August 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address— This is the third of three newsletter articles on three classic attributes of Lutheran Christianity. 1. We are catholic. (June) 2. We are evangelical. (July) 3. We are reforming. (August) I hope you find them helpful. Have a question or comment? Contact Pr. David at “At the time when divine truth lay buried under this vast and dense cloud of darkness…then Luther arose, and after him others, who with united counsels sought out means and methods by which religion might be purged from all these defilements, the doctrine of godliness restored to its integrity, and the church raised out of its calamitous into somewhat of a tolerable condition. The same course we are still pursuing in the present day.” John Calvin, The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543) To be a Lutheran Christian means recognition of a vital truth about ourselves. The way that we “do church” may or may not be in conformity with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What works in a particular time to proclaim the Gospel may not be the best way to proclaim it in another time. We’re not talking about doctrine here. We’re also not necessarily talking about liturgical traditions – the ancient catholic form of worship. We’re talking about conventions.
For example, I love the use of the organ in worship. However, if I’m in a congregation or community that hates the organ, that may not be the best way to musically proclaim the Gospel in that particular context. It goes beyond worship, though. To be a reforming church means examining ALL of our practices as a Christian community, to determine if they proclaim or hinder the proclamation of the Gospel. The Augsburg Confession, Articles 22-28, describe seven reforms undertaken to strengthen the church’s proclamation. A number of practices in the sixteenth century had gotten in the way of the Gospel, and in response, the Reformers made these changes in their congregations: 1 1. Lay people are to receive the wine as well as the bread in Holy Communion. 2. Priests are allowed to marry. 3. Mass is restored as a communion rather than a good work. 4. Emphasis in Confession is on absolution (forgiveness) rather than on the listing of sins (Yes, Lutherans still retain individual confession!). 5. Fasting and other spiritual disciplines are encouraged but not as ways of earning salvation.
6. The vows of monks and nuns are not binding if made for improper reasons. 7. Bishops are no longer to rule with civic, secular power. Contrary to popular belief, then, Lutherans have been willing to make needed changes for the sake of the Gospel. Lutherans can change! So the questions before us are these: What conventions of ours get in the way of the Gospel? What ways of doing church no longer reach people as they once did? We all know that we live in a different age. Religious faith is not something necessarily passed down through the family like it once was. The congregation can no longer the enclave of a few families, or a particular ethnicity. Jesus calls us out of ourselves, to embody the good news in all of life’s bad situations. People are hungry for God. When we keep to our own instead of going to those unlike us, we are doing the equivalent of hiding our light under a bushel. Perhaps the thing in greatest need of reform (as in many times and places) is our own desire for comfort. We all like to be comfortable. We like being in a congregation that does things the same ways they were done twenty, thirty, or forty years ago. It’s like taking a bath at exactly the right temperature. But the same thing can happen in the congregation that happens with the bath – we find
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Adapted from Baptized W e Live: Lutheranism as a W ay of Life by Daniel Erlander.
August 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings continued ourselves just staying there for a long period of time, without moving a muscle. Jesus says that we are both salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matt. 5:13-16). In what ways might
Jesus be calling us to be salt and light in Blackford County now? Whatever the particulars of the call, Jesus is calling us to reform. Where do you think Jesus is calling this congregation? And where, in
our conventions, might we be more faithful to the Gospel? Drop me a note at Let’s get a conversation going. With love for you all, Pr. David
Zion’s 2015 Council Members Elder & President ............................................ Chris Coy Elder & Vice-President ............................... Jody Stanley Secretary ........................................................ Anita Reid Deacons ....................................................... Cindy Knote Scott Clamme Drew Walker
Trustees .................................................. John Hendricks Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Treasurer....................................................Max Langdon Financial Secretaries .............................. Sandy Langdon Madeline Lennon
Lectionary Readings
Catherine Wise passed away on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at the age of 101, at Bridgewater Centre in Hartford City. Pastor David Fleener conducted Catherine’s funeral service at Walker & Glancy Funeral Home in Montpelier, Indiana on July 27th. Burial followed in the Hartford City Cemetery. Our sympathy goes out to Catherine’s family. “If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with him; if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him.”
Pentecost 10 - August 2nd 1st Reading - 2 Samuel 11:26— 12:13a Psalm 51:1-12 2nd Reading - Ephesians 4:1-16 Gospel - John 6:24-35
Pentecost 13 - August 23rd 1st Reading - 1 Kings 8:[1, 6, 10-11], 22-30, 41-43 Psalm 84 2nd Reading - Ephesians 6:10-20 Gospel - John 6:56-69
Pentecost 11 - August 9th 1st Reading - 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 3133 Psalm 130 2nd Reading - Ephesians 4:25—5:2 Gospel - John 6:41-51
Pentecost 14 - August 30th 1st Reading - Song of Solomon 2:8-13 Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9 2nd Reading - James 1:17-27 Gospel - Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Pentecost 12 - August 16th 1st Reading - 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 Psalm 111 2nd Reading - Ephesians 5:15-20 Gospel - John 6:51-58
August 2015
May Council Minutes Congregation Council met on May 14, 2015. Present: Chris Coy, Sandy Langdon, Max Langdon, Jody Stanley, Madeline Lennon, Pastor Fleener, Scott Clamme, John Hendricks, Drew Walker and Anita Reid Absent: Chris Stroble, Cindy Knote, and Tom Armstrong, The meeting was called to order by Chris Coy. Devotions were given by Drew Walker. Jody Stanley made a motion to approve the minutes. John Hendricks seconded the motion. The Council/Congregation Retreat was added to the agenda. Pastor's report: Visited 4 shutins, 6 sick visits , 1 pastoral visit and 6 home communions. The Soul Care team visited 3 shut-ins, 1 sick visit and 1 home communion. The C. S. Lewis study is conducted on Sunday mornings with young adults and on Tuesday evenings. Tuesday evening classes will meet in May and June. Christian Education: The kids continue to review the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed on Sunday morning. Parish Education will meet to discuss curriculum for the fall. Pastor has met with pastors Dustin Jones and Wes Rediger to talk about Vacation Bible School to be held July 6-10. This year will be another Holy Land Adventure. Zion is responsible for finding tribe leaders and supplies for the tribes. Isola Banter has taken care of the crafts. A training session for VBS is scheduled for Sunday evening, June 14th from 6:30—8:00 PM at Trinity.
