Zion Herald: November 2014

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November 2014

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com When Sarah and I went back to Iowa for my mother’s wedding last month, we met an older couple who were friends of my mother and her husband at the rehearsal dinner. Most of us in the room were Lutheran, and they knew that I am a Lutheran pastor, so it didn’t take long for the conversation to go to “talking shop”. Or, more specifically, talking about what’s wrong in the church today. Now, this couple was fairly upset at their synod office and bishop. The reasons weren’t quite clear to me, but it seemed they didn’t know what the purpose of the synod office and bishop were, other than to “lay down the law”. They saw the bishop and

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Zion’s Thanksgiving Worship Service will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th. Offering received during the service will be divided between Community and Family Services Food Pantry and Grace Village campus ministry at Ball State University. Visitors are welcome to worship with us at Zion.

synod staff as authoritarian figures, demanding conformity. Now, maybe it makes me a “company man”, but I like having bishops and synod staff. During my time as conference dean, I saw the staff and bishop putting forth a lot of effort to visit churches with pastoral vacancies and help them discern their purpose in God’s mission in their times of transition. I saw the staff and bishop work with the deans to help spread a vision of the church in this new day, focusing on four priorities (If you wonder what they are, you can find them here: http://iksynod. org/Whats_New/FourPriorities/fourpriorities.html.). I saw efforts toward combating malaria in Africa. I’ve seen efforts toward reclaiming an evangelistic center in our churches. Not to mention my own personal gain

in receiving a Freed to Lead grant to offset some of my student loans. I’ve gained a new appreciation for what the synod-wide expression of the church does. That isn’t to say that synod staff are perfect. None of us are. All of us are sinful creatures who have fallen short of the glory of God. However, I am amazed by the ways that the Holy Spirit works, within us sinful creatures, to bring the light of the Gospel in the world. We’re blessed within the ELCA, I think, to have partners who can help us at the congregational level and also expand our mission efforts outward, beyond the reach of our congregation. I’m thankful for them. And I hope you are, too. See you in church! Pr. David

Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Zion

Members of Zion and First Presbyterian Church are teaming up to offer the community a Thanksgiving Dinner at Zion. The dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. in Zion’s Fellowship Hall on Friday, November 28th. If anyone needs a ride, we will be glad to provide transportation. If you are unable to come to the church, you may have a dinner delivered to your home or workplace. For reservations, please call 3483157 by November 10th. Please specify if you will be eating at the church

or would like a meal delivered. If it is to be delivered, please let us know how many dinners are needed, your address, and your phone number. HELPERS NEEDED If anyone wants to help with the Thanksgiving Dinner, either by providing pumpkin pies, providing transportation, delivering meals or helping in the kitchen, please sign up at either church entrance. Help us get the word out about our Thanksgiving dinner by telling your neighbors and friends. Thank you for your help and support.

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