20150206 student competition reimagethejunction flyer a4

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RE: IMAGINE THE JUNCTION This competition is about new inner-urban futures – the Future City set within an historic urban fabric. A future fabric that not only meets 21st Century needs but also heals previous injuries inflicted on Melbourne’s inner-urban inheritance. Around 1970, the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works eviscerated central St Kilda. The heart of St Kilda Junction was ripped out. St Kilda’s High Street shopping spine, stretching south, was hacked away and discarded. The wound has never healed. St Kilda Junction and old High St is now hardly more than a soulless, community-dividing traffic sewer. The Re:imagine the Junction competition will aim to re-monumentalise St Kilda Junction, and restore St Kilda Rd South (the former High St) and the Princes Highway as the living backbone of the suburb. Not with a return to the past, but with the imposition of an ambitious future. The study area is bound by Union St to the north, Chapel St to the east, Carlisle St to the south and Princes St to the east. The core of the project is St Kilda Junction and St Kilda Road South, stretching all the way to include the intersection of Carlisle St and Brighton Road.

Study area for analysis as part of Submission 1





Re:imagine the Junction is open to all final year, masters and post graduate Planning, Urban Design and Architecture students from Australian Universities. David Lock Associates in conjunction with Arup invites you to develop an Urban Design Framework for the future of the St Kilda Junction and south of St Kilda Road.



To register,6please visit www.reimaginethejunction.com.au and FEBRUARY fill out your details under ‘entry requirements’. Registration is 2015 free and opens from 9am AEST on 6 February 2015 and closes at 5pm AEST 13 March 2015. Please note, it is important to clearly mark each submission with your registration code, which will be issued once you register for the competition. Please read the entry requirements and terms and conditions on the website carefully. 13 MARCH 2015




SUBMISSION 1 DUE The winner will receive:


17 APRIL 2015

17 APRIL 2015

10 weeks paid position at David Lock Associates $1500 prize money SUBMISSION 2 DUE


JULY 2015 (if required, from the closest A return10 flight to Melbourne

10 JULY 2015

Australian capital city to your residence).

Winner to be announced in August 2015








> Identify and explain your intended design interventions to develop in submission 2.

Final year, masters and post graduate Planning, Urban Design and Architecture students are being invited to develop an Urban Design Framework for the future St Kilda Junction and St Kilda Road South. They are being asked to:

> What is your ‘big idea’? Be Creative. Make sure you give the judges a clear indication of your direction for submission. What are your next steps?

> Analyse the current conditions

Submission requirements

> Establish an urban vision for the area

> Due by 17 April 2015

> Articulate broad design options, and

> 1 x A1 panel, horizontal format

> D evelop and deliver an overall vision; including an Urban Design Framework and guidelines.

> 1 x A4, project summary (150 words) > PDF file containing the A1 presentation boards and project statement to: submissions@reimaginethejunction.com.au


> Digital file must be no larger than 15MB > Y our registration code must appear at the top right corner of each board and in the file name, for example 0101.pdf.

This is an historical exercise to help understand St Kilda Junction and St Kilda Road South. Over time, the Junction has undergone major development from a local shopping hub to traffic sewer. The aim of this exercise is to:

SUBMISSION 2 – URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK The second submission is a full Urban Design Framework. This is to encapsulate a new imagined future for St Kilda Junction and St Kilda Road South. While submission 1 requires analysis of the full study area (on page 1), entrants may wish to focus on St Kilda Junction for submission 2. It must be creative, exciting and plausible enough to compel government and senior planners to take up its cause.

> u nderstand the changes of St Kilda Junction over time to formally illustrate an educated analysis of the proposed site > understand existing conditions > u nderstand the changes in land use, built form, movement and open space over time > u nderstand distinctive inner-urban cultures of Melbourne and St Kilda

Your boards should be the visual summary of the transformation each entrant envisage for the site. At a minimum, boards must include plans and diagrams that describe and explain your new and imagined future, before and after photo and/or rendering, sufficient visual information to clearly communicate your design intent, adequate annotations to guide viewers through the visualisation and an abstract statement of no more than 150 words.

> a pply theoretical and conceptual frameworks and tools to understand the plan > identify constraints and opportunities.

Outputs are to: > I dentify the constraints and opportunities of the site; land use, built form, movement and open space/landscape. > C reate a timeline acknowledging important changes made at St Kilda Junction and St Kilda Road South. > U ndertake a site analysis in mapping form; land use, built form, movement and open space/landscape.



Outputs are to include:


> a Master Plan articulating your overall vision for the site.

If you have additional questions, please email them to submissions@reimaginethejunction.com.au

> a design rationale – very clearly articulating the objectives, strategies and actions to achieve the vision > diagrams describing design intention, and > p lans, sections and details (where applicable) to illustrate form, scale, public realm and experience.

Submission Requirements > Due by 10 July 2015 > 3 x A1 panels, horizontal format > 1 x A4, final project summary (150 words) > P DF file containing the A1 presentation boards and project statement to: submissions@reimaginethejunction.com.au > Digital file must be no larger than 15MB > Y our registration code must appear at the top right corner of each board and the in the file name, for example 0101.pdf.

What needs to be addressed > R econceptualise the Junction as a functional, living urban precinct of the future. > R eintegrate the Junction and St Kilda Road South into the local urban fabric of St Kilda. > A ccommodate future integrated mass transit needs. including a new Metro station and multi-modal public transport interchange. > Accommodate existing volumes of traffic flow. > Recover lost land area and put it to best use for the project. > R etain identified heritage features and valued cultural uses or justify their removal. > E nsure the whole project meets the aims and objectives of Plan Melbourne. > E xplain the impacts on the economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability of the city.



JUDGES Mark Sheppard – David Lock Associates

Donald Bates – University Of Melbourne

Since establishing David Lock Associates (Australia) in January 1998, Mark has led a wide range of major urban design and strategic planning projects for public and private sector clients. He has particularly strong credentials in coordinating multi-disciplinary teams, dealing with complex challenges and facilitating design workshops.

Donald Bates is the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning’s inaugural Chair of Architectural Design and director of LAB Architecture Studio, the architects behind one of Melbourne’s most recognised landmarks, Federation Square. Donald Bates is originally from Texas, in the USA, where he gained a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Houston. He gained a Masters of Architecture at the Cranbrook Academy of Art (Michigan), and lived and worked in Europe from 1983 until 1997. During his time in the UK, he taught at the renowned Architectural Association, and established an independent school of architecture in France from 1990-94. Bates established LAB Architecture Studio with Peter Davidson in 1994 in London, and the office moved to Melbourne after winning the Federation Square design competition in 1997.

Mark specialises in large-scale master planning and urban renewal projects. He is also frequently engaged to provide urban design advice and expert evidence in relation to development proposals and planning scheme amendments. Mark is particularly interested in creative solutions for more inviting pedestrian links through St Kilda Junction.

Phil Carter – Arup

David Brand – Architect

Phil is an urban and transport planner with over 13 years’ experience currently working at Arup in Melbourne having previously lived and worked in London, San Francisco and New York. Phil has a focus on smart systems, sustainable transport planning and urban master planning projects.

David Brand is an architect, urban planning and heritage consultant, and teaches in design and architectural history at the University of Melbourne. He works in a small practice, OOF Architecture, in St Kilda. He is passionate about the St Kilda area as he lives and works there, and has also served as the St Kilda councillor on Port Phillip City Council, and as the city’s Deputy Mayor.

Phil’s background is in urban regeneration, precinct assessment tools, town planning, transport studies, transport modelling, transport assessment and development-related transport advice.

David Brand and David Lock Associates’ CEO, David Klingberg, initially ran a design studio on the reimagining of St Kilda Junction at the University of Melbourne – this competition is based on that studio.



JUDGES Jane Monk – Metropolitan Planning Authority Jane Monk is the Director of the Inner City Team at the newly established Victorian Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA). Most recently Jane was the Director, Planning Statutory Services with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure and before that the Director of State Planning Services with the former Department of Planning and Community Development. Jane is on the board of the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (VPELA) and is the Vice President (Planning). She is also a VPELA Fellow and the 2010 recipient of VPELAs Paul Jerome Award. Jane is an urban planner of many years’ experience including as a planner in local government, as a past Senior Member of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and as Chair of the former Government’s Priority Development Panel. She is committed to the professional development of the planning and allied professions as well as to promoting and ensuring the benefits of multi and inter-disciplinary approaches when conceptualising and deciding about the future use and development of land. Jane will be looking closely at how, by Re:imagining the Junction, the places at its periphery can be better linked and integrated using active and public transport modes and how the junction can again become an interesting and distinctive place that Melburnians can be proud of.



GUIDELINES These are the terms and conditions of participation in the David Lock Associates / ARUP ‘Re:Imagine the Junction’ student competition. (‘Competition’). 1.

The promoters of this competition are David Lock Associates Pty Ltd ABN 45 080 477 523 and ARUP ABN 18 000 966 165 (‘Promoters’).


Information on how to enter and prizes, are included on the Promoters website (‘Website’), forms part of these Terms and Conditions.


To enter you must be a final year, masters or post graduate Planning, Urban Design or Architecture student in Australia or have a valid visa to work in Australia. An entrant must be an individual. Employees of the Promoters and any person associated with the Competition, including with the provision of any prize, are not eligible to enter. You may not enter from a jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to run this Competition or to participate in it.


13. The Promoters aim to ensure that any use of your Work not authorised by the Promoters will not occur, however you acknowledge that the Promoters are not equipped with mechanisms to prevent unauthorised use of your Work, and you accept that, to the extent allowable under the law, the Promoters have no liability to you for how any end user elects to use your Work, and as such it may be permanently stored, reproduced, copied, distributed or the like, without recourse or remedy against the Promoters.

Each entry must be entered in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. By entering the Competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The Promoters may in their discretion refuse to award any prize to any entrant who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions.


Entry into the Competition is free.


The Competition is open from 6 February 2015 and closes on 10 July 2015. (‘Competition Period’). Entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by the Promoters. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost, delayed or misdirected entries.


12. Your work may be edited or adapted at any time by the Promoters in order to: a) Ensure your Work meets any legal or classification requirements or to avoid any breach of law or another person’s rights; b) Use your Work for promotional purposes; and/or c) Use your Work on other David Lock Associates / ARUP media platforms; d) And you consent to any acts that may be necessary to give effect to these purposes.

14. The entrant whose work is judged by the Promoter’s panel of judges to be the best, most original and creative will win the major prize, specified at clause 15 (‘Major Prize Winner’). Chance plays no part in determining the prize winners. 15. The Major Prize Winner will receive: a) A return economy flight to and from Melbourne, if required, from the Australian Capital City nearest the residence of the Major Prize Winner.

To enter the Competition, you must: a) Produce 4 x A1 panels (‘Work’) b) Submit your entry via the David Lock Associates website competition page.


You may enter the Competition only once. You must submit a properly completed online entry form to enter the Competition.


It is a condition of entry that your Work must only include original material created by you, including (where applicable) any words, art, photographs and music.

b) A 10 week paid position at David Lock Associates Melbourne c) Prize money to the value of $1500 d) Award Certificate 16. The Major Prize Winner must be available to redeem the prize on the dates stipulated by the Promoters (i.e. be available to take up the 10-week paid position at David Lock Associates in the first half of the calendar year in 2016). 17. The Major Prize Winner must be eligible to work in Australia: i.e. an Australian citizen; a permanent resident of Australia; a New Zealand citizen who has entered Australia on a valid passport; or a non-citizen with a valid visa that provides work rights.

10. By submitting your Work to the Promoters, you grant the Promoters and their licensees and assignees a non-exclusive irrevocable, royalty-free licence to exercise all rights in perpetuity throughout the world in your Work and all other material provided by you to the Promoters pursuant to this competition at any time.

18. No component of the prize can be transferred or redeemed for cash. In the event that any of the prize is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control, the Promoter reserves the right to provide a similar product to the same or greater value as the original prize, subject to any applicable laws or written directions made under applicable legislation.

11. Without limiting the rights granted to the Promoters under clause 10, you acknowledge the Promoters may exercise any of the following non-exclusive rights throughout the world: a) T he right to communicate your Work in whole or in part to the public on any media platform; and



19. Without otherwise limiting the Promoter’s rights under these Terms and Conditions, if selected as the Major Prize Winner, you must assign for no additional consideration to the Promoters in writing the whole of the copyright in the winning Work, for the duration of copyright, and must acknowledge that the Promoters may, without attribution, reproduce, publish, communicate and otherwise use the Work in any manner and in any format for so long as it chooses.

24. You acknowledge that the Promoters are under no obligation to exercise any of the rights granted to it by these Terms and Conditions, and any communication of your Work to the public by the Promoters is at the complete discretion of the Promoters. 25. Decisions of the Promoters and its panel of judges are in their absolute discretion, are final and will be binding on each person who enters the Competition and no correspondence will be entered into. The Major Prize Winner will be notified in August 2015 (TBC). The Major Prize Winner will be announced on the event, DLA and ARUP websites, via email, twitter, E newsletter and on Facebook.

20. If selected as the Major Prize Winner you agree to participate for no additional consideration in all publicity reasonably requested by the Promoters, including without limitation press, print and online publicity including publication of your name, image and likeness.

26. If there is any event that prevents or hinders the Promoter’s conduct of the Competition or the Promoter’s ability to deliver the prize to the prize winner of the Competition, the Promoters may, in their discretion, cancel the Competition and recommence it at another time under the same conditions or select another winner.

21. If selected as the Major Prize Winner you also agree to participate in a filmed interview whilst in Australia, which may be used on public websites and other media. 22. The Promoters reserves the right to book the flights for the Major Prize Winner (economy) through the carrier of their choice.

27. The Promoters are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, or for any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in this Competition, or for any technical error that may occur in the course of the administration of this Competition. The Promoters assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries.

23. You warrant that: a) all details provided with your entry are true and accurate; b) y ou have all necessary rights and licences to grant the rights set out in these Terms and Conditions; c) y our Work is your original work and has not been previously published or communicated to the public;

28. To the full extent permitted by the law, the Promoters will not be liable for any injury, damages, expenses, or loss whatsoever (whether direct or consequential) to persons or property as a result of any person entering into the Competition or accepting or using any prize, including without limitation non-receipt of any prize or damage to any prize in transit and the Major Prize Winner’s failure to comply with the terms and conditions (if any) specified by any third party in relation to any airfares, and/or travel vouchers as applicable.

d) y ou are the copyright owner or authorised licensor of all copyright works and subject matter comprising your Work; e) t he exercise of the rights granted to the Promoters in these Terms and Conditions will not infringe the rights of any third parties; and f) y ou will indemnify the Promoters against any loss or damage resulting from any breach of these warranties.


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