November 2018
Cover photo courtesy of Kevin Farnham
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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: Steve Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email:
What’s On
3rd November – Tetbury Fireworks Spectacular 6.00 pm, gates open at Sir William Romney’s School
Avening Primary School 6 Avening WI 8 Badminton Horseless Event 10 Christian Aid 12 Cirencester Science & Technology Society 16 Citizen’s Advice 18 Computer Advice 20 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 22 Dolphins Dramatic Society 24 Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground 26 Eating Out 60 Friends of Tetbury Hospital 31 History of Tetbury Society 30 Ingleburn Trefoil Guild 14 Leighterton Primary School 32 Letters to the Editor 63 Lion’s 200 Club 5 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Report 36 Men in Sheds 38 News from St Marys’ Church 40 News from St Michael’s Church 42 Probus 44 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 46 South Cotswold Bridge Club 49 St Mary’s CE VA Primary School 50 St Mary’s Nursery Playgroup 52 Tetbury Art Society 54 Tetbury Camera Club 56 Tetbury Cares 67 Tetbury Community Choir 66 Tetbury Girlguides 64 Tetbury Goods Shed 53 Tetbury Hospital 19 Tetbury in Bloom 13 Tetbury Library 23 Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom 65 Tetbury Rugby Football Club 48 Tetbury Scout Group 27 Tetbury Theatre Group 39 Tetbury Town Council 29 Tetbury Town Football Club 59 Tetbury WI 11 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 43 Unsung Hero 63 What’s On 3 Young by Name 4
4th November – Mayor’s “Thank You” tea party From 2.00 to 4.00 pm at the Goods Shed 10th November – “Men in Sheds” Meeting 11.00 am behind the Royal Oak; details inside
Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the December Issue is
Thursday 15th November 2018 Delivery -1st/2nd December 2018 Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.
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Useful Information CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.
11th November – Remembrance Sunday & Observance Observance at the War Memorial, details inside 12th November – Womens’ Institute Meeting 7.30 pm at Christ Church - details inside 14th November – “Men in Sheds” Second Chance chat 11.00 am behind the Royal Oak details inside 14th November – Film: “Lean on Pete” (15) 7.30 pm promptly at the Goods Shed. Doors open at 7.00 pm 14th November – Prof Fritz Verach speaks at CSTS Full details inside this issue 16th November – Avening WI Autumn Quiz At Avening Social Club. Details in this issue 23rd & 24th November – “Beauty and the Beast” At the Goods Shed. Ad and details of Lion’s invitation night on Page 5 of this issue 26th November – Womens’ Institute Coffee & Chat 10.30 am at The Snooty Fox – details inside
Friends of Tetbury Community Transport
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November Trips: To book 0345 680 5029 Wed 7th CIRENCESTER 11:00am - 2:30pm Sat 10th CRIBBS CAUSEWAY 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 17th CHELTENHAM 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 24th BATH 9:00am - 3:00pm
DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through Tetbury Town Council 01666 504670 or email: LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.
SCHOOLS SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552 The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577 TETBURY CARES, Website to signpost local health services
POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).
Tetbury Town Crier Tony Evans, 24 Box Crescent, Minchinhampton, Nr. Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 9DJ. Tel: 01453 731355 Mob: 07969 302042 Email:
RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950
TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tel: 503552
Young by Name In the Footsteps of Robert Holford Dare I confess that in twenty-seven years of living here, I’ve never been to the Badminton Horse Trials? And in the last few years, as a frequent traveller to Scotland, I’ve spent more time on Loch Ness than at Westonbirt Arboretum. While in Inverness at the start of October to speak at the Ness Book Fest, I squeezed in a quick tourist cruise on the loch. When the tour guide asked at the end how many of our party of about thirty had spotted the legendary monster, an elderly lady put
her hand up. One in thirty – that’s pretty good odds.
Home Turf On my return, determined to make up for lost time, I renewed my Friends of
Westonbirt Arboretum membership for not much more than my one-off Loch Ness boat trip had cost me. The new Welcome centre at which I signed up was not the only change I noticed. Last time I came, the treetop walk was just a glint in the Forestry Commission’s corporate eye. Nervous of heights, I was relieved to discover the broad, steady boardwalk, not a bit like the rickety rope bridge I’d imagined from watching travel documentaries about rainforests. As I renewed my acquaintance with the familiar pathways of the Old Arboretum, I espied a life-sized Gruffalo (yes, of course Gruffaloes are real). I don’t remember seeing him before, but maybe he has been there all along, and it was just my lucky
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4 | November 2018
day to spot him. Perhaps he’s Westonbirt’s equivalent to Loch Ness’s monster or the Himalayas’ yeti.
Plus Ca Change… But, of course, there was still so much that was the same. Just as I surprise myself by
knowing all the words to pop songs from my youth, I remembered particular views before they appeared at each twist and turn of the skilfully designed paths. As I walked, I fell to reminiscing about the many times I used to come here in my lunch hour or after work, when I was employed across the road. Working at Westonbirt School, originally the private house of Arboretum founder Robert Holford, gave me a special affinity for him, as if he were a family friend. Fifteen years ago, I even wrote a playscript performed as part of the school’s seventy-fifth birthday celebrations. I had fun putting words into the mouth of the great man, gamely played by the school’s then Head of Drama, Henry Moss-Blundell, sporting my knee-high brown leather boots as part of his costume. He reprised the role – and borrowed my boots - many times more to lead heritage tours. I still have the boots, so that’s another way I can walk in Holford’s footsteps. Only when I was on my way home from renewing my Westonbirt membership, legs tingling after my bracing walk, did I realise that it’s not only the Arboretum that has changed since my earlier visits. In those days, I used to run round the paths. Twenty-seven years on, my Holford boots are strictly made for walking. Debbie Young The second of Debbie Young’s Sophie Sayers Village Mystery novels, “Trick or Murder?” is set around Cotswold Halloween and Guy Fawkes’ Night celebrations – timely reading for dark November nights.
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Lion’s Den
send more funds. We also sent £2,000 to the Philippines relief efforts, this time through our 2nd District Governor, who originates from the Philippines city of Laoag and has direct contact with local Lions Clubs there. In this way we can be sure that monies you donate go straight to local communities; part of our Lions Charter.
I’ve recently had the pleasure of attending Badminton House, to celebrate twenty-five years of the Tetbury Hospital Trust.
The Dolphin Dramatic Society Pantomime takes place soon and as usual we are inviting senior citizens to join us as our guests on November the 22nd - so if you are interested in attending, but haven’t yet arranged it or received an invitation, please contact Lion Ken White on 01666 504189.
I got to know more about the work they have done and continue to do, to ensure we residents have a superb facility available. It was fantastic to hear the fifteen-thousandpound contribution made by the Lions Club for new equipment being openly appreciated – monies that you, our readers and supporters, so generously contributed. Lions members recently attended a presentation to Tetbury Guides, to hand over seven hundred and fifty pounds as our contribution to their fundraising efforts toward providing new Guide Handbooks. Eighty-two Guides, Brownies and Rainbows will each receive a copy of the new book, which will support them in tracking and progressing their skills and awards. We Lions have a busy schedule coming up, organising or supporting a range of events within the town, including the Rotary Club’s Bonfire Night at Sir William Romney’s School on the 3rd of November. We’ll also be attending Remembrance Sunday, parading through the town and laying a wreath in honour of the fallen. It will be especially poignant this 100th Anniversary, so please join us.
200 Club
On November the 23rd our club members will be holding a “Bucket Shake” at Tesco, to raise funds for Longfield House, our charity recipient for this year. (More about them and their great work in the “Tetbury Cares” piece at the back of this issue.) We look forward to your support with this event and extend our thanks to Tesco, once again. If you can’t afford to contribute don’t worry, we’ll just be happy to have you say “Hello.” Lionism is also about our many social events too, and our Charter Night this year is at the Royal Agricultural University. We’re looking forward to celebrating all that is good about serving our community. And some of our members are visiting Cotswold Distillery in Moreton-in -Marsh on November the 18th - I hope they have transport arranged! I’m sure you’ll be aware of several recent natural disasters across the world, creating significant loss of life and huge devastation. The Lions Club International Foundation provides funds to support recovery efforts, often directly involving the Lions Clubs right there in the locale, so in October and November we were delighted to be able to donate £2,000 to LCIF for Indonesia. This contributed to the LCIF “first day” advance of $50,000; Lions worldwide continue to
We were delighted to give £1,000 to the Dolphin Dramatic Society too, in support of their pantomime and to provide the evening for senior citizens I mentioned above. Lastly, we gave a grant of £500 to the Brimble Hill School for the upgrade of their library and continue to help the Food Bank in their continuing crusade to help the hungry. As always, the Lions continue to support both local and global causes like these – and in turn, I shall continue to outline what these monies are spent on to you, the people who so donate so generously. Yours in Lionism, Bill Walsh, President, Tetbury Lions
100 Years WWI Commemorative Postcards
An annual payment of £13 buys you into the Lions 200 Club lottery. We use these subscriptions to help local causes - you get the chance to win a cash prize! Application forms can be obtained from Malcolm at Tetbury Hardware. Each quarter, the Tetbury Lions 200 Club makes a special prize payment of £100 - this month’s £20 winners were A. Hateley, E. Sykes, A.C. Asbury and S. Pobjoy. An “all-ladies” draw! Lion Gail North
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
November 2018 | 5
Avening Primary School
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We are into the second half of autumn term now and things are busier than ever. Preparations are well underway for our Christmas productions. We have “Happiness Week” later in November, with our very own Avening bake-off classes competing against each other for the bakeoff crown. Also in the diary, is our annual whole school remembrance service at the Holy Cross Church. In addition, the school will be involved in the village remembrance centenary commemoration evening, which will feature performances from members of the local community.
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We had a lot of school trips in the first half of term and the Hawks managed to fit in another, in the last week before half-term break. Travelling to Copsegrove Farm in Bisley as part of their Stone Age topic, the class experienced living in the ‘stone age,’ taking part in activities such as foraging, cooking over an open fire and crafting tools out of wood. Our Avening sports stars have also been out and about, with a girl’s football festival at Kingshill School, a seven-a-side football tournament at SWR and a Quick Sticks hockey festival at Deer Park. We have plenty to look forward to this month with a Harry-Potter-themed science and literary event at Westonbirt School, in which a group of our y6 pupils will take part. We are also participating again this year in the National Primary Maths Challenge for pupils from y6, with support from Reverend Gerald. Having been in earlier on in the term to discuss religion and science with the Owls class (y5/6), Reverend Gerald will be back into school to talk to the Kestrels class (y1/2) about belonging to a faith community and explaining more about Christian celebrations - looking at baptisms and weddings.
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Tetbury Minibus Autumn/Winter Day Trips
Every Friday afternoon we celebrate our pupils, and award certificates for special Bicester Shopping Trip achievements and contributions they’ve Call 07939 890891 made throughout the week.• At Saturday the end of17th November from Tetbury • Sporting Events October, we also celebrated• a member • Airport connections Full dayof • Nightclubs staff, our very own Mr Bond, and presented • Cotswold Tours Bicester Trip • Adult £20, Child/OAP £15 Shopping • Parties him with a long service award as our school • Saturday 17th November from Tetbury • School run from Tetbury-Malmesbury • Bucks Fizz & pastries included crossing patrol, awarded by Gloucestershire Fully licensed and insured for up to 16 passengers • Full day Call 07939 890891 • Adult £20, Child/OAP £15 County Council. It is wonderful to know For a quotation please call 07939 890891 or visit • Bucks Fizz & pastries included• Sporting Events that his tireless, all-weather presence on Burford Winter Market our very busy main road is appreciated, not Burford Winter Market • Airport connections • Nightclubs • but Saturday from1stTetbury • Saturday December from Tetbury only by our own community, also by1st December • Cotswold Tours • Parties • 4 hours the County Council. Well done • Mr 4 Bond, hourswe • Adult £13, Child/OAP £10 • School run from Tetbury-Malmesbury available for private hire are lucky to have you! Fully licensed and insured for up toAlso 16 passengers •
Autumn / Winter Day Trips
Adult £13, Child/OAP £10
For further information about us see • website: Avening Primary School
For a quotation please call 07939 890891 or visit
For further details, please call 07939 890891 Also available for private hire or visit •
• or visit 6 | November 2018 For further details, please call 07939 890891 Read online at
Stylish festive feasting Crafted at Whatley Grey’s Brasserie will be decked with festive cheer and music to get everyone in good spirits. Leave your car with us overnight and when you collect the next morning have a complimentary coffee and croissants on us. Parties of up to 14 guests can choose from the festive menu on the day. Book online, call 01666 822 888 or email A Preview of our festive menu served in Grey’s Brasserie from 26th November. £32.50pp including three-courses, coffee and sweet treats. Starters:
Mulligatawny soup, spiced parsnip and quince
Turkey leg, smoked sausage, buttered sprouts, pomme puree and spiced cranberry
Christmas pudding, brandy butter, clotted cream
Confit chicken terrine, crispy skin, winter roots and apricot Potted shrimp, rye bread, lemon chive creme fraiche
Warm spiced apple pie, creme fraiche ice cream
Pumpkin tagliatelle, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts
Selection of British and French cheese
Sea bream with white cabbage, lightly spiced
Don’t miss award-winning chamber choir Noctis on Sunday 9 December £115pp including champagne reception, a four-course set dinner with wine, coffee and treats.
