Tetbury Advertiser September 2017

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September 2017

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Young by Name: …eavesdropping

Tetbury Summer Show:


Photo courtesy of Kevin Farnham

Football during WWI

Great weather and Prizes for all! Circulation 4,250


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The Weighbridge Inn Home of the famous “2 in 1” pie

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The Weighbridge Inn is a real, old-fashioned Cotswolds country pub. Dogs and children are welcome and …join us at the Weighbridge Inn there is a stunning garden to the rear with plenty of for our famous 2 inparking 1 piesavailable. Located between Nailsworth and or our Summer menu. Minchinhampton, the pub is famous for its “2in1” pies. This is a unique dish of the filling of your choice on one Our Hayloft diningside room is also available topped with mouth-wateringly crumbly pastry and for private dining,accompanied family parties, business cauliflower cheese on the other. by delicious meetings and local groups.the award winning Chef, Toby Refoy, also ensures However, a variety of weekly seasonal specials and home-made desserts are always available with four local real ales and a great wine selection to accompany them

Don’t forget our famous “2in1” pies are available to “bake at home” call ahead to place your order and they will be ready for you to collect.

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Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for more great offers & DRINK Good food, fine local ales - and a warm welcome



2 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The Team Editorial/Advertising copy to:Richard Smith - Editor 35 Chavenage Lane, Tetbury GL8 8JT. Tel: 07884 265117 email: advertiser@tetburylions.co.uk Steve Parr - Accounts 11 Northlands Way, Tetbury, GL8 8YT. Tel: 07525 487870 email: accounts@tetburylions.co.uk Colin Poole - Distribution 47 Quail Meadows Tetbury GL8 8PQ. Tel: h) 01666 502573 (m) 07747 898291 email: distribution@tetburylions.co.uk

Notice to Advertisers Copy date for the October Issue is

Thursday 14th September 2017 Delivery - 30th September/1st October 2017 Please ensure that copy is submitted by the deadline. There is NO guarantee that late copy will be published.

No liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from any error, inaccuracies or omission from any copy or advertising in this publication. The Editor reserves the right to omit any item not considered suitable for printing. All reasonable efforts will be made to meet the wishes of our advertisers.

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T: 01453 731001 E: sales@wheatleyprinters.co.uk

What’s On


3rd September – Tetbury Classic Car Show Sir William Romney’s School Gates open at 10.00

5th September – Tetbury Camera Club New Season 7.30pm at The Priory Hotel 6th September – Puddle Ducks re-opens 7th September - HOTS meeting at Christ Church 7.30pm Sarah Parker speaks on ‘Dr Edward Jenner, The Man Who Changed the World.’ 9th September – Tetbury’s Strongest, Priory Gym Please see the Ad on page 52 of this issue. 11th September – A talk to the Tetbury WI “The Lives of Narrowboat Women, their Children and their Craft.” Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30pm. 14th September - ‘From Frumpy to Fabulous’ A talk at 7.30 pm, Avening Memorial Hall Please see the Avening WI article in this issue 26th September - Flower arranging w. Beth Baker Ronan’s Trust, Close Nursery 10.00-12.00 am 29th September - Michael Fest begins at St Michael’s Musical evening commencing at 7.30 pm 30th September – First of the ‘Flu Days’ Please see the PPG article in this issue Tetbury Library Drop-in Events see the article in this issue. Walks in and around Tetbury see the Tetbury Footpath and Cotswold Warden articles in this issue.

Friends of Tetbury Community Transport

V don olunt atio ary no nly

September Trips: To book 0345 680 5029

Sat 9th - Highfield Garden Centre - 10am-2pm Sat 16th - Weston-Super-Mare - 9am-4pm Sat 23rd - Bath - 9am-3pm


Useful Information POLICE STATION The Old Courthouse, Long Street Tel: Emergency - 999, Non-Emergency 101 (note new number). DOCTORS Romney House Surgery, Long Street. Tel: 502303 The Tolsey Surgery, High Street, Sherston. Tel: 01666 840270. HOSPITAL Malmesbury Road. Tel: 502336. PHYSIOTHERAPY Tel: 501766. CHIROPODIST Tel: 504228. OSTEOPATHS Tel: 503599 and 502214.

Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Tel: 08000 514514. www. gloucestershire.gov.uk CHURCHES Christ Church, The Chipping 01453 298389 Gospel Hall, Hampton St.Tel.503166 St. Marys’ - C of E- Church St. 500088 St. Michael’s - R.C. - The Green 502367 Tetbury Community Church, 25 The Ferns 07739 909047. SCHOOLS - SWR Comprehensive, Lowfield Road. Tel: 01666 502378 St. Mary’s Primary, St. Mary’s Road.Tel: 01666 502275. Rodmarton Primary School, Tel: 01285 841284

Avening WI 6 Chelworth Bookworms 34 Christmas in Tetbury 8 Community Connexions 10 Computer Advice 15 Cotswold Voluntary Wardens 48 Dolphins Dramatic Society 49 Dolphins Hall 32 Girlguiding 30 History of Tetbury Society 22 Kaiaf Newsletter 62 Leighterton Primary School 46 Lion’s Den 5 Mayor’s Piece 9 News from Christ Church 54 News from St Marys’ Church 14 News from St Michael’s 21 Patient Participation Group 12 Priory Inn Blog 40 Probus 35 Puddle Ducks 27 Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun 20 Sir William Romney’s School 37 St Mary’s C of E VA Primary School 56 St Mary’s Playgroup 55 Summer Show 33 Swing Jive 16 Tetbury & District Footpath Group 59 Tetbury Art Society 52 Tetbury Camera Club 43 Tetbury Cares Workshop 63 Tetbury Community Choir 60 Tetbury Food Bank 53 Tetbury Goods Shed 17 Tetbury in Bloom 11 Tetbury Library 28 Tetbury Nursery Playgroup 41 Tetbury Police Museum 58 Tetbury Theatre Group 38 Tetbury Town Youth Football 42 Tetbury WI 26 Tetbury’s Strongest 50 The Feoffees and the Thirteen 24 The Poppy Appeal 44 Unsung Hero - Letter 40 Unsung Hero - September 40 What’s On - September 3 Young by Name 4 LIBRARY Close Gardens. Tel: 502258 (Mon 10.00-1.00, Tue 10.00-5.00, Wed 10.00-5.00, Fri 10.00-6.00, Sat 10.00-1.00) DOLPHINS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings through 504670 or website www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk COTSWOLD CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU TEL: 0808 800 0511 COMMUNITY CONNEXIONS TRANSPORT Sandford Park Offices, College Rd, Cheltenham GL53 7HX Tel: 0345 680 5029 SWRS SPORT/LEISURE CENTRE Tel: 501086 TOURIST INFORMATION 33 Church Street. Tourism@tetbury.org Tel: 503552

LOCAL AUTHORITIES Tetbury Town Council, Old Courthouse, Long Street. Tel: 504670 (Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) Council Info. Services, in Council Office. Email: executiveofficer@tetbury.gov.uk

NATIONAL EXPRESS Bookings taken at the Tourist Information Centre. Daily return service from Cirencester to Heathrow. www.visittetbury.co.uk

TETBURY SHOPMOBILITY BOOKINGS Monday-Friday 9.00-3.00 Tetbury Town Council Offices 504670. Saturday 10.00-4.00 Tetbury Tourist Information Centre 503552

Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester. Tel: (01285) 623000

RAILWAY STATION Kemble - 6 miles Enquiries Tel: 0845 748 4950

The Friends of Tetbury Community Transport Roger Bellairs, 07759 142577

Young by Name Eavesdropping While Shopping Whenever I’m on holiday, my writer’s habit of eavesdropping on other people’s conversations goes into overdrive. It is being particularly well rewarded this August, in the heart of Inverness’s shopping district, a regular pit-stop when we’re touring the Highlands in our camper van.

Co-op Encounter Outside the Co-op in a seedy side street, a cluster of pale, unkempt young men are hanging on a bedraggled, older woman’s every word. She looks like she is holding court, giving her loyal troops their instructions for the day. “There’s the cemetery, like, the graveyard. There’s always the graveyard…” she says. I am unsure whether this is a deployment directive or a warning against disobedience.

Peril in Primark As my teenage daughter checks out Primark, a father and his little girl are idling in the toy section. He must be under orders to keep her occupied while his wife enjoys

a bit of low-budget retail therapy. The child, decked out in ‘princess pink,’ is beautiful: strawberry blonde curls, blue eyes, a sweet face. She seems to be taking the lead in the entertainment stakes, so perhaps the maternal instructions were for her to keep Daddy amused, rather than the other way around. “Let’s play chicken,” she suggests brightly. He looks blank, unsure of the rules.

plastic bazooka-style guns from a nearby display. “You’ve got to shoot me, and I’ve got to shoot you. Bang, you’re dead! Now you shoot me. Now we’re both dead.” The father looks dumbstruck, and I suspect I do too. What has he raised? The natural successor to the lady outside the Co-op?

I pretend to browse a nearby rack of t-shirts while I wait to find out. She seizes two

Half an hour later, towards the top of town where the smarter shops are, I am heartened by the approach of a more wholesomelooking family group emerging from Marks and Spencer: a father, son of about ten, and daughter young enough to be riding on her father’s shoulders. They are all bronzed, beautiful, and glowing with health. They could have stepped out of the pages of an upmarket Sunday lifestyle supplement.

H A N D M A D E C U R TA I N S , B L I N D S A N D H O M E F U R N I S H I N G A C C E S S O R I E S We specialise in handmade curtains, blinds and interior accessories. A personal service is offered with home visits and free quotations.

Their glowing tans make me wonder which country they’re from. (The Highlands are awash with foreign tourists in summer. Parked near our van that day are high-end cars registered in Monaco and San Merino, as well as the usual swarm of Italian, French, German, Spanish and Dutch motorhomes.) Then I spot the boy’s West Ham supporters’ scarf.

We have a wide range of fabrics and wallpapers available to suit all budgets. Curtains, roman blinds, cushions, throws, loose covers, headboards, curtain poles, tracks and anything else required. Mobile: 07813 877509 Workshop: 01666 238925 Email: lucytominteriors@gmail.com Web: www.lucytom.com 0680515

As the group passes by, the little girl’s crystal tones ring out in Queen’s English: “Well, everybody has to pass wind.” I suspect Daddy may be regretting offering her a shoulder ride.

S.A.Cuss Limited

Tourists in Tetbury I wonder what Tetbury’s tourists take away from conversations they hear in its streets? Listen out next time you venture into town – you may find your routine shopping trip more entertaining than you expect. Debbie Young,

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4 | September 2017

Models in Marks


Debbie Young’s latest mystery novel, “Trick or Murder?”, set in a fictional Cotswold village during Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night, is now available in paperback and ebook. Ed: My apologies to Debbie for using this picture to illustrate her column. I just couldn’t resist it.

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Lion’s Den I mentioned the Tetbury Cares Workshop last month; the final report has now been published and we’re are starting to see the new green shoots of ideas growing. I’m happy to be one of a group of volunteer drivers, willing to start a car service to provide affordable transport to doctor, dentist and hospital appointments, for instance – about which, more elsewhere. Others are trying to get a ‘Men in Sheds’ scheme off the ground, and are currently looking for premises and a skilled and charismatic leader.

I’m now in my third month as Lion President - and what an interesting and busy time it’s been.

The two occasions were very well attended and a big hit at St. Mary’s School, as usual, was Albert, our Lion. The look of joy on the children’s faces, if they are lucky enough to pick a winning tombola ticket and choose a soft cuddly lion, is worth its weight in gold.

There are many events that occur in and around Tetbury during the summer months, so we Lions have been out supporting them with our stall and tombola. St. Mary’s School Fete and the Cherington Show were two such occasions – one on a very hot sunny day and one on a wet and cool day. That’s the British summer for you! Both were great fun.

Lions were also out in large numbers, supporting the Tetbury Summer Show on the Recreation Ground in August, collecting entrance monies. A large crowd enjoyed the welcome very good weather – and is it just me, or did it seem even bigger and better than ever this year? Well done to the organising committee for all their hard work.

Last month we also welcomed two new members and I am delighted to welcome another new member this month: Vicky Mowatt. This brings us up to thirty-seven in total, and consequently too big to fit in the Close Hotel! We will now be using the far larger space at the splendidly rejuvenated Dolphins Hall, so we must thank the Close Hotel very much for their generosity in being our long-suffering hosts, and for their long association with us. We must be doing something right as we are growing fast! New members are always welcome, particularly those younger than me, who have more energy and plenty of ideas to keep the club on its toes. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the Dolphins Hall, at 7.45 pm for our 8 pm start. We had our now annual invitation to play bowls with the Tetbury Bowls Club, in July. We were hoping for a nice sunny evening but the weather wasn’t at all obliging, so unfortunately no bowling occurred.

However, the Bowls Club provided some splendid food and a quiz to keep us entertained - and a good night was had by all who attended. You may have seen the BBC Points West 60th Anniversary Celebrations? One report involved four Tetbury Lion’s Club members being invited to Westonbirt Arboretum, to take part in a tree recognition challenge hosted by Mike Dilger. Our formidable team comprised our Immediate Past President Alan Cross, Lion Penny Dobson, and Lions Alan and Saxon Greenway - and yet they were soundly beaten by their opponents, a team of young students from the City of Bristol Academy.

Peter O’Loughlin Ltd Painter, decorator and property maintenance services.

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It must have been fixed! 690913

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

Steve Parr, President, Tetbury Lions

September 2017 | 5

Avening WI Our summer meeting was a great success, since we held it in Eileen and Derek Ind’s lovely garden,

We were pleased to welcome Pat Chase the coordinator of the Vine Project in South Africa, which we have supported over the last few years. It was nice for her to have a walk around the village too, as usually she only sees the village hall! She went away with her car boot full of donations from our generous members, ready for the container which will be shipped to South Africa in September.

afternoon. We also provided lunch for the Maisemore Local History Society. Three members went to help at the Three Counties Show in Malvern, as it was the turn of the Gloucestershire Federation to run the WI catering tent. It was a very hot day and was very hard work! Avening WI members had supplied 21 cakes for the event. We were thrilled that 2 of our teams in the County Quiz have won through to the final in the Autumn, having come 1st and 3rd in the semi- final played at Chedworth. Congratulations to our winning teams. We had a very good walk around Besbury and Minchinhampton Commons accompanied by four dogs belonging to members, culminating in a picnic lunch at the Park, which is the part of the common behind Minchinhampton School.

We greatly enjoyed the Group Meeting hosted by Kemble and Ewen WI - and as we had 2nd and 3rd prizes in the best floral table decoration, we won back the cup for the year.

with beautiful views overlooking the village. We were blessed with a fine evening and most ladies took part in my As usual we provided teas at the Village quiz/treasure hunt, walking around the Fete in June. Our cakes and cream teas were village and returning to a ‘bring and share’ very popular and we had a good number supper. Thanks to Eileen for being such a of members volunteering which helped 130208 GLC Williams 22/2/08 22:03 Page 1 us through a very busy and successful good host.

Our July speaker, Dr Ann Rippin, told the story of the career of Laura Ashley which started in a very small way in Wales printing small pieces of fabric. Dr Rippin had lots of examples to hand round, many of which were beautifully made into quilts and dressed dolls which our speaker had made herself. Our September speaker has entitled her talk ‘From Frumpy to Fabulous’ - so if you want to know what this is all about, join us on the second Thursday at 7.30 p.m. in the Avening Memorial Hall, where you will be very welcome.

G. L. C. & R. Williams Garden & Agricultural Gates & Fencing Rose Arches & Gazebos Field Shelters & Stables Wrought Iron Work Large Stock of Timber, Steel, Nuts & Bolts, Gate Fittings and Garden Tools CHERINGTON LANE FORGE, CHERINGTON LANE, TETBURY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL8 8SE TELEPHONE: (01666) 505040

Shirley Hand, Avening WI



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6 | September 2017

Corporate Events Bespoke Weddings Clay Shoots Music festivals Filming Photo Shoots Charity Events

30th September 2017 www.monsterrace.co.uk to beat the course now! Tickets available online.

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

FITNESS HUB     



01666 318996



Christmas in Tetbury Christmas in Tetbury are a small group of individuals,

• We are holding the annual horseracing night and fundraiser on the evening of Saturday 28th October; it is a lot of fun and requires no expertise! For more details, look out for our advertisement on page 11.

A full programme and more details will be available in subsequent editions of the Advertiser - or visit www. christmasintetbury.org.uk Liz Farnham, Christmas in Tetbury

independent from the Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce, who raise funds to buy and install Tetbury’s wonderful festive lighting displays and who organise the annual switch-on ceremony. It may only be the autumn, but for months we have been planning the 2017 events and are now able to announce the details: • The switch-on evening will be on Thursday 7th December, accompanied by a torch-lit procession, musicRoofing:Layout by the Avening Silver 681010 March 1 21/9/10 Band, with stalls and Santa’s grotto.


Page 1


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8 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Making and sticking to your 2015 fitness goals It looks as though the best

Mayor’s Piece

them, and of course the many smaller local summer events that go together to make the goal and completion date firmly set in ‘Summer in Tetbury?’ We do have a great your ever-growing mind. Writenumber it down!of patients. Please local spirit here, where everyone pulls together for the good of the community. Making onethat bigif you target as this is remember needistogreat, have treatment resolvereally problems with to yourachieve eyes, then –askfor whatto you want Tetbury Hospital has recently benefited from your GP to refer you to Tetbury Hospital. You this tremendous atmosphere. The Feoffees example, running a marathon or losing five can get no better service. and the Lions Club have donated funds to

– the chance for a freshmay start, be the over, of summer ce to reignite your fitness, lose those but I think that we have had a very good ds, run that and - break that one race on balance and when you look back onal best! over the past few months, we have had plenty to enjoy in Tetbury. this looks and sounds great on paper, Last month, town’s traditional Summer stone. But these targets take considerable when the ink has driedtheand it comes purchase important pieces of equipment we lost the service of a Police Show took place with a revitalised parade timeEarlier and this it’s year easy to lose sight. Creating n to it (inevitably after the Christmas to support the hospital and this was Community Support Officer, Paul Hancock, in the town centre to the ‘Rec.’ Wonderful at the goal k it is harderweather, and sweatier than ever),and a great complimented by the annual door-to-doorshorter-term who was goals one of aimed our original offimain cers and good attendance collection organised by the Hospital Friends.is beneficial, had worked in the town good number and thesefor amust also be goal seemsdeal much further your of stalls and from facilities to add to the of years. He was redeployed Stowe,start a enjoyment all led totoa great stick day to all round. ‘SMART’. A monthly objectivetomight p. Even if you’ve managed A great deal of money has been providedby great loss for us but now I hear that the rethese three organisations to purchase even soon isresults of course the Classic Car goals for a Coming few weeks, aren’t withorganised simply going to the gym threeteam times Neighbourhood Policing more equipment to specifically support our Show at Sir William Romney’s and the Music ys seen straight away, and we are all per week. is to provide Tetbury with a new Support Ophthalmology department. It’s said that at St Marys’ Church. In total, with Officer who is currently in training and will tient even atFestival the best of times. we have the most modern department in Asbe Wacky Races and Woolsack Day that’s five we are the all town habitual joining in thecreatures autumn. we fall cking to your targets requiresby amazing a the county, supported by a great team of great events, all organised teams into certain routines or habits, which can be of new faces, we have a new of volunteers. Where belief would we tured approach and an inner in be without consultants, that provide a service to angoodSpeaking or bad. Creating an exercise habit can curate at St Marys’, Robert Church. What ability to reach what you set. You must an apt surname! He and the new PCSO are be vital in helping you achieve your goal. ble to visualise the process and the end be will joining with an easypleased habit to that besuch easya to Starttremendously special place as Tetbury. The Town Council, – but don’t just fantasise! stick too, to, and make suretting youfrom aretheir consistent are now benefi new aking ‘SMART’ objectives with the help perform this the habit for at least two supporting town. COMPLETE BATHROOM AND KITCHEN INSTALLATION and team rainer or by yourself is a great way of beat is vital, otherwise you lack the ability weeks. For example, perform 30 minutes Bathroom installs Our new Town Clerk Stephen Holley is loping exercises and regimes that are to track improvement. Kitchen installs of exercise a Monday, Wednesday and now wellon settled in - and he joins Georgina for you. Follow these steps to plan a Osman and Tara Niblett in providing Wet rooms Friday. Once you have been doing this for support services to both the Town Council ATTAINABLE Disability bathrooms r fitness goal. 4-6 weeks, change it – maybe increase the and, perhaps more importantly, the All aspects of–tiling A goal should be achievable for you are length of your workout of or switch growing population Tetbury. exercises. We are CIFIC Free estimates you in the right place and have the right This planning to increase the services that brain we will keep your body and al must be individual to you, aiming at M: 07879 233173 01666 e: info@rs-bathrooms.co.uk access T:for the502053 objective you have set? guessing, offer; more news of this next month. and help lead you to your 2015 what you want to Setting smaller ones can help you develop 260313 Wayne Hardiman:1090406 Wayne w w w . r s b a t h r o o m s . c o . u k Stephen Hirst, fitness goal –Cllryou can do it!Mayor of Tetbury accomplish. General and work towards a bigger end goal. targets lead to reduced focus and too REALISTIC Wayne To be realistic you must be able to visualize much wiggle room. Look after your Heart yourself achieving the objective. Too high a MEASURABLE Hardiman Every Tuesday morning at Crudwell Village Hall goal and you may struggle to see the end, to 10.30am A goal must beTai Chi too- 9.30am low and you will find yourself less Carpentry & Building able morning to be Every Wednesday in the Dolphin Hall there are two types of classes to choose from motivated. measured –Tai Chi - 10am to 11am and Free Estimates Gentle Postural Stability training 11.15am to 12.15pm whether on TIMED Both classes the body, releasing thefor stress of everyday life. 07787 576309 a time frame a goal is important, scales or gently on strengthen a Having Forstopwatch, more detailshaving call Monika on 07840 826306 or Margarete on 01666 577572 as this is what you must work towards. This a 01666 880066 Cost perto person £5.00 will give youFreea parking sense available. of urgency and keeps time or weight 0930217

bathrooms & kitchens

Monika’s Health & Wellbeing Classes




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Community Connexions New volunteers for Tetbury Volunteer Car Scheme

Roger Bellairs, one of the volunteers, told us “We know transport is a real problem for some Tetbury residents.

Paul Riddick, Chief Executive of Community Connexions, said “We are pleased to offer this service in the Tetbury area.

This enhanced service will pick people up from their home and take them to their required destination at a time to suit them. The drivers are all volunteers and live locally so we know the area well.”

Community Connexions, 0345 680 5029

Community Connexions already provide a range of transport services in Tetbury, including the very popular Tetbury Shopper, various other community bus routes, home-to-school, day centre and library club transport and accessible transport for groups, 380510 AGW Howell:Layout 1 22/4/10 clubs and individuals.


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Organ Recital Jonathan Hope Assistant Musical Director Gloucester Cathedral Festival Organist Three Choirs Festival

A.G.W. Howell (Builder) Ltd


Page 1

We are grateful to the local volunteers who will be delivering the service at an affordable price. All our volunteers are trained, police checked and, importantly, understand the needs of local people.”

With pieces by Vierne, Bach and Vaughan Williams Tickets £15 (£5 students) mamsmusic.co.uk Abbey bookshop 01666 824924


10 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Tetbury in Bloom – Opens Gardens Success Despite the occasional showers on the afternoon of Sunday 30th July, Open Gardens Day was another great success. Visitors travelled to Tetbury from across the region; from Worcester in the north to Trowbridge in the south and from Whitney in the East to Bristol and Newport in the West, especially for the event. One couple, who travel to the Cotswolds each summer to avoid the heat of Italy, returned for a second year and, like so very many of you, had a wonderful time exploring some wonderful Tetbury gardens.

We’d like to give a very big thank you to everyone involved, particularly to those who were kind enough to open their gardens, and to their helpers and the Womens’ Institute for running the café. We are also grateful to the Tesco “Bags of Help” scheme, and to everyone who added their tokens to the Tetbury in Bloom box. “Every little helps” as they say - and it certainly helps us to continue our work. The Anniversary Gardens, (which are located at the end of The Ferns,) were very much appreciated by those who visited. The garden is surrounded by an impressive stone wall on three sides, which adds

Tetbury in Bloom

privacy and character to the space. It also means that surprisingly, it still remains relatively unknown, even to many longterm Tetbury residents - those who have lived in the town for many years. This year it has undergone an extensive make-over. Instead of planting our usual summer bedding, we have added lots more lavender, spectacular allium Sphaerocephalon (“drumsticks”) and fuchsia to the existing flowerbeds, to great effect. We were delighted to learn that Edwina (93) enjoys the results so much that she now uses it as an alternative to her own garden! In closing, I should also like to give you a date for your diary: We have a fundraising evening coming up, when we’ll be holding our annual Race Night on Saturday 28th October at 7.30pm in the Dolphins Hall. As usual, the profits will go towards Tetbury in Bloom projects, and to help afford the Christmas lights for the centre of Tetbury again this year. For more details, please see the advert here, or find more information on the Race Night website page at www.tetburyinbloom.org. uk Liz Farnham, Tetbury in Bloom


Tetbury Bookkeeper Philippa Lark

Tel: 0785 505 6769

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September 2017 | 11

Patient Paticipation Group “Flu Day” is here again! Last year people asked for a choice of dates, so now when you ring to book your appointment you will have the choice of two Saturday mornings, between 8 am to 12 pm on Saturday the 30th of September, or Saturday the 7th of October. These flu days are for the over 18’s and there are other criteria as well; you need to be either over 65 as at 31 of March 2018, clinically at risk (for instance with asthma or certain chronic diseases), the main carer for someone, or have someone with a weakened immune system in the family. If you can’t make one of the Saturdays there will be micro clinics on most days, so you can arrange a time that suits you. And if you think you are eligible for pneumococci or shingles vaccinations, you can ask to have them at the same time. For more information go to the NHS Choices website. And what about the children? Well their vaccinations, which are nasal sprays, will be a little different this year. Those in school in reception to year 4 will get theirs at school. Those between 2 and 17 who are at risk and those preschoolers (age 2 and 3,) as at the 31st of August 2017, will have their own clinics in mid-October, most likely during half term. Again, ring the surgery to make an appointment if

you believe your child is eligible for one at the surgery, but for most children the vaccination will be given at school.

“Goodbye” and “Hello” to Doctors Many people will know by now that Dr Gerald has decided to retire after 32 years of working at the surgery in Tetbury. He arrived as a trainee, and like many of our trainees, stayed on. He has watched several generations of families grow up in that time, but has also seen many changes in the NHS, too. He will be missed by many in the town, both those that were his patients and others, and the PPG wish him a long and relaxing retirement. His last day will be the first of September, but don’t worry if you weren’t able to say goodbye, there will be a book available to sign at reception for a few weeks after that.

Dr Gerald will be a hard act to follow, but doing that is Dr Angus McMyn, who will be taking over Dr Gerald’s list from the 4th of September. Although there is a shortage of GPs nationally, we have been lucky to get “two=for-one,” as Dr McMyn’s wife will also be joining us on a part-time basis. Since having two Dr McMyns might be confusing, Mrs Dr McMyn will be known as “Dr Emma.” Please see the PPG for more information about the McMyns and Dr Gerald. Another new face that you might see around the surgery is Dr Fazia Husain. She is a registrar who will be training mainly with Dr Swanborough for the next six months, although she may see other patients too. More about her next month! Jennifer Skillen – chair of the Patient Participation Group Romneyppg@cyberbarn.org.uk https://romneyhouseppg.wordpress.com

General Handyman Services Incl. Loft & Garage Clearance

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tŚĂƚ͍ ,Žǁ͍ ŶĚ ŽĨ ĐŽƵƌƐĞ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞƌͲƉŽƉƵůĂƌ tŚLJ͍ ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ ǁŝůů ĨŝŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƚƌƵĞ ĂŶƐǁĞƌƐ – tĞ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŚĞ ĂŶƚŝĚŽƚĞ ƚŽ Fake News ͊

=> Cirencester Science & Technology Society <= KƵƌ ũŽď ŝƐ ƚŽ ƐƉƌĞĂĚ ƚŚĞ ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ ŶĞǁƐ͘ tĞ ĂƌƌĂŶŐĞ Ă ƐĞƌŝĞƐ ŽĨ ƚĞŶ ůĞĐƚƵƌĞƐ ŽŶ Ă ǀĂƌŝĞĚ ƐĞůĞĐƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŽƉŝĐƐ ƚŽ ĂƉƉĞĂů ƚŽ Ă ǁŝĚĞ ƌĂŶŐĞ ŽĨ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚƐ ĂŶĚ ůĞǀĞůƐ ŽĨ ƐĐŝĞŶƚŝĨŝĐ ďĂĐŬŐƌŽƵŶĚ͘ dŚŝƐ LJĞĂƌ’s programme ŽĨ ƚĂůŬƐ ŝƐ͗

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&ƵŶŐƵƐ tĂƌƐ ϭϯ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϳ ‘Testing the Water’: /ŶŶŽǀĂƚŝŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ ϭϭ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϭϳ Britain’s most prĞĐŝŽƵƐ ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞ ŽƵƚĨůŽƵƌ ,Ăůů͕ Z h ĐŽůŽŐLJ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ŶĚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĂƌƚŚ ϴ EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϳ ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ ƐƉŝŽŶĂŐĞ͗ ,Žǁ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĐĂů ŝŶŶŽǀĂƚŝŽŶ ŚĂƐ ƐŚĂƉĞĚ ϲ ĞĐĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϳ ƐĞĐƌĞƚ ŝŶƚĞůůŝŐĞŶĐĞ E Ͳ Ă ǀŝĐƚŝŵ ŽĨ ŝƚƐ ŽǁŶ ůĞǀĞůƐ ŽĨ ƐĞŶƐŝƚŝǀŝƚLJ͍ ϭϬ :ĂŶƵĂƌLJ ϮϬϭϴ ,Žǁ ďŝŐ ŝƐ ŵLJ ĚĂƚĂ͍ ϭϰ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ ϮϬϭϴ ĂƚĂůLJƐƚƐ͗ &ƌŽŵ ŝŽĨƵĞůƐ ƚŽ ^ĞůĨͲ,ĞĂůŝŶŐ ĞƌŽƉůĂŶĞƐ ϭϰ DĂƌĐŚ ϮϬϭϴ ZŽůůƐ ZŽLJĐĞ ĞƌŽ ƐŚĐƌŽĨƚ ĞŶƚƌĞ ϭϭ Ɖƌŝů ϮϬϭϴ EŝƚƌŽŐĞŶ ĂŶĚ ŚƵŵĂŶŝƚLJ͗ ƉĞƌƉĞƚƵĂů ĐƌŝƐŝƐ ϵ DĂLJ ϮϬϭϴ sŽůĐĂŶŽ DŽŶŝƚŽƌŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ŝƚŝnjĞŶ ^ĐŝĞŶƚŝƐƚƐ ϭϯ :ƵŶĞ ϮϬϭϴ dĂůŬƐ ƐƚĂƌƚ Ăƚ ϳ͗ϯϬƉŵ͕ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŵƌLJƐ :ŽŶĞƐ >ĞĐƚƵƌĞ dŚĞĂƚƌĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ Z h͕ ƵŶůĞƐƐ ŶŽƚĞĚ ŽƚŚĞƌǁŝƐĞ͘ ŶLJŽŶĞ ŝƐ ǁĞůĐŽŵĞ ƚŽ ĂŶLJ ƚĂůŬ͕ ĂŶĚ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ ĞŶƚƌLJ ŝƐ ĨƌĞĞ͊ &Žƌ ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ ŽĨ ƚĂůŬƐ͕ ĞŶƚƌLJ͕ ǀĞŶƵĞƐ͕ ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉ Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƚƐ ƚŽ ƉůĂĐĞƐ ŽĨ ƐĐŝĞŶƚŝĨŝĐ ĞdžĐŝƚĞŵĞŶƚ Ͳ ƚĂŬĞ Ă ƉĞĞƉ Ăƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ

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12 | September 2017

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News from St Marys’ Church … Bienvenidos … Bienvenue … Welkom! I love the sight of our welcome leaflets as you enter St Marys’ Church, and the way they say “welcome” in so many different languages. And indeed, just over the past month, our Visitors’ Book tells me we have welcomed people from across the world: Japan, the USA and Canada, Chile, Serbia and all of Europe. I am so grateful to our team of stewards, who volunteer and give their time day in, day out, to greet visitors as they arrive and to tell them about the building and our church community. Thank you to you all!

School. I could go on! So, on Sunday 10th September at our 10 am service, we are having a special celebration of all the time and talents given in support of the church, and inviting people to explore afresh how God might be calling each of us to get involved. You are welcome to come along and find out more. Finally - before September is out, be sure to buy your tickets to our Harvest Barn Dance on Saturday the 7th of October in St Mary’s School Hall, from 7 to 10.30 pm.

As you can tell, we rely on the help of volunteers. And not just those mentioned here. Many people support the church by giving their time and talents in different ways, out and about in Tetbury. From helping run the Food Bank, to visiting people who are housebound. In our schools, from helping at St Mary’s Faith Explorers after-school club, to joining “Open the Book” - acting out Bible stories in weekly school assemblies. Others support the life of our church community from bellringing to leading our Little Fishes Sunday 530212 Pat testing:Layout 1

With love and God’s blessing, Poppy The Revd Poppy Hughes Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/St.MarysTetbury


And we have ambitious plans to improve our welcome. Have you seen the plans to re-model the main entrance at the west end of the church? It is a simple and elegant design, in keeping with this beautiful building, that will give easy access to everyone including people with wheelchairs and buggies. This work is being led by Churchwarden, Keith Essam, assisted by another group of devoted volunteers from our Fabric Committee. Fund-raising for the new entrance is beginning in earnest and got off to a wonderful start with over £1,100 raised by the raffle at our Summer Fete. The range of raffle prizes was incredible – and all thanks to Tetbury shops, restaurants, pubs and other businesses, who donated very generous prizes. We are so grateful to all our donors, and appreciate your support. Thank you!

Did you come last year? It is fantastic fun for everyone, with lots of dancing and a delicious fish-and-chip supper. You’ll find me on the dance floor most of the night! It’s not to be missed and all are welcome; contact our Parish Office on 01666 500 088.


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Are you comfortable with your PC or laptop? We all take them for granted, but can they affect our health? Well, yes. A common problem is repetitive Strain Injury or RSI. Here, prolonged use of the keyboard and mouse causes damage within the hand and wrist. However, good posture, a desk set at the correct height and frequent breaks can help. Too often we use a desk at the wrong height and do not support the wrists, which can soon tire when left unsupported. The addition of a wrist rest for the keyboard and mouse can certainly help. Cleanliness of the keyboard and mouse is also important, particularly if several people share the computer. Use bacterial wipes to stop the spread of germs and try not to eat or drink when using the PC.

Other factors can also affect our health, which in turn can affect our productivity. Headaches, aching shoulders and eye strain are indicative of poor ergonomics. A badly set up or poorly placed screen can cause eye strain and physical discomfort. Here are some tips that might help: 1. Place your monitor or laptop screen directly in front of you, not at an angle. 2. When seated normally, your screen should be within arm’s reach. 3. Do not place the monitor too high or too low. Your back posture should be straight and your eyes should be tilted slightly downwards when you are looking at the centre. 4. Place your monitor so that it and your face are roughly parallel. 5. Try to avoid reflections and glare, particularly if you are sitting near to a window. Do not place the screen in front of the

Computer Advice window as you will strain your eyes adjusting to the screen and the variable daylight levels. A uniform lighting level will make for a more comfortable working environment. 6. Take a break every 20 minutes or so and try not to sit in exactly the same position for too long. If necessary, reposition your screen accordingly. Stretching exercises may also help. Also try to focus your eyes on a distant object to give them a break too. 7. Flat-panel monitors are usually easily adjusted so that you can get comfortable however tall you are. Stands on some models allow some height adjustment and should tilt quite readily. The latter can help improve the contrast and reduce reflections aiding readability. 8. Whilst you are at it, do check the contrast and brightness settings on the monitor as the defaults are often not the best. To check this, Windows 7 and later includes a useful utility that also checks the gamma, colour and screen font settings. It really does make a difference. Do let me know if you need any help with this or any other point mentioned above. If you have any queries or would like to book your PC in for a security check or an annual service, please contact Nic on 01666 502067, mail@inghamassociates.com or go to www.tetburycomputershop.co.uk – I’m now in my 29th year of trading.


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September 2017 | 15

Swing Jive Swing Jive at the Tetbury Goods Shed This superb venue lends itself to Swing Music and Dancing and since it has been proven that dancing helps improve your memory, social life and fitness, why not have a go? We’ll give you the perfect opportunity to learn how, in the most amazing venue. Swing Jive is an amalgamation of footwork-based moves ‘with a smooth action.’ Unlike Modern and Ballroom Jives our style is influenced by Rock ‘n’ Roll and Lindy Hop. (No wiggling or mincing!) We dance to music from the 1920’s Swing era onwards, including Rock ‘n’ Roll and today’s tunes.

to Fred Astaire…. Not a bad compliment for an ex-paratrooper turned dancer! Sarah graduated from the Just Jive School and has lived and worked in Tetbury for many years. Learning to dance has been a life changer for her, and she now can’t remember what she did used to do with her free time.

So, what are you waiting for? See our website for term dates and times. You will love it. There’s no need to bring a partner, just arrive wearing comfy clothes and smooth-soled shoes. See www.justjive.com for more information, or telephone 07909 536329.

‘Just Jive Lindy Hop’ are a dance company based in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, and our teaching team has over 30 years of dancing experience. Our friendly and relaxed approach has made our lessons very popular - and our firm belief in the fundamentals has produced many quality dancers. Jim is the founder member and formed Just Jive in 1996, after many years teaching freelance with other dance companies. Specialising in Jive, Lindy Hop and Balboa, once you have seen his technically precise style, you will always be able to spot one of his students – and at a recent Goods Shed event he was favourably compared

LEARN TO SWING JIVE Beginners Class 12th September at 7.30pm, £6 per person Get fit and meet new people! There is no need to bring a partner, just your two left feet and a sense of humour.

The Tetbury Goods Shed, Gumstool Hill, GL8 8DG. TEL: JIM 07909 536329 or SARAH 07468 436491 0580917

16 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

The Goods Shed has now been open for six months, and what a six months it’s been! In that time we’ve welcomed musical maestros, literary heroes, performing puffins and swinging jazz bands. Highlights from the summer include the hilarious Alexander McCall Smith, or Sandy as we found out he prefers to be known. The famed author of the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency spoke to a sell-out audience at The Shed in July. Big thanks are owed to The Yellow Lighted Bookshop for this wonderful night, which filled The Shed with laughter. We have also, together with Café 53, played host to local singer/songwriter, Josh Kumra, who despite the unseasonable downpour, didn’t fail to entertain a rain soaked audience. And the award-winning folk duo, ‘Ninebarrow’ have joined us too. They’re a star act who have been spoken highly about by none other than BBC Radio 2’s Mark Radcliffe.

What’s on this September Saturday 2nd

7.30pm. Tickets £10

COMEDY NIGHT A shed load of laughs with MC Matt Roseblade plus Gavin Pond, Stasia Buckle, Richard Jay and Nick Page

Friday 8th

7.30pm. Tickets £12

his Not GEORGE MONTAGUE and So Big Band George’s contagious original songs and high-octane, boundless energy will definitely get you up on your feet!

Saturday 9th

10am-4pm Places £70

PATTERN-CUTTING WORKSHOP Make a pattern in your own size for a garment of your choice with Valerie George. (Aimed at those with some experience)

7.30pm. £6 on the door

Tuesdays from 12th

SWING JIVE CLASSES In August, we had one of our most successful weekends yet, with a Friday morning filled with children designing treasure maps, a Saturday night with the fabulous Le Swing jazz band, and a weekend Stone Carving Workshop. We must have had hundreds of people through the doors in total, breathing in the creativity, fun and great atmosphere. Exactly what we hoped for, from our Arts Centre. In other news, our yummy café ‘The Whistle Stop’ opened in July and is already packed out daily, with customers sampling the fresh, locally-sourced menu items. It’s run by local mum Sally Cosham, along with Head Chef Susie Bridgeman-Sutton. Together they bring a wealth of experience and creativity. Throughout this time, the walls of The Shed have been adorned with the huge paintings by Stroud-based artist Simon Packard. His latest work, eight mixed media works on paper titled ‘Immunity,’ were specifically designed with our building in mind. It has been an absolute honour to host such a phenomenal artist. And now we turn our attention to the autumn. This September sees our first ever stand-up comedy night! Certain to be a success, it features Tetburians both past and present amongst the acts, then we welcome talented singer and musician ‘George Montague and His Notsobigband.’ That’s a night which promises to get you up and dancing. Toward the middle of the month we have more of our wonderfully successful children’s theatre, this time hosting ‘Curious Creatures,’ which is a fantastical puppet show for families, which will take you on a journey through the animal kingdom. Lastly, we welcome the renowned Tetbury Music Festival, who will be hosting two of their lectures in the main hall. As ever, all our event details can be found online at www.shed-arts. co.uk where you may also buy tickets and sign up for our marketing newsletter. We hope to see you in The Shed soon. Helen Hyde, Arts Centre Manager

All profits distributed locally and internationally

Learn to Swing Jive to music from the 1920s to the present day. Weekly class for beginners and experienced dancers alike

Sunday 17th

2pm. Tickets £6

CURIOUS CREATURES Fabulous puppetry show for children and their families. Come with us on a hilarious tour of the animal kingdom

Sat 29th & Sun 30th

4pm. Tickets £5

TETBURY MUSIC FESTIVAL TALKS Pre-recital talks at the Shed. Dr Natasha Loges on the ‘Hidden Magic of Lieder’ and Professor Ian Fenlon on Venetian music

Friday 6th October

7.30pm. Tickets £10

TRAIN STORIES Premiere of Tetbury-based musician Richard George’s new album. Featuring critically-acclaimed mezzo-soprano, Maria Jagusz

01666 505496

All tickets and info: www.shed-arts.co.uk Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 1190917

September 2017 | 17

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Shots from a Lawyer’s Gun “Pitch and Toss” the law of intended or unintended consequences. The Conservative-dominated governments of 2010 onwards have worked on the principle that the courts should be selffunding and not a service that we all pay for out of general taxation, like the NHS. In July of 2013, the government introduced court fees to cover industrial tribunals. Employees taking their cases to the Industrial Tribunal faced fees ranging from £390 for breach of contract claims, to £1,200 for unfair dismissals or sex discrimination claims. It’s probably no coincidence that the number of cases taken to the tribunals peaked in 2009/2010 at just under 80,000 - and since 2013 have never surpassed 20,000 per annum, according to the Ministry of Justice. The fear of tribunal claims has led to a growth of ‘Compromise’ or ‘Settlement Agreements,’ whereby an employer will dismiss an employee, while offering them more than their entitlement, if they agree to sign an agreement promising not to make any claims in the tribunal. (Because these claims can be time consuming and unpredictable.) The employer will usually make a generous contribution towards the employee’s legal costs, to ensure that there is ultimately a binding agreement.

Society (the solicitor’s ‘union,’) or to the Regulation Authority. It is better to explain to a threatening opposite number the likely consequences of their actions and the likely endgame. This has a sobering effect - and possibly also a therapeutic one, because one knows the worst that can happen and can try and improve upon that. Litigation has got tougher, because more organisations are taking it up. If you

The Solicitors Regulation Authority is run by non-lawyers. Throughout my career solicitors have, when aggrieved by the behaviour of another solicitor, either threatened to report them to the Law

20 | September 2017

Michael Hodge, Lansdowne Legal

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In July 2017, the Supreme Court ruled that the increased fee schedule prevented access to justice and was therefore unlawful. The government, before the election, tried the same trick on probate court fees - in some cases raising the fee from £155 to £20,000, but had to abandon this approach before the General Election. There are rumours that they might try again. We are fortunate, in that we have an Independent Judiciary that can act as a check on the Government of the day - but the threat by a disgruntled employee to commence proceedings will have added impact when time limits may be the only impediment to a day in the airless rooms of the Tribunal centre. Their position is constantly threatened by the politics of the day, with lay parliamentarians being appointed to positions of importance instead of well-seasoned lawyers. Lawyers may have frequently been accused of running a ‘closed shop,’ but this is surely preferable to the plans of the governments of Venezuela, Poland and Hungary to control appointments which favour them.

don’t know your opposite number, you don’t know how far they are prepared to go and the removal of the court fees for the industrial tribunals will cause employers to fear potential troublemakers even more. One must fight one’s own corner – at the risk of mixing metaphors - if possible, on an even playing field.




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As I write this we are fast approaching the end of August with summer nearly gone. We wish all farmers a very good harvest and may there be plenty for everyone. Home grown food tastes juicier especially strawberries. As we are fast approaching September we wish all students and teachers a happy successful year, whether it is school for the

Archangel Saint Michael

first time, a new school or to university either returning for another year or a new student this year.

News from St Michaels

Saint Michael, the Archangel

Our Michael Fest celebrations commence with a Musical evening on Friday 29th September 2017, commencing at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5.00 towards the church refurbishment. This always promises to be an enjoyable evening, so please come and join us. On Sunday 1st October 2017 our 9.00am will be a Mass of Celebration and thanksgiving remembering those who have worked hard to build the parish for many years and those who are now working hard to keep the parish happy and successful. You are welcome to join us for either or both of these events.


We have been Rising funds for the refurbishment of our church since we last The changing colours of the trees are updated you on events; we enjoyed a very beautiful; we are very lucky to have Breakfast BBQ in July after Sunday Mass. 29 Westonbirt on our doorstep. Thanks to Graham the ‘chef’ and Feastday: all who September helped. In August at the invitationGof ourmade Wishing od had Heaven and you the Earth all the Angels and allstarting the extra important all, and especially those Angels, called Archangels. The Archangels werewhatever God’s very special friends parishioners Morgan and Rosalie we enjoyed a new term at school your age, and were and Strong and Powerful. One Archangel was called Michael. Michael, the afternoon tea in their garden. It was Shining a lovely those starting a new job, Archangel, was “the Angel of the Lord”, who was sent those to Moses starting and Jacob and Abraham andthose to other people throughout the history of the world. afternoon; our thanks to our hosts and anything new a happy and successful time who provided cakes etc. Both events were and wishing God’s Blessing on you all. Saint Michael, the Archangel, who ranks among the seven Archangels, is also one of the enjoyed by all who participated. three Angels mentioned by name in the Scriptures; the others being Saint Raphael and Elaine Wright Saint Gabriel. Saint Gabriel is the messenger to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the the Incarnation. Michael is the defender of Jesus Christ in his Sacred Humanity. Saint Autumn is fast approaching when Parish Administrator Michael, the Archangel. He is spoken of twice in the Old Testament, and twice in the New. colours of the trees start to change; this St Michaels Catholic Church morning there was an autumn feel it! Michael, Silver Street Thetoname signifies “Who is like to God” and was the war cry of the good Angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers. Because of the victory, Saint However, driving through lines of trees Tetbury Michael, the Archangel, is revered in Catholic tradition and liturgy as the Protector of the with the sun shinning through is beautiful. CHURCH, TETBURY Church, as once,ST heMICHAELS was regarded CATHOLIC as the Protector of the Israelites. In the Eastern Church, Saint Michael, the Archangel, is placed over all the Angels, as Prince of the Seraphim.







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September 2017 | 21

History of Tetbury Society

look at the site of where the wheelwright and carpenter, John Curtis Broom, drowned in the Gas Works Pool in 1907.

Twenty-seven of us embarked on the second half of Tetbury’s Tour, left over from August 2016. We concentrated on the west side of the town, beginning with the west of The Chipping and including Skelton Close, Christ Church and The Priory. Walking through Hickett, Hackett and Eccles Court, passing the Anniversary Gardens to the back of the surgery (once the Grammar School,) we walked on to London Road, to

The corner of Hampton Street and Long Street brought us up one of Tetbury’s breweries. It was built in 1800, with a dairy and market garden behind what is now Ridgeway House, the Council Offices and Coombe House, which Queen Mary visited in WWII. Walking up Long Street, in which races were run to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, we looked at the various buildings until we arrived at The Close hotel, then went on to St Saviour’s via Close Gardens. St Saviour’s was consecrated in 1848. Using Painswick stone, a quality of stone also found in the ‘mines’ near Minchinhampton, it was built by Francis Brown of Tetbury Harris the draper’s where Felbrigg Design is now.

and is of very fine workmanship. A good example of its quality is the Ball Flower decoration along the top of the walls, which is very skilled and cannot be done by machine. It was known as the ‘Little Church for the Poor’ because the poor could not afford St Marys’ Pew Rents. There was much debate about how to alleviate this problem, including a suggestion by the Vicar to build transepts onto St Marys’, but it was decided to build a Chapel of Ease instead within the parish of St Marys’ - and so St Saviour’s never had a parish of its own.


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22 | September 2017

There was a second reason for building it that is not directly mentioned in Rev Lee’s History of Tetbury, although he gives us some clues. In the Chancel is a ‘Sedilia, a Piscina and a Credence.’ These were all used in churches prior to Henry VIII and were required to conduct the Catholic Mass. Lee refers to Rev C F Lowder who was curate when St Saviour’s was constructed and later to become Father Lowder of the East London Mission, a very High Church organisation. In John Frampton’s obituary in 1880 it says, ‘his churchmanship was that of the early Tractarians’, another name for the Oxford Movement that issued pamphlets or Tracts. A peculiarity of St Saviour’s is that it has a very wide North Door. In addition, the altar is aligned North North-East and not East, as is normal. Where may you ask, did ‘the poor; worship before this ‘Little Church for the Poor’ was constructed? Well possibly they attended the chapel at the foot of Chipping Steps, which had three services on a Sunday. Our next meeting is back into Christ Church on September 7th at 7.30pm when our guest will be Sarah Parker, speaking to us about ‘Dr Edward Jenner, The Man who Changed the World.’ Jane Haines, History of Tetbury Society

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September 2017 | 23

The Feoffees and the Thirteen It has been a very busy summer for us all. It started with some ground preparation in Cutwell, ready for the planting of a new tree. This involved removing a large number of old roots and thanks go to Dave Hicks, Dave Norris, John Price, John Sharp and Trolly Wood for all of their hard work in completing the task. At the Market House, we have also been busy, installing a new alarm system and smoke detectors. The Feoffees have also supported an art day for twenty-one students, as part of Sir William Romney’s School “Enrichment Week.” Working from the pod, the students looked at the different techniques of graffiti art, which is a popular art form with young people. A Tetbury graffiti artist lead the session, supported by youth workers. The local Police Officer and Police Community Support Officer also came along to the event, to discuss the legalities of graffiti, so the students were fully informed about what is lawful - and what is not.

If you are part of a group or organisation who would be interested in a talk, please contact us, either by speaking to a member of the Feoffee or Thirteen or via our website.

Dates for your Diary: Beating of the Bounds - 2nd September – meet under Bath Bridge at 9.30 am Heritage Weekend 9th/10th September Finally, we are still trying to locate a ‘Romney Coat,’ so that we can display it in the Market Hall. If anyone knows where one is, please let us know. If you would like to know more about the type of grants and support available, please do not hesitate to contact us. Educational or Training Grants, as well as discretionary Grants to the town’s clubs and societies are available by application to the Feoffees at www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk Lance Vick, Chairman

Once again, the Year 6 leavers of St Mary’s School were all awarded a Bronze Feoffee Medallion, as they move on to the next stage of their education. Tony Walsh has continued with his historical talks for local groups and he has recently given another talk to the Westonbirt Society.



24 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

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Tetbury WI Denman College is a Georgian mansion, set in seventeen acres of ground in Marcham, a village near Oxford. It has been owned by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes since 1948 and Its range of cookery, craft and lifestyle courses are available to both members and non-members. An old building always needs refurbishment and we have recently raised more than £400 to help. This was not an arduous task, as we held a Strawberry Tea on the hottest day in June, where we enjoyed scones, strawberries and cream in Anne’s beautiful garden; we were very pleased to meet up with some former members at the same time. It turned out to be a sociable week, as on the following evening we went to Kemble to take part in the annual Group meeting. This is hosted by the three WI’s in our group in turn, so we are looking forward to going to Avening next year. Also, that week, we held the first meeting of what we hope will be our Ukulele Group. Other social events

recently have included supper at the Royal Oak and lunch at the Trouble house, with more outings planned for Autumn.

a delicious variety of cakes and savouries, serving them throughout the day at the Market house.

We are very pleased to have raised a considerable sum for Tetbury in Bloom. Our committee may decide to add to this, so I’ll give you the final figure next month. Thank you to all of you who supported us by buying refreshments on July 30th. A special thank you to the members who made such

The July meeting was a talk by Jo Mansell from the Stroud District Furniture bank. Her genuine enthusiasm for the project engaged our entire audience. The scheme not only recycles items that would otherwise be in landfill but also provides paid apprenticeships, casual employment and affordable furniture for the poorest families.

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26 | September 2017

In August, we try to arrange a different style of meeting for our members and this year we held a Boules evening at the Red Bull in Malmesbury. It was an excellent evening organised by Mary. Her time and effort in planning this event are greatly appreciated. In September, on the 11th, the talk will be on “The Lives of Narrowboat Women, their Children and their Craft”. It will be held in the Dolphins’ Hall at 7.30pm. We also restart our coffee mornings on September 25th at the Snooty Fox at 10.30. Visitors are always welcome. Chris Gibson, Tetbury WI

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Puddle Ducks


  

We are on the verge of another exciting year at Puddle Ducks and can’t wait to get started! We are very much looking forward to welcoming back some of our old friends and saying “hello” to some new ones. First though, we think back to the end of the last term when the lovely British weather was not kind to us and our annual Leaver’s Picnic had to take place in our room. It was cosy! The children were fantastic as always, and gathered to perform a couple of songs for their parents before tucking into their lunchboxes. It was, of course, the last day

that some of the children would be with us as they will now be getting ready to start the next chapter in their lives at primary school. Our leavers were all presented with their Learning Journey books (a collection of work and memories gathered over their time with us) and their wonderful self-portraits that formed a wonderful little gallery for the last few days of term. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children and their families who very kindly gave cards and gifts at the end of term. It was very much appreciated by us all. Spaces for the forthcoming year at Puddle Ducks are limited, but if you are interested in your pre-school child joining us, please contact Catherine Chidley on 01666 504257 to arrange a visit to our setting

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during  session time. We run term-time only  from 9.15-12.15 pm with an optional lunch club running until 1.15 pm on week days.    Ducklings Baby and Toddler Group is held each Friday afternoon from 1.30-2.45 pm in the main hall, with Pat and Catherine. A warm welcome is guaranteed!

 

We are looking forward to opening our doors again on Wednesday, 6th September for lots of fun and learning through play. Puddle Ducks

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September 2017 | 27

Tetbury Library My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. Peter Golkin However people made their way to the library over the summer (usually under an umbrella), they certainly borrowed lots of books and took part in all the fun activities and events! Younger members of

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our community enthusiastically embraced the Summer Reading Challenge and tenaciously developed their sleuthing skills at the same time. (If anyone is yet to finish the challenge – or even start it! - the final day is Saturday 9th September.) As young people go back to school, it’s worth remembering how libraries can continue to support children’s learning. Although the internet is a useful tool to research facts for homework, a deeper understanding of topics can be achieved through books – both non-fiction and fiction around that theme. Library Services for Education have a wealth of books that can be borrowed - delivered to your local library or even to your house free of charge! Just ask a member of staff. All our clubs will be starting anew this September: 2nd Crafters, 4th & 18th Writing Group, 8th first Chess Club, 12th Yarn Bombing (last meet before the big event next month!), 29th Library Club. Every Wednesday is Scrabble Club and Baby Bounce & Rhyme. Computer Tuition and Family History Research by appointment only. They’re all free and move your skills forward in a friendly environment – everyone welcome. Tetbury Library will soon become a Growth Hub, providing local businesses with free information and support to help their business grow. This county wide initiative from the University of Gloucestershire and

GFirst LEP assists people at any stage of their enterprise to move forward. Look out for more details. A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with the family summer activities: Lula, Marc, Ben, Hannah and Rhiain for all the cutting out, Charlotte from the Dogs Trust for another entertaining event, Lorna for her enchanting story times and all our lovely customers for bringing in/posting through the letter box old cardboard tubes and bottles – we didn’t waste a thing! Kylie, Linda, Liz & Sophie, Tetbury Library

Leighterton Village Garden Fete Saturday 16th September

from 3pm in the glorious grounds of Meads House (by the church) GL8 8UW Free admission


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Competitions £1 per entry: Bake off: cake or 6 cupcakes Miniature garden (max size 40cm x 40cm) Flower arrangement (max width 70 cm) Making an animal out of vegetables (max width 40 cm) Photography competition (max A4 size)

Attractions: Beat the goalie - Tennis challenge Raffle - Bottle Tombola Bar - BBQ - Fancy Dress - Face Painting - Tug of War Skittles - Coconut shy

For further information please email: theboxwellwithleightertonnews@gmail.com Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk


Girlguiding Although weekly meetings stop over the summer, the guiding fun carries on. Callie from 2nd Tetbury Guides was selected to represent the County on a Guiding trip to Slovakia, members ran a stall at Tetbury Summer Show - and the Brownies had a joint Badge Day. Here’s what the girls have to say about Brownies: Esmie: Brownies is all about fun, helping and taking care of other people. Sophie: We go on a Tuesday or Thursday night and do lots of fun activities like baking, playing games and making stuff. Freya: I’ve not been a Brownie for very long but last week I made my Promise and got my Promise badge to wear. I am looking forward to having lots of fun. Esmie: I am looking forward to going on a Brownie camp.

Yana: Today we are at Brownie Badge day. We have made sunflower pillows by sewing.

Daisy: That was fun because we made potions!

Sophie: We made giant people collages and later we are going to make armpit fudge and chocolate lip balm!

Olivia: I have got my first aid and first aid advanced badges. We had to learn how to do CPR.

Milly: We are working towards the craft badge. We have to do lots of things to earn one badge.

Sophie: I like doing badges because you feel like you have accomplished something.

Yana: Recently we did ‘There’s Only One Me’ badge and a Harry Potter badge.

The photo shows the Brownies giving their quotes for this article – and well done to Caroline for organising the day; the girls certainly enjoyed themselves and had lots to take home, including the craft badge. If you would like to be part of the fun, let me know!

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Sophie: They’re really kind and funny too. Esmie: The best thing about Brownies is it’s never boring!

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Milly: The Leaders at Brownies help us to do lots of fun activities.

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To be kept up to date with progress on our new building fund, please send me your email address and I will include you on the mailing list for our newsletters. We have also launched a new 100 club for our supporters, so if you would like to join (for the cost of a monthly coffee) please contact me for more details. Sue Doidge, Tetbury District Commissioner, girlguidingtetbury@gmail.com

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n April 2016, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) published statistics for the first full year since the Freedom and Choice pension reforms were introduced. And while the figures showed that the majority of savers are taking a sensible approach, there were signs that a minority may be withdrawing too much from their pension fund. Moreover, that minority is doing so at rates that would see their money run out in a decade or less, if they are reliant on it as their main source of income. The reality is, those taking 10% or more regularly from their pension pot are likely to run out of money. And if they’re relying solely on the state pension to see them through their later years, they will have to accept that their standard of living is going to drop significantly. The State Pension provides a limited income (currently £155.65 for a single person, per week, based on a full NI record), which falls drastically short of what is really needed to fund a comfortable lifestyle. So how do we avoid poverty in retirement? First, decide how large a fund you will need. One method is to multiply your

target retirement income by 25. For example, if you think you’ll need £25,000 a year, aim for a fund of £625,000. Next, select the most appropriate investment vehicles to achieve your goal. Property, investment bonds and ISAs have all proved popular over recent years but don’t offer the same degree of tax breaks as a pension. If your retirement is imminent you will obviously want to maximise your income from the money available. Retirees opting for drawdown pensions should seek professional help to calculate how much money they can withdraw each year without running out. While selecting a balanced and well-diversified investment portfolio is critical, knowing how much money to take from a drawdown policy is arguably of greater importance. For further information or to request your complimentary guide to retirement planning, please contact Cotswold Wealth Solutions Ltd of St. James’s Place Wealth Management on 01666 503751 or by email on cotswold.wealth@sjpp.co.uk. The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount

Cotswold Wealth Solutions is based locally and is inviting Tetbury Advertiser readers to discover the simple yet highly effective steps you can take to grow, protect and preserve your pension arrangements, to enjoy the standard of living you expect in retirement.You may also review how you will leave any pension death benefits to your family in the most efficient manner. We invite you to review your existing pension arrangements at our retirement planning surgery. Retirement Planning Surgeries are being held, strictly by appointment only, on 26 & 27 September 2017 at the Main office, 16 Church Street, Tetbury, GL8 8JG from 10.00am to 8.00pm. All surgeries last approximately 40 minutes and are held in the strictest confidence without obligation. Call 01666 503751 for more information or your complimentary guide to wealth management.

invested. An investment in equities does not provide the security of capital associated with a deposit account with a bank or building society. The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.


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The Partner Practice represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The title ‘Partner Practice’ is the marketing term used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. H2SJP26567 08/17

Dolphins Hall Another month has passed with The Dolphins Hall moving forward faster than anticipated, thanks to our dedicated team of willing volunteers! The entrance hall has now been decorated and new blue carpet laid, to match the lovely new blue-and-gold chairs. Ten round and twelve rectangular tables have also been purchased, which has made the interior of the building look very smart. Tenders have been requested from local companies for re-refurbishing both the ladies and gentleman’s cloakrooms, and we are awaiting the tenders to be returned to Tetbury Town Council, who will open them and inform the Dolphin Trustees as to the quotes submitted in each.

will be used alongside money for the Youth Club facilities, to allow us to carry out some of the initial major alterations. Joe Stockvis is very kindly obtaining quotes for new curtains for both the upper windows and the stage curtains, and a new kitchen will be installed within the next few months. Tetbury in Bloom, together with Dolphins Hall volunteers, have planted tubs at the side of the building and on the entrance steps, bringing the hall to life. Thank you to those Trustees who are maintaining these tubs. And the Trustees are feeling extremely honoured in welcoming the Tetbury Lions Club into regular use of the building. They’ve chosen to use the Dolphins Hall as their twice-monthly meeting venue. The new website is up and running and we owe a huge thank you to Kim Wood, who is giving up so much of her free time to update it and to keep it going. Kim has also put the Dolphins Hall on Facebook, so you can visit either to find out what we have going on and to keep in touch with our events and our progress.

In respect to regular events, our oncea-month family disco is proving to be a huge success. With everyone welcome, the children dance to DJ Sweet Lightning and their parents often enjoy a drink in the bar. It’s become a great evening for local parents to meet each other and relax. “Learn to Dance” with Angela and Brian every Tuesday evening is also proving a great success - as is the Tea Dancing every other month – and the oncea-month Dolphins Lunch Club has now met for the third time. It’s held on the fourth Friday in the month and numbers are increasing. All these events are a great way to meet other members of the community, of course. The Dolphins Hall has certainly taken a big U-turn, with bookings now coming in on a very regular basis and we’re looking forward to the many parties booked - both large and small - between now and the end of the year. Thank you to the people of Tetbury and surrounding areas for helping to rejuvenate the Dolphins Hall. Long may it continue! Maggie Heaven, Chair

We are still awaiting the S106 money promised to the Dolphins Hall from the new developments and this is long overdue. However, thanks to Cllr Stephen Hirst who is in talks with the Cotswold District Council, we should be getting this quite soon. The first amount is approximately £41.000, and it

Celebrations! Dolphins Hall

It has been a great pleasure for us, and a compliment to the Dolphins Hall, that local people have chosen to hold parties both large and small with us - from a 1920’s inspired birthday party for Abi Andrews, to the wedding reception of Tori Norton and Stuart Packer, which completely transformed the hall beyond all imagination.

Abi Andrews Birthday Party

Tori and Stuart Packer’s Wedding Reception

www.dolphinshalltetbury.co.uk 32 | September 2017

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Photographs courtesy of Mr Kevin Farnham

Summer Show by tireless local vet Cyril, hosted well over 100 entries. The most adorable stall was of course the Meerkats. Who could fail to find them cute and cuddly? The marquee was very busy all afternoon, with the usual high standard of entries, and here also there was a significant increase in the number of submissions. It was particularly pleasing to note that the increase in numbers was almost entirely due to people participating for the first time, a good omen for future years. A full list of the many Flower Show cup winners and the winning entries in the dog show will be published on www.tetburysummershow.co.uk in the next couple of weeks. Naturally, an event of this size cannot exist without a large number of volunteers and traders in our town. They make a wide range of contributions to ensure success. Special thanks to the Dolphins Hall committee for use of the ground. The Lions have supported the Show both financially and by manning the gates for many years and were once again on hand in large numbers to ensure all went smoothly. IHS Markit in the Cirencester Road have been the financial mainstay of this show for over a decade and kept loyal this year with another four-figure donation. Also making significant financial contributions were the Feoffees, and Merlin who were promoting affordable housing on the Highfields development.

In near-perfect weather conditions on Sunday 13th August, it was great to welcome so many families to the Memorial Recreation Ground and to see everyone enjoying the many attractions that comprised the 2017 Tetbury Summer Show.

of cheeses all proving very popular – and yet we managed once again to sell out of the traditional burgers, hot dogs and bacon rolls. New to the event, the Ghia Chia samba band from Bristol provided an energetic session, followed by a samba workshop which drew keen participation from both young and old. Also new to the event were the Deer Park Archers, providing coaching in the sport. The ever-popular Fun Dog Show sponsored by the George Veterinary Group and judged

Other regular supporters include Mr D. Prosser, Tetbury Hardware, our distribution centre and John Newman of Jesse Smith Butchers, who with the help of Lion Paul Stead made sure the Big Pan went smoothly and without incident. It would be impossible to thank all contributors individually but rest assured the committee extends its most sincere appreciation for a magnificent job to all who contributed, in any way, to the success of the show.

Summer Show Committee Ed: Ken White, cornerstone of the summer show for many years, is now stepping down to enjoy it “from the outside.” Very well done, Ken.

Growing significantly over the four years since it was introduced, the show’s opening parade through the town, led as always by the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums, drew an appreciative crowd. New to the parade were Tetbury Town Council with a highly decorated and very colourful vehicle and the Capelli staff dressed as land girls, providing financial support and in addition agreeing to offer prizes in 2018 for a children’s Fancy Dress competition; details will be published nearer the time. The show ground offered a wide selection of food alternatives, Arts and Crafts, Vegan food, Caribbean dishes, tasty pies and a selection

Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

September 2017 | 33

Chelworth Bookworms

Obsessed with herself and how ugly and worthless she is, not even her drunken father appreciates her. They live together in the squalor of a family home that neither of them care about or have bothered to clean for years. Her only comforts are dressing up in her dead mother’s clothes – and alcohol.

to be the arrival of a new member of staff, Rebecca, who is everything Eileen is not: well-educated, elegant, fashionable and beautiful. Rebecca is happy to encourage Eileen’s infatuation, but it is her interest in one of the inmates that brings events to an unexpected conclusion.

Dunlop is 24. She has a boring job right fromInstead the start of the book we know ogle OttessaEileen Moshfegh: Read Her Debut Novel,YetEileen,

An uncomfortable read, this is a study of a deeply unhappy person, described in, at times, uncomfortable detail. Although very well written and grimly fascinating, Eileen split the Book Club as to whether we actually enjoyed it …

Eileen – by Otessa Moshfegh NOVEL IDEAS

at the local juvenile correctional facility, in BY MERED I TH TU RIT S | AUGUST 17, 2015 11:40 AM a non-descript town in New England, and she is lonely. Fantasising about how one day one of the guards will fall in love with her, in fact nobody takes any notice.

that within a week, everything will change. Looking back from old age to relate her story, Eileen hints at dramatic events. Will these involve her ex-police father’s gun, or perhaps her colleagues at the correctional facility? The trigger, so to speak, appears

Ghilly Vincenti, Chelworth Bookworms


Moshfegh: you won’t find much. Well, that’s not entirely true—you’ll find several of her arresting short e found a home at the illustrious Paris Review. But as for gritty details on Moshfegh, or even a Twitter account?

or Twitter, she deleted her handle in late July).

ocial-media-obsessed age for anything with a heartbeat to not have an online footprint the size of a small country ates and Margaret Atwood are both examples of literary authors for whom a Web presence is a huge part of e carol oates twitter” autofills on Google before “joyce carol oates stories” because of any number of her bizarre

n.com/2015/06/10/joyce_carol_oates_bizarre_offensive_twitter_a_trip_down_memory_lane/ ) displays.) But effort to not let the Internet—or much of anything—define her.

ternet identities. It has very little to do with who we really are,” Moshfegh tells me via Google Hangout from her

er, who I’m friends with, how I spend my time, what I look like, what I wear, what I eat, what kind of music I like k. In fact, if people knew more about me, they might be like, ‘Oh, I don’t know if I like her. I don’t agree with that, e her work based on that.’ And I just don’t want to participate in that.”

Belgrave House is a new, state of the art dental practice in the centre of Tetbury. We are currently welcoming new patients, be doing the heavy lifting on its own. And Moshfegh’s writing does speak for itself: the Plimpton Prize winner’s so come and customer caremove on), and test the reader with ble questions and physical places (if you don’texperience like images of bodily fluids, (Penguin Press), out Tuesday, pushes focusing from our these highlyboundaries qualifiedeven teafurther, m, offering a on what it means to live in wide range of treatments in a stylish and secrets and what happens behind closed doors. I find that fascinating and creepy—that’s why I read, because I welcoming environment. she says. “I was like, This is going to be a story about somebody who keeps a lot of secrets, and all of the secrets We accept Denplan and Pay-As-You-Go.



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34 | September 2017

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The BBC’s Music Day… …was ours too! Peter Petrie talked to us on the 15th of June about the power of music. He stressed its many physiological effects, whether heard intentionally or involuntarily, such as changing heart rhythms, causing anger or soothing. New-born babies respond to rhythms, which also enable those who stammer to sing fluently. Interesting background information preceded illustrative excerpts played by Peter. Included were the way in which

Paul Mealor collected comments and thoughts from military wives and friends to incorporate into his emotional composition ‘Wherever you are’, and the stressful circumstances under which the French composer Olivier Messaien wrote music for three fellow prisoner-of-war musicians. Many examples were mentioned of music’s immensely powerful force for good in developing group and personal wellbeing, such as during surgery. Conversely, Peter decried the growing torment of incessant background music. Nobody disagreed.

Probus A group of members and their wives enjoyed visiting Mumfords Vineyard at Bannerdown, near Bath on the 29th of June. Started thirty-one years ago in a beautiful setting overlooking the Avon valley, the vineyard now has 1300 vines, producing four grape varieties and a total of five types of wine, both white and red. Ted Cox, the affable owner, explained the history of the vineyard and then led us around it, before hosting a wine-tasting session. Few were disappointed: some took more home. Many read inscription on local tombstones, but on the 6th of July we went further than that. Denis Cartwright chose the Central Railway of Peru as his starting point for a wide-ranging miscellany of tales about deaths and related remembrances.

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From Peru, he led us appropriately to Deadwood in the Sioux lands of the Black Mountains in an erudite recital of epitaphs and eulogies. Well-researched as always, his examination of further widespread deaths and subsequent associated writings included many by famous authors such as Johnson, Shakespeare, Keats and Shaw. On several occasions, he suggested what might have been inferred. Links with Russia, Armenia and Samoa were mentioned in specific cases. Not a joyful subject, perhaps, for anyone with a presentiment that his time might shortly be up! Sometime before the First World War, the German ambassador to the USA said that the next war would be won by the country with the best women. Perhaps he was right. A fellow member has reported that on the


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20th of July Peter Donovan spoke fluently and in detail about the work done by British women during that war. Citing examples and relating anecdotes from all over the country, Peter said that if there was a British woman under the age of 65 who was not, by 1916, undertaking important work, she would be hard to find. In addition to driving an ambulance, nursing the wounded, policing the streets or filling shells with explosives, less obvious roles included harvesting crops, felling trees, sorting coal and curing sick horses. Some were even playing football before large crowds. Today, women continue to seek fair recognition for the work they do. Theo Stening, 01666 504243

September 2017 | 35

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Sir William Romney’s School Djoeke Bonestroo: Friendships can be a challenge but when you find someone who accepts you for who you are and doesn’t judge you know you are in safe hands. Djoeke was nominated for her “kind, comforting and supportive nature” and described as a “true friend.” Jamie Sweet: The words “kind, selfless, bright and helpful” were used to describe Jamie. He joined us in Year 10 and quickly settled. The fact that he has been nominated by his peers clearly demonstrates the amount of respect he has earned in such a short period of time.

The academic year drew to a close with a very successful week of activities and trips, during the first week of July - and culminated in Celebration Assemblies. Interviews for Head Boy and Head Girl have been completed, and Luke Ravenhill and Charlotte Rushton have been appointed. Charlie Dyer and Rosie Loader have been appointed as their deputies. The quality of applicants was outstanding and our student leadership team will be excellent ambassadors and role models for the school. Earlier in July we were fortunate to hold an exhibition at The Tetbury Goods Shed, which displayed the artistic achievements of our younger students. The exhibition continued for three days, including a private view evening attended by the students themselves, with their families. This was a wonderful opportunity for the school and we hope it will be the start of many more events at this newly evolving art space in the heart of Tetbury. We are extremely grateful to Martin Prout

of Springfields Vehicle Maintenance for sponsoring the exhibition this year.

The Andrew Moyce Awards A highlight of the summer term, these awards are given in memory of a former student, and nominations are made by fellow students by recommending their peers, promoting respect and acknowledging achievements above and beyond the academic field. Here are the winners and the reasons they were nominated:

Elise Fullard: When introducing the awards to Year 10 there were several students who came to mind, however, one student stood out. Elise has shown tremendous resilience and maturity in her school career. Despite extreme medical circumstances she perseveres and is truly deserving of the award. Lillis Franklin-Goddard: The final nomination was a real surprise – a very good surprise! Lillis faced some lifechanging circumstances in Year 9, but you would never guess this in reality, due to her bright and resilient nature. 150208 MathsSir&William English 22/2/08 Romney’s School 22:05


Lottie Smith: Described by her peers as “super friendly, very caring and always happy”. Lottie is polite, hardworking and considerate, and despite her own challenges she is always there for others.

ENGLISH Teacher experienced with learning difficulties in children and adults up to GCSE/Key Skills

James Slater: Described by nominees as “a good lad” – we would wholeheartedly agree with this. Despite difficult circumstances in the past this student remains ‘highly resilient’ and ‘respectful to everyone’. Amber Potter: The words “always tries her best in everything she does” were echoed throughout the nominations. Described as “kind and positive” by her peers. Amber is quiet, unassuming and resilient.



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September 2017 | 37


Tetbury Theatre Group We had another lovely morning, when we left Tetbury for our July trip to the Watermill Theatre at Newbury. The play was “Nesting,” a thought-provoking play about Linda, a self-confessed collector, who met Jonathon, who is extremely tidy. There were the only actors in the play, and extremely good. It certainly made me think I should not collect things and that I should think about having a sort out and a de-clutter!


Our August trip was to London, coach only, so people could do whatever they fancied in the capital. Some went to a matinee, some to Kensington palace to see Diana’s dresses and the Victoria exhibition, others went to galleries and elsewhere. We alighted in the Haymarket, so were really central.

Landscaping Before

Extension Before

New Build Before

We have several trips arranged. In September, we’re going to the Mill at Sonning to see Agatha Christie’s ‘Spider’s Web.’ In October, we go to ‘Slava’s Snow Show’ at another great venue, The Millennium Theatre, Cardiff. In November, it’s ‘The Ladykillers’ at Salisbury Playhouse. We will be going in the morning to the latter two, so plenty of time to shop or visit the lovely cathedral. It is a good time to join our group, as we have to book in advance for 2018, so if you’re interested please ring Helen Price on 503187 or Lin Ashby on 505029.

Landscaping After

Extension After

Celia Bayes, Tetbury Theatre Group

Landscaping Before

New Build Before

Extension Before


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Priory Inn Blog September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret. Alexander Theroux September, for many, feels more like the start of a new year than the calendar would have us believe. Alongside university places, new school timetables, incoming teachers and crisp uniforms, there are earthy smells in the air, heralding a striking change in the season. As the landscape and wildlife begins to prepare for colder temperatures, our thoughts also turn to an evocative season of slow-cooked, warming food in our kitchen.

BARTER AT THE BACK DOOR! Turn your surplus fruit and vegetables into a night out...

