Zion Herald: January 2016

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January 2016

The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address—fleeneda@gmail.com I’ve never been able to keep a new year’s resolution. That’s usually because I pick something general rather than specific, like “be healthier” rather than “lose x number of pounds”, or “learn to play piano” rather than “be able to play five Christmas hymns in the green hymnal by December 31st”. General, vague goals are easy to slough off and ignore. They’re a cheap front at self-improvement.

Thank God, then, that the Christian faith is not a spiritual selfimprovement program! If the Christian faith was simply a self-help program, I would fail. Rather, the Christian faith proclaims to us a God who makes resolutions and keeps them. God promises to make us into the image of his Son. And he will do exactly what he promises to do. More and more each day, through our baptism, God forms us into the image

of Christ. There are many resolutions I make all the time and fail to keep. But when God promises something, you can be sure that it will be kept. Whatever other resolutions you may make, remember those that God makes to you. Happy New Year! Pr. David

Zion’s Annual Meeting The 2016 Annual Meeting of Zion Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, January 31st. We will have a Carry-in Dinner following the

worship service and the Annual Meeting will be held immediately after the dinner. All church treasurer’s are

asked to turn their books in at the church office for audit by January 10th.

Zion’s 2016 Council Members Elder & President ....................................................................................................................................... Jody Stanley Elder & Vice-President .................................................................................................................................. Larry Hile Secretary ................................................................................................................................................ Barb Hardwick Deacons .................................................................................................................................................... Scott Clamme Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Trustees ...................................................................................................................................................... Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Treasurer .................................................................................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries ...................................................................................................................................... Tiann Coy Kathy Sharp

January 2016







Les Love passed away on Saturday, December 19, 2015. His funeral service was held at Waters Funeral Home on Wednesday, December 23rd with Pastor David Fleener officiating. Burial followed in Union Cemetery, Eaton. Our sympathy goes out to Les’ family. “If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with him; if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him”

Come celebrate Epiphany on Wednesday, January 6th at 6:30 PM with a special service of Holy Communion in the Fellowship Hall.


Contemplative Evening Prayer Contemplative Evening Prayer resumes on Wednesday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and continues every Wednesday thereafter.

Member Contact

Lectors and



Phone numbers need to be updated for members of Zion. It would be appreciated if you would call the church office at 348-3157 or email the office at: zionluth.hc@gmail.com and leave your cell phone number. Also, please let us know if your land-line is no longer in service. Thank you.!

Lectors and Greeters are needed. If you would be willing to be a lector or greeter at Zion please call Joyce Willmann at 348-0191 or 499 -0965. Your willingness to help would be greatly appreciated.

Christmas 2 - January 3rd 1st Reading - Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 147:12-20 2nd Reading - Ephesians 1:3-14 Gospel - John 1:1-18 Epiphany of Our Lord - January 6th 1st Reading - Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 2nd Reading - Ephesians 3:1-12 Gospel - Matthew 2:1-12 Baptism of Our Lord - January 10th 1st Reading - Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 29 2nd Reading - Acts 8:14-17 Gospel - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Epiphany 2 - January 17th 1st Reading - Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 36:5-10 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Gospel - John 2:1-11 Epiphany 3 - January 24th 1st Reading - Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm 19 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:1231a Gospel - Luke 4:14-21 Epiphany 4 - January 31st 1st Reading - Jeremiah 1:4-10 Psalm 71:1-6 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Gospel - Luke 4:21-30

January 2016

November Council Minutes Congregation Council met on November 12, 2015. Present: Chris Coy, Chris Stroble, Madeline Lennon, Tom Armstrong, Pastor David, Cindy Knote, John Hendricks, Max Langdon, Sandy Langdon, Jody Stanley, Drew Walker and Anita Reid Absent: Scott Clamme Chris Coy called the meeting to order. John Hendricks gave the devotions. Tom Armstrong made the motion to approve the secretary’s report. Jody Stanley seconded. Pastor’s Report: Pastoral Care/ Soul Care Team – Pastor visited 5 shut-ins, 2 sick/hospital, 6 pastoral counselings and 6 home communions. The Soul Care team visited 2 shut-ins with 2 home communions. The Lutherans in America class on Monday nights has an average attendance of 7-10 persons. This class could be a prelude to forming a history team for the 150th anniversary of our congregation. The team would work on updating documents from Louise Clamme’s 1991 revision. Some documents may be digitized. On October 24th, Pastor and Sarah attended an Advent planning workshop at St. Andrew’s, Speedway, put on by the synod. Resources were explored for planning a weekly evening service and choosing a theme. Sarah assisted Rudy Mueller at closing worship. On November 1st, Mark Alan Grile and his son, Trenton Edward

Lee Grile, were received into church membership by baptism. Mission and Ministry met on October 5th and November 5th to discuss setting up a budgeting or financial class in consultation with the Food Pantry. Don Goetz reported that Family Services has a program for supporting people in parttime jobs who are pursuing further education. He will talk with Andy Glentzer about the program. Other things talked about were: more excitement about our role in the community and the message of salvation we have to offer; the attitude “we can’t” would go away and fear would diminish; and a more inviting facility, such as rest room signs. On October 26th, Pastor went to Bluffton to tour the Helping Hands facility with Linda Walker, Carol Kachur and Sandy Langdon. This organization provides some medical care and follow-up support to pregnant women in their community. Support is also provided to fathers through a mentoring program. It was agreed that the program is worthwhile and worth our support. A facility is due to open in Hartford City due to the need in this area. Committee Reports—Worship/ Memorial: Met October 28th and picked out hymns through Advent. Land Use: Jim Barry is looking for stones for the memorial. Council reports—Deacons: On October 4th 90 attended and 79 communed; on October 11th 73 attended; on October 18th 82 attended; on October 25th 70 attended and

68 communed. A request for gasoline assistance in the amount of $25 was granted. Trustees: Chris Coy got an estimate for the interior and exterior painting jobs. Coy’s will pay approximately $300 which leaves about $1385 for the church. It could be done before Thanksgiving. Sandy Langdon made a motion to request the funds for painting. John Hendricks seconded the motion. Tiann Coy checked the blinds in Fellowship Hall. New blinds need to be purchased and installed. Jody Stanley made a motion to have Tiann get the blinds and have them installed. Cindy Knote seconded the motion. The dryer quit in the parsonage. It was replaced with a used one. Treasurer: given by Max Langdon Jody Stanley made a motion to accept the reports. Drew Walker seconded. Old business: The budget team needs to meet. New business: The constitution committee will look at changing bylaws for our council structure. Sandy Langdon volunteered to be on the committee. Jody Stanley made a motion to adjourn. Madeline Lennon seconded. The meeting closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting is December 10, 2015. Chris Coy will have devotions. Respectfully submitted, Anita Reid Recording Secretary

The Zion Herald January 2016 “Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)

Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348

 Serving the Lord in Gladness  David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157 Zionluth.hc@gmail.com www.zionhc.org

Sunday School at 9:15 AM with Worship at 10:30 AM

January 2016 Lay Ministry Servers Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31

Greeters Chris and Tiann Coy—Bill and Joretta Hiday Max and Sandy Langdon—Tom and Peggy Willmann Claretta Dutro—Eldon Willmann Cindy Knote—Roger and Judy Willmann Barb Hardwick—Louie and Joyce Willmann

Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31

Ushers Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Chris Stroble Scott Clamme, Mike Clamme, Chris Stroble Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Mike Clamme Allen Stallsmith, Chris Stroble, Mike Clamme Lectors

Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31

Chris Coy Sandy Langdon Nolan Willman Cindy Knote Jody Stanley

Assisting Ministers Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31

Jody Stanley Denise Hile Sarah Fleener Mark Prout Jody Stanley

January Birthdays Carolyn Chandler Pat Gillis Val Hiatt Mike Clamme Kathryn Rogers Elonda Pethtel Virginia Langdon Larry Hile

1-12 1-12 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-19 1-23 1-28

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