The Easter breakfast was successful, bringing in $1664. The estimated cost is $3243 for the National Youth Gathering trip, leaving a balance of $1579. A deposit of $100 was mailed to the hotel and the registration fees of $1875 were paid. Pastor's activities during April: April 2-5—Holy Week services: Maundy Thursday, 2 Good Friday services (1 at Zion and the community service at First Wesleyan), Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday April 6, 13, 20, 27 - Joe and Jesus at Common Grounds April 7, 21, 28 - volunteered at Food Pantry April 7, 14, 21, 28 - C. S. Lewis class at CTS April 9 - Blackford County Ministerial Association meeting and John XXIII board meeting April 12 - Part of a donor appreciation event at John XXIII Center April 13 – Grace Village board meeting April 14 - ECIC ministerial meeting at Our Savior’s in Alexandria April 15 - took Drew Walker on hospital visits April 17 - Luthermania fundraiser for Grace Village at Church of the Cross in Muncie April 27 - first new member’s class with Bree Hendricks, with Shay Clamme as sponsor April 30 - participated in a Thrivent Action Team event at Second Harvest in Muncie Pastor will be at a retreat at a monastery in Iowa May 22-31. Pastor Rudy Mueller will have pulpit service. Pastor will be on vacation June 22-28.
Committee reports: Worship/ Music/Memorial met on May 6th and selected music through the end of May. Paraments for the altar in Fellowship Hall were discussed. Council reports—Deacon: 4/2 42 attended, 39 communed, 4/3 - 26 attended, 4/4 - 13 attended, 4/5 - 117 attended, 100 communed, 4/12 - 65 attended, 58 communed, 4/19 - 79 attended, 65 communed, 4/26 - 71 attended, 68 communed. Two request for utility bill assistance were granted. Trustees: Reported that custodian will do small painting projects. Treasurer's Report: given by Max Langdon He stated that the general fund is very low. There was some discussion on reasons which included lower attendance. Possible ideas to build up membership were discussed including some planned special events. Motion to approve the reports was made by John Hendricks and seconded by Sandy Langdon. Old Business: Possibility of getting AT&T U Verse for internet and long distance service for the church. Discussion on sending letters to inactive members and then following up. New Business: Gutters and drains need to be cleaned at the parsonage and the carpets need to be cleaned. A new computer and software were purchased for the church office. Pastor will check on dates for a Council/Congregation Retreat. Next meeting will be June 11th. Madeline Lennon will have devotions. Max Langdon made a motion to adjourn. Scott Clamme seconded. Respectfully submitted, Anita Reid, Recording Secretary
Pentecost 10 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion
Pentecost 11 11:00 AM Church Picnic at Ray & Linda Stanley’s 16 Pentecost 12 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion 23 Pentecost 13 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Hymn Sing Sunday 30 Pentecost 14 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
6:30 PM Evening Prayer
6:30 PM Evening Prayer
6:30 PM Evening Prayer
12:30 PM Lunch with Pastor at the Pickle
7:00 PM Council Meeting
8:00 AM YAH Breakfast at Richard’s Restaurant
August 2015 4
6:30 PM Evening Prayer 7:00 PM Worship/ Music/Memorial
8:30 AM—3:00 PM Congregational Retreat at Lake Placid
The Zion Herald August 2015 “Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship at 10:00 AM
August 2015
Lay Ministry Servers
Greeters Aug. 2 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 30
Anita Reid—Pat Gillis Outdoor Worship at Stanley’s Dorothy Hale—Bill and Joretta Hiday Dick and Carolyn Smith—Gene and Isola Banter Chris and Megan Stroble—Roger ad Judy Willmann
Lectors Aug. 2 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 30
Nolan Willman Max Hile Neil Stroble Carolyn Smith Megan Stroble
Assisting Ministers Aug. 2 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 23 Aug. 30
Jody Stanley Sarah Fleener Denise Hile Mark Prout Jody Stanley
Kaylin Clamme Kolby Coy Tom Armstrong June Miller Judy Clamme Louise Clamme Gene Gardner Madeline Lennon Roger Willmann Claretta Dutro Anita Reid Libby Stroble Lewis Willmann
8-2 8-4 8-10 8-11 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-18 8-20 8-22 8-23