Zion Herald: May 2014

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May 2014

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com After the Easter Sunday service concluded, I went home and collapsed in a heap. Holy Week is the most demanding time of year for a pastor. There are sermons to write, liturgies to plan, lectors and assisting ministers to assign. Some nights I won't get enough sleep. The whole week can feel off-kilter, as I find myself writing my Easter sermons on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. And on top of that, pastoral needs do not cease just because it's Holy Week. Parishioners still get sick and need to be visited. There are still shut-ins to see. It's little wonder I find myself in a heap at the end of the week. You all know what it's like to be exhausted too. Caring for a sick child or parent, or making time for all your various obligations can be exhausting. But, I've noticed another kind of exhaustion at church lately. Many of you have served faithfully for many years, in one capacity or another. You have been on the altar care team, or you've served meals, or

you've taught Sunday School. And now, you're kind of exhausted. Or you've had an exhausting week at work, plus all your children's activities. You just want to sit down in the pew with your family and be fed with the word. I don't blame you. Not one bit. Since Christians redefined the Sabbath as the Lord's Day instead of Saturday, we have thought of Sunday as our one day - our one hour, perhaps - to listen to the word and receive strength through the sacraments before returning to the daily grind of our lives. Rest is a need we all have. But Sunday is also our main day for carrying out the ministry of the church. It isn't the pastor's ministry. It isn't the ministry of only a few people. It's the ministry of us all. Notice how there is no verse in Scripture like the following, "And Peter, when he had reached the age of sixty-five, decided it was time to retire. 'Let the youth pick up this discipleship thing', he said. 'I'm going to retire to my villa on the sea.'" The

apostles do not retire. The call to ministry is a lifetime call. It's a call that we received when we were baptized, and affirmed at confirmation. There's a careful balance we need to strike in the church. We need rest, but we also need many hands to carry out the work Jesus calls us to do. Jesus feeds you at the table each week; he therefore calls you to feed others. We cannot do things as we have been doing them. We cannot simply appoint a few people to carry out the work of ministry. (Think of how little rest those folks have gotten!) We must all be willing to take a part. You may find more joy; more fulfillment in caring for your corner of the vineyard than you thought possible. There is so much that we can do, with God's help, for this corner of the kingdom. I pray God gives you the strength and courage to take up the challenge. And if you have already, I pray that God gives you the strength, help, and rest you need to persevere. See you in church! Pr. David

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