May 2013
The Pastor’s Ponderings Pastor David’s cell phone—765-330-4170 and email address — There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. -1 John 4:18 As the shock over the Boston Marathon bombings abates, we find ourselves, once again, coping with the aftermath of senseless violence. One suspect is dead; the other is in custody. Pundits and politicians have tried to make sense of the situation, some offering “solutions” that seem to be nothing more than a reaction out of fear. One New York state senator suggested resorting to torture to “save lives”; others have suggested closing the borders to students from predominantly Muslim countries. I think this time offers a tremendous opportunity for us, as Christians first and Americans second, to reflect on the kind of society we want to be. Are we people who react out of fear, grasping at a mirage of security? Or are we people who are willing to live in uncertainty, knowing that our true security – our eternal security – can only be found in Jesus Christ? When John wrote his letter to this particular community of Christians, he knew they had much to fear. A regional governor might decide to crack down on a group of Christians. Christians might have difficulty participating in the economic system of the day, as trade guilds often offered sacrifices to Roman gods. On top of that, John’s community seems to have had internal divisions. John counseled that these divisions could only be overcome with love – agape love – the kind of love that selflessly seeks the good of the neighbor. He writes, “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” (1 John 4:7) Only this love makes a relationship with God possible. Only this love can cast out the fear that paralyzes and leads to hate. In John’s Gospel, Jesus assures his disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” Christ is our only true peace and security. He is the one who will not let us be “snatched out of his hand” (John 10:28). No matter what happens, then, Christ is our “mighty fortress” when our world tumbles to ash. So what do we do as people who belong to Christ? Know that nothing can ever change Christ’s love for you. All of our eternal destinies are in his hands, and he will keep them safe. God grant us all the assurance that he is with us, no matter what happens. See you in church! Pr. David
May 2013
March Council Minutes Congregation Council met on March 12, 2013. Present: Pastor David Fleener, Pat Gillis, Barbara Hardwick, John Hendricks, Larry Hile, Cindy Knote, Kathy Sharp, Allen Stallsmith, Fred Strine and Linda Walker Absent: Libby Stroble, Neil Stroble and Shay Clamme Linda Walker called the meeting to order. Fred Strine gave the devotions. A motion was made by Fred Strine to accept the minutes, Allen Stallsmith seconded. Motion carried. Add items to the agenda: Council Retreat tabled by Pastor Fleener. Pastor’s Report: Pastoral care for February: visited 6 shut-ins; 6 hospital visits; and pastoral counseling Deacon training, deacons may be assisting Pastor Fleener on hospital visits and shut-in visits. Continue with studying Lutheran Personalities. Took Confirmation class out for
bowling one evening in Marion. Pastor attending meeting on evangelism in St. Paul, MN. Needing funding to attend, worthwhile to attend. Pastor will need up to $400 extra added to his Continuing Education Fund to attend. Larry Hile made a motion to give Pastor Fleener the extra money, Fred Strine seconded. Motion carried. Committee Reports—Parish Education & Youth: Meet to discuss Bible School with other churches. Worship/Music/Memorial Committee: Music has been chosen through April. Kathy Sharp made a motion to accept reports, Cindy Knote, seconded. Motion carried. Council Reports—Deacons: Feb. 20th Lenten service - 25 attended and Feb. 27th - 31 attended; March 3rd - 89 attended and 81 communed; March 6th - 18 attended; March 10th - 72 attended and 62 communed We have helped 2 families this year: 1 with their electric bill
and 1 with their water bill. Other churches in town also helped with the payment of these bills. Trustees: The roof is leaking worse. The trustees will be meeting with contractors from 3 different roofing companies to get estimates . Treasurer: We have $4,610 in the Roof Fund. Fred Strine made a motion to accept Council Reports, Pat Gillis seconded. Motion carried. Old Business: Table Council Retreat until future date. New Business: Synod Assembly will be in July in Fort Wayne. Larry Hile made a motion to have Pastor David find people to attend the assembly, seconded by Cindy Knote. Motion carried. The meeting was closed with all praying the Lord’s Prayer. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by, Barbara Hardwick Recording Secretary
Times Change on May 26th Sunday School at 9:00 AM Worship at 10:00 AM
May 2013 Lay Ministry Servers May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26
Greeters Tom and Peggy Willmann—Louise Clamme Don and June Ladd—Edi Tarter and Larry Gibson Chris and Michelle Monce— Barb Hardwick Roger and Judy Willmann—Claretta Dutro
May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26
Ushers Fred Strine, Allen Stallsmith, Cindy Knote and Max Langdon Fred Strine, Ray Stanley, Max Langdon and Larry Hile Cindy Knote, Ray Stanley, Max Langdon and Larry Hile Allen Stallsmith, Ray Stanley, Max Langdon and Larry Hile
May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26
Lectors Chris Coy Libby Stroble Chris Coy Barbara Thomas
Assisting Ministers May 5 Chris Coy May 12 Jody Stanley May 19 Mark Prout May 26 Denise Hile
May Birthdays Carolyn Hughes Teresa Banter Larry Langdon Nolan Willman Dick Smith Ben Kizer Dorothy Hale Zackary Monce Carolyn Smith Joretta Hiday Esther Cortright Michael Habegger Chris Walker Bill Thomas Jim Rinker
5-1 5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-14 5-14 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-20 5-22 5-23 5-29
May 12th
The Zion Herald
“Happy are those whose strength is in God, In whose heart are the highways to Zion.” (Psalm 84:5)
Zion Lutheran Church 308 S. Monroe Street Hartford City, IN 47348
U Serving the Lord in Gladness U
David Fleener, Pastor Church Office: 348-3157
Sunday School at 9:15 AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM