August 2016
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address— I set the alarm for 5 AM, and tried to go to sleep. But sleep didn’t come. As soon as I put my phone down and tried to go to sleep, unwelcome thoughts and feelings would assault my brain. “You aren’t reading fast enough!” “You’re not using this time well enough!” “You owe it to your congregation, your wife, and yourself to be productive!” To shut up such thoughts, I would turn over, pick up my phone, and work on a crossword or read the news. And of course, that made it harder to get to sleep. Eventually, around 11:30 or midnight, I would drop off. When 5 am rolled around, you can imagine what happened. More often than not, I wouldn’t make it to
the first prayer service of the day, Vigils. I stayed in bed until 5:50 or so, and got up for Lauds, the second service at 6 AM. I figured I should get up for that service, since the bells would be waking me up anyway! It wasn’t until close to the end of my retreat that I realized that all the problems and worries I thought I was leaving behind for a time were a part of me. I carried them with me to the monastery. The fears, the unwelcome thoughts and feelings, the perfectionism, were ingrained in myself. The difference was that the time in the monastery increased and deepened my connection to God in a way that made those unwelcome parts of myself bearable. I realized, once again, that grace isn’t just some abstract theological concept, but a concrete reality. Those
Zion’s 2016 Council Members Elder & President ...................................................................... Jody Stanley Elder & Vice-President ................................................................. Larry Hile Secretary ............................................................................... Barb Hardwick Deacons ................................................................................... Scott Clamme Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Trustees .................................................................................... Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Treasurer ................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries .................................................................... Tiann Coy Kathy Sharp
thoughts and feelings are simply that – thoughts and feelings. They may or may not have any basis in reality. What is real is what God does each day for me (and for you). God picks me up again and sets me on the way, following Jesus. Every day is a second chance. Every day is an opportunity to embrace grace. That’s where prayer comes in. We don’t know what effects our prayers have on the world around us. But when I entered a community that regarded its primary work as prayer, I felt the effect that prayer had on me. Much of time, I’m stuck on myself and my issues. Inch by inch, psalm by psalm, I felt God free me from my self-obsessed rut, opening me to a wider world. The pattern of daily prayer, new friends, and fruitful conversations helped me to look outward, and not just think about me, me, me. I’m still struggling with these things. I still obsess unhealthily with me and my problems. I still struggle with unwelcome thoughts that tell me that I’m not doing enough. And as long as I live, I probably will struggle with these things. The difference is that now, I have faith that God is more real than such thoughts. St. Augustine’s House gave me the opportunity to experience that. At some point in the future, I would like to bring some of you with me on a short retreat there. I think that you might find it life-changing. With love, Pr. David
August 2016
Book of Job Study Pr. David will lead a study of the Book of Job on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall, beginning August 3rd. This study will be an accompaniment to the sixweek sermon series on Job on Sunday mornings. You'll have a chance to gain deeper insight into the text and grapple with age-old questions like: Why does an all-good and allpowerful God allow suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? And what is God's good news for me when I suffer?
Save the Dates Two important dates to mark on your calendar: September 11th - Rally Day! After worship, the kids will release balloons. There will also be a coffee hour after worship. September 18th - Church Picnic at the Stanleys! The picnic is later this year, but it will still be fun! Worship will be at 11 AM, followed by a carry-in dinner. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages will be provided. Ray and Linda Stanley live at 1287 S 200 E, Hartford City, south of Lake Placid.
August Lectionary Readings Pentecost 12 - August 7th 1st Reading - Job 1:1-22 Psalm 88 Gospel - Luke 17:5-6 Pentecost 13 - August 14th 1st Reading - Job 3:1-10; 4:1-9; 7:11-21 Psalm 39 Gospel - Luke 17:20-21 Pentecost 14 - August 21st 1st Reading - Job 14:7-15; 19:23-27 Psalms 42 & 43 Gospel - John 12:24 Pentecost 15 - August 28th 1st Reading - Job 31:35-37; 38:1-11 Psalm 90 Gospel - John 6: 16-20
Buddy Bench Show them how to live their values Kids can light up a room with their smiles. Help them let their light shine by teaching them how to share their time, talents and treasures. 1. Teach kids that when it comes to managing money wisely, we each
have three choices: share, save and spend. 2. Find a cause to match their interests and help them get involved. 3. Make giving a team effort: Volunteering is a great chance for parents and kids to spend quality time together—and to make a difference. Find out about the volunteer opportunities, free educational events and other resources Thrivent Financial offers to help families be wise with money and live generously. Contact: Michelle Walker 765-212-2307 3621 N. Everbrook Ln. #4, Muncie, Indiana 47304
Head Start and Amvets are collecting plastic caps to make two "buddy benches", which will be put on playgrounds for Head Start youth. Each bench takes 400 pounds of plastic caps, and $200. You can bring in plastic caps to Zion, or to designated collection sites at the courthouse and City Hall. To make a monetary donation, call Ann Enochs at 765-499-4270.
August 2016
June Council Minutes Congregation Council met on June 2, 2016. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Barb Hardwick, Mark Prout, Kathy Sharp, Max Langdon, Jody Stanley, Drew Walker, Tiann Coy and Allen Stallsmith Absent: Larry Hile, Tom Armstrong, Scott Clamme and Chris Stroble The meeting was called to order by Jody Stanley. Devotions were given by Pastor David. A motion was made by Max Langdon to accept the minutes of the last council meeting. Kathy Sharp seconded. Add items to agenda: Church picnic Pastor’s report: Pastoral Care— May, by Pastor David: 5 shut-in visits, 2 pastoral visits, 5 home communions. Soul Care Team—1 shut-in, 1 sick visit, 2 home communions Deacon’s Fund—One check was written in May: $50 to the City of Montpelier for a water bill. One person was given $10 in gasoline (from cashon-hand). Attendance Report—5/1 – 71 attended, 67 communed; 5/8 – 90 attended, 83 communed; 5/15 – 74 attended, 65 communed; 5/22 – 72 attended, 64 communed; 5/29 – 74 attended Time away—Final preparations are being made for my time away. Reminder: I will be on retreat at St. Augustine’s House, near Oxford, Michigan, from June 13-June 24. I will then be on vacation from June 25-July 10. I will be out of contact during that time. Pastors Susan Finley and Dustin Jones will be available for any dire emergencies that arise. Also, Kathy Sharp and Louise Clamme will be available to make sick and shut-in visits. The elders will be responsible for
administrative issues that arise. All of the bulletins for those Sundays should be ready by the time I leave. My newsletter article will be ready as well. Pastor Chad Adamik, currently on-leave-from-call, will be preaching and presiding at Zion on June 19 and July 3. Jody Stanley will conduct the June 26 service; Mark Prout the July 10 service. Again, thank you for giving me this time to rest, study, and pray. Other events in May—May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 – Joe and Jesus at Common Grounds (30th at McDonalds) May 2 – Class at CTS May 3 – Constitution Committee meeting May 4 – Evening Prayer (currently on hiatus) May 5 – Ascension Day worship with Holy Communion May 10 – Board meeting at Grace Village, Muncie May 11 – Choir Party at Jody’s May 12 – BCMA meeting at John 23rd Center May 17-21 – Emergency family leave May 25 – Worship/Music/ Memorials meeting Motion to accept by Drew Walker. Seconded by Tiann Coy. Committee reports—Parish Ed: Meeting on June 2nd. Discussed Vacation Bible School. July 18th through July 22nd at Trinity UMC (Hopefully). Discussed Sunday School, separated kids before, combine them now. Substitute helper if the teacher can’t be there. Worship/Music/Memorial: Meet May 25th.
Moved money to Memorial Fund that had been donated by Russell and Joan Stanley. Discussed placement of the AED cabinet. Mark Prout will check on a new wireless microphone. Try an 8 a.m. worship service. Chose hymns through July 31st. Land use: Max Langdon and Chris Coy talked to Dennis Walker about making a bell tower. They will get Dennis’ cost for materials. 150th Anniversary Committee: June 12th, 9 a.m., muffins and drinks before church. Free will offering to help with the anniversary expenses. 150th Anniversary books can be ordered for $20. Constitution Committee: Meeting on June 7th. Council reports—Trustees: Water softener ordered and dishwasher installed. Treasurer: General Fund $4480.84 Contacted Connie Miller about audit, half finished. She will have it ready by July. Motion to accept the committee reports by Drew Walker. Seconded by Allen Stallsmith. Old Business: Sacristy cabinet. Discussion about hand rails up the steps to the altar rail. New Business: Church Picnic at Ray and Linda Stanley’s will be on September 18th instead of in August. The meeting closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on July 14, 2016. Pastor David will have the devotions. Respectfully submitted, Barb Hardwick Recording Secretary
The Zion Herald August 2016
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:00 AM with Worship at 10:00 AM
August 2016 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters
Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Edi Tarter—Chris and Tiann Coy Dennis and Debbie Walker—Anita Reid Eldon Willmann—Neil and Libby Stroble Tom and Peggy Willmann—Louie and Joyce Willmann
Ushers Aug. 7 Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Chris Walker Aug. 14 Scott Clamme, Chris Walker, Chris Stroble and Nolan Willman Aug. 21 Drew Walker, Chris Walker, Chris Stroble and Nolan Willman Aug. 28 Allen Stallsmith, Chris Walker, Chris Stroble and Nolan Willman Lectors
Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Chris Coy Libby Stroble Neil Stroble Max Hile
Assisting Ministers
Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28
Mark Prout Denise Hile Sarah Fleener Jody Stanley
August Birthdays Kaylin Clamme Kolby Coy Tom Armstrong June Miller Judy Clamme Louise Clamme Gene Gardner Madeline Lennon Roger Willmann Claretta Dutro Anita Reid Libby Stroble Lewis Willmann
8-2 8-4 8-10 8-11 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-18 8-20 8-22 8-23