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The Rains Came, But S-T Residents The Drought Remains Call Fowl!

The rains came and the rains went. I really thought (hoped) that winter had finally arrived in Tujunga. Although we’ve had more than enough rain this year, the drought is still present. Driving up and down Oro Vista to the Big-T, the backedup rainwater was evident but not the torrents of flood that we’ve had in the past. The lack of water in the Big-T wash during and after the rains was unexplainable. Although the weather station here in Tujunga showed two inches of water dropping on Foothill Blvd., there was no apparent danger from the water. Just the drivers that seem to go crazy as soon as their windshield wipers start.


Historical L.A. Maps at Bolton

Feast or fowl?

Some people speed through street puddles just to see the water shoot up, which is not safe driving. Traditionally, our rainy season begins to increase in January and February, and this year we had about two inches of rain in December — just enough to cause 23 accidents and carry the trash

from the homeless camps down to Sunland. A large amount of our water comes from groundwater that flows down to the water table and fills the aquafers see Rains, page 9

You Can Run But You Can’t Hide From The Foothills Div.

A flock of rampaging peacocks is ruffling feathers in Sunland because of their noise and questions about the legality of feeding feral peacocks. The question, however, is: Are they actually feral? In Sunland, there are about eight to 12 of the birds - both peacocks and peahens (the female equivalent) ranging around Scoville and over the

top to McGroarty. Although nobody has come forth to claim ownership of the birds, nearly all the neighbors “know” who may be harboring them as well as who may have been responsible for filing complaints with the county. Many residents have found warnings on their property that they claim see Peacocks, page 9

VHHS Marching Band Wins City 2016 Finals


................ Parking Probs at Kids’ School


................ The Beatles “Then & Now” ................


DEPARTMENTS Foothills Happenings............. 2 View from the Rock.............. 3 Letters / Perspectives........... 3 Botox Girl............................ 4 Legion Post Calendar............. 4 Chef Randy........................... 5 Artfully Speaking.................. 5 Crime Stats......................... 10 Take My Card..................... 11

It just doesn’t make sense to try and escape the men and women in blue! For the second time in two weeks, we had a suspect trying to run from the LAPD in Sunland-Tujunga. The first one (Dec. 13) ended up with the suspect being blocked in the narrow streets of Silverton and Day by a citizen who positioned his truck in front of the fleeing suspect. In last weeks episode, a suspected

car thief driving a dark green KIA was blocked in the shell station at the intersection of McVine and Foothill by 9 LAPD police vehicles. Although the suspect was taken into custody without incident, the LAFD paramedics were called in to assess his condition before being taken into custody.

The VHHS marching band with their hard-won trophy. by

David DeMullé

On December 3, the Verdugo Hills High School (VHHS) marching band won the LAUSD city championship band competition. The finals took place at at California State University in East Los Angeles. For two months prior to the

finals, the band and drill team competed at various high schools throughout Ventura, Orange and Los Angeles counties. Despite being one of the smaller drum lines in L.A., the unit was undefeated during the competition. The band, which consists of just 30 members, is led by Ms. Lopez.



L.A. Historical Maps Event at Bolton Hall Crescenta Valley Sierra Club Group

Part of an early map of the Foothills region. (Please note that this map may not be part of the exhibit.) Bolton Hall Museum and the Little Landers Historical Society wish everyone a Happy Holiday season and a great New Year! The two groups’ first “Second Saturday” program of the New Year is a look at maps that tell the history of Los Angeles, including Sun-

land-Tujunga. The speaker for this program, Glen Creason, has been the Los Angeles Public Library’s map librarian for 27 years and a reference librarian since 1979. Creason has written about local history, maps and popular culture see Maps, page 9

The Crescenta Valley Sierra Club will present on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. a program given by Ken Pellman, “Living Side-by-Side With Coyotes.” Our meeting place, the Los Angeles County Public Library at 2809 Foothill Boulevard in La Crescenta. Ken Pellman is the Public Information Officer for the County of Los Angeles Department of Agricultural Commission, which manages coyotes in unincorporated areas and cities that contract with the department. Also on the program is wildlife advocate Dana Stangel, who heads the non-profit Teranga Ranch, to teach the public the benefits of local wildlife. Our program begins following news of conservation and outings. This is a free event and everyone is welcome. Refresh-




On selected items.

ments will be served. For further information, please contact Wayne Fisher, program chair, at (818) 353-4181. •••

Eunice Pak Named to Dean’s List at Biola University Eunice Pak was named to Biola University’s Dean’s List for academic excellence for Fall 2016. Pak, from Shadow Hills, CA, was one of 1,575 students who were named to the Dean’s List. Biola students are placed on the Dean’s List to honor those with a grade point average of 3.60 or higher while enrolled in 12 or more credit units and whose cumulative grade point average is at least a 3.20. “Inclusion on the Biola Dean’s List is an indication that this student is performing ex-

ceptionally well in a rigorous academic program,” said Patricia Pike, Vice Provost for undergraduate education. “Our Dean’s List students are bright, motivated, engaged, competent, and personable. They are already demonstrating the characteristics of success that results from applied intelligence and that will support future endeavors in society, community, career, and family life.” Biola University is a leading Christ-centered university in Southern California that offers a premier, nationally ranked education and has been named one of the nation’s “up and coming” universities by U.S. News & World Report four times in the past five years. Founded in 1908, Biola has more than 6,300 students at its Los Angeles-area campus and around the world, and offers more than 150 academic programs through its six schools. For more information, visit

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We have Free-Range Turkeys all year long!


For the absolute best steak, get Harmony Farms’

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WOW! This has really been an interesting year. I’ve sort of summarized the highlights of it through the front page pictures from 10 issues of The Paper published during 2016. This past year has had something for everyone and I mean everyone. We had one of the most tumultuous neighborhood council elections in the history of Sunland-Tujunga. Where we were once lucky to have a few hundred people show up, we had thousands. We had our town snitch and her buddy (who is now running for a city office) turn in one of the candidates to try and upset the election. We had a group of Armenians that had great hopes of working together as a “slate” and being able to undo the nearly criminal actions of the previous council members. But that failed for a lot of reasons, the least of which was their complete arrogance and disdain for the community. But what

the heck; anything would be better than what we had before. One of our better-known dogwalkers got with the then-president and stormed Councilmember Fuentes’ office and called him names. It may have been a little bit brash, but then again, no one ever said that she was smart. As that wonderful sage Bill Murray chanted in the movie Meatballs, “IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER!” And when you look back at everything that has happened here in the past decade, NOTHING really matters in the long run. We can measure our successes by our failures. We got kicked out of our own city hall. We found that the neighborhood council books really had been cooked. We lost our most dedicated city liaison, Ed Rock. We cooked up a deal with the chamber of commerce to pay them more rent than they paid to their landlord, and for a measly 80 square feet of office space. Committees were set up

to figure out what to do with the homeless. And nearly every committee member did something to feather their own nest — and they failed. Yup, the machine screwed the pooch. And of course that means you, the stake holders of SunlandTujunga, got really screwed. Then things started changing. We survived some major wildfires and in so doing, helped out our neighbors while suffering from the effects of smoke, ashes and dust. It was iffy for a while, but we survived the worst — and it made us better for it. On the bright side of town, we finally got a commitment from the Mission Community College to move into the Commerce Center. We started developing Commerce Avenue and finally getting in more businesses than were leaving. We got two absolutely beautiful murals painted in town that everyone can enjoy. The old DVD store finally began to get re-


ROCK modeled so that a federally funded comprehensive health care group could move in. The community got together and started doing street clean-ups that got people participating and actually talking about things in a positive way. One of the crappiest liquor stores in town was sold and the new owners completely remodeled the inside with plans to clean up the outside. Yes, boys and girls, things look like they are on the up-turn. And you can probably sit back and say, “It’s the water!”

The Foothills Letters & P erspectives If You Love Your Kids, Don’t Park Like a Jerk THE FOOTHILLS PAPER

is published bi-weekly. All contents are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. All submissions to this newspaper become property of THE FOOTHILLS PAPER and may not be republished in whole or in part. The opinions expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily express the views of the publisher nor staff of this newspaper. TFP is available free of charge. No person may, without prior written permission from TFP, take more than one copy of each edition (stated value: $1). Only authorized TFP distributors may distribute THE FOOTHILLS PAPER. THE FOOTHILLS PAPER is a non-profit newspaper produced by the OSS-Spectrum group.


THE FOOTHILLS PAPER TheFoothillsPaper.COM P.O. Box 444, Tujunga CA 91043 818-951-0943

L.A. Press Club Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles International Combat Camera Association

The school on Lowell has become a safety hazard. Chamlian Armenian School is located approximately 250 feet south from Foothill on busy Lowell street in La Crescenta. Many people use Lowell to access the freeway to and from work and it can get very busy during rush hours. To compound the problem, there are parents access the school to pick up and drop off their students. These cars and pedestrians frequently risk traffic laws as they hurry their children to and from school. They double park, they cross the center divider to avoid the doubleparking, or they will block passage to load passengers. I have even seen pedestrians run from the church parking lot across the street without looking as

well as some using the storage center driveway and the red zone for parking. The crossing guard has been absent for years but recently, a security guard has helped to navigate the school’s small pick-up and drop-off area. However, it appears the problem is too large for one guy. For example, instead of waiting in line down Lowell like all the others, people will attempt to parallel park directly in front of the school. Also, sometimes cars will be double-parked for loading students. This leads to other cars going around them and entering the oncoming lane. I have frequently had to adjust my vehicle to avoid head-on collisions. The storage center north of

the school always has parents pulling out of their drive way. Others park illegally in the red zone every day. This impedes traffic attempting to turn south on Foothill or continue on Lowell, because cars are unable to access the lane. Frequently, I have to wait behind the cars queued up for turning left onto Foothill and this line extends all the way past the school. When all these quick pick up options are unavailable, cars will park at the church across the street and parents will jay walk their students across both lanes. Of course, this further complicates an already confusing situation with cars darting in and out among the traffic. Illegal parking and jaywalking at this school is adding to traffic

and increases safety concerns for our community. It’s bad enough we have people blocking the street to access IN N Out. While I appreciate the security guard, I don’t understand why people continue to practice dangerous driving practices. Last month I noticed Glendale PD handing out tickets, but things have returned to business as usual lately with the threat of punishment gone. What will it take to secure a more safe thorough fare for the whole community? Other schools have multiple personnel to aide in the arrival and departure of school children, why is this school not properly addressing the situation? S.M.


Botox Girl LCFOG Helps Santa

A Man’s Gotta Do What a Man’s Gotta Do Terri Whiting


Dear Botoxgirl, My husband needs Botox. He has terrible lines on his forehead. How can I get him to try Botox without hurting his feelings? J. H. La Crescenta Dear J.H. A lot of men have deep lines on their foreheads. Maybe the rough and rugged John Wayne look is more appealing to most men, but I think men should use Botox. Next time you have a treatment, bring him with you for a consultation. He may surprise you! Also, I would let your husband know that I can use ice or numbing cream to make his treatment as comfortable as possible. Dear Botoxgirl, I have heard about the “other Botox.” What is it? K.L Tujunga

Terri Whiting Dear K.L. The “other Botox” is most likely Dysport. Dysport is great! It only take two days to start taking effect and it lasts up to four months. Another difference is that Dysport allows more movement. If you have any questions about some of the cosmetic procedures that are done at Josail Skin Care, drop me an e-mail. Peace, Botoxgirl Josail Skin Care 7204 Foothill Boulevard Suite A First Aid Urgent Care (818) 352-8333

The La Cañada Flintridge Orthopaedic Guild (LCFOG) had a busy December. It started on December 1with their meeting and Christmas Luncheon at the home of Guild sustainer Liz Argue. Members arrived with gifts and piled them high around a huge fireplace. These were transported to Orthopaedic Institute for Children (OIC) to be donated to children at the clinic in Calexico. On December 9, OIC staff members departed early in the morning for a long bus ride to Calexico with all the packages in tow. Staff and volunteers were able to help out at the clinic and distribute gifts to the children who were being seen by OIC doctors. Plans were made by members of LCFOG to assist OIC at their annual Christmas Toy Party on December 7 at the downtown campus. This is a yearly event that brings Joy and Toys to local children,

Attention All Veterans, Come and Enjoy your local American Legion Post Help support Veterans and Veterans’ Causes


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Santa’s “little” helpers just got bigger! many of them outpatients at OIC, where any child with orthopaedic injuries or ongoing conditions are treated without consideration to the financial status of their family. The Outpatient Medical Center and Urgent Care Center sees more than 60,000 patient visits yearly, with many of the children requir-

ing outpatient surgery. OIC has a “commitment to access, and a passion for excellence” states Mary Beth Perrine, former La Cañada resident and currently Senior Director, Community Outreach who also serves as liaison to LCFOG. The OIC continues to see Toys, page 8

Movie Review: Sing by

Sons, Daughters and Wives of Veterans

Arlene Massimino

photo: Arlene Massimino and OIC


With Toys for Tots

Bob Garver

“Sing” is an animated kids’ movie for kids who are tired of “Moana.” At least, I hope its audience is kids who are tired of “Moana.” Otherwise, it’s getting business that “Moana” should be getting. Parents, if your kids want to see “Sing” and they haven’t seen “Moana” at least twice already, try to steer them to that. Matthew McConaughey stars as Buster Moon, a koala who owns a huge theater that has fallen on hard times. He plans to save the theater by holding a singing competition. The contest is a huge hit with a line of hopefuls stretching around the block, but only because they think the prize is $100,000 instead of the measly $1,000 that Moon can actually offer. Moon winnows the field down to six acts, which at five minutes apiece is going to give him a thirty-minute show instead of the epic he needs, unless he’s planning 90+ minutes of ads. Seriously, there’s no reason Moon couldn’t narrow it down to something in the double digits and then contrivances of the film could see all but five drop out. The five main singers are…

-Johnny (Taron Egerton) is a big tough gorilla with a sensitive side who wants to be a singer instead of a career criminal like his father. He shies away from the criminal lifestyle because singing is attractive and not because of moral objections. Or at least the movie forgets to give him moral objections, which would be better for his character. -Rosita (Reese Witherspoon) is a pig housewife with 25 kids who needs some passion back in her life. She’s paired with the overly-passionate Gunter (Nick Kroll), who loves to

wiggle around in skintight outfits for PG laughs. She puts her family life on hold for the competition, leading to the creation of a wacky breakfast contraption. As routine as this movie is, I’m always up for a wacky breakfast contraption. -Ash (Scarlett Johansson) is a teenage porcupine who’s out of her element performing as a solo act instead of in a duo with her loser boyfriend. She has a “punk rock” gimmick, which I scoffed at until she started spraying quills out into the crowd. Shooting hazardous see Sing, page 9



Beer-Battered Avocados with Grilled Peach Salsa

Sunland Park Christmas Party For The Homeless

Everyone was invited and Santa arrived on his scooter-sleigh.


Chef Randy

The inspiration for this appetizer came from my friend, Sandy S., who asked what I would serve with my grilled peach, avocado and jalapeno salsa. I thought, Beer-battered avocados would go great with my salsa. So I tried it and wham-bam! It was great. Nice combination of textures and flavors. For the beer I recommend a hoppy IPA but I’ve also been known to make the batter with Guinness Extra Stout for super flavor. Maybe make it with Guinness and serve it with a cold IPA? Your choice. Let me know what you do and how you like it.

