1974 - 2014
Celebrating our 40th year - today!
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October 2014
4,200 Circulation
Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974
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Diary of Events for October
1st October Tetbury Lions Meeting 8.00 pm at the Close Hotel
21st October Carer’s Meeting 6:30 pm Romney House Surgery
1st October Cath Hodsman visits Tetbury Art Society 7.30pm at St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street
23rd October New Parents Reception St. Mary’s CE VA Primary School - details this issue.
2nd October Howard Mills visits “HOTS” 7:30pm at Christchurch 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th October Live Music at the Priory Details in this issue 11th October Tetbury in Bloom Race Night 7.30pm at the Dolphins Hall, tickets £5, ring Sue on 504213 13th October Arthur Ball visits the Tetbury WI 7.20 pm at the Dolphins Hall 21st October Public Meeting “UKIP – The New Alternative” 7.30 pm at the Dolphins Hall – doors open at 7.00 pm Enquiries: Guy Parfitt, 07760 118613, or www.ukipcotswolds.co.uk
Useful Information
27th October Mary Hinton Hedgehog Hospital Warden 10.30 am at Tetbury Library 31st October NCT Halloween Party Details yet to be finalised 31st October “Late Night Fright Night” in the Ormond Bar Details in this issue October Walks with Tetbury and District Footpath Group Details in this issue October Meetings of Tetbury Camera Club 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury
POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number)
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270
TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336 PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047
Advertiser Rates / Information
26th October Tetbury Advertiser 40th Birthday Party 10:30 am at the Market Place – all welcome.
Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com
NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 505805 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY Tel: 01666 500166 Mon - Sat 10am-4pm. www.tetburyshopmobility.org.uk
RATES Column inch (single column width) £5 Column inch (double column width) £10 Quarter page £55 Half page £90 Full page £160 Front cover half page £100 Back cover half page £95 Pre-printed inserts £135 Postage per copy £1.40
Copy date for the November Issue - Thursday 16th October 2014 ** Delivery date - 1st/2nd November 2014 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Contents Lions Den 14-18 Legacy Allan Norwood Autumn Hog Watch Avening School Christmas in Tetbury Civic Society Computer Advice Cotswold District News Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Diary - October Dolphins Dramatic Society Dolphins Recreation Centre Trust GRCC Village of the Year Awards Guides Happy Birthday Advertiser History of Tetbury Society Letters to the Editor Mayor’s Report NCT Patient Participation Group Priory Inn Blog Probus One Probus Two Puddle Ducks Nursery St Mary’s CE VA Primary School St Mary’s Playgroup Tetbury 5K Fun Run Tetbury and District Footpath Group Tetbury Art Society Tetbury Bowls Club Tetbury Camera Club Tetbury Community Choir Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Tetbury Dolphins Lawn Tennis Club Tetbury Hospital Newsletter Pages Tetbury in Bloom Tetbury Library Tetbury Nursery Playgroup Tetbury Police Museum Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust Tetbury Theatre Group Tetbury Tourist Information Centre Tetbury Town Council Pages Tetbury WI The Feoffees and the Thirteen The Ormond Said Tiggers Unsung Hero - October Young by Nature
5 6 56 15 14 19 24 10 54 9 3 28 51 58 26 4 53 20 8 45 47 48 41 46 44 12 40 57 52 16 42 13 27 59 64 33 18 29 37 32 38 63 39 65 61 30 21 31 48 23
Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
October 2014 | 3
Celebrating our 40th year The Tetbury Advertiser started in 1974 with the intention of giving local clubs and other organisations a platform for their news and views and to fund this forum with revenue from paid-for advertising, to benefit both local businesses and customers alike. A further fundamental commitment was to distribute any residual monies to local causes and national and international aid and health programs, in line with the aims of Lions International. The Advertiser continues to hold fast to these principles.
During Jeremy’s time as editor Prince Charles and Lady Diana were engaged and a two-colour cover for the Royal Engagement was produced. Subsequently a full colour cover was printed for the Royal Marriage. Following Jeremy, Brian Gough, who some of you may remember as a Physics and Chemistry teacher then Bursar at Sir William Romney School, took over. The arrangements continued for some time until it was decided that
the printing should be given to the Home Farm Trust in Avening to support their printing project. At this time a lady from the Trust used to do the page makeup, however, when to address problems and improvements Brian Roberts was again asked to print the Advertiser, the artworker decided not to continue and Dave Roberts (Brian’s son) became responsible for the artwork and design, as he is to the present day. By this time the printing company had changed its name to Wheatley Printers Limited.
Our Printing Roots: The first Advertisers were printed by Sanderson Press in 1974 when Peter Sanderson of the Lions leased part of some factory premises from Mr Brian Roberts in Chalford to start his letterpress printing company. A little later, Mr Roberts took over a printing company in Stroud, F. Wheatley Printers, with whom the Advertiser is still closely associated.
1974 -
our 4 0th
year today!
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Dave Hicks introduced Brian Roberts to Jeremy Gahagan, the new editor, and they discussed some new ideas for the publication. It was in A5 booklet form but Jeremy, who’d worked on broadsheets in Brighton (or so he said!) wanted to increase the size to A4. Initially the copies were sheets of A3 folded to A4 and collated together without stitching.
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Follow us on Twit ter! @c Find us herish_salo n on Fac Cherish ebook! Salon, Tetbury 016101
since 197
s.co.uk 18/09/2014
Greetings from “Aunt Sally” Tetbury Advertiser was but a couple of months old, when I congratulated the editor on its arrival and suggested that, as in some other magazines, there might be a children’s page – and then offered to lead it for him. The idea accepted, I became “Aunt Sally”, the object being that young people might throw their views at me, but not so! My readers were of most ages and it was like having a chat with friends; I included local topics and concerns for our town, as I was also a councillor. A keen fundraiser, I was able to advertise jumble sales, coffee mornings and so on
4 | October 2014
– events run happily with a few mature ladies and my daughter Clare’s teenage friends. One lad was so eager that he sold Mrs Moore’s shopping trolley – but happily, we managed to buy it back! The Town Hall (Market House, if you prefer) was perfect for jumbles, and people eager to buy bargains would queue up the steps long before start time. Sadly, charity shops have replaced jumbles, but they have the same aim and the luxury of mire time in which to sell. To enable a fair distribution of the money raised, we had a “ton-up fund” donating £100 in turn to mostly local charities and
organisations, so I guess this amounted to a considerable sum over ten years or more. Indirect fundraising involved collected can rings for kidney research, silver foil for guide dogs, postage stamps – and more. We also collected toys for a few Christmases – for Bristol’s Salvation Army to distribute. Sadly, that old demon ‘pressure of work’ ended Aunt Sally’s page and I handed over to that witty wordsmith, Serendipity. So Happy Fortieth Birthday, Tetbury Advertiser! My, how well you’ve matured! Best wishes – Pam Sims.
- today! Some Advertiser Highlights: •
The first edition was published in 1974 in one colour and A5-sized paper, 12 pages.
The Christmas issue was of 16 pages including small ads, editorial and comment. The Ormond’s Head Hotel was one of the advertisers – as they are today. Circulation was 2,500.
Colour was first introduced in 1986 and by this time the town had grown and circulation was up to 3,000. Pam Sim’s “Aunt Sally” column had given way to Jim Marshall’s “Topical Gardening” feature and Val Roseblade’s “Serendipity”- the new mainstays of the magazine.
25 years continuous publication was celebrated in October 1999 with the first 4-colour cover; circulation was now 3,800 and the anniversary issue was 48 pages, containing 86 adverts.
Lions Den
Dear Reader With dew on the grass in the mornings and the night’s drawing in autumn has well and truly set in. Those who braved the flower show at the end of August could not have helped but notice the Samantha Walker memorial which has been vastly improved and our thanks go to Ben King and Tetbury in Bloom for their hard work in this project. I would like to thank our newly appointed welfare team Crad Evans and Dave Hicks for their tireless efforts, and Barry Gibbs and the team from Tetbury in Bloom for their dedication. We had two presentations to make regarding the Wacky Races this year, one to Mandy Scott, the People’s Pod manager, a cheque for £2,000. Mandy and her team do a splendid job working with the youths of Tetbury and we hope to see them again next year for the Wacky Races, which is gaining in popularity and competitiveness each year. Our thanks also go to the Royal Oak for their wonderful contribution on the day and we are hoping to commission a Wacky Races beer to sell on the day and in the Royal Oak. We presented the Royal Oak with a certificate for all their tireless efforts and support for this cause. Our overseas liaison group headed up by Roger Gryzb and Brian Gammon have been very busy with their recommendations for overseas projects
such as Water Aid and Sight Aid, an international charity which has been set up to raise awareness of visual issues, both projects benefit from £1000 annually from the Lions. Let’s not forget that at home we have given a helping hand of £500 to the Rail Lands Regeneration Trust for their Goods Shed project. I am delighted to say that we have now badged up Jayne Fewell, who is now our fifth lady member of our club. We now have 35 club members with diverse skill sets, which contribute greatly to our fundraising efforts. Lastly, many congratulations to the Tetbury Advertiser on reaching its 40th Birthday this month – testament to the hundreds of people who have been involved in producing, contributing, advertising in it and delivering it, down the years. I should like to join the current editor in thanking you for the many messages of congratulations received. Come and see the exhibition in the Market Place on Sunday 26th October, to help us both celebrate and reminisce about the last four decades. If you would like to join us to serve the community and enjoy a busy social life, we next meet on Wednesday 1st October at the Close Hotel. You would be most welcome to come along. Keith Leaver
Bill Kelley (the first editor) was followed by Jeremy Gahagan and Brian Goff, but much of the growth of the magazine is due to Ken Lewis (editor between 1983 and 1996), Brian Gammon (editor between 1996 and 2003) and Barry Gibbs (editor between 2003 and 2013).
In 2005 the Advertiser was redesigned and incorporated 4-colour covers as standard and a centrefold “feature”, as well as occasional special editions. Circulation rose to over 4,000. Between 2004 and 2005 the average size of the magazine had grown to over 50 pages and 100 adverts.
Instrumental Tuition Violin / Viola, Piano, Theory, Composition • Students aged 8 & upwards welcome. • Tuition in your home • Weekly or fortnightly lessons to suit your requirements. 0190914
Today, the Advertiser is produced in full colour, has a distribution of 4,200 and regularly exceeds 60 pages and 150 advertisers. Virtually all of the copy and advertising is gathered online, helping to streamline the operation - and it’s also published online via “ISSUU” where it attracts 500-plus hits a month from locations all across the world.
Call 0796 - 266 8098 Enhanced CRB Clearance Certificate available for inspection at any time on request.
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 5
14 – 18 Legacy Many of us will have been moved recently by the range of activities held to commemorate the centenary of the start of World War One. What you might not be aware of though is that young people also have an opportunity to be fully involved. We’ve recently launched 14-18 Legacy, an attempt by young people to raise one million pounds for the Royal British Legion between 2014-18. In the process they will strengthen their knowledge of World War One, appreciate the lessons to be learned and deepen their giving spirit.
one for every letter of the alphabet. Earlier in the summer it was the Tour de Gloucestershire with Mark Cummings from BBC Radio Gloucestershire. Next up - a Half Ironman Triathlon! You can sponsor me direct at virginmoneygiving.com/ PeterRowland. Every penny goes to 14-18 Legacy. You can also make a £3 donation by texting 1418 to 70020. Over the coming months, indeed the next four years, we look forward to keeping you informed about our progress. Our patron is Dame Janet Trotter, Gloucestershire’s Lord
Lieutenant. Ours is an ambitious target but twelve years as a Head Teacher taught me that if you put your faith in young people they seldom let you down. We will get there and, in the process, will help young people appreciate the sacrifices that have been made in the past and continue to be made today by our armed forces. If you need more details of 14-18 Legacy you can contact me direct: PRowland@ britishlegion.org.uk Peter Rowland 14-18 Legacy Co-ordinator
As a Cherington resident and also the 14-18 Legacy co-ordinator I feel that I should do my fair share of fundraising too. Over the next four years I’ll be tackling 26 activities,
David Sheppard Building Contractor • New Builds • Extensions • Dry Stone Walls • Patios Mobile: 07885 397986 Tel: 01666 502940 1211013
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We’re celebrating 40 years of the Advertiser with a party at the Market Hall on Sunday 26th October, starting at 10:30. All are welcome – and a special invitation is extended to contributors, advertisers and distributors…
Come along!
6 | October 2014
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 7
Mayor’s Report Holiday in the sun...
It is not nice to see the nights closing in and having to get up in the dark – and bearing this in mind I have been asked to mention to everyone in Tetbury to be aware of keeping their garages and sheds secure.
Choose our professional and friendly practice on your doorstep for all your legal needs, including:-
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Avening have had a lot of problems with shed break-ins and these appear to have coincided with door-to-door sales. The Police have asked us all to please be aware - and if you do not know who is at the door, don’t answer it. You can obtain cards to put on your front door or window stating that you do not deal with door-todoor sales people. These can be obtained from the council’s offices and we have all been urged that if we see anyone suspicious on our roads or near our vehicles, to make a note and phone the Police on 101. On a lighter note, it’s good to be able to welcome the new manager of the Snooty Fox, Mark Steedman, to his seat on the council this month - we all feel Mark will have a lot to contribute. Cllr Sandra Ball
Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA www.lansdownelegal.com Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email: info@lansdownelegal.com
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8 | October 2014
Beside, or falling into, the river… Of course we always carry out (and talk through) a risk assessment before starting work. To stop and think before you start work is exactly the same in the countryside as it used to be in my previous paid
employment in industry. How much nicer it is to be in the countryside, even though unpaid! Nevertheless, accidents can occasionally happen, especially by water. Our job was to use brush cutters etc., to clear vegetation from the Macmillan Way footpath beside the river at Grange Wood, Sherston. One of our team was pushing the wheelbarrows loaded with our tools along the path when it was caught by a hidden root, tumbling the man, barrow and tools into the river. On being fished out he went home to get dried off, but rejoined us at the pub at lunchtime none the worse for a ducking. This warden (who shall remain nameless, except to say that it wasn’t me), had previously slipped into the water about three years ago, when restoring the Sherston Medieval fish pond. He told our foreman, Noel Banks, that he preferred the Sherston River Avon water to the fishpond for quality and taste.
Medieval Fishponds Our next job was at the Alderton Medieval fish pond and he decided not to join us on that occasion. We checked the flow and brush cut the banks, taking great care to recreate the appearance to which we had restored it a couple of years ago. A lovely location. The Sherston fish pond is not accessible at present due to a dry stone wall collapse, but we hope to do further restoration there, if funding can be obtained.
Cotswold Wardens The Cotswold Lion The winter edition of the free newspaper is now available from the Tourist Information Centre, with articles about Tetbury, Landscapes and the WI.
Local Walks lead by the Wardens and fully detailed in the Lion: Monday 6th October 10:00 am from Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, Church Street for 6 miles to Westonbirt and Doughton. Saturday 11th October at 10:30 am from Newark Park NT car park for 5 miles. Sunday 12th October at 10:00 am from Dursley Town Hall for 5.5 miles around Stinchcombe Hill and Upper Cam. Tuesday 14th October at 10:00 am for coffee at the Bell Inn, Selsley, leaving at 10:30 am for 6 miles via Selsley Common and Coaley Peak. Sunday 19th October at 10:30 am from Newark Park NT car park for 5 miles to Ozleworth and Alderley Sunday 26th October at 10:00 am from Uley near the Parish Church for 10 miles to Owlpen and Nympsfield. Richard Glanville
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
www.tetburypilates.com October 2014 | 9
Computer Advice Still using Windows XP? You do need to take action! Since Windows XP went end-of-life last Easter, I have still found a lot of people are still using XP despite the security and privacy risks associated with it. Does this include you? Not only are there no more updates or fixes from Microsoft, your choices for securing the PC are very limited and will leave you at risk, potentially leaving your computer and data vulnerable to attack. It may be possible to upgrade your current computer, particularly if it is less than 6 years old and is Windows Vista capable. This may be indicated on a sticker near the keyboard [on a laptop] or the front panel [of a desktop PC]. However, if you are having reliability problems with the computer, or it is excessively slow, a replacement would probably be the best option. If you do decide to go for an upgrade, you may have to increase the memory and will certainly have to wipe the drive and start again, but with planning and a decent backup, this can work out cheaper than a replacement. Vista will still be supported until April 2017 and Windows 7 to January 2020. To install Windows 8 you will need around 20GB of space for a basic install and a minimum 3GB of RAM for it to run smoothly. Windows 8 has not met with universal acclaim; however, I can configure it to look like XP, so that your transition is smoother. If you are running Office
2003 or earlier, you will need an upgrade or possibly use one of the free office packages as an alternative. If you are still using Outlook Express for your email, I can install an equivalent program on Windows 8 and also import all your old emails and address book for you, together with your data, documents, photos, favourites etc. Once up and running, do not neglect backup or security. Windows 8 does include a basic antivirus program, however I would recommend this is supplemented. A local and/or a cloud/Internet based backup system gives you the protection you need should the worst happen. So remember, if you think Windows 8 isn’t for you, I can configure it to look and behave like
Windows 7 or XP. You do not need to use the new tiled interface at all. You can have the benefit of the new technology and security built in to 8, and use the toolbars and Start button you are used to from the previous versions of Windows. If you are still using XP, do have a plan to replace or upgrade within the year if you do anything on the Internet. If you have any queries on the above, or if you would like to book your PC in for a security check or annual service, please do get in touch. Please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk Ingham Associates the Tetbury Computer Shop Now in my 26th year of Trading
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Elizabeth S Maisey Your local Tetbury Bookkeeper
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10 | October 2014
American Success for Wycliffe Following the launch of the SAT preparation support service in September 2012, Wycliffe College students have received a total of $220,000 (£131,714) in scholarships to study at American universities. To qualify for an American university, students must sit a Scholastic Aptitude Examination (SAT) that tests critical reading, maths and writing skills. “American universities want to accept the person, not just their academic record. They want to ensure you fit in with the university ethos,” said Betsy Wentzel, SAT Preparation Co-ordinator.
Four students have been awarded places at prestigious American universities.
Ola Omotoso, 18, has been accepted to study Business at the University of Virginia.
Taisiya Teslya, 18, has been offered scholarships at the University of New Haven and the Savannah College of Art and Design but has decided to study at the University of San Francisco.
Charlotte Knaggs, 18, has been accepted at Cornell University in New York where she will study Applied Biological Science.
Sarah Cheung, 18, was offered scholarships to Marymount University and Goucher College but has decided to study Psychology at James Madison University in Virginia. “The Wycliffe teachers have been amazing,” she said. “They encourage students and make you want to work harder.”
Mrs Wentzel said that being accepted and attending an American university helps students stand out when they enter the jobs market. “It’s a highly competitive market and the more things you have that sets you apart, the better,” she said. “Being accepted at an American university shows independence and initiative.”
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Wycliffe, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege www.wycliffe.co.uk
October 2014 | 11
St. Mary’s CE VA Primary School
where children are given every opportunity and encouragement to achieve.
It has been a very busy summer at St. Mary’s Primary School. As soon as we closed our doors in July the builders moved in and the school resembled an episode of DIY SOS! We were very fortunate in securing funding from the Diocese and the Local Authority to complete a number of improvements, including the installation of a brand new school kitchen and a curriculum cooking area, the remodelling of our reception area, the upgrading of our wireless network and significant work on our electrics. We also had all our Key Stage 2 classrooms decorated. The builders left us on 1st September and the teaching staff and support staff then all rallied together to get the school ready to welcome the children back on the 3rd. We are absolutely thrilled with the results and we are now serving delicious and nutritious hot school meals cooked on site to our pupils and staff. There has also been work of a quieter nature going on behind the scenes on our school vision and our website. Over the last year I have been talking to members of the school community about St. Mary’s School – what it means to them and what we want to achieve for the families and children of our town. As you can imagine people gave many opinions and feelings and share many memories, but the common themes that came through were of a caring school
Using this as our starting point, we have created a vision of a caring and loving community where we light the spark of curiosity, build on individual talents and give children the courage to be the best they can be. It is our mission to bring this vision to life so that caring attitudes, curiosity about our world and confidence and courage are evident in our pupils, our families, our governors, our teachers and teaching assistants and all who work in our school.
You can read more about what is going on at St. Mary’s by visiting our brand new school website at www.stmarystetbury. com and if you attended St. Mary’s as a child you may be interested in our facebook page: WeAreStMarys. Log in via the website and share some memories! Lastly our open morning for new Reception Parents is on 23rd October so if you have pre-schoolers please come and look around the school and meet our staff – we look forward to welcoming you. Jo Woolley - Headteacher
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Come and meet our Caring, Curious & Courageous Learning Family!
12 | October 2014
The first meeting of the new season was on Tuesday, 2 September... billed as ‘A Get to Know/Meet and Greet/ Show and Tell evening. No competition, no judge and no critique.’ It proved to be a well-attended meeting, a chance to greet old friends after the summer break - and to meet some new faces. After a few words of introduction about the programme for the coming
Learn how to play, or to improve at, this most stimulating and social of card games. I will be giving lessons again this autumn. My courses are designed for anybody who wants to have fun, learn an enjoyable hobby and make new friends.
season (which is available on the website, please see below) given by the new chairman, Kevin Farnham, David Calvert gave a run-down on the changes made to the competition rules. In addition, David reiterated that entry into competitions was entirely voluntary and there was no pressure put upon members to enter. However, he also expressed the view that the competitions gave an opportunity for members to have their photographs anonymously reviewed by an independent, experienced person and the feedback may provide a stimulus for development and improvement. This was followed by reports of the range of trips undertaken by club members over the summer months. Visits had been made to Neath waterfalls, Bibury, Castle Combe, Stroud and Birmingham. Selections of images taken on each of these trips were projected. A frequent feature of the trips seemed to be a visit to a pub, often with a meal involved.
The most recent trip, organised by Mike Hawkridge, had been to Birmingham Come on your own or with a friend, and the consensus among those who you are assured of a warm welcome. participated was that the centre of Birmingham was an attractive place with Contact Ian Cooke on: a range of photogenic possibilities which greatly exceeded expectations. An image, 01666 890261 of the Cube in Birmingham, taken by Mike tresham.bridge@gmail.com 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 during 22: the trip is pictured here. 0500914
Tetbury Camera Club Mike also set out a list of potential future trips. Some of these may involve a day trip mid-week but others are evening or weekend trips to enable others to participate who may not otherwise be free to do so. The final part of the evening was a presentation by club member Howard Warren of his tastes in photography and, in some cases, explanations of how the images were put together. Accompanied by humour and anecdotes, this made a very pleasant end to the evening. If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member. Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members. For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807. Website : www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk
image reproduced with the kind permission of Tetbury Camera Club
Jo Gale (as mentioned in)
Cotswold Life
Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872 1110609 410713 Paul Dyer:Layout 1
Page 1
H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations. We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 826766 Email: contact@lucytom.com Web: www.lucytom.com 410713
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 13
Avening School From The Stone Age to modern-day democracy. We are only one month into the autumn term and pupils at Avening School are already immersed in their new topics, which have arisen from the nationwide introduction of a new primary curriculum. Children in years one and two are practising to become newsreaders, as they take on the challenge set down by head-teacher Mrs Rushton, who has asked them to provide a video account of their findings in their exploration of the history of Avening, their topic for this term.
If all this activity wasn’t enough to be going on with, there has been election excitement throughout the school as voting took place to decide on members for this year’s school council, which plays a vital role in the decision making of the school. This was also an opportunity for children to learn about the democratic process which is obviously particularly relevant this month with the referendum in Scotland. In addition to this, children have been selected as House Captains, pupils from years two and five have been trained to become young sport leaders
and the year six pupils have commenced their playground patrolling duties. The internal renovations of the School are continuing and will hopefully be completed by the start of the second half of this term. Photographs and updates to follow. Looking forward to this month’s Harvest Festival, this year Avening School will be supporting Stroud Food Bank. In term time please contact 01453 833191 or see our website www.avening.glouc.sch.uk
As part of their project, they have embarked on a “pump walk” around Avening, as well as a visit to local Mills and will be learning about felt-making later on in the term. Meanwhile, the pupils in years three and four have gone even further back in time, to learn about The Stone Age. As part of their project, they took a trip to the world famous Avebury Stone Circle to see first-hand evidence of the prehistoric era. Children in years five and six have been equally busy with their topic for this term which is local industry. So far they have had a visit from Stroud Museum and have also played an integral part in Avening’s well known “Pig Face Day” proceedings.
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14 | October 2014
Autumn Hog Watch
From your Help a Hedgehog Hospital Warden Autumn’s a quiet time for many animals. The breeding season’s over, fat reserves and food stores have been laid down for winter sustenance and quiet descends as the trees turn from green to gold. The leaves eventually fall and are gathered up
by hedgehogs to make their winter nests, known as hibernacula. However, in the world of hedgehog rescue, work is just beginning as the autumn juveniles start to come in. This is the only time that we’ll ask you to call if you find a hedgehog out after dark that is apparently fit and well. If it’s under 600g it won’t survive and needs to be gently caught up and given to us so we can feed it and get it to hibernation weight. A quick check on your household scales is all you need do, to confirm whether it needs to come to us or not. Please also let us know if you see any female with babies or whom you suspect has a nest somewhere. It is a certainty that these babies will not survive hibernation unless we take them in and feed them up. Your vigilance is the difference between their life and death. If you find a hedgehog out in the day, it’s always in need of urgent help. It may look fine and be rushing about, but actually it’s probably hours from death, severely dehydrated and starving. Place hedgehogs wrapped in a towel into a secure cardboard /plastic box and contact us at the Help a Hedgehog Hospital. We will look after them and release back into the Wild as soon as they are better.
Hedgehog numbers are continuing to decline so please please take care when clearing garden debris , bonfires should be built just before burning. Job for this month – make a simple but effective hedgehog hibernation box / feeding station using an upturned sturdy cardboard box, cutting out a small entrance one end. Cover it with plastic and then with earth, stones and leaves. Position the box in a quiet area against a bank or fence and make sure the entrance does not face north or north east. The hedgehog will make its nest from garden debris, leaves etc. Please continue to put out food and water for all of your prickly visitors. I will be talking at Tetbury Library at 10.30am on Monday 27th October. If you are looking for a completely original Christmas present, we sell our own unique calendar and Christmas cards, please contact me for more information – and many of you will have seen my very smart donation box in Tesco , Tetbury. Donations of non-fishy wet or dry cat/dog food or mealworms are always gratefully received. Thank you for all your help and interest! Mary Hinton 01666 504055 - 07779 299224 mary555hinton@btinternet.com www.hedgehogstreet.org
Woodcock and Cavendish Lifestyle Gifts, Home Interiors, Clothing & Accessories
25 Church Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 505170 Shop: www.woodcockandcavendish.com Mail: cavendishsales@gmail.com
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 15
Tetbury Art Society Our August exhibition was held over the public holiday in the Market Hall. With our usual removal people being unavailable to help us move the display stands, we used a Tetbury-based business that delivered the stands right into the Market Hall on Friday morning which saved our maturing members and helpers from having to help carry them up the stairs themselves as we have done in the past. With the display stands erected, paintings booked in and hung (see photo), we had a few people wander in while we were still completing our preparations. To our surprise and delight, we had sold four pictures before we were officially open!
Over the three and a half days we displayed 174 pictures submitted by 31 artists and sold 24 pictures; better than last year. In addition, £95 was raised by the sale of small ‘5 by 5’ pictures in support of Tetbury Hospital and the Cotswold Care Hospice. We continue to display our work at Tetbury Hospital; you may notice them as you walk along the corridor to the waiting room or climb the stairs to the dental surgery. With the evenings beginning to draw in, we have resumed our meetings in St Michael’s Hall. On Wednesday 3rd September, Rita Dee told us something about and demonstrated how she works with mixed media. She likes to work on textured surfaces and will often apply pale paints to a number of boards before
gluing on tissue paper that has been crumpled to put creases into it; this leaves the underlying colours showing through. For a particular painting, she will choose the board whose colours and creases seem most sympathetic to the intended subject. Rita then uses watercolour or acrylic inks to rough out areas of colour being guided to some extent by the creases as well as the intended subject. Once dry, a further application of paint or inks starts to bring out the shapes and colours of the component parts of the picture eg rocks or leaves. Finally, opaque materials such as pastels or gouache paint are used to further develop those components to a finished state. On the evening of Wednesday 1st October we are having a talk from Cath Hodsman, one of the most accomplished NatureHistory artists, specialising in entomology (insects). She uses her skills to champion conservation causes in the natural world. In her talk, Cath will explain the importance of this aspect of her work, and is bringing microscopes and specimens with her for us to look at. Then, in November, we will be having a practical evening with members drawing or painting some seasonal foliage and berries. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham
“Try Tetbury F
Pet Products: Major Brands Royal Canin, James Wellbeloved, (Special Prices on 15kg Bags). Hills SciencePlan and Burns (Including their loyalty Scheme) plus other brands to order. We also stock Lilys Kitchen Tinned foods. We have other pet items including Fish Food, Bedding as well as Flea and other sprays. Ask us we will try to get it!!!
Don’t forget - Key Cutting, DVD Transfer, Shoe Repairs, Watch Batteries and much much more. Free Local Delivery for bulky items provided by Lizzie and the Tetbury Hardware Silver Van.
Garden Products: New season 2015 Mr Fothergill Seeds now in stock October Special 10% discount on seeds (Min purchase 3 packets). We will carry our usual range for garden over the winter period. Winter Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels. Please let us have any special needs you might have and we will try to oblige. Delivery available. DIY/Electrical Plus much much more: Try us before you travel you will be surprised at the range we hold and the prices we can offer. (Special Offers on Security Lights). Help us plan our stocks around your requirements please. We are only as good as the information you provide us with. Come in and say hello to our new member of Staff Peter on a Monday and Tuesday. 1211014
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) 16 | October 2014
The Cotswold Crusader
Celebrating Excellence in Customer Service across the Cotswolds This week the beloved and I waved goodbye to our hormonallycharged offspring as they set off for a week with their grandparents in Torbay. After reassuring the girls that we would of course miss them, we watched the car laden with the paraphernalia of a small army set off into the distance and retreated hastily back to the house before anyone could change their minds. With the deafening silence of their absence, we decided to eat out at The Snooty Fox whilst we contemplated the temporary void they had left and how we could best make the most of the week ahead. Faced with the decision of what to choose from the menu, I glanced around to see what other diners had chosen. The beloved and I, whilst never overtly admitting to it, have an ongoing competition as to who can order the best meal. It seems that we derive a certain satisfaction, when our meals are delivered, if after close yet discrete scrutiny of each other’s plates, we can assure ourselves that we have chosen the best dish. Of course, etiquette prevents us from declaring ourselves to be the winner just as pride compels us to not admit when we have chosen unwisely. It would be churlish therefore to exchange anything other than ‘that looks nice darling’ and ‘yes, I think I have done well’. But secretly, our enjoyment of the meal is either slightly marred or significantly better depending on how we feel we have fared in our choice. Imagine our delight, if not mixed feelings then, when we were offered a Tasting Menu. “Why not?” we reasoned. The secret to a happy marriage is trying something new, is it not? So throwing caution to the wind and putting our competitive streak on temporary stand-by, we couldn’t resist the allure of going off-piste.
Delivering as the name suggests, a selection from the al a carte menu, we were treated to a seven-course gastronomic feast. Starting with chicken broth soup with truffle mousse, we proceeded through a further two starter options, a main dish comprising of pork cheek and crusted loin, a refresher course of a rhubarb mousse and elderflower snow, before ending with a platter of desserts and the best cheese board I have ever seen. Each course was seasoned to perfection and as beautiful to the eye as it was delicious to the pallet. Attention to detail, such as the garnishing of the savoury biscuits in the starter courses, to the Purées through to the salted caramel popcorn in the dessert and the exquisite and more-ish biscuits served with the cheese course, made this a wonderful assault on the senses - as good as any finedining experience I have come across. And with a service level and candle-lit ambiance to match. Upon returning home hand-in-hand and dewy eyed, with a warm and contented glow, we were not met with the usual update on who had done what to whom, or even what was, or was not, fair. We had no need to step over shoes left in the hall nor did we need to pick up discarded debris from the lounge. The house was not reverberating with the booms of heavy base generated by surround sound and ipod docking stations. But for all the serenity, our home suddenly lacked soul and purpose. There was no excitable chatter, no laughter, no spirit. ‘Are you missing them yet?’ asked the beloved. ‘Terribly’ I admitted. With the advent of social media, never before has the experience of one been shared with so many, so quickly. To know what your customers are saying about you, phone 07933 580869 An advertising feature from the Cotswold Crusader
Christmas Parties £12.95 01666 502436 Fantastic, Fun & Festive
Get together with family, friends and colleagues and join in the fun this Christmas at The Snooty
BOOK NOW on www.snooty-fox.co.uk
Per person for 2 courses
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 17
Tetbury in Bloom The Delights of Bulb Planting The emergence of spring bulbs heralds the end of the dark winter and the promise of spring. Crocus, daffodils and tulips bring a splash of colour to any garden. Also, planting tulips and daffodil bulbs in the herbaceous borders helps to fill in gaps and provide colour and interest before the perennials and shrubs begin to grow in early spring. If you want to fill your garden with colour next spring, plant bulbs from now to December, before the first frost, so that they have time to produce new roots before the onset of winter. At this time of year Tetbury in Bloom is busy adding to its stocks of spring bulbs; this year it is the turn of the flowerbeds at The Knapp, the Fire Station, Tetbury Library, Braybrooke and Tesco.
New bulbs for next season include:
Perestroyka – a large, lily-shaped bloom •of red, orange, and raspberry flames with a sunny yellow base.
Graffiti – a strong and vigorous •tulipAttila with burgundy petals with a purple “blush”.
City Vancouver – pale primrose with a •cream edge. Night Club – an unusual, violet-pink •multi-headed tulip. Yellow Flight – a strikingly clear yellow •bloom, this variety will provide added drama to the flowerbed outside the fire station. Remember to visit our website www. tetburyinbloom.org.uk regularly to keep track of the work of the Tetbury in Bloom team and our fundraising events. Look out for the details regarding the Tetbury in Bloom Race Night on 11th October – we look forward to seeing you there. Liz Farnham
Mayners by Ali & Jo “We are pleased to introduce our newly qualified young stylist Anneliese, with NVQ levels 1 2 and 3.” Introductory offer for October: £50.00 for a T-section of foils and a wash, cut and blow-dry with Anneliese Thursday Friday and every other Saturday.
18 | October 2014
Countdown to Christmas On 1st October there will be 64 days until the formal switch-on of the town centre lights on 4th December! In the run-up to the festivities we hold our annual art competition for pupils of Saint Mary’s Primary School and Sir William
LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon 760411
Romney’s School. The top prize winners from each school will be invited to join Father Christmas to switch on Tetbury’s Christmas lights. Photographs of all the winning entries will be placed on our website www.christmasintetbury.org.uk shortly after judging. The theme of this year’s competition is “Five Gold Rings”. The standard of entries is always very high and I look forward to seeing the results. Entries will be judged on Monday 24th November; I don’t envy Sue Townsend, Tina Stevenson and Patricia Eddy their task in choosing the winners! Our aim is to bring enjoyment and a festive atmosphere to the town centre on the Switch On night. Church Street between Old Brewery Lane and Long Street will be closed to traffic and there will be street entertainment from early evening, including carols and performances from local bands and an organ recital in Saint Mary’s church to entertain those of us waiting to take part
Genial Jobber
Christmas in Tetbury in the procession. Shops will be opening late and there will be stalls in, under and around the Market Hall. Father Christmas will also be available in his grotto for children to visit before and after the lights are switched on. Look out for further details about the Switch On event, including timings, in the November Advertiser; details regarding events happening in and around Tetbury in the four weeks leading up to Christmas day, including details of essential Christmas in Tetbury fundraising activities, will be available to view on the Christmas in Tetbury website from the end of October. If you have a Christmas event you’d like included on our website, please contact Sue Hirst on 504213 or email her as sue@christmasintetbury.org.uk Liz Farnham
Malmesbury Abbey Music..... welcomes Matthew Owens to Malmesbury Abbey
Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?
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Including: • • • • • •
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Tickets at £12, or £5 for students from the Abbey bookshop or the MAMS ticket secretary David Barton on 01666 824924 or Joy Smith on 01666 840865. Tickets will also be available on the door.
on Wednesday 15th October at 7:30pm.
Master of Choristers at Wells Cathederal, will play works including Nicholas Bruhns, Johann Pachelbel and Louis Vierne 0681014
October 2014 | 19
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Tetbury to Kemble Cycle Route. I should like to comment on the informational advert in last month’s Advertiser and the leaflet in the Tetbury Tourist Information Office produced by the “Tetbury Cyclists Group”. As stated, the section from 3 to 4 (Larkhill) they define in their route is a footpath, only (LN3). Indeed, it is in fact a steep slope, narrow and muddy, which then crosses a cattle grid. We are concerned that uses of this path by cyclists will soon render it unusable to pedestrians and cyclists alike and have informed Tetbury and District Footpath Group and Long Newnton Parish Council accordingly. The leaflet states cyclists will need to walk – however, I am advised by the Cotswold Conservation Board that the position in law is that a bicycle is not a “usual accompaniment of a pedestrian” and “it is therefore trespass for a bicycle to be pushed or carried along a footpath.” (Rights of Way – A Guide to Law and Practice – 4th edition, page 13 by John Riddall and John Trevelyan.)
Evening of WWI Remembrance in June, where year 9 students gave a very moving and interesting presentation of their battlefield tour.
enhance their subjects, and support from the staff in so many other areas is all very impressive. Well done SWR, we are sure the great founder himself would be very pleased with the school as it is today. In these times of difficulties and uncertainty in education, Tetbury is very lucky to have such a caring and achieving school.
In every contact with SWR over the last six years the enthusiasm and willingness to take part and do well by the pupils has been very noticeable. The opportunities offered to the children, as in trips to
D. & M. Bryan.
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse. Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included. Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted. New improved clipping facilities. www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
Richard Glanville Dear Editor, Mike and Carol Van-Sloots would like to thank everybody in Tetbury for all their thoughts, prayers and messages during the last few months. Although this has been a very difficult year for us, Mike’s latest operation has been successful and we are so grateful for all the support we have received.
• Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured
Thank you! Carol Van-Sloots Dear Editor, Having been involved with the WWI Commemoration Exhibition in the Market House on 2nd and 3rd of August and again at the Heritage Weekend in September, we felt that we must write and congratulate Sir William Romney’s School on the heartfelt and excellent display by 1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1 28/6/08 year 9 students. I also attended Avening’s
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher
Zara Lamb
Bookkeeping and Payroll services General Bookkeeping, VAT returns, Management accounts, EC Sales Lists, Payroll and more. Sage or QuickBooks computerised accounting, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, or your own system. Experienced with Multi-currency accounting and International Trade.
Will teach from complete beginners, Electric or Acoustic. For more info,
Call Ricky on 01666 504644
20 | October 2014
Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: ben@kingstreeservices.org.uk W: www.kingstreeservices.org.uk
Tetbury references available
Enquiries welcome any time Tel: 01285 760707- 07870 943397 email: springlamb33@gmail.com
681010 March Roofing:Layout 1
Page 1
The Ormond Said
M.MARCH ROOFING Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling
October - a month of transition - starts off with summer ebbing away and ends with the clocks going back, sending us into winter mode.
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e. simonstevens01@googlemail.com 13 Close Gardens | Tetbury | Glos | GL8 8DU
It’s a beautiful and fruitful month with the changing leaves and harvest produce, so to celebrate this fecundity we’ve devised a ‘Farmers Feast Menu’ featuring local produce, such as the amazing venison we buy from Boldridge Farm in Long Newton. It’s an excellent value set menu running alongside our normal menu from 6-12th October at lunch and dinner, and we’re donating a proportion of the profits to Tetbury Hospital, having recently had cause to visit. It was a timely reminder of how lucky we are to have this hospital in our town. The menu can be viewed in our window or on our website. October ends with Halloween and we will be hosting a ‘Late Night Fright Night’ in the Ormond Bar. There will be ghoulish punch from the cauldron, devilish music, hellfire nibbles, scary make-up and undoubtedly a witch on her broomstick! The bar will be open until 1am but there is no entry after 10.45pm and no under 21s – sorry! Adrienne Bailey
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23 Long Street, Tetbury, GL8 8AA | T. 01666 505 690 | E. info@theormond.co.uk | www.theormond.co.uk
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 21
Cleaning Services
• Office • House • One-offs, weekly/fortnightly • End of tenancy/new builds • Carpet/Upholstery cleaning • Window cleaning • Guttering • Conservatories
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Fully insured, friendly and reliable service.
Call Dave on: Home: 01666 503417 Mobile: 07706 988336
Brentmoor House, Newmarket Rd, Nailsworth, Glos GL6 0DQ
See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres
22 | October 2014
On the Wagon Earlier this year I reached that magical age when the NHS summons you for a personal MOT, to be repeated every five years, presumably until you’re no longer roadworthy. I’m always grateful to the NHS for the wonderful care that my family receives. But any self-respecting woman of – ahem – a certain age, will understand my trepidation at the thought of a battery of questions and blood tests, an official
Carat Boot the Goods Shed
2nd Sunday of every month 9am - 12pm
weigh-in and a height check. The height test was not a problem: I was confident that I hadn’t gained height. My weight, on the other hand, is precisely 20% more than it was when I was 20. A week after the tests, you’re called in to review the results with a nurse. My husband despatched me to the surgery with a knowing look, as if expecting me to be sent home with a diet sheet and a registration form for Alcoholics Anonymous. To his surprise, the nurse had only good news to report. I apparently have only a 3.5% risk in the next ten years of a cardiovascular event, a euphemism that makes a heart attack sound like an agreeable trip to the seaside. “What about my nightly two glasses of wine?” I enquired. “Isn’t that something I ought to change?” “No, you’re borderline, no problem,” the nurse reassured me. “And my BMI? I thought it was meant to be less than 25?” “No, we only really worry if it’s over 30.” Well, that news certainly lowered my blood pressure. (It’s a calm 100/60, if you’re wondering.)
Her prescription for my future well-being: “Go home and treat yourself to a cream cake!”
Young by Name Actually, I’m not keen on cream cakes, which is probably just as well, but I don’t want my current state of health to make me complacent. Therefore shortly after my return from my appointment, I searched online for more information about a sponsored health-related campaign to which a friend of mine had alerted me earlier in the week. Raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support, it’s succinctly called “Go Sober for October”. This isn’t the first time they’ve run it, but in previous years I’ve clearly missed the boat, or rather wagon. Just as I was about to sign the pledge, into my email inbox dropped a message from the esteemed editor of this magazine: “This month we’ll be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Tetbury Advertiser!” I’m hoping it won’t go amiss if the glass I raise in its honour will be filled with nothing more than elderflower fizz? Here’s to the good health of the Tetbury Advertiser! To join Macmillan’s Go Sober for October campaign: www.gosober.org. To sponsor me to Go Sober for October: www.gosober.org.uk/profile/ authordebbieyoung To follow my blog online: www. authordebbieyoung.com Debbie Young
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
07881 828 454
01666 848 108
October 2014 | 23
Civic Society
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In August the Society had a very successful visit to St. Fagan’s National History Museum in Cardiff and our next trip is to Waddesdon Manor on Saturday, 29th November. The house is decorated for Christmas and there is a Christmas Fair on the magnificent south front of the house with a light trail by artist Bruce Munro. We will be having a festive afternoon tea with mulled wine in the Manor dining room. Non-members are welcome on the visit to Waddesdon and for more information, please ring Charles Whittaker on 500905. For any other information ring me on 505231. Roy Angell - Tetbury Civic Society
Make new friends
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Soft Play
Wine Quiz 7pm Friday 17th October Tetbury Town Hall Tickets £20 per head Available from Vinotopia 1 - 3 Baytree Court, The Chipping, Tetbury (info@vinotopiawine.co.uk)
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The Society’s plans for future cycling routes are proceeding apace and we have secured the support of active cycling organisations. The C.D.C. have considered The Civic Society Committee have been the issue the Society raised which was the very busy these last few months on many varied matters relating to current and total lack of specific cycle paths through future planning and heritage - and also any of the new development on the north in organising visits to interesting places side of the town, for which planning for all our members. On many matters permissions have already been given. The this involves liaising with the Cotswold C.D.C. now says that our representation District Council, the Town Council and has been forwarded to their consultants Neighbourhood Plan&Team. I serve on the 061108 Dowding Sons:Layout 1 21/11/08 20:28 Page 1 preparing the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. latter as Civic Society’s representative. This is, at least, a step forward - but much more needs to be achieved.
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24 | October 2014
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 25
Girl Guides take on the World Each year I am asked to recommend Guides who have the necessary attributes to represent Girlguiding abroad. We have had a high success rate and over the years girls from Tetbury have been to India, Denmark, Iceland, Bosnia, Thailand and Mexico. This year I put forward Jess, Cath, Georgia, and Alexa and this is their story so far: “Our adventure started when we attended an INTOPS (International Opportunities) selection evening. We were challenged to work as teams to create a meal with limited resources and on unfamiliar stoves. We also took part in a “speed-dating style” round of interviews. After being successful at the first stage we were invited to attend a challenge day where we worked with Guides from the rest of Gloucestershire. We had a nervous wait to find out if we had impressed the selection team and been chosen to join one of the international trips. We were surprised to find that all four of us were selected with three offered a long journey to the USA and one to the beautiful scenery of Switzerland. The Switzerland trip will entail many outdoor activities including walking up the breathtaking mountains. Cath will be
the envy of many older Guiding members as she get to stay at Our Chalet – one of the four World Guiding centres. The other three of us will be jetting off to San Francisco where we will be staying at the California Dreamin’ Camporee and meeting other girl guides from around the world. After the camp we will be spending a further four days in a mystery location in America, to take in some sight-seeing. We have been Guides in Tetbury for several years and have taken part in many enjoyable camps and residentials but these trips are going to be oncein-a-lifetime opportunities and we are
privileged to have been chosen to take part. We are expected to fund-raise for the trips ourselves and they will cost in the region of £2000 each. We have already made fund-raising plans including a stall at Christmas, a book sale and bag-packing. If you would like to help us by contributing to our fund please contact Sue - any help would be most appreciated!” Georgia, Alexa, Cath and Jess We will keep you posted on their progress and look forward to this time next year when we will hear all about their wonderful experiences! Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk
26 | October 2014
Tetbury Community Choir All Fired Up! Tetbury Community Choir fired up the trusty BBQ at Didmarton Village Hall for the annual Summer Picnic. There were songs and quizzes after a meal of scrumptious salads and a BBQ, so much fun and whoever knew music Pictionary could get so competitive? Leslie Jablonski’s rendition of Tina Turner will go down as a classic party piece.
Landscaping Before
Extension Before
New Build Before
This term’s TCC Rehearsals have also fired up! We started on Tuesday September 9th at Christ Church Tetbury; 7.00pm for general singing and 8.05pm for Messiah rehearsals. We’ve grown in confidence this year thanks to an outstanding workshop by Jeremy Jackman (-ex of the Kings Singers) - indeed so much so, that we are tackling our first Oratorio - Handel’s Messiah. There will be an Open Messiah Workshop on Saturday 29th November 10.30am at Christ Church Tetbury. Please contact Nicki Heenan (Choir Director) for more details on 01666 840 883 or nicki.heenan@btinternet.com. There are 30 spaces left on this workshop day so get in quick with your friends and book now. It will be conducted by Fiona Evans (ex The Sixteen) and her husband Rob Evans - an event not to be missed. If you wish to join the choir please contact Nicki Heenan (Choir director) 01666 840 883. We look forward to seeing you!
Landscaping After
dscaping Before
New Build Before
Extension After
Extension Before
New Build After
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 27
A blast from the past!
Dolphins Dramatic Society
A HUGE thank you to IHS, who have sponsored printing the programme; this means the return to those fabulous
Don’t forget folks tickets will be on sale from the beginning of November at our unique box office, Russells Dry Cleaners. The show will run from Friday 5th – Saturday 6th December (no matinee) and Friday 12th – Saturday 13th December, including a Saturday matinee. There will also be a special performance for all the older people of Tetbury, which will take place on Thursday 11th December.
Rehearsals have started and at present are rotating between Christ Church and the Dolphins Hall, you will be pleased to know that Ian Smith will be leading all of you through the Pantomime – so have no fear he will introduce you to all the characters. Ian is so patient, his dialogue as each new character enters the stage is spot on, however it would be a great help to him if the actors entered on the correct side of the stage! This, plus Anne giving each person specific directions on their moves has given rise to a lot of hilarity. It will be alright on the night though, promise!
Anne and Jenny will soon be measuring the actors for costumes ready for the mammoth task of making the outfits; The Dolphins Dramatic Society is always on the
lookout for people that can sew, if there is anyone out there who has some time to spare please contact Jenny Miles on 01666 503059.
t Le
Those of you who are regular supporters of the Dolphins productions will remember Jacky Bray, the last time she trod the boards was about seven years ago playing Mitzi the scatty cook in the Agatha Christie play, A Murder is Announced; she was hilarious. Well folks, you are in for a real treat because Jacky is back with us again and her daughter Emily has joined us too! Emily is playing the part of a giant snail and Mum is the Commandant of the feared Cardinal’s Guard. A very warm welcome back Jacky and welcome to the Dolphins, Emily.
coloured A4 sized ones again. Fantastic! Many of you traders will have already been contacted by Gwen Hobson asking if you will take advertising space; as always most Tetbury businesses are very supportive, some of them place adverts twice a year every year. Thank you. Please be assured that the money raised from adverts and the sale of programmes helps pay for props, costumes, paint, sets and sheet music.
The Dolphins Dramatic Society
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Autumn … a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book. John Sinor Hedgehogs are preparing to hibernate this time of year, but those hedgehogs who are too small to survive the winter will need lots of help from Mary at the Tetbury ward of Help-a-Hedgehog Hospital. We are delighted that Mary will be sharing her
expert knowledge with us (and possibly bringing a hedgehog too!) at Tetbury Library on Monday 27th October at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome to this free event, but donations of non-fishy wet or dry cat food would be much appreciated for the hedgehogs. There will also be hoggy merchandise for sale (including beautiful calendars, Christmas cards and ‘pocket money’ items) to raise funds for this worthy cause. If you are not sinking into a good book, DVDs can be rented from the library at a
Tetbury Library very reasonable hire charge of £1.50 for a Recent Release over night (this actually means to the next day that the library is open, so a DVD borrowed on a Saturday can be dropped through our letter box on Monday morning) with all other titles at £1 overnight or £2 for a week. Bob, our Computer Buddy, is back and offering free Computer Tuition on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings – bookings are essential. Don’t miss out on the enchanting ‘Magical Tales’ every Tuesday at 3.45pm. A free and perfect after-school treat for three- to eight-year-olds.
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
01666 503900 October 2014 | 29
The Feoffees and the Thirteen The autumn arriving has seen us involved in a number of historical based events; firstly The Market Hall and Committee Room were open to members of the public as part of the National Heritage Weekend. This weekend is an opportunity for everyone to come and meet members of the Feoffee and Thirteen, who man the displays over the weekend, and learn about our history and the work which we are currently doing for the town and our community.
presented in the Committee Room with a welcome cup of coffee at the end of our walk. As well as the preservation and upkeep of The Market Hall and recreational areas within the town, we continue to provide financial support to local people with educational projects and courses, through The Romney Educational Fund. If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees.
For those of you who don’t know who we are as individuals; please find below the member details of The Feoffee and Thirteen, contact any of us if you have any questions at all regarding our role within the town.
Secondly, The Annual Beating of The Bounds took place on the last Saturday in September, followed by the Annual Accounts of The Feoffees which were
Over the summer months we have been busy in The Chipping Car Park renewing the parking bollards, which will make it easier for users to lift.
You can also find out more about us on our website – www.feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk
B&A Decorating
The Feoffees: Lance Vick – Chairman, David Hicks - Vice Chairman, John Hugginson, John Sheppard, William Cook, Michael Houghton, John Weaver. The Thirteen: Richard Cooper – Chairman, David Norris, Jim Pearce, Tony Walsh, Pam Bird, Michael Francis, David Smith, Daniel Bristow, Peter Witchell, John Price, Nikki Ind, John Latter, Rachel Lee
Lance Vick * 10% discount * with this advert Chairman
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30 | October 2014
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As a firm believer in progression and technology... Tiggers Nurseries have been exploring avenues for a solution where we could become more competent, accurate and quicker in collecting observation and assessment data; thus spending more time actually making a difference to children’s leaning and development. During our research we came across Evidence for Learning [used as an app on
iPads] and we have to say it is probably our best investment to date. Our staff have adapted to it intuitively and the quality of the data we collect is outstanding. Our parents have been introduced to the app’s concept and encouragingly provide us with valuable home learning data and wow moments. No more searching for the camera, no more post it notes stuck all over the place, no more cutting, sticking and writing out the EYFS for hours on end! Just lots more quality time with our children.
Tiggers Nurseries The staff at Tiggers easily captures observations and achievements, quickly tag them to individual or groups of children, and then also map these to the EYFS framework, along with valuable photographic evidence. These are then emailed and shared with parents. The feedback from the parents has been overwhelming and the impact on the children is priceless. Theresa Ogden
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It’s time to put on your dancing shoes, even if you can’t dance.
Is pleased to announce, by popular demand, the arrival of a new KETTLEBELL fitness class. The class is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, men and women alike. Limited weights are available for hire (£1), so booking is essential, classes are£5, pay-as-you-go. Classes start: Tetbury Leisure Centre: Weds 03 Sept 8pm Nailsworth Primary School: Fri 05 Sept 7pm
If you want to get fit fast, lose those unwanted pounds and have more fun than you can believe doing it, here’s some great news for you. Classes £5 payg, suitable for all ages & fitness levels: Weds 7pm – Tetbury Leisure Centre Thurs 7pm – Malmesbury Town Hall
For more information, or to book your place, please call Ruth King on 07734886275 or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes. What Have You Got To Lose? Be Yourself Only Better!
Contact Ruth King on 07734886275 for booking or more information, or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ dance stars Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite produced a unique dance and fitness programme –
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 31
Tetbury Police Museum
The prosecutor said that on Friday last Daffurn cycled from Bristol to see his brother at Elmstree House, Tetbury.
The Stolen Bicycle – a cold case from Tetbury Police Museum archives
About nine o’clock he placed his cycle in the stable yard and about an hour later he returned for his cycle but it was missing.
John Evans, a young well-dressed man “on tramp”, was brought up in custody charged with stealing a gentleman’s cycle and accessories, value £6 18s 6d, the property of George Thomas Daffurn of Horfield, Bristol at Tetbury Upton on Friday 17 October 1913.
PC Forty deposed that on receiving information of the loss he mounted his cycle and traced the prisoner through Beverston, Calcott, Horsley and Woodchester to Cainscross, near Stroud. In Cainscross, shortly after 11 o’clock, he saw the defendant riding the stolen cycle in the direction of Stonehouse [this was a distance of approx. 20 miles]. He arrested and charged him. The prisoner pleaded guilty. The
chairman of the magistrates said the prisoner would be sent to Gloucester gaol for 14 days hard labour. Original Source: Wilts & Gloucester Standard Archives John Silvester, Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury Email; curator@tetbury.gov.uk
Feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff? I will work with you to clear the clutter and re-organise your home Please call me for a chat and further info Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk 0320614
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19/05/2014 15:29
Quality Alterations Questions How much clothes storage do you have in your house? How much of the clothes in those wardrobes and drawers don’t you wear or have never worn? Did you spend a lot of money on a designer label or was it a bargain in the sale? Why are you not wearing these pieces? Are they; too big, too small, the sleeves or hem too long, fits at the top but not at the bottom, a little out dated, you’ve lost weight, broken zip or is because something’s not quite right but you can’t decide why? Solutions Most of the above can be corrected, increasing your selection of perfectly fitting clothes. You will be surprised what a nip and a tuck here and there can do to change a garment. For example; if the sleeves of a jacket are too long, the shoulders are too wide or the length too long for your height, the whole garment will look too big. If you are larger at the waist but slender at the hips, skirts and trousers can be tapered to fit to enhance your natural shape. Shortening or lengthening a hem, just by an inch can make a vast difference to a dress or a skirt. Very often a simple solution can be found to completely change and dramatically improve how a garment looks and feels, saving you money in the long run. Have a rummage and don’t forget the bottom of the ironing basket, for all of the clothes that you would really like to get some wear out of before they are given away or thrown out in frustration. Shortening of hems start from £10, full quotes will be given at the time of fitting. All work is undertaken to the highest standard and satisfaction guaranteed. Opening times Monday – Friday 9:30 – 3pm or by appointment Contact 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk Where 21 Market Place, Tetbury, GL8 8DD - Above Cherry Tree (The old Cook Shop building)
32 | October 2014
01666 502336
Spring/Summer 2014
What Makes Us Different? Tetbury Hospital Trust Ltd is a registered charity and is managed by a Board of Trustees, not the National Health Service. The National Health Service ask us to deliver services on their behalf. We also work with other hospitals such as Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust , they choose to use our facilities to deliver their services closer to our communities home. 95% of our services are delivered on behalf of the NHS but we also provide a range of private medical and supplementary treatments. Including varicose vein surgery, chiropody and chiropractic consultations.
“The staff that I have met have been welcoming, helpful and friendly. They appear to enjoy what they are doing and as a result create an
What Facilities Do We Have?
atmosphere throughout of
We have an Out-Patient Department, a Day Surgery Unit - with a state of the art
conscientious enthusiasm.
operating theatre, a Therapies Unit, an X-ray Department and a Minor Injuries Unit. The hospital also provides accommodation to Romney House Doctors Surgery and Tetbury Dental Practice.
Nobody relishes a visit to hospital, but at Tetbury the
What Makes Us Stand Out?
patient feels he/she
When you are referred to us via your GP practice you will be seen and treated by a
is in safe caring hands.”
cosultant or specialist, not a junior member of their team. Our staff have the time to care and you will receive personalised care in a calm environment.
- R Miles
We also have plenty of free parking spaces very close to the hospital entrance.
In This Issue • What services we offer
• A message from our Hospital Director
• Our achievements in 2013/14
• Thank You Events Diary 2014/15 Tetbury without a hospital, is Tetbury without a heart.
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 33
Why I like coming to Tetbury.. Welcomed with a friendly smile
Our Visiti Visiting gS Specialists ialists Mr. G Baker Professor H Barr Professor J Brown Mr. R Caesar Dr. P Clarke Mr. C Crawshaw Mr. I Comaish Mr. J Diamond Mr. J Earnshaw Mr. J Farrier Mr. J Ferris Dr. R Gabriel Mr. N Gilbert Mr. R Glass Mr. R Gleeson Mr. R Gornall Mr. G Hamilton Mr. J Hamilton Mr. M Henderson Mr. G Holt Mr. D Jones Dr. U Khan Dr. A Kirby Mr. N Kirkpatrick Dr. D Lyndsay Mr. W Mason Dr. J Meecham Jones Dr. T Millard Dr. R Palmer Mr. N Reynolds Dr. C Rigby Mr. M Rigby Mr. R Singh Ranger Mr. G Sittampalam Mr. R Pasunuru Dr. A White Mr. M Whittaker
Consultant Ophthalmologist Professor and Consultant in Upper Gastroenterology Professor and Consultant Gastrointestinal Surgeon Consultant Ophthalmologist Consultant in Pain Management Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (general and spine) Consultant Ophthalmologist Consultant Ophthalmologist Consultant General Surgeon Oral and Maxillary Facial Surgeon Consultant Ophthalmologist General Practitioner with Specialist interest in Carpal Tunnel Consultant Podiatric Surgeon Consultant in Coloproctology Surgery Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Knees) Consultant Gynaecologist Consultant Podiatric Surgeon Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (lower limb) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (knees and hips) Consultant Urologist Consultant Dermatologist General Practitioner with a Specialist interest in Dermatology Consultant Ophthalmologist Consultant Cardiologist Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (upper limb) Consultant in Respiratory Medicine Consultant Dermatologist Consultant Dermatologist Specialist in Plastic Surgery General Practitioner with Specialist interest in Carpal Tunnel Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Consultant Vascular Surgeon Consultant Oral and Maxillary Facial Surgeon Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon Consultant in Respiratory Medicine Consultant Gynaecologist
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been consulting at Tetbury hospital for more than 10 years and very much enjoy working there as it provides modern facilities with exceptionally friendly staff. The majority of patients are seen by a senior doctor in a relaxed environment. Both the out-patient clinic and day case surgery unit offer an excellent service for patients close to their homes.â&#x20AC;?
- Mr M Whittaker
Mr. Mark Whittaker
Contact Us Tetbury Hospital Malmesbury Road Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8XB Tel: 01666 502336 visit us on the web at
Working in partnership, together with: Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
34 | October 2014
Great Western Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
Hospital Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Round Up of 2013/14 â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I arrived at Tetbury Hospital in January it was clear that the organisation holds a unique position in health care delivery and within the community. As with all health care providers we face challenges, but it is clear this hospital has a passionate workforce with great potential and endless possibilities. As I embark upon my first full year with the Trust I am committed to ensuring that the organisation fulfils that potential and we inspire our staff, patients and visitors to ensure services delivered are sustainable, safe and what our local community value the most.â&#x20AC;?
-Mrs. Z Dalton ton
Our New X-Ray Machine
In terms of challenges, the funding for the services we deliver to patients on behalf of the NHS is continuing to decrease nationally. As austerity measures to cap public funding begin to bite we need to continue our hard work in delivering services safely, efficiently and effectively. We were awarded the ISO9001 Quality Management Standards and the ISO14001 Environment Management Standard in November 2013. This award certifies that the processes we have in place within our organisation are delivered in accordance with internationally recognised standards. Thanks to the support of the Tetbury Friends Committee we continue to invest in our ophthalmology services. We have purchased an Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) machine that works by using non-invasive light waves to take cross-section pictures of the retina. We have also purchased a replacement phacoemulsification machine that works by delivering high frequency sound energy to break up the cataract which makes it easier and quicker for the replacement lens to be inserted into the eye by the surgeon. The upgrading of the X-ray facilities started last financial year and the room was commissioned for use in May 2014. Staff are extremely proud of their new facility and the image quality is exceptional. Our staff are achieving amazing things. During the year ahead we can and must build on these foundations to spread success to further develop our services. Looking ahead, the top priority will be for health and care organisations to work with patients and communities to provide the right care and support in the community to help reduce the need for hospital attendance and admission. Although it is clear, we will not be in a position to open overnight beds at Tetbury Hospital we will be working with the commissioners to scope what services we can offer to our communities frail and elderly population in future years. The culture of the organisation is central to how we deliver services. Earlier I mentioned that when I joined the Trust I saw an organisation with potential and possibilities. The culture I wish to nurture is one that embraces challenge and new ideas, one which thinks outside of the confines of the physical building, developing an environment of openness and transparency. Putting the patient at the centre of all our strategic decisions. Yes, there will be challenges we will still need to face. How will we ensure a model of care that attracts the work-force of the future? How will we tackle financial austerity? We have a local community that is ageing, so what should our services and hospital look like in 10 years? We can only answer these questions by working together.
Best Wishes Zena Dalton, Hospital Director
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 35
Mary's Monday Club have been hard at work producing fabulous art work. Tetbury Hospital would like to say ‘Thank You’ to the very, very talented artists: Muriel, Addie, Gerda, Dot S, Dot H, Doreen, May, Mary and Grace for their lovely art work. This commission was supported by the Tetbury Lions. We would like to say a big 'Thank You' to Colin (and his green fingers) for all the plants he has grown and sold to raise money for Tetbury Hospital. Colin has supported the hospital for many years and has raised hundreds and hundreds of pounds. The time and dedication he has given to fundraise for our charity is very much appreciated. From the number of plants we have sold I would think most the gardens in Tetbury has at least one plant in it that Colin has grown from seed! A big ‘Thank You’ also goes out to Wendy our very own Emergency Nurse Practitioner, she bravely pounded the pavement to complete the London Marathon for a second time. A fantastic achievement and as a result of your generosity and her blisters managed to raise over £4,000 for Tetbury Hospital and Children with Cancer ‘Thank you’ to the organisers, judges and artists who took part in the annual Young Arts Competition, the art work was exquisite and thought provoking and raised over £1,900 . ‘Thank you’ once again to the volunteers who diligently complete the annual door to door collection, and ‘Thank You’ for the continued support of our community who give so generously. ‘Thank you’ to our staff, volunteers, patients, visitors and Friends of Tetbury who have made Tetbury Hospital the success story it is. Without you, we simply wouldn’t be here.
Events calendar
Our charity raises funds from legacies, donations and many fund ur raising events. We have to fundraise to pay for new and replacement equipment and to maintain our orting hospital building . Please join us at the events below you’ll have a fantastic time and you’ll be supporting your local hospital
For More Information please contact:
Frog racing
3rd October 2014
Wine Quiz
17th October 2014
Equestrian Evening
22nd November 2014 allbeingwelljaneroche@yahoo.co.uk
60s and 70s Music Evening
14th February 2015
Cert No 11318 ISO9001, ISO 14001
36 | October 2014
Tetbury Nursery Playgroup The new school year has seen us concentrating on settling the new children into Playgroup, and familiarising them with the routines. The children have all settled well, made new friends and got to know the staff. The returning children, who are now our pre-schoolers, have been great at helping to settle the new younger ones, and being good role models.
040208 Bell House
We came back to the new term to lots of new and revamped areas for the children to play and explore in. The maths and stationery areas and the book corner have been re-done and gone down well. The children have new opportunities to explore different maths concepts, and plenty of mark making is taking place. Outside, the new nature / science area is proving very popular. There are collections of leaves, pine cones, bark, and even ever-changing items from a local allotment to explore. The new bug-finders and magnifiers have added excitement. With the coming autumn, this area will be providing lots of learning opportunities.
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Robert W. Carter B.D.S.
Thanks to money raised from our fortnightly Bingo evenings, and some generous donations from local groups, we have been able to purchase some new resources. This includes new sturdy scooters, along with the bug-finders and magnifiers. Also, some new books for the book corner are being enjoyed.
7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
We would like to thank Colin truly for his hard work in the holidays decorating the Toddler room. It is now looking bigger and brighter. Laura is back into a very busy time at Toddlers on a Tuesday, with some new storage and more room in the craft area.
(Brush system with pure water, all windows accessible, frames cleaned)
In Crèche Jo and her team have settled their new children, and they are enjoying some age appropriate crafts.
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Our sessions are looking busy, but please do contact us if you require space for the new school year. Visits are welcome any day, although it is helpful if you are able to call ahead. If you have any questions please do call us on 01666 504885. 340208 Piano Tuition
Tetbury Nursery Playgroup
Piano Tuition
Clare Farthing
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Tel: 01666 505692
October 2014 | 37
Tetbury Rail Lands Regeneration Trust
York House Tetbury
Tetbury’s Boutique Bed & Breakfast
- 01666 504508 -
yorkhousetetbury.com 1430714
We all enjoyed a well-deserved break in August, but with the start of September the Goods Shed team has been working very hard to get ready for Heritage weekend and the next boot sale. You can see what a huge improvement the removal of the platform has made to the space. The photo captures David Walker and David Roberts setting up. Our fundraising group is still in negotiation with Entrust over our grant application which is taking longer than we anticipated. Meanwhile we are approaching other potential sources of funding. Plans for the sculpture exhibition are coming together and we now know it will
be in November and possibly running for as long as two weeks, with demonstrations and classes. Those of you who enjoyed the Carols in the Goods Shed last year will be pleased to hear that we will be repeating the occasion this year on the Friday before Christmas at 6:30 with a band, mulled wine and mince pies. If you would like more information or would like to get involved, please go to our website at www.tetburyraillands.com Will Cook, Chairman 8 SPRINGFIELDS, TETBURY, GL8 8EN TEL : 01666 504213 E MAIL: thehirsties@aol.com
• Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612
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By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
38 | October 2014
Tetbury Tourist Information Centre With a busy summer behind us... we’re looking forward to golden days when we can get out and about and enjoy the gorgeous autumn colours of our local scenery. Westonbirt Arboretum of course really comes into its own this season. We have lots of walks in the area and for those keen cyclists we also have the new Cotswolds & Severn Vale Circular Cycling Tour. But it’s also the time to start planning ahead for, dare I say it … Christmas! Following the success of last year’s campaign, we will again be having the “Cards for Good Causes” from the end of October. As well as cards, we are also hoping to have gift wrap and tags - all in aid of 30 of the best known charities. Thank you to everyone who supported us last Christmas, we hope to see you again this year. Over the past few months a group of Tetbury retailers together with the TIC and the Town Council, have been busy putting together a “Book of Treats”. This will have discounts and offers from many of the businesses in town and will be available not just for visitors but also for local residents to promote “shop local” so make sure you look out for it soon – available in shops or from us here at the TIC.
BUDDY’s raw food supplies meat and fish for dogs in the way Mother Nature intended for our furry canines! Tel: Sandra Adams 0788 033 1492 Locally sourced raw food giving you a healthier and happier dog at a fraction of the cost.
Just a reminder that we are still open until 4.00pm Monday to Saturday this month for information, ticket sales, National Express bookings and anything else we can help you with. Look forward to seeing you! Sue, Jill & Jackie at Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 33, Church Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 503552 www.visittetbury.co.uk - www.cotswolds.com - tourism@tetbury.org Opening Hours: ** Monday to Saturday ** April to October 10am - 4pm
Email: buddysrawmeat@yahoo.com 0121014
Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 01666 822 100
01666 822 Tel:Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 01666 Bathroom 822 100 Showroom
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We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings for both trade and public
Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full range of wet rooms, traditional suites and contemporary suites.
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water softeners and salt all drainage pipework oil tanks
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Bathroom Showroom
With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone.
We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom gs Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings contemporary suites. water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing We stock attings wide range of Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full fiShowroom for both trade andplumbing plublic fittings Visitall our Bathroom toShowroom see our full fittings drainage pipework radiators Plumbing Fittings Showroom gbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 years of Bathroom bathroom knowledge, water softeners and salt • traditional for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom range of wet rooms, suites and oil tanks all drainage pipework cylinders we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. oil tanks boilers contemporary suites. suites. water softeners and salt boilers e boilers of plumbing our Bathroom Showroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide contemporary range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see full radiators cylinders We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and all drainage pipework radiators blicradiators range of wet rooms, traditional suites and With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, contemporary suites. water softeners and salt trade boilers and public for7.30am both range of Tetbury wetarooms, traditional suites and oil tanks suites. Unitcylinders 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Hill, SN16 9JU everyone. - contemporary 5.00pm to Friday we’re sure to have design to suit ndcylinders salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators haveMonday a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - cylinders 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks contemporary suites. we’re suresalt have a designboilers to suit everyone. ork radiators water softeners and With over 50 years of tobathroom knowledge, cylinders all drainage we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators
7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
7.30am - 10, 5.00pm Monday toPark, Friday Unit Malmesbury Business Tetbury 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Hill, SN16Unit Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
day to Friday tings n Saturday
ers ators
Bathroom Showroom tanks cylinders Email:oil info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk
With Business over 50Park, years of Hill, bathroom 10, Malmesbury Tetbury SN16 9JUknowledge, Email:we’re info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk sure to have a design to suit everyone.
Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU
Visit ourEmail: Bathroom Showroom to see our full info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday contemporary suites. Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk
8.00am - 12.00 noon Happy Birthday to theSaturday Tetbury Advertiser
With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge,
October 2014 | 39
St Mary’s Playgroup The new playgroup year started with glorious weather and all of our happy new pre-schoolers have joined us for a fun packed term. It really is great to see all of the children, old and new, after the summer holidays! September is ‘all about me’. We have been looking at what each child likes, including their favourite toys and books and discussing their family and friends. We have also talked about how much they have grown from a tiny baby to being the age they are now at playgroup.
like to know more, then email info@ stmarysplaygroup.co.uk or visit our website www.stmarysplaygroup.co.uk for more details. Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun!
Carpentry Services All aspects of carpentry, kitchens, uPVC doors and windows
Tel: 07952 931552 640513
St Mary’s Pre-School Playgroup and Toddlers
Whilst the harvest was being gathered in September we celebrated the Harvest Festival by looking at fruit and vegetables, discussing how they grow and of course, the really fun bit – cooking them! The fruit crumble, bread rolls, jam tarts and vegetable soup were all yummy!! We will also be collecting tinned or dried food for the Church to donate to Charity.
EST 1975
Book your place now to avoid disappointment! For more information & session times pop in one morning, give us a call or visit our website (see details below)
We break up for half term on Friday 27th October. When we return we will be looking at the change in seasons, specifically autumn, on our return in November. If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would
Paul Carpenter
Christ Church Hall, Tetbury GL8 8EU 01666 503777 www.stmarysplaygroup.co.uk 1240914
INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Care and compassion when you need it most PERSONAL SERVICE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Tried and trusted since 1800.
Personal service covering Tetbury and surrounding areas.
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7 Burnham Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0BQ CSL_0012 Tetbury Advertiser Half Page Ad.indd 1
40 | October 2014
05/04/2012 16:37
720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
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Tetbury Probus One
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com
Another varied month! Best known as the scientist who isolated oxygen (and who invented soda water), he was also a philosopher, a liberal politician and a clergyman who strongly advocated tolerance and equal rights for dissenters. The engaging story of this busy man, Joseph Priestley, was summarised skilfully for us by Norman Beale on the 7th August, with frequent touches of humour.
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Born near Leeds in 1733, Priestley is said to have learnt at least six languages, despite his stammer, and to have dabbled in many scientific fields. For example, he discovered that the ‘vapour’ above brewing vats did not support animal life - but was absorbed by plants and desorbed as a life-supporting gas. He subsequently reproduced this effect in 1774, whilst working at Bowood House.
Delivery Service Available
The trials and tribulations described to us finally led to him fleeing to the United States where he died in 1804. His was a full and remarkable life.
for you and your pet’s every need.
Kirstie Stevens HAIRDRESSING AT HOME 07515 692232 1501213
In the warmest year so far, since records began in 1910, a weather forecaster, Ken Ingamells, talked to us on the 21st of August about global warming. He stressed the importance of distinguishing between global warming, about which there was little doubt, and about its likely effects on climate change, which were very uncertain. Ken outlined factors which affect global warming such as atmospheric composition and pollution, changes in solar energy and its re-emission by the Earth, decreasing reflection from the receding ice masses, and their effects on ocean currents. All of these are likely to lead to extreme climate change, only temporarily stabilised by tropical storms. ‘It was a brilliant talk’, said one listener, and many others agreed. Much has been heard about the First World War in recent weeks, but few are familiar with the naval events in the southern oceans. Richard Glanville explained to us on the 4th September how the German navy had been built up to match our own and then inflicted significant losses on British ships off Chile and in the South Atlantic. Sadly, Richard’s own grandfather lost his life there. Detailing many ship movements, Richard moved on round Cape Horn to the Second World War, mentioning the Battle of the River Plate, and then to scenes of the Fuego National Park and the Falkland Islands. Here we were shown interestingly typical areas and the Gambo and Rockhopper penguin populations. We’d travelled far, and enjoyed what we had seen and had been told.
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Theo Stening (504243)
October 2014 | 41
Tetbury Bowls Club All domestic competitions are now coming to a conclusion and the full results will be in next month’s edition. Also, the ladies final league games are now concluding and the tables will be updated shortly.
Beat Stroud by 25 shots, also Nailsworth by 18 shots, unfortunately lost to Painswick by 3 shots. On the friendlies played in July and August: we drew with Malmesbury 70 shots each, lost to Chippenham by 48 shots and to Stroud by 36. We were victorious against Henleaze by 29 shots. In
August only one win against Frampton by 13 shots, we drew with Caer Glow 84 shots apiece but lost to South Cerney 73 shots, Sir Thomas Rich’s by 1 and Bradley Stoke by 6 shots. A full round-up of the season will be in next month’s issue. Richard Cobb
Meanwhile, the men have concluded their league and as has been stated before have won Division 2 of the South Cotswold Bowls League, receiving their cup on a very pleasant evening at Stroud. Tetbury competed for the title of County Cup champions on Sunday 7th September at Frampton. The result being as follows: Tetbury Bowls Club lost to Cheltenham in the morning. In the afternoon Tetbury played BAC in the 3rd and 4th play-offs, unfortunately Tetbury again lost and so came fourth overall. The winners of the competition were Cheltenham, who won by two shots overall.
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm
The trio of Steve White, Malc Curtis and Pete Stinchcombe competed at the National Finals at Leamington in August, but were unfortunately beaten in the preliminary round. Results of Senior matches in July and August: Victory Park lost by 15 shots, Stroud won by 5, Painswick won by 7, Cotswold BC lost by 16, played and beat Victory Park by 11 shots.
Out of hours appointments are available on request.
Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy
Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514
L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street ❈ All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213
42 | October 2014
Discover the benefits of luxuriously soft water Water touches every area of our lives. We come into contact with it every single day. Washing clothes, washing ourselves, cooking, cleaning and of course drinking – many of us however suffer with the detrimental effects of hard water on a daily basis. 13 million households in the UK are affected by hard water. The Tetbury area is renowned for suffering from the consequences of calcium and magnesium in the water which causes limescale. Banish limescale forever Tight skin after washing, scum on your tea, a bath that never bubbles, limescale in the kettle, grubby bathroom and kitchen, furred up boiler, inefficient heating system – sound familiar? All are a consequence of hard water. There is a simple, long-term solution; installing a water softener will remove the magnesium and calcium from your water which causes limescale. Whether it gives you gorgeous glossy hair, plumped up skin and money back in your pocket, or you simply spend less time doing laborious cleaning – for all these reasons, once
you’ve tried a water softener, you won’t ever want to give it up! Based in Tetbury, Dolphin Water Softeners are the local water treatment experts and supply one of the industry’s leading water softeners, the Kinetico 2020c. The unique twin-tank, non-electric design provides you with luxuriously soft water 24 hours a day. It’s easy-to-use, economical to run and will fit conveniently under your kitchen sink. Testament to the premium quality of the Kinetico 2020c, it also comes with a 10 year warranty to give you complete peace of mind.
wonderful benefits a water softener can bring, for a limited period, Dolphin Water Softeners is offering it’s customers an exclusive Autumn offer of FREE installation* for all Kinetico 2020c Water Softeners purchased until 14th November 2014. Ask the experts For friendly advice on the benefits of having a water softener and to claim your FREE installation call Dolphin Water Softeners on 01666 500 065.
Autumn offer - FREE installation If you want to experience the
*see www.kinetico.co.uk for T&Cs.
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Hard Water Soft Water No clogged showerhead
Hard Water Soft Water Shiny taps and tiles
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Offer ends 14th Nov 2014 *See www.kinetico.co.uk for full T&Cs. Typical savings of £400 a year are based on a family of four.
Learn how hard the water is in your home 01666 500 065 or visit dolphinwatersofteners.co.uk 0831014
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 43
Puddle Ducks Nursery The new academic year has begun and the children have all settled in wonderfully. It is so lovely to see the children who are returning to us, observing how they have changed over the long holiday and how they are looking after the children who are new to our setting this term. It has been a really busy start to the year. This term we are looking at ourselves, our families, pets and where we live. We have been busy looking at ourselves in the mirrors to help us with self-portraits which have made a stunning wall display, making gingerbread men, building houses using lots of different media and drawing maps of Tetbury amongst lots of other activities.
development of each child who comes to us, helping them all to reach their full personal potential. There are limited places available for the coming terms however if you are interested in your child joining us, please do contact Catherine Chidley on 07973 371048 who will be pleased to arrange a visit for you during one of our sessions and answer any questions you may have.
Finally, the staff at Puddle Ducks would like to extend a huge thank you to all the parents of the children who have now moved on to ‘big school’ and who were incredibly kind at our leavers picnic. We were all very touched and truly appreciated everything. The beautiful picture has pride of place on the Puddle Ducks wall and will make us smile every day!
Puddle Ducks is situated at the back of the Dolphin Hall and sessions run from 9.15am-12.15pm each weekday morning during term time with an optional lunch club running until 1.15pm daily. Don’t forget that younger children need not miss out onGLC all the fun as our 22/2/08 baby and 22:03Puddle Ducks 130208 Williams Page 1 Nursery
In our ‘where we live’ topic week, the children enjoyed another trip to Tetbury Library and we would like to thank the staff there who made us all so welcome and also to the parents who helped us walk there and back safely.
G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools
We have also been making full use of our enclosed garden each morning enjoying the amazing autumn sunshine.
360711 Susie neal k.pdf
All staff at Puddle Ducks work hard to provide a stimulating and caring environment for the children to come and learn through play and to aid the
toddler group continues to run on a Friday afternoon with Catherine and Pat. This is usually held in the main Dolphin Hall from 1.15-2.45pm - please knock loudly on the side door. All are welcome for a chat and a play in a safe environment. We would love to see you!
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44 | October 2014 www.tetburylions.co.uk
Well it has been another very successful Autumn Nearly New Sale.
day. We were a little a short of volunteers this sale but those who were able to help did a sterling job and we are very grateful for their time.
Thank you to everyone who attended, sold their items and most of all a big thank you to all of our volunteers that helped on the
If you have not already got your copy of our latest newsletter then please pick up a copy from the Library or GP Surgery. It is full of
Home Fitness Equipment Specialist - We buy and sell gym equipment
Gym equipment Pools Sauna Steam Complete design and build
useful info and details some of the events that we have coming up over the winter. Our next event will be our annual Halloween party which will actually be held on Halloween itself this year, 31st October! We are also looking for any volunteers who can help us to organise the party. As usual we are expecting a good turnout. The exact format is currently being put together but we will have the usual arts and crafts, activities, entertainment and of course the best fancy dress competition!! You can keep up to date with our plans for the event and indeed all of our latest news and events on our Twitter or Facebook page or as usual you can email us at tetbury@nct.org.uk.We hope to see you there!!
McTimoney Chiropractic Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area & now at Tetbury Hospital
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T: 01453 548152 M: 07890 282535 E: craig@insideoutcleaningservices.co.uk www.insideoutcleaningservices.co.uk 0590714
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 45
Tetbury Probus Two One of our members, Syd Mosdell, recently gave us a talk on his time in khaki, entitled “From Army Cadet to Z Reservist“ and took us back to 1942, when he became an Army Cadet in his first khaki battledress, on which he proudly displayed his Gloucester’s badges. After four years of cadetship his training stood him in good stead for July 31st 1945, when he received his ‘call-up’ and reported to Hyderabad Barracks at Colchester. He became one of the first post-war recruits, just as the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan brought the Second World War to an end. Syd - 14065934 - had six weeks Primary training and was posted to Belfast; for the next twenty weeks his home was the Palace Barracks at Holywood for corps training and after a selection course he then moved to the 48 Pre- Officer Cadet Training Unit (OCTU) at Wrotham, Kent. Four weeks later he emerged with a Army Driving Licence for lorries and motorcycles and joined the 161 Infantry OCTU at Sandhurst which included soldiers from Holland and Luxembourg, together with some WW2 veterans. After ten weeks he and several others were transferred to Infantry Battalion to obtain practical experience with the option of review in three months. He joined the Royal Hampshire Regiment in the British zone of occupied Austria and
although offered the option to return to Sandhurst, declined - but emerged in 1948 a Regimental Signaller and Marksman with rifle and Bren gun. Some time spent in Vienna included Christmas parties for some 600 school children and assisting the displaced persons. His demob came on February 29th 1948 at York Barracks and he was placed on Z Reserve. In 1952 he was called to two weeks training on Salisbury Plain with the 5th Gloucester’s. During a manoeuvre with
live firing there were several casualties from artillery fire – and in another incident he was rendered unconscious and lost a tooth, but recovered to celebrate his 25th birthday. If there of any of you out there who would like to join us do give a call to John Moules on 01666 502678 or Alan Twelvetree on 01666 503977. Our members are an agreeable crowd and you will be made most welcome! Allan Norwood and Syd Mosdell
Optimum Mobility Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist * Wheelchairs, manual and powered * * * * * * *
Scooters and portable scooters Powered rise/recline armchairs Household, bathroom and walking aids Large display with private test area Disabled facilities, easy parking Proper maintenance Part exchange, new & reconditioned
Mobility assessments and tuition at home
We are a family business
The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury
01666 840060
46 | October 2014
As a result of our survey and as promised We are holding a meeting for all carers, whether or not you are a member of the PPG, on 21st October at Romney House Surgery, 6.30 p.m. This meeting will be led by Jane Stanfield and Cordelia Dean from the Carers Gloucestershire GloucestershireCarers. Patients in need of constant care or assistance to remain at home are looked after well by the health service but all too often the needs of their carers are overlooked and they do not know what help is available or how they can access it. If you are a carer please do come to find out what help is available and to share your experiences and views.
Both the Diabetic Group and the Healthier Living Group – set up by the PPG - are going well and have been meeting throughout the summer. The healthier living group is now focussing on therapeutic swimming and members go regularly each Tuesday afternoon by the Community Bus to Cirencester pool. For this group numbers are limited to the seating capacity of the bus but if you are interested in joining get in touch with Pat Hodges on 01666 502706. Numbers are not limited for the diabetic group which runs a programme especially of interest to diabetic patients or their carers. If you are interested in joining, contact Sally Woolley on 01666 503541. Kesh Makhecha, Practice Development Manager has added: “………
CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks.
The flu season will soon be upon us, so if you’re aged over 65 or have a serious medical condition, please book your vaccination appointment now. Meanwhile, it’s been a busy summer at the practice, as follows: A well-attended AGM of the PPG approved an Action Plan resulting from the Patient Survey and implementation of that plan is now well underway. Our first ever Open Evening in late June proved to be very popular. Highlights included ‘mini-healthchecks’ on the bus in our car park, several informative presentations and some very active participation in Zumba demonstrations! – including by our local MP(!!) Attendees were able to learn about wider services available locally and the resounding feedback was for a similar event next year. Dr Woods has now condensed his surgeries to 3 days each week, Dr Swanborough is on maternity leave which is covered by Dr Cardew and Dr Jones and we also welcomed our latest Registrars, Dr O’Connor and Dr Dawson. New initiatives were launched to help enhance the support available to our oldest patients and those at higher risk of hospital admissions.”
Call Jeffie Openshaw (Mrs) on 07754451638 or 01666 500328 email: jeffieopenshaw@gmail.com
Alison Hesketh, Patient Participation Group
CL tetbury advertiser_Layout 1 16/07/2014 11:20 Page 1
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
in Tetbury HHH
Morning Coffee, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner *Two
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The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8AQ Tel: 01666 502272 Email: info@theclose-hotel.com
Small Hotel Group of the year 2012 - 2013
www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk *Two courses for £13.50 served in the Brasserie from 12noon to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. 0240914
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 47
Priory Inn Blog The summer fruits are dwindling with outdoor varieties coming to the end of a delicious season. All is not lost however as the second flush of soft berries grown in polytunnels extends their life and the Over Farm team are now selling us their strawberries. Local orchards bursting with apples and pears have come into their own and we must take advantage of the very best of British. Juicy, vitamin and mineral-rich sweetcorn is also at its peak of perfection and we are busy stock-piling the corn and freezing it off the cob for our many guests who love the taste on their 30 mile pizzas.
The herbs in our front garden are now “being put to bed” for the Winter. This involves a hard prune for most of them and a drop of feed to encourage a last burst of Autumn growth before the cold days are here. We shall leave the fennel as long as possible, collecting the seeds for our kitchen. The dramatic cardoons will provide height and structure through the colder months, although we are going to get festive with some of the dried thistley heads, spraying them for Christmas decorations! Live music continues every Sunday through October to a packed-house and
great atmosphere: on Sunday 5th we welcome back Elliot Hall and Rapunzel and their laid-back boho folk, Americana dream and scraggly country vibe! Seth and Katie are here on the 12th October, a multi-instrumental folk duo blurring the edges between traditional music and contemporary styles. The always popular Dik Cadbury is with us on the 19th and the month rounds out with Tetbury’s favourites Staple Hill. Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed.
Tetbury’s Unsung Hero
Email- cobwebs742@btinternet.com TETBURY 01666 539057 STROUD 01453 569123
CIRENCESTER 01285 841473 SWINDON 01793 469176
Dear Richard, 0380313
I would like to nominate Sara McMahon she has been the Tetbury NCT’s (National Childbirth Trust’s) Branch Coordinator as well as previously organising NCT sales. Sara stepped down (but not away from the committee) in part to train as an NCT antenatal practitioner. Only to then take up the role of Acting Branch Coordinator to keep the NCT running in Tetbury, whilst still training and having a baby. People who know Sara know she is a force of nature and I’d like to sing Sara’s praises and thank her for her commitment to supporting parents in Tetbury and for all the work she has done behind the scene. Sara has now earned a well deserved rest from the role. But I’m sure she would be there for us again. Ed: I’m happy to accept this nomination of the delightful and hard-working Sara. She will soon be in receipt of her voucher for a meal for two, very kindly provided by the Priory Inn.
CDB BUILDING SERVICES We are a family run building firm based in Tetbury with over 40 years experience in the building industry. All aspects of building work can be undertaken:
• Extensions • Renovations • New builds Garages • Minor Alterations
Or Visit our website @ www.cdbbuilding.co.uk
For a free quote call Colin or Nick Ball on:
01666 503326 or 07833 384991
The sign of building quality 1121111
48 | October 2014
Christmas Parties at The Priory Inn Our Christmas party menu is designed around the very highest quality Cotswolds festive fayre and is available by reservation anytime from November through to January 2015. We have a dedicated Christmas party night on Thursday 18th December when you can join us for a really special festive atmosphere, great food, twinkly lights, music and dancing. The Christmas party menu is designed for groups of 6-60 people but groups less than six are also welcome to join us on the 18th December (by reservation). Our ground floor private dining room can seat up to 16 people. Should your group wish to select its own choice of music and have a dedicated member of our waiting team for the evening, please call and ask for costs and details.
Starters Curried parsnip soup with pickled apple and crispy shallots Deep-fried goat cheese mousse with a beetroot, fennel and orange salad Smoked salmon and chive terrine with pickled cucumber Cotswold charcuterie with homemade gooseberry chutney
Mains Roasted Woolley Farm turkey, with traditional trimmings, bacon, sage and onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and rich turkey gravy Slow braised beef brisket in red wine with horseradish cream, celeriac mash, braised shallots and sautéed kale Roasted butternut squash, spinach and wild mushroom lasagne with Rachel's goats cheese topping Roasted cod with Fetish cheese, basil and pine nut crumble wrapped in proscuitto served with tomato, basil, and sprout leaf sauce with herbed new potatoes
Desserts Christmas pudding with brandy sauce Selection of Cotswold ice cream and sorbets Cranberry cheesecake with a honeycomb crumb and Black Forest compôte Dark chocolate and chestnut mousse with Chantilly cream and amaretto biscuit
Cotswold Cheese Local cheese board with crackers and pickles ~
£20.00 per person for two courses / £25.00 per person for three courses / £30.00 per person for four courses
As we buy all our food locally and according to the seasons, our menus may be subject to change. Please call for reservations.
01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”
Classic Car Show
Sponsored by
Thank you
any thanks to all the exhibitors, sponsors, advertisers and attendees alike of the 2nd annual Tetbury Classic Car Show which took place on Sunday September 7th at the Memorial Recreation Ground. The event supports several smaller local causes and two major ones; the re-development of the Dolphins Hall in Tetbury and the Gloucestershire-based charity “Allsorts”, which supports families with severely disabled children and young people. Particular thanks this year to the volunteers of the Tetbury Lions, the Tetbury WI and the Staff and young people of the People’s Pod. Next year the event is planned for the 6th September – a date for your diary! Visit our website www.tetburyclassiccarshow.org.uk or contact John Billington on 01666 503952 or mobile 07894 353476. Email: calderstones@hotmail.co.uk
50 | October 2014
Dolphins Recreation Centre Trust
One of the high spots of the recreation ground’s year was the Classic Car Show. Which saw the rec. covered with some 500-plus examples of vintage cars, buses, motor bikes and tractors. In just the second year’s running of the show, it attracted visitors from all over the country and it was great to see so many people enjoying themselves on a sunny Sunday afternoon (those drooling over
nostalgic motor memories of their youth will recognise the song title!) The Dolphins Hall was also put to good use serving teas all day and housing the exhibits from the Tetbury Model Railway Club.
Capture your memories. . . .
01666 50592 5 karolina.porter@outlook.com
Referring to another, more traditional, summer use of the rec., we would like to congratulate Tetbury Cricket Club on just completing their most successful season ever, their three teams each winning their league. We would also like to thank them for their co-operation over the Classic Car Show – the rec. has many uses and it is important that all the users can co-operate to accommodate them all. Still on the subject of cars, a new sign has been positioned at the entrance to the Dolphins Hall car park to remind people that this is a private car park for the benefit of users of the recreation ground and hall only. As a charitable trust, we do not see why we should be subsidising businesses in the town, particularly in Long Street, by providing them with free parking. If they need somewhere to park their vans and cars, then there are a limited number of annual day permits for this car park available from the Town Council offices. We mentioned last month the collection at Waitrose Cirencester – thanks to those who chose the New Build project as their charity, we raised £267. On the 3rd and 4th October we will be collecting in Tesco and will have a model of the new hall on display for those who were not able to see it at our presentation.
www.facebook.com/karolinaporterphotography 0611014
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 51
Tetbury & Ditrict Footpath Group Walks Program for October: 07/10/2014, 2:00 AM, Chavenage Green, Longtree Bottom, Shiptons Grave Lane, York Farm, Avening Park, MacMillan Way, Chavenage Green., 5.75 m 9.25 km, Level: B/C, Leader: Ian (502939) 14/10/2014, 10:00 AM, Cars Required, Newark Park, Fernley Farm, Ozleworth, Ozleworth Bottom, return to Newark Park (optional pub lunch at the Hunters Hall pub), 4.5 m 7.25 km, Level: C, Leader: Annie (504759) 21/10/2014, 2:00 PM, Cars Required, Sherston High Street, Forlorn, perimeter of Pinkney Park, Pinkney Village, Pinkney Court, Tetbury Road (meet in Tetbury Long Stay Car Park at 2:00 PM, walk will start at approx. 2:15 PM), 3.5 m 5.5 km, Level: A/B, Leader: Pat (840267) 28/10/2014, 10:30 AM, Shipton Moyne via Estcourt Park and return (Lunch at the Cat & Custard Pot), 5 m 8 km, Level: A/B, Leader: Committee (Ian (502939))
Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the free long stay
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Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be muddy. Visitors or anyone not already a member and wishing to walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining, all are welcome.
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Tetbury station yard car-park. If anyone is planning to join the walking group after it has left the long stay car park, please contact the leader in advance to verify the exact route to be used. Leaders and the Group will not be responsible if members or visitors fail to meet the walking group after it has left the start point
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Rural Skills Centre
Royal Agricultural University The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills. Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more..... For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 851830 Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 851830 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk 0041014
52 | October 2014
Interior and exterior work, Decorating, Tiling, Coving, Specialist wall coverings, wallpapering, damp proofing, furniture reconditioning FOR FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL
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The subject of HOTS meeting on the 4th September was ‘Archaeological Iron Working’ by Hector Cole.
remains found in archaeological digs. He explained how iron was extracted from ore by medieval craftsmen. Also he told us how a pattern can be forged into steel by twisting lengths of metal and then forging them together to achieve a delicate ornamentation in the polished steel.
He has appeared a number of times on the TV ‘Time Team’ programme.
He told us that an arrowhead became lodged in the head of Prince Henry (later Henry V) and he had made a gadget which he thought had been used to extract it. A most unusual exhibit that he circulated was a blade that he had forged from a piece of a meteor.
Hector had laid out a collection of his work for us to see and handle. There were swords and arrowheads in various designs which he had made based on
General Handyman Services
‘No Job Too Small’ Contact Brian Jarvis on Tel: 01666 500244 Mob: 07837 896270
1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1
History of Tetbury Society He told us he saw a rather crumpled and rusted piece of iron from a dig and decided to make the units and assemble them to discover what the original may have been. The result was a small candle or taper-stick with three feet. I am sure I have seen a very similar candlestick in a display of ‘Arts and Crafts’ blacksmith’s work; Hector is a good speaker and we had a very interesting evening. Howard Mills is the speaker at our next meeting on 2nd October. Howard lived and worked in Tetbury some years back and is a keen photographer. He will show us some of his collection of Tetbury in the past. 7.30pm in Christchurch on the first Thursday in the month is our usual winter venue. Alan Twelvetree
R&W DECORATORS Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios
Page 1
140208 0 1 6 Classic 6 6 5 0 5Windows 0 1 0 • 22/2/08 w w w. d22:04 i e s e l pPage o w1e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
Tel No. 01452 814459 Tel No. 01452 542179 Mob. 07779427353 / 07866366319 “no job too small” 381211
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 53
Tetbury based Tree Surgeon
Cotswold District Council will be allowing motorists to park for free! In its Brewery Lane and West Street car parks on Mondays and Tuesday afternoons during January and February 2015. This is on a trial basis and follows a Council decision earlier this year to set aside a fund of £25,000 for incentives to attract more motorists to the Cotswolds during traditionally quiet trading periods.
Needs small area of landor yard/yard share to store logs and woodchip. Access for a small trailer would be an advantage to load and unload logs/chip. Please contact Andy on 07447502511 or skylinetreecare@outlook.com 170413 IBIS:Layout 1
The District Local Plan will go out for public consultation in January 2015 aiming to publish a draft plan in Summer/ Autumn 2015 before submitting it to central government in the winter 2015. Residents will be invited to comment on the new sites allocated for development although, in Tetbury, most of this work has been done.
The IBIS CENTRE Tollgate Cottage, 18 Hampton St. Jill Lawler MBRA 01666 502898 320208
250208 JS Painters & Decorators
Philippa Lark Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
54 | October 2014
Page 1
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
Painter and Decorator Fully Qualified with Competitive Rates Telephone: 01453 885128 Mobile: 0797 3499406 250208
641010 Tetbury Mini Bus:Layout 1
Redrow’s application for 120 dwellings on the land adjoining Longtree Close is likely to come before the CDC Planning Committee on 10th December.
Tetbury Bookkeeper
Page 1
Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Bach Flower Consultations, Massage. AVAILABLE AT
For the first time ever, residents in the Cotswolds will be able to see at a glance the number of people who have registered with the Council for social housing accommodation across the District. New information - which is now available on the Council’s website at www.cotswold. gov.uk/residents/housing/apply-for-rentedhousing/ - shows current demand for social housing in each parish according to need (in descending order of priority) and also whether those locations are first, second or third preferences for applicants. The housing waiting list is at a 10 year low, thanks largely to a marked increase in the number of affordable homes which have been made available over the last few years.
Cotswold District News
Page 1
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Units C1 - C4, Phoenix Trading Estate, London Road, Stroud, Glos GL5 2BX Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser October 2014 | 55
Allan Norwood Allan Norwood, local resident, has been involved in cycle racing since around 13 years of age and still races weekly in season. However, his recent award was not for racing but for being Editor of the Western Branch of the National Veteran’s TT Association’s quarterly journal for ten years. Having recently “called it a day” because of lack of time he was delighted to receive the award of the “Janet Wilson” Merit Cup. The
branch covers Gloucester to Cornwall and consists of 150 +40 yr old racing cyclists. Janet Wilson, who the cup is named after, was a very special lady. Not only was she Secretary for many years but also held National TT cycle race records on singles and a tandem with her husband Peter. In his acceptance speech Allan thanked his wife Jenny for coping with the hours he had spent on the computer over the ten years as each new quarter brought 28 blank pages! Jenny, not a regular cyclist does join in racing the tandem occasionally. Allan has raced regularly with the Cirencester based Corinium CC since coming to Tetbury in 1984 and has covered several roles with them including President and is now a life member.
S. C. Ponting Plumbing & Maintenance Ltd • Central Heating Systems • Hot & Cold Water Systems • Lead Work & Fibreglass • Showers & Wetrooms • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Ponds & Water Features •Tiling
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Cirencester Sixth Form College 56 | October 2014
Tetbury 5K Fun Run
Dear Editor, Would you please be kind enough to let me thank all those involved in the 5K Fun Run this year? All the runners and marshals need thanks, as of course does Emma Bradley for starting the race; Paul Green from Britvic for supplying the drinks at the end of the race and Tesco for the water station water and the Mars bars. Our “founder” Ivor Hill was responsible for the great idea of the run in the first place of course, and I would also like to thank Peter, Steve, Chris, Robert and Mike Jones and the First-Aiders. Keith of the Tetbury Tailor was kind enough to donate prizes, as did Cherish,
Creative and Tetbury Chip Shop, Café 53, the Cherry Tree, Essential Spa, Tetbury Hardware, Manners, No 65., Lloyds the Chemist, Capelli, the Premier shop, the Coop, The Ormond, Hobb’s bakery, H.J Knee and Apex of Malmesbury. My apologies if I’m missed anyone out! Finally a massive thank you to Mr.James Dyson for the DC40, which went to lucky local mum-of-two Karen Trinder. The date for next year’s 5k Fun Run will be the 30th of August 2015. Pauline Eddolls
Ed: Happy to oblige, Pauline; it was a great day out and I should like to add my own 440208 Allium 22/2/08 22:28 Page 1 congratulations to first-past-the-post Stephen Harris, pictured here with the lovely Emma.
Allium Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties
Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow 440208
380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1
A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd Specialist In Stone Work & Renovations General Building Renovations
Barn Conversions • Paving Brickwork • Blockwork www.agwhowellbuilderltd.co.uk Call for a free quote:
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
Phone: 01666 860875 Mobile: 07786 938189 October 2014 | 57
GRCC Village of the Year Awards We may not think of Tetbury as a village... but that is its classification within the Gloucestershire Rural Communities Council (GRCC), the organisation that does such good work with its network of Village Agents helping communities (they are currently helping Tetbury with its neighbourhood plan) This encouraged us to enter for the GRCC village of the year awards - this is the first time Tetbury has entered this competition and we welcomed the judges to a presentation about the volunteering in the town and a walk round to show them examples of where volunteers manage the facilities – Tetbury in Bloom, the recreation ground, etc.
Photo. Barry Gibbs (Dolphins Recreation Trust), Natalie Haines (Town Clerk), Jean Henderson ( Tetbury Town Council )Sue Hirst (Tetbury in Bloom), and Stephen Hirst (Tetbury Town Council) with the award.
At the awards ceremony in Gloucester Cathedral on the 11th September, we were delighted to win one of the categories – the In Touch award for our work with the elderly in the town. During our presentation, we explained the work done with the day centres and Holiday at Home.
Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.
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The award of £500 will be shared between the Monday Club, the Wednesday/Friday Club and the Holiday at Home initiative run by Churches Together.
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This win at our first attempt will definitely encourage us to enter again!
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58 | October 2014
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After a lovely bit of sunshine it is definitely autumn now, and we are looking forward to trips for Christmas shopping. Look out for dates and places on the notice boards outside the office and Town Council Offices.
We are now open Monday to Friday, 9-1pm. to book trips, membership, volunteering or just to come in to see where we are! Aileen, The Village Agent will be visiting as usual on 7th, and 21st October for help and support, finding answers to questions about services.
VACDoctor “Cleaner laid low...?
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Before you go elsewhere give us a call for prices and friendly advice.
Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Community Bus. Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments) WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury Market (including appointments) THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Nailsworth & Avening. With, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 9am 30th October. THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 3rd October. Cirencester, 10th October. Waitrose, 17th October. Dobbies, 24th October. Library Club, 31st October Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon – Fri. 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
for a fast cure call Tom Seed
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 59
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it’s a Charity thing! We help publicise club activities and events in the town via our editorial columns, and we help promote businesses and services in the town with cheap-rate advertising opportunities. Everybody wins! Unlike magazines run for profit, our surplus is ploughed back into local facilities, good causes, and to individuals in genuine need. If you advertise with us, you can be assured that you are also making a contribution to the locale. Why wait?
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October 2014 October 2014
4,200 Circulatio
Club d by the Lions
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Tetbury Twinning Society
The society exists to promote friendship between local families, clubs and societies and people from Tetbury’s German twin town of Zwingenberg - which has resulted in much enjoyment and many long-lasting friendships. We are now planning a new programme of social events to help us strengthen those ties. You are invited to an open meeting (with no obligations) where we would like to offer our suggestions, and also hear your views. You would be very welcome.
7.30p.m. Thursday, 9th October at St. Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury 1301014
60 | October 2014
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Page 1
Tetbury WI There are small but significant changes to WI membership. We now have a staggered membership fee. It is £36 for the year if you join in January and £9 less every three months after that. If, however, you join in October this year you have 15 months for the price of 12. Bargain! In September we shared a delightful afternoon tea at the Trouble House to celebrate our 45 year anniversary. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and several of us enjoyed being in the garden as well as eating cake. We are always planning new activities and hope to start occasional craft workshops in the autumn. Our speaker in September was Alison Hesketh, one of our members. Apart from giving us a very interesting talk about the work of the Health Ombudsman we are particularly grateful to her as she stepped in at the last moment to replace our advertised speaker. In October the talk will be on the Galapagos Islands by Arthur Ball (we hope!) You are very welcome to join us at the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.20pm on Monday October 13th. Chris Gibson
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 61
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62 | October 2014
Tetbury Theatre Group Green Angels
Eighteen members of the Theatre Group left Tetbury early one Tuesday evening in August...
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to travel to The Watermill in Newbury to watch a performance of the musical “Calamity Jane” featuring Jodie Prenger, who starred as Nancy in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Oliver!”
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The musical centres on Calamity Jane, who believes that she can outrun and outshoot any man in Deadwood. In order to prove herself, she travels to Chicago on the Deadwood Stage to persuade Adelaide Adams, a variety Star, to return to Deadwood with her. Unfortunately things don’t go well for Calamity, especially when the new star becomes popular with the townsfolk, and she begins to find it difficult to cope. Eventually she listens to her friend Wild Bill Hickok and realises that he is her Secret Love.
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Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
The cast of eight were outstanding, producing a lively and energetic performance which was funny and sad, but which was most of all thoroughly enjoyable. As always at the Watermill, they were all talented actors, singers and musicians. The set on such a small stage was innovative – I particularly loved the Deadwood stage coach which had been created from positioning of a piano, chairs, cartwheels and reins! Jodie Prenger gave a strong performance and was excellent as Calamity Jane and the full house loved every minute. the Warner Brothers film of the same name and loved being able to join in with singing the well-known favourite songs, including ‘The Deadwood Stage’ (WhipCrack-Away), ‘The Black Hills of Dakota’,’ Just Blew in from the Windy City’ and Secret Love’. This was a really brilliant evening and the coach returning to Tetbury was full of happy smiling faces. As one member said “Those who aren’t here have missed a gem!” Thank you to Sue Cole for writing this review. Would you be interested in joining the Theatre Group? We go by coach monthly to Bath, Malvern, Cheltenham and others for plays, concerts, sometimes opera and occasionally ballet. Please contact Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029 for more details. Finally, we are still looking for another member of the group to join the committee. If you would like to know more about what it entails speak to Lin or to Jean Corcoran on 01666 500944 or Diane Challis on 01666 502768. Jean Corcoran
October 2014 | 63
Tetbury Dolphins Lawn Tennis Club Congratulations to the two men’s teams ... Richard McMahon led the Glos A team to promotion into the Ist division of the Gloucestershire Summer Tennis league and Paul Bird steered his team into promotion to the premier league of the Chippenham and District Summer Tennis league – a remarkable achievement considering the relatively small club membership.
the committee are aware that this is an This year’s AGM will be held on Monday important attraction of any club and 10th November at the Priory Inn @7pm. are actively looking at ideas to improve We are always looking for new ideas and the situation. Apologies to any young new members. If you want to contact us do tennis players that have not received the so: www.tetburydolphinsltc.co.uk / Marcus commitment they deserved through the Galea: 01666 880308 summer. Through this monthly blog we 720208 Nailsworth will keep you informed. Dom Applian 22/2/08 22:48 Page 1
A r e l i a b l e , f a s t & f r i e nd l y s e r v i ce
Although as the evenings draw in many of you will be thinking that tennis is now over for another year; you would be wrong. The tennis continues every Sunday morning from 10.00am and there are very few days in the calendar year when there is ‘no play’. Everyone is welcome; just come along and see whether the club suits you.
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Our home remains Sir William Romney’s School and we extend our thanks to the school for continuing to lease us the use of their courts; there remains however, an intention to move to a more appropriate site at the recreation ground as and when funding can be secured. (Everybody is looking for funding but if you know of anyone with fundraising experience we would be keen to hear from you.) Coaching of our Juniors has been patchy and not as was our intention;
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64 | October 2014
I was elected Mayor in May this year and my feet have not touched the ground since. It has been a fantastic 5 months. I have been on the council about 5 years and the election to Mayor has been one of my final goals. I started by opening the Woolsack Races in May and the atmosphere on that day was brilliant. On 6th June I unveiled a very special memorial to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of D-Day and the American Soldiers who were stationed in the town during the Second World War. It was fascinating to learn that the 654th Engineer Topographic Battalion produced ordinance maps which then helped the American Troops plot their route to Germany following D-Day and also created a 3D model of Omaha Beach which Americans stormed as part of the D-Day landings. I had the privilege to meet the Duchess of Cornwall at the unveiling of the new visitors centre at Westonbirt Arboretum and it was lovely to be part of the festivities. 27th June was the Medals Parade for the soldiers of Op Herrick 29th Regiment/59 Squadron. They asked to have their medals parade in Tetbury Town Centre and I was privileged to present some of the medals to the troops who had served in Afghanistan. It was a very moving day and the link that we have forged with the 29th Regiment is wonderful. They support us so much on various occasions during the year so it was a wonderful tribute to them all. August 2nd/3rd was a time to remember the fallen soldiers of Tetbury who enlisted in the First World War. We had an exhibition presented by the HOTS team and many people both local and visitors visited the exhibition. A commemoration at the War Memorial with the laying of wreaths and a candlelit service in the evening at St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finished off the weekend. August 10th was the Summer Show and although the weather was not brilliant to start it was wonderful to see people lining Long Street waving the parade down the road. This is the first time for 30 years that there has been the parade and it was certainly a success. Let us hope it will continue. Mayor Sandra Ball
Would you like the opportunity to sell your homemade arts, crafts and produce? If the answer is yes then we can help. Tetbury Town Council holds the street licence for the area behind the Market Hall on the Stopped Highway. If you would like to hold a market stall in this area please contact 01666 504670 for more details.
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 65
The Future of Tetbury The Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group have been very busy. Town Survey: A Town Survey has been compiled to investigate and establish the housing needs of people who live in, or have close ties to, Tetbury Town and Tetbury Upton Parish. By comparing the established needs with the existing supply of housing, it is possible to estimate the number of dwellings, house types and tenure of housing required to meet the needs of local people, particularly for affordable housing. 2,687 town surveys were distributed by members of the Tetbury Lions Club with the July edition of the Advertiser: 2,403 in Tetbury and 126 in Tetbury Upton. There was a response rate of 25.4%, with 641 completed replies (590 from Tetbury, 30 from Tetbury Upton and 21 with no indication of Tetbury or Tetbury Upton). This is very impressive, thank you to everyone who responded. Initial quantitative analysis of the survey has been undertaken by the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) on behalf of Tetbury Town Council and the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group. The highlights were shared with members on 11th September. For example this survey has identified that: ď&#x201A;ˇ Of those 133 respondents to the questionnaire who have indicated a need to move to more suitable accommodation in Tetbury Town and Tetbury Upton Parish, 57 households with a local connection require affordable housing. ď&#x201A;ˇ
13 out of the 42 households in need of affordable rented housing are registered on Gloucestershire Homeseeker. 1 of the 15 households in need of shared ownership/low cost homeownership is registered with Help to Buy South.
Detailed quantitative analysis has recently begun and the final results will be shared with members of the public later in the year. In the meantime, a copy of the full report by GRCC can be found at: www.tetbury.gov.uk Traffic Survey:
A Traffic Flow Survey was conducted by Gloucestershire County Council Traffic Monitoring Team in June. This survey provides data regarding vehicle classification, speed and volumes on all main routes in and out of Tetbury; together with a video count at the two major junctions in the town. Details analysis will: provide us with a better understanding of how traffic flows through the town; provide a good baseline from which to monitor the impact of future expansion and development and will provide a good evidence-base to support the Neighbourhood Plan.
Writing the Neighbourhood Plan: Members of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group were given training in how to write Planning Policies on 28th August. Whilst additional expertise will be available under the support package with Locality. As we move into writing the Neighbour Development Plan, we need more volunteers to get involved in formulating the policies. Please let me know if you can help us. GRCC Vibrant Village of the Year Awards: The Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group is delighted to have been short listed for the GRCC Community-Led Planning Team Award. Judges came to visit Tetbury on 20th August. We await the announcement of the results at Gloucester Cathedral on 10th September. If you have any questions, or can help us with our work, please contact me on 01666 504746. Cllr Liz Farnham Chairman of the Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group
66 | October 2014
If you would like to speak to your local Police Officer please visit The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury on the dates and times below. Thursday 2nd October Wednesday 8th October Monday 20th October Wednesday 29th October
2pm-3pm 2pm-3pm Noon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1pm Noon- 1pm
Contact Details for your local Tetbury Town Councillors Sandra Ball Tony Walsh Les Brown Liz Farnham Jean Henderson Diana Hicks Stephen Hirst Martin Lea Ian Maslin Caroline Morgan Kevin Painter Colin Pearce Mark Steedman Tina Stevenson Felicity Taylor-Drewe
Mayor Deputy Mayor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor District & Town Councillor District & Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor Town Councillor
sandraball@tetbury.gov.uk tonywalsh@tetbury.gov.uk lesbrown@tetbury.gov.uk lizfarnham@tetbury.gov.uk jeanhenderson@tetbury.gov.uk dianahicks@tetbury.gov.uk thehirsties@aol.com martinlea@tetbury.gov.uk ianmaslin@tetbury.gov.uk carolinemorgan@tetbury.gov.uk kevin@tetburynow.co.uk colinpearce@tetbury.gov.uk marksteedman@tetbury.gov.uk tinastevenson@tetbury.gov.uk felicitytaylordrewe@tetbury.gov.uk
All Councillors can be contacted through the Town Council on 01666 504670
Happy Birthday to the Tetbury Advertiser
October 2014 | 67
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