That all your toil was vain.] 3 That law but makes your guilt abound; Sad help! and (what is worst) All souls that under that are found, By God himself are cursed. 4
[This curse pertains to those who break One precept, e’er so small; And where’s the man, in thought or deed, That has not broken all?]
Fly, then, awakened sinners, fly; Your case admits no stay; The fountain’s opened now for sin; Come, wash your guilt away.
See how from Jesus’ wounded side The water flows and blood! If you but touch that purple tide, You then have peace with God.
Only by faith in Jesus’ wounds The sinner finds release; No other sacrifice for sin Will God accept but this. JOSEPH HART 1759 C.M. Isaac Watts Conviction of Sin by the Law. Rom. 5. 20
Lord, how secure my conscience was,
And felt no inward dread! I was alive without thy law, And thought my sins were dead.
My hopes of heaven were firm and bright, But since the precept came With a convincing power and light I find how vile I am.
[My guilt appeared but small before, Till terribly I saw How perfect, holy, just, and pure Was thy eternal law!
4 Then felt my soul the heavy load; My sins revived again; I had provoked a dreadful God, And all my hopes were slain.]
5 Thy gracious throne I bow beneath; Lord, thou alone canst save; O break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave. ISAAC WATTS 1674 L.M. Isaac Watts The Law and Gospel. Gal. 3. 10; Luke 23. 34; 1 Cor. 1. 18
Cursed be the man, for ever cursed,
That does one wilful sin commit; Death and damnation for the first, Without relief and infinite.
2 Thus Sinai roars, and round the earth Thunder, and fire, and vengeance flings; But Jesus, thy dear gasping breath And Calvary, say gentler things: 3
“Pardon and grace, and boundless love,