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Mt. Gleason Middle School held BBQ for parents and students




BBQ and picnic for Sunland-Tujunga 5th graders was held at the Mount Gleason Middle School and about 75 people showed up for the fun and food. Organized by Middle School Principal Ms. Cheryl Minke, students and their parents

were given tours of their beautiful and safe campus, the classrooms, and a chance to meet the teachers & staff. New campus murals were shown and everyone had a chance to check out the remodeled library and learn about the campus clubs!

Offering hamburgers, chips and water, no one went away hungry. Students and parents brought blankets and lawn-chairs to relax and talk on the lush, grassy lawns while they experienced the unique Mount Gleason community of learners.

Man hunt On Foothill Foiled!

t about 3:40 pm on Friday brought in a Multi-Agency air and ground response to stop and knock down stopped forward progress of 2.7 acres of fire just south of the Hansen Dam Aquatic Center. There was one minor injury reported and no structures were threatened. The cause of the fire is under investigation. The fire started in the Hansen Dam area next to the “ponds” and about 100 yards from a

homeless encampment. Fire Stations FS 98 and 24 were first to respond. Battalion 12 was Incident Command. Dispatched LAFD Units: BC10 BC12 BP74 CW3A E24 E274 E290 E298 E7 E77 E90 E91 E98 EM15 H3 H5 H6 RA91 T74 T90 T98 WT77. The Los Angeles County Fire Dept. (LACoFD) and Angeles National Forest (ANF) also participated in the well-coordinated air and ground response.

Dexter park parade


The suspect’s car is boxed in by Glendale Police officers by Julia Kohut t about 10 AM on August 21, what started as a simple case of shoplifting turned into a full-blown manhunt after an unidentified man lead the Glendale police on a high speed chase through the streets of the La Crescenta-Montrose area. The suspect, after running away


from a Glendale police officer on foot from Vons located at the intersection of Pennsylvania and Foothill Blvd., fled in a white colored car and rammed three police cruisers before ditching his late model Mustang in the Everest fast food parking lot. He then escaped on foot into the neighboring residen-

tial area. One neighbor published a video of the suspect climbing a tree on Facebook. A perimeter was set up with about 15 police vehicles and a K-9 unit involved. The search lasted several hours blocking streets and re-routing drivers without finding the suspect. (Continued on Page 2)

he L.A. County Dexter Park in Kagel Canyon held a pet parade for local residents and neighbors last Saturday. Children and adults brought their “fur and feather friends” and even a fluffy bunny to mix and mingle with other pets. Organized by park director Leah Ferrassolli said “This is a great opportunity for people to bring your pets to introduce them to the other pets in the community. This is an opportunity

to showcase rescue pets that are up for adoption or need to be fostered. It is also a chance to promote pet services (grooming, make pet treats, pet sitting, dog walking, etc.) I’m looking forward to introducing our beloved pets to everyone.” As part of the fun, there was a pot luck ice cream treat day for everyone and Leah brought her scrumptious caramel topping sauce. If you like See’s Bordeaux .. then you’d love this sauce.

OVER 200 AREA Over 200DISTRIBUTION distributionSITES sitesINinTHE theFOOTHILLS foothills area

2 – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 17 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Today’s Biggest Housing Trend by Ed Castellanos

Today’s homeowners and homebuyers love detached living spaces. These small stand-alone structures located on the property come with all sorts of benefits -- from added room for storage and recreation to extra income. They’re also easy and affordable to design and install. Starting at around $9,600, this additional square footage can deliver serious bang for your buck, as detached areas can serve as: Private Rental Space: You can offer the unit on a vacation rental site or lease it to a full-time tenant to bring in some extra income yearround. Individual Living Quarters: These separate units are perfect for multigenerational families. They can be used by college kids home for summer or elderly parents who need assistance but want privacy. They’re also ideal guest rooms for family and friends coming to visit. Quiet Home Office: Private, quiet and separated from all the hustle and bustle

of the main house, detached units make highly functional home offices for the self-employed entrepreneur or side hustler. Creative or Leisure Room: Need somewhere to escape and relax? These units are your solution. Personalize them with an art studio, a cozy reading nook, a yoga space or whatever else helps you wind down. Fun Kids’ Playroom: Give the kids a space of their own with a toy-filled playroom in the backyard. They’re perfect for late-night slumber parties and playing video games with friends. If you’re interested in building a detached living space on your property, get in touch today for recommendations for local contractors and designers. Remember to also look into any municipal or HOA restrictions, as you may need permits before starting your build-out. Want to learn more about the market’s latest real estate trends and how your house compares? Get in touch today 661-510-5762

Edgar Castellanos BRE# 01855534

(From Page 5) Prior to the theft, officers had been called to Vons on the report of a suspicious character inside the store. Upon arriving, the suspect was seen running out with several bottles of stolen liquor. The responding officer chased him on foot and spotted him inside a white Mustang, where the suspect had locked himself in and refused to exit the vehicle. A call for police backup was placed, but before the officer could detain him, the suspect started the car and rammed a police cruiser in his escape. He was chased to Foothill, where two other cruisers used a ramming technique to box him in. It didn’t work. The suspect sped off westbound on Foothill where he abandoned the Mustang in

the parking lot of Everest and escaped on foot. The nearby Chamlian Armenian School was shut down as a precaution. No evacuations were in place, said GPD Sargent Dave Suttles. A perimeter was set up around the surrounding area with officers both on the ground and in the air, leading to a massive search of the area. After five hours, the search was called off and the case was given to the detectives. After following several leads and responding to called-in tips, they now have a promising suspect. They are currently are working to locate an individual described as wearing a blue flannel shirt and black pants for questioning.

Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club Sponsors a Fundraiser for Aid Africa The Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club is sponsoring its fourth annual Walk for Water to benefit the projects of Aid Africa. The event will be held at Montrose Community Park, 3529 Clifton Place, Glendale 91208 on Saturday, September 15, 2018. Registration starts at 9:00 and the walk begins at 9:30. We’ll be through by noon. Registration is $25 and includes a free T-shirt. Get your friends and family to sponsor you, too. Have fun and learn what it’s like to carry your own water. All of the donations will support Aid Africa’s projects in Uganda. We expect to have over 40 participants who will carry empty jerry cans from the park, through the Montrose Shopping Park to the Montrose Fire Station, 2465 Honolulu Avenue, Montrose, CA 91020. At the fire station, we’ll get to inspect all the fire equipment and then they will fill our jerry cans with five gallons of water, weighing about 40 pounds. Entrants will then retrace their path through Montrose back to the park. The purpose is to demonstrate to people what it’s like to get water when you don’t get it from your kitchen faucet. Can you carry 40 pounds for a mile? 80% of communicable diseases are water borne. According to the World Health Organization, contaminated water contributes to the pervasiveness of diarrheal diseases, such as

Visit • To see a 2-minute video about Aid Africa’s water projects, visit: • Email – • Donate Online at: • Mail Checks to: Aid Africa 3916 Pennsylvania Avenue, La Crescenta, CA 91214 FOR INFORMATION AND SPONSORSHIP FORMS

CALL 818-389-6442

cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery. Diarrhea is a leading cause of malnutrition in children under five years old. The people of Uganda are working hard to improve their situation, but they need your help. Women and young girls especially carry the burden of finding water and carrying it home. That means they have less time for education, farming and family. Wells dug with a diesel auger can cost $15,000 each. Aid Africa uses a

cable to dig wells up to 30 feet deep tool like we used in the US 150 years ago. These wells cost just onetenth the price of a diesel auger dug well. Aid Africa’s other projects include distributing efficient wood burning cooking stoves that use just a third of the fuel and reduce smoke by about 80%, planting trees for food and fuel, HIV testing and counseling, and distributing birthing kits to pregnant women. VOLUME 14 APRIL • NUMBER THE FOOTHILLS•PAPER • FRIDAY, 27, 201817 —– 3 3 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



Well, boys and girls, this has been — to quote David Frost— “The Week That eWas!” I have aEven newspacouldn’t begin to per figure what that out is going be little 14 years old was happening intoour vortex in November. Now that’s without a playsheet. Our esteemed a pretty long time for an councilwoman, M-Rod, made a independent local newspaper presentation of three plaques at to last here. The Sentinel, the intersection ofVal-ley Honolulu and The North Reporter, Star, The Boulevard and La TunaThe Canyon Road commemothe Voice of the Village all rating the Tuna Canyon Detention passed into oblivion. What Camp that was set up to process our detractors fail to rememJapanese, andFoothills Italians berGerman is that The during the Second World Paper is really aboutWar. our There community. were a lot of dignitaries Weabout are many things. Part there to talk what it meant serious. Part silly. It is a place to them and their families. What where people come to read no one spoke of was how the about important issues in Snowball screwed the a ourproject community. We have Letters thea Editor community outtoof “real”section, memoa Perspectives section rial to this infamous site. and political cartoons. And the So what did we get? How about unifying theme is that they a metal plaque on aour light are all about littlestandard vortex. 30 feet above the sidewalk. I guess if they can’t see it they can’t steal it — right? Oh, well, I guess that’s what it all boils down to. We no longer


