Tetbury Advertiser October 2018

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October 2018


Tetbury Bowls Club

Cover photo courtesy of Kevin Farnham

The Feoffees and the Thirteen

Eating Out

Circulation 4,250


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The Weighbridge Inn Bookings now being Home of the famous taken for Christmas "2 in 1" pie and New Year The Weighbridge Inn is a real, old-fashioned Cotswolds country pub. Dogs and children are welcome and there is a stunning garden to the rear with plenty of parking available. Located between Nailsworth and Minchinhampton, the pub is famous for its “2in1” pies. This is a unique dish of the filling of your choice on one side topped with mouth-wateringly crumbly pastry and accompanied by delicious cauliflower cheese on the other. However, the award winning Chef, Toby Refoy, also ensures a variety of weekly seasonal specials and home-made desserts are always available with four local real ales and a great wine selection to accompany them

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The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Steve Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the November Issue is

Thursday 11th October 2018 Delivery - 27th/28th October 2018

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Useful Information CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.

What’s On 1st to 6th October - Tetbury Library Community poetry creation, all welcome 3rd October - Leighterton Primary School Open Morning 9.00 am onward; details in this issue 4th October - Cherry Hubbard speaks to HOTS 7.30 pm at Christ Church; details in this issue 5th October - Probus One at St Mary’s Day Centre 10.30 am “Charity Work in Romania,” talk by Mike Ogbourne 6th October - Dursley Walks Festival commences Details in this issue 7th October - Tetbury Music Festival Eucharist 10.30 am in St Marys’ Church 8th October – Tetbury WI meet at Christ Church 7.30 pm; details in this issue 9th to 13th October - National Libraries Week Yarn bombing art installation! 12th October - Avening Primary School Open Day 9.15 am to 12.00 pm; details in this issue 14th October - Harvest Festival 10.00 am at St Marys’ Church 17th October – Open Morning at St Mary’s From 9.30 until 11.30 am; details in this issue 17th October Open Morning, Luckington Community School From 9.15 – 11:30 am; details in this issue 17th October - Tetbury Film Society “Journeyman” (15) Doors open at the Good Shed, 7.00 pm. Film starts at 7.30 pm 25th October - Cinema – “The Happy Prince” (15) Doors Open at the Good Shed, 7.00pm. Film starts at 7.30pm 26th October - Art Sparks Halloween Children’s Workshop In the Train Carriage, the Goods Shed. 27th October - Comedy at the Shed (Adult Humour) Doors Open 7.30. Starts 8.00 pm 31st October - Vertigo & the Birth of Computer Animation At the Goods Shed with Richard Stamp, PhD. Doors Open 7pm – Talk begins 7.3pm with Q&A after Lindy Hop & Jive Classes with Jimmy and Sarah every Tuesday from 7pm

DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through Kim Wood 01666 503609 or email: dolphinshallenquiries@yahoo.com LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www. visittetbury.co.uk

Contents What’s On 3 Young by Name 4 Lion’s Den 5 Chelworth Bookworms 6 Computer Advice 8 Avening Primary School 9 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 10 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 11 Dolphins Dramatic Society 12 Eating Out 14 Tetbury Theatre Group 15 Friends of Tetbury Hospital 16 Westonbirt Charities Fair 17 History of Tetbury Society 18 Leighterton Primary School 20 Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground 21 Letters to the Editor 22 Mayor’s Report 23 Tetbury Surgery 26 Sir William Romney’s School 27 Luckington Community School 28 News from St Marys’ Church 30 Tetbury Library 32 News from Christ Church 34 Tetbury Scout Group 35 Probus 36 St Mary’s Nursery Playgroup 37 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 37 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 38 South Cotswold Bridge Club 40 Tetbury in Bloom 41 St Mary’s CE VA Primary School 44 Tetbury WI 45 Tetbury and District Footpath Group 48 Tetbury Art Society 50 Tetbury Bowls Club 52 Tetbury Goods Shed 54 Tetbury Camera Club 56 Tetbury Community Choir 58 Tetbury Cares - Men in Sheds 59

Friends of Tetbury Community Transport

V don olunt atio ary no nly

October Trips: To book 0345 680 5029 Sat 13th BATH 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 20th CHELTENHAM 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat 27nd WITNEY 9:00am - 3:00pm


SCHOOLS SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552 The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577 TETBURY CARES, www.tetburycares.org Website to signpost local health services

POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number).

Tetbury Town Crier Tony Evans, 24 Box Crescent, Minchinhampton, Nr. Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 9DJ. Tel: 01453 731355 Mob: 07969 302042 Email: tonyevanstowncrier@btinternet.com

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950

TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

Young by Name

art studio fit for our teenage daughter. Once a new clear roof panel had linked the privy building to the pigsty, the introduction of a workbench provided my husband with a carpenter’s workshop. I was the only one in the family without my own outhouse.

In My English Country Garden

After my husband’s summer war against overgrown trees, shrubs and flowerbeds, some old outbuildings, no longer camouflaged by ivy, were just asking to be given a new lease of life. The first step in our resurrection of two old privies, a pigsty and a Wendy House was to discharge their contents onto the lawn. (Thankfully the privy buckets had disappeared decades before.) I liked to think of the resulting installation as “Tracy Emin’s Shed.” After multiple trips to the tip and a couple more to IKEA, the conversions were complete. A few coats of pastel-coloured fence paint and the addition of minimal furnishings turned the Wendy House into an

A Room with a View Then one day, admiring the orderly view of the restored buildings from my favourite armchair, I realised we’d done much more than tidy the garden. We’d evolved our own little village. Not that we’ve been slashing and burning like a fast-food chain through rainforest. Our approach was far more respectful of local wildlife. I’ve never heard so much birdsong in our garden, and the frogs in the pond are flourishing.

Not Strictly for the Birds Like any decent village, our garden includes plenty of facilities for humans too. There’s a play area with a swing set and trampoline

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for the benefit of young visitors. For older, wearier souls there are plenty of benches at strategic intervals. For the peckish, there’s plenty of nourishment to be had from the trees. It’s been our best year ever for pears. Once we’ve finished resurrecting the kitchen garden beds, the last task on our list, there’ll be soft fruit and vegetables too. If it’s spiritual nourishment you’re after, a buddha statue holds court in the shade beneath the damson tree. He’s a handy distraction from our miniature civic amenity centre: a row of compost bins offering their own “ashes to ashes” message about the circle of life. Finally, for everyone’s peace of mind, Dorothy, our stately calico cat, provides a round-theclock Neighbourhood Watch service. As the dark nights of winter approach, it’s a comfort to be able to look out on my own little world. This Englishwoman’s home is her castle. And if Brexit goes horribly haywire, I can always place an order with the carpenter’s shop to set about making a drawbridge. Debbie Young www.authordebbieyoung.com Debbie’s cosy mystery novel, Trick or Murder?, set around Halloween and Guy Fawkes’ Night, makes the perfect October read.


Coffee morning!

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4 | October 2018

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Lion’s Den I mentioned in my first column that I planned to keep you updated on our fundraising programmes and on how we spend the money we collect from you, the residents of Tetbury and the surrounding area. I’m delighted to share the following information with you, then: Since July 1st we have raised almost £6,500 through our various activities and through the Advertiser. This, together with monies accrued in previous months, has allowed us to support the following:

Welcome to the Lion’s Club monthly column – where autumn has surely arrived.

on the 30th of September, helping them to host and celebrate their 35th Horseless Team Event across the Badminton Estate. A roaring success.

As I write this, darkness has descended and it’s only 8.00 pm. There is definitely a chill now, in the early mornings.

This Friday the 12th of October we are looking forward to celebrating the 44th Anniversary of our Charter Night, when Tetbury Lion’s began, at the Royal Agricultural College.

September has been a generally quiet month for Tetbury Lions, what with members away on holidays and everyone taking time to recover after supporting the Summer Show and Classic Car Show in August, but we have supported our Rotary Club friends at Badminton Estate

This is the highlight of our Club’s Social calendar and a fantastic evening for members, partners, guests and families alike to both celebrate the Lions, and to let their hair down. (Although I’m not sure that too many of my male colleagues can do this anymore!)

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

Tetbury Bowls Club - in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind

Tetbury Playgroup - in support of essential refurbishments

Tetbury Fiesta

Ongoing monthly support for Tetbury Food Bank

Gloucestershire Fire Services, and

Lions International, who have provided aid in various natural disasters, as well as specifically to the “Sight Aid” and “Water Aid” programmes

We’ve also aided various local events, fulfilling requests for direct support with our presence as marshals or gate attendants. To date we have distributed more than five thousand pounds, with pledges outstanding of around two thousand pounds. We do our best to distribute all the funds we gather locally, and through Lions International to important International causes. We have committed to support Longfields as our main charity of this year and we are currently organising our annual Bucket Shake at Tesco and our Christmas Raffle – dates for which will be confirmed in next month’s edition. We hope to rely on your continued support. The Dolphins Dramatic Society Autumn production this year will be “Beauty and the Beast,” being held, by kind permission of the Trustees, at The Good Shed this year. As has become traditional, Tetbury Lions are delighted to extend an invitation to all the senior citizens of Tetbury to be our guests on the night of November 22nd with curtain up at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be provided at the interval and as usual we can arrange transport to and from the event for you. If you are interested in attending, please contact Ken White on 01666 504189, and let him have your details. Lastly, we’ve mentioned “Men in Sheds” in recent editions, and Tetbury Lions, with fantastic input from the Feoffees and support from the Tetbury WI, are currently investigating a potential location to support a scheme in Tetbury. All being, well further information will be shared in the coming weeks; it’s our sincere hope that this fantastic initiative will start in early 2019. Bill Walsh, President, Tetbury Lions

October 2018 | 5

Chelworth Bookworms The Tenderness of Wolves by Stef Penney On the shores of one of Canada’s great lakes, the town of Caulfield is abuzz with the news that a trapper has been brutally murdered and a boy is missing. The local magistrate calls in help from the Hudson Bay Company who are the only authority in the region – and so the search for the killer begins. Donald Moody, a junior Company officer, and his native tracker set off into the winter snow of 1867 to follow the trail of the teenager Francis Ross – an unlikely suspect but suspicious by his absence. Consumed by worry, his mother follows a few days later, guided by a disreputable trapper and to the scandal of the town. The land is cold, hard and unforgiving, the riches it holds only gathered by dangerous and difficult work, and jealously guarded by the Company. During their journey, both Moody and Mrs Ross gradually come to terms with the landscape and, as they reflect on their lives and hopes

for the future, they begin to understand themselves better, recognising those whom mean most to them. By the end of their search, many but not all of their questions have been answered. The actions and motives of many of those they meet have been stripped bare and their true natures revealed. Few can be judged from their initial appearance and only gradually

do the characters discover their true feelings – as rare as the tenderness of wolves. Highly recommended, a page-turning adventure with real soul. Ghilly Vincenti, Chelworth Bookworms



01285 800041


6 | October 2018


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A particularly impressive, extended and quietly situated detached cottage on the edge of this popular village with pretty easterly views along the valley.

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An extremely pretty detached cottage with lovely views Two delightful double bedrooms Quietly situated on the edge of the village Superb open plan sitting room with log burner and French doors Smart kitchen/breakfast room with granite work tops and range cooker




An extremely conveniently situated semi-detached house in a prime centre cul de sac within a short walking distance of the town centre.

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A very conveniently situated spacious purpose-built modern apartment in this sought after complex within a short walking distance of the town centre.

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A deceptively spacious handsome Georgian natural stone 3/4 bedroom cottage in a very convenient location on the corner of Church Street and West Street, with in an easy walking distance of the town centre.

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Deceptively spacious town centre cottage Three/four bedrooms Three versatile reception rooms Off road parking Two bath/shower rooms


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Computer Advice Phone scams – still a real problem. I first alerted you to these calls over eight years ago, but the treatment has not diminished. It really is big business and often associated with organised crime, with many call centres located in Asia, although not exclusively so. The sales pitch is very persuasive and is very easy to fall for, but do not be fooled, these are cold calls out to mislead you into thinking you have problems with your computer, phone line or broadband connection. It’s very important that you do not respond to any such calls – unless you’ve initiated the

contact yourself – and that you hang up. The cold caller may start by saying that they are from BT, TalkTalk, or Microsoft, for instance. The gist of the conversation will be that your connection is going to be terminated, that your computer is infected with viruses or running slowly, and that you need to give them access to your computer, so they can “sort it out.” They may also try to get payment details from you, as they may say your last debit has not gone through and you need to make an immediate payment so that you are not “cut off.” Do NOT let them get away with this and do NOT give them access to your computer! No security package will protect you, if you hand over control. I am sorry to repeat myself and I don’t like to scaremonger, but this can be very

serious. You could lose your credit card, bank details, and personal information - as well as having your identity stolen. If you give up control of your computer, fraudsters can also download all your data and documents, to sift through at their leisure, so do not be fooled. If you are at all concerned or think a call may be genuine, I would still recommend hanging up and dialling your provider directly. Use a different phone and dial the number you have on file or from your last bill. I too get these calls and they can be very persuasive. If some of your details have been hacked or compromised elsewhere, do not be surprised if they have some information about you. They may be fishing for more, so do not give anything further away. Never give control of your PC to a third party, unless you have specifically requested it. You have far too much to lose! If you’re at all concerned about any of the points I’ve made above, please do get in touch.


Lastly, following my article earlier this year about the free upgrade to Windows 10, I can still carry this out for you so that your computer need not be retired when Windows 7 goes “end of life,” in less than sixteen months. In the meantime, if you would like your computer cleaned, booked in for an annual service or to discuss any of the points above, do get in touch.



Nic Ingham, The Tetbury Computer Shop




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8 | October 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Making and sticking to your 2015 fitness goals

Avening Primary School

the goal and completion date firmly set in – the chance for a fresh start, the your held mind.at Write it down! ce to reignite your fitness, lose those Cheltenham Town Hall, having Making onenominations big target isforgreat, this is ds, run that race and break that received two as awards: engagement whatyoung you leader reallyaward wantandtotheachieve – for onal best! of all running young people in physical activity example, a marathon or losing five this looks and sounds great on paper, award. Our own sports council, made up stone. thesefrom targets considerable when the ink has dried and it comes of But students KS2,take joined teachers timeand andstaff it’sineasy to lose sight. Creating n to it (inevitably after the Christmas an evening of celebration and activity, asgoals the children chance shorter-term aimedalsoatgot thethemain goal k it is harder and sweatier than ever), to try activities such as plate spinning, hula is beneficial, and these must also be goal seems much further from your hooping and drumming. ‘SMART’. A monthly objective might start p. Even if you’ve managed to stick to was a really proud evening, and we are goals for a few weeks, results aren’t withItoverjoyed simply going to thethat gymourthree times to announce very own ys seen straight away, and we are all per week. leader superstar Fleur came away with the young leader’s award! tient even at the best of times. As we are all habitual creatures we fall cking to your targets requires a Well done Fleur! Huge thanks and gratitude into certain routines or habits, which can be must also go to Mr Wilkinson for the tured approach and an inner belief in goodendless or bad.hours Creating an exercise habit can and dedication he puts into ability to reach what you set. You must topic on local history and industry. At the be vital in helping you achieve your goal. providing our pupils with as many sporting What a way to start the end of September, the Owls (y5/6) will be ble to visualise the process and the end possible, encouraging with an aseasy habit and thatinwill be easy to Startactivities school year! travelling a bit further afield to The Black the children who may not automatically – but don’t just fantasise! stick to, and make sure you are consistent Country Living Museum near Birmingham, are only one month into the new school choose to take part in a sports club or aking ‘SMART’We objectives with the help and perform this habit for at least two year, and already so much has happened. activity. to support their learning about industry. rainer or byOn yourself is a great way of the first day of term we welcomed If this wasn’t enough to the be going For example, perform 30onminutes beatour is vital, otherwise you lack abilityalongweeks. Our school open day will take place Friday loping exercises and regimes are to brand-new receptionthat children, as they with, the Owls class will also be taking of exercise on a Monday, Wednesday and the 12th of October from 9.15 am to 12 pm. track improvement. started school for the first time. these steps to plan a We also part in their water-sport-based residential,Friday. for you. Follow JoinOnce us foryou a tour of our wonderful school have been doing this for welcomed Miss Ellis, our new classATTAINABLE teacher, which this year takes place at the end of and a piece of Mrs Wilkinson’s legendary r fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the in the Kestrels (y1/2). September at South Cerney. cake! For further information about this A goal should be achievable for you – are length of your workout or switch exercises. CIFIC busy place of learning please see our school The rest of the school have all leapt forward We had a very proud moment last you in the right place and have the right website: www.avening.gloucs.sch.uk This will keep your body and brain and everyone is settling in well their al must be individual to you, aiming at into month, when we were invited to the access new year groups - the class teachers have for the objective you have set? guessing, and help lead you to your 2015 Avening Primary School what you want to Setting Gloucestershire Active Schools Awards wasted no time in introducing their new smaller ones can help you develop fitness goal – you can do it! accomplish. General term topics, with the Hawks (y3/4) and and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead been to out and Kestrels having already about on school trips. The Hawks paid a REALISTIC reduced focus and too visit to Greystones Iron Age roundhouse at To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. Bourton-on-the-Water on the second week yourself Too high a HEATING ENGINEERS of term, as part of their term topic on the achieving the objective. PLUMBING AND MEASURABLE Stone Age. The children explored the goalwork and you may struggle to see the end, Established 1956 A goalacross must the be historically of archaeologists too low and you will find yourself less ablein thetomorning, be and important sites then, motivated. Gas Safe Reg. Oftec Reg. in the afternoon, took part in activities such measured – as: fire lighting, cooking, and getting messy whether on TIMED with wattle and daub. 4, GUMSTOOL HILL, TETBURY, GLOS GL8 8DG a goal is important, scales or on a Having a time frame for A week later, it was the Kestrels turn to as this is what you must work towards. ThisTETBURY (01666) 502287 stopwatch, having a Telephone/Fax: travel, as they took a trip to Gigg and give you a sense of urgency and keeps time weight topartwill Dunkirk Mills or in Nailsworth; of their




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Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

Also, at Newark Park, we have again cleared the long barrow with brush cutters. This is marked on the map – and we have formed a “permission access” path from the Cotswold Way, by agreement with the National Trust.

Stone Age Long Barrows These are quite numerous in the Cotswolds and we’re asked to carry out work to conserve their visibility, as features of the area. Since the Stone Age dates to events over 3,000 years ago, this history is worth preserving. Barrows were used as burial chambers, often using local stone to form connecting passageways with massive stone entrances at each end – the whole covered with soil, to form a long mound. Last month, and every three years, we’re asked by Natural England to clear scrub and some trees from the long barrow near Luckington. If left unchecked, the roots would gradually damage the structure, which would gradually disappear. Natural

Phillip Halling’s photograph: View from Uley Bury England own the site, although it is in a field Also, at Newark Park, we have again cleared farmed by the Badminton Estate. There is the long barrow with brush cutters. This no public access, although it can be readily is marked on the map – and we have seen from the adjacent lane. It is marked on formed a “permission access” path from Phillip Halling's photograph: View from Uley Bury the map as “Giant’s Cave Long Barrow.” the Cotswold Way, by agreement with the National Trust. Iron Age Hill Forts Not quite as old, but still dating back 2,500 years so well worth conserving, there are several of these along the Cotswold escarpment, with commanding views over the Severn Estuary. These include old,wbut stillwdating Uley Bury and Sodbury – both on the Cotswold Way aNot nd bquite oth of as which e have orked oback n with 2,500 years so earth wellworks worth brush cutters. In the Iron Age, these were formed with massive and, conserving, usually, double there are of these along the Cotswold surrounding ramparts and ditches – built for defence, but several also to impress.

Iron Age Hill Forts

escarpment, with commanding views over the Severn Estuary. These include Uley Bury and Sodbury – both on the Cotswold Way and both of which we have worked on with brush cutters. In the Iron Age, these were formed with massive earth works and, usually, double surrounding ramparts and ditches – built for defence, but also to impress. At Brackenbury Ditches Iron Hill Fort, on the Cotswold Way between Wotton and North Nibley, we have an ongoing project to clear trees from the ramparts and ditches, before they disappear, to open up the viewpoints.

Dursley Walks Festival


This will commence on the first weekend of October, and the wardens will lead walks: • On Saturday the 6th of October at 10.00 am from Cam Peak car park for seven-anda-half miles, via Uley Bury and Owlpen. • On Sunday the 7th of October at 10.00 am Dursley Market House for six miles, via Breakheart Quarry and Sculpture Trail.

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS • Dentistry forStreet all the Family 7 New Church

• On Tuesday the 9th of October at 10.00 am from Coaley Peak car park for six miles, via Frocester – and visiting “Hetty Pegler’s Tump,” the stone age Uley Long Barrow.

Telephone (01666) 503788 • Private and Denplan

• Cosmetic treatment

• On Sunday the 14th of October at 10.00 am from Sherston High Street for nine miles via Westonbirt, Leighterton and Didmarton.

• Tooth whitening • Hygienist

Richard Glanville

Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788

10 | October 2018


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The Feoffees and the Thirteen available, please speak to any member of The Feoffee or Thirteen, or check out our website www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk We would be pleased to hear from you, if you have any projects which you feel may be of interest to us. Lance Vick, Chairman, The Feoffees and the Thirteen Break for refreshments at Pam Bird’s during the Beating of the Bounds

The autumn has been busy, with the Beating of the Bounds…

help yourself and to enjoy this fruit. If you are not sure where exactly the orchard is, please just ask one of us and we will send you in the right direction.

…led by Feoffee Richard Cooper, which was finished off with coffee and biscuits in The Market Hall, along with the presentation of The Feoffee accounts and the Heritage Weekend, co-ordinated by Feoffee David Hicks. Both events were held at the beginning of September and were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.

• St Mary’s Church Bell Ringers – grant towards the purchase of new ropes and mufflers

The Community Orchard at Herd Lane is now full of apples and we invite you all to

Finally, I am pleased to confirm that the following grants have been made over the summer:

Summer Youth Drama Workshop

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

October 2018 | 11

Dolphin’s Dramatic Society Well, it’s all change with the Dolphins!

Alex Ball attained his PGCE and is now teaching at the same school as Gwen – she is showing Alex the ropes as he embarks on the final part of his teaching qualification: NQT (newly qualified teacher) status. You will be brilliant, Alex!

Hopefully you read in the September Advertiser that we have, on advice from the Dolphins Hall, packed our bags and trundled off to the Goods Shed for our autumn production of Beauty and the Beast, between the 22th and 24th of November. A huge thank you to the Trustees of the Goods Shed, for giving ‘The Dolphins’ a temporary home.

Emily Bray, who joined the Dolphins at the tender age of eight, has started senior school at Westonbirt. Where did all the time go? We all know Emily will do well, as she is so conscientious. Emily’s début with ‘The Society’ was as a snail in The Three Musketeers, we’re pleased to say she is still very much part of our happy band and will have two parts in this panto.

Another big change involves saying farewell to Vincent Oblyschuk. Vincent has moved to Bournemouth to attend University, he will be studying acting professionally; we will all miss him but wish him lots of luck. Hopefully he will pop in to see us all from time to time.

Trudie Avis is back with us again, Trudie was about eleven when she first started in The Dolphins and one of her most memorable performances was as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Trudie is now married and has three young children of her own. That really does make me feel old!

We have also changed where we rehearse. On Tuesday nights we are at Christ Church and on Thursday evenings we are now at Tetbury Fire Station! Dave Smith, Station Commander of Tetbury Community Fire and Rescue Service, has very kindly allowed us to use their back room. A huge thank you to Dave and all his colleagues. It’s all very exciting - especially if they get called out and we can see these amazing guys in action. One thing that hasn’t changed is the wonderful Mr David Hudson. He will be with us for the panto to make sure the sound is just right, and he has also put together some amazing special effects. On pain of death I’m not allowed to tell you what they are, so you’ll just have to come and see for yourself! Terri White, Dolphins Dramatic Society


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OVER THE THRESHOLD living. This is money which could help Millions of over-55s are younger relatives get a head start in life. potentially forgoing expert are risksBI associated with A R EM I N D ER O F CORD INHER However, ITANCthere E TAX LLS ARE help because RE it involves losing control of property and other THE NEE Dassets, FOwhich R GisO O D ESTAT E PLAN N I N G. discussing their own mortality. another reason why you



alking about death is rarely easy. igures released by HMRC of confirm Nevertheless, the importance that, in the 2015/16 tax preparing for the end of life cannot be year, the government from overestimated and having a benefited financial plan in place ensures that your family isn’t Inheritance Tax (IHT) to the tune of subjected to additional upset at £4.7 billion1. It is thestress firstand time annual arevenues difficult time. But while it makes obvious have exceeded £4 billion and sense to tackle these issues sooner represents a 22% increase on therather amount than later, new research shows halfyear. of of tax paid in the previousthattax people over 55 have not had a conversation The income received by the Treasury with their loved ones about end-of-life from IHT has soared by 70% in the last finances.1 This could make locating bank five years1. accounts, insurance, investments and personal possessions much more difficult Analysis bypartners, the Office for Budget for surviving family members Responsibility (OBR) suggests that for the or friends who are given responsibility number of estates on which IHT has handling the estate. to be paid has quadrupled since 2010². The study also reveals that over Furthermore, it believes that 90% moreofthan over-55s have not discussed estate planning 40,000 estates will be liable for the tax with a financial adviser, with a third saying in 2016/17. this is because they are uncomfortable talking about their own death.2 Such The rise in dutiesisreflects the surge reticence to death talk openly more likely to in residential property prices, as result in estate planning being put offwell untilas the strong recovery in other the last minute, by which time asset it mayvalues, be which hasmake dragged morePutting households too late to a difference. the into net. The OBR right the plansIHT in place can not onlyreports reduce that housing assets now account for around the amount of Inheritance Tax (IHT) that needs be paidofout of your estate, for half of thetovalue estates notified but also reduce the likelihood any that probate, highlighting the of impact misunderstandings abouthave how you rising property prices had want on IHT things to beMeanwhile, handled when time nil-rate comes. receipts. thetheIHT But as with most things in life, it pays to band has remained fixed at £325,000 start thinking about this well in advance. per person (£650,000 for couples) since For instance, younot can regularly up tothe 2009, so it’s surprisinggiftthat £3,000 a year (£6,000 per couple) free number of families paying IHT has risen. of IHT. For larger gifts, you will need to survive seven years for that gift to be free At the heart this Unlimited problem of your estate for IHTofpurposes. remains that gifts from the yoursimple surplus fact income canIHT also is bea voluntary tax; the Treasury relies made IHT-free – so long as you can showon that these don’t affect your standard of

