September 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address— As we get to this time of year, when we gear up for Rally Day and the programming we offer during the school year, I am reminded that we in the church keep time in two different ways. The first is according to the church year, which begins on the first Sunday of Advent, which is on November 29th this year. The church year begins with the season of Advent, a season of expectation and hope. After Advent, we celebrate Christ’s birth, then twelve days later we remember the arrival of the magi (Epiphany). Six weeks of Lent call us back to remember Christ’s life, suffering, and death, and our own formation into the image of Christ. We celebrate Christ’s resurrection (Easter), ascension, and the birth of the church (Pentecost). And after a
day devoted to a doctrine (Holy Trinity), we have a long season of green Sundays after Pentecost, in which we focus on our growth in the faith and the Christian life. The second is according to the way the world keeps time. We begin Sunday school in the fall because it coincides somewhat with the school year. VBS is held in the summer because that’s an easier time to schedule a week-long block of faith formation. On one hand, we have the church calendar, the way the church catholic has kept time for centuries; on the other hand, we have the way we all keep time the other 95% of the time. Those of us active in the church can feel like we’re living in a split reality. And in a way, we are. We confess that Christ has already done everything necessary for our
Zion’s 2015 Council Members Elder & President .......................................................................... Chris Coy Elder & Vice-President ............................................................. Jody Stanley Secretary ...................................................................................... Anita Reid Deacons ..................................................................................... Cindy Knote Scott Clamme Drew Walker Trustees ................................................................................ John Hendricks Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Treasurer ................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries ............................................................ Sandy Langdon Madeline Lennon
salvation, yet we still need to grow into the image of Christ. We confess that Christ has dealt death its deathblow, and yet we still struggle with death as a painful reality. We confess that all our sins are forgiven by Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, and yet we still struggle with sin. We confess that Jesus has brought in the kingdom of God, and yet life seems to go on as it has gone on before. We live in an “already, but not yet” kind of way. And that is mirrored in the way we keep time, both in the church and in the world. It can be difficult to live this way, but it is a way that is infused with the hope and promise of Jesus Christ. God continue to strengthen and sustain that hope in you. With love, Pr. David
Rally Day Rally Day will be on September 20th. Our first day of Sunday School for youth will begin at 9:15 a.m. in the upstairs room with the pool and ping -pong tables. Pastor David’s class will begin at 9:30 in the church library. After worship the children will release balloons. A carry-in dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall.