August 2014
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address — If God had God’s way with us in the next five years, what do you see in our future (without using comparative terms, like younger or fewer)? So asks Dave Daubert in his little book, Living Lutheran: Renewing your Congregation. Such a question, at first, might bring up feelings of shame in us. It’s easy to feel like we’re not measuring up to our own standards for our congregation, that God isn’t having his way with our congregation now.
Lunch with Pastor
Pr. David invites you to join him for lunch and conversation at the Pickle, 1776 Independence Parkway, Hartford City, on Tuesdays, July 27th, August 5th, and August 26th.
Lutheran Refreshment
Join Pr. David for a six-week course on the basics of Lutheran theology, with a special emphasis on the Small Catechism. No memorization required! Class meets in the church library on Wednesday nights at 6 PM, beginning on August 27th. And, true to the name, there will be actual refreshments.
But such a question presumes that God has been and will be active in the life of our congregation. Such a question has a theology behind it: that God is always inviting us into a new way of living in our community and our world. What would that new life look like for Zion Lutheran Church? I invite you to reflect on these questions this month before we gather as a congregation on retreat on August 30th, at John XXIII Center in Hartford City, from 9 AM-3 PM. Pr. Nancy Nyland, our Director of Evangelical Mission, will facilitate our
discussion. Instead of feeling guilt for what we have failed to do, let’s focus on what God has been doing among us, in us, and through us. Let’s consider how we can be people of the Kingdom of God in a world that desperately needs good news. You can sign up at Sunday worship, or send me an email at I look forward to this time with you, and pray that God will make it a fruitful time. See you in church (and hopefully, on retreat)! Pr. David
Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic
Zion’s Annual Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic will be held at Ray and Linda Stanley’s, 1287 S - 200 E, on August 10th at 11 a.m. A carry-in dinner will be held after the outdoor worship service.
Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided. Please bring your lawn chair, a dish to share, and your table service. Following the meal there will be a craft project for the children and time for games and fellowship.
August 2014
June Council Minutes Congregation Council met on June 10, 2014. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Scott Clamme, Pat Gillis, John Hendricks, Cindy Knote, Allen Stallsmith, Linda Stanley, Chris Stroble, Megan Stroble and Linda Walker. Larry and Virginia Langdon were also present at the beginning of the meeting to report on the Synod Assembly. Absent: Chris Coy, Denise Hile and Neil Stroble. Pastor David called the meeting to order and the minutes from the previous meeting were read. There was one correction on the amount in the general fund which was a balance of $1256.33. John Hendricks made a motion to accept the minutes. Scott Clamme seconded the motion. The motion passed. Correspondence: Lifeline Screening for aneurisms would like to use our facility for one day. A motion to approve this was made by Chris Stroble and seconded by Cindy Knote. The ECLA is asking for all churches to make an outreach effort by going out and doing a service project for the community on September 7, 2014. This is entitled God’s Work Our Hands. It is not supposed to replace the worship service. This was discussed and it was suggested that we have a brief worship service that day and then go out and do some service to the community. Build a Better Blackford, serving hot meals or picking up trash were mentioned but we are open for other ideas. It was suggested that we do something the young children could be a part of.
Larry and Virginia Langdon reported on the Synod assembly. They were very impressed with the keynote speaker, Alyssa Reed. She talked a great deal about money problems for students, families and churches. They divided into groups according to areas and discussed how churches in our area are meeting their financial problems. They discussed pledging which some Lutheran churches do. They reported that the music and worship services were very uplifting and suggested that more members from our church should attend. Pastor’s Report: Pastoral Care and Soul Team: 4 shut-ins, 3 sick visits, 1 funeral during May. The Soul Care Team made 2 visits and administered 3 home communions. Zack and Brady Monce will be confirmed on June 15, 2014. Their father Chris Monce will re-affirm his baptism at that time. Pastor attended a Mission Strategy Workshop, a Continuing Education Workshop and a Festival of Homiletics in Minneapolis during the month of May. Pastor David has begun ushering and counting teams to take some of the work load from the deacons and financial secretaries. Pastor is hoping to take a vacation from August 11-24, 2014. Pastor is looking at other website hosts and has asked Dennis Walker to look into it and get back to him. Committee Reports—Parish Education and Youth: They are working on Vacation Bible School. Worship/Music/Memorial: They met and picked hymns. There will
be another hymn sing the second week of July. This is back by popular demand. In June for three weeks we will sing the hymns from the Hymnal rather than having them printed in the bulletin. This is to see how much will be saved on paper and ink. Pastor asked everyone to reserve judgment until the three weeks have passed. Land Use Committee: Chris Coy will be suggesting memorial plaques on trees and benches that can’t be stolen in the future. Pastor reported that the neighbors have commented on how nice the area behind the church looks. Council Reports—Deacons: Allen Stallsmith gave the numbers for attendance communion at the Sunday church services for the month of May. Trustees: John Hendricks reported that there have been several leaks but he thinks they have been repaired. Tiles from the leak in the Secretary’s office may need to be replaced. Treasurer: Pat Gillis gave the treasurer’s report. The general fund had a balance of $4,947 but she is not sure all of the bills have been paid. She reported that the Deacon’s Fund still needs to be replenished. It is at a minus at this time. There was a request for donations for this fund at the church service June 1, 2014. Scott Clamme made a motion to accept the Council Reports. This was seconded by Chris Stroble. The motion passed. Old Business: Handicap Access: We do not comply with ADA requirements but churches do not have to (Continued on following page.)
