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September 2014
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Published by the Lions Club of Tetbury since 1974
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2 | September 2014
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Diary of Events for September
2nd September Tetbury Camera Club 7.30 pm at the Priory Inn
15th September Tetbury Ingleburn Trefoil Guild 7.30 pm in St. Mary’s School, first meeting of the year
3rd September Tetbury Art Society Meeting 7:30 pm at St. Michael’s Hall a demonstration by Rita De
17th September Tetbury Food Festival commences Details in the article and adverting in this issue
4th September HOTS meeting 7.30 pm at Christchurch, Hector Cole will speak on ‘Archaeological Iron Working’
20th September Avening Village Hall 10:00am - 12:30pm Children’s “Nearly New” sale. For info ring Jo on 07900 902264
6th September Avonvale Utd 2nd annual ‘Great Vale Bake Off ’ Details on the Avonvale Utd FC Facebook page
26/27/28th September St Michael’s “Michael Fest” Celebrations Details in the article and advertising in this issue
7th September 2nd Annual Tetbury Classic Car Show 10:00 am -4:00 pm at the Memorial Recreation Ground 10th September St Mary’s Playgroup AGM 7.30 p.m. at The Priory - everyone is welcome 13/14th September HOTS Exhibition 10:00 am – 4:00 pm in the Market place on both Sat and Sun 13th/14th September The Malt House 10:00 am – 4:00 pm The Malt House will be open to visitors for Heritage weekend
27th September – Beating of the Bounds 9:30 am meeting under Bath Bridge for the town boundary walk 27/28th September Royal Oak Leighterton Harvest Beer Festival 2014
POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number)
SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 501086 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275
DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270
TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552
HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336
Useful Information
27th September Vale Casino Night Details on the Avonvale Utd FC Facebook page
PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766 Chiropodist Tel: 504228 OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214 LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: administrator@tetbury.gov.uk Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000 Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01285 641715 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Mary’s - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047
NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk Cotswold Volunteers and Dial-a-Ride Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 01666 502514 (tues.wed.thurs 9am-1pm) Voluntary Hospital Car Service Tel: 01285 659374 TETBURY SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 505805
Contents Lions Den A Lion Remembers Avening School Avonvale United Computer Advice Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Diary - September Dolphins Dramatic Society Dolphins Recreation Centre Garden Notes Guides History of Tetbury Society Ingleburn Trefoil Guild Letters to the Editor Maggie’s Report Mayor’s Report NCT News from St Mary’s Patient Participation Group Priory Inn Blog Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun Sir William Romney’s School St Mary’s Playgroup St Michael’s Parish News Tetbury and District Footpath Group Tetbury and District Planning Group Tetbury Arts Society Tetbury Bowls Club Tetbury Camera Club Tetbury Dial-a-Ride Tetbury Food and Drink Festival 2014 Tetbury in Bloom Tetbury Job Club Tetbury Library Tetbury Model Railway Club Tetbury Music Festival Competition Tetbury Neighbourhood Planning Tetbury Nursery Playgroup Tetbury Police Museum Tetbury Rail Lands Trust Tetbury Summer Show Tetbury Theatre Group Tetbury WI The Feoffees and the Thirteen The People’s Pod Tiggers Unsung Hero - September Young by Name
5 30 16 14 11 36 3 37 34 53 57 6 10 22 5 22 58 21 38 24 9 56 44 52 48 47 39 40 8 46 28 49 45 18 17 50 47 41 43 42 19 32 32 26 25 27 24 4
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Advertiser Rates / Information
Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Alan Cross - Accounts 5A Berrells Road, Tetbury GL8 8ED. Tel: 01666 505920 Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: colincpoole@gmail.com
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Copy date for the October Issue - Thursday 11th September 2014 ** Delivery date - 27th/28th September 2014 ** Important: Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
Notice to Advertisers No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers. Produced by The Tetbury Advertiser Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tetbury Lions Trust : Charity Number 1152090 www.tetburylions.co.uk Design and Layout Wilprint and Design Limited, T: 07779 880937 E: sales@wilprintdesign.co.uk Print Wheatley Printers Limited, T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk
September 2014 | 3
Young by name A Summer of Extremes I shall remember this summer break as the holiday of two extremes - scorching, dry sunshine and chill, torrential rain, as I flitted from Ithaca to Inverness. Our trip to Ithaca was a busman’s holiday for me. I was helping run the Homeric Writers’ Workshop and Retreat, so called because the island was the start and finishing point of perhaps the most famous journey of all, that of Odysseus, as chronicled by the ancient Greek master storyteller, Homer. Our Scottish trip was occasioned by my husband’s own odyssey - to climb all 282 Munros, the Scottish mountains of 3,000 feet or more, named after the man who first mapped them. On Ithaca, the weather was idyllic: constant sunshine, cornflower-blue skies, refreshing sea breezes, all day every day. The locals apologised that there were clouds in the sky - tiny Persil-white puffballs - apparently not usually seen between June and September. A few days later, when we flew into Inverness to meet my husband (already there in our camper van, with 20 more Munros crossed off his list before we arrived), steady rain was falling from steely
skies. As we headed west for Ullapool, the clouds became more leaden. Linen sundresses, so comfortable on Ithaca, were supplemented with leggings, t-shirts, cardigans, shawls - all at once. On Ithaca there are constant reminders to conserve water, always in short supply on this tiny island. In Scotland, there is evidence everywhere of the abundance of local water: high and raging rivers, waterfalls and landslips beside the roads. New flood defences are under construction wherever we go, and not a moment too soon. If there’s ever a global shortage of water, Scotland’s a dead cert for world domination. Yet as we retreated southwards, I realised that my two holiday destinations weren’t so different after all, and not just because they both prompted us to haemhorrage money on dubious souvenirs. Both have a vast diaspora, thanks to economic migrants driven to North America, Australia, and South Africa by the Highland Clearances in Scotland and by the1953 earthquake in Ithaca. Both landscapes are scarred by the ruins of abandoned, simple stone houses, surprisingly similar in structure and appearance. Both populations departed with a deep love of their homeland imprinted on their hearts. Whenever they can, they return. Australian, American and South African
accents abound on Ithaca. In Scotland, 2014 has been declared Homecoming year, to mark the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, at which the Scots trounced the English. (By chance, my husband hails from Bannockburn.) I feel privileged to have been able to holiday in places that so many people, all over the world, will always regard as home. Yet I’m also glad to return to the Cotswolds, which, as a small child on holiday there, I resolved I would one day make my home. Because as Homer himself once said: “Nothing is sweeter than home”. At least, that’s what it says on my Ithacan souvenir fridge magnet. For details of Debbie Young’s books and book-related events, visit her website: www.authordebbieyoung.com
LEE COOPER (TETBURY) LTD Upton Grove Forge, Tetbury Gloucestershire, GL8 8LR Telephone & Fax (01666) 505672 www.lee.cooper.co.uk Specialise in Custom Made Metalwork For Industrial & Domestic Use Please Call: Martin or Jon 760411
I 0960914
4 | September 2014
Dear Reader, As I am writing this we have just experienced the tail-end of hurricane Bertha, not as bad as we thought, and we do hope it’s not the end of the summer as I am yet to have my holiday.
Firstly I would like to say a big thanks to Lions Basil and Judy for our splendid weekend in Herefordshire, I am not quite sure who did what as they are both far too modest to mention it. The weather was quite superb and the views outstanding, I hasten to add that we went in our MG to make the most of it. We are planning our next year’s presidential weekend
We are building a very close relationship with Maggie’s of Cheltenham, who do wonderful work with aftercare, rehabilitation and support for those recovering from Cancer and I would like to say a big thank you to Lion Chris for instigating this worthwhile project. On the 17th July, there was an advanced party of Lions which Chris organised to sample some of the nutritional recipes with a presentation, highlighting the importance of nutrition in the recovery process, and also demonstrating the support they provide.
success for the future and also the St. Mary’s netball team to whom we’ve given a donation. We also have another group now, called “Overseas Liaison”, who are working very closely with our international coordinator on several projects; Napal oral hygiene, water aid (which reaches 190 people every hour with safe water), and just recently we have been supporting the Balkan’s flood appeal.
Since the handover in June I have been trying to streamline the working groups within the Lions and I am pleased to say that the welfare group are currently on top of requests for assistance in the local community. We have supported Avonvale Football Club for the purchase of two new practice goals and we wish them every
The Advertiser is forty years old later this year and we have events planned to celebrate this in the Market House in October. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes researching the archives to mark this important milestone.
CARE 4 your FAMILY/PETS if you are away. Granny/Grandpapa/Cats visited as much or as little as needed. Dogs stay in my home. Short or Long Breaks.
Lions Den
away which we hope to be a weekend in Windsor with a boat trip along the Thames, and entertainment.
Call Jeffie Openshaw (Mrs) on 07754451638 or 01666 500328 email: jeffieopenshaw@gmail.com
The Tetbury Lions were also glad to support the World War One commemoration on the 3rd of August and also the tree planting ceremony in the late afternoon.
We recently “badged up” our new member Steve Parr and welcomed him into the club; I am sure Steve will make a good contribution and enhance our membership and skill base. We now have 34 members with many diverse skills, making a wide contribution to the club. By the time you read this, we will hope to be badging up our newest member Jayne Fewell. If you would be like to join our magnificent body of guys and ladies, who serve the community and also enjoy a busy social life, then please join us on Wednesday, 3rd of September at 8pm in the Close Hotel. Keith Leaver
LAUNCH OF MAGGIE’S COOK BOOK The new Cook Book produced by the Cheltenham Maggie’s Cancer Care Centre supported by the Tetbury Lions Club was officially launched on Thursday afternoon the 17th July. Maggie’s have a Nutritionist, Caroline Hockly, who runs one-to-one nutrition sessions for cancer sufferers to help them recover from their (sometimes very aggressive) treatment, and runs Saturday morning cookery workshops for cancer sufferers and their families to demonstrate how healthy and nutritional meals can be produced simply and cheaply. The centre wanted to be able to give a plastic folder to all those attending the cookery sessions to collect and protect the recipes issued by Caroline, but were unable to afford to do so. The Tetbury Lions Club were able to step in to help out with a grant to cover the cost of the folders and some advice on setting up the layout and style for in-house production of the contents. This funding will continue for another three years, to provide for reprinting more folders for future cookery demonstrations. At the presentation, Lion President Keith Leaver confirmed Lion’s delight at being able to help in this way and that we would also be encouraging other Lions Clubs in the area to help this remarkable charity. He paid tribute to our past President Nat Prosser and to Chris French, who both championed this initiative. Jane Fide, the Centres manager expressed her gratitude for the Lions support and said this book would not have happened without their input. She presented President Keith with a copy to take back to the Club and thanked Caroline Hockly and Anna Mason for all their hard work in producing the folders and their contents. Chris French
Celebrating the
From left to right, Caroline Hockly, Keith Leaver and Anna Mason
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 5
The History of Tetbury Society HOTS visited Sherston on the 2nd of July. The village was first recorded in 896 so it is a very ancient settlement. There are extensive Roman remains nearby including a large mosaic floor which was reburied by the archaeologists. We were told that a sports field once had the remains of Roman ramparts until the American Army was persuaded to level it in WW2. There was a battle in 1016 between the Danes under King Canute and the West Saxon Army led by Edmund Ironside in which John Rattlebone played a heroic part and died of his wounds. This local hero is celebrated not only by the Rattlebone Inn but also by a small statue at the right hand side of the church porch. We did not go inside the church which is dedicated to the ‘Holy Cross’. It occupies the site of a Saxon church and was built in 1170 with the tower added in 1770. Much of the original village was timber built and there was a disastrous fire in 1511 which virtually destroyed everything. The High Street is a large square in which there used to be a market and there is a building called the Tolsey to the south end where the tolls were paid. The properties in the High Street have obviously been constructed at different times - the oldest is the 14th century Balcony House, much of which survived the fire in 1511. Church
House was built soon after the fire and was used for the ‘Ale Feast’ which was held to raise funds for the Poor and Needy.
High Street and so completed our circuit of the historic part of Sherston. A most interesting visit.
Court Street is the way out towards Knockdown and contains ‘Ye Old Courthouse’ at the corner of Cliff Road. Just beyond it is the Manor House. Cliff Road has been renamed by the residents who took exception to living in Back Lane. There are many interesting little cottages, a ‘British Schoolroom’ dated 1844 and a former Congregational Chapel. The Cliff is a steep hill that runs behind some of the houses in Cliff Road and Silver Street and a motorist driving towards Luckington will find a sharp downward gradient as he leaves the town.
On the 7th of August we visited Doughton Manor by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter. This enabled us to see for ourselves this superb house, about which Mr. Carter had spoken to us last October. Fortunately we had a glorious summer’s evening for this visit.
We turned left at the end of Cliff Road into Silver Street which led us back into the
Our next meeting on 4th September is in Christchurch at 7.30pm. Hector Cole will speak about ‘Archaeological Iron Working’. You may have seen him on TV making swords etc. HOTS will have a display in the Market Hall on 13th and 14th September in connection with the Heritage Weekend. Alan Twelvetree
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6 | September 2014
06/08/2014 17:23
Rhino Art UK South African Themed Family Fun Day Sunday 14th September 11am to 3pm Westonbirt School Tetbury
Join us for a fun packed family day out and enjoy our Zulu dancers, traditional South African Braai and display of Rhino Art by local children.
- A 2 week placement for 2 people at the Nakavango Conservation Project close to Victoria Falls, courtesy of Worldwide Experience - A money can’t buy meet and greet with Bear Grylls at his local pub (includes signed book and Bear Grylls jacket) - 2 night stay at Sir Richard Branson’s private game reserve - Plus many, many more spectacular items Visit our website for the full list of auction items Buy your tickets at Clifton College and Westonbirt School receptions or online at www.helpingrhinos.org/rhinoartcelebration
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 7
Tetbury Camera Club The first meeting of the new season will be on Tuesday, 2nd September and is billed as ‘A Get to Know/Meet and Greet/Show and Tell evening. No competition, no judge and no critique.’ The idea is to have a gentle introduction into the season; an informal session of discussion, exchange of ideas and experiences. As such it would be a good evening for a visitor to attend and meet the members and get an idea of what goes on in the club. One of the benefits of the Club is meeting people with similar interests and there is much information exchanged in the chatting before meetings, during the break and afterwards. There is generally someone who knows the answer to most questions.
Club photography is sometimes criticised as being formulaic, just following the accepted ‘rules’. However, this is unfair. Some judges do indeed like conventional images but others welcome different and unusual approaches. The same applies to external speakers. The best are inspirational and sometimes revelatory.
pressure. An image taken on a trip earlier this year is shown here.
Their love of photography shines through. It really is surprising how so many talented photographers (including members) are willing to share their techniques and thoughts with camera club members.
Tetbury Camera Club meets at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings at the Priory Inn, Tetbury. We are a very friendly group and anybody with an interest in photography will be very welcome to visit and get an idea of our activities and meet club members.
In addition to the programme of club evenings, trips are organised from time to time, either during an evening or on a day basis. Involvement is entirely voluntary, no 040208 Bell House
If you wish to improve your photographic skills (or just enjoy looking at pictures) why not come along to a meeting? Please feel free to visit as a guest at some of our meetings and see what goes on, hopefully with a view to becoming a member.
For further information ring Frank on 01666 500807 Website: www tetburycameraclub.org.uk Page 1
However, we do welcome visitors at any meeting. The programme is shown on the website (address below). We have a varied programme for 2014/2015. There is a mix of external speakers, internal speakers, competitions and social events.
Robert W. Carter B.D.S. 7 New Church Street . Tetbury . Gloucestershire . GL8 8DS Telephone (01666) 503788
Instrumental Tuition Violin / Viola, Piano, Theory, Composition • Students aged 8 & upwards welcome. • Tuition in your home • Weekly or fortnightly lessons to suit your requirements. 0190914
Competition judging nights are generally popular occasions. Entry into competitions is entirely voluntary. There is no pressure put upon members to enter. Sometimes people become members with no intention of entering competitions but, once they have absorbed the atmosphere for some time and realised that they are not intensely serious affairs, they do enter and get some feedback on their images. The advent of digital imaging has also made it easier to enter and reduced any cost barrier. Indeed, we have to put a numerical limit on the number of entries to each competition so as not to impose an unreasonable burden on the judges. For a pretty small club, this is a healthy sign.
Call 0796 - 266 8098 Enhanced CRB Clearance Certificate available for inspection at any time on request.
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Page 1
8 | September 2014
The Aftermath of the Crash: Commercial Leases Ten years ago, agents were negotiating healthy commercial rents for their clients’ premises. Some entered into long leases, others short ones. In many cases landlords were advised to maintain control by agreeing tenancies outside the provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, which dealt with business premises. If a Tenant is given rights under that Act, he
automatically has a right to apply to the Court for a new tenancy at the end of his term. There are very limited grounds on which the Landlord can resist those claims for a new tenancy. The Tenant therefore is very much in control and so Landlords, in many cases, prefer to grant tenancies outside the Act, which means that at the end of the fixed term the Tenant has no rights and has to leave, if the Landlord wishes him to do so.
L ANSDOWNE LEGAL Choose our professional and friendly practice on your doorstep for all your legal needs, including:-
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Contact us at : 15 Long Street, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8AA www.lansdownelegal.com Tel: 01666 504005 Fax: 01666 503818 Email: info@lansdownelegal.com
YOGA for body and mind
Classes continuing in September at St. Mary’s Primary School, Tetbury on Thursday evenings 6.15pm and Malmesbury Town Hall, on Wednesday evenings at 6.00pm
A new YOGA DANCE ! Class to be held on Saturday 4th October at 10-11am in Malmesbury Town Hall please book in advance, contact Chris Hewett on 01453 834304 or 07815 181361 chrishewettyoga@hotmail.com
Shots from a Lawyers Gun We all know that in 2007, the good times for commercial leases came to an end and businesses had to look to means of saving. One of these ways was to reduce their rents. The advice given to some landlords was that they should lie low at the end of the term of the lease and not upset the Tenant in any way. This meant that in the case of a tenancy drafted in such a way that the Tenant had no rights to renew, the date for the end of the tenancy would pass. Rent would continue to be paid at the same rate as before and would be accepted gratefully by the landlord. In most cases this would convert the tenancy into a periodic tenancy defined by the regularity of the rental payments either quarterly (3 monthly) or monthly. This means that the Tenancy could be brought to an end by notice from either party giving 3 months or one month depending on how regularly the rent was paid. The problem for the Landlord is that by accepting such an arrangement, he is now giving the Tenant protection under the Landlord and Tenant Act that he did not have the benefit of previously, and under the Act the Landlord has to give the Tenant at least six months’ notice and state if he is willing to give the Tenant a new tenancy. He can only remove the Tenant using limited grounds like a complete reconstruction of the premises - and so if he does want the Tenancy out, he could be in serious trouble. He would still be wise to serve the six month notice, because that compels the parties to negotiate and they can end up agreeing a new tenancy outside the Act i.e. giving the Landlord future control or at least the Court can do so if they disagree. However, if rents improve that could waste a lot of time. There is another hurdle under the Act in that the Landlord has to have owned the premises for at least five years to apply the provisions for opposing a new tenancy. Michael Hodge
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
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September 2014 | 9
Ingleburn Trefoil Guild As we draw breath at the end of the session, we look back on a varied lot of meetings - and how enjoyable they all were! We’ve been entertained by interesting talks from an assistant to the NHS Ombudsman, from an expert on forensic telecommunications, from an RAF and hospital chaplain and from someone from Leckhampton, about the life of Sue Ryder and the home there. At our AGM Martin Sands, who had worked at Kew Gardens, described plant-gathering in the 60s and 70s in the remote islands of the East. He made Guide Camp seem very safe, without poisonous spiders, snakes, rivers to cross and precipitous slopes. We saw ‘Daytona’ with Maureen Lipman at the Theatre Royal, Bath and enjoyed a Christmas meal at The Old Royal Ship, Luckington. In November some of us were able to extend our creative and sporting talents at The Manor Hotel in Okehampton. We spent 4 days away walking, playing tennis, playing bowls, doing clay work and painting, and a huge variety of other pursuits, before enjoying each other’s company over a delicious meal. We do enjoy socialising over food, so we have a picnic and a barbecue in members’ gardens during the summer.
evening, but they kept quiet until just as we were leaving! Another visit was to Sevington Victorian School, where we learned what the children would have experienced in their education.
Malmesbury Abbey Music..... welcomes
Our first meeting of the new session is on Monday, September 15th at 7.30 p.m in St. Mary’s School, Tetbury – we cover Malmesbury and Tetbury and the surrounding area. We shall be planning our activities for the following year then. If you would like further details, contact me on 01666 503187 or retreatcottage17@ btinternet.com Helen Price, Ingleburn Trefoil Guild
Tickets at £12, or £5 from the Abbey bookshop or the MAMS ticket secretary David Barton on 07967 123226 d.barton763@btinternet.com Tickets will also be available on the door.
Tetbury to Kemble Cycle Route
We returned to Maud Heath in June, to learn about the bats there. There were cameras set up in the roof space, and we’d hoped to see them emerge for the
Alternatively the leaflet can downloaded from: www.5637.co.uk/cycleroute.htm
A leaflet with detailed directions and a route map can be obtained from the Tourist Information Office. (Note: you will need to ask for the leaflet as free cycling publications are not on display) be
22/2/08 0700914
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A safe route has been signed for cycling between Tetbury and Kemble Station and on to Cirencester. The route was originally devised by Sustrans and can be seen on the on-line map on the Sustrans website. The cycle route goes to the end of the existing cycle path then up to Larkhill, to Ashley, left along a section of the Foss Way, across the A429, left along the bridlepath to Woodlands, then to Kemble Wick and Kemble.
on Saturday 20th September at 7:30pm.
12 piece baroque orchestra perform Telemann and Bach 440208 Allium
As the senior branch of Girlguiding, we are still interested to hear how the younger members are getting on, so we were interested to have a talk from a Guider about the International Camp in Scotland, Ayrwaves, that she took Guides and Rangers to. Ingleburners helped at Brownies’ Big Birthday parties in Tetbury and Crudwell and some went to Zooom at Wincanton, where 6,000 girls, mostly Brownies, had a wonderful day, celebrating their Centenary.
Bradford Baroque Band to Malmesbury Abbey
Catering at home for the discerning Canapes, buffets, lunch and dinner parties
Telephone 01666 500922 Charles Whittaker Previously the chef / patron of the highly acclaimed Country Friends Restaurant near Ludlow 440208
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10 | September 2014
COMPUTER SCAMS – Updated They just keep coming and people are still falling for them. Do not get caught out! A reminder: If you get a cold call from “Microsoft” the “Windows Support Service Centre” or similar, they will ask you to go to your PC and usually say that they have noticed you have downloaded infections every time you connect to the Internet. This is rubbish. They may want you to look at the Event Viewer and tell you they can remove problems and speed up your computer. They will want access to your PC, so will ask you to visit a website or load a remote access program. Of course a chunk of money will be required and extorted from you. These kinds of “computer support scams” have been going for years - and show no sign of stopping.
I received such a call whilst writing this editorial! The number was neither withheld or International but appeared as 01986 894637. I tried to dial the number but it was unobtainable, so be aware that such calls can seem to come from within the UK. A new variation has been reported that now involves those with tablets or smartphones. The end result is the same; the perpetrators are still after your PC, but get you to connect your mobile device as a ruse to miss-direct you. Sometimes tied in with these scams, alarming pop-ups will appear on the computer, stating that you are at risk and you need to take action. Once your PC has been infected with their spyware, the rogues can then redirect any web browser, such as Internet Explorer, to fraudulent websites rather than the normal safe ones. Classic signs to look for are adverts on the Google Homepage or other ads and pop-ups on screens that were not there before.
Computer Advice If you use Facebook, then there are other scams out to get you! One of the most common involves fake “likes” and also “links” to bogus Facebook messages. Do be careful before clicking on any link on Facebook or for that matter anywhere else. Do you really trust it? Do you know where it is taking you? This is one of the ways Facebook scammers operate. They abuse the trust you have in your network of friends and links appear to be OK as they come from people you know. People think that sharing a post and clicking a “Like” button so they can get a money-off coupon is a good idea. Is it really worth the risk? Remember! DO NOT respond to calls regarding your computer, unless you initiated the contact yourself. Hang up and don’t fall for their very slick sales patter. NEVER give control of your PC to a third party, unless you have requested it. You have too much to lose! NO security package will protect you, once you have handed over control.
Licenced free range boarding
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DO get in touch if this has happened to you, as the software they have installed can be used to control or harvest information on your computer, whenever it is connected to the internet. If you have any queries or would like to book your PC in for a security check or an annual service, please do get in touch. Please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk INGHAM ASSOCIATES 1080608 Ricky Newman:Layout 1 THE TETBURY COMPUTER SHOP. Now in my 26th year of Trading.
Ricky Newman Guitar Teacher
made to feel at home immediately. It is great to be with other dogs that I can play and sleep with if I choose.” – Molly Pie, Airedale
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Call Ricky on 01666 504644
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 11
Christmas in Tetbury Christmas Planning The thought of Christmas sends fear into many but as members of the Christmas in Tetbury team, we take it in our stride. Many months of hard work and planning are now paying off as we finalise our plans for the annual switch-on of the town centre lights on Thursday 4th December. These plans include a lantern procession, 100208 KP Gardens 22/2/08 21:50 carols, Santa’s Grotto, market stalls, and
entertainment from the Avening Silver Band and the Big Brunch Band. The street market is a major feature of the evening and we welcome enquiries from anyone interested in a market pitch. For details please contact Kathryn Limoi on Kathryn@christmasintetbury.org.uk. The theme for this year’s shop window display competition and the schools art competition is “Five Gold Rings”. We look forward to seeing the results. Our Mid-Summer Christmas Lunch was Page 1 huge success, made even more another
Curtains & Blinds Experienced curtain maker all work hand finished Sonia Thomas 01666 502516
special by the attendance of Father Christmas himself – much to the amusement and surprise of the regular visitors to The Close Hotel! We aim to please! We will be holding a Wassailing Christmas Lunch on Sunday 7th December – look out for the details. In the meantime, do look out for us at the Food Festival on Sunday 21st September, where you will have the chance to win a Christmas Hamper, which will include a delicious cake, home made by Jean Henderson. Liz Farnham
Learn how to play, or to improve at, this most stimulating and social of card games. I will be giving lessons again this autumn. My courses are designed for anybody who wants to have fun, learn an enjoyable hobby and make new friends.
Come on your own or with a friend, you are assured of a warm welcome.
Contact Ian Cooke on: 01666 890261 tresham.bridge@gmail.com 0500914
Rhino Art Art UK UK Rhino South African African Themed Themed Family Family Fun Fun Day Day South Sunday 14th 14th September September Sunday 11am to to 3pm 3pm 11am Westonbirt School, School, Westonbirt Tetbury, GL8 GL8 8QG 8QG Tetbury,
Join us us for for your your chance chance to to go go home home with with some some Join amazing items items from from our our celebrity celebrity auction: auction: amazing
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Meet and and greet greet Bear Bear Grylls Grylls -- in in his his local local pub! pub! Meet weeks for for 22 people people on on the the Nakavango Nakavango 22 weeks Conservation Project, Project, close close to to Victoria Victoria Falls Falls Conservation Drive your your choice choice of of Audi Audi for for aa long long weekend, weekend, Drive includes insurance insurance and and aa tank tank of of fuel fuel includes nights stayat stayat Sir Sir Richard Richard Branson’s Branson’s 22 nights private game game reserve reserve in in South South Africa Africa private nights at at Bristows Bristows Havali Havali in in Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India India 44 nights Hand feed feed aa tiger tiger or or lion lion at at aa specialised specialised Hand big cat cat conservation conservation centre centre in in Kent Kent big Plus many many more more spectacular spectacular and and local local items items Plus ranging in in value value from from £50 £50 to to £2,500 £2,500 ranging Order your your tickets tickets at: at: Order www.helpingrhinos.org/rhinoartcelebration www.helpingrhinos.org/rhinoartcelebration
12 | September 2014
Our September offers are: Book a set of gorgeous Semi-permanent eyelash extensions with Kayleigh and pay only half price (£32.50 instead of £65). Introducing new Russian Volume lash extensions! This intricate and advanced new technique involves attaching up to 6 extremely fine synthetic lashes onto each natural eyelash giving a stunning, natural look with previously unachievable volume - even on sparse natural lashes. Book a set of Russian Volume with Stephanie in September and pay only a standard lash extension price (£65).
A date for your diary! Our annual Pevonia skin scan event will take place at Cherish on Weds 15th October from 12 noon until 6.30pm. Early booking is essential to secure your place! You will receive a skin diagnosis from the Pevonia expert using a scanner which will highlight under-lying issues which cannot be seen with the naked eye, using ultra violet black light so that both you and the therapist simultaneously see ‘beneath the skin’. Then receive a Reviver facial using your prescribed skin care to leave skin looking fresh, clear and radiant. Booking fee is £15 for a 45 minute appointment. This fee can be redeemed against 2 or more Pevonia products purchased on the day.
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Avonvale United Calling all footballers!!! After a wonderfully successful season for its teams last year, Avonvale Utd are looking to strengthen their squads. In particular the Under 16’s who last year won the Tom Moore Cup in a nail-biting final against Golden Valley Rangers at Shortwood FC, the Under 15’s who will be competing in the Stroud and District Youth League, and the Under 12’s who won their division in the North Wilts League without dropping a point! Promotion will take them up a division this year and some new faces in the squad will be very welcome to bolster what is a great bunch of lads. Daunting as it sounds, you will be surprised at how quickly you become part of the team. Please come along to training on a Saturday morning at Sir William Romney’s School for a taster session, we will have the kettle on and the bacon cooking! Our senior squads are also welcoming new players, with three teams playing in various divisions there is a standard of football to suit all. Training is also at SWR on Thursday evenings (6.30pm). Please come along. The back room staff is planning the events for the coming season. Our biggest challenge is to take our youth members to Holland for the Easter break in the return exchange visit to stay with club members
• Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: ben@kingstreeservices.org.uk W: www.kingstreeservices.org.uk
from CSV JongHolland based in Alkmaar. We will be taking players from our Under 11’s, Under 12’s, Under 15’s and Under 16’s to stay with families and play football both as a team and at training sessions run by our Dutch counterparts. They will have lots of other activities planned for us once again, looking to rival the days windsurfing that we were able to provide when they visited us this year.
The fundraising committee at Avonvale has also planned a number of events leading up to the Christmas break, including a ‘Come Dine with Me’ evening, and a Family Quiz Night. First up however is the second annual ‘Great Vale Bake Off ’ - look out for all of the details on our Avonvale Utd FC Facebook page. For information on any of the above, please call Jo on 07518 017363
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14 | September 2014
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With our unique selling tool - Perry Bishop TV, sales are booming. Don’t miss out. Find out what it’s all about on our web site www.perrybishop.co.uk
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Paul Boden of local agents Perry Bishop and Chambers reports, “We have seen another bounce in the property market with exceptional sales arranged throughout July in all of our branches and the market seems to have recovered from the slight lull which occurred when new mortgage lending constraints came into effect in April”. Where will this all go? CBRE estimates that prices will be 30% higher in 5 years’ time and is now predicting a 12% increase in the current year. Paul said, ”We should always remember that national housing statistics can be very distorted particularly by the London and South East Market. The London Market particularly should be regarded as being part of the international market with funds flowing in from Middle East, Far East, Russia and more recently South America.
In the last week we have seen a major property portal report that enquiries have increased 27% in the first six months of 2014. A major building society report July prices rose by 0.1% from the previous month but are now 10.6% up on last year. The Bank of England reports that mortgage approvals have increased again in June after the April/May slowdown and has affirmed yet again that bank rates shall remain at 0.5% for the next month.
The Council of Mortgage Lenders is now expecting lending to increase 18% this year over 2013. The Office for National Statistics says that prices rose by 10.5% in the year to May. House building is now increasing at its fastest rate for more than a decade and at Perry Bishop and Chambers we have seen increased demand for building land or any re-development opportunities.”
At Perry Bishop and Chambers we are pleased to see that the number of sales continues to increase steadily and that house prices are seeing steady rather than spectacular growth. In a market such as this it is increasingly important that sellers take advice from reputable estate agents with experience who can provide up to the minute information on prices and activity in their area.”
the agent who keeps you informed
Avening School
also said farewell to our year 6 leavers who have gone on to numerous different secondary schools. The last day of term was an emotional but equally optimistic one as we marked the time for new beginnings all round. This new school year for the staff and pupils at our school brings with it plenty of other ‘new’ additions in the shape of a new library area, new learning spaces, new offices, new teachers and last but definitely not least, new pupils both in our reception class and in our other classes too. While we all enjoyed our summer holidays, building work was being undertaken to improve and extend certain internal areas of the school allowing for a larger, more accessible library area and some larger practise rooms for music and group learning activities.
Unde-fete-d! No one wants it to rain on the day of their School Summer fete but unfortunately the weather was far from fine on Saturday July 19th when our fete was due to be held. But we weren’t about to let the unseasonal downpour defeat us after months’ of planning . It was all hands on deck and anoraks and umbrellas ahoy as members of FOAS (Friends of Avening School) and teachers and parents quickly adapted things to make it an indoor event - setting up in the village hall and classrooms before the crowds arrived.
Due to an incredible display of community spirit and British resolve, the fete was a tremendous success. With a fantastically popular blind auction, tombola’s, face painting, crafts, stalls and competitions, the day turned out fine after all and even our handmade boat race managed to take place despite the challenging weather conditions!
Goodbye’s and Hello’s At the end of last term we said a heartfelt and somewhat teary goodbye to our wonderful Mrs Redpath who has taught at our school for more than 21 years. We
We welcome our new reception pupils who have joined our Eagle class and two new teachers; Mrs Lucas, who has previously taught at the school and will join the Eagles one day a week and Ms Geller, who is our new Owl’s class teacher replacing Mrs Redpath, who left at the end of last term. We wish both teachers a great time settling into our school and look forward to the years of learning and experiences that lie ahead. In term time please contact 01453 833191/ or see our website; www.avening.glouc. sch.uk
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16 | September 2014
Interest is steadily growing in the club with several new enquiries from prospective members, and two new associate members added during the period. If you’d like a look, we will again be exhibiting in the Dolphins Hall, whilst the Classic Car Show is on during September 7th, so please pay us a visit there between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. There will be some interesting developments!
anyone no longer wants, for our younger members to learn and practice their restoration skills on, with the ultimate aim of running them on the clubs layouts. We’d be very happy to come and collect any items you could spare. Several members will very shortly be starting work on a 4mm scale layout of Tetbury, and while we have already amassed a large amount of information,
Tetbury Model Railway club we are woefully short of detail on the coal yard. If anyone has any information or better yet photographs of Tetbury Station and the Goods Yard (especially the coal yard) we would love to hear from you. Please contact David Groves on 01666 502100, or email dav.groves@icloud.com
The two layouts we currently have under construction are progressing well, especially the Junior members layout, which has reached the scenery-building stage. This is when the youngsters get to make and paint plaster scenic mouldings, enjoying some interesting results and a great deal of fun in the process.
Now – some pleas from the heart: The club is now trying to build up its stock of equipment and so if anyone has any engineering vices (medium or small), serviceable small tools such as needle files, clamps, small pliers and tweezers and so on which they would be willing to donate, we would be very grateful and we could certainly put them to good use. We’re also interested in old 4mm scale (OO gauge) engines, coaches and wagons that
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 17
Tetbury Library …all the unread words strove to be read. The words reached out into any mind available in the vicinity… From ‘Going Postal’ by Terry Pratchett Two weeks into the summer holidays (the time of writing) and already 116 local young minds have signed up for the Summer Reading Challenge, which is fantastic! This annual challenge acknowledges supports and rewards children’s reading during the long school break and, with a different theme each year, is a lot of fun for all involved - including staff! Well done to every child who participated in this year’s Mythical Maze – if you haven’t quite completed it, then hurry along to the library as the challenge closes on Saturday 6th September!
Express Taxis Of Tetbury - 07858450098 Fully Certificated Advanced Driver now available Quality & Service Guarantee - www.expresstaxi.co.uk
The free family events throughout the summer have also been well attended and enjoyed. Thanks must go to everyone who supported the library in this: those who helped to promote the events, to individuals who were able to donate fabric, craft materials and other resources for the activities (including Gardiners of Cirencester) and huge thanks to our Reading Activists (Meg, Alice and David) who not only assisted our young participants in the challenge, but also were a tremendous support behind the scenes (including doing lots and lots of cutting out) – thank you all for making the Summer Reading Challenge such a success! Magical Tales resumes this month - every Tuesday at 3:45pm. This new after-school time slot means that everyone can come along and enjoy a story. Kylie, Jackie, Linda & Sophie. Tetbury Library.
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18 | September 2014
theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone”
With so much hard work going into this event by a lot of people it was such a shame that severe weather warnings were allowed to get in the way! The show was going to feature a good many craft stalls operated by local people who had spent several weeks building up stock, but in the end they could not risk losing significant quantities to what was supposed to be heavy rain and high winds as the remnants of Hurricane Bertha swept through. Happily, in the end things were not as bad as we were all led to believe and although it rained in the morning and the wind picked up in the afternoon, we got away with a reasonable show despite the conditions.
through the town and into the show ground led by the stirring sounds of the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums. They were followed by a number of attractions such that the parade had a pied-piper eect and drew members of the public to the event, which was wonderful to see. Also very positive is that a number of local businesses have voiced an eagerness to take part next year. The weather also meant that the fun dog show entries were slightly down but even so, each entrant had a few minutes in the spotlight to dazzle Cyril, our ever-popular judge from the George Veterinary Group. The main events however, take place in the marquee and as the Tetbury Show remains one of the few in this region that continues to grow, something we should be very proud of, we now have to use a much larger construction.
This year, and it is very much a feature that is going to be developed over the years, the show started with a parade
This allowed for a better display of the floral, goods and craft entries and more room for visitors to walk
Tetbury Summer Show around in to admire the work of so many. Our thanks to Tetbury Hardware for once again being our collection point for all the entries. This year, entries were available online for the first time and around 18% of the total was via this option, which is a very encouraging start. One of the objectives of the show is to leave lasting memories in the minds of our younger population by encouraging them to recognise, enjoy and value the benefits of the rural community in which we live. Large numbers of youngsters take part in show day - to illustrate this point and to add a new feature to the event there were two dance demonstrations by the very creative and energetic Arts Frenzy. This is a local group who meet at Christ Church and who will, it is hoped, provide a regular feature on show day. We cannot conclude without saying a huge thank you to all who contributed so much to make the Tetbury Summer Show the success it was, despite the elements. Particular thanks must go to IHS who provided the bulk of the funding and of course the Lions Club, who stuck to the task of running the gates in sometimes diďŹƒcult conditions. It is very much appreciated. Summer Show Committee
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 19
Mayor’s Report A lot has happened since my last blog in July! In date order, I helped sell raffle tickets at The Priory Nursing Home Summer Fete on Saturday 21st June and ran a quiz for the Open Day of Care Homes the day before also based at The Priory. Monday 23rd June I met the Duchess of Cornwall at Westonbirt Arboretum - a great privilege. The new visitors centre is superb and I can’t wait to see the new “Tree Top Walk” when it is completed. It will enable both able and disabled bodied people to get up into the canopy of the trees; that will be some experience. I felt very humbled to be part of the Medals Parade on 27th June and I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this such a success for the returning troops from Afghanistan, Op Herrick of the 29th Regiment/59 Squadron. It was a very atmospheric and emotional day and there were Councillors working away in the background, preparing a superb spread and to make sure everything went without a hitch. Thank you to them and to Poppy for her liaison with the soldiers which produced such a lovely service and to Catherine for giving up her time to help out at The Dolphins Hall. My report, however, is tinged with sadness, as one of the soldiers at the Parade died suddenly on an exercise in Wales about a month later. I was invited to the AGM of the CPRE and dinner on 10th July at John Shepherd’s house and I should like to thank them for making me very welcome. I was also asked to open the fete at St. Mary’s School on Saturday 12th July - a lovely ! day and I understand that they raised in the region of £2,000 which was a brilliant ! achievement. Well done.
trees as a final tribute to all those men who lost their lives during 1914-18 either due to death on the field or afterwards through disease or injury. I have been to see the beautiful display of flowers at the Flower Festival at Christchurch. Thanks must go to all those who have made such lovely displays and lastly, although bad weather did not help the footfall to the Summer Show, those that did support the show managed to do so in the relative dry, later in the day. Terri, Lance and all the team must be congratulated on a brilliant parade and show. I thoroughly enjoyed it and long may it continue.
I had a wonderful surprise “Welcome to ! on the new Mayor” Party at The Priory laid by Tricia, the Manager and staff. Thank you so much Tricia, Ali, Michelle and all the team for making it such a wonderful day. It was lovely to see local businesses there as well as our team from TTC and Councillors. August 2nd/3rd - what a brilliant two days this was! The WW1 Exhibition held in the Market Hall to mark the beginning of the war on the 4th August 100 years ago was a brilliant success. We had a lot of people through the doors and the interest shown was very moving. I would like to say a personal thank you to all our helpers on the HOTS team who put in so much hard work. The culmination of the weekend at the War Memorial with a very simple service and laying of wreaths and the candlelit service at Evensong was very fitting and apt. Thank you everyone with your help. We were also able to plant apple
20 | September 2014
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what next? I still have shops and shopkeepers to get round to see and chat to, I haven’t forgotten you, and I have plenty of groups to visit including the local schools and pre-schools. Thank you to all those who have made me feel so welcome so far. Cllr Sandra Ball, Mayor
By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators
It is amazing to think I’ve been here a year now!
And there is the end of the summer – and everything coming to fruition in our harvest time. This will be celebrated with various harvest suppers and services in Cherington, Long Newnton, Shipton I always think that September is a time of Moyne and Beverston through the month, beginnings and endings. There are new with harvest celebrated beginnings, especially for our children and 1120509 SPRINGFIELDS 2:Layout 1 23/4/09 21:28 Page at1St Marys’ in Tetbury at our 9.30am service on Sunday young people as they move into a new It’s been great to meet so many people over the past months, and thank you again for making us so welcome.
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Over the past few weeks we have also, of course, faced another ending, as Bishop Michael stepped back from ministry as Bishop of Gloucester in mid-August for personal reasons. There have been news reports since about a police investigation into certain allegations relating to the early 1980s. We feel so sad for everyone involved and affected by these reports, and we are holding them all very much in our prayers.
But our prayers are needed: as God’s children, we believe we each have a part to play in making God’s kingdom a reality here on earth. In our prayers, we join with the desire of God’s own heart, for peace in our world. So let’s keep praying!
310208 Moulder Joinery:390206 Moulder Joinery
12th October with lunch after at St Mary’s School.
And there are many prayers for the world, too. As I write, I am aware of the terrible situations around the world, where people’s lives are devastated by violence and war: Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Southern Sudan. In the face of such suffering, we can sometimes wonder if praying for justice and peace is a waste of time. After all, we are praying to the God of love, so he will hardly need convincing that these things are needed in our world.
OPEN 08:30 TILL 18:00
News from St Mary’s
year in our schools and colleges. We hope and pray all will go well for them.
With love and my prayers for us all, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Rector, the Benefices of Avening with Cherington and Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newnton and Shipton Moyne 19:13
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Manufacturers of quality custom made joinery. Family business established over 20 years. All aspects of carpentry and joinery work undertaken.
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 21
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Thank you very much for the generous tribute published in the July Advertiser. I want to put on record that far less would have been accomplished except for a dedicated team of helpers, all unpaid volunteers. I am delighted they will ensure the Club will continue – Tetbury cannot afford to be without it. If anyone should be contemplating an offer to help, the Club operates on Mondays between 10.00 a.m. and 3.15 p.m. and is really friendly, offering purposeful activity and a pleasurable place to work. You may contribute any hours you have available – mornings, afternoons, alternate Mondays – whatever time you can spare. They would welcome you, especially if you bring along any particular skills and interests you may have. Give it a try! I wish all concerned with the Monday Club every success. If you would like some more information, contact Christine Gibbs on 01666 505646. Ros Stowell Editor’s note: Poignantly, the member of the Monday Club who was quoted in the piece about Ros Stowell, Dorothy “ Dot “ Holmes, died shortly after the piece appeared. She was fondly remembered by her family and many members of the club at her memorial service at St. Mary’s Church on the 1st August. Dear Editor With many people’s help we managed to raise over £2,500 for The Fire Fighter’s Charity at the recent Tetbury Fire Station Open Day. This is a massive total and so all at Tetbury Fire Station would like to say a special thank you to Cheltenham and Malmesbury fire crews, the Red Cross Support Team, all the local businesses who kindly donated raffle prizes, Woodlodge for donating pots for the Auction, anyone who bought raffle tickets and everyone who made the day such a huge success.
Dear Editor
Gerry Brown
We have had a lot of queries from residents unable to contact their local housing association; we hope that the following information may help. If any resident has questions to do with council housing list they can phone or go in and see Tara at the Tetbury Town Council offices and the Library can help with free internet access.
His family regret to announce the passing of Gerry Brown, an ex-Lion and Tetbury Town Mayor between 1986 -88 and 1992 -94. He served on Cotswold District Council and held the interests of Tetbury at the heart of all that he did and accomplished.
You can apply by phone to Gloucestershire Home Seekers on 01285 623300 and the Council is happy to signpost for problems with Highways. If you have any problems then you can always call the TTC offices and Cllr Walsh is happy to help out on ad-hoc basis.
Gerry’s funeral has already taken place, but donations for Macmillan Cancer Support may be sent to the funeral directors. Anybody wishing to contact the family may also do so via Padfield’s Funeral Service, 125, Boutport Street, Barnstaple, EX31 1TD. Chris Eastaugh Funeral Director, Padfield’s Funeral service
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If you would like to find out more about The Fire Fighters Charity go to: www. firefighterscharity.org.uk FF Steve Chidley
John Lea The family of the late John Lea would like to say thank you for the many messages and cards received on the death of John. Many thanks also for the donations given for Blind Veterans UK, whose web site is www.blindveterans.org.uk Lastly, thanks also to Barry Wood (of L. E. Perry) for his excellent service during this difficult time.
22 | September 2014
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Priory Inn Blog Our thanks go to Cotswold Life readers who voted for us in the 2014 Food and Drink Awards. A sparkling evening at Cheltenham Racecourse this summer resulted in The Priory Inn bringing home the “Best Cotswold Menu” award. We feel great pride in winning this award, but it is only possible because we work with the very best suppliers and producers within a 30 mile radius of Tetbury. Without their dedication, drive and constant commitment to quality, we could not put such tasty, local, nutritious food on our
Unsung Hero Dear Editor, It would be fun to surprise Jill Dodge by
tables. Both front and back of house, our team is dedicated to showcasing the great local food and drink offerings and this award reflects on their hard work and total belief in our product. We thank them all! Staff tours have continued through the hotter months with the most recent being to the 110 acre Woefuldane Organic Dairy Farm farmed by The Ravenhills, on the edge of Minchinhampton Common. We buy the best milk you’ll ever taste and yoghurt and many delicious cheeses from Melissa and her family. Their herd of dairy shorthorns live the least intensive and most stress-free possible life, outside all year, with an option for shelter in yards over cold winter nights. The farm’s grazing rights on Minchinhampton Common mean their
Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn and ‘like’ The Priory Inn Facebook page (ThePrioryInnTetbury) to stay informed.
Est. over 25 years by Gill Butler, Veterinary Nurse.
for her ‘above and beyond’ commitment to
Small, family run business with heated facilities and walks included.
fundraising for the Goods Shed.
Daily boarders welcome. Elderly/pets on medication accepted.
Jill is Tetbury’s answer to General Kitchener;
New improved clipping facilities.
going where angels fear to tread, moving engaging with everyone she meets. Jill
Live music continues every Sunday through September to a packed-house and great atmosphere: Steve Page on the 7th, Teri Bramah the 14th and on the 20th (Saturday) we join Tetbury’s Food and Drink Festival with our Real Ale and Cider Day, showcasing some of the best local ales, lagers, wheat beers and cider. From 1pm Steve Degutis and Harper’s Ferry will bring you some great music to accompany your local drinks and 30 Mile Food.
Woodlane Kennels, Cattery & Dog Grooming
nominating her as September’s Unsung Hero
from idea to action in a heartbeat and
cows regularly meet up and hang out with long-lost family members who may have (regrettably) been sold on to other local farmers. Visit Henry at their dairy shop and coffee house in Minchinhampton to buy their products.
www.woodlanekennelscattery.co.uk : Email woodlane3@btinternet.com Bath Road, Willesley, Glos. GL8 8QX : Tel: 01666 880314
knows how to go viral without the internet as, using her home as her headquarters, she calmly and enthusiastically orchestrates her next campaign.
Banish those corns, callus, verrucaes or just trim those talons..
She has lovingly-made handicrafts winging
Every Monday
their way through the post from as far away as Northumberland until she can hardly move in her own sitting room - and Jill leaves no stone unturned in her single-minded
NEW!! Extra monthly clinic starting in the Autumn CALL US NOW!! feet@catherinemontgomery.co.uk
determination to
raise funds, so anyone hoping to ‘dodge’ her next effort on our behalf will have to find a very 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 good place to hide! Wayne Ha
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24 | September 2014
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September is seeing some staff changes at the Pod. We say farewell to Carol Cox who has been a youth worker in Tetbury for the past nine years. Carol’s gentle and consistent presence has been a foundational part of the youth work throughout this time. She has helped the transition from the old youth club to the present Pod, and also welcomed new young people. Carol is a great cook, helping countless young people explore food, introducing them to different cultural foods such as Mexican and Indian recipes. Also teaching them much about general cooking skills needed for independent living. Carol says she has enjoyed the whole time supporting young people, and helping to provide a youth club. We wish her all the best, and thank her for her hard work and dedication to young people in Tetbury.
creative projects with young people, as well as having sporting skills to offer, too. We are sure that Mike will become a valued member of our team, enjoying supporting the young people in Tetbury. Chelsea is our latest young person “Pod Assistant.” Chelsea has a six-month contract to work at the Pod, supporting the youth workers with jobs and activities. In exchange, Chelsea will herself grow in confidence, gain work experience and gain a Level 1 health and safety qualification. Well done Chelsea, we hope you thrive and enjoy yourself in this role. We have enjoyed the summer holiday at the Pod; Friday sessions running normally with a variety of activities such as baking for the Flower Show, a board games evening and shelter building and outside cooking. “Kick off Stroud” have also been here every
Claire is also moving on, for a year at least, as she is expecting her first child. Congratulations Claire and Dave! Claire will also be greatly missed - her creative energy and her fair and wise council of young people is invaluable. We hope she has a great year off with baby, and we look forward to meeting baby Nelson very soon. We now need to welcome our new members of staff - Mike and Chelsea. Mike has been involved in youth work for a number of years, working on projects in Dursley and Gloucester and also working with “Young Gloucestershire” for a while. Mike enjoys
The People’s Pod Wednesday through August, thanks to a grant from The Jack Lane Charitable Trust. Another grant, from Haines and Smith Opticians, has allowed us to buy a guitar for the Pod. Many of our young people are musically creative and we hope to encourage this particularly, this year. I am very excited about this next academic year, building on what we already have; we hope to keep growing our project to stimulate young people to get excited about their own value and potential. Pod sessions Tuesday’s and Friday’s 5.15pm - 7.15pm For further info : 07968 591912 Mandy Scott
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 25
The Feoffees and the Thirteen
Goods Shed and Tetbury Summer Show which started with a parade from the Market House to the Recreation Ground.
• Flower Festival in Christchurch Annual Donation in support of Tetbury •Youth Club and their work with young
As the summer draws to a close we can look back on a busy and successful time in Tetbury, including the annual Feoffee and Thirteen BBQ, which due to the weather forecasts, was moved to be held under the Town Hall for the first time. This free event is provided as a community evening where friends and neighbours can meet up and enjoy a burger or hotdog on us, normally this is held on the Millennium Green. It was pleasing to see so many people attend and if you missed us this year look out for the posters next year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tetbury Plumbing for all of their hard work in assisting us to look after The Market Hall. I must say that this year it is again a picture, with the beautiful hanging baskets.
as part of the National Heritage Weekend
of the St Mary’s team, who recently won the South Gloucestershire Primary School’s league and has been formed to keep the team together as they are all now going on to attend senior schools.
In August the town saw the commemoration events for 100 years since the start of the First World War, which included the planting of trees at The
at 9.30am and following our historic and interesting walk around the town boundaries, we end at The Market Hall for refreshments and the presentation of the Feoffee accounts. All are welcome – including dogs for the walk, we hope to see you all there.
If you would like to know more about the work we do in the town and the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees.
people in the town
K Higgs – studying for a History Degree •at Kings College London • Tetbury Scout Group – Beaver activities Town Netball Team – this new •teamTetbury has been set up following the success
Feoffee and Thirteen Community events coming up this autumn include:
Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th •September – The Market Hall will be open 27th September – Beating of •theSaturday Bounds – we meet under Bath Bridge
The Feoffees have been pleased to support the following community event, 1130509 Springfields1:Layout organisations and individuals recently: 1
Check out our website www.feoffeesoftetbury.co.uk 22/4/09 22:12 Page 1 Lance Vick – Chairman
0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k
Feoffees Dave Hicks and Will Cook planting the commemorative tree
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“Well-being of children” has been rated “Outstanding”. Tiggers Nurseries Ltd @ Tetbury has just had their Ofsted report published online following an inspection at the end of May 2014, and their “Well-being of children” has been rated “Outstanding”. Ofsted were extremely impressed with the outstanding premises and quality of provisions and the Inspectors quoted “during the whole day we have been in we have not heard one child cry!” This was a first for them in all their years of inspections in Early Years’ Settings. This was stated in the report “No children were heard crying throughout the inspection as their needs were constantly met extremely well”.
A first inspection is the most difficult as new policies and procedures are being set in place and the equipment and environment is being “broken into”, so it was most impressive to receive such amazing praise from the Government Inspectors on the new Tiggers setting. Both Inspectors were very impressed with the excellent progress Tiggers had made in little over 5 months and how well thought out and luxurious the premises were. There were many “wows” from them on first view of the playrooms and grounds. The report stated “The provider has planned many of the aspects of the new premises , with the highest-quality building specification to maintain children’s safety and well-being, and to provide them with excellent play spaces as well as a wide range of modern
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Tiggers technology; This planning shows a detailed understanding of responsibilities in meeting the safeguarding and welfare requirements; Staff make full use of the nursery’s excellent facilities and highquality equipment to promote children’s well-being to an extremely high standard; The staff team’s excellent attention to hygiene maintains children’s good health”. The inspectors were specifically impressed with the outstanding well-being of children through staff care and layout of the children’s environment and the report went on to say “Fresh air, exercise, a healthy diet plus kindness and attention, contribute to all children, including babies, being extremely emotionally secure because their care needs are extremely well met. Hence they are ready to learn!” This statement is the biggest goal that the Tiggers staff team could possibly hope to achieve as it is their aim and passion to ensure that that is exactly the outcome of their care in order that children can learn and achieve in a happy and secure environment! For the full report please search Tiggers @ Tetbury Ofsted Report on the OFSTED website. For information on booking a space at this wonderful setting please call Levi 01666 503142. Please note that there is currently a six month waiting list for children under two on most days, so book early to avoid disappointment.
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Call us to find out more or visit www.speedyiron.co.uk Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
01666 503900 September 2014 | 27
THE MARKET Sunday 21St
A fivE-dAy cElEbRATion of food And dRinK in THE HEART of THE coTswolds
The culmination of the Festival... Meet the people who champion the best the Cotswolds has to offer; indulge your appreciation of good food and drink, watch demonstrations by top local chefs – including MasterChef finalist Koj.
.. n PR .or J e T a r ia.. . a veg 3 l a n i o R y i o in T h e n h a v e aT C a f é 5 dsC a p e n in T h T r e aT d g a r d e ir ou T The ...CheCK ouT ens ... res reCenTly resTored Te Royal oak in TeTbury...
a Fo rK in ld s ra is e o ... Ta Ke a To ... pe rh ap w iT h Th e g lo s n ur oF a n o Ti ia Ti o re al W oR C el eb ra u sa g e ap pr eC te l. .. ki ng o sa h T o Se lo Ca l Vi ne Mi ll or sp lo C e th ya Rd ... aT so C ie Ty ...lear n abouT soMe so e wond erFul er wines aT a Chari Table able FundR F aiSing evenT suppo rTed by WSP SolS. ..
For more information and up-to-date details on events and special guests please visit
REAL ALE AND CIDER DAY ~ Tetbury Food and Drink Festival ~ SATURDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER 2014 FROM MIDDAY LIVE MUSIC from Steve Degutis and Harper's Ferry FOOD AND DRINKS from within “30 Mile Food Zone”
01666 502251 ~ theprioryinn.co.uk ““Dining Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 1020914
28 | September 2014
September is traditionally harvest time and in Tetbury we are all looking forward to the annual Food and Drink Festival, held in the town over five glorious days. As always everything kicks off on Wednesday the 17th with the gathering of the Gloucester Old Spot Sausage Appreciation Society at The Close Hotel - and this year we are thrilled to have as our guest Speaker Cotswold Life’s very own Leader and Editor - Mr Mike Lowe. We will raise our forks in praise of what many consider the best pork in the country. Making the event even more special is that the sausages are devised by local people and then created especially for the Festival by Sausage Supremo Mr John Newman, from Jesse Smith Butchers. The Orchard Restaurant at Highgrove is opening its doors once again for this year’s Festival, working in partnership with the Fabulous Baker Brothers of Hobbs House, starting with a 90 minute tour of the Highgrove Gardens, followed by a Champagne and Canapé reception. They will then serve a two course supper using local produce from across Gloucestershire and a selection of Hobbs House Breads plus a glass of Highgrove Organic wine. Following supper, Tom and Henry Herbert will provide an entertaining 30 minute talk on their passion for food and the importance of supporting local producers, whilst a selection of Hobbs House sweets and pastries with coffee or tea is made available. Guests will also have the opportunity to visit the Highgrove Estate shop. To book visit the Highgrove Shop web site or call 0333 222 4555. Lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Calls cost up to 5p a minute from UK landlines. Calls from mobiles may cost considerably more.
telling the truth - and which staff member is lying! Perfect for novices and wine buffs alike, the winning team getting the most correct guesses wins a bottle of sparkling wine to take away. Others taking part include the Royal Oak in Tetbury and Café 53 whose Vegetarian Evening, hosted and created by Tina Stevenson from The Pink Cab, is always a sell-out. As we go to press more is being organised – check out the Festival’s web site for the most upto-date details. On Sunday in the centre of Town, under and around the Market Hall, is the immensely popular Festival Market with lots of super tasty stalls offering everything from cheese to chutney, champagne to cider and speciality beers, tasty cakes and pies, plus fresh fruit and vegetables from nearby Aunt Addies Farm. They are a local social farming project whose main aim is to provide an opportunity for local groups including the disabled, young people and others the chance to experience the healthy outdoor life and to become involved in sowing, planting and reaping the benefits . Throughout the day there will be cookery demonstrations from the likes of MasterChef finalist Koj, local chef Leon from nearby Snooty Fox Hotel and we very much hope Rob Rees MBE, “The Cotswold Chef” will pop along and say hello. His Wiggly Machine will certainly be making an appearance; a lovingly restored 1967 Citroen H Van, this is a street food van by day and poverty pop-up by night, with all funds raised during the day funding the provision of hot nutritious food to those who need it most in the community, while also offering work experience to vulnerable people, creating a gateway into paid employment.
Saturday sees something for everyone: Jesse Smith’s Big Pan will be out, offering you the chance to sample some of their sausages and burgers, The Priory Inn – 2014 winners of Cotswold Life Food and Drink Awards category “Best Cotswold Menu” will be hosting a fun filled afternoon of speciality ales and tastings accompanied by live music provided by local musicians and singers. Did you know that The Priory also offer a “barter at the back door” scheme whereby you bring them your excess from your local allotment be it veggies, herbs or even garden flowers and they will swap them at the current market value for vouchers to be used in their restaurant or bar?
For details on how to book your place at any of these events go to the dedicated website: www.tetburyfooddrink festival.com or email emailus@tetburyfooddrinkfestival.com Tetbury Food and Drink Festival
In the evening, being held in the historic Tetbury Market Hall, a new event has been introduced entitled “Call my Quaff ” sponsored by local solicitors WSP in partnership with Binends at the Bear and Woefuldane Cheeses, providing a wine tasting evening with a difference! All money raised will be going to the Pied Piper Appeal - started as a charity in 1992 to improve the lives of sick children in Gloucestershire. This is a fun, informal wine based game whereby Guests are split into Teams, to taste a number of wines where the labels are hidden. Then two members of the Bin Ends team each give a description of the same wine; one description will be the truth, the other a lie! Teams have to decide which staff member they think is
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 29
A Lion Remembers
For the D-Day 70th Anniversary on 6th June this year I was asked if I could give some details of my wartime days. My memory is now not too good, but here are some comments about my past life in the forces.
Our C.O. Lt Col. Norrie was killed on the 19th June and was a very sad loss to us. “Speedy” Bredin who landed with the battalion before then having to join another battalion due to the loss of their C.O. came back and took over our battalion. On progressing into France we were shocked at what we discovered behind the walls of Chateau Pavie. A few Canadians who had been taken prisoner had been shot in a row behind the walls. As we moved on, we came under heavy fire and BNHQ had casualties and nearly the whole of the orderly room staff were killed or wounded. Bob Swan took over and was promoted to Orderly Room Sergeant and that left me to be the Orderly Room Corporal. Yet another shock came on 17th June. Battalion HQ was shelled and Captain L.C. Brown M.C. had to be evacuated because of his wounds.
When I was called up in the spring of 1942 at eighteen years old I was quite keen to join the Royal Air Force, but I was told it would have to be the Army and an infantry regiment for training. I had three choices of Regiments; the Dorsetshire, Hampshire or Devonshire. I said the Dorsets appealed to me. As I could drive, I had lessons on trucks and finally, tracked Bren Gun carriers. I was with about fifteen other men to join the 1st Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment and due to the training I had received, was detailed for Battalion Head Quarters. The battalion was in 231 Malta Brigade with the 1st Hampshire and the 2nd Devonshire Regiments and from there, the brigade carried out two assault landings – the first into Sicily and eventually into Italy. From Italy we came back to England only to discover that it was time to train for the D. Day assault landing, our third for the battalion. The Hampshire’s landed at Le Hamel – we landed at Les Roquettes.
30 | September 2014
The next thing I can remember, it was a very moving experience, as we moved into Brussels. People presented us with sweets, fruit and kisses etc., as we liberated them. Drinks of wine were also given to all who
wanted it, in celebration of their freedom. Our stay in Brussels was not very long, though. By early September we were sorting things out in Antwerp and after some time we found ourselves in the area of Nijmegen. October was a month of various moves in the Wetering Canal area; amidst numerous attacks, a number of our party suffered mortar and gun fire, frequently. Another thing I remember from the Nijmegen area was that the weather was dreadful. Myself and the others were very wet and muddy and had worn the same clothes night and day for over a week. We were told we were being taken for a clean-up and were taken to a small area of trees, told to undress and taken to stand underneath a tree which contained a bucket pierced with lots of holes hanging from its branches. Warm water was poured into it so that we could have a makeshift shower and we were then given clean clothing. It was delightful. Another experience was, I had toothache and visited a dentist in this small town, where we were also checking for any
large one that we had captured some time before and which had been furnished by our pioneer section with furniture which we’d found in the German store in Arras. This is important as the orderly room staff were to be planning the battalion’s return to England (so we were told.) The orderly room staff was now only four, consisting of two new members and Sgt. Bob Swan and myself. Bob and I were the only two who had survived from D. Day. Planning was going ahead and Bob and I were putting together all reports on the paperwork from the company they served with.
German troops left behind. The dentist asked me to come back the following day and he would attend to it. I told him I wouldn’t be able to pay him because we didn’t have any Dutch money and he said he would accept cigarettes instead, if I had them. I offered him 300 cigarettes
as payment which was of course my free issue. Happily, I’m a non-smoker. (I used to save my issue to give to my friends.) At the end of October, Battalion Headquarters had moved into a Pagoda Building and the battalion’s “office truck”, a
Bob and I continued to work on this and on the 4th November handed over the details of what we had completed so far and explained to the two other members of staff what it was they should do. Bob had progressed to our room at the end of the passageway which had a very large window – and the office truck reversed in towards this to enable Bob and I to see it. Having explained to the two new staff members I left them and went through a side door into our room. There was then an enormous explosion and I finished up at the end of the passageway back outside the door to our room. Bob came over and helped me to my feet and we saw that the office truck had completely disappeared. Enemy aircraft had dropped two large bombs, one of which had hit the end of the Pagoda, which demolished the truck. The body of one of the lads we found in a tree the other we never found. Time moved on and I believe we then went through Kemmel and eventually found our way home – sometime in the November or December of 1944. Ron Poppleton
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 31
Tetbury WI We are always delighted to support the Tetbury in Bloom team who do so much for our town. Providing and serving refreshments at their Open Gardens in June is becoming a regular fixture on our calendar. We also held our own Open Gardens in July when six of our ladies opened their gardens to fellow WI members. The afternoon was hot and sunny so the tea which followed was very welcome and the raffle raised £138 for the Dolphins’ Hall fund. In June our Food group visited Dolcetti in Cirencester, makers of delicious authentic gelato. Another visit, in July, was to Woefuldane Dairy where the process of cheese making was explained. The farm uses its own milk and all products are organic. A lot of cheese was sold as a result of the tasting which followed and I’m sure several of us will now be visiting the shop in Minchinhampton. We have enjoyed supper at Cafe 53 as one of our regular supper or lunch gatherings. Following an impressive lunch
at the Trouble House, we have arranged an afternoon tea there in September to celebrate our 45th anniversary. At our July meeting we were transported to Spain with a description and demonstration of flamenco. This was accompanied by such beautiful classical guitar music that the combination of music and dance was totally absorbing.
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The thought of the drive down the M4 to Cardiff was not appealing; however, by the late afternoon, the sun was shining and it was a pleasant drive down to St. David’s Hall where the “Classical Extravaganza Prom” we attended, featuring the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes, was a delight.
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It was a terrific concert, making one feel cheerful and light-hearted, and I think everyone there had enjoyed the music.
Kirstie Stevens
The Committee has a new member; Helen Price has agreed to join us and we are very pleased to have her on board. If you would like to join the Theatre Group, please ‘phone Lin Tanswell on 01666 505029.
32 | September 2014
Our next meeting is at the Dolphins’ Hall on Monday, September 8th. The talk is entitled “Islam in Focus”. Visitors are always welcome.
Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Bach Flower Consultations, Massage. AVAILABLE AT
Saturday July 19th – it had rained hard all morning.
Jean Corcoran
Once again, congratulations to Kemble and Ewen WI on their 50th anniversary which we celebrated with them at our Group Meeting in July.
Our recent August meeting took place on a barge on the Kennet and Avon Canal at ChrisPage Gibson1 170413 on IBIS:Layout 1 17/3/13 Bradford Avon. We learned about the 19:55
Tetbury Theatre Group
In the first half there were pieces by Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Bernstein, Delibes and Mascagni, to name a few, all wellknown and so familiar. The second half started with “Jupiter” from the Planet Suite by Holst, was followed by Vaughan Williams’ “Fantasia on Greensleeves”, Coates’ “Dambusters March” and finished with the Gershwin Overture “Girl Crazy”.
work of the volunteers and, for a short while, enjoyed the company of a very affable heron who seemed totally unfazed by our company.
HAIRDRESSING AT HOME 07515 692232 1501213
Elephant Bathroom Company
The Elephant Bathroom Company | Sales and Showroom | Unit 1 Charlton Business Park | Crudwell Road | Malmesbury | SN16 9RU Tel: 01666 824888 | Email: info@theelephantbathroomcompany.co.uk
Dolphins Recreation Trust
to check for availability if you’d like to book for any event, social or business – the hall is very welcoming! Following the very worthwhile public presentation about the new building project in June, we have now taken on board many of the constructive comments received and are incorporating them into our internal plans, which we are aiming to submit in a planning application in October.
The circus went smoothly, with very positive comments by a local resident as to how thorough the Circus had been in cleaning up afterward. It was good to see them back and we hope they will resume using Tetbury as a regular venue.
We have now received the £225K promised from Gloucestershire County and are in negotiation with a number
The hall also has a number of bookings throughout the autumn – look on our web-site www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk
The next event on the rec. is the Classic Car Show on the 7th September and we hope it will be as successful as last year.
t Le
It was a shame that so many people were put off by the weather forecast for the Summer Show, but those who risked the weather were rewarded by a dry, warm afternoon .Those who were there will have seen the new bench positioned on the old memorial garden in memory of Samantha Walker. Thanks to the efforts of Tetbury in Bloom, who have prepared and grassed the area and the generosity of Tetbury Lions in paying for the bench , this area should now be easier to regularly maintain.
Dolphins Recreation Trust Committee
In the last couple of months, the Recreation Ground has held a couple of events, Lawson’s Circus and the Summer Show.
of other grant providers, a couple of which where we are working alongside the Goods Shed project to provide a complimentary town initiative on leisure and cultural facilities. Some of you will have seen that the Dolphins project has appeared as one of Waitrose Cirencester’s token schemes and we are grateful to those who dropped in their green tokens to support the project – at the last look ours was in the highest pile! Money from this scheme will be distributed in September and we hope to report back.
£6795 PCM
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34 | September 2014
It’s time to put on your dancing shoes, even if you can’t dance.
Landscaping Before
If you want to get fit fast, lose those unwanted pounds and have more fun than you can believe doing it, here’s some great news for you. Classes £5 payg, suitable for all ages & fitness levels: Weds 7pm – Tetbury Leisure Centre Thurs 7pm – Malmesbury Town Hall
Extension Before
New Build Before
Contact Ruth King on 07734886275 for booking or more information, or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of all classes
‘Strictly Come Dancing’ dance stars Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite produced a unique dance and fitness programme –
Landscaping After
New Build Before
Extension After
Extension Before
New Build After Is pleased to announce, by popular demand, the arrival of a new KETTLEBELL fitness class. The class is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, men and women alike. Limited weights are available for hire (£1), so booking is essential, classes are£5, pay-as-you-go.
Extensions Loft Conversions Classes start: Barn Conversions Extension After Landscaping After Tetbury Leisure Centre: Weds 03 Sept 8pm Nailsworth Primary School: Fri 05 Sept 7pm Listed Building Refurbishment Groundworks and Landscaping For more information, or to book your place, please call Ruth King on 07734886275 or visit www.pts4u.org.uk for details of Natural Stone Walling all classes. Roofing What Have You Got To Lose? Be Yourself Only Better! Fascias & Guttering New Build After Kitchens & Bathrooms Extensions Roofing Carpentry Loft Conversions Fascias & Guttering Barn Conversions Kitchens & Bathrooms Property Maintenance Listed Building Refurbishment Carpentry Groundworks and Landscaping Natural Stone Walling
Property Maintenance
T: 01666 824980 M: 07788 416875 www.danbaileybuilding.co.uk 1040914
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 35
Cotswold Voluntary Wardens
At Carn Green we erected a new kissing gate through a hedge, to form an agreed diversion to a footpath.
Sometimes the Wardens are asked to work outside of the Cotswolds AONB. The criterion seems to be that if you can see the Cotswolds from the work site, we can be sent there. And so, on two occasions in July, we found ourselves in the Severn Vale at Lower Stone near Berkeley. It was a clear day so we could see the Cotswold Hills. We renewed a footbridge over a stream so that a closed footpath could be reopened. We used brushcutters and hedge trimmers to clear overgrown vegetation from the route of two bridleways from Upper Stone which had become impassable. We cleared a similarly overgrown footpath at Wotton1110609 Jo Gale:Layout 1 19/5/09 under-Edge.
We made our annual visit to Oldbury-onthe-Hill churchyard near Didmarton to tidy up the churchyard with brushcutters. We returned to the Grange community wood at Sherston to clear the footpaths with brushcutters and to lay wood chipping on the steep parts of the path to improve the surface, which had become slippery. This clearance included a section of the
Macmillan Way long-distance path, beside the stream. Local walks lead by the Wardens in September are: Saturday 6th September at 10:00 am from Coaley Peak car park for 9 miles to Nympsfield, Owlpen and Uley. Tuesday 16th September at 10:00 am for coffee at the Bell Inn, Selsley, departing at 10:30 for 6 miles via Selsley Common and Coaley Peak. Richard Glanville
Pixie Lock Ltd Professional Locksmith & uPVC Repair Specialist
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Cirencester Sixth Form College 36 | September 2014
Here we are September already, the cast has been chosen and rehearsals start this month. You will all be pleased to know that the pantomime this year will involve a local dance group – Arts Frenzy – did you see them at The Summer Show? They were fantastic, even the little tots really knew their routine and were a real pleasure to watch. Alexandra Proctor, who runs Arts Frenzy, is obviously a brilliant dance teacher The Dolphins areBus:Layout in for a real 1 641010soTetbury Mini treat, as are you the audience.
Anne Smith, the Director of this production, organised a read through of the play so that everyone had an equal opportunity to look through the script, formulate their ideas ready for the auditions which were held on the 4th and 21st of August. All `wannabe’s’ had to wait their turn to audition on stage in the bar and when called, were put through their paces by Anne and Jenny (in the nicest possible way of course). The cast is a good mixture of young and more mature people taking part so 20/9/10 collectively22:27 there is aPage wealth1of experience.
Call now on: 01666 504881 or 07939 890891
•Airport Connections •Night Clubs •Weddings •Parties •Spor ting Events 641010
As mentioned in the previous edition of the Tetbury Advertiser, The Three Musketeers has been chosen for winter 2014 and it should give you all plenty of belly laughs especially from the Dame – yes there is even a Dame in the Three Musketeers, who is the Dame? Ha, not telling, you will have to come and see for yourself. Swords will be drawn at the Dolphins Hall from Friday 5th – Saturday 6 December (no matinee) and Friday 12 – Saturday 13 December plus Saturday matinee. There will of course be the special performance for all the older people of Tetbury, which will take place on Thursday 11 December and is organised by Tetbury Lions. Dolphins Dramatic Society
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Well August went quickly didn’t it?
Dolphins Dramatic Society
Over 25 years experience Tel: 01666 502862 Mob: 07816928024
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 37
Patient Participation Group Unlike many other organisations the PPG has not had a recess over the summer months and has remained active. Unfortunately, we had no update in the July issue due to an email glitch and, although I am in Canada this month with little access to information, I do know that other members are still beavering away on behalf of all Romney House Surgery patients. The newly formed Healthier Living selfhelp group has had a full programme, with two talks from a nutritionist and an evening tour around Tesco led by Kathleen Dandridge, helping members to detect and choose healthier food options. We are very grateful to Tesco for their support and
for letting us use their meeting room. Also members of this group have been taken by the community bus to participate in weekly, instructor led, exercise sessions in the Cirencester swimming pool which they have not only found helpful but fun. The next meeting of the Diabetic self-help Group is on Thursday 30 September at the Surgery at 6:00 pm and is focussing on ‘Eyes’. It will be led by Dr Ian Comaish who 360711 Susie neal k.pdf 1 21/06/2011 will be known to many as a consultant at Tetbury Hospital. If you are a diabetic patient and would like to attend please do
Science Tui�on
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In October we are organising a session for ‘carers’. Please look out for posters in the town and surgery and in the next issue of The Advertiser for information about this. Belonging to the PPG or any of its sub groups is free although there is a charge for going to the swimming pool each week. Membership forms are available in the surgery.
Key Stage 3 and GCSE
turn up or contact me for further details.
Value adding workforce solutions
A successful business requires the ability to recruit excellence, the sense to reward it and the foresight to sustain, nurture and encourage it.
Employment Opportunities in the Tetbury and surrounding area: On behalf of our clients, we are currently looking for experienced candidates for numerous positions in and around Tetbury including:
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38 | September 2014
During the summer months, we take a break from demonstrations and attempt to work outside.
outdoor social planned for that evening in the garden of one of our members, Jeanne, which was well-attended. Members brought along whatever they wanted to drink and some food to be shared. It provided a chance to just chat and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
On Wednesday 2nd July some of us met to paint in the Westonbirt Arboretum. It was Our Barry organised a trip on Friday a beautiful day and I had a go at drawing 18th July to Art In Action at Waterperry the gnarled root system of a tree. Our Gardens near Oxford. This well-loved event members were a bit thin on the ground features an eclectic set of displays, talks 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 1 on this occasion partly because we had an22:03andPage demonstrations; this year beekeeping,
G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040 130208
General Handyman Services
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Tetbury Art Society calligraphy, printmaking, glassblowing, music, ceramics and storytelling were just some of the subjects covered. There was also a marquee selling art materials at a discount that was very popular. The weather was fine and there was something to interest everybody. By the time that you are reading this article, our August exhibition will have been held in the Market Hall over the Bank Holiday weekend and I will be able to report on it in the October edition of the Tetbury Advertiser. Looking to the future, at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 3rd September, we resume our monthly meetings in St. Michael’s Hall, Tetbury with a demonstration of working with mixed media given by Rita Dee. And then on the evening of Wednesday 1st October we have something a bit unusual – Maureen, our Programme Secretary, tells me that ‘we are in for a real treat, because we are having a talk from Cath Hodsman, a skilled and widely acknowledged British wildlife artist. Information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone Michael on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666-503926. We meet on the evening of the first Wednesday of most months in St Michael’s Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury at 7:30 pm and you will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached. Michael Kingham Tetbury Art Society
“Try Tetbury F
Pet Products: Major Brands Royal Canin, James Wellbeloved, Hills SciencePlan and Burns (Including their loyalty Scheme) plus other brands to order. We also stock Lilys Kitchen Tinned foods. We have other pet items including Fish Food, Bedding as well as Flea and other sprays.
Don’t forget - Key Cutting, DVD Transfer, Shoe Repairs, Watch Batteries and much much more. Free Local Delivery for bulky items provided by Lizzie and the Tetbury Hardware Silver Van.
Garden Products: We have all you will need to get your garden in shape for the winter months. Try Tetbury Hardware First. Winter Fuels: We will be holding stocks of all our normal winter fuels. Please let us have any special needs you might have and we will try to oblige. Delivery available. DIY/Electrical Plus much much more: Try us before you travel you will be surprised at the range we hold and the prices we can offer.
Help us plan our stocks around your requirements please. 1390914
30a London Road Tetbury GL8 8JL 01666 500353 (Follow us on Google and Facebook) Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 39
rearranged game at Cotswold Bowls Club on Monday 18 August.
With the nights drawing in the summer bowls season is suddenly coming to an end. This season the men have done extremely well. They have never as far as we can recollect won a bowls league, they’ve been runners up and they’ve been relegated, but this year have won Division 2 of South Cotswold Bowls League, having played 14 won 13 losing 1, shots for 1035 against 627 and scoring 119 points out of a possible 140. The B team also competed in division 4 playing 8 winning 4 and losing 4 scoring 471 shots with 437 against scoring 43 points. So well done to both men’s teams. Tetbury will have also competed in the section final of the County Cup, playing Victory Park in a
The domestic season is also coming to a close. All competitions are in the semi-final stage and by next month’s advertiser the results should all be in. The ladies leagues are still ongoing due to the weather and postponements, so a full report will also be in the next issue. Congratulations to Steve White, Mal Curtis and Pete Stinchcombe who are competing at the National Finals on Wednesday 20th August, hopefully a good report will be forthcoming in the next issue. Friendlies and the Senior Citizens games are still being played, weather permitting they will be completed and results will updated as soon as they are in.
HART PLUMBING & HEATING • Over 40 years experience • No job too small Call Robert Hart Home: 01666 503474 Mobile: 07775 682907 1110612
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40 | September 2014
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The school year at playgroup ended with some lovely hot weather.
and staff having the opportunity to take part. The children enjoyed receiving their medals at the end of the session, and some wore them until the end of term with pride. The school year finished with our Leaver’s party, where the parents came to see the children receive their journals. These are a special reminder of their time with us. This is always a bit of a sad time for the staff as some of the children have been with us from very young in Crèche, but we wish all the pre-school children all the best moving onto their new schools.
This allowed for lots of water play outside for the children and adults. The hot weather gave us the opportunity to discuss how we can keep safe in the heat. The children were very good at putting on their hats, playing in the shade and drinking plenty of water. The sports day for the pre-school children went really well, with even the parents
Genial Jobber Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?
Tetbury Nursery Playgroup Over the holidays staff have been in washing the toys and preparing the setting for September. We are now looking forward to the new school year and preparing our new pre-school children for school in 2015. The first few weeks we will be concentrating on settling existing and new children to the routines of playgroup. Hopefully, we will be able to enjoy some late summer sunshine! Our sessions are looking busy, but please do contact us if you require space for the new school year. Visits are welcome any day, although it is helpful if you are able to call ahead. If you have any questions please do call us on 01666 504885. Tetbury Playgroup 150208Nursery Maths & English
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 41
Tetbury Rail Lands Trust It has been an eventful summer down at the Goods Shed, beginning with our Strawberry Tea and Fun Dog Show. The doggy turnout looked good enough for Crufts and everybody who came had a great time including the dogs. We served 100 cream teas around the Goods Shed with the amazing Avening Brass Band playing in the background, and I would like to thank all the helpers and scone makers. Chris Stevens and Mary Doyle did a great job organising the dog show and I believe there are plans for another one next year.
Max Johnston upstaged everyone when he opened his garden with a narrow gauge steam train running across his lawn. There were stalls and games, including a coconut shy and lots of extra pounds went in our piggy bank (and around our waistlines) as a result!
We had our regular boot sale in July but cancelled it in August because it clashed with the date of the Tetbury Summer Show. There will be one in September as usual and we will be able to offer a lot more table top stalls as we have managed to remove the rest of the platform. With the amazing space we now have inside we will also be able to put on new events. We are planning a sculpture show and an art exhibition accompanied by a programme of folk music.
On WW1 Commemoration Sunday the Goods Shed team provided tea and cakes for everybody who marched down from the War Memorial. Tony Minchella played and sang songs from the era which gave it a wonderful atmosphere. Apple trees were planted on the side of the old railway line to mark the day when Tetbury people came together to remember all the ones who gave their lives so we can be free.
The fund raising team headed by Barrie Doyle have been working very hard to produce a business plan for running the Goods Shed and money is beginning to roll in. If you would like to contact us to get involved or for more information and photographs of our events our website is www.tetburyraillands.com
Thank you all for your support!
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NURSING CAREERS WITH SOMERSET CARE Somerset Care is a not-for-profit care organisation that has a fantastic Nursing Home, the Priory, in Tetbury. We offer our nurses the opportunity to develop their clinical skills in an older person environment, which includes palliative care, wound management and supervising a team of staff.
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42 | September 2014
www.tetburylions.co.uk SC017460 WGS Magazine Ad_130x201_250714
Good news for the museum! After a lot of hard work we’ve finally been notified by the Arts Council that we have been awarded our reaccreditation in full, meeting the national standards for museums in the UK (there are only about 1,800). We don’t have to go through the process again for another three years. Now! Another fascinating Cold Case file, this time from an Advertiser reader. Thanks to Paul Best for this story (from the original source: The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post Of Wednesday July 31st 1878), which is now in our archives. Murder at Greyhound Inn, Tetbury, July 1878 “Mr Coren, deputy coroner, held an inquest at the Town Hall on Monday on the body of James White, who died on Friday last from the effects of a stab inflicted by Charles Cole. The proceedings commenced at eleven and lasted till after six o’clock. William White, the father of the deceased, said his son was 25 years of age and lived at home. He kept the Greyhound Inn. On Saturday week, Charles Cole, George Hammond, James Ball, and&others were 250208 JS Painters Decorators
drinking at his bar about a quarter to ten at night. The deceased came in about ten, and at that time Ball and Compton were having words. Neither White nor Cole took part in it. The house was cleared, and about twenty minutes after James White was brought back, stabbed in the stomach. Mr. Wickham, M.R.C.S., was called in to see the deceased about half-past ten. He had a deep wound in the upper and central parts of the abdomen, an inch and a half in length. The upper surface of the left lobe of his liver was penetrated. Mr Wickham attributed his death to the wound, which must have been made by a straight-bladed knife. George Hammond, labourer, who was at the Greyhound on the occasion, said someone - he did not know who - struck witness, and he ran off, followed by the rest, when two of them knocked him down and beat him. When he got up he saw Cole and the deceased struggling; they had their arms round each other. He heard the deceased say, “Charles, thee hast been and stabbed I!” He did not hear Cole make any answer. He saw no knife in either of their hands, and he heard no threat made by anyone. When the22:20 deceasedPage said he 22/2/08 1 was stabbed
Tetbury Police Museum they all ran away. Cole had a long bladed knife, very “picked” at the point. P.C. Holder said he saw some of the party near the scene of the affray, and ordered them off, and just after he heard that White had been stabbed, he saw White, who said that Cole had stabbed him. He went to Cole’s house and charged him, when Cole denied it. He took him to the station, and found a spot of blood on the left leg of his trousers. He searched for a knife, but failed to find one, although he found the prisoner’s hat on the ground. The Coroner, in an elaborate summing up, said there was very strong evidence that Cole stabbed White, and the only question was whether it was murder or manslaughter. He directed the jury in favour of murder, saying it was a question whether there was sufficient provocation to reduce it to manslaughter. The jury consulted for nearly an hour, and then returned a verdict of “Wilful murder” against Cole, who was committed by the Coroner to take his trial on that charge. On Tuesday 29th July 1878 he was also committed by the magistrates.” John Silvester, Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum & Courtroom The Old Courthouse, 63 Long Street, Tetbury Email; curator@tetbury.gov.uk
Elizabeth S Maisey
Can’t Be Bothered to Decorate? Then Contact.......
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 43
St Mary’s Playgroup I am sure you can’t believe that summer is over and we are starting back for another term. All of the staff have had a great break enjoying the glorious weather and are looking forward to seeing all of the children again and hearing their holiday stories.
to add any snippets of information they would like to share. Playgroup starts back on Wednesday 3rd September and we look forward to seeing you all over the coming weeks. We are also holding our AGM Wednesday 10th September 7.30 at The Priory….. everyone is welcome so please come along and support our Playgroup.
We have an interest tray and all of the If you are interested in your little one joining the playgroup or would children love to bring special things from like to know more, then email info@ home, it is a bit like ‘show and tell’. For our stmarysplaygroup.co.uk or visit our first week back, the suggested item is ‘a website for more details. photo of me as a Baby’ so we will enjoy talking about all the photos which are brought in. We also have ‘WOW’ sheets, some of which are pinned on the board inside the playgroup. We love to hear what the children get up to outside of the22:24 Page 1 340208 Piano Tuition 22/2/08 setting and so parents are encouraged
Piano Tuition Jonathan Adkins
Piano Tutor, Accompanist, Organist.
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Competitive Rates, Home Visits, Beginners Welcome 340208
Our popular Toddler group will continue every Monday morning, term time in Christchurch from 09.30 – 11.30. We always arrange a seasonal craft activity and there are plenty of toys and games for all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome, from babies to pre-schoolers so drop in and join the fun!
44 | September 2014
Tetbury Job Club
D.J. & D.M. BABER & SONS Agricultural Contractors
Hay and Haylage For Sale Delivery can be arranged if required
FIELD BARN FARM, WESTONBIRT, TETBURY, GLOS. GL8 8QN Tel. 01666 880430 or 07789 931058Page 1 720208 Nailsworth Dom Applian 22/2/08 22:48 0380914
A reliable, fas t & fr ien d l y s e r v i c e
Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Tumble Dryers, Fridge-Freezers, Electric Cookers . . . N o
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Feeling overwhelmed by too much stuff? I will work with you to clear the clutter and re-organise your home Please call me for a chat and further info Kim Rowden - 07980 776283 / 01453 861560 www.cluttercruncher.co.uk
Tetbury Job Club was open throughout the summer. To those who needed and wanted to continue their job searches and have support. It was quieter than normal but well done to those people who kept up their endeavours. Job club meets at Christchurch, in The Chipping, every Tuesday 2-4pm. We meet upstairs - go through the main green doors then up the stairs on the right. We support people of all ages who want help in writing CV’s and covering letters, help with job searches or registering with jobs direct. We can also help you set up an email account. What we don’t know we will happily work with you to find out, so that you don’t feel isolated, overwhelmed or generally fed up! This year we are planning to run some 10-minute workshops, looking at various aspects of job-hunting, such as interview techniques, what to wear, and types of questions to be expected at interview. The workshops are intended to help build confidence and technique, so that people improve their opportunities to gain that very important next job. If you are struggling in a particular area, please let us know, we might be able to have a workshop around your specific needs, together building confidence. Many of our members enjoy volunteering whilst they find themselves unemployed. If you run a business or organisation and need volunteers, please let us know. Perhaps we have a volunteer match for you! Job searching can be overwhelming, and there is no doubt that it is hard work, requiring commitment and dedication. If you are struggling at home, then come and join us. We can’t take away the hard work but we will encourage you to persevere, and remind you that you have potential. If you would like further information about Job Club please call 07968 591912. Tetbury Job Club
Gas Safe Reg.
Oftec Reg.
Holiday cottage to let in Leighterton Set on the outskirts of the village with excellent views.
Sleeps up to 4 persons.
Please contact Phillip for more information
Tel 07866 910447 Email elmesbarn@yahoo.com web www.elmesbarn.com
Telephone/Fax: TETBURY (01666) 502287
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 45
Tetbury Dial-a-Ride
Rural Skills Centre
Royal Agricultural University
We’ve had a good summer, here in the Volunteer Centre! Opening on Mondays has been a success and with the help of the volunteers will carry on.
The Rural Skills Centre, part of the Royal Agricultural University, has been running for almost 16 years and offers a range of short, practical courses for anyone interested in gaining or improving their skills.
We are always looking for volunteers for the Hospital Car Service, Dial-a-Ride bus and adapted car as drivers and escorts. To find out more about volunteering or using the service, please call in to the office or phone.
Courses include: • Dry Stone Walling • Hedge Laying • Hazel Hurdle making • Blacksmithing and Ornamental Ironwork • Welding • Chainsaw Operation • Brush Cutter and Strimmer Operation • Pesticide Application - Safe use of Pesticides, Granule Application and Hand Held Applicator • Safe use of Ride On and Pedestrian Mowers and many more.....
The Village Agent is visiting on Monday 1st September and Tuesday 16th September. Come in to see her if you would like more information.
Regular Dial-a-Ride Schedule TUESDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Tetbury Town (including appointments) WEDNESDAYS:12-2pm. Tetbury Market (including appointments) THURSDAY MORNINGS: 9.30am. Nailsworth & Avening with, Sainsbury’s, Stroud, Thursday, 9am 25th September.
For a full list of our courses or if you would like to talk with us for some advice why not call James or Nikki on 01285 889873
THURSDAY AFTERNOONS: 2pm. Tetbury Tesco. FRIDAYS: 10.30am. trips: Yate, 5th September. Cirencester, 12th September. Library Club, 26th September
Rural Skills Centre Royal Agricultural University Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JS Tel: 01285 889873 Fax: 01285 889926 email: rsc@rau.ac.uk
Please ring or call in to talk to us about volunteering, trips and membership, we look forward to meeting you. Liz Truman and Sieglinde Bannister Tel: 01666 502514 (Mon - Thurs, 9-1pm). Tetbury Volunteer Centre, @Tetbury, 3 New Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8DS.
Rural Skills Centre
Tel: 01666 822 100
Tel: 0
Tel: 01666 822 100 Tel: 01666 Bathroom 822 100 Showroom
Plumbing Fittings
We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings for both trade and public
Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see our full range of wet rooms, traditional suites and contemporary suites.
Tel: 01666 822 100
Plumbing Fittings822 100 Tel: 01666
water softeners and salt all drainage pipework oil tanks
boilers radiators cylinders
With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone.
We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom S Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU for both trade and public range of wet rooms Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk Plumbing Fittings Ba Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom Plumbing Fittings contemporary suite water softenersWeand stocksalt a wide rangeboilers of plumbing We stock attings wide range of Visit our B fiShowroom for both trade andplumbing plublic We stock a wide range of plumbing fittings Visitall our Bathroom toShowroom see our full fittings drainage pipework radiators Plumbing Fittings Plumbing Fittings Bathroom With over 50 years water softeners and salt • traditional for both trade and public range of w Plumbing Fittings Bathroom Showroom for both trade and public range of wet rooms, suites and oil tanks all drainage pipework cylinders we’re sure to have a oil tanks boilers contempo contemporary suites. water softeners and salt boilers stock aand wide range boilers of plumbing our Bathroom Showroom to see ourourfull We stock afittings wide range of plumbing fittings Visit our Bathroom Showroom to see full water We softeners salt radiators cylinders We stockVisit a wide range of plumbing fittings Visit o for both trade and public range of wet rooms, traditional suites and all drainage pipework radiators for both trade and publicradiators range of wet rooms, traditional suites and With over all drainage pipework With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, contemporary suites. water softeners and salt trade boilers and public for7.30am both range oil tanks suites. Unitcylinders 10, Malmesbury Business P - contemporary 5.00pm to Friday we’re sure oil tanks water softeners andcylinders salt all boilers drainage pipework we’re sure toradiators haveMonday a design to suit everyone. With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge, Email: info@activeplum 8.00am 12.00 noon Saturday oil tanks cylinders conte we’re sure to have a design to suit everyone. all drainage pipework radiators waterWith softeners andofsalt over 50 years bathroom boilers knowledge, oil tanks cylinders all drainage we’re surepipework to have a design to suit everyone. radiators 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Plumbing Fittings 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
7.30am - 10, 5.00pm Monday toPark, Friday Unit Malmesbury Business Tetbury 9JU 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU Hill, SN16Unit Email: info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday
We stock a wide range 8.00am of plumbing fittings - 12.00 noon Saturday for both trade and public
water softeners and salt 46 | September 2014 all drainage pipework
boilers radiators
Bathroom Showroom tanks cylinders Email:oil info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk
With Bo 10, Malmesbury Email:we’re info@a
Unit 10, Malmesbury Business Park, Tetbury Hill, SN16 9JU
Visit ourEmail: Bathroom Showroom to see our full info@activeplumbingsupplies.co.uk range of wet rooms, traditional suites and Unit 10, Malmesb 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday contemporary suites. Email: in
www.tetburylions.co.uk 8.00am - 12.00 noon Saturday
With over 50 years of bathroom knowledge,
The work of the Neighbourhood Planning Group continues. Thanks to the continuing support from the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council we are analysing the responses to
the Town Survey. To date we have received 721 completed surveys representing a response rate of in excess of 30%, which is quite remarkable. A big thank you to everyone who responded. Also, thank you to the Tetbury Lions and the band of volunteers who helped to deliver the survey. The data collected from these surveys will form valuable evidence as we start to compile the Neighbourhood Plan.
Tetbury and District Planning Group detail”! This will support us in the site analysis and will also provide a baseline against which developers will be asked to assess the impact of their developments on traffic flows in the town. We expect the initial report shortly.
We have arranged training in Policy At the time of writing, the traffic survey writing, which will give us the necessary results are also being analysed by skills to start drafting the Plan. The Gloucestershire Highways and their Neighbourhood Plan will establish industry We have been informed 1 the 340413 partners. Shipshape Plumbing:Layout 16/3/13 11:24 policies Page 1for the general planning that “there is ample data to dissect in development and use of land in Tetbury and Tetbury Upton (such as where new homes should be built and what they should look like).There are lots of issues to consider when writing these Policies (not least their general conformity to National Planning Policy) and the help from Liz and PLUMBING Cat (our Planning Aid Advisers) will be SMALLER JOBS SPECIALIST greatly appreciated.
MOB: 07855 228736 340413
Some of you may have seen us at the Summer Show, tucked in the corner of the main marquee. We will collate the results of all this hard work and will hold an exhibition in the town later in the autumn when all the results are available. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or can help us with our work, please contact me on 01666 504746. Cllr Liz Farnham Chairman, Tetbury and District Neighbourhood Planning Group
INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Care and compassion when you need it most PERSONAL SERVICE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Tried and trusted since 1800.
Personal service covering Tetbury and surrounding areas. 1180512
01666 822216
7 Burnham Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0BQ CSL_0012 Tetbury Advertiser Half Page Ad.indd 1
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
05/04/2012 16:37
September 2014 | 47
Tetbury & District Footpath Group
The White Hart.), 6.25 m (10 km), Level; A, Leaders; John & Liz (504430)
Walks Program for September: Tuesday 02/09/2014, 9:50 AM, cars needed, Aston Keynes (park at The White Hart Inn, 18 High Road, SN6 6NX or overflow parking at the village hall), circular walk through the Water Park, in part using the Thames footpath and passing a working quarry and lakes. Bird lovers may wish to bring binoculars. (optional pub lunch at
York House Tetbury
Tetbury’s Boutique Bed & Breakfast
Tuesday 09/09/2014, 2:00 PM, Cutwell, Longfurlong Lane, Close Nurseries, Doughton, Barber Lane, Wormwell Lane, Underbridge Cottages, Remo Farm, Starveall Lane, Bath Bridge. (A detour may be necessary if Wormwell Lane is too muddy), 5 m (8 km), Level; A/B, Leader; Sallie (503712) Tuesday 16/09/2014, 2:00 PM, Herd Lane, Berkeley Wood, Preston Park, Little Larkhill Farm. S along lane towards Long Newnton then W across fields to Folly Farm and Tetbury Hospital then back over Wiltshire Bridge, 3.5 m (5.5 km), Level; A/B, Leader; Pauline (502979) Tuesday 23/09/2014, 10:00 AM, cars needed, Chavenage Green, Ledgemore Bottom, Shiptons Grave Lane, Tetbury Lane, R&W CLEANING SERVICES PROVIDING DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL SERVICES
Window Cleaning
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, etc...
Rob Wootton
Tel: 01452 814459 Mob: 07779427353
- 01666 504508 -
yorkhousetetbury.com 391211
Paulo Rios Tel: 01452 542179 Mob: 07866366319
Nailsworth. Pub lunch. Wood Lane then on a track up to Shiptons Grave Lane, Ledgemore Pond, Longtree Bottom (all day), 6.5 m (10.5 km), Level; C, Leader; Ian (502939) Tuesday 30/09/2014, 10:00 AM, cars needed, Didmarton, Field Farm, Follow Sherston Branch of R. Avon, Sopworth, follow Wiltshire Path and return to Didmarton. (optional pub lunch), 4.5 m (7.5 km), Level; A/B, Leader; Alison (505113) Levels: A = easy to D = hilly Most walks have a variety and number of stiles and may be muddy. Visitors or anyone not already a member and wishing to walk should contact the leader of the walk that they plan on joining, all are welcome. Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for these walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Leaders do not accept responsibility for any member of the group or for visitors. All walks begin from the free long stay Tetbury station yard car-park. If anyone is planning to join the walking group after it has left the long stay car park, please contact the leader in advance to verify the exact route to be used. Leaders and the Group will not be responsible if members or visitors fail to meet the walking group after it has left the start point.
Quality Alterations Questions How much clothes storage do you have in your house? How much of the clothes in those wardrobes and drawers don’t you wear or have never worn? Did you spend a lot of money on a designer label or was it a bargain in the sale? Why are you not wearing these pieces? Are they; too big, too small, the sleeves or hem too long, fits at the top but not at the bottom, a little out dated, you’ve lost weight, broken zip or is because something’s not quite right but you can’t decide why? Solutions Most of the above can be corrected, increasing your selection of perfectly fitting clothes. You will be surprised what a nip and a tuck here and there can do to change a garment. For example; if the sleeves of a jacket are too long, the shoulders are too wide or the length too long for your height, the whole garment will look too big. If you are larger at the waist but slender at the hips, skirts and trousers can be tapered to fit to enhance your natural shape. Shortening or lengthening a hem, just by an inch can make a vast difference to a dress or a skirt. Very often a simple solution can be found to completely change and dramatically improve how a garment looks and feels, saving you money in the long run. Have a rummage and don’t forget the bottom of the ironing basket, for all of the clothes that you would really like to get some wear out of before they are given away or thrown out in frustration. Shortening of hems start from £10, full quotes will be given at the time of fitting. All work is undertaken to the highest standard and satisfaction guaranteed. Opening times Monday – Friday 9:30 – 3pm or by appointment Contact 07581 058 149 michelle@qualityalterationstetbury.co.uk Where 21 Market Place, Tetbury, GL8 8DD - Above Cherry Tree (The old Cook Shop building)
48 | September 2014
530212 Pat testing:Layout 1
Tetbury Area
Portable Appliance Testing for Holiday Cottages, B&B’s and let Accomodation. Please phone for details on
01666 502879
September is generally a cooler, windier month than August and the days are noticeably shorter... But there is still much to do in the garden and the work of Tetbury in Bloom continues. In September we begin the process of tidying the floral displays ahead of the winter months and gearing up for the season ahead. We must keep deadheading annuals and perennials to extend their displays into the autumn. This
Tel: 0785 505 6769 Please ring, text or leave a message for an appointment. Specialising in Sports Injury Diagnostics, Post Operative and Post Fracture Rehabilitation with over 16 years of International, Commonwealth and Olympic Games experience.
Opening Times: Monday 3.00 - 8.15pm Thursday/Friday 07.45 - 11.30am Saturday 08.30 - 12.30pm Out of hours appointments are available on request.
Didmarton B, Priory Park, London Road, Tetbury. GL8 8HZ Web: www.kirtonphysiotherapy.co.uk Facebook: Kirton Physiotherapy
Elaine Kirton MCSP HCPC Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist 0420514
Tetbury in Bloom is made easier by specifically choosing perennial plants that have a long flowering period – such as fuchsias and penstemons, which keep flowering right through to the first frosts. The end of the month is a good time to start dividing overgrown or tired looking clumps of herbaceous perennials; this will invigorate them, and improve flowering and overall shape, for next year. We have plans to give the flowerbed by the electric substation in Saint Marys’ churchyard a long overdue makeover and this will be the ideal time to do so. Also, thoughts turn to next season and the planting of spring bulbs: crocuses, daffodils and tulips. (More about our plans for spring in my next article.) Throughout the summer months, the team have continued their regular twiceweekly morning work parties, maintaining the displays for which Tetbury has become well known. Thank you to the team for all their hard work – didn’t the floral displays look wonderful again this year? We have received many positive comments; thank you and do keep them coming, they make all the hard work worthwhile. Thank you to the Parochial Church Council for their kind donation towards our work in Saint Marys’ churchyard, especially the new Remembrance Garden that we’ve created this year. For more details of how we manage to keep Tetbury looking one of the best small towns in the UK, please visit our website at www.tetburyinbloom.org.uk Liz Farnham
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 49
Tetbury Music Festival Competition To win two tickets to hear Ann Murray, DBE accompanied by Malcolm Martineau on Saturday 4th October as part of this year’s Tetbury Music Festival simply answer the following question: Some people think that Brahms never married because he was in love with the wife of a fellow composer. Who was she? Answers can be emailed to: admin@tetburymusicfestival.org.uk posted to, or handed in to (in a sealed envelope marked Tetbury Music Festival Competition) Tetbury Tourist Information Office, 33 Church Street, Tetbury GL8 8JG to be received no later than Friday 19th September 2014.
Email- cobwebs742@btinternet.com TETBURY 01666 539057 STROUD 01453 569123
CIRENCESTER 01285 841473 SWINDON 01793 469176
H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations.
Good luck!
We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets.
Tetbury Bookkeeper
Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 826766
Philippa Lark
Email: contact@lucytom.com Web: www.lucytom.com 681010 March Roofing:Layout 1 21/9/10 22:08 Page 1 680213
Local References tetburybookkeeper.co.uk 01666 505824 07771 914512
M.MARCH ROOFING Specialist in Cotswold Stone Tiling
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Rob Wootton & Paulo Rios
Free estimates Friendly professional advice 35 years experience in the roofing trade
Tel No. 01452 814459 Tel No. 01452 542179 Mob. 07779427353 / 07866366319 “no job too small” 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1
Page 1
A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd Specialist In Stone Work & Renovations General Building Renovations
Barn Conversions • Paving
“Cleaner laid low...? We’ll soon have it up and running.”
