Zion Herald: August 2013

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August 2013

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com When I say the word “evangelism”, what thoughts or feelings come to mind? If you’re like many Lutherans, you might begin to feel anxious. You might see evangelism as that committee that you need to avoid at all costs, because once you’re on it, you’re on for life! Or you may see evangelism as one of the weak spots of our church; something that neither pastor nor people do very well. Perhaps you look back with bittersweet nostalgia to the “golden era” of the 1950s, when the pews were full and the overflow had to be opened. Or maybe it’s something that you would rather ignore and leave to people “better equipped” than you. Truth is, evangelism is a loaded word for many of us. It’s loaded with anxiety about our survival as a congregation. For many, evangelism also produces feelings of shame and blame. Maybe these sentiments sound familiar. “I don’t know what’s wrong with

us. Why can’t we get more young families like we used to?” “What’s wrong with people these days? They just don’t seem to have any use for church.” “I wish that the pastor would go out and do more to bring those young folks in.” “Where are we going to be in twenty years if no one else comes to church?” But what if I told you evangelism could be different? What if we’ve been thinking about evangelism all wrong?

Perhaps it’s time for us as a congregation to begin “Rethinking Evangelism”. When I was at Luther Seminary discussing this very topic, I felt enlightened by the different ways the presenters thought about evangelism. And it helped me to begin to think about evangelism in our context, as a mainline-Protestant Lutheran congregation in Hartford City. Maybe we’re ready to look at evangelism with fresh eyes and ears.

What if, instead of bringing people in to meet God in church, we met God in the people in our community?

With that in mind, I would like to invite you all to a Sunday morning adult forum, “Rethinking Evangelism”, at 9 AM on Sunday, August 18. A light breakfast will be provided.

What if we became a community of “God-seekers” – people thirsty for encounters with the living God in others?

Bring your thoughts, ideas, concerns and fears with you! But let’s remember that Jesus is bigger than any of our fears or any of us.

What if we took it as a given that God is at work in our community in ways we haven’t thought were possible?

See you in church! Pr. David

Congregational Retreat! September 7, 9-3 PM Lake Placid Christian Conference Center 397 S. 200 E., Hartford City, IN 47348 The theme? “What’s God Up To? And Where Do We Fit In?” Pr. Rudy Mueller, Assistant to the Bishop, will be our facilitator. A continental breakfast and buffet lunch will be served. There is no cost to you to attend this retreat. If there is interest, Pr. David will arrange for childcare. Call Debbie in the office at 348-3157 by Sunday, August 25th so we can give Lake Placid a final count.

August 2013

June Council Minutes

Congregation Council met on June 11, 2013 Present: Pastor David Fleener, Shay Clamme, Pat Gillis, Barbara Hardwick, Larry Hile, Cindy Knote, Kathy Sharp, Allen Stallsmith, Fred Strine, Libby Stroble, Neil Stroble and Linda Walker Absent: John Hendricks Linda Walker called the meeting to order and Neil Stroble gave devotions. A motion was made by Kathy Sharp to accept the minutes, seconded by Pat Gillis. Motion carried. Pastor’s Report: Pastoral care for May: visited 9 shut-ins; 4 sick and hospital visits; 1 pastoral visit Visitation schedule, Printed Home Communion Services and Kits are in the sacristy. Hope to bring deacons and others on visits with me this month and next. October 25-27 Retreat - Only

two couples registered so far. I will extend the deadline one month or so. Possible change dates. Vacation Bible School will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church from July 15 - 19. This year we are using the Athens Holy Land material from Group Publishing. Synod Assembly was held at the Grand Wayne Convention Center in Ft. Wayne. Ray and Linda Stanley attended in place of Chris and Megan Stroble and Larry and Virginia Langdon. Committee Reports—Parish Education & Youth: Meeting in May to make plans for Vacation Bible School. Evangelism/Social Ministry: Reconvene in the Fall. Council Reports—Deacons: June 2nd - 86 attended and 77 communed, June 9th - 81 attended Trustees: The roof repair will be started in July. Door knob needs repaired. Neil

Outdoor Worship and Picnic

Zion’s Annual Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic will be held at Ray and Linda Stanley’s, 1287 S - 200 E, on August 11th at 11 a.m. A carry-in dinner will be held

after the outdoor worship service. Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided. Please bring your lawn chair, a dish to share, and your table service. Following the meal there will be time for games and fellowship.

Stroble will repair. Treasurer: Balance in checking, $12,691.74 as of June 11 which includes the roof fund total of $16,520. New Business: Debbie wants someone else to take over the church accounting. Motion to table for one month made by Neil Stroble, seconded by Allen Stallsmith. Motion carried. Motion to accept reports was made by Neil Stroble, seconded by Larry Hile. Motion carried. Motion to adjourned by Kathy Sharp, seconded by Cindy Knote. Motion carried. The meeting was closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Cindy Knote will give the devotions. Submitted by, Barbara Hardwick Recording Secretary

Thursday Church

Thursday Church with Holy Communion begins on August 15th at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. A short, meditative service, Thursday Church is for those people who can’t make it to church on Sunday, who enjoy worship in a smaller, less formal group, or who just want to have another time to pray with others.

August 2013 Lay Ministry Servers Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25

Greeters Edi Tarter and Larry Gibson—Dennis and Debbie Walker Outdoor Worship at Ray and Linda Stanley’s Don and Carolyn Goetz—Claretta Dutro Barb Hardwick—Joyce & Louie Willmann

Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25

Ushers Fred Strine, Allen Stallsmith, Cindy Knote and Mark Prout Fred Strine Cindy Knote, Mark Prout, Tom Armstrong and Eldon Willmann Allen Stallsmith, Fred Strine, Tom Armstrong and Eldon Willmann

Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25

Lectors Neil Stroble Joan Strine Carolyn Goetz Megan Stroble

Assisting Ministers Aug. 4 Denise Hile Aug. 11 Sarah Fleener Aug. 18 Jody Stanley Aug. 25 Mark Prout

August Birthdays Kaylin Clamme Kolby Coy Tom Armstrong June Miller Judy Clamme Louise Clamme Gene Gardner Madeline Lennon Roger Willmann Claretta Dutro Anita Reid Libby Stroble Lewis Willmann Shelby Groves Jesse Rogers

8-2 8-4 8-10 8-11 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-18 8-20 8-22 8-23 8-27 8-28

The Zion Herald

“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.”  (Psalm 84:5)

Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348

U Serving the Lord in Gladness U

David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhartfordcity.org

Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship at 10:00 AM

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