March 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address — Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the New Being who overcomes the gulf of angst and existential estrangement, the impossible possibility, the totaliter aliter who reaches down to humanity via the kerygma, who takes on all that we have to give us all that you are.” And Jesus said, “What?” -Edited from various internet sources As a seminary-trained pastor, I think my seminary did a good job of encouraging theological reflection on what Jesus means and who Jesus is to the church. I received an excellent education, focusing on contemporary scholarship in Scripture and theology. I learned the basics of providing pastoral care and preaching. I received a thorough background in church history and the Lutheran confessions. I was lucky enough to have three great field education opportunities which taught me a great deal about pastoring to others. However, I suspect that the scholarship and training in how to pastor are the easy parts. More difficult is actually following Jesus Christ in all aspects of daily living. Learning about Jesus is easy. Following Jesus is another matter altogether that we can make too hard.
Notice what Jesus asks the disciples to do from day one. The command is simple and direct. “Follow me!” (Mark 1:17) He doesn’t command them to have correct theology. He doesn’t command them to have total comprehension of what’s happening – most of the time, they don’t (Mark 8:14-21). And he certainly doesn’t ask them to follow rules – in fact, Jesus sometimes advocates breaking a commandment if it comes between him and the person called, such as the man who wanted to bury his father first (Matthew 8:21-22; Luke 9:59-60). He simply wants them to drop the fishnets and follow. He wants them to pick up their appointed cross and follow him. He wants them to lay down all of their self-will and live a life of Christ-like love for God and neighbor – that is, for the whole human family.
It can sound so simple. But we can make it so hard. Our commitments, good as they are, can come between us and Christ. Jesus didn’t just call his disciples so that they could remain as they are. That would be, in the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a 20th-century Lutheran theologian, “cheap grace”. No – Jesus calls, forgives, redeems, and instills faith in order to make us new creatures. This isn’t salvation by works. This is simply a willingness to be open to God’s work within us. How might Christ be calling you to re-examine your life and your priorities? Or how is he calling this church to do the same? Christ calls us again and again, to take that first step into the stormy sea again and again – to live as people of faith in him and his promises, which he always fulfills. Much love, Pr. David
Week of Prayer Zion Lutheran Church will participate in a Week of Prayer for Blackford County March 1st-7th, sponsored by the Blackford County Ministerial Association.
We, as a community, will unite to pray for healing and hope in the wake of the killings at Hartford Square Apartments. To do this, the Mission and Ministry team will host a prayer breakfast on Thursday, March 5th, 6 AM-9 AM.
There will be a continental breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. Freewill offerings will go to the Williamson family. Pr. David will lead a short service of morning prayer in the worship space at 9 AM. In addition, the church building will be open 6 AM-noon for those who desire to pray on their own.