November 2016
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—348-330-4170 and email address— The prayer book that I was so happy to get from St. Augustine’s House sits unused on my kitchen table, buried beneath a pile of detritus: lamps made by my Grandpa George that await new shades, water bottles and plastic bags, junk mail and unread magazines. Despite my good intentions, a tool for regular prayer sits underneath a bunch of stuff. Isn’t this what the Christian life is like for many of us? Deep down, we may believe, but a pile of stuff gets in the way. We have so many obligations, so many distractions, that it is difficult to make time to lis-
ten to God. Fortunately for us, prayer is not one-sided. We’re not just talking to the air. Prayer happens all the time, in and through us, even when we ourselves cannot or will not pray. Paul writes about this in his letter to the Roman church. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27). God intercedes with God on our behalf! Even though we falter in prayer, God does not. God’s Spirit continually
Zion’s 2016 Council Members Elder & President ...................................................................... Jody Stanley Elder & Vice-President ................................................................. Larry Hile Secretary ............................................................................... Barb Hardwick Deacons ................................................................................... Scott Clamme Drew Walker Allen Stallsmith Trustees .................................................................................... Chris Stroble Tom Armstrong Mark Prout Treasurer ................................................................................. Max Langdon Financial Secretaries .................................................................... Tiann Coy Kathy Sharp
prays on our behalf. When we pray, then, whether at Sunday morning worship, in our homes, at work, or in the car, we are simply acknowledging and joining in with what the Spirit is already doing. We are connecting with that divine power that always works in, around, and through us. We also connect with the saints of every time and place – like those who founded this congregation 150 years ago. We may fail to make room for God. But God never fails to make room for us. When you pray, may you be aware of God’s Spirit working through you, joining you to the never -ending prayer of saints, angels, and the Spirit itself. Love to you all, Pr. David
Thanksgiving Worship at Zion Member of Zion, family and friends are invited to attend our worship service with Holy Communion on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
November 2016
Stewardship The Stewardship ladies made 287 Quilts for Lutheran World Relief this year plus they gave a few quilts to fire victims and also to Wernle. Seven sewing kits and 62 pounds of soap were also given to Lutheran World Relief for distribution to those in need. Thanks to all for your help!
Bell-ringing for Salvation Army On Friday, November 18th, 5-9 p.m., members of Zion will have the opportunity to ring the bell by the red kettle for the Salvation Army. All funds remain in Blackford County. If you are interested in an hour time slot (or longer!), please contact Pr. David.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Worship
November Lectionary Readings
The Blackford County Ministerial Association hosts its annual ecumenical Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Nazarene Church, 1402 W Water St. The Blackford Community Choir will also sing two anthems.
All Saints Sunday - November 6th 1st Reading - Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 Psalm 149 2nd Reading - Ephesians 1:11-23 Gospel - Luke 6:20-31
Advent Soup Suppers and Evening Prayer
Christ the King - November 20th 1st Reading - Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 46 2nd Reading - Colossians 1:11-20 Gospel - Luke 23:33-43
Advent soup suppers and evening prayer begin on Wednesday, November 30th. Supper is at 6 p.m., followed by prayer at 7:00.
Pentecost 26 - November 13th 1st Reading - Malachi 4:1-2a Psalm 98 2nd Reading - 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Gospel - Luke 21:5-19
Thanksgiving Eve - November 23rd 1st Reading - Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 100 2nd Reading - Philippians 4:4-9 Gospel - John 6:25-35 Advent 1 - November 27th 1st Reading - Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm 122 2nd Reading - Romans 13:11-14 Gospel - Matthew 24:36-44
November 2016
September Council Minutes Congregation council met on September 8th. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Barb Hardwick, Scott Clamme, Mark Prout, Max Langdon, Larry Hile, Jody Stanley, Kathy Sharp, Drew Walker, Tiann Coy, Allen Stallsmith and Tom Armstrong, Absent: Chris Stroble The meeting was called to order by Jody Stanley. Devotions were given by Drew Walker. A motion was made by Larry Hile to accept the minutes of the last council meeting. Scott Clamme seconded. Add items to agenda: Max Hile, who will be 90 years old, wants use of the fellowship hall after church on October 16th. Pastor’s report: Pastoral Care— August 2016, by Pastor David: 4 shutin , 3 sick/hospital, 5 communions. Soul Care Team—1 sick/hospital Christian Education—Our study of the book of Job concluded on Tuesday, September 6th. We had five sessions total, covering most of the book. About five people attended each session. As the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is next year, I have decided that our next class will be focused on the Lutheran confessions in the Book of Concord. We will use taped lectures by Dr. Timothy Wengert, Professor Emeritus at Lutheran Theologi-
cal Seminary in Philadelphia. We will begin next Thursday at 7 pm. I am hosting a cookout at the parsonage this Sunday evening with parents of confirmation-age children to determine when to begin confirmation classes. I am also currently teaching a first communion class with Reece Walker and Addison Clamme. This fall, I will take an online course through CTS on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Perhaps, if there is interest, I could have an adult education class based on what I learn in the spring. Deacons’ Fund use in August— One water bill paid for $50. Other events in August: Aug. 1 – th 150 anniversary meeting Aug. 2 – Rostered leaders’ Boundaries Workshop Aug. 2 – Grace Village board meeting Aug. 3, 10, 17, 31 – Job study Aug. 4 – Parish Ed meeting Aug. 16 – John XXIII Center board meeting Aug. 19-20 – Forgiveness retreat at John 23rd Center Motion to accept the Pastor’s Report by Kathy Sharp. Seconded by Drew Walker. Committee reports: Worship/ Music/Memorial: Met on July 27th. A dehumidifier is needed for the church library. Dennis Walker suggested having a DVD Library for members to use.
Hymns were chosen through November 20th Recommended refurbishing the bowl for the baptismal font and polishing a chalice, purchasing 2 wireless lapel microphones and 1 wireless handheld microphone from the memorial fund. Land use: Dennis Walker is working on a bell tower. 150th Anniversary Committee: by Jody Stanley and Larry Hile - meeting on September 12th Constitution Committee: Waiting on updated documents from churchwide. Mission and Ministry: by Scott Clamme - meeting on September 26th Council reports: Trustees: Need extension ladder to clean eaves. Treasurer: General Fund $6,054.73 Audit came within 1cent from last year. Motion to accept Council Reports by Mark Prout. Seconded by Max Langdon. New Business: Direct depositing $1.75 per check for Pastor David at VIA. Checking on doing this through QuickBooks of VIA. The meeting closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next meeting will be on October 13, 2016. Barb Hardwick will have the devotions. Respectfully submitted, Barb Hardwick Recording Secretary
November 2016
World War II Veteran-Members Present at Decommission Service, February 8, 1948
Front Row
Middle Row
Top Row
Byron Wise Max Hile James Fisher Archie Fisher Richard Stroble Murl McCammon Wilbur Willman Earl Alfrey
Walter Wentz Wayne Steinhilber Richard Brose Robert Schmidt Robert Minneman Blaine Stroble Jerry Rappe Blaine Swoveland Michael Willman
Howard Stallsmith Kenneth Bennett Myron Schultz William Knote Robert Frahm Hansel Love
The Zion Herald November 2016
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
Serving the Lord in Gladness David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:15 AM with Worship at 10:30 AM
November 2016 Lay Ministry Servers Greeters
Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27
Barb Hardwick—Jim and Betty Rinker Eldon Willmann—Vicki Willman Barb Hardwick—Louie and Joyce Willmann Claretta Dutro—Roger and Judy Willmann Ushers
Nov. 6 Scott Clamme, Drew Walker, Allen Stallsmith and Owen Ehlers Nov. 13 Drew Walker, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Buck Sharp Nov. 20 Scott Clamme, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Buck Sharp Nov. 27 Allen Stallsmith, Owen Ehlers, Mark Prout and Buck Sharp Lectors
Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27
Jody Stanley Nolan Willman Sandy Langdon Neil Stroble
Assisting Ministers
Nov. 6 Sarah Fleener Nov. 13 Mark Prout Nov. 20 Jody Stanley Nov. 27 Denise Hile
November Birthdays Charles Walker Steve Willmann Julie Prout Keaton Walker Bryce Stroble Michelle Monce Clara Willmann Barbara Hardwick Carolyn Goetz Joanne Stoll Machal Wise Tacy VanDevender
11-2 11-14 11-17 11-17 11-20 11-21 11-21 11-22 11-25 11-25 11-27 11-29