October 2013
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com As we go into fall, we have ten days, maybe two weeks of perfect weather. Perfect for me, anyway. It's "good sleeping weather" at night, as my grandparents used to say. The days, though cooler, still have a touch of warmth left in them - all you need is a light jacket. It's a perfect time to sit around a campfire in the evening, watching the sunset in the west. But the perfect weather is soon at an end, and we go into a long, midwestern winter. I wonder if faith is sometimes like that. For a time, we may feel close to God. Every prayer is answered. We feel God's presence within us, at the core of our being. We may be filled with energy and life, eager to do the work of the kingdom God asks of us. But feelings don't last forever. Feelings of "closeness" and elation
Bible Study Making Sense of Scripture October 3rd, 17th, 24th & 31st at 7 PM
only last a short time. When they end, we can feel a chill creep over our faith like the first frosty wind of winter. And then we can find ourselves wondering, "Was any of it real?" Luther certainly felt this way from time-to-time. He and the other reformers even coined a word for it: anfechtungen (ahn-FECK-toon-gen). The word is notoriously difficult to translate into English, but Luther described it as a struggle with God, not unlike Jacob's wrestling match at the Jabbok (Gen. 32:22-32). Luther struggled mightily with doubt. In 1527, his spiritual depression reached a low as he wondered whether or not his work was leading souls away from salvation. Luther felt that God had turned his back on him forever, leaving him to suffer "the pains of hell". But rather than leading Luther away from God, Luther fell back on the spiritual medicines of Scripture, the sacraments, and the church. Luther found the fellowship of believers
Health Kits
We are again collecting items for Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief. The list of items needed was handed out at church on September 22nd. Please bring the items to church no later than October 13th so that they may be packed in time to be taken to Ft. Wayne for shipping and distribution.
vital in these times of spiritual winter: “No one should be alone when he opposes Satan. The church and the ministry of the Word were instituted for this purpose, that hands may be joined together and one may help another. If the prayer of one doesn’t help, the prayer of another will.” It is in those times when we can't feel God in our own hearts that others can remind of us God's presence. God, after all, comes to us outside ourselves. In our sinful state, we certainly cannot expect to "feel" his presence all the time. But he will always be where he said he would be: among the community of saints. God comfort you always with these words Jesus spoke to his disciples: "And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) See you in church! Pr. David
Stewardship Stewardship ladies will meet on Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 a.m. To work on quilts. The ladies will also meet on Monday, October 14th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. to assemble Health Kits for Lutheran World Relief and to work on quilts. New helpers are always welcome. If you have any questions you may contact Kathy Sharp.
October 2013
August Council Minutes Congregation Council met on August 13, 2013. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Shay Clamme, Pat Gillis, Barbara Hardwick, John Hendricks, Cindy Knote, Kathy Sharp, Allen Stallsmith, Fred Strine, Libby Stroble, Neil Stroble and Linda Walker Absent: Larry Hile Linda Walker called the meeting to order and Pat Gillis gave devotions. A motion was made by Kathy Sharp to accept the minutes, seconded by Cindy Knote. Motion carried. Pastor’s Report: Pastoral care for July: visited 3 shut-ins; 2 sick visits; 1 Pastoral Care. Also, Kathy Sharp and Louise Clamme visited 3 shut-ins The Lay Team is up and running. The Lay Team will visit 5 shut-ins by Sept. 15 Confirmation class will resume on Monday evenings in September. Exact date to be announced. Rally Day will be held on September 15. Thoughts, should we have a carry-in/cookout as last year? Outside worship.
I am thinking that we should disband the Evangelism Committee and link specific ministries with teams. Motion to accept by Neil Stroble, second by Fred Strine. Motion carried. Committee Reports—Evangelism/Social Ministry: Will Zion be serving a Community Thanksgiving Dinner this year? Motion to accept committee reports by Pat Gillis, seconded by Shay Clamme. Motion carried. Council Reports—Deacons: August 4th - 72 attended and 74 communed; August 11th - 78 attended Outdoor Worship/Picnic Helped buy clothes for children - $60. Trustees: Roof should be finished this week if it doesn’t rain. Motion to accept council reports by Neil Stroble, seconded by John Hendricks. Motion carried. Old Business: Council discussed whether church accounting should be part of the job description for the secretary. Came to a consensus that the bookkeeping could be done by a third party, but that Debbie should continue to write checks and pay bills. Council
would like Debbie to write an updated job description for secretary. New Business: Thrivent money of $1200 for assistance to help a church member pending on Trustees allotment help and pending notification from bank. Shay Clamme made a motion to go ahead. Neil Stroble seconded. Motion carried. Pope John 23rd Center would like a donation of $100 from Zion to sponsor a table at a Benefit Dinner or purchase 2 tickets to the Dinner at $50 each. After discussion a motion was made by Cindy Knote to buy 2 tickets to be used by Pastor David and Sarah instead of sponsoring a table. Seconded by Neil Stroble. Motion carried. The meeting was closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Barb Hardwick will give the devotions. Submitted by, Barbara Hardwick Recording Secretary
Timeless Treasures
Wednesday, October 9 - Men’s Breakfast at 8 a.m. at Richard’s Restaurant and Women’s Lunch, leaving at 11 a.m. to go go Portland’s Ponderosa. Call Janet Howard, 348-0076, to reserve your spot! Thursday, October 24 - Monthly get-together at Lighthouse Church, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The mayors of Hartford City and Montpelier are
coming to give us insight as to how Montpelier and Hartford City are faring these days. Lunch cost: $6 or whatever amount that you wish to pay. Call no later than Friday, October 18, to reserve for lunch. Monday, October 28 - Trip to Gaither Family Resources, Alexandria, with lunch afterwards at Cracker Barrel, Anderson. Leaving Grace UM
Church at 9:30 a.m. Call to reserve your place on the van! Coming in November - Organ recetal at the Paramount Theater, Anderson. Friday, Nov. 22, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Tickets are only $5. Join us as we enjoy dinner and the concert! To make reservations and/or to learn more about Timeless Treasures, please call Myra Smith, coordinator, 348-1478.
October 2013 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters Oct. 6 Roger and Judy Willmann—Owen and Mary Ehlers Oct. 13 Eldon Willmann—Barb Hardwick Oct. 20 Max and Sandy Langdon—Don and Carolyn Goetz Oct. 27 Barb Hardwick—Roger and Judy Willmann Ushers Oct. 6 Fred Strine, Allen Stallsmith, Cindy Knote and Sarah Fleener Oct. 13 Fred Strine, Allen Stallsmith, Michelle Walker and Jody Stanley Oct. 20 Cindy Knote, Sarah Fleener, Michelle Walker and Jody Stanley Oct. 27 Fred Strine, Sarah Fleener, Michelle Walker and Jody Stanley Lectors Oct. 6 Sandy Langdon Oct. 13 Carolyn Goetz Oct. 20 Joan Strine Oct. 27 Megan Stroble
Assisting Ministers Oct. 6 Mark Prout Oct. 13 Sarah Fleener Oct. 20 Ben Kizer Oct. 27 Chris Coy
October Birthdays Sarah Fleener 10-3 Ryan Langdon 10-6 Ray Stanley 10-6 Kathy Sharp 10-7 Marie Uhrick 10-7 Edi Tarter 10-9 Casey Groves 10-11 Wilma Martz 10-12 Bill Musselman 10-12 Jody Stanley 10-12 Max Hile 10-13 Miriam Wise 10-15 Shay Clamme 10-16 Sue Rinker 10-18 Ashley Digman 10-22 Linda Stanley 10-22 Nancy Bennett 10-23 Jay Hendricks 10-26 Aneta Gardner 10-28 Joan Stanley 10-28 Addison Clamme 10-29 Joan Strine 10-31
The Zion Herald
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
October 27, 2013
U Serving the Lord in Gladness U
David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhartfordcity.org
Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM