 pm. Cars needed. Walk around the rim of Minchinhampton Common and enjoy the beautiful views. Length: 5.00 m, 8.00 km. Level: A. Leader: Kevin 505357. Optional stop for ice cream en-route. Ian Thomas, Tetbury Footpath Group 01666 502939
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May 2017 | 43 08:48 20/02/2017
Tetbury Library
Sessions” for the group. This is an enjoyable way for people who have long and valuable personal histories to socialise. If you know anyone who would benefit from this, then please contact the library to book a free place. Andrew’s expert assistance in Family History Research will only be available on Wednesday the 3rd this month, but will resume weekly in June.
If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need. Cicero Tetbury Library’s ‘Grow!’ event returns on Saturday the 27th of May at 10 am to 1 pm! You can bring along your surplus plants, seeds or seedlings and take home something new - for free! (If possible, please drop off donations of plants etc. the day before – up to 6 pm – so that there is a selection on offer from the start of Saturday. Thank you.) There will also be topical books to borrow and, if you bring in your electronic device, you can get help accessing free gardening e-magazines via the digital library. We are so fortunate in that the Tetbury in Bloom team create a year-long beautiful garden bed outside the library. A few members of the team are kindly giving up their time to run this plant swap – a great opportunity to ask them about the wonderful work that they do! Also at this event will be Emma from the Ronan’s Trust so you can find out about the marvellous and vital work this charity does in using gardening as therapy for people
who are going through bereavement. Drop in on the morning to find out more. This month’s library clubs include decorative box-making on Saturday the 6th at Library Crafters. Writing Group will be meeting on the 8th and the 22nd of May. Library Club now includes “Reminiscence
Many thanks to everyone who has donated yarn/wool and even pom-poms – you are a lovely, community-minded group of people! The Yarn Bombing project is on-going, so any left-over amounts of yarn from your own creative projects would be appreciated. Look out for half-term family events via posters and Gloucestershire Libraries’ social media - Tetbury Library will be closed on both Bank Holiday Mondays this month. Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie, Tetbury Library
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We are proud to be one of the first in the UK to offer Fibroblast. This is a revolutionary and very effective non-surgical skin tightening treatment, which can be used on upper eyelids/ lower eye bags, general wrinkles, frown lines, necks and the upper lip. Fibroblast is a very big forward step in anti-wrinkle technology, and is the perfect treatment for saggy skin around the face and eyes. Call us now to book your FREE consultation. 0200517
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Sir William Romney’s School Latest fundraising efforts at SWR Red Nose Day 2017 The Student Council planned and organised a variety of exciting fundraising events for Comic Relief this year. As well as participating in the usual non-uniform day Year 11 students set up a ‘photo-booth’ in the Library, with students paying to have their photos taken in in silly poses, in groups, with staff etc. with some very funny results. Staff joined in by producing a ‘talent show’ showcasing their amazing talents; from singing to lip-synching, and even a teacher dance off! Head Girl, Anna Chappell, organised many of the events and was delighted to have helped in raising a grand total of £576, commenting, “it was a lot of hard work for the Student Council to organise so many events but we are very proud of the amount raised for Comic Relief in 2017.
Refugee Forced to escape, Searching for the dead, Sent to the jungle, Scratching their heads Roof-less and childless, Life’s circle, broken.
By Phoebe Forrest
Brilliant new banners! One of the most exciting house competitions in SWR history took place this term, when Headteacher Mr Bell invited students to design a new giant banner for the school. The brief was to reflect SWR’s core values: aspiration, confidence, collaboration, independence and resilience. There were many budding artists from all year groups who took part. Mr Bell and Head of Art, Mr Davies, were the judges and selected designs by Year 7 student Iola Hilliker and in Year 8 - Stella Streetman as joint winners. Layla Jordan and Hattie Nixon’s designs were ‘highly commended’.
“Well done to all that took part and thanks for getting involved,” said Mr Davies. Both winning banners will soon be displayed at our main visitor entrance, please come and have a look! Sir William Romney’s School
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan
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Poetry Competition The University of Gloucestershire recently launched a poetry competition, with poems needing to be original and with no more than seven lines. The winning poems would be re-created on a coaster for the poet to keep. So, of course we had to get involved! Mrs Eveleigh launched this challenge and we are extremely proud that, out of 268 students who took part in this competition, two of our students won prizes for their poetry. A fantastic achievement! Hattie Nixon (Year 9) won first place for her year group category and Phoebe Forrest, in her first year at SWR, gained second place. Here are Hattie and Phoebe’s fantastic poems:
Sand in my fingers, Salt in my hair, Sound of waves, Seashells everywhere, The foam at my toes, as the sun hits sea, Everything glows
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History of Tetbury Society
The ‘Sharpness Canal’ was the subject of the talk at HOTS on the 6th of April.
business. In 1955 a Graving dock was built at Sharpness for ship repairs.
Paul Barnett had spoken to us previously about the Purton Hulks, so we were prepared for one of the strongest voices around! The canal was originally named the Paul projected a series of photographs, ‘Gloucester and Berkeley Ship Canal’, contrasting the canal as it is seen today because the Earl of Berkeley gave much of with about 60 years ago. Now there are the land required. Most canals were built fewer ships and many canal-side buildings for ‘narrow boat’ traffic but this was the have disappeared, yet the tonnage of first canal to enable ships to ‘sail’ inland. cargo handled today at Sharpness docks We were shown a map of the docks with has never been greater. The destruction the original entrance from the river and of the Severn Railway bridge in 1960 the new entrance built in 1874, to reduce resulted in the loss of some rail links and interference from the wind. The lock the transport of goods in containers made at this entrance has been enlarged, to many warehouses redundant, although accommodate the much larger ships. To save money, the canal was constructed one warehouse at Sharpness is now a in ‘steps’ with the centre, deepest. It is ‘listed’ building. A proud boast is that their 16½ miles long, 16ft deep and there are concrete grain silo was the tallest building 16 bridges; one road bridge is a swinging in the world for about two weeks in 1931 construction with white painted posts and - before the Empire State Building stole 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 rails at the sides. their crown! Export of scrap iron is a major
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
The supply of water is often a problem for canal operation. The river Frome that flows into the Stroud-water canal was an important source for both canals, that join at Saul junction. There was a major dispute in 1833 about the control of water which became known as ‘the Battle of Whitminster Weir’. There is only limited shipping passing along to Gloucester docks, but important changes were made when the Western Bypass was constructed and a new bridge spanning over the canal was built. The old warehouses at Gloucester have been converted to shopping and other uses, including the town council offices. There is still an old dry dock that is often used to repair narrow boats, or other private yachts that are docked by the wharves. It was a most interesting talk to complete our ‘indoor’ programme. Next month we will visit Chipping Sodbury on 4th May but we have been asked to restrict our numbers to 24. Please let Peter Lisle-Taylor (500414) know if you wish to go. Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society
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• Cam Belts • Gearbox replacements Te • Work undertaken on all makes and models All manner of clothing alterations undertaken Church Farm, The Old Dairy, Long New • 10Friyears’ experience as an Volkswagen Specialist •home MOTs (class 4and & 7) • Gearbox flushing • Work undertaken all makes models Local pick up/drop offAudi service from work oron Mon to• 09:30 -15:00 Shortenings, remodel, zip replacement, Tetbury, GL8 8RS • 10 years’ experience as an Audi Specialist or byVolkswagen appointment. • Fully equipped with theon latest • 10 years’ experience as Audiundertaken Volkswagen Specialist • an Work all diagnostic makes andequipment models waist let out/taken in and much more! • 10 years’ experience as an Audi Volkswagen Specialist One-to-one sessions available. with the 2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury, GL8 8LL • Fully equipped latest diagnostic equipment • the Air conditioning specialist • Fully equipped with latest diagnostic equipment • Fully equipped with the latest diagnostic equipmentinfo@cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk 01666 500811 Over 20 years experience, competitive rates • Air conditioning specialist • Air conditioning specialist info@cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk info@cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk • Reliable, honest and friendly service • Air conditioning specialist info@cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk Basic price list available • Reliable, honest and friendly service • Reliable, honest and friendly service Farm, The Long Newnton, Church Farm, The OldOld Dairy,Dairy, Long Newnton, • Local from pick up/drop off service from work or home Church • Local pick up/drop off service work or home • Reliable, honest and friendly service Tetbury, GL8 8RS Church Farm, The Old • Work undertaken on all makes and Dairy, models Long Newnton, Tetbury, GL8 8RS • Local pick up/drop off service from work or home Monday to•Friday 9:30up/drop – 3:00pm Church Farm, The Old Dairy, Long Newnton, •off Work undertaken onor allhome makes and models Local pick service from work Tetbury, GL8 8RS Tetbury, GL8 8RS First and third•Saturday 9:30 – 3:00pm or by appointment Work undertaken on all makes and models • Work undertaken on all makes and models www.cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk 2 Old Brewery Lane, Tetbury, GL8 8LL
hortening and cushion making.
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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latestwww.cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk news and events May 2017 | 47 www.cotswoldvehicleservices.co.uk
Dolphins Drama Group Didn’t they do well! A fantastic production, Jackie, Gwen, Amelia, Alex, Steve and Vincent were all brilliant, the timing was good and the humour came across really well. Amelia was very brave wearing just shorts and a bikini top (she looked gorgeous, didn’t she?), as both she and Gwen were carried hither and thither as dead bodies. I hope the two of them didn’t get lots of bruises! Everyone played their part so well – it was excellent work. If you didn’t come to see the play, you missed out on a great evening. As always there are several people to thank: IHS Markit and Matt, the printing was perfect as always. Ken White for putting the programme together; he is not a Graphic Designer but did a fantastic job. David Hudson, who travels from Cornwall to help the Dolphins with sound and lighting for both autumn and spring productions. He always puts his heart and soul into it which results in first class results. Tetbury Hardware – Malc you are just magic as The Dolphins box office. The Snooty Fox and Tetbury Town Council displayed our promotional banner, deserving our thanks, as do the shops who displayed a poster. Thanks too, to all the traders that placed an advert in our
programme – and of course special thanks to all those who came to see the show. Now we must move forward to the next production. All members of the Dolphins Dramatic Society have cast their vote for the pantomime - and although I can hear you all groan “She can’t talk about winter already?” - Oh yes I can! We know what Tetbury people are like, we need to get dates nice and early as we’re all such busy people, so please get those pens and diaries out and note it down! The pantomime is ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and it will run from Thursday the 23rd to Saturday the 25th of November - and yes, there will
be the special night organised by Tetbury Lions for all the older people of Tetbury on Wednesday the 25th of November. “Sleeping Beauty” (from the French: La Belle au bois dormant “The Beauty Sleeping in the Wood” by the Brothers Grimm,) is a classic fairy tale which involves a stunning princess, a sleeping enchantment, and a handsome prince. This beautiful story has been adapted for pantomime by Ben Crocker, the king of panto scripts, so you know it will be funny, have plenty of audience participation and all will end happily ever after! Terri White, Dolphins Drama Group
L E. Perry Independent Funeral Directors
Philip Horgan Funeral Director
Ridgeway Coach House 13 Hampton Street Tetbury Glos GL8 8JN
T: 01666 502295 E: tetburyfunerals@gmail.com
48 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Amazing offers. Taken care of. Highfields, Tetbury, GL8 8GX 3 bedroom homes from £286,500 Set in the beautiful Cotswolds countryside on the edge of the picturesque market town of Tetbury, our Highfields development offers stunning 3 bedroom homes from £286,500. What’s more, we have some incredible offers available on The Sherston, plots 15 & 16, which could save you thousands and make sure your move is taken care of.
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£10,000 off list price - pay from £276,500 Stamp Duty paid† Integrated appliances* Flooring included throughout* £99 reservation fee (usually £500)*
Discover The Miller Difference with a visit to our showhome and marketing suite, open Thursday to Monday, 10am to 5pm.
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†Stamp Duty Land Tax paid offer does not apply to the higher Stamp Duty Land Tax rate for additional residential properties, if payable. Offer is subject to Miller Homes’ standard terms and conditions and cannot be used in conjunction with any other incentive or offer nor exchanged for cash. Miller Homes reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time. *Offer is subject to Miller Homes’ standard terms and conditions and cannot be used in conjunction with any other incentive or offer nor exchanged for cash. Miller Homes reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time. £99 fee applicable to new reservations only. Price and availability correct at time of going to print. Photography represents a typical Miller Homes interior and exterior. Carpets and floor coverings are not included in our homes as standard.
Patient Participation Group The dust is starting to settle on the new Personal List Service, as both staff and patients are getting used to doing things differently. Although some people have requested to change lists, others are content with who their GP is. And we suspect those who rarely see their GP won’t even notice the change. Although the surgery has tried to accommodate all those that have requested a list change, it seems that our female GPs, Dr Swanborough and Dr Cardew, are very popular and the surgery has had to close their lists for the time being. The main difference with this system is that 01666 502303 Dr Swanborough
Monday AM
when you have something that is acute (that means you need to see a nurse or GP as soon as possible) your GP will ring you back to find out more about what the problem is and either arrange for you to come into the surgery or deal with it on the phone. This is different from before, when you would have rung up for a sameday appointment and just take what was available with whoever was available. So, as we all get used to this system we should see an increase in the availability of appointments and you should be able to see your own GP. There is some flexibility in the system though, so if you occasionally need to see a GP of the same sex, for instance, please discuss this either with your own GP or let the receptionist know.
(Support GP)
Dr Gerald
Dr Cardew
(Support GP)
Dr Sethi & Dr Khalid
Dr Wormald
Advanced Practitioner Dr Nichol (Gynae procedures) Dr Hill (Minor operations)
(Support GP)
Dr Khalid
(Support GP)
Dr Sethi
Dr Khalid
Dr Sethi
Dr Sethi
AM PM Once Monthly
To make it easier for people to know when their GP is available the practice and the PPG together have created some doctor availability cards. We asked a selection of people to look at 10 different variations and two came out as most popular. You can download these from the PPG blog site or you can ‘cut and keep’ the one shown. There is also a different one on the Romney House Surgery’s new website. Hopefully there is something for everyone! Speaking of websites, if you haven’t been to the practice one for a while, you will notice a big change. It now has a more modern feel about it, as well as new information. The Useful Contacts page has some useful information that might help patients manage their own conditions. The surgery will be adding to this and other areas of the website over the coming weeks and then will be producing a new practice booklet. http://www.romneyhousesurgery.co.uk/ pages/Useful-Contacts Jennifer Skillen Chair, Patient Participation Group Romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk Or leave a message in the suggestions box in the waiting room.
Routine appointments can be made the same way as usual, but they will be with your own GP. If you are used to making appointments on-line then you can still do that, but only appointments with your own GP will be shown as available.
Twice Monthly
Support GP’s regularly work with us when the usual doctor is not available.
For all your ironing, cleaning & repairs Laundry Wedding Dresses UGG® Boots Dry Cleaning, Wet Care Duvet, Bedspread, Blanket Service Alterations and Repairs
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Call us to find out more or visit www.speedyiron.co.uk Unit 4, Priory Ind.Est., London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8HZ
01666 503900
50 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Cotswold Lion
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
The “Cotswold Lion” Spring/Summer issue has now been published by the Cotswolds Conservation Board, and is available free from the Tetbury Tourist Information Centre in Church Street. It is named after our local breed of sheep, famous for their thick fleeces and the mane they have around their faces, which makes them look a bit like Lions.
The Wardens are the volunteer arm of the Conservation Board; some wardens lead walks. A warden is allocated to each group of villages or parishes to patrol the local footpaths and report on and rectify any problems. Bigger jobs are tackled by work parties and there are five of these – “our” work party being the South District. Jobs tackled
are for conservation of Cotswold features and maintenance of footpaths and bridleways. An article in the Lion gives some interesting annual 2016 statistics for waymarking footpaths, planting trees, building dry-stone walls and so on. On footpaths, we erect gates, stiles and bridges over streams. Of late we have worked on clearance at Coaley Peak and Uley Bury to maintain the landscape and views and we have also worked at Brackenbury Ditches recently, which is an iron-age hill fort with two concentric circular ramparts on the Cotswold Way between Wotton-underEdge and North Nibley. The ditches were in danger of disappearing, but now many trees have been felled and the undergrowth has been cleared. This photograph shows a ditch, and how much progress has been made. Now primrose have returned and the trees are in leaf.
Local Walks 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian
Local circular walks led by the Wardens in May are:
Page 1
• Saturday 6th May 10am from Selsley Common B4066 car park for 10 miles via Woodchester, Rodborough Common and Stroud Canal. • Tuesday 9th May 10am from Amberley Inn for 4 miles over Rodborough Common looking out for Orchids.
A re liable, fas t & fr ien d l y s e r v i c e
• Tuesday 16th May 10am from Avening (Woodstock Lane B4014 social club car park) for 4.5 miles.
Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . . N o
Cal l -out
• Friday 19th May 10am at Hunters Hall, Kingscote for coffee departing at 10.30 for 5.5 miles via Ozleworth and Bagpath. • Thursday 25th May 10am from Woodchester National Trust car park near Nympsfield for 5 miles to Selsley Common and Woodchester Mansion. Richard Glanville, 18/6/13 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1
Ch arge
01453 ~ 833310
E. stevefloydpestcontrol@gmail.com www.stevefloydpestcontrol.co.uk Fully qualified (25 years experience) Fully Insured T: 01285 643750 M: 07933 357373
All profits distributed locally and internationally
May 2017 | 51
Girlguiding As hoped for in the last Advertiser, the sun shone on us at PGL Liddington! We had a great weekend at the beginning of April which saw forty Guides and six Leaders tackling eight different, challenging courses. When the trapeze jump proved too much for a few, they tackled the vertical challenge with ease and the climbing wall was even attempted by some leaders. Heidi, Ayla, Izzie, Flo, Lucy and Tia will certainly remember that they were enrolled halfway up the wall! Hatty and Callie from 2nd Tetbury Guides have recently attended their Baden-Powell Adventure and are very close to finishing the top award. Westonbirt Guides organised a party for the last ever meeting at Westonbirt School, and are looking forward to moving to Sherston after Easter. I am pleased to say that all except one, (who lives some distance away,) are transferring to the new unit.
Congratulations to both Brownie units who have completed their first aid badges. A very useful skill to have, but one that we hope they won’t have to use too often! In the news recently has been the number of young people waiting to join both Guiding and Scouting groups. In Tetbury we too have five girls waiting to join Rainbows who will have to wait until we get another adult volunteer.