Bring your freshly harvested produce to The Priory Inn and we will give you vouchers in return that you can use on food and drink with us* *Ts&Cs: produce must be home/allotment grown; delivered to us before midday on the day of harvest; our decision as to whether we accept the produce and the voucher value is final; you will need to fill in a form with your details; no cash alternative available; vouchers given to the stated value can be exchanged for food or drink at The Priory Inn within the stated period of time.

theprioryinn.co.uk ~ 01666 502251 ~ @theprioryinn London Road GL8 8JJ “Dining in a 30 Mile Food Zone” 0840616

Since 2005, Shipton Mill has been the source of flour for The Priory Inn’s pizzas, bread, biscuits, desserts, and more recently, in addition, the batter in Stargazy. The ethos behind the mill has earned it a top international reputation for producing exceptional flours - completely different to any mass-produced product. “We have a deep-seated belief in how we do what we do, as much as making sure that what we do, we do better than anybody,” they say. Our latest staff trip took us on a whirlwind tour of the mill, just minutes away at Long Newnton.

Live music continues through September to a laid-back Sunday night atmosphere: On the 3rd, Lewis Clark plays a lyrical blend of folk and blues with a soulful vocal. Bashema (niece of Jamaican Reggae Legend Keith Hudson) is a singer songwriter and pianist in her own right and is here for us on the 10th followed by our regular favourite Dik Cadbury on the 17th. The 24th welcomes Teri Bramah weaving her magic on Americana type covers. There are more details on all the artists on our website.

The process to make the organic flours harks back to Mediaeval days, using methods which rely on traditional French Burr stone millstones to grind the high quality, traditional grain. The source and quality of the grain is of great importance to the mill, which relies on relationships with local organic farms, as well as with overseas suppliers who share the same approach and maintain older and rarer varieties of grain. The flour that we collect each week from Shipton Mill is natural, nutritional, digestible and superior in texture and flavour to any commercially produced flour. This in turn enhances our product, improves your eating experience, and concentrates the pride we feel in running our restaurant the best way we can, with the highest quality ingredients.

Tanya Kelly, The Priory Inn Follow us on Twitter @ThePrioryInn to stay informed.

Unsung Hero


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Dear Edito

In November 2016 Eileen Hodgson started the Tetbury Dolphins Running Club, and from humble beginnings, the club is now registered with England Athletics and has grown to encompass over eighty paying members, in the first half of 2017.

have a feeling of belonging – even those who thought they didn’t belong anywhere.

Eileen has a passion for helping people run – and ability doesn’t matter - she helps runners who are already training regularly and those who haven’t run for years (or never!) It’s her drive that created the Dolphins club members who can be seen running through the streets every Thursday night, but she’s not only created a running club, she’s created a new sense of community. Club members are proud to be in it and to raise awareness for it, and they

Ed: I am delighted to be able to reward the commitment and dedication of the fastmoving Eileen. If she is kind enough to contact me soon, I shall ensure she receives a voucher for a meal for two, generously provided by the Priory Inn.

40 | September 2017

All Aspects of Interior Exterior Painting

It’s hard to put in words what Eileen has been able to pull off, together with her evergrowing team. She has our heartfelt thanks.

If there’s someone you know who repeatedly contributes selflessly to the community, then please do let me know; my details are on page three of the magazine.

r, It was a g nominated reat honour to be by others for what I happy to d am o freely - a n d I truly ne expected th ver is wonderf ul accolad e. I would lik e to thank yo meal at th e Priory In u all for my n Hotel, it an excelle was nt meal an d the staff very good were to both m yself and wife Janet. my Once again , many, ma ny, thanks. Yours since rely, Rodney Sm ith

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

We ended the school year with our annual leavers party. The children and parents enjoyed receiving their yellow books full of photos and work they have done over their time with us. The pre-schoolers also get to keep their red mark-making books that they do at preschool. In the creche Jo and her team had a beach theme party each day, the children enjoyed dressing up and doing lots of beach themed craft. Laura, at the play and stay group, had a lovely last session before the holidays. She made cakes and flapjacks that were enjoyed by both the parents and the children outside under the tree. Whilst we have been shut the staff have been going in and helping to clean and sort toys ready for the children when they return.

Tetbury Nursery Playgroup We get a lot of people contacting us with donations of toys, these are donations are very much appreciated. At present, we are looking for some more puzzles, so if anyone is having a sort out, we would be grateful for puzzles for ages from 1 to 4 years. Our mini afternoon garden party, that we held in June raised £250. This money will be going towards our double-glazing fund for the front of the building. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Bewley Home PLC for their kind donation towards our fete, all donations like this make a huge difference to the playgroup. The children made a thank you card for the company, please see the photo of one our children with the card. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Tesco and Hobbs bakery for their continued support. We are now about to welcome our new starters, the first few weeks will be settling in and familiarising everyone to the playgroup routines, including the staff. We will be doing lots of getting to know each other activities, talking about our likes/ dislikes and our families, including pets.

Abi Andrews Hair & Make Up 20 Hampton Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8JN

If you wish to contact us about any of our facilities you can do this by ringing 01666 504855 and asking for Karen or Linda or by email on tetburynurseryplaygroup@ eygloucestershire.co.uk

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September 2017 | 41

Tetbury Town Youth Football The New Season is here! Training for our youth teams began early in August and our team of FA qualified coaches, led expertly by UEFA B Head Coach Phil Seal, eagerly await the kick off whistle. Our coaches understand that our young footballers play the game to have fun. It is not always about how many games are won or lost or how many goals are scored or conceded; emphasis is on continued development, enjoyment and participation for all. We continue to provide this in a friendly, safe environment based at Tetbury’s Recreation Ground.

Ground and such a talented and dedicated team of coaches, to ensure the youngsters are out there in the fresh air, developing new skills and making new friends. As well as our Tiny Tigers and Tigers (aged 3 to 6), who will continue their fun filled sessions developing their early footballing skills; we have the following teams representing Tetbury across a range of age groups: Under 7 - Cotswold Youth League; Under 8 - Cotswold Youth League;

We offer full support through FA courses, so if you are interested in embarking on a career in sports coaching in a genuine Grass Roots club we would be happy to discuss the opportunities we have. Please feel free to contact me on 07879 441938.

Under 9 - Cotswold Youth League;

Wishing everyone an enjoyable 2017/18 season.

Under 10 - Cotswold Youth League;

100208Norris, KP Gardens 21:50 Richard Tetbury Town22/2/08 Youth Chairman

Under 11 - Mid Glos League; Under 12 – Mid Glos League; Under 14 - North Wilts League;

The Recreation Ground in Tetbury has looked extremely colorful over the past few Saturday and Sunday mornings, as football coaching for our young players has again taken off. I have received many pleasing comments of how good it is to see so many children having fun together. The enthusiasm is great to see, from the youngest boys and girls, whose bibs are very nearly down to their ankles, to the very keen and more knowledgeable older age groups.

Under 16 - North Wilts League;

Welcome to all our new and existing members and to the return of youth football to our thriving football club for the 2017/18 season.

We have grown considerably over the past few seasons and now have teams from U7 through to U18. We have achieved this by having a dedicated group of coaches all of whom are FA qualified.

We can never forget how fortunate we are in having such a great facility as the Recreation

1 qualification and the club is Charter Standard with a strong emphasis on participation and inclusion. We are looking to add to the dedicated coaching team at U9, U11, U12, U14 and U16 age groups.

Under 18 – North Wilts League. I would like to thank new sponsors for the 2017/18 season and those who continue to support our youth teams. Our youth teams will proudly show off their kit kindly provided by our sponsors Tigger’s Nurseries, Renishaws, EESI, Tetbury Audi, Cotswold Fire and Security, the George Veterinary Hospital, Hills and Miller Homes.

All coaches have a minimum FA Level


Caring for and educating Tetbury’s young children for 16 years.

For more information or to arrange a visit please contact zoe@thestablenursery.co.uk or call 01666 502830. 1090417

42 | September 2017

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Page 1

We’re ready for your close-up, Mr Peacock! As anyone who has ever tried to take the perfect picture of their family pet will know, there’s a lot of truth in that quote by the American actor and comedian W. C. Fields… ‘Never work with animals and children’. Many of us must have experienced the exasperation of seeing our cat or dog looking relaxed and angelic, aristocratic and calm, then deciding to become starstruck and take a run towards us as soon

as a camera appears in our hand. The aim might be to capture an appealing portrait of our favourite pet, but more often than not the end result is an out of focus blur, because of the speed of movement or the fast-changing distance between the animal and the lens. As Shakespeare, another creator of interesting observations wrote; ‘Many a true word is spoken in jest’. While W. C. Fields might have been joking, his words did have a lot of truth in them. They are relevant even these days, when modern cameras

Tetbury Camera Club incorporate impressive technology which can calculate distances in an instant, but also need equally fast reactions from the hand of the owners if their microchips are to capture an intended moving image. Which makes this month’s picture by Tetbury Camera Club member, Hugh Fletcher, all the more commendable. Hugh captured it on one of the informal outings we’d arranged during the club’s summer break. It was taken in Corsham, which boasts the unusual claim to fame of a flock, or in this instance, should it be a ‘pod’ of peacocks, which ramble the high street and other areas in the centre of town, at will. Hugh’s picture shows one of them, which did present a bit of a challenge, for as soon as he pointed his camera in its direction, this bird became rather star-struck and decided to check its image in a nearby car’s paintwork. Maybe it needed to decide its best side? Whatever, it helped Hugh show that animals might not always do exactly what you want, but if you adapt your thinking you can still create a picture from what’s there. Trying to create interesting pictures from what’s there is what Tetbury’s Camera Club has been doing on other summer evenings as well, with outings that have ranged from Painswick to Burford, Gloucester Docks to Cheltenham. Now we are about to embark on the start of a new season, so from the evening of September the 5th, we will be back in our usual haunt at The Priory Hotel, with a calendar of meetings, presentations, competitions and advice events, planned by the committee to show an entertaining and informative programme presented by some of the best and most talented photographers in the region.

Town & Country News Providing a local delivery service of newspapers and magazines to Tetbury and surrounding areas.

This year’s subjects include wildlife and landscape work, with pictures taken in locations as far apart as Africa and the Arctic and of animals as diverse as polar bears to gorillas. There will be tips on home printing to setting up studio shots, lighting to special effects, and in addition, more formal trips out to sites of special interest, with the guidance of club members who already know them well.

Please be aware that Tetbury Hardware accept payments and vouchers in an envelope only. Many thanks!

We thank all our customers for their valued continued custom.

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Nail-trimming including thickened nails Corn and hard skin removal Diabetic foot care Montgomery Foot Health Tetbury Osteopaths Foot clinics every Monday andaton the first Saturday 22 every London Road (opposite the Priory Inn). of month at Tetbury Euphoria Osteopathic Clinic, 12a Church Street, Tetbury, GlosMonday. GL8 8JG Ground floor clinics every

It will be an excellent opportunity to find out more about what we do and where we have been to. For more information, there is a calendar of all confirmed future events on our recently revamped web site: www. tetburycameraclub.org.uk

Catherine Montgomery


Tetbury Camera Club meets upstairs in The Priory Hotel at 7.30pm on a Tuesday and is always happy to have new members and guests join us. September 5 will be the first event of the new season and will feature presentations with pictures by members who have been on our summer trips.

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Iain Smyth, Tetbury Camera Club


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events 12/07/2015 16:51

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September 2017 | 43

The Poppy Appeal I am now able to pass on the total for the 2016/17 poppy appeal for The Royal British Legion, which stands at a magnificent ÂŁ14,276 and 52p. And this amount still has the Gift Aid to be added on, as the year does not finish until September the 30th. The Poppy Appeal has always been proud to be able to collect from all houses in the town, and once again, as the town expands, I am looking for volunteers to cover some of the new housing areas that have been built in the last year. It is not an onerous task, but would involve a couple of evenings or afternoons during Remembrancetide. Volunteers are supplied with instructions, poppies and a collecting box. Many thanks to those who responded to my request last year. I am also looking for volunteers who feel that they would be able to offer an hour to collect either in Tesco store during the week beginning the 4th of November, or outside the Post Office or Coop on Friday the 10th or Saturday the 11th November.


If anyone is willing to volunteer, or to find out more information about this collection, please do not hesitate to contact me. Jane Haines, 01666 504196 jane.haines97@btinternet.com



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Established Tetbury’s premier garage We specialise in1974, BMW,we Mini, VAG (Audi,VAG VW,(Audi, SEAT,independent Skoda) and Weinspecialise inare BMW, Mini, VW, SEAT, Skoda) andoffering a dedicated and experienced team of Land Rover. have courtesy available or mechanics. WeRover. were8voted Independent Garage of athe 2012 byVAG both Motor Trader and the Motor Industry As offer an independent BMW, (Audi, Established in 1974, we are Tetbury'sCode of Land We have 8cars courtesy cars available orYear offer a Mini, collection service. collection service. VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering acars Practice. We specialise in BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda), Land Rover andus Mercedes. have 9 courtesy Follow @carcaretetbury Follow usWe @carcaretetbury we invest in state of the art dealer-level dedicated and experienced team of available or offer a customer collectionsatisfaction service. AtisCar Care Tetburysocustomer satisfaction is our top priority so please do give us a At Car CareAtTetbury ourdiagnostic top is priority Car Care Tetbury customer satisfaction our top priority so you with a mechanics. We offer a full range of services equipment to provide call today or visit our website. please do please give usdo a call or visit ourorwebsite. givetoday us a call today visit our website. for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free courtesy cars or collection.


