Director's manual

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Director’s Manual


Section 1 Using the JSS International Academy director’s manual 1.1

What the DM is



Who uses the DM



How to use the DM



When to use the DM


Section 2 Jobs and responsibilities 2.1




JSS Int Academy School Organizational Manager





2.3.1 Understanding it


2.3.2 Applying it


Assessment and security


2.4.1 Structures



JSS Int Academy School Sports Manager



JSS International Academy School Technical Manager



Section 3 Team 3.1

Recruitment Rules





Section 1


What the DM is

The Director's Manual (DM) contains all the organizational and technical information needed for managing the JSS International Academy. The Managers of the various areas (Organizational, Sports, Technical) will find useful information in it to share with the entire Team to help organize, manage and deal with every aspect of the JSS International Academy in a uniform and consistent way.


Who uses the DM

The DM will be delivered to the Organizational Manager, who will be responsible for its safekeeping. The DM will be the tool to use in training the Team, in the day-to-day activities of the JSS International Academy, and when the school closes at the end of the season. The Organizational Manager will show, explain, illustrate and disseminate the contents to the Team members and will always strive to protect the DM from possible theft, imitation or improper use.


How to use the DM

The Mangers of the various areas (Organizational, Sports, Technical) must be entirely familiar with the contents of the DM; therefore the Manual must be read in its entirety and consulted frequently. The various members of the Team will receive only the parts that pertain strictly to them, but they can be informed about the entire contents by the Organizational Manager.


When to use the DM

The DM will be used during the initial JSS International Academy briefing, when people will be selected to cover the various roles of responsibility. The Manual will clarify the policy, content and methods to be adopted in the organization, and will be used to explain how to manage all the activities and any emergency situations that may arise, providing the technical and managerial tools needed for unification and organizational clarity.

Section 2 Jobs and responsibilities



The Job Descriptions describe the responsibilities and tasks that each member of the JSS International Academy organization should carry out. These are general guidelines, but should nevertheless be strived for and pursued. The professionalism of the Team and the service is also and above all the result of paying careful attention to the details of the environment the Team works in. No project is entirely successful unless it has unity of purpose and goals. Therefore, the same figures that operate in different places must follow and pursue the same principles, protocols and spheres of work so that the JSS International Academy meets top quality standards.


JSS International Academy Organizational Manager

In addition to taking care of the internal relations of the organization, the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager must also look after the organization’s external relations. The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will receive his instructions exclusively from the JSS management. All the local administration and all the figures representing the institutions of the JSS International Academy locality will have official contacts with the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager, Sports Manager and Technical Manager, who will in turn report in detail to the JSS general management. The JSS International Academy Organizational Managers for the

sports season will be:

............................................................................................. They must:

Safeguard the Child Protection Policy and ensure all staff abide by it

Be responsible for all the organizational protocols

Be responsible for all relations with the JSS International Academy personnel

Ensure the safety of the Team and of all the members of the school

Conserve, enlarge and modify the JSS International Academy Manual

Keep an eye on each technician to ensure his maximum protection both physically (possible injury due to improper use of equipment) and verbally (possible insults or offenses by others)

Ensure the JSS management that each new member of the team attending the first University course scheduled during the year

Train the team regarding the rules of conduct within the structures

commits to

Manage the storerooms and the equipment being used at the JSS International Academy

Always be an example of style, fairness and professionalism for the whole team.

Be available 24 hours a day

Protect private information about the soccer school and do not make it available to third parties, in accordance with the principle of professional confidentiality

Be the organizational reference for the entire Team.


Refer to the JSS central organization concerning important decisions


Be one of the references for the interlocutors outside of the JSS International Academy (public and private administrations, the police, emergency workers) and for those within the JSS International Academy structure

The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will be responsible for the entire Team image. Therefore, the Team and all of the groups of boys must wear the clothing they receive at the beginning of the year in the same way. Moreover, the uniforms must always be worn in a manner that is fitting to the desired image of the school. How and when to wear the various pieces of clothing will be decided on the basis of practicality, the availability of the users, and the temperature of the surroundings where the activity is taking place.


Child Protection


Understanding it

In these years of research and practical application, the Juventus Soccer Schools University has developed a method - the JSS MODEL - for teaching soccer during the various stages of a child’s life, from the early years to the phase of physical maturity. The objective is to create an educational project having innovative characteristics and teaching methods which, starting from the sport as a creative game, involves young people in a process of total personal growth in a serene, safe and trustworthy environment

Children and their growth are the focus of attention at JSS. This is why there is an area of research and training within the Study Centre that specifically deals with child protection and the ethical - behavioral standards that the team must meet. The point of departure for the need to formalize this area is the fact that the soccer coach, like all operators who interact with children, finds himself in front of children every day for whom he has maximum responsibility, a responsibility he must be keenly aware of. Families and the very law itself on Child Protection not only demand utmost awareness, but especially the application of behavioral norms consistent with the values that are asked to be represented, i.e. respect, fairness and good behavior. In daily practice, you often feel most prepared for what you know most about as a soccer coach. However, there is an entire sphere that is often ignored by simply relying on your common sense, common sense that is crucial so that all the rest can be done in the best possible way: respect for the psychophysical integrity of the child. Respecting the psychophysical integrity of the child means taking care of his complete mental and physical being; it means ensuring that he does not lack anything from a physical and mental standpoint. If there is a child, we must never be the reason for his needing anything.

This is the true premise we need to start from. If we do not pay the strictest attention to this point, all of the rest of the work will become meaningless. The aim of all those working in Juventus Soccer Schools is to encourage a process of growth of the child as a whole in a healthy, peaceful, secure and reliable environment, by giving him maximum autonomy. Making our children autonomous means regarding them as people who need to acquire independence to become able to take care of themselves and to move in the world in a critical and mature way. You must never overstep the boundaries of the role you have been called upon to fill: being coaches does not mean distancing yourself from the kids, creating tension on the field, nor does it mean being their parents. If the child shows signs of any unease that you think goes beyond the training and his presence on the field, you should involve the person who has full responsibility and those who have the appropriate skills. The training activities of Juventus University originate with the aim of making all those who come from other situations aware of the importance and delicacy of the discipline and of the rigor in practicing the profession in environments that foresee the presence of children, as well as conveying the principles and values that are essential for the diffusion of "real" sport, for which Juventus Soccer Schools demands that you work with: respect, loyalty, good behavior and fairness. For that purpose, JSS has created a series of step-by-step procedures to serve as a guide and reference for child protection. They contain information and methods for managing unpleasant surprises, but above all for preventing them from ever arising. Therefore, the behavioral policy is a useful guide for dealing with the world of children by offering suggestions for the correct and peaceful management of young athletes.


Applying it

The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will be the “Person Responsible for the Policy�, and must see to it that all members of the team always carry out the norms for Child Protection during the specific project. The Person Responsible must:


Ensure that the matter of Child Protection is dealt with in accordance with the JSS Child Protection Policy and Procedures


Ensure that the entire team has been well-prepared on the subject and has a clear understanding of the Child Protection Policy


Provide support to each member of the staff, always in keeping with the Child Protection Policy


Be responsible for contacting the parents of the child/children involved in any problem having to do with the protection and welfare of the children


Have each collaborator sign the C.C.P. Form that states he has read the Child Protection Policy and undertakes to abide by the instructions contained in it


Keep a careful watch on all of the JSS International Academy Team activities as regard Child Protection

The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will be responsible for the Policy and must ensure that the guidelines contained in it are always followed to the letter.

2.4 2.4.1

Risk Assessment and Security Structures

At the beginning of the year, the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager appoints a person to be responsible for security. During the year this person will complete two reports called Risk Assessment and Structure Assessment. During the season he will be responsible for monitoring the structures and assessing possible risks connected with the activity. If there are problems he is unable to solve, he must always refer to the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager.


JSS International Academy Sports Manager

In addition to taking care of the internal relations of the organization, the JSS International Academy Sports Manager must also look after the organization’s external relations. The JSS International Academy Sports Manager will receive his instructions exclusively from the JSS management. All the local administration and all the figures representing the institutions of the JSS International Academy locality will have official contacts with the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager, Sports Manager and Technical Manager, who will in turn report in detail to the JSS general management. The JSS International Academy Sports Managers for the

sports season will be:


They must:

Be the one and only point of reference within the administrative office, overseeing the work of the person in charge of the Front Office. Supervise and organize everything concerning the management of the administrative office

Take care of membership and the correct management of the sport medical checkups of each member

File all the documents of each Team member separately. Keep them in an archive that is in a safe place and protect them from possible theft

Monitor, manage and update the Data Base of the JSS International Academy

Ensure that each child’s registration fee has been paid

Manage and safeguard the cash box

Plan the schedules of the weekly games, including championships, tournaments, and friendly matches

1. Report to and be the one and only spokesman for the JSS International Academy and its relations with the federation

2. Be available 24 hours a day 3. Protect private information about the soccer school and do not make it available to third parties, in accordance with the principle of professional confidentiality

4. Be the organizational reference for the entire Team. -

Refer to the JSS central organization concerning important decisions


Be one of the references for the interlocutors outside of the JSS International

Academy (public and private administrations, the police, emergency workers) and for those within the JSS International Academy structure


JSS International Academy Technical Manager

In addition to taking care of the internal relations of the organization, the JSS International Academy Technical Manager must also look after the organization’s external relations. The JSS International Academy Technical Manager will receive his instructions exclusively from the JSS management. All the local administration and all the figures representing the institutions of the JSS International Academy locality will have official contacts with the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager, Sports Manager and Technical Manager, who will in turn report in detail to the JSS general management. The JSS International Academy Technical Managers for the

sports season will be:

........................................................................................................................ They must:

Coordinate all the technical managers of the various age groups:

Ensure that all of the coaches apply the JSS model prepared by the JSS University

Prepare and coordinate the formation of the groups

Manage the technical training of the coaches

Coordinate the assignment of the coaches to the various groups

Manage the assignment of schedules and training areas for each group within the various structures

Plan and take care of the annual and monthly various categories

Plan and call the technical meetings for the Team

Coordinate and manage relationships with the families and hold meetings with them

Meet with the GC School Sports Manager for discussions about the new federal rules, communications press and federal regulations

Protect private information about the soccer school and do not make it available to third parties, in accordance with the principle of professional confidentiality

Be available 24 hours a day

Be the organizational reference for the entire Team

Refer to the JSS central organization concerning important decisions

Be one of the references for the interlocutors outside of the JSS International Academy

(public and private administrations, the police, emergency workers) and for those within the JSS International Academy structure

Section 3 Team


Recruitment Rules

The JSS International Academy Managers will have available a previously recruited and selected team. All of the members of the team involved in the JSS activities must:


present the original copy of the Coaching Certificate (federal license) and/or university degree and/or specialist degree in motor sciences


have attended at least the Basic course at Juventus University to learn about the teaching model that is used in the JSS projects, or make a commitment to attend the course at the first scheduled date during the 2010/2011 season


have an additional interview in which the candidate’s abilities will be discussed and evaluated



In order to work with JSS, the candidate must provide the following in accordance with applicable laws, including privacy protection:


The attestation for having attended the training course “CHILD PROTECTIONPOLICIES AND PROCEDURES� held by the JSS International Academy Organizational Manager (indispensable for every project)


A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE attesting that he is physically fit to practice noncompetitive sport


The documents must be delivered by each member of the staff to the Administrative Office of the JSS International Academy. The recruitment for any form of collaboration, whether continuative or occasional, is conditional on the submission of appropriate documentation to assess the capacity to relate to minors


It is the job of the JSS International Academy Sports Manager to file all the documents (separately for each member of the team) and keep them in an archive in a safe place

The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will be responsible for training the entire team by using the JSS International Academy Manual 2010/2011. The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will show (handing out certain parts), explain, illustrate and divulge the contents of the Manual by organizing briefing sessions with the entire team (or parts of it). The JSS International Academy Organizational Manager will constantly exchange ideas about the JSS model with the Juventus Soccer Schools University. The Organizational Manager will work with the University on improving and developing the JSS model in an ongoing way, by providing information about how the sports season is progressing.

JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 2



JSS International Academy declares:


to have received from JM the document entitled the Director’s Manual


to have looked over the document.


to apply the procedures and regulations contained in that document.

The manager of JSS International Academy, for acceptance

Place and date




JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 3


With this self-certification

the undersigned ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

born in ……………………………………………………………………………………. on ………………………………………………..

resident in ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Declares to have read the 2° level manual, to be perfectly aware of all of its contents and to apply its codes and rules during all the proposed activities both on and off the playing field.

Place and date

Signature JSS International Academy Coach



Place and date

Signature International Academy Head Coach



Place and date

Signature JSS International Academy Manager



JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 4

WAIVER RELATIVE TO FILMS AND PHOTOS AND RELATED RIGHTS I the undersigned .......................................................................................................... born in .............................................. on ..................................................................... residing in ........................................ at ........................................................................ agree to the following: Regarding participation in the 2010/2011 JSS International Academy initiative, I take note that during or in connection with the activity itself film clips, recordings, or stills may be taken that include images of the person (also allowing for their identification), e.g. during workouts, games, team and training situations, etc..). In relation to the above, I authorize: 4. the filming and recording of images regarding the person, made in any technical format, including computer; 5. the publication, communication, diffusion of the aforementioned films, by any means and in any place. It is acknowledged that JSS International Academy and Juventus Merchandising srl will be the sole and exclusive owners of the images and films, of all the rights of use and exploitation, including economic, of both the photographs and the film clips, which may be used in their entirety or as individual parts and components, including in the form of film clips, edited films and adaptations, without any limitation, and with ample power of transference to third parties. The aforementioned companies are therefore acknowledged to have full rights, including economic, in the use and exploitation of the images and footage by any means of transmission, broadcasting or communication, interactive as well, or for public enjoyment (e.g. television, Internet, home video, commercial video, DVD, CD Rom and Blue Ray) in any way or form, and by using any technology for reception on any terminal, with the option of using pictures or films even without previous processing, assemblage, editing or adjusting, for publishing, advertising, or promotional purposes, whether on paper or on electronic or digital media, including for the purpose of communication and dissemination to the public. I declare that no law can be recognized in favor of the participant in relation to the above, whether or not the filming includes the participant. Place and date Coach

Signed JSS International Academy



JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 5

TRYOUT PERIOD JSS International Academy

I, the undersigned born in

………………………………………………… on ……………………………………………………………….

residing in


telephone N°


parent of the child born in



………………………………………………… on ……………………………………………………………….

AGREE to have my child take part in 3 practice sessions at the CG Soccer School, to consign N° 1 current medical certificate and to sign the waiver for the temporary release from responsibility Dates for the tryouts:

………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Place and date




Notes for the administrative office:

JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 6

JSS INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY RULES AND PROTOCOLS FOR BASIC TRAINING COURSE With this self-certification the undersigned………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… born in………………………………………………….on………………………………………………………………………………… residing in …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. declares to have participated in the basic training course on rules of group behavior and management at the JSS International Academy. With this self-authorization, the new JSS International Academy coach undertakes to take part in the first Basic Course of Juventus University, if not previously attended, to complete the training path initiated with this course. Furthermore, for the proper execution of the JSS model, this training must take place by participating in these University courses.

Date……………………. Signed JSS International Academy Coach ……………………………………………………

Date …………………… Signed JSS International Academy Org. Manager…………………………………………

Date …………………… Signed JSS Manager ……………………………………………………………

JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 7



JSS International Academy declares:

10. to have received from JM the document entitled the Child Protection Policy. 11. to have looked over the document. 12. to apply the procedures and regulations contained in that document.

The Head Coach of JSS International Academy, for acceptance

Place and date




JSS International Academy Director’s Manual - Form 8 ACCEPTANCE OF THE 2° LEVEL MANUAL With this self-certification the undersigned ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. born in ………………….………..………………………on …………………………………………………………… resident in ………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… Declares to have read the 2° level manual, to be perfectly aware of all of its contents and to apply its codes and rules during all the proposed activities both on and off the playing field.

Place and date …………………………………………… Place and date …………………………………………… Place and date ……………………………………………

Signature Coach JSS International Academy ……………………………………………………… Signature Head of JSS International Academy ……………………………………………………… Signature Manager of JSS International Academy ………………………………………………………

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