in a good condition, as we must dispose of any that will not sell. Please see our advert or email for more details. Sue Doidge, Tetbury District Commissioner girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com
A family disco has been organised for Friday 23rd June at the Dolphin’s Hall to raise funds for our new building. Tickets are available from Tetbury Hardware, or please email for more details. Our annual Book Sale takes place over the Woolsack weekend, so please start collecting books for us. Adult paperback fiction if you could please (we cannot use hard backs or non-fiction,) and any children’s books. Please make sure they are
TREE SERVICES LTD • Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: ben@kingstrees.co.uk W: www.kingstrees.co.uk 0510116
52 | May 2017
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Tetbury Police Museum
What an offer! The Vice-chairman and Archivist of the Police Vehicle Enthusiasts Club recently paid us a visit and very kindly gave us a copy of nearly 1,400 digital images of Gloucestershire police vehicles dating from 1926 to the present day. We are considering the prospect of a new digital display of these images to accompany the dozen or so photos we already display; and of course, our Velocette and three bicycles. This would be a marvellous enhancement to our transport collection. Ready for another Cold Case File? Gird your loins for this one.
being behind time, and by the negligence of the driver in not keeping a lookout. The circumstances are as follows. The deceased, who lived near the railway, left home at 9 o’clock in the morning, the time at which the express train should have passed by Pool Keynes, for the purposes of setting mole traps on the banks of the railway, for which purpose he had authority to walk along the line. He was seen just after walking in the direction of Minety, and the same person saw the express 8.44 train pass in the same direction soon after.
Fatal Railway Accident, 1851 0510517
On Thursday, an inquest was held at Pool Keynes, on the Great Western Union Railway between Tetbury-road and Minety, on the body of an old man named John Pert, who was killed on the line, it is supposed, by the express up train to London on the previous day. The inquiry incited some interest, it being alleged that the accident was caused by the train
Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk
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720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
Page 1
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
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A 19th century mole catcher Pert’s body was discovered two hours afterwards by the engine driver of the down 10.45 train lying between the space of the up and down lines. The face was frightfully lacerated, so as to prevent the possibility of identification, and the back and other parts of the body were much injured. No doubt his death was caused by the buffer of the engine striking him upon the back. The poor man’s watch was found in his pocket, the works evidently injured by the collision, and the hands standing at 9.3. There can be no doubt that the train by which he met his death was the up express. It is strange that the body was not discovered by the driver or fireman of the 9.40 up train, which must have passed the spot within three quarters of an hour of the event occurring. The fireman and engine driver of the express attended the inquest, and both stated that they were ignorant of the accident until told of it in the afternoon of the same day; and that, in consequence of “slidings” of the train as they were passing the place in question, they were obliged to have their attention called off from their “look-out.” The board of directors of the Great Western Company have promised that the case shall be investigated. The verdict was “Killed by a train.” Source: The Times Feb 10th 1851 John Silvester, Hon Curator curator@tetbury.gov.uk 01666 504670 Tetbury Police Museum
May 2017 | 53
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A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd
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General Building
Page 1
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54 | May 2017
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The Weighbridge Inn Home of the famous “2 in 1” pie
Whatever The Weighbridge Inn Home of the famous the weather…
"2 in 1" pie …join us at the Weighbridge Inn for our famous 2 in 1 pies The Weighbridge Inn is a real, old-fashioned Cotswolds or our Summer menu.
country pub. Dogs and children are welcome and there is a stunning garden to the rear with plenty of Our Hayloft dining room is also Located between Nailsworth and parking available. Minchinhampton, available for private dining, the pub is famous for its “2in1” pies. This is a unique dish of the filling of your choice on one family parties, business meetings side topped with mouth-wateringly crumbly pastry and accompanied by delicious cauliflower cheese on the other. and local groups. However, the award winning Chef, Toby Refoy, also ensures a variety of weekly seasonal specials and home-made desserts are always available with four local real ales and a great wine selection to accompany them
Don’t forget our famous “2in1” pies are available to “bake at home” call ahead to place your order and they will be ready for you to collect.
Longfords, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, GL6 9AL Tel: 01453 832520 | www.weighbridgeinn.co.uk
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for more great offers & DRINK Good food, fine local ales - and a warm welcome 1300517
Paul Carpenter Carpentry Services All aspects of carpentry, kitchens, uPVC doors and windows
Tel: 07952 931552 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1
Tetbury Area
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01666 502879
Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark
Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
Town & Country News
1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1
Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas.
Jo Gale
Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!
(as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs
We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.
Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872
Tel: 01666 502398
Email: sarah.townandcountrynews@btinternet.com
56 | May 2017
1110609 1220616
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
Rodmarton Manor
FULL INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE CURTAINS, BLINDS, & UPHOLSTERY A tearoom assistant required To serve afternoon tea and cake to visitors. Saturday afternoons May to September. Plus assisting with catering for groups at other times.
If interested please call: 01285 841442 Or email: enquiries@rodmarton-manor.co.uk 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne Ha 1030517
Wayne Hardiman
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Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart
Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall Tai Chi - 9.30am to 10.30am Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 Cost per person £5.00 Free parking available.
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DOG WALKING - PET SITTING SERVICE All Aspects of Interior Exterior Painting
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Paulo Rios
Tel 01452 542179 Mobile 07866 366319
e-mail beckiewait@gmail.com 0101216
All profits distributed locally and internationally
Reliable Competitive Friendly Service Contact
May 2017 | 57
Tetbury Art Society On Saturday the 18th of March, we had a coach trip to the museums in South Kensington arranged by Barry Barnes. We were free to wander around the museums of our choice - or even the shops! Both the Science and the Natural History Museums had changed a great deal, since I was last there many years ago. Then on Wednesday the 5th of April, Maxine Relton demonstrated ‘Textured ground with watercolour/pastel’ and exhibited her sketchbooks and journals. She is clearly a knowledgeable and experienced artist and gave us many tips. She worked from a sketch that she had made in Spain, of farm buildings. Following on, on Saturday the 8th of April Maxine led a workshop at Shipton Moyne Village Hall. After an introduction, we got down to work ourselves. Firstly, we applied a texturing paste to several pieces of card. After practicing using pastels on one piece of card, we started work on a picture. We were free to choose our own subject, but many of us tackled a still life from various bits of pottery that were available. For lunch, many of us had brought sandwiches which we ate outside in the warm sunshine. The afternoon passed quickly. Although I had hoped for more members, those who came enjoyed the experience. Our thanks go to Nicki Heenan for arranging this workshop. Our Spring Exhibition is being held in the Market Hall on the 29th April – 1st May. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of our Society, and we are celebrating it with a painting competition on the theme of ‘Tetbury’. The entries are being judged by Stewart Geddes, President of the Royal West of England Academy. I will be able to tell you more in the June issue of the Tetbury Advertiser. On Wednesday the 3rd of May, Max Hale will be demonstrating ‘Cafe scene – people and ambience’ and then on Wednesday the 7th of June, we will be bringing our own paintings along to St Michael’s Hall to work on.
H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com 0680515
We look forward to bringing colour and cleanliness back to your favourite floor coverings. Contemporary or traditional, large or small, piled or flat woven, hand knotted or tufted, shaggy or sheepskin, wool or silk – your rug will be cleaned using the right tools and techniques for the job. You can drop off or we can collect by appointment and either way you're very welcome to visit, discuss your requirements, and see us in action. 01453 836400 mail@rugcleaningworks.co.uk www.rugcleaningworks.co.uk Unit 11 Nailsworth Mills Estate Avening Road Nailsworth Stroud GL6 0BS
More information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. You will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society
58 | May 2017
The Home of Specialist Rug Cleaning in the Cotswolds 0990516
Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk
This month I would like to appeal to anyone who may own, or know the whereabouts of, a “Romney Coat.” These coats were traditionally given to the poor by the Romney Charity of Tetbury. We would love to display an example of an important part of our town’s history in the
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
Market Hall, if you have one. If you would be willing to either loan it or to donate it to The Feoffees, please let us know. In the photo, Dennis Price (on the left) is wearing his Army Great Coat, the others are wearing Romney Coats.
Date for your diary – Heritage Weekend – Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of September.
We’re sorry to have to say goodbye to our Clerk Kate, as she and her family leave Tetbury for pastures new - however, we are very pleased to welcome Alison Mckay as our new clerk. We wish Kate and her family all the very best for the future.
Grants this month have included donations to the following:
chris@elliottbrothers.net 07786 085928 01666 505110 0370416
Training Grant for The Ferns Playgroup
Model Railway Club
Town French Exchange
St Mary’s Day Centre
Tetbury Relief in Need
If you would like to know more about the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees at www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk
Cotswold Party/Wedding Venue Lunch & Dinner Pizzas, Eat In Or Take Away Sandwiches and Ciabattas Coffee, Newspapers, Magazines Homemade Cakes Breakfast 8-11am Cream Teas Sunday Roasts 12-3pm Alfresco Dining Cocktails
23 Long Street, Tetbury, GL8 8AA | T. 01666 505 690 | E. info@theormond.co.uk | www.theormond.co.uk All profits distributed locally and internationally
May 2017 | 59
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Established Tetbury’s premier garage We specialise in1974, BMW,we Mini, VAG (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,independent Skoda) and Weinspecialise inare BMW, Mini, VW, SEAT, Skoda) andoffering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. have courtesy available or mechanics. WeRover. were8voted Independent Garage of athe 2012 byVAG both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry As offer an independent BMW, (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury'sCode of Land We have 8cars courtesy cars available orYear offer a Mini, collection service. collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering acars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda), Land Rover andus Mercedes. have 9 courtesy Follow @carcaretetbury Follow usWe @carcaretetbury we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of available or offer a customer collectionsatisfaction service. AtisCar Care Tetburysocustomer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a At Car CareAtTetbury ourdiagnostic top is priority Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction our top priority so you with a mechanics. We offer a full range of services equipment to provide call today or visit our website. please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free courtesy cars or collection.
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and brak
light commercial vehicles.
book sta
As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Since starting smaller in 1974, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier and repairs servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level independent garage with genuine Rover Ourservice full equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT diagnostic equipment to provide you with a experienced team of mechanics. We off er a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy full range of services for all makes of cars, four and brake fluid change. We provide service Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. book stamps to keep your warranty not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and
will save you money.
fuel efficiency.
MOT tes
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Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester
What if you lost it? Or if it stopped working?
uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans Wedealer provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, ExperiencingExperiencing uneven tyre wear, pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full level serviceusing and repairs using thean leftuncentred or right, an uncentred steering with a free re-test with aincluded free re-test included service and repairs Autologic ™ Autologic ™ the left or right, steering if needed. Allif needed. All
AUTO GEARBOX FLUSHwheelAND OIL REFILL or poor handling? bulbs and adjustments free of or poorwheel handling? If so, contact Ifusso, tocontact us to bulbs and adjustments are included are freeincluded of
equipment which the full level of equipment which offers the fulloffers level of functionality available to main dealers. functionality available to main dealers.
our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) book our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp
at Car Care Laser alignment willl transform Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury will Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehiclesyour vehicles notmanufacturers affect manufacturers and handling wear not warranty andwarranty handling characteristics, tyre wear and Weaffect nowyour have the your latest auto gearbox flushing machine, thischaracteristics, removes alltyre the oldand oil from the will save you money. remove all old oil fuel efficiency. will save you(draining money. fuelfrom efficiency. gearbox doesn’t gearbox).
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The gearbox is then flushed through to remove any dirt/debris, new oil is filled and Units 1-3,Industrial Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire conditioning fluid added, this maintains any oil seals, valves etc. Tetbury, Units 1-3, Priory Estate, London Road, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ Most manufactures have a service schedule for this at set mileage, others say the gearbox is sealed for life, but after 100,000 miles or more the gearbox oil is often well past its best and gives issues such as jurking gearchange and slow to change from one gear to the other, cold gear change issues etc. PRICE FOR FULL FLUSH AND OIL CHANGE START FROM £145 +VAT 0140517