should seek financial advice. inertia and people’s reluctance to Will to win confront the issue. The result is the Of course, not all planning is record level ofestate revenue generated, about the mitigation of tax – of equal money which could instead stay importance is the comfort and security in the family to support future of knowing that your loved ones will be generations. provided for as you would wish. Writing a Will * is crucial in this regard; yet, for The boost to the Treasury’s coffers is many people, making a Will comes right aatreminder of the damaging effect death the end of a long ‘to do’ list. Indeed, the duties canshows have that on families’ plans to create research half of people aged also that there and pass on wealth, and over 55 do not have a valid Will in place;are perfectly legitimate ways ofofmitigating and this rises to three quarters those 3 IHT through foresight and careful often arisefinancial when aged 45 to 54. Disputes planning. of IHTtodoes there is noThe Willmitigation and those closest the not require tax planning; only deceasedhigh-powered are not necessarily those entitled aunder willingness discuss the take the rulesto of intestacy. Theissue, rules do not, for example, recognise unmarried action and make use of the many options partners. So, partner who was available, sucha cohabiting as establishing trusts where neither married nor in a civil partnership appropriate, and making use of annual with the deceased would lose out under exemptions like gifting. intestacy. Another, increasingly common, causelevels for dispute is when a Will has The and bases of taxation, andbecome reliefs invalid due to a change in circumstances from taxation, can change at any time and are e.g. a divorce. This could result in parents dependent on individual circumstances. or siblings of the deceased inheriting instead of the deceased’s partner. We will be holding no obligation Wealth Opening upSurgeries on 30 October Preservation Clearly, aspectsoffice, concerning end-of-life at the Main 16 Church Street, financial planning are Ifnotyou always Tetbury, GL8 8JG. are easy uncertain to approach, but stand they are vital if future about how you regarding IHT and decisions are to be based on a clear would like to know more about how understanding of your own wishes. to prevent much of your moneyTalking falling to us about what you want to happen when into the hands of HMRC, or your local you die may help you to leave more for authority through long term care fees, your loved ones and remove much of the book your consultation today. burden and stress they could encounter when dealing with your estate. Moreover, it For information or towhich request your can further be a positive experience enables complimentary guidelegacy to Inheritance Tax, you to leave a lasting that benefits the people you want it to.


Cotswold Wealth Solutions Ltd Cotswold Wealth Solutions Ltd is based locally and is inviting Tetbury is based locally and is inviting to discover the simple Advertiser Tetburyreaders Advertiser readers to yetdiscover highly effective steps you take the simple yet can highly to protect steps your wealth andtake stay in effective you can to control the rightand amount protect- helping your wealth stay it pass to- the right people in ofcontrol helping the right amount atoftheit right pass time. to the right people at the right time. Wealth Preservation Surgeries are The Wealth Preservation Surgeries being held, strictly by appointment on Thursday 25th October 2018 only, on 30 October 2017 at the Main at our office in Tetbury. office, 16 Church Street, Tetbury, Call8JG 01666 GL8 from503751 10.00amtotoreserve 4.00pm. your placelasttoday or your All surgeries approximately 45 complimentary to minutes and are held inguide the strictest wealth management. confidence without obligation. Call 01666 503751 for more information or your complimentary guide to wealth management. For more information about the above, Inheritance Tax, Wills, Investment Planning & Long-Term Care Fee Planning we will be holding no obligation Wealth Preservation please contact Sharon Allsop, Practice Surgeries on Thursday 25th October 2018 Manager. Sharon can be contacted at our office in Tetbury. Please contact us by by phone on 01666 01666503751 503751oror by into email phone on drop ouron local office at 13 Market Place in Tetbury to cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk arrange an appointment. 1* Wills HMRC, 2016 by the Financial areApril not regulated 2Conduct Office for Budget Responsibility, Authority. Will writing involves March 2016 referral to a service which is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Trusts Place. are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 1,2,3 A survey of more than 2,000 people by www.wishlockr.com, 2018

By Jennifer Hill Certs CII (MP & ER) JENNIFER HILLAPFS, MD APFS, Certs CII(MP & ER) Chartered Financial Planning Practice Tel: 01666 503751 Main Office: 13 Market Place, Tetbury GL8 8DA Telephone 01666 503751 Email: cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk Email: cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk www.cotswoldwealth.co.uk

Cotswold Wealth Solutions Ltd represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website at www.sjp.co.uk/products.

Eating Out Back when my mother was still around to come out to dinner with us, she often wondered how it was that we found lovely places which were completely out of the way or in the middle of nowhere – as far as she was concerned, at least. Well, these days I’ve absolutely no idea how we found The Bell at Sapperton, but I’m glad we did. Our first visits all those years ago were characterised by a feeling of going somewhere a bit ‘special:’ the à la carte menu was small but had well thought-out, interesting dishes. As with many places, it slumped a bit in our opinion, with a larger, more standard menu that looked like it hardly varied from one month to the next, let alone daily, however, when we went for lunch recently it was back on form. With the wine list fixed into the front of a small National Trust volume on butterflies and a good choice of fish, meat and vegetarian dishes for starters and mains, it was a job to decide what to have… Eventually, Flossy plumped for pork and game terrine with sourdough, cornichons and mustard. This was dense and meaty and

almost a meal in itself. She felt the English mustard (neatly presented on a teaspoon) was maybe a little overpowering, even with the gamey flavour of the terrine, but that was a minor niggle. I chose devilled kidneys, also on sourdough toast. These were beautifully cooked, and the rich sauce was smooth and wellflavoured. Not much devilment then, but a lovely taste of herb running through, which was the cause of some debate. Flossy thought it was sage, the waitress, who checked with the chef, informed me it was coriander and I was convinced it was

tarragon. (I’ll have to make some for myself and test this - I’m pretty sure I was right!) Anyway, to follow, Flossy’s creamed leek and smoked haddock fishcake, poached egg, hollandaise and spinach was very good, with a lovely crispy coating and a good balance between the fish and the other ingredients. She thought the leeks were cut too large, which made for some largely vegetable mouthfuls, but otherwise it was a very nicely balanced plate of food. I had flat iron chimichurri chicken, watercress salad and tabbouleh. The flattened chicken was succulent and tasty and, with the accompaniments, went down very well as a lunchtime dish. If I had one

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small gripe, it was that the chimichurri – basically like a sauce vierge – combined with the amount of herb in the tabbouleh, made those flavours somewhat too dominant and, because there was such a mixture, it ended up tasting… well, just kind of ‘green.’ That said, I didn’t leave any!

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Although both dishes were quite light, sadly we were too full for any of their sumptuous-sounding desserts. Oh, well! Maybe next time we venture into the wilds in search of peace, quiet and sustenance… and when it comes to The Bell, there’ll certainly be a next time. Fill

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Page 1

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Tetbury Theatre Group On the 25th August, fifty-two members of the Theatre Group went to the wonderful Watermill Theatre at Newbury, to a performance of the big Broadway hit of the 1960’s “Sweet Charity.” A cast of thirteen young and very energetic actors took part, all playing orchestra instruments while at the same time acting, dancing and singing their way through the story of Charity Hope Valentine - a hostess in a New York club, looking for love. The loud and brassy action, typical of the New York clubs of the time, was performed on quite a small stage – so had to be carefully choreographed to make sure no actors collided; it was breathtaking stuff

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and something which made landing at Heathrow on a Friday evening look tame. What a splendid afternoon! There were renditions of many well-known songs by the incredibly talented cast, including “Big Spender,”“If My Friends Could See Me Now,” and “The Rhythm of Life,” all ably lead by the lead actress Gemma Sutton, playing Charity with the audience tapping their feet to the rhythm. Does the “Fickle Finger of Fate” guide Charity’s life to a happy ending? You will need to see the performance yourself to find out…


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

Shirley French, Tetbury Theatre Group

October 2018 | 15

Friends of Tetbury Hospital The Friends of Tetbury Hospital 2018 house-to-house collection


has raised a massive £10,539.80 (including gift aid). This year the money raised will go towards purchasing an ultrasound machine for the Day Case Unit. An ultrasound machine can aid in a variety of surgical procedures, particularly foot and ankle surgery. Using ultrasound, the anaesthetist can visualise the nerves which provide movement and sensation to parts of the body, and then inject local anaesthetic around them.

Landscaping Before

Extension Before

New Build Before

Tetbury Hospital Trust is a charity established in 1993 which receives payment from the NHS for patient treatments though not for new or replacement equipment. The Hospital’s survival depends on local fund-raising and the generosity of local people. In addition, local people donate money through their wills and over recent years income from legacies has grown. Since the recent NHS re-organisation, the Hospital serves both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire with more than 35 consultants from both counties holding regular clinics there. The Friends of Tetbury Hospital run many fundraising events each year, all locally based. These are publicised in the Tetbury Advertiser and on the Friends page of the hospital’s website (www. tetburyhospital.co.uk/friends).

Landscaping After

Extension After

The Friends of Tetbury Hospital


New Build Before

Extension Before

New Build After

Extensions Loft Conversions MOT Testing TETBURY Barn Conversions Extension After Landscaping After Vehicle Repairs LEIGHTERTON Listed Building Refurbishment WESTONBIRT ARBORETUM Servicing Groundworks and Landscaping KNOCKDOWN DIDMARTON Diagnostics Natural Stone Walling TO MALMESBURY SHERSTON Free loan cars are available Roofing Fascias & Guttering Call us on 01454 238 700 New Build After Kitchens & Bathrooms or visit www.mottetbury.co.uk Extensions Roofing Carpentry Loft Conversions Fascias & Guttering Barn Conversions Kitchens & Bathrooms Property Maintenance Listed Building Refurbishment Carpentry A433



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16 | October 2018

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Westonbirt Charities Fair

WESTONBIRT CHARITIES FAIR Held at Westonbirt School, Nr. Tetbury GL8 8QG

23rd AND 24th OCTOBER 2018 10am - 5pm


charities, please see website for details

130 Stalls with high quality gifts, fashion, food and more Reindeer Hunt

Restaurant and Cafe

Free Parking

Activity Club

Proudly sponsored by:



The fair is now in its twentieth year and is a well-established event in the charitable and shopping calendar. It is an ideal opportunity to meet friends and family for coffee or a light lunch, while browsing amongst the stalls selling those items that cannot be bought on the high street or on-line. The fair is being held over the half-term week, so there will be lots of activities in which children and young people can participate. The headline charity being supported this year is Home-Start, the main organisers. They help families with young children deal with whatever life throws at them. Marie Curie, who provide emotional and practical support and guidance to anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness, are the main national charity supported. Four other local charities will also benefit; Longfield Hospice, the Gloucestershire Royal Intensive Care Unit, the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. Also benefitting will be the Friends of Westonbirt Arboretum.

In aid of Home-Start Stroud District and other

Open Gardens

This year’s Westonbirt Charities Fair will be held at Westonbirt School on the 23rd and the 24th of October.

Over a hundred and thirty stallholders at the fair make it an Aladdin’s cave, selling everything from fabulous jewellery, luxurious cashmere, designer handbags, hats, belts and shoes to innovative and exciting things for the home. Boy’s toys, liqueurs and artisan goods to spoil yourself with. There is plenty for the young to enjoy – and by joining the Westonbirt Holiday Club they can also gain opportunities for swimming, badminton, squash, quad biking and video games - or perhaps partaking in the reindeer and elf hunt, while you shop? A visit to the Westonbirt school gardens which will be in their prime is not to be missed and the parking is free. More information from media@westonbirtfair.com.

L E. Perry Independent Funeral Directors

Philip Horgan Funeral Director

Ridgeway Coach House 13 Hampton Street Tetbury Glos GL8 8JN

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

October 2018 | 17

History of Tetbury Society ‘Cromwell’s Law Reformer’ was the title of the talk to HOTS by Rose Hewlett on 6th September. She gave that title to William Sheppard who was baptised at Whitminster in 1595 and died in 1674 in Hempsted. So, he lived through troubled times - the reigns of James I, Charles I and II and, of course, the Commonwealth. The troubles were religious as well as political, and William would have liked to reform the legal system.

His family had a coat of arms that included three axe heads on a black background, indicating a military ancestry. It is not known where his parents lived in Whitminster or what their business was, but they moved to Horsley in about 1620,

where they acquired land. In 1620, William went to the Middle Temple in London and trained as a lawyer. In 1629 he was called to the bar and returned to Gloucestershire, where he set up a legal practice dealing with manorial law. He had a wide interest in the law and kept a notebook that records his own experience in dealing with clients and interesting legal cases that came to his notice. This loose-leaf record still exists and is in the ownership of the Clifford’s at Frampton on Severn. It’s known as the “Legal Commonplace Book.” It is closely written in very fine handwriting - probably using a quill made from a sparrow’s feather! In 1653 Cromwell, whom he may have met at Chavenage, invited him to London - and he became first one of the Clerks of the Upper Bench and then in 1656, a Sergeant-at-Law. At that time, he was involved in drawing up plans for reform of the legal system. Cromwell died in 1658 and Parliament must have had a very busy agenda, so it is not surprising that few changes were made at that time. However, it is interesting that many of the reforms that Sheppard envisaged have since become law, some were enacted two hundred after he suggested them. He published twenty-three books on legal and religious matters, including ‘The Law of Conveyance’ in 1648 and ‘The Faithful Councillor’ in 1651, which is a legal encyclopaedia. Rose highlighted ‘England’s Balme’ that was also published in 1651. It is a comprehensive plan for legal reconstruction in England and must have been the basis of the proposals he put to Cromwell. His concern was oppression and lack of fairness in the existing system, particularly for the poor and needy.

The restoration of the monarchy in 1660 deprived Sheppard of his various offices, so he returned to Gloucestershire to pick up his legal practice. Interestingly, he had petitioned Cromwell for an increase in his remuneration because his earnings in Gloucestershire had been much greater. He had four wives and six children. Whilst living with his parents at Horsley he had been interested in puritanism. Rose Hewlett proved to be a very good speaker who researches her subjects thoroughly; Cherry Hubbard will be our next speaker at HOTS on 4th October at 7.30 in Christ Church. Alan Twelvetree, History of Tetbury Society

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18 | October 2018

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Leighterton Primary School We have had a wonderful start to the new academic year, here at Leighterton Primary School. We have welcomed many new families to our lovely school and the children are all settling in well. Our new classrooms have been further developed during the summer and the outside learning area for our reception class has had lots of work so that we can open up the bi-fold doors in the class to make a fabulous learning environment, where children can use the whole space – both inside and out. Our Buddies have completed their training and are working with the reception children in Apsemore Class, helping them at playtimes, lunchtimes and assemblies, and running lunchtime activities for everyone. During our house assemblies, at the beginning of the term, each of our houses – Dragonflies, Snakes, Foxes and Owls - elected

their new House Captains and they are doing an excellent job, leading their houses. All classes have begun their topics and the children are very keen to learn. Apsemore’s topic is ‘On the Move’ and they are learning about themselves, animals and vehicles.

David Sheppard

If you would like to find out more or come and look around Leighterton Primary School, we are having an Open Morning on Wednesday 3rd October from 9.00 am. If you are not able to come to this, you are also very welcome to contact Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 and we would be delighted to show you round at a convenient time. Further information about school is also available on our website - www.leighterton.com

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Meryl Hatfield


20 | October 2018

‘Dinosaur Roar’ is the topic for the children in Bowldown Class (Years 1 and 2) and they are planning to be palaeontologists soon, when they will excavate and study dinosaur bones. Haymead Class (Years 3 and 4) are learning about ‘Eureka - The Ancient Greeks’ and they will be writing “quest myth” stories. The topic for our oldest children in Ridge Class is ‘Journey to the Rainforest’. They will be learning about the human and physical geography of South America and about how rivers are formed.


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground It’s been a busy month at the Dolphins Hall, processing all the feedback from the public consultation and beginning to work out how to best fulfil the needs of the hall user groups, neighbours and people of Tetbury who love to attend events at the hall. This month we are using all the information we gathered, as we are working with several experts to establish the best way forward with the money we have and the time scales that we need to make work. Hopefully by time the deadline arrives for next month’s advertiser column I will able to tell you a lot more. Even though our official period of public consultation is closed, I would still love to hear people’s opinions, so please feel free to email me on chair@dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk It has also been a busy time on the Recreation Ground. The fantastic summer we have had has really taken its toll, leaving the ground in a very poor state and not really suitable for the football season to get underway on it. By time you read this, though, over 70 tonnes of new top soil will have been used to try and help makes things better. Many thanks to Tetbury Town Football Club, Tetbury Cricket Club and members of the public who have taken on the laborious task of spreading the soil. The reality is it is still not enough, but hopefully the recent rain will also help to improve the situation. Steve Scott, (Scotty,) Chair, Dolphins Hall and Recreation Ground Trustees


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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

October 2018 | 21


Letters to the Editor… Dear Editor,

I’m delighted to be able to share with you some news about the profitability of this year’s Tetbury Classi c Car Show. Turnov er for the whole exerci se was nearly £7,000 , and the profit from vis itors, stands, banner s, advertising, car fra nchises and donatio ns gathered after re-inve stment in resources was just over £5,000 . This sum will be lar gely divided between All sorts, the Stroud-ba sed charity for children and their families and Sir William Romney’s Sch ool, our hosts, as usu al, for the occasion. Smaller sums will be giv en to the Tetbury Lions and to the South Cotsw old Rotary Club for the ir support in marshalling and assisting visitors, and in collecting entran ce monies. May I take this opport unity to thank all tho se who supported the eve nt, either in person or with a donation of som e kind? It means a lot to the beneficiaries to hav e the continued suppor t of the community – and we hope the people of Tetbury and further afield continue to enj oy the relaxed atmospher e of our friendly fam ily event.

Elaine Smith, Tetbury Classic Car Sh ow

22 | October 2018


Dear Editor,

ination appointments for patients u clinics we are now booking vacc The “Flu news” is that for our fl over, or those who are under 65 These are for patients aged 65 and and entitled to a free flu vaccination. ing flu clinics during the week, condition. This year we are hold for patients aged , and suffering from a long-term now ed book be may c clini of October. The Saturday one Saturday clinic on the 27th ent. act reception to make an appointm cont se Plea . only , over eighteen and ren who are eligible to have child all of nts pare ing letters to the Fluenz - We will be very soon send e years old, and for school thre to This will be for children aged two a fluenz vaccine, at the surgery. only vaccine school aged can we , note se health conditions. Plea aged children who have ongoing have been sent a letter from us. children at the surgery if they ld vaccines at school. Parents shou n – Yr 5,) will be given their School aged children (Receptio containing further details. receive a letter from the school

Emma Vynne, ager Phoenix Tetbury Practice Man

Dear Editor,

mn hool year, autu art of a new sc st e b. th clu of s or p rie oned by memo ning a local grou s Perhaps conditi e, maybe by joi er ur mb nt me ve w w ne ne s a k about which welcome p, ou gr dly ts is a time to thin en en fri em a ating arrang Luncheon Club is d the random se Tetbury Ladies’ re is informal an he sp mo at e Th le. and guests. et different peop are bound to me e lunch is ensure that you ere a two-cours Manor Hotel, wh t lco something Ca be at to y re hl mont kers; there is su ea sp t We get together es gu of do get in lk from a variety interest to you, followed by a ta is might be of th k in a call on th u me yo e eryone. If et.com - or giv to appeal to ev erstllc@btintern mb me ail em by touch with me 01666 577808.

etary, embership Secr Olive Malcolm, M ub Cl on he nc Lu Tetbury Ladies’

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Now we’re in October, the nights are well and truly drawing in, and autumn is upon us with a vengeance. Personally, I don’t mind any of the seasons - but there are those in our community who dread the long dark evenings. Do you know of anyone who may feel this way,

who might appreciate a half-an-hour’s chat in the evening? Or are you someone who would appreciate the company with a cup of coffee and chat, yourself? If you would like some friendly company over the long winter evenings let us know, and we will get someone to pop in to see you if we can - or if you should need some shopping, perhaps, please don’t suffer in silence. Please contact our lovely team at the Tetbury Town Council and we will see what we can do to help.


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Mayors Report Leading on from this, please do join us at The Goods Shed for an afternoon cream tea and a chat, as a “Thank you!” for all the hard work done in knitting and crocheting poppies. Please see the advert in this issue of the Advertiser for full details. We look forward to seeing you - and even if you have not knitted but would like to join us then please let us know. All are welcome! On September the 19th at 8.00 pm, if you had happened to have been passing the Market Hall, you would have seen a group of young people with candles, accompanied by members of the council, on the steps. The event was streamed live to our “twin” town Châtillon-sur-Indre, to join us together in lighting candles to remember those who lost their lives in both wars, and to acknowledge Winston Churchill’s speech about uniting the European nations. Even with Brexit looming we all remain bound by our desire for peace. Many others have fought other wars and we must not forget the sacrifices that they have made.



Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor of Tetbury







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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

October 2018 | 23

New Patients Welcome General Family Dentistry

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Belgrave House Dental is a state of the art dental practice in the centre of Tetbury. We are currently welcoming new patients, so come and experience customer care from our highly qualified team offering a wide range of treatment in a stylish, welcoming environment. Tel: 01666 503403 Email: reception@belgravehousedental.co.uk www.belgravehousedental.co.uk

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24 | October 2018

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All profits distributed locally and internationally

October 2018 | 25

Tetbury Surgery In February 2017, Romney House Surgery merged with Phoenix, Cirencester. The partnership has brought many positive changes for the patients in Tetbury, including introducing a personal list system which has enabled us to provide continuity of care, good timely access and to promote self-care for our patients. These are the principle foundations for the service we provide to our patients.

computer system in May of this year. This will allow us, as a whole practice, to continue supporting our patients across all of our sites. The next step we are taking on our amalgamation journey toward becoming Phoenix Health Group, is that we are changing our name to “Phoenix Tetbury,” from the 1st of October. As well as changing our name, we have a new website which allows our patients to do a lot more online such as request medication, referrals, change details and much more - including seeing

the latest Friends and Family Test and CQC report. Please take a look at www. phoenixhealthgroup.co.uk We are also very pleased to welcome Dr James Woodward who started working at Tetbury in mid-September. Dr Woodward is a full-time partner GP who joined Phoenix Health Group Cirencester in September 2015, and he has permanently moved over to Tetbury to become the allocated GP for all of Dr Swanborough patients. Emma Vynne, Practice Manager, Phoenix Tetbury


As part of our journey toward becoming “one practice,” we introduced a new

FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)


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Friday November 30th

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Dinner, Disco until late - £25.00

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Themed Dress optional, bottle of Prosecco for best outfit.



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26 | October 2018

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Page 1

G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208

Foot Health Services in your own home Call for an appointment or information on 0775 1129552

Sir William Romney’s School Our Year 11 students have enjoyed another year of outstanding examination results, and we are very proud of the fact that our Progress 8 score, (+0.20,) places us amongst the highest performing comprehensive schools, for the fifth consecutive year. Students were again very successful in 2018 with 26% of all grades being above a Grade 7 and 80% of all grades being a Grade 4 or higher. Achievement in English and Maths continues to rise with 75% of students achieving a Grade 4 in both subjects and 41% a Grade 5.

Miriam Thomas MCFHP Nail cutting, treatment of corns, verrucas & other foot conditions in the comfort of your own home 0710716

We look forward to bringing colour and cleanliness back to your favourite floor coverings. Contemporary or traditional, large or small, piled or flat woven, hand knotted or tufted, shaggy or sheepskin, wool or silk – your rug will be cleaned using the right tools and techniques for the job. You can drop off or we can collect by appointment and either way you're very welcome to visit, discuss your requirements, and see us in action.

We would like to thank all the students for their determination and resilience, which ensured that they achieved so well. We also would like to thank parents for their continued support and, of course, all the staff at SWR, who provide highquality teaching and great extra-curricular opportunities across the entire year.

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Please contact reception if you would like our Headteacher, Jon Bell, to take you on a guided tour to see what makes our school so special. Sir Wiliiam Romney’s School 01666 502378

October 2018 | 27

Luckington Community School It was “Anchors Away!” and set sail for swashbuckling pirate adventure on the high seas, in the piratical musical that entertained everyone at the end-of-year play at Luckington Community School, this year. Young twins Jack and Liza Periwinkle, (played by Noah Russell and Skye Winter,) yearned for adventure, so imagine their joy at discovering a real-life treasure map! But when the infamous Redbeard, (Freddie Allman,) and his pungent “Pirates of the Curry Bean” stole the map and kidnapped

their mother, (Martha Armitage,) the race was on to rescue her, reclaim the map and find the treasure…

Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes Look after your Heart Every Wednesday morning in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from

Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Gentle Postural Stability training - 11.15am to 12.15pm Both classes gently strengthen the body, releasing the stress of everyday life. For more details call Monika on 07840 826306 Cost per person £6.00 Free parking available. 0710318

All pupils had a part in the play, with older pupils taking on major roles including some challenging solos and harmonies. Years 2 to 6 all had speaking roles. Both performances were greatly appreciated by a full house of families and friends and it was apparent how much hard work and dedication had gone into making the production such a success by all the staff and pupils involved. If you are considering primary places for 2019 then Luckington Community School is holding an Open Morning on Wednesday 17th October 2018, 9.15 – 11:30 am, so come and see what fantastic opportunities a smaller school can offer your child. Contact us to book your place 01666 840297 or email admin@luckington.wilts.sch.uk

open day Saturday 13th October 2018 10am to 3pm


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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

If your pet is very anxious you can try… • Calming pheromone diffusers – plug-in room diffusers or sprays such as Adaptil for dogs and Feliway for cats emit a calming odourless smell which can help them feel relaxed in their home. Start using these products at least 48 hours before any fireworks are likely to start. Spray your pet’s bedding, crate or safe place 15 minutes before allowing access to the area.

Author: Dr Kate Pickles BVM BVS MRCVS

The George Veterinary Hospital 01666 823165 Tetbury Clinic 01666 503531

• Nutraceuticals (food supplements) – such as Zylkene and Kalm-Aid can be given daily over a period of time to help pets feel more settled around Bonfire night.


• Desensitisation CDs – Noise phobia desensitisation CDs can be useful to slowly acclimatise your pet to loud bangs and crashes. Begin playing them in the weeks running up to the 5th November. Reward calm behaviour and ignore signs of anxiety to slowly help your pet get used to the sound of fireworks.

What can you do to help your pet?

• Keep them inside – if you know your pet becomes anxious during firework displays then it is best to keep them indoors during the evenings a few days before and after an advertised display or a neighbour’s bonfire. When pets are outside there’s a risk that loud bangs and flashing lights may cause them to flee from the garden. Keeping them indoors will provide the best cover from scary noises and keep them safe. • Walk them in the daylight – this minimises the chance of getting surprised by loud noises when out on a walk. • Create a safe place – drawn curtains muffle outside noise and flashing lights. Put the radio or TV on to mask the sound of fireworks and make a den for them to hide in should they become nervous. Place soft pillows and blankets around it to dampen outside noise. • Keep them company – try not to leave your pets at home on their own when fireworks are planned. They will feel safer and less fearful in your company. • Act natural! – Pets pick up on their owners’ anxieties too, so it is important to go about your normal routine calmly. • Reward calm behaviour and ignore fearful behaviour – reinforcing calm behaviour with food, treats or cuddles helps to make firework night a positive experience. Remember to resist the urge to comfort your pet if they show signs of anxiety as this will only exacerbate their fear. 140208 Classic Windows

22/2/08 22:04 Visit us

• Medicines – If the above options have not worked or your pet is particularly anxious we can use anxiety-reliving sedative medicines to help them through the worst of it. Loud noises can take pets by surprise and some might escape or run off. It is therefore important to make sure your pet can be identified easily if lost by means a collar and ID tag, or better still by a microchip. It’s now a legal requirement for dogs to be microchipped and contact details kept up to date with the database register. Microchipped pets have a much better chance of being reunited with their rightful families should they be found by someone else. Fireworks can still be enjoyed and hopefully these tips can make the firework season a less stressful time for you and your pet. For more information on any of the above please contact us; we’ll be happy to advise further.

atPage 23 1Church Street, Tetbury

A paid-for



All profits distributed locally and internationally

October 2018 | 29

News from St Marys’ Church What beautiful images! It’s lovely to see all these couples, stepping out into their married life together. And they are framed by the iconic West Door of St Marys’ Church. We’ll be including these, and many other photos, in our exhibition in the church this month. It is all in aid of our West Door Appeal, raising money to build a simple and elegant new entrance, with an integral ramp. PIease come along and enjoy the exhibition – and donate toward the building work to be carried out early in 2019. Thank you! With love and God’s blessing, Poppy. The Revd Poppy Hughes Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ St.MarysTetbury

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Tetbury Library

group: younger children, older children, or adults. Just drop in t to contribute – everyone welcome. Or post your favourite lines #nationalpoetryday and @GlosLibs.

poetry on social media #nationalpoetryday and @GlosLibs. Vibrantly showing off the galactic resource that is The Library, our Yarn Bombing group will be decorating the building for National Libraries Week! From the 9th to the 13th of October: drop in to see this vast woolly art installation – some favourite items and some new. (And can you find them all?) This week will be topped off by a ‘CelebraeStory’ on Saturday the 13th at 11:15 am – look out for more details.

The Library. So big it doesn’t need a name. • Design and installation of efficient gas and and installation of efficient gas Just a great big ‘The’. oil Design fired heating systems The Doctor in Dr Who ‘Silence in the library’

and oil fired heating systems

• Boiler replacement and system upgrade Boiler replacement and system including power flushing ‘Time to Read’ is a project run by the upgrade including power flushing

We’re playing with time and space this month and expanding National Poetry Day, (the 4th of October,) to make it fill the entire week! You are invited to share your thoughts/ words/ sentences on this year’s theme of ‘change’ to create community poetry. There will be one poem for each age group: younger children, older children, or adults. Just drop in to The Library from 1st to 6th October to contribute YOUR LOCAL EXPERT – everyone EXPERT welcome. YOUR Or post LOCAL your favourite lines of

BookTrust which ensures that every reception-aged child will receive a free book. (Home Educators can order their free book from www.booktrust.org. uk.) This year’s book is ‘Little Monkey’ by Marta Altés, and Linda will be reading this inspiring tale at The Library on Friday the 19th of October at 11.00 am. This is a great

Vibrantly showing off the galactic resource that is The Library, o

and gas firedservicing boiler servicing • Oil andOil gas fired boiler

decorating building under for National Libraries opportunity forthe children eight yearsWeek! From the 9 see this vast woolly art installation – some favourite items and old to all?) increase their experience of the story This week will be topped off by a ‘CelebraeStory’ on Saturd in a community more details. setting, as well as in the follow-up activity. All welcome.

design ‘Time to Read’ is a project run by the BookTrust which ensures • CompleteComplete bathroom bathroom design Inand installation other news from The Library: there is their free book receive a free book. (Home Educators can order and installation including adaptions book is ‘Little Monkey’ by Marta cards Altés, and Linda will be ayear’s broad selection of greeting including adaptions for the now elderly or infirm Library on Friday the 19 of October at 11.00 am. This is a grea

(birthday/blank) as well as (for the early for the elderly years old to increase their experience of the story in a commun th

callcall today AGW Howell today • Hard waterHard treatment drinking&water filters waterand treatment

birds) charity Christmas cards, for sale. activity. All welcome. There will be no chess club on the 19th or the 26th October. In oof ther news from The Library: there is now a broad selection

A.G.W. HOWELL (BUILDER) LTD (Builder) Ltd drinking water filters 01666 01666 • Leadwork and Fibreglass roofing Leadwork & Fibreglass Roofing Small local contractor for your building projects 503632 503632 and propertyAlderton maintenance 4, Priory Park, Priory Industrial Estate,

well as (for the early birds) charity Christmas cards, for sale. Th

Thank or you the 2to 6th everyone of October. who volunteered to create such fantastic events at The General Builder Specialising in Stonework and Renovations to everyone who Hannah, volunteered Joel, to create such fantast LibraryThank overyou the summer: Hannah, Liz, Joel, Angela, Lorna, Alice, Maria, Dr Liz, Angela, Suzie, D Lorna,summer: Alice, Maria, Suzie, our local young readers who completed the Summer Readin Boom!all and Felix. And well done to all our to you all! local young readers who completed the Summer Reading – a great big Alderton 4, Priory Park, Industrial Kylie, Linda, Liz Challenge & SEstate, oph, London Road, Tetbury, GL8 8HZPriory ‘awesome’ to youLibrary all! Call us on: 01666 860875 or 07786 938189 The Tetbury

London Road, Tetbury, GL8 8HZ www.indplumbingandheating.co.ukKylie, Linda, Liz & Soph, Email: howell.george@sky.com www.indplumbingandheating.co.uk The Tetbury Library email: info@indplumbingandheating.co.uk


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A extended home offering perfect accommodation to suit a family. The property also sits adjacent to St Mary’s Primary School. •

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News from Christ Church

occasional sudden influx of visitors on a coach trip. All are equally welcome. Some also like to look inside the church and

We are saying goodbye to John and Liz this month, who are moving out of the area.

Celtic Blessing for Hospitality

They have been an integral part of our community for many years. John has been a steward and on the Leadership Team, and Liz has been the chief face of Coffee Pot and Soup Lunch on Wednesday mornings. It is sad when friends move on, but we will stay in touch and still hear news of how things are going. We wish them all the best.

admire the rose window. I like to think we are a place of welcome; we are not always open but when we are, people often come in just for a sit down in the church. Others are stepping in to Liz’s shoes and As the Page old poster used to say, “Sometimes Coff ee PotMaths continues with a mix 22/2/08 of regular 22:05 150208 & English 1 I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.” and occasional local friends and the


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Some people pray, some look, some rest, occasionally someone falls asleep for a few minutes, and some just sit.

I saw a stranger yestereen, I put food in the eating place Drink in the drinking place Music in the listening place And in the sacred name of the Triune He blessed myself and my house My cattle and my dear ones As the lark said in her song ‘Often, often, often Goes Christ in the stranger’s guise.’ A church can be a quiet refuge either in noisy and busy world. May our homes and churches and communities be places of welcome. Noel Sharp, Minister of Christ Church Tetbury


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34 | October 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Scout Group their assistant leader. Thank you, Adele, for all of your hard work. In the new term they are very excited to be welcoming Bruce Russell as their new assistant leader and will be working on their creative, building and musician badges.

As Scouts, we’re committed to helping tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time. A new initiative will see UK Scouts inspire and empower the younger generation to fight plastic pollution, through a new partnership with the Government. The Government will create and distribute a new “Plastics and Marine Environment Activity Pack” soon, that will help us tackle

the issue and slash the amount of singleuse plastics in the oceans. This will include a pledge of £40,000 for a new Plastic Challenge Badge. All our units look forward to actively engaging in this challenge over the coming year. We would welcome hearing from any other community groups who would like some help from us related to this important topic. The Beavers finished last term cooling down with a lot of water! They challenged the Cubs to a good old-fashioned “water fight,” and also designed, built and raced boats, in a drain pipe regatta. Sadly, they also had to say goodbye to Adele Harvey as

30 years experience, specialising in Kitchens, Bathrooms, Extensions and Renovations

Our growing Cub Pack continue their many new adventures and their usual mix of outdoor fun recently included a visit to the Cotswold Airport and enjoying a great game of “capture the flag” at Preston Park, followed by well-deserved ice lollies to cool down. This term, plans are already in place for an exciting visit to Cheltenham fire station with support from our local Tetbury Firefighters - and for a trip to a pantomime to watch “Aladdin.” Other planned sessions include a cooking evening, craft night, bridge building exercise, night hike around the local area and Halloween fun. Demand for Cubs is high and if your child is interested in joining we would suggest you contact us as soon as possible via our email address cubs@tetburyscoutgroup.org.uk. The Scouts are looking forward to an autumn term packed full of fun, including soap sculptures, instrument making, a climbing course and first aid. They can also join many wider district events, including a canal boat weekend, a jamboree on the internet and “The Stomp,” which is a nighttime “incident” hike and challenge around Penn Wood scout camp. We are now starting to do many more activities as a group in the local area and are delighted to have been asked by the Town Council to get involved in the remembrance activities to mark the hundred-year anniversary of the end of WW1. We will soon start thinking about Christmas too, so please contact us if you would like Scouts to be involved in any of your Christmas events. Tom Glover,, Group Scout Leader gsl@tetburyscoutgroup.org.uk

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October 2018 | 35


Warwickshire Railway, now reproducing the steam travel of fifty years ago for more than 100,000 passengers annually. His long involvement in this project stemmed from a keen and well-described boyhood interest in transport.

Mobile phones can lead to convictions. This became clear on the 2nd of August when Tony Sykes, a leading mobile phone and computer forensics expert, revealed some of the modern IT techniques used in crime solving. Typical was the widespread positional monitoring and recording of phones and their transmissions from cars, by local wi-fi networks. Anecdotal snippets of expertise and real-life success stories flowed. In one case phone records had been combined with local CCTV footage and Google Earth to reconstruct a crime. But criminals are getting increasingly clever too, using more encryption.

Tony’s absorbing talk included warnings that text messages and computer files cannot be entirely deleted, nor necessarily completely overwritten. All unwanted recorded data should be physically destroyed. Hammers and bonfires were suggested! On the 16th of August Richard Glanville described the impressive restoration by volunteers of the Gloucestershire

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Many interesting background details and features were shared with us. Richard described the possibility of extending the 14-mile restored line to Honeybourne and perhaps Stratford but explained why extension into central Cheltenham was unlikely. Two weeks later, an eighteen-strong party of members, guided by Richard, was hauled from Cheltenham to Broadway and most of the way back by the splendid gleaming former Southern Railway Merchant Navy Class Locomotive No. 35006 ‘Peninsular and Oriental S.N.Co.’. This was a fitting follow-up to Richard’s enthusiastic and well-received talk.

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Richard explained that after the final closure of the Great Western line in 1976, stations were demolished, and the track lifted. But a preservation society, started in 1981 at the former fruit-loading facility at Toddington, had trains running by 1987 to Winchcombe, where Newport Troy station was reconstructed. The Cheltenham racecourse terminus was reached in 2003. Progressing northwards, trains to the rebuilt Broadway station resumed in March this year.

Please contact Joshua on 07769 345773 or email Joshua.humphries8910@gmail.com for a free quotation

Finally, Denis Cartwright has recorded how our speaker on the 3rd of September, Bryan Field, said in his most competent and informative talk that early aviators were men of means. They brought to flying the language and clothing of equestrians. It was therefore apt to call a possible flight across the Atlantic ‘The Water Jump.’


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36 | October 2018

A prize was offered to the first to achieve this difficult and dangerous feat within 72 consecutive hours. Several British contenders gathered in Newfoundland in early 1919. The Americans, with considerable Government financial aid, assembled a flight of Curtis flying boats and added an extra engine to each. One plane reached Plymouth via the Azores and Spain on the 31st of May. However, although flying the Atlantic first, the Americans did not meet all the competition requirements. So it was a British pair, Alcock and Brown, who having landed in Ireland in just under sixteen hours from take-off after a very difficult non-stop flight in their Vickers Vimy bomber, took the prize. Theo Stening, Probus

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury Nursery Playgroup

The children have returned happy and relaxed… …after an almost completely dry and warm summer holiday – and both staff and children have had lots to share with each other, about what they’d done both at home and on holiday. There was plenty of excitement about our new “home corner,” which the children have really enjoyed exploring and using to make the staff tea and cakes.

the Feoffees, who made a very generous donation before the holidays, enabling us to buy the home corner plus a new sand/water tray and tables for the children.

To enhance this area, we now have lovely curtains and a matching table cloth, all made by Anne Geers. We would like to thank

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Also, during the holidays, we have at long last had new windows put in the front of the building, making the building much quieter, warmer and brighter. A big “Thank you!” to the Tetbury Lions, for their donation toward the windows. We now need to raise funds to buy some new blinds! Arising from this the children now have a new gardening project too, as we had to lose all our bushes and plants at the front of the building, so that the windows could go in safely. This leaves a blank canvas, and ideas so far from staff are to make a fairy garden, a bug hotel, a bigger digging area and a sensory garden with lots of lovely herbs. Over the coming weeks we will be consulting the children and asking them what they would like to do with this area. The focus of the first few weeks has been on familiarising the children with the routines of the nursery, and the main topic has been “All about me,” where children can talk about their families, pets, favourite colours and so on. Outside, there has been a lot of interest in the snails! The children have been observing them coming out of their shells and the trails they leave behind. Soon we will start to look at autumn and the changes in the garden, particularly the colours that can be seen, especially from the falling leaves.


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We continue to hold our “play and stay” group on a Tuesday morning, which is always a good opportunity to meet new people, both for yourself and your child. There is always a key activity and the session ends with a story and a song. Whilst the crèche is beginning to fill up again after some children have moved up to the playgroup room, there are still spaces available if anyone wants the opportunity to go shopping on their own, to have a haircut, or perhaps just to catch up with friends for a couple of hours. The crèche children are enjoying using the garden, the sand and water area and exploring the activities in the crèche room itself. If you wish to contact us about any of our facilities you can do this by ringing 01666 504855 and asking for Karen or Linda, or by email via tetburynurseryplaygroup@ eygloucestershire.co.uk


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

Karen Milhench, Tetbury Nursery Group

October 2018 | 37

Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun

You do this by giving your executors an element of discretion, by saying “I have intentionally made no provision for my step daughter Griselda, because of her shabby treatment of Eustace - but I give 20,000 pounds to my executors who shall in their absolute discretion decide if she has made amends and if so pay the said sum to her, whom failing, Eustace.”

The “not so prodigal” daughter. All families have their differences. Unfortunately, a familiar problem is that a once-loved child or grandchild rides off into the sunset and becomes unlovable as far as the parents are concerned. There is a long period of “not speaking”. The parents may then appear in my office, seeking advice on cutting this person out of their wills. One must be very careful. As I have frequently indicated on these pages, it is all about balance. As the years roll on some members of the family become more powerful and some less so. This is a difficult emotional transition. One must consider possible remorse. How do you deal with this? The first problem is that the will could be challenged - as was the case when a mother fell out with her daughter and left all her funds to charity, only for the daughter to overturn this later through the courts. You might consider a forfeiture clause and leaving the errant child a token amount, stating that should any potential beneficiary challenge the will then their share would be forfeit. But if you have fallen out with your grandchild, you could be caught out by section 33 of the Wills Act 1837, which even today invites litigation from granddaughters left out of the list of beneficiaries. Section 33 provides that if the child or remoter issue predeceases the testator leaving children, then unless a contrary intention is shown, that those children will inherit - which will not please the survivors, if they know about the testator’s intentions… The recommended route to avoid this problem is to state in the will that section 33 does not apply, because in these fall-out cases invariably the family has fallen out so badly that they do not know who 100208 KP Gardens



The testator could be caught out by the reasonable provision trap, which enables a child, or a person treated as a child, (or someone maintained by the deceased,) to make a claim - even if that is historical. “Conduct” has been taken out of divorce in the main, as we discussed last month, but is relevant here. Griselda may still get home if she can rely on previous generosity, if she can pass the maintenance test.

these potential grandchildren or infants are. But be that as it may, we need to return to the original point, which is how do you cope with a possible deathbed reconciliation?

The answer here is to leave very detailed notes for your executors! My problem has always been tracking down these errant beneficiaries. Invariably, they are fugitives… Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal

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Page 1

Tetbury Counselling Service Graham Hackney Dip HIC (BCPC) MBACP T: 07833 993249 www.tetburycounselling.co.uk E-mail: tcsenquiry@outlook.com 100208

38 | October 2018


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South Cotswolds Overcalls Bridge Club

If you are going to overcall an opponent`s and doubleton club into account and go to a take-out double (weak in last suit called opening bid with a suit with only 10-11 plus opening hand) but this does not give high card points in your hand, then the key ng to overcall an If opponent`s opening bid with suit with oingredient nly 10-­‐11 bhisid igh card oints in only you are going to overcall an ao pponent`s opening with asuit spuit with 11 high your card partner points your in shape. I went two spades good quality …at10-­‐ least anyway hoping for a good fit with partner, two of the top three honours or three of the en the key ingredient i s g ood s uit q uality … at l east t wo o f t he t op t hree h onours o r t hree your hand, then the key ingredient is good suit quality …at least two of the top three honours or three because I follow the maxim “play graciously top fi ve honours in a fi ve-card suit. A recent e honours in a five-­‐ uit. A rhecent hand ome Ao rptions: of ctard he tsop five onours in ai llustrates five-­‐card suit. ecent hand illustrates some options: but bid aggressively!” hand illustrates some options:



WEST 4 2 A K 10 6 4 Q 5

NORTH A Q J 7 5 2 7 K J 4 2 8 2

K Q 7

West opens one heart. As North what are NORTH your options? You need to signal your unusual distribution. If you play weak twos (less than an opening hand, at least 6 in A Q J 7 5 2 the suit with good suit quality) then your decision is easy. Go a pre-emptive 2 spades which forces7 the opponents up to the three level and signals your hand well. If you play strong twosK then J 4 2 conventional wisdom suggests one spade. If you have been on an aggressive bidding 8 2 course you might take the singleton heart (your opponent’s suit)

What would you have bid? South Cotswolds Bridge play “gentle duplicate” in Tetbury at 1.45 pm on Thursdays at Christs Church, in the Chipping. There is assisted play for those that need it and you are guaranteed a partner. £3.00 per person. Just turn up, or if you prefer, contact jimedwards2011@ hotmail.co.uk Jeremy North, South Cotswolds Bridge Club

ne heart. As North what are yoour ptions? need to asre ignal your unusual distribution. If your unusual distribution. If West opens ne hoeart. As NYou orth what your options? You need to signal k twos (less than you an oppening hand, at (less least than 6 in athe uit with good ast uit quality) then your lay weak twos n ospening hand, least 6 in the suit with good suit quality) then your sy. Go a pre-­‐emptive 2 spades which the opponents o the three the level and signals decision is easy. Go af orces pre-­‐emptive 2 spades up wthich forces opponents up to the three level and signals Chiropractic ll. If you play strong wisdom suggests one spade. If wyisdom ou have been one spade. If McTimoney your twos hand then well. conventional If you play strong twos then conventional suggests you have been Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area ive bidding course ight take btidding he singleton pponent’s suit) ahnd course hyeart ou m(your ight toake the singleton eart (your opponent’s suit) and & now at Tetbury Hospital on yaou n amggressive VM LIMITED ub into account adoubleton nd go to a tcake-­‐ ut daouble (weak n tlast plus opening hand) ut called plus opening hand) but lub ionto ccount and gio o a stuit ake-­‐coalled ut double (weak in last sbuit Gentle & effective treatment for give your partner y our s hape. I w ent t wo s pades a nyway h oping f or a g ood f it w ith p artner, this does not give your partner your shape. I went two spades anyway hoping for a good fit back, with pneck artner, & shoulder pain, ow the maxim “play graciously but bid ggressively!” because I follow the maaxim “play graciously but bid aggressively!” sciatica, migraines, sports injuries you have bid? What would you have bid? Emma Newby BSc MMCA 07789 691479 olds Bridge play “South gentle Cdotswolds uplicate” Bin Tetbury 1.45 pdm on Thursdays at Christs Church, ridge play a“t gentle uplicate” in Tetbury at 1.45 pm on in Thursdays at Christs Church, in emma@mctimoneychiro.co.uk There is assisted the play for those that nis eed it and pylay ou faor re those guaranteed a partner. 3.00 Chipping. There assisted that need it and y£ou are pger uaranteed a partner. £3.00 per jimedwards2011@hotmail.co.uk urn up, or if you person. prefer, cJontact ust turn up, or if you prefer, contact jimedwards2011@hotmail.co.uk , Jeremy North, lds Bridge Club South Cotswolds Bridge Club




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40 | October 2018

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk 20/02/2017 08:48

CSL_0051 Matthews of Tetbury advert.indd 1

The autumn is now definitely here, it feels colder, and the days are getting shorter, but there is always something to do in the garden. We are busy removing any remaining summer bedding plants which have struggled on and we are cutting back faded herbaceous perennials, the garden equivalent of “spring cleaning!” As we approach the end of another successful season, thoughts also turn to improvements that need to be made for the year ahead. We have placed our order for new troughs for the entrances to the town and will be reliant on the council groundsmen to install them in October and

Tetbury in Bloom November before the tête-à-tête spring bulbs start growing again - and whilst the box trees are entering their dormant stage. A big thank you to them. We have found “Amberol” self-watering planters keep the plants well-watered, are durable and look good. Their trademark technology is comprised of a series of high capacity capillary-action wicks which “suck” water up from a water reservoir at the base of the planting onto dispersal matting, from which water then spreads evenly to the compost overlaying it. It’s quite remarkable and laboursaving, a blessing when there are flowerbeds and hanging baskets to look after. Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom

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October 2018 | 41

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SPECTACULAR FIREWORKS IN SAFETY This year the South Cotswold Rotary Bonfire &

Saturday 3rd November

Fireworks celebrations are being held on

Gates open at 6.00pm

Saturday 3rd November in the grounds of Sir

and £3.00 for children

William Romney’s School, Tetbury. The fireworks display is being staged by the award winning team from Events Consultants Ltd, ensuring that the whole spectacular experience can be enjoyed in the safety of a professionally run event.

Admission - £5.00 for adults and pensioners.

There will be a ‘Best Guy’ competition for a £10 prize to be judged at 6.30pm when the huge bonfire will be lit.

Hot food and refreshments will be on sale. 0931018

42 | October 2018

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October 2018 | 43

St Mary’s CE VA Primary School At St. Mary’s Primary School, we have started the new school year with a very beautiful school hall!

Abi Andrews Hair & Make up The Garden Room 6 Alexander Gardens, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8YZ

Thanks to the support of the Diocese and 0020218 parents and friends of the school who raised money for us, the school hall has been refurbished completely. The floor has been sanded and polished, the walls have been decorated, the ceiling and lights have been replaced and we have very smart navy-blue curtains to set it all off. Thank you to everyone in the community Cards.indd 1 who supported this project – we Business are very grateful for all the fundraising and delighted with the results.

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29/11/2012 17:31

We have also started the academic year with new staff. We are delighted to welcome Mr Walters to the team. Mr Walters is the new Deputy Headteacher and he has joined us from a school in Gloucester where he was in a leadership role. We also welcome Mrs Boswell to the Key Stage 1 as a class teacher. We have also welcomed lots of Reception children to the school this year; some families are new to the school, but some already have brothers and sisters here. They have had their first few weeks in school now, and I am always amazed at how quickly and happily they settle in. We will be holding our Open Morning at St. Mary’s on Wednesday 17th October from 9.30 until 11.30 am, so if you have a child who is due to start school in September 2019, please come along for a cup of coffee, a cake and a chat with Mrs Woolley and our Early Years team. The Governors will also be with us - and a tour of our school will be given by our Year 6 children. We would be delighted to welcome you and answer any questions you may have. Mrs Jo Woolley, Headteacher 340208 Piano Tuition



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44 | October 2018

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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we started our autumn programme by welcoming Lin Toulson from the National Osteoporosis Society, a charity which receives no government funding. Lin has been with the Osteoporosis Society for eighteen years and amazed us all with information and facts regarding this condition, which affects one in two women and one in five men over fifty. We all came away with a better understanding of the condition - and how we can maintain good bone health for the two hundred and six bones in our bodies.

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Town & Country News In the evening, we also presented members of Tetbury in Bloom with a cheque for £373.20, the total proceeds from our sale of cakes and savouries donated by the ladies of our institute at the Tetbury in Bloom “Open Gardens Day,” last July. Some of our ladies also volunteered and served teas and coffees on the day, which was much appreciated by Sue and Liz from Tetbury in Bloom, who were also delighted with our donation.

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Some of the ladies from the Needlecraft Group were busy over the summer, producing lap blankets for Elgar House at Southmead Hospital. The hospital’s “Fresh Arts” team supports patients with Dementia - and these bright and cheerful blankets are used to create distraction, interest and comfort. The next few months see many events planned for the various groups within our institute, with a lunch at the Trouble House for the “Lunch/Super Club”, a trip to Burford for the “Green Fingers” group, and perhaps a new venue for one of our Book Groups. A wide variety of different interests are catered for within our group, for members from Tetbury and from the surrounding villages. We always welcome new members! Our next monthly coffee morning will be on the 22nd of October at the Snooty Fox at 10.30 am. Do come along for a chat and a coffee. Our last meeting was the first in our new temporary home of Christ Church in the Chipping Car Park. We will be at this venue for the next few months, as works get underway at the Dolphins Hall. Our next Institute meeting will also be at Christ Church on October the 8th at 7.30 pm, when we will greet Jenny Parsons for a talk intriguingly entitled “Cam and the Wintherbothams.”


! Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events


Jennifer Walsh, Tetbury WI

October 2018 | 45

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46 | October 2018


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Tetbury and District Footpath Group Another walking season for the Group is finishing; the program for October completes the walks being organised for 2018. Organised walks by the Group are planned to start again next April, but please do watch out in case any special events are arranged between now and April. As ever, the time from the first 2018 walks in April seems to have passed very quickly and pleasantly. The weather has been reasonably kind, (for me constant rain is the worst,) but we have had dry weather on walking days, cloudy to start with, and then the hot spell during July and August. None of this has put off our members and visitors - we have had good support for all the walks, short or longer, flattish or hilly. Our program has covered a range of walks in start time, length and difficulty, so there has been something for nearly everybody. This year the program included our first Tetbury Walks Festival - and although we were not blessed with the best weather for those weekend walks, we had reasonable support and the group plans to repeat this event in April 2019, so if you like walking in the countryside and particularly if the weekends suit you, look out for details to be published in the new year. We welcome new members or visitors, if you are interested, join one of October’s walks or let us know and we will keep you informed of anything happening during the winter and of the program for next year, when it is available.

and then visit some of the villages of the Golden Valley, Length: 6 m 9.7 km, Level: B/C, Leader: Ian 502939. Tuesday 23/10/2018, 10.00 am, Cars needed, we climb ancient Uley Bury and enjoy the magnificent views and return along quiet country lanes, Length: 5.00 M 8.00 KM, Level: B/C, Leader: Sallie 503712, Some tough climbs early in the walk

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Mark’sHandyman Handyman Mark’s Services Services

Tuesday 09/10/2018, 10.00 am, A quiet walk down local country lanes to 18th century coaching inn, passing Highgrove on return., Length: 6.00 M 9.75 KM, Level: A, Leader: John Silvester 504430, Optional Coffee break at the Hare and Hounds en route

48 | October 2018


Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling

Walks Program for October 2018:

Tuesday 16/10/2018, 2:00 pm, Cars needed, Chalford, Brimscombe, Thrupp, Bussage Chalford, Walk the towpath of the old canal

Ian Thomas, Tetbury and District Footpath group


If you are a visitor, or are a new member coming for the first time, please contact the leader of the walk that you intend to join, or contact us by email: tetburydfootgp@ gmail.com, or go to our website www. tetburywalkers.co.uk, or see our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ TetburyWalkers

Tuesday 02/10/2018, 10.00 am, Cars needed, A very pleasant walk down into Tresham Valley and on through Hillesley followed by a fairly hard climb back to the cars, Length: 5.00 M 8.00 KM, Level: B/C, Leaders: Annie & Peter 504759, Picnic in Hillesley (weather permitting)

Tuesday 30/10/2018, 10:45 am, Traditional end of Season walk over the fields to Shipton Moyne, Length: 5.00 M 8.00 KM, Level: A, Leader: Ian 502939, Optional lunch en-route at Cat and Custard Pot. NOTE START TIME, numbers lunching reqd. by Tuesday 23rd October.

yourgeneral general D.I.Y./ For For all all your D.I.Y./ maintenance requirements maintenance within your requirements home & garden. within your home & garden.


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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Speedy Iron

A gold standard finish, every time – that’s the commitment made to customers Speedy Iron, Tetbury’s professional laundry, ironing, cleaning and repair service. Now entering its 15th year, Speedy Iron offers a reliable customerfocused service that includes washing, ironing, professionally laundered duvets and sheets, repairs, alterations, wet/dry cleaning and a shirt service that leaves shirts clean, crisp and feeling like new. Headed by Lorraine and Paul Deacon, Speedy Iron employs a highly skilled team with over 40 years’ experience in the laundry and dry cleaning trade. They include Madara Bagata, who has worked in many commercial and private laundries, Brenda Minal, who worked for an MoD laundry in the Falklands then in specialist dry cleaning, Brenda Wood, the company’s most recent recruit, and Jane Dark, a seasonal worker who is also studying for a degree in Menswear Fashion and Design.

“Wet cleaning is better for your clothing and skin, as well as the environment,” Lorraine adds. “Many items that claim to be dry clean only can be safely wet cleaned using this system and customers are often surprised at the results we achieve. As Autumn approaches may people are switching summer clothing and bedding for warmer, winter woollies and duvets. Speedy Iron is ideally placed to give all these items a deep professional clean, ready for the start of the new season. To find out more call 01666 503900 or visit www.speedyiron.co.uk Unit 4 Priory Ind. Est., London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZ

A paid-for


“As a company we are big enough to accommodate every laundry and cleaning requirement, yet small enough to be personal and give customers exactly what they want,” Lorraine Deacon says. “Our staff understand how to properly identify fabric content and their knowledge base ensures that the right processes and treatments are used so that we always deliver a perfect finish. This is especially important on precious fabrics like angora, cashmere and silk.” Speedy Iron has made a significant investment in the latest state of the art laundry and cleaning technology, including an innovative wet clean system that offers a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to dry cleaning.

For all your ironing, cleaning & repairs Laundry Wedding Dresses UGG® Boots Dry Cleaning, Wet Care Duvet, Bedspread, Blanket Service Alterations and Repairs

Free delivery and collection

Drop off facility for your convenience

Professionally Fully insured for finished peace-of-mind garments

Work carried out at our premises

Call us to find out more or visit www.speedyiron.co.uk Unit 4, Priory Ind.Est., London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8HZ

01666 503900


All profits distributed locally and internationally

October 2018 | 49

Tetbury Art Society With the good weather this summer, we tried to extend our outdoor painting activities into the first week of September. But we were reminded of the lateness of the season when a shower thwarted attempts to add water colours to our sketches, so we bowed to the inevitable and headed off for a coffee instead.

Our August Exhibition was held in the Market Hall on Saturday 25th August through to Monday 27th (in fact our setting-up went so well on the preceding Friday that we decided to open that afternoon.) This year, we were able to hang around one hundred and fifty framed pictures - and to display around thirty unframed pictures on tables, but sales were down a bit, mainly due to persistent rain on the Sunday. Visitors voted Jane HolfordAtkin’s stunning painting of a snow leopard as the best-in-show.


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With the arrival of September and noticeably shorter evenings, we resumed our monthly meetings indoors at St Michael’s Hall. On Wednesday the 5th Ray Hedger visited us again for a surgery, to give us some advice on pieces of our work that hadn’t turned out as well as we had hoped. He looked at a selection of our work, offering tips on how we could make improvements. He commented that often artists know what needs to be done to improve a work, but just don’t do it! From there he modified a few paintings with the artists’ permission. For example, he partially removed a hedge painted in water colours and re-did it. He worked with oil paints on another, to lighten the middle ground and darken the foreground, making it stand out and giving the picture depth. On Wednesday the 3rd of October, we plan an “inspiration swap.” Members will bring along materials and projects for others to attempt – which is a good way to try something new. More information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www.tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.

Body Stress Release - a non-invasive technique that helps your body help itself.

Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.

Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society

Opening Times:

All Aspects of Interior Exterior Painting


Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.

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50 | October 2018

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Tetbury’sTetbury’s PremierPremier Independent Garage Garage Independent Established in 1974, we Tetbury's Established inare 1974, we are premier Tetbury'sindependent premier independent garage offering dedicated and experienced team of team of garagea offering a dedicated and experienced mechanics. We were voted Independent Garage ofGarage the Yearof the Year mechanics. We were voted Independent 2012 by both Trader andTrader the Motor Industry of Code of 2012Motor by both Motor and the MotorCode Industry Practice. Practice.


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We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAGMini, (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,VW, Skoda) and We specialise in BMW, SEAT, Skoda) and Established in 1974, are Tetbury’s premier independent garage offering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. We have 8we courtesy available a or offer As offer an independent BMW, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's Land Rover. We have 8cars courtesy carsor available a Mini, VAG (Audi, mechanics. We wereservice. voted Independent Garage of the Year by both Motor Trader andindependent the Motorgarage Industry of collection collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and2012 Land Rover specialist premier offeringCode a Follow us @carcaretetbury Follow us @carcaretetbury

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we invest state ofSkoda), the art dealer-level dedicated and team of cars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW,inSEAT, Land Rover and Mercedes. Weexperienced have 9 courtesy At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so mechanics. offer a range diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We full of services available or offer a collection service. At Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free call today or visit our website. courtesy cars or collection.

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tbury's premier independent nd experienced team of As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level dependent Garage of theAs Year As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level Since starting smaller in 1974, We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to d the MotorVW, Industry Code ofSEAT, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist and repairs we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level genuine Rover Ourservice full independent garage with equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT AG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda) and diagnostic equipment to provide you with a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, experienced team of mechanics. We off er a functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT sy cars available or offer a for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy and brake fluid change. We provide service full range of services for all makes of cars, four Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles Follow us @carcaretetbury commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. book stamps to keep your warranty wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and satisfaction is our top priority so will save you money. fuel efficiency. or visit our website.

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Established in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level tyre wear, Experiencing uneven tyre wear, MOT alland Class 4 cars and light vans We provide fulldiagnostics, dealer level diagnostics, Experiencing uneven pulling to pulling toMOT testing on alltesting Class 4on cars light vans We provide full dealer level


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service and repairs using ™ thean left or right, an uncentred steering with aincluded freesoftware re-test included service and repairs using Autologic ™ Autologic the left or level right, uncentred steering a free re-test if needed. Allif needed. All 1. Has your garage invested ingenuine the latest equipment for diagnostics, capable ofwith both updates Land Roverdealer parts. Our full service equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of equipment which offers the full level of wheel or poor handling? If so, contact us to bulbs and adjustments are included free of full range ofupgrades? services mechanics. offer acoding includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT andWekey functionality available to main our fouralignment wheel laser alignment service. charge!excluded) (headlamp excluded) for all makes of cars, four wheel and anddealers. brake uid change. provide service functionality available todrives main dealers. bookWe our fourbook wheel laser service. charge! (headlamp 2. Does it have access to ex- master technicians, with years of experience? light commercial vehicles. stampswill to keep your warrantyLaser intact.alignment willl transform your vehicles at Car Care Tetbury Servicing yourServicing car at Caryour Carecar Tetbury willbook Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles 3. Doesyour itnot have ityour equipment and checked every 6 towear 12and months? affect manufacturers handling characteristics, tyre wear and not affect manufacturers warranty calibrated andwarranty and handling characteristics, tyre will save9you money. efficiency. 4. Does itmoney. have quality courtesy cars from Audi’s tofuel Range Rover’s, two new town cars andwww.carcaretetbury.co.uk a new Petronas smart car? will save you fuel efficiency. www.carcaretetbury.co.uk 5. Does it offer free recovery within 10 miles of itself?? 6. Does invest in staff training like us,London currently have staff undertaking ATA assessment? Units 1-3,Industrial Priory and, Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire Unitsit 1-3, Priory Estate, Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ dedicated and experienced team of

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Tetbury Bowls Club A twenty-four-hour non-stop bowls marathon in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind was held at Tetbury Bowls Club between the 27th and 28th of July, when two teams of four players played against twenty-three other teams from local clubs and businesses. The Tetbury teams each played two six-hour sessions, and then both Tetbury teams played the last hour against each other. The challenge was completed despite the bad weather, when during the night there was thunder and lightning! The teams were fed with hot Cornish pasties donated by the Cornish Bakery in Gloucester Quays, and then with bacon rolls for breakfast and an afternoon barbecue.

On Friday the 31st of August, club members presented a cheque for £5014.65 to a representative of the charity, who attended with his nineteen-week-old puppy “Ugo,” which he is looking after for the first part of the training. A further £280.00 was raised through the “Just Giving web” site. The money raised will go towards the purchase of a puppy, to be named “Bowler.” Tetbury Bowls Club will like to thank all those who took part and gave sponsorship toward raising this fantastic sum. Angela Cary, Tetbury Bowls Club

Paul Carpenter Carpentry Services All aspects of carpentry, kitchens, uPVC doors and windows

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52 | October 2018


Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.

Professional, friendly and reliable service All aspects of the trade EST: 1986/ Free Estimates Mobile: 07745495427 Tel: 01453756742 pete.oloughlin@sky.com Fully Insured


Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk



Every year we get calls from owners about their pets and firework phobia. Please plan ahead. There is no quick fix if your pet is frightened of fireworks. We have various calming remedies that can help but they need to be started well in advance of the bonfire season. Please feel free to call the surgery for advice.


We have seen an unusually large number of pets infested with ticks this year and as usual fleas are always a problem. We recommend Bravecto tablets or spot on for complete control lasting 3 months, included with our Pet Care Plan.


Hannah our fully qualified groomer offers a full grooming service from basic bath and brush to complete clipping or hand stripping.


01666 500853

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Tetbury Goods Shed We had a great September down at The Shed; everything to enjoy from music to dance to cinema nights through garden design workshops to photography workshops - and more! Together with Hereward and his team from The Yellow Lighted Bookshop, we were absolutely delighted to welcome firstly author Patrick Gale, talking about his latest book “Take Nothing with You” followed by acclaimed Poet Simon Armitage reading from a selection of his works. A big “Thank you!” to Hereward and his band of helpers, to Phil Kirby, and of course to our volunteers, who worked hard to ensure everything went smoothly.


Thank you also to Tetbury Music Festival, for bringing world renowned clarinettist Julian Bliss and his Jazz Septet to a sellout night of top-class Jazz – launching this year’s series of concerts and talks that make up the annual Tetbury Music Festival. September also saw the launch of our new series of illustrated and animated talks, covering the natural world, arts and sciences. Each month we plan to bring you distinguished presenters, writers, artists, scientists, animation experts, biologists, poets, designers, mathematicians, TV personalities and musicians – check out our website for the latest information. As we move into autumn we will be working hard to bring you a wide selection of events each week at the Shed. But, and it is a big, big but – we would struggle to put on any event without our tireless and enthusiastic band of volunteers, who turn up to ensure everyone has a good time. They put chairs and tables out, help in the Café, serve wine, wash up, man the Box Office, make the Films play, paint the train carriage – the list is almost endless. Thanks again!

1021217 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian

We are a great bunch - even though I say it myself! There is a lot of fun to be had and the opportunity to be involved with the development of this outstanding building, bringing such a variety of events and happenings to our town, is something pretty special – so if you want to become involved, then we want to hear from you. 530212Limoi, Pat testing:Layout 1 Kathryn Arts Centre Administrator

Page 1

Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . .


Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation. Please phone for details on

54 | October 2018


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October 2018 For a great homecare team, it’s got to be Prestige

We are recruiting Homecarers and Support Workers in Tetbury, Cirencester, Malmesbury and the surrounding villages

New Exhibition: ‘Deception’. From 20 Oct Perception-challenging images by Mark Fairhurst FILMS


Pay starting at £9.50ph Contact us today 01666 503020 gloucester@prestige-nursing.co.uk www.prestige-nursing.co.uk

Every Thursday evening

A Quiet Place (15). 7.30pm. Post-apocalyptic monster horror


Call Me By Your Name (15). 7.30pm. A sensual and transcendent tale of first love


Spitfire (PG). 7.30pm. Epic, sweeping tale of the plane that helped save Britain in 1940


The Happy Prince (12A) 7.30pm. The untold story of the last days of Oscar Wilde


MUSIC Gloucester Recruitment Tetbury Advertiser June 2017.indd 1

16/08/2018 16:20:23


Dursley Male Voice Choir. 7.30pm. From John Rutter to Paul McCartney and beyond


Elvis in Trouble. 7.30pm. Darren Boyce and his band "Trouble" bring you Elvis at his best



Comedy Club. 7.30pm. With Nick Page, plus The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre


The Mayor Sandra Ball and Tetbury Town Council would like to thank everybody who has knitted and crocheted Poppies by inviting you to a


THANK YOU cream tea party which will be held at the Goods Shed on Sunday 4th November 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Margaret Faultless Lecture. 4pm. How we listen to music (Tetbury Music Festival)


Writers at the Goods Shed. 7pm. Young Adult fiction writer Eugene Lambert


'Vertigo’ and the Birth of Computer Animation. 7.30pm. Richard Stamp PhD


If you have helped with the poppies and would like to attend please contact the Town Council offices 01666 504670 executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk We are also able to provide transport if required


Garden Design Workshop. 10am-4pm. Innovative ideas from Chelsea RHS Medalist


Crafts @ The Carriage. 6.30pm-9pm. Design and print a beautiful cushion cover


Kid’s Halloween Collage. 10am-1pm. Make a Mexican Day of the Dead collage on canvas

Café open 10am-4pm Wednesday-Sunday

01666 505496

All tickets and info: www.shed-arts.co.uk 1220918


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

October 2018 | 55

Tetbury Camera Club Old thoughts giving new inspiration… Great thoughts don’t need to be new to have modern relevance, or to give contemporary inspiration. One thought conceived of about one hundred and fifty years ago by an American philosopher, poet and writer called Henry David Thoreau, proves this as effectively as any. It is also a good companion to this month’s photograph from Tetbury Camera Club. Thoreau, who lived from the early to mid19th century penned the thought: ‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see’ – and if you think that’s a saying that sounds familiar, it probably is, for today it seems to be used in a wide variety of different situations. I don’t think any of the members of Tetbury Camera Club had philosophy in mind when travelling around the county on our recent summer location shoots, but at the same time most of us do try to avoid being derivative with the work we do. We share ideas, enjoy tips on differing photography techniques and even recommend photogenic locations to each other. When we go out together, as well as the camaraderie of being part of a shared-interest group, there is always the challenge of finding a way to be different. That often means looking at the places we are visiting differently and coming up with angles or concepts that others haven’t seen or thought of. The picture shown here is a good example of that. It was taken by our member John Jennings on a recent visit we made to Cirencester. It was an evening when virtually all of us found an interesting facet of the town we hadn’t spotted before, but only John chose to capture the angle, height and shape of the tower of St John the Baptist’s, one of the country’s largest parish churches.

Try Tetbury before you travel, remember Tetbury Hardware is your local store and we can deliver locally.


2019 Diaries

all styles and sizes buy early to avoid disappointment. You will not find them at a better price anywhere locally!!

I’m not sure what inspired Thoreau to come up with his words of wisdom back in the mid 1800’s, but hopefully he would be pleased to find that they are still a very appropriate thought to bear in mind now. Particularly if you are out with your own camera and wondering how to produce an interesting souvenir of what you are seeing around you.

Pet Products – We cater for Dogs to Degus and Cats to Canaries, if we do not have it we can get it. Give us a try!! Home & DIY – From general cleaning to major make overs we have the products

you need locally. We have the largest selection of lamps/bulbs in Tetbury so try us with confidence. We can also order for you. Others may try but we are here to help and assist you.

Gardening – Time to plan for the Autumn/Winter clean up so get prepared – ask us for what you need.

After our summer break we’re in full swing again, with our regular weekly gettogethers, upstairs at The Priory Inn at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday evening. We are always happy to welcome new members. If you’d like to know more about our work, we have lots of information about what we do and when on our web site. There are also other shots showing further examples of our work: www.tetburycameraclub.org.uk. Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club

56 | October 2018

Don’t forget, we cut keys, develop digital prints, and have a stock of Winter Fuels in stock. We can deliver locally. It really is the Aladdin’s Cave people say it is. We are here for you, its up to you to visit us and test us out. Into our 8th year with pride serving the Tetbury Community.


Your local agent for UPS Package Handling

30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL - 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook)

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Tetbury Community Choir Tetbury Community Choir

In Concert with Soloist: Heather Bristow Wednesday 17th October 2018 at 7:30pm At St Mary’s Primary School Tetbury In aid of School Funds Tickets: £5 from: The School Office Tetbury Hardware Tetbury Tourist Information Ofice or from johnsaynor@talktalk.net

“To Sing or not To Sing?” (That is the question you should ask my cat!) This is a quiet time for all of us in Tetbury Community Choir. For a couple of months, we give our vocal chords a rest from singing and our brains a rest from concentrating on the music scores. I think that after a couple of weeks, though, most of us are suffering quite badly from withdrawal symptoms. Am I the only one to have been looking through the music in my music folder, and practising “The Glory of the Lord” accompanied by a choir on YouTube? And what did we do before YouTube? I’m sure that if my cat Lulu could answer that, she would say “some of us got a bit of peace and quiet!” She is not impressed with my vocal renditions, giving me a disdainful glare before walking haughtily from the room… By the time you read this, we will have started a new term, following our long summer break, and will be practising hard for our next concert. This will be held in St Mary’s School and the proceeds will go towards school funds, so please come along and support us in our efforts to help this good local cause. The tickets will be held at a very reasonable price and are fantastic value, not least because we will also have the talented local singer Heather Bristow performing in the concert, so be sure to write the date in your diary - Wednesday October 17th promises to be a hugely enjoyable evening. Performing for a public audience is a bit scary, but at the same time it is great fun, and we all get such a buzz and a wonderful sense of achievement afterwards when it all goes well. If you feel that you would like to join us as a member, then please do come along to a practice evening- your first session is free, and the cost thereafter is £5 per session which is payable on the night. We meet on Monday evenings at Christchurch in the Chipping, and sessions begin at 7 pm and finish at 9 pm with a short break of ten minutes. (It is a good idea to bring a bottle of water with you). Contact our Secretary Ian Thomas on 01666 502939 or email thomasik42@gmail.com. You can also get in touch with us on our website www.tetburycommunitychoir.co.uk. Carolyn Marmont, Tetbury Community Choir


Christmas at

Christmas Party Menu 2 courses £19.95 3 courses £24.95 4 courses £29.95

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58 | October 2018

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Tetbury Cares Men in Sheds Tetbury Lions are preparing to launch a “Men in Sheds” project…

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…and are looking for a site and sources of funding. Originating from the Tetbury Cares initiative, this would be a new venture for the town. The UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA), the support body, was founded in 2013 - and in 2015 UKMSA became a registered charity. Today there are over four hundred Men’s Sheds, with around 10,000 or more men benefiting from regular social interactions. The UKMSA would provide a Tetbury project guidance both with startup issues and development, if the project moves forward. “Men in Sheds” offer community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. They offer a place for men to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and to enjoy “making and mending.” They are about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter. As a by-product of all of that, they reduce isolation, allow men to deal with mental health challenges more easily while remaining independent, and help build communities. There are existing day club facilities for the elderly in Tetbury, with whom we would not want to compete, but we feel that some older men may be more comfortable in the company of other men - and with a programme of more practical activities. We may have an allotment site to start our project in January 2019 and to this end some tools have already been donated to the project, by a lady whose husband can no longer use them. In the meantime, we are also looking for a site with electricity and a structure we can use as a workshop, providing an opportunity for more hands-on projects.


Optimum Mobility

Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist * Wheelchairs, manual and powered * Scooters and portable scooters * Powered rise/recline armchairs * Household, bathroom and walking aids * Large display with private test area * Disabled facilities, easy parking * Proper maintenance * Part exchange, new & reconditioned * Adaptations

Mobility assessments and tuition at home

We are a family business

We would like to hear from men who would be interested in joining the project. There is no restriction on age. If this appeals to you, please contact Ken White on 01666 504189. Lion Ken Editor’s Note: If you’d prefer to get in touch 1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 19/5/09 by email please feel free to use 1advertiser@ tetburylions.co.uk and I’ll forward your enquiry.

Jo Gale (as mentioned in)

Cotswold Life

Painting, Decorating & any odd jobs

The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury

Mobile: 07742 916044 Home: 01666 503872

01666 840060



Hand delivered to 4,250 homes each month


October 2018 | 59


Think you don’t need a water softener?

Health Health

Clothes Clothes

Children in har Children hardd w water ater ar areas eas ar aree 54% mor ely to to suffer suffffer e from moree lik likely er from ecz eczema. washed hardd w water ema. Hair w ashed in har ater is duller and rrougher. ougher.

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H ot w ater Hot water

Limesc ale build up in pipes Limescale ccan an incr ease yyour our ener gy bills increase energy bbyy up ttoo 25%.

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Pr essure Pressure W ater flo w thr ough a sho wer head Water flow through shower ccan an rreduce educe by by 75% in just 18 mon ths of untreated untreated hard hard water. water. months

The Cotswolds lie in a hard water area where the minerals in water create limescale deposits when heated. The most visible sign of limescale in your home is furred up kettles and hazy glassware, but the hidden problems are costing your household hundreds of pounds a year. Can you afford to ignore your hard water? Contact us at The Tetbury Soft Water Company for a FREE survey and we can help. Our water softeners are ‘fit and forget’ and come with a 10 year Warranty.

01666 500 028 • 07578 191 418 • www.tetburysoftwater.com 1200517

Products: Water Softeners • Water Filtration • Salt Blocks Services: Sales • Installation • Repairs • Survey

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