David Atlanta Vol. 17 Issue 32

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8.6.14 V.17 I.32



Exploring Fringe Gay Stereotypes

Getting Wiggy with

Sinead O’Connor

Sewing Circle with

Deven Green

8.6.14 V.17 I.32


Contents 8 A Note from the Editor 10 3Shots 14 Hunting Safari for Fringe Gays 18 ABC’s of ZZZ’s 20 Gays on Wheels 22 Deven’s So and Sew 28 Sinead O’Connor 34 Seen@: Backpack in the Park 36 Seen@: Bulldogs/Model T 40 Seen@: Atlanta Eagle 42 Seen@: Burkhart’s 46 Seen@: Swinging Richards 48 Datebook 50 the Scene 52 Bartab 54 Crossword 56 Fairyscopes 58 Favorite Bitch 60 Bitch Session

photo: Kyle LeMaire Photography David Thompson Publisher david@davidatlanta.com

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Jamie Scarbrough

The content of this Publication is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. The opinions expressed by any writer, advertiser, or other person appearing in the Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publication, its management or staff. The information and materials appearing in the Magazine are not guaranteed or warranted as to accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the information and materials found or offered for a particular purpose. It shall be your responsibility to ensure that any products, services, or information available through this Publication meets your specific requirements. The Publication is not responsible for claims made by advertisers, content of information, changes, events, and schedules. The Magazine contains information and material which is owned by or licensed to the Publication, including but not limited to articles, advertisement, design, layout, graphics, and logos. No part or portion of this Publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of the Publisher. Unauthorized use of this Publication may give rise to claims for damages and or criminal offenses. Your use of the information or materials in the Publication is strictly at your own risk. 6 // 08.06.2014

A Note from the


Chance or Choice? We probably all know someone who is what I like to call a “Late-in-Life Gay”. This is a person who had an adult life before coming out. Maybe they had a wife. Maybe they even have kids. I have asked a number of late-in-life gay friends to weigh in on the origin of their sexual orientation. Most all stated that while they didn’t know they were gay, there was Was it a choice to have romantic feelings for the same sex? always attraction to the same sex. No. Was it a choice to declare myself a homosexual and live So my new standard response is to state that while I have not as such? Yes always known that I was gay, I always have known that I was When you think about things people choose to be and things different than the other boys. It wasn’t until I knew what gay that people simply are, it makes it simpler. A person chooses was, and realized I identified with homosexuality, that I chose to be a Goth and dress and live in that counter culture. A to declare myself as a gay person. person chooses to be a Republican or a Democrat. A person chooses to be a horrible person, though I’ll never understand Not nearby as good as my original standard response…but why. One does not choose their sex (at least at birth), or their more true. race (unless they’re Michael Jackson). A person does not choose their sexual orientation either. However a person does choose whether to act on their sexual orientation. The other day a friend asked me whether being gay is a choice or something that has been there since birth. I thought about it for a while before answering her question. My standard answer has always been “I didn’t choose to be gay. I was chosen!”

Jonathan Bugg

8 // 08.06.2014

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photos: Brian Hughes

with Zach


ou can find lots of friendly bartenders, but Zach from Atlanta Eagle takes friendly to a whole new level. Most know Atlanta Eagle as one of this town’s most revered leather/levi drinking establishments, and with a plethora of themed events, one can always find a great time. I sat down with Zach and got to know the native of Chicago just a little bit better. What’s your favorite drink to make? Strangely enough it’s called the “Cum Shot” which is vodka, peach schnapps and a tiny drizzle of half-&-half which curdles into cum. What’s the best part about working at the Eagle? It’s definitely the family. It’s never just the work, it’s the friends and family you make. There are very few places in this world that you can be yourself and the Eagle is for sure one of them. Where else can you find a place in which you can wear a harness and gauntlets? At the Eagle work definitely doesn’t feel like work.

Will you be there for Warfare with DJ Pornstar on August 15th? I hear he’s not only a great musical talent, but he has a great “talent”– can you comment? (Laughs) I can’t comment on his “talent”, but I do know it’s going to be a special and one of a kind experience that will more than likely go down in some kind of Atlanta history. Fort Troff is involved so you know it’s going to be that kind of party. 10 // 08.06.2014

By Jonathan Bugg



Hunting Safari for Fringe Gays BY JOE NATHAN

have been a hunter of many gays for many years. Seeking out my prey in their natural habitats for study and research. I’ve exhausted my hunt for the more common gay stereotypes, such as the thin, smooth, often blonde and young breed known as the Twink. They are fun to hunt, as they are wild, ornery, and still getting over their coming out issues. The Twink is the gay gone wild. While an excellent prey, they hardly look impressive mounted on the wall in my study.

I’ve mastered my manhunt for the manly mirth known most commonly as the Bear. In the wild this large, hairy specimen is often found rutting at special bear-centric events around the country. Do not think that I would miss the opportunity to hunt this varied prey at the 1st Annual Bearracuda Heretic Cruise next January. It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel; or rather bears at a beer bust. Again, while they look great mounted (on my wall in my study), I’ve had to expand beyond our flannel-clad, mirth and girth friends from such places as Woofs, Atlanta Eagle and the Heretic. Speaking of Atlanta Eagle and the Heretic, I could never forget another one of my favorite quarry: the Leather-Daddy. The Leather-Daddy is one of gay cultures oldest and most revered counter-cultures. They tend to be a very dangerous beast to capture and study, as they have a tendency to become the hunter themselves. I once spent a week getting slapped around in a dungeon having been captured by a LeatherDaddy because I wasn’t careful enough to protect myself as I investigated the beautiful expression of uninhibited exhibitionism and kink. So I’ve moved on to much more elusive prey. Tonight, my attempt is to study and capture one of the darker breeds, known as the Goth. It took me a while to source out where to find the natural habitat for the Goth. I knew that Goths tend to congregate around dark watering holes playing a particular style of rock music from the 80’s, featuring a heavy use of synthesizers, reverb, and monotone vocals. Finally having arrived at the Masquerade, I could now give chase to one of these rare creatures. As I approach the watering hole I remind myself to stay downwind as my more floral and slightly woodsy scent (Gucci Guilty Pour Homme) might ruin my study. After my eyes adjust to the dark area known as “Hell” I begin to see shapes in the distance. There he is, moving fluidly to the jangly guitar 14 // 08.06.2014

