Zion Herald: November 2013

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November 2013

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. – The Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, 12:2 You don’t need me to tell you that there’s been a rash of incivility in our elected leaders as of late. The pandering, the extreme rhetoric, the greed for air time, and the spin on events make it difficult to trust anything any politician says (of course, you’re saying, “What else is new?”). The reigning philosophy of the day isn’t, “Let’s work together as a nation.” It’s “The only way I can win is if you lose.” Granted, winning and losing is a part of who we are as people. A Colts game would be very boring if there wasn’t a winner or a loser at the final whistle. Sometimes competition can

Names being placed on the ballot by the nominating committee for the 2014 Congregational Council will be announced

be a good thing. But when we translate it to how we treat each other as people, everyone is bound to lose. As Christians, we are connected – bound together – by our new life in Christ. Paul makes this clear to the church at Rome when he writes the above verse to them. Moreover, Paul reminds the Romans not to think of themselves more highly than they ought. Everyone, he says, is graced with spiritual gifts for the work of the body of Christ. Christ’s body cannot be divided into “winning” parts and “losing” parts. We are all one, and as Paul reminds the church at Corinth, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” There is nothing that the forces of sin in this world would like to do better than to drive the members of Christ’s body apart and set them against one another. Whenever any other allegiance takes precedence

Official Notice

during the worship service on Sunday, November 3rd. A brief congregational meeting will be held following worship on Sunday, November 17th, for the opportunity of making nominations from the floor. Any nominees

over that to Christ, that is exactly what happens. War may be cloaked in the disguise of religious principle, but all too often, the principle that is being followed is the false one of power over another. But there is good news. And that is that Christ delivered the death blow to such false promises and principles at Calvary. Even though sin seems to be running rampant in our world; even though it still inflicts catastrophic harm, Jesus has the last word. This incivility won’t last forever. The needless fighting and war will not last forever. The only thing that will remain is Christ and his kingdom. That’s something to have hope about, even when everything seems to fall apart. I pray that God will fill your heart with that very hope. See you in church! Pr. David

must be at least 21 years of age and a member of Zion for at least one year. Those who offer additional names must have the approval of the person nominated. Voting will take place on November 24th following the worship service.

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