August 2014
VanDevender/Boozer Wedding Ashley VanDevender and John Boozer were united in marriage on Saturday, June 28th, by Pastor David Fleener. Ashley and John’s wedding ceremony was held at Zion at 2:30 p.m. with family members attending. Congratulations and God’s blessings to Ashley and John on the union of their marriage.
August Lectionary Readings
Pentecost 8 - August 3rd 1st Reading - Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 17:1-7, 15 2nd Reading - Romans 9:1-5 Gospel Reading - Matthew 14:13-21 Pentecost 9 - August 10th 1st Reading - Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b 2nd Reading - Romans 10:5-15 Gospel - Matthew 14:22-33
Mr. & Mrs. John Boozer and Tacy VanDevender
June Minutes continued... comply. It was decided that widening the kitchen door to make it accessible to wheel chairs would be a good start. A motion to this was made by Scott Clamme and seconded by Cindy Knote. The motion passed. The Congregational Retreat will be the August 30, 2014. This will be a one day retreat. A motion to this was made by John Hendricks and seconded by Scott Clamme. The motion passed. Pastor David asked to be permitted to spend $100 for games for the Swing of Faith. A motion for this was made by Cindy Knote and seconded by John Hendricks. The motion passed. The church picnic will be Au-
gust 10, 2014 at the home or Ray and Linda Stanley. Chris Stroble said that he and his father will get the hamburger and hot dogs. The semiannual meeting will be in July. The God’s Work Our Hands program will be discussed at that meeting and a new nominating committee will be appointed. Megan Stroble gave the devotions. There being no further business the meeting closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be July 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. with devotions by Scott Clamme. Respectfully submitted: Linda Stanley Recording Secretary
Pentecost 10 - August 17th 1st Reading - Genesis 45:1-15 Psalm 133 2nd Reading - Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Gospel - Matthew 15:10-28 Pentecost 11 - August 24th 1st Reading - Exodus 1:8—2:10 Psalm 124 2nd Reading - Romans 12:1-8 Gospel - Matthew 16:13-20 Pentecost 12 - August 31st 1st Reading - Exodus 3:1-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b Romans 12:9-21 Matthew 16:21-28
August 2014 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters Aug. 3 Tom and Peggy Willmann— Dennis and Debbie Walker Aug. 10 Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic at Ray and Linda Stanley’s Aug. 17 Bill and Joretta Hiday—Louie and Joyce Willmann Aug. 24 Pat Gillis and Barb Hardwick Aug. 31 Barb Hardwick and Edi Tarter Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 31
Ushers Allen Stallsmith, Cindy Knote, Scott Clamme and Ray Stanley Cindy Knote, Ray Stanley, Larry Hile, and Gene Banter Scott Clamme, Ray Stanley, Larry Hile, and Gene Banter Allen Stallsmith, Ray Stanley, Larry Hile, and Gene Banter Cindy Knote, Ray Stanley, Larry Hile, and Gene Banter
Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 31
Lectors Sandy Langdon Carolyn Smith Nolan Willman Jody Stanley Megan Stroble
August Birthdays Kaylin Clamme Kolby Coy Tom Armstrong June Miller Judy Clamme Louise Clamme Gene Gardner Madeline Lennon Roger Willmann Claretta Dutro Anita Reid Libby Stroble Lewis Willmann Shelby Groves
8-2 8-4 8-10 8-11 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-18 8-20 8-22 8-23 8-27
Assisting Ministers Aug. 3 Jody Stanley Aug. 10 Sarah Fleener Aug. 17 Mark Prout Aug. 24 Denise Hile Aug. 31 Jody Stanley
The Zion Herald
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Outdoor Worship August 10th at 11:00 AM
U Serving the Lord in Gladness U
David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM