Players welcome

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Before training sessions 1

Punctuality; trainers should prepare the field 30 minutes before players arrive in changing rooms.


Arrive in the change room 5 minutes before the arrival time of the players


There should always be a trainer (responsible for welcoming/discharge at the door on arrival in the changing room area. This person shall take charge of children from parents, indicating the respective changing room assigned.


Ensure that no person other than the players, trainers and sport centre employees enters the changing room area.


The welcome / discharge officer should be at the entrance 5 minutes before arrival of the players in the changing rooms and should remain there 10 minutes after the team enters field for the training session in order to accompany any latecomers to the changing rooms and subsequently to their respective playing fields.

After training sessions 1

At the end of training sessions the welcome / discharge official should attend the exit door following the training session in order to reconsign children to families.


The welcome / discharge official shall deliver the players directly to their parents. In case the parents have not yet arrived at the sports facility, the child shall wait with the welcome / discharge official. This person shall leave the post only after all of the children have left the changing rooms


Trainers, once their players have been returned to their families, should then verify that all of the equipment is properly stored in the storage areas and should also verify there are no goal posts left in the field.

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