Zion Herald: June 2014

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June 2014

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com This month, instead of writing a lengthy article, I just want to say “thank you.”

me how to fix doorknobs - thank you.

The apostle Paul tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. And I find much to be grateful for at Zion.

To the financial secretaries, who have stuck with me during changes in our procedure and counting - thank you.

To the deacons who have served tirelessly as communion assistants, ushers, and visitors of the sick and shut-in - thank you.

To our treasurer and to Courtney, who keep our books in order and everyone paid on time - thank you.

To the rest of the Soul Care team, who have continued to visit people in great need - thank you. To the trustees, who keep the property in good repair and who show

High School Graduation

Tryse Hendricks, son of John Hendricks, will be graduating from Blackford High School on June 14th. Congratulations and God’s blessings to Tryse in his future endeavors.

To the elders, who have been faithful advisors - thank you.

To Debbie, for putting up with me and for reminding me of what needs to be done - thank you. To Dennis, for being the caretaker of our website - thank you.

Vacation Bible School

Join us for a Wilderness Escape VBS on June 23-27, from 6-8 PM at Trinity UMC in Hartford City. Meet Moses and the tribes of Israel at Mt. Sinai, play games, and make crafts. Register your child at Zion on Sunday morning, or call the church office.

To the Sunday School teachers, Linda, Judy, and Nolan, and to those who find Sunday school a valuable use of their time on Sunday morning thank you. To the Mission and Ministry team, for being a great source of inspiration - thank you. For those I have forgotten to mention - thank you. And to all of you at Zion, for being our friends - thank you. May God continue to bless our ministry. See you in church! Pr. David

Bible Study

Beginning Thursday, June 12th, at 7 PM, join Pr. David in a walk through the Pentateuch - the first five books of Scripture. Uncover the origins of our faith and listen to the Spirit’s voice through the words of Scripture.

June 2014

April Council Minutes Congregation Council met on April 15, 2014. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Chris Coy, Pat Gillis, John Hendricks, Cindy Knote, Allen Stallsmith, Linda Stanley, Chris Stroble, Neil Stroble and Linda Walker Absent: Scott Clamme, Denise Hile and Megan Stroble Linda Walker called the meeting to order and Chris Stroble gave the devotions and a prayer. The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Chris Coy made a motion to accept the minutes. Chris Stroble seconded the motion. The motion passed. Correspondence: A letter from Project Stepping Stones, an outreach in Muncie, was presented. This group offers three homes to families in need. They are trying to raise $75,000. Neil Stroble said that since all of the houses are in Muncie he suggested that we not act on it as a council but put a notice in the bulletin in case anyone in our congregation is interested. Linda Walker said that it was not necessary to vote on this and everyone seemed to agree. Pat Gillis said that her sister, Becky Saylor has had the cracked windows in the men’s and women’s bathrooms replaced. Linda Walker will write a thank-you note to Becky on behalf of the Council and the church. Pastor’s Report—Pastoral Care: Pastor David gave his monthly report and highlighted his activities

for March. He reported that there was a lot of sickness in March. He also spoke with Dr. Jennifer Clamme about the possibility of providing chaplaincy a few hours per week to her patients. They decided that due to their busy schedules this was not the right time to pursue a ministry. The statistics for the Pastor and the Soul Care Team are available and published in his report. Council Responsibilities: The deacons had training on March 8th. They now have an up-to-date handbook. Next Pastor plans to revise the Altar Care Handbook. The Financial Secretaries, the Treasurer and the Pastor have implemented a new procedure for counting the offering. Loose change is counted after the service in dual custody and the total is reported. The checks are taken by each of the secretaries to count later and deposited along with each secretary’s portion of the cash offering. Christian Education: Two young candidates have passed their final exams and a date for their confirmations will be set soon. The attendance at the Young Adult class has been rather spotty due to illnesses and other commitments. Pastor is planning a new unit on Genesis as requested by a class member. He is hoping for better attendance in the next few months. The Thursday evening Bible study on the Book of Amos concluded on April 1st. A new study is not yet planned. Isola Banter has been busy getting crafts ready for VBS. No date