Salsa Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado 2 ripe peaches 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice (divided) ¼ cup shallots (chopped fine) 2 garlic cloves (minced) 2 jalapenos (seeds removed and sliced thin) ¼ teaspoon salt Avocado Ingredients: Vegetable oil for frying 2 cups flour ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoon garlic powder (not salt) 12 ounces of beer (your choice) 2 to 3 avocados (ripe but firm)

Salsa Directions: Preheat your grill on medium high heat (400 to 450 degrees) for about 10 minutes. While the grill is heating, slice the avocados and peaches in half lengthwise and remove the pits. Brush a mixture of 1 tablespoon olive oil plus 1 tablespoon lime juice on the flat sides of each half. Make sure they’re coated generously to avoid sticking to the grill. Once the grill is hot, add the avocado and peach halves, cut side down, and close the lid. Grill for 4 minutes. Use grill tongs to carefully remove the peach and avocado halves to a plate. While the peaches are still hot they can be easily peeled.

The Christmas tree was decked with gifts for all those who had no families.

see Avocados, page 9

For additional recipes, see Chef Randy’s website at

The day was cold, the soup was hot and Pattee’s elves were passing out good cheer

Minstrel elves played fun Christmas songs.







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Fire in RV Garage

Firefighters wait for garage smoke to vent so they can see where the fire is. On Saturday, December 24, a small fire with a lot of dense smoke in an RV garage on 10040 North Tujunga Canyon Boulevard. It took 26 firefighters 24 minutes to put it out.

Firefighters faced heavy storage in the garage but were able to prevent the fire from spreading to several attached exposures. There were no injuries reported.

Chimney Fire On Valmont

Firefighters from Station 74 get a quick handle on this fireplace fire. On Tuesday night, January 3, just as we were putting The Paper to bed, the call came through that there was a structure fire along the 7000 block of Valmont. When we arrived at the scene, along with L.A. Fire Companies 24 and 74, we could see that the fire had gone up through the roof through the old fieldstone chimney on the structure. One of the problems with the old-style chimneys is that, over the years, the foundation sinks, which in turn

causes breaks in the fireplace walls. When you burn wood logs, the heat gets so intense that it leaks through the cracks in the stone fireplace walls and sets fire to the adjacent wood joists. Fortunately, there was no major damage to this house —but it could have been very bad, very quickly and hidden. Fire agencies recommend that if you have a house that is more than 50 years old, you should have the fireplace and chimney professionally checked for leaks.


provide a vital safety net for underserved children with potentially crippling disorders who have nowhere else to turn. Thanks to its many donors, among them LCFOG, an ambulatory surgery center has been built on the downtown campus, equipped with two operating rooms, making it easier and faster for children to be successfully treated at

OIC, getting youngsters ready to grow well and play well. Santa was present at the OIC party and distributed some gifts himself. He had plenty of “helpers” to be sure each of the nearly 2000 children were given gifts to enjoy at Christmas time. He arrived via helicopter, waving from above to the cheering children as he descended. The L.A. SWAT team was present to chauffeur Santa

from the helicopter. Each family received a baseball signed by former L.A. Dodgers pitcher Dennis Powell, the pitcher who batted right and hit left. He also posed for numerous photos with the nearly 2000 children who attended the toy party. On December 14, LCFOG and California Highway Department (CHP) officers with the CHP Toy Party. This time, Santa arrived in a

squad car with several LAPD officers as escorts. Toys were presented to the 100-plus children who had seen the doctor that day. Every child went home with toys. LCFOG meetings are held monthly from September through June, and visitors are always welcome. For more information about LCFOG and the meetings, please contact Marie Gilhooly at (818) 249-5262.

photo: Arlene Massimino and OIC

Toys, from pg. 4 • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 1

Santa and one of the smallest reindeers.

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NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 ensures that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use cannabis for medical purposes where medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person’s health would benefit from the use of medical cannabis. Recommendations must come from an attending physician as defined in Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis is a Schedule I drug according to the federal Controlled Substances Act. Activity related to cannabis use is subject to federal prosecution, regardless of the protections provided by state law.

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Peacocks, from pg. 1 make false accusations regarding their association with feeding the so-called feral peacocks. Some have been issued citations. The noisy and oftentimes destructive birds roam freely across homeowners’ lawns. They sit in the trees relieving themselves in the residents’ yards and worse. One irate neighbor stated, “They poop everywhere, on my driveway, on my car, everywhere!” The birds are free to roam

Rains, from pg. 1 for the city. One thing the rains did was to help the parched trees that

Avocados, from pg. 5 Allow them to cool before dicing. Use a large spoon to scoop the avocado flesh away from the peel. In a large bowl combine the remaining lime juice, shallots, garlic, jalapenos and

Sing, from pg. 4 projectiles at fans is admittedly a pretty punk move. -Mike (Seth MacFarlane) is a mouse who takes after Sinatra. He’s a little animal, but he’s got big dreams and an even bigger chip on his shoulder. Of all the main characters, he’s probably been used the least in the film’s advertising, which is a shame because the fast-talking hustler is the most consistently funny outside of Moon’s dotty lizard assistant (Garth Jennings, the film’s director). -Meena (Tori Kelly) is an elephant who is the most physically imposing and the most shy to perform (which is awfully similar to Johnny’s persona, come to think of it). She’s so shy, in fact, that she runs out of her audition without singing a single note of Sia’s “Chandelier,” which is my favorite song of this decade and made me spend the rest of the movie wondering if she was going to come back to it (she doesn’t). It’s a bad idea to spend so much of the movie

Maps, from pg. 2 for a number of publications and he published a book “Los Angeles in Maps” - several years ago. This program is free and open to the public and everyone is welcome. Donations are always appreciated. The event is on Saturday, January 14 at 1 p.m. at Bolton Hall

the neighborhood -- and the neighborhood is divided as to what they should do about it. In a recent episode, Animal Control officer Huang Ding came out and after observing which lawns had remnants of bird seed in the grass, gave a formal warning to those neighbors that it was unlawful to feed “feral” animals. One neighbor who didn’t want to be identified said it’s really hard to get any sleep when they (the birds) are running around and making their mating calls. “At first it was

cute,” the neighbor said. “It was really different and I even took pictures and sent them to friends out of the area. But then they get crazy around 6 a.m. and it’s not fun anymore.” As no one actually claims to own them, the birds are considered “non-domesticatedferal animals” by the Los Angeles Animal Services and it is unlawful to feed them. After many complaints by offended neighbors, ACS officer Hoang Dinh came out and surveyed the area and issued Administrative Citations

to neighbors that had bird seed scattered about to feed the birds. What makes it difficult — if not downright annoying — to neighbors on Scoville is that Los Angeles City residents can have any amount of chickens (but only one rooster) on their property as long as they are kept 30 feet away from a residence. Peacocks and hens that are not confined to a residence (or coop) are considered free-range non-domesticated animals and are not covered

by any regulations other than the unlawful feeding of them. Residents of neighboring city Arcadia have lived with peacocks since the days of Lucky Baldwin who had them on his estate which has now become the Los Angeles County Arboretum. And except for some Asians who regularly “disappear” some of the flock that roam the neighborhood, most people get along with them. (By the way, peacocks taste like a combination of duck and chicken.)

have been dying off from lack of water. But the rains haven’t done enough to compensate for the drought. With any luck, we will pick up the

additional five inches that we’re short by the end of February. Snow has been falling in northern California and the resulting moisture

should begin filling our depleted reservoirs. In talking with S-T residents, nearly everyone is doing something to reduce their

water usage: low-flow shower heads, toilets and restricted yard watering are helping. We’ll see what the coming months bring.

salt. Dice the avocados and peaches into small pieces and fold into the salsa. Cover and set aside.

In a large bowl stir together the flour, salt, garlic powder, and pepper. Add the beer and stir until combined. Turn the heat up on the oil to medium heat (and carefully watch it.) Peel the avocados and remove the seeds. Cut into thick slices - about 4-5 per

half of avocado. Dip the avocado slices into the batter (2 at a time) and fry for about 1 minute. Flip and fry again until golden brown, about an additional 2 minutes. Remove from fryer and allow to drain on a stack of paper towels.

To serve: Place fried avocados on a serving tray and spoon salsa on top. Serve with extra salsa on the side. To use in a complete meal, fold the avocados into homemade corn tortillas as shown in the photo. Enjoy!

Avocado Directions: Add about 3 inches of oil to a saucepan and preheat on low while preparing the batter. not letting Meena sing because she’s arguably the most talented and there’s no point in keeping us in suspense about Grammy nominee Kelly’s voice. The kids at my screening went crazy for her, giving her a well-deserved ovation for her version of the late Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” “Sing” is only 108 minutes long, but it felt like forever because the story is so predictable that I was waiting impatiently for it to hit the necessary plot points. Most of the jokes and songs are okay, but they’re not enough to save the movie from being uninspired overall. Kids who don’t recognize the formula will probably like it, but there are better options out there, like “Moana” in theaters and “Zootopia” at home. One and a Half Stars out of Five. “Sing” is rated PG for some rude humor and mild peril. Its running time is 108 minutes. Contact Bob Garver at Museum, 10110 Commerce Avenue in Tujunga, CA 91042. Parking is available a few doors uphill at the Elks Lodge. For more information, please call the Little Landers Historical Society at (818) 352-3420; visit the Web site at; or e-mail

LIGHTS AND SIRENS And Our Local Calamities

A pictorial look back at how the police and fire departments have helped our community deal with crimes and disasters.

Exhibit runs October 30th, 2016 through April 2017.

Bolton Hall Museum

10110 Commerce Avenue in Tujunga (corner of Commerce Avenue and Valmont Street) Museum Hours: Sunday and Tuesday from 1 to 4 PM Everyone is Welcome — Admission is Free — Donations Appreciated (suggested donation $3 per person) Complete details about Bolton Hall Museum and Little Landers Historical Society can be found on our web-site. www.

Little Landers Historical

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Crime Stats Theft 12/31/16 08:00 PM 7700 BLOCK OF JAYSEEL ST

Theft 12/19/16 01:35 PM 6500 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BL

Theft 12/29/16 09:00 PM 11100 BLOCK OF LEOLANG AV

Theft 12/19/16 06:30 PM 6200 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BL

Burglary 12/16/16 06:45 PM 9900 BLOCK OF MARNICE AV Theft 12/27/16 07:00 PM 7800 BLOCK OF HILLROSE ST Theft 12/27/16 07:00 PM 00 BLOCK OF HILLROSE AND WAYSIDE AV Theft 12/28/16 09:30 PM 10200 BLOCK OF MOUNTAIR AV Theft 12/28/16 03:00 PM 7600 BLOCK OF APPERSON ST Theft 12/22/16 04:30 PM 7700 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BL Theft 12/24/16 01:00 AM 10000 BLOCK OF SAMOA AV Robbery 12/23/16 12:50 PM 00 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL & ORO VISTA • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 1

SWEET CHERRIE’S DINER Only the finest, freshest ingredients are used to create the ultimate OMELET.

Theft 12/19/16 09:30 PM 6200 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BL Theft 12/18/16 09:00 PM 7700 BLOCK OF KYLE ST Theft 12/17/16 11:30 AM 8000 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BL

Our CLUB SANDWICH is sliced turkey, crisp bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and mayo on three slices of lightly toasted bread.

Theft 12/17/16 12:12 PM 2600 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BLVD Theft 12/24/16 10:00 AM 8000 BLOCK OF MCGROARTY ST


Dine-in / Take-out / Catering for any occasion

Theft 12/26/16 07:30 PM 10400 BLOCK OF SUNLAND BL Burglary 12/13/16 12:30 PM 6600 BLOCK OF VALMONT ST Theft 12/18/16 09:00 PM 2600 BLOCK OF FOOTHILL BLVD

Theft 12/15/16 08:30 AM 7600 BLOCK OF WYNGATE ST

Theft 12/18/16 05:00 AM 5400 BLOCK OF ROCK CASTLE DR

Theft 12/20/16 05:00 PM 10700 BLOCK OF ORO VISTA AV

Burglary 12/14/16 11:00 AM 10600 BLOCK OF FRANLIE DR

Theft 12/21/16 02:00 PM 8600 BLOCK OF WYNGATE ST

Burglary 12/16/16 03:00 PM 9400 BLOCK OF WENTWORTH ST

THE BEST OMELETS IN TOWN! Waffles, Charbroiled burgers

Our CHARBROILED BURGER is rich, high-quality beef, lettuce, cheese, pickles, anyway you want it for every mouth-watering bite.

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: M-F: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Sat 7 a.m. -5 p.m. • Sun 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

(818) 353-0465 8236 Foothill Blvd., Sunland



(818) 951-9737

8352 Foothill Boulevard Sunland, CA 91040

-Cigarettes -Cigars -Tobacco -Hookahs -Accessories 20% discount


Villa Terraza is Now Serving Beer & Wine Yes, after literally years of going without a beer and wine license, a temporary license was issued to Villa Terraza at the beginning of December — and now patrons can enjoy the full ambiance of eating Italian! There are two eating areas: one inside and another outside surrounded by trees and blooming plants. This is a great place to come to for a casual family dinner or a date. Villa Terraza is located at 9955 Sunland Boulevard in Shadow Hills, CA 91040.

The hours are: Mon, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tue, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Wed, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Thu, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri, 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sat, 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

REWARD for MY MISSING FEMALE DOG Name: Kneesaa (pronounced Knee-suh)

Last seen on December 14th near Wag My Tail groomers on Hillrose & Wescott Streets in Sunland-Tujunga.

$100.00 REWARD Please call or text with any information

(818) 290-0306 • (818) 573-4787 Home:

(818) 353-6078

We’re Voting Wildfire Season n in the Foothills! for Patty Lopez

g news ’clock

e discovet from the 12 — FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 2017 • THE FOOTHILLS PAPER ong the in crest Firefighters don hazmat gear to extinguish chemical fire in garage. Lake ere in criticompromised too. The strucity. Fire butane gas) when the exploecondture was red-tagged by the sion occured. rns. ly One Los Angeles Department of Investigators said that the male ecentwith Building and Safety, an action detonation blew off the gaother was ring which has made the collection rage door as well as knocked with 56% d. As a of evidence difficult. the garage off its foundation, soNOW, The victims were taken to a making it hazardous for the resifirefighters to enter. The walls burn center. Police said that cent honey oil they will be arrested. of the structure were visibly sDam using and • VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 1

bonnie Corwin

Here Are The Highlights of Last Year’s Foothills Paper!

n, as well


photos: Dyan McManus

ke View D E: 210

ghters, ANW xperience, ern that ... t the y have aza


ving condiWine! worsen


ason, page 11 ... rafts!

E: 12

ENTS ons


............ 2



............ 3

............ 3

City ............ 4

............ 5


............ 5

. 10 ..........

Patty Lopez insures your voice isThe heard in Sacramento. white GMC 2500 HD truck blocked suspects’ escape. In 2015, she introduced 13 hero Narek Nadzharyan. inset: Local legislative bills signed into In a high speed pursuit DUI. Refusing to stop, he law four of which were: last that started in Pacoima was chased from one part of • AB 1207, night Training for 10 p.m. the valley to Tujunga in an Tuesday around Childcare Providers with a known gang(childmember nearly three-hour chase that see Pursuit, page ? whoproviders was nowlearn a suspect care how to identify child abuse); • AB 559 Monarch Butterfly Conservation; • AB 1448 Right to Dry, savAssemblymember Patty Lopez. ing energy; were habitat zoneEducation tended by Roger • ABThis 260weekend, Parenting we Foster • Special Needs given a tree to set up for the Klemm. The Welcome Wall Youth; • Adult Education “Welcome Wall” at the interwas replaced after a big-rig • Veterans section of Foothill Boulevard ran into it and melted the andalso Fenwick the task natural inserts. Councilman Paul She createdinfive forces to address key issues: She is faithful to her con• Business Owners stituents! SHE DOES NOT • Immigrants LIE!

Vandals Hit The Foothills

Sidewalk John Doe is “Jose”

4 7

The latest wildfire was the Wheatland Fire two weeks ago and it burned 185 acres.

Christmas Bobcat Visits Welcomes Travelers Neighborhood YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A

S-T Christmas Tree Photos with Santa Sunland-Tujunga And Residents’ Pets Welcomes Visitors


Kerkorian provided the city services to rebuild it and this will be the third year that we have had a community Christmas tree there.



The 4th of July Parade The 4th of July is Coming Soon to S-T is Coming Soon Two plastic bags and a walker are all that’s left of “Jose.”

Nobody even knew he was there until after he died. He was one of the “invisible ones” that we choose to see through — as though they had no substance. The homeless communities ranging from the Floralita to Scoville were stunned to hear that “Jose” had died behind the bus stop on Foothill Blvd. A person that kept to himself, who never ranged more than four blocks on his walker and his two plastic bags of belongings, was now gone.

Ordinary people were Facebooking back and forth that they had seen the body when they drove by or when they got on the bus. But no one stopped to see if he was dying or dead. Who was “Jose”? The members of his Sunland Park ................. just knew that he5 Community was there, quiet and never in Crime Stats trouble. Just another “camper” that lived on the street. Even I while driving up and down Foothill Blvd. making my

Two really large St. Bernard Dogs sit for their photo.

Volunteers help save WWS! by

DaviD DeMullé

nual “photos with Santa” day

Last year’s decorated tree that was donated by Kathy’s Trees and at their Sunland offices. decorated by Roger Klemm and the community. Every• Christmas This year was a little bitOVER 11 YEARS! FRIDAY JULY 1, 2016 for the TELLING THE TRUTH FOR

A large bobcat sighted on Tranquil Place.

FRIDAY • MARCH 25, 2016 Foothills Paper Receives Award Local Couple see Santa, page 12 From the L.A. Business Journal Celebrates 50th The Los Angeles Business Journal Nonprofit Corporate Anniversary! Citizenship Awards, which


OVER 200 DISTRIBUTION SITES IN THE FOOTHILLS AREA past 10 years, 21st Century Crest (Now Berkshire-Hathaway) has been holding an an-

different with the invitation extended to having their pets

See below and page 12

Fatality on Foothill Ch E 2 0 0 TD IhS TeR I BPU a T Ip O NeSrI T EhS eI Nl Fp TR HsEE FfOiOnT HdI L LlSoAn R EgA - l o s t M o m !

Day .......... 11 ark


see “Jose” page 9


were presented Friday, June 22 at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, are designed to honor those professionals and organizations in the nonprofit world that continue to make a positive impact on the community, and do so under difficult financial constraints. The Foothills Paper was fortunate to receive the award. “We thank and salute all Cooling off at the parade! of the honorees and finalists — those of you who give Youfamily are andsomething get allback. their and age them on. more than heroes; you are friends ready mosey down The 4th of July is the time an essential partto of future corporate and societal sucFoothill Boulevard. There for festivities and usually cess,” said Mathew Toledo, David “Doc” DeMulle’ receives awardafrom the L.A. Business Journal’s of CEOmobile willthebeBusiness the sound culminates with large fireJournal during awards ceremony. and Publisher.



Bob and Roberta Scheu recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Bob is from Oklahoma and resided in California to become a telephone man. Roberta is from Boston and came to visit her brother Tom who was attending USC. They met at a singles group at the Hollywood Church. On June 25, 1966, they were married in Hyde Park, Massachusetts (where Roberta’s family lived). They have lived in Tujunga for 50 years. They have three children: Linda Scheu Taylor with her husband, Bill; Tom Scheu; and Tim Scheu with his wife Tiffany. They have three


See page 12

The Sthemselv ......... 2 serving L and this ......... 3 good thin Everyone loves horses! ......... 5 that it sh FRIDAY • eAUGUST 12, 2016the Rotary Club is doing TELLING THE TRUTH FOR OVER 11 YEARS! VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 17 by DaviD D Mullé grandchildren: Jared Taylor ethical a and twins Janie and Braden everything possible to have a ....... 10 Scheu. machine With the hot weather fun parade. Bob is now retired from of the ba GTE and Roberta is retired coming and people getting Entrants of every shape and ....... 12 You’re a moving seetarget on Foothill Boulevard. Scheus, page 2 commerc together for 4th of July size are encouraged to fill bands costumed dancers and works display. OCTOBER 7, 2016 TELLING THE TRUTH FOR OVER 11 YEARS! VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 21 BBQs and just “hanging-out,” in their parade applications cheering crowds to encourCome join the fun! who norm ....... 13 by DaviD DeMullé of her at the intersection of A Halibut Catch! by DaviD DeMullé the scene Foothill Blvd. and Tujunga business A traffic fatality occurred Canyon Place. She was ridA nighttime house fire with the on Foothill Boulevard last ing alongside her husband on at 9145 La Tuna Canyon Mike Mo Tuesday. another motorcycle who was Rd. Sun Valley was inione of th Kathleen Yukl, an active not injured. tially reported as a brush fire. “I see it’s member of the La Crescenta The collision happened Neighbors ran to the property as usual. Presbyterian Church and a about 8 a.m. The early and tried to rescue an elderly the ST C resident of La Crescenta, was morning sun may have been couple in their 90s that were business riding her motorbike with her a contributing factor. Foothill dazed and confused by the a new bo husband when she struck a Boulevard has become more dense smoke that billowed a new or minivan that pulled in front dangerous each day. throughout the house.

Two Sun Valley Residents Perish National Night Out at Stonehurst Faulty Smoke Detectors Suspected Smoke Gets e Saga of The Hansen Dam Area Blaze in Your Eyes 00 DISTRIBUTION SITES IN THE FOOTHILLS AREA ssion College Grazes Rockin' B Stable

The Burning Question - Are You Ready? FREE

LAFD companies 89, 98, LAFD firefighters rush to save residents. 75 and 74 arrived on scene to find flames coming out of the suffered burns to her arm and no pulse. Two teams of ti and Vartan receive the building keysPark. from attic vents with dense smoke smoke inhalation. Donning firefighters JustNayebya a small sampling of the BBQ at Stonehurst Ranch Sideperformed CPR manager Andrew Son. Mission College officially took rolling out of the front door their breathing apparatus, on the victims and brought possession of their new satellite location. ANF and County firefighters Cafe attack Hansen Dam in last Tuesdays fire. Broken by DaviD D eMullé us safe. Sunland-Tujunga neighbors yelling thatL.A. firefightersseemade back pulse. They FRIDAY • JULY 15, 2016 TELLINGand THE and TRUTH FOR OVER 11 YEARS! VOLUME 12their • NUMBER 15 were Halibut, pagea 2 sweep of Sun Valley were no exception; the residents were trapped the interior finding owners transported to local hospitals DeMullé been “Where are the $25 milby DaviD DeMullé reported around p.m. trying to get to the fire across Into11:15 Again All across the nation, from bothwhen communiinside. A woman relative Aspasia Monday and Theodore in grave condition the where they terrain and called lion Prop people J funds and in Kiapos the 10500 block rugged past decade, beginare they going to out have the LAPD satNational Night Out was Moreonthan 100 firefighters ties came to meet of Woldrich nearpronounced the in ANF and L.A. County fire living the property tried lying unconscious on theStreet were dead. ................ L.A. Mission ellite campus inand Tujunga?” a 21-acre brush in Foothill (210) Freeway and equipment to bolster their efhonoringColour first responders, officers firefighters from fought to find the victims but the firefloor. It took the 70 firefighters dent Judith First thereLAFD was Stations the speculathe Hansen Dam across fromOrtho the Rockin’ forts. Guild department and police 77 and 24. smoke was too thick area and Mon- They were quickly about 45Bminutes to quell The the fire quickly spread ending with Dr. tion that the college would day night and again on TuesStable. from two, to five, to 21 acres who offer their lives to keep the heat drove her out. She extricated and found toLuncheon have see NNO, page 9 by Karen Perdue see Fire Deaths, page 3


Another Tragic Death On Foothill Boulevard

rez, the question has

see Mission College, page 9

Latest 4th of July 2 Parade Is Best Ever

day morning. The fire was

Third-Grader Creates Comp Game for Sch

Firefighters were stymied in

see Dam Fire, page 9

................ 4 Play wasN held Friday inE front Whiting Will HonorTerri DToastmasters : Wildlife Way Station S I ID ES :I night Godspell of the old K-mart building. Opioid Volunteers Save The Day! Make You k-thinking Local Woman’s Family, friends, and Community members Leaders Beautiful of the foothills communities A vigil for Max Gonzalez

Epidemic! Crowds Wows

driver SDSU attended. A “Go vehicle was



at Sunland Park where he Volunteers


Lynda Green. Max’s father passed away a couple of months before and he and


..... WOW JAM!




see Vigil, page 3


appenings ............ 2

the RockVHWC ............. 3

News from Clinic .......... 2 A few of the entries in this year’s 4thYour of July parade.

photo: Dyan McManus


..... enjoyed spending time with Save friends and WWS bicycling. office Gonzalez lived in La Crescenta with his mother ............ pened




A simple memorial on Foothill Blvd. marks a great loss.

david deMullé

The 4th of July Parade presented by the Rotary Club of Sunland-Tujunga/ Shadow Hills began at the

photos: FPAC


reported to have made an

Fund Me” ......... illegal U-turn in front of his motorcycle, tragically SIFIEDS causing his death. He was ................ back! on his way to the skate park

bend of the Foothill View from RockBoulevard ............. 3

and Mount Gleason at 10 a.m. and traveled two miles Chefdown Randy 5 the.......................... community’s main thoroughfare to finish at the

Jim Laris .............................. see Parade, page811

Third Grader David Tang shows that com by

DaviD DeMullé

When David Tang, 9, a third-grade student from Apperson Street Elementary School in Sunland, was assigned an animal project report, his teacher, Mrs.

Harris, c that the g also crea in the sty show “Je the other otters.

All these stor

It’s Wildfire Season in S-T http://facebo S-T Crime Stats .................. 10 Godspell performers outdid themselves in this years productions. Terri Whiting, PA.

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