August 2014
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address — If God had God’s way with us in the next five years, what do you see in our future (without using comparative terms, like younger or fewer)? So asks Dave Daubert in his little book, Living Lutheran: Renewing your Congregation. Such a question, at first, might bring up feelings of shame in us. It’s easy to feel like we’re not measuring up to our own standards for our congregation, that God isn’t having his way with our congregation now.
Lunch with Pastor
Pr. David invites you to join him for lunch and conversation at the Pickle, 1776 Independence Parkway, Hartford City, on Tuesdays, July 27th, August 5th, and August 26th.
Lutheran Refreshment
Join Pr. David for a six-week course on the basics of Lutheran theology, with a special emphasis on the Small Catechism. No memorization required! Class meets in the church library on Wednesday nights at 6 PM, beginning on August 27th. And, true to the name, there will be actual refreshments.
But such a question presumes that God has been and will be active in the life of our congregation. Such a question has a theology behind it: that God is always inviting us into a new way of living in our community and our world. What would that new life look like for Zion Lutheran Church? I invite you to reflect on these questions this month before we gather as a congregation on retreat on August 30th, at John XXIII Center in Hartford City, from 9 AM-3 PM. Pr. Nancy Nyland, our Director of Evangelical Mission, will facilitate our
discussion. Instead of feeling guilt for what we have failed to do, let’s focus on what God has been doing among us, in us, and through us. Let’s consider how we can be people of the Kingdom of God in a world that desperately needs good news. You can sign up at Sunday worship, or send me an email at I look forward to this time with you, and pray that God will make it a fruitful time. See you in church (and hopefully, on retreat)! Pr. David
Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic
Zion’s Annual Outdoor Worship and Church Picnic will be held at Ray and Linda Stanley’s, 1287 S - 200 E, on August 10th at 11 a.m. A carry-in dinner will be held after the outdoor worship service.
Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided. Please bring your lawn chair, a dish to share, and your table service. Following the meal there will be a craft project for the children and time for games and fellowship.