Brickwork • Blockwork www.agwhowellbuilderltd.co.uk Call for a free quote:
Phone: 01666 860875 Mobile: 07786 938189
50 | September 2014
E rn FRE Retu & n o cti
As well as our repair service we can supply NEW machines, SPARES, and CLEANER BAGS. Before you go elsewhere give us a call for prices and friendly advice.
for a fast cure call Tom Seed
01453 834700 or 07773397832 www.tetburylions.co.uk
L. E. Perry Funeral Directors 13-15 Hampton Street â?&#x2C6; All business for Mr Perry is currently being dealt with by Mr. Barry Wood. Please telephone 01666 502295 1110213
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40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 51
St Michael’s Parish News As I write this we are fast approaching the end of August with summer nearly gone. What a lovely summer we have had, although the last few days the rain has brought us down to earth. I know we need rain for the land but especially during the summer months it would be nicer if it was overnight! When it has rained overnight the morning after feels fresher. We wish all farmers a very good harvest and may there be plenty for everyone. Home grown food tastes juicier - especially strawberries. During June, along with the parishioners of St Peter’s Catholic Church Cirencester, we celebrated Bishop Declan announcement that Father Isidore Obi was officially Parish Priest of both parishes. Although we knew a few months earlier, it was not until June that Canon Tom Gunning, Dean of Stroud, inducted Father Izzy as Parish Priest. Father Izzy was joined by many of his fellow priests and a few Permanent Deacons too. Parishioners of both parishes took part in the Celebration Mass, donating food for the buffet afterwards and also gifts presented by a parishioner from both St Peter’s and St Michael’s. During our Mass on Sunday 31st August we will remember Mgr William Mitchell who passed away suddenly in 2008. Mgr was Parish Priest here at St Michaels from 2001 until his death in 2008. He was well
known around the town and he loved being part of Tetbury. We remember and thank those who helped and support us at that time. September brings the new school year and we wish pupils, students and teachers a happy successful year, which brings me onto our annual Michael Fest celebrations taking place from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th September. On Friday we will be holding our Musical Evening, starring local singing groups including Avening Angels, students from Westonbirt and a few others, including some younger members of our congregation - “Music of all Kinds” something for everyone. Last year’s evening was very enjoyable and successful. On Saturday the 27th our autumn fayre takes place from 11.00am to 3.00pm –ish, with many stalls, a raffle, BBQ and
other attractions. Proceeds will go to the Parish Maintenance fund -please see the advertisement in this issue. There will be a flower festival in the church throughout the weekend. On Sunday the 28th our 9.00am Mass will be one of thanksgiving for a successful weekend, remembering those who have worked hard to build the parish for many years and those who are now working hard to keep the parish happy and successful. Please try and come to at least one event if not all three to support our community and enjoy yourself at the same time. Wishing you all, especially those starting a new term at school whatever your age, those starting a new job, those starting anything new a happy and successful time and wishing God’s Blessing on you all. Elaine Wright, Parish Administrator St Michaels Catholic Church
Autumn Fayre At St Michaels Church Hall, Silver Street, Tetbury Saturday 27th September 2014 - 11am to 3pm
BBQ-Refreshments-Stalls-Raffle-Games and much more 1300914
In aid of St Michaels Parish Maintenance Fund
Freehouse - Country Inn - Dining Room
Visit Leighterton! If you haven’t already discovered The Royal Oak, why not pop over to the lovely village of Leighterton for a visit? We’ve got fantastic food, great real ales and a very warm welcome.
Harvest Beer Festival 2014! Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th September Go to www.royaloakleighterton.co.uk to find out more about The Royal Oak, Leighterton, or call 01666 890 250 to book 1 The Street, Leighterton nr Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8UN 1100914
52 | September 2014
Garden Notes
September: the time for new beginnings
Designspace Outdoors DESIGN
720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1
07813 784389
Page 1
E.T. Lumley Garden & Pet Supplies Stainsbridge Mill, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 0AJ
Tel: 01666 822325 E-mail: etlumley@googlemail.com www.lumleypetsupplies.com
❊ Top Leading Brands of Food & Treats ❊ ❊ Our Own Label Premium Dog Food ❊ ❊ Bowls, Toys & Accessories ❊ ❊ Beds & Cushions ❊ ❊ Wild Bird Food & Products inc. Live Food ❊
for you and your pet’s every need.
Delivery Service Available
Optimum Mobility Genuine advice and best value from the local specialist * Wheelchairs, manual and powered * * * * * * *
Scooters and portable scooters Powered rise/recline armchairs Household, bathroom and walking aids Large display with private test area Disabled facilities, easy parking Proper maintenance Part exchange, new & reconditioned
Mobility assessments and tuition at home
We are a family business
The Old Dairy, Pinkney Park, Near Sherston, Malmesbury
01666 840060
Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September marks the shift to autumn, a point from which you can look back over your garden through the year and take stock. In terms of planting, you can review whether some seasons need additional thought. In terms of structure, as autumn progresses the “bones” of a garden become increasingly visible, and if well-designed, this can be one of its most satisfying qualities over winter. If this isn’t the case, the approaching season is a great opportunity to address this, and to re-think the underlying structure of your garden to ensure it works for you both practically and aesthetically. Autumn may be one of your garden’s peak seasons: those that make the most of this time of year work with the increasingly low angle of light and use planting such as grasses and late-flowering perennials, to great effect. Trees and shrubs with glowing autumn colour can be positioned so that the sun will backlight them from a given viewpoint. If you’re thinking of major changes to your garden, there’s no better time to get started. If you want your new design to be ready to take advantage of spring and a full growing season, now is the time to assess what you have, plan and design the changes, and arrange for their implementation while most plants are dormant. If your works will require a survey, this is easiest performed with less foliage around. Early and late winter is also an excellent time for planting structural features like trees and hedges. So although the natural world may be starting to wind down for winter, if you have grand designs for your outside space, now’s your moment! Sophie Crawford Designspace Outdoors
Sean Truby electrical
• New Installations • Building Rewiring • Additions and Alterations • Repairs & Maintenance • Testing and Inspecting • Free Electrical Surveys For a free quote/survey call Sean on
Call 01453
884950 07899 893875 Part P Registered
September 2014 | 53
LOG SPECIAL OFFER buy your seasoned hardwood logs now at last year’s prices (offer closes October 1st) please ring for prices
07989 528 938 jo-read@hotmail.com East View, High Street, Hillesley, GL12 7RS
Celebrating 30 years of trading
DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING & DESIGN SERVICE * Modern & Traditional Water Features • Garden Lighting
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Brentmoor House, Newmarket Rd, Nailsworth, Glos GL6 0DQ
See our display boards at Nailsworth & Highfield Garden Centres
54 | September 2014
Genuinely local family firm established 2002 Fully insured including treatment risks cover Free no obligation estimates and advice Specialist rug cleaning plant in Nailsworth
Unit 20 Nailsworth Mills Estate, Avening Road, Nailsworth, GL6 0BS
01453 836400 mail@restoraction.co.uk
American Success for Wycliffe Following the launch of the SAT preparation support service in September 2012, Wycliffe College students have received a total of $220,000 (£131,714) in scholarships to study at American universities. To qualify for an American university, students must sit a Scholastic Aptitude Examination (SAT) that tests critical reading, maths and writing skills. “American universities want to accept the person, not just their academic record. They want to ensure you fit in with the university ethos,” said Betsy Wentzel, SAT Preparation Co-ordinator.
Four students have been awarded places at prestigious American universities.
Ola Omotoso, 18, has been accepted to study Business at the University of Virginia.
Taisiya Teslya, 18, has been offered scholarships at the University of New Haven and the Savannah College of Art and Design but has decided to study at the University of San Francisco.
Charlotte Knaggs, 18, has been accepted at Cornell University in New York where she will study Applied Biological Science.
Sarah Cheung, 18, was offered scholarships to Marymount University and Goucher College but has decided to study Psychology at James Madison University in Virginia. “The Wycliffe teachers have been amazing,” she said. “They encourage students and make you want to work harder.”
Mrs Wentzel said that being accepted and attending an American university helps students stand out when they enter the jobs market. “It’s a highly competitive market and the more things you have that sets you apart, the better,” she said. “Being accepted at an American university shows independence and initiative.”
Whole School Open Morning – Saturday 27th September 2014 10.00am -12.00pm
Wycliffe Nursery, Preparatory, Senior School & Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2 – 18 years For more information please call: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471. Wycliffe, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Twitter @WycliffeCollege www.wycliffe.co.uk
VISIT SIR WILLIAM ROMNEY’S SCHOOL DURING OUR OPEN DAYS Year 5 and 6 pupils and their parents are warmly invited to visit the school for our Open Evening on Tuesday 23rd September and our Open Mornings on Thursday 25th and Monday 29th September. Sir William Romney’s School is a small 11-16 Academy which provides a safe and caring environment that ensures our students flourish and achieve their full potential. The school is proudly comprehensive and provides a secure and supportive learning
environment. Our overall size and small class sizes means that every student is known and understood by a committed and caring staff. We appreciate that every child is unique and the small and inclusive nature of the school allows us to develop each child’s individual aptitudes and abilities by developing selfesteem and building confidence. Examination results are good, with students making good progress based on their start point on entry to the school. Almost all of our Year 11 leavers go on to study at a wide range of post 16 institutions, including Cirencester College, Stroud College, Hartpury College, Marling Sixth Form and Stroud High Sixth Form. The school has excellent facilities in all subject areas, and in particular in the arts subjects. We also offer What parents say about us: opportunities for students to participate in a full range of sporting activities and a range of local and “We are delighted with the way our overseas visits including New York, France, the WWI daughter has settled, she is being Battlefields, Germany and skiing in Austria; with future appropriately challenged and is visits planned to Iceland and Kenya. These experiences making good progress. The staff are are often amongst the most memorable for enthusiastic and approachable.” students and are a valued part of school life at SWR. “Dedicated and inspring teachers who go the extra mile. My son is fulfulling The school places respect at the heart of his potential both academically and all that it does. Students are expected to socially and has been given great show respect and tolerance of others, to opportunities.” work hard and to value the opportunities they are given. Sir William Romney’s is a welcoming, vibrant and friendly school which seeks to achieve excellence in all areas. Why not come and see for yourself … Steven Mackay, Headteacher Sir William Romney’s School, Lowfield Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8AE Tel: 01666 502378 Email: admin@swr.gloucs.sch.uk Web: www.swr.gloucs.sch.uk
56 | September 2014
Brownies have had an exciting year, celebrating their Centenary. The 2nd Tetbury Brownies took up the challenge to try a new adventurous activity and had a great afternoon at the climbing wall in Gloucester. The 1st Tetbury Brownies held a swimming party in the Forest and had a visit to the Cotswold Wildlife Park. Members from all units joined in the Region event at Wincanton Racecourse where they were entertained by a circus and many street performers and could have their faces painted, try bouncy castles, crafts, space hoppers and numerous other activities. We were excited to find that 2 of our members had won prizes in the bunting competition. Well done to Guide Lucy and Leader Karen – they both met the Region Commissioner and received a goody bag. Leaders in Guiding often have just as much fun as the girls as they too get a wide range of opportunities - joining in with the weekly activities; participating in more adventurous activities such as climbing and dragon boating; enjoying outings, camps and residential holidays and some even get to go abroad. Guiding enables adults to develop their own skills as we provide trainings and support for those taking on leadership roles. Leaders are adults who volunteer to help for 1 or more hours a week and many start with no experience or qualifications but just a wish to offer their time and give something to
their community. If any of this appeals to you then we are looking for more leaders in all age groups. Please contact me to discuss how you could help us and have fun at the same time! Despite the bad weather we had a stall at Tetbury Summer Show and hope those that visited enjoyed the bubbles and chocolate brownies! Thank you to those who rushed to help when the gazebos tried to blow away! Congratulations to the winners of the special Brownie class in the Flower Show and thank you to the Flower Show committee for including it to celebrate our centenary. The Malt House will be open to visitors during the Heritage weekend – 13th/14th September from 10am – 4pm. Not only will this be an opportunity to explore our historic building but we will have a display of Brownie and Guide photos, uniform, badges etc from Tetbury. I often hear people saying they used to come to Brownies and had forgotten what the building was like so please drop in and see if you can find memories of your time here! We currently have places available for Rainbows (aged 5-7) and Thursday Brownies (aged 7-10). Sue Doidge - Tetbury District Commissioner Investments tetburymum@hotmail.co.uk
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Celebrating the
40th year of the Tetbury Advertiser
September 2014 | 57
Well weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had a bit of a summer break on the NCT committee recently in order to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;pause for thought a little and start shaping future plans for the next year. We held our Annual General Meeting back in June and were able to gauge opinions from local parents and expectant parents as to what they would like from their local NCT branch. We are currently in the process of putting together an Annual Plan directly as a result of the meeting and have some exciting ideas which we will hopefully be able to announce very shortly so in the meantime, watch this space!! We are always looking for way that we can support parents of babies and toddlers across the whole of the community so if you have any ideas please do get in touch. We are however about to become very busy with a lot of upcoming events throughout the autumn. Firstly, a very important date for your diary, our Autumn Sale, is due to be held on the 27th September at the usual venue of St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Primary School. For more information or if you would like a sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pack then please look out for our contact details on our Facebook and Twitter pages when they become available. As usual we are certain there will be a good turnout and there will be plenty of bargains to
be had so get labelling up all those items and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll look forward to seeing you there! The next event will be our annual Halloween party which will actually be held on Halloween itself this year, 31st October! We are currently putting together the format for the party so there will be more details to follow shortly however we are sure it will again be a very popular event with lots of fun to be had by all. We currently have details " "% " ! & % '! " !
# ! % # " & %! of the Welly Walks we have ÂŹď&#x201A;Ź $ ÂŹď&#x201A;Ź been organising around Tetbury every Monday Saturday 27th September throughout the summer 11am-12.30pm holidays which may continue in to the autumn St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Primary School, if the weather holds and Tetbury have proved thoroughly For more information or a enjoyable for all. Please feel Sellers Pack contact: free to come along if you tetburysale@nct.org.uk can. Please also contact us if you would be interested in helping out at any of our events throughout the coming months as it is so much easier to run exciting events if we get plenty of much appreciated help. Finally, look out for our Autumn Newsletter which will be published around the end of September. It will be full of news, information on our events and much more!!
58 | September 2014
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Kristian Bezuidenhout, harpsichord Rachel Podger, violin J.S.Bach sonatas & partitas
Cuarteto Casals Nicolas Altstädt, cello Haydn, Ligeti quartets Schubert Quintet in C Major
Ann Murray DBE, soprano Malcolm Martineau, piano Purcell, Brahms, Fauré Granados Britten & Irish Songs
Trio Apaches Mozart, Debussy,Tchaikovsky
David Thomas Memorial Concer t Dunedin Consort J.S.Bach: St. John Passion
To win two tickets, answer the question hidden in this month's Advertiser
Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales Artistic Director: Jonathan Cohen CBE
2–5 OCTOBER 2014 Tickets from £30-£10 Children 8-16 free (one per adult) Booking from July 21 at: Tetbury Tourist Information Centre, 33 Church Street, Tetbury, Glos. GL8 8JG Tel: 01666 - 503552 Email: tourism@tetbury.org www.tetburymusicfestival.org.uk Registered Charity No.1099203