live in our own little community. contention as to who will be alWe live in a concentration camp lowed in their parade. Last year, ofHell, our own making surrounded by even as to ban in we even have an There has they always beenwent and so far group of haters mental and derelicts and druggers who entries fromofThe Foothills Internet a Facebook site will always be matters our little Paper commuwith misconduct, dilem- Nest. nity. Sometimes will their stealown the followings. fillings out of your andethical the Crow’s And sometimes I puta chance. mas, dirty politics, they can really get teethyes, if you give them No bigmisapdeal, but when Lions things out there to tweak propriated funds and petty quite rabid. In fact, Solving the homeless problem Club member Brenthat “Boo” Dougpeople, especially in areas bickering. These types of small percent isn’t rocket science. But it is POLlas claimed that she had been like the political, cultural issues are rampant in our contributed to the a Scientologist a ITICS. Both involve our local sexually assaulted and wasofnot and ethical aspects of our community, and we should creation a “re- you’re not service and social or clubs. woman with an axe so-called servicecouncil clubs. I members not feel ashamed to learn ality show” depicting their member neighborhood Look around you, fortothe going to be in this year’s parade, know a lot of you know or about them and discuss exploits. most part THEY have grind, you fail at that one too. gone and our local service organizayou could hear the laughter all want to know gossip about them. Part of the job of the I used to think we had out of business. That was tions. the way to Mt. Gleason. There things such as where our media is to serve as a watch- some good people doing bad not supposed to happen - but So what is left? How about the I cannot remember ever being used to beby something called elected leaders reside, their dog. in Despicable acts past things here.the But the reality then again, when you get Chamber Commerce that lies, just you a place with so and many self-righTest that theisreal roman-tic affairs other officers of4-Way our neighborhood that Rotariwe have some really of caught in your own rescued 4th Fireworks sensitive personal business. attacks on local things theget teous, pompous people who council would and ans believed in. bad people doing bad bitofonJuly the ass. Isell don’t discuss that inforbusinesses merit coverage. It that affect our community. We have a real good shot their first-born for a certificate 1. IS IT THE TRUTH? Well they event from the Machine-driven mation here. That is none is ridiculous to hear that The If they could just stop hating at making Sunland-Tujunga Sunland-Tujunga, Shadow Hills of appreciation. Not good. sure failed on that one. of your business. I enjoy Paper is contributing to a each other, they could bewhole again, andsame I hope you Community Fund? That Amongst themselves, have or2.doing IS ITmore FAIR TO ALL writing, and part of this en- theyproblem harm come quite a political force. take advantage of what our fund that Sonia Tatulian set uptoasofa self-perpetuating circle-jerk since pastpeople have joyment comes from being than good CONCERNED? when it reports Not But small local businesses have laundering able to use The Paper to a negativepresident or provocative small minds. willown end money where they tell themselves how Mike Lucas drove allAnd it her fer. I can’t think of fund? any other draw attention to issues that story. there. place in America that is like The one that the Cleghorn mawonderful and tight-knit our the real people out of the club. Icommunity think are interesting and I figure that there is a The Foothills Paper was us. Let’s make it a fun is. Yup, we have the 3. WILL IT BUILD GOODWILL? chine still runs? Yup, that’s theplace merit discussion. 1/100th of one percent of put together to have fun and to be again. And yes, you one. You have to ask yourself, lowest-class Rotary Club inresidents exis- that Notcomprise one single This is Sunland-Tujunga. theequestrian provideora platform for our can say, “It’s the water!” “How can so few ruin so much tence. They can’t even afford marching band group will set foot for so many?” their yearly dues. And when it on the parade route for fear of beThis is Sunland-Tujunga and comes to holding the annual 4th ing attacked with water balloons. it’s really easy when you can say: of July parade, they become a 4. WILL IT BE BENEFICIAL It’s The Water! self-righteous chamber pot of TO ALL CONCERNED? If


Saving for a down payment

by Ed Castellanos

THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is published bi-weekly. All content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written SHADOW HILLS defending our friends and Rodriguez, CD7 Staff and Councilmember Rodriguez consent of the publisher. All With rising rental costs ment -and probably your deposits, set a rePROPERTY OWNERS our community. We feel it is Sunland-Tujunga Chamber to denounce or halt these submissions to this newspaand the amount of stusooner than you think. to transferBoard monASSOC. per become property of THE important to show solidarityminder of Commerce of actions against communiFOOTHILLS PAPER and may dent debt at an all-time Here’s how: two weeks. and to close ranks when anyey every Directors: ty leaders which damage THE FOOTHILLS PAPER not be republished in whole or is published bi-weekly. August 25 at 9:51 AM · one of us is attacked....just Good Friday afternoon! personal reputations high, it’s no surprise actions and either in- and the in part.isThecopyrighted opinions expressed All content Important Update from Set up likeautomatic we are experiencing Try aAsround-off you are aware, Arnie vest fabric the Sunland-Tucontributing writers do not that many potential buyapp. your of money or add and maybynot be reproduced SHPOA Board of Directors the views with high speed trains. Abramyan has been makjunga community. That without necessarily written express consent ers are unable to save deposits. What if you could it to a savings account. publisher norAll staff of of theof thepublisher. Dear Friends of Shadow Below is today’s correunwarranted personal to motivate up for a down payment. Enable automatic deroundingoff every purCut silence down isonsure spending. submissions to TFPthis this newspaper. is available Hills, Sunland-Tujunga and spondence from SHPOA to character attacks against nuand enable this individual to newspaper free become of No person may, If you’ve found yourposits into your savchase you make to the Find an area of spendthe Northeast San Fernando Councilmember Rodriguez merous community leaders continue his attacks. of THEwithout FOOTHILLS PAPERpermisprior written self inValley: this boat, don’t ings account. Schedule nearest dollar and then ing that can afford and maysion not be republished in than from TFP, take more and the Sunland-Tujunga throughout the Sunland-TuIn you fact, recent social to media whole orone in part. The opinions copy of each edition (statlose hope. With the help them right after paydays, put that extra cash to cut back on -maybe eatWe are experiencing Chamber of Commerce. junga community. The Shadposts dating back to last expressed by contributing ed value: $1). Only authorized of technology and a lit-unrest whenWe you know you’ll use? Apps likeOwners ing out or grabbing to-go this serious community writers do not necessarily sent similar requests forgoodow Hills Property weekend and continuing TFP distributors may distribexpress the views of due to unwarranted character tle foresight, you can have the cash available. Acorns and Clarity Monsupport and leadership on Association (SHPOA) has week by Arnie Abramyan coffees. Each month, talute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. the publisher nor staff attacks a Sunland-TujunFOOTHILLS PAPER a 9 and July 18. Please ey round publicly the reveal he hassee extended for thatbydown payIf youJuly can’t automate offcondemned your transSaving, pagehis ? of this THE newspaper. TFP is is save non-profit produced ga resident and businessman available free newspaper of charge. read it, think about it careattacks which have appeared menacing smear campaign 01855534 by the OSS-Spectrum group. No person may, without prior named Arnie Abramyan. fully and address this with in two editions of theEdgar CD7 Castellanos beyond BRE# Sunland-Tujunga written permission from TFP, EXECUTIVE You may have heard of the your boards, friends and Independentpublication, and is making unwarranted take more than one copy EDITOR/PUBLISHER of each edition (stated value: issues in Sunland-Tujuncolleagues. Just like we on social media for several character attacks against the Dr. David DeMullé $1). Only authorized TFP ga that have occurred for never thought the Creek months and in-person at community of Shadow Hills, distributors may editor@ distribute several months involving Fire would spread as it did, recent community meetings. the Shadow Hills Property THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a nontheir Neighborhood Counperhaps some of us did not We are writing to CounOwners Assn. (SHPOA), profit newspaper produced STAFF ASSISTANT cil, Chamber of Commerce think this individual’s attacks cilmember Rodriguez, CD7 the SAFE Coalition (which by the OSS-Spectrum group. Dyan McManus


WITH THANKS TO EXECUTIVE all our volunteers that EDITOR/PUBLISHER make The Paper happen! Dr. David DeMullé

The FooThills leTTers & PersPecTives

and others. I’ve sent many would escalate and spread Staff and the Chamber at is a regional partnership of of you abbreviated versions beyond Sunland-Tujunga... this time because of your communities opposed to the of the “rag” entitled CD7 psychologists to malnormal heterosexuals is heterosexual females. but they have. relationships and familiarity damaging high speed train Independent. We are send- practice I’llby be forcing reaching out to with Arnie Abramyan and project) and members them absurd. No rational per- That’s obvious. On theof the ing you this communicationto treat many of youorin gender the next fewson can because each of you have a otherSHPOA Direcsexual deny that. This hand,Board thereofare all so that you are aware that identity daysdisorders to talk further and am significant presence in the tors. He is threatening new in chil- was the commonsense kinds of sexual or gender similar unwarranted characto provide informaoffensive publication. attacks in many of his recent dren happy as if they are not position of the American identity disorders: e.g., ter attacks were made in the tion and background. Let’s SHPOA has called on two social media posts. Truly bizarre. Psychiatric Associahomosexuality, bisexweek on Shadow Hills,disorders. continue to work together in separate occasions (July Dear past Editor, (It’sthefairly before it uality,Because transgenderness, the another Shadow Hills Property name obvious of maintaining thetion 9for andyears July 18) for CounArnie Abramyan In yet insult to that female minds in became corrupted by irsadism, etc., etc. To baOwners Assn. and its board quality of life in the northcilmember Rodriguez to is one of Councilmember the intelligence of peomale bodies and male rational, ever-so-trendy sically equate disorders members, and the SAFE east San Fernando Valley. denounce the attacks made Rodriguez’ largest political ple, some California Coalition. More have been minds in female bodies non-disorders is as(see Let’s stand together for in- “political in twocorrectness.”) separate editions of withcampaign contributors legislators are actually threatened on social media and homosexual tegrity, honestyminds and decency!Nowthesome publication. There is no absurd attached files), because legislators as equating moconsidering bill (ABby ArnieaAbramyan. Thank you. “First Amendment” excuse Councilmember Rodriguez in heterosexual bodwant to double down on rality with immorality 2943) that would make SHPOA has now reachedies are Dave DePinto here, asbizarre Abramyan has and herwith campaign and CD7 sure signs that the state’s policy or health illness. it illegal forthree a consenting out on separate ocPresident, Shadow Hills abused his First Amendment staff have maintained a something went wrong on disorders by banning Hopefully Californians adult casions to receive therapy seeking action and Property Owners Assn. rights and both CD7 and the multi-year relationship with somewhere (in nature consenting adults from will Arnie contact their legisfrom CouncilmemMember, SAFE Coalition Chamber have the ability Abramyan, because to trysupport to resolve unwantare sure receiving lators andis known ask them to ber Rodriguez, and today and/or nurture), <><><><><> to worktherapy with himfor to adCD7 to presently ed same-sex attractions objective disorthisonodd anti-choice we also reached out to the signs of mind/body mis- clearly dress this terrible behavior. dropmeet a regular basis with or gender confusion. or disorders. So, ders! bill (AB-2943) like a Sunland-Tujunga Cham- matches August 24, 2018 To date, there has been no Arnie Abramyan, because Hello! ber of Commerce. We are to put transgenders Dear Councilmember public or action bylead(Continued and There arestatement only two balloon. on Page 8) California is already

?Is There ANY editor@thefootTHE FOOTHILLS PAPER Intelligent Life TheFoothillsPaper.COM in California? P.O. Box 444 STAFF ASSISTANT Tujunga CA 91043

Dyan McManus 818-951-0943 WITH THANKS TO

all our volunteers that Associated make The Paper happen!


THE FOOTHILLS PAPER TheFoothi llsP a pe r . C O M

L.A. Press Club P.O. Box 444 Tujunga CA 91043 818-951-0943 Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles International Combat Camera Press Photographers Association Association of Greater Los Angeles L.A. Press Club

International Combat Camera Association

forcing psychiatrists and

heterophobic homosexuals on the same level as

human genders: heterosexual males and

Wayne Lel


46 -–FRIDAY, FRIDAY, 2018 • PAPER THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME JUNESEPTEMBER 9, 2017 • THE 7, FOOTHILLS • VOLUME14 13•• NUMBER NUMBER 1217 6 - FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6 - FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER



The Man Of La Mancha Continues to Wow At A Noise Within! • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 12

Julia Rodriguez-Elliot is the vision- ground on which to• explore the• epic and12 VOLUME 13 NUMBER ary director whose goal is to evoke intimate nature of these two plays. that magical, improvisational quality “La Mancha is about the power of we have as children but is often lost as imagination - and how important it is adults. The modern-day setting - a bleak, onstage and in our own lives. It’s a play destitute ‘holding tank’ for prisoners - is that truly represents the transformative intentional. Reminiscent of third-world power of the theatre” prisons and military detention centers, In Man of La Mancha, playwright and populated with empathetic charDale Wasserman takes a more meta-apacters, I want this La Mancha to feel proach to the source material, Miguel de personal to our audiences. The stakes are Cervantes’ Don Quixote, also originally real, and I want the transformation from published in the early 1600s. The fichardened criminals to true believers to tionalized author ‘Cervantes’ is the main be palatable to our audiences.” character of Man of La Mancha. While “This is a real-world fairy tale: despite in prison during the Spanish Inquisitions, the dire circumstances, through the he is forced to act out parts of Don Quixpower of art, these prisoners have the ote for the other inmates. ability to transform their claustrophobic This story-within-a-story of Don existence into the vastness of Cervantes Quixote’s musical misadventures - rife vision.” with love, chivalry, and of course, fourRodriguez-Elliott references a quote armed giants - unfurls into something by Pablo Picasso: “We artists are indemore transcendent: a beacon of hope in structible; even in a prison, or in a cona dire world. One of the most important centration camp, I would be almighty hits of Broadway’s golden age, audiencin my own world of art, even if I had to es have been dreaming “The Impossible paint my pictures with my wet tongue Dream” for the past half century with the on the dusty floor of my cell.” wandering hidalgo in this quintessential She points out that ANW’s state-oftale about the resilience of the human the-art theatrical space - 283-seat house spirit, and the power of storytelling when with a thrust stage - is the perfect playfaced with insurmountable odds.


PERFORMS August 16 September 9, 2018 Tickets for Man of La Mancha starting at $25 are available online at and by phone by calling 626-356-3121. ANW: 3352 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107

Cassandra Marie Murphy (Aldonza) and Geoff Elliott (Quixote) Photo credit - Craig Schwartz

WATER TANK FOR SALE 3,000 Gal Water Tank for sale $2,500 OBO

Call Bob @ 323-269-4000 • VOLUME 14 •• VOLUME NUMBER – 58 14 • 17 NUMBER ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––




H.F. Meats, Inc.

HARMONY FARMS Naturally Grown Raw Meat for Pets

Veggie Delite $4.99 Black Forest Ham $5.99 Spicy Hawaiian $5.99

Meatball Sub $4.99 Cold-cut Combo $4.99

6520 Foothill Blvd • Tujunga, CA 91042

“Harmony Farms provides raw meat for pets because we believe that it’s their natural way of eating.”



SWEET Hills Verdugo CHERRIE’S DINER Store Liquor 7119 OnlyFoothill Boulevard the finest, freshest ingredients are used to create the ultimate OMELET.


Meatball Sub $4.99 Cold-cut Combo $4.99

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Home Town Country Fair —Biggest One Yet!

6520 Foothill Blvd • Tujunga, C

Our CLUB SANDWICH is sliced turkey, crisp bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and mayo on three slices of lightly toasted bread.

BREAKFAST SERVED ALL DAY SWEET Dine-in / Take-out / Catering for any occasion CHERRIE’S THE BEST OMELETS IN TOWN! Waffles, Charbroiled burgers DINER OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: M-F: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Watercolor Classes by Sharon Miller

Our CHARBROILED BURGER Sat 7 a.m. -5 p.m. • Sun 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. is rich, freshest high-quality beef, Only the finest, ingredientslettuce, are used cheese,topickles, The Crescenta Valley a children’s petting zoo Calif. Highway Patrol, create the ultimate OMELET. anyway you want it for annual Country Fair craftsBlvd., exhibevery mouth-wateringand bite. arts and 8236 Foothill Sunland LACo Sheriffs and dis-

(818) 353-0465

came in with a bang that could be heard across the valley. With over 75 community booths and rides galore, more than 1,000 people packed Hindenburg Park with their dogs dressed up for the parade,

Fridays from 12:30 - 2:30 pm at the Center for Spiritual Living 4845 Dunsmore Ave. La Crescenta, Please call for information at 818-293-1009

$15.00 per class

its galore. And for those plays of old police cars. who were hungry, there There was something for were seven food trucks to everyone there. There satisfy your desires. were so many people Our CLUB SANDWICH is sliced turkey, The Montrose from crisp bacon, Search lettuce, tomatoes andSunland-Tujunga mayo on three slices of lightly toasted bread. & Rescue were there there that I thought there with a static display as should be an exhibit well asBREAKFAST exhibits from the there just for them. Watercolor Classes SERVED ALL DAY Dine-in / Take-out / Catering for any occasion

THE BEST OMELETS IN TOWN! Waffles, Charbroiled burgers

Our CHARBROILED BURGER is rich, high-quality beef, lettuce, cheese, pickles, anyway you want it for every mouth-watering bite.

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: M-F: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Sat 7 a.m. -5 p.m. • Sun 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

(818) 353-0465 8236 Foothill Blvd., Sunland

Verdugo Hills Liquor Store

Sharon Miller

Fridays from 12:30 - 2:30 pm Center for Spiritual Living 4845 Dunsmore Ave. La Cr Please call for information a 818-293-1009

7119 Foothill Boulevard $15.00 per class

214 1214





6 – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 17 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Spotlight on Business

Working, Earning and Investing SS benefits Social Security Matters by AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor Association of Mature American Citizens


ear Rusty: I am 63 ½ and working full time with a salary of $125,000/year. Given the early collection rules I believe it would not make any sense to start collecting Social Security now but tell me if I am wrong. Also, when I reach full retirement age (born in 1955) I plan/ hope to still be working full time. At that point I plan to start collecting Social Security because there is no earnings cap (correct?) and put that benefit money into investments. Would that be the best plan or are there other options? Signed: Planning Ahead Dear Planning: Your plan

is a reasonable one and your assumptions are correct. If you earn as you now are and have taken Social Security earlier than your full retirement age (66 years plus 2 months) you’ll be subject to Social Security’s annual earnings limit. If you exceed the annual earnings limit ($17,040 for 2018) Social Security will withhold $1 in benefits for every $2 you are over the limit, so at your salary level you’d need to give them back all the benefits you were entitled to anyway, essentially resulting in no net benefits. In the year you reach your full retirement age 8 • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8

the earnings limit goes up age to claim your benefits and the withholding is less, (you actually earn DRCs but your earnings would at the rate of 2/3 of 1% per still cause the “penalty� to month of delay, or 8% per largely eclipse the benefits year). DRCs continue to you are due. And you are be applied until you reach correct that once you reach the maximum at age 70, your full retirement age the at which point your Social earnings limit goes away Security benefit when you and you can earn as much claim it will be 30.7% more as you wish without if afthan it would have been at fecting your Social Security your full retirement age. benefits. As for taking your And you’ll get that higher benefits at your full retirebenefit amount for the rest ment age and investing of your life. But whether them, that is a reasonable to take that guaranteed 8% strategy if you think you annual increase in your can find a better investment Social Security benefit return than the 8% you’ll amount, or to claim your get annually in Social benefits at full retirement 70-6.& t /6.#&3 t XXX UIFGPPUIJMMTQBQFS DPN Security delayed retirement age and invest them is an credits (DRCs) by waiting investment choice only you beyond your full retirement can make.

All Rite Rent A Car

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Haddad are looking forward to meeting you! What a delightful couple. That’s how local business should be. All Rite Rent A Car offers free mileage (limited), weekend, weekly and monthly specials, direct billing to shops and insurance companies. The staff is multilingual (Spanish and Armenian). You can rent compact, mid-size, full-size and mini-vans. Their hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5:30 PM. Saturday from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM. They are closed on Sunday. What, you don’t have a ride? Call them at 818-353-6100. Steve will come pick you up.

Lentil Stew with Sausage

Panko-Portobello Mushroom Burger BY CHEF RANDY A few weeks ago Robin and I ate at the relatively new Ojai Harvest restaurant in downtown Ojai. I had their Grain Bowl and Robin ordered the Veggie Burger made with a breaded mushroom patty. She let me have a bite of her burger and when we got home I immediately began deconstructing it because it was that good. This is what I came up with. It may not be as tasty as the burger at Ojai Harvest, but I like it! I think you will too. Ingredients: • 4 Portobello mushrooms (cleaned and gills removed) • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1 cup whole milk BY CHEF RANDY • 2 cups panko breadcrumbs • ½ teaspoon salt Lentils are low in cal• Âź teaspoon black pepper ories, highoil infor fiber, high • Grapeseed frying (or invegetable protein oil) and have zero • 4trans briochefats. bunsThis (slicedbain sichalf) lentil recipe is simple and easyripe toavocado prepare. Just • 1 large • 1 tablespoon fresh lime input all the ingredients tojuice a slow cooker and the • Âź teaspoon sauce chow downSriracha 4 hours lat• ½ cup Vegenaise (or mayer. The vegetarian sauonnaise) sage adds depth and tex• 4 thin slices red onion ture for a hearty stew. • 4 slices heirloom tomato It’s especially good on • ½ cup blue cheese (cruma cold bled) winter night. • 4 to 8 leaves iceberg lettuce


Directions: Using three shallow bowls, set up a breading station of flour, milk and panko crumbs. Season the flour bowl with salt and pepper. Dredge each mushroom first in the flour, 1½ cups lentils (black then the are milk,good and finally lentils but the panko crumbs.

any lentils will do) 1 package Light- oil in Heat the grapeseed life Smart a large skilletSausagover medium es Italian Style (cut inheat. Cook the mushroom to ½-inch patties on onepieces) side for 3 to 4 2minutes. cups sweet Turn them over and cook for another 3 minutes or corn kernels patties are crisp. Place 3until stalks celery (thinthe mushrooms on paper ly sliced) and set aside. 3towels carrots (cut into one-inch pieces) Drain the skillet and wipe 1 medium onout excess oil. Use the skillet ion (chopped) to grill the buns, cut side 15-ounce diced todown, until can they are golden matoes (including liquid) (not burned). Set buns aside. 2 cloves garlic (minced)

In a small bowl, mash the avocado with the lime juice and Sriracha. Set this avocado spread aside. Assembly: Spread a littleBetVegenaise on 1 tablespoon bothThan the topBouillon and the bottom ter of each bun. Spread a quarter (vegetable base) of the avocado spread on 4thecups vegetable broth bottoms. Place a slice of onion on top of the avocado Instructions: spread and then a slice of Plug on in top your slowCarecooktomato of that. er and setthe themushroom heat to high. fully place on top of thethe tomato. It will want Rinse lentils and to slide but don’t let it! cull outoffsmall stones Sprinkle cheese on top the and debris. Add theoflenmushroom, with tils and alllayer other in-lettuce, and place the tops on to comgredients to the crockplete the burgers.

pot. Cook for 4 hours. This makes a meal all Carefully slice in half and by itself is of even better serve withbut a side French and nutritious when fries more or chips. accompanied by rice.

For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at

FRIDAY, 7, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 17 –—77 VOLUME 14 14SEPTEMBER NUMBER 88 •• THE FOOTHILLS FOOTHILLS PAPER •• FRIDAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 27, 2018 2018 VOLUME •• NUMBER THE PAPER APRIL —7 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Lentil Stew with Sausage News From The Kagel Canyon Dexter Park

There are so many activities going on at Dexter Park. Please take a moment to read as there is a great deal of pertinent information – events, police activity, memories, etc.

CREATING MEMORIES AT DEXTER PARK: One of the highlights of working here at Dexter Park is it is rich with personal memories and history. The pictures that were temporarily taken down to upgrade the building evoke a strong passion in the people of the community for what they represent. They represent the past and the memories made. You too can create new memories. Get involved! Come to the park activities. As always, Ideas and suggestions are welcomed and can always be presented to see if we can make it happen. I’ve had the opportunity to meet some of you that have lived here for decades. When recanting the tales of the bygone years some of the fondest memories shared were what was going on in the park. Whether it was for you or your children; it was the movies in the park, the special events, the ability to just pop in and talk, or sit and do some crafts .. these were special memories shared. The next time there’s an opportunity to create a memory – head to the park and make it!


Storytime –Time by C hef anDy It is a is 10:00am. by Chef rranDy great time to get together, have a Lentils are low low in calcalLentils are in play date and swap ories,stories. high in in fiber, fiber, high high ories, high

in protein protein and and have have zezein ro trans trans fats. fats. This This babaro sic lentil lentil recipe recipe is is simple simple sic SUNDAY, and easy easy to to prepare. prepare. Just Just and SEPTEMBER 9 input all the ingredients put all the ingredients into aaKCCA slow Horseshoe cooker and and the the to slow cooker chow down 44–hours hours latTournament more latchow down details coming soon er. The The vegetarian vegetarian sausauer. sage adds depth and texsage adds depth and texture for for aa hearty hearty stew. stew. ture It’sEXCURSION: especially good good on on It’s especially coldPlease winter night. aa cold winter let night. me know if you’d be interested

in taking a day trip Ingredients: Ingredients:

to a museum, casino, winery, outlet mall, or some other nifty place.

UPCOMING FITNESS CLASS: Starting on September 28th at 1:00 is Happy Feet a walking club. It will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00pm You can walk in a temperature controlled environment, select your personal choice of music, get your groove on, hula hoop, or even skip to start your own personal fitness program. The course is measured and charts are available for you to mark your progress. Best of all - It’s FREE! Water refills are available. This is for all ages and all fitness levels. Moms with young children are welcome to join in on the fun to walk and push a stroller too. There are mats available to do some warm-up / cool down stretches.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Volunteers and Kids Bake / Decoration Day for the upcoming Grandparent’s Day. Decoration materials are 1½ cupsby lentils (black 1 needed tablespoon Bet- hands. 1½ cups lentils (black Betsupplied the park so all that 1 is tablespoon are helping lentils arebake good but for ourter ter Than Bouillon Bouillon Let’s are all together Grandparent’s. We will lentils good but Than be making fudge, mini-cheesecakes, and butterscotch any lentils will do) (vegetable base) any lentils will do) (vegetable base) for the special day. Sign 4 upcups list for materials broth and package Lightvegetable 11candy package Light4 cups vegetable broth purchasing ingredients coming soon.


life Smart Smart SausagSausaglife es Italian Italian Style Style (cut (cut ininInstructions: es Instructions: Saturday, September 15 –cookto ½-inch ½-inch pieces) pieces) Plug in in your your slow slow to Plug cookGrandparent’s Day – This is SATURDAY, cups sweet sweet er and set the heat to high. 22 cups er and set the heat to to show appreciationhigh. SEPTEMBER 15 a timeRinse corn kernels the lentils and corn kernels the lentils and for theRinse Grandparents’ in our 3 stalks celery (thincull out small stones lives. The theme is “ Being 3 stalks celery (thincull out small stones a Grandparent is Sweet” All grandparent’s their ly sliced) and debris. debris.and Add the lenlenly sliced) and Add the families are welcome to attend. As a way to honor our carrots (cut (cutplease in- bring a sweet tils and and all otherwith in33grandparent’s carrots intils other intreatall to share to one-inch pieces) gredients to the crockto one-inch pieces) gredients to the crockeveryone. 1 medium onpot. Cook Cook for for 44 hours. hours. 1 medium onpot. Book Club – 10:00amion (chopped) (chopped) This makes makes aa meal meal all all ion This 1:00pm . The book selected WEDNESDAY, 15-ounce can can diced diced totoby itself itself but but is is even even better better 15-ounce by for the upcoming September SEPTEMBER 19 matoes (including liquid) and more nutritious when matoes (including liquid)meeting and more nutritious when is A Great Reckoning cloves garlic garlic (minced) (minced)by Louise accompanied by rice. Perry. This may 22 cloves accompanied by rice. be picked up at your local library. Please bring a snack

For additional recipes, see Chef website at to share. It would be coolRandy’s if it fit the Canadian theme. Does anyone know about traditional Canadian foods? I want to thank Valerie T. for being the lead coordinator for this club.

8 – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER • VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 17 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



Over 100 people helped celebrate their

th 25 Anniversary

(From Page 3) Councilmember Rodriguez is prominently featured in each of his two recent publications, we renew our request for Councilmember Rodriguez to publicly denounce these activities, to have her image and materials removed from the publication and to do everything in her power to cause his toxic activities to cease. And, because Arnie Abramyan is an officer with the the Sunland-Tujunga Chamber of Commerce, which represents local businesses under state authority as a 501(c)6 organization, and because a code of ethics applies to the Chamber and its officers, we call upon the Chamber to cease its advertising support of the publication, to denounce the damaging intent of the publication and to discipline him for his conduct as a Chamber Vice President. His actions against other communities have the potential to cause great economic hardship to

Chamber members and the Sunland-Tujunga economy and business community. Shadow Hills is an established and strong community of more than 2,000 households and 6,000 residents which provides leadership on major issues affecting the northeast San Fernando Valley, which includes Sunland-Tujunga, and which provides millions of dollars per year of economic benefit to businesses located in Sunland-Tujunga. Should these damaging activities continue, Shadow Hills may be forced to defend itself. We would hate to see the relationship with CD7, as well as the friendly neighbor relationship between Sunland-Tujunga and Shadow Hills, become complicated or adversarial because of this individual. Should on-line attacks continue or if a future edition of the CD7 Independent publication attack Shadow Hills, SHPOA, and SHPOA’s

board of directors, SHPOA will consider an appropriate response. Further, we are keeping all members of the regional, Valley-wide SAFE Coalition aware of what is happening here so that those “member” communities and the Coalition, itself, do not experience any adverse effect on their ability to fight the high speed train threat. Those other communities include: Sunland-Tujunga, La Tuna Canyon, Lake View Terrace, Kagel Canyon, Sylmar, Pacoima and Sun Valley. Communities throughout the northeast San Fernando Valley have been united for decades by shared values and commitment to protect the region’s quality of life. We will not stand for efforts

that seek to attack, divide or intimidate our communities. An attack by any individual, acting on his/her own behalf or representing any organization, is an attack on all of us. We again request our Councilmember and Chamber to be leaders in pulling communities together and protecting our quality of life. In conclusion, this is the third time we have brought these serious issues to the attention of Councilmember Monica Rodriguez and CD7 staff and called for their leadership and assistance. For the Chamber, we request action that eliminates its connection and complicity to these actions by Arnie Abramyan. We all have many more important

things to work on related to improving the quality of life in our communities and it’s important that we all are able to do that without these threats and attacks looming. Please let us know as soon as possible of your response to this letter/Resolution and your action on the serious issues described herein. Thank you. The SHPOA Board of Directors held a closed session board meeting on Monday, August 20, 2018, to review these issues, and has passed this letter as an official Board Resolution. Yours truly, Shadow Hills Property Owners Association Board of Directors (signees to the Board Resolution) Dave DePinto, Cindy Bloom, Gerri Summe, Jacqy Gamble, Carlos George, Terri Ortiz, Katherine Dayen, Lois Dayen, Anton Bosch, Andrea Gutman, James Gutman, Mike McCoy, Cynthia Urias, Elektra Kruger.

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