June 2014
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com This month, instead of writing a lengthy article, I just want to say “thank you.”
me how to fix doorknobs - thank you.
The apostle Paul tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. And I find much to be grateful for at Zion.
To the financial secretaries, who have stuck with me during changes in our procedure and counting - thank you.
To the deacons who have served tirelessly as communion assistants, ushers, and visitors of the sick and shut-in - thank you.
To our treasurer and to Courtney, who keep our books in order and everyone paid on time - thank you.
To the rest of the Soul Care team, who have continued to visit people in great need - thank you. To the trustees, who keep the property in good repair and who show
High School Graduation
Tryse Hendricks, son of John Hendricks, will be graduating from Blackford High School on June 14th. Congratulations and God’s blessings to Tryse in his future endeavors.
To the elders, who have been faithful advisors - thank you.
To Debbie, for putting up with me and for reminding me of what needs to be done - thank you. To Dennis, for being the caretaker of our website - thank you.
Vacation Bible School
Join us for a Wilderness Escape VBS on June 23-27, from 6-8 PM at Trinity UMC in Hartford City. Meet Moses and the tribes of Israel at Mt. Sinai, play games, and make crafts. Register your child at Zion on Sunday morning, or call the church office.
To the Sunday School teachers, Linda, Judy, and Nolan, and to those who find Sunday school a valuable use of their time on Sunday morning thank you. To the Mission and Ministry team, for being a great source of inspiration - thank you. For those I have forgotten to mention - thank you. And to all of you at Zion, for being our friends - thank you. May God continue to bless our ministry. See you in church! Pr. David
Bible Study
Beginning Thursday, June 12th, at 7 PM, join Pr. David in a walk through the Pentateuch - the first five books of Scripture. Uncover the origins of our faith and listen to the Spirit’s voice through the words of Scripture.