Zion Herald: December 2013

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December 2013

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com Sarah and I wandered into the Alco on the Sunday before Halloween, trying to find a costume she could wear to the church Halloween party. As you might expect, once we arrived, we were hit full in the face with Christmas. Decorations were up, Christmas knick-knacks sat on the shelves, and plastic wreaths announced the abrupt change in season. Alco’s selection was limited anyway, and we ended up having to go to Muncie to find a costume. But there’s something about being assaulted by

Christmas in October that leaves one a little unsettled. Now, this isn’t going to be a rant about the commercialization of the holiday season. We’ve all heard enough ranting on everything else lately. Rather, I wonder how we carve out a space of sanity amidst the constant blare of “Jingle Bells” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. Advent offers that safe, quiet, sane space that is so often missing from our world. In this season, God calls us to remember his undercover entrance into our dark world. We remember that the

forces of sin and death have met their defeat, not at the hands of a conquering king, but from a helpless child. We also look forward, clinging to God’s promise that this world will be made whole again. We look forward to Christ’s coming in glory, mindful that he has already come and dwells among us still. I pray that God will give you peace this season, and a space to reflect and remember on his purposes for you and the whole world. See you in church! Pr. David

2014 Council Members

Newly elected congregational officers for the year 2014 include: Chris Coy—Elder Scott Clamme—Deacon Chris Stroble—Trustee Carolyn Zigler—Recording

Secretary Denise Hile—Financial Secretary Megan Stroble—Financial Secretary Eldon Willmann—Cemetery Trustee Congratulations to those elected and our thanks to them and the others who allowed their names to be placed on the ballot.

Other council members and cemetery trustees remaining in 2014 include: Linda Walker—Elder Allen Stallsmith—Deacon Cindy Knote—Deacon Pat Gillis—Treasurer Neil Stroble—Trustee John Hendricks—Trustee Tim Stanley—Cemetery Trustee Steve Willmann—Cemetery Trustee Newly elected officers are invited to attend the next Congregational Council meeting on Tuesday,

December 10th at 7:00 p.m. Installation of the 2014 Congregation Council will take place during our 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Special thanks to the following members who have served on council and as cemetery trustee and will be leaving office at the end of this year: Libby Stroble Fred Strine Larry Hile Barbara Hardwick Shay Clamme Kathy Sharp Tom Armstrong

Christmas Eve Service

Zion’s Christmas Eve service will begin at 7:00 p.m. with music provided by members of our congregation. Pastor Fleener will lead

our service of Lessons and Carols with a celebration of Holy Communion. The service will close with candle-lighting and the hymn “Silent Night”. Offering received on Christmas

Eve will be divided as follows: Wernle Home 50%, Grace Village 25 % and our local Food Pantry 25%. Please invite your family and friends to join us in the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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