Bierton Particular Baptists Hymn Book

Page 38





No goodness God foresaw in his, But what his grace decreed to give; No comeliness in them there is Which they did not from him receive.


Election. Luke 10. 20; John 13. 1; Eph. 1. 5, 6

And venture, O Lord, for salvation on thee! In Jesus approvèd, eternally loved, Upheld by his power, we cannot be moved.

Faith and repentance he bestows On such as he designs to save; From him their soul’s obedience flows, And he shall all the glory have. NO RECORD 8.8.6. J. Adams

2 [’Tis sweet to recline on the bosom divine, And experience the comforts peculiar to thine; While, born from above, and upheld by thy love, With singing and triumph to Zion we move!]

The Elect Ransomed. Isa. 53. 6, 7; 2 Cor. 5. 21

3 Our seeking thy face was all of thy grace; Thy mercy demands and shall have all the praise. No sinner can be beforehand with thee; Thy grace is eternal, almighty, and free!

With glory they shall all be decked Before his Father’s face. Not one of them for whom he bled, But shall with joy behold their Head, In heaven their dwelling-place.

4 Our Saviour and Friend, his love shall extend; It knew no beginning, and never shall end! Whom once he receives, his Spirit ne’er leaves, Nor ever repents of the grace that he gives.

[They are the travail of his soul; His sweetest thoughts on them did roll From all eternity. And, as the jewels of his crown, He’ll give them honour, peace, renown, And full felicity.]

3 Their sins upon him all were laid, And he the dreadful debt has paid, (A debt no more to pay;) Their Surety in their law-place stood, Appeased stern Justice with his blood, And bore their sins away. J. ADAMS 1751


How happy are we our election who see,

Our Jesus loves his dear elect;


11s Irreg. Augustus Toplady

5 [This proof we would give that thee we receive, Thou art precious alone to the souls that believe; Be precious to us; all beside is as dross, Compared with thy love and the blood of thy cross.]


6 [Through mercy we taste the invisible feast, The bread of the kingdom, the wine of the blest! Who grants us to know his drawings below Will endless salvation and glory bestow.] AUGUSTUS TOPLADY 1740 8.7.4. Gospel Mag., 1777 The Consolation of Election. Eph. 1. 3-7; Deut. 7. 7

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