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As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi,Established inEstablished in 1974, we are Tetbury's At Car Care Tetbury we offer full dealer level As an independent BMW, Mini, VAG (Audi, Since starting smaller in 1974, At Car Care Tetbury offpulling er full dealer level We provide fullin dealer levelpremises diagnostics, Experiencing uneven tyrewe wear, to VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist premier independent garage offering a servicing, diagnostics and repairs using using VW, SEAT, Skoda) and Land Rover specialist we’ve to become Tetbury’s™premier and repairs servicegrown and repairs using Autologic theservicing, left or right,diagnostics an uncentred steering we invest state the art dealer-level dedicated dedicated and team experienced team of LandOur Rover Our full we state of the art dealer-level and experienced of dedicated genuine Landgenuine Rover parts. fullparts. service weinvest investinin state of in the artofdealer-level independent garage with genuine Rover Ourservice full equipment which offers the afull level of and wheel or poorLand handling? Ifparts. so, contact us toservice mechanics. offer a full range services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We of includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT mechanics. a full range of services diagnostic equipment to provide you with a We offer includes all Land Rover parts, labour, VAT diagnostic equipment to provide you with a experienced team of mechanics. We off er a includes all Land Rover parts, labour, functionality available to main dealers. book our four wheel laser alignment service. VAT for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service for all makes of cars, four wheel drives and full range of service options with 8 free and brake uid change. We provide service full range of service options with 9 courtesy full range of services for all makes of cars, four and brake fluid change. We provide service Servicing your car at Car Care Tetbury will Laser alignment willl transform your vehicles commercial vehicles. cars or collection. stamps keep your warranty intact.intac or collection. light commercial vehicles. courtesy cars courtesy book stampsbook to keep your to warranty intact. cars or collection. wheellight drives and light commercial vehicles. book stamps to keep your warranty not affect your manufacturers warranty and handling characteristics, tyre wear and

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The gearbox is then flushed through to remove any dirt/debris, new oil is filled and Units 1-3,Industrial Priory Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury, Gloucestershire conditioning fluid added, this maintains any oil seals, valves etc. Tetbury, Units 1-3, Priory Estate, London Road, Gloucestershire GL8 8HZGL8 8HZ Most manufactures have a service schedule for this at set mileage, others say the gearbox is sealed for life, but after 100,000 miles or more the gearbox oil is often well past its best and gives issues such as jurking gearchange and slow to change from one gear to the other, cold gear change issues etc. PRICE FOR FULL FLUSH AND OIL CHANGE START FROM £145 +VAT 0140517

Leighterton Primary School It has been a very exciting summer at Leighterton, as the building of our two new classrooms has begun. Once the work is complete, we will have a brand new, purpose-built Foundation Stage Classroom and Key Stage One Classroom. These will be particularly spacious, light and airy and our Foundation Stage Classroom will have a row of bi-folding doors, leading to the outside learning area. When these doors are open, the inside and outside become one large learning space for the children to move between freely. This classroom will also have an internal bathroom, with its own toilets. The Key Stage One Classroom is also larger than our remaining classrooms and has a door leading straight onto our playground. Both new classrooms will have interactive panels that our wonderful PTFA have bought through fundraising, and these will be linked to laptops. The space between these new classrooms will be our library and The Jack Lane Trust has awarded us a grant to help to set this up. We will be updating the shelving and the reading space and buying new books to

support the children’s learning. During the holidays, the builders have fenced off the areas where they will be building and working, have set up temporary buildings and have demolished the old classrooms. When the children return to school this week there will be lots of building machines in place to dig the foundations and move earth. Throughout the summer term we discussed the making of a time capsule and the children have shared ideas about the items they would like to include in this. They will be working on creating this during the first few weeks back at school and it will be buried under the foundations for the new classrooms in the next few weeks. The next couple of terms will be exciting for everyone at Leighterton as we watch the construction of the new classrooms. The children are particularly looking forward

to seeing the machinery and we have set up a camera to film the project so we will be able to see the building progress in time lapse video. Funding for building new offices, a foyer and a staffroom at Leighterton Primary School has also been awarded by Gloucestershire County Council - and plans have been drawn up for building them. We hope this next step will begin very soon and that the two phases of the building work will coincide to complete our extension. If you would like to come and have a look around our school, we would be delighted to show you round. Please contact Miss Stark or Mrs Davey in the school office on (01666) 890273 or through our website www.leighterton.com to arrange a convenient time. Meryl Hatfield, Leighton Primary School


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46 | September 2017

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September 2017 | 47

Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Railway Walk Now Open The Cotswold Wardens have recently been cleaning the railway route towards the Trouble House, and we returned there again in August for more clearance of overhanging trees and brush cutting, to improve the surface for cycling through clearance of vegetation. We are informed by the Rail Lands Trust that legal proceedings are now complete and the route open as a

public bridleway as far as the Trouble House.

Other jobs

The route is fine for walkers. What we need now is more cyclists to ride two abreast down the route, perhaps initially with mountain duty tyres, to even out the surface. Thank you to the Duchy Estate for agreeing to give access to this route to the Trouble House and thank you to Mike Tucker for access to the previous section from Tetbury. The desire now is to press on toward Culkerton and Kemble, once agreement can be reached.

We have renewed two stiles on footpaths in King’s Stanley. We have repaired and rebuilt more sections of dry stone walling on the Newark Park estate at the request of the National Trust. Further clearance has taken place at Uley Bury and at Brackenbury Ditches Fort where we are opening out the views.

Decorating and building supplies

Local circular walks lead by the Wardens in September are listed below. Further details of these and other walks further afield in in the Cotswolds, together with articles on the Cotswold Way, Cotswold Beverages and Cotswold Geology, are in the autumn edition of Cotswold Lion free magazine published by the Cotswold Conservation Board. This is available from Tetbury Tourist Information Centre in Church Street. • Friday 8th September at 10am from Old Neighbourhood Inn, Chalford Hill (near Stroud) for 5 miles to Chalford and Golden Valley

Opening hours Monday to Thursday 7.00am – 5pm Friday 7.00am – 4pm Saturday 8am – 4pm Follow us

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Local walks

• Saturday 9th September at 10.30am from National Trust visitor reception, Dyrham Park for 5 miles around Dyrham Park estate and beyond on the Cotswold Way. • Wednesday 27th September at 10am from Painswick (Stamages Lane car park) for 5 miles towards Hawkeswood and Slad. Richard Glanville, Cotswold Voluntary Wardens

in Tetbury HHHH

Fish & Chip Night

Every Tuesday - fish and chips for 2 and a bottle of wine for £30.00

Steak Night

Every Thursday - rump steak for 2 and a bottle of wine for £35.00 or Sirloin steak for 2 and a bottle of wine for £40.00 The Close Hotel, Long Street, Tetbury Book online or call 01666 502272

www.cotswold-inns-hotels.co.uk 0220617

48 | September 2017

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Dolphins Dramatic Society Oh, what a wet summer and we’re into September already; no doubt the sun will shine now the children are going back to school... Anyway, enough of the weather, on to something that hopefully will make you smile. Pantomime! The Dolphins Dramatic Society will be performing Sleeping Beauty. Anne has cast all the characters and we have some new members, too. Whoopee! There will be the usual glossy programme, A4 in size, with new photos, information about the Society, the cast, interesting facts and puzzles and of course adverts from local traders, so make sure you buy one, when you come to see the show. Rehearsals are starting in the coming week and those taking part have already had their heads down during August learning lines, so all will be tickety-boo by the time the pantomime opens on Thursday the 23rd of November. Oh yes it will! Did you know The Dolphins Hall was created, in part, to present amateur dramatics to the town - and that is why it was built with a permanent stage? Few local hall stages are as large, and we have a proscenium arch, stage curtains, wings to both sides, the ability to hang drops and exits to the dressing rooms at the rear. Many would envy such fine facilities. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful set up. Almost no theatre, museum, art gallery or sporting facility exists without local gifts, goodwill and grant aid – and the enormous amount of time and effort that amateur dramatic societies put into their productions has its own value. The Dolphins Dramatic Society has been performing for Tetbury for over 100 years, and has been using the Dolphin Hall stage since 1974. We have paid our way by bringing affordable drama to the community, therefore, for a very long time now!


140208 Classic Windows



Page 1

Terri White, Dolphins Dramatic Society


Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

September 2017 | 49

Tetbury Heritage Woodworking & Decorating Carpenter & joiner with over 30 year’s experience

Doors, Windows, Bookcases, Cabinets & Bespoke custom made furniture, Specialist in box sash windows Contact Richard on 07712 484 793 Find us on


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50 | September 2017

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

Saturday 9th September 11:00am-­‐4:00pm Satur

Events include:


In aid of local charities

Spectator Entry: Adults £2 Children £1 1

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Tetbury Art Society Our main summer activities so far have been an outdoor painting session, a summer social and the August Exhibition. This year we have managed to work outdoors on most Wednesday afternoons in July and August, and have tackled subjects such as Chavenage House, the Church of St. Mary the Virgin at Lasborough, the grounds of one of Tetbury’s older houses and the area around the car park at the Goods Shed where the old railway line can be seen. Other sites have included the Millennium Green, the remnants of the Cattle Market, Will’s Bridge, the allotments, dog walkers, the houses on Gumstool Hill, and the Royal Oak. In general, we sketch on site and later use the sketches - and perhaps photos too to develop into paintings. These trips are enjoyable but, like all expeditions, you need to be equipped! In our case with art materials, folding chairs, hat, sun cream, water, jumpers and waterproofs. Just in case. The summer social was held on the evening of Wednesday 26th July at the Avening Social Club and there were about thirty of us in attendance. Members brought along finger-food to share, and we had the benefit of a bar on site. Apart from the opportunity for a chat, Barry Barnes provided a raffle, a sale of unwanted art materials and a quiz. It was an enjoyable evening.



Our August Exhibition will have been held over the long Summer Bank Holiday ! – Saturday 26th until Monday 28th August – and I will be able to report on that in the ! October issue of the Tetbury Advertiser.

By Appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales P & S Timbrell Decorators Painters and Decorators

September sees us back indoors again for a practical evening and then, in October, we have a demonstration of lino cutting – design and execution. On Friday the 13th until Sunday the 15th of October we have an art sale in the Market Hall. More information on the Society’s activities can be found on our website www. tetburyartsociety.org.uk or phone me on 01666-502909 or Barry Barnes on 01666503926. Examples of our work can be found in Tetbury Hospital. You will find that we are a friendly group welcoming those interested in art whatever level they have reached.


Michael Kingham, Tetbury Art Society

52 | September 2017


! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tetbury Food Bank Some of the Food Bank Volunteers walked in the Tetbury Show parade, to raise awareness of the Food Bank in Tetbury – and it was surprising just how many people had not heard of our existence. Even more surprisingly, many people did not seem to think there was a need for a Food Bank in Tetbury. Well, there is! The very definite need is always evidenced by the number of clients served at St Mary’s Day Centre, by our cheerful and friendly team of volunteers. We’re there each Tuesday morning between 9.30 and 11 am. Sometimes there is even a queue waiting for us, as we arrive. We always welcome donations of dried or tinned food, since without these we could not operate, and we thank all those who place food donations into any of our collection points which are at each of Tetbury’s churches, and at Tesco. We are also very grateful to Tetbury Lions, who give us £50 worth of food each month.

Genial Jobber Why put off till tomorrow what the Genial Jobber can do today?

Friendly, reliable service, Established June 2005

Currently, we need of one or two more drivers to pick up empty food containers each Wednesday morning from the Day Centre, together with food from St Marys’ and Tesco, to take it to our Cirencester warehouse and bring back the same number of full containers to replenish our stock. We have a rota so it is not a very onerous task, but it is perhaps more suited to men who have lifting ability, as a single person’s food container weighs 10k and it’s heavier still for families.

Including: • • • • • •

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Page 1

Anyone who thinks that they may be able to help our community in this way should contact Alison Hesketh on 01666 505113 or alison.hesketh1@btinternet.com I’d be delighted to hear from you. Alison Hesketh, Tetbury Food Bank

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~ Improve or begin French?

Call Alison on 07530 955786 or 01666 505004 Email alimccloskey@outlook.com 0060416

September 2017 | 53

News from Christ Church It was lovely to welcome so many people to the “Holiday At Home” in July. It was the first time I’d been and seen the hive of activity; people drawing, painting and doing quizzes, being advised about home and fire safety, being entertained by the community choir and ‘George Formby’, and doing seated aerobics! All this with a splendid full meal at lunch-time. It was great fun and many thanks to all who organised and helped.


We enjoyed hosting the prayer labyrinth in August. Many local people came and several who were just travelling through Tetbury, too. It was a prayerful peaceful -

Christ Church, The Chipping, Tetbury. Sunday 24th Sept @ 4pm If you've never been before it is an afternoon of Crafts, ‘Open The Book’ (ask the kids about that!), Worship Time and Food for all the family. Entry is FREE and it lasts until around 5.20 pm. If you've never been before, give it a try! Children aged 0-99 welcome !

In town on a Wednesday morning? but also a challenging spiritual exercise, walking the path of the labyrinth in the church carrying a stone and thinking what stones or burdens we wanted to lay down at God’s feet.

Why not pop into Christ Church Foyer for a cup of coffee (or tea!) and have a sociable chat with friends. Open 10 to 12 noon. All welcome. 12.30 p.m.: Stay for a bowl of soup at our Soup Lunch – again , All welcome. 0190917

Then, when walking back out of the labyrinth, we picked up a pretty coloured glass bead and considered what blessing from God the bead could represent for us. I find it amazing the shafts of new light that shine through, when we reach out to the Source of Life, the Ground of Our Being, the Creator of Love - whichever words we want to use for God who creates and shapes our lives.


In September, as the new term kicks off, St Mary’s Play Group returns and our pattern of weekly activities continues, too. Wednesday mornings are always busy with Coffee Pot, Morning Prayers and Soup Lunch. On Fridays, it’s great to see the little fingers reaching up to the trolley striving to find the toast at Chippin’ Chicks, the Parent and Toddler Group. See the ad on this page about Messy Church. We’re also open on Sundays! Do feel welcome to pop in to any of the things we do. Rev. Noel Sharp, Minister at Christ Church, Tetbury

54 | September 2017

• Tree Surgery/reduction • Tree felling/removal • Stump grinding • Planting • Council applications completed • Fully qualified and insured Free quotations and advice Please contact; Ben King T: 01666 500216 M: 07976 262829 E: ben@kingstrees.co.uk W: www.kingstrees.co.uk 0510116

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St Mary’s Playgroup say a huge thank you to the Tetbury Fire Service and particularly to PC 2221 Leah Davis who spent the time to answer all of our questions. The children enjoyed a walk round to the library for a story session in the final weeks (thank you Linda!) and the preschool children had an absolute ball on their special day out to Go Bananas and McDonalds, finished with a train ride home back to Kemble – a memorable time for both the children and staff! As always, the party at the end of term was a big hit with an appearance from Mr Wizz, too.

And so the year begins! We are looking forward to welcoming back the children - both returning and new - and parents for the start of the new academic year - we can’t wait to hear all about everyone’s exciting adventures from over the summer… At the end of a very busy last term the children enjoyed camping role play, going ‘around the world’, talking about holidays and they even opened an Italian restaurant, which included making their own bread pizzas. We also focused on ‘people who help us’ and became firefighters with an amazing (truly HUGE) fire engine, doctors

in our hospital and even Police Officers in our own station (including a jail.) We have supported their learning with visits from our fantastic local Police Officer and a trip out to the fire station too. We would like to

Our Seedlings group continues every Monday morning from 9.30-11.30 at the front of the Christ Church. It is run by our lovely mum and Playgroup Deputy Kelly, who offers fresh and exciting activities each week as well as a welcoming smile to greet everyone through the door. All ages and stages are catered for and everyone is welcome, so please drop in and join the fun. For more regular updates of what we’re doing please visit our Facebook page ‘St Mary’s Playgroup & Toddlers’ or have a look on our website to get in touch for a visit www.stmarysplaygrouptetbury.co.uk

PC Leah Davis, second left



Vikki Morris, Secretary to the Playgroup committee

N ow Ope n!

Walk in service Open 7:30 daily Late night Thursday until 7:30 pm Open Sundays 9:00am – 2:00pm appointments available Free Wi-fi available 1 minute walk from Waterloo and Forum car parks Enjoy the quality and convenience you have become a custom to Jamie and Etienne are ready to welcome you BespokeBarberCompany@gmail.com 07745 852680 / 01285 643555 Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events


September 2017 | 55

St Mary’s C of E VA Primary School

fenced for improving the condition and capacity of school buildings.

Thank you to everyone in the community who supported our Tesco bid to improve our school pond. We are absolutely thrilled that we have secured £5,000 from Tesco and we have already started work on this project. The pond is situated next to our Forest School and we are hopeful that early this term the children will be able to participate in ‘pond dipping’ as part of their science curriculum. Mr Meadows, our Assistant Headteacher, has a degree in zoology and he is passionate about wriggly and crawly creatures and Mr Knight, our Forest Schools Leader, is very excited about making pond dipping part of the Forest School curriculum. Thank you to everyone in the community who supported us – we will post pictures of the development on our website: www.stmarystetbury.com Exciting work has been going on at St.Mary’s School over the summer holidays. The children may have been taking a break and the staff have had their holidays, but the builders have been busily improving our school once again. All of this work has been funded using money from the County Council and the Diocese which is ring-

Over the summer we have had the Key Stage 1 playground extended to accommodate our growing numbers, and we have replaced the external canopies to maximise the covered outdoor learning space for our youngest children. We have also had all the Key Stage 2 toilets refurbished, which might not seem like an exciting project, but believe me it makes a big difference for the children! Last summer we had one of the infant rooms refurbished to create a brand new classroom and this summer we have done the same for the junior children as we continue to grow in numbers. Because of this we have lost our staffroom, so we have added a small extension on to the side of the Den


to create a new one. If any members of the community would like to come and look at the improvements to the school, please do come and pop in – we would be more than happy to show you around. If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2018, you will be aware that the primary school’s admissions online application facility opens in November. Applications need to be made for primary school places by the 15th of January 2018. We will be holding an Open Morning at St Mary’s on Wednesday the 18th of October for all parents who may be considering us as a school for their child. Further details will be posted on our website and advertised around the town. Please come and see us – we would love to show you around our school! Jo Woolley, Headteacher



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56 | September 2017

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Hannah has now gained her level 3 Dog Grooming Certificate with Distinction. All breeds welcome, from a quick bath and dry, to a full clip. Please call her to discuss your requirements. Available at our Tetbury or Cirencester surgeries.


Our pet care plan allows you to budget for your pet’s routine healthcare costs. By setting up a monthly Direct Debit you can spread the costs and save money on your pet’s routine vaccinations etc.

Our plan includes

Full annual booster vaccinations (including kennel cough for dogs), A year’s flea, tick and worm control - 6 monthly health checks 10% OFF ALL OTHER COSTS at the practice Prices start from just £15.50 per month. Please call for more information or see our website.



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Tetbury Police Museum We’re excellent – and that’s official! We received the news that we’ve been granted a 2017 Certificate of Excellence by Trip Advisor for our consistent good reviews from visitors. We welcome all reviews, both good and bad, as they’re a means of learning about our visitors’ experience and how we could possibly improve what we do. Keep ‘em coming. The trial of weekend openings on the second Saturday of each month this summer has been relatively successful, attracting visitors that otherwise would not have enjoyed what we have on offer. A big thank you to the Tetbury Town Councillors that volunteered to open the museum and spend their precious Saturday greeting visitors. Our Sherlock Holmes-inspired walking trails this summer were also relatively successful, with both young and old taking part, despite the showery weather. They were well received and we might give them another go another time.

had six small potatoes for his wife’s dinner and his own, and being very hungry, he took the swedes to cook with them. Source: Gloucester Citizen, 4 November 1887 George Clements, a boatman, formerly of Arlingham, was sent to gaol for fourteen days for begging in High Street, Stroud on Saturday. The man begged 1/2d from PS Hale, who was in plain clothes. When searched at the police station, he had 1s 7d and 1/2lb of tobacco in his possession. There were several previous convictions including five terms of imprisonment for begging. Source: Gloucester Citizen, 25 June 1900

There are claims that in the later 1800’s the pub’s financial fortunes suffered a downturn and the place fell into disrepair. Tradition holds that an owner at this time embarked on a refurbishment which bankrupted him, so he hung himself from a beam in the pub in despair. The half-reconstructed building was taken over by another inn keeper who also fell on hard times and drowned himself in a nearby pond. Eventually the pub was purchased by a wealthy local business man who finished the repairs, replacing the thatched roof with Cotswold tiles and renaming it the Trouble House in honour of its tragic history. However, others have disputed the legend of suicidal landlords and claim to have accounted for all the Trouble House landlords in parish records as dying from natural causes! Source: http://www.thetroublehouse.co.uk/history

And now for more from our Cold Case Files - several tales of hard times. For taking four swedes from a field at Kemble, a boatman named Davis was ordered to pay 9s 2d by the Malmesbury magistrates. Defendant said he was very poor. He only

The “Wagon and Horses” pub (now the Trouble House) was caught up in the agricultural riots of 1830 as local farm labourers vented their displeasure at the introduction of mechanical haymaking and threshing machines. An unlucky farmer transporting a new piece of machinery hidden in a laden hay wagon was spotted in Tetbury and chased by an angry mob, who surrounded the wagon outside the pub and set fire to it.

Begging was a common sight in Victorian Times

John Silvester, Hon Curator, Tetbury Police Museum curator@tetbury.gov.uk

McTimoney Chiropractic Clinics in Sherston, Malmesbury area & now at Tetbury Hospital

Gentle & effective treatment for back, neck & shoulder pain, sciatica, migraines, sports injuries Emma Newby BSc MMCA

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58 | September 2017

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The summer weather has continued to be quite varied,

everyone. All are welcome, we are pleased to see visitors, who are asked to contact the leader of the walk, in advance of the day of the walk. All walks start from the free long-stay car park by the Goods Shed off Cirencester Road. We are a footpath group, so walks may be muddy and stiles may be encountered. Whilst all reasonable care will be taken, it is the responsibility of each individual walker to be able to complete the route and to look after their own safety.

but so far, the Group has mostly had dry weather for the weekly walks, only one walk not taking place due to the very wet weather forecast. Walks have varied in length, difficulty and start time (morning or afternoon), so there is something for

Tetbury and District Footpath Group We look forward to seeing new people out walking with the Group. For more information on the Group, please look at our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ TetburyWalkers or contact us by email: tetburydfootgp@gmail.com

Walks Program for September 2017: Levels: A = easy to D = hilly 05.09.17, 10.00 am, Cars needed to get to start, A walk around the perimeter of Stinchcombe Hill largely following the Cotswold Way., 3.0 m 6.0 km, B, Pat Gardiner, 01453 833783, 12.09 17, 2.00 pm, A local walk through Preston Park along the old Railway line and back past the Tythe Barn and Wiltshire Bridge, 4.00m 6.50km, A, Pauline, 502979,

1130509 Springfields1:Layout 1



Page 1


0 1 6 6 6 5 0 5 0 1 0 • w w w. d i e s e l p o w e r t u n i n g . c o . u k

19.09.17, 2.00 pm, Cars needed to get to start, From Ozleworth Park to Sawcombe Farm, follow the Marlees Brook into Ozleworth Bottom and return., 5.00m, 8.00km, C, Ian, 502939, 26.09.17, 2.00 pm, Cars needed to get to start, Walk down into Golden Valley, then through Oldhill Woods and on to Frampton Mansell via the old disused Canal, 5.00m, 8.0km, B, Chris and Shirley, 502164.


All profits distributed locally and internationally

September 2017 | 59

Tetbury Community Choir On 15th June three of our members, two men and one lady, drove to the Southmead Hospital in Bristol, since our choir, along with most other community choirs in the BBC Radio’s South West area, had been asked to send two or three members to make up a large regional choir. The intent was to sing in the Atrium there for the BBC Music day, demonstrating and celebrating the power of music in healing. We arrived at about 1.30p.m., found the splendid Atrium, had a coffee and then joined all the 100-or-so other choristers to start rehearsing for the two or three performances. Just before this started, Nicky Price from BBC Gloucestershire phoned me to record an interview about TCC which would be broadcast later that afternoon. We spent about an hour and a half rehearsing with the orchestra, then had a short break before yet more rehearsal - then we were joined by a local youth choir about seventy strong, making a sizeable group of singers from all over the South West. We were intently watched


and listened to by various Southmead Hospital staff, patients and visitors, as we perfected our knowledge of the music for the early evening concert, which was to be broadcast on BBC’s “Points West.” As you can imagine – no pressure!

from us. The concert went well! There was plenty of applause from the audience seated in front of us and from people on the balconies, looking down on us from the upper floors.

If you too love singing, or indeed would just like to come and see what singing At times, during these preparations, we in a group is like, then our website is were recorded for the local radio stations to tetburycommunitychoir.weebly.com or broadcast that afternoon, too. Then came we have a Facebook page. You could also the time for our concert. What a wonderful contact Sandy Thomas on 01666 503821, feeling we all had, loving singing as we all or email sandy.thomas.st78@gmail.com. did - and knowing that so many patients Paul Harley, Chorister were listening and hopefully benefi tting 720310 ET Lumley:Layout 1 19/2/10 20:37 Page 1

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We are looking for cleaners who are available on an ad hoc basis. Duties will include: Cleaning of B&B rooms, cottages and wedding venue.


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60 | September 2017

• Tooth whitening • Hygienist

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Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

include Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis Thankfully the incidence of infection is rare.

Dr Grace Thomas


The George Veterinary Hospital Tetbury branch 01666 503531 HOW TO PROTECT YOUR PET AGAINST TICKS

As the weather becomes warmer and wetter, ticks become more of a problem. They are small, hard biting insects which are generally black or brown, most commonly found in long grass. They are pea-sized or smaller, initially, but after feeding can almost triple in size, becoming greyish in colour. They are most likely to be found around the non-hairy and thin-skinned areas such as the face, ears, in between the toes, groin and perianal regions.

Using a tick hook to remove the parasite

It is very important is remove the entire tick from your pet’s skin, including its mouthparts - and without squeezing the body, as this can cause the tick to release infection. Tick ‘hooks’ are available to buy from us, which are ideal to help you achieve this. You should wear gloves to avoid handling the parasite directly, slide the tick hook underneath the tick and level with the skin, then rotate the hook anti-clockwise and, once the tick is loose from the skin, pull the hook and tick away. Dispose of the tick into the sink or toilet with hot water. If you are unsure if you have removed all of the tick, pop in to see us to get the site checked by a vet. Prevention is far better than cure, so regular tick prevention treatment is the best way forward. There are several products available which can be worn or administered by you – and most are designed to protect against fleas as well as ticks (and often other parasites too.) They are available in a form best suited to your pet, such as chewable tablets, “spot-on” liquids. or via a collar.

Ticks come in all sizes

They have large sharp mouthpieces, which they use to attach to and pierce the skin, before they feed. This will often cause local inflammation, which can be painful and irritating to your pet. If infected, they can transmit diseases and in the UK these

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to pop into one of our branches and one of our team will be more than happy to advise you further.

An engorged tick, post feed

A paid-for

Visit us at 23 Church Street, Tetbury



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Providing the forum for the local community to share its latest news and events

September 2017 | 61

Kaiaf Newsletter

provided sound advice and assisted with the transfer of funds from the UK.

Kaiaf Health Centre: Mission Completed! The main renovation of the Kaiaf Health Centre is now complete, so a big thank you is due to all our supporters who have helped us raise money in the UK, and all those who have donated money: Xograph Healthcare Limited, Disaster Care Limited, The Bengal Lancer Restaurant, Restoraction

Limited, and the Tetbury Lions. We must not forget the many individual donors who have been “coerced” into making donations, either! Thanks also to Lamin and Ebrima in the Gambia who have so ably supervised and assisted with the building works, and to Marion Christmas who has


FIVE MILE PICTURE FRAMING Mobile bespoke picture framing within a five mile radius of Tetbury including : - Avening, Cherington, Malmesbury, Sherston, Nailsworth, Minchinhampton)

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We are now considering our further support for the Health Centre and hope to consolidate plans before our next visit in February 2018. On the list is sanitation, electrification, and fencing the perimeter. Please can you let us know if you are interested in providing further financial or fundraising support for these projects? In February eleven of us are booked for a combined holiday and project visit, including our “Head Gardener” Luke Harding, who has kindly volunteered to manage a mini-project during our visit, that of purchasing and planting some trees and shrubs around the health centre building. This will provide some shade and generally improve the appearance of what is currently a bare and unwelcoming frontage. More on this later, once we have formulated a plan and discussed it with the village representatives. At this point we feel a brief review of the project history and how we have spent the money is appropriate: • We agreed to take on the project to completely reinstate the health centre whilst delivering mosquito nets there in February 2014. • Fund raising commenced in June 2014 and was kicked off by Andrew Bartlett being sponsored for living on food costing £1 per day, for a week. • Detailed budgets were agreed in November 2014 at a total of Dalassi 608,425 - being £10,139 sterling, at a nominal rate of 60 to the pound. • The actual conversion rate at the start was around 55 to the pound, but soon climbed above 60 and then to 67 during the course of the project.

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• It was decided to divide the works in two stages, the two sections of the L shaped building, allowing the health centre to remain at least partly operational throughout the duration of the project.

• Building work started in December 2014 and was carried out by local tradesmen assisted by villagers when appropriate and supervised locally by Ebrima Njie and Lamin Kinteh M.B.E.

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62 | September 2017

The total amount of money raised to date is £11,666.49 of which £11,581.12 has been spent on the project, less bank and exchange charges. Andrew & Christine Bartlett The Lions Club of Tetbury donated money to help this project get underway - and it is encouraging to see this life-saving health centre come to fruition. Andrew, Christine and friends are to be congratulated on their work so far and on what they have planned for the future. Steve Parr, President, Lions Club of Tetbury

Read online at www.tetburyadvertiser.co.uk

On the 3rd of June, in a new initiative for the community, Tetbury Lions facilitated a workshop for about fifty delegates representing forty caring organisations, at the Dolphins Hall. These organisations all accommodate the Tetbury area - and the meeting aimed at improving networking and in helping them to prioritise their efforts at serving our community. The workshop was sponsored by the Tetbury Feoffees and the Town Council. The event started with stimulating presentations by speakers, which included ‘Setting the Scene’ by Becky Parish from

the Gloucestershire CCG, ‘The Pressures of Family Life’ by Caroline Morgan from the NSPCC, ‘Supporting Residents with Life threatening illnesses in the Community’ by Helen Corner from Longfield Hospice Care and ‘Supporting the Frail & Infirm in the Community’ by Sally-Anne Bauer, Community Matron from the South Cotswold Frailty Service. Further information shared came from ‘Transport & Communications’ by Tony Marriott, from the organisation ‘Malmesbury Link,’ ‘Working Together,’ by Elin Tattersall from Gloucestershire Rural Community Council and ‘Setting up a New Service,’ by Mark Weir from the organisation ‘Men in Sheds’ - Bourton-on-the-Water branch. All the presentations were followed

Tetbury Counselling Service Graham Hackney Dip HIC (BCPC) MBACP T: 07833 993249 www.tetburycounselling.co.uk E-mail: tcsenquiry@outlook.com

by a Q&A session After lunch, delegates took part in facilitated round-table discussions, which included the topics Family Issues, Long-term Conditions, Frailty and Infirmity, Transport & Communications and Improving Networking. Many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the caring services in and around Tetbury were revealed and recommendations for improvements unearthed. Discussions were followed by a response, on behalf of the town, by Councillor Stephen Hirst, Mayor of Tetbury. Generally, the workshop appeared to be very well-received; delegates remarked on how well it had been organised and what a fantastic opportunity it presented for caring organisations to network and to discuss common issues. Several new initiatives emerged from the workshop, including proposals for an umbrella organisation to manage these issues. Also proposed was an investigation about setting up a car service like Malmesbury Link, bringing a branch of ‘Men-in-Sheds’ to Tetbury and commencing a regular ‘Tetbury Cares’ feature in the Tetbury Advertiser each month. A proposal to set up a website recording details of all caring organisations available to local residents has already been taken up, so watch this space! A report of the workshop and presentations are available on www.tetburycares.org for those who want to read the detail; printed copies are also available in the Town Councils offices and the Library.


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September 2017 | 63






Tetbury Music Festival Thursday 28 September – Sunday 1 October H e ath Qu a r t e t w ith Ju lian B lis s clar i n e t Ma r k Pa dm ore t e n o r & T i l l Fe l l ner p i a n o T he E n g lis h C o r n ett an d Sac k but E ns e m bl e w i t h N i c h ol a s Mul roy t e n o r Jo n at ha n Co h en & Ar can gelo with Anna Devin, Gyula Orendt & A r c a ng e l o C h o i r l


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