and dark vocals from the 1981 Goth classic Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees. His black bondage pants with complicated straps and studded collar glitter in the sparse lighting… he’s a beaut’! His dyed black hair and smoky eyes absorb the light like his soul absorbs the darkness. But there is something more to this particular beast. His hair is long and falls from his crown with bright hues of… blue? Wait a minute. This isn’t a common Goth. This is an even rarer and smaller subset known as Cybergoth! I’ve never seen one in the wild before! His faux-fur blue combat boots match perfectly with the shade of his highlights and is even repeated in the glow from his LED lit industrial goggles. Cybergoths are sometimes called “Gravers” (Gothic ravers) because of the borrowed industrial aesthetics and inappropriate use of bright neon colors. I am careful to keep my distance so as not to frighten. I’ve come prepared, dressed in all black and keeping to the shadows. When I move, I attempt to mimic my

quarry and shuffle to the melody rather than the rhythm of the eerie and surreal music. I keep my face an impassive expression of boredom even though the excitement of spotting someone rarely recorded must be showing on some level. The music shifts to a dark, ambient, post-punk, deathrock dirge and the energy in the room changes. My Cybergoth looks up and spots me. He scowls in recognition of my voyeuristic study and moves to an even darker corner of the room where only the glow from his LED apparel shows his location. It’s time for me to move on as I get the very strong suspicion that I have been spotted as a poser. The next day I have sunnier fare in mind. I heard rumors that there was a pack of gay skaters doing tricks at the historic Fourth Ward Skatepark. I always have had a love for watching gays doing tricks, so I headed right over. What they call a skatepark, looks more like an empty swimming pool surrounded by what seems to be a random conglomeration of tables, benches and rails. The whole collection is surround by a reinforced chain-link fence outside of which is the classic skyline of Atlanta. In body-type many of these youth seem to resemble Twinks or maybe even the older Twunk variety. However it is easy to tell from their baggy shorts and lack of underwear fashion that they are definitely not that brand of boy-man.

I’ve again come prepared to blend into this alien environment. I’m wearing sensible flats (Sketchers), jean shorts and an ironic band tee from a group calling themselves Fu*kFace Unstoppable. I only got the shirt because they have a dubstep track called ‘Bend My Dick Around The Back Of My Ass So I Can Fuck Myself’ which sounded appealing. The frontman for Fu*kFace is Bam Magera from the Jackass movies and a former skater himself. That has to count for something right? Looking around the skatepark, it is difficult to spot the unlikely Skatergay. I’m scanning for gays doing tricks, but I see no evidence of tricks or sexual congress of any kind. Maybe I came too late or at the wrong time? Finally I get the nerve to talk to someone. Speaking very slowly so as not to confuse I ask him, ‘Where are there guys doing tricks in this park?’ The sweaty smelly youth gives me a quizzical look and indicates with a sneer and simple thumb gesture at the central waterless pool area. I say ‘Thanks girl!’ before I realize I may have blown my cover. I quickly add “Gonna pop some serious Ollies dude”. I hope that will calm his suspicions. There’s no tricking occurring at the pool however. Just skinny guys rolling around on their boards occasionally hopping around and…. oh, I finally get it. I researched this before but in my excitement of potentially seeing the mating rituals of the Skatergay had forgotten that “doing tricks” was synonymous with all the rolling on skateboards and hopping around. I leave the park crestfallen, having not sighted a single Skatergay. Was it my approach or that the Skatergay is indistinguishable from their straight skater cousins? Well at least I was able to spot a group of Goths and a singular expression known as the Cybergoth. Until next time…

Joe Nathan Fringe Gay Hunter

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ABC’s of ZZZ’s Sleep Your Way to the Top! “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

Hipsters might chirp, “YOLO.” You know YOLO, that ohso twee acronym meaning, “You Only Live Once.” (Don’t worry. I felt like a dunce too when someone explained it to me a while back.) These are slogans of our modern lives. Yet fully one-third of our lives are spent sleeping. It seems to me that the same message is delivered by both slogans, at least regarding our resting bodies, “Who needs sleep? So much of life will be wasted.”

By Jonathan Bugg

BURN • Sleep Burns Bulges Sleep, and sleep alone, is the number one overlooked item when losing weight. “That’s because sleep allows you to adjust your metabolism. If you don’t get good sleep that can lead to a type of lethargy where you don’t feel like doing anything and that becomes a vicious cycle,” explains sleep expert Ross.


REATE • Sleep Boosts Creativity This is my favorite. Good quality sleep is a huge bonus for artistic thinking. “When you’re sleeping doesn’t mean the I used to be that person. Then I moved to Atlanta, my lifestyle and my sleeping habits drastically changed. I felt brain is doing nothing. If you’re awake or asleep the heart exhausted and creatively spent for weeks. So I’ve come to is still beating and the liver is still functioning. If we don’t get REM [the deep sleep of dreaming] we all have a tenrelearn the very real and tangible value of a good nights dency to go a little crazy,” says Ross. “ When we dream it’s sleep. The benefits are enormous as I discovered. a down loading of what went on that day.” It is during the dream state that daily events are preserved permanently. Sleep ain’t just ZZZs. Here are David’s ABCs. And that is what powers greater creative functioning. CTIVATE • Sleep Awakens Brains The newly discovered glymphatic system is like the According to recent polls conducted by the National Sleep waste disposal service of the brain. It flushes toxins and Foundation, nearly 7 out of 10 Americans say they expedead cells. Research shows the glymphatic system is up rience frequent sleep problems. So the next time you’re to 60% more effective during sleep. “That’s absolutely stressed and tired and achy all over, ask yourself; “How true,” says Nancy Ross of the Sleep Disorder Center at has my sleeping been lately?” Then take that calming dose Piedmont Atlanta Hospital. “Everybody knows what goes of magnesium, turn off that TV at night and learn to take on in the daytime affects your nighttime. They don’t seem your sleep seriously. to realize what happens at nighttime really affects your You want to talk about YOLO? Think about all the things daytime. you’ll miss if you really are only sleeping when you’re dead.


18 // 08.06.2014

davidatlanta.com // 19

Making a Statement on the Pavement

20 // 08.06.2014

Ra in De bo sig w n

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by P :H o er lk Da a ug D hte o r ts

As with many other sports, skating has been slow to accept openly gay athletes. But times, they are changing. We, at David Atlanta, have checked out what Zazzle.com has to offer for queer skaters and have found the best decks to make a statement on the pavement.

De E sig A nb R y: E Vo G teY L ou B rse T lfF Q re e

Your deck is an extension of your self. So it only makes sense that you would make a statement about your life and beliefs while you’re out skating. Zazzle.com allows users to do just that. Whether you’re finding great gay friendly designs online or creating your own, there’s a way for you to show your proud colors at the skate park.

De Te sig a nb m y: Fa G mi a lyT y ea m s


Gays on Wheels

davidatlanta.com // 21



Welcome to

Deven’s So and Sew By Jesse A. Hancock with Deven Green


ate: Late 1970s. After watching the latest episode of “The Love Boat,” I got a hold of Deven on her CB radio. She was feeling so groovy and wanted to hang out, so I drove my station wagon to her place – all shag rug, door beads and lava lamps – and we watched “Shaft,” although Deven wanted to watch “H.R. Pufnstuf.” After drinking Clear Tab we started a sewing project, one of many in the years to come. She sure can sew!

NOW Jesse: Parker was alw ays so competitive! He still acts that way at the nursing home, always trying to get his desse rt before everyone els e. How ironic that Chip los t one of his balls in tha t tractor accident. Deven: I feel it’s still viable.


Flash forward to July 2014: We revisited one of our projects and thought we would give you an update on where the men of So and Sew are now.



ssdirector’s chair, now bo Jesse: Jerry’s still in a m. .co be xtu at ing everyone around ! rts himself into the scenes Deven: Sometimes he inse 22 // 08.06.2014

David Atlanta: I hea rd Bif f left for China to take a job making Am erican flags. Deven: And Grant ended up being a gossip blogger. Photo: David Phelps Makeup: Courtney Tichman – for OCCmakeup.com Sewing Images courtesy of: SoVintagePatterns.com

davidatlanta.com // 23




ed hitting on Bruce. EvJesse: Haha, Skip lov ip “Stumpy” behind his Sk l cal eryone used to ! en would get so pissed back. His twin sister Eile blow jobs though. Deven: He could still give

Jesse: Stu might hav e gotten a better sho t if Bruce Jenner would have moved the hell out of the way. He’s my frie nd’s circumcision guy now – he sees him eve ry couple of weeks for a touch up. Deven: One slice and you ’re a man.



NOW be. bashful Chip used to Jesse: I forgot how l stil w, no him red! Look at His face would get so the ht ug bo He as. in Tex stripping at that club ’t even tell he’s bald! best hair plugs. You can Deven: He’s even bald “do

NOW Jesse: Chad was a magician in Vegas for a while before his untim ely death. It just wasn’ t smart hiding steaks in his pocket around tho se Siegfried and Roy tigers . Deven: Well, the coroner fing 24 // 08.06.2014

ered Celine Dion.

wn there.”

This week we proudly welcome back Deven Green. Deven is the spokesmodel for Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, in Sephora stores now. In addition, she is the nefarious creator of the “Welcome To My . . .” comedy parodies. She is also America’s Best Christian – Betty Bowers – and plays her inimitable music show across North America and Europe. www.DevenGreen.com.

davidatlanta.com // 27


The Search for


How Sinéad O’Connor found herself – and how the gay community helped

photos: Donal Moloney


By Chris Azzopardi

n 1992, Sinéad O’Connor was at the height of her career following the success of “Nothing Compares 2 U” when, during a one-woman protest against sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, she tore up a pic of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. Causing an uproar, and eventually thwarting her pop-culture presence (not that she cared), that defiance would come to define the Irish singer’s life and career.

Sinéad O’Connor: Gosh, god, I don’t know. I suppose it’s the same for everybody. It’s not like you’re suddenly there and you don’t have any more work to do; it’s a life’s work for all of us, isn’t it? It doesn’t finish until you get to the other side. I think, actually, the things that help you self-actualize are the mistakes – so-called “mistakes.” I don’t like that word. But the things that you get wrong is how you learn to get things right.

Over 20 years later, O’Connor found herself entangled in more controversy – this time with Miley Cyrus, who became the target of the Grammy winner’s digs last year. The two famously feuded in 2013 over the music business, when Sinead warned the twerker that it “will prostitute you for all you are worth” (per O’Connor’s people, questions about the viral brawl were off-limits for this interview).

DA: It’s no secret that you have a history with the Catholic Church. So knowing that, and also being a gay man who grew up Catholic, I can’t help but listen to “Take Me to Church” and think it’s more than just a song about romance.

Does Sinéad have balls? Of course she does. Big ones. She talked about that region during our recent conversation, insisting that sex – whether it’s with a man or a woman – isn’t necessary for making her “dick hard.” Still, she lets it all hang out on her 10th studio album, I’m Not Bossy, I’m the Boss, candidly revealing that, “Everybody wants something from me / They rarely ever wanna just know me.” The exception: this chat, during which Sinéad recalled her introduction to the gay community – and how that community gave her the courage to be herself, speak out and “take shit.” David Atlanta: With regard to this album and your last, How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?, released in 2012, you’ve been on a mission to find yourself. What kind of sacrifices and choices did you have to make on that journey to self-actualization? 28 // 08.06.2014

SO: The song actually isn’t about the church at all. I don’t explain what songs are about because I don’t think you should. I think you take away from the audience the experience of being able to imagine it’s about them, so I shouldn’t actually tell you what “Take Me to Church” is about – the reason you like it is because what it means to you. But to me, the church in the song symbolizes relationships. It’s a reference back to that old song from My Fair Lady, “Get Me to the Church on Time,” where the father of Audrey Hepburn’s character is getting married, and I’m trying to reference that song in my own song, where, really, the character is talking about relationships. This is a person who, perhaps, has gotten very depressed about a particular relationship not working out because they completely idolize this person, but this person has turned out to be somebody frightening and not someone who could keep the character safe. It’s the, “Oh, I want to die because he or she doesn’t love me.” The character is standing there with the rope around their neck about to jump off a tree and says, “Oh, now hold on, this asshole isn’t worth it. Actually, I’m fucking

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great, and what am I thinking?” So that moment – it’s not something that I’ve been through, but it’s something I suppose I can understand when I’ve been with other people. It’s that moment of understanding that actually you’re perfectly all right without this person that you’ve completely idolized and imagined as the most wonderful creature on earth. She understands in that moment that love has to be safe. DA: In your life and in your career, have you felt invisible? SO: Oh yeah. It’s a very complicated thing to explain, but the price you pay for being a successful musician is your life, and the more successful you are, the more of a price you pay. That makes you invisible. People project onto you, and they see something that isn’t really you, and the only time you’re with people who are relating to you and who you really are is when you’re with your family or friends, or when you’re making music. The business of music is a really ugly business, and it’s difficult that the price you pay metaphorically for being successful is your life.

But in all seriousness, I’ll never forget that moment, walking into that toilet in the Hippodrome and it being a real sort of glamorous scene – real posh toilet, all fluffed up mirrors and cushions like a boudoir type of place. In the country that I came from, you couldn’t be you in any way at all. No one could’ve walked down the street dressed like those guys were. You’d have the shit kicked out of you, and not just for that, but a girl like me would have the shit kicked out of her if she walked around with a short skirt, if you expressed anything different at all. So it was real inspiring to me to see those guys able to walk around and be who they were. I actually find the whole gay community an enormous inspiration to me because, Jesus, I’ve never taken the kind of shit gay people take. DA: You told Entertainment Weekly in 2005, “I’m threequarters heterosexual, a quarter gay.” What fraction of you is gay these days? SO: I’m 47 years of age and I hope, like the character on the record, that I’ve matured somewhat. Here’s the thing: I think if you fall in love with someone, you fall in love with someone and I don’t think it would matter what they were. They could be green, white and orange, they could be whatever the opposite of gay or straight is. I don’t believe in labels of any kind, put it that way. If I fall in love with someone, I wouldn’t give a shit if they were a man or a woman.

DA: The LGBT community can certainly empathize with the struggle to be comfortable with who you are. When was the first time you felt a connection to gay people in your life? SO: I grew up in Ireland and there was no such thing as “gay” in the ’70s. I had never even heard of “gay” except for there was a female impersonator who had a big TV show in the ’70s, a guy called Danny La Rue. I used to love his show, but I never knew there was any such thing as gay until I was 17. I moved to London and I had a totally straight but crossdressing cousin who brought me to all these clubs in London. Hippodrome Nightclub & Disco was the first I went to, and it was full of guys dressed up as the most beautiful looking women – way more beautiful than any other woman was ever gonna hope to look! I thought that was incredible, and then I went to Kensington Market, and I thought, “Jesus, England is the greatest country on earth!” They were selling red stilettos – size 12! – and I was like, “Oh my god, that’s the coolest thing ever” as far as I was concerned, because I had come from a completely sexually repressed place – repressed in every way, you know? So I had actually never heard of any such thing as gay until I went to the Hippodrome, and put it this way, I was really jealous that I was never gonna look that fucking good. 30 // 08.06.2014

DA: When you initially shaved your head, you were making a statement – you were protesting the objectification of women. What does that symbol of identity and empowerment mean to you now? SO: I guess it just means “me.” You know, (for the cover of I’m Not Bossy, I’m the Boss) I ventured into the latex and wig territory there for the laugh, and there’s been quite a desire on the part of some people that I might continue down that line, but I’m quite pleased that I look the way that I look and I guess I associate the hairdo with me. I don’t feel like me if I don’t have my head shaved. And yeah, it does mean, too, I can put on a dress and I’m still not selling what everyone else wants me to sell.


For the full David Atlanta interview with Sinead O’ Connor check out davidatlanta.com.

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46 // 08.06.2014

Datebook Nine Inch Nails & Soundgarden

Friday, August 8 • 9:30 a.m. • Aarons Amphitheatre at Lakewood (2002 Lakewood Way) • www.livenation.com Having successfully negotiated hiatus’, line-up changes and various solo projects, Nine Inch Nails and Soundgarden are both firmly back together. Both can also count themselves among the most important American rock bands of the 90s. Led by the mercurial Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails brought industrial rock into the mainstream with 1994’s Downward Spiral, a dark, brutal masterpiece of brooding electronica and grinding riffs. Alongside Nirvana and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden were one of grunge’s founding fathers, bringing a particular appreciation of 70s metal acts to the genre. 1994 also saw the release of their landmark album, Superunknown.

Atlanta Seafood & Craft Beer Festival

Saturday, August 9 • 12-8 p.m. • Piedmont Park • www.atlantaseafoodandcraftbeer.com A summer event dedicated to showcasing the city’s most outstanding seafood fare and local brews, the inaugural Atlanta Seafood & Craft Beer Festival will debut at Piedmont Park. Presented by MARTA this exciting new festival highlights the best of Atlanta’s restaurants, food trucks and caterers that specialize in serving seafood, as well as the city’s most popular craft breweries. The General Beer Wristband is $10 and includes a 16oz. Beer of your choice. For $35, the VIP Craft Beer tasting experience allows you to enjoy 10 of the local craft beers available in the Beer Garden.

This Week in Theaters

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The reboot story centers on the turtle crime fighters, which include Leonardo, Ivy Queen Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael, as well as their Friday, August 8 • 1:30 master Splinter. Rumored to involve the return of Shredder. a.m. • Rush Lounge The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April (2715 Buford Hwy) O’Neil (Megan Fox) and her wise-cracking cameraman Rush Lounge’s Sixth Annual Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett) to save the city and unravel White Party will be headlined Shredder’s diabolical plan. by Puerto Rican-American singer, songwriter, record The Hundred-Foot Journey: Tells the story of an Indian boy producer, and actress Ivy living in France who becomes the culinary apprentice to his Queen live in concert. There father’s rival (Academy Award®-winner Helen Mirren) who will be a limited $60 VIP owns the French haute cuisine restaurant one hundred feet meet and greet as well as away from the family newly opened Indian restaurant. This the Rush Diva cast of Alexia Disney film has all the makings of a great feel good film about G. Markova, Jessica Coch love, acceptance and finding the strength within to make bold Pachuca and more. $25 gen- changes in your life. eral admission.

48 // 08.06.2014

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Juniper St. NE

West Peachtree St. NW

D5 D7 D1 D4 B2

Ave. NE Piedmont

. NE Juniper St


Charles Allen Dr. NE

9th St. NE

B3 Peachtree St. NE

West Peachtree St. NW


Spring St. NW


Ponce De Leon Pl. NE

10th St. NE

e D r.

10th St. NE


Spring St. NW

14th St. NE

Monroe Dr. NE


4th St. NE



Ponce De Leon Ave. NE

Midtown Bars

B1 Amsterdam

502 Amsterdam Ave NE

B2 Blake's

227 10th St NE B3 Bulldogs 893 Peachtree St NE B4 Friends 736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE B5 The Model T 699 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

50 // 08.06.2014


th D1 10 & Piedmont

D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

991 Piedmont Ave NE Einstein's 1077 Juniper St NE F.R.O.G.S 931 Monroe Cir NE G’s Midtown 219 10th St NE Henry’s 132 10th St NE Joe's on Juniper 1049 Juniper St NE


Ponce De Leon Ave. NE

D7 Ten Atlanta

990 Piedmont Ave NE


C1 Atlanta Eagle

306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

Hair/Beauty H1 Helmet

970 Piedmont Ave NE


F1 Urban Body Fitness

500 Amsterdam Ave NE

Spa/Bath S1 Flex Spa

76 4th St NW Billiards/Darts Dancers Drag Leather Non-Smoking Area Patio




Lindbergh Dr.


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id Br


on m ed E

Piedmont Park

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B1 BJ Roosters

2585 Chantilly Dr R2 Southern Nights 2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd


2043 Cheshire Bridge Rd B2 Opus 1 1086 Alco St NE B3 Tripps 1931 Piedmont Cir NE B4 Woof's 2425 Piedmont Rd NE


D1 Las Margaritas

1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd

D2 Roxx

1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd


2069 Cheshire Bridge Rd C2 Jungle 2115 Faulkner Rd NE



B1 Burkhart's




C1 Heretic



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D1 ge


Brid shire








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. NE

Manchester St. NE

Pie dmont Rd



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R1 Barking Leather


F1 Gravity Fitness 2201 Faulkner Rd NE

Spa/Bath S1 Club Eros

2219 Faulkner Rd NE S2 The Den 2135 Liddell Dr NE S3 Manifest 4 U 2103 Faulkner Rd NE

1492 Piedmont Ave NE

B2 Felix's

1510 Piedmont Ave NE B3 The Hideaway 1544 Piedmont Ave NE B4 Mixx 1492 Piedmont Ave NE Oscar's B5 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

Not Shown

Bars Le Buzz 585 Franklin Rd SE Marietta, GA Mary's 1287 Glenwood Ave SE My Sister's Room 1271 Glenwood Ave SE Sister Louisa’s Church 466 Edgewood Ave SE

D1 Cowtippers

1600 Piedmont Ave NE

R1 Boy Next Door

1447 Piedmont Ave NE

R2 Brushstrokes/Pleasures 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

Hair/Beauty H1 Bubbles Salon

1579 Monroe Dr NE

Swinging Richard's 1400 Northside Dr NW Dining Lips Atlanta 3011 Buford Hwy NE Club Club Rush 2715 Buford Hwy NE Spa/Bath Qi Clay Sauna 130 Buford Hwy A-107 davidatlanta.com // 51

Bartab Monday

10TH & PIEDMONT Half Price Wine Bottles BLAKE’S Trivia at 10:30pm, Weekly guest hosts, $250 cash/prizes - LGBT Kickball Host Bar 8-10pm -1/2 priced Burgers all day BURKHART’S Blue Monday Karaoke with Darlene at 10PM EAGLE Music Videos with Scotty FELIX’S  Free Pool FRIENDS Texas Hold’em 8 pm G’S Half Price Wine Bottles HERETIC Jukebox drag with Knomie Moore HIDEAWAY  $2.50 Domestic Beer JUNGLE Stars of the Century Show 11pm MODEL T Monday Night Madness Free Pool - 10pm - 2am OSCAR’S Service Industry Night with Eric SWINGING RICHARDS Hip-Hop Night, Sponsored by Hennessy 8:30pm


BLAKE’S Open Mic Night with Belinda, Nate and Kyle 9:30 pm to ? BURKHART’S DRAG-EOKE with Angelica D’Paige and Ruby Redd at 10PM CLUB RUSH “Tipsy Tuesday” 18 & up Open until 4am EAGLE Tuesdays w/ Tony FELIX’S  Smirnoff Martini Night G’S Industry Night HERETIC 2-Step Tuesday, dance till 11pm HIDEAWAY Trivia with Wil 9 pm LAS MARGARITAS Cuban Night - $12.95 All You Can Eat Cuban Buffet & $5 Mojitos MODEL T Wii Tuesday Afternoons 2pm 9pm $2.50 beer / $3.0 well vodka OSCAR’S Show Tune Tuesday with Chad8 pm SWINGING RICHARDS 1/2 Price cover

got an upcoming event? calendar@davidatlanta.com


BLAKE’S Texas Hold em Poker 7pm “Eye Candy” Host: Shawnna Brooks 11p BURKHART’S DANCEFLOOR DIVAS with Phoenix (RuPaul’s Drag Race s3) at 11:30PM EAGLE Balls Deep Karaoke w/ Mikey FELIX’S Karaoke w/ Brett & Tyler 10pm FRIENDS  Texas Hold’em 8pm; Ladies Night 10 pm G’S Game Night with Mr. Brent Star HERETIC  3 Legged Cowboy Night 9pm HIDEAWAY  Service Industry Night LAS MARGARITAS Dirty South Trivia $5 Smirnoff & Cuervo Drinks. House Cash Prizes & $5 Wings LIPS ATLANTA Dinner with the Divas MODEL T Party Time with Michael - 9 pm OSCAR’S Twisted Thursday with Eric SWINGING RICHARDS 2-4-1 VIP & Entry TEN ATLANTA Decadence | A Night of Drinking and Debauchery w/ Wet Underwear Contest at 11pm


10TH & PIEDMONT Bites & Bubbles 5:007:15; 1st Friday- Popstars, Last Friday – Swank BLAKE’S 5-9pm TGIF w/ Robin & Shae “Deadly Vixens” 11pm - Bill Berdeaux spins til 3 am BURKHART’S FEMME FATALE with Destiny Brooks and Justice Taylor at 11PM CAMPAGNOLO Live Piano by Gay Men’s Chorus member Daniel Guillaro 10pm-1am CLUB RUSH “Got Leche” Free entry until 11pm 18 & up - Open until 4am EAGLE DJ Dance Party FRIENDS Happy Time Friday Kelly & Ken 6 pm HERETIC FUR Friday HIDEAWAY  Kick Back Fridays! JUNGLE The Other Show with Edie CheezBLAKE’S “yoUVee” Glow-Go boys with burger 9:30pm Neon 10p-1am - Rob Reum spins til 3 am LIPS ATLANTA Glitz & Glamour Las Vegas BURKHART’S HUMPDAY KARAOKE with Style Darlene at 10PM MODEL T Friday Bagels - 10 am | Texas CAMPAGNOLO Any Bottle of Wine Half Off Holdem Poker 8 pm EAGLE Underwear Night with Tony OSCAR’S Music Video Night FRIENDS Hump Night with Regina Simms SWINGING RICHARDS T-Shirt Review,$10 G’S Karaoke with DJ Audio Prism TEN ATLANTA Music & Videos by DJ HERETIC  Pig Dance Black Out Party DJ Shane V / DJ Daryl Cox 10pm Stan Jackson 10pm-3am NO COVER HIDEAWAY 1/2 Price Beer LIPS ATLANTA Bitchy Bingo MODEL T Party with Elvis - 9 pm OSCAR’S Ruby Redd’s After Party - 10 pm SWINGING RICHARDS 2-4-1 VIP Room


52 // 08.06.2014


10TH & PIEDMONT Bellini Brunch BLAKE’S #thebritnthetit 1-9p - “Boys on Boxes” upstairs 12am to close - “Glitter Bomb” Drag 11pm - Shane V spins til close BURKHART’S SYNERGY with Shawnna Brooks and Monica Van Pelt at 11PM CAMPAGNOLO Legendary Musician Robert Ray on the piano 10pm-1am EAGLE DJ Dance Party FELIX’S Karaoke w/ Brett & Tyler 10pm FRIENDS Free Pool with Bryan 2-6 pm; Let’s Make A Deal with Ken 6-10 pm G’S All you care to eat brunch HERETIC Varies: Club Night or 3 Legged Cowboy Night - 10pm HIDEAWAY Open at 12:30pm! Saturday Night Party JUNGLE Ruby’s Redd Light District 9pm; Club Night, Various Guest DJ’s LIPS ATLANTA Glitz & Glamour Las Vegas Style MODEL T Texas Holdem Poker - 3 pm | Party with the M&M Boiz - 9 pm OSCAR’S DJ Christopher Kind SWINGING RICHARDS T-Shirt Review $10 TEN ATLANTA Music & Videos by DJ Rob Reum 10pm


10TH & PIEDMONT Bellini Brunch | Flashback Showgirls with Angelica D’Paige BLAKE’S Open at 1pm - Bloody Marys w Robin - Classic T w Bill Berdeaux “Cellblock Sunday” w Lateasha 8 pm BURKHART’S The Armorettes at 9PM CLUB RUSH Hip Hop and R&B - 18 & up Open until 4am FELIX’S  Bloody Marys & Mimosas FRIENDS DJ hosts Sunday Delights 2 pm-closing G’S All you care to eat brunch | Karaoke with DJ Audio Prism HIDEAWAY  Atlanta’s Favorite Bloody Mary Bar! 12:30 pm LIPS ATLANTA Gospel Brunch w/ Bubba D. Licious LAS MARGARITAS Papi’s $17.95 Unlimited Brunch & Choice of Mimosas, Sangrias, Bloody Maria’s, & Mojitos MODEL T Sunday Dinner with Ron 3:30 pm OSCAR’S Sunday Fun-day TEN ATLANTA Brunch 11am & Music by DJ Rob Reum 4pm

1049 juniper st * atlanta 30309 404.875.6634 * joesonjuniper.com

! s r o i l a s l l a g n l i l ca

There’s a new menu in town at Joe’s, featuring: - Excitement! - adventure! - flavor! - Value! - innuendos!

lunch • dinner • blunch • late night

Solution on pg. 59

One Hell of a Supporter Across

1 What a computer may spit out 5 Glory hole locale 10 Problem for one’s bitch 14 “Excuse me!” 15 Vietnam capital 16 Cruise obnoxiously 17 Death in Venice author Thomas 18 Hard woody nut 19 Role for Bela 20 Archbishop who said “I’d rather go to hell than worship a (39-Across)” 23 Inventor Otis 25 Opera tenor Caruso 28 Sparing the rod 30 Moorish palace 31 No longer jail bait 32 Heavenly body 34 You might pick one up in an alley 35 Thespians do it 36 B. D. Wong, for one 54 // 08.06.2014

38 Month in Madrid 39 False deity of prejudiced people 44 Touchy 45 It goes on a queen’s head 48 Combined 52 Like some foreign movies 55 Word game involving a stick figure 57 Prejudice against LGBT people, per 20-Across 59 One that attacks the fly with a long tongue 60 In-your-face 61 Queer ice house? 62 Words with shame or boy 63 “Endymion” writer 64 Letter enc.

Down 1 Beaver job 2 You might say it when you get it 3 Taking care of 4 Result of a lick on the head, perhaps 5 Medicine man 6 Folded fast food 7 At once, to Byron 8 Alfred Douglas’ title 9 Door frame part 10 Guy’s zip, when he gets caught in it? 11 John of To Wong Foo 12 Antidiscrimination letters 13 JFK posting 21 Author/illustrator Silverstein 22 Dad’s bros 23 Scat queen 24 Bloodsucker 26 Felt (for) 27 Crude material 29 Big Lovely band singer

30 Addis ___, Ethiopia 33 Historic Stonewall event 36 Lending letters 37 Fine point of writing 40 Moon of Uranus 41 Use a gifted tongue 42 Dirty Harry portrayer 43 Start of an Asian warrior title 45 For all, in music 46 ___ water (imperiled at the bathhouse?) 47 Fields of interest 49 Last letter for Socrates 50 Conquers, sexually 51 Provide 53 Creature in a Star Wars sequel 54 Presidential title role for Kevin Kline 55 The Bridge poet Crane 56 They’re performing, in Fame 58 Once Upon a Mattress legume

fairyscopes ARIES (March 20 – April 19):

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22):

Your lucky drink for today is: Coke. Be playful at heart and you’ll reap the reward of having more friends under the age of 30. Like an infant, your needs are pretty basic this week and you have a simple way of articulating them: screaming at the top of your lungs.

It’s OK to be wrong, Libra. If you find you’ve made a mistake, feel free to admit it. Don’t let your ego stand in the way of progress. The future holds many fantastic and wonderful things this week. However, many of them, if not all, exclude you in their plans.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20):

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21):

When in danger, you have a tendency to run away quickly. Harness that ability this week, as you’ll need it sometime during the weekend. Ignore those who laugh at your sense of style. Don’t let the little stuff grab you by the horns and yank you around, but also try not charging at every red scarf waved in your general direction.

This week is a good time to listen and receive as opposed to deliver information. Let things stew in your head for a while before you make any major decisions. Overall you just need to slow down and back off a bit. People are drawn to your intensity…just let it happen naturally.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20):

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20):

All the yearnings you have will all of a sudden find explosive release this week. Find something this week where you can use your excellent interpersonal skills, and you’ll be communicating all the way to the bank.

Your mental ability could be rather sluggish and lazy this week. It could be that you aren’t feeling as sharp as you’d like. Something will stir your memory and it may take a few days for you to resolve your sense of deja vu.

CANCER (June 21- July 22):

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19):

Morale boosts are for needy geeks - you’re as hard as nails and neither require nor deserve any praise. Be mindful this week as every innocent comment is not a back-handed remark. Loosen up and come out of your shell Cancer!

One of the important lessons of the week for you is to remember that emotions are powerful things to recognize and honor. Don’t discount your feelings. In fact, it’s most important that you embrace them with your whole being. You are on the verge of a massive breakthrough.

LEO (July 23 – August 22):

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18):

Don’t take everything you have for granted this week. People are there in support of you. You may have done something wrong, but your bed is made, lie in it. Fall asleep for a while. Spoon the pillows. Yes, that’s it. Relax. Being king of the jungle is hard work for an Atlanta Leo.

There’s work to be done this week, but there’s no shame in procrastination. Delay tasks as long as you can and the results will be better. Someone may call you on certain behaviors. It could be that your aggressive nature rubs someone the wrong way and they simply don’t have thick enough skin to take it.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22):

PISCES (February 19 – March 19):

Find your strength in conversations in which you display your keen insight into the situation at hand. Communication skills may falter this week and you’ll be as transparent as a blast of canned air – try to be more complex by wearing hats that are clearly too small for your head.

Remember, his/her sweetness is your weakness. “His/ her?”, yes, we don’t know your sex. Are you a woman? I really can’t tell. The good news is that your ego and brain are working together, and you may be able to strike a better balance between these two elements of your psyche much more easily than usual.

56 // 08.06.2014

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davidatlanta.com // 57


ll About Ass - that pretty much sums up this edition of Favorite Bitch! People seek my advice on just about everything. This week I decided to dedicate the column to those with dilemmas such as ... a boypussy in peril and a mangina on the mend. It’s fun to read about these folks tough luck, but let’s keep in mind that more than likely we’ve all found ourselves in similar situations. Pop open a bag of Orville Redenbacher, grab a cocktail and get ready for another installment of my good ol’ fashioned advice for an ultra modern world!

Dear If You Were THAT Great Of A Rough Top Your Man Wouldn’t Be Asking To Fuck Your Ass,

Dear Miss Tiger, When my partner and I have sex, he keeps putting more fingers up my ass. I also came home early from work and caught him masturbating to a fisting porno. He even used Crisco as lube! How do I let him know that I’m definitely not into being fisting??? -Hector

Dear The Answer Is Yes, When booking a cruise, there’s a reason why the lower decks are sold at a discounted rate. Too much motion in the ocean is enough to make anybody seasick. NEXT!

And with that being said .... NEXT! Dear Miss Tiger, I’m noticing that my ass isn’t as firm as it used to be. Do you think it turns guys off to see it jiggling when they fuck me doggy style? -Joey D.

Dear Miss Tiger, Please help me! My boyfriend cheated on me and gave me the crabs. My hole is really itching. I’d usually ask Dear Five Finger Discount, my dad what to do but my parents have no idea I’ve been Didn’t you see this bullshit coming when the motha fuckah fucking. started stockpiling the goddamn Crisco? Obviously, the son-of- -Gay Twink Diva a-bitch wasn’t trying to bake the perfect flaky pie crust. NEXT! Dear Bitch Go Buy A Box Of RID, Dear Miss Tiger, Yes, hunty I said RID not RAID ... although they both do the job I’m thinking about dropping out of college. I performed really at killin’ creepy crawlers! well at the start of the semester but that was before I got carried away with all the ass I’m getting. This is my first time Lather up your private parts with this shampoo. By the way, away from home and guys are letting me fuck them 24/7. My you might want to trim any excess pubic hair beforehand. sex life is awesome but my grades are for shit. How do I tell Just be careful not to nick yourself during the process bemy parents? cause RID will sting worse than the realization that your man -UGA Jock cheated on you. Dear GED Jock, P.S.You call yourself a diva? Boo, you may wanna reconsider Eddie darling, I want you to raise your right hand and place that title. The only seafood in our lives are oysters and caviar your middle finger under your nose. Now, take a big whiff. ... not a case of the goddamn crabs! Once you drop out of school ... that’s about the closest you’ll ever get to never-ending university boypussy. Bitch, get an education. NEXT! Dear Miss Tiger, My boyfriend asked if he could fuck me. He knew from the jump that I do not bottom. Andy advice for me? -Rough Top 58 // 08.06.2014

Miss Tiger

Advice columnist • SiriusXM radio personality ... and everyone’s #FAVORITEBITCH Website: FavoriteBitch.com Facebook: /MissTiger Advice : ask@misstiger.com

One Hell of a Supporter SOLUTION

davidatlanta.com // 59

Bitch SESSION SEND US YOUR BITCHES! Text 404.969.BTCH, tweet @BitchSessionATL or email bitch@davidatlanta.com *This page reflects the bitchiness of the community not David Atlanta or its publisher (although we’re bitchy too!)

Atlanta: Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud. And so was that shirt Friday night. You ever notice that you can tell what sex site someone is on in a bar by what color is reflected on their face? Yellow is Grindr, blue is Scruff.

You had to be funny, because obviously being hot was not an option.

It’s only a matter of time until “Security Cameras of Atlanta Gay Bars” is a reality TV show.

60 // 08.06.2014

Just because you know the bartender doesn’t give you the right to expect your drink order before others who have been waiting.

Doesn’t anyone in this town know what customer service is? What’s with all the attitude?!?

I wish drag queens who laugh at their own jokes too loud would start using glue instead of lipstick?

Listen, you can keep retaking all the selfies you want but that’s just what your face really looks like.

It has to be true, I heard it in a bar...

Why aren’t the women of Atlanta represented?

Oh, you hate drama? Please continue to dramatically complain about it.


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