February 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address —fleeneda@gmail.com At the outset we must again make the preliminary statement that we do not abolish the Mass, but religiously maintain and defend it. For among us masses are celebrated every Lord’s Day (Sunday) and on the other festivals, in which the Sacrament is offered to those who wish to use it, after they have been examined and absolved. -Philipp Melanchthon, Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article XXIV For all of our love of tradition and “the way things have always been”, we Lutherans are actually quite innovative. Some of these innovations have added a great deal to our worship, such as the addition of the Advent wreath in German Lutheran churches in the 19th century. Some of these innovations, however, were devised because of a community’s personal piety, or out of necessity due to the scarcity of ordained ministers among Lutherans in this country early on. One of these innovations was a less frequent celebration of Holy Communion. Many of you remember the days when Holy Communion was celebrated quarterly. People would go by the pastor’s office or to the parsonage on Saturday evening to inform the pastor of their intention to receive the next day. Over time, at Zion, the practice of going to the pastor was dropped and communion was increased to a monthly, then bi-monthly format. But if we go back to the way
things were among Lutheran churches in the 16th century, we find that the Sacrament was offered every single Sunday, as Melanchthon states in the above quote. Lately, some folks have again complained about the frequency of Holy Communion in this congregation. From what I’ve heard, they say that too-frequent reception makes the Sacrament less special. Or they feel that they have not prepared adequately to receive Holy Communion every week. To those people, let me ask a couple questions: Do you limit your meals to twice per month because less frequent meals are more special? If you feel like you are not adequately prepared to receive Holy Communion, why would you begrudge those who feel like they are prepared the opportunity to receive the Body of Christ? Every meal is special because it comes from God’s hand. At a meal, we sit with members of our families. We have opportunities to connect and deepen our relationships that we don’t often have at other times. There’s an intimacy in meals. Even in our “onthe-go” culture, many of us still value the evening meal together or the Sunday brunch. The same goes for Communion. At that meal, we come to the table together as a family to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord, which gives the new person within us spiritual food for our lives. The relationships within us are deepened and strengthened, and we are reminded of our unity in Christ. As Paul writes,
“”Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread” (1 Cor. 10:17). As for preparation, I understand the need to be prepared. I understand the need for self-reflection and perhaps, confession and forgiveness before reception. But if you do not feel prepared, why would you stop others from going to the table? Are you embarrassed that people would see you and judge you for not coming forward? That would be their problem, not yours, right? (Besides, you may always come forward for a blessing if you do not wish to receive Holy Communion.) And since there is a need for adequate preparation, I am willing to help with that. I will be in the office on Saturdays before Communion Sundays from 3-5 PM or by appointment for those who desire pastoral conversation before taking Holy Communion, beginning January 31st. This is one area in which we want to go back to “the way things were”. Instead of begrudging more frequent celebration of Communion, why not celebrate it? Why not celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promises to you and me in bread and wine? Jesus told his disciples, “Eat and drink.” The same command is given to us now, not as a burden, but as a blessing. With Christ’s love for you, Pr. David
February 2015
Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services
Zion’s Ash Wednesday Service with the Imposition of Ashes and the celebration of Holy Communion will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary on February 18th. Lenten Services will be held in the fellowship hall on Wednesday evenings from February 25th - March 25th at 7:00 p.m.
The services will be preceded by a Soup Supper beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Soup Suppers will be prepared by different committees and groups in the congregation.
February Lectionary Readings Epiphany 4 - February 1st 1st Reading - Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Gospel Reading - Mark 1:21-18 Epiphany 5 - February 8th 1st Reading - Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Gospel - Mark 1:29-39
Food Pantry
February is one of Zion’s months to collect items for Community and Family Services of Blackford County. Your help would
Young At Heart
Mark your calendar for April 14th at 3:00 p.m. The fifth and final installment of the hit musical comedy series of The Church Basement Ladies in The Last Potluck Supper will be presented at the Honeywell Center. More details later.
Transfiguration of Our Lord - Feb. 15th 1st Reading - 2 Kings 2:1-12 be greatly appreciated in collecting Psalm 50:1-6 items such as: paper products, laundry 2nd Reading - 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 soap, personal hygiene items, peanut Gospel - Mark 9:2-9 butter, canned goods of any kind. Please leave your donations on Ash Wednesday - February 18th the table in our fellowship hall. 1st Reading - Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Stewardship ladies will meet twice in February to work on quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They will be meeting on February 10th and 24th from 9:00 a.m. until noon each day. Extra helpers are always welcome.
Psalm 51:1-17 2nd Reading - 2 Corinthians 5:20b— 6:10 Gospel - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Lent 1 - February 22nd 1st Reading - Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 2nd Reading - 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gospel - Mark 1:9-15
February 2015
December Council Minutes Congregation Council met on December 11, 2014. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Scott Clamme, Chris Coy, John Hendricks, Allen Stallsmith, Linda Stanley, Chris Stroble, Megan Stroble, Linda Walker, Madeline Lennon, Jody Stanley, Max Langdon and Anita Reid. Absent: Pat Gillis, Denise Hile, Cindy Knote and Neil Stroble. Linda Walker called the meeting to order and Allen Stallsmith gave devotions and a prayer. Linda Walker welcomed the new council members and the minutes from the previous meeting were read and corrected. Scott Clamme made a motion to accept the minutes. John Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed. Correspondence: We received a thank you note from the 4-H for the $50.00 we donated for the 4-H Gospel Concert. Pastor David received information from ELCA Global Church Sponsorship asking for financial support. Pastor said that he believes our church needs an away mission such as supporting a missionary, etc. He suggested that we need to do more research before deciding what we should do. John Hendricks and Chris Coy said that they would help with this. Pastor said he would do the bulk of the research. Pastor’s Report—Pastoral Care: Pastor David made 5 shut-in visits, 1 sick visit, 1 pastoral visit and 7 home communions. Soul Care Team: 1 shutin visit and 1 home communion. Christian Education: The young adult class continues to study the Small Catechism on Sunday morn-
ings. Pastor made a DVD of songs for the children’s Sunday school so that when he is unable to lead them the teachers will have that resource ready. Wednesday evenings in Advent we had a brief study centered around a Book of Faith resource: Advent Reflections: While We Wait. Thanksgiving Dinner: On November 28, 2014 we delivered 17 meals, 6 were picked up, and 22 ate at the church for a total of 45 meals served. This is a significant decrease from 2013 when we served 78 meals. Possible reasons include lack of advertising, a late start and community disinterest. Pastor still thinks this is a worthwhile ministry. Pastor will be on vacation from December 29th to January 5th. Inquirers/New Members class in January: Pastor has at least one potential new member. He plans an inquirers class in January. If you know of a friend who does not have a church this might be a good time to learn more about the Christian faith. Other things Pastor did: Attended the Harvest Ball for Grace Village on November 7th , the Gideon’s Pastors banquet on November 10th and served as a table host at John XXIII’s “Catch The Spirit: dinner and fund raiser on November 15th. On Sunday, November 23rd Pastor conducted the Community Choir for the community Thanksgiving worship service. Committee Reports—Parish Education and Youth Report: They have not met since August. They will meet in January to plan for the new year. Worship/Music/Memorials: They met November 19th . They chose music through 2014 and for January 2015. Land Use Committee: Chris Coy
has made the initial steps towards getting a plaque with names of those who donated trees. Council Reports—Deacons: Allen Stallsmith gave the statistics regarding attendance and communion for the month of November. Three different people received money from the Deacon’s Fund. $150 for an electric bill, $50 partial payment for a utility bill and $75 partial payment toward an electric bill. Trustees: The contractor anticipates putting in the new kitchen door after the holidays Treasurer: The general fund had a balance of $6,788.72 Chris Coy made a motion to approve the Committee and Council Reports. This was seconded by Scott Clamme. The motion passed. New Business: A motion was made by John Hendricks for Isola Banter to purchase oranges to pass out on Christmas Eve. This was seconded by Chris Coy. Budget Amendment: Linda Walker reviewed the 2015 Budget and some amounts were changed. Chris Coy moved that the amended budget be accepted. This was seconded by John Hendricks. Roof fund: Around $2500 over what was needed for the roof repair was donated. What should be done with the excess was discussed. Most seemed to think that it made sense to use that money for widening the kitchen door. This will be discussed in more detail in January. Next meeting: January 13, 2015 Linda Walker adjourned the meeting and everyone prayed the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted: Linda Stanley Recording Secretary
February 2015 Lay Ministry Servers Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22
Greeters Chris and Tiann Coy—Louise Clamme Claretta Dutro—Dennis Walker and Chris Walker Drew and Michelle Walker—Dorothy Hale Chris and Michelle Monce—Barb Hardwick
Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22
Ushers Cindy Knote, Scott Clamme, Drew Walker and Mark Prout Scott Clamme, Don Goetz, Tim Stanley and Drew Walker, Mark Prout, Neil Stroble and Tim Stanley Cindy Knote, Mark Prout, Neil Stroble and Don Goetz
Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22
Lectors Chris Coy Cindy Knote Michelle Walker Kathy Sharp
February Birthdays Tim Stanley 2-3 Allen Stallsmith 2-5 Drew Walker 2-5 Brad Hile 2-6 Griffin Banter 2-12 Grant Banter 2-17 Don Ladd 2-17 Catherine Wise 2-23 Denise Hile 2-24 Andy Langdon 2-24 Vicki Willman 2-26
Assisting Ministers Feb. 1 Sarah Fleener Feb. 8 Mark Prout Feb. 15 Denise Hile Feb. 18 Sarah Fleener Feb. 22 Chris Coy
The Zion Herald
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
U Serving the Lord in Gladness U
David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhartfordcity.org
Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM