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6.4. C. Wesley
Praise to Father, Son and Spirit. Ps. 9. 11; 27. 6
Come, thou almighty King,
Help us thy name to sing; Help us to praise: Father all glorious, O’er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days!
Jesus, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! Let thy almighty aid Our sure defence be made, Our souls on thee be stayed; Lord, hear our call!
Come, thou Incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty sword; Our prayers attend; Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success; Spirit of holiness, On us descend! 4 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour! Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne’er from us depart, Spirit of power!
49 5 To the great One-in-Three Eternal praises be Hence evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore! CHARLES WESLEY 1707 7s C. Wesley Christ’s Nativity. Luke 2. 13-15; 2 Cor. 5. 19
Hark! the herald-angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!
Sons of Zion, too, arise, Join the triumph of the skies; And with angels loud proclaim, “Christ was born in Bethlehem!”
3 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see! Hail the incarnate Deity! Mild he lays his glory by, Born that we no more may die! 4
Glory to the new-born King, Let us now the anthem sing; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! CHARLES WESLEY 1707 148th C. Wesley The Incarnate God. Isa. 7. 14; Matt. 1. 23
Let earth and heaven combine,
Angels and men agree,