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Avening WI In October we celebrated our eighty-eighth birthday as a club! Malcolm Lewis was our speaker and his talk was entitled ‘From Pop Star to Opera Star’. As it was our birthday we had a cheese and wine buffet during the evening meeting. Earlier in October, at the Social Club, we provided a ‘posh tea’ for a ninetieth birthday party, with forty guests.
her wonderful jams and marmalades. She regularly had a sales table of her knitting and preserves at our catering events and held regular coffee mornings in her home in Cherington. She raised a huge amount of money for the Cobalt Unit. She’ll be missed. For this year’s Christmas shopping trip, we are venturing over the bridge to Cardiff which is always a popular venue - and
our Autumn quiz will be held on the 16th of November at the Social Club – please contact us for details. Any profit will be used in support of the Avening Memorial Hall Roof Fund, rather vital to us, as it’s the hall where we hold our meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm. Visitors are always welcome. Shirley Hand, Avening WI
In September Dick Robinson gave a moving presentation about his Great Aunt Edie’s experiences as a member of Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service, working as a sister on the front in the First World War. The extracts from her illustrated diaries showed the harrowing tasks she faced nursing the severely wounded soldiers with compassion, good humour and a determination to make the best of the situation. In August several of our ‘crafty’ members made some beautiful applique apples to enhance the Tree of Life on a new wall hanging for Rodmarton Manor. It was first displayed at their Arts and Crafts Festival. And at the third attempt, we’ve completed our planned Kingscote walk! It was a beautiful day, but the walk was pronounced ‘challenging,’ with lots of steep slopes. The party was pleased to make it back to the Hunters Hall for a well-deserved lunch. In October we are hoping to walk across Selsley Common, followed by lunch at the Fieldfare café – the dogs like it there! The Social Club provided a venue for a dayschool class on flower arranging; thanks to Gill Adams for her ideas and know-how, and thanks to Eileen for the ploughman’s lunch. We had the first of our Autumn skittles practice evenings in September. It was a great success with eighteen members taking part. The lady who had never played skittles before scored the most pins! Thanks to Wendy for arranging the event.
At the age of ninety-on, one of our remarkable members, Mary Uzzell, sadly died in August. She had been a member for over thirty years and was well known for
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8 | November 2018
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REMEMBERING 1918 A series of commemorative postcards from World War 1
All profits distributed locally and internationally
November 2018 | 9
Badminton Horseless Event On Sunday the 30th of September… …the Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds held their 35th running of the “Horseless Trial Event,” in the glorious surroundings of Badminton Park, courtesy of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort. This year the format was changed to a 5k and 10k run, which resulted in a re-routing of the course, but still took in some of the obstacles. First away were the “canni-crossers,” who are runners with dogs attached to them by a harness. They had come from far and wide to attend and included a national champion from Kent! After a respectable interval, the runners started. Fortunately, the weather conditions were ideal for runners, all of whom seemed to enjoy the event. The club is greatly indebted to the other organisations and bodies without whom we would not be able to hold the event. Nailsworth Guides manned the water points and the Malmesbury ATC, supported by
a few from Stroud ATC, assisted with car park duties and the very important task of maintaining radio contact on the course. The marshalling of the event was carried out with the generous support of the Tetbury Lions, Calne Rotary Club, Malmesbury U3A and other friends, whose encouragement of the runners was given enthusiastically. The event was an opportunity for runners to obtain sponsorship and to raise money for their own charities. Money raised from the entries will be used to support local charities and needs in the Malmesbury and Tetbury areas and will include donations to Nailsworth Guides and to Malmesbury ATC. The Badminton event is one of the major events run by the Club.
like-minded people who want to make a difference and put something back into their local communities do come and join us at one of our weekly meetings. Contact Secretary Doug Hughes 01666 502548 for more information, or visit our website Doug Hughes, Rotary Club of the South Cotswolds
The Tetbury Fireworks Spectacular on 3 November at Sir William Romney’s School is another, providing a safe environment for a wonderful pyrotechnic display for all the family. Our club also benefit from speakers who visit our meetings and from fellowship events, which will soon include trips to the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Steam Railway and to RAF Brize Norton. If you are interested in meeting other
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Tetbury WI Our busy autumn began with a successful Lunch/ Supper Group event at The Trouble House, where the ladies caught up with each other’s news over lunch. Once again Sally served up some of our favourites and our ladies contributed to the volume of conversation, making for a very successful group event. Our institute hosts many varied events like this one - designed to give our members an opportunity to share their interests.
The Green Fingers Group travelled to Burford, where the ladies enjoyed a visit to the Garden Centre, followed by tea and cake! The Needlecraft Group offers a range of interests and skills for our “crafty” members, where skills are shared, and moral support and friendship comes as part of the package. Meanwhile, Book Group Two has moved to a new home. The Snooty Fox gave us a very warm welcome, providing a room for us to discuss our book, followed by supper in the restaurant. The group was very pleased with the venue and hope to make a return visit for the Christmas Book Group evening.
There are many events planned over the next few months, with a trip to Blenheim Palace to see the Christmas Market and Illuminated Trail, The Christmas Meal at The Hare and Hounds and some Supper Club events already pencilled in for the New Year. Come and join us at The Snooty Fox for our regular coffee and chat on Monday the 26th of November from 10.30 am.
Our monthly meeting was once again held at Christ Church, where we welcomed Jenny Parsons and her talk on “Cam and the Wintherbothams,” about a local Dursley family who developed a wool and cloth business manufacturing military uniforms. As always, we are grateful to Kevin and the Film Society for their continuing support and for the use of their equipment. Our next institute meeting will once again be held at Christ Church on Monday the 12th of November at 7.30 pm, where we will hold our Annual Meeting and the draw for the Denman Bursary. Our institute welcomes members from Tetbury and the surrounding villages; we always welcome new members. Jennifer Walsh, Tetbury WI
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
November 2018 | 11
Christian Aid Donna Crowther, an active member of St. Marys’ Church, is fifty years old in January…
Church for the send-off - the walk will end on Sunday the 20th of January at St, Marys’ Church Tetbury, 3.00 pm, with a welcome tea, bells, and a service for Christian Unity.
…and celebrating her birthday with a huge challenge: to walk 100 miles. The purpose: to raise £100,000 for refugees. Others are walking with Donna for all or part of the way of her nine-day journey. All sponsorship money will be match-funded six-to-one by the Community Partnership Scheme, “Bread for the World,” so if the walk raises enough, Donna will reach that £100,000 target! Starting and ending in Tetbury, Donna will visit various towns and villages: Chalford, Cirencester, Leckhampton, Long Newnton, Northleach, Painswick, Shipton Moyne and Shipton Oliffe. At the “end church” on each day, there will be tea and the bells will be rung. Come to the “Big Brekkie” on Saturday the 12th of January at 7.30 am at Christ
is needed to ferry core walkers between churches each day – and Items for packed lunches would also be appreciated. To sponsor walkers, visit the “Just Giving” page at campaign/hundred-mile-walk and please “gift aid” your donation. Sponsorship forms are available at all Tetbury churches, and each church visited on the route. if you take part, please pass donation details on to those who could sponsor you, too! For further information, please contact alison. Day 1: Saturday 12 January. Walk 13 miles. Terrain: B/C. Start: Christ Church, Tetbury. Big Brekkie 7.30 am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: Christ Church, Chalford. 4.00 pm tea, bells, prayers.
To join Donna and fourteen other “core walkers” for the whole distance, or for as many days as you can, just be at the appropriate starting church for 8.00 am, and arrange to be picked up from the finishing church at 4.00 pm. Please bring a packed lunch with you! If you want to help in some other way, a back-up team
Day 2: Sunday 13 January. Walk 9 miles. Terrain: C/D. Start: Christ Church, Chalford. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: Painswick. 4.00 pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 3: Monday 14 January. Walk 12 miles. Terrain: D. Start: Painswick. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St Peters, Leckhampton. 4.00 pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 4: Tuesday 15 January. Walk 9 miles. Terrain: D. Start: St Peters, Leckhampton. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St Oswald’s, Shipton Oliffe. 4.00 pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 5: Wednesday 16 January. Walk 11 miles. Terrain: D. Start: St Oswald’s, Shipton Oliffe. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St Peter and St Paul, Northleach. 4pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 6: Thursday 17 January. Walk 14 miles. Terrain: C/D. Start: St Peter and St Paul, Northleach. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St John the Baptist, Cirencester. 4.00 pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 7: Friday 18 January. Walk 13 miles. Terrain: B. Start: St John the Baptist, Cirencester. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: Holy Trinity, Long Newnton. 4pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 8: Saturday 19 January. Walk 9 miles. Terrain: B. Start: Holy Trinity, Long Newnton. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St John the Baptist, Shipton Moyne. 4pm tea, bells, prayers. Day 9: Sunday 20 January. Walk 13 miles. Terrain: B. Start: St John the Baptist, Shipton Moyne. 8am prayers for 8.30 leave. End: St Marys’ church, Tetbury. 4pm bells, and service. Terrain: On a scale A – D. Where A is flat easy walking and D is hilly and challenging. With grateful thanks to Christian Aid and to Reverend Noel Sharp, for arranging the match funding through the Community Partnership scheme. Many thanks too, to all the clergy and congregations in the parishes along the route who have embraced this idea.
12 | November 2018
Alison Hesketh, Christian Aid
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Tetbury in Bloom Supporting Cast With the removal of the summer bedding, now is the perfect time to think about plants that provide structure and interest in the autumn/winter garden. The choice of perennials is critical, helping to create shape, add height, give texture and even provide colour during the long, often dull days of winter. Creating gorgeous gardens doesn’t need to be difficult. It is easy when you focus on mixing in colourful plants and shrubs, rather than just focusing on the flowers. Tetbury in Bloom uses a variety of shrubs and herbaceous perennials for their foliage and all year-round interest, including the yellow leafed Choisya, Golden Euonymus, dark-leafed Heuchera, evergreen Penstemons and the various coloured Phormiums we use, such as the large bronzy-olive variety in London Road, or the smaller green and yellow type in the library, Old Coombe House and Braybrooke. Seed heads and the faded flowers of Hydrangeas are another great source of winter interest. Thank you to the Womens’ Institute for their generous donation of the money raised from the sale of teas and savouries at Open Gardens Day. Sue and I were delighted to be asked along to their September meeting to be handed the cheque. It means that our hard work can continue into another year. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom
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November 2018 | 13
Trefoil Guild Trefoil is the senior branch of Girlguiding and is open to anybody,
This Year, Trefoil is celebrating its 75th birthday, so the South West Region decided to make a variety of train trips. Our local whether you have been a Brownie, Guide one was from Cheltenham Racecourse or Leader, or not. We meet at St. Mary’s to Broadway on the Gloucestershire and School on the 3rd Monday of the month at Warwickshire Steam Railway, and back to 7.30 pm and we have a variety of activities. Toddington for lunch. The weather was If you would like to come along, contact 100208 KP on Gardens 22/2/08 21:50 glorious, Page 1 and we were encouraged to dress Helen Price 01666 503187 or email up in the costume of the period – flower power and Abba featured prominently!
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Our next meeting is on November 19th, and we are enjoying a Christmas meal out on the 17th of December. Helen Price, Ingleburn Trefoil Guild
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14 | November 2018
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All profits distributed locally and internationally
November 2018 | 15
Cirencester Science & Technology Society When three scientifically-minded Cirencester friends… …thought of forming a small group to enjoy talks on a range of scientific subjects, they didn’t foresee that twenty-one years later the group would be flourishing, with over two hundred members. Its name belies the wide area from which members come, stretching from Stroud to Lechlade and Malmesbury, and with twenty-six from Tetbury and nearby. Only about half live within Cirencester itself, which fulfils the Society’s aim to foster an awareness of developments in science and technology in the wider community.
general interest in science and technology. Our friendly meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month, usually at the Royal Agricultural University.
Each year, a series of ten lectures is arranged The October talk was an account of on a selection of topics intended to appeal the current electrification of the Great to a wide variety of interests and levels of Western mainline, and on the 14th of scientific background. Members include November Professor Fritz Verach from not only scientists, doctors and engineers 1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1 20/2/10 10:54 Page 1 describing the Oxford University will be but also many people who have just a source, chemistry and uses for the benefit
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
of humanity of silk. Our talk on the 12th of December Is entitled “Metals in Medicine: the use of Stents.” Exhibitions have been arranged in the past and visits are made regularly to places of scientific and technological interest, including wildlife reserves and museums. We also offer small educational grants to local schools and colleges for suitable projects. New members and visitors are always welcome! More information can be found on our website or alternatively, call me on 01666 504243 with any queries or for details of our 2019 programme. Theo Stening, Cirencester Science & Technology Society
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Citizen’s Advice Do something amazing – volunteer with Citizen’s Advice! We are holding an information session on the 18th of January 2019, in our Cirencester office at 2-3 The Mews, GL7 1HY, between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Come along to find out more about how you could make a real difference to your local community. We have several volunteering opportunities within our dynamic team, which would enable you to:
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18 | November 2018
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At Tetbury Hospital we are very proud of our friendly and caring attitude toward both patients and staff. We like to think our hospital is a great place to work and in fact, some of our staff have enjoyed working with us so much they have stayed for most of their entire working lives. I asked much-loved employee and Tetbury resident Chris Solomon to give her view on her long career. When did you start working at Tetbury Hospital, and why did you decide to become a Healthcare Assistant? Thirty-four years ago! My first day was the 18th of June 1984. I had previously worked as a domestic at Standish Hospital, so when I moved to Tetbury I saw the job advertised and decided it might be right for me. I was successful, and I’ve never regretted my decision.
Chris Solomon, Healthcare Assistant
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Tetbury Hospital 25 years ago, the NHS threatened to close the hospital, how did you feel about that decision? We were all utterly devastated, we had been under threat a few years previously and were saved, but this time it was for real! So, we were very happy and relieved to be part of trying to save our hospital. When the local community decided to raise money to keep their hospital alive, what fundraising were you involved in? I was involved with fundraising in many ways to increase our profile, including doorto-door collections, attending fundraising events and encouraging local people to donate with covenants. I gave myself in more ways than one, with time, money and gifts, all to save our hospital. How did you feel when we reached our target of a million pounds to ‘buy’ the hospital and form the charity? I believe we reached our target well within a year. I don’t remember how we celebrated, but we were all very happy. There were lots of meetings to form the Trust and to work out how we would continue our employment. That was a very unsure time for everyone. What do you think about the service we offer to residents of Tetbury and surrounding areas now? Tetbury Hospital provides a friendly, warm and efficient service for all who attend, and I hope this will continue for many years to come! What are your happiest memories? There has always been a low turnover of staff, which means we work really well together; I hope this comes across when we are dealing with the public and people of Tetbury. I can look back on my many years at the hospital with great fondness for staff, present and past. There have been happy times and some sad ones, but mostly I look back with great respect and love for the dedication of everyone who works at Tetbury Hospital. If you are interested in a career at Tetbury Hospital we regularly advertise jobs on our website under “Working with Us.” Find out more about our services at www. Tel: 01666 502336. 150208 Maths & English
Lian Franklin, Tetbury Hospital
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Call Jane Fraser 01666 500260 November 2018 | 19
Computer Advice Where has the time gone? This November marks my thirtieth year of trading in the town and yes, there have been quite a few changes over that time. Our dependence upon the PC as the only way to get online are long gone. Our “always on and connected” world has changed everything, so it is fair to say the work I am doing now is very different to back then. The kind of people and businesses I
support has not really changed, but I seem to have less hair and what’s left is going grey! Joking aside, the days of colossal computers, dial up modems that kept your
line engaged for hours and screens that needed two people to carry them are all long gone, thank goodness – and small, portable and energy-efficient devices are the order of the day. My first computer was a “portable” Compaq running DOS 3 - the size of a sewing machine. It had a 12Mhz processor, a 20mb hard drive, 640kb of RAM and cost nearly four thousand pounds. Looking at a price list from 1994, a 75Mhz processor upgrade was listed at nine hundred and fifteen pounds, and a 32mb RAM upgrade was two thousand and ten pounds! Memory and processors alike were traded like gold. Peripherals such as a 17-inch monitor would have set you back one thousand pounds and would certainly have helped you to keep fit if you ever needed to move it around. I remember delivering a 21-inch screen which needed four people to lift it and which was twice as deep as it was wide. What a monster.
How times have changed! I used to build PC’s from scratch, sourcing the individual components and putting
together a “desktop” machine. Nowadays, it is far cheaper to buy a ready-built machine without even taking in to consideration the time it takes to assemble. Today, Windows has become much more stable and secure, the dreaded “blue screens” are rarely seen, and the self-repair and protection features make it much harder to break the installation. Gone are the days where I would receive a call that someone had done a bit of tidying up on their PC and that subsequently it would not reboot… I should like to thank all my clients for their support over the years; I look forward to being of further service to you in the years ahead. As mentioned in my previous articles, I can still carry out a free upgrade to Windows 10 for you, so that your computer need not be retired when Windows 7 goes “end of life” in less than fourteen months – and in the meantime, if you would like your computer cleaned or booked in for an annual service, do get in touch with me at The Tetbury Computer Shop, 01666 502067 - mail@ or go to www. Nic Ingham, The Tetbury Computer Shop
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720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
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20 | November 2018
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Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
upstream on the mill side, near Alderley, but even their output from combined operation was too small to be competitive and commercially viable, over time.
Nind Nature Reserve
Nind is now a small and peaceful nature reserve, surrounded by farmland and with wonderful views of the Cotswolds at Wotton Hill. Otters swim in the stream, Herons watch by the stream for trout and it is managed as a sanctuary for water voles. Much more is listed on their information boards.
In September and early October, the Cotswold Wardens work party were occupied for several sessions at Nind, which is to the south of Wotton-under-Edge. The site is now managed by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. To improve access to the reserve for visitors, on the public footpath which runs through the area we have renewed three footbridges and installed two stiles in this small riverside area. Nind is the site of a mill, powered by water from the stream, in turn stored in the mill pond. The mill was enlarged later in its life and augmented with steam power. There
were several mill cottages, but they have long since been swept away when the site became a trout farm, using the divided mill ponds. Another trout farm was established
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We have also worked on improving and conserving the sites of mills at Holywell and at Coombe on the Cotswold Way, and on the north side of Wotton at another mill site at Water Lane, which is now a public open space which we’ve recently tidied. Upstream from Nind is Alderley as I’ve already mentioned – and on a tributary is Kilcott Mill, where we have also worked. The footpath from Kingswood to Nind is very pleasant; upstream, the path comes from Broadbridge near Wortley through Alderley to Nind. The stream rises above Ozleworth, flowing through Ozleworth Bottom, where we installed a footbridge some time ago.
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Richard Glanville, Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
It has always astonished me that these small Cotswold streams supported so many water mills. Kingswood is downstream, where there was a mill sited at the junction of the Wotton tributary.
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22 | November 2018
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Tetbury Library resources. David, Lesley, Heather, Stefania, Cornelius, Joel, Maria, Jenny, Pat, Dave and Lorna – thank you so much for sharing your belief in the power of stories and increasing children’s book borrowing at Tetbury Library. Demonstrating the Anglo-Saxon Shield Wall after listening to Aethelflaed’s story in October’s CelebraeStory
Tetbury Library Demonstrating the Anglo-Saxon Shield Wall after listening to Aethelflaed’s story in October’s CelebraeStory
Stories make you think and dream… “I Believe in Unicorns,” by Michael Morpurgo We are delighted to announce that Tetbury Library achieved runner-up for the
David Vaisey Prize for outstanding library initiatives! This is great recognition of the library’s “CelebraeStory” programme, which aims to showcase the fact that everyone can enjoy stories. This scheme would not be possible without the dedication of local people who freely shared their time and
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Author Michael Morpurgo presented staff with the award, a cheque for £1,000 and congratulatory kisses! The funding will be used for future activities and projects at Tetbury Library, so watch this space… The next CelebraeStory, on Saturday the 24th of November at 11:15 am, is read by Tetbury fire-fighter Dave. It’s free, perfect for fourto eight-year-olds and includes a follow-up activity as well as a great opportunity to talk to an actual fire-fighter! Introducing babies to stories and other sorts of thinking in a fun and social way couldn’t be easier, with the library’s Baby Bounce and Rhyme sessions. Suitable for babies up to the age of 18 months and their parent/carer, just turn up on Wednesdays at 2:15 pm. There are some extra special activities happening in December that are free, but places are limited. Winter-themed Silk Painting Workshops for adults on Saturday the 8th and for children on Saturday the 15th - please book online via Eventbrite, or at the library. Library Club (for people with restricted mobility) on Friday 21st will include a Festive Makes session – please contact the library to book your free lift to the library and your place at the craft session. Many thanks to our Yarn Bombers Angela, Cheryl, Daisy, Judy, Karen, Liz, Peggy and Suzie whose dreamy creativity, skill and sense of humour delighted many people during Libraries Week, last month. Kylie, Linda, Liz & Soph, The Tetbury Library
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November 2018 | 23
Dolphins Dramatic Society Thursday the 22nd of November is the Tetbury Lions “night out” for the senior citizens of Tetbury. As we all know Tetbury Lions really are a fabulously generous group, they organise this exclusive night out every year that includes door-to-door transport, refreshments, raffle and on top of all that they donate the ticket money to the Dolphins Dramatic Society – brilliant! This year is no different, except of course that the show will be at the Tetbury Goods Shed on the Thursday, instead of the Dolphins Hall, on the Wednesday. Only a few more weeks to go and it will be curtain up. Even though we do not have a curtain! it really has been great fun, and all the rehearsal corpsing* is now out the way. The lovey-dovey scenes were particularly entertaining… Anyway! We will be on our best behaviour when you come to see us. There is a song that we would like you all to join in with and the only way we can be sure you all have access to the words is by putting them in the programme. It isn’t expensive and there is a lot to look at and to read, so it’s well worth the £1.50 we’re charging. It’s glossy and posh, professionally printed by IHS Markit, so please do invest in one. (A big thank you to Matt, who does such a wonderful job for us.) Did you know that Beauty and the Beast is a fairy tale, written by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve and was published in 1740? It was an extremely lengthy version of the tale we will be presenting and, luckily for all of us, it was abridged, rewritten, and published by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont in 1756. Our pantomime version is even more abridged and has some inspired additions, too! Ben Crocker, the script writer, really does have a great sense of humour, but he also manages to very ably adhere to the essence of the story: finding love where you least expect it and about seeing with your heart. So, do come and join us for a magical night out! Terri White, Dolphins Dramatic Society P.S. I got something a little wrong in last month’s column, didn’t I? Emily was seven when she started with the Dolphins Dramatic Society – humble apologies Emily. *corpsing = inappropriate and uncontrollable laughter, luvvy. Ed.
24 | November 2018
Friday 23rd November 2018 at 7:30 pm Saturday 24th November 2018 at 2:30 and 7:30 pm
To be performed at : The Goods Shed, Via Cirencester Road, Long Stay Car Park, Tetbury GL8 8EY Adults £9 Concessions £7 Children £5 Tickets available from: Tetbury Hardware, London Road, Tetbury or
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November 2018 | 25
Dolphins Hall & Memorial Recreation Ground I am going to start this month by saying a huge thank you… …to all the people who have worked very hard over the past weeks to try and get the recreation ground into a position where our sports teams can play matches on it. The summer did massive damage to the ground and left it in a condition where it
would have been dangerous to play sports on. A team of volunteers have spent many, many hours spreading new topsoil, rolling, spiking and cutting to the point where although the surface is far from brilliant it is at least playable. Many people, including myself until recently, have no idea how much work is involved in keeping a large space such as “the rec” in good condition. In the past, because of a lack of finances, some maintenance that needed to be done has not been able to take place and this year with the extreme conditions the
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consequences of this have really come to the fore. If we wish to maintain the rec as a great space for people to hang out and for our sports teams to play we are really going to have to find a way to raise sufficient finances to maintain the ground properly, going forward. As I write this in early October, we are drawing near to knowing how we might proceed to redevelop the Dolphins Hall. The team have spent many hours together over the last two months, checking requirements against the outcome of our public consultation, working budgets, exploring options and speaking to experts. I really want to thank the trustees who have given up many evenings and weekends to attend some almost exceptionally long meetings, to try and make this work. The reality is that no project like this in a small community like Tetbury can ever achieve everything it wants to do. Working out what to cut or compromise on is both complex and emotional, especially in a small community where every decision probably affects someone you know. However, we are still confident we can deliver a hall to the community that dramatically and practically improves what we have - and which will be a great benefit to the community for years to come. We are excited that we should be able to show a new plan to the community very soon. Steve Scott, Dolphins Hall Committee
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26 | November 2018
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Tetbury Scout Group
This half term, all the Scout sections have been involved… …in activities that linked to Remembrance Day and the 100 years since the end of World War I. They have all worked hard to create poppy pebbles and paper poppies which we will use as part of the Scout display in St Saviours church during November. Please come and see their hard work and read about the stories of the World War I servicemen who are marked on the cenotaph in the church grounds. As part of our remembrance activities, the Beavers spent this half term learning about the armed forces. They started looking at the RAF and had a paper aeroplane competition. They were then lucky enough to have a visit from Archie’s Dad who is currently serving in the Army and a talk from our new leader Bruce, who has just left the Royal Navy. The Beavers then moved onto the Secret Service and became spies for the evening, solving puzzles and cryptic messages leading them to a drop box in the school grounds. For them to do this surreptitiously they made pipe cleaner disguises which are still making the leaders laugh - they looked excellent. As the winter evenings draw in the Beavers are starting to look towards Christmas and they will be practising to once again join the residents of Ilsom House for carols.
now working towards the fire safety badge. Many thanks to Dave Smith and his team of firefighters, the Cubs had a brilliant trip to a fire station in Cheltenham. Not only did the Cubs look around all of the fire station, fire engines and mobile command centre, they made a real 999 call to the control centre and had a relay race that resulted in blasting buckets with hoses and leaders having to race to get into firefighting clothes. This week the Cubs are going on a night hike around the Goods Shed area with hot chocolate and flapjacks for supper. Since September the Scouts have welcomed four new members to our troop, spent some time looking at website planning which will count towards the Creative Award and hiked along the old railway path, through Preston Park to the road and back across the fields to Tetbury Hospital. The Scouting teenagers have also had a rare encounter with soap whilst developing their carving skills by soap sculpting. Tom Glover, Group Scout Leader
Cubs have kicked off this term with great enthusiasm and have had many weeks of fun. They have built bridges from newspaper which had to hold the weight of a remote control 4x4, made sausage rolls for the parents of the newly invested cubs and are
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November 2018 | 27
Followed by festivities including stalls, Santaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grotto, festive treats in Church Street and under the Market House with late night shopping throughout the town.
Following an initiative by a local resident, Tetbury is to benefit from a ‘Trim Trail’ of exercise and stretch equipment, alongside the footpath through the Rail Lands. The cost of the equipment will be funded by a grant from Gloucestershire County Council, with the installation underwritten by resident Mr Geoff Turbott. In April, Mr Turbott proposed to the Town Council that a kilometre-long run of exercise equipment would help the town’s
residents to keep fit and healthy, especially as they become more elderly. Mr Turbott lives near the Rail Lands and he is keen to keep it as an attractive feature in the town. The Town Council shares his view that the existing use of the path by runners and walkers would be enhanced by the addition of this equipment. County Councillor Stephen Hirst supported the project by approving a grant of £8,635 from the County Council’s ‘Growing Our Community’ fund and said: “I am so pleased to be able to support initiatives like these
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Tetbury Town Council because the fund allows me to make swift decisions on a broad range of community projects across the Tetbury County Division.” Councillor Sandra Ball, the Mayor of Tetbury, said “The Council is grateful to Mr Turbott for proposing this Trail, for supporting it financially and for coordinating sponsorship of the information signs. Previously, Mr Turbott has voluntarily assisted with improvement work to the surface of the path and kept down the weeds - and even improved access for bicycles and pushchairs. There will be no direct cost to the Town Council, other than insurance and future maintenance. This is a very exciting project, as we are all being encouraged to exercise more - and this is a great way of doing gentle exercise.”
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County Councillor Stephen Hirst views the ground preparation for one of the exercise stands
The Trim Trail will comprise a series of stands with exercise and stretch equipment, open to self-guided use by all. Eight of the exercise stands will be on the Town Council’s land and two will be on the Feoffees land, although the Town Council will be responsible for the entire trail. The stretch stands will all be on the Council’s land between the Goods Shed and Bath Bridge. Each stand will have a sign with instructions for use. Local companies and individuals wishing to sponsor a sign at £300 each are invited to contact the Town Council. A ‘Just Giving’ page is being set up.
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There will be space on each sign to include the name and logo of each sponsor.
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Mr Turbott said “My wife and I use the path at least once a day to walk our dog, and one thing that struck me was the number of people exercising on the path. I also noticed that Tetbury has not got the youngest population and that energetic exercise might not suit everyone. I came across the exercise trail concept while working in Switzerland, where I saw that it can apply to less strenuous work, such as stretching exercises. It seems to me that the old railway line will be an excellent location for such a trail.” Councillor Ball added “We are also grateful to the Feoffees for their support. I would particularly like to thank Mr Will Cook, for being their lead on this project.” Stephen Holley, Town Clerk Tel: 01666 504670
November 2018 | 29
History of Tetbury Society Cherry Hubbard told HOTS about ‘Life in Mediaeval Tetbury’ on the 4th of October. She came dressed as a Tudor housewife of about 1590 - and said clothes would change very little until the industrial age. She laid out an impressive display of items the housewife would have been using in the home.
Linen cloth was very hard-wearing, but it was also hard work to produce. Flax had to be pulled from the ground - not mown, then soaked to enable the firm strands to be separated for spinning and weaving. Wool is oily and therefore easier to spin than dry flax thread, which needs to be moistened. Her display included a model loom on which she was weaving a strong webbing tape. All stitching was by hand, leaving no raw edge to easily fray apart. Food in Mediaeval times was largely seasonal - and autumn through to Christmas were months of plenty, with the harvest from the fields and gardens and berries, nuts and fruits growing wild. Peas and beans had to be dried for use in winter and spring, when fresh supplies were sparse. Many of the wild plants which we now regard as weeds provided food. A questioner from the floor mentioned ground elder which gardeners now struggle to control, but which was available throughout the year to be consumed as a green vegetable. Meat had to be salted to ‘keep’ for winter meals. Many households would fatten a pig, which would be slaughtered at an agreed date so that the whole body could be shared with neighbours. Bread and potage, a thick soup, were the staple foods of the poor. The bread would even be made from pea and bean flour, if wholemeal wheat or barley flour was not
Her clothing was handmade, entirely from wool, linen and leather. Most housewives only had one set of clothes and ‘over sleeves,’ to protect the dress, which was not buttoned, but ‘straight-laced’ down the front. Her shoes were all leather too and needed to be protected from wet conditions. Wooden soled ‘pattens’ were worn outdoors and her knee-length knitted woollen hose was held in place by a linen cord, just below the knee. A linen bonnet over a woollen cap kept her hair out of sight. Indeed, they showed as little hair and flesh as possible and by law had to have a woollen hat for Sundays.
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Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society
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Next month Di Bryan will entertain us on Thursday the 1st of November, with ‘Gloucestershire Poets, Poems and Pictures’. Tickets will also be on sale for our Annual Social, which has been moved to Wednesday the 12th of December.
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available or too expensive. A stock pot would be kept constantly on the fire and any available meat, vegetable or corn used to contribute to the potage. Because water was likely to be polluted, it was usual to make a small beer for drinking. This was a well-prepared and well-presented talk, which was very much enjoyed by the sixtyfive members present.
FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)
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30 | November 2018
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Friends of Tetbury Hospital Stephen Hirst, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Tetbury Hospital, has retired. Stephen has been a Trustee of the Board at Tetbury Hospital since 2009, and in 2012 was elected as Chairman. He has worked tirelessly over those years on the improvement of hospital facilities to ensure patients can rely on first class medical services closer to home. Stephen said “During my time at Tetbury Hospital we have improved the hospital facilities, for the benefit of the many local patients who require a local service with facilities and expertise of the quality found in a large general hospital. Plans for the future will ensure that patients will continue to benefit from facilities which will be continually expanded and improved.”
Stephen Hirst (left) and Jeremy Lodwick
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Zena Dalton, Chief Executive Officer, comments “It has been a pleasure to work so closely with Stephen whilst I have been CEO at Tetbury Hospital. As Chairman of the Board, Stephen has made sure the services we provide benefit the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve. His contribution to the sustainability and success of Tetbury Hospital is clear to see, as we celebrate our 25-year anniversary.” “Fortunately, Stephen is not giving up his voluntary work for the hospital completely, he will be joining the Friends of Tetbury Hospital, which means I will still get to work with him. I am also looking forward to working more closely with our new Chairman Mr Jeremy Lodwick, who previously held the position of Deputy Chairman.”
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November 2018 | 31
Leighterton Primary School This year we have had a range of activities going on in school, and as a House Captain of Foxes, I have been involved in many of them. Last month we held a very successful open morning and welcomed many families to the school; all the house captains showed visitors our wonderful new building and the lovely classrooms, on the guided tours. We answered lots of questions and played with the children as their parents enjoyed a cup of tea and a biscuit. All the Year Six children have taken part in ‘Bike Ability.’ We worked in small groups with two experts, to learn how to ride our bikes safely. We started off by learning how to maintain our bikes and rode inside the school until we gained confidence. After that, we went out to ride on the roads and lanes around Leighterton, so we knew how to signal when we wanted to turn. We also practised speeding up and slowing down and we talked about dangers in the road. A couple of days after starting, we had a test to see which road signs we could recognise and our ability to ride a bike was assessed. We felt very proud when all the Year Six bikers passed the test and
The assembly monitors setting up for assembly were awarded a certificate in our school’s Celebration Assembly. Celebration Assembly takes place each Friday at half past two and every week a child performs on a musical instrument as the children come in and go out of the hall. Parents are also invited to this assembly and many of them come along. Assembly monitors have responsibility to set up the hall and do an excellent job of it. Pink hearts are awarded to people who have been seen doing kind deeds, and these are added to our kindness tree. Certificates are awarded to somebody from each class who has done something amazing, which can be related to behaviour or to work. House
Captains collect up the points and a cup is awarded to the house with the most points. This house earns the privilege of sitting on benches during the following week’s assemblies, except for Singing Assembly, when the Year Sixes sit on the benches. Will, House Captain and Assembly Monitor If you would like to find out more or come and look around Leighterton Primary School, you are very welcome to contact Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 and we would be delighted to show you round at a convenient time. Further information about school is also available on our website -
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32 | November 2018
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November 2018 | 33
Tiggers @ Tetbury Tiggers Nurseries Ltd has expanded and enhanced its’ Tetbury branch and is now able to offer a variety of childcare options to suit all parents’ needs and budgets. Currently in the existing Tiggers’ building we supply all year-round care from 07.30 to 18.00; However, our new Cedars Nursery School runs term-time only, for children aged 2 years, 9 months to School age. Opposite to these hours we also have our Kanga Kids Klub, which operates during the School Holidays 08.00-17.50, for 4-14 year olds.
nature’. This experience allows children to express themselves freely with opportunities to explore and follow through their own ideas and interests. Forest school sessions encourage and promotes the children’s communication, language and physical skills, alongside developing their curiosity, confidence, self-esteem, creativity, empathy and critical thinking skills, all whilst enhancing their ability to risk assess and build upon their long-life skills.
All Tiggers Nurseries’ services are led by highly qualified, dedicated and caring practitioners, all of whom, do their upmost to make the environment as academically stimulating and as fabulously fun as possible for each and every individual child. We are constantly striving to provide outstanding care and education for our precious children and continually reinvest into our setting. New to Tiggers this Summer we have created a new allotment area and orchard, teaching the children sustainability and developing their understanding and knowledge of looking after the environment and ‘living things’. The children water and tend to their peas, carrots, cucumbers, sprouts, herbs, fruit trees and much more! Children use their produce to create their own meals, such as their homemade pea soup and cucumber sandwiches! This supports our award we recently achieved for being an echo friendly nursery and also our award for food for life, which was presented on ITV last year. Tiggers have also been redeveloping their forest school areas, moving the previous Forest School to now be adjacent to the allotments and orchard, and using the stables to provide a rustic outdoor learning environment ready for winter, giving the children some shelter to carry out their woodwork activities and outdoor cooking food prep. Our Forest School’s ethos is to provide an enriched learning environment for the children and to provide opportunities for them to explore their outdoor surroundings, ‘getting close to
Tiggers Nurseries are lucky enough to have not one Level 3 Qualified Forest School Leader on site, but three! Levi, Carol and Louise will be running weekly sessions for our Larch and Oak Rooms, The Cedars Nursery School and Kanga Kids Klub! We are excited to soon be recommencing our Ballet, Dance and Football Training sessions, as well as our regular Roaring Rugby sessions! If you would like to take a peek at our fantastic facilities, then please come along and meet the tiggeriffic team, as Tiggers will be holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 01 December 11.00-15.00.
For further information or enquiries, please email the Team at
Proposed plans for the new Cedars Nursery School Building
A paid-for
SCALE 1:50
2.5 m
SCALE 1:50
More News about The Cedars Nursery School The Cedars Nursery School is a newly opened, term-time only group, running under the Tiggers “umbrella”, that is currently located in the already well-established nursery. Children attending the Nursery School will benefit from a new, large, purposebuilt building commencing in 2019, with a free-flowing covered outside learning environment. The existing Tiggers’ grounds in addition to this offer a large garden area featuring allotments, orchard, chickens, rabbits, assault course, climbing apparatus and a Forest School site with weekly Forest school sessions, (run by fully qualified Forest School Leaders).
and individually, enabling the children to become independent learners, allowing the children to reach their own unique potential in all areas of learning. For the rest of this term, The Cedars Nursery School will be offering a free ‘Stay and Play’ session every Thursday from 10.00-11.30, for children aged 2 to 5 years old.
Please email The Cedars Nursery School’s Leader, Naomi for further details and enquiries and also to book your stay and play sessions.
Our Cedars Nursery School runs term time only, from 09.00 to 15.00, Monday to Friday for children aged 2 years 9 months to school age. There is the option to do half days 09.00-12.00 or 12.00-15.00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We accept the universal 15 hours, (which all 3-4 year olds are entitled to) and the extended 30 hours funding. To qualify for the 30 hours funding both parents must be working and earning less than £100,000.00 per year each! Extra sessions can be booked and charged as additional hours, if required. As parents/carers can bring a packed lunch & snacks there are no other fees required. There are no registration fees or deposits charged upfront. We are currently evaluating charging a small registration fee that will include a uniform for the Nursery School. The Cedars Nursery School follows the “Montessori” approach, under the overarching, Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). The Cedars Nursery School’s approach allows the children to have the freedom to explore in a free-flow environment that supports and nurtures each child’s intrinsic desire to learn. Children have the opportunity to work in small groups
1:50 oposed plans for the new Cedars Nursery School Building 1
2.5 m
Mayor’s Report This month sees us commemorating the anniversary of 100 years since the end of WW1. No-one thought we would go through any more world wars after that one, “the war to end all wars,” but people are still fighting in so many places - and so many people are dying or being displaced. We need to cherish our time with our families and friends, and try to help and support others not as well off or as able-bodied as ourselves. In celebration, we have been inundated with poppies galore – over eight thousand in fact. An amazing number! I can’t thank you enough, all those people who have knitted and are still knitting poppies. We should have enough to “yarn bomb” the whole town; what an amazing sight that will be… We have purchased a Tommy bench along with a Tommy figure which will be going into the St. Saviour’s Churchyard. Do come along and see them; I’m sure you will be as moved as I was. I hope that you are coming along to our tea party on November the 4th at The Goods Shed, between 2.00 and 4.00 pm? It promises to be a lovely afternoon and is my small way to thank you all so much.
I am hoping to get around to visiting schools and youth organisations over the next few months. If you would like me to pop in and see you, email me at sandraball@tetbury. or phone me on 07764 348658. I would love to come and chat to the children. And on that note, I visited the Air Cadets a few days ago, to be shown around their building and found out what they do. It was sad to note that there are not that many young air cadets in Tetbury; I know they want to add more to the group. They appear to have a very full programme with plenty going on. It is open to both sexes and there
are various fun weekend activities, as well as their meetings during the week. Go along and see what they can offer you, you might be surprised. Young people are often heard saying there is nothing to do in Tetbury and yet there are various groups that would love to welcome new recruits! The Tetbury “Switch On” of Christmas Lights is fast approaching and this year on Friday the 7th of December we are all meeting, with as many children as possible, in the car park behind the Town Council Offices. We will march up through the town to the Market Hall carrying candles, (not real ones,) to see the switch on of the lights and to sing carols. It promises to be a lovely evening and I know that Tara and Georgina, who have been working so hard on the event, have a few surprises planned. I will be contacting schools soon, to encourage children and their parents to join us on this very special evening. Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury
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36 | November 2018
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Men in Sheds The Men in Sheds project is gaining momentum and will commence with a horticultural project. Thanks to the Feoffees of Tetbury, an allotment site in Herd Lane has been allocated for project conception and, as we hoped, this will be available from the 1st of January 2019. Some manpower will be needed from that date, as the site is very overgrown with nettles and will therefore need considerable TLC so that we can commence spring planting. Once established, it is intended that produce from the site will be sold with funds being re-invested. (Apart from some start-up costs, the project should be self-financing.) That said, there will be no joining fees and no annual subscriptions. For those enjoying the fun of companionship and creativity only a token payment of £1 per week will be necessary to cover consumables. Further good news has come from Tetbury WI, since the ladies have come forward to support the project by providing “Shedders” with cakes and biscuits on a regular basis. What greater incentive can there be to lure men off the sofa and into
an active and creative outdoor project, which in most cases will be just a short walk away? We’re very grateful to the WI for this splendid pledge – and ladies, if your male companion is getting under your feet, or you feel he could benefit by taking part in such a social gathering, we have news! All interested parties are invited to meet in Herd Lane behind the Royal Oak on Saturday the 10th of November at 11.00 am, to review the site and to discuss possible ways forward. If you cannot make a weekend visit, then a second opportunity will be held on Wednesday the 14th of November at 11.00 am. For those who do not like committees, rest assured Men in Sheds will only work if it is an informal group: no chairman, no
secretary and no treasurer. It will be down to the whole group to decide on the structure of the allotment and the way forward – while of course respecting site rules and neighbouring plot holders. Initially we will be getting together one day a week for a three-hour session, but as the weather improves, and if the Shedders wish to do so, this may extend to three sessions a week. So, if you have a spade, a little time, and you are willing to partake in some light-hearted physical activity, please come along to one of the introductory visits - the first step to perhaps re-kindling some long hidden talents. Remember there is no restriction on age or physical activity, you do not even have to like gardening, we will still find a way for you to be involved. Lion Ken White
Recruiting! Hair Stylists at all levels CALL US TODAY
38 | November 2018
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On a wet Saturday morning in October, we travelled to Sonning on the Thames near Reading, and by the time we arrived, the sun had come out; a good omen for an enjoyable day! Our tickets included a delicious lunch and then we watched ‘A Night in Provence’, a comedy by Robin Hawdon. After rather a slow start the action picked up and the characters were developed, so that we
could all feel sympathy for the frustrated Fred, after initially finding him rather insufferable. The set was well designed and the references to Brexit amused the audience. Before we set off for home, our wonderful driver, Colin, discovered that the M4 was closed due to an accident, so we enjoyed a lovely autumn drive via Wallingford and Didcot. All the tickets for our trip to Cheltenham on November the 2nd to see ‘The Bank Robbery that Goes Wrong’ have gone, but there are seats on the coach if people
Tetbury Theatre Group would like to make their own arrangements for the evening. Following the success of last year’s visit to Bristol for the Cathedral’s Christmas Concert, we have decided to go again, on December the 14th. The next event is our AGM on January 18th, being held this year in the Market Hall, starting at 7.00 pm. The short business meeting will be followed by light refreshments and a chance to socialise. See you there! If you are interested in joining our group or want any information please ring Lin Ashby (treasurer) 01666 505029 or Helen Price (chairman) 01666 503187, Helen Price, Tetbury Theatre Group
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November 2018 | 39
News from St Marys’ Church “Lest we forget.” These words – now so treasured – come from a refrain in a poem written by Rudyard Kipling, entitled “Recessional.” I love the way this poem – or hymn – talks about the time when “the tumult and the shouting die,” and we allow silence to fall, to honour and to remember. It will be a special privilege to share Remembrance Sunday with everyone this year, on the 100th Anniversary of the World War One Armistice. Growing up in London, I’ve never experienced anything like Remembrance Sunday here in Tetbury: the way the community comes together to involve everyone, young and old. St Marys’ Church is packed, with all the children and young people so beautifully turned out in their uniforms, to present their colours. Then there is the march through town with the brass band. And it is even more moving, since we share the service as “Churches Together in the Tetbury Area,”
Candles are lit to remember our loved ones at St Marys’ Church All Souls Service, 6.00 pm on Sunday 4th November
with ministers and readers drawn from all our churches. Do join us for this very special service on Sunday the 11th of November at 2.30 pm in St Marys’ Church, followed by the observance at the War Memorial. Our All Souls Service the previous Sunday gives us a chance for a very personal
! ! !
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remembrance of our loved ones. As the nights close in, and the leaves turn from green to gold, we take time to recall all those we have loved and see no more. In this quiet, reflective service – at 6.00 pm on Sunday the 4th of November – we read the names of all those for whom we have held a funeral over the past three years, and all those you ask us to remember that night. We light candles in memory of the lives we are recalling. Please do contact our Parish Administrator Diana Sharp if you would like to add a name to be remembered, on 01666 500 088. Other news from St Marys’ … we are making good progress towards our fundraising target for redesigning our main church door. It is a lovely design and will be a boon for anyone who has trouble with steps, for wheelchair users and for people with buggies. I hope you’ve visited the fabulous exhibition of wedding photographs through the decades taken outside this iconic entrance? Do pop in if you haven’t! As part of the Centenary Commemoration of the end of the Great War, we are dedicating the new entrance to the fallen. This will not only remember those Tetbury men who fell in the two World Wars but will provide a permanent commemoration to the fallen of all wars, with the inscription cut into the steps: “Lest we forget”. Finally, here are some dates for your diary, as we move into Advent. We will be having a Quiet Day on Saturday the 24th of November in St Michael’s Church Hall, (entrance in Silver Street). It will be a chance to take a step back and reflect on what it means for us for Jesus Christ to born into the world – Emmanuel, God with us. Do please contact me or our Parish Office if you are interested in coming along. Then we have our Church Christmas Market on Saturday the 1st of December in the Market Hall, and Advent Carols at 6.00 pm on Sunday the 2nd of December. More details, of course, in the December edition.
40 | November 2018
With love and prayers, Poppy (The Revd Poppy Hughes, Parish Priest)
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Every year we get calls from owners about their pets and firework phobia. Please plan ahead. There is no quick fix if your pet is frightened of fireworks. We have various calming remedies that can help but they need to be started well in advance of the bonfire season. Please feel free to call the surgery for advice.
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I drove to Cirencester from Tetbury today and the different colour trees with the sun shining brightly on them was beautiful. The other seasons also bring different thoughts. Winter brings childhood memories of the cold and snow: the milk bottles at school with ice on - and the fun in building snowmen! Spring with flowers creating beautiful displays in the garden lambs being born and a time of new birth. Summer with warm sunshine and visits to the seaside, which were always such fun as a child! We are reminded when we think of the seasons of God’s creation, that he made everything for its time.
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It was with sadness that we held the funeral of our parishioner Carol Hancock recently, but it was a celebration of her life. I saw Carol a few weeks before she died when her niece got married here at St Michaels, it was lovely to see her and that she was able to attend the wedding. Carol took on responsibility as Parish Administrator when Mgr. William Mitchell passed away suddenly ten years ago. I joined Carol eight months later and we worked alongside each other each working a couple of days a week each for a couple of years until I was able increase my hours and took on sole responsibility. Carol was also Chair Person of the PPC and on the rotas for flower arranging and church cleaning. We send our condolences and best wishes to her family. We have lost quite a few parishioners over the past ten years who were active in the church – some who have needed to receive help in residential care or who have been unable to help within our parish community. We thank them all for the years of dedication and send our thanks and best wishes to those who are still with us and to those who have gone to their eternal home. Our thanks and may they rest in peace, Amen.
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We remember and give thanks for those who lost their lives in World Wars I and II and other conflicts when the country stands silent and wreaths are laid in remembrance. Those who have died in the last year whatever the reason, may they now be at peace in our heavenly home. Our prayer and condolences to their loved ones. Now that the weather will be changing, can we all remember elderly and vulnerable neighbours by keeping an eye on them - and as it gets colder with maybe with icy conditions, offer to get some shopping for them?
42 | November 2018
A r e l i a b l e , f a s t & f r i e nd l y s e r v i c e
We are now approaching November, a month dedicated to Holy Souls, when we remember all who have died from Stillbirth to those fortunate to reach over 100 years of age.
Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator
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We have recently been asked by a local resident…
The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury
are involved in, and work for, the benefit of the town and its residents. This is a feudal and archaic democratic institution.
…for more information regarding our work and role in our town both today and the part we have played historically, so I hope to answer a few of these questions: The Feoffee and Thirteen were formed in 1633, as Lords of the Manor of Tetbury in trust for the town, when the town was purchased by four locals from George, Lord Berkeley and his mother, of Berkeley Castle. The Feoffee are the Trustees and are financially responsible for The Romney Charity and The John Phillips Millennium Green Trust and are supported in their work by the members of the Thirteen. Members of the Feoffee, and there are seven, come from the Thirteen when a vacancy becomes available. The Thirteen were historically made up of the Jury of the Town and the Town Bailiff. Today, the Thirteen look to elect members from the community who
The Romney Charity – The Trustees (Feoffees) are empowered to use the assets under their control for the general benefit of the people of Tetbury, the advancement of education, relief of poverty and the provision and maintenance of the open areas, recreational spaces and other properties owned by the charity.
Mike Houghton – responsibility for the Herd Lane Allotments Will Cook – responsibility for Preston Park and the Railway Line Richard Cooper - responsibility for Lower Gumstool Hill and the Millennium Green Dave Norris – responsibility for Open Spaces
The John Phillips Millennium Green Trust – the main aim of this trust is to provide informal leisure amenities for the people of Tetbury.
Jim Pearce – Chairman Tony Walsh – Vice- Chairman Nikki Ind – Secretary Danny Bristow Mike Francis John Latter Darby Law John Price Mike Avis Rachel Lee David Smith Peter Witchell Richard Witchell
Present members: Feoffees: Lance Vick – Chairman Dave Hicks – Vice Chairman – responsibility for The Market Hall John Hugginson – responsibility for The Chipping and Chipping Car Park
Gas Safe Reg.
Oftec Reg.
Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287
You can find out much more about our history and the current work we do in the town, by visiting our website www. or speaking to any member of the Feoffee or Thirteen, we would be pleased to hear from you. We have recently had a parking space become vacant at the bottom of Gumstool Hill at the Millennium Green, if you would like to rent, please contact Feoffee Richard Cooper via our website. Finally, I am pleased to confirm that in the last month we were able to make grants to local residents toward the following – • Equipment for a local apprentice plumber. • Books and equipment for several local students going to University and College. Lance Vick, Chairman
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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
November 2018 | 43
Probus “The River at War” …was the intriguing title of Bill King’s talk on the 20th of September, about the Upper Thames between Reading and Lechlade during the Second World War. He stressed its history as an inland defence against invaders and its wartime importance for the transport of military goods. In 1940, much of this section of the Thames became a major part of the static defensive system of “Stop Line Red,” constructed soon after the retreat from Dunkirk. Reinforced with riverside pillboxes, loopholes in buildings and concrete anti-tank blocks, the line was designed to delay enemy forces thought likely to come imminently, from the south. Further west it became an anti-tank ditch twenty feet wide and six feet deep. With forty-four bridges and forty-two locks between Lechlade and Teddington, there was much to defend. Bill said a volunteer river-borne force called “The Upper Thames Patrol” was soon absorbed into the Home Guard. Boat-building and repair facilities were requisitioned for naval purposes. His comprehensive talk soon broadened into a range of war-related facts. These included a conversation about the belief that the centre of Oxford was not bombed because Hitler envisaged using it as
the capital of a conquered England. But Cowley Works, where tanks were being made, certainly wasn’t spared. Widespread searchlight sites and anti-aircraft gun emplacements involved hundreds of people. Fortunately, the strength of the Thames defences was never put to the test. Allan Norwood’s absorbing account of his working life, on the 4th of October, was full of interest. As a boy brought up in a strict household in Droitwich and Rednal during WW2, he became an accomplished calligrapher and very interested in art. He then joined Royal Worcester as a ceramic
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artist apprentice. Memories of the paint smells and apprentice pranks stay with him to this day. He showed us typical examples of his work, described the processes involved, and explained how cycling to work introduced him to a lasting hobby. Sadly, the apprentice scheme ceased when Royal Worcester encountered financial difficulties and a subsequent appointment to manage a small ceramic company did not last due to a disastrous explosion. Allan then developed a second career as a buyer. Successive appointments at Morgan Crucible, the Austin Motor Company and subsidiaries of Hawker Siddeley led eventually to a senior executive role at Westinghouse, recently acquired by Hawker Siddeley. This involved much travel, especially to American companies. A further appointment as Group Purchasing Manager for the British Tyre and Rubber Company followed, but it too was taken over. All these moves were not without memorable moments shared with us in a typically modest way. But retirement brought with it the time for Allan to return to his hobby – cycling – in which he achieved major competitive successes at national level. Little did we know, for example, that we had a National Welsh Champion (60-65 age group) in our midst! It was a fascinating and very human tale, lightly told. Theo Stening, Probus (01666 504243)
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44 | November 2018
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The Cotswolds lie in a hard water area where the minerals in water create limescale deposits when heated. The most visible sign of limescale in your home is furred up kettles and hazy glassware, but the hidden problems are costing your household hundreds of pounds a year. Can you afford to ignore your hard water? Contact us at The Tetbury Soft Water Company for a FREE survey and we can help. Our water softeners are ‘fit and forget’ and come with a 10 year Warranty.
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Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun When George Osborne was Chancellor, he made sweeping changes to the Stamp Duty Land Tax one had to pay, following the purchase of a private dwelling house. This is a tax that one pays on the completion of a purchase of a property transaction - and one cannot register the title to the new property without dealing with “SDLT” issues beforehand. The rules are very complex and to understand what is involved you must ask the right questions. There have been further changes, but the bulk of the regulations imposing liability remain in force. There have been moves to encourage the first-time buyer - and in his or her case the first £300,000 of the purchase price is free of Stamp Duty Land Tax. In most cases involving private residential purchases it is only the first £125,000 that is free, before the rates increase. The problem arises when the first-time buyer has inherited some property, with others, from a grandmother or other benefactor. The question asked by the Stamp Duty Authorities on-line when calculating the tax due is whether the buyer “owns any other properties.” The firsttime buyer may find that he is not a firsttime buyer. Recently, I had a case whereby the firsttime buyer had inherited a public house. If the house or other residential property is worth more than £40,000 then this can bring about changes in the rate one has to pay - and so the first time buyer paying £300,000 who may have thought he didn’t have to pay any Stamp Duty Land Tax at all could find that he is paying at a penal rate of say 3% for most of the transaction. With my client who inherited a share in a pub with residential accommodation which was worth more than £40,000 we thought
we were in difficulties, but it transpired that as the main use of the property was as a public house, the residential element of it was worth considerably less - and his interest in the residential element of the pub was worth less than £40,000, even though the whole asset itself was worth more. He was therefore able to complete his purchase without paying Stamp Duty Land Tax. In another case, I had a client who inherited a property that she had a half-interest in, already. She wanted to buy out her brother’s share - but even though the property was never in her brother’s name,
she still had to pay penal rates, because she owned another residence in South Africa. There are many articles that are written about these subjects and how to avoid SDLT, but it is best to know the rules before making any assumptions. One Sunday paper offered the advice to get divorced to avoid the penal rates! I admit divorce is cheaper, but you can find some paying no tax on a £300,000 house while others are paying £14,000 on the same property value. It is better to lend rather than give, in some cases. Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal
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All profits distributed locally and internationally
November 2018 | 47
Tetbury Rugby Football Club We’ve had a busy and interesting start to the 2018/19 season at Tetbury RFC! Like the other sports clubs using the Recreation ground, the extended dry period caused the ground to crack, jeopardising use of the pitch. We’re indebted to the organisational skills of Tetbury Town FC and the practical help of Eagle Plant and Ben King, which ensured we had sufficient soil to begin effecting repairs led by our groundsman Neal Vater and supported by several players, which have been helped by the recent rains. Only one senior league game had to be rescheduled, but it has thrown into sharp focus the need to work together with the other sports clubs to generally improve the standard of the pitches we use. The Minis held their presentation morning in mid-September for the parents of new and returning players, outlining aims for the new season and are grateful for the many offers of assistance received. Support off the pitch is welcomed at all levels of the club – whether that be practical with club projects, financial or simply vocal on the touchlines on game days.
As a club we are building up our social media presence, reinvigorating the club website: and we have Twitter accounts for the Mini and Senior sections – check them out at: @TetburyRFC and @RFCTetbury – but we’re keen to cover all bases and would welcome suggestions on how better we can communicate what’s going on with the club. We’re also building up the social activities side of the club, with some events in the pipeline to complement our regular opening on a Friday evening to members who wish to watch the rugby on the big screen. The next three league fixtures for the 1st XV are: 27th October – home to Painswick RFC, 3rd November – home to Westbury on Severn RFC and 17th November – away to Tewkesbury RFC (there may be a bus for this one.) Support on matchdays for the players is always appreciated and help around the fringes to ensure that the myriad tasks are properly discharged doubly so. On the evening of Saturday the 3rd of November, the club are supporting the South Cotswolds Rotary Fireworks Night at Sir William Romney’s school, providing hot food and drinks; this is in part a fundraiser for the U11’s end of season tour, so please do stop off and buy a hot dog or burger. Gloucester Rugby are coming down on the morning of Sunday 4th November to take over the training for the Mini and Junior teams for the day; both sections,
from U6 to Colts will benefit from the attention and encouragement of players such as Billy Twelvetrees, Ed Slater, Tom Hudson, Henry Trinder and Gerbrandt Grobler (to name a few,) between 10.00 and 1.00 at Sir William Romney’s School. Refreshments will be available. We are always keen to welcome new players, or past players looking for a return to the game, at all ages – from five upwards through senior level; the junior teams particularly would benefit from a bolstering of numbers in the 15 – 18 age group, and additional senior players would be useful in case of injuries to the current squad. Should you have any enquiries or thoughts regarding Tetbury Rugby Football Club and its activities, please do let me know. Roger Peill, Chairman
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48 | November 2018
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South Cotswold
clearly, distribution may be odd. In defence your opening Bridge Club You cannot lead the highest of your lead can be critical, partner`s suit, so the options are to play the King of Hearts and then the Ace of especially if your partner duplicate” in Tetbury at 1.45 pm on Hearts, (signaling a doubleton to your Thursdays at Christs Church, in the partner,) or the top of a run of two or more has not bid. Let us Chipping. There is assisted play for those the Queen of Clubs, this In dsome efence options your opening can be thus critical, especially if y(as our partner as not id. Lyou et uare s consider some thathneed it -band guaranteed a consider if lead honours, suit has not been called by anyone,) or your options if the bidding has gone: partner. £3.00 per person. Just turn up, or singleton Diamond. the bidding has gone: if you prefer, contact jimedwards2011@ The club lead would be good in No Trumps, but with your partner having so few points Jeremy North West: Two Diamonds West: Two Diamonds or trumps, you are likely to lose two Club East: Three Spades East: Three Spades tricks and then be trumped - even if you ever get the (lead again.pAnd you need four West: Four West: SpadesFour - with your -‐partner Spades with your partner South,) assing. tricks. The diamond lead will provide four, (South,) passing. if your partner holds the Ace of Diamonds 100 Years Your hand Your has sixhand clubshas andsix ten points, clubs and tand en preturns oints, the but you would have h ad to go to three Clubs, and since you have lead so you can trump; then WWI Commemorative Postcards but you would to three bidding you cancplay your Ace of Hearts. not bhave een had on aton go aggressive ourse -‐ yKing ou and passed! Clubs, and since you have not been on an If you play the Hearts first and then the aggressive bidding course - you passed! singleton Diamond, I suggest that, even if NORTH NORTH your partner has the Ace of Diamonds, he or she just might return your first lead of a heart, denying you an early Diamond trump 10 9 5 2 trick. However, if the Hearts split nicely, you could trump the Hearts instead… A K East (dealer):East One(Spade, dealer): One Spade,
Either way the odds are against you because everything depends on your partner holding the Ace of Diamonds, or an Q J 10 5 4 2 unexpected Diamond trick. Whatever you do, look after your ten and nine of Spades, because if your one Spade The o pposition h ave e nough HCP points for partner game -‐has and your partner has less than five, with a void or The opposition have enough HCP points honour, the Ten or Nine could make a trick! singleton i n t rumps -‐ b ut c learly, d istribution m ay b e o dd. for game - and your partner has less than five, with a void or singleton in trumps - but South Cotswolds Bridge play “gentle
You cannot lead the highest of your partner`s suit, so the options are to play the King of Hearts and then Providingthe theAforum the local community to share latest news and events November | 49 ce of Hfor earts, (signaling a doubleton to its your partner,) or the top of a run of two or more 2018 honours, thus the Queen of Clubs, (as this suit has not been called by anyone,) or your singleton Diamond.
St Mary’s CE VA Primary School We are well into the Autumn Term at St. Mary’s School and as always, the weeks are racing by towards Christmas! During October we had two Harvest Festival services – one in the school hall led by Rob and one at church led by Poppy. It is always lovely to walk from school through the town with the children and this year we took our youngest pupils to celebrate harvest at St. Mary’s Church. It was a special occasion and the children reflected on God’s generosity at harvest time. Some of our Year 2 children and Year 6 children also went to The Cheltenham Literature Festival in October where they met authors and illustrators. This is what some of our Year 6 children wrote about the trip: On Wednesday the 10th October, a group of year 6 children were fortunate enough to attend the Cheltenham Literature festival where they met Kieran Larwood, best known for his amazing series of books about a young rabbit called “Podkin One-ear.” We listened to Kieran talk about his career as an author and how it took four years before his work was published. At one point, he nearly gave up writing, but we are
glad he persevered! Shortly after this, we met Christopher Edge, author of “Twelve Minutes To Midnight,” (a brilliant book,) and “The Jamie Drake Equation.” Christopher Edge is a keen scientist and many of his books contain fascinating facts. He taught us that you can write a story about anything and he gave us examples of how you can use weird facts to inspire you. For instance, did you know that bananas
are radioactive, a single lightning strike can toast a thousand pieces of bread, or that the average person accidentally eats four hundred bugs a year! All these facts could inspire a new best-seller. We really enjoyed our day out and came back to school full of enthusiasm for reading and writing. Mrs Jo Woolley, Headteacher
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50 | November 2018
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St Mary’s Nursery Playgroup
Over the next month we will be starting to think about Christmas(!) and all the fabulous crafts and activities that it brings. Following the success of our Christmas Fayre last Winter, we are having another in the Market Hall later this year - please pop along and visit some of the stalls and have a lovely cup of hot chocolate. Look out for more details of this next month!
Autumn is here! As we are enjoying all the beautiful colours of Autumn and embracing the warmth of the unexpected sunshine, the children have all settled into their new term brilliantly. The new children that have started on a Wednesday are enjoying making new friends and are already showing us all of their skills. We are also excited to be offering a Wednesday session for children from 2 and have started registering children for September 2019. If you would like to come and have a visit or book your child’s place for next year, please get in touch now! The pre-school children have started forest school and are enjoying exploring the wonderful world around them. Forest School is a fantastic opportunity to learn outside and build key life skills, such as problem solving and working as a team, as well as helping to build children’s confidence and self-esteem. We are now offering Forest School sessions for all our children on a Thursday too and have began an exciting partnership with the amazing team at Ilsom House. Last week we were invited in to join the residents for some afternoon entertainment where the
children met some unusual animals from zoo lab! It was wonderful to see the two generations enjoying each other’s company and spending quality time together – we can’t wait to see this relationship blossom! This term began with the children’s interests which quickly led into a space theme, where the children made their own space suits and jet packs and went to space in their ‘rockets’ just like the bear from our much-loved story ‘whatever next!’
Thank you so much to the Co-op for their continued support and supplying us with much needed tea bags and coffee for our busy Monday seedlings sessions! Seedlings continues every Monday morning with a new start time of 9.00 am for our busy Mums who come straight from the school run! This will mean the session will run from 9.00 – 11.00 am at the front of the Christ Church and will see a few familiar faces running the sessions later this year along with some exciting themed activities – pop along to see what is going on!All ages and stages are catered for and everyone is welcome, so please drop in and join the fun. For more regular updates of what we’re doing please visit our Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup & Toddlers’ or please call to arrange a visit to see what goes on! More information can be found on our website Vikki Morris, Secretary to Playgroup committee
CHARLTON PARK ESTATE FRESH CHRISTMAS TREES Choose your own tree; cut for you or dig your own – don’t forget to bring a spade! Ready cut trees available – order in advance and just come and collect! Holly, Mistletoe and Wreaths available
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52 | November 2018
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Tetbury Goods Shed So, what’s new down at The Shed? Well there have been a few developments - and a rather magnificent arrival. If you have been down to the Shed in the last few weeks you will have seen a piano and a rather splendid one at that. Thanks to the generosity of a local benefactor who, as well as making a substantial donation towards the cost, have lent us some money. Previously we have had to hire in a piano for performances - an expensive option. Now we can offer a much wider choice of music, repertoire and events that we trust all Tetbury will enjoy. But we need to raise the money to repay our kind and helpful sponsor, and to that end we will be organising a series of fundraising events. Starting on Saturday the 17th of November, when local composer and renowned pianist Jan Vriend plays all four of Chopin’s Scherzos and Ballades to launch the fundraising for our new Steinway B’s permanent residency in the Shed. As well as some delightful music, you can enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and some canapes which are included in the ticket price. Check out our website for more information, and please do come along and lend your support. We are most grateful to Jan, for making this evening possible. What else have we been up to? We now have heating installed in our train carriage – a great improvement as temperatures drop, and it means the Café can remain open all through the Winter. A big thank you to Jill Dodge and her band of helpers who, for many
weeks now, have been turning out every Saturday whatever the weather, picking and selling flowers, and organising book and CD sales to help raise the money needed to install this rather clever piece of kit into the carriage. Well done and thank you everyone. September saw the start of our monthly “Talks at the Shed,” and October saw another first - Writers Evenings in the Carriage. Thank goodness we managed to get the heating installed in time! Starting with Author Eugine Lambert, on the 14th November poet and author Angela France will be with us. The idea being that as well as getting to hear from established writers, you’ll have the chance to meet with like-minded people - and even read some of your own work to an appreciative and critically supportive audience. More from the Shed next month, but I want to end with a thank you to our hardworking band of volunteers without whom we simply could not exist. There is a lot of fun to be had down at the Shed and if you feel like joining us, we would love to hear from you. Kathryn Limoi, Arts Centre Administrator
All profits distributed locally and internationally
November 2018 | 53
Tetbury Art Society On Wednesday the 3rd of October, we held an “inspiration swap” evening… …and about ten members, fewer than usual, attended. We brought along materials and projects for others to attempt – a good way to try something new without the expense of buying the necessary materials. I chose to experiment with pastels. Our Autumn Sale was held on the weekend of the 13th and 14th October. The hall was booked for this event a full year ago and I unwittingly picked the weekend for storm Callum’s visit to our shores! But we still had sixteen artists showing their work, amongst them long-time member Mike Prodger, (pictured.) There were a reasonable number of both visitors and sales, despite the rather unpleasant weather. We certainly had some excellent pieces of work for sale, covering a wide range of subject matter - for example: landscapes, craftsmen at work, wildlife, aircraft and ships, portraiture, Tetbury. We have now only two evenings left from our 2018 programme. On the evening of Wednesday the 7th of November, Doreen
Pierce will be leading us on an evening of decorative icing - and I understand that we will each be coming away with a rose crafted in icing. Edible art! Then, on Wednesday the 5th of December, we will hold our Christmas Social, which will be our last event before the AGM in February 2019. The committee are already planning for 2019, with the programme produced by Lesley Kenny already at an advanced stage and demonstrators booked - but there is still a lot of other organising to be done, in
preparation for the AGM. More information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. - or phone me on 01666 502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666 503926. We meet on the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7.30 pm, and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society
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November 2018 | 55
Tetbury Camera Club Stepping out together - by Tony Banks
After a great summer making a variety of interesting and inspiring trips around the county, Tetbury Camera club has had a stunning start to its new season, with a visual tour of some of the least-known and more remote parts of the world, courtesy of a visit to the unique studios of Chalford-based photographer Steve Russell. Steve might not be as widely known to the public as some of the photographers working in high-profile fields like showbusiness and fashion, but his creativity and the techniques he has mastered are world-class and he is known internationally as a leader in landscape and artistic photography. These days much of his output ends up in books, galleries, museums and exhibition catalogues. To handle the scale and scope of the work he is often commissioned to undertake, Steve’s studio has been built to incorporate a double height shooting space. It also has fork lift truck access which is used for large objects. Another specialised feature is a motorised turntable which can carry up to four tons. It isn’t just the things he photographs that are big, though. The prints he produces are often large-scale as well and on the evening of our visit he was exhibiting outsized prints that were up to eight feet wide and more. That size was being used to show the detail from pictures taken on one of his long-term projects, which is recording the geology and horticulture of the Rwenizori Mountains which rise more than 5000 metres above the border between The Congo and Uganda. They are known as The Mountains of The Moon due to their scale, unique topology and remoteness.
Going there with the right equipment had required long-distance trekking, with a team of porters to transport camping and climbing equipment as well as heavy photographic kit. Steve is currently exhibiting a collection of some of his most dramatic shots at his studio, which can be seen until November the 17th - and he is following that with a
Christmas exhibition, which will be open until the end of December. From the Congo our next event took us to somewhere which is a lot more accessible; to stunning scenery in Shropshire, courtesy of award-winning wildlife and landscape photographer Andrew Fuseck Peters. Andrew has twice been shortlisted for the annual Wildlife Photographer of The Year Award and the portfolio of prints and digital images he brought to our meeting demonstrated why. It showed that in Britain we are privileged to be surrounded by some of the world’s most beautiful landscape settings. Andrew’s ability to record images of them has recently won him a commission by Natural England and the National Trust and to illustrate a book called “Upland.” In its own way the work he has been doing in Shropshire, capturing the drama, colour and atmosphere of the county’s beauty, is as eyecatching as Steve’s Congo work is dramatic.
New members are always welcome at our regular our Tuesday evening meetings. These take place at The Priory Inn at 7.30 pm and anyone interested in our programme and what’s planned for the future months will find more information on our web site: Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club
56 | November 2018
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stopwatch, having a as this is what you must work towards. This time or weight to will give you a sense of urgency and keeps
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Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from
Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 Cost per person £6.00 Free parking available. 0710318
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58 | November 2018
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Our senior teams are getting used to the many changes put in place for the start of the season and with a completely new management team across the three squads, a period of settling in is to be expected. Training numbers and attitude is good, and they are reaping the rewards from the investment in the floodlights made last season. We are also fortunate to have the support from three brand new sponsors, allowing senior squads to proudly wear the same style kit across the whole club. I would like to thank our sponsors for the 2018/19 season who have kindly sponsored our teams: • Car Care Tetbury • Spraggy • County Building Supplies
With the increasing number of teams and limited amount of space at the Recreation Ground, the club has reached an agreement with Sir William Romney’s School to make use of their facilities. There will continue to be a sea of orange at the Recreation Ground at weekends, but our younger members will play at SWR. The older teams will continue to train midweek alongside the seniors at Preston Park.
Tetbury Town Football Club more welcoming and secure; particularly now local developers have finished making use of our car park. It is important to add that this is private property and should not be accessed by the public. The club is pleased to see another large project begin as we start to refurbish the terrapin to provide a match day café and a community hub. Once completed, we aim to provide a small facility for the community to make use of for meetings and events. We are also looking forward to siting a bench at Preston Park as a memorial for Stuart Freeman, funds were raised for this at a charity event in May.
We are also pleased that RS Bathrooms & Kitchens have subsidised club tracksuits for players. There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available, including sponsor boards at Preston Park. Please find details of the sponsorship packages available on our website: www. There continues to be lots of activity across the club, as we look to update our facilities. At the Recreation Ground, the very financial lifeline of our club, it has been essential to make this a safe, secure and more pleasant environment to spend social time together. It has been decorated throughout, broken doors and windows have been replaced and new, more efficient heaters added. Preston Park has been redecorated internally and there is a programme of maintenance in place to make the area
General Handyman Services
It is only a matter of time before all this hard work pays off and players committed to moving forward with our senior section, prepared to face the challenges set by the club, are welcomed. Anyone interested in joining Tetbury Town Football Club, in whatever capacity, please contact me on 07879 441938 or Richard Norris, Chairman Tetbury Town F.C.
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November 2018 | 59
Eating Out Having stumbled on one of those rare occasions… …where Friend was around to accompany Flossy and me on a ‘review’ night, we were surprised to find that The Hog at Horsley had more than enough tables to accommodate us. I say surprised for two reasons: firstly, it was a Saturday evening and secondly, on previous visits there’d barely been an empty seat in the house – leaving us to speculate as to the apparent change in popularity.
tasty apricot and pumpkin tagine with couscous, with a lovely mix of deep middleeastern flavours and sweetness, and I had a homemade chicken Kiev stuffed with thyme and chorizo butter, proper homemade fries and green beans. The chicken was flavoursome and moist, with a nice crispy coating, the beans fresh and al dente and the mountainous portion of chips very more-ish. It was as much as I could do to finish them... There were some very appealing looking desserts, too, but by then we were waving
the white flag – we’d already had more than enough of a very good thing and had no choice but to surrender to the fact that we were feeling royally stuffed. Friend suggested maybe our food was excellent because it wasn’t busy, and the chef, whose technique and skill is on show in the corner of the main bar, had put her heart and soul into every dish. Well, maybe. My suggestion would be: go and try it out it’s great! Fill
Perhaps it was because previous menus were based on the tapas idea - customers could choose a range of smaller dishes and get a taste of everything, and now they weren’t so keen on the more traditional looking three course style? Maybe it was because it wasn’t such a nice evening? To be brutally honest, it may also have been par for the course that it took the landlord over twenty minutes to arrive with freshly printed menus! There could’ve been a host of reasons, I don’t know. But I do know this: people are seriously missing out if they think the food isn’t as good! To start, Flossy had smooth, richly flavoured homemade hummus with pitta, Friend had potted smoked haddock and leeks, for which he immediately wanted the recipe because it was so delicious, and I had ‘bruleéd’ goat’s cheese with what must’ve been mulled figs – also absolutely delicious. Each of us having tasted the others’ food, we began to feel even more bewildered that the place had so few customers.
Photo courtesy of Daniel Stewart Architectural Services
Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Foot Health Tetbury Osteopaths Foot clinics every Monday andaton the first Saturday 22 every London Road (opposite the Priory Inn). of month at Tetbury Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every
Then came some amazing mains. Flossy’s pan-fried hake with dauphinoise potatoes, Catherine Montgomery kale and beetroot relish with caper butter Dip.CFHP Dip.CFHP(Adv) Dip.Bio MVR MSPRACT was delightful, the fish perfectly cooked, the t: dauphinoise rich and creamy – though it was an impressive slab of a portion and quite a bit e: 0710317 too much for her (as some of you will already know, she has such a delicate appetite!). One of the highlights, she said, was the MFH_0004 Tetbury Ad 11.4 x 5cm.indd 1 12/07/2015 unexpectedly harmonious marriage of beetroot and capers - one for the notebooks, methinks. Friend had an extraordinarily
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60 | November 2018
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November 2018 | 61
Christmas party menu STARTERS Adeline Farm Vegetable and Pearl Barley Broth with winter herb oil from our garden (ve) Duck Liver Parfait clementine gel, braised onions, sourdough Langoustine Ravioli braised endive with orange & a langoustine bisque Parsnip and Apple Tart Tatin with tomato fondue and chive oil (v)
MAIN COURSES 8 Hour Braised Jesse Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Beef dauphinoise potatoes, pomegranate glazed roots, pancetta sprouts and beef juices Roast Cotswold Turkey dauphinoise potatoes, pomegranate glazed roots, pancetta sprouts, fig and clementine stuffing, gravy Grilled Seabass Fillet parmentier potatoes & roasted fennel served with a dill & prosecco sauce Priory Festive Pizza roasted butternut pumpkin, chestnut & sage (v) Winter Squash and Lentil Ragu with winter herb oil from our garden (ve)
Traditional Christmas Pudding wi whiskey vanilla ice cream (v) with
Call: 01666 502251 Email:
Warm Chocolate Brownie black cherry ice cream, praline crunch (v)
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Poached Pear with nut crumble and plum yoghurt sorbet (v) Passion Fruit Pavlova winter berries, pistachio & yoghurt cream (v)
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Unsung Hero for November
Dear Editor, We’d like to recommend a wonderful fundraiser and all-around hard worker for your column. Could you please make her your “Unsung Hero” for November?
of Tetbury’s own Alison Bennett, who very sadly lost her own battle with cancer this year, leaving behind two wonderful children and a loving husband.
For the last couple of years Flo Hillman has been raising money for good causes – and
Flo is a remarkable lady, who has put her skills to good use, raising both money and awareness for worthy cancer causes. Cancer can affect any of us; we think Flo deserves your award.
Yours faithfully, Name and address withheld
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for cancer charities in particular. In 2017 she raised early £2,000 holding a cake day doing all the preparation and cooking in her own kitchen. The money raised went to Macmillan Cancer Support. This year she’s done even better, holding a “Coffee and Cake” day at her company, Insight, which has raised £3146.90 so far, with further monies yet to be added. This time the benefactors will be the FOCUS Cancer Information and Support centre in Cheltenham - and the donation in memory
Ed: I’d be very pleased to have the tireless Flo contact me soon, so I can ensure she receives the voucher for a meal for two at the Priory Inn, which is well earned. Many thanks to Rob Goves of “Relish” for providing it. I also hope Flo will forgive me for printing this perhaps slightly dated but especially charming photograph, stolen from her Twitter account. If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know - my details are on page three of the magazine.
Dear Editor,
! Since possible - and I need your help is to stay as fit and healthy as the town, nd arou it circu As a keen cyclist one of my aims a g ridin ine, maintained an early morning rout t, arriving in Tetbury in 1987, I’ve oled lanes, wind and rain, fros this entails negotiating dark pot-h year of time just or ant, serv unob , daily. Depending on the ngly easi and incr deer, rabbits and dog walkers – snow, the odd fallen tree, errant plain careless, drivers. am, these junctions at around 6.45 h ALL drivers who pass through reac ’t won sage plea mes my this ers driv that I realise If you are one of those rity surely must be local drivers? but at this time of day the majo e, checking yourself out in the rear phon your ing read cup, e Costa coffe ntion. You atte ng payi is, please stop drinking from your and t aler ing stay re doing that prevents you from ’t fitted view mirror, or whatever else you’ worse. Remember, cyclists aren charge, a serious accident - or ing driv less may just avoid a care we don’t bounce well. with polycarbonate bumpers and
Letters to the Editor…
Glenn May
times munity Speedwatch group a few the pleasure of assisting the Com care take se plea Let’s Editor’s note: Glenn – having had still. er to get busi is getting busier – and it’s going of late, I agree with you. Tetbury Dear Editor, ation… all of us. and use our roads with consider I have worked as Recept ion Manager of the Close Hotel for three and a half years. As a group we have been fundraisin g for “Acorns” for aro und r, seven years now - a bri Dear Edito lliant charity that provid es specialist pal e liat th ive all car to e u” for life-limited and life say “Thank yo -threatened babies, you people and their familie I should like to so ed ng ut rib nt co o s. In the last year Acorns nors wh have supported eight hundred and six helpers and do n coffee illa cm ty-fi Ma ve 18 chi 20 ldr r en and one thousand and eightyeight families at their generously to ou £1,072.10 three dedicated hospic ve now paid in es. We are grateful to bee ll morning. We ha n wi abl m e to su have don is ate Th ove t. r un £10 co 0,0 00 in total, so far. n ac into the Macmilla ribution of nt co aid t Nex gif a t yea r, I’ve been given the be topped-up by funding opportunity to make contribution to the 5, and matched a significant fundraising by runnin approximately £8 g the London Marat C. PL The nk fur Ba s the st hon. lay I rc hav Ba e eve m r fro run is thirteen miles, so it will certainly be a challenge, but one tha ve capped ha , ar t ye I am t rea las lly looking forward to training hard for! Barclays, since and that I am n at a given to Macmilla the total amount ow kn t ye n’t do we so I want to raise as mu um, ch money as possible £50,000 maxim rtioned for this fantastic cause I hope to smash my £2, that will be appo and 500 “personal” target yet how much of . If you can sponsor me the re are ts. cha or rity , eff dishes on the menu at to our The Close, as well as a the month,” and collect have “ca we ke e of tim h ion nt tins in reception. Altern e seve atively, you can do so This year is th online at https://www g which al event, durin nu an e th ing/nikki-closehotel. We d ste ho als we o be lp, run he nin al ’ll g a loc ser ies of prize draws and of fabulous raffles on the run-up to time, with lots Marathon on the 28th massive the A . 00 of 2,0 Apr £1 il 2019. er have raised ov nerosity. Nikki Paterson, u all for your ge thank you to yo The Close Hotel Bellairs. Roger and Pam
Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events
Dear Editor,
We were very pleased that our wedding photograph was selected to appear in the September edition of the Tetbury Advertiser, however our surname is Hamilton and not Stokes! We appreciate that this cannot now be changed, but we would be pleased if you could make a small note in the next edition. Kind Regards, Susan & Philip Hamilton Editor’s Note: We’re terribly sorry, Mr and Mrs Hamilton – we were misinformed! We hope this is you….
November 2018 | 63
Tetbury Girlguides What wonderful support we have from our local community! As most units embraced the new programme and started trying out activities we had a wonderful surprise when the Tetbury Lions offered to purchase one of the new badge books for every girl – this has been very much appreciated, as it means units do not have to find extra money to fund the books, and can start on the programme straightaway -each girl recording their own progress as they try new badges. We took up the Town Council challenge of poppy making but decided that trying to teach eighty girls to knit might be a little difficult! Instead, we have produced a large collage of our guiding trefoil so thanks to the Rainbows for painting bottle bottoms; the Brownies for their cup case flowers and the Guides for their felt poppies. The result will be on show for Remembrance. A coach load of girls joined others from across our Division at a special afternoon at Cattle Country. 2nd Brownies made the most of the occasion and had four of their new girls make their promise in the castle. They have been working on “Know Yourself,” with activities about people,
places and events that mean something to them. They made flags to represent themselves, drove a unit bus around a pretend Tetbury to visit familiar places and learnt that what excites one person may scare another. Nicky has joined them as a new leader in training and we hope this will be a long association! 1st Brownies have started looking at “Express Yourself,” and one activity involved exploring the value of money. Their excitement will be building as next year’s Pack Holiday has been booked! They have had two Guides join them to complete the service element of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Rainbows are working on the “Reflect” skills builder this term and have used drawing and games to explore what is important about themselves and others. Two Guides have also joined them as helpers and they have already settled in and started to show their leadership skills.
NAILSWORTH 01453 705560
64 | November 2018
Our national recruitment campaign was launched on the 11th of October and, as always, we are looking for volunteer leaders to help with the younger units. Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more. Sue Doidge, Girlguiding Tetbury District Commissioner 07961 116678
The 1st Guides have started working on “Take Action” and are working for their first Skills Builder badge – “Influence.” They have
TETBURY 01666 503531
developed skills in decision-making and persuading others to follow ideas, and at the beginning of November will be taking part in “Parliament Week,” a national event. Sandra Ball, the Town Mayor, will be showing them around the Council Offices and then joining them for activities related to manifestos and elections. I wonder what local issues will be discussed and whether they will have any solutions to offer to the Council?
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Tetbury Police Museum and Courtroom
The former Fox Inn
to whom he was introduced as the “young man who wants me to run away with him.”. On Saturday the 25th they left Swindon together at three o’clock in the afternoon. They were seen at about nine o’clock that night in a public house at Tetbury [research shows this to have been the Fox Inn, where Bignell had ordered a pint of beer for himself and a glass of stout for Margaret] and remained in the bar for some time. They had a drink and by their manner were apparently on quite good terns, talking together in an ordinary way. They left the public house together and shortly afterwards the prisoner appeared in the village and asked for lodgings and subsequently asked to be locked up.
There have been some changes at the Police Museum recently. John Silvester, the museums long-standing curator has decided to retire and move to a different county to be closer to his family. John has done amazing things for the museum in the many years he has been here and everyone at the Town Council and the Council Offices would like to say how much they appreciate all of John’s hard work and wish him luck. And now for an epic tale from our Cold Case files, part 1 this month. Watch this space for more!
The Tetbury Sensation,
1924 – Part 1: The Case Wiltshire Assizes held at Devizes by Justice Roche; Mr G D Roberts and Mr E A Hawke appeared for the Crown and Mr R D Holt defended William Grover Bignell (32), a Wotton-under-Edge man, who was accused of murdering Margaret Legg at Long Newnton near Tetbury on October 25th last year. In opening the case Mr Roberts mentioned that the victim was a married woman living with her husband at Swindon. The prisoner, who had been in the army, was apparently unemployed and he and the deceased woman had known each other at any rate since 1917 and they had lived together for some time in 1917 as man and wife. Two days before the tragedy the prisoner was seen in Mrs Legg’s house by a neighbour
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When questioned as to his reason for this he said “They shall lock me up because i have killed a woman”. Police Sergeant Merritt advised him to be careful and the prisoner said “It’s true, I will show you. I cut her throat with a razor in a field past the Railway Station”. Proceeding to the spot indicated by the prisoner the body of a woman was found with a very deep gash to her throat. There were no signs of a struggle and apparently from the position of the woman the blow must either have been inflicted from behind or by the side, prisoner leaving her of course quite defenceless. Blood was found on the hands and clothing of the prisoner who was taken to the Police Station. Prisoner never gave any explanation or any denial. The motive here was admittedly obscure. The motive which the prisoner himself assigned for his act, before the magistrate, was that he had contracted a disease from the woman in 1917 but if that were the case it would afford no defence or justification for the act he had committed. To be continued ….. Source: Gloucester Journal 24th January 1925; with further research by John Silvester, museum volunteer
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November 2018 | 65
Tetbury Community Choir The choir has made a good start after the summer break… …with two new songs to learn, enlivened by Richard George’s “Coffee Song” involving variations on the Italian flavours! In between this hilarity we have worked hard to perfect our program for the concert at St. Mary’s School.
Musical Director Needed Tetbury Community Choir
We are also spending much time preparing for our choir social in December thinking how best to entertain ourselves. Karaoke has definitely been ruled out, thank goodness!
needs a dynamic Choir Director to lead it forward following the resignation of the current musical director for personal reasons.
On a more serious note, it is with considerable regret that we learned that we shall be losing Richard, our very able Musical Director, in the next few months, for his own personal family reasons. During his term of office, the choir has grown from very few members to over fifty, a considerable achievement. We sincerely hope that we can find somebody to follow in his footsteps and keep our friendly and excellent choir going, for the benefit of our singers and of course for the entertainment of our local Community in Tetbury.
The choir has over 50 members and sings a wide variety of music. For more information about the choir, please see our website:
If you feel that you would like to join us as a member, then please do come along to a practice evening. The first session is free, and the cost thereafter is £5.00 per session payable at the door. We meet on Mondays 7.00 – 9.00p.m. at Christchurch in the Chipping – parking is free.
or initially contact Ian Thomas, Choir Secretary, on 01666 502939 or email:
Contact our secretary, Ian Thomas, on 01666502939, or e-mail Also, on our website www. Paul Harley, Chair, Tetbury Community Choir
L E. Perry Independent Funeral Directors
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66 | November 2018
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Tetbury Cares
w ww
. te
a ryc
r es
with the stress and anxiety of a cancer diagnosis, but it can also help to improve many of the symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatment such as pain, sleep and fatigue. We are also working with University of West of England to offer a 12week research course in January for ladies’ post breast cancer treatment.
g .or
All the activities are offered for anyone living with cancer, or their family and friends free of charge. For more information on the research or anything mentioned above please email or call the centre on 01242 250611
Maggie’s Cancer Care Centre in Cheltenham, is a place people can go to for help and support with any of the problems or challenges that they face after a diagnosis of cancer. We offer drop in emotional support and advice, and also a full programme of evidenced based activities.
A copy and explanation of our programme can be accessed via our website, Facebook page or by calling in to see us! Some of the activities we offer are:
Stress management and relaxation We run courses that teach people techniques that may help to reduce levels of distress and increase a sense of
wellbeing that have been shown to work. We offer mindfulness-based courses, and courses to discuss how to best manage stress when cancer comes into your life. We also offer drop in sessions throughout the week, allowing you to learn and practice relaxation skills and techniques.
Fitness Classes The evidence base for the benefits of physical activity is growing, with a number of studies affirming the benefit that exercise has on managing the side effects of treatment and increasing vitality. We know that by incorporating exercise into your lifestyle this will lead to many health benefits. As a result, we offer a drop-in fitness class, and Tai Chi. We also offer Pilates and yoga courses.
Yoga Yoga uses physical poses and breathing techniques to increase strength, flexibility and wellbeing. The benefits of yoga for cancer patients has been widely reported to be many and varied. Not only is it a natural way to help you relax and cope
Carol concert Join Maggie’s as we celebrate the festive season with an evening of Christmas carols, mulled cider and mince pies at Christ Church, Cheltenham on Thursday 13th December 2018. The Beauregard Youth Choir, Christ Church C of E Primary School Choir and the Maggie’s Choir will be performing carols fit for the festive season and other choral classics. Flowers Brass Band, the number one brass band in the West of England, will be returning - and they always raise the roof with their renditions of Christmas favourites. The concert will be followed by seasonal refreshments of mulled cider and mince pies, and a raffle with a host of fabulous prizes and all funds raised will help Maggie’s continue to support people living with cancer and their family and friends across the Three Counties.
All profits distributed locally and internationally
Tickets can be purchased at www.
November 2018 | 67
503828 503828
Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.
We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover. WeRover. have 8We courtesy cars available or a or offer As offer an independent VAG (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land have 8 courtesy cars available a Mini,offering Established in 1974, we are Tetbury’s premier independentBMW, garage a dedicated and experienced team of collection collection service. service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury
At Car C
mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage of the Year 2012 by both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry Code of we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda), Land Rover and Mercedes. have 9 range courtesy cars At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so you with a mechanics.We a full diagnostic equipment to provide We offer of services please do give us a call today or visit our website. please give us a call today or website. all makes of cars, wheeldo drives andus a full range of service options withsatisfaction 8 free available or offerdo a collection service. Atvisit Car our Care Tetbury customer is ourfortop priority sofour please give courtesy or collection. light commercial vehicles. cars call today or visit our website.
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As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Since starting smaller in 1974, At Car Care Tetbury offer full dealer level We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, pulling to VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier and repairs servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level independent garage with genuine Rover Ourservice full equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer full rangeWe diagnostictoequipment towith provide youa withmechanics. a of services includes allparts, Land Rover parts, labour, VAT fullWe range ofaservices diagnostic provide you We offer a team includes all Land Rover labour, VATparts, diagnosticequipment equipment to provide youawith experienced of mechanics. offer a includes all Land Rover functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignmentlabour, service. VAT for allof makes of cars, four wheel andand full range of service with 8 free for all makes and brake uid change. We provide serviceservice of cars, four wheel drives and drives full service options with with 8options free9 courtesy change. provide service fullrange rangeofof service options full range services for all makes of cars, fourbrake uid and brakeWe fluid change. We provide Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. book stamps to keep your warranty not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and
will save you money.
fuel efficiency.
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Units 1-3, Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucester
AUTO GEARBOX FLUSH AND OIL REFILL - NOW AVAILABLE We now have the latest auto gearbox flushing machine, this removes all the old oil from the gearbox (draining doesn’t remove all old oil from gearbox). The gearbox is then flushedREPAIRS through to remove any dirt/debris, new oil is filled and conditioning WARRANTY WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOT TESTING WARRANTY REPAIRS WHEEL ALIGNMENT MOT TESTING fluid added, this maintains any oil seals, valves etc.
Wedealer provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, ExperiencingExperiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans uneven tyre wear, pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full level Most manufactures have a service schedule for this at set mileage, others say the gearbox is service and repairs using Autologic ™ the left or right, an uncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. All service and repairs using Autologic ™ the left or right, an uncentred steering with a free re-test included if needed. All
sealed forwhich life,offers but the after 100,000 miles oil iscontact oftenIfuswell pastusits best and equipment which the full level ofor more wheel or poor handling? so, to bulbs and adjustments free of equipment fulloffers level of wheel orthe poorgearbox handling? If so, tocontact bulbs and adjustments are included are freeincluded of functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. charge! (headlamp excluded) functionality available dealers.gearchange and book slow our four laser alignment service. gives issues suchtoasmain jurking towheel change from one gear to thecharge! other,(headlamp cold excluded) car at Car Care Laser alignment willl transform Servicing yourServicing carissues at Caryour Care Tetbury will Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehiclesyour vehicles gear change etc. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear andtyre wear and
PRICES FOR FLUSH will save FULL you money. will save you money.
AND OIL CHANGE START FROM £145 +vat fuel efficiency. fuel efficiency.
Units 1-3,Industrial Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Units 1-3, Priory Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ
Land Rover Discovery Complete flush and oil change