September 2015
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address— As we get to this time of year, when we gear up for Rally Day and the programming we offer during the school year, I am reminded that we in the church keep time in two different ways. The first is according to the church year, which begins on the first Sunday of Advent, which is on November 29th this year. The church year begins with the season of Advent, a season of expectation and hope. After Advent, we celebrate Christ’s birth, then twelve days later we remember the arrival of the magi (Epiphany). Six weeks of Lent call us back to remember Christ’s life, suffering, and death, and our own formation into the image of Christ. We celebrate Christ’s resurrection (Easter), ascension, and the birth of the church (Pentecost). And after a
day devoted to a doctrine (Holy Trinity), we have a long season of green Sundays after Pentecost, in which we focus on our growth in the faith and the Christian life. The second is according to the way the world keeps time. We begin Sunday school in the fall because it coincides somewhat with the school year. VBS is held in the summer because that’s an easier time to schedule a week-long block of faith formation. On one hand, we have the church calendar, the way the church catholic has kept time for centuries; on the other hand, we have the way we all keep time the other 95% of the time. Those of us active in the church can feel like we’re living in a split reality. And in a way, we are. We confess that Christ has already done everything necessary for our
Zion’s 2015 Council Members Elder & President .......................................................................... Chris Coy Elder & Vice-President ............................................................. Jody Stanley Secretary ...................................................................................... Anita Reid Deacons ..................................................................................... Cindy Knote Scott Clamme Drew Walker Trustees ................................................................................ John Hendricks Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Treasurer ................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries ............................................................ Sandy Langdon Madeline Lennon
salvation, yet we still need to grow into the image of Christ. We confess that Christ has dealt death its deathblow, and yet we still struggle with death as a painful reality. We confess that all our sins are forgiven by Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, and yet we still struggle with sin. We confess that Jesus has brought in the kingdom of God, and yet life seems to go on as it has gone on before. We live in an “already, but not yet” kind of way. And that is mirrored in the way we keep time, both in the church and in the world. It can be difficult to live this way, but it is a way that is infused with the hope and promise of Jesus Christ. God continue to strengthen and sustain that hope in you. With love, Pr. David
Rally Day Rally Day will be on September 20th. Our first day of Sunday School for youth will begin at 9:15 a.m. in the upstairs room with the pool and ping -pong tables. Pastor David’s class will begin at 9:30 in the church library. After worship the children will release balloons. A carry-in dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
September 2015
Stewardship Ladies will resume meeting to make quilts on September 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and again on September 22nd. More help is always welcome and it is nice to join in fellowship with others.
Please note that Zion’s worship schedule will change on Sunday, September 13th, with Sunday School beginning at 9:15 a.m. followed by Worship at 10:30 a.m.
God’s Work Our Hands God’s Work Our Hands Sunday will be held on September 13th. We will pick up garbage in the northeast part of the city from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Please wear work gloves. Bags, vests, and garbage pickers will be provided.
Choir Practice Choir Practice will resume in September. Singers will meet on Wednesday the16th and 30th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
Blackford Community Choir You are invited to sing in the Blackford Community Choir for our Fall/Winter 2015 Season. Our Advent cantata will be on December13th, 3 and 6 p.m. and our performance at the Thanksgiving community service will be on November 22nd, time and place TBA. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays, 7:30 - 9 p.m., at Zion, beginning October 6th. Those of any level of musical ability are welcome to sing. To sign-up contact Pastor David at: or call the church office, 348-3157.
September Lectionary Readings Pentecost 15 - September 6th 1st Reading - Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125 2nd Reading - James 2:1-17 Gospel - Mark 7:24-37 Pentecost 16 - September 13th 1st Reading - Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 2nd Reading - James 3:1-12 Gospel - Mark 8:27-38 Pentecost 17 - September 20th 1st Reading - Proverbs 31:10-31 Psalm 1 2nd Reading - James 3:13—4:3, 7-8a Gospel - Mark 9:30-37 Pentecost 18 - September 27th 1st Reading - Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 Psalm 124 2nd Reading - James 5:13-20 Gospel - Mark 9:38-50
Young At Heart Max and Nyla Hile invite you to their annual Carry-in and Hayride on Sunday, th September 20 , at 5:30 p.m. Mark your calendars and come and enjoy the food and fellowship!