has been set, but the 3rd week in July appears to be best. Evangelism: Two families have contacted the Pastor about attending our church. One is a family with two elderly members with mobility issues. Our lack of handicap accessibility was a problem for them. The other was lesbian couple with a son. Pastor sent them the church’s sexuality statement and told them about the state of this congregation as he sees it. Pastor’s Other Activities: Accepted an appointment to the John XXIII Retreat Center Board of Directors. Attended the Dean’s Meeting at the I-K Synod on March 27th. Attended part of the Grace Village Board of Directors meeting on March 16th. Attended the Campus Ministry Committee Meeting in Bloomington, IN on April 11-12. Directed the Community Choir that preformed a Lenten Cantata on April 13th. Committee Reports—Worship/ Music/Memorial Committee: They picked hymns for April. Land Use Committee: Chris Coy reported that he is getting quotes on the cost of a forty foot circle of concrete for the area behind the church where the new trees have been planted. Council Reports—Deacons: Allen Stallsmith gave the statistics regarding attendance and communion for the month of March. (Continued on following page.)

June 2014

April Minutes continued...

Trustees: The leaks above the pulpit have been caulked. An estimate of $2,583 was received for the entire east side flat roof. This was to remove, repair and haul away the debris. Neil Stroble said that the leaks are not terrible and suggested we wait awhile and get other estimates. Treasurer: Pat Gillis gave the treasurer’s report. The general fund had a balance of $4,317.49. She reported that we have been receiving quite a lot in memorials. Old Business: It was pointed out that the church needs to cancel MCI long distance because it is no longer necessary. Pastor will ask Debbie to do this. The trustees need to look into a new telephone/data/internet program-ATT Uverse. New Business: The pastor stated that it is time for a new church directory. He has been in touch with Life Touch and will talk to them about setting up times for this to take place. A motion to adjourn was made by Chris Coy and seconded by Pat Gillis. The meeting was closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. with devotions by Cindy Knote. Respectfully submitted: Linda Stanley, Recording Secretary

Parish Register Dorothy Swoveland passed away on Friday, May 16th at her home. Pastor David Fleener conducted Dorothy’s funeral service at Waters Funeral Home on May 26th. Burial followed at Union Cemetery in Eaton. Our sympathy goes out to Dorothy’s family. “If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with him; if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him.”

Food Pantry

June is one of Zion’s months to collect items for Community and Family Services of Blackford County. They are in need of personal hygiene items: shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, also laundry soap. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your donations on the table in our fellowship hall.

June 8th

Lectionary Readings 7th Sunday of Easter - June 1st 1st Reading - Acts 1:6-14 Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 2nd Reading - 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 Gospel - John 17:1-11 Day of Pentecost - June 8th 1st Reading - Numbers 11:24-30 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 2nd Reading - Acts 2:1-21 Gospel - John 20:19-23 The Holy Trinity - June 15th 1st Reading - Genesis 1:1—2:4a Psalm 8 2nd Reading - 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20 Pentecost 2 - June 22nd 1st Reading - Jeremiah 20:7-13 Psalm 69:7-18 2nd Reading - Romans 6:1b-11 Gospel - Matthew 10:24-39 Pentecost 3 - June 29th 1st Reading - Jeremiah 28:5-9 Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18 2nd Reading - Romans 6:12-23 Gospel - Matthew 10:40-42

June 15th

June 2014 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters June 1 Don and Carolyn Goetz­—Jim and Betty Rinker June 8 Roger and Judy Willmann—Helen Stroble June 15 Louise Clamme—Barb Hardwick June 22 Steve and Viola Willmann—Vicki Willman June 29 Barb Hardwick—Steve and Viola Willmann Ushers June 1 Allen Stallsmith, Cindy Knote, Scott Clamme and Mark Prout June 8 Cindy Knote,. Mark Prout, Max Langdon and Larry Langdon June 15 Scott Clamme, Mark Prout, Max Langdon and Larry Langdon June 22 Allen Stallsmith, Mark Prout, Max Langdon and Larry Langdon June 29 Scott Clamme, Mark Prout, Max Langdon and Larry Langdon Lectors June 1 Carolyn Goetz June 8 Joan Strine June 15 Jody Stanley June 22 Fred Walker June 29 Linda Walker

June Birthdays Ryne Clamme Chris Monce Russell Stanley Brian Hile Tamara Wise Matthew West Sydney Stroble Peggy Holsten Lisa Langdon Lowell Sharp Reece Walker Neil Stroble Jesse Digman Douglas Prout June Ladd

6-5 6-8 6-11 6-12 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-17 6-18 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-22 6-24

June 15th

The Zion Herald

“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.”  (Psalm 84:5)

Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348

U Serving the Lord in Gladness U

David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhartfordcity.org

Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship at 10:00 AM

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