September 2015
June Council Minutes Congregation Council met on June 11, 2015. Present: Sandy Langdon, Max Langdon, Tom Armstrong, Drew Walker, Pastor Fleener, Madeline Lennon, Cindy Knote, Jody Stanley, Chris Stroble, Scott Clamme and Anita Reid Absent: Chris Coy and John Hendricks The meeting was called to order by Jody Stanley. Madeline Lennon gave the devotions. Michelle Walker gave a report on the Indiana-Kentucky Synod gathering held June 5-June 7. The theme was Holy Conversations for a New Day. Those attending were Drew and Michelle Walker and Pastor and Sarah Fleener (non voting). One correction was made to the secretary’s report for May. Pastor was gone 5/25 - 5/28 instead of 5/22. Sandy Langdon made a motion to approve the minutes. Chris Stroble seconded the motion. Pastor's report: Visited 3 shut-ins and 4 home communions. The Soul Care team visited 3 shut-ins and 3 home communions. Christian Education: Children’s and young adult Sunday school are on summer break. Pastor David is looking at new curriculum for the fall. Around 8-12 people attend the CS Lewis class on Tuesday evenings. They will meet through June. VBS update: Trinity is in charge of decorations, music and snacks. First Presbyterian has games and supplies. Zion is in charge of Mary’s
Tent. Staff training is 6/28 at Trinity at 6:30 PM. ELCA Youth Gathering update: $2209 has been raised for the Youth Gathering in Detroit. Total cost for registration and lodging is $3243. Zach and Brady have been working for some parishioners to earn money. Pastor David and Joyce Willmann are considering a baked potato and taco lunch after church on 6/28. Dates away: Pastor will be off on 6/21-6/28. Jody Stanley will lead worship on 6/21. Pastor Hilleson will have the service on 7/19 while Pastor is at the National Youth Gathering. Congregational Retreat: different dates were discussed. It was decided that Saturday, 8/22 would be the date for our retreat at Lake Placid. Pastor has asked Dr. Rob Saler to present. His fee is $200 inclusive of mileage. Cost for retreat will be approximately $810. Pastor's other activities during May: May 3, 20 - Discipleship class with Bree Hendricks and Shay Clamme (sponsor) May 4, 11, 18 - Joe and Jesus at Common Grounds May 5 - C. S. Lewis class at CTS May 6, 19 - volunteered at Food Pantry May 6 - Worship/Music/ Memorial meeting May 6, 13, 20 - led Evening Prayer at ZLC May 12 - ECIC ministerium at
Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie May 12, 19 - led C. S. Lewis study at ZLC May 14 - BCMA ministerium at John XXIII Center May 15-16 - took part in Dietrich Bonhoeffer retreat at John XXIII Center May 19 - Grace Village board meeting in Muncie May 25-28 - retreat at New Melleray Abbey in Peosta, Iowa Committee reports: None Council reports—Deacons: 5/3 78 present, 73 communed, 5/10 - 91 present, 86 communed, 5/14 - 10 present, 10 communed, 5/17 - 76 present, 70 communed, 5/24 - 56 present, 50 communed, 5/31 - 82 present, 78 communed Treasurer's Report: given by Max Langdon The church budget discussed. Jody Stanley will address congregation on Sunday, 6/14. Motion to approve reports was made by Drew Walker. Scott Clamme seconded. Old Business: Discussion on revised inactive list letter New Business: Church picnic will be 8/9 at Ray and Linda Stanley's. Ray has requested help with set up and take down. July Council will be 7/9 at 4:30 PM due to VBS. Semi-annual congregational meeting has been moved to 7/26. Meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Anita Reid, Recording Secretary
6 Pentecost 15 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Holy Communion
Pentecost 17
Pentecost 16 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 1 PM - 4 PM
20 RALLY DAY 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Holy Communion 5:30 PM YAH
27 Pentecost 18 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship
8:00 AM YAH Breakfast at Richard’s Restaurant
7:00 PM Council Meeting
6:30 PM Evening Prayer
24 12:30 PM Lunch with Pastor at the Pickle
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Hours 6:30 PM Evening Prayer
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Hours 6:30 PM Evening Prayer 7:00 PM
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Hours 6:30 PM Evening Prayer
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Stewardship
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Stewardship
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Hours 6:30 PM Evening Prayer 7:00 PM Choir Practice W/M/M to follow choir
7:00 PM Soul’d Out Quartet Live in Concert at Trinity United
September 2015
9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
14 9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
21 9:00 AM Joe & Jesus at Common Grounds
28 Sept. 27(after worship) to 29th - Pastor David at Professional Leaders Conference in Madison, IN.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Office Hours
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Office Hours
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Office Hours
The Zion Herald September 2015 “Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sept. 6 - Sunday School at 9:00 AM followed by Worship at 10:00 AM Sept. 13, 20, 27 - Sunday School at 9:15 AM with Worship at 10:30 AM
September 2015
Lay Ministry Servers
Greeters Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27
Edi Tarter—Bill and Joretta Hiday Tom and Peggy Willmann—Max and Sandy Langdon Owen and Mary Ehlers—Eldon Willmann Buck and Kathy Sharp—Louie and Joyce Willmann Ushers
Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27
Cindy Knote, Drew Walker, Scott Clamme and Owen Ehlers Scott Clamme, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Mike Clamme Drew Walker, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Mike Clamme Cindy Knote, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Mike Clamme Lectors
Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27
Cindy Knote Sandy Langdon Jody Stanley Kathy Sharp
Assisting Ministers Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27
Chris Coy Jody Stanley Sarah Fleener Chris Coy
Margaret Hunnicutt Pastor David Fleener Arlan Bennett Debbie Jones Don Goetz Tanner Hendricks Tom Willmann Viola Willmann Pam Kizer Dennis Walker Bob Thomas Orville Uggen Gene Banter Max Langdon Autumn McCammon
9-1 9-3 9-7 9-9 9-9 9-11 9-15 9-19 9-20 9-23 9-25 9-27 9